BigBlue 28W Solar Charger Foldable Outdoor Solar Powered Charger With SunPower Solar Panels Dual USB Ports for iPhone iPad Samsung Galaxy LG Cellphones and Devices
So far I’m very impressed, although it’s been the sunniest 2 weeks of the year so will be interesting to see when the weather levels off a bit, charges quiete fast and consistently
Panels are decent. Not an expert, but the product developed a minor fault after 13 months and the supplier replaced within a week of me raising the issue.
Rolls up into a reasonable size for packing away but can be carried outside of a pack by hanging using the supplied carabiners and therefor charge your devices as you walk. In the sun, the panel provides enough amperage to charge two devices. There is a nice easy to read display showing the amps being generated and two usb ports. Cables can also be stashed nicely within the zipped pouch.
I used it during a 2-week trek in the Sahara and it quickly charged my camera batteries, iPhone, watch and spare powerbank. Despite having no access to power I was able to use my electronic devices without any concerns. I managed to keep everything charged up during the 1-hour daily lunch stop. Originally, I planned to spend more time charging but there was no need with the incredible performance of the 28W model. I was obviously in the ideal place for solar power (bright sunshine and no clouds) but I was still surprised with it. It’s a little heavy but is worth it when you are in the middle of nowhere. Highly recommended
I bought this to charge an anker powerbank and it works perfectly.
I use this for long distance hiking when every gram of weight matters.
No more batteries and excessive cost, just recharge the power pack and all’s good.
All in all this is a great bit of kit but please be reasonable with your expectations.
Its a small solar panel, not a mains supply and it takes it’s time to do it’s thing.
Treat it gently, don’t throw it around and be patient.
I’m very happy with this purchase.
While I haven’t yet used this item seriously as it winter, it arrived well packaged, on time and is well constructed. I have tried it during a sunny spell and charges my phone almost as quickly as the mains charger (on percentage).
I used this to charge a power brick at a recent festival. I found that was the best way to capture charge, since for some reason, connecting my phone directly didn’t seem to work well. The device is fairly big when unpacked – it’s the guts of a metre, and it’s mostly sturdy, except for the built-in stand, which is flimsy. Great range of adapters included, and the riveted holes for hanging are very handy. One star lost on the flimsy stand and the challenge I had directly charging my phone in good sunlight. Otherwise, great purchase!
This little solar panel is really rather good. When the sun’s out, everything charges quickly and I end up looking for things to charge in order to take advantage of the free power. OK, I know I had to pay for the solar panel in the first place so, for a while at least, it’s not actually free power, but that’s how you end up thinking about it.
When the clouds are doing their thing I still get a little bit of power and the sky has to get pretty dim before it gives up completely – so I’m happy with that.
I like the fact that it folds up, I like that it has eyelets I can use to hang it up, I like that it comes with a couple of carabiners (even though i hate that word) and I like the pocket on the back. The whole thing is nicely made and it looks and feels like a quality product.
Brilliant, seems to work really well. Just some confusion before ordering as to which connection cable socket – spec mentioned USB-C as well as USB-A and I misunderstood that I would need an extra cable in order to connect with USB-C socket o the charger; not necessary after all, the connection is with USB-A. Comes with 4 mini-carabiners very useful for hanging the charger to get best exposure to sunlight; digital ammeter very useful to be able to see what charge is being generated.
This is very good.
Works extremely well in full sunlight.
I have been pairing this with the Einova 63W power bank and have been very pleased with its performance.
Very portable, looks great (I have the grey) and packs away/ folds out extremely easily.
I was dubious, anything ‘solar’ I had previously bought had been a complete flop. This is very different. In moderate direct sunlight it successfully charged 2 x iPads, 2 x iPhones, 2 x Apple Watches and a hefty portable battery. Two devices at a time and averaging 2.9A. A five day camping trip was completely powered by this! (Apart from the fridge which ran from a Portable PowerStation and 100w Solar panel). The built-in ammeter is useful for adjusting the angle and maximising the charging power (90 degrees to the sun unsurprisingly works best). Highly recommended.
In direct sunlight this panel charged my IPhone XR from 30% to 100% in just over a couple of hours! In between charging my phone I keep a power bank plugged into it whilst it’s laid out on my cars dashboard so whenever there is enough sunlight it helps recharge my power banks.
Not really found any negatives so far, it helped me keep my phone and power banks charge throughout a 5 day festival.
Bought for my Go Bag ICON.
Have used it to charge a High Capacity (27000mah) Powerbank and then charge my phone/tables
Even with the 3 output leads charging my Powerbank, it takes days to go from zero to 25% charged.
Maybe with less capacity Powerbank it would take less time.
Lower Wattage Solar Panels would likely take a lot longer.
While cycle touring I use my phone extensively for mapping, navigation and ebooks, so keeping it charged up is high priority. I had low expectations for the 14W panel (I’d tried solar panels previously without much success) but was delighted to be able to charge an external 3200mAH battery while riding, which I then used to charge my iPhone SE (1,821mAh battery) during the night. The amount of charge obviously depended on the weather conditions – in late June the panel charged my backup battery even on bright overcast days (i.e. not blue skies) enough to fully charge my phone. If the sun was fully shining the backup battery would be fully charged in about 6 hours, with the panel draped over my panniers while riding. All in all very impressed. After a week of riding in mostly good weather I didn’t need to plug in my phone to charge it once. One improvement would be to have attachment hoops in the middle of the unfolded panels to allow the panels to be fixed centrally.
Kept my phone charged on a weeks cycle tour in the Lake Distric
I haven’t had time to use it much yet but I like the charge indicator, showing how much sunshine is converted to charging the USB devices. It clearly shows which orientations are the most productive, and how sensitive it is to clouds passing. This helps a lot.
Seriously impressed with this. I had a 3 year old similar – sized Anker folding solar panel charger but it was really a last resort as it charged painfully slowly. This is a different level altogether. In full sun it charges at the same speed as if it was plugged into the mains and even charges at a reasonable rate in overcast skies. Worth every penny.
I’m still in the first days of using this product, so not sure about it’s durability and performance with the passing of time, however so far this is a great product. I have confirmed through a friend that someone else in their family bought the same product and are very happy with it too. My impression is this solar charger is as good and as faster as plugging your device into a socket. I was sceptical of solar chargers but this one does work great. I think this is as good as you can get at this stage of technology development, performance that is the same as electrical charging – bravo, this product is truly worth i
Bought to charge two power banks, one being Anker and this solar panel works excellent. No compatibility issues with the Anker powerbank and while charging on a bright day I get between 2.0-3.0amps shown on the display. I charged my 10,000mah powerbank today to 100% in about 3hrs. I would recommend buying, I got it for 60 in a lightening deal about a week ago.
I used this solar panel on a hiking trip for 10 days as my only source of power and it charged my power bank battery enough every day for me to charge two phones and a Garmin satnav. Did a great job. The panels seem to get marked quite easily by stones on the ground when I put my bag down but it carried on working fine.
Ich beziehe mich mit meiner Rezession nur auf das oftmals angesprochene Thema “wenn es bewlkt war wrde das Panel danach nicht mehr mit dem maximal mglichen laden”.
Also vorneweg, es scheint so, als ob der Hersteller das Problem in den Griff bekommen hat. Zumindest mein Panel geht automatisch wieder in den vollen Ladenmodus, wenn die Bewlkung oder Abschattung weg ist.
Getestet wurde dieses Verhalten mit mehreren Handys ( Gigaset GX290, Siemens Xcover und ein S20). Iphone konnte ich leider nicht testen, sollte aber m.E. das gleiche Verhalten wie die Android Handys aufweisen.
Bei winterlichem Himmel ( leichte Bewlkung ) hatte ich einen Ladestrom um die 1,1A. Das Panel wurde mehrfach manuell abgedunkelt, und wieder aufgeklappt. Ein paar Sekunden nach dem Aufklappen stand immer wieder der volle ( aktuell mgliche Ladestrom aufgrund der Beleuchtung) zu Verfgung.
Beim Panel wurde wie oben geschrieben ein Ladestrom von rd. 1,1Ampere angezeigt, wobei alle Handys ( mit Android App gemessen) einen Ladestrom von 0,9-1,0Ampere auf dem Display hatten.
Langzeittests kann man ja bei den anderen Rezessionen nachlesen, aber ich fr mein Teil bin mit dem Panel zufrieden, denn beim Winterhimmel (leicht bewlkt) noch rund 1 Ampere Ladeleistung herauszubekommen find ich schon gut.
Nur eines noch, egal welches Handy/Tablett usw. mit dem Panel geladen werden soll, ich empfehle IMMER nur ber eine zwischengeschaltete Powerbank, wobei bei der Powerbank sollte man darauf achten, dass sie Pass-Through Charging ( die Power Bank kann geladen werden, whrend ein mobiles Gert ldt) beherrscht.
Obige Messung bezgl Ladeabbrche bei Handys wurde natrlich OHNE zwischengeschaltete Powerbank durchgefhrt !!
Unglaublich wie Rezensionen einen beeinflussen knnen. Die negativen drften zumindest bei diesem Panel auf fehlender Ahnung beruhen oder auf echten Defekten.
Das Panel funktioniert gut und ldt bei leichter Bewlkung mit 8 Watt als Smartcharge und mit 4 Watt ohne Akkusteuerung wie es bei gnstigen Powerbanks der fall ist. Der integrierte Charge Prozessor erkennt zwar einige Protokolle, aber lngst nicht alle. Bei Smartphones mit supercharge zB regelt er die Stromstrke herunter um die Ampere Zahl halten zu knnen obwohl die Powerbank theoretisch die vollen 5,4 Volt Vertrgen wrde. Die Tasche an dem Panel ist super. Habe noch ein anderes panel ohne tasche, was echt nicht komfortabel ist.
Von meiner Seite aus eine klare Kaufempfehlung.
Hervorragendes Panel, wenn man Ahnung von der Materie ha
So I love my big blue 28w solar charger. Considering its winter i have been able to get alot of use out of it and get really excited when the sun appears. Bought mostly as a way to reduse my carbon footprint I now charge everything usb with this. The amps change alot with the sun quality but I am happy with that. Now that i have a power pack I can store my green energy too and dont have to worry about time or cutoff. Great product and can’t wait test its full potential.
Nunca haba usado placas solares para cargar dispositivos, y he de decir que sta me ha sorprendido para bien.
Plegada ocupa prcticamente lo mismo que un libro de texto escolar, por lo que te la puedes llevar a todas partes. Si la quieres utilizar, basta con orientarla bien hacia el sol (intentando que los rayos incidan lo ms perpendicular a las placas) y, gracias al ampermetro digital, puedes comprobar la intensidad de energa de carga en tiempo real.
En invierno, he llegado a picos de 2A, manteniendo entre 1,5-1,7 estables, consiguiendo cargar un iPhone 7 en unas 2h. EN el vdeo no se aprecia, pero con esa inclinacin tan poco eficiente, estaba cargando a 0,6A.
Lleva un bolsillo donde poner cables (usb-C, Lightning, microUSB…) y mosquetones que incluye el pack, de manera que puedes colgar estas placas en cualquier ligar porque tiene anillas que as lo permiten.
En definitiva, es un producto que recomiendo totalmente.
Depends how sunny it is of course, but this charger really works!
No problem charging tablets as well as phones – also Bluetooth headphones. I often charge more than one device at a time by hanging the charger up at my window, or outside the window – no need to wait for a camping trip to use it.
It’s definitely a good product, it’s sturdier than it feels but don’t knock it around too much if you can avoid it. It’s a compact piece of kit smaller than a laptop but thicker than an ipad. Definitely a good item to pack for camping
It’s definitely a good product, it’s sturdier than it feels but don’t knock it around too much if you can avoid it. It’s a compact piece of kit smaller than a laptop but thicker than an ipad. Definitely a good item to pack for camping
As per the headline, with the right power pack very good, I was able to charge a 25800mwh brick in a day at 1.6/1.7 amps in fairly overcast Pembrokeshire whether. The HETP and the newer EC power packs work fine, and was able to charge both at 1.6+ amps. My older packs (3 years+ plus old) did not charge at a good rate.
Used this for a week long kayaking expedition in typical Irish weather to charge up a power bank. Works really well in sunnier weather but strapped to the back of my boat for 10+ hours a day in mostly cloudy weather still charged up the power bank enough so that my phone never ran out of battery despite heavy use.
Seems sturdy enough, got rained on a lot, lot of waves splashed over it and still works. Wouldn’t try to submerge it as the USB ports aren’t waterproof but with those tucked under the panels and the cable fed into the day hatch it worked a treat.
Good charging potential if the sun’s out, it does say up to 2.4 amps but you’ll struggle to hit 2 in the UK. That said 1.5amps upwards will get you 2 mobile phones charged in a day with ease. You’d be at it all day for one phone if it’s at all cloudy. Ideally you want to angle it towards the sun to get the most electric out of it, using it on your car dashboard can lose up to 50% of the charge on a good day so isn’t advised. I don’t know how waterproof it is but I would say it would be pretty pointless having it out in the rain anyway.
It weighs 600g which surprised me as is quite a chunk of weight for the backpacker, it’s not helped by the carabiners either-a poor addition, it’s good that their sturdy but they weigh too much for the simple task that’s needed, I’d suggest leaving them at home and using a small piece of string, if you’re travelling on foot.
I left this on the roof of my car while camping and it charged my Samsung S20+ from 40% to 100% in a few hours. This is exactly what I hoped it would do. It also charges my massive powerbank over a day. Most solar panels work best when angled in to the sun so bear that in mind.
Has power readout and can be mounted on to a backpack.
Was sceptical about the ability of this type of solar panel but was pleaaently surprised. In the UK weather this regularly produced upto 1.3amps and charged a 50000mah battery in a day. Perfect for camping left out in the rain and had no problems. Highly recommend.
In reasonable sunlight through a window, i get 1a supplied which happily charges large personal batteries and a switch lite. Packs up quite nicely. Not yet testing in rain (summer just arrived). Well worth the price and looking forward to using it when camping.
Despus de un mes puedo decir que funciona, pero muy lejos de lo que anuncia el fabricante. En un da soleado, muy caluroso, a las 12:00 (en Portugal), exposicin directa, no pude sacar ms de 1.8 para un telfono mvil (Huawei. Para el Alcatel fue 0.9)… el mximo hasta hoy. Esto es, depender mucho del tipo de dispositivo que conectes … Positivo: el inicio automtico siempre ha funcionado. Informacin final: talvez mejor para cargar telfonos o Powerbanks (pero no en transito)
Hung this on the outside of my backpack and used it to charge a battery bank. A full overcast day would produce enough charge to charge my phone 1.5 times. In bright light (direct sunlight) it charges much quicker. Havent got any figures but it kept my phone charged for the entire trip.
Its not particularly heavy (crucial for trail walking) and I didnt have it deployed during rain but I would recommend it for those that need to have a phone in remote areas.
Ho acquistato il pannello solare da 28W per ricaricare un accumulatore di carica da 26800 mAh. Posso dire che in meno di 8 ore lo ricarica completamente partendo dal 20% di carica residua, con sole pieno. Il display dell’amperometro come picco indica 2.4 Ah, quando investito da sole pieno. Non so dire esattamente quanto impiega l’accumulatore per raggiungere la carica completa perch io lo espongo al sole al mattino presto e lo ritiro al pomeriggio quando ho necessit di ricaricare i cellulari. Per quanto mi riguarda ottimo. Da una settimana ricarico tutti i dispositivi da 5V solo con l’accumulatore di carica.
I have only used this once, but I was really pleased with its performance. I took it to the park and just casually laid it over my backpack. I didn’t actually need to charge my phone, I just wanted to see how this would work in a partly-cloudy day. And it worked great! Topped up my phone in about 30 minutes.
Ho utilizzato questo pannello per un trek di 25 giorni in un ambiente selvaggio senza elettricit in Nepal. Sono riuscita a caricare le power bank e senza troppi problemi e con quelle ad avere il satellitare e il gps sempre attivi.
Consiglio vivamente.
I bought this solar panel after doing a lot of research and I am very pleased with my choice. Whilst camping I use this solar panel to recharge my devices including phone, power bank, and aaa batteries using a USB charge o got for 8. All in all I was very impressed. This solar panel kicks out over 2amps in each of the two ports so when the sun is out it is like charging your devices with a mains adapter. 4 aaa 800mah batteries only take 3 hours to fully charge and my 10,000mah power bank easily charges in a day during the summer sunshine. My only slight niggle is that it is not compatible with some power banks such as Anker due to the charge controller in the power bank I believe trying to keep a stable charge. This means that if a cloud goes over head and the amps drop, the amps don’t recover when the sun comes out again meaning a much slower charge in some cases. I emailed the big blue with a query but a week later I haven’t heard back. If there is so much cloud that charging stop, charging will automatically start again when the sun comes out. A lot of other panels don’t have the auto start and require you to unplug and plug back in again. Big thumbs up.
Re-charged my 26000 mAh battery from around 60% every day. I used the battery to charge my child’s iPad and our two phones every night for a week. It even worked acceptably in overcast conditions and wasn’t destroyed by a day of rain. Very happy with this, there’s no need to pay for an electric hookup just to keep phones charged. Want to get solar panels for my roof at home now 😉
This is definetely the best solar panel I have owned. It charges well in pretty much all weather’s apart from rain. The display is a great idea, it gives a very good indication of the best position to get a good charge. It does weigh more than other panels I’ve used, but it is definetely worth it. I would recommend only using one of the USB sockets at a time though rather than spread the power.
It is more expensive than most other panels, even with an Amazon lightening deal, that said, this is definetely the one to buy.
I’m happy about the strength of the Velcro that is used for keeping it all rapped up.
The charging speed and capability is ok. plugged in my phone, which uses Type -C Cable , for about 30 minutes , by which time it had charged at least 20-30 %.
I was quite disappointed to discover that the plastic screen on the Amps power metre is not resistant to scratches at all. I had to apply sticky take to prevent this from happening
Das Solarpaneel hlt, was es verspricht — kann aber nicht zaubern!
Nutzerprofil: Ich war mit dem Solarpaneel 2018 in Kanada (Rocky Mountains) fr 3 Wochen zum Zelten und Wandern. Das Mobiltelefon war mein Navigator, Foto, Tagebuch und damit quasi jeden Tag fast ganztgig im Einsatz. Das Wetter war miserabel, wir hatten 2 Wochen Regenwetter, vereinzelt mit Frost und Neuschnee im Juli! Die letzte Woche war wechselhaft, d.h auch mal Sonne. Hat das Solarpaneel also geholfen?
Mobilitt: Das Paneel lsst sich hervorragend zusammenfalten und ist dann schmal und klein genug, damit es in den Wanderrucksack passt, ohne kaputt zu gehen. Man kann es mit den vorgesehenen sen am Rucksack auen festmachen und Tageslicht (besser ist Sonnenschein) auch unterwegs mit starken Einschrnkungen nutzen. (Mehr bei Leistung)
Stabilitt/Wetterfestigkeit: Das Paneel war in meinem Fall einige Male leichtem Regen ausgesetzt, aber ich habe es immer mglichst schnell verpackt. Wir waren obendrein fnf Tage auf dem Athabasca River mit Kanus unterwegs, dabei hat das Paneel einiges Spritzwasser abbekommen. Es gab keine Schden in dieser Zeit und ich verwende das Paneel noch immer. Ich habe das Paneel immer mglichst schonend verwendet und Ste oder Druck immer vermieden, das Paneel zeigt heute keine Kratzer und keine Bruchstellen. Man sollte aber beachten, dass es keinen besonders stabilen Rahmen oder Schutzglas etc. besitzt, dafr ist es leicht und, wie ich finde, kompakt — also fr den mobilen Einsatz sehr gut geeignet.
Leistung: Ich empfehle das Paneel nur als Ladestation fr Akkus zu verwenden, nicht direkt am Mobiltelefon. Das Paneel war in der Lage auch bei bedecktem Himmel noch kleinste Ladeleistung auf ein Akku zu liefern. Am Mobiltelefon sorgt aber eine geringe Leistung fr stndiges Anzeigen und Abbrechen der Ladung, was letztendlich das Akkus belastet und durch den wechselnden Displaybetrieb auch mehr Strom braucht, als liefert. Stationrer Betrieb ist in jedem Fall dem Wanderrucksack vorzuziehen, denn die Leistung versagt schnell, wenn auch nur eine Flche kein ausreichendes Licht bekommt. Ladevorgnge knnen bei bedecktem Himmel mehrere Stunden in Anspruch nehmen, bei Sonnenschein hlt das Paneel aber, was es verspricht. Zwei Schnellladekabel erlauben mir meine Anker Module bei Sonnenschein innerhalb weniger Stunden (2-3h je nach Restladung der Module) wieder vollstndig aufzuladen, das ist beeindruckend. Das Paneel liefert, bei Sonnenschein und optimaler Ausrichtung, bis zu 3,5A Stromstrke auf 5V. Das sind immerhin 17,5 Watt um den 50ten Breitengrad. Zugleich nutze ich dieses Merkmal nur selten, um die Akkus zu schonen.
Fazit: Das Paneel hat es mir erlaubt mit zwei 20Ah Akkumodulen bei drei Wochen schlechtem Wetter durchgngig mein Mobiltelefon zur Navigation und zum Fotografieren zu nutzen. Fr mich volle Punktzahl! Man sollte aber eben keine Wunder erwarten, sondern eine zustzliche Hilfe fr Akkulaufzeiten.
Pretty impressed with this panel. I’ve managed to achieve 3.7 amps charging a dual USB input battery pack. Panel seems well made and I’m overall happy with its performance. I’ve not plugged my phone in since owning it as I place one pack on charge and use another, then swap them over.
Today, on a very cold March day but with a bit of sun, I attached my 41% charged RAVPower 20,000mAh battery banks to the Bigblue and put it outside. I went back 4 hours later and the power pack was at 100%. This was much better than I was expecting for March in the UK. Especially after reading some of the reviews. Being rural, we get multiple power cuts each year (about 4 in the last 12 months) and we have a number of lanterns, torches and electrical devices that may need charging during prolonged power outages. So, have this combined with several power banks (supporting QC) and you really cannot go wrong. I strongly recommend you use this with multiple power banks rather than try and power devices directly from the panel. i.e. panel charges the power banks. Power banks charge the devices.
edit added 3rd My 2020. The cables supplied seem a little temperamental. Sometimes you attach the power bank and the Ammeter shows 0.1 or 0.2. Waggle the cable and it will jump up (or down again). This is on both cables. I will be replacing the cables with better quality ones.
I read other reviews before buying. I was worried but this absolutely does the job.
I used it at a remote beach cottage with this the only source of power for phones for me and my guests. Perhaps I can share some lessons for you:
1) the charging indicator is very helpful,
2) if the phone or battery is nearly full the charging indicator will indicate a slower rate. My phone got to 90% easily but not really to 100%
3) the direction into the sun does matter – change the orientation to improve the charge rate
4) I found it useful to charge a powerbank as well as phone.
5) I was able to charge a phone and big powerbank in the morning, not needing it to be used in the afternoon.
Doing these things, and in bright sunlight, I got a maximum charging rate of 3.6 (out of claimed 4 max), with regular rates of 2.8 – 3.0.
I found the pocket useful, the panel folds up well and I didn’t find it heavy (although I wasn’t hiking to be fair)
Out of the four solar chargers I have this is the best of the lot , I have 2 ravs and a dohicker the ravs are a close second but the built-in ammeter comes in really handy . It’s survived a few rain showers and in full sun gives a really good charge
Got a replacement from the RavPower 16W panel. It wasn’t working and kept sucking power out of my phone other than putting into my phone with a strange sound coming from it.
This is amazing! You get a number that comes up to show you that it is working and it is actually charge your phone. It charges my phone super fast! Faster than the wall charger including the iPad one! Very portable. I haven’t tried the weather durability as I keep it dry and clean. Charged my EastAcc Mega Charge D20 (20,000mAh) with both cables plugged in which took under 4 hours on a cloudless day. Very powerful! Couldn’t recommend this amazing device highly enough!
Tip:- keep the panels clean and if it is possible, tilt the panel and then they will work great!
Panneau d’une surface imposante mais ncessaire. Se replie facilement et se range ensuite dans un sac a dos.
Ce panneau solaire fonctionne rellement mme dans une rgion ou le soleil n’est pas toujours intense.
On obtient en plein soleil environ 2.4 ampres en 5 v. Un nuage et l’intensit chute a 0.4 A. Que du normal mais bon savoir si l’on habite pas le sud de la France.
Il est pratique a transporter et la poche pour la batterie utile.
On croise les doigts sur sa dure de vie.
Funziona bene anche se, come spesso per accade in dispositivi simili, fatica a raggiungere la carica massima (intendo da 90% ad arrivare al 100%). Lo ritengo un ottimo prodotto, carica rapidamente il cellulare, batterie della fotocamera, persino tablet (in questo caso poco pi di 2 ore se in pieno sole). Con cielo coperto (non si vede il sole) raggiunge comunque i 0.5 ampre (sufficiente per manterr carico il telefono).
Valutate bene le dimensioni di certo non ridotte. Per se volete corrente non ci son alternative. Pi il pannello grande meglio caricher i vostri dispositivi.
I managed to keep my phone and Apple Watch charged for 10 days using only the sun. Before I left I tested the charger and charged my portable power bank up (the charger is meant to charge my phone 7 times), it took 2 days of good Uk sun. When I arrived in America used my portable charger to charge my phone and watch and I would keep it topped up during the day. It great for camping or backpacking, as it folds up to a reasonable size. The amp meter is great for helping you get the best position for the solar cells.
The bad news: the highest charging current I’ve had in ideal conditions (Scotland, midsummer, midday sun, clear skies) is only 1.7/1.8A. A long way short of the maximum suggested by the manufacturers.
The good news: 1.7A is an extremely useful charging current. The Big Blue can also pump out some solid current on overcast days – close to 1A with light cloud. Obviously really heavy cloud will drop the output to zero.
In mixed weather conditions I found it more than capable of keeping phone, headtorch batteries etc charged on an extended camping trip. My phone gets used pretty heavily – photography, news & weather if I can get online, Kindle books etc – so this was a solid performance.
I also used a couple of 18650 batteries and a Nitecore F1 charger as a lightweight buffer for the rainy days when I couldn’t deploy the panel. On sunny days there’s charge to spare to fill up the batteries.
The 3 stars for water resistance is just my best guess. The unit seems to cope OK with a smattering of rain but I wouldn’t want to get it really soaked. The panels seem to have a waterproof coating but I doubt very much if the main electronics, under the display, are waterproof.
Why does water resistance even matter for a solar panel? In showery conditions the Big Blue can gather a lot of useful charge in the bright spells. A fully-waterproof unit could be left out unattended while you get on with something else.
That’s the bottom line for portable chargers: do they fit seamlessly with daily life in the field or does it feel like device-charging is starting to dominate your time? The Big Blue performs well enough not to be a nuisance.
The display is great – indispensable really. If you want to learn how best to use the panel you need to see how well it works in different conditions.
I measured the weight at 610g on scales of unknown accuracy.
All in all, I like it. May not perform as well as claimed (I didn’t really expect it would) but it does perform well.
I used the solar panel throughout my 6 weeks camping in the wilderness of Mongolia and it did a great job charging my power bank which in turn charged the batteries of my digital camera, my phone and the torch. Really light to carry with and easy to adjust anywhere one can imagine. I can only recommend this product!!
He usado este producto cargando slo el mvil y cargando una batera externa y mvil y funciona perfectamente. Lo nico es que nunca me lleg a una corriente de 4A con ambos conectores cargando (lleg a 3.5/3.6 con pleno sol y direccionado perpendicular a los rayos), es decir la potencia mxima me parece que no supera los 20W y tengo la versin de 28W. An as est muy bien. Se me ha mojado con una lluvia leve (no llegando a mojarse completamente) y sigue funcionando. Lo nico malo es que en la bolsa para guardar no entran muy cmodos un mvil y una batera. Debera ser un poco ms grande para que sea ms confortable. Por eso en “Artesana” puse 4 estrellas en lugar de 5.
Muy satisfecho con eata compra , me carga una bateria de 5000 mAh en 4 horas aproximadamente a pleno sul andaluz lo que esta muy bien , la carga se mantiene muy constante a 2.0 con sol directo sin mucha necesidad de direccionar la placa (solo dejandola en una superficie nivelada) el unico incomveniente que le veo es que la bolsa para guardar el telefono no esta protegida termicamente y se calienta mucho el telefono hasta el punto que deja de cargar , nada que no se pueda solucionar con algo de ingenio . Por lo demas todo muy bien , prectico , portable y con materiales que da la impresion de estar bien construido . Volveria a comprarlo sin duda
Delivered promptly as promised. Have not tried in all conditions as yet but initially achieved 0.4 Amp indicated in slightly overcast conditions and 1.4 Amp when the Sun cleared cloud in afternoon (indicated). Appears to produce more from one USB port than the other but this may have just been a change in the weather. Over 20 minutes an iPhone XS Max gained a couple of percent charge in mainly overcast conditions. Fits nicely on larger rucksacks (40 litre upwards) where they are tall and narrow – which is fine as you wouldn’t really need on a day sack. Does work through glass so can hang in a sunny window or on the window sill and feed a couple of power banks; for example. Time will tell on reliability and durability but looks sturdy enough balanced against it’s low weight. Very happy so far.
Ich habe mir das Solar Ladegert gekauft da ich viel mit dem Boot unterwegs bin und man dort zwar viel Sonne hat aber immer wieder wenig Strom. Daher kam mir die Idee solch ein Ladegert anzuschaffen und was soll ich sagen. Super. Die Verarbeitung ist wirklich gut und man hat das Gefhl ein Wertiges Produkt in der Hand zu halten. Die integrierte Tasche in die man sein Handy beim Laden legen soll, um es vor der Sonne zu schtzen ist sehr Praktisch um zwei, drei Ladekabel mit zu nehmen und zustzlich passt immer noch ein Handy oder eine mittel groe Powerbank mit rein. Die Solarzellen sehen auch gut verarbeitet aus und wenn man die Matte in die Sonne legt sieht man auch was das Ding kann. Wir haben es in den Letzten Tagen in die Pralle Sonne an Deck gelegt und an den beiden Ladeports einmal eine Powerbank und zum anderen immer ein Handy oder ein Tablett geladen. Laut Anzeige am Solar Ladegert waren wir immer zwischen 3,2A und 4,1A unterwegs. Das kann auch gut hinkommen da ein Handy nach ca 2h wieder komplett voll war und ein Tablett ca 4h gebraucht hat. Ich kann das Gert auf jeden Fall weiterempfehlen. Man sollte nur beachten das man auch genug Platz zum ausbreiten hat.
Fantastic solar panel the built in ammeter is very handy telling you how much light it’s receiving, very sturdy and in perfect condition a year later after purchasing no issues whatsoever (used heavily in the summer time)
Awesome carry on solar panel. I like the charge controller with the screen, a bit optimistic though but not more than 0,1 Amps. You can expect 3-4 Amps on a sunny day even in Spring. Make sure to use both usb ports in order to get all the power your panels can get. I use it also with a usb power meter so I can track how much power it drawed. I leave it at the balcony the night and when I get up in the morning all my devices are fully charged!
Premetto che sono un ciclo turista, il dispositivo l’ho comprato per assicurarmi sempre una fonte di energia, Pannello solare comprato in abbinato ad un power bank con display di ricarica da 10000 mAh. Naturalmente prima di portarlo a spasso con me, ho voluto testarlo simulando un esposizione al sole durante una pedalata, quindi con zone di sole e ombra. Ho scelto pertanto una giornata con “nuvole a pecorella” dove i periodi di sole coperto si alternavano al cielo limpido. Il test durato ore 4.30, questo il tempo che ho impiegato per caricare al 100% partendo da una percentuale residua del 4% il powerbank.
Gli Ampere di ricarica come indicato nel display del pannello ma anche nel mio tester applicato tra il pannello ed il powerbank, si alternava da un minimo di 1A ad un massimo di 2.4A a pieno sole. Il test stato fatto nei primi giorni di Marzo negli orari seguenti: 07.30-12.00. Alla luce di quanto testato e scritto sopra, sono del parere che questo pannello fa adeguatamente il suo dovere. Consiglio l’acquisto.
Wir haben 4,5 Wochen im australischen Outback verbracht und einfach alles mit 2 dieser Solarzellen geladen, Handys, Taschenlampen, Powerbanks, Kameras, Laptop.
Kleiner Tipp:
Die mitgelieferten Kabel waren super, ebenso wie die mitgelieferten Kabel der Powerbank (siehe unten), aber viele meiner Kabel waren “Schrott” da sie viel der zur verfgung stehenden Energie geschluckt haben. Teilweise so extrem, dass mein Handy nicht in den Schnelllade-Modus wechseln konnte. Also: vor der Reise testen!
Kleiner Kauftipp:
An der Stelle mchte ich kurz hervorheben, dass 2 dieser Solar-Ladegerte hervorragend mit der Anker PowerCore in der 26800mAh Version zusammen arbeiten (ASIN: B074VY3CKY), diese hat nmlich 2 Micro-USB Anschlsse und kann daher mit 4A geladen werden. Grtenteils konnten wir die Powerbank auch mit einer Solarzelle und 4A laden, aber ich vermute stark, dass das in Europa nicht mglich sein wird, da die australische Sonne strker ist.
Die Solarzellen geben maximal 7V bei 4A (max 2A je USB Port) ab, sofern es Sonne und Wetter hergeben und die Gerte an USB schnell geladen werden knnen -leider konnten meine Kameras und Taschenlampen nur mit maximal 0.5A geladen werden, das sollte man beachten, wenn man auf Solarstrom angewiesen ist.
Die Solarzellen sind in der Regel winkelunempfindlich und wandeln Sonnenlicht sehr gut in elektrische Energie um. Nur bei sehr spitzen Winkeln zwischen Sonne und Solarzelle nimmt die Leistung ab und es macht Sinn die Solarzellen entweder an den mitgelieferten Karabinerhaken irgendwo aufzuhngen (z.B. an einer Wscheleine) oder abzulegen, zum Beispiel ber eine Stuhllehne.
Das eingebaute Amperemeter hilft dabei ungemein die Solarzelle richtig auszurichten.
Ansonsten gibt es nicht viel zu der BigBlue zu schreiben. Sie tut was sie soll, die Verarbeitung ist gut, sie hat Sand und ein paar Tropfen Regen problemlos berstanden und dank der mitgelieferten Karabinerhaken konnten wir sie auch whrend der Wanderung auf unseren Rucksack schnallen und so die Sonnenenergie nutzen whrend wir unterwegs waren.
Charge trs bien, le petit cran qui indique l’amperage en cours est trs pratique (permet de savoir si ce qu’on charge est proche de la fin de charge ou si une batterie externe est en surchauffe, donc ne charge plus). Je l’utilise pas mal avec la batterie externe ravpower car celle-ci possde 2 entres 2A :
L’amperage maximum que j’ai eu est 3.3A, la plupart du temps 2.8A en plein soleil. Quand il fait nuageux il arrive quand mme sortir 1A. Seul petit bmol vu le prix il aurait t bien de mettre une section antivol, vu qu’il faut plusieurs heures pour charger j’ai toujours eu un peu peur de laisser le panneau sans surveillance.
Ich hatte schon das eine oder andere Solarladegert und bisher waren die Ergebnisse so enttuschend, dass es sich nie lohnte, die Teile wirklich mitzuschleppen.
Das hat sich mit diesem Gert schlagartig gendert, denn es ist nicht nur klein verpackbar, sondern auch noch auerordentlich leistungsstark.
Ein kleiner Erfahrungsbericht in Prosa: Ich war diesen Sommer zwei Wochen lang mit dem Kajak in den schwedischen Westschren unterwegs. Da ich viel filme und fotografiere und abends im Zelt WhatsApp-Videokonferenzen mit der Liebsten abgehalten werden, ist mein Strombedarf recht hoch, Steckdosen sollte es aber auf den Schren nicht geben, das wusste ich von vorherigen Touren 😉 Aus Sorge, ich knnte irgendwann mit stromlosen Gerten unterwegs sein, packte ich insgesamt sieben Powerbanks ins Reisegepck und los ging’s.
Nach einer Woche kehrte ich zum Ausgangspunkt zurck, um Wasser und essen nachzuladen und die Tour in die entgegengesetzte Himmelsrichtung fortzufhren. Vom ersten Tage der Reise an, war das Solar-Ladegert tglich im Einsatz. Ich nutzte die Sonnenstunden am Morgen und Abend, jeweils an meinen Zeltpltzen. Beim Nachladen von Essen und Wasser wurde auch unntzes Zeug ausgeladen, das ich zu diesem Zeitpunkt mitgefhrt hatte. Dazu gehrten auch sechs von den sieben Powerbanks, denn ich hatte in dieser Woche nicht eine davon benutzt. Eine durfte als Notfallversorgung weiter mitreisen. Ein wenig mulmig war mir schon, aber ich war ja nun auch nicht 1000 Meilen von irgendeiner Zivilisation entfernt.
Die verbliebene Powerbank habe ich in der zweiten Woche dann zweimal benutzt, weil es bedeckt war und ich viel mit dem Smartphone herumspielte (Foto, Video usw.). An den sonnenreichen Tagen konnte ich die Powerbank in wenigen Stunden wieder vollstndig aufladen. Ich hatte auch in der zweiten Woche nie Probleme mit der Stromversorgung. Dazu muss man aber auch sagen, dass ich insgesamt von 14 Reisetagen 10 Tage pralle Sonne hatte.
Etwas sonderbar war oft die Anzeige des Ladegertes. Trotz vollster Mittagssonne wurde auf dem Display nur 0,3 angezeigt. Lste ich die Kabelverbindung zum Smartphone und steckte sie gleich danach wieder ein, stieg die Anzeige auf Werte zwischen 1,6 und 2,1. Der Ladestand des Smartphone-Akkus war in diesen Fllen aber oft erst bei ca. 60%.
Ich wrde dieses Teil auf jeden Fall noch einmal kaufen und es uneingeschrnkt empfehlen. Dazu eine anstndige Powerbank (ich verwendete in der zweiten Woche die Anker Powercore 26800 mAh Anker PowerCore 26800mAh Power Bank Externer Akku mit Dual Input Ladeport, Doppelt so Schnell Wiederaufladbar, 3 USB Ports fr iPhone X 8 8Plus 7 6s 6Plus, iPad, Samsung Galaxy, Android und weitere Smartphones (Wei) ), denn bei guten Wetter wei man sonst nicht, wohin mit dem ganzen Strom 😉
Acquistato in aprile 2018, ho aspettato a recensirlo perch prima volevo provarlo a fondo. Ora posso affermare che si tratta di un ottimo prodotto. Lo uso solamente per ricaricare 2 power bank durante il giorno, Alla sera attacco 2 iphone e 2 ipad ai power e alla mattina il tutto carico. Oggi (20 giugno) sono arrivato a vedere (foto) 3.0 ma poi ho messo il pannello a 45 e sono arrivato a 3.2. Molto soddisfatto. Naturalmente tutto dipende dal grado di insolazione, in inverno diverso ma normale.
Pretty damn good! Does struggle with cloudy days, especially through a window. Resonable good sun and it flies! Charged a storage brick really well in three hours on a clear sunny day.
This may have a high watt output for solar panel this size but that because it seems only knock out 1.1amps of power which is ok if the watts are high in the sun.
Comes with usb lead and clips
Says it is 585 grams on this page yet it is 616 grams not impressed weight is a very important thing when hiking They offered to refund me 3 lol and said its the factory’s fault lol seem think ok to say its 585 grams in weight when its 616grams
However it is a good panel but and it’s a big one this does have compatibility issues which some my devices. But ones it works with work well.
I’ve been looking for a decent solar panel for my gazebo for ages, and after lots of research, I finally settled on this one. First of all its 28w and charges up my usb battery fully with a days sunshine, from that Im able to run the gazebo lights for over a week whether the sun is out or not!
the design is simple but works, I hung mine on the gazebo roof with a bit of string and its been working fantastically since I got it on Saturday. Very happy.
I’ve had this a month now and have tested it in all sorts of weather. I have to say, although I was worried it wouldn’t be too great with the British weather, it has surprised me… a lot! I’ve provided two examples below of my experiences where the charger was on the dash of my car (on sunny days I folded the output screen under the panels with the windows ajar). I also only charged one item at a time.
Very cloudy/rainy day with no direct sunlight:
When it first arrived in March, the weather was miserable but I was still able to get a reading of 0.2 to 0.4 amps. So I plugged in an iPhone and it began to charge! However, rather than leave my phone in the car, I plugged in my small power bank and left the panels on the dash of my car. I thought that the windscreen would filter out some of the required rays but I had the same reading in and out of the car. Anyway, I came back to the car that evening after it rained all day and the sun was low in the sky as its still late winter/early spring. The bank was half charged and is 4000mAh, so for pretty much the worst type of weather (no direct sun at all the whole day) for solar and the sun only being low in the sky anyway, I think it did well. I was able to fully charge this bank after two and a half days of this same weather. My 8000mAh power bank never reached full charge and obviously took a longer – 4 days but the 4th was spent stuck at 75 to 100%.
Sunny days:
Wow. This thing is great in the sun! the maximum output I’ve achieved is 2.2 amps, and that was on a bright sunny day at the beginning of April. It charged my 4000mAh bank in 3 hours and I’ve left my 8000mAh bank in the car which was charged completely by the time I’d finished work – I’d left it from 10am where the reading was 1.6, checked it at lunch time and the reading was 1.9 to 2.1 and then in the evening at 5pm when I finished work, the reading dropped to 0.2 with the sun being very low and the angle of my car not being great either. However, the bank was also showing as fully charged.
I’ve also found that the last 15% or so takes way longer to complete, I’m no expert but it just seems like its harder for the solar charger to push in that final bit of charge! On sunny days it will manage but on other days I settle on 90% and switch to another empty bank. It’s also worth bearing in mind that I choose to charge power banks still rather than plugging directly into my iPhone because if it takes say a day to charge it and it’s still switched on, then you’re going to need a sunny day to get it close to 100% because not only are you trying to charge up a 1821mAh battery, but you’ll be using half of the supplied power to power the devices wifi/cellular/screen/background processes etc. An iPhone and some other devices also require a minimum amount of amps, so when its cloudy for a while and it’s 0.4 on the solar charger, your phone/device might reject this and cut it off. A power bank generally doesn’t so this power(although a small amount) is still soaked up.
The only thing that does annoy me about this solar charger is that the USB ports are difficult to access from within the pocket – it’s not a big deal, maybe something BigBlue can improve on in the next model.
Tres content de cet achat.Ce n’est pas un gadget marche super. J ai eu des debits de 2.5 Amperes.Charge ma Sunto en 20 min mon galaxy s7 en moyenne 45 min. et tout le reste lampe, cigarette electronique, powerbank….
A la base c’etait pour mes sorties camping et cela marche tellement bien que je l’utilise tous les jours pour mon portable et ma powerbank.
6 mois d’utilisation intense rien a redire.
Par temps tres couvert ces panneaux arrivent malgr tout a charger mes appareils cela prendra evidemment plus de temps mais ca charge .
Compact leger resistant et fait tres bien le boulot.
Je recommande fortement meme si il est un peu plus chere que d’autres modles, vous ne le regretterez pas.
I already have two solar power banks however they take a long time to charge due to the small solar panels. This should hopefully charge the banks and other devices in twice the time. I plan on traveling around Albania in June so hopefully this does the job. (Weather not been that great in the UK so been unable to test.)
Looks very well made. I spent ages deciding which solar charger to go for. I base my decisions a lot on previous reviews. Have only just received this, ( jan 2018 ), so will be doing a proper review once it has been used for its intended purpose —— which is when my husband and I go on extended camping trips – with no electric. This, in conjunction with an Anker power bank and another solar power bank will be used to charge, two smart phones, an iPad, an iPod and Bluetooth speakers.
So , I’ll be back !!
Wow… als ich das bestellte war ich doch etwas skeptisch am Anfang. Hab es fr Caming und unseren Strandurlaub bestellt. Das Gert funktioniert hervorragend! Hab meine Powerbank (15000mAh) damit immer geladen und von dort Handys und Taschenlampen. Muss sagen das ich echt berrascht bin was das Teil an Leistung hat. ( bei starker Sonneneinstrahlung und immer etwas drauf geachtet das der Winkel stimmt hab ich ohne Probleme die Powerbank voll bekommen)Wer etwas autark sein mag und im Urlaub oder beim Camping sein Zubehr laden will kann hier zugreifen. Auch die Karabiner im Umfang sind ntzlich da man so das Solarpanel in jedem Winkels befestigen kann. Die Anzeige ist praktisch da man sieht ob der Winkel verbessert werden kann oder aktuell optimal ist. Hab es auch beim wandern mal dabei gehabt und am Rucksack befestigt. Klar das ist nicht perfekt aber auch hier solang man drauf achtet das es in der Sonne hngt funktioniert es super. Bis jetzt klare Empfehlung.
Das BigBlue kommt mit einer tollen Ampere Anzeige, was auch der Kaufgrund fr mich war.
Keines der anderen angebotenen Panels bietet so etwas zur Zeit.
Die 4 Solar Kollektoren verrichten auch flach liegend auf dem Boden ihren Dienst, dann bei maximal 2,2 Ampere, weswegen es nicht zwangslufig optimal zur Sonne hin ausgerichtet werden muss. Richtig ausgerichtet liegt der maximal Strom der entnommen werden kann bei 5V und 3,8 Ampere, was 19 Watt Leistung entspricht.
Als Faustregel kann man sagen das ein mobiles “zwei Panel” groes Solarpanel mit angegebenen 14 Watt Leistung maximal 8 Watt am USB Ausgang erreicht. Der maximale Wert liegt also bei ca. 4 Watt Leistung fr pro Panel und da hier vier verbaut wurden, ging ich von 16 Watt beim Kauf aus. Das es nun 19 Watt bei dem BigBlue sind berrascht und freut mich natrlich. 🙂
Am Laderegler knnen 2 Gerte gleichzeitig mit jeweils 1,9 Ampere geladen werden. Foto anbei, wo ich gleichzeitig zwei meiner 2A Input Powerbanks grad betanke.
Dieses Panel ist zwar ~15 Euro teurer als die Konkurrenz, dafr erhlt man aber auch eine solide Qualitt, Leistung und ein Amperemeter, was den Mehrpreis fr mich in Ordnung gehen lsst. Ihr knnt hier gerne zuschlagen und werdet es nicht bereuen.
Vraiment un chargeur solaire de qualit, qui charge donc en direct sans conserver dans une batterie interne, neanmoins il recharge trs vite. Attention, le ampermetre naffiche quelquechose que si on connecte un appareil desuus, si vous mettez le chargeur solaire en plein soleil sans rien de brancher, le compteur affichera tout le temps 0 ou 0.1, ce qui est normal vu qu’il est fait pour reguler la tension. Pour ma part, mon smartphone et un powerbank brancher sur les 2 usb et le compteur m’affiche 1.9 a 2.2, sans vraiment un soleil eclatant et avec une temperature exterieur de 22. Mon smartphone(4000mAh) se charge a 100 % en 2h30, c’est quand meme tres rapide. En clair, je ne charge plus mon Smartphone qu’au solaire .
Compr este producto pensando en mis vacaciones en las cuales iba a estar 17 das en el norte, entre el campo, y la playa.
Los das soleados el cargador se comport excelentemente cargando los tres mviles que llevbamos en un tiempo relativamente rpido, en los das nublados su rendimiento era un poco ms bajo, pero an as segua cargando, la verdad es que estoy muy contenta con la compra de este producto ya que me ha permitido tener la batera del mvil a punto cada da.
Una compra muy recomendable si tienes pensado hacer alguna escapada.
It’s great and works well! For anyone using it for adventure travel – it is heavier than it looks. That isn’t a criticism, but bear that in mind when planning your luggage.
Ich bin absolut zufrieden mit dem BigBlue 28W Solar Charger.
Was mir sofort positiv aufgefallen ist, sind die 4 Karabinerhaken die mit im Lieferumfang enthalten sind.
Damit kann man den Charger wie oben auf dem Bild am Rucksack befestigen, und so beim wandern bis zu zwei Gerte mit Sonnenenergie aufladen
Der Charger wirkt sehr gut verarbeitet.
Ein weiterer Pluspunkt ist das Reiverschlussfach wo man z.B. sein Handy mit zustzlich zwei Gummischlaufen sichern kann.
Ich habe den Charger bei leicht bewlkten Himmel getestet, und trotzdem hat mein Handy zgig geladen.
Da ich viel drauen unterwegs bin, ist das fr mich eine optimale Lsung sein (Handy, Taschenlampe, Tablet usw.) mit GRNER Energie zu versorgen.
Bin sehr zufrieden, klare Kaufempfehlung.
Large solar chargers have started to appear all over Amazon now that they panels have become cheap and efficient enough to provide enough power to be useful. They typically come in 2 or 4 panels sizes, and with or without an internal battery (which almost always only comes with the 2 panel versions).
This is a 4 panel charger with 2x2A smart USB ports and 1x1A, and no internal battery. You can see the physical size and what you get in the box via the video, but in essence, you get a foldable solar cell bank that you can attach (with the 4 supplied carabiners) to a tent, back of a rucksack, or window.
The three USB outputs are in a pouch at one end of the solar cell and this pouch is large enough to contain a modern large phone (I’m using a OnePlus, but an iPhone or Galaxy would fit). The whole solar cell unit is made of a tear proof black cloth with a waterproof plastic lining
There is a little red light near the USB ports that illuminates when the solar cell is catching enough light to provide at least the minimum current. From experience with previous solar cells, you will know if the solar cells are in a good position to convert light to electricity by how warm they get, as light rays tend to warm the surface of the cells (they are black). This is also a good way to tell if the solar cells will work in your application; hold your hand out to the light, and if the sun can warm your hand, then a solar cell will work.
For my initial testing, I simply left the solar cell in the car, which I left in my work carpark for a day. As you can see from the video, this turned out to be quite a harsh test as there were angry looking thick grey clouds throughout the day in question!
By a stroke of serendipity, I didn’t need to tie the solar cell down as the Velcro surfaces on the back of the solar cell (that are used to close the unit) actually stop the cell moving because they fix the solar pack to the boot cover/shelf that most cars have. Bonus!
I was expecting the worst from this test, but was actually pleasantly surprised; on a dark and cloudy grim day in Leeds, with the solar cell placed behind a car window (so it was not even getting the full amount of light coming from the sky), the solar bank collected over 2000mAH. That is enough to charge a totally empty phone to about 66%, noting that this is on a day with absolutely no sun whatsoever!
NB — I am in the process of doing a fuller set of tests for various weather conditions (using a phone app that logs the max/min current the phone receives, plus a meter that measures accumulated mAH) and will present fuller results in the comments to this review.
Using a USB meter, I was able to see what sort of current and voltage the solar cell provides. It is limited to 5V maximum, but will go down below 4V for low light. That should not be a problem for LiPo nor Li-on batteries (the two battery types most likely to be in your mobile device), because neither actually charge at 5V; your phone circuity limits the voltage to the battery to somewhere between 3.7V and 4.2V anyway.
What may be an issue though is if the solar cell is moving in and out of the sun rapidly, as the current coming from the solar cell will vary wildly, stressing out the battery protection circuitry of your phone. If this is your expected use case I would recommend buying a small (6,000-10,000mAH) LiPo battery bank to put between the solar cell output and your phone. This will even out the solar cell output so your phone gets a constant current at exactly 5V. A battery bank would also be a good idea if you expect to be off the grid for some time, as it tides you over on the low light days by storing away the excess energy and literally saving it for a rainy day.
Who would buy this?
Anyone like me who has video equipment (or camera equipment) that can be charged by 5, 9 or 12V. The 3 USB sockets can be used to keep your equipment batteries topped up in the boot of the car. NB — you can buy 5V USB to CCTV-9V or CCTV-12V converters; I use one to power a BlackMagic Pocket Cinema camera from my (standard) 5V USB battery banks. Search Amazon with B019Z3QYXY or B01G56J4FE for examples (you might need a CCTV converter tip, such as B00LGIV51S for a BlackMagic Pocket).
Sounds like a small thing, but as anyone who shoots a lot of video will tell you, turning up with any battery that is half full is the kiss of death. Always!
Anyone off-grid for over a day. This solar cell is large enough to give you adequate charge to power a phone even on an overcast day by simply strapping the solar cell to the side of your tent.
A good solution for anyone who will be travelling off-grid or needs to keep their electronics topped up. You may need a small battery bank to tide you over on the low light days, but even on overcast days, this cell is large enough to give you a decent charge that keeps your phone going.
BigBlue 28W Outdoor Charger 3-Port Foldable Waterproof Solar Panel – for iPhone SE 6S 6 Plus iPad Pro Air Mini Galaxy S7 S6 Edge S6 Plus and More
This is a BigBlue 28W Outdoor Charger Foldable Waterproof Solar Panel with 3 standard USB output points, and it has 4 sets of solar panels. It folds up conveniently for storage and traveling while it is extremely well-made and presented. It comes with a user manual and 4 carabiner-type clips for hanging/support purposes. There are several loop holes on the opened solar charger for them to go through.
This is great for those who are environmentally conscience and like the ‘green’ aspect to using solar power. This when opened and placed in the sun by the window happily charged my Samsung S7 Edge mobile phone. There is a red light that comes on when the light is bright enough to power the 3 USB output points which is a handy indicator. There are two of the three USB out ports rated at 2.4A and the third at 1A. The solar panels are weather proof and this is ideal for outdoor use as long as you keep the USB ports dry.
I was quite impressed by this product and will certainly use it to keep my power banks topped up and to charge my mobile phone when we have a sunny enough day. It certainly works, even though the rate of charging is largely dependent on how sunny/bright it is. I think it will appeal to anyone who spends a lot of time outdoors in the summer and those who like the eco-friendly aspect.
I was kindly sent a free or discounted sample of this product by the supplier in return for an honest and unbiased review.
So far I’m very impressed, although it’s been the sunniest 2 weeks of the year so will be interesting to see when the weather levels off a bit, charges quiete fast and consistently
I use this for long distance hiking when every gram of weight matters.
No more batteries and excessive cost, just recharge the power pack and all’s good.
All in all this is a great bit of kit but please be reasonable with your expectations.
Its a small solar panel, not a mains supply and it takes it’s time to do it’s thing.
Treat it gently, don’t throw it around and be patient.
I’m very happy with this purchase.
When the clouds are doing their thing I still get a little bit of power and the sky has to get pretty dim before it gives up completely – so I’m happy with that.
I like the fact that it folds up, I like that it has eyelets I can use to hang it up, I like that it comes with a couple of carabiners (even though i hate that word) and I like the pocket on the back. The whole thing is nicely made and it looks and feels like a quality product.
Brilliant, seems to work really well. Just some confusion before ordering as to which connection cable socket – spec mentioned USB-C as well as USB-A and I misunderstood that I would need an extra cable in order to connect with USB-C socket o the charger; not necessary after all, the connection is with USB-A. Comes with 4 mini-carabiners very useful for hanging the charger to get best exposure to sunlight; digital ammeter very useful to be able to see what charge is being generated.
This is very good.
Works extremely well in full sunlight.
I have been pairing this with the Einova 63W power bank and have been very pleased with its performance.
Very portable, looks great (I have the grey) and packs away/ folds out extremely easily.
I was dubious, anything ‘solar’ I had previously bought had been a complete flop. This is very different. In moderate direct sunlight it successfully charged 2 x iPads, 2 x iPhones, 2 x Apple Watches and a hefty portable battery. Two devices at a time and averaging 2.9A. A five day camping trip was completely powered by this! (Apart from the fridge which ran from a Portable PowerStation and 100w Solar panel). The built-in ammeter is useful for adjusting the angle and maximising the charging power (90 degrees to the sun unsurprisingly works best). Highly recommended.
In direct sunlight this panel charged my IPhone XR from 30% to 100% in just over a couple of hours! In between charging my phone I keep a power bank plugged into it whilst it’s laid out on my cars dashboard so whenever there is enough sunlight it helps recharge my power banks.
Not really found any negatives so far, it helped me keep my phone and power banks charge throughout a 5 day festival.
Used on a mixture of sun and overcast day charged a 10000 battery pack in 5 hours
Have used it to charge a High Capacity (27000mah) Powerbank and then charge my phone/tables
Even with the 3 output leads charging my Powerbank, it takes days to go from zero to 25% charged.
Maybe with less capacity Powerbank it would take less time.
Lower Wattage Solar Panels would likely take a lot longer.
While cycle touring I use my phone extensively for mapping, navigation and ebooks, so keeping it charged up is high priority. I had low expectations for the 14W panel (I’d tried solar panels previously without much success) but was delighted to be able to charge an external 3200mAH battery while riding, which I then used to charge my iPhone SE (1,821mAh battery) during the night. The amount of charge obviously depended on the weather conditions – in late June the panel charged my backup battery even on bright overcast days (i.e. not blue skies) enough to fully charge my phone. If the sun was fully shining the backup battery would be fully charged in about 6 hours, with the panel draped over my panniers while riding. All in all very impressed. After a week of riding in mostly good weather I didn’t need to plug in my phone to charge it once. One improvement would be to have attachment hoops in the middle of the unfolded panels to allow the panels to be fixed centrally.
I haven’t had time to use it much yet but I like the charge indicator, showing how much sunshine is converted to charging the USB devices. It clearly shows which orientations are the most productive, and how sensitive it is to clouds passing. This helps a lot.
Seriously impressed with this. I had a 3 year old similar – sized Anker folding solar panel charger but it was really a last resort as it charged painfully slowly. This is a different level altogether. In full sun it charges at the same speed as if it was plugged into the mains and even charges at a reasonable rate in overcast skies. Worth every penny.
It’s a nice bit of kit I would recommend it 4.5
I’m still in the first days of using this product, so not sure about it’s durability and performance with the passing of time, however so far this is a great product. I have confirmed through a friend that someone else in their family bought the same product and are very happy with it too. My impression is this solar charger is as good and as faster as plugging your device into a socket. I was sceptical of solar chargers but this one does work great. I think this is as good as you can get at this stage of technology development, performance that is the same as electrical charging – bravo, this product is truly worth i
Depending on solar intensity, charging can take a while especially if optimal direction or tilt cannot be achieved.
I used this solar panel on a hiking trip for 10 days as my only source of power and it charged my power bank battery enough every day for me to charge two phones and a Garmin satnav. Did a great job. The panels seem to get marked quite easily by stones on the ground when I put my bag down but it carried on working fine.
Charged a 10Ah 5v power bank on a sunny day in late March in UK while topping up an iPhone 13. Better than expected.
Good material, light, very well made. Great for travels, and nice to have around on power outages.
Plug and play. Fast charging
Also vorneweg, es scheint so, als ob der Hersteller das Problem in den Griff bekommen hat. Zumindest mein Panel geht automatisch wieder in den vollen Ladenmodus, wenn die Bewlkung oder Abschattung weg ist.
Getestet wurde dieses Verhalten mit mehreren Handys ( Gigaset GX290, Siemens Xcover und ein S20). Iphone konnte ich leider nicht testen, sollte aber m.E. das gleiche Verhalten wie die Android Handys aufweisen.
Bei winterlichem Himmel ( leichte Bewlkung ) hatte ich einen Ladestrom um die 1,1A. Das Panel wurde mehrfach manuell abgedunkelt, und wieder aufgeklappt. Ein paar Sekunden nach dem Aufklappen stand immer wieder der volle ( aktuell mgliche Ladestrom aufgrund der Beleuchtung) zu Verfgung.
Beim Panel wurde wie oben geschrieben ein Ladestrom von rd. 1,1Ampere angezeigt, wobei alle Handys ( mit Android App gemessen) einen Ladestrom von 0,9-1,0Ampere auf dem Display hatten.
Langzeittests kann man ja bei den anderen Rezessionen nachlesen, aber ich fr mein Teil bin mit dem Panel zufrieden, denn beim Winterhimmel (leicht bewlkt) noch rund 1 Ampere Ladeleistung herauszubekommen find ich schon gut.
Nur eines noch, egal welches Handy/Tablett usw. mit dem Panel geladen werden soll, ich empfehle IMMER nur ber eine zwischengeschaltete Powerbank, wobei bei der Powerbank sollte man darauf achten, dass sie Pass-Through Charging ( die Power Bank kann geladen werden, whrend ein mobiles Gert ldt) beherrscht.
Obige Messung bezgl Ladeabbrche bei Handys wurde natrlich OHNE zwischengeschaltete Powerbank durchgefhrt !!
It does not store power so when folded it does not take up much space. In the sun it charges quickly but on a heavily overcast day it hardly charges.
Das Panel funktioniert gut und ldt bei leichter Bewlkung mit 8 Watt als Smartcharge und mit 4 Watt ohne Akkusteuerung wie es bei gnstigen Powerbanks der fall ist. Der integrierte Charge Prozessor erkennt zwar einige Protokolle, aber lngst nicht alle. Bei Smartphones mit supercharge zB regelt er die Stromstrke herunter um die Ampere Zahl halten zu knnen obwohl die Powerbank theoretisch die vollen 5,4 Volt Vertrgen wrde. Die Tasche an dem Panel ist super. Habe noch ein anderes panel ohne tasche, was echt nicht komfortabel ist.
Von meiner Seite aus eine klare Kaufempfehlung.
So I love my big blue 28w solar charger. Considering its winter i have been able to get alot of use out of it and get really excited when the sun appears. Bought mostly as a way to reduse my carbon footprint I now charge everything usb with this. The amps change alot with the sun quality but I am happy with that. Now that i have a power pack I can store my green energy too and dont have to worry about time or cutoff. Great product and can’t wait test its full potential.
Plegada ocupa prcticamente lo mismo que un libro de texto escolar, por lo que te la puedes llevar a todas partes. Si la quieres utilizar, basta con orientarla bien hacia el sol (intentando que los rayos incidan lo ms perpendicular a las placas) y, gracias al ampermetro digital, puedes comprobar la intensidad de energa de carga en tiempo real.
En invierno, he llegado a picos de 2A, manteniendo entre 1,5-1,7 estables, consiguiendo cargar un iPhone 7 en unas 2h. EN el vdeo no se aprecia, pero con esa inclinacin tan poco eficiente, estaba cargando a 0,6A.
Lleva un bolsillo donde poner cables (usb-C, Lightning, microUSB…) y mosquetones que incluye el pack, de manera que puedes colgar estas placas en cualquier ligar porque tiene anillas que as lo permiten.
En definitiva, es un producto que recomiendo totalmente.
Depends how sunny it is of course, but this charger really works!
No problem charging tablets as well as phones – also Bluetooth headphones. I often charge more than one device at a time by hanging the charger up at my window, or outside the window – no need to wait for a camping trip to use it.
Works great. Even on a totally cloudy it charges at 1.2 amps
It’s definitely a good product, it’s sturdier than it feels but don’t knock it around too much if you can avoid it. It’s a compact piece of kit smaller than a laptop but thicker than an ipad. Definitely a good item to pack for camping
It’s definitely a good product, it’s sturdier than it feels but don’t knock it around too much if you can avoid it. It’s a compact piece of kit smaller than a laptop but thicker than an ipad. Definitely a good item to pack for camping
As per the headline, with the right power pack very good, I was able to charge a 25800mwh brick in a day at 1.6/1.7 amps in fairly overcast Pembrokeshire whether. The HETP and the newer EC power packs work fine, and was able to charge both at 1.6+ amps. My older packs (3 years+ plus old) did not charge at a good rate.
I’ve found myself charging up whatever I can with this whenever the sun is out. Works brilliantly.
Used this for a week long kayaking expedition in typical Irish weather to charge up a power bank. Works really well in sunnier weather but strapped to the back of my boat for 10+ hours a day in mostly cloudy weather still charged up the power bank enough so that my phone never ran out of battery despite heavy use.
Seems sturdy enough, got rained on a lot, lot of waves splashed over it and still works. Wouldn’t try to submerge it as the USB ports aren’t waterproof but with those tucked under the panels and the cable fed into the day hatch it worked a treat.
It weighs 600g which surprised me as is quite a chunk of weight for the backpacker, it’s not helped by the carabiners either-a poor addition, it’s good that their sturdy but they weigh too much for the simple task that’s needed, I’d suggest leaving them at home and using a small piece of string, if you’re travelling on foot.
Has power readout and can be mounted on to a backpack.
Was sceptical about the ability of this type of solar panel but was pleaaently surprised. In the UK weather this regularly produced upto 1.3amps and charged a 50000mah battery in a day. Perfect for camping left out in the rain and had no problems. Highly recommend.
In reasonable sunlight through a window, i get 1a supplied which happily charges large personal batteries and a switch lite. Packs up quite nicely. Not yet testing in rain (summer just arrived). Well worth the price and looking forward to using it when camping.
Hung this on the outside of my backpack and used it to charge a battery bank. A full overcast day would produce enough charge to charge my phone 1.5 times. In bright light (direct sunlight) it charges much quicker. Havent got any figures but it kept my phone charged for the entire trip.
Its not particularly heavy (crucial for trail walking) and I didnt have it deployed during rain but I would recommend it for those that need to have a phone in remote areas.
charged up my iphone 7 in the winter sun to almost full in around an hr.. I do live in the south of france tho – pyrenees
I have only used this once, but I was really pleased with its performance. I took it to the park and just casually laid it over my backpack. I didn’t actually need to charge my phone, I just wanted to see how this would work in a partly-cloudy day. And it worked great! Topped up my phone in about 30 minutes.
It’s well-designed and functional. Perfect.
Consiglio vivamente.
Re-charged my 26000 mAh battery from around 60% every day. I used the battery to charge my child’s iPad and our two phones every night for a week. It even worked acceptably in overcast conditions and wasn’t destroyed by a day of rain. Very happy with this, there’s no need to pay for an electric hookup just to keep phones charged. Want to get solar panels for my roof at home now 😉
This is definetely the best solar panel I have owned. It charges well in pretty much all weather’s apart from rain. The display is a great idea, it gives a very good indication of the best position to get a good charge. It does weigh more than other panels I’ve used, but it is definetely worth it. I would recommend only using one of the USB sockets at a time though rather than spread the power.
It is more expensive than most other panels, even with an Amazon lightening deal, that said, this is definetely the one to buy.
Using the USB QC port linked to a QC Power Bank on a sunny day in southern England it regularly draws 2.4-2.9 amps. Fantastic!
I’m happy about the strength of the Velcro that is used for keeping it all rapped up.
The charging speed and capability is ok. plugged in my phone, which uses Type -C Cable , for about 30 minutes , by which time it had charged at least 20-30 %.
I was quite disappointed to discover that the plastic screen on the Amps power metre is not resistant to scratches at all. I had to apply sticky take to prevent this from happening
Nutzerprofil: Ich war mit dem Solarpaneel 2018 in Kanada (Rocky Mountains) fr 3 Wochen zum Zelten und Wandern. Das Mobiltelefon war mein Navigator, Foto, Tagebuch und damit quasi jeden Tag fast ganztgig im Einsatz. Das Wetter war miserabel, wir hatten 2 Wochen Regenwetter, vereinzelt mit Frost und Neuschnee im Juli! Die letzte Woche war wechselhaft, d.h auch mal Sonne. Hat das Solarpaneel also geholfen?
Mobilitt: Das Paneel lsst sich hervorragend zusammenfalten und ist dann schmal und klein genug, damit es in den Wanderrucksack passt, ohne kaputt zu gehen. Man kann es mit den vorgesehenen sen am Rucksack auen festmachen und Tageslicht (besser ist Sonnenschein) auch unterwegs mit starken Einschrnkungen nutzen. (Mehr bei Leistung)
Stabilitt/Wetterfestigkeit: Das Paneel war in meinem Fall einige Male leichtem Regen ausgesetzt, aber ich habe es immer mglichst schnell verpackt. Wir waren obendrein fnf Tage auf dem Athabasca River mit Kanus unterwegs, dabei hat das Paneel einiges Spritzwasser abbekommen. Es gab keine Schden in dieser Zeit und ich verwende das Paneel noch immer. Ich habe das Paneel immer mglichst schonend verwendet und Ste oder Druck immer vermieden, das Paneel zeigt heute keine Kratzer und keine Bruchstellen. Man sollte aber beachten, dass es keinen besonders stabilen Rahmen oder Schutzglas etc. besitzt, dafr ist es leicht und, wie ich finde, kompakt — also fr den mobilen Einsatz sehr gut geeignet.
Leistung: Ich empfehle das Paneel nur als Ladestation fr Akkus zu verwenden, nicht direkt am Mobiltelefon. Das Paneel war in der Lage auch bei bedecktem Himmel noch kleinste Ladeleistung auf ein Akku zu liefern. Am Mobiltelefon sorgt aber eine geringe Leistung fr stndiges Anzeigen und Abbrechen der Ladung, was letztendlich das Akkus belastet und durch den wechselnden Displaybetrieb auch mehr Strom braucht, als liefert. Stationrer Betrieb ist in jedem Fall dem Wanderrucksack vorzuziehen, denn die Leistung versagt schnell, wenn auch nur eine Flche kein ausreichendes Licht bekommt. Ladevorgnge knnen bei bedecktem Himmel mehrere Stunden in Anspruch nehmen, bei Sonnenschein hlt das Paneel aber, was es verspricht. Zwei Schnellladekabel erlauben mir meine Anker Module bei Sonnenschein innerhalb weniger Stunden (2-3h je nach Restladung der Module) wieder vollstndig aufzuladen, das ist beeindruckend. Das Paneel liefert, bei Sonnenschein und optimaler Ausrichtung, bis zu 3,5A Stromstrke auf 5V. Das sind immerhin 17,5 Watt um den 50ten Breitengrad. Zugleich nutze ich dieses Merkmal nur selten, um die Akkus zu schonen.
Fazit: Das Paneel hat es mir erlaubt mit zwei 20Ah Akkumodulen bei drei Wochen schlechtem Wetter durchgngig mein Mobiltelefon zur Navigation und zum Fotografieren zu nutzen. Fr mich volle Punktzahl! Man sollte aber eben keine Wunder erwarten, sondern eine zustzliche Hilfe fr Akkulaufzeiten.
Pretty impressed with this panel. I’ve managed to achieve 3.7 amps charging a dual USB input battery pack. Panel seems well made and I’m overall happy with its performance. I’ve not plugged my phone in since owning it as I place one pack on charge and use another, then swap them over.
edit added 3rd My 2020. The cables supplied seem a little temperamental. Sometimes you attach the power bank and the Ammeter shows 0.1 or 0.2. Waggle the cable and it will jump up (or down again). This is on both cables. I will be replacing the cables with better quality ones.
Must have for every one who needs reliable power source when on trip
I used it at a remote beach cottage with this the only source of power for phones for me and my guests. Perhaps I can share some lessons for you:
1) the charging indicator is very helpful,
2) if the phone or battery is nearly full the charging indicator will indicate a slower rate. My phone got to 90% easily but not really to 100%
3) the direction into the sun does matter – change the orientation to improve the charge rate
4) I found it useful to charge a powerbank as well as phone.
5) I was able to charge a phone and big powerbank in the morning, not needing it to be used in the afternoon.
Doing these things, and in bright sunlight, I got a maximum charging rate of 3.6 (out of claimed 4 max), with regular rates of 2.8 – 3.0.
I found the pocket useful, the panel folds up well and I didn’t find it heavy (although I wasn’t hiking to be fair)
Out of the four solar chargers I have this is the best of the lot , I have 2 ravs and a dohicker the ravs are a close second but the built-in ammeter comes in really handy . It’s survived a few rain showers and in full sun gives a really good charge
Used it when sailing in Greece and worked well even with sea spray during heavy weather.
Very light weight and easy to pack in baggage.
Got a replacement from the RavPower 16W panel. It wasn’t working and kept sucking power out of my phone other than putting into my phone with a strange sound coming from it.
This is amazing! You get a number that comes up to show you that it is working and it is actually charge your phone. It charges my phone super fast! Faster than the wall charger including the iPad one! Very portable. I haven’t tried the weather durability as I keep it dry and clean. Charged my EastAcc Mega Charge D20 (20,000mAh) with both cables plugged in which took under 4 hours on a cloudless day. Very powerful! Couldn’t recommend this amazing device highly enough!
Tip:- keep the panels clean and if it is possible, tilt the panel and then they will work great!
Ce panneau solaire fonctionne rellement mme dans une rgion ou le soleil n’est pas toujours intense.
On obtient en plein soleil environ 2.4 ampres en 5 v. Un nuage et l’intensit chute a 0.4 A. Que du normal mais bon savoir si l’on habite pas le sud de la France.
Il est pratique a transporter et la poche pour la batterie utile.
On croise les doigts sur sa dure de vie.
Valutate bene le dimensioni di certo non ridotte. Per se volete corrente non ci son alternative. Pi il pannello grande meglio caricher i vostri dispositivi.
The bad news: the highest charging current I’ve had in ideal conditions (Scotland, midsummer, midday sun, clear skies) is only 1.7/1.8A. A long way short of the maximum suggested by the manufacturers.
The good news: 1.7A is an extremely useful charging current. The Big Blue can also pump out some solid current on overcast days – close to 1A with light cloud. Obviously really heavy cloud will drop the output to zero.
In mixed weather conditions I found it more than capable of keeping phone, headtorch batteries etc charged on an extended camping trip. My phone gets used pretty heavily – photography, news & weather if I can get online, Kindle books etc – so this was a solid performance.
I also used a couple of 18650 batteries and a Nitecore F1 charger as a lightweight buffer for the rainy days when I couldn’t deploy the panel. On sunny days there’s charge to spare to fill up the batteries.
The 3 stars for water resistance is just my best guess. The unit seems to cope OK with a smattering of rain but I wouldn’t want to get it really soaked. The panels seem to have a waterproof coating but I doubt very much if the main electronics, under the display, are waterproof.
Why does water resistance even matter for a solar panel? In showery conditions the Big Blue can gather a lot of useful charge in the bright spells. A fully-waterproof unit could be left out unattended while you get on with something else.
That’s the bottom line for portable chargers: do they fit seamlessly with daily life in the field or does it feel like device-charging is starting to dominate your time? The Big Blue performs well enough not to be a nuisance.
The display is great – indispensable really. If you want to learn how best to use the panel you need to see how well it works in different conditions.
I measured the weight at 610g on scales of unknown accuracy.
All in all, I like it. May not perform as well as claimed (I didn’t really expect it would) but it does perform well.
Can charge very quickly with direct sun, the size can take up a big space in your bag but it’s worth i
I used the solar panel throughout my 6 weeks camping in the wilderness of Mongolia and it did a great job charging my power bank which in turn charged the batteries of my digital camera, my phone and the torch. Really light to carry with and easy to adjust anywhere one can imagine. I can only recommend this product!!
Delivered promptly as promised. Have not tried in all conditions as yet but initially achieved 0.4 Amp indicated in slightly overcast conditions and 1.4 Amp when the Sun cleared cloud in afternoon (indicated). Appears to produce more from one USB port than the other but this may have just been a change in the weather. Over 20 minutes an iPhone XS Max gained a couple of percent charge in mainly overcast conditions. Fits nicely on larger rucksacks (40 litre upwards) where they are tall and narrow – which is fine as you wouldn’t really need on a day sack. Does work through glass so can hang in a sunny window or on the window sill and feed a couple of power banks; for example. Time will tell on reliability and durability but looks sturdy enough balanced against it’s low weight. Very happy so far.
Fantastic solar panel the built in ammeter is very handy telling you how much light it’s receiving, very sturdy and in perfect condition a year later after purchasing no issues whatsoever (used heavily in the summer time)
Gli Ampere di ricarica come indicato nel display del pannello ma anche nel mio tester applicato tra il pannello ed il powerbank, si alternava da un minimo di 1A ad un massimo di 2.4A a pieno sole. Il test stato fatto nei primi giorni di Marzo negli orari seguenti: 07.30-12.00. Alla luce di quanto testato e scritto sopra, sono del parere che questo pannello fa adeguatamente il suo dovere. Consiglio l’acquisto.
Kleiner Tipp:
Die mitgelieferten Kabel waren super, ebenso wie die mitgelieferten Kabel der Powerbank (siehe unten), aber viele meiner Kabel waren “Schrott” da sie viel der zur verfgung stehenden Energie geschluckt haben. Teilweise so extrem, dass mein Handy nicht in den Schnelllade-Modus wechseln konnte. Also: vor der Reise testen!
Kleiner Kauftipp:
An der Stelle mchte ich kurz hervorheben, dass 2 dieser Solar-Ladegerte hervorragend mit der Anker PowerCore in der 26800mAh Version zusammen arbeiten (ASIN: B074VY3CKY), diese hat nmlich 2 Micro-USB Anschlsse und kann daher mit 4A geladen werden. Grtenteils konnten wir die Powerbank auch mit einer Solarzelle und 4A laden, aber ich vermute stark, dass das in Europa nicht mglich sein wird, da die australische Sonne strker ist.
Die Solarzellen geben maximal 7V bei 4A (max 2A je USB Port) ab, sofern es Sonne und Wetter hergeben und die Gerte an USB schnell geladen werden knnen -leider konnten meine Kameras und Taschenlampen nur mit maximal 0.5A geladen werden, das sollte man beachten, wenn man auf Solarstrom angewiesen ist.
Die Solarzellen sind in der Regel winkelunempfindlich und wandeln Sonnenlicht sehr gut in elektrische Energie um. Nur bei sehr spitzen Winkeln zwischen Sonne und Solarzelle nimmt die Leistung ab und es macht Sinn die Solarzellen entweder an den mitgelieferten Karabinerhaken irgendwo aufzuhngen (z.B. an einer Wscheleine) oder abzulegen, zum Beispiel ber eine Stuhllehne.
Das eingebaute Amperemeter hilft dabei ungemein die Solarzelle richtig auszurichten.
Ansonsten gibt es nicht viel zu der BigBlue zu schreiben. Sie tut was sie soll, die Verarbeitung ist gut, sie hat Sand und ein paar Tropfen Regen problemlos berstanden und dank der mitgelieferten Karabinerhaken konnten wir sie auch whrend der Wanderung auf unseren Rucksack schnallen und so die Sonnenenergie nutzen whrend wir unterwegs waren.
Very good in direct sunlight. Charges up my 22000 ma power bank in two days.
Included Amp meter also handy.
L’amperage maximum que j’ai eu est 3.3A, la plupart du temps 2.8A en plein soleil. Quand il fait nuageux il arrive quand mme sortir 1A. Seul petit bmol vu le prix il aurait t bien de mettre une section antivol, vu qu’il faut plusieurs heures pour charger j’ai toujours eu un peu peur de laisser le panneau sans surveillance.
Das hat sich mit diesem Gert schlagartig gendert, denn es ist nicht nur klein verpackbar, sondern auch noch auerordentlich leistungsstark.
Ein kleiner Erfahrungsbericht in Prosa: Ich war diesen Sommer zwei Wochen lang mit dem Kajak in den schwedischen Westschren unterwegs. Da ich viel filme und fotografiere und abends im Zelt WhatsApp-Videokonferenzen mit der Liebsten abgehalten werden, ist mein Strombedarf recht hoch, Steckdosen sollte es aber auf den Schren nicht geben, das wusste ich von vorherigen Touren 😉 Aus Sorge, ich knnte irgendwann mit stromlosen Gerten unterwegs sein, packte ich insgesamt sieben Powerbanks ins Reisegepck und los ging’s.
Nach einer Woche kehrte ich zum Ausgangspunkt zurck, um Wasser und essen nachzuladen und die Tour in die entgegengesetzte Himmelsrichtung fortzufhren. Vom ersten Tage der Reise an, war das Solar-Ladegert tglich im Einsatz. Ich nutzte die Sonnenstunden am Morgen und Abend, jeweils an meinen Zeltpltzen. Beim Nachladen von Essen und Wasser wurde auch unntzes Zeug ausgeladen, das ich zu diesem Zeitpunkt mitgefhrt hatte. Dazu gehrten auch sechs von den sieben Powerbanks, denn ich hatte in dieser Woche nicht eine davon benutzt. Eine durfte als Notfallversorgung weiter mitreisen. Ein wenig mulmig war mir schon, aber ich war ja nun auch nicht 1000 Meilen von irgendeiner Zivilisation entfernt.
Die verbliebene Powerbank habe ich in der zweiten Woche dann zweimal benutzt, weil es bedeckt war und ich viel mit dem Smartphone herumspielte (Foto, Video usw.). An den sonnenreichen Tagen konnte ich die Powerbank in wenigen Stunden wieder vollstndig aufladen. Ich hatte auch in der zweiten Woche nie Probleme mit der Stromversorgung. Dazu muss man aber auch sagen, dass ich insgesamt von 14 Reisetagen 10 Tage pralle Sonne hatte.
Etwas sonderbar war oft die Anzeige des Ladegertes. Trotz vollster Mittagssonne wurde auf dem Display nur 0,3 angezeigt. Lste ich die Kabelverbindung zum Smartphone und steckte sie gleich danach wieder ein, stieg die Anzeige auf Werte zwischen 1,6 und 2,1. Der Ladestand des Smartphone-Akkus war in diesen Fllen aber oft erst bei ca. 60%.
Ich wrde dieses Teil auf jeden Fall noch einmal kaufen und es uneingeschrnkt empfehlen. Dazu eine anstndige Powerbank (ich verwendete in der zweiten Woche die Anker Powercore 26800 mAh Anker PowerCore 26800mAh Power Bank Externer Akku mit Dual Input Ladeport, Doppelt so Schnell Wiederaufladbar, 3 USB Ports fr iPhone X 8 8Plus 7 6s 6Plus, iPad, Samsung Galaxy, Android und weitere Smartphones (Wei) ), denn bei guten Wetter wei man sonst nicht, wohin mit dem ganzen Strom 😉
Fantastic product. Can easily charge an iPhone here in sunny Ireland in the ninth if May.
Pretty damn good! Does struggle with cloudy days, especially through a window. Resonable good sun and it flies! Charged a storage brick really well in three hours on a clear sunny day.
Superb solar charger, even in the UK in early May it charged my 20000ma power bank from empty to full in 4 hours delivering a steady 2.2A
This may have a high watt output for solar panel this size but that because it seems only knock out 1.1amps of power which is ok if the watts are high in the sun.
Comes with usb lead and clips
Says it is 585 grams on this page yet it is 616 grams not impressed weight is a very important thing when hiking They offered to refund me 3 lol and said its the factory’s fault lol seem think ok to say its 585 grams in weight when its 616grams
However it is a good panel but and it’s a big one this does have compatibility issues which some my devices. But ones it works with work well.
Durante todo el da, dejas el panel solar colgando de tu mochila y se va recargando l solo. Me encanta.
Funciona perfectamente, cumple su funcin.
Los materiales son de calidad y no se rompe fcilmente.
El tamao es perfecto para mis necesidades.
Tiene un gran diseo, se nota que es bueno.
Es un buen producto, que no da problemas y funciona como debe.
Est hecho con materiales de calidad que no se rompen fcilmente.
En definitiva, es un gran producto. Estoy satisfecha con la compra.
Incluyo algunas fotos para que se vea como es realmente el producto.
the design is simple but works, I hung mine on the gazebo roof with a bit of string and its been working fantastically since I got it on Saturday. Very happy.
Very cloudy/rainy day with no direct sunlight:
When it first arrived in March, the weather was miserable but I was still able to get a reading of 0.2 to 0.4 amps. So I plugged in an iPhone and it began to charge! However, rather than leave my phone in the car, I plugged in my small power bank and left the panels on the dash of my car. I thought that the windscreen would filter out some of the required rays but I had the same reading in and out of the car. Anyway, I came back to the car that evening after it rained all day and the sun was low in the sky as its still late winter/early spring. The bank was half charged and is 4000mAh, so for pretty much the worst type of weather (no direct sun at all the whole day) for solar and the sun only being low in the sky anyway, I think it did well. I was able to fully charge this bank after two and a half days of this same weather. My 8000mAh power bank never reached full charge and obviously took a longer – 4 days but the 4th was spent stuck at 75 to 100%.
Sunny days:
Wow. This thing is great in the sun! the maximum output I’ve achieved is 2.2 amps, and that was on a bright sunny day at the beginning of April. It charged my 4000mAh bank in 3 hours and I’ve left my 8000mAh bank in the car which was charged completely by the time I’d finished work – I’d left it from 10am where the reading was 1.6, checked it at lunch time and the reading was 1.9 to 2.1 and then in the evening at 5pm when I finished work, the reading dropped to 0.2 with the sun being very low and the angle of my car not being great either. However, the bank was also showing as fully charged.
I’ve also found that the last 15% or so takes way longer to complete, I’m no expert but it just seems like its harder for the solar charger to push in that final bit of charge! On sunny days it will manage but on other days I settle on 90% and switch to another empty bank. It’s also worth bearing in mind that I choose to charge power banks still rather than plugging directly into my iPhone because if it takes say a day to charge it and it’s still switched on, then you’re going to need a sunny day to get it close to 100% because not only are you trying to charge up a 1821mAh battery, but you’ll be using half of the supplied power to power the devices wifi/cellular/screen/background processes etc. An iPhone and some other devices also require a minimum amount of amps, so when its cloudy for a while and it’s 0.4 on the solar charger, your phone/device might reject this and cut it off. A power bank generally doesn’t so this power(although a small amount) is still soaked up.
The only thing that does annoy me about this solar charger is that the USB ports are difficult to access from within the pocket – it’s not a big deal, maybe something BigBlue can improve on in the next model.
Very happy with my purchase.
A la base c’etait pour mes sorties camping et cela marche tellement bien que je l’utilise tous les jours pour mon portable et ma powerbank.
6 mois d’utilisation intense rien a redire.
Par temps tres couvert ces panneaux arrivent malgr tout a charger mes appareils cela prendra evidemment plus de temps mais ca charge .
Compact leger resistant et fait tres bien le boulot.
Je recommande fortement meme si il est un peu plus chere que d’autres modles, vous ne le regretterez pas.
I already have two solar power banks however they take a long time to charge due to the small solar panels. This should hopefully charge the banks and other devices in twice the time. I plan on traveling around Albania in June so hopefully this does the job. (Weather not been that great in the UK so been unable to test.)
So , I’ll be back !!
Keines der anderen angebotenen Panels bietet so etwas zur Zeit.
Die 4 Solar Kollektoren verrichten auch flach liegend auf dem Boden ihren Dienst, dann bei maximal 2,2 Ampere, weswegen es nicht zwangslufig optimal zur Sonne hin ausgerichtet werden muss. Richtig ausgerichtet liegt der maximal Strom der entnommen werden kann bei 5V und 3,8 Ampere, was 19 Watt Leistung entspricht.
Als Faustregel kann man sagen das ein mobiles “zwei Panel” groes Solarpanel mit angegebenen 14 Watt Leistung maximal 8 Watt am USB Ausgang erreicht. Der maximale Wert liegt also bei ca. 4 Watt Leistung fr pro Panel und da hier vier verbaut wurden, ging ich von 16 Watt beim Kauf aus. Das es nun 19 Watt bei dem BigBlue sind berrascht und freut mich natrlich. 🙂
Am Laderegler knnen 2 Gerte gleichzeitig mit jeweils 1,9 Ampere geladen werden. Foto anbei, wo ich gleichzeitig zwei meiner 2A Input Powerbanks grad betanke.
Dieses Panel ist zwar ~15 Euro teurer als die Konkurrenz, dafr erhlt man aber auch eine solide Qualitt, Leistung und ein Amperemeter, was den Mehrpreis fr mich in Ordnung gehen lsst. Ihr knnt hier gerne zuschlagen und werdet es nicht bereuen.
Los das soleados el cargador se comport excelentemente cargando los tres mviles que llevbamos en un tiempo relativamente rpido, en los das nublados su rendimiento era un poco ms bajo, pero an as segua cargando, la verdad es que estoy muy contenta con la compra de este producto ya que me ha permitido tener la batera del mvil a punto cada da.
Una compra muy recomendable si tienes pensado hacer alguna escapada.
It’s great and works well! For anyone using it for adventure travel – it is heavier than it looks. That isn’t a criticism, but bear that in mind when planning your luggage.
Was mir sofort positiv aufgefallen ist, sind die 4 Karabinerhaken die mit im Lieferumfang enthalten sind.
Damit kann man den Charger wie oben auf dem Bild am Rucksack befestigen, und so beim wandern bis zu zwei Gerte mit Sonnenenergie aufladen
Der Charger wirkt sehr gut verarbeitet.
Ein weiterer Pluspunkt ist das Reiverschlussfach wo man z.B. sein Handy mit zustzlich zwei Gummischlaufen sichern kann.
Ich habe den Charger bei leicht bewlkten Himmel getestet, und trotzdem hat mein Handy zgig geladen.
Da ich viel drauen unterwegs bin, ist das fr mich eine optimale Lsung sein (Handy, Taschenlampe, Tablet usw.) mit GRNER Energie zu versorgen.
Bin sehr zufrieden, klare Kaufempfehlung.
This is a 4 panel charger with 2x2A smart USB ports and 1x1A, and no internal battery. You can see the physical size and what you get in the box via the video, but in essence, you get a foldable solar cell bank that you can attach (with the 4 supplied carabiners) to a tent, back of a rucksack, or window.
The three USB outputs are in a pouch at one end of the solar cell and this pouch is large enough to contain a modern large phone (I’m using a OnePlus, but an iPhone or Galaxy would fit). The whole solar cell unit is made of a tear proof black cloth with a waterproof plastic lining
There is a little red light near the USB ports that illuminates when the solar cell is catching enough light to provide at least the minimum current. From experience with previous solar cells, you will know if the solar cells are in a good position to convert light to electricity by how warm they get, as light rays tend to warm the surface of the cells (they are black). This is also a good way to tell if the solar cells will work in your application; hold your hand out to the light, and if the sun can warm your hand, then a solar cell will work.
For my initial testing, I simply left the solar cell in the car, which I left in my work carpark for a day. As you can see from the video, this turned out to be quite a harsh test as there were angry looking thick grey clouds throughout the day in question!
By a stroke of serendipity, I didn’t need to tie the solar cell down as the Velcro surfaces on the back of the solar cell (that are used to close the unit) actually stop the cell moving because they fix the solar pack to the boot cover/shelf that most cars have. Bonus!
I was expecting the worst from this test, but was actually pleasantly surprised; on a dark and cloudy grim day in Leeds, with the solar cell placed behind a car window (so it was not even getting the full amount of light coming from the sky), the solar bank collected over 2000mAH. That is enough to charge a totally empty phone to about 66%, noting that this is on a day with absolutely no sun whatsoever!
NB — I am in the process of doing a fuller set of tests for various weather conditions (using a phone app that logs the max/min current the phone receives, plus a meter that measures accumulated mAH) and will present fuller results in the comments to this review.
Using a USB meter, I was able to see what sort of current and voltage the solar cell provides. It is limited to 5V maximum, but will go down below 4V for low light. That should not be a problem for LiPo nor Li-on batteries (the two battery types most likely to be in your mobile device), because neither actually charge at 5V; your phone circuity limits the voltage to the battery to somewhere between 3.7V and 4.2V anyway.
What may be an issue though is if the solar cell is moving in and out of the sun rapidly, as the current coming from the solar cell will vary wildly, stressing out the battery protection circuitry of your phone. If this is your expected use case I would recommend buying a small (6,000-10,000mAH) LiPo battery bank to put between the solar cell output and your phone. This will even out the solar cell output so your phone gets a constant current at exactly 5V. A battery bank would also be a good idea if you expect to be off the grid for some time, as it tides you over on the low light days by storing away the excess energy and literally saving it for a rainy day.
Who would buy this?
Anyone like me who has video equipment (or camera equipment) that can be charged by 5, 9 or 12V. The 3 USB sockets can be used to keep your equipment batteries topped up in the boot of the car. NB — you can buy 5V USB to CCTV-9V or CCTV-12V converters; I use one to power a BlackMagic Pocket Cinema camera from my (standard) 5V USB battery banks. Search Amazon with B019Z3QYXY or B01G56J4FE for examples (you might need a CCTV converter tip, such as B00LGIV51S for a BlackMagic Pocket).
Sounds like a small thing, but as anyone who shoots a lot of video will tell you, turning up with any battery that is half full is the kiss of death. Always!
Anyone off-grid for over a day. This solar cell is large enough to give you adequate charge to power a phone even on an overcast day by simply strapping the solar cell to the side of your tent.
A good solution for anyone who will be travelling off-grid or needs to keep their electronics topped up. You may need a small battery bank to tide you over on the low light days, but even on overcast days, this cell is large enough to give you a decent charge that keeps your phone going.
This is a BigBlue 28W Outdoor Charger Foldable Waterproof Solar Panel with 3 standard USB output points, and it has 4 sets of solar panels. It folds up conveniently for storage and traveling while it is extremely well-made and presented. It comes with a user manual and 4 carabiner-type clips for hanging/support purposes. There are several loop holes on the opened solar charger for them to go through.
This is great for those who are environmentally conscience and like the ‘green’ aspect to using solar power. This when opened and placed in the sun by the window happily charged my Samsung S7 Edge mobile phone. There is a red light that comes on when the light is bright enough to power the 3 USB output points which is a handy indicator. There are two of the three USB out ports rated at 2.4A and the third at 1A. The solar panels are weather proof and this is ideal for outdoor use as long as you keep the USB ports dry.
I was quite impressed by this product and will certainly use it to keep my power banks topped up and to charge my mobile phone when we have a sunny enough day. It certainly works, even though the rate of charging is largely dependent on how sunny/bright it is. I think it will appeal to anyone who spends a lot of time outdoors in the summer and those who like the eco-friendly aspect.
I was kindly sent a free or discounted sample of this product by the supplier in return for an honest and unbiased review.