AKG K371-BT Bluetooth Studio Headphones, Over-Ear Closed-Back Design for Professional Performance, Foldable with 8 position hinges, 40 hour battery life, Built in Microphone, Earcup Gesture Controls

K371 Bluetooth Headphones
K371 Bluetooth Headphones

Closed Back Studio Headphones

K371 Headphones combine performance, accuracy and comfort in a new folding design complete with Bluetooth connectivity that’s tailor-made for life in the studio or on the go.

K371 Bluetooth Headphones
  1. Closed Back, Over-Ear Design

    Closed Back, Over-Ear Design

    Superior isolation, improved low-frequency response, and ergonomic fit plus swivel earcups to easily allow for single ear monitoring. The lightweight design is perfect for even the longest sessions.

  2. Largest in Class Drivers

    Largest-In-Class Drivers

    50 mm titanium-coated drivers, tuned to the AKG Reference Response Curve, provide superior performance with an extended frequency response of 5 Hz to 40 kHz – professional standards for any user.

  3. Wired or Wireless Listening

    Wired or Wireless Listening

    Listen via Bluetooth with up to 40-hour battery life, or connect using one of the 2 different included cables.





Battery Life


1.2m and 3.0m

Cable Length

1.2m and 3.0m

Built in Microphone

5 – 40000 Hz

Frequency Response

15 – 28000 Hz






Battery Life


1.2m and 3.0m

Cable Length

1.2m and 3.0m

Built in Microphone

5 – 40000 Hz

Frequency Response

5 – 40000 Hz






Battery Life


1.2m and 3.0m

Cable Length

1.2m and 3.0m

Built in Microphone

5 – 40000 Hz

Frequency Response

15 – 28000 Hz




  1. AKG K361BT
    AKG K361 BT
  2. AKG K371
    AKG K371
  3. AKG K361
    AKG K361

Weight: 300 g
Size: K371-BT
Dimensions: 11 x 22.5 x 23.5 cm; 300 Grams
Model: K371BT
Colour: Black
Batteries Included: 1 Lithium Polymer batteries required. (included)
Colour: Black
Size: K371-BT

116 Responses

  1. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    I had a lot of gaming headsets , and k361 is my first studio headset :
    1- Tuning is great .
    2- Details are good but it can be better .
    3- Its loud no need amp .
    4- Bass are good and enough .
    5- Its comfortable .
    6- For gaming its more sharp than details .
    7- For music its great .
    8- Build quality are good .

    Note : there is one issue with the cover on the right side its moving and not stuck well .

  2. EmilieKopf says:


    The sound quality is pretty good but for me at least the headphones are very uncomfortable. Feels way too tight and the headband is especially uncomfortable. Maybe the tightness will loosen up over time but for now I have wrapped a sock around the headband for some additional padding and that has worked out decently. Anyway for the money the sound quality is pretty good but if you’re looking to wear headphones for long periods of time this isn’t it.

  3. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    It’s a good and versatile entry level professional monitor headphones. The sound is well balanced, at all frequencies. Really long lasting battery life… but it’s not a close headphones, so if you’re looking for an effective close headphones look beyond. In conclusion it’s a good product considering the budget.

  4. Austin Parker says:

     United Kingdom

    I was looking for a wired headphone which isn’t too bulky but still has good sound quality for over a year. This is exactly it. I decided to buy it after some YouTube reviews I watched and I don’t regret my decision. Sound quality is better than I have ever experienced so far (coming from a Beoplay H6) and I love that it’s wired but still portable, lightweight and comfortable to wear for long sessions. Definitely recommended.

  5. SantiagAlbers says:

     Italy 🇮🇹

    Cercavo come primo requisito delle cuffie da utilizzare in ufficio e quindi che avessero un elevato isolamento acustico passivo: da questo punto di vista sono fantastiche, come avevo letto sulle recensioni
    La qualit elevatissima in questa fascia di prezzo: a casa utilizzo altre cuffie AKG, di qualit superiore ma che non si discostano troppo come qualit assoluta. Io utilizzo prevalentemente Tidal Master e un DAC Aufioquest, quindi la qualit disponibile molto alta.
    Sono inoltre comodissime da indossare e hanno un suono pulito e lievemente caldo.. al punto che le preferisco alle altre, che sono comunque un po’ superiori. Assolutamente consigliate

  6. AnthonyGMZ says:


    A sonoridade desse Fone e incrvel
    Os mdios so todos flat
    Tem um pouco de bust ns Subs
    E uns Picos ns agudos
    Mais fora isso e incrvel
    Um fone de qualidade para quem quer produzir e mixar suas Track

  7. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    good sound , great mic , i use them for work and so far they have been great , Bluetooth range is ok

  8. LienV30dylv says:

     United Kingdom

    good sound , great mic , i use them for work and so far they have been great , Bluetooth range is ok

  9. Tara Burnett says:

     Germany 🇩🇪

    In erster Linie kommt der Kopfhrer am E-Piano zum Einsatz, um den Rest der Familie nicht mit den bungen zu stren. Gelegentlich nehme ich ihn aber auch, um Musik von der HiFi-Anlage zu genieen.
    Angenehm fr die Familie: Es dringt kaum ein Ton nach auen. Angenehm fr den Benutzer: Er hrt einen ausgewogen natrlichen Klang, Verfremdungen des Klangbildes kann ich nicht feststellen. Obwohl kaum Gerusch nach auen dringt, kann ich andererseits durchaus wahrnehmen, was ringsum geschieht, also beispielsweise die Trgklocke oder das Telefonklingeln hren.
    AKG bietet mit diesem Modell einen hochwertigen Kopfhrer an, der auch bei stundenlangem Tragen nicht drckt oder sonstwie strt und dessen Klangwiedergabe tadellos ist.

  10. SalPinabsaw says:

     France 🇫🇷

    A ce prix vous n’aurez pas mieux tout simplement, seul bmol, les coussins d’origines sont un peu fin et vos oreilles peuvent toucher l’intrieur du casque. Prvoir des coussins de remplacement dans le genre SHure HPAEC 1540.

  11. NoreenPoindexte says:


    Sound quality is great, not much noise supression, really comfortable have worn it for
    6 to 8 hours per day only gets a bit warm.
    However the touch controls with bluetooth are horrible.

  12. Anonymous says:

     United States 🇺🇸

    I am a student and used these to study for my online classes. I brought these in March of 2021. Sound quality is amazing, but after nearly a year of usage they’re starting to fall apart. The right ear cuff cushion has loosened and fallen off. The plastic bit connecting the same ear has broken. Still amazing headphones if it weren’t for how fragile they are, so be careful with them.

    I am a student and used these to study for my online classes. I brought these in March of 2021. Sound quality is amazing, but after nearly a year of usage they're starting to fall apart. The right ear cuff cushion has loosened and fallen off. The plastic bit connecting the same ear has broken. Still amazing headphones if it weren't for how fragile they are, so be careful with them.

  13. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    I got the headphones a couple days ago and I was wearing them a there was a pain in my right ear I thought nothing of it and still now my right ear is killing me after 10 minutes of putting them and my m40x’s didn’t hurt at all and I put them on for hours on hours at a time.
    The sound is quite weird when listening to music it sounds a bit worse than my old m40x’s now i know these audio files are insane recommending these if they sound close to the same as my other headphones and they were 50 pound cheaper. rather use my monitor speakers these headphones are overrated garbage smh.

  14. RomanovGleb20 says:


    Golden Review Award: 3 From Our UsersFone muito bonito e muito bem construdo! A bateria parece durar muito mesmo (veio com 60% completei os 100% e depois de um dia de trabalho estava em 80%).

    Como uso culos fones assim costumam machucar mas surpreendentemente no foi o caso. As estrutura de espuma muito macia e confortvel e no me atrapalhou em nada o dia de trabalho que usei ele.

    O microfone era um ponto de preocupao mas tive o feedback de outras pessoas que o som estava bom.

    Sobre o som do fone, consegue chegar a volumes bem altos e o bluetooth bastante estvel. O som at o momento pareceu bem equilibrado com graves levemente mais acentuados (como eu gosto).

    Gostei das opes de cabos, principalmente para jogos onde o cabo menor ajuda sendo ligado ao controle sem muita sobre e permite um jogo sem delay no udio.

    A case que vem com ele (estilo saco) muito bonita resistente e bem construda tambm.

    Gostei at ento pois como minha cabea um pouco maior o fone no ficou desconfortvel e nem se stressou muito na haste pra caber.

    Ahhhh a forma como ele dobra tambm muito boa e deixa ele em um tamanho bem interessante para ser levado em uma mochila sem problemas.

  15. RandiJuzupqs says:

     Italy 🇮🇹

    Mi piace il fatto che stiano perfette sulla testa e fittino perfettaente sulle orecchie, sono davvero comode.
    Il suono OK, bilanciato e non affatica l’ascolto, cuffie anche molto leggere per lunghe sessioni.

  16. Anonymous says:


    Golden Review Award: 4 From Our UsersCampo d’applicazione: ascolto musicale da amplificatore integrato Cambridge Audio CXA61 + PC daphile, stanza mediamente rumorosa (tv, bambini), genere musicale 70% power metal, sinfonico, trash, heavy e un 30% un po’ di tutto. La prima scelta ricaduta sulle Beyerdynamics DT770 Pro 32 ohm, delle ottime cuffie in alcuni generi, ma non ho apprezzato l’arretratezza dei medi, che con generi molto densi di suoni e melodie come la musica di Luca Turilli, o il power metal alla Stratovarius o Blind Guardian, le cuffie non riuscivano a risolvere tutto lo spettro di suoni presenti nelle canzoni, cos si andava a perdere gran parte delle chitarre ritmiche e le orchestrazioni che mischiandosi proprio sulle medie creavano un nuvolone sonoro indistinto che per chi come me apprezza tutta la sinfonia incrociata di questo genere non potevo accettare. Molto interessante invece la prestazione con musica strumentale acustica, blues semplice o anche sul rock senza sottofondi orchestrati.

    Una volta restituita ho deciso di osare con le Sennheiser HD 560s, cuffie di una qualit sonora disarmante. Cuffie chirurgiche, riescono a risolvere qualsiasi traccia in alta risoluzione riuscendo a posizionare nello spazio tutto ci che c’ all’interno, con grande cognizione dimensionale, e una limpidezza e chiarezza che io non ho mai sentito in altre cuffie. Purtroppo, il fatto che sono aperte, e il luogo d’ascolto rendeva impossibile l’utilizzo, specialmente per il fatto che queste cuffie a volumi sostenuti sono molto affaticanti e a tratti anche dolorose. Vanno ascoltate in un ambiente totalmente silenzioso, meglio se insonorizzato, altrimenti ogni minima intromissione compromette la loro esposizione e alzare il volume non la soluzione, vanno ascoltate a volumi medio bassi.

    La via di mezzo tra queste due cuffie stata la AKG K371, seppur con qualche rinuncia. Esteticamente sono molto belle, stile moderno e materiali seppur plasticosi di buona qualit. Meglio rispetto alle HD 560s ma chiaramente peggio rispetto alle DT770 Pro. In dotazione tre comodi cavi. Cosa negativa, non ho trovato molti pezzi di ricambio per quanto riguarda i pad. Sono in ecopelle, e mi sono sembrati s comodi ma molto caldi, e vorrei riuscire a cambiarli con qualcosa in velluto. Inoltre, il sistema per stringere, allargare e rigirare le cuffie mi sembrato instabile e pericolosamente predisposto alla rottura, infatti, cerco di usarle con la massima cura, non penso che le user mai fuori da casa, nonostante la portabilit, sono sicuro che al primo viaggio in aereo si romperebbero.

    Detto ci, passiamo alle mie impressioni d’ascolto. Dopo una decina di ore di ascolto e un piccolo rodaggio (non credo ai rodaggi esagerati di 50/100 ore che lascio agli ascoltatori esoterici e esaltati) ho sentito subito la risposta in frequenza piatta Harman per me molto gratificante e analitica. Rispetto alle HD560s la risposta flat delle K371 superiore, ma perde in ampiezza e brillantezza, sicuramente pagano pegno per via della chiusura sul retro, ma, nonostante ci, mi risultano pi risolute e cristalline rispetto alle DT770 Pro che invece “baravano” sui bassi e sugli alti rendendo le tracce pi colorate e musicali, ma false. Infatti, la sensazione che ho provato ascoltando queste K371 che da una parte si sente tutto, differenziato, risoluto, presente e mai mischiato grazie anche a un palcoscenico non enorme ma sufficiente alla distribuzione nello spazio degli strumenti, ma dall’altra la musica in s prende una forma pi modesta, lineare, a tratti potrebbe sembrare inespressiva. Questo perch nessuna frequenza prende il sopravvento e tutto viene appiattito ma consegnato alle nostre orecchie come era nell’intenzione dell’artista. Questo rende l’ascolto analitico, dettagliato, piacevole e intrattiene parecchio in quanto ogni canzone piena di momenti che con altre cuffie, come le DT770 Pro o le Superlux 681 Evo sarebbero andate perse. L’unica controindicazione un po’ straniante di questa “musicalit” della cuffia, che le voci risultano arretrate, attenuate e vagamente subissate da tutto ci che le sta attorno, dai bassi che sono presenti ma rispetto alla maggior parte delle cuffie non sono preponderanti, ma si fanno sentire solo quando veramente chiamati in causa, e la batteria, rispetto alle DT770 Pro, non prende mai il controllo della traccia. Cio che invece si sente e benissimo, sono le chitarre elettriche e la loro ritmica, anche in generi dove il massiccio utilizzo di sintetizzatori e orchestrazioni sembra prendere il sopravvento, le chitarre le senti l, riuscendo a distinguere i riff e i cambi di accordo e note che generalmente rimangono sotto la china. Anche le orchestrazioni e le melodie delle testiere son definite e presenti, e soprattutto nelle parti strumentali si creano dei giochi stereo di rimbalzi e inseguimenti molto apprezzabili. Questo non perch i medi sono in risalto, ma perch alti medi e bassi sono alla stessa altezza. Il che da me molto apprezzabile, ma altri potrebbero non gradire. Anche l’ascolto risulta rilassante, non stancante, anche a volumi sostenuti.

    Detto questo, penso di aver trovato la cuffia che fa per me e per la mia situazione di ascolto, anche se bisogna considerare che il palcoscenico non particolarmente aperto, l’immagine non delle migliori, e la piattezza nonostante sia una cosa positiva nel suo complesso, lascia troppo oppresse le parti vocali a favore per di una esposizione strumentale di altissimo livello. I bassi sono presenti e sono molto definiti ma non sono sovraesposti quindi manca quel colore che in tante altre cuffie presente e alcuni potrebbero preferire.

    Non una cuffia perfetta, ma preferibile rispetto alle DT770 Pro per qualit sonora e pi indicata rispetto alle HD 560s per via dell’isolamento. A livello costruttivo sono delicate e mi aspetto rotture nei prossimi mesi, sicuramente una chiusura da rivedere. Ma la cuffia esteticamente raffinata per il prezzo pagato, e non sfigurano su un supporto da cuffia anche in salotto.

  17. Dan Grabham says:


    prese in comparazione con altre a filo (DT770 PRO) e devo dire che queste sono le uniche tra le tante provate a reggere il confronto a livello di sound. Stiamo parlando di cuffie professionali senza fronzoli estetici ma con tutta la qualit audio da de reggere file lossless da 24 bit in su. Le ho rese solo per un fattore costruttivo, le 770 sono molto pi robuste e comode anche se meno trasportabili ma io la musica la ascolto da fermo, in relax.

  18. Anonymous says:

     Spain 🇪🇸

    Golden Review Award: 3 From Our Users+ Buena relacin calidad-precio.
    + Buen sonido
    + Oreja totalmente cubierta, con buen aislamiento sonoro del ambiente exterior.
    – Dos veces devuelto por fallo en jack

    – En clima clido, hace sudar un poco por orejas/cabeza.

  19. BerniceKeyser says:

     United Kingdom

    – very good sound
    – definitely value for money
    – high defenition sound and quality
    – great adjustment features
    – very good noise cancellation
    – very nice and prestige packaging
    – a lot of cables come with it, to suit your liking
    – comes with a nice bag for transport

    – since it isn’t a USB headset, if you have speakers that also use aux, you will need to buy a DAC to connect both, which can also help sound quality
    – no other cons!

    Overall the item is really a great value for money, not only do you get proper quality, you also get some great accessories. I used to use headsets that had a microphone in them, but this headset is so much better compared to big brands. Definitely great for artists, gamers and anyone searching for good quality headphones, the price is perfect and really a steal! 9/10


  20. Anonymous says:


    I’ve been using it for the past 2 months and it has been amazing. I’m a musician and it gives me accurate feedback. If you want to listen to upbeat or deep house or even honey Singh for that matter, this is not the headphones for you. But if you ONLY listen to practice singing/ playing music/ or admiring layers of songs then this is perfect. It’s enjoyable for any user. But you get better if you want bass.

  21. Anonymous says:


    Golden Review Award: 4 From Our UsersI got this BT after seeing reviews on how the tuning of the K361 is better than K371. I was fortunate to get this for 92$ from Amazon Warehouse deals when it was originally $160ish at the time you could still get one sold by Amazon.

    Build quality is just good old cheap plastic feel as I expected so that is not a downside to me. The pads are very narrow and luckily my ears fit snug and no discomfort. However I would like more padding on top of the headphones where your head sits. My ears do get hot after long period of use, about 1 hourish for my ears. I like hold the earcups fold and can be put inside a carrying bag to travel with. It may feel worrisome when you do it but whatevs for me.

    Bluetooth connectivity is fine for me, codec is a SBC or AAC, connection been stable. Touch controls is little wonky, I sometimes end up getting it in pairing mode whenever I double tap to play/pause. Volume control is aight, sometimes I miss the earcup or activating it but still works. Glad the power button is a switch slider, very simple to know whether it is on or not. Battery life has been plenty of juice for me, no issues there, same goes for charging or using it wired mode.

    I would bring these with me on some occasions if I just want a very easy time to just put something on and play music. IEMs or TW I have to fiddle with my ear or earhooks and make sure I get a good fit but with these it’s just a matter of turning it on and put it on. I am glad it is simple to use cause there is no app or ANC and transparent mode.

    Sound quality is enjoyable. The tuning on this is awesome! I have heard that the non-BT K361 has a different driver and sounds better than the BT but these are fine for me. The amp isn’t the cleanest, does the job. Has a pretty intimate feel, and doesn’t sound really wide. It is definitely not a detailed headphone and the timbre is aight and has a little kick in the bass. I enjoy these with vocal tracks more than instrumentals. Imaging is not too shabby as well. The way these are tuned are really enjoyable! It has this very cohesive feel to the sound, like all the sounds I hear in the music are working together perfectly.

    I got these for a really good price and it was extremely worth it. For original price, there’s many more good options and you would have to look into that. But because this is BT, a headphone, and easy to carry around with, I would pick these over any other product in the $160 price range.

    But yeah these are awesome to listen to, I love them.

  22. MartinaFolingsb says:

     United Kingdom

    The frequency response is unreal at this price… The AKG K371-BT headphones allow amazing definition for helping to organise the optimal levels in your mix… And having the choice to utilise Blue Tooth or the cable is priceless…

  23. Williem06X says:

     India 🇮🇳

    Golden Review Award: 2 From Our UsersNot so great sound quality compared to normal wired version. But overall great features for the price. For me comfort was terrible and I think its due to bad weight distribution.

  24. Anonymous says:


    Pros –
    Great natural sound. no boosted base or anything. hear music way it was made.
    At 300gm they are heavier than other products in market, but their cushions and headband are comfortable, and you hardly feel the weight.
    Bluetooth connectivity is seamless.
    As with most Amazon products it arrived in good packaging. Product itself has been packed very well.

    Cons –
    Touch function is not fully accurate or sensitive. but that hardly matters as you can control everything from phone anyway.

  25. RobertaLogue says:

     United Kingdom

    Listening to music and using with Zoom do not use noise reduction as only used at home

  26. Julian Dossett says:

     Germany 🇩🇪

    Wir haben die Kopfhrer nun einige Wochen ausprobiert und sind zumindest mit dem Klang der Musik zufrieden. Es gibt einen klaren Ton bei hohen Lautstrken und Bass ist nicht bertrieben. Mit einem Equalizer, kann man natrlich immer etwas nachbessern.

    Kommen wir zum Mikrofon: das ist durchschnittlich. Teilweise sind beigelegt Kopfhrer bekannter Handy-Marken etwas besser.
    Man hrt viel aus einem Raum und die Sprachqualitt vergleichbar mit einem 30 Telefon.

    Ich wrde es mir noch Mal kaufen, da ich gerne einfach Musik hre und wenn man Mal telefonieren muss reicht das schon.

    Ich hoffe, dass ich damit weiter helfen kann. 😎

  27. JosieEswsgkitog says:

     India 🇮🇳

    Ordered this after getting highly recommended by my cousin and it lives up to it. Delivery in 2 days thanks to Amazon. Sound(wired + bt) – 4.5/5
    Looks – 4.2/5
    Comfort – 4.9/5
    Bass – 3.6/5
    Bluetooth connectivity – 4.8/5
    Everything else – chummah
    Go for it.
    P.S. I’ll edit my review after a month so stay tuned and like.


  28. Anonymous says:

     France 🇫🇷

    Golden Review Award: 4 From Our UsersLe confort est correct (pour des sessions d’coute longues, le matriau des pads est dsagrable) et la qualit de fabrication est bonne, sans plus.
    En revanche la qualit sonore est vraiment bluffante, avec une neutralit et un quilibre sonore remarquables. Aprs correction avec wavelet par exemple, ce casque est LA rfrence des casques clos. Le rapport qualit-prix est exceptionnel.
    NB: il n’est pas possible de connecter un cble symtrique car le mini xlr n’a que 3 pins, ce qui est fort dommage…

  29. Anonymous says:

     Italy 🇮🇹

    Le cuffie si presentano in una bellissima scatola, protette sia ai padiglione che da una busta, le cuffie sono in plastica rigida, ma di OTTIMA fattura, una volta prese in mano danno una sensazione di qualit e di ottima fattura. I padiglioni sono morbidi, e poggiano comodissimi sulle orecchie facendolo anche respirare.
    L’audio a me personalmente non piaciuto, di ottima qualit penso che arriva a quel livello “top” dove capisci di aver superato quel livello di cuffie “mid”, flat, per l’eq AKG tende a rendere gli alti molto poco cristallini e presenti, lasciando spazio ai medi, e bassi inesistenti.
    Tutto ci per personale, alzando il volume e ascoltando la musica giusta si riesce tranquillamente a sentire la qualit meravigliosa di queste cuffie.
    Unico altro neo il fatto che le orecchie mi toccavano la parete interna del padiglione portandomi persino a arrossarle motivo per cui l’ho dovuto rendere, se avete un orecchio ESTREMAMENTE sporgente tenetelo a mente, altrimenti per 70 consigliatissime.

    Ottime cuffie fla

  30. Nidhi Rawat says:


    Golden Review Award: 2 From Our UsersCuffia superlativa con un suono neutro e fantastico in relazione al prezzo a cui venduta. La migliore sotto i 500. La uso principalmente per ascoltare CD e vinili nel mio glorioso impianto hi-fi degli anni 70. Amplificatore marantz giradischi thorens casse ar10. Sprecata, ovviamente se si ascoltano solo file compressi in MP3 nel cell. Dotata di un equilibrio armonico eccellente gli strumenti sono tutti al posto giusto dove devono stare con una spazialit degna di cuffie ben pi costose. Si esalta soprattutto con la musica acustica e piccoli gruppi ma adatta a tutti i generi dal rock alla classica.Veramente soddisfatto un acquisto che consiglio ad occhi chiusi

  31. Anonymous says:


    Golden Review Award: 6 From Our UsersBuscaba unos auriculares bluetooth con el sonido lo ms plano posible. La cancelacin de ruido activa no me era necesaria, pues son para escuchar msica, no para ir por la calle.

    Tengo otros tanto abiertos (AKG K701, AKG K792, Sennheiser HD599, Phillips Fidelio X2, AKG K240, etc.), y otros cerrados (Audio Technica M50x), adems de los Sony WH-1000X3, los Sony WHH900N y los Sony WN CH-700N, todos estos con cancelacin de ruido activa.

    Reconozco que en la primera escucha, estuve a punto de devolverlos, pues me sonaba “extraos”. Tras pensarlo, y puesto que las criticas que haba ledo eran todas muy buenas, decid darles una oportunidad. Los dej toda la noche con una lista en bucle para que se rodaran y al siguiente da los volv a escuchar. Nada que ver con mi primera impresin. Sonaban muy clidos, muy “musicales”, nada artificiosos y con suficiente “punch” para que me gustaran. Haba descubierto una pequea joya, en mi opinin muy subjetiva.

    Subgraves y graves-bajos ligeramente destacados, pero sin exagerar y lo ms importante, sin “empastar” los graves ni los medios bajos. Buena definicin de graves.
    Medios y medios bajos: muy clidos, presentes, y muy aireados. Las voces masculinas muy agradables.
    Medios-altos: clidos y presentes, pero sin ningn realce. Suenan muy naturales y humanos.
    Agudos: muy suaves, no punzantes pero todos presentes en la audicin. No son unos agudos que estremezcan pero tienen la virtud de ser muy agradables, naturales, sin que “penetren en el cerebro”, como otros auriculares mucho ms analticos (AKG K701/702, p.e). Muy apropiados para escuchar msica sin que los detalles distraigan.
    Agudos extremos: amortiguados ligeramente. Presentes pero sin molestar ni silabeos o ruidos extraos.
    COMPARACIN: A mis odos, siempre subjetivos, tiene una firma bastante plana, con ligero realce de los graves, y ligera amortiguacin de los agudos ms altos o extremos. Es un sonido “muy acstico” que lo hace muy apto para determinados estilos: clsica, jazz, acstica, rock, y pop-rock. No son los mejores para la msica electrnica ms extrema. Si buscas unos bajos muy exagerados o unos agudos muy penetrantes, no son estos los adecuados.

    – Respecto a los AKG K701/702 son menos analticos, y con los graves ms pronunciados, lo que los hace mucho mas relajados a la hora de la escucha por placer. Los AKG K701/702 son magnficos par hallar fallos en las grabaciones o detalles que a otros les pasaran desapercibidos, pero a la vez, para la escucha por placer, todos esos detalles que destacan tanto, distraen de la escucha por placer. La escena sonora es algo ms estrecha que los AKG K701/702, pero recordemos que estos ltimos tienen una escena sonora de las ms amplias que se conocen. En todo caso, al ser unos cerrados y los K701/702 es totalmente lgico que la escena sonora se muestre algo ms contenida.
    – Respecto a los Audio Technica M50x, los AKG K371 suenan mas suaves, ms dulces, sobre todo en el espectro agudo y agudo extremo. La escena sonora, quizs es ms amplia en los AKG K371, pero con pocas diferencias.
    – Respecto a los Fidelio XR2, suenan con mas “cuerpo”, sobre todo en la parte de los graves y medios graves, pero sin que esta presencia sea excesiva. Respecto a los medios y agudos, quizs algo ms suaves los agudos y agudos extremos, pero mostrando siempre toda la informacin. La escena sonora, a mis odos, es algo menos extensa, probablemente por ser unos abiertos y los K371 cerrados.
    – Respecto a los Sennheiser HD599 suenan muy similares, pero con ms “punch”, con ms cuerpo, tanto en los graves como en los agudos. Son mucho ms “vivos” los K371 que los Sennheiser HD599, lo que aporta un plus de diversin a la escucha sin que sea fatigosa, pues ambos son muy musicales, bastante planos, clidos y con un sonido muy agradable. La escena sonora, dira que es muy similar, lo que es sorprendente teniendo en cuenta que unos son abiertos y cableados, y los otros cerrados y bluetooth.

    COMODIDAD: Tengo las orejas grandes, y me caben completamente dentro del hueco de las almohadillas, por lo que por esa parte, todo ok. La presin craneal no es demasiado alta, lo justo para que se sujeten. Por comparacin, los AT M50x ejercen mucha ms presin, los que acaba fatigando. Utilizo gafas y no he notado molestia por ello. Las almohadillas son bastante cmodas, por lo que con escuchas habituales de 2-3h no tengo ninguna sensacin de fatiga o presin. Indicar, no obstante, que al ser cerrados lgicamente presentan sensacin de “calor” al cabo de un par de horas. La diadema est bien acolchada y se adapta muy bien.

    BLUETOOTH: no he tenido ningn fallo de conexin hasta ahora. Por cierto, no tiene codecs Hi-Res, lo que para mi es una ventaja, pues no “inflan” artificialmente las pistas y no aaden nada a la grabacin original. Los que amamos el sonido lo ms natural posible, solemos huir de este tipo de artificios, por lo que para mi, el que no lleve esta tecnologa, es una ventaja.

    CABLE: Vienen con cable mini-XLR a minijack. Una vez probado y comparado escuchas con cable y con bluetooth, solo he notado ligeras diferencias a favor de cable en los graves, que quizs suenan con mas “espacio” entre ellos que con bluetooth, pero la diferencia es bastante pequea, lo que me ha dejado gratamente sorprendido.

    – A quienes busquen auriculares para escuchar y disfrutar la msica, sobre todo con gran presencia de instrumentos, de manera relajada, cmoda, agradable y con pretensiones audifilas, estos auriculares K371 no le defraudarn en absoluto. Todo lo contrario, una vez “rodados”, desear hallar el momento de disfrutar nuevamente de ellos.
    – A quienes busquen auriculares con sonido muy espectacular (artificioso), o muy analtico, recomendara otros de tipo abierto y cableados, no cerrados y por bluetooth.

    RELACION CALIDAD PRECIO: Excelente, es difcil pensar que por poco ms de 120 tengan unos auriculares tan honestos y de este nivel de calidad.

    NOTA: 4,7/5

  32. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Almost doesn’t need noise cancelling, and from what I’ve been told there’s no sound leakage so you won’t be disturbing anyone else while you’re listening! Worked well with both an iPhone 11 and a headphone amp.

  33. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    The packaging is quite odd as the headphones arrive in an extended state (they can rotate 180 to be morecompact) which left the ear cushioning material all wrinkled up.

    However, after some use, everything was fine. The sound quality is very nice, but some audio software can be useful. They do lack in sound suppression, but it isn’t a concern for me.

    As for comfort: the ear cushions are very nice. My ears don’t hurt even after having them on for 12+ hours. However, the top part which goes around your head does become quite bothersome, but I just put on the headset wrap from my Razor headphones. Works like a charm.

    Overall, they’re very decent headphones, and they’re quite the upgrade from the Karen pro v2 that I still have.

    They've got great sound and are comfy.

  34. Albert Bassili says:


    Es ist zwar schade das die Firma AKG inzwischen in den dmonischen Hnden von Samsung liegt, aber hier haben wir ein wirklich gutes Paar Kopfhrer. Der Klang ist sehr ausgewogen, Hhen werden gut dargestellt und tiefen, auch die “nur sprbaren” kommen klar zu Geltung. Es wird eine Vielzahl an Kabeln mitgeliefert, auch Adapter fr die gngigen Klinken.
    Per Bluetooth muss man natrlich minimale Latenzabstriche machen, aber auch da ist der Sound (je nach Standard) sehr angenehm und ausgewogen.

    Whrend die Soundqualitt spitze ist, muss ich einen Nachtrag verfassen:

    1) Beim Wechseln der Musik mit der integrierten Touch-Steuerung kann es zu pltzlichem und lauten Rauschen kommen, fr einen Bruchteil einer Sekunde, sehr unangenehm!
    Dieser Fehler tritt nur auf wenn man die Musik mit dem Kopfhrer bedient. Wechsle ich den Titel per Smartwatch oder direkt per Handy tritt dieser Fehler nicht auf.

    2) Verarbeitungsqualitt fragwrdig!
    Nach kaum drei Monaten fhlt sich der linke Ohrhrer super locker an und gleitet zu leicht in seiner Schiene! Zudem ist dort das Plastik eingerissen (Direkt neben dem Schriftzug “L”). Wie das sein kann ist mir unklar, ich gehe sehr pfleglich mit den Kopfhrern um.

    Schade aber da muss mindestens ein Stern abgezogen werden, wenn nicht sogar zwei.

  35. tweeter63m says:

     United Kingdom

    Comfort, sound, design are all amazing on this. I have the Sennheiser HD660, Hifiman 4XX and I have to say the sound on the K361 is up there with the best. The plastic built could be better, but I like the way they fold. They are also very light weight. They may not be ideal for monitoring as they have a boosted sub bass, but great for listening to music. Vocals are forward with a nice air to the highs.

  36. Anonymous says:

     India 🇮🇳

    Golden Review Award: 3 From Our UsersUnlike AKG K52 the K371 gives more accurate listening experience of high quality sound in movies & music. My prime requirement was clear dialogues/whisper reproduction even during action scenes etc when other sounds at bass are predominant and found K52 lacking in it. All the notes are clear in K371 (even mids/upper mids) as compared to K52. Apart from my Senhiesser HD 599, the K371 & the K361 are really good at clear reproduction of sounds at all audible frequencies especially with slight tweaking of equaliser in Dolby Atmos as per your taste.
    HD 599 is little warm and open back giving better sound stage but is unusable if ambient noise is present.
    I was expecting lesser sound stage in K371 but it is quite acceptable with the slight passive noise cancellation it provides.
    Mind you the sound clarity drops significantly when using Bluetooth on the K371 bt. I use it with wires for high quality sound & BT only for songs on mobile & calls. Mic is also good enough on BT for calls. BT range is also good.
    It can play decently from mobile or laptop without any DAC due to low impedance.
    BT connection is slightly troublesome with multiple devices as it always tries to connect to its earlier connected device & needs intervention.
    Earlier, quality control was a big issue in K371 but I took a risk due to good discount offered and luckily got a good piece. But I am still doubtful of its durability, especially the delicate hinge mechanisms.
    I got both HD 599 se & K371 bt at a very good discount (Rs 7k & Rs 6k) thanks to Amazon. My search for perfect headphones as per my requirements is now finally over.

  37. JustinTunneclif says:

     United Kingdom

    Definitely an upgrade from my old gaming headset which was the Turtle Beach Atlas one headset. I use them for gaming as well as listening to music, and the quality on the AKG’s is a huge improvement.
    Although they sound a little bit ‘tinny?’ which I think is due to the difference in bass of the two headsets (Altas Ones are a lot bass-y as they are typically used for mainly gaming, whereas AKG’s are used for music production) , the surround sound and quality of music and games in general makes up for it.
    Being closed back as well really helps me out as my background is always loud and so they can really help block out most of the sound so I can really get lost in music or play games without distractions. Definitely a good set of headphones and I don’t plan on changing them anytime soon.
    I would definitely recommend them to anyone who wants decent gaming headphones or headphones to listen to music on but do not want to spend 100’s of on.

  38. Bradfor6558 says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 2 From Our UsersI’ve bought these from an actual brick and mortar shop (remember those?).

    I’ve sampled three pairs of K361 and they were shockingly different in SQ. One sample had very obvious channel imbalance, another had a completely different sound signature with non-existent bass and low-treble emphasis. The third one was perfect and my review is for that one because, obviously – i is the one I got.

    It does sound AMAZING! Clean, smooth and very well balanced. Nothing really stands out and these headphones are immediately perfect – no need to get used to or have your brain mask their deficiencies. Music gets through perfectly natural and the headphones simply get out of the way and disappear. You can listen for ours and they will never remind you of their existence – neither with sound not with any discomfort – these are the most comfortable headphones I ever had (well, maybe tie with my Senn HD650). You might get a sense that these are boring but just compare them to your other headphones and you will immediately want boring back.

    They are also very sensitive and play perfectly out of anything – phone, laptop, whatever. They do benefit from better DAC and amp but even straight out of my phone they still sound pretty good and unobtrusive.

    Ad finally, I have compared the “perfect” pair of K361 to a BT version of K371 but through the cable. Now, I have no idea how the wired K371 compares to a wire BT K371 but the wired K361 sounds way better than the wired BT K371. The K371 is muddy, with treble roll-off and overemphasized but less well defined bass. he K371BT is also heavier and therefore – less comfortable. They feel better made, though.

    The K361 do provide some external sound isolation but nowhere hear NC phones. They don’t leak much to the outside, though. Neither of the two incl. cables has a microphone to use for phone/zoom etc.

    Now, if they were all like the good pair, it would have been an instant 5/5 stars from me. HOWEVER, having at least 1’3 chance of getting a good pair is unacceptable and the differences were so big, I would say the other two pairs were simply defective. So, if you get a pair that you are not satisfied wit – return it as many times as necessary and maybe AKG will ultimately get the message and fix their QC issues.

  39. Grant Trimboli says:


    Nach langer Suche und Recherche habe ich mich als Musiker entschieden den AKG K371-BT zu kaufen weil meine neuen Kopfhrer einen klaren Klang haben sollten. Auch Bluetooth war gewnscht und ganz klar, ein guter Preis. All das andere was Kopfhrer in alle Preisklassen bieten war mir unwichtig. Also bestellt und nach ein paar Tagen waren sie gut verpackt schon da, so wie ich es von Amazon kenne.
    Die Kopfhrer sind sehr wertig, sitzen gut am Kopf, die Ohren bleiben komplett in den Ohrmuschel versteckt, die Bedienung ist kinderleicht und die BT Verbindung klappt ohne weiteres mit TV, Smartphone usw.
    Nun aber das wichtigste: der Sound. Habe bis jetzt als Musiker viel von AKG gekauft, Funkmikrophone usw und war immer sehr zufrieden. Wieso sollte es diesmal anders werden? Und tatschlich, der Sound ist so wie ich es mir vorgestellt hatte, Studioqualitt! Klar, krftig, man hrt wenn die Audioquele entsprechend gut ist alles, aber wirklich alles, so wie es aufgenommen wurde. Habe dann gleich den Vergleich mit andere Kopfhrer die ich habe gemacht (unter anderem auch von Sony die ich liebe), obwohl der Klang auch gut war, fr Otto Normalverbraucher sogar sehr gut, muss ich sagen der AKG hat die Nase weit vorn weil der Klang einfach unverflscht und sehr sauber war. Bsse, Hhen Mitten…alles da und ohne bertreibungen, alles total harmonisch. An Lautstrke mangelt es sicher nicht, frs Fernsehen sind sie auch optimal sowie auch fr Games, Smartphone usw. An Keyboards von Korg und Yamaha ausprobiert….ein Traum!! Das einzige was ich nicht ausprobiert habe ist das telefonieren, werde es auch nicht tun weil die Kopfhrer nur Zuhause benutzt werden. Brauche die Funktion nicht.
    Habe von manchen gelesen dass Studiokopfhrer anstrengend sind, also der Sound. Meine Meinung: ja, wenn man nie welche benutzt hat. Am Anfang zumindest. Wenn man aber solche Kopfhrer lnger benutzt gewhnt man sich an den *analytischen Sound* und man lernt auch Sachen zu hren die frher mit normalen Kopfhrern garnicht gemerkt hat dass sie existieren.
    Fazit: eine klare Empfehlung wenn man die Sensibilitt fr klaren, unverflschten realen Sound hat. Eher fr Zuhause als fr unterwegs. Auch fr diejenigen eine Empfehlung die einen hochwertigen Bluetooth Kopfhrer suchen der nicht einen halben Monatslohn kostet.
    Konnte keinen Vergleich mit andere Studiokopfhrer machen da ich keine besitze.
    Hoffe ich konnte mit meinen Bericht helfen.

  40. Anonymous says:

     Mexico 🇲🇽

    Golden Review Award: 2 From Our UsersMe encontraba desconfiado de adquirir un producto akg ya que anteriormente haba comprado unos akg n20 y no me convencieron del todo. Pero esta vez le voy a dar 5 estrellas a los k361bt por el audio balanceado que reproducen, es un sonido limpio, sin sibilancias, no es un sonido velado, y reproduce todas las fecuencias de manera neutral, yo los compr para trabajar en edicin de audio pero me encantan usarlos para escucha crtica ya que puedes apreciar los detalles en la msica, eso s… debes de ecualizar en firma de V para encontrar la curva harman y los vas a disfrutar an ms, para mi su precio debera ser arriba de 250 dlrs y es una verdadera ganga lo que cuestan. Sonido premium, excelente comodidad, excelente volumen y conexin bluetooth fantstica.

    Excelente producto, felicidades AKG.

  41. Anonymous says:


    Golden Review Award: 11 From Our UsersEstaba buscando unos auriculares para reemplazar mis viejos JBL e50bt, que para m tienen muy buen sonido, limpio casi de estudio pero que nunca me resultaron muy cmodos ya que aprietan demasiado las orejas.
    Tambin suelo usar unos viejos sennheiser hd202 que me resultan muy cmodos y tienen una calidad de sonido aceptable pero no son bluetooth.
    Pues eso es lo que quera, el sonido de los jbl o mejor y el confort de los sennheiser o mejor, sin gastar demasiado.
    Luego de leer buenos comentarios comenc probando los mpow h21, pero me result un sonido horrible lejos de mis otros cascos o incluso de mi vieja cadena. Me fui a los sennheiser 350bt, el sonido no me desagradaba, pero no me resultaron cmodos, sobre todo pq las orejas no cabe dentro de las almohadillas.

    As que me arriesgu (porque no haba probado ningn modelo de la marca) y fui por estos AKG, que aqu en Amazon no tena muchos comentarios, pero si en pginas americanas hablaban maravillas de ellos.

    Y debo decir q estoy sumamente conforme, sonido increble (cristalino, buenos graves, medios y agudos sin agregados), confort absoluto (eso s cmo todos estos cascos dan calor) y muy buena conexin Bluetooth, buen alcance, el mando tctil es muy preciso y viene con una presentacin excelente.

    Si hay que poner un pero, la clavija para usarlos cableados es micro Jack, con lo que el cable es especial, pero vamos, es el mismo que los jbl supongo q por un tema de espacio y se consiguen en todos lados. Incluso trae 2 cables unos de 1.2m y uno de 3m.

    He probado muchos cascos y de valores muy superiores de marcas comerciales (bose, Sony, beats) y en calidad de sonido (sonido limpio de estudio sin agregados) no he encontrado nada mejor hasta ahora y por la mitad o menos que cuestan comparados con los tope de gama de estas marcas.

    Ahora slo queda ver la durabilidad que tienen, cualquier problema lo comentar.

  42. Anonymous says:


    Golden Review Award: 5 From Our UsersJe ne suis pas un expert mais voici les quelques lments qui m’ont surpris en bien et en moins bien.
    les + :
    La qualit de fabrication globale, particulirement les connections : mini jack vissable, le mini XLR du cot casque qui semble durable dans le temps, les cbles conus pour des usages qui se compltent bien, le son.
    L’isolation au bruit (je suivais une formation en ligne avec le volume d’une conversation normale faible, ma femme tait deux mtres j’entendais qu’elle me parlais mais j’ai du retirer le casque pour la comprendre. Les enfants courraient et jouaient 4-5m, pas de problme pour suivre la formation)
    Les – :
    J’ai une tte plutt grande donc serre un peu et chauffe lgrement les oreilles. Pour couter une formation de 3h va Pour une coute musicale, il faut peut tre un ampli spcifique pour ne pas ressentir rapidement une fatigue. Avec mon quipement hifi (HP Dynaudio/ Ampli Rotel) je peux couter avec les HP de la musique classique 2-3h sans ressentir spcialement une fatigue. Pour mon essai, trs rapide, j’ai branch le casque directement sur la platine CD Marantz qui a un potentiomtre de rglage spcifique pour le volume de la prise casque. Mme en baissant trs significativement le volume l’exprience n’tait pas agrable. Sur un imac couter de la musique classique Flac (qualit CD ou plus) le rglage du volume est de l’ordre de 2 5%. Idem pour la musique Jazz : vous pouvez monter le volume mais ds que les aigus sont prsents (cymbales, guitare lectrique, …) ils vont vites vous rappeler l’ordre. Donc il faut un environnement calme.
    Enfin si vous tournez la tte, le bruit de frottement du cble au niveau du col de chemise sera amplifi sur votre oreille gauche

  43. CJVRolandqvo says:

     Germany 🇩🇪

    In Summe: Tut was es soll und das sehr gut! Macht Spa, weil es endlich einfach mal funktioniert und das ganz ohne zustzliche App! Unaufgeregt gut.
    5 Sterne, weil es unfir wre ihn wegen der Kleinigkeiten (s.u.) abzuwerten

    – Kopplung unkompliziert, Bedienung einfach
    – sehr bequem auch nach Stunden
    – stabile Ausfhrung und dennoch klappbar
    – Klang ist przise und sehr differenziert, genau mein Geschmack
    – Akkulaufzeit: luft und luft und luft (mind. 2 Arbeitstage)
    – gute Abschirmung (daher ist ANC m.E. nicht erforderlich! Was natrlich den Akku schont)
    – Kabelanbindung zustzlich mglich, 2 verschiedene Kabel fr die kleine Klinke und zustzl. mit Adpater fr 3,5 Klinke – genial, da hat mal jmd. mitgedacht.

    1. ohne Signalbertragung wird die Verbindung automatisch nach 20(?) Minuten getrennt. Ist nur gefhlt, ich habe nicht auf die Uhr geschaut.
    2. “nur” eine BT Verbindung zur Zeit mglich
    3. es gab Gesprchspartner, die meine Stimme auf ihrer Seite als recht leise bezeichnet haben – na und? Sollen sie doch einfach mal zuhren und sich auf mich konzentrieren.

    Zu con 1:
    War etwas berraschend, als das Gert auf einmal kurz fiepte und dann die Verbindung zum Smartphone kappte.
    Aus/einschalten reicht aus, dann ist die Verbindung wieder da. Das ist natrlich lstig, wenn man den ganzen Tag auf Anrufe wartet und sich dann immer mal wieder neu verbinden muss. Das muss aber jeder fr sich entscheiden. Ich finde es nicht schlimm.

    Zu con 2:
    Fand ich erst doof, ist mir mittlerweile vllig egal. Denn das neu verbinden/umschalten geht tadellos einfach und schnell. Auerdem ist das auch gewissermaen ein Luxusproblem und wollen wir nicht alle etwas achtsamer und bescheidener in 2021 sein? Uns also mehr auf das wesentliche konzentrieren? Da fange ich doch einfach mal mit meinen aktiven Bluetoothverbindungen an …….

  44. Anonymous says:


    Tried a lot of over ear headphones, likes of Philips 802, Audio Technica, Sennheiser within 10k range, trust me nothing fitted like this AKG ones, really love the comfort it offers and the sound quality is great for BT headphones. If you want monitoring buy the wired ones or use a wire, it does gives a little difference in the audio quality which makes the difference for audio engg/monitoring.

    Just a lilttle con >> BT connection goes to sleep after 10min of no use. Have to switch off and on again to connect devices. Hope if AKG can fix this. Wrote an email to AKG but its been 6 months with no response.

  45. Anonymous says:


    Ich bin eher zufllig auf den Kopfhrer aufmerksam geworden. Anfangs wollte ich mir die DT880 von Beyerdynamic holen und war auch schon fest entschlossen, dass es diese werden sollten. Zum Testen habe ich mir allerdings noch die DT770 und DT900 Pro geholt. Ich war enttuscht, alle Beyerdynamic Kopfhrer hatten den “Beyerpeak”, mit dem ich gar nicht klar komme. Ist fast so unangenehm fr mich, wie der Bohrer beim Zahnarzt. Aber ich hatte mir ja noch die AKG K371 zum testen geholt. Und diese haben mich wirklich berrascht. Ich nutze Kopfhrer hauptschlich zum zocken und die K371 bieten einen unglaublich guten Klang und eine noch bessere Ortbarkeit der Gegner. Ich habe sie mit CSGO getestet und bisher hatte ich noch nie so ein genaues Bild vor Augen wo sich die Gegner gerade befinden, nur durch hren! Das einzige was ich bemngeln kann, ist die Kabelfhrung zum Kopfhrer, damit komme ich gerne mal an meine Schulter und das hrt man dann im ganzen Kopfhrer, aber da habe ich mich inzwischen dran gewhnt und finde es nicht zu sehr strend. Nur zum Vergleich, ich hatte vorher von AKG die K550 und die K701 im Einsatz, davor habe ich die Hyper X Cloud I genutzt. Von allen ist der K371 bisher der beste frs zocken. Einfach noch ein ModMic dran und fertig.

  46. Anonymous says:

     India 🇮🇳

    These headphones are a great buy for the price.
    The sound quality is decent and is well balanced in all aspects. The mids are especially prominant.
    The base is accurate but can prove to be a little hit or miss for certain genres.
    These are good listening headphones and are portable too. However, I cannot verify their use for professional monitoring as I am not an audio professional. All I can say is that after connecting them to a 1.5 W amp, there was a considerable increase in the wideness of the sound stage however my 15 year old sony MDR-XD200 studio monitors benefitted more from the amplification(they are 80 ohms and the akg are 32 ohms so it isn’t a fair comparison)
    In conclusion, if you’re looking for a good pair of listening headphones for day to day usage and critical listening, buy the akg k371bt and don’t look back. You could also consider the audiotechnica ath m40x but keep in mind that they are not portable. The akgs are also good for gaming and provide decent directional audio. The bluetooth connectivity is also decent but nothing exceptional. You will notice a slight delay( about 0.2-0.3 seconds) while gaming with these on bluetooth. However it is recommended that you game with these using wires. I hope this review benefits whoever is hoping to enter a new level of audio listening.
    I would also like to say that the build quality of these headphones is also decent, the piece I got had no build related problems whatsoever. Hope this review benefits you, Thank You.

  47. Anonymous says:


    Golden Review Award: 2 From Our UsersHo acquistato queste cuffie essenzialmente per usarle con il PC durante sessioni di streaming ludico (non videogames comunque). Lo scopo era quello di collegarle a una scheda audio esterna assieme a microfono xlr per avere un feedback di cosa sentissero realmente dall’altra parte quando parlavo con accompagnamento di colonna sonora e effetti: chiarezza della voce, volumi, etc.

    Premetto che non ho esperienza di studio di mixer, ma comunque una buona esperienza nel campo dell’alta fedelt (possiedo gi ampli digitali e valvolari e altre cuffie, comprese le HD800).

    Venendo alle cuffie in oggetto, queste sono le mie prime AKG.
    Sono suffientemente robuste, anche se realizzate interamente in plastica. I padiglioni sono molto comodi anche per le lunghe sessioni e non scaldano (almeno in ambiente a temperatura controllata, ne riparliamo questa estate).
    Il meccanismo di snodo robusto e non mi ha dato problemi.

    Nella confezione sono compresi anche un adattatore per il jack e 3 cavi di diversa lunghezza, uno dei quali il classico cavo arricciato da studio. Quest’ultimo comodo perch resta corto e mi evita di strappare il connettore in caso di moviementi improvvisi, anche se ovviamente pi pesante degli altri.
    L’unica cosa secondo me un po’ scomoda il connettore del cavo alla cuffia. E’ lungo alcuni centimetri e tende a strusciare sulla spalla, soprattutto quando si sta seduti o si porta un maglione voluminoso per intenderci, creando fastidiose microfonie udibili in cuffia.
    E’ particolarmente fastidioso se si utilizzano le cuffie per parlare (resta comunque soggettivo), mentre ascoltando musica l’effetto si perde. Secondo me ci si poteva impegnare un po’ di pi in tal senso.

    Questo non inficia comunque il valore della cuffia, socondo me oltre ogni aspettativa nel comparto audio!
    In soldoni: si stentono da Dio e fanno esattamente quelle per cui sono progettate, ossia offrire un monitor con frequenza piatta su tutto lo spettro udibile! Per questa ragione assegno comunque 5 stelle in totale.
    Piccola nota: una volta aperta la scatola non aspettatevi che suonino cos! Cosiderate un rodaggio di almeno un centinaio di ore affinch si aprano del tutto.

  48. Luke Dormehl says:


    Cuffie di qualit veramente buona in rapporto al prezzo.

    Sulla qualit audio, nessuna enfatizzazione di bassi o medi o alti. Un suono piuttosto neutro e pulito. Una leggera tendenza all’esaltazione di medi e alti, ma davvero minima. Per chi, come me, meno esperto “audiofilo”, ci devi proprio far caso.
    Le mie modalit di utilizzo:
    1) Al PC per lavoro, sia tramite cavo che Bluetooth. Videoconferenze e ascolto audio generico. Mi sono trovato benissimo.
    2) Tramite cavo su un mixer quando conduco un programma alla radio. Ho usato una vita le AKG MKII 141 per questo tipo di attivit, che per me erano perfette, quindi le mie aspettative erano tarate su quel tipo di prestazioni. Con queste mi avvicino molto a quel tipo di qualit, con il vantaggio che, essendo chiuse, e tenendo io il volume piuttosto alto, mentre parlo non fuoriescono suoni che rientrano nel microfono.
    3) Con lo smartphone (ho uno smartphone OPPO P9) tramite Bluetooth, sia per ascoltare musica che per telefonare. Sono rimasto sorpreso da quanto “spinge” a livello di volume. Anche per le telefonate ottimo chi sta dall’altra parte dice di sentire benissimo.

    Dal punto di vista della comodit (le tengo anche diverse ore), sono ottime. Spingono leggermente ai lati, il che un vantaggio sia per l’audio che non fuoriesce (o quasi), che per il fatto di non far ricadere tutto il peso nell’arco superiore. Oltretutto io porto gli occhiali, ma le cuffie sono talmente morbide che non schiacciano le aste degli occhiali sul capo, per cui nessun problema. L’arco superiore dotato di una morbida fascia che evita il contatto con la parte rigida.

  49. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    awesome phones for prod. could even wear with my glasses due to decent memory foam padding

  50. Anonymous says:

     India 🇮🇳

    AKG have been a long trusted name in the professional audio market for many years now. If you’re looking for headphones with accentuated bass response then these are NOT for you. I am a music producer running a studio since 2002 so I was looking for something neutral sounding with Bluetooth connectivity. These are very nice and natural sounding.

    The supra-aural design helps them sit comfortable over the ears which is good for longer listening periods. If you need to connect them with wires, then they come with two types of cables. Since they use a proprietary connector at the headphone side, you will need to connect with the supplied wire. The wire has a standard 3.5mm TRS connector so in wired mode I don’t think you can use them to answer calls, which is one feature in blue-tooth mode.

    They do not have noise cancellation, but the closed back design offers decent isolation from the outside world.

    The only CON to my mind is that these headphones are heavy. This is perhaps due to the battery and other circuitry. I have not really evaluated the battery life, but about 5-6 hours of listening time is easily manageable. It is rare that I would use headphones for too long.

  51. LeeBirkbeck says:

     India 🇮🇳

    Does the job for me!
    I use it mostly for listening to music and the quality is beyond great. Light weight for its build and so soft on ears!
    But the Bluetooth range is not strong, cuts off after 4-5 m range. Microphone is subpar, I use my laptop’s mic to answer any calls and meetings.

    Could have given 5 stars if Amazon had offered me the best price(price went down 1k after I purchased & I bought it in prime sale)

  52. Anonymous says:


    UPDATE 21.09.2021: after less than 1 year the mounting mechanism give way. The plastic headband cracked rendering the headphone unusable, therefore 4 stars. But the sound and comfort were superb.

    I’m not a HI-FI enthusiast, but I was surprised by the sound quality compared to any other headphones I had before (including Sennheiser RS 165 which are supposed to be decent).

    The Bluetooth adds considerable latency, so for gaming wired mode can be recommended (I just use my “analog” wireless headphones for gaming instead). But for music K371-BT are completely next level. If using on Linux make sure to install AAC codecs though!

    The only issue is the mounting mechanism, we’ll see how it holds over extended period of use…

  53. AnthonyNettles says:


    Golden Review Award: 6 From Our UsersIch habe nun ber 20 Jahre mein AKG K-55 Kopfhrer. Jetzt mit Mitte 40 habe ich mir die AKG K371-BT gekauft.
    Mein K-55 funktioniert immer noch tadellos und er darf jetzt in den Ruhestand.
    Der AKG K371-BT hat mich auf Anhieb vom Klang und Tragekomfort berzeugt.
    Die Kopfhrer lassen uere Einflsse da wo sie sein sollen nmlich aussen. Die die Polster um den Bgel und der Muscheln, sind die Kopfhrer auch bei lngerem tragen echt angenehm.
    Mit einem bertragungsbereich von 5 Hz – 40 kHz hat der K371-BT was zum bieten. Das menschliche Ohr kann in der Regel in einem Frequenzbereich zwischen 16 Hz und 16 kHz hren.
    Der Klang ist neutral-ausgewogen, unverflscht und genau, also ideal wenn du selber Musik machst.

    Mit meinem Portable-High-Resolution-Music-Player wecke ich das BIEST in meinem K371-BT.
    Den EQ richtig eingestellt ist der Klang alles andere als neutral.


  54. Anonymous says:

     India 🇮🇳

    I need something i could used for mixed purposes like studio works/gaming ect. and it’s fine for all plus the mic and wire or wireless feature is also great! Not for casual music listing use it wired for that or on high volume.

  55. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Very happy with these headphones. Good clean sound and very comfortable. Mini jack and adapter very handy.

  56. JeffereyMabry says:


    Golden Review Award: 74 From Our UsersIch habe den AKG Kopfhrer als Vergleichsgert fr einen Blogbeitrag ber einige Zeit im Einsatz Einsatz gehabt.

    Vor einigen Wochen fhrte ich hierzu noch ein Gesprch mit einem befreundeten Studiotechniker, der behauptete, dass die heutigen Kopfhrer um vorne mitspielen zu knnen nicht mehr auf aptX und App-Steuerung verzichten knnen. AKG hat mit dem K371-BT diese These fr mich persnlich Eindrucksvoll widerlegt!

    Fangen wir einmal mit der bersicht an, welche den AKG K371-BT Bluetooth-Kopfhrer, von den meisten anderen aktuellen Modellen auf dem Markt unterscheidet!

    Der Kopfhrer verfgt ber keine Appsteuerung zum “austarieren” der Headphones. Weiterhin sucht man vergeblich nach einem Qualcomm Standard nach Verbindung des Kopfhrers. Beim Thema Sprachassistent ist ebenso wie bei der TalkThru Funktion hier nichts zu machen! Schade, oder?

    Eben nicht! Der Kopfhrer schlgt hierfr eine von Werk aus harte und geradlinige Linke mit einfacher und sehr prziser Gestensteuerung und irreversiblem Bluetooth 5.0 . Eine “saubere” rechte im Hinblick auf Tragekomfort, Klang und Haptik.

    Hier mal ein paar Infos zum Kofhrer, den ich fr einen Blogbeitrag seit gut 5 Wochen Probe gehrt habe:

    Bauform Over-Ear
    System Geschlossen
    Impedanz 32 Ohm
    Frequenzgang 5 Hz — 40000 Hz
    Wandlerprinzip Dynamisch
    bertragungsart Bluetooth 5.0 + Kabel
    Max. Betriebsdauer max. 40 Stunden

    Optik und Haptik

    Der AKG K371-BT Bluetooth-Kopfhrer hat materiell genau das verbaut bekommen, was man fr einen Kopfhrer im portablen und flexiblem Einsatz auch braucht. Hartplastikschale und weiches inneres! Im Klartext heit dies, dass er eine aufgebrstete Kunststoffschale in Form der Lauscher Gehuse verpasst bekommen hat. Die Seitengelenke sind stabil und lassen sich individuell einstellen. Die gilt insbesondere fr Menschen die mit groem Kopf “gesegnet” wurden. Das Kopfband wurde mit weichem Memory Schaum “aufgefttert” ohne dabei zu dick aufzutragen. Die Ftterung der Ohrpolster kommt auf knappe 2,0 cm, was tatschlich fr ein extrem weiches Tragegefhl steht. Der Innendurchmesser der Lauscher betrgt etwa 3,5 cm x 6,5 cm. Meine Ohren versinken hierin ein Stck weit, was mir gut gefllt. Die Gestensteuerung am linken Lauscher Gehuse reagiert bei Bettigung und nicht dann, wenn sie Lust darauf hat. Der Klinkenanschluss befindet sich ebenfalls am linken Lauscher.

    Bedienung des AKG K371-BT Bluetooth-Kopfhrer

    Der Kopfhrer hat wie bereits angedeutet einen groen Vorteil. Er konzentriert sich auf das wesentliche. Die Steuerung erfolgt ber den Taster am linken Lauscher Gehuse. Dieser reagiert schnell und komplikationslos, so wie sich das auch gehrt. Die Gestensteuerung hat allerdings Probleme, wenn man Handschuhe trgt. Hier lie sich der Kopfhrer auch bei einfachen Latexhandschuhen nicht dazu bewegen den Sound zu regulieren oder zu skippen”.


    Durch die wirklich sehr gelungene Mischung von Proteinleder bei den Lauschern und der Befllung mit fast 2,0 cm an Memoryschaum wird auf die Ohren so gut wie kein Druck ausgebt. Die Polster sind bei Bedarf tauschbar.

    Auch fr Brillentrger drfte hier genugend Platz sein, ohne anschliessend mit “Dickem Schdel” durch die Gegend zu stolzieren.

    Das Kopfband liegt leicht und weich auf, was nicht nur ein angenehmes Tragegfhl sondern mit der Zeit auch ein sehr natrliches Gefhl vermittelt. Gefllt mir persnlich sehr gut! Der Kopfhrer wiegt ca. 248 Gramm und ist damit sowohl im oberen Mittelfeld fr portable Kopfhrer aber auch fr die Einsteigerklasse an Studiokopfhrern im Spiel.

    Klangcheck des AKG K371-BT Bluetooth-Kopfhrer

    Der Kopfhrer bietet fr meine Lieblingsgenres, welche aus Rock, Hardrock, Metall und Ska bestehen genau das, was ich haben mchte.

    5 – 40000 Hz sind Stand der Dinge. Przise und dezidierte Mitten, die manchmal etwas hart klingen aber so nach meiner persnlichen Wahrnehmung ehrlich und unverflscht klingen. Die Hhen werden recht Klar wiedergegeben, zumindest so lange man den Kopfhrer nicht bis zum Anschlag aufdreht. Hier klingt es dann doch zu “klirrend” fr meinen Geschmack. Der Aspekt entfllt bei Nutzung eines Kopfhrerverstrkers und Klinkenkabel im brigen. Der Bass ist entgegen anderer Meinungen fr mich nicht zu dominant, sondern agiert gedeckt im Hintergrund und untermauert meiner Meinung nach den recht guten Gesamteindruck was die Klangperformance angeht.

    Um mich nicht zu Missverstehen, der Bass ist Top, hat allerdings fr meinen Geschmack manchmal einen ticken” zu wenig Push-Effekt.

    Der Kopfhrer kommt fr mich ohne aptX und Qualcomm Technologie gut bis sogar sehr gut aus. Er macht klanglich Spa, wenngleich er auch von der Klangflle nicht ganz an Mitkonkurrenten wie z.B. dem JBL CLUB 950NC mithalten kann. Dafr fehlt es dann doch ein wenig an Dynamik, die man andererseits aber bei Studioarbeiten auch nicht haben mchte.

    Vocals und Jazz beherrscht der Kopfhrer im brigen recht gut. Wer allerdings auf Orchestrale Spektren oder Deep-Bass-Sound steht, sollte sich vielleicht noch einmal umorientieren. Der AKG K371 wird zwar auch als Studiokopfhrer beworben erfllt fr mich aber eher den Aspekt eines portablen Kopfhrers. Der typisch” Neutrale Sound wird zwar mit kleinen Abstrichen angeboten, allerdings greife ich persnlich hierzu eher zu stationren Kopfhrern, die meist gar keine Bluetooth Funktion anbieten.

    Schlagabtausch mit JBL und mein Fazit:

    Der AKG K371 steht in direkter Konkurrenz zu Club Serie von JBL und bietet gegenber dem Kontrahenten ein Mehr an Nichts. Dies spielt auf die fehlenden Zusatzfeatures wie aptX und Co an. Die verbauten 40mm mit Titan beschichtete Neodym Treiber gefallen mir im direkten Vergleich ohne technische Hilfsmittel besser als bei JBL und seinen Club Modellen. Nutzt man einen Kopfhrerverstrker schpft man das gesamte Potenzial des Kopfhrers aus, was man in dieser Preisklasse erwarten darf/kann.

    Der Bluetoothstandard ist mit Version 5.0 sehr gut gewhlt. Keine groe hrbaren Klangverluste und eine lange Spielzeit drngen sich hier auf, genauso das ordentliche Zubehr, was in Form von 3,5 mm (1/8 Zoll) bis 6,5 mm (1/4 Zoll) Kabeln in unterschiedlicher Lnge und Transporttasche daher kommt.

    Ich freue mich, dass es 2020 noch bezahlbare Kopfhrer gibt, die auf ein “ZUVIEL” an Software verzichten und mit klassischem “Handwerkszeug” gute Ergebnisse abliefern. An die ganz groen Kaliber kommt der AKG in dieser Serie nicht heran, drfte aber sicherlich im Preissegment von 120 Euro -150 Euro Euro dauerhaft seinen Platz verdient gefunden haben!

    Wrde mich freuen, wenn ich dem einen oder anderen etwas weiterhelfen konnte. Klang ist immer rein subjektiver Natur und nur du selber entscheidest darber was dir persnlich gefllt oder eben nicht!

    In diesem Sinne Rock on!

    Weniger ist doch manchmal das entscheidende mehr - hat das Herz eines Boxers

  57. Anonymous says:

     India 🇮🇳

    Akg has done it again !!! I love my AKG k612 pro open back reference headphones and always wants one with closed back that delivers same clarity with ease to travel. And these k361’s are just perfect for that. I use them for music production on the go and also for casual listening…. these are the best of two worlds !!! If this is In Your budget just go for it.

    Sound clarity : 5/5
    Build quality : 4/5
    Comfort : 5/5
    Bluetooth : 4/5
    Looks : 5/5
    Performance : 5/5

  58. Anonymous says:


    Golden Review Award: 7 From Our UsersExcelente calidad de sonido. No he podido encontrar esta precisin sonora en ninguna otra marca a este precio, ni incluso en otros de precios ms elevados, de marcas reconocidas. Graves profundos, ntidos y controlados, medios muy naturales y agudos claros y brillantes sin llegar a molestar. Baja impedancia de 32 ohms, as que funcionan incluso con reproductores mviles sin necesidad de amplificador. Muy cmodos, incluso con largas sesiones de escucha. Aunque estn diseados como auriculares profesionales de estudio, los uso para escuchar msica y pelculas, y estoy encantado con ellos. Se escuchan todos los matices y detalles que te pierdes con otros auriculares baratos. Incluye dos cables que se ven resistentes, uno de tamao normal, y otro largo, de 3 metros en espiral. No se enredan, y son extrables del auricular, para poder reemplazarlos en el futuro si fuese necesario. Incluye bolsa de transporte y la caja donde vienen tiene aspecto premium. Sper recomendados!

  59. jamphel says:


    Golden Review Award: 4 From Our Users1. Grundlage fr die Nutzung der verkabelten AKG K371
    # nur mobile Endgerte: iPhone 11 pro, iPad Mini 5, Google Pixel 3a (keine weitere Hardware, Amp., etc.).
    # auschlielich Streaming, Quelle: Apple Music & Spotify.

    2. Klang
    # ausgewogen, detailiert, warmer Klang.
    # Bass-Mitten-Hhen gut abgestimmt.
    # Alles wird sehr schn aufgelst.
    # Klang ist przise, allerdings nicht analytisch oder neutral.
    # Soundstage nicht massiv aber rumlich genug, v.a. fr geschlossene Kopfhrer.

    # funktioniert bei allen getesteten Musikichtungen: Jazz, Elektronik, Hip-Hop, (Alt.) Rock, Klassik.
    # bei lteren digitalisierten Aufnahmen ist das Klangbild eher stumpf, was allerdings nicht am AKG liegt. Man hrt einen deutlichen Unterschied zwischen org. Aufnahmen und remastered.
    # Lautstrke an allen getesteten Endgerten sehr gut. Maximale Lautstrke zu extrem fr meine Ohren, daher nicht ausprobiert.

    # Gesprochene Stimmen bei Podcasts sind ebenfalls sehr berzeugend.

    3. Weiteres
    # gute & sehr stabile Verarbeitung.
    # leicht & komfortabel.
    # Stundenlanges Hren machbar Dank groer Ohrmuschel (siehe Bilder eines anderen Amazon Kunden).
    # Extra-Kabel als Alternativen werden mitgeliefert.

    # Kein Hard Case, nur ein Beutel zur Aufbwahrung fr unterwegs.

    4. Fazit
    100% zu empfehlen: Top Preis/Leistungs-Verhltnis.

  60. Anonymous says:


    You are not going to get a better product for this price.

    Bluetooth is kinda handy
    Mic works well enough
    Sounds good enough for the price.

    Sounds half as good over Bluetooth when compared to over cable.

    Bluetooth functions are kinda garbage but you can make do.

    Spare Cables and earpads dont really appear to be available in the Indian market.

  61. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Very pleased with this purchase. The depth of the ear coverings is sufficient, contrary to previous reviews. Comfortable to wear.
    I use them for listening to meetings and taking notes/minutes as well as participating in online meetings, and they are perfect for that.
    Great price/quality ratio.

  62. Anonymous says:

     India 🇮🇳

    Initial impressions:-
    1)Very good quality
    2)Flat signature sound
    3)Not for a bass lover
    4)All in one headphones
    5)good quality carry bag i prefer to buy a universal hard case

    Now i have been using these for almost a year the headphones perform really good.


  63. Anonymous says:

     Italy 🇮🇹

    Cuffie parecchio piacevoli, ben equilibrate, meno brillanti delle mie vecchie Sony, ma nettamente pi corrette e bilanciate.

    I materiali sono estremamente piacevoli al tatto. Battono all’ascolto cuffie nettamente pi care.

    Il pi grosso difetto la rumorosit del cavo, che si trasferisce alla cuffia con il minimo sfregamento, e che in una cuffia di questo livello non per niente piacevole.
    Altro difetto, sicuramente minore, che la cuffia non pu essere ripiegata completamente se il cavo rimane attaccato.

  64. Anonymous says:

     India 🇮🇳

    First impressions about the headphones for wearing it almost from the moment it was delivered to me (8-10 hrs ago)

    Super Comfortable.
    Decent Call quality.
    Music Quality off the Charts and as expected.
    Great Build Quality.
    Good quality Accessories.
    Passive noise cancellation is good enough.

    A little heavy and it should be coz material used is not cheap. Loved the matte finish.

    Based on my previous IEM’s (KZ ZS10) which I have been using from 2008, I must say these are not loud. Sound signature is almost comparable with better vocals. Frequency graph seems flatter here. Since I don’t have reference monitors and due to brain burn-in caused by prolonged use of KZ’s, I can’t comment if it can be used for monitoring.

    Don’t buy if

    You are a gamer.
    You are a basshead.
    You are looking for Active Noise Cancellation headphones.

    What I don’t like.

    Missing AptX HD driver.
    Touch controls are laggy.

    Update Aug 31:
    I am not sure what prevented the fatigue when I first used these for 4-5 hours to test comfort. (Probably my excitement to wear these).
    After an hour of continuous listening your ears will be fatigued despite being comfy and soft. A little disappointed here.

    Decent quality.

  65. Anonymous says:

     India 🇮🇳

    These studio headphones come with Bluetooth connectivity. The advanced battery technology guarantees up to 40 hours of undisturbed wire-free operation. It has an in-built mic too.
    Noise isolation = 4/5
    Comfort =5/5
    Bluetooth connectivity =5/5
    Sound Quality =4/5
    Battery =5/5
    Overall Volume =4/5
    Overall performance =4/5

    From my personal experience, I would recommend this product to everyone, especially to the professionals out there.

  66. Anonymous says:

     India 🇮🇳

    Golden Review Award: 2 From Our UsersValue for money! Sound quality is far better than what I have assumed. It is foldable and consumes very little space. It does justice to all genres of music, I must say. Let it be heavy metal or light classical or retro, this headphone is super cool to use. Noise isolation is another super good feature of this set. It takes very less amount of time to get fully charged and stays up to 40 hours. In short, If it works fine for me. sure a professional will be really happy and enjoying this.

  67. EnriqueLFF says:

     India 🇮🇳

    Akg k371bt The quality and finish is best compared to competition and for the price(7800).
    The adjustment mechanism feels vulnerable.
    When using in wired mode the wire @connecting end at headphone keeps touching the collar bone and it’s very disturbing (for casual use).
    It’s better to use while in sitting posture.
    Also u can’t wear these headphone around the neck when not using as it won’t fold sideways.
    Give ur ear time to adjust to the sound.
    The sound quality is best for casual and intense music listening.
    Not too bass it’s just the right amount.
    U can use the phone equaliser to customise the sound profile. If u want bass.

    Go for it if u r not a professional editor. compared to audio technica Ath m50xwithout bluetooth.
    The bluetooth in this is added advantage for non professionals.

  68. Anonymous says:

     United States 🇺🇸

    I replaced some ancient Behringer headphones with the K371-BT. I was afraid that, at my advanced age, I would notice no difference as I had always been happy with the old phones. As soon as I put them on, I was amazed at the improvement in clarity. I felt right there with the performers. I don’t like the modern trend of excessive bass boost on ‘phones and these deliver realistic, clearly defined bass without boost. Bass can always be added with no distortion if desired. The mid range is similarly clear and there is plenty of ‘air’ at the high end, or at least as high as I can hear. Voices are very present and natural, and pianos sound wonderful – the two tried and true tests of speakers or ‘phones.

    I concur with some reviewers complaints about the Bluetooth DAC, but I would never listen to music critically via Bluetooth, it’s more of a convenience feature to use with a phone or for mobile easy listening. Bluetooth is not really designed for audiophiles or pro sound engineers. I can’t grade the build quality because I haven’t had them long enough, but they seem sufficiently rugged. They are very comfortable in spite of being on the heavy side. External sound rejection is good, I can barely hear my cat complaining!

  69. Chef says:


    Golden Review Award: 14 From Our UsersNach einigen Kopfhrern habe ich mit dem AKG K-361BT den richtigen Kopfhrer fr meine Zugfahrten gefunden.
    Nachdem ich einen relativ groen Kopf habe, hatte ich Schwierigkeiten einen echten over ear Kopfhrer zu finden. Die Treiber Muscheln drckten leider immer auf die Ohren und vernderte sich das Hrbild in Bewegung. In ear kamen bei mir leider nicht in Frage da ich auch etwas eigenartige Hrgnge habe und die Pods sehr leicht herausfallen.

    Pros/Cons der Kopfhrer

    Sitz der Kopfhrer
    Lautstrke (bisher gesteste Kopfhrer waren mir alle zu leise, auch mit den Verstrker Apps)
    Preis (fr den Preis glaub ich ungeschlagen)

    Klang ist Ok (vor allem der Bowers und Wilkins war hier um einiges besser)
    Treiber Muscheln

    Konnte ich bis jetzt nicht finden…..aber falls etwas auftreten sollte schreibe ich sicher ein Update der Bewertung

    Alles in allem eine klare Kaufempfehlung !!!

  70. HongBevins says:


    Golden Review Award: 3 From Our UsersThis can is made for serious listeners,who loves clarity and flat sound signature,so Bass heads stay away.Out of the box it sounded crap, all i heard was ear piercing upper mids,it took pretty long time to settle up (2weeks at least).Now after a couple weeks of usage it sounds close to excellent. Bass was adequate not too much boomy,mids are excellent (one of the best i ever heard) treble are in perfect balance not too bright or dull ,but the upper mids are kinda pronounced in some genre of music still with flat EQ.
    Almost flat response.(There is some slight upper base lift and some high roll off@ around 6-8khz).
    Excellent mids (music wont feel thin just like sony)
    Excellent battery life
    Option for balanced inputs (Cables not bundled)
    Comfort is great no sweating or heating,feels light.
    Bluetooth amp is not that powerful,it just does the job .
    Sound leaks (Dont even think of using it in office at higher vol)
    The padding could have been a bit thicker like the k371 non BT.
    I would suggest pairing it with some good amp or player to get better sound.Even if its sensitivity is high and only 32Ohm its needs a bit of oomph to sound good.I tested it Fiio X1 2nd gen and Fiio BTR3 BT amp.Both were able to driver it at pretty high vol (enough to make you deaf in long run) and with most of the phone it was just decent (both wired and BT).
    Above is just my opinion(I’m not a serious audiophile type of person just a sound ethusiast),i would suggest always try it before buying.Never choose any headphone just based on some good reviews floating around the internet.

  71. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Sounded amazing at this price, but issues with quality control, as headphone adjustments wouldn’t stay requiring constant adjustment or correction every time I put it back on.

  72. Anonymous says:

     India 🇮🇳

    Golden Review Award: 2 From Our UsersDon’t trust the negative reviews, the build & sound quality is good. Compared to my Sennheiser 280 pro (64 ohms version), AKG K371BT sounds a bit different sometimes even though both are studio quality headphone. Giving 4 stars because I received opened box item, but the headphones and the accompanying accessories were intact. Since this is a studio quality type headphone, don’t expect loud/deep boom bass. Studio quality type headphones are neutral (or flat) and will sound good only with good quality source like lossless codecs etc.

  73. JohnettLZZW says:


    Golden Review Award: 11 From Our UsersDieser Kpfhrer ist fr HiFi Freunde eine Offenbarung, er ist kristall klar, fette Bsse und wenn man will auch sehr laut ohne zu verzerren. Die Dynamik ist trotzdem berraschend heftig. Diese Qualitt fr diesen Preis ist einzigartig, ich Produziere seit ber 30 jahren Musik und wei wovon ich rede :-). Dagegen wirken Namenhafte Marken, welche mit B… beginnen eher schchtern und in der Preiklasse sogar kitschig. Dieser Kpfhrer ist ein Meisterwerk.
    Nur der Anschluss strt einwenig bei gewissen Kopfbewegungen, Lsung, dass kabel nach oben biegen und mit Isolierband fixieren, fettig. Ok, dass ist Jammern auf sehr sehr hohem Niveau:-))))

  74. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 2 From Our UsersThey’re brilliant once earpads are replaced. I got replacement oval angled Brainwavz pads and now there is enough room for my ears and low end is properly accentuated. Best gift I’ve ever received. Now using as monitor headphones for mixing and mastering but also just for pleasure listening.

    – great frequency spectrum
    – connectivity, super fast bt
    – comfort (once earpads are replaced

    – shallow ear pads
    – practically no noise cancelling

  75. Anonymous says:


    Golden Review Award: 6 From Our UsersIch habe sehr viele positive Rezessionen ber diesen Kopfhrer in englischen Hifi Foren gelesen und war auf der Suche nach einem tglichen mobilen Genre-Allrounder mit ansprechender Sound-Qualitt.. Bestellt, angekommen, Unboxing-Time! Sofort ist mir aufgefallen, dass der rechte Kopfhrer-Polster zur Hlfte abgelst war. Uff, gut schnell gefixt, Polster wieder befestigt. Verarbeitung, Materialien und Zubehr sind fr den Preis ganz gut. Tragekomfort auch gut. Man sollte auch 1-2 Tage warten bis die Polster sich ein wenig entfaltet haben, das trgt nochmal zum Sound bei.
    Mein erster Eindruck vom Sound war gespalten, der KH hat, fr den Preis, eine gute, bis sehr gute Performanz bei akustischer Musik, z.B. Rock, Rockpop, Metal, usw. In meinem Lieblings-Genre Elektronische Musik aus 1978-1989″ war der Sound fr mich nicht ausreichend, da ist ein Klassiker (z.B. Sennheiser HD-25) wahrscheinlich besser. Kann an der Karman Kurve liegen. Der KH hat, wenn er richtig angetrieben wird, satte gute Bsse, gute Mitten und Hhen und ein detailreiches Soundimaging. Eine gute Leistung wenn man den Preis und die Impedanz bedenkt.

    Out of the Box funktioniert er fr mich ohne DAC und EQ am besten mit akustischer Musik, dafr spreche ich eine Kaufempfehlung aus. Fr Elektronik wrde ich Probehren, z.B. einen HD-25 von Sennheiser od. einen anderen klassischen DJ-KH empfehlen.

  76. ChristyBolick says:


    Golden Review Award: 6 From Our UsersSuperb headphones. Produces a balanced sound. Not too heavy on base. Mids and highs are clear and enjoyable. Overall nice to listen to any kind of music. Suitable for studio monitoring, sound editing, mixing etc. Also good for taking calls. Mic works very well. Good build quality & decent design. Not overdone in terms of styling. Very comfortable for long sessions. No stress on head or ears. Ear cups become little sweaty after an hour. Very good battery life.
    Overall a balanced quality product and value for money.

  77. Anonymous says:


    Golden Review Award: 7 From Our UsersAKG, con queste cuffie chiuse K371, ha, secondo me, ‘sfornato’ un gioiello di tecnologia pur ad un prezzo base ! Premesso che occorrono una 50ina di ore di rodaggio a basso volume per poterne poi assaporare tutta la raffinatezza, riescono a dare davvero un ascolto maestoso ! Un ampiazza di palcoscenico davvero sorprendente, ben superiore a tante altre cuffie aperte da me provate, anche molto pi costose ! La comodit davvero ottima, la qualit costruttiva anche, il suono, come detto, vi lascer davvero a bocca aperta ! Mai avrei pensato di ottenere cos tanto da una cuffia chiusa, me l’aspettavo molto pi ‘cassa armonica’, con bassi al limite se non oltre: nulla di tutto questo ! medi incredibilmente equilibrati, bassi presente ma sempre ‘educati’, mai tropo invadenti, alti che, soprattutto dopo il rodaggio, si aprono leggermente, donando alla fine, un palcoscenico musicale davvero gradevole ! Io ascolto musica prevalentemente acustica, new age, elettronica, poca sinfonica, in definitiva strumentale, ne sono entusiasta ! La dotazione, oltre alla sacca contenitrice (io l’avrei fatta leggermente pi larga ed imbottita), prevede un cavo lungo, uno medio ed un altro a spirale, tutti costruiti bene e di ottima fattura e robustezza. Io, per curisosit, ho affiancato, dopo il rodaggio, un cavo Mogami, pi corto e pi robusto e, qualitativamente, devo dire che ha aperto un pelo il palcosenico verso le note alte, il che, rende queste AKG K371 un vero gioiello a prezzo onesto e vantaggioso. Straconsigliate !

  78. Anonymous says:


    Golden Review Award: 13 From Our UsersI’m very new to headphones. I always used earphones prior to this purchase. After using these headphones for the first time, I felt they are sounding same as my earphones in a cleaner tone.

    Later upon listening to various music tracks, got the hang of these headphones. They sound good. My opinion is relative, as I didn’t use use any other headphones before.

    I was thinking what is great about these headphones and headphones in general?
    I started playing GTA 5 and then I got to realise its true potential. Los Santos came to live. The game felt really different than I played earlier. I could literally feel the vibe of car radio from Franklin’s house. While driving, the engine beat felt really great.

    I tried listening to audiobooks and it is good experience to listen. In general, while listening to any sound I get this lively feeling. Vocals are great on this headphones.

    They are comfortable to use, the padding over top for head and cushioning for ears is good. I felt sweat after using for half an hour but it didn’t felt uncomfortable. For the first time looking at the headphones felt premium. Liked the design and build.

    The gestures work fine and call quality is also big thumbs up. Mic and gestures work only during bluetooth connection. Aduio via bluetooth is also great but dips compared to wired.

    A big go for gaming, listening to audiobooks and to feel the music.

    First time experience of using headphones .

  79. Anonymous says:


    Golden Review Award: 13 From Our UsersI’m very new to headphones. I always used earphones prior to this purchase. After using these headphones for the first time, I felt they are sounding same as my earphones in a cleaner tone.

    Later upon listening to various music tracks, got the hang of these headphones. They sound good. My opinion is relative, as I didn’t use use any other headphones before.

    I was thinking what is great about these headphones and headphones in general?
    I started playing GTA 5 and then I got to realise its true potential. Los Santos came to live. The game felt really different than I played earlier. I could literally feel the vibe of car radio from Franklin’s house. While driving, the engine beat felt really great.

    I tried listening to audiobooks and it is good experience to listen. In general, while listening to any sound I get this lively feeling. Vocals are great on this headphones.

    They are comfortable to use, the padding over top for head and cushioning for ears is good. I felt sweat after using for half an hour but it didn’t felt uncomfortable. For the first time looking at the headphones felt premium. Liked the design and build.

    The gestures work fine and call quality is also big thumbs up. Mic and gestures work only during bluetooth connection. Aduio via bluetooth is also great but dips compared to wired.

    A big go for gaming, listening to audiobooks and to feel the music.

    First time experience of using headphones .

  80. Anonymous says:

     India 🇮🇳

    Worth of every penny sound is amazing by BT and not so much by 3.5mm jack if you have seperate dac then sound quality is amazing by 3.5mm.
    Two drawbacks I notice ie.,not much comfort we have to adjust while wearing & right side cup is not so comfortable than left side cup

  81. Anonymous says:


    Golden Review Award: 7 From Our UsersThe audio quality is simply awesome, way much better than a pair of bluetooth headphone I owned before. It really isolates the surrounding noise so you can concentrate on your music. Pairing with my android phone was quick and the music can be controlled by swiping the left cusp. Though I did find the gesture control unresponsive sometimes, but overall it was okay. The cusp are soft and super comfy and can be worn over a long duration. However I did have to adjust headphone from time to time especially when you are on the move, but there is an adjustable hinge on both side for fitting. The overall experience was great.

  82. Anonymous says:


    Golden Review Award: 7 From Our UsersAlmost in the same league as HD 280 pro, Sony MDR etc. Good for listening to and working with metal, Rock, but won’t replace monitors anytime soon, not very heavy, should be good to work with for long periods.. thanks AKG & Amazon!

    Almost in the same league as HD 280 pro, Sony MDR etc. Good for listening to and working with metal, Rock, but won't replace monitors anytime soon, not very heavy, should be good to work with for long periods.. thanks AKG & Amazon!

  83. [email protected] Bob Herman says:


    Golden Review Award: 6 From Our UsersSound quality is best
    Charging awesome
    Comfort excellent
    But those straps i doubt about them
    Calls are ok

    Overall i was satisfied with the product because of akg
    I used akg before it’s good enough

    Remember pigs don’t know fragrance of a scent

    It matters of brand and comfort quality of sound to me

    Great i love them

  84. Anonymous says:


    Golden Review Award: 37 From Our UsersUpdate (09-Jun-2020)
    Bluetooth mic does not work anymore!
    On one laptop mic and speaker worked only the first time. Next time onwards it did not work at all. Tried deleting and adding the bluetooth device again, reboot, update driver and what not, but nothing helped.
    On another laptop, mic and speaker worked the first time. After that deleting the bluetooth device and adding again worked for about 8 times. After that only speaker is working.

    I’m assuming this is a (hastily released) driver issue and once AKG updates their drivers, it should work properly.

    The headphone jack does not support mic. i.e. if you use the cable, then it acts like a speaker only and you have to use the phone’s/laptop’s mic.

    Both speaker and mic works without any issues with the phone. Tried ‘forget’ and ‘add’ about 10 times and it works nicely.

    Original review (06-Jun-2020)
    First Impression: Awesome

    Whats in the box:
    * Headphone
    * USB cable – for charging
    * 2 Audio cables – 1.2m and 3.0m
    * Pouch for storage
    * 1/4″ adapter

    Whats so great:
    Sound quality is great!!
    Mic is great! It picks up all the sound in the room and not just close to it. May not be desirable in all situations.
    Earpads are very soft. My earlobes don’t feel any pressure at all.
    Connecting via bluetooth to laptop and phone was a breeze. There was no break in the streaming either
    The battery/bluetooth led is tiny and is hidden next to the power button

    Surprise features: Guesture Control !!
    You can do Volume up/down, Play/Pause, Play next/prev by moving a finger on the left earcup.
    The left earcup is not visible. So it took a couple of tries in front of a mirror and then I could do it easily without looking!

    Not so great: (actually I’m nit picking here)
    The battery was not charged even a bit when I got it. I thought I got a dud!
    A quick start guide is nice. But it took me a while to understand what the lights mean.

    Wear it for a longer continuous duration (about couple of hours) and see how it works
    Test battery backup time. Is it really 28 hrs?

    I’ll post an update after using it for a while…

  85. Anonymous says:


    Golden Review Award: 126 From Our UsersCome per altre recensioni premetto che ascolto musica da sempre e sono un chitarrista, quindi ho una chiara idea del suono riprodotto, dal vivo ed in sala prove.
    Valuto tutte le cuffie dopo adeguato rodaggio di almeno 30 ore, ascoltando da impianto, PC e smartphone e con supporti di diversa qualit, da MP3 ad alta risoluzione, per verificare le prestazioni negli usi pi frequenti.
    Utilizzati tutti i generi musicali dall’elettronica alla lirica.

    Cuffia chiusa over hears
    Drivers 50mm
    Impedenza 32 ohms
    Sensibilit 104 db
    Risposta in frequenza 5hz – 40khz
    Peso 258gr
    Cavo rimovibile mini xrl

    Si tratta di cuffie leggere e molto comode per lunghi ascolti, quando sono impegnato in altre cose mi capita di dimenticare che le indosso (a parte un certo calore alle orecchie che comunque danno tutte le cuffie).
    Sono di plastica, ma non economica. Qualcuno lamenta una certa fragilit degli snodi che personalmente non ho notato, certo non sono tank ed userei qualche attenzione, sono in ogni caso un buon compromesso con la comodit.
    In caso verificassi qualche fragilit nel tempo aggiorner la recensione.
    Nell’imballo sono compresi un cavo dritto da 1.2 mt, uno da 3mt ed uno a spirale sempre da 3 MT con attacco mini xrl che pu creare qualche problema in caso si volessero sostituire con cavi di maggior qualit, assicurano comunque una connessione solida.
    Presente un adattatore stereo standard e una sacca di protezione.

    Ma veniamo ora al suono.

    Queste cuffie sono progettate sulla Harman curve per dare il miglior risultato psicoacustico.
    La risposta in frequenza da l’impressione di essere molto lineare (anche se in realt non realmente neutra).

    L’estensione in basso scende fino ai sub bassi senza cali ne enfatizzazione particolari restituendo una gamma molto profonda quando presente nelle registrazioni, non granitica ma nemmeno gommosa, corretta senza eccessi e di grana abbastanza buona. Se la cavano anche con la techno, ma non il loro campo d’impiego per la quale cosiglio sempre le Audio Technica m50x, bene con tutti gli altri generi. Scendono molto, ma lo fanno senza enfatizzazione…per capirci il basso elettronico di Don’t Be So Shy profondissimo e pi corretto di altre cuffie, vibra ma manca la botta. Tutto cambia con il rock o la grande orchestra. Le viole ed i violoncelli sono impressionanti nella riproduzione in basso.

    I medi sono ben legati in basso e mantengono un’ottima coerenza musicale, trasparenti e dettagliati fino alle alte, la grana ed il dettaglio sono pi che dignitoso riuscendo ad riprodurre bene sia la classica che l’heavy metal.
    Chitarre ben intellegibili e voci presenti e pulite, forse leggermente arretrate, meglio con le femminili. Ottima la riproduzione di folk, country o piccoli gruppi orchestrali.

    Gli alti sono estesi e cristallini, per la fascia di prezzo, dettagliati, ma non faticosi. Si legano alla fascia media molto bene e contribuiscono a dare una piacevole chiarezza che solo cuffie di prezzo superiore rendono meglio.

    Il soundstage dignitoso per delle cuffie chiuse, non al livello delle migliori, ma permette un buon posizionamento degli elementi.

    La caratteristica che mi ha pi impressionato che pur essendo dettagliate perdonano tracce non incise benissimo e sono le uniche in mio possesso che mi ricordano dei bookshelf….e non poco.

    Le chiamano le killer di cuffie di prezzo ben pi elevato, non hanno e non possono avere la trasparenza e raffinatezza di riproduzione delle cuffie top, ma sinceramente mi hanno impressionato molto positivamente.

    Il suono generale molto corretto ed anche chi cerca un suono audiophile pu essere soddisfatto, insomma fanno tutto molto bene e riescono a fare godere la musica dimenticandosi di averle indosso.

    Chi ama cuffie pi divertenti e sbilanciate in basso con curve a v marcate si deve rivolgere ad altro, ma se amate la musica ben riprodotta non vi faranno rimpiangere cuffie pi costose.

    Ho cercato di dare un’idea pi chiara possibile delle caratteristiche di queste cuffie, senza essere troppo tecnico, per aiutare chi come me cerca di investire al meglio il proprio denaro. Se l’avete trovata utile un like gradito. 🙂

    Impeccabile il servizio Amazon.

  86. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    For the price point, these are some of the finest headphones I’ve ever used. They hug your head like a soft pillow and are incredibly easy on the ears. The sound is perfectly balanced, the highs are sweet, the mid-range rich, and the bass crisp and not overpowering. If you are looking for comfort and sound quality, these headphones tick all the right boxes.

  87. JavierSywowxae says:

     Italy 🇮🇹

    Pacco arrivato in tempo come definito durante l’ordine: il servizio di AKG ottimo, la scatola contiene le cuffie, una borsa waterproof, una adattatore da mini jack a jack, un cavo da 1,2 mt., un cavo da 3 mt. normale e uno spiralato (tutti i cavi hanno uscita mini jack) e garanzia. Le cuffie a primo impatto sono ottime, molto neutrali sulle frequenze basse e medio-basse, una risposta sulle medio-alte e alte davvero impeccabile, pertanto voce e strumenti orchestrali come archi risulteranno molto piacevoli. Forse vi qualche picco sulle alte, intorno agli 8k-10k, ma dipende molto ovviamente anche da che suoni si stanno ascoltando. Comfort e design assolutamente ineccepibili. Come isolamento dall’esterno sono buono, e il suono che esce da esse (leaking) limitato ma comunque presente. Ottimo prodotto a livello di qualit/prezzo.

  88. AmmoLand Editor Duncan Johnson says:


    Golden Review Award: 3 From Our UsersIncredibile, cuffie killer sotto i 150, non ci sono dubbi. Il nuovo standard di cuffie cuffie.. E portatili. E universali.
    Si perch, potete usarle come vi pare, potete portarle con voi e potete farle suonare bene anche con pochissima potenza di amplificazione da uno smartphone.
    La qualit audio per questo prezzo a dir poco inimmaginabile, nel senso, stellare.
    Certo, preferisco le planari come la mia Audeze El8 Titanium ma, ragazzi.. Qui c’ poco da scherzare..
    La coerenza del soundstage fuori scala, mi ricorda molto le He1000SE da quanto riesce a presentare bene l’immagine dei suoni nel suo headstage. Non a caso cuffie da studio.
    Driver da 50mm, bello attaccato alle orecchie, bello grande.
    Poca distorsione, ma purtroppo non a livello di planari pi costose.
    Aspettatevi un timbro molto bilanciato, seguendo la curva harman quasi perfettamente. La cosa sorprendente che hanno un’estensione incredibile, sotto i 10hz, e fino a 24khz, per questo prezzo prima non era immaginabile, cuffie ultimate (Tutto ci di cui avreste bisogno, senza spendere le solite cifre da audiofilia)
    Sono leggere (250g) Unica cosa che pecca l’headband che un po’ fastidioso perch il padding sopra non imbottito bene e, magari meglio aggiungerci qualcosa per renderlo megli pi comfortevole sarebbe meglio (Dovr provare)
    Tutto qui, il nuovo standard qui, e per questo prezzo.. Enjoy.

  89. Vera91Mzqcwxi says:


    Golden Review Award: 6 From Our UsersL’acquisto di queste nuove AKG, nasce dal bisogno di affiancare alle mie T1 2nd gen, delle cuffie chiuse di buona qualit, per gli ascolti notturni. La sorpresa all’ascolto stata enorme: basso e sub-basso di queste AKG, scendono in modo tanto energico eppure controllato, da non farmi rimpiangere clamorosamente le ben pi costose e raffinate Beyerdynamic. Preciso e controllato, veloce e presente. Medio-alte sicuramente non allo stato dell’arte, ma mai affaticanti e pi che buone. Il palcoscenico sicuramente pi “ravvicinato” e meno esteso e ampio rispetto alle ammiraglie, ma la natura di cuffie monitor da studio, esce fuori in fatto di precisione e immagine estremamente rivelatrice ed analitica. Ci che sorprende maggiormente di queste cuffie sta proprio qui: la capacit di unire una natura radiografante, chirurgica e dal suono naturale (tipicamente monitor), allo scorrere pi prezioso e piacevole di cuffie leggermente eufoniche (Harman Curve, suono caldo). Il risultato, a mio avviso, pienamente raggiunto. Fattore indossabilit: i pads non sono enormi, quindi attenzione se avete orecchie di molto pi grandi della norma. Ma io le ho trovate tra le cuffie pi comode di sempre, oltre che eleganti e ben rifinite (ricordiamoci sempre che costano 111,00). In definitiva, per questo prezzo, potrebbero essere cuffie cannibali, per la loro fascia. Occhio a dove le collegate, per. Non trattatele da mere cuffiette da collegare ovunque. Io le abbino al Marantz HD-DAC1 e godo ogni notte.

    Cuffie killer in relazione al prezzo

  90. Charlene A. Wilson says:

     Germany 🇩🇪

    Golden Review Award: 20 From Our UsersGekauft wurde das geschlossene Kopfhrermodell AKG K371 hauptschlich fr den Einsatz bei Filmen mit der Option, auch gelegentlich Musik damit zu hren.

    1. Sehr gute Sprachverstndlichkeit beim Filmton.
    2. Tiefer und sehr strukturierter Bass beim Filmton.
    3. Fr einen geschlossenen Kopfhrer sehr gute Stereobhne und Ortung einzelner Gerusche.
    4. Drei verschiedene austauschbare Kabel mit Mini-XLR Anschluss.
    5. Ersatzpolster knnen nachgekauft und selbst ausgetauscht werden.

    1. Das verwendete Material lsst zu wnschen brig.
    2. Leicht penetranter Chemiegeruch vom verwendeten Material des Kopfhrers.
    3. Ohrpolsters umschlieen zwar noch das Ohr, aber im Inneren haben meine Ohren Kontakt mit der Treiberwand.
    4. Die Abschirmung von Auengeruschen ist fr mich nicht berzeugend.
    5. In den Hhen leichte Ausprgung, was zu leicht nervigen S- und Zischlauten je nach Musikrichtung fhren kann.

    Zusammengefasst, finde ich den AKG K371 von seiner klanglichen Auslegung fr Filmton sehr gut geeignet, und bei Musik zwar auch noch verwendbar, aber mit der Einschrnkung der leicht ausgeprgten Hhen bei S- und Zischlauten nach meinen Hrempfinden nicht fr alle Musikarten geeignet. Wer damit leben kann und sich nicht von einem ausdnsteten Chemiegeruch gestrt fhlt und mit relativ engen Ohrpolstern zurechtkommt, stellt das geschlossene Kopfhrermodell AKG K371 sicherlich eine gnstige Alternative zu wesentlich teureren Studiokopfhrern dar.

    Die oben aufgefhrten Negativpunkte des Kopfhrers, waren fr mich die ausschlaggebenden Grnde fr eine Rckgabe des Kopfhrers.

    Bei Musik bedingt gut und bei Filmton sehr gut, aber in der Verarbeitung verbesserungswürdig

  91. Lavonne Treskatsch says:

     United Kingdom

    Superb sound when used with Dragonfly Red DAC and reasonably comfortable to be able to use all day.

  92. Page says:

     United Kingdom

    Superb sound when used with Dragonfly Red DAC and reasonably comfortable to be able to use all day.

  93. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 2 From Our UsersThe quality of these is absolutely fantastic.

    I use these on my PC and the audio from gaming and music production is so crisp and clear. For the price I truly don’t think you can beat it.

    These headphones come with multiple different wires for different outlets including a standard Jack for phones, pcs etc. It also comes with a nice velvet bag for it all which I think is a nice touch.

    I’ve been able to wear these for hours on end with no issues with comfortably. Good for a grinding sesh.

    They cancel noise around me easily and I can hear every note in music very clearly and the baseline is crisp. I truly believe these are great headphones and you won’t regret taking the plunge on them.

  94. AGZCandela says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 2 From Our UsersWe have been though many sets of headphones over the years in our house, some cheaper than these, some more expensive. I have to say that four people have tried these and we are all in agreement….these are right up there with the best.

    They are very comfortable to wear. They cancel out other noise beautifully. The sound quality is second to none.

    These headphones are far superior to others that cost a lot more.

    Can’t recommend these highly enough. Really terrific headphones.

  95. LanoraTreadway says:

     United Kingdom

    These headphones are quite simple but that is no bad thing as they give a good sound and have found them to work well with all types of music only thing they could have included is noise cancellation but they still sound great and are pretty comfortable.

  96. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 9 From Our UsersThese AKG K371 studio headphones are no-nonsense headphones that deliver accurate high quality sound reproduction over a frankly astonishing range of frequencies; from 5 Hz to 40 kHz, described as “best-in-class” and you’ll be hard pressed to find anything to match it in this price range. The dynamic drivers enable such a low end response.

    The immediate appearance of the headphones is not hugely impressive, though better looking that the advertising images might suggest. In handling them however the impression becomes more favourable as it becomes apparent that flashy logos, colour schemes, Wireless, LEDs, and even a microphone have been eschewed in favour of simple quality.

    Unusually the headband is not of the suspension type, and the headband is black metal with a very soft and resilient air-filled silicon padded band. Each earcup has a small degree of motion, but lacks complete articulation – the sliders rather than the earphones themselves swivel in order to fold the ‘phones. The adjustment slider, made of the same matt black finished metal, is simple and effective, with just the right amount of resistance. I found I could wear the earphones for hours without the headband ever chafing on any part of my somewhat less that hirsute head.

    The manner in which the earcups are attached via the sliders to the headband makes the headphones look a little ungainly in use, but I find the arrangement allows the earcups to sit over the ears in a perfect alignment for both complete enclosure (essential to benefit from the full range of sound) and for comfort. And the leather pads are very soft and comfortable over long periods of use, and fully encompassing and enclosing even when wearing spectacles.

    Enclosed in the drawstring bag which seems obligatory with all new headphones these days, are three high quality leads; one short, one long and one coiled lead. They all have mini-XLR jacks on one end, as the headphones themselves have a utilise a mini-XLR socket. While it means you can’t swap out with your standard 1/4 or min-jack cables it does have the benefit of being a more secure and higher quality connection.
    A notable lack is the absence of a microphone, either on the headphones or as a separate attachment; there are no concessions made here, these are quality cans for the accurate reproduction of sound and do not compromise them with a head-mounted mic. Professional users will assuredly have their own standalone microphones particular to their purpose.

    As then, the sound reproduction is the raison d’etre of this product, how does it shape up? Well it has an amazingly flat response across most of the frequency spectrum, rendering an neutral reproduction of sound as accurately as possible. The 5Hz to 40KHz range is far beyond human hearing at both ends, but it means that the section we do hear is going to be the most faithful part, as the fidelity will naturally drop off at the extreme ends of the range beyond our hearing. The response and clarity across the entire range is exceptional, the upper mid-range sounding particularly bright without ever being shrill.

    The noise cancelling is very effective I might add… I failed to hear my doorbell ring during one session – though I was I confess listening at a high volume. And speaking of volume, I found the sound reproduction to be clear and undistorted at very high volume.
    I would warn audiophiles that while these will render superb low end and sub-bass, they are balanced to be neutral so will not perhaps be the bowel shakers you might expect. However, the possibilities allowed by adding EQ will cover any sound setup you wish.

    I wouldn’t recommend them for gamers; not because they aren’t good, but because the particular qualities of these phones are, in gamer parlance, “OP” for gaming and it lacks some of the features desirable for gamers, most particularly an attachable mic. But as studio reference headphones, for content providers, editors, producers and mixers, and a whole host of other end-users who just want accurate sound reproduction with no added colour these are ideal headphones. No flashiness or extraneous frippery here, just well-made quality headphones with excellent range and response that you’d be hard pressed to match anywhere at this price.

    AKG K371 - Radical Range, Remarkable Response

  97. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    These are some of the most comfortable headphones i have ever tried. The ear cups are so soft and a very good shape. Plus, they aren’t heavy like some over-the-ear headphones are. The sound is great, although probably not quite as sharp as i’d like. But that is a picky comment. What i really liked about these headphones is that they have three different wires. However, and this is where i was disappointed. When i read that the product had three different connections i had assumed that meant that the type of connection would be different, e.g USB, HDMI etc. However, all three cables, while different lengths (1.2m to 3m) all have audio jack connections. This meant that i couldnt use these with my phone which was a shame. In fairness, this product is clearly aimed at the youtubbers/bloggers/whathaveyous and not really for the casual music listener.
    Other positives? They are well designed and i do like the bag that they come in (a nice touch).

  98. Shilpa says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 3 From Our UsersBeing studio headphones they don’t have Bluetooth and active noise cancellation. What they do have is an almost flat response that is detailed without sounding harsh and, a feeling of being at a live concert where the sound balance is just right. There aren’t cannonballs of bass but it can play really low frequencies. The sound stage isn’t artificially wide but just right. It’s great for guitars, vocals and snare drums. My equivalent headphones at home are Sony MDR-1A (rather than my Sennheiser Momentum or B&O H8i), but the AKGs have a better live sound. The test sound source was via Windows 10 build 1909 and a Sound BlasterX AE-5 running the current Command software.

    The headphones are finished in matt black that looks classier than the price suggests. The closed back earcups have soft foam surrounds that fit nicely over the ears. Three cables are provided, each with a mini-XLR plug to connect to the left earcup and, there is a quarter inch adapter that screws onto the 3mm stereo jack. Short and long straight cables are provided, also a coiled ‘pigtail’ cable. There is soft cloth bag that is probably more for storage than travelling

    As with most headphones and speakers they need playing-in for several hours from new. They will be great for production and leisure listening to well-recorded tracks. I think they will work well with a Headrush board that I’m planning to use with my guitars. For me these headphones are amazing value for money.

  99. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Utterly brilliant sound quality.

    Very comfortable to wear.

    Feel like a professional music engineer.

  100. Michelle says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 4 From Our UsersI did a comparison test of the AKG K371’s against a pair of Bose AE2 and a pair of BlueAnt Embrace phones both of which I’ve had for several years. I used YouTube’s ‘Ultimate Headphone Test’ which tests various aspects; frequency response etc. and also gives a visual guide as to what your hearing. I was expecting (having read the specification of the AKG’s) to hear a difference or improvement but all 3 sets performed just about the same – the Bose being a lot lighter in weight and the BlueAnt not being ‘closed back’ although the AKG’s were a little louder .Where I saw a significant difference was when I used the AKG’s for music production – I do a lot of recording and often mix both digital and analogue sources/recordings. The AKG’s were very noticeably louder and the bass wasdefinitely more prominent/enhanced and of course the more accurate the sound reproduction is the better when producing music. It just means I’ll have to revisit all my old recordings and check them out with these ‘ new ears’! The AKG’s are pretty comfortable but not as light as I was expecting and are by no means ‘feather-light’ – I’ve had folding headphones before but they usually folded the ‘headband’ – the AKG’s sort of twist/rotate the ear cups up into the headband space but to me this just seems to move things around a bit and while not gaining much in over all volume/space. What I found unusual was the detachable cables (3 of them) 2 x 3m and a 1.2m -and the 1/4 inch adaptor is also unusual as it screws on! These are obviously a good quality, comfortable pair of headphones with a few unique features – the price, at just under 124, isn’t cheap but they do ‘hold their own’ against the competition.