Beyerdynamic DT 240 PRO professional over-ear studio headphones in black. Closed design, wired, pluggable cable

Excellent noise isolation
High ambient noise isolation and minimum spill-over effects make the DT 240 PRO the optimum headphone for mobile monitor applications in loud environments: Eliminate distractions and donât distract others.
Wearing comfort
For those more protracted sessions, the lightweight and ergonomicheadband and the soft ear pads ensure a high level of wearing comfort.
Robust design
Spring steel headband , aluminium yokes and reinforced cable are ideal forprofessional demands.
Weight: | 318 g |
Size: | 1 |
Dimensions: | 21.59 x 20.07 x 5.08 cm; 317.51 Grams |
Model: | DT 240 PRO |
Colour: | Black |
Colour: | Black |
Size: | 1 |
Cuffie molto buone e leggere. Diciamo che l’isolamento dall’esterno non totale ma in ogni caso la qualit del suono che si riceve – IMHO – ottima per questa fascia di prezzo. -EDIT- dopo un anno il rivestimento dei cuscinetti (e il rivestimento – uguale – della parte rigida che fa da struttura) ha cominciato a frantumarsi lasciando cadere parti di (finta) pelle in ogni dove. Forse bisognerebbe curare di pi il materiale usato per rivestire queste parti, io ho risolto acquistando dei nuovi copripadiglioni.
Die Kopfhrer haben einen guten Klang, sind jedoch eher nicht zum klassischen Musikhren gemacht.
These were on sale so on the recommendation of a friend I bought them sight unseen. For their bottom of the line product these sound fantastic. Well balanced and comfortable to wear.
I’ve always used ear buds before but I’m glad I changed to these especially when playing binaurals
– Buenos auriculares para lo que valen, comodidad (pesan poco, no apretan las orejas), sonido, diseo.
Unica pega, el cable (a pesar de ser enrollable-extendible) es muy corto, 1 metro aprox.
Buenos auriculares de gama media. Por 60 euros difcil de batir.
Lo que mas me gusta es que son cmodos y no son nada aparatosos.
Calidad de sonido muy buena, pero si quieres monitorizar sonido modo experto, tengas que irte a una gama superior.
Ich bin kein Profi was Audio Equipment angeht, aber diese Kopfhrer geben nach meinem Eindruck jeden Frequenzbereich erstaunlich klar und unverflscht wieder. Ich wrde sagen das sind die besten Kopfhrer die ich je hatte. Ich habe vorher eine ziemlich bekannte Marke bestellt, die dann zurckgegangen sind. Fr den Preis sind diese Kopfhrer unschlagbar. Da knnen sich einige Hersteller mal ne Scheibe abschneiden.
Eigentlich ziemlich gute Kopfhrer fr unterwegs und zum Musikhren, allerdings gibt’s natrlich auch einige Probleme.
Positiv ist mal wieder der ziemlich geile Bayerdynamic typische Sound und die sehr gute Verarbeitung wenn man den Preis bedenkt.
Negativ ist allerdings, dass es sich NICHT um Over Ear Kopfhrer handelt sondern sie Hhrer eher auf den Ohren aufliegen.
Auerdem merkt man nach ca. 30min den Anpressdruck klar.
Dennoch, wenn man ein bisschen aufs Budget achten muss sind sie ne gute Empfehlung!
Beyerdynamic una marca prestigiosa e la DT240 PRO non male ma mi aspettavo qualcosa di pi in termini di dettaglio. Forse il paragone con la AT M50X con cui le ho confrontate iniquo perch hanno fasce di prezzo diverse per.
Comunque buone per la fascia di prezzo.
Di buono ho trovato la comodit e la portabilit.
Dotazione cavi minimale
Unfortunately for me, I needed to get a set of closed back headphones since the household noise level started to go up from this pandemic. And though I couldn’t afford a set of high end closed back headphones, the Beyerdynamic DT 240 pro came through. In its price range, the comfort is surprising and I have been able to use them for hours at a time without wearing fatigue and without hearing fatigue either. Speaking of hearing, these are clean and detailed, without being harsh or bright. The sound I hear from these headphones transfers well to other speakers and headphones. On the slightest of downsides, the headphones don’t provide the best sound isolation, but it’s not too bad either. I would say that for the price, these are easily the best of the group I’ve tested, from sennheiser to shure and status audio as well. These will keep me going for several years!
Los mejores auriculares que he tenido. Son cmodos, con materiales de buena calidad y con una calidad de sonido muy buena
Suono perfetto non viene esaltata nessuna frequenza, come piace a me, cavo lungo ed ottimo forse se avessero inserito anche un cavo pi piccolo sarebbe stato meglio, difetto, sono piccole per chi ha una circonferenza di testa un pochino grande sono strette e danno fastidio si pu ovviare cercando di allargarle e qualcosina si ottiene ma avrebbero dovuto essere pi flessibili
I purchased these headphones to use to monitor my voiceovers for IT training videos that I create. I am thoroughly impressed.
Cuffie veramente solide e di buona fattura, la qualit si sente gi toccando il prodotto, pur essendo in plastica all’esterno, gran parte dell’archetto rivestito in finta pelle con l’interno in metallo, ti danno una sensazione di solidit al tatto molto buona.
Hanno una dimensione generale relativamente piccola, ma sono molto comode anche grazie a dei padiglioni in un’ottima finta pelle molto morbida.
Il suono semplicemente WOW, c’ una equalizzazione generale del suono veramente ottima, bassi presenti e piacevoli ma non pervasivi, medi chiari e definiti, alti veramente ben riprodotti pure ad alto volume e in particolare il suono riprodotto della voce veramente ottimo. Personalmente ho seguito quasi le 30 ore consigliate di rodaggio, e dal primo utilizzo il suono sembra essere migliorato.
Si comportano bene sia su telefono che sul computer anche se sul primo si avverte un audio leggermente pi basso, niente di drammatico, il volume lo stesso ad un buon livello per l’ascolto.
Penso che sul prezzo dei 100 sia gi un ottimo acquisto per cerca cuffie cablata, se poi capitano in sconto meglio ancora.
These are my first “audiophile” or “studio” headphones. The headphones that I have been using before these are the $10-$20 Sony portable headphones, a Logitech headset, and an off-brand gaming headset before arriving to this headset. I also listen to music with the headphone volume at 16 on Windows 11.
The Pros:
* Good sound, I feel like the music that I hear has more details in the high while also providing more bass.
* The cable is removable, and there are ports on both the left and the right side.
* The headphones actually have swivel, meaning that it actually tilts inwards to better match our ears instead of it just being flat on the side of our heads.
The Cons:
* I have pretty big earlobes and I wear glasses, so because of these earmuffs being small, the headphones clamp down and squeeze my head, which makes it uncomfortable for long periods of time.
* I am not sure about the leakage of the headphones (meaning how much music is able to be leaked out to other people around you), but these headphones do not provide good isolation, even when I try to line it up perfectly with my ears. It’s to the point where I can hear my keyboard as I type away.
Do I recommend these headphones? Yes, but with an asterisk at the end. I recommend these headphones if you do not mind not getting a lot of isolation with your “studio” headphones.
Peut tre voir prendre la gamme au dessus (DT77 etc)
Been using these for two weeks now. Let’s start with the build quality. Although they ain’t made with the toughest of materials, they do not give a cheap and tacky feeling as the combination of plastics, protein leather and the steel headband within ensure that they look good, stay sturdy and feel comfortable and durable. In terms of the fit, although the headphones are “Over-the-ear” variants, their cups are circular, so someone with particularly larger ears might find it a bit difficult to wear for longer durations, although I do not face this problem personally. Now for the sound. Spoiler alert, these do not have a heap of bass. It has a well-balanced sound signature with a “tight” bassline, an emphasised midrange, and a distinct treble response. The soundstage is on the smaller side however, due to its closed-back design. So if you’re a basshead, who prefers products made by Skullcandy or Beats, this ain’t the right pick for you, as personally, I feel this is more tuned towards cameramen and old-school audiophiles, who want a sound that is as close to the source or the sample that the creators intended for the listeners to experience. Definitely my pick in the entire line-up of headphones in the same price range. Way to go, Beyerdynamic!
You can’t wear these headphones for long periods of time. Max 30 mins before you have to take a break from it. The clamping force is just too much (insanely too much).
I have small ears and yet it touches the drivers inside the headphones, signalling that the padding is not thick enough.
Overall, the sound quality is decent but the comfort negates the positive comment of sound quality by a long shot. Better to avoid.
While the sound quality is OK for the price. It is not comfortable for long listening sessions, my ears hurt after 10 minutes usage. All in all, not bad, but not recommended either.
Buena relacin calidad precio.
Son un poco incomodos al principio hasta que la diadema da de s.
Tuve que devolverlos porque el cable haca mal contacto por la parte de los auriculares.
Hicieron la devolucin/sustitucin por otros nuevos de manera rpida y sin ningn problema.
El material de construccin es bastante bueno, pero me parece que hace falta un poco sobre todo en el eje que une la diadema con las almohadillas, pues debera ser en metal ambas partes y no combinacin plstico y metal, es lo nico que veo que a mediano plazo puede generar rotura de ellos. Lo dems en cuanto a construccin estn muy bien ensamblados y con buenos materiales. se pueden usar con cable por cualquiera de los dos lados, pues tiene conector en ambos, son bastante cmodos pero despus de algunas horas de trabajo continuo tienden a ponerse algo molestos, trae una bolsa de tela para transportarlos, pero no se pueden doblar, as que hay que tener cuidado de no meterlos muy apretados en la maleta para que no vayan a sufrir, la cancelacin de ruido es bastante buena, pero no excelente, el sonido es de excelente calidad pero colorea algo los graves, pero solo un poco. En general es un muy buen producto, llevo varios meses usndolos.
I generally don’t like coiled cables but that didn’t stop me from buying these headphones because I’ve been very happy with other beyerdynamic headphones, and the chord is detachable sl I figured that I could buy an alternative cable (which I did: Mr. Rex 3.5mm to 2.5mm).
So not the end of the world, but I have to say that even for a coiled cable this one really sucks. And I’m surprised that beyerdynamic doesn’t seem to sell a replacement that isn’t coiled, so I had to go with a third party.
My 2 cents: Offer the headphones with both a straight and a coiled cable. Or better yet, scrap the coiled cable all together.
This headset ticks a lot of boxes for me. Having recently started recording music again (for fun), I needed something simple and inexpensive without sacrificing quality. I was not disappointed with these headphones. Considering I almost plumped for the pricier 770s, these headphones did more than enough for what I needed them for. A great entry level pair of headphones. Honestly, don’t even hesitate buying these. Go for it!
Ich mochte die Kopfhrer sehr.
Fr den Preis Top Klangbild und super fr unterwegs.
Leider fr meinen Kopf bei lngerem tragen unangenehm.
Nun ist es so das sie genau jetzt kurz nach Ablauf der Garantie kaputt gegangen sind und keinen Ton mehr wiedergeben obwohl ich sie wirklich selten und achtsam verwendet habe.
Das finde ich durchaus seltsam.
Ansonsten gute Kopfhrer fr kurze Sessions und den schmalen Geldbeutel.
– Build quality is superb
– Easy to carry because of size.
– Side interchangeable cable connector
– Sound is good. Flat signature. (But could have been better in the price range)
– No surround sound.
– Earcups are medium in size. Wont fit for everyone. (Please check before buy)
– Since earcups are medium then replacement of such will be difficult.
– Pouch is pathetic, its just a piece of cloth.
I think you can try AT or Sennheiser instead of this. Not at all worth in this price segment.
An Ideal headset both for casual as well as for professional purposes. Great sound range as well as ear comfort. Doesn’t get uncomfortable even after hours of usage. Build quality and design is fabulous too. Nothing flashy. Doesn’t get bulky to carry around either. That’s all.
Non sono audiofilo quindi prendete con le pinze ci che segue: arrivo da un paio di Panasonic HTX 7 (quelle vecchie cablate) che per I miei gusti bastavano ed avanzavano, sfortuna vuole che si siano rotte.
La differenza che ho riscontrato che le 240 Pro hanno bassi meno potenti ed invadenti, hanno come dire un suono pi neutro e pulito, un tradeoff che non mi dispiace onestamente, anzi non tornerei indietro .
La storia dei bassi credo sia principalmente dovuta alla differenza in dimensione dei driver ( 40mm le Panasonic vs 33 delle Beyerdynamic ).
A livello comodit cos cos: con l’utilizzo prolungato si prolungano anche future sessioni di utilizzo poich l’archetto si allenter un po’. L’archetto per l’appunto penso sia fatto con l’acciao delle balestre di un vecchio fuoristrada Defender, dopo alcune ore mi premono sul padiglione a tal punto da sentire una sensazione di caldo.. ma tranquilli: vi abituerete a capire che non vi stanno sanguinando le orecchie.
Questo problema dovuto alle limitate dimensioni dei pads che, uniti alla titanica forza dell’archetto, fanno pemere la plastica sulle orecchie. Cambiare pads tuttavia vanificherebbe la compattezza del prodotto.
Le uso ormai da oltre un anno e se tralasciamo che il mio cranio ormai si sia allungato come quello di un sacerdote Nazca, per il resto sono ottime cuffie.
Molto interessante il cavo che perdona strattonamenti accidentali e, nel caso di strattonamenti estremi ( o perch sei un un animale, o perch ti sei dimenticato di avere le cuffie in testa avendo perso ogni tipo sensibilit sul cranio a seguito di 3 ore di utilizzo ) , permette di scollegarsi in corrispondenza del connettore jack che oppone meno resistenza.
I materiali sono durevoli e la costruzione pi che solida per il prezzo.
CONCLUDO: Il problema dello schiacciamento pu essere relativo alla persona, non una cuffia da indossare 4 ore di fila, si pu migliorare se si trovassero pad pi grossi, per fioli il suono mi miace un botto!
Uso le cuffie per ascolto e come monitor per “aggiustare” i pezzi…in entrambi i casi, a mio modesto parere, e dopo aver provato marchi ben pi blasonati…questa la cuffia che pi rispetta le caratteristiche del brano originale
Great headphones, but pity about the annoying curly lead which keeps getting caught on my guitar strap button when I’m sat down playing. Ended up buying a Bose 2.5mm to 3.5mm straight extension lead which fitted perfectly in the narrow socket on the headphones. Now happy thanks to Bose!
Al principio cuesta acostumbrarse al su sonido, no tienen tantos agudos como otros modelos.
Una vez que los usas durante algn tiempo te das cuenta que realmente no le faltan agudos si no que otros modelos similares tienen un exceso en las frecuencias agudas. Puedes usarlos durante mucho tiempo sin llegar a fatigar el odo.
Tengo varios modelos de auriculares y estos son los que mas uso por comodidad y sonido. Muy buena relacin calidad precio.
– Lauter sauberer Bass
– Gut fr Mobile Gerte weil laut mit wenig Strom
– Transportabel
– Sehr guter Klang frs Geld!
Es ist schon einige Wochen her, dass ich den Kopfhrer leider und schweren Herzens zurck gesendet habe.
Nochmal vorweg: Insgesamt sehr guter Kopfhhrer. Nicht ganz das Niveau der groen Brder DT770 pro etc. aber fr den Preis einfach der Hammer!
Was habe ich gesucht? Einen Kopfhher zum Bassgitarre ben, mit hohem Wirkungsgrad (also mglichst Laut), da mein Audiointerface (PreSonus AudioBox iTwo) am Kopfhrerausgang etwas schwach auf der Brust ist. Fazit: Dieser Kopfhrer ist laut! Sehr sogar. Er drfte auch mit schwachen Signalquellen wie Handys keine Probleme haben.
Was suchte ich sonst noch:
Sauberer Klang mit knackigen Bass. SAUBERER KLANG: Check! Mehr als man fr das Geld erwarten darf. KNACKIGER BASS: Check! Laut und Knackig. Es gibt eine Menge Kopfhrer, die den Bass zwar laut, aber leider schwammig abbilden – nichts, wenn man wie ich Basslufe aus einem Stck heraus hren mchte. Dieser Kopfhhrer hat einen “prsenten” Bass, der aber gleichzeitig auch noch sauber abgebildet wird.
Was hat mich also zum Rcksenden veranlasst?
a) Spiralkabel:
Wenn ich mich richtig entsinne war nur ein Spiralkabel mit geliefert und man kann dieses nicht tauschen. Man kann das Kabel zwar dehnen, aber als ehemaliger Elektroniker kann ich es schlicht nicht haben, wenn mechanischer Zug auf den Anschlussbuchsen ist und mein Audio-Interface ber den Tisch rutscht. Auch an meinem Kopf war dieser Zug durch das Spiralkabel zu sprren. Dann ist das Kabel auch noch ziemlich schwer (man knnte auch sagen robust), aber irgendwie… . Also mein Sohn, dem ich das Teil vermachen wollte, war auch sofort generft von diesem Kabel.
b) Brillenbgel schmerzt an Ohr:
Was??? Ja! Das mag seltsam klingen, aber die Hhrmuschel ist recht klein gestaltet. Die kleinen Ohren meines Sohnes (10 Jahre) gehn noch so rein, aber fr mich ist das ein waschechter “On-Ear” Kopfhhrer. Also: Sitzt auf den Ohren, nicht um die Ohren. Der Effekt fr Brillentrger ist nun, dass das obere Ohrlppchen massiv gegen den Brillenbgel gepresst wird und das hlt man leider nicht lange aus. Ich habe so etwas noch nie in einer Rezession gelesen – deshalb schreibe ich es hier, auch wenn’s lcherlich klingt.
Tatschlich besitzte ich andere on-ear Kopfhrer und nutze diese ohne Probleme, z.B. einen Koss Porta Pro. Diese sind vom Durchmesser aber kleiner und sitzen deshalb nicht so am ueren Rand des Ohrlppchens und quetschen folglich nicht gegen den Brillennbgel.
Ich beglckwnsche alle Bass-Liebhaber, Nicht-Brillentrger und Sprialkabel-Fetischisten: Dies knnte wahrlich ihr Kopfhrer sein.
@Beyerdynamik: Baut ein auswechselbares Kabel an den Kopfhrer und ich mache mir, zum ersten mal in meinem Leben, ein paar Kontaktlinsen rein.
I love my Lagoon ANC for rocking out around the house, working at home and lounging around and loved the Beyer sound so much, I decided to invest in a studio pair for video/audio editing and watching tv with.
I landed on this pair of DT 240’s after much fuss over not wanting to invest a ton of money into another higher end/expensive pair of cans. The sound quality is amazing and sound as amazing as any high end pair I’ve heard. They definitely are not flat and the bass is punchy and and highs are clear. I am partial to the Beyer Sound Signature and blow my old pair of Bose Soundlink II’s out of the water with quality.
These budget headphones are amazing for not just editing and studio purposes, but I’ve used these to listen to Amazon Music HD and sound so good!
The comfort level for me is low as I have an average head and the ear pads seem small and the headband is as well. I felt a bit of fatigue after a while wearing these.
Overall for the cost, these are fantastic!
Sound: These have a very neutral and flat sound with a bit more emphasis on the top end. People say that there isn’t any bass but that’s more of a personal preference thing because there IS bass but it is much more rich than loud. Mids are very clean, vocals can be a bit distorted depending on what you listen to but for the price it’s great. Sound stage is pretty average, don’t really get much sound in front or behind but there is some.
Build quality: These are exceptionally built for the price. Very nice pleather ear cups and head band. There is plastic but it is very dense and solid feeling. The hinge is some form of cast metal but it is metal so no complaints there. The detachable cable is very nice and doesn’t seem to have an annoying memory in it. Along with that the cable is not noisy so that’s a plus. Overall great build quality for the price.
Comfort: As you know this is my first impressions/out of the box so comfort will change over the course of me using them so take this with a grain of salt. They clamp a bit too hard and I find myself wanting to take them off after a while, this should be remedied after a while though.
Bonuses: While the cable is detachable you can also choose which side you connect the cable which I think is a really awesome feature. It also has a screw on 1/8 inch to 1/4 inch adapter for when you plug into some studio equipment or an amp.
My final thoughts on these headphones is that they are really awesome for the price and I’d totally recommend these to someone looking for a really neutral but slightly warm sounding headphone. These are definitely not for bass heads but the bass IS there and it is well represented. Overall great buy and so far I’d definitely buy them again. Again I will update my review after some time with them.
[Update] I’ve had these for about 3 months now and since then I’ve recently bought a pair of DT770’s which I have also reviewed. I mainly got these to test the waters at Beyerdynamic. I will touch on a couple things. The first would be that the included ear cups are not very nice and I ended up buying a new pair from ebay that used memory foam which vastly improved the listening experience and wearing experience. They are definitely not for people with larger ears as my ears touch the inside of the earcups which gets uncomfortable after some time. The sound is still pretty good as it stands. Overall not regretting my choice.
I use these headphones for mixing and mastering purposes and critical listening. These phones are not true circumaural as they are quite small and tend to rest on the ears rather than completely around them. Comfort isn’t the best as the pads are not particularly soft and the fit is snug making them quite uncomfortable if you have an average sized or larger head, even more so if you wear eye glasses as they can squeeze quite tightly.
Audio performance is pretty good as standard, better than consumer headphones in terms of accuracy. The real selling point for these in my opinion though, is that they work extremely well with Sonarworks Reference headphone calibration software – so well in fact, that once calibrated they perform as well or better than almost every other set that Sonarworks have tested.
Sehr gute Kopfhrer. Wer sie jedoch als DJ zum auflegen benutzen will sollte auf den Standard Sennheiser HD 25 zurckgreifen da sie fr den Club gebrauch zu leise sind. Fr zu Hause und zum abmischen von Musik sind sie perfekt. Fr den normalen Gebrauch reicht die Lautstrke vollkommen.
Come da titolo bisogna stare attenti all’impedenza della cuffia che si sceglie, per evitare di rimanere delusi dalle prestazioni in potenza d’uscita/distorsione che si rischia di ottenere sbagliando modello. In pratica bisogna conoscere l’impedenza del nostro amplificatore nell’uscita cuffie, che pu essere bassa 20-60 ohm, media 80-150 ohm, oppure alta, superiore ai 150 ohm. Se acquistate una cuffia con impedenza alta, per esempio 300 ohm, e la abbinate a un’uscita ampli per cuffie da 30 ohm, il volume in uscita sar molto basso. Al contrario, cuffie con bassa impedenza usate con ampli ad alta impedenza rischiate di andare in distorsione anche a basso volume, e perderete in qualit sonora. L’ideale usare impedenze simili tra cuffia e amplificatore.
In generale gli smartphone, lettori mp3, e prodotti economici hanno uscite a bassa impedenza, gli ampli professionali nel mondo dell’alta fedelt impedenze alte.
Io ho scelto queste ad bassa impedenza 34 ohm per usarle con il mio nuovo amplificatore di chitarra elettrica, che gestisce appunto un’uscita a bassa impedenza. Risultato perfetto.
Un’altra ottima caratteristica di questa cuffia la possibilit di collegare il cavo sia sul padiglione destro che anche sul sinistro, ed molto comodo per scegliere il lato in cui da meno fastidio.
Raccomando sempre un adeguato rodaggio, per almeno 30 ore.
Amazon sempre perfetto e puntuale.
Se ti sono stato utile lasciami un like, grazie
Ho da qualche anno delle DT 770 PRO 80ohm e speravo di trovare in queste DT 240 PRO lo stesso suono in un peso ridotto. Purtroppo non cos. Per carit, sono buone cuffie, lo ripeto. Ma anche la sensazione dei padiglioni pi “costrittiva” (o sono io che ho le orecchie grandi?). Costano la met (o un terzo, dipende dalle offerte) ma le DT 770 valgono 10 volte tanto.
Este es el segundo par de audfonos Beyerdynamic DT 240 PRO que compro. Buscaba una muy buena calidad de reproduccin de sonido en unos audfonos realmente porttiles, susceptibles de ser usados en el transporte pblico tanto como en mi oficina o enchufados a mi tornamesa. Este modelo satisfizo todas mis expectativas Por qu me compr un segundo par? … porque el primero se lo regal a mi hija que trabaja como directora audiovisual y durante la pandemia se qued sin audfonos de monitoreo para la edicin de videos. Ella los ha usado sin parar hace casi un ao y sigue feliz con el detalle de la reproduccin y con la aislacin de ruido externo, tanto dentro de su oficina como en terreno. As que en mi caso, se trata de una doble recomendacin.
Habe mir den Kopfhrer vor einem Krankenhaus Aufenthalt gekauft um dort in Ruhe Musik und TV zu genieen, und um das gerchel meiner evtl. Nachbarn nicht hren zu mssen.
Die Kopfhrer haben mir 2 Wochen Lebensqualitt geschenkt! Toller Sound und eine fr den aufgerufenen Preis anstndige Qualitt. Habe aus dem Hause beyerdynamic noch teure Kopfhrer der DT Serie, die sind natrlich eine andere Liga, aber hier sprechen wir von Handy Musik Qualitt, und was die Hrer da rausholen finde ich beachtlich! Knnten aber fr Menschen mit groen Ohren evtl. Zu klein sein, mir passen sie perfekt.
Bin sehr zufrieden mit dem Semi-Studio-Kopfhrer, der bei mittleren Impedanzen auch fr Mobilgerte taugt. Die Ohrmuscheln schlieen sehr gut und schirmen externe Klangquellen fast vllig ab. Der Kophrer sitzt bequem auch bei grerem Umfang (60) und hat meinen Dauer-Test mit verschiedenen DAW’s und Plugins bestanden. Der Klang ist fr mein Hrvermgen sehr exakt am Original und eignet sich daher sehr fr Audio-Mixing (live und Postproduction) im Studio und unterwegs. Ein Smiley obendrauf: nach getaner Arbeit guten Metal auf die Ohren, basslastig aber knackig, und der Kophrer hat seine Alltagstauglichkeit auch bewiesen.
Fr den vergleichsweise niedrigen Preis ist das hier mein Testsieger!
Die Kopfhrer wurden gar nicht verpackt. Es wurde in der Verkaufsverpackung versendet ohne Karton. Dadurch kann zu sehr Druck auf die Ware ausgebt werden. Fand ich nicht gut. Der Ton ist super. Knnte rumlicher sein. Meinen Lieblingssong konnten sie nicht gerecht werden. Aber bei glatten technosounds laufen sie gut fr binaurale beats sind sie perfekt. Ging sofort super schn ins Ohr. Fr den Preis super.
Mon avis … super rapport qualit prix !
Fonctionne bien sur ma carte son externe, portable mixette, et boitier photo.
son super raliste .
“A voir a l’usage bien sr” 😉
It’s a great product well make but hurts your ears after 6 hours or so from the pressure…but still the best I’ve used well worth buying.
These headphones have really nice quality overall. They are comfortable, little bit on the smaller side. But sound is pretty good, very user friendly. These headphones have nice sound stage and bass is pretty good. Probably not the best choice if you are classical music fanatic or enjoy extremely boring flat sound.
Su sonido fue una verdadera sorpresa, junto con el tamao, la construccin y el ajuste a la cabeza hicieron que los prefiriera como monitores para uso diario a otros que tambin tengo y que tambin suenan bien pero doblan el precio de estos, nada que envidiar a unos Beyer DT990Pro abiertos, Sony MDR7506, Sennheiser HD25, Focal Spirit, German Maestro 835, etc. Echo de menos la opcin oficial por parte de Beyerdynamic de ofrecer un cable de mayor longitud y un cable con micrfono. Tambin echo de menos el poder comprar almohadillas de espuma sin la costura angulosa que traen las originales. De las mejores relaciones calidad/precio en auriculares.
A very good pair of headphones for this price. Lows are not overpowering, highs are not ear piercing, mids are forward. I have Dolby Audio in my phone as well as laptop but these headphones sound much better with laptop in comparison to the phone (OnePlus 7). Clamping force is a bit more than expected. Build quality is good too. Doesn’t feel like cheap plastic.
I need these for recording – I bought them to replace a apir of Sennheiser HD6 Mix – and this is my first departure from Sennheiser headphones for decades. These sound great – I’m looking forward to combining them with a headphone correction/equaliser nex
Cuffie ottime, soprattutto considerato il prezzo d’acquisto. Audio pulito e con il giusto equilibrio tra alti e bassi. Isolano ottimamente dall’esterno e offrono sofferse possibilit d’utilizzo. Le ho comprate per l’editing video, grazie alla loro capacit di separare con chiarezza ogni suono e riportarlo con fedelt in cuffia. Fino ad ora mi sono trovato benissimo (scrivo questa recensione dopo un mese d’utilizzo) e mi hanno dato quella marcia in pi che cercavo nell’editing audio dei miei video.
Unica pecca forse il fatto che su un uso prolungato (diverse ore) il grande padiglione, che avvolge ottimamente, tende a dare un po’ fastidio se si portano gli occhiali.
Nel complesso esperienza ottima e consigliata
I`m a fan of good quality sound, rich mid, and a clear and clean bass without distortion, you know. I`ve to try Marshall, Sennheiser, Sony, Phillips, Bose, Audio-Technica but these Beyerdynamic has broken all my expectations, sound, quality, comfortable, awesome. They are the basic model but according to the frequency chart, reach all my expectation and more.
Pros: The earpads in Canadian winter keep your ears warm being over-ear headphone
Cons: The earpad in the summertime just broil your ears!!
Ich hab den Kopfhrer vor einem Jahr fr meine Mutter gekauft die zwar selten Musik hrt aber wenn, dann soll sie dabei keine Kompromisse machen mssen. Wichtig war mir dabei der Tragekomfort, Klang und das man das Kabel tauschen kann. Ich hab ihn natrlich vorher einige Tage selbst getestet sowohl beim Zocken als auch beim Musikhren und das ebend auch ber mehrere Stunden. Ich hab jetzt keine geschulten Ohren damit ich sagen knnte dass die Hhen, Mitten, Tiefen oder sonst was besser sein knnten. Ich hab was das angeht keine besonderen Kenntnisse und meine Ohren sind auch nur ganz normal aber was ich sagen kann, ist, dass der Kopfhrer super verarbeitet ist, angenehm zu tragen war und er vom Klang her super war, sodass ich ihn lieber selbst behalten htte. 😀
Great value for money item, two items let it down, small ear pieces, and comfort therefore, and NOT made in Germany, very disappointed, but the sound is very good.
Housing on one arm broke. Replaced swiftly. Quality for Logic.
La calidad es increble para el precio. No le pide nada los Audio Technica m50x si eres un audifilo amateur y solo buscas un buen producto para escuchar msica a mejor calidad.
I hold these headphones in high-regard, mostly for their sound. It’s crisp, it has a decent soundstage, and great clarity. With a good source these really shine on the go. The treble detail is amazing for a pair of headphonesa at his price point. The sound is well-rounded without any weak spots. These are also quite comfortable after a little while (give them at least a week of use, 1-2 hours a day), their clamping force is a problem in the beginning, but thankfully after a while I was relieved to find that the comfort had significantly improved. The DT240 Pro also feel quite sturdy and feature a nice, elegant look. They have my recommendation.
Si quieres introducirte al audio plano de alta fidelidad y calidad, este una buena entrada, tambin ge sirven para produccin musical y DJing, tienen una gran respuesta plana , que si vienes de modelos algo ecualizados te costar trabajo acostumbrarte, si lo haces los amars, tienen una excelente diseo y calidad de construccin, adems del cable intercambiable, es muy difcil que encuentres algo similar por el rango de precio.
Son unos audfonos bastantes buenos para lo que cuestan (1700 pesos mxn), a ese precio no encontr algo igual de bueno por as decirlo. En cuanto a la comodidad haba escuchado que cansan algo lo cual es cierto tengo otros audfonos con los cuales no sufro de esto. Con un amplificador sonaran mejor si los conectas a cualquier dispositivo mvil. Yo los uso principalmente con dos laptops de gama alta con las cuales no tengo ningn inconveniente de hecho considero no necesario un amplificador suenan bastante mejor.
De tantas reseas que le esperaba algo fuera de serie, se escuchan muy bien, los estoy usando para mezclar en pro tools, estn muy no bonitos pero insisto esperaba algo ms especial, pero ahora todo es carsimo y este par de audifonos al menos si justifica el gasto
Suenan hermoso, tienen un poco de enfsis en los graves pero solo lo justo para no extraarlos viniendo de auriculares ms comerciales. Suenan muy musicales y ntidos, realmente el sonido es muy bueno, equilibrado y cristalino.
I purchased these as a replacement to my DT100s I prefer these DT 240s quality wise, its a fuller richer sound but still lots of precise detail. The cans are quite small so they dont fit completely over my big ears – so could become uncomfortable if used for long periods.
La verdad son de los mejores monitores para estudio que he visto por ese precio, los compr por qu la marca es muy reconocida en el medio y los recomiendo completamente, no son los ms cmodos despus de dos o tres horas de trabajo pero para monitorear son muy buenos, aunque tambin los he usado para mezclar y he obtenido unos muy buenos resultados
Estos Beyerdynamic DT 240 son los mejores del segmento, fcilmente le ganan a a los M40X en todos los aspectos. Si te gustan los audfonos cuya frecuencia de respuesta sea plana, estos son muy buena opcin y a la hora de mezclar, todo se escucha de manera muy transparente y ntida.
Tambin los puedes usar como audfonos normales para ir en la calle, pues el Previo del celular es suficiente. Si lo conectas a un Previo igual le sacas un poco ms, pero no demasiado, no son muy exigentes. Tiene una bolsita muy cmoda, incluye un adaptador de 3.5mm a 6.3mm y el cable es de esos como de telfono alambico, muy conveniente.
Despus de un tiempo ya utilizndolos he de decir que estoy muy contento con ellos, en cualquier tipo de juego se distinguen muy bien los sonidos ya sea pasos o disparos para saber el lugar por el que suenan, en cuanto a la msica por el precio que tienen estn genial. Lo nico que voy a hacer es cambiarle las almohadillas por unas ms grandes porque despues de unas horas acaban molestando un poco.
I start by the bad point : * first minute , i know directly i cant have this headphone on my head more than 1 hours,,
they use the technique of tightening the heaphone to reduce noise, and its a bit painful after 30 min,,
the nice thing , sound are really perfect,, i ear some sound, note, i never ear before with my favorite playlist,,
im a bit disapointed because the pain , kill the pleasure to use the headphone,, but he sounds nice,,
i have another cheap headphone, lol 15 euro,, they are so smoothie, but sounds not same, for sure,, and rly big
My review for the 2 lower priced phones:
I already bought 24 dollar Tuinyo bluetooth headphones from Amazon and gave them 3 stars for being fair enough in my opinion. I decided to try these OneOdio A71 headphones hoping for some better audio considering these are not bluetooth and cost 36 dollars. I tried both out – back and forth on the same device – a Lenovo laptop – same music – Magnificent Seven theme on Youtube. The OneOdio phones won the matchup.
El sonido es muy bueno, el nico problema que tuve fue que los primeros das me presionaban demasiado los odos, pero despus de una semana de usarlos los siento ms cmodos.
These are my third pair of headphones from Beyer, the build quality is exceptionally good for this price point. The frequency response is fairly balanced, but compared to other headphones I have used (as a professional recording engineer and based on even slightly cheaper headphones) they do lack the Treble sparkle to my ears (in the 8k upwards region) that I am used to so I have to eq the sound from my unit. The result is a sometimes sound that is erring on the slightly boxy but at this price that is not that uncommon in my experience. But Despite this overall they are still a quality piece of kit.
Pro :
– Buon suono
– Ottima dinamica e separazione degli strumenti
– cavo sostituibile
– comode e non ingombranti
Contro :
– richiedono un buon DAC per essere “divertenti”
Very good audio, but to be honest … after 2 hours of use, my ears hurt a little. I will still buy them.
Really nice noise cancellatio
Es un producto que cumple, una excelente calidad de audio y buenos materiales de construccin. Pero la nica falla para m es la comodidad, a la hora de estarlos usando lastima las orejas.
Compact, good minimalistic design. Really like the headphones. But the earpads are very uncomfortable , make it almost impossible to wear it for a few hours straight.
Which is a shame as it could be a very good headphones.
Le cuffie sono fatte con materiali ottimi e hanno un suono molto buono.
Se vi aspettate cuffie dai bassi profondi e alti sparati, non sono le cuffie che fanno per voi.
I livelli sono tutti molto standard, proprio per poter dare la massima fedelt.
Consiglio il prodotto, in quanto il prezzo davvero irrisorio.
Unico neo, purtroppo le cuffie risultano un po’ strette e dopo ore di ascolto bisogna toglierle e far respirare le tempie 😉
Excelentes headphones, definitivamente los mejores que he tenido (tampoco he tenido muchos). Sonido buensimo, equilibrado, cmodos hasta despus de unas horas.
Lo mejor que se puede comprar por este precio, muy equilibrado en sonido, cmodo y fcil de llevar. Producto redondo
La prova delle cuffie stata effettuata, dopo adeguato rodaggio (assolutamente necessarie almeno 30 ore), da impianto, PC e smartphone e con supporti di diversa qualit, da MP3 ad alta risoluzione, per verificare le prestazioni negli usi pi frequenti.
Utilizzati tutti i generi musicali dall’elettronica alla lirica.
Cuffia chiusa on hears
Drivers 33mm
Impedenza 34 ohms
Sensibilit 99 db
Risposta in frequenza 5hz – 35khz
Peso 196gr
Cavo rimovibile d/s
La cuffia si presenta ben fatta e solida, di qualit superiore al prezzo. Nella confezione troviamo un cavo estensibile a spirale con adattatore jack da 3.5 a 6.3 ed un sacchetto di protezione.
Cosa rara il cavo pu essere connesso sia su padiglione destro che sinistro, cosa che unit a leggerezza e dimensioni la rende comoda per uso esterno.
I padiglioni sono morbidi e si adattano con l’uso alle orecchie, la pressione isola piuttosto bene, ma per la loro configurazione non tutti le troveranno comode per utilizzi molto prolungati.
Come suonano queste piccole Beyerdynamic?
Bene, decisamente bene.
I bassi sono leggermente enfatizzati, reggono bene anche con la techno, ottimi con il rock, scendendo molto bene in basso nonostante i drivers di piccole dimensioni. Corposi ed abbastanza solidi soprattutto in considerazione della fascia di prezzo. Linee di basso intellegibili.
I medi sono molto lineari con una leggera enfasi verso i medio alti, le voci risultano avanzate, molto ben riprodotti gli strumenti a corda. L’enfatizzazione dei bassi rende per i medi un po’ meno definita la risoluzione dei pieni orchestrali, che rimangono comunque ascoltabilissimi. Cori maschili imponenti.
Alti estesi e chiari con leggero calo verso l’estremo, senza sibilanti n fatica di ascolto. Il raccordo dei medi leggermente enfatizzato rende le voci femminili calde e ben estese. Buona la resa degli ottoni e dei violini. Chiara la batteria sia sul rullante che nei piatti.
Soundstage pi che dignitoso per cuffie chiuse sia in amprezza che in altezza. Buona anche la risposta ai transienti, che conferisce a queste piccole cuffie una discreta dinamica. La sensibilit abbastanza alta, con la bassa impedenza e l’ottima ingegnerizzazione le rendono facilmente pilotabili e con volume decisamente alto anche da smartphone. (Non esagerate. Proteggete il vostro udito)
Nell’insieme questa cuffia consente un ascolto molto piacevole e chiaro, senza alcun fastidio, difficile da battere in questa fascia di prezzo nelle quale trova ben poche concorrenti.
Se siete alla ricerca di una risposta completamente neutra ed analitica non questa la cuffia che fa per voi, ma, anche se i gusti di ascolto sono individuali, oggettivamente mi sento di consigliare senza remore queste cuffie per ascolti all round a tutti. Vi regaleranno con ogni genere musicale un ascolto coinvolgente e divertente, sia in casa che in viaggio.
La linearit dei medi rende possibile anche un uso pro tenendo per conto delle caratteristiche sonore, magari come monitor per riprese video.
Personalmente le tengo nel mio personale parco cuffie, anche se ho cuffie pi costose e pi specifiche, proprio per le loro caratteristiche generali.
Ho cercato di dare un’idea pi chiara possibile delle caratteristiche di queste cuffie, senza essere troppo tecnico, per aiutare chi come me cerca di investire al meglio il proprio denaro. Se l’avete trovata utile un like gradito. 🙂
Ottimo come sempre il servizio Amazon.
Nada que objetar al sonido, muy bueno y muy plano. En general la estructura bien, la nica desventaja que veo en estos cascos son las almohadillas. Puedes estar bastante tiempo sin tener molestias, pero si pasas varias horas con los cascos puestos las orejas se acaban resintiendo y llega un punto en el que tienes la necesidad de quitrtelos. Por lo dems, me parece que hay muy buena relacin calidad-precio. El sonido lo mejor, sin duda alguna.
Muy buenos audfonos por los $1,500 pesos que pagu, en cuanto a calidad de sonido se comparan con unos Sennheiser HD-25 los compr para escuchar msica pero para mezclar tambin estn excelentes
Well built but still lightweight. Sounds far better than what I’ve expected for the price.