Aqara Security Camera Hub Indoor G2H Pro, 1080p HD HomeKit Secure Video Indoor Camera, Night Vision, Two-Way Audio, Zigbee Hub, Plug-in Cam Compatible with Alexa, Google Assistant, Works with IFTTT

View of Wider-Angle, 1080p Full HD with Flexible Placement

146° wider-angle
By supporting an even wider viewing angle of 146° (diagonal), it enables a single camera for the entire room.

1080p sensor
Captured by a crisp 1080p sensor, the viewing is crystal clear no matter how bright or how dark the environment is.

Flexible installation
The strong magnet inside the base makes it capable of attaching to the surface of metal objects.

IR Night Vision
Clear image at night without any annoying glow that could disturb your sleep during the night.

Mark Zones You Care About, or Exclude Partial Areas for Enhanced Privacy
Mark zones you want to be tracked to take good care of your baby or pets and reduce unnecessary alerts.
Moreover, the G2H Pro now has a local privacy masking, that can prevent certain parts of the image to be recorded or sent to third-party servers.
Not Just a Camera, It’s the Ticket to Real Smart Living
With a built-in Zigbee 3.0 Hub, you can connect Aqara sensors and controllers to the Camera Hub G2H Pro, and you will be able to configure powerful local automations.

Weight: | 250 g |
Dimensions: | 6.4 x 95 x 10.1 cm; 250 Grams |
Model: | CH-C01 |
Pack Quantity: | 1 |
Batteries Required: | No |
Manufacture: | Aqara |
Quantity: | 1 |
A priori, funciona, no acabo de entender una segunda funcin que aparece en la app CASA de apple cuando se instala la cmara que se llama SISTEMA. En general la cmara es de fcil instalacin. La imagen que proyecta es muy buena tanto de da como de noche. En ocasiones parece que se queda trabada una imagen fija por horas y resulta imposible desbloquear por el mvil con la app CASA de momento esto me ha pasado un par de veces en menos de 2 semanas. La forma que he encontrado de desbloquearlo es cuando llego a casa y le quito el cable de alimentacin y se lo vuelvo a poner, ah vuelve a funcionar.
EDIT: Seller reached out to help me with getting a working device. Really appreciate it as I wasn’t expecting anything and have felt defeated with this camera. – customer service!
Prev review: Haven’t had the smoothest connection using this camera since day 1. It would constantly not connect when I’m away from home, and now even when I’m home. Also it’s since won’t pair with the Aqara App on my device.
Have been using it since over 6 months now. I bought refurbished from Amazon and got it at a pretty good price. I bought a second one because I really liked its functionality.
I used to have an Aqara M1S which wasn’t able to onboard all my sensors but with these two camera acting as zigbee hubs I have 16 door and window sensors onboarded and setup up automation. These have in built speaker for two way comms and also acts as siren. I can talk to my cat from work, how cool is that.
Setup in HomeKit was a breeze and automations work great.
You can also have the camera save event videos and time lapse onto your Network Attached Storage.
Overall I like what Aqara had done with this product.
Sono un grande fan dei prodotti Aqara, e la Camera Hub G2H Pro non fa eccezione. Questa videocamera di sicurezza per interni facile da installare e da usare, e offre una qualit video e audio eccellenti.
Il processo di installazione semplice e veloce. Basta collegare la videocamera alla corrente, scaricare l’app Aqara e seguire le istruzioni. In pochi minuti, la videocamera sar pronta per essere utilizzata.
La Camera Hub G2H Pro compatibile con Apple HomeKit, il che la rende ancora pi semplice da usare. Puoi controllare la videocamera con Siri, o integrarla con altri dispositivi HomeKit.
In conclusione, la Camera Hub G2H Pro una videocamera di sicurezza per interni eccellente. facile da installare, da usare e da integrare con Apple HomeKit. La consiglio a chiunque stia cercando una videocamera di sicurezza per la propria casa.
Punti di forza:
– Facile da installare e da usare
– Qualit video e audio eccellenti
– Compatibile con Apple HomeKit
Punti deboli:
– Non supporta il Wi-Fi a 5 GHz
– Nella confezione NON incluso l’alimentatore ma solo il cavo USB
The Aqara G2H Pro is a fantastic indoor security camera hub! The picture quality is outstanding, and the built-in hub simplifies my smart home setup. Easy installation and reliable performance make it a top choice for home security. Highly impressed!
Good HomeKit camera, privacy concerns though with it connecting to outside rather than staying internal on your network. Can be resolved by just blocking internet access from your router (parental controls or something like that) and it for 99% will play fair with those rules. Occasionally will want to “phone home” so I remove the SD card and let it use the internet for a bit then lock it.
Wenn man Kameras in HomeKit benutzen will, ist die Auswahl recht begrenzt und teuer. Diese Kamera funktioniert gut und ist deutlich gnstiger. Zusammen mit HomeKit Secure eine gute Lsung. Die Anleitung ist etwas kryptisch, aber man kommt durch.
J’en ai achet 3 pour la surveillance de mon domicile. Couples un Hub G3 qui fait point central de la domotique. Les images sont propres, trs bonne qualit.
Penser insrer une carte micro SD pour conserver un historique de vidosurveillance.
L’application Aqara est trs facile utiliser.
Application un peu complique apprhender.
L’intgration HomeKit est parfaite.
La gestion moderne des enregistrements est supporte et ceux-ci sont stocks dans iCloud.
Pass le premier jour d’acculturation, tout est ok.
Funciona muy bien con HomeKit. No me gusta que tengamos que pasar a la fuerza por la plataforma de Aqara (preferira pasar nicamente por homekit ya que me fo mucho ms de su seguridad).
La resolucin es buena y el modo nocturno se ve perfecto.
Mais la partie hub/passerelle Zigbee, dont on aurait espr qu’elle puisse servir pour connecter n’importe quel appareil Zigbee, n’accepte apparemment que des produits Aqara.
Ainsi, des ampoules et des prises connectes Silvercrest (Lidl), parfaitement vues et bridges par le hub Zigbee Dirigera d’iKea, ne sont pas pairables et ne sont pas reconnues par ce hub-ci.
n’acheter que si vous comptez acqurir des produits Aqara Zigbee, qui seront ainsi visibles sous HomeKit aussi.
Senza infamia ne lode, per il costo che ha ottima. L’integrazione con HomeKit un ottimo punto a favore, con le caratteristiche che ha non ne ho trovate altre compatibili. La rilevazione movimenti accurata, tuttavia non invia le notifiche di rilevazione delle persone se non attiva la funzione registrazione, non so perch, se attiva invece nessun problema, ho provato anche a “cammiffarmi” e vengo rilevato, ripeto non so se un problema HomeKit o Aquara. Non adatta all’uso esterno e le funzioni Aquara della sua applicazione le trovo alquanto posticce, mentre quelle HomeKit sono pienamente integrate (salvo l’errore sopra riscontrato). Insomma fa quello che deve, per il prezzo che ha, non aspettatevi oltre!
Trs facile installer. Une bien meilleure qualit que la mme camra prcdente, sans la mention PRO.
Elle vous alerte en cas de mouvement ou de son anormal. Seul bmol, l’application n’est pas trs intuitive et les paramtres sont parfois difficiles comprendre (la traduction du chinois n’est pas toujours la bonne)
Sinon, le produit est excellent et de bonne finition.
I’m really happy with this product because it offers the versatility I need with some family members on Apple and others on Android. If you don’t need the subscription but footage, 5 GB of cloud space will allow you to review footage weekly before deleting or recovering evidence. It’s adjustable, has a cute design. I don’t have a problem with the blue light unless I’m standing in front of the window in the dark, so the light can be blinding if someone is standing at the entry point where the camera is pointed. The app is simple to use and has more options than I expected. This is my first Aqara purchase and I’m looking forward to building my system with new security components. 5 stars!
Set up took 60 seconds in Home app. Easy. Picture quality is excellent and customisable notifications are superb. Live video and 10-days recordings on iCloud, no setup required , just works (no extra cost as I already pay for the 2TB option). I have this on landing window sill pointing out to driveway and works great. Will be buying a second one for back of house too!
Ich habe die Aqara G2H Kamera getestet und bin sehr beeindruckt von ihrer Leistung und Funktionalitt. Die Kamera hat eine hervorragende Videoqualitt mit 1080p Full HD-Auflsung und einer 140-Grad-Weitwinkelansicht. Das Sichtfeld ist sehr breit und bietet eine hervorragende berwachung Ihres Hauses.
Die Kamera ist sehr einfach zu installieren und zu konfigurieren. Sie knnen die Kamera mit der Aqara Home-App verbinden und die Einstellungen von berall aus ndern. Die Bewegungserkennung ist sehr empfindlich und sendet Benachrichtigungen auf Ihr Smartphone, sobald eine Bewegung erkannt wird.
Die Kamera verfgt auch ber eine Nachtsichtfunktion, die eine klare Sicht bei Dunkelheit ermglicht. Das Design ist sehr elegant und die Kamera passt perfekt in jede Umgebung.
Ein besonderes Highlight der Aqara G2H Kamera ist die Integration von Smart Home-Technologie. Sie knnen die Kamera mit anderen Aqara-Gerten wie Tr- und Fenstersensoren verbinden und so ein komplettes Smart Home-berwachungssystem erstellen. Die Kamera ist auch mit Apple HomeKit und Google Assistant kompatibel, so dass Sie sie mit Ihrer Stimme steuern knnen.
Insgesamt kann ich die Aqara G2H Kamera sehr empfehlen. Sie bietet eine hervorragende berwachung Ihres Hauses, eine einfache Installation und Konfiguration, eine hohe Qualitt der Video- und Audioaufnahme, sowie die Integration von Smart Home-Technologie. Die Kamera ist auch sehr preisgnstig im Vergleich zu anderen berwachungskameras auf dem Markt.
There are cool capabilities on it like rewriting the memory on the memory card automatically, always recording footage while simultaneously cropping out 15 second video chunks to watch movement in the app, etc., but it’s not the best option if you want something to watch a pet or a baby.
I think I might move this to my front doorstep to see when my packages arrive and for extra security but for a lizard cam I might go with a cloud camera with more vivid colors and imagery. I notice this footage skips a lot, and my skink is often on the other side of his tank within a frame and I miss something he does. Also, the movement sensor always takes 15 second clips even if the movement is a minute long. That is really odd to me, why doesn’t it just record the duration of the time the sensor is sensing movement in the frame?
may need to get a WiFi repeater to help and see if that fixes image quality, I think a lot of the problems here are from poor saturation of the video and poor WiFi.
It’s a good cheap camera for security, absolutely worth the money if you want to do 5+ cameras and have a very secure home perimeter, it will absolutely catch a recording of someone hitting your parked car, but it may not catch a clear image of the license plate or their face due to the frame skipping issues, it’s just enough evidence for your insurance to reimburse. The more expensive Aqara camera may be a better option if it can catch more frames in its videos.
As far as the app goes I always love Aqara products, seamless HomeKit integration and works beautifully with my other Aqara products. I have a very affordable high tech reptile tank now and sometimes I catch funny clips.
Homekit lsst leider nur Auflsungen von 1080p zu. Reicht aber bisher in allen Szenarien aus. Die Bewegungserkennung funktioniert in unserem Fall mit Katzen im Haus sehr gut. Wir hatten bisher einmal eine fehlerhafte Erkennung einer Person.
Die Kamera ist hochwertig verarbeitet und sieht schick aus. Der magnetische Fu erleichtert die Montage an der Wand oder Decke enorm. Hier habe ich erst nach 2 Wochen gemerkt, dass man diesen verstellen kann. Habe noch vorerst beschwert ber fehlenden Fu oder Montagemglichkeit – mein Fehler.
Ein Fehler der bei uns regelmig auftritt ist der Wiederaufbau der Verbindung. Unser Router startet jeden Morgen um 4 Uhr einmal durch. Die Kamera macht das ein paar mal mit und hat dann unbestimmt Probleme die Verbindung wieder aufzubauen. Vielleicht kommt hier noch ein Update seitens Aqara.
Fr den reduzierten Preis von 68 wrde ich die Kamera wieder kaufen.
Much better buy than a camera that cost twice as much., I know because I have bought both, plus this one keeps working
Really glad I purchased, the functionality is better than expected and serves as a second bridge for my system so bye to Philips Hue prices on motion sensors etc
He comprado dos, una para mi casa y la otra para mi oficina. Tengo dos casas en Apple HomeKit con una cmara en cada una. La cmara di mi casa registra videos de movimiento al iCloud pero la otra no. He intentado todo pero sigue mostrando solamente En directo.
Telecamera spettacolare funziona benissimo notifiche immediate di immagini , registrazioni e allarmi integrata nell’eco sistema iOS molto soddisfatto e poi un ringraziamento va a l’assistenza Aqara che mi anno risolto un problema sono stati molto gentili nel risolvere immediatamente un problemino con risposte immediate un grazie di nuovo
Gnstigste Homekit Kamera mit dem besten Bild (Nachtsicht).
Habe nach dem einrichten in Apple HomeKit noch 2 bestellt.
This camera works well but I do have to leave it plugged in all the time which I wish it would charge. That’s my fault for not checking that but other than that, it’s reliable and gives me notifications on time. The picture is clear.
The Wide view and Nighttime view enhancements make this a worthwhile upgrade. Reading other reviews I put off this one but now that I have upgraded one I had to share that the Pro version is a huge upgrade. The colors are better and I still can’t believe the nighttime performance. Highly recommend
Uso questo tipo di camera da sempre con HomeKit e funziona benissimo, ci vuole un attimo per collegarla e vederla dall app home di Apple.
3 su 4 sono all’ esterno, e funzionano ancora egregiamente.
Per avere il massimo controllo e fare i vari aggiornamenti necessario scaricare l’app Aqara dalla quale si ha il pieno controllo della camera e dei video registrati, mentre invece per avere la registrazione in app casa di Apple necessario l’abbinamento con iCloud plus.
Per effettuare e vedere le registrazioni obbiette necessita di una scheda sd che non viene fornita.
leichte Installation – HomeKit und auch HomeKitSecure tauglich – tolles Preis/Leistungsverhltnis!!!
Works fine with 10M USB-a to micro usb extension cable. If you mount it upside down then you’ll need to use the Aqara app and add the camera to it and then change orientation in settings, which does flow through to the Apple Home app. Lots of features, face recognition, zones to eliminate passing traffic and pedestrians. Has a (very) loudspeaker and you can use the home app to project your voice. Alerts and notifications for visitors etc. Recording can be continuous or clips triggered by any combo of people, pets, traffic and even packages. Easy to rewind and view clips from either Apple home app or Aqara app. Needs a micro SD card (not included). Nice wide angle lens without being too “fish eye”. Works in the dark. Great value.
Compre 3 cmaras iguales de las cuales una no funciona la visin nocturna aun cambiando a modo visin nocturna siempre.
Edito el comentario, el fabricante me envo una cmara nueva en sustitucin de esta cmara. Fueron muy giles y amables. Totalmente recomendables !!
Parfait pour avoir un pont zigbee Aqara , dommage que de temps en temps la connexion wifi se perde et revienne toute seule au bout de 10 minutes (est-ce que c’est mon wifi ou pas je ne sais pas)
These are very good quality. My biggest complaint is that I cannot remove the security feature from homekit. I have my own security system in there already and this one interferes with it too often.
Annoying but I can get past that for the price and quality.
La videocamera carina, sembra un minions. Viene fornita con lo spillo per resettarla, piastra con viti per fissarla a muro con tanto di placchetta magnetica, cavetto, ma attenzionedovete procurarvi un’alimentatore. Ottima qualit video, un po’ meno al buioper passa velocemente da una modalit all’altra in condizioni dinamiche di luce. Configurarla richiede pochi minuti, sinceramente non l’ho accoppiata alla sua app..anche perch non tradotta. Per la uso all’interno di homekit per utilizzare un cloud pi sicuro, a volte per ho problemi di connessione e di notifiche false, quindi assicuratevi di avere una buona connessione a casa. A tal proposito, sappiate che potete utilizzare questa cam anche con la scheda microsd. Inoltre funziona come hub zigbee, quindi nel caso voleste comprare altri prodotti aqara che necessitano per forza di un hub zigbeepotete risparmiare i soldi dell’hub utilizzando semplicemente la videocamera.
Potete utilizzarla anche con google e alexa. In sintesi, la consiglio tranquillamente. Sopratutto ora che si trova a un buon prezzo.
Buon prodotto, non il massimo per qualit video ma ottimo da abbinare ad un sistema HomeKit, considerando che il limite del protocollo secur HomeKit di 1080P.
Facile da abbinare, piccola e facile da installare grazie al supporto magnetico. Unica nota negativa il fatto che non dispone di alimentatore ma in dotazione previsto solo il cavo.
Connecting the camera to Apple Home was real easy by using the QR code on the device, however I couldn’t get the camera to connect to the Aqara app. After many attempts I nearly gave up. It was then I found within the settings under Profile, a setting called Homekit, then Homekit devices. Using this setting allowed the app to find my camera that was already connected to Apple Homekit and then all was good after that.
Once connected to the app I was then able to connect the camera to my Synology NAS for video storage, this went smoothly.
Now that I know how to set this up, I’ve ordered a further 2 camera’s for different locations within my home.
It does better than the eufy 2c with homekit. However the picture quality is worse at a higher price. But it serves the purpose.
This is the 3rd unit I have installed indoors to cover walkways or entrances. They seem to work very well, the SD card is a great feature (you need to buy separate) but means no paid features and your recordings stay on your system and not with anyone else. Each camera is also Hub so I have temperature sensors and door sensors connected.
The one thing that stops this from being a full home security system is that the geo fencing / push alarm only seems to work on the primary account holder and not family members. So I can set up a routine to let other family know I have left or returned home (to set alarms or make routines happen) but no options for the other members of the household (options in their app are greyed out) so until this gets updated it’s missing an important feature. Otherwise the cameras are grea
Per chi cerca telecamera da interno pienamente compatibile con HomeKit questa la migliore. Devo solo capire bene come usare la funzione allarme. Il design super minimal e ha il magnete per cui si pu attaccare ovunque. Ha anche speakers molto potenti per fare da allarme
Me ha sorprendido lo bien que funciona tanto de da como con visin nocturna.
Con HomeKit es una maravilla incluso detecta caras.
Y su base magntica me ha ahorrado hacer taladros.
Me encanta
Primero debes configurar la app nativa aqara para que los cambios se reflejen en homekit, sino algunas funcionalidades como alarma no funciona.
Bra Ljud och bild, ingen ntadapter bara USB sladd som allt annat nu fr tiden.
Super avec le HomeKit de Apple !
Pas besoins de pont de connexion si vous avez dj un environnement connect ( lampe, Apple TV, etc)
Great design with versatile mounting options. Good video quality in both low and high light. I like the magnetic / screw free option; great for rental situations.
Installed one for me and one for in- laws.
Love the HomeKit security. It’s a zigbee hub which allows for more devices.
Wife view angle.
Multiple mounting options.
The speaker is a nice feature.
Bella telecamera, perfettamente compatibile con HomeKit, immagini molto nitide sia di giorno che di notte. Con la sua app funzioni aggiuntive. Trovo ben fatto il fondo magnetico che permette di attaccarla a superfici verticali metalliche. Nulla da dire, per adesso.
Trs bon produit au rapport qualit prix imbattable pour une camera HomeKit avec le Secure vido.
Je reviens de la camra ve plus cher mais en comparaison, le rapport qualit est prix est plus intressant sur cette camra.
Installation simple grce au pied aimant.
Setup in HomeKit directly was a breeze. No issues whatsoever as I’m on google nest wifi mesh. Took less than 5 mins.
Given how limit the home app is in terms of camera controls and features (can’t even rotate image), I’ve decided to download Aqara home app.
The Aqara home is well laid out and designed. Though I mainly use it for rotate the camera image and updating the firmware. You could also use microsd for local storage if chosen.
I have 3 Logitech Circle 2 camera and though it has 2.4ghz and 5ghz, but Aqara gh2 pro felt snappier and the camera is opened up in the apple home app almost instantly given it only has 2.4ghz band. Though circle 2 was almost 4 or 5 years old.
GH2 pro doesn’t come with a power brick but it’s ok it only needs 5w of power so the old iPhone power adapter which I have tons is perfect for powering the camera.
For the price, features, and how it supports HomeKit, this makes this camera a must buy. Thank you Aqara.
Motion sensor is very sensitive, mine is on the front porch and the movement from the bushes (see picture) in the wind means it records constantly, even deselecting motion types doesn’t help. Unfortunately I can’t exclude the area when defining a region, but this won’t bother most users. Some reflection off the internal glass door when in night vision mode, but much less than the camera it replaced. Other than that really good, particularly impressed with intercom function which is loud and clear. Remember if you are using with Apple secure video you still need the Aqara app to update the firmware – Apple Home App doesn’t do this, mine needing doing out of the box.
Great quality but often dropping and rebooting on HomeKit network for no reason . I have also g2 original on home network /HomeKit and running without issues .
Super produit, ncessite Aqara hub.
Bonne qualit nocturne / diurne.
Secteur de mouvement hypersensible, heureusement on peut tout rgler via l’application.
Actuellement utilis comme baby Phone.
Un seul point amliorer le son de restitution de la camra, beaucoup de parasites.
Je sais que pour une camra de scurit c’est pas se que on lui demande.
I bought this Aqara G2H Pro Camera this week upgrading from the IMOU Bullet Pro Camera. I was very familiar with the Aqara brand as I use various Window and Motion sensors around the house from the same brand so I knew the quality would be good. And oh boy I’m not disappointed with this camera, it’s a little beast! I wanted a camera that was compatible with HomeKit Secure Video as I didn’t want to store any data on Cloud servers, so this seemed like the perfect choice.
I did some research and I knew about other brands like Logitech, but it costs twice more and the camera apparently disconnects often for a lot of users. I decided to give this one a go and have had it connected through HomeKit for about half a week. I’m aware other people have mentioned disconnections with this camera too, but I must say I haven’t had a single disconnection so far so I’m happy but we shall see on the long term.
What’s good about this camera:
– Well known brand
– Excellent value for money
– Supports HomeKit Secure Video – great for Privacy!
– Good image quality (1080p) even with Night Vision, the image is very clear!
– Easy to setup, took me 2 minutes to add to HomeKit
– The Aqara app isn’t essential to use
– Fast to connect to Live Feed (1 second on WiFi – 2-3 seconds on 4G)
– It’s quite small so easy to place or hide somewhere
– Comes with optional screws or sticky mount
Now the cons:
– The cable is quite short, about 2 meters. It’s a shame as I might have to get USB extenders will be needed if placing far from the wall socket- I wish the camera would come in different colours such as black so it’s less noticeable
– No IP rating so seems to be for Indoor use only
– No wall plug included
– No continuous recording
– No 5Ghz WiFi support although 2Ghz seems to work well – and fast!
I have not tested connecting with the Aqara app so I can’t comment on the features. The whole point for me was to have the camera connected through Apple servers, the data is encrypted and even Apple can’t see that data. I feel more comfortable knowing that no one else except me can see any footage. This camera offers great peace of mind, control in the HomeKit app such as:
– Face Recognition
– People, Animals, Vehicles, Packages Recognition
– Stream or Record while away or at home
– Notification Alerts while away or at home
– Turn LED Light ON/OFF
– Night Vision (ON/OFF)
– 2 Way Audio (which works very well with barely any delay!)
– Select Activity Zones for Motion Detection
– Alerts when the Camera goes offline
– Snapshots in Notifications
Currently I’ve got the camera set to record when motion is detected and only alert us if motion is detected but no one is at home.
I absolutely love this camera so far, I’m going to buy 2 more and I’d love to see more cameras from Aqara in the future, such as an Outdoor version or a Video Doorbell. I own the Logitech Doorbell but it can’t handle the heat very well so will disconnect and stay offline for hours if it’s hot and in direct sunlight, not great these days! If Aqara releases a Video Doorbell without the Logitech issues I would definitely consider it! As I said I haven’t had the camera for very long, I hope it will perform as good on the long term but I will update my review if anything goes wrong. I also plan on using a Smart Plug with this in case it disconnects while I’m away so I can remotely restart the camera. I would say if you’re planning on using this with HomeKit Secure Video, don’t look further!
My only gripe (which could be my Wi-Fi, currently setting up a home Wi-Fi mesh to see if it fixes) is it drops out randomly and goes offline. I will update once the Wi-Fi mesh is in place.
Other than the Wi-Fi drops, which could be no fault of the camera, I highly recommend it.
La calidad de imagen es muy buena, eso si, con solo encender una luz lo detecta como si fuera movimiento. La instalacin es muy sencilla y totalmente compatible con las APP de iPhone y la aplicacin de casa.
stata migliorata rispetto al modello precedente, sempre facile connessione con Homekit di Apple, ma stato eliminato l’alimentatore.
La camera molto buona sia nella qualit dell’immagine, anche notturna, nelle dimensioni contenute, che nelle funzionalit!
Oltre a fare da camera, compatibile con HomeKit e l’audio a due vie, comprende un sistema di sicurezza, anch’esso esposto in HomeKit e configurabile anche attraverso l’app aqara, che un hub per tutti gli altri dispositivi aqara come sensori (ovviamente integrabili nel sistema di sicurezza oltre che in HomeKit). Infine compatibile anche con Alexa, insommaun ottimo prodotto per la Domotica
Da tempo cercavo una home camera da posizionare all’interno dell’abitazione e, dopo averne provate alcune, la scelta andata sulla G2H Pro, update della precedente G2H.
Nella confezione molto compatta troviamo la telecamera, l’alimentatore, il cavo USB di alimentazione (purtroppo micro USB) ed un utensile per il reset.
La camera ha un design molto carino che ricorda vagamente un personaggio del gioco “among us”
La parte frontale caratterizzata dall’obiettivo, intorno al quale sono collocati i Led infrarossi per la visione notturna (questi sono stati occultati da un frame in plastica e pertanto non sono visibili), i sensori, un piccolo Led ed il microfono.
Sul retro troviamo uno speaker dedicato alla fuoriuscita del suono ed il foro d’ingresso per l’alimentazione.
Sulla parte superiore presente il pulsante dedicato al pairing e nella parte inferiore trova collocamento una base snodabile e magnetica al di sotto della quale troviamo l’alloggiamento per la Micro SD.
Installazione compatibilit e archiviazione
L’installazione e la messa in uso della videocamera di sorveglianza richiede la presenza dell’app Aqara Home, disponibile sia sul Play Store che su AppStore.
La stessa compatibile anche con Apple HomeKit, percui possibile utilizzare direttamente l’applicazione Casa di Apple (mediante scansione dell’apposito QR code), ma sconsigliabile in quanto si priverebbe la telecamera dei futuri aggiornamenti. E’ presente anche il supporto ad IFTTT, Amazon Alexa e Google Assistant.
Il dispositivo un hub Zigbee 3.0, pensato per gestire fino a 128 sensori di Aqara.
Per quanto riguarda l’archiviazione, questa pu avvenire sul cloud di Aqara oppure inserendo una micro SD nell’apposito foro. Inoltre, la G2H pro supporta l’archiviazione NAS, ovvero permette di registrare su un hard disk,presente nella rete locale, mediante il protocollo Samba.
Una piccola telecamera con un alto rapporto qualit-prezzo. Si caratterizza per la sue peculiarit estetica e per la semplicit di posizionamento grazie alla base snodata e all’aggancio magnetico.
– Compatibilit con tutti gli assistenti vocali;
– Hub zigbee per espandere la rete di sensori;
– Per chi la utilizza con HomeKit vi la possibilit di attivare un vero e proprio sistema di sicurezza e di utilizzare il servizio HomeKit Secure video (solo se abbonati ad iCloud +);
– Ottimo design;
– Sistema di archiviazione sia cloud che in locale;
– Base snodabile e magnetica per attaccarla su qualsiasi superficie in metallo;
– Audio bidirezionale;
– Angolo di visuale di 146 gradi e risoluzione del sensore di 1080p;
– Funziona anche come sensore di movimento;
– Sistema di alimentazione con micro USB;
Buena cmara y a buen precio. Puede usarse con HomeKit o nicamente con su aplicacin.
En mi caso no me gusta su visin nocturna, pero puede deberse al lugar de colocacin y a que refleje la luz infrarroja sobre el mueble, ya que la tengo en alto y ligeramente inclinada.
Por lo dems, muy bien.
Uno brand migliori in assoluto compatibili con homekit.
Stabile performante se non fosse per il prezzo avrei provveduto a sostituire tutte le altre telecamere istallate che per necessitano di app dedicata.
Rimane un riferimento in assoluto
ich habe mir 3 Kameras geholt. Eine berwacht das Gartenhaus, die andere wacht ber die Eingangstr (innen) und die dritte berwacht meinen Server-Room. Die Einbindung in HomeKit ist mega einfach und macht was es soll
Easy to set up, Picture quality and recording is great.
Cumple bien su funcin, le falta una memoria micro SD para poder almacenar lo que graba. Sin embargo quiero resaltar que para conectar con Home Kit se necesita algo ms y cuando dicen que es compatible con Home Kit no se destaca que se necesita un Home Pod o un Apple TV, tambin vale un iPad aunque suele salir de casa y se pierde la conectividad, para que acte de Bridge, sin alguno de esos aparatos desde la calle no funciona. Hay arreglo y es que con la App de Aqara desde la calle se ve muy bien, se puede controlar enchufes, detector de movimiento. De momento no tengo ms. Cuando ests en casa tambin funciona con el mundo Apple y se ve muy bien, pero en la calle hace falta el Home Pod o el Apple TV
Le cose che ha in comune con la sorella “minore” sono, in ordine di importanza per me:
– l’integrazione perfetta e semplicissima con HomeKit di Apple (basta inquadrare il qrcode che ha sotto il piedistallo)
– la capacit di fare da hub per altri sensori Aqara (sensori di contatto, vibrazione, temperatura…)
– il buon audio/video che trasmette (l’audio in entrambi i versi quindi posso anche parlare dal telefono con quelli che sono in casa)
– il design minimale e moderno
– il piedistallo magnetico e snodabile ( presente anche un adesivo per fissarla in superfici non magnetiche)
– slot miniSD per registrare (non presente nella confezione ma non indispensabile)
In aggiunta la PRO ha la capacit di supportare schede miniSD pi capienti, di fare da hub per pi sensori e un angolo di visione leggermente pi ampio (146 contro 140 gradi).
In meno per ha l’alimentatore, che va comprato a parte. Questa stata proprio una brutta sorpresa!
Per il resto, consiglio di scaricare l’app Aqara (non richiede registrazione) per poter aggiornare il firmware: viene aggiornato regolarmente quindi tenete comunque l’app nel vostro smartphone.
Per il resto ho fatto tutto dall’app Casa dell’iPhone.
L’ho configurata in modo che quando in casa non c’ nessuno mi invia notifiche in caso di rilevazione di movimento. Quando invece sono in casa non fa nulla anche se posso comunque vedere in streaming il video.
possibile impostare il riconoscimento di pacchi/persone/animali, coprire aree in modo che non vengano registrate e abilitare notifiche se per caso andasse offline.
Importante: se usate l’app Casa di Apple, per poter vedere i video dal vostro iPhone quando siete fuori casa necessario avere un hub Apple. Possono fare da hub l’HomePod mini (che vi consiglio), o un’apple TV o un iPad recenti.
Se avete domande, sono qua.
The Aqara G2H Pro is not available in South Africa at this time, and I wanted to have the alarm function to be exposed to HomeKit. The video quality is about the same as my G2H with just a bit of a wider angle. The installation and setup is easy, but it take some time to move all my existing devices to the new hub. Like all my other Aqara products the G2H Pro did not disapoint.
La camra s’est ajoute en deux secondes homekit, sans mme avoir install l’application d’Aqara. J’en ai achet une seconde!
Did not come with a power supply. For the rest works as expected.
This camera serves as a hub for all Aqara devices, ensuring almost instantaneous notifications to activity detected by other cameras and sensors in the Aqara family. Setup is a breeze using the Aqara app and the image quality is incredibly sharp – even when using night vision. There’s plenty of storage options, (MicroSD, NAS, Aqara cloud and, if linked to HomeKit, iCloud). The built-in speaker and microphone allows two-way communication and the optional alarms are frightening/irritating enough to scare the cat.
I haven’t yet got to grips with the many settings and linking to Apple Home isn’t as straightforward as it should be, however this isn’t enough to mark the product down.
Overall, this is one of a series of excellent smart home devices from Aqara and I was impressed enough with my first G2H Pro camera to immediately buy another. As alluded to above, I also use three window/door sensors to complement the cameras and it hasn’t been a waste of money.
I hope the company considers outdoor cameras for the UK market soon.
This pro camera doesn’t come with a usb power adapter unlike the non pro version
Camera works well but just be aware that you need to have a usb power adapter available
In general, it’s comparable to the G2H other than two things. Like others have mentioned, mine is not picking up motion as good as my G2H or the G3, wonder if future update will fix it. It also doesn’t come with the USB brick if it matters. The G2H and the G3 do. I haven’t tried the privacy area yet. The G3 might be the better option when there is a sale. I like the G3 the most with tracking and cat ears!
correction, motion detection works now. In addition to turning it on in SD card storage, you have to turn it on in alert setting too. I’m using it as automation for my light switch and it works fine.
I have been running 5 regular G2H cameras both indoors and outdoors under my roof for a few months already. I have now added 3 more G2H Pro cameras to my HomeKit system.
I do not see much difference between the two cameras when it comes to image quality. Dimensions are pretty much the same and so are the mounting options. Night light images are also very comparable. Both cameras use the micro USB port for charging. Both cameras can act as a hub for sensors such as door sensors, motion detectors, etc. The G2H Pro can handle more child devices but even the G2H can handle a large number of them. However, there is a downside with the G2H as I will elaborate below.
The big difference between the two cameras is that the G2H Pro exposes the Security System to HomeKit. See, the G2H camera also has a security system that is exposed to Aqara but not HomeKit. So assuming that you have an M2 or M1S hub, whenever these hubs get triggered for the alert, the signal is also transmitted to the cameras assigned to the same house. So, all G2H cameras start playing the siren sound. However, when you disarm the M2/M1S hub, sometimes the G2H camera keeps playing the alarm. I can only imagine that this is some kind of bug but it is very annoying. You would have to either use the Aqara app to turn them off or basically unplug them from the wall to have them shut up. Since I also have cameras mounted outside, I cannot have them play a siren indefinitely, especially when I am not at home.
Once the G2H gets trapped playing the alarm, there is no way to turn it off from HomeKit since the security system functionality is not exposed. So in the Aqara app, I was forced to assign the cameras to a separate house, this way the G2H cameras do not play the alarm whenever the hub alarm goes off. Instead, I have installed a dedicated and very loud horn that gets triggered by a switch. This leads to the downside of this approach. Since the G2H cameras are assigned to a separate house, they also do not function as a hub. See, any sensors that get triggered through the camera is not visible by the M2 or M1S hubs. So I ended up adding all sensors to the hardwired M2 hub and do not use the hub functionality on the G2H cameras.
The G2H Pro basically fixes this issue. You can now put the cameras on the same network as the M2 or M1S hub, and the camera will play the alarm sound together with the hub, but it will also turn off the alarm reliably. Now, I haven’t tested it long enough yet so I will update this description if I run into more problems down the road. But it is safe to say, that since the security system is exposed to HomeKit, you are able to turn it off from your phone remotely. There is also a small advantage when it comes to the default ringtones. The G2H can also play a few ringtones, but it does not have the same capability as other hubs or the G2H Pro. Most notably, there is no doorbell sound on the G2H but there is on the G2H Pro. It is also possible to trigger playing the alarm through the Aqara app, whereas on the G2H the alarm sounds are also handled as ringtones.
If you live in a small apartment or college dorm and need a very simple system, the G2H Pro is all you need. One camera can cover the entrance door, and it can also act as a parent for the child sensor devices such as door sensors or motion sensors. It can also trigger to play the alarm and notify you through the phone. So you basically don’t need to buy another hub. The G2H cannot do this and requires and external hub for the alarm functionality.
Finally, there is one more downside with the G2H Pro vs the G2H. The G2H Pro does not include the USB power plug, whereas the G2H does. So they basically make the install process more annoying just to save a buck. I would still recommend the G2H Pro as long as the price is close enough, just don’t forget to order a pack of USB plugs with all the cameras. Overall I think the G2H Pro is still the best camera for HomeKit right now.
Auf den ersten Blick gibt es keine nennenswerten Unterschiede zu der alten G2H Version, beim nheren betrachten fllt einem die kleine Status LED auf. Diese kann nun dank der Mehrfarbigen Anzeige verschiedene Status Informationen direkt sichtbar machen.
Leider wurde wie schon bei der G2H auf Micro-USB gesetzt. Diesen Punkt finde ich etwas schade, aber da die Kamera ja konstant am Netzteil hngen wird ist es noch zu verkraften.
Worin liegen nun die Unterschiede? uerlich zu 99% Identisch verbergen sich die Neuerung im Inneren.
Hier die Unterschiede zur der G2H
Micro SD Karte nun bis 512GB mglich
128 Untergerte verknpfbar (ENDLICH! Vorher nur 32)
Privacy Modus (Areale knnen geschwrzt werden)
Breiteres Sichtfeld ( 146 gegenber 140)
Erweiterte Status Einstellungen ( “Zuhause”, “Abwesend”, “Nacht” und “Aus”.)
Das Bild ist im vergleich zum Vorgngermodell unverndert gut und wei auch im Dunklen zu berzeugen.
Nach wie vor kann die Kamera direkt in HomeKit eingebunden werden, ich empfehle zwecks Updates dennoch die Bindung auch ber die Aqara App.
Die App steht sowohl fr Android als auch iOS kostenfrei in den jeweiligen Stores zur Verfgung, eine Anmeldung ist von Nten.
Im HomeKit Verbund bietet die Kamera den vollen Umfang von HomeKit Secure Video.
Von uns gibt es eine klare Empfehlung, auch wenn noch immer primr auf WiFi mit 2,4GHz und Micro-USB gesetzt wird.
Nachtrag 16.03.2022:
Es ist wichtig zwei getrennte Netzwerke zu verwenden (2,4GHz und 5GHz). So kann zwar durch Zufall die Einrichtung im gemischten Netzwerk funktionieren, aber dieser Umstand ist nicht von Dauer und fhrt nur zu Frust.
Die Kamera luft bei mir, wie schon die Vorgnger, absolut stabil und zuverlssig.
Auf den ersten Blick gibt es keine nennenswerten Unterschiede zu der alten G2H Version, beim nheren betrachten fllt einem die kleine Status LED auf. Diese kann nun dank der Mehrfarbigen Anzeige verschiedene Status Informationen direkt sichtbar machen.
Leider wurde wie schon bei der G2H auf Micro-USB gesetzt. Diesen Punkt finde ich etwas schade, aber da die Kamera ja konstant am Netzteil hngen wird ist es noch zu verkraften.
Worin liegen nun die Unterschiede? uerlich zu 99% Identisch verbergen sich die Neuerung im Inneren.
Hier die Unterschiede zur der G2H
Micro SD Karte nun bis 512GB mglich
128 Untergerte verknpfbar (ENDLICH! Vorher nur 32)
Privacy Modus (Areale knnen geschwrzt werden)
Breiteres Sichtfeld ( 146 gegenber 140)
Erweiterte Status Einstellungen ( “Zuhause”, “Abwesend”, “Nacht” und “Aus”.)
Das Bild ist im vergleich zum Vorgngermodell unverndert gut und wei auch im Dunklen zu berzeugen.
Nach wie vor kann die Kamera direkt in HomeKit eingebunden werden, ich empfehle zwecks Updates dennoch die Bindung auch ber die Aqara App.
Die App steht sowohl fr Android als auch iOS kostenfrei in den jeweiligen Stores zur Verfgung, eine Anmeldung ist von Nten.
Im HomeKit Verbund bietet die Kamera den vollen Umfang von HomeKit Secure Video.
Von uns gibt es eine klare Empfehlung, auch wenn noch immer primr auf WiFi mit 2,4GHz und Micro-USB gesetzt wird.