Amazon Basics â Wooden Toy Box, White

Dimensions: | 76.2 x 40.64 x 46.99 cm (LxWxH) |
Model: | 838383 |
Material: | Wood |
Colour: | White |
Batteries Required: | No |
Colour: | White |
Material: | Wood |
Dimensions: | 76.2 x 40.64 x 46.99 cm (LxWxH) |
Model: | 838383 |
Material: | Wood |
Colour: | White |
Batteries Required: | No |
Colour: | White |
Material: | Wood |
This is a cute, sturdy toy box and it works well for my daughter.
I was looking for something sturdy to fit my kids toys in and this toy box has met all my expectations. The delivery was fast and the assembly only took 20 minutes.
It is a great product and it is worth the cost. Easy to assemble and your kids or grandkids will love i
Great toybox, easy to assemble and the top doesn’t slam.
The size is just right for a busy 2 year old with a growing toy collection and the safety lid and cut-outs around the top of the box eliminates the worry of little fingers getting pinched or slammed. Glad I bought this one!
I bought this for my nephews first birthday, my sister wanted it and so I already knew it would be liked. I built it for her too, it was a part of the gift. And it was a very easy build, the only issue isn’t really a big one if you own an electric drill- some of the holes weren’t where they should be, as per the building instructions. An electric drill is needed because a screwdriver won’t cut it due to the wood being decent quality, easy fix though.
It’s ok but I wouldn’t expect it to last more than a few months. Quality is unexpectedly poor for the price. The assembly leaves room to question durability. Someone is making bank off of us. The first delivery arrived smashed. No strong odors which is a surprise.
I love the color and how large the toy box is. It was super easy to assemble, all of the parts fit together as intended. I like the no slam lid, that’s an extra bonus. Might buy a second one.
Hardware was not right for assembling. Should have been screws and not flatheads.
Seriously love this for my daughters room!! Easy to install.
I assembled this 40 weeks pregnant with a one year old and 3 year old running around the room. It’s very cute and sturdy.
It’s a good toy box, a little smaller than I expected, but that’s my fault for not measuring and double checking the dimensions before purchasing. The assembly is the kicker though. I’m usually the one DIYing and putting things together, but as other reviewers stated, the holes aren’t pre-drilled properly. I had to have my dad assemble this toy box and it took way longer than it should have.
It serves its purpose and looks good, just a pain to assemble.
Ottima la chiusura rallentata per bambini. Il baule pi che celeste come appare in foto un verde acqua pallido, che nel mio caso si addice al colore della parete. La struttura sembra resistente. Confermo che molto capiente.
Is really good easy to put it together and also is big perfect for toys or to storage blankets or towels
Calidad precio es muy buena, se monta facil, a unica pega que le pondria seria que le faltan pegatinas para disimular los tornillos, por lo demas estupendo, mas amplio de lo que parece.
It came exactly as pictured & was pretty easy to assemble, I would definitely recommend this one if you are looking for a good toy box
My 10 year daughter assembled itvery easyhas a lot of room for toyslove that it doesn’t feel THAT cheap
So… What I like most is the price, just remember you get what you pay for. That being said, it’s much cheaper than other boxes that are similar, BUT assembly is tiring for sure. YOU WILL NEED POWER TOOLS, I had to push VERY firmly on the opposite side that we were putting screws in to finally get them to thread in and the support beam under the bottom is a complete no go with out a drill and a couple of holes were off a bit and took some force to make the hydraulics fit correctly. I actually had to come back here to find the instructions cause my box didn’t have them at all and parts are not separated or labeled at all so pay attention, although it’s not exactly rocket science. All and all after a little over a hour of hard work, it came together nicely and functions well. It’s space is great for my daughters massive collection of dolls and accessories, I feel like this is a piece she can love and use for years.
Definitely didn’t think it would be able to store many toys in but it does. Glad it’s not completely enclosed because my daughter loves to hide in it, so she is able to breathe in regardless. Highly recommended to get.
Gift for my grand baby all her toys fit was easy to assemble
The toy boxes is sturdy and simple to put together.
Press board, plastic, and a little bit of metal… looks nice now, but won’t handle much abuse
I feel like its smaller then it states. But it works. Loved that it won’t smash my sons fingers. Very sturdy.
Great quality and amazing price!! I’m so glad to have found this!
My 6 year old requested a toy box on her Christmas list. She said she wanted to be able to organize her toys. I also knew it would ups be important to her to compliment her decor in her room. She’s just a Diva like that. This checked both of her needs of the list. It’s cute and it accomplishes her organizational goals. It’s also safe and sturdy which is important to me. Will possibly order another if this one gets filled.
Excellent material, space, sturdiness. The only issue I had were the screws. They don’t have a sharp end so I had to use a drill to complete i
We ordered this toy box for our granddaughter for Christmas. My husband was able to put it together with minimal hassle. The scalloped top of the front where the lid sits keeps little fingers from getting pinched, and the stay open latch and slow close lid are a must-have for curious, adventurous toddlers! Very roomy and fits into any room or decor. Will order another when our grandson arrives this summer!
I would’ve given this a five star review if it was true to color. Other than the color it is pretty good. My niece has whacked it with a screw driver, jumped on/in it and even knocked it over. So far I can say its sturdy. Assembly is also very easy, but whoever pre-drills these holes did not do a good job.
I purchased 2 of these, 1 pink and 1 blue. I was happy with the size, quality and sturdiness of the boxes. Assembly was super easy, especially using a power screwdriver. Materials were packaged well.
I ordered this for my toddler’s toys since he has too many to keep in baskets now. I put it together by myself while 6 months pregnant and it was relatively straightforward. It surprisingly has a lot of space and I like that it can be used as a bench seat as well. Compared to several other brand name toy boxes, this is a great value and product.
Overall I love it and would probably buy it again. Building it was a disaster. You have to screw the screws into these little plastic pieces that have holes in them for th screw to go into. The plastic pieces are already in there and most of them don’t have the little hole facing the right way and when they are they’re off center and the screw won’t go in.
This is the perfect size for us. Saw some reviews that said it was too small. We measured beforehand and it’s perfect. It isn’t very big but still holds quite a bit. Our 10 month old can pull up on this easily and it’s sturdy. Minimal risk for pinched fingers, and it’s the right size that he can reach in and pull things out. There is a slight chemical smell when you first get it. I wiped it down with Lysol wipes and let it air out and it’s been much better. Would highly recommend and happy with purchase.
(I added the decal) This was very nice, it is real wood not plank. Very sturdy. The only issue i had was with the K screws. Very poor and even after drilling they slid right out. Luckily i had my own wood screws and was able to complete assembly without splitting the wood. Otherwise, i think it’s priced too high at $76 but i’m satisfied and it definitely holds more than what i thought it would. Let’s see if it can hold all the Christmas toys too.
I was impressed with the quality of this this toy box–it’s really solid. It holds a ton of stuff, and when the lid is down, it can even serve as a child’s bench. We have it at the foot of my daughter’s twin bed, and it looks cute. The soft pink color is just as pictured. I would absolutely buy this again. Assembly wasn’t bad either. It took my husband just under 30 minutes.
Two of the screws were a problem but asides from that cut toy box big sturdy
The Amazon Basics Wooden Toy Box is a nice basic chest to use as either a toy box or storage. It has a nice scalloped design and I like the shock closures to keep the lid from slamming down on fingers or little noggins. Putting it together wasnt the simplest thing and took a little while longer then I thought it would. Trying to get the thin sheet into the grooves on the bottom and then putting the remaining side on is a little frustrating. Some of the holes weren’t drilled all the way through and the dowels were hard to line up for the center support bar. All in all though it is pretty and can easily be decorated with removable vinyls or stickers. I really like ours.
Bellissima scatola in legno bianco adatta a diversi utilizzi ma il mio preferito in camera dei nostri bambini per riporre moltissimi giochi e mantenere pi ordine.
facile da montare grazie anche al manuale di istruzione ma molto intuitivo il montaggio e quindi si potrebbe fare anche da s senza leggere nulla.
molto capiente e fa anche una bella figura a vedersi. Molto meglio di molte scatole singole o pouf che non sono per niente spaziosi. La cosa che mi piace e che con un bel cuscino sopra diventa una bella panca dove sedersi per leggere un bel libro o ascoltare una bella fiaba. Stiamo ancora cercando il cuscino della forma giusta ma per ora ci siamo arrangiati cosi come vedete in foto 🙂
Mi piace moltissimo e sta bene in ogni ambiente anche perch con un cuscino sopra la si pu rendere pi o meno moderna.
Danielito Valentina Diana e Matteo
Solo chi ha figli pu capire quanto una panca con cassettone possa essere utile per mantenere un po’ di ordine in casa.
Arriva smontata dentro la sua confezione senza un’ulteriore scatola per la spedizione.
La confezione offre una notevole protezione perch l’interno completamente rivestito di polistirolo. Anche se la scatola arrivata un po’ ammaccata, i vari ripiani del cassettone non hanno subito alcun danno. Sono in ottimo stato.
Per poterla montare sar necessario un cacciavite a stella medio, sconsigliato l’utilizzo di un attrezzo elettronico perch le varie viti non vanno serrate molto, c’ il rischio che i pannelli al livello del foro si scheggino. I fori non hanno dadi metallici, il tutto abbastanza basic.
I pezzi da assemblare sono numerati, per cui piuttosto semplice rimontarla, basta seguire il manuale d’uso (anche in lingua italiana) che descriver i passaggi passo per passo.
Oltre che facile da montare anche veloce perch i passaggi sono pochi e chiari, ho impiegato circa 10/15 minuti.
Ho gradito che i chiodini di legno fossero gi impilati e incollati nei fori e che il sistema di chiusura e apertura con molla a gas fosse gi pronta da fissare. I vari fori sono allineati e i pannelli combaciano perfettamente. Non ci sono tappi per nascondere i fori esteri ma sinceramente preferisco perch spesso si staccano e possono diventare un vero e proprio pericolo per il soffocamento.
L’unica difficolt incontrata stata l’inserimento del piano inferiore nelle fenditure. L’asse sottostante che serve a non far sfondare, per il peso, il ripiano inferiore di qualche millimetro pi alto rispetto alle fenditure e non fa scorrere la base. Ho risolto il problema montando prima la base e poi l’asse.
La panca di legno truciolare verniciato con un bel design principesco. Sulla confezione specificata la certificazione FSC del materiale utilizzato. L’intarsiatura arrotondata del lato sotto il coperchio oltre essere bella da vedere ha anche una funzione tecnica impedisce, infatti, che i bambini possano incastrarsi le mani nel caso il coperchio fosse adoperato in modo scorretto o la molla a gas che garantisce un rilascio del coperchio lento e accompagnato non funzionasse pi.
La struttura montata pesa circa 14 chilogrammi (la confezione 15 chili) e misura 76 centimetri di lunghezza, 45,7 di profondit, altezza della seduta 40 centimetri e altezza complessiva 48 centimetri). Lo spessore dei ripiani di qualit media (1,3 centimetri), forse avrei gradito dei ripiani pi robusti ma essendo un mobile destinato a bambini va pi che bene a patto che il bambino saltelli sulla panca.
Ho gradito che anche il retro della panca sia rifinito con vernice, ci consente di disporla all’interno della stanza come pi si desidera, non per forza appoggiata al muro. Noi la usiamo accanto al letto e funge pure da comodino. Ottima poi la scelta di verniciarla all’interno e all’esterno. La verniciatura impeccabile.
L’azienda consiglia di non spostarla trascinandola ma piuttosto sollevandola servendosi delle maniglie predisposte ai lati. Purtroppo non sono compresi nel kit di montaggio dei feltrini o dei piedini antigraffio.
Avrei gradito delle staffe a farfalla pi solide per ancorare meglio il coperchio al ripiano posteriore ma almeno non sono solo due (come solitamente accade) ma tre.
Questo mobiletto non un giocattolo per cui va controllato spesso per verificare che le viti e il sistema a molla siano in buono stato e in pi deve essere destinato a bambini di et superiore ai tre anni e che siano in grado di capire come funziona e qual l’uso corretto. Infatti, bisognerebbe evitare che il bambino si chiuda dentro perch il ripiano inferiore potrebbe sfondarsi, ha uno spessore di poco pi di 5 millimetri.
Bisognerebbe evitare che il bambino salga con i piedi sul coperchio e che ci si sieda sopra. Mio figlio di 5 anni (peso 22 chili) sinceramente considerando il contenitore (per la forma) anche una panca lo usa anche per stare seduto.
In realt anche se nella descrizione sulla pagina Amazon il prodotto descritto anche come panca per sedersi, sul manuale d’uso e sulla scatola descritto come scatola giochi e le avvertenze d’uso ne sconsigliano la seduta. La mia domanda a questo punto : Si pu usare come una panca? Quali delle due descrizioni devo seguire?
The overall look is stylish and not cheap looking like a lot of others out there. The lid has a safety hinge that will not slam shut on little kids which I love. It can also double as a seat for kids, though honestly it’s so sturdy it would easily hold me as well. There’s a good amount of room inside for storage. I can’t comment about the price since there’s not one posted yet, but I could easily see this selling for $100 or even more. Definitely love it and would recommend!
Like almost all Amazon Basics products, the design and quality are great. It was very easy to assemble. The hardware is great. The hydraulic closing mechanism works great. No imperfections or shipping damage. It’s very sturdy and I can sit on it while holding my baby (combined 205 lb.).
J’ai install cette bote jouets dans une chambre d’enfant fabrique, elle mme, en bois blanc.
La contenance est correcte, et permet de loger poupes, voitures tlcommandes ou jeux de socit.
Les dcoupes du couvercle permettent d’ouvrir plus facilement le couvercle.
La qualit de fabrication est tout fait honorable.
This is a great toy box. I love the neutral grey color. I also love that it can be a seat for the kids to sit on while they are getting ready or putting shoes on as well. It came without any damage and was pretty easy to put together. The size is great and quite a few toys fit in it. I am happy with this toy box.
I am pleased with this toy box. It wasn’t too hard to put it together. It seemed really sturdy. I love that it has air holes so you do not need to worry about a child getting trapped in there and not being able to breathe. It is very pretty. It is nice enough that you can keep it in a main room. It doesn’t need to be a toy box.
It was a pretty good size and held a lot. I would recommend it.
Cute basic wooden toy box. The light blue goes well in my kid’s room, good neutral color. Solid wood, so doesn’t feel like it’ll fall apart.
I can get a cushion to put on the top to make it into a little bench seat for reading.
Was easy to put together.
This toy box’s directions recommends two people to assemble but I did it by myself. You’ll need a screwdriver because one isn’t provided. It isn’t hard. Took me maybe a half hour.
It’s cute and blue, and has two hydraulic supports under the lid to keep it from slamming down on little fingers. They’re a bit stiff and it takes a bit to close it so smaller kids may not be able to close it. It’ll look good in any color scheme. My grandson loves it.
Coffre utile pour ranger les jouets et peut aussi servir de petit banc. Facile monter !
Le bois a l’air robuste mais je crois que les attaches ne supporteraient pas trop de dplacements, ni de dmontage/montage.
Il y a un bon systme d’amortissage pour que les enfants ne se coincent pas les doigts (vu qu’ils passent leur temps ouvrir et fermer le coffre).
Mais au dbut, forte odeur industrielle, il vaut mieux laisser arer le coffre avant utilisation si possible…
Comes well packaged in a cardboard box and polystyrene protecting it. Its flat packed, so you need a screwdriver or drill to put it together. The instructions are easy to follow, with each piece being recognisable and each diagram being easy to understand. All the holes are pre drilled and there ready for you. They dowels are also already in place where needed. Everything all lines up with no issues. No rough or unfinished edges. It’s been painted well, with no chips anywhere. Cut out handles on each side, which are smooth to touch. Once made the whole thing is sturdy. Its approx 76cm in length x 46cm in width x 48cm in height. It looks and feels of good quality. Really pleased with it.
I really like this item and my young kids do too. They are ages 2, 3 and 5. It’s easy for them to use and we haven’t had any pinched fingers yet. It took less than an hour to assemble and I was able to do it easily enough myself. There were no cosmetic damages in shipping… sometimes you have to worry about materials like this getting dented corners. The only “issue” is that it squeaks when opening and closing… so if you have a kid that likes to play with the door and that sound annoys you you might not like it. I don’t know if greasing it would make it better but it’s not so bad for me so I’m not messing with it. It’s strong and looks good. Great item and I’m very pleased with it!
This is a heavy duty wooden toy box, the parcel I received was more than 15kg. My friend helped me to assemble it, it’s really easily and quickly to assemble. Now my nephew has enough storage space for his toys, both my sister and me are happy with it. I love the design of the safety hinge, it prevents the lid from slamming shut and ensures a smooth closure. The colour is perfect for boys and my nephew loves it. Would recommend!
Great toy box for a lot of situations.
The design is great and it’s a bright white colour, which stands out. If you or the children feel creative, you can even draw on it for a more personal touch.
Assembly was easy to put together. Pushing the bottom board was a little difficult, but in the end it wasn’t a major issue, and for it to have no loose areas, this was necessary.
Two holes on each side to carry. The lid opens and closes with lifting and pushing, so it won’t just collapse, making it a safe design for children.
The material isn’t solid wood, and just wood chipboards, which is very obvious, but if it was solid wood, it would be very expensive.
Weighty and sturdy, so care needs to be taken when carrying.
No price at the time of review, but if it’s not too expensive, I am happy to recommend this, as it is very good.
L’installation s’est faite en moins de 20 mins. Le plan de montage est simple et bien expliqu.
Les dimensions du coffre sont les suivantes :
76,2 x 45,7 x 48,3 cm (L x l x h)
La conception du coffre est plutt russi, solide et la couleur gris taupe est jolie.
On peut bien videmment rajouter des Stickers pour Customiser ce coffre.
J’aime galement beaucoup la forme du coffre, qui n’est pas juste un gros bloc rectangulaire, mais prsentant quelques ondulations sur la partie haute de chaque ct.
A l’intrieur, il y a de quoi ranger pas mal de jouets et le systme de verins assure une ouverture agrable et en toute scurit.
Un coffre qui fait l’unanimit chez mes enfants.
Trs joli coffre jouet. D’un lger ton pastel bleu.
Il se monte trs facilement.
On apprcie la grande ouverture avec des vrins.
Grande contenant pour ce beau coffre.
This flat pack grey box is great to store and keep your room tidy. It is large and sturdy, so it will hold a lot of things.
It was easy to build and only took me about 20 minutes to put together. Only little problem I had was that one of the holes wasn’t drilled in far enough, so had to drill it in abit more.
The box is well designed and the lid doesn’t slam shut, so it is safe for kids. Also has handles cut out so you can carry it with ease.
Overall this is great storage box and it designed well. It would of had a better finish if it came with some screw caps to cover the screws on the outside of the box.
Highly recommended