Anker Power Bank, 633 Magnetic Battery, 10,000mAh Foldable Magnetic Wireless Portable Charger, Only for iPhone 13/13 Pro / 13 Pro Max / 12/12 Pro and 12 Pro Max
Anker ia a quality product and this works with with the iPhone 14 pro max. It will charge the phone 1.5 times and will also hold to the phone with an Otterbox Fr case.
Great battery pack for travel. Works with 14pro, but camera bumps get in the way for landscape mode if using a case. May be a bit too think for day to day use if carrying in pocket.
I have a drawer full or chargers from many years.
This one is by far the very best. I especially like being able to use it as a stand for my iPhone while working on my computer. Great piece of equipment and wonderful for travel.
I like this little black brick, it gives me peace of mind when traveling. I use it at home to charge my AirPods, Just leave it on the table and put the case on top. It is a bit thick to leave on the phone for my preference but probably better than the corded batteries I see people using these days.
I really enjoy this device. It has been proven to be useful in unlimited situations. I travel the world a lot and this device has saved my phone on many occasions. The only issue is that it is not water proof or resistant it got splash but a bit of ocean water during a visit at the beach and it never recover even though it was rinsed with distilled water with 2 seconds of the splash.
Ich kann die Station nur empfehlen.
Schnelle und gute Ladung saubere Verbindung zu meinem iPhone 13 pro Max.
Natrlich wird das Handy deutlich schwere aber so ist es halt.
Wirklich 1A Ware zu einem guten Preis
I can get 2.5 full charges on my iPhone 12plus Max per charger fill up. I’ve used it with my iWatch portable charger – worked great. I feel as with all decent MagSafe chargers they are a little pricey but with 18mos warranty it was a no brainer. I have also used the kickstand for horizontally charging and watching a movie. Anker is a phenomenal brand with great products.
My thin plastic phone case seems to prevent the magnet from connecting at a good strength. So you have to be careful about bumping the phone and battery or it will lose a connection. Better to use a cable if you are in motion.
Tiene potencia suficiente para dos cargas casi completas, por lo que soluciona los viaje o excursiones. Se produce un calentamiento normal en este tipo de cargas pero bastante menos que cargadores de otras marcas que he probado
Anker is a well known and trusted name in charging accessories and this MagSafe battery pack does not disappoint. It is about the size of a pack of cards and I was surprised at how well the magnets kept it attached to the back of my phone for charging. The built in kick stand is quite convenient as well. Finally, I can easily top off my phone during a long day of use while not having to fumble around with cables.
Anker is a well known and trusted name in charging accessories and this MagSafe battery pack does not disappoint. It is about the size of a pack of cards and I was surprised at how well the magnets kept it attached to the back of my phone for charging. The built in kick stand is quite convenient as well. Finally, I can easily top off my phone during a long day of use while not having to fumble around with cables.
Works well and attaches good even with a lip on my case. Charges a little slower than I expected and doesn’t stay attached well if you have to pocket the phone but overall a good product depending on your needs.
Great for knowing you have plenty of backup power on the go. No need to forgo use trying to save power. A little bulky but otherwise a top notch charger. Works great on my iPhone 14 Pro.
I didn’t think it worked very well because it would not attach very well to my thin case. Once I took the case off it attached itself like glue. Very happy with it so far!
I purchased this for when I’m out all day. Unfortunately I had to return it. This item looked like it was a returned item because the seal was broken. I paid full price for a new item. I was disappointed.
It’s tops my iPhone 12 Pro 2 1/2 times from zero. Not super fast as a magnet charger but fast enough. 7.5 watts. If you connect it with a cord instead it’s a lot faster. It will keep charging the phone until it hits 100 perce
Don’t listen to the other review that says it’s misleading because the battery is half the capacity. The battery is composed of 2 5000mAh cells and they missed that part. Totaling 10000. Pretty heavy duty battery and is well constructed. Only downside is the wireless speed but that’s just the technology of today not the fault of the battery.
Don’t listen to the other review that says it’s misleading because the battery is half the capacity. The battery is composed of 2 5000mAh cells and they missed that part. Totaling 10000. Pretty heavy duty battery and is well constructed. Only downside is the wireless speed but that’s just the technology of today not the fault of the battery.
Almost perfect product. Would be nice if the next iteration allows the battery pack to also charge wirelessly. As it is now, it can only output a wireless charge but not receive one itself.
Update- my phone started to overheat at home and doesn’t charge. It started doing this with my iOS16 update.
Original review-This battery pack made my iPhone 13 mini last 2 days straight without plugging into a wall. My new go to battery pack. The original MagSafe 5k mah charger would need a recharge mid day.
Kabelgebundenes laden TOP!
Als Wireless Charger sehr schwach! Braucht fast einen ganzen Tag fr eine volle Ladung und ist sehr klobig in der Hosentasche! Eher fr den Notfall auf Reisen oder wenn kein Kabel bei der Hand! Sonst (mit Kabel) super flo
The pack works good better than then the Anker 622 and it is a bit heavy but it is worth the extra weight. The Battery Pack can be turned off unlike some Battery packs(apples). The temperature is as cool as apples while in use and you can charge your phone and your battery pack at the same time with one wire through your pack.
This battery will get me through an entire day! It has a really good magnet AND can be rotated 90 and used as a comfortable grip for viewing landscape content on the go.
I’ve been using it with my iPhone 12 Pro Max and it’s magnet is super secure and hasn’t slipped or fallen off even once!
The charger size is pretty compact and attaches well through my Magsafe phone case for iPhone. It can make holding the phone a little cumbersome but with a little adjustment, it isn’t too bad. It lasts a long time and fully charges my phone whenever I need it.
For me this is the best combination for batteries on the go that I’ve had so far. It attaches very strongly to the phone and you can still put in your pocket. I was able to charge it about twice my iPhone 12 (which for me is enough for a whole weekend) I’m hopeful that new battery technologist will make them even slimmer
For being a MagSafe accessory, it charges my phone quite fast. I’ve never felt the need to plug in to it with the USB port. I like the kick stand, I like the build quality, I like the strength of the magnetic element. Damn good power bank for the money.
I like this a lot. There is a lot to love about this portable battery. But that kickstand looks like it’s not going to last. It looks way flimsy. We shall see how long it lasts. I’ll keep an eye on the warranty my for sure.
Wrde am liebsten null Sterne geben, sobald man das Produkt am Handy an bringt, und eine Weile Laden lsst, wird das Handy sowie die power Bank extrem hei, das ist eindeutig der Tod fr ein Handy Akku
The product is perfect for travelers. It storage energy enough for more than one charge, almost two. It connect strongly by the magnet system of the iPhone, and its design (with no pointy edges) fits well into the pockets and is not so weight.
Wer ausgiebig Gebrauch von seinem Smartphone macht, der ist mit diesem “Kraftwerk” bestens bedient. Anfangs war ich skeptisch, ob der ausklappbare Stnder berhaupt zu gebrauchen ist. Aber die Befrchtung war unbegrndet. Das iPhone steht damit sicher und stabil. Von daher uneingeschrnkt zu empfehlen!
Charges fast and is lightweight. My days of hunting down outlets in airports and on airplanes are over. I now have enough battery between the iPhone and this charger that I can get through 24 hours of airports and transatlantic flights without power issues. And it doesn’t get overly heated, just a bit warm. I caught my cat resting her head on it while it was charging a few days ago, so my cat gives it five stars as well!
I love the bigger power bank, the more sturdy kick stand, and the fact that you can turn it off if you want. My only issue with the new design is that the cheaper material used to encase it cause the magnet to slip too easily. The previous one held it’s place pretty well but the new one rotates with too little effort so I’m constantly having to adjust it.
Great charger but scratches easily so be careful where you put the charger. It’s very portable for Apple iPhones 13 pro and has a kickstand to watch without looking down.
Great charger but scratches easily so be careful where you put the charger. It’s very portable for Apple iPhones 13 pro and has a kickstand to watch without looking down.
Naked makes great product and this is no slouch! Only thing is it’s big. Smaller than the competitors but if your putting this inside your pocket with the phone it’s gonna buldge
Very please and would order again only draw back is that doesn’t come with the charging cube and it is a specific volt you need when reading the booklet for instructions.
Update8/9/22 received replacement from Anker new magsafe working properly no issues , still recommend 622 smaller version better kickstand but looking bigger battery 633 good choice.
For me theres no pro’s
First after 10 minutes of charging my phone turns off temperature safety error phone too hot from magsafe this happen 37 times , contacted AnkerDirect still waiting label get replacement, Cant return it over 30 days , I had previous version no issues, Also kick stand very fragile keeping falling , don’t buy, Buy Esr versions works perfectly less power .
Burns up, phone turns off protect my iphone 13 pro msx
Sicuramente un prodotto valido, ma bene segnalare che molto pesante e dopo 7-10 minuti diventa caldissimo. Rispetto al modello da 5000mA ha anche la possibilit di usare il cavo usb
Ich habe ein iPhone 13 Pro und bin vollstes zu Frieden mit der Powerbank, das kabellose und mit MagSafe laden klappt super, wer lieber USB Kabel nutzen will, kann dieses ebenfalls nutzen, was will man mehr von einer Powerbank erwarten?
Der Preis ist zur Zeit sehr hoch, aber die Powerbank ist ja relativ frisch auf dem Markt. Aber fr mich trotzdem jeden Cent wert, da ich mir nun endlich den Kabelsalat erspare.
Der Power Akku ist sehr gut
Mein iPhone 13 min wird gut geladen
Das iPhone 12 Pro von meinen Mann leider nicht – es wird Mitten drin abgebrochen
mit Kabel. nicht
Sonst bin ich sehr zufrieden
Der Preis ist bertriebe
I bought this to use on a recent safari to Africa. I was using my IPhone 13 as my camera and was pretty sure it would run out of battery on some of the longer game drives. I love that it is magnetic so that it did not disrupt my photography while using it, as a charger with a cord would likely do. Everyone who saw it while on our trip was blown away by what a great item this is. I’m not super techy so can’t comment on those kind of issues; all I know is that it worked great. I’ve had lots of portable chargers but none ever as good as this one.
Really great product. Works as expected and better.
Provides intelligent charging via mag safe to my iPhone 12 Pro Max.
Charges my iPad 10.5 Pro from 30 to 100% as fast as a wall charger – this takes about 50% of the power bank.
Will not use the flip stand option, but it is not coming into way anyway. Might be useful one day.
I’ve tried 10000 mAh mag safe batteries from several other brands and I can really recommend this one.
Uso i prodotti Anker da vecchia data e ne ho parecchi (caricabatterie da rete, power bank, hub USB), Posso evidenziare l’affidabilit, la sicurezza, la durabilit degli stessi. Con l’ultimo acquisto ho avuto modo di constatare la grande attenzione e disponibilit del servizio clienti. Per me Anker il Top, specialmente se si possessori di dispositivi Apple.
People seem to be confused. You can connect it to your phone and turn it off. Then when you’re ready you can turn it on and charge your phone. The old model just stayed on and kept charging. This is why I bought this model.
Im Vergleich zu preiswerteren Artikeln Andere Firmen, ist dieses Gert hervorragend in der magnetischen Saugfunktion sowie in der Lade Leistung leider ist der Preis viel zu hoch Ansonsten ist alles wie in der Produktbeschreibung
En general muy contento con la compra,me permite mucha libertad de movimiento sin necesidad de utilizar cables,se adhiere muy bien a la funda,la carga inalmbrica me ha parecido rpida,por poner un pero dira que la pestaa que lleva para apoyar la batera en vertical parece muy endeble en el modelo 633.Espero te sirva de utilidad.
Anker pour ceux qui ne le savent pas est une marque qui a fait ses preuves depuis longtemps. Donc sur la partie Batterie, vitesse de recharge et autre rien a dire. Par contre ce qui est perfectible :
1) Les information sur le powerbank ne sont pas simple a comprendre la batterie a une capacit de 10000mAh mais sur le chassis on lit 5000mAh.. pas tres clair.
2) le pied pour le stand n’a que 1 position c’est un peu dommage, il est par exemple impossible de compter sur la camera frontal pour se filmer car l’angle ne conviznt qu’au visionnage de contenu ou apple facatime.
3) la dperdition d’nergie en recharge induction est quand mme assez grande, ce qui veut dire que les 10000mAh on ne les a vraiment que si on recharge ton telephone via usbc
Bon voil moi je suis pour pousser au progrs. A par a c’est vraiment le meilleur produit sur le march ! Alors n’hsitez pas.
Certainement Le Meilleur PowerBank pour les utilisateurs d’Iphone.
Instant power up, recharges wirelessly faster than apple battery magsafe, secure fit via magnet, only downside is weight but is offset by other benefits such as stabilising when shooting video- in all worth the money
Searched the internet to find a good sticky an trusty magsafe battery pack, and found the Anker 622 but now they released the new 633 with 10000mah power so my choice was quick made 🙂
Really pleased with the Anker 622 and it’s ability to recharge my iPhone 12 Pro Max almost twice over from near empty. On a weekend away with little access to power this was a reliable source of energy for my phone. Defiantly recommend if your looking for something more compact than a traditional charging block. The magnetic kick stand also afforded easy positioning to be able to watch content while charging if required or, with the pack off, simply used as a support for viewing. 5 star review for a 5 star product.
Bought this charger to use at Disney World. Works great, nothing wrong. I just needed a charger I could easily carry around and use all day. This Anker model too heavy and bulky for that purpose–slides around and doesn’t stick well. If you don’t need it for that purpose then this charger is a great choice.
I was initially uneasy about buying this for my iPhone 13 mini, since the listing and reviews didn’t indicate if it was compatible with the mini or not. I was also unsure about the charging power, kickstand quality, and thickness due to some of the initial reviews for this new Anker model. But this ended up ticking all my check boxes for a 10000 mAh Magsafe battery pack! It’s perfect for my needs.
Thickness and comfort: The battery is essentially the same width as the iPhone mini, so that makes it incredibly comfortable to hold onto (and it doesn’t cover the camera unlike some other batteries). I mostly hold on to the battery itself while it’s attached, and the magnet is strong enough + phone is small/light enough that it feels secure and doesn’t fall off even when shaken. I was expecting it to be quite thick as well, but it’s actually smaller and thinner than the 2017 Anker 10k mAh battery that I’m upgrading from, so that was a pleasant surprise and so it feels compact to me.
Charging power: Through Magsafe, this charges the iPhone 13 mini 0-100% in 2 hour 40 min (ie. 25% every 40 min, caseless), and I didn’t mind this speed as Magsafe charging is so convenient and mindless. 20W wired charging is definitely faster, but I haven’t tested it extensively since I use Magsafe charging much more often due to the convenience of not having to carry cables around. After 1 full charge, I had ~1.5 full charges to go, which makes it fantastic for travel.
Kickstand: Contrary to another review, I don’t find the kickstand flimsy (perhaps they had a defective part?), as the magnetic closure feels strong and snappy on mine. It has never popped open in my bag or pocket while in transit because of its design where you have to use your fingernail to pop it open. It also doesn’t easily close when knocked (except on soft surfaces or if you knock it to its side but that’s to be expected with this type of kickstand design). I love that I can use it in portrait & landscape mode, and have the option to turn off charging if desired so it becomes just a stand.
I also love that I can charge my phone while I’m charging the battery, that I can use both USB-A & USB-C for wired charging, and that I can use it as a regular wireless charger for my Airpods! So many features—I’m just all around impressed with this battery pack and I definitely go around recommending it now.
If you leave out with this battery charged you will be fine for the day no issues sun up to sun down and still have power left for another charge tomorrow
Ive been wanting to buy a magsafe compatible powerbank for a while and have been holding out until one came along that was compact and had capacity higher than just 5000mah.
This one is essentially all you could ever need. Gives me near 2 charges on my Iphone 13 pro max and isn’t too bulky on the back to comfortably be connected while being in my pocket. The fact that you can charge both the powerbank and the phone at the same time is great, though it does charge slower (as expected). I especially like the fact that you can shut the powerbank off when using it solely as a stand. Not to mention it has a USB C (bi-directional) and A input port.
The only cons I would say on this one, and they are trivial at best would be:
The sticker that covers the back of the powerbank leaves a noticeable amount of residue that is very hard to clean off.
The kickstand – although great – does seem a little fragile, especially if you have a bigger phone, though at this stage it seems to be very solid, and the longevity of it is to be determined.
The magnets – the top half of the magnets (the ring shape) are extremely strong and the powerbank does not move at all. The tiny bottom half of the magsafe magnet pattern – the little rectangular oval shape at the bottom bit – does not seem to be strong enough – or maybe there isn’t one there in the device design, as the I have found that the powerbank can slightly shift to the left and right from the bottom when connected. But this isn’t to the point where it would make the powerbank fall off.
Otherwise, its an absolute great piece of kit and I am well chuffed with the purchase!
Probably the best magsafe compatible powerbank you’ll find
I find this iteration to be perfect for my needs. I don’t think it’s too thick, and the kickstand is definitely a plus. The ability for the kickstand to be used while it is plugged in charging is huge. This is not possible with the 622 version.
I’m going to just say this up front: This has so much value and is a really compact 10,000 mAH portable battery that does so many things! And you can turn it on and off!! It stays in whatever on/off state you left it in. As in once off but connected to phone, it will still be off once removed and reconnected. And if it was charging when removed, then it auto charges next time the phone is placed on it. I think that is the ideal way to handle the power on/off. I would have loved that on the 2nd gen Anker 622 of mine.
So this isn’t really that much thicker than the 2nd gen Anker magnetic portable battery. I’ve included some photos for reference. It does feel thick, but not nearly as bad as I would have thought and it somehow isn’t even double the thickness of the 2nd gen pack. Other than the thickness, it isn’t significantly larger overall than the previous one. It does however sit a couple mm below the bottom of my iPhone 12 Pro. I believe this is the epitome of what a portable magnetic battery pack should be. Yes, I’m the type of person who will actually use the usb-A port as I still have various items for work that only charge via micro usb and it’s way easier to just have the port than to find a usb-c to a micro cable. On to the new product. I just charged my phone from 62-90% wirelessly in a little over an hour with the pack plugged in for the 7.5w speed. I wish this unit could charge the phone and itself while plugged in but it does not. Also I saw signs of wear in first usage at the corners from my phone’s leather case. It’s maybe a softer plastic but it really grips the phone along with what does indeed seem like an improved magnet. It resists twisting motion-more so than any mag-safe device I have held to date. The kickstand is great, it has a magnet to stay down and is spring loaded to stay open as well. The whole kickstand assembly is mounted on top of the pack, so it’s raised above the general dimensions of the unit.
I really like this so far and it just blows everything else I’ve seen in this category away on feature set. It’s cheaper than the Apple pack while having so much more capacity and for me it is just the perfect one stop solution for a grab and go portable charger to take with you.
Good product. Quality is nice although stickers on it were ripping off and required scraping off the battery…not cool :/ although not permanent visual left overs.
Tried charging iphone 13 pro with magsafe, it took an hour more less to charge 50% from 20>70. Which is good enough for me.
If anyone is interested how it works with Steam Deck, at around 19% steam deck charger calculates 1hr 44min to full charge while this power bank shows 2hr 50min. Decent considering many power banks have issues and show some crazy numbers 7-9hrs. Steam Deck is showing warning that charging is not optimal but 1hr longer than 45W charger is good enough for me.
When you use it as a stand for phone you can switch off power bank to stop it from charging which is why I waited for this version instead of buying previous one.
Magnets are very strong in my opinion to hold iphone.
In theory you can charge at the same time phone and steam deck but power for steam deck drops drastically and estimates 28hrs to charge. So basically only small slow charged devices at the same time which is understandable for such a small device. It’s good that it has option to do that.
Price is too high in my opinion for small power bank but I was going on a trip and needed it now, otherwise I would have waited for deals.
So handy. Impressed by how much extra charge it holds. Kick stand is very handy for conference calls.
Great battery pack for travel. Works with 14pro, but camera bumps get in the way for landscape mode if using a case. May be a bit too think for day to day use if carrying in pocket.
qualitt ist sehr gut
usb A und usb C ports sind vorhanden
fr mich war dealbraker dass es nicht mit galaxy watch funktionert ha
Funziona bene e non d grattacapi. Fa circa due ricariche su iPhone 12 Pro Max.
Works Great and doesn’t get as hot as the newer versio
This one is by far the very best. I especially like being able to use it as a stand for my iPhone while working on my computer. Great piece of equipment and wonderful for travel.
Very happy with this buying. A little chunky, but not worse than other brands.
A little bulky but will charge an iPhone 14 pro max from 0 to 100% and still have 30-40% juice lef
I like this little black brick, it gives me peace of mind when traveling. I use it at home to charge my AirPods, Just leave it on the table and put the case on top. It is a bit thick to leave on the phone for my preference but probably better than the corded batteries I see people using these days.
Ottimo prezzo x un prodotto che non ha nulla da invidiare ai marchi pi famosi
Ich kann die Station nur empfehlen.
Schnelle und gute Ladung saubere Verbindung zu meinem iPhone 13 pro Max.
Natrlich wird das Handy deutlich schwere aber so ist es halt.
Wirklich 1A Ware zu einem guten Preis
My thin plastic phone case seems to prevent the magnet from connecting at a good strength. So you have to be careful about bumping the phone and battery or it will lose a connection. Better to use a cable if you are in motion.
Tiene potencia suficiente para dos cargas casi completas, por lo que soluciona los viaje o excursiones. Se produce un calentamiento normal en este tipo de cargas pero bastante menos que cargadores de otras marcas que he probado
A little heavy but charge good so stay at 100% allday.
The magnetic ability is nice. Seems to charge very quick and it stores/holds charge we’ll. It is not that big, but you know it’s there.
Works well and attaches good even with a lip on my case. Charges a little slower than I expected and doesn’t stay attached well if you have to pocket the phone but overall a good product depending on your needs.
Great for knowing you have plenty of backup power on the go. No need to forgo use trying to save power. A little bulky but otherwise a top notch charger. Works great on my iPhone 14 Pro.
I didn’t think it worked very well because it would not attach very well to my thin case. Once I took the case off it attached itself like glue. Very happy with it so far!
I purchased this for when I’m out all day. Unfortunately I had to return it. This item looked like it was a returned item because the seal was broken. I paid full price for a new item. I was disappointed.
It’s tops my iPhone 12 Pro 2 1/2 times from zero. Not super fast as a magnet charger but fast enough. 7.5 watts. If you connect it with a cord instead it’s a lot faster. It will keep charging the phone until it hits 100 perce
Best part of the batter, it comes with a kick stand! Price is a little high. But, you get what you paid for. Definitely would recommend.
Met all expectations. It has great charging power and is convenient for travel.
Comodo e dalla grande utilit, col magsafe nessun problema, una volta agganciato arriva fino al 100%, e tanta autonomia.
Always needed to cgarge my phone This is great because ehen Im running low this jyst fill up the charge
I wanted to charge the Anker 633 via USB-A and simultaneously send power out via USB-C. This is not possible. Very unfortunate.
Almost perfect product. Would be nice if the next iteration allows the battery pack to also charge wirelessly. As it is now, it can only output a wireless charge but not receive one itself.
Update- my phone started to overheat at home and doesn’t charge. It started doing this with my iOS16 update.
Original review-This battery pack made my iPhone 13 mini last 2 days straight without plugging into a wall. My new go to battery pack. The original MagSafe 5k mah charger would need a recharge mid day.
Kabelgebundenes laden TOP!
Als Wireless Charger sehr schwach! Braucht fast einen ganzen Tag fr eine volle Ladung und ist sehr klobig in der Hosentasche! Eher fr den Notfall auf Reisen oder wenn kein Kabel bei der Hand! Sonst (mit Kabel) super flo
Absolutely love the battery. Very convenient, gets the job done, beefy enough to get several phones upped on the go. Highly recommend.
Love it but the price is too much, other than that it does what it’s advertised for.
Good charging power, good size for a big phone is comfortable to use in the hand
I love the larger battery capacity of this charger and the MagSafe feature is great!
It’s fits firmly onto my mag safe phone case no worries about her falling off. Gives a great charge.
This battery will get me through an entire day! It has a really good magnet AND can be rotated 90 and used as a comfortable grip for viewing landscape content on the go.
I’ve been using it with my iPhone 12 Pro Max and it’s magnet is super secure and hasn’t slipped or fallen off even once!
The charger size is pretty compact and attaches well through my Magsafe phone case for iPhone. It can make holding the phone a little cumbersome but with a little adjustment, it isn’t too bad. It lasts a long time and fully charges my phone whenever I need it.
For me this is the best combination for batteries on the go that I’ve had so far. It attaches very strongly to the phone and you can still put in your pocket. I was able to charge it about twice my iPhone 12 (which for me is enough for a whole weekend) I’m hopeful that new battery technologist will make them even slimmer
Higly recommend!!
For being a MagSafe accessory, it charges my phone quite fast. I’ve never felt the need to plug in to it with the USB port. I like the kick stand, I like the build quality, I like the strength of the magnetic element. Damn good power bank for the money.
Angenehm klein und Leicht bei sehr guter Ladeleistung und Kapazitt. Hervorragende Qualitt.
I like this a lot. There is a lot to love about this portable battery. But that kickstand looks like it’s not going to last. It looks way flimsy. We shall see how long it lasts. I’ll keep an eye on the warranty my for sure.
It’s a little heavy but it’s a power house. Cgarges my phone multiple time and can be used as a travel charger because of the stand.
Nachtrag, mittlerweile funktioniert alles
The product is perfect for travelers. It storage energy enough for more than one charge, almost two. It connect strongly by the magnet system of the iPhone, and its design (with no pointy edges) fits well into the pockets and is not so weight.
Great charger but scratches easily so be careful where you put the charger. It’s very portable for Apple iPhones 13 pro and has a kickstand to watch without looking down.
Naked makes great product and this is no slouch! Only thing is it’s big. Smaller than the competitors but if your putting this inside your pocket with the phone it’s gonna buldge
Very please and would order again only draw back is that doesn’t come with the charging cube and it is a specific volt you need when reading the booklet for instructions.
For me theres no pro’s
First after 10 minutes of charging my phone turns off temperature safety error phone too hot from magsafe this happen 37 times , contacted AnkerDirect still waiting label get replacement, Cant return it over 30 days , I had previous version no issues, Also kick stand very fragile keeping falling , don’t buy, Buy Esr versions works perfectly less power .
Awesome battery pack but the stand doesn’t hold the thing up with the phone.
Sicuramente un prodotto valido, ma bene segnalare che molto pesante e dopo 7-10 minuti diventa caldissimo. Rispetto al modello da 5000mA ha anche la possibilit di usare il cavo usb
Der Preis ist zur Zeit sehr hoch, aber die Powerbank ist ja relativ frisch auf dem Markt. Aber fr mich trotzdem jeden Cent wert, da ich mir nun endlich den Kabelsalat erspare.
Der Power Akku ist sehr gut
Mein iPhone 13 min wird gut geladen
Das iPhone 12 Pro von meinen Mann leider nicht – es wird Mitten drin abgebrochen
mit Kabel. nicht
Sonst bin ich sehr zufrieden
Der Preis ist bertriebe
I bought this to use on a recent safari to Africa. I was using my IPhone 13 as my camera and was pretty sure it would run out of battery on some of the longer game drives. I love that it is magnetic so that it did not disrupt my photography while using it, as a charger with a cord would likely do. Everyone who saw it while on our trip was blown away by what a great item this is. I’m not super techy so can’t comment on those kind of issues; all I know is that it worked great. I’ve had lots of portable chargers but none ever as good as this one.
Provides intelligent charging via mag safe to my iPhone 12 Pro Max.
Charges my iPad 10.5 Pro from 30 to 100% as fast as a wall charger – this takes about 50% of the power bank.
Will not use the flip stand option, but it is not coming into way anyway. Might be useful one day.
I’ve tried 10000 mAh mag safe batteries from several other brands and I can really recommend this one.
Uso i prodotti Anker da vecchia data e ne ho parecchi (caricabatterie da rete, power bank, hub USB), Posso evidenziare l’affidabilit, la sicurezza, la durabilit degli stessi. Con l’ultimo acquisto ho avuto modo di constatare la grande attenzione e disponibilit del servizio clienti. Per me Anker il Top, specialmente se si possessori di dispositivi Apple.
Does everything as advertised. I like the kickstand feature. It’s perfect for travel
Im Vergleich zu preiswerteren Artikeln Andere Firmen, ist dieses Gert hervorragend in der magnetischen Saugfunktion sowie in der Lade Leistung leider ist der Preis viel zu hoch Ansonsten ist alles wie in der Produktbeschreibung
En general muy contento con la compra,me permite mucha libertad de movimiento sin necesidad de utilizar cables,se adhiere muy bien a la funda,la carga inalmbrica me ha parecido rpida,por poner un pero dira que la pestaa que lleva para apoyar la batera en vertical parece muy endeble en el modelo 633.Espero te sirva de utilidad.
Battery life is great! Easy to still use your phone without holding both phone and charger.
Anker pour ceux qui ne le savent pas est une marque qui a fait ses preuves depuis longtemps. Donc sur la partie Batterie, vitesse de recharge et autre rien a dire. Par contre ce qui est perfectible :
1) Les information sur le powerbank ne sont pas simple a comprendre la batterie a une capacit de 10000mAh mais sur le chassis on lit 5000mAh.. pas tres clair.
2) le pied pour le stand n’a que 1 position c’est un peu dommage, il est par exemple impossible de compter sur la camera frontal pour se filmer car l’angle ne conviznt qu’au visionnage de contenu ou apple facatime.
3) la dperdition d’nergie en recharge induction est quand mme assez grande, ce qui veut dire que les 10000mAh on ne les a vraiment que si on recharge ton telephone via usbc
Bon voil moi je suis pour pousser au progrs. A par a c’est vraiment le meilleur produit sur le march ! Alors n’hsitez pas.
Instant power up, recharges wirelessly faster than apple battery magsafe, secure fit via magnet, only downside is weight but is offset by other benefits such as stabilising when shooting video- in all worth the money
Searched the internet to find a good sticky an trusty magsafe battery pack, and found the Anker 622 but now they released the new 633 with 10000mah power so my choice was quick made 🙂
Really pleased with the Anker 622 and it’s ability to recharge my iPhone 12 Pro Max almost twice over from near empty. On a weekend away with little access to power this was a reliable source of energy for my phone. Defiantly recommend if your looking for something more compact than a traditional charging block. The magnetic kick stand also afforded easy positioning to be able to watch content while charging if required or, with the pack off, simply used as a support for viewing. 5 star review for a 5 star product.
Not much thicker than the 5000mah version. Sooo much better value, faster charge too. Worth i
Bought this charger to use at Disney World. Works great, nothing wrong. I just needed a charger I could easily carry around and use all day. This Anker model too heavy and bulky for that purpose–slides around and doesn’t stick well. If you don’t need it for that purpose then this charger is a great choice.
Great power bank from Anker with 10000MAH customer services very helpful..Happy with my purchase
The battery charges well as long as you hold them together if your phone is in a protective case.
I was initially uneasy about buying this for my iPhone 13 mini, since the listing and reviews didn’t indicate if it was compatible with the mini or not. I was also unsure about the charging power, kickstand quality, and thickness due to some of the initial reviews for this new Anker model. But this ended up ticking all my check boxes for a 10000 mAh Magsafe battery pack! It’s perfect for my needs.
Thickness and comfort: The battery is essentially the same width as the iPhone mini, so that makes it incredibly comfortable to hold onto (and it doesn’t cover the camera unlike some other batteries). I mostly hold on to the battery itself while it’s attached, and the magnet is strong enough + phone is small/light enough that it feels secure and doesn’t fall off even when shaken. I was expecting it to be quite thick as well, but it’s actually smaller and thinner than the 2017 Anker 10k mAh battery that I’m upgrading from, so that was a pleasant surprise and so it feels compact to me.
Charging power: Through Magsafe, this charges the iPhone 13 mini 0-100% in 2 hour 40 min (ie. 25% every 40 min, caseless), and I didn’t mind this speed as Magsafe charging is so convenient and mindless. 20W wired charging is definitely faster, but I haven’t tested it extensively since I use Magsafe charging much more often due to the convenience of not having to carry cables around. After 1 full charge, I had ~1.5 full charges to go, which makes it fantastic for travel.
Kickstand: Contrary to another review, I don’t find the kickstand flimsy (perhaps they had a defective part?), as the magnetic closure feels strong and snappy on mine. It has never popped open in my bag or pocket while in transit because of its design where you have to use your fingernail to pop it open. It also doesn’t easily close when knocked (except on soft surfaces or if you knock it to its side but that’s to be expected with this type of kickstand design). I love that I can use it in portrait & landscape mode, and have the option to turn off charging if desired so it becomes just a stand.
I also love that I can charge my phone while I’m charging the battery, that I can use both USB-A & USB-C for wired charging, and that I can use it as a regular wireless charger for my Airpods! So many features—I’m just all around impressed with this battery pack and I definitely go around recommending it now.
If you leave out with this battery charged you will be fine for the day no issues sun up to sun down and still have power left for another charge tomorrow
Schneller Versand, Akku ist top, wenn auch etwas schwer. Wrde ich wieder kaufen, Qualitt sehr gut.
This one is essentially all you could ever need. Gives me near 2 charges on my Iphone 13 pro max and isn’t too bulky on the back to comfortably be connected while being in my pocket. The fact that you can charge both the powerbank and the phone at the same time is great, though it does charge slower (as expected). I especially like the fact that you can shut the powerbank off when using it solely as a stand. Not to mention it has a USB C (bi-directional) and A input port.
The only cons I would say on this one, and they are trivial at best would be:
The sticker that covers the back of the powerbank leaves a noticeable amount of residue that is very hard to clean off.
The kickstand – although great – does seem a little fragile, especially if you have a bigger phone, though at this stage it seems to be very solid, and the longevity of it is to be determined.
The magnets – the top half of the magnets (the ring shape) are extremely strong and the powerbank does not move at all. The tiny bottom half of the magsafe magnet pattern – the little rectangular oval shape at the bottom bit – does not seem to be strong enough – or maybe there isn’t one there in the device design, as the I have found that the powerbank can slightly shift to the left and right from the bottom when connected. But this isn’t to the point where it would make the powerbank fall off.
Otherwise, its an absolute great piece of kit and I am well chuffed with the purchase!
So this isn’t really that much thicker than the 2nd gen Anker magnetic portable battery. I’ve included some photos for reference. It does feel thick, but not nearly as bad as I would have thought and it somehow isn’t even double the thickness of the 2nd gen pack. Other than the thickness, it isn’t significantly larger overall than the previous one. It does however sit a couple mm below the bottom of my iPhone 12 Pro. I believe this is the epitome of what a portable magnetic battery pack should be. Yes, I’m the type of person who will actually use the usb-A port as I still have various items for work that only charge via micro usb and it’s way easier to just have the port than to find a usb-c to a micro cable. On to the new product. I just charged my phone from 62-90% wirelessly in a little over an hour with the pack plugged in for the 7.5w speed. I wish this unit could charge the phone and itself while plugged in but it does not. Also I saw signs of wear in first usage at the corners from my phone’s leather case. It’s maybe a softer plastic but it really grips the phone along with what does indeed seem like an improved magnet. It resists twisting motion-more so than any mag-safe device I have held to date. The kickstand is great, it has a magnet to stay down and is spring loaded to stay open as well. The whole kickstand assembly is mounted on top of the pack, so it’s raised above the general dimensions of the unit.
I really like this so far and it just blows everything else I’ve seen in this category away on feature set. It’s cheaper than the Apple pack while having so much more capacity and for me it is just the perfect one stop solution for a grab and go portable charger to take with you.
Tried charging iphone 13 pro with magsafe, it took an hour more less to charge 50% from 20>70. Which is good enough for me.
If anyone is interested how it works with Steam Deck, at around 19% steam deck charger calculates 1hr 44min to full charge while this power bank shows 2hr 50min. Decent considering many power banks have issues and show some crazy numbers 7-9hrs. Steam Deck is showing warning that charging is not optimal but 1hr longer than 45W charger is good enough for me.
When you use it as a stand for phone you can switch off power bank to stop it from charging which is why I waited for this version instead of buying previous one.
Magnets are very strong in my opinion to hold iphone.
In theory you can charge at the same time phone and steam deck but power for steam deck drops drastically and estimates 28hrs to charge. So basically only small slow charged devices at the same time which is understandable for such a small device. It’s good that it has option to do that.
Price is too high in my opinion for small power bank but I was going on a trip and needed it now, otherwise I would have waited for deals.