Amazon Basics Pet Sofa Lounger Bed, Small

Weight: | 1.75 kg |
Size: | Small |
Dimensions: | 63.5 x 50.8 x 16.51 cm; 1.75 Kilograms |
Model: | AMZBB-001 |
Pack Quantity: | 1 |
Batteries Required: | No |
Quantity: | 1 |
Size: | Small |
Weight: | 1.75 kg |
Size: | Small |
Dimensions: | 63.5 x 50.8 x 16.51 cm; 1.75 Kilograms |
Model: | AMZBB-001 |
Pack Quantity: | 1 |
Batteries Required: | No |
Quantity: | 1 |
Size: | Small |
I’m surprised how well put together this dog bed is. The fabric is a canvas type similar to what LL Beans sells for 2-3x the price. The canvas shell is strong and feels like it can last as long as the dog. The cushions aren’t as tight fitting as the LL Bean but there’s positives and negatives to that. One being removing them from the bed. Much easier when its a little loose.
Had I known this bed was this good, I would have bought it from the beginning and not the 3 others I had to replace.
I tried many dog beds before getting this one. All the other beds went flat within a couple of months, and the materials ended up being low par. I can tell this one will last a long time. It’s very well built, the fabric will hold up for a long time and I doubt it will be going flat anytime soon. The bolsters stay up even when my large dog tries to curl up in it. I can’t say how pleased I am with this purchase. If you’re on the fence, I truly recommend this bed, your pooch will thank you.
I like the bed in general. The material is good quality, washes and dries well (dry on low). BUT – the outer edge comes with a roll pillow insert which you stuff into the zippered bed edge/headrest. The fit is extremely tight and it took me over 20 minutes to get it in being very careful not to tear the zipper. It has to be removed with every wash so rather than go through the difficulty of putting it back in, I just stuffed the roll area with a towel and will not use the pillow it came with again.
My little Maltese really likes this bed. She has a serious problem with her spine and can’t walk very well and is in a lot of pain at times. The bumper that goes around the bed gives her head support and I think she likes that. The small size is large enough for her to completely stretch out with her head off the bumper if she wants, which I like. I covered the bed with a blanket to make it soft and easy to wash. I just ordered another one to put in another room. This is a well-made bed. I gave it 5 stars for cleaning only because it’s very easy to cover with a blanket and wash the blanket instead of taking off the cover. I’m glad I didn’t spend more money on one of those name brand foam beds.
Panier reu dans les temps.
Le matelas a presque retrouv son epaisseur aprs 72h, pais et trs confortable.
La forme du panier est parfaite.
De l’espace pour que mon chien puisse s’taler et poser sa tte sur les boudins.
Dimensions en small parfaites pour mon jack de 8kg.
Tout semble de bonne qualit.
Pour le prix trs attractif , je suis ravi.
N’hsitez pas.
Recomendado, es el segundo que tiene como este, duradero, facil para lavarlo, laterales altos para que apoye la cabeza. Muy bie
Recomendado, es el segundo que tiene como este, duradero, facil para lavarlo, laterales altos para que apoye la cabeza. Muy bie
Recomendado, es el segundo que tiene como este, duradero, facil para lavarlo, laterales altos para que apoye la cabeza. Muy bie
The edge of the bed is good for supporting your dogs head. Good support overall as well.
El colchn recuper su forma perfectamente y la cama es firme y cmoda. El problema es que la tela es muy poco acogedora, casi tosca, as que he tenido que hacerla confortable con una manta bajera de pelo, si no mi perra no quera ni entrar.
Hicimos una prueba a mi perro y le pusimos su antigua cama y esta y sin duda se fue a esta cama. Le encanta dormir ahi y el colchn parece bastante cmodo. Una buena compra
La cama lleva 24 horas. El colchn an no ha recuperado su forma 100% pero est al 85%.
El colchn viene con una funda impermeable para protegerlo. Parece sper cmodo! A mis nias les encanta
I bought this 1 year ago and my girl uses it all day long, it’s outside in the sun most of the time and it has held up perfectly. I highly recommend this bed and will be adding 2 more soon.
I bought this 1 year ago and my girl uses it all day long, it’s outside in the sun most of the time and it has held up perfectly. I highly recommend this bed and will be adding 2 more soon.
I bought this 1 year ago and my girl uses it all day long, it’s outside in the sun most of the time and it has held up perfectly. I highly recommend this bed and will be adding 2 more soon.
I bought this 1 year ago and my girl uses it all day long, it’s outside in the sun most of the time and it has held up perfectly. I highly recommend this bed and will be adding 2 more soon.
I bought this 1 year ago and my girl uses it all day long, it’s outside in the sun most of the time and it has held up perfectly. I highly recommend this bed and will be adding 2 more soon.
Me ha encantado. Mejor de lo que esperaba. Y lo ms importante es que mi perra esta como loca con l. Si fuera por ella se tiraria metida en l todo el dia de lo cmoda que esta. Muy recomendable.
Me ha encantado. Mejor de lo que esperaba. Y lo ms importante es que mi perra esta como loca con l. Si fuera por ella se tiraria metida en l todo el dia de lo cmoda que esta. Muy recomendable.
La calidad de la camita es genial, mi bulldog francs de 15kg cabe de sobra y se nota que est muy cmodo en ella. Probablemente repetiremos. Lo nico que no me gust es que tuve problemas en el primer envo, pero me lo solucionaron y Ok.
La calidad de la camita es genial, mi bulldog francs de 15kg cabe de sobra y se nota que est muy cmodo en ella. Probablemente repetiremos. Lo nico que no me gust es que tuve problemas en el primer envo, pero me lo solucionaron y Ok.
La calidad de la camita es genial, mi bulldog francs de 15kg cabe de sobra y se nota que est muy cmodo en ella. Probablemente repetiremos. Lo nico que no me gust es que tuve problemas en el primer envo, pero me lo solucionaron y Ok.
la seconda che acquisto ! Che dire .. ho acquistato altre cucce ma questa il massimo! Comoda il mio cane l’adora! E poi impermeabile e soprattutto facile da pulire ed per questo motivo che do il massimo dei voti! Potrebbe costare un po’ meno! Perch ha un prezzo importante! Ma vabb
I bought the small size for our sprocker spaniel (female, weight 12.5kg) and it’s just about right for her. Medium would probably have been a bit too big. She loves it. Very snug and cosy!
Se ve que esta super agusto en su cama. Desde que la tiene pasa de estar molestando pa subirse al sof. Le pasas la aspiradora y se queda nueva, es una pasada de cama
The bed is very spacey. It has a good quality and for what you pay it’s more than worth it.
Parfait pour ma petite Ppite pleine de rhumatismes. Minette de 16 ans. a lui a permis de mieux marcher, moins souffrir et moins miauler aussi. Elle fait 4 kg, j’ai pris la taille S et c’est parfait pour qu’elle s’tire.
Cuando lo he visto era tal y como lo imaginaba, cmodo y fcil de montar.
Mi bichn malts est encantado!
Comodissimo, il mio cane si subito innamorato di questo divanetto, lo usa tutti i giorni per i suoi riposini. Ottimo rapporto qualit prezzo, per un prodotto simile in giro devi inserire almeno 20 euro in pi. Contento dell’acquisto.
Das neue Bett kam gut verpackt, der Viscoschaum sollte etwas liegen, dann word die Matte in den Schutzbezug verpackt und in das Bett eingelegt. Wie man im Foto sieht hat es genau 30 Sekunden gedauert bis der Prfer seinen Job macht und Stiftung-Tyson-Warentest befindet das Bett fr sehr bequem. Der Rand ist schn gepolstert zum Kopf auflegen, nicht zu weich. Der Bezug ist gut abwischbar und darf in die Waschmaschine (ohne das Innenleben). Zur Haltbarkeit kann ich noch nichts sagen, aber es macht insgesamt einen sehr robusten Eindruck.
Me asustaba algunos comentarios que decan que la viscoelstica no recuperaba su forma, pero a las tres horas de desembalarlo, prcticamente estaba perfecto, inflado, mullido y con todas las propiedades de la espuma viscoelstica. La calidad del tejido y de las costuras es realmente extraordinaria. Mi perro es un cruce de Pitbull con perro de agua, 24 kls y 75 cms. de cabeza al rabo y es perfecta para el
Kira rimasta entusiasta di questa cuccia… La usa molto pi spesso del cuscino precedente. Sicuramente il memory fa la sua parte e poi i bordi cicciotto completano l opera. Hho preso una taglia m x il mio cane di media taglia di 28 kg. Ci sta giusta. Per un labrador al contrario di quello che scritto io prenderei una l.
Cmq ottimo acquisto… Davvero top!!!!!
Kira rimasta entusiasta di questa cuccia… La usa molto pi spesso del cuscino precedente. Sicuramente il memory fa la sua parte e poi i bordi cicciotto completano l opera. Hho preso una taglia m x il mio cane di media taglia di 28 kg. Ci sta giusta. Per un labrador al contrario di quello che scritto io prenderei una l.
Cmq ottimo acquisto… Davvero top!!!!!
Kira rimasta entusiasta di questa cuccia… La usa molto pi spesso del cuscino precedente. Sicuramente il memory fa la sua parte e poi i bordi cicciotto completano l opera. Hho preso una taglia m x il mio cane di media taglia di 28 kg. Ci sta giusta. Per un labrador al contrario di quello che scritto io prenderei una l.
Cmq ottimo acquisto… Davvero top!!!!!
Kira rimasta entusiasta di questa cuccia… La usa molto pi spesso del cuscino precedente. Sicuramente il memory fa la sua parte e poi i bordi cicciotto completano l opera. Hho preso una taglia m x il mio cane di media taglia di 28 kg. Ci sta giusta. Per un labrador al contrario di quello che scritto io prenderei una l.
Cmq ottimo acquisto… Davvero top!!!!!
Kira rimasta entusiasta di questa cuccia… La usa molto pi spesso del cuscino precedente. Sicuramente il memory fa la sua parte e poi i bordi cicciotto completano l opera. Hho preso una taglia m x il mio cane di media taglia di 28 kg. Ci sta giusta. Per un labrador al contrario di quello che scritto io prenderei una l.
Cmq ottimo acquisto… Davvero top!!!!!
Comprato per un cucciolo e posso dirvi che il suo punto di riferimento: dorme beatamente, corre in casa per sdraiarsi e giocare sul suo divanetto. Sfoderabile (gi lavato pi volte anche se la parte laterale un po difficile da reinserire, mentre il cuscino semplicissimo da riposizionare ed ben impermeabilizzato).
Acquisto che sicuramente rifar, appena il cucciolo cresce, comprando la taglia maggiore !
Be honest, this is not most pretty one, but the quality is great. And it is real memory foam, I tried. The design is very thoughtful, easy to take a apart and put into washer. another great Amazonbasic products. Recommended
This is the second time I got this bed.. i still have the first one for the bedroom but after my dog scratched up the random dog bed we had in the living room, I figured I’d get this one again for the living room sense the one I have in the bedroom has lasted over a year and a half.. with him scratching at it. Super soft and durable
This is the second time I got this bed.. i still have the first one for the bedroom but after my dog scratched up the random dog bed we had in the living room, I figured I’d get this one again for the living room sense the one I have in the bedroom has lasted over a year and a half.. with him scratching at it. Super soft and durable
Una gran cama, literalmente, no puedes estarla moviendo de sitio o llevrtela en viajes porque es realmente pesada y grande, pero a mi perro le encanta. Desde que la tiene ya no se levanta con dolores ni cojeando. Un acierto.
…. mejor de lo que se aprecia en las fotos aunque por las reseas me lo esperaba. Tejido fuerte, buena manufactura y materiales resistentes. Perfecto embalaje. Perfecta relacin calidad precio. Mi talla pequea perfecta para mi bodeguero que le gusta enroscarse. Muy recomendable. Repetira la compra.
She LOVES this bed. Originally had one in the household, bought a second for the living room, we now own a 3rd one at my moms house. My springer spaniel is 14 years old about 45 lbs, could easily fit two of her on the bed comfy. She prefers this bed over the couch or human bed, I couldn’t be happie
Es un producto de gran calidad y muy pero muy fcil de lavar. Le quitas la funda y lo metes en la lavadora y sale como nuevo. Sin duda lo volvera a comprar. Lo compramos para nuestra gatita y lo ha disfrutado muchsimo.
Sono molto soddisfatta di questa cuccia/divanetto anche comoda con il suo materassino in memory e il nostro cane ci dorme molto volentieri
Despus de mucho cambiar, hemos encontrado la cama definitiva para nuestro pastor alemn, me encanta porque es muy confortable pero a la vez firme, es todo desmontable para lavarlo y tiene por todo alrededor su almohada incorporada. La almohada que tambin hace De Barrera psicolgica le da seguridad, porque convierte la cama en un espacio recogido. Estoy encantada con la compra.
My 13 year old dog has trouble walking and this bed is wonderful. He is also incontinent and so I was worried about the foam but there is a waterproof covering so double layers.
Very good texture. Foam quality is good. The foam comes with a waterproof cover which was a pleasant surprise. The best bed i ever got for my doggie.
Everything is great except it’s a hair magnet nd really difficult to clean or I can say almost impossible to clean.
A mi perrita le gust mucho. Duerme muy a gusto. No es tan blanda como las camas rellenas de nylon que venden en las tiendas de animales. La espuma es lo suficientemente ancha como para que no se note el suelo. Se puede desenfundar por completo para lavarla y el color est muy bien.
Well designed. Covers and inside cushions are separable to make it easier to wash.