AMZtime Led Solar Water Fountain 2022 Upgraded, 5.5W LED Circle Floating Solar Powered Pump with 7 Nozzles for Water Feature, LED Solar Water Pump for Bird Bath, Garden, Fish Tank, Patio, Pond

Notes on solar water pumps:
- To ensure safe transport of the product, the product enters a special dormant mode. When the product is used for the first time or when it is not used for a long period of time, it needs to be exposed to bright light or placed in sunlight for approximately 2-3 minutes before it can be activated. The night LED mode also requires 2-3 minutes of activation and will automatically switch on the cycle once activated (during this time it needs to receive sunlight during the day in order to convert solar energy into electricity for use at night)
- Please place the solar panel in direct sunlight and make sure there are no leaves or anything covering any part of the solar panel.
- When using the pump for the first time, press the product into the water and let the water submerge the product for about 30 seconds to let the air out of the pump
- Although it comes with its own filter, the pump needs to be cleaned regularly to better prevent it from being clogged with foreign objects.
- Do not let the pump work without water for a long time, otherwise, its service life will be shortened. Since the pump is powered by direct sunlight, the amount of water spray depends on the intensity of the sunlight.
Weight: | 700 g |
Dimensions: | 23.6 x 22.8 x 5 cm; 700 Grams |
Brand: | AMZtime |
Model: | YA-5.5WLED02 |
Di giorno, al Sole, una potenza! Di notte, crea semplici giochi di luce e acqua.
Questa piccola fontanella solare galleggiante di AMZtime, che ho potuto provare grazie ad Amazon Vine, semplicemente bellissima!
stata concepita in modo intelligente: ha un sensore che rileva l’immersione in acqua.
Senza Sole, fuori dall’acqua: non fa nulla.
Senza Sole, dentro l’acqua: i led si accendono e spruzza acqua.
Col Sole, senza acqua: ricarica soltanto le batterie.
Col Sole, in acqua: i led sono spenti e spruzza l’acqua con forza!
Guardando il filmato vedete quanto potente!
Basta comunque un po’ di ombra per farne ridurre la potenza fino a fermarsi.
Di notte va avanti per ore e ore, io ne ho contate almeno 5… poi mi sono addormentato.
L’ho messa nella “fontana”, che per ovvie ragioni non riempio del tutto, e l’effetto bellissimo.
Tra l’altro non consuma corrente perch va ad energia solare.
Devo fare attenzione alle sporcizie che potrebbero finire in acqua e otturare la piccola spugna che protegge la pompa.
La pompa si pu staccare e la spugnetta rimuovere per la pulizia.
Attenzione a tenerla fuori dall’acqua, il calcare potrebbe rendere opaca la superficie facendo perdere efficiacia ai pannelli solari.
L’assetto rimane fisso grazie alla gommapiuma che la circonda e i distanziatori sono utili per fissarla o distanziarla da altre fontane.
Ne sono rimasto pi che soddisfatto e non posso che consigliarla col massimo dei voti!
Spero che il filmato abbia reso la potenza e vi sia stato utile.
I really like this fountain. It works for the purpose intended and I love that it’s solar power. Beautiful lights at night and with the water it honestly reminds me of a park fountain with the lights and water. The birds enjoy it too, and with the hummingbird feeder around we’ve also even got to witness a few of them playing in the bath! Would make a great gift for a bird love
Great addition to our outdoor koi pond. Adds ambience and was easy to put together I didn’t even have to look at the directions. Incredibly fast shipping – would highly recommend
Schner Brunnen funktioniert, wenn die Sonne scheint und ist eine schne Erfrischung fr Vgel bei heien Temperaturen.
Funktioniert genauso wie beschrieben. Das bunte Wasserspiel im Dunkeln ist bezaubernd. Ich habe groe Freude und bin hundertprozentig zufrieden .
Se stiamo cercando un modo per ravvivare il nostro giardino, baster installare un vaso tondo con dell’acqua e, inserire questa fontana ed il gioco fatto.
Molto bella esteticamente e facile da installare.
Per il primo utilizzo vi consiglio di tenerla almeno 1 giorno pieno sotto il sole e non di installarla subito all’interno dell’acqua. In quanto, avendo una batteria che funge sia da pompa che da energia per il LED, va prima caricata completamente.
Una volta effettuato questo passaggio vi baster inserirla nell’acqua e vedrete che bell’effetto sia di giorno che di notte che le sue luci RGB a led.
Spero che questa recensione sia risultata utile per la scelta del miglior prodotto adatto alle vostre esigenze.
The fountain is easy to install and the water is beautiful. But unless you have at least 24 inches diameter container the water will be split out, then the fun is over. I have not found a right container yet.
Fairly easy to set up and looks great. It doesn’t last long after dark but I don’t mind that too much.
This solar fountain is a unique one in my neighbourhood and it looks beautiful at night, it adds value to my garden and kids around nearby loves it.
It very easy setup and come with multiple replaceable nozzles for different requirements for fountain height and style.
The led light on this fountain turns on automatically at night and it has multiple colourful leds which switches by itself to display a colourful water fountain.
It’s a good product and works well day and night.
Endlich mal ein Produkt, welches richtig gut durchdacht ist!
Ich finde alles mit Solar klasse und es gibt bereits viele Produkte. Mal mehr und mal weniger berzeugend. So habe ich auch bereits Solarpumpen, welche tagsber an sind (nur wenn die Sonne richtig draufknallt) und leider durch den Wind bzw. Bewegung des Wassers zum Rand getrieben werden. So gelangt das Wasser dann leider immer aus der Schale und die Pumpe liegt schnell im Trocknen.
DAS ist bei dieser Solarpumpe der Marke AMZtime anders.
+++ Die Pumpe verfgt ber einen integrierten Akku! Somit luft sie auch, wenn sich mal eine Wolke vor die Sonne schiebt! Abends, sollte noch genug Saft im Akku sein, schaltet die Pumpe die Beleuchtung und das Wasserspiel an. Das funktioniert aber nur, wenn die Sollarkollektoren den Tag ber genug Sonne abbekommen! Bei mir pltschert es abends nach einem sonnigen Tag immer fr ein oder zwei Stunden in die Nacht hinein!
Durch die Beleuchtung sieht das einfach toll aus!
+++ Die Abstandshalter sind simpel, aber effektiv. Sie erinnern an Strohhalme, welche man durch die mitgelieferten Halterungen an der Solarpumpe fest macht. Diese verhindern, dass die Pumpe zum Rand des Behlters getrieben wird
+++ Ein geschumter Ring lsst die Pumpe auf der Wasseroberflche treiben. Kleine Vgelchen knnen somit teils auf der Pumpe sitzen und das Wasser trinken.
+++ Die LED-Beleuchtung ist abends ein Highlight, besonders, wenn das Wasserspiel an ist.
+++ Wenn man die Pumpe aus dem Wasser nimmt, um z.B. den Filter zu reinigen, schaltet sie sich automatisch ab (meistens jedenfalls).
Was man beachten muss:
o Man darf jetzt keine Wasser Fontaine erwarten. Es ist ein kleines, nettes Wasserspiel, welches manchmal erstaunlich hoch geht (bis 50 cm je nach Aufsatz) oder aber vor sich hin pltschert.
o Die kleine Pumpe mit dem zarten Filter sollte nur in sauberen Wasser verwendet werden. Alles andere setzt den Filter schnell zu.
Entweder man reinigt ihn tglich, oder man hat eine stark reduzierte Leistung der Pumpe.
—- Fazit —-
Am Besten ist die schwimmende Solarpumpe in einer Vogeltrnke oder hnlichen sauberen Bottich mit Frischwasser aufgehoben.
Um viel Freude und ein schnes Wasser- und Lichtspiel auch abends zu haben, mssen die Solarkollektoren den Tag ber sehr viel Sonnenlicht abbekommen.
Wenn man die Dinge beachtet, wird man viel Freude an der Solarpumpe haben!
You put it in the bird bath and it works!!! Birds love it, playing in the water and drinking as it spurts its fountain!! At night, it lights up and shoots water! Love to watch it!!!!
This fountain produces a very good jet of water. The water is still gentle enough to not upset birds.
The battery’s fully recovered during the daytime, this is despite actually being used to move motors.
This whole product assembled very easily, it was maybe 10 minutes before I had this in the water running. (After charging of course)
The lights that are built into this have a very good future in that with them you can still enjoy the birdbath at night.
This product feels like it has a very durable construction. I expect it could last several seasons.
This is a really good purchase at this price point.
Ich habe leider nicht darauf geachtet, ob man das Licht abschalten kann.
ber Tag sprudelt das Brnnchen bei Sonneneinstrahlung munter vor sich hin.
Da ich das Licht nicht die ganze Nacht auf dem Teich haben will — aus Rcksicht auf die Wasserbewohner und Insekten — nehme ich den Brunnen abends vom Teich.
Die Aufstze erzeugen hbsche Sprinklereffekte.
Vielen Dank, dass mir der Solarbrunnen zum Test zur Verfgung gestellt wurde. Ich erfreue mich daran.
Gerne empfehle ich ihn — mit dem Hinweis, dass das Licht nicht abgeschaltet werden kann — zum Kauf.
brought new life to my backyard with this beauty. fits perfectly into my existing bath, and the birds instantly scouted it out. it does need direct sunlight, but also carries a good amount of charge for the LEDs to shine nice at night.
the pump itself works very well, shoots the water up about 6-8 inches but can be adjusted slightly too.
havent had to clean it yet, but seems like it will be really easy to do as theres not many parts to it.
This fountain has been great from day one! During the day as long as sun is out it operates just fine on cloudy days works just not as high a stream, but they say that up front. However even on cloudy days the real standout for this product is the night glow with the changing colors. Very nice to watch. The rod attachment keep the fountain from drifting off to one side and/or getting stuck.
This fountain is amazing! The quality is there! It’s so sturdy and have no doubts it will last many seasons! There are different attachments depending on how high you want the fountain. It’s so relaxing to hear in the bird bath or pond when sitting in the backyard, I highly recommend this!
Der Springbrunnen funktioniert genauso wie alle anderen dieser Art, nmlich das er nicht ohne Wasser in der Sonne liegen darf, da er sonst trocken luft und kaputt geht, denn er hat keinen Ausschalter.
Er sprudelt auch nur, wenn Sonne drauf scheint, bei trben Wetter oder Dmmerung blubbert er nur vor sich hin, wenn berhaupt.
Aber sobald es dunkel wird, fngt er wieder an seine hohen und sehr schnen Fontnen zu prsentieren, begleitet von sehr schnem, bunten LED-Licht und das ber viele Stunden.
Da der Springbrunnen deutlich mehr Power hat als meine bisher getesteten, hat er, wie bereits erwhnt, sehr viel hhere und auch breitere Fontnen, was allerdings auch entsprechende Einsatzorte erfordert, wie z.B. einen greren Teich.
Ich habe nur ein 60 cm groes Vogelbad, wobei das auch schon gro ist und dennoch ist es viel zu klein fr den Springbrunnen, denn auf Grund der breiten und hohen Fontnen ist das Vogelbad in 5 Minuten leer, da alles Wasser daneben geht, daher wird eben ein groer Teich oder dergleichen bentigt.
Ansonsten ist die Bedienung eigentlich selbsterklrend und der Springbrunnen wirklich sehr schn, vor allem Nachts, aber eben nichts fr kleine Vogelbder oder dergleichen.
Wish you could buy parts for fountain. Like to know what the 2 prongs under are fo
This fountain works super well! It’s easy to set up and looks great. You need a good amount of water to get it running but once it’s up it looks super cool! It’s a nice piece for my yard.
Great little fountain. Sun powered daytime but the nightime battery is also topped up at the same time. Come sundown the fountain springs back into life with a nice colourful LED light display to add to the
effect. Various styles of fountain to choose from and easy to adjust each.
We are pleased with this addition to our little garden setting. The LED birdbath Fountain Pump was very easy to set up. It floats right on the surface of the water and charges from the sun all day. The lights light up all night long and in very pretty colors. The device is fairly large but a bird will still bathe in the birdbath, simply pushing the unit aside until it is done.
Interestingly, when it is overcast, the water pump spurts sporadically and yet it is smoothly consistent when it is pitch dark outside. Not sure why that is. We would also warn that if this is placed in a birdbath, you will need a reasonably large one. Otherwise, some of the nozzle choices will spray outside the perimeter of the bath, and you’ll find yourself re-filling the birdbath often. Of course, this isn’t a problem if the unit is used in a pond or swimming pool.
This is the third or fourth attempt to review but having no luck uploading images for this (I will when I get a new phone) but this product is/was perfect for our needs. Select your fountain style and throw in the pool/pond/birdbath. On very sunny days it gets over 2 feet with the attachment I’ve chosen. It runs all night long creating and amazing zen experience with the sound of the water and the colorful leds. It’s durable we had near tornado storms and have many people in the pool every day and it keeps chugging along (even though its a whisper quite pump)
I’m ordering 2 or 3 additional ones to create a lily pad effect for my pool at night.
(I bought the 2 additional an now as my kids call him Mr sprinkles has friends)
Die Pumpe des Brunnens arbeitet nur, wenn sie mit ausreichend Wasser versorgt ist; so luft sie nicht trocken und nimmt keinen Schaden.
Von der Systematik her, scheint es so zu sein, da die Wasserpumpe direkt ber das eingebaute Solarpanel gespeist wird und nicht aus einem aufgeladenen Akku, denn das wrde es erklren, da die Fontnen bei nachlassender Sonneneinstrahlung in ihrer Sprhkraft ebenfalls nachlassen, bis hin zu stoweisen kleinen Fontnen.
Trotzdem leuchtet dann des nachts der Brunnen in wechselnden Farben und sprht eigenartiger Weise krftiger, als am Tage bei geringer Sonneneinstrahlung.
Bei stark kalkhaltigem Wasser belegt sich das im Wasser schwimmende Solarpanel auf Dauer mit Kalk und verhindert so ein uneingeschrnktes Nutzen der Sonnenenergie; aber das ist kein spezielles Problem dieses Artikels, sondern betrifft alle gleich aufgebauten Solarbrunnen.
Reinigt man die Scheibe hin und wieder vorsichtig mit einer Zitronensurenlsung, bekommt das Solarpanel seine Kraft zurck. Von Zeit zu Zeit lt sich auch der Staubfilter vor der Wasserpumpe ganz bequem reinigen, sofern man die ausschlielich englische Gebrauchsanweiung richtig verstanden hat.
Wenn der Brunnen genug Sonnenenergie erhlt, funktioniert er auch gut; aber im Moment kommt es mir so vor, als wre er technisch noch nicht ganz ausgereift.
I love this solar fountain I just do not know how long it will last.
Ich habe schon einige Test-Angebote zu Solarpumpen nutzen knnen, diese ist also nicht die erste. Allerdings ist sie, was das Handling und die Leistung betrifft, die bisher beste die ich verwenden durfte.
Die Installation ist verglichen mit dem Vorgnger ein Kinderspiel. Man sollte lediglich aufpassen dass man die Dse wirklich richtig fest schraubt, sonst blubbert es nur bzw. sprht gar nicht.
Verglichen mit seinen Vorgngern ist die Sprhleistung richtig gut. Natrlich hat sie trotzdem den Makel nur bei direktem Sonnenlicht richtig gut zu arbeiten. Kurze wolkige Abschnitte meistert sie dabei auch noch gut, bei lngeren schattigen Phasen sprht sie allerdings nur noch stoweise, wie das auch von einigen Rezensenten bemngelt wurde. Das kenne ich allerdings von den Vorgngern auch und ist bei diesen Pumpen nicht ungewhnlich, diese hier hlt definitiv lnger durch als alle, die ich vorher hatte.
Auch die Fontne ist hher als bei allen vorher benutzten. Wir nutzen einen groen Baubottich als “Teich” und dachten nach den ersten Tagen, dieser htte ein Loch bekommen. Es stellte sich aber heraus dass durch die im Vergleich hhere Fontne das Wasser durch den Wind heraus geweht wurde. Trotz dass die Pumpe durch die Abstandshalter so gut wie mittig positioniert ist. Man sollte also schon entsprechend groe Behlter planen, wenn man nicht immer nachschtten mchte. Evtl. experimentieren wir aber auch mal noch mit anderen Dsen. Aktuell haben wir den Wasserstand niedriger gehalten als vorher und jetzt passt es.
Im Groen und Ganzen hat mich die Pumpe jedoch berzeugt, lediglich den Preis finde ich etwas zu hoch. Fr 31 Euro knnte sie dann auch ohne Sonne noch etwas lnger durchhalten. Dennoch 4 Sterne.
This solar pump is quite effective and is able to actually get the water flowing quite high with just solar power alone… personally, I’m quite impressed with the height it was able to get the water. I like that the height can actually be changed to go a little lower as it was actually too much for my needs
It arrived in plain brown box on removing your meet with a well made durable solar water fountain thats a very nice size, included in the box you have an assortment of nozzles and of course the standard devices to clip in that stop fountain floating around and moving in the birdbath.
Set up was easy ensure the straw arms are the right size and then cut them place into the black clips and attach to the solar fountain, i turned over the bottom and adjusted the bottom to allow more of a flow you can turn the base where the inlet is and filter. I placed into the water and it sprung to life almost straight away it works amazing as can be seen in the picture.
On the night time i came out to check if it worked well as can be seen in the video water flows amazingly well, the led lights just add to the over all amazing effect. I simply love this. We have bee using it now for a few months without issue im super happy
Based on use i have no issues recommending this produc
UPDATED: We had a heavy rainstorm and after that, the fountain was back to working beautifully again. So, I guess I’d say the fountain feature may be a little sporadic, but if that doesn’t bother you, it’s a nice little fountain. The spray gets really high too when it’s gotten a lot of full sun. Easily shoots a full 2 ft. in the air.
This was a nice little fountain for the small pond in our backyard. We just wanted something simple to keep the water from being still and breeding mosquitos. This worked beautifully for about a week and now it does nothing. I haven’t fished it out yet to see if it’s just clogged with pond debris, so I may update my review if cleaning it out gets it going again.
While it was working, I would have rated it a 4.
Super easy to use right out of the box! You get a few attachments to play with and try out for different water patterns, and you just place it in the water to watch it work. We have an in ground pool and it is a nice detail added to the backyard for those evening gatherings.
This is so worth every penny, wasn’t sure whether it would’ve been any good considering the price. But I was amazed at how good the water feature worked and how the colours are so bright and a great feature to any garden.
I was super pleased with this little fountain. The colors are vivid and the water height and choices are impressive.
I was a bit worried about buying this water feature incase it wasn’t up to standard how wrong was I. It works so well it looks pretty at night when it’s lit up. I did buy the birdbath it is advertised in but when the sun is strong it was splashing over the sides but since I have put it in the barrel it’s perfec
Ich habe den AMZtime LED Solar Springbrunnen bestellt und sehr schnell erhalten.
Der Springbrunnen kommt gut verpackt in einem festen Karton an. Innen ist er auch gut gesichert.
Es werden mehrere verschiedene Dsen mitgeliefert. So kann man am Ende einstellen, was man einem am besten gefllt.
Der Springbrunnen ist oben geleuchtet. Dies sieht zusammen mit dem Mini-Springbrunnen richtig schn aus.
Wirklich gut finde ich, dass der Brunnen per Solar geladen wird. So muss man sich nicht um eine entsprechende Stromversorgung oder Batterien kmmern.
Mit den mitgelieferten Abstandshaltern lsst sich der Brunnen etwas fixieren. Es kommt jetzt auf die Gre des Beckens an. So kann zumindest bei kleineren Becken kein Wasser ber den Rand schwappen.
Die Verarbeitung des Springbrunnens sieht sehr gut aus. Es gibt keine scharfen Kanten oder Stellen, die aussehen, als wrden sie in nchster Zeit undicht werden.
Ich finde den Springbrunnen richtig schn und bin sehr zufrieden damit.
This is probably the best solar pump I’ve ever had. Once it hits direct sunlight it operates almost as well as a wired option. I use it in my garden tub with some native fish species and a frog or two. Looks like they love the new movement to the water. Can’t speak to the longevity but I anticipate it will last a long time. I will keep you guys updated!!!!
Gnial cette fontaine est magique la nuit elle s’illumine comme un feu d’artifice de toutes les couleurs, en la regardant c’est apaisant et agrable entendre et couter l’eau couler douce. Il y a 7 jets diffrents c’est super et ils sont puissants ainsi que 4 centreurs cela permet la fontaine de rester au milieu et de ne pas vider l’eau
– For most of what I see online, normally pumps with solar panels only work when there is ample sunlight hitting the panel. With overcast, the pump would stop working right away. This solar fountain pump is different from 3 others that I had in the house, that is it includes a BATTERY inside.
– I am writing this review and currently outside it is heavily overcast with no direct sunlight in sight. And the pump is still working! My other pump with a solar panel (with no battery) stopped since the first cloud covers the sun.
– At night, there are also LED lights lit up to show the spray in different colours. Unfortunately, there are no switches and so you cannot control the led lights or even turn the pump on or off.
– The price of $44 (at the time of review) is ok, considering my other solar panel pumps are between $20 to $40 and none of them have a battery inside. I think it’s worth it because of the built-in battery and the ability to still pump water despite being cloudy or even at night.
Ob es daran liegt dass die Solarzellen dichter beieinander liegen als bei anderen Modellen vermag ich nicht zu sagen. In direktem Sonnenlicht ist die Leistung der Pumpe jedenfalls so stark dass mein derzeitiger Behlter nicht gro genug ist und einiges daneben geht denn die erzeugte Fontne wird je nach montierter Dse bis zu einem Meter hoch.
Bei wenig Sonnenlicht neigt die Pumpe zu sporadischem “Spucken” das bis in die Dmmerung anhlt und leider etwas nervttend ist wenn man direkt daneben sitzt.
Dann stellt der Brunnen seinen Betrieb bis zur vlligen Dunkelheit komplett ein, erwacht aber zu neuem Leben und sprudelt mit farbwechselnder RGB-Beleuchtung zwar nicht mehr ganz so stark wie in direktem Sonnenlicht, aber dafr noch vier bis fnf Stunden lang im Dunkeln.
An der Pumpe selbst sitzt ein kleiner Filter der regelmig gereinigt werden sollte, erst recht wenn der Springbrunnen schwimmend in einem Gartenteich o.. verwendet wird.
Wird er in einer Schale benutzt sollte diese mglichst gro sein, denn selbst wenn die transparenten Abstandshalter den Rand des Behlters gerade so berhren geht bei voller Leistung, einer kleinen Dse und mglicherweise etwas Seitenwind etliches an Wasser daneben. Zum Glck gibt es eine Schutzfunktion gegen ein Trockenlaufen der Pumpe – ohne Wasser geht nix.
Fazit: Krftiger Springbrunnen der auch nachts noch ein paar Stunden luf
I liked this product because it is simple and works perfectly.
I have had solar pumps with the separate solar panel and cumbersome wire connecting them. Weed eater machines seem to have radar to find those wires in the grass plus, the wind and the cat play with them.
This pump/panel are incorporated in a single disc that looks attractive. The pump works quite well and is quiet. A nice selection of inserts to the pump outlet change the fountain from a fine spray to a solid stream.
Just because the sun goes down does not mean the entertainment ends. An LED light group light up the dark with varied colour light and water sprays. The spray is because the pump keeps running after dusk from stored power from the sun.
In the second photo you can see 4 stabilizer rods going from the solar pump to the edges of the bird bath. This prevents the wind from pushing the pump to the edges of the water.
I like the smart design of this item and the longer activity in the bird bath and yard.
Ce que j aime sur ce produit qui allume avec diffrents couleur super sympa la nuit avec eau qui coule super produits rien a dire
I used it on our large goldfish pond. We wanted to add some movement and thesound of trickling water. We’ve had these for several years now, but these 2022 models are definitely the best yet. It’s worth paying the extra for the 5.5 watt model.
Content de cette petit pompe solaire car fonctionne que si peu de soleil Dans ma rgion qui est pourtant ensoleille fonctionne partir de 19 heure quand le soleil de donne plus sur le bassin c’est les grandes eaux de Versailles bonne ambiance au coucher du soleil et le matin fonctionne qu’ 10 heure situer plein SUD
Man erhlt hier einen LED Solar Springbrunnen von AMZtime.
Der Sprinkler kam gut verpackt und in einwandfreiem Zustand bei mir an.
Zum Lieferumfang gehren verschiedene Aufstze fr die Fontaine, sowie die Abstandshalter und eine Anleitung, die allerdings nur in Englisch ist, was den ein oder anderen definitiv rgern wird.
Das wirklich tolle an diesem Solar Springbrunnen ist aber, das er ber einen Akku verfgt, wodurch der Sprinkler sich bei Nacht dann noch einmal einschaltet, dieses mal allerdings mit zustzlichen, bunten LEDs, die das ganze dann auch noch toll beleuchten.
Damit schafft man Abends definitiv einen Hingucker im Teich oder Brunnen.
Der Sprinkler macht insgesamt einen sehr hochwertigen und gut verarbeiteten Eindruck, wodurch dann auch der eher hohe Preis gerechtfertigt ist.
Alles in allem ist es wirklich ein guter Solar Springbrunnen, in einwandfreier Qualitt, der problemlos funktioniert und bei dem sich ein Kauf definitiv lohnt.
Daher gibt es von mir hierfr insgesamt volle 5 Sterne.
work fine when you don’t have wind, have to keep putting in wate
This solar fountain pump from Amztime has a 2000mAh battery and will switch on colored LEDs at night. This pump comes with a bunch of nozzles so you can select the one you like. The include plastic tubes can help deflect this pump from drifting too close to the edge so the spray can be kept near the center. This pump also has a run dry protection ans will stop if there is no water. Do be aware that you should keep your pond/birdbath/fountain clean as the nozzles seems to clog when the water is less than perfectly clean.
This seems to work very well – battery powered with solar charging, so it can run even at night. Colours are a nice touch for nighttime interest.
Der Springbrunnen ist in einem kleinen Karton verpackt. In diesem befinden sich auch 3 kleines PVC-Ttchen mit den Aufsteckdsen. Bei den Aufsteckdsen kann man zwischen 7 Verschiedenen whlen. Auerdem gibt es noch eine Gebrauchsanweisung, die aber nur in englischer Sprache ist. Mit den 4 Distanzstangen kann man den Springbrunnen Mittig im Wasserbehlter fixieren. Die Verarbeitung des Springbrummens ist ok. Der eigentliche Springbrunnen hat einen Durchmesser von 21 cm. Es reichen nur wenige Minuten Sonnenlicht und die Pumpe des Springbrunnens legt los. Wenn er sprht, kann man dann nach seinem eigenen Geschmack die passende Dse aufsetzen. In Verbindung dann mit den Leuchtdioden hat man auch in der Dunkelheit einen sehr schnen Hingucker. Wenn die Leistung der Pumpe nachlsst, zieht man einfach die Pumpe ab und reinigt den kleinen Filterschwamm. Man sollte darauf achten das die Solarpanels immer sauber sind und das keine Pflanzen sie berwuchern.
Ansonsten hab ich versucht zu erkennen wie der Spritzeinsatz zu befestigen ist und das ganze einfach mal zur Probe in einen Eimer mit Wasser gelegt.Wetter war sehr bewlkt, den ganzen Tag ber. Es spritzte zwar ab und zu kleine Fontnen hoch, dann aber auch nichts mehr…. Einige Zeit nachdem die Dunkelheit hereingebrochen war, habe ich wieder auf den Balkon geschaut und war begeistert. Trotz keinerlei Sonneneinstrahlung tagsber sah ich auf einmal einen kleinen voll funktionierenden Springbrunnen , der abwechselnd in verschiedenen Farben leuchtete. Es sah wunderschn aus.
Jetzt werde ich mir noch eine schne Schale besorgen , in die der Springbrunnen “standesgem” gestellt wird ( und nicht in einem Eimer :-)))
Ich muss gestehen, dass ich zwar bereits einen schwimmenden Solarspringbrunnen in unserem kleinen Gartenteich habe, der auch wunderbar funktioniert, aber die eingebaute Pumpe kann nur dann arbeiten, wenn gengend Licht vorhanden ist, de den n einen Akku gibt es nicht.
Das ist bei diesem Springbrunnen anders, weshalb ich ihn auch bestellt habe — allerdings auch wegen des Lichts.
Grundstzlich hneln sich die beiden Produkte, denn sobald Tageslicht auf die Solarmodule fllt, wird das Licht in Strom umgewandelt und innerhalb sehr kurzer Zeit beginnt die Pumpe zu arbeiten und je nach installierter Dse, von denen man jeweils 7 bekommt, beginnt das Wasser zu sprudeln.
Hier habe ich jedoch einen Artikel mit Akku und LEDs. Tagsber wird der Akku aufgeladen und kann in der Dunkelheit bis zu 3 oder sogar 4 Stunden die Pumpe, sowie die LEDs mit Strom versorgen. Es erzeugt schon eine besondere Stimmung, wenn das sprudelnde Nass und die nhere Umgebung von farbigem Licht beleuchtet werden. Die LEDs leuchten also nur, wenn fr die Solarmodule nicht mehr gengend Licht vorhanden ist und der Strom vom Akku kommt.
Damit der Springbrunnen nicht zu nah an den Rand des Teiches oder der mit Wasser gefllten, groen Schale schwimmt und das Wasser nach drauen befrdert, knnen 4 Stbe aufgesteckt werden, die dies zuverlssig verhindern.
Der Solarspringbrunnen macht einen gut verarbeiteten Eindruck. Alles funktioniert so, wie es einem versprochen wird.
Der Preis betrgt aktuell 35,99 (UVP 36,99 ). Das ist nicht gerade wenig, aber wenn man Freude an solchen Dingen hat, dann wird man nicht zu sehr auf den Preis schauen. Sollte jemand trotzdem z.B. hier bei Amazon einen Preisvergleich anstellen, dann wird er feststellen, dass es durchaus Solarspringbrunnen mit Licht fr bedeutend weniger Geld gibt. Da knnte sich auch lohnen, die technischen Unterschiede nher in Augenschein zu nehmen, soweit dies berhaupt mglich ist.
Ich habe dieses Produkt kostenlos zum Testen zur Verfgung gestellt bekommen. Bei einer Kaufentscheidung htte ich mich wohl eher fr ein gnstigeres Erzeugnis entschieden.
Ich gebe 4 Sterne. 🙂
Very pretty and good water flow, lights at night are lovely. Used In a large, not too deep tub and it’s grea
Really effective worked straight away ,lovely at night with the coloured lights.
Current price point at the time/date of this review: $43.99 with no coupon/discount currently provided by the seller at this time. Just a day or two ago the seller was offering a $5 off coupon which in my opinion should’ve been kept to make for a more attractive sell. I would think $35 to $40 (or less) is a really decent “sweet spot”.
So, seems pricey? Sure, and considering there are so many of these types of units out on the Amazon market, why settle for something so expensive — comparatively speaking. Well, the main reason for that is because the unit includes a built in rechargeable battery unlike many of the other units I’ve seen on the market. This particular model uses “SOLAR CHARGING” to top up the built in battery. Most other units I’ve seen use the solar panel as a direct source of power to power the unit, rendering it useless on cloudy days or at night. Not with this unit however, you get to actually use it when you actually need it, and you’re not dependant on the sunny weather.
Oh, let’s not forget the LED lights which in my opinion weren’t entirely necessary but a welcomed throw in. I mean, am I really planning to use this at night? I doubt it. But sure, why not?
Love it so far, made my bird bath looks very nice! The fountain pump works well on sunny days, even partly cloudy days if not windy. However, the water flow height may vary depends how much direct sunlight it can get. For the price I have paid I do think it’s value for money.
Works as advertised. Wish it had steady power but, it’s solar and doesn’t keep a solid power source which was expected.
This is a nice addition to anyone. Very easy to install and put together. It’s a nice way to make your garden look nicer. Good quality. Very sturdy. Easy to use. Overall…it’s a good product….can be installed easily….good value for money. Would gladly recommend it to anyone.
Excellent little water fountain. Took a little bit of reading up to work it all out but now it’s sunny it works like a charm. The fountain only works when connected to the water which it detects through a sensor on the base of the pump.
At night it lights up using the remaining charge left in the battery after a sunny day. This appears to last several hours so far but can’t really say for sure as it doesn’t get dark until much later now.
Really nice for a pool or fountain.
Comes with everything you need and arrived safely. It seems pretty easy to put together and assemble.
I am excited to see how this looks in my pool with all the lights and water moving around ! Should be really pretty
I ordered one of these solar powered water fountains last year and it worked well for a while but seems to have now completely packed in. Admittedly, it was a much cheaper and possibly less quality item than this. This is easy to set up and make work and the colours are a nice touch. If it keeps going better than the last one did then it’s probably worth the extra money
Ho un piccolo bonsai pond da circa 350 litri in cui ho orande e diverse piante acquatiche. Ho comprato questa fontana solare per creare qualche gioco d’acqua soprattutto per il periodo invernale quando il laghetto pi spoglio e anche i pesci sono meno attivi. Ho comprato questo modello un po’ attratto dalle lucine e una volta arrivato a casa sono rimasto davvero super super soddisfatto. Ho avuto anche altre fontane solari ma questa ha una qualit decisamente superiore. I materiali di costruzione sono ottimi il piatto solare bello ampio, il motorino della pompa porta un piccolo filtro che evita che delle impurit possano inceppare la pompa stessa. Porta poi 4 cannucce in plastica trasparente che tengono la fontana lontana dai bordi e in dotazione ci sono una serie infinita ma ben studiata di ugelli per diverse tipologie di spruzzo. Nel periodo invernale ho infatti montato uno spruzzatore pi coreografico mentre in estate, dato che le ninfee non amano particolarmente i giochi d’acqua, ne ho montato uno pi soft. In definitiva un prodotto che ha superato di gran lunga le mie aspettative e anche se il prezzo un po’ superiore rispetto ad altre fontane solare la qualit giustifica ampiamente il costo.
Fantastic quality and works even when put in a slight shaded area. I had one before but this beats it for quality and design. Highly recommended. Comes with a couple of different nozzles. Starts as soon as Sun is present with no on and off switch needed
Molto bella questa fontana solare galleggiante.
Io l’ho messa in giardino all’interno di un’aiuola dentro ad una vecchia bacinella di coccio vintage. Fa veramente la sua figura e funziona bene.
La potenza 5.5W. Ovviamente la quantit di acqua spruzzata dipende dalla potenza della luce solare.
Installed it in the garden over 8 days, really pleasant experience has a great design and is a power-saving device, This is an excellent option to design your own little water feature in your garden, there’s nothing more relaxing than the sound of trickling or flowing water from a small garden fountain or birdbath.
This is wonderful!
Very easy to set up and works really well.
A great feature day or night- but the colourful display at night is excellent.
A great item.
This is an excellent option to design your own little water feature in your garden , there’s nothing more relaxing than the sound of trickling or flowing water from a small garden fountain or bird bath.
This little floating solar powered water fountain with light up feature also has 7 nozzles so you can design and control the water flow of your small fountain, ideal for a bird bath, small water feature , small wooden barrel or other garden ornamental feature.
It’s very easy to use , the solar power feature works well thanks to the 2000mAh battery, the fountain was smaller than I was expecting but it is extremely versatile and can be used however you like.
It’s quite expensive at over 30, but it’s an ideal option for a small garden fountain .
We are using it in the back garden but we have better plans for it and now plan to invest in a better bird bath to get the most out of this little solar powered fountain.
The sound of flowing water near the seating area of the garden is so relaxing.
I got this for my bird bath and it’s so beautiful! It’s very well made and durable feeling. I hope my birds love it as much as I do! It’s easy to set up in the bird bath. Has parts to keep it in place. I love that it’s solar so no need to run cords to get the water flow!
Trs jolie petite fontaine, fait bien le job ! Installe dans mon petit bassin d’extrieur, elle sublime l’installation !
Pour ma part, et comme prcis sur la notice, j’ai lgrement raccourci les tubes.
Elle est livre avec plusieurs embouts pour diffrents types de jets. Mon bassin est dans un endroit assez ombrag et le capteur fonctionne, je suis ravie !
AMZtime round solar
water fountain looks and feels well made. It is of a generous size, exactly as per listing description.
It floats well.
It has 7 different nozzles for different water patterns.
It was very easy to set up, and I just put it in to the water and when the sun is out the pump works.
This pump has also built-in battery, so works also at dark.
At night it looks even more beautiful, definitely a focal point in the garden.
It has plastic tubes which can be attached and it helps to secure it in the middle, so it stays exactly where we want it to be and it doesn’t spill the water out.
All nozzles works well, I don’t have my favourite one yet, I’m changing them.
This is a very versatile solar pump and can be put in ponds, swimming pools etc., I’ve put it in a very wide shallow decorative bowl, so it reuses the same water.
When I initially tried it in the smaller bowl, most of the water was going outside it and I had to refill it often.
Much better than expected, so I would happily recommend it.
Amazing little fountain, Ideal for a small pond as well. Very impressed.
I wanted one that held the charge and worked at night too. This one also has lights that twinkle through the fountain at night.
Really really pretty.
This one is a lot more powerful too.
I really like it.
Money well spent.
Highly recommended.
I have to say I was surprisingly impressed at this solar fountain.
It comes with a choice of nozzles so you can change the water pattern. You can have float in a pond or sit in a large-ish bird bath and it has transparent straws to keep it in one place so, it doesn’t just float to a corner.
It’s so simple to put together and once the sun comes out, off it goes. As it’s solar powered it obviously needs the sun to work well, so I’m looking forward to summer. I plan to pop it in my granddaughters paddling pool for a bit of extra fun.
Overall, this is a great quality solar fountain that works very well and is so easy to set up. Highly recommended.
It comes in a box with a few fiddly bits, and you literally wonder what goes where !!?
Put the 4 clips on the outside., each divided by a quarter.
Then attach the 4 sticks to the clips.
Cut them to size.
Now you will need some kind of bowl, bird bath, or statue to put this in or it won’t work.
It the bowl needs to be full with water, and this floats on the top.
The sticks help keep it in place and make it central.
It does shoots of water during the day as well as at night..
It also has different nozzles.
At night it looks amazing.
Such a cheap idea to get a water fountain in your garden without paying hundreds!!
Really recommended !!
Looks awesome.
Its summer coming soon and i started decorating my garden specially my birdbath with solar lights and fountain, i love watching my new solar fountain day and night, it is very lovely looking during the night with colourful lights, this Solar Water Fountain 2022 Upgraded, 5.5W LED Circle Floating Solar Powered Pump with 7 Nozzles for Water Feature, LED Solar Water Pump for Bird Bath, Garden, Fish Tank, Patio, Pond, im happy of my purchase, value for money
I love that there’s so many different nozzles so you can customise how you want the water effect to look like, high, low, wide or thin. Yes it relies on the sun to create the fountain, but it looks great, and the light effects at night add an extra dimension to an already brilliant water feature.
If using one of the nozzles that shoots the water up high, then the pipes are definitely required otherwise the fountain moves in the wind and the water ends up out of the bowl, eventually draining the water that the pump needs. With the pipes attached it still moves about, but they give it a buffer from the edge. The pipe connectors are thin though, and I have already snapped one when picking the fountain up to change the nozzle. Now I just press on the solar panels and pull up on the nozzle to change it.
When the sun sets, the fountain seems to go off for a while until it goes dark, then the lights come on along with the water feature again. The lights shows through the water and looks better when using the nozzles that spray the water higher rather than the flat ones.
Love love it. But cut the plastic extension arms too short. No info available on how/ where to order more
Seconda pompetta di questo tipo che compro su amazon. Questa in particolare ha una potenza di aspirazione pi elevata e funziona benissimo anche quando i raggi del solo sono parzialmente oscurati. Il rapporto qualit prezzo ottimo!
Da wir nur so einen kleinen Garten besitzen, fand ich es immer bertrieben etwas groes, mit Strom betriebenes zu installieren – das sieht in meinen Augen so unpassend aus.
Der mit Solarenergie betriebene Springbrunnen ist dezent und recht niedlich, es wirkt genau richtig in unserem Teich.
Das Solarpanel funktioniert einwandfrei, auch zur jetzigen Jahreszeit.
Tagsber speichert der eingebaute Akku die Solarenergie, so das bei Eintrbungen des Himmels bzw. am Abend er weiter luft. Allerdings bitte keine Wunderwerke erwarten, er luft nicht die ganze Nacht und auch nicht bei Regenwetter den ganzen Tag. Es variiert je nachdem wie lange die Sonnenstunden zuvor waren.
Bei einem Preis von 35,99 bin ich mit der Leistung aber mehr als zufrieden.
Als schner Nebeneffekt kann man am Abend dann bunte Fontnen genieen. 🙂
Wer sowas gern mag, der wrde sich auch darber freuen, wenn er/sie es geschenkt bekommt.
Ich bin also sehr zufrieden und kann diesen Springbrunnen weiterempfehlen.
this is a lot bigger solar area and runs the fountain and the led light show.
lots of additional fountain heads for various plumes and providing the sun is strong enough the lights after dark last an hour or so.
great talking point when having outdoor drinks at night.
This one, however, is much nicer in every way. It is larger and has the better quality solar panel technology and the LED light ring looks well made and using quality plastics and bulbs. This pump is more powerful and when the appropriate parts are assembled, the pump gave an impressive water fountain effect and the LED colours added to the fun atmosphere. The solar pump floats nicely in my large water fountain ornament and birds can drink water and the water spraying makes my garden look great! Once the internal battery is charged up with plenty of sunlight/daylight, it’ll keep going for a good while. The pump is quiet and well sealed.
This solar water pump oozes good workmanship and using quality materials amd components. I am absolutely delighted and happy with this solar water fountain. This product represents exceptional value for money.
I’ve not yet attached the foundation piece as I’ be temporarily got it in a small pot. Once it’s in the pond I’ll be able to add the fountain.
I did try it, it shot to further than expected – which will look lovely when it has the space to do so.
It works throughout the day but can be hot and miss depending on how much sun there is. On a night, it works wonderfully with h the led lights and water bubbling away.
This is a small (8″) fountain that is covered with solar panels and has an internal battery. There are a selection of fountain spouts for different spray patterns.
I’ve a couple of solar fountains, and not only are these slightly weak, the only work when in sunlight, faltering on and off if there’s not enough power. This device has an internal battery, which it charges up to only power them pump when it’s good enough oomph. It means there can be a delay in coming on, but it’s consistent.
You can get a decent head of water from this, and it even runs at night, turning on LEDs to give a wonderful effect.
It’s not as cheap as some, but it rather excellent.
I have a large birdbath and love the fountains in the summer. The size of the solar panels allowed for it to work within an hour or two and the adjustable spouts are brilliant (keeping kids entertained as well). Great value and a lovely addition to a garden in summe
It needs the sunshine to work (well it would do, it’s solar powered, lol) so it would be best for us to put it at the side of our house (we’re on a corner plot with gardens to 3 sides), which faces south, but I want to be able to see it so I really want to put it in the back garden, which faces east! Our dining/living room looks out onto the back garden through our patio doors, so it will have to go over to the south side of the east facing back garden in order to catch whatever sun shines so that this will work for longest and we’ll still be able to see it.
I am amazed at the value of this solar water fountain, these things really have dropped in price recently, I think it’s well worth the money, even though you will need a bird bath, or something, in order to put it to proper use.
This is really lovely, if you’ve a spare bird bath or space in the pond then this water feature will add that extra touch of tranquility to your garden and of course a bit of light in the evening.
This seems well made and works effectively straight out of the box, attach the side plastic tubes and place in the water.
Even in cloud this will work, much better when in direct sun.
There’s 7 different nozzles to choose from, if you place this in a small bird bath then best having the water jets pointing down.
The 2000mAh rechargeable battery is sufficient to power this even when there’s no sun and well into the evening with the colourful light display.
I will be attaching a video to this review shortly of the water feature working.
Very highly recommended.
AmazonCustomer B09QBTRPV9 310322