Bopmen Computer Headset with Microphone – Wired Gaming Headphones with Boom Mic, On-Line Volume Control & Share-Port Over Ear Headsets for Office PC Laptop Phone Call PS4 Xbox One DJ (Y71-M)

Weight: | 249 g |
Size: | One Size |
Dimensions: | 16.99 x 6.99 x 1.52 cm; 249.48 Grams |
Model: | Y71-M |
Colour: | Black with mic |
Colour: | Black with mic |
Size: | One Size |
Ich habe mir diesen Kopfhrer fr meine PS4 gekauft.
Ich bin sehr zufrieden. Die Ohren tun nicht weh, egal wie lange man den Kopfhrer trgt.
Fr Zocker ist dieses Produkt fr diesen Preis top geeignet.
Fr den preis sehr gut.
Ich benutze die Kopfhrer auf meiner Asus ROG 5, sowohl in Shootern als auch beim Filme gucken und bin bei beidem sehr zufrieden.
Die Tonqualitt ist sehr Gut, der Bass ist satt es werden alle Details klar wieder gegeben und die Rumliche Wiedergabe funktioniert auch sehr gut —
Ich benutze das Headset auf der PS5 ber den Controller.
Die Sprachqualitt ist klar und deutlich da gibt es keine Probleme alle verstehen mich gut, es hat keine Verzerrungen oder Strgerusche im Hintergrund.
Die Verarbeitung ist gut, es ist sehr leicht und sitzt gut auf dem Kopf. Auch nach mehreren stunden habe ich keine Druckschmerzen– 4-8h problemlos.
Alles in allem kann ich das Headset nur empfehlen.
Super Headset mit tollen Funktionen. Sehr angenehmer Sitz und abnehmbares Mikrofon. Die Ohrmuscheln Schirmen die Auenstehende Gerusche gut ein und umhllen das Ohr vollstndig.
Genau das was ich gebraucht habe.
Die Kopfhrer sind super zum Zocken. Funktioniert ebenso gut fr meine PlayStation 4 und mit dem PC. Super Ding perfekt frs Zocken. Fr den geringen Preis finde ich gibt es keine besseren Kopfhrer.
Im Groen und Ganzen erfllt es seine Aufgaben super und ist weiterzuempfehle
This headphones are the best I have tried wired. I needed them to listen my online studies and they work perfectly for me and doesn’t hurt because they are very confortable.
Versand lief super und bin sehr zufrieden mit diesem Headset, man kann mich gut auf Discord oder in Spielen verstehen und der Sound ist bei Spotify auch super.
Verpackung war wie man es von einem Headset kennt und der Zusammenbau des Headsets und Inbetriebnahme lief auch problemlos ab.
Dieses Headset ist sehr gut. Es hat einen sehr guten Klang, ist bequem zu tragen, in der Gre anpassbar und sieht sehr gut aus.
Preis Leistung sehr gut.
Sehr zu empfehlen.
Habe das Headset fr meinen Sohn bestellt.
Die Tonqualitt ist echt spitze und man versteht die anderen Spieler dadurch sehr gut. Die Lautstrke lsst sich sehr gut Regeln. Der Preis ist fr dieses Produkt super und angepasst. Wrde das Headset immer wieder kaufen. Danke
Fr den preis ganz gut.
Ich benutze die Kopfhrer auf meiner PS5, sowohl in Shootern als auch beim Filme gucken und bin bei beidem zufrieden.
Schritte der Gegner bei Shooter-Spielen sind relativ przise zu hren und allgemein die Tonqualitt hat keine Macken.
Kabel muss nur richtig in den Kopfhrer gesteckt sein.
Preis-Leistung Top.
Genial beim zocken und kommunizieren mit andern. Mega Sound und Hammer Bass. Es gibt wenige Kopfhrer die so gut sind. Bin echt zu Frieden und kan jeden der gern abends mit andern oder allein zockt empfehle. Man kan es auch am pc verbinden um viedeos oder Filme anzuschauen. Preis Leistung find ich top
Das Headset ist angenehm zu tragen und der Sound ist auch super. Sehr guter Preis fr ein gutes Produkt.
wenn Sie dieses Produkt fordern, kann es Ihre Erwartungen fr seinen Qualittspreis erfllen. Die Gre der Kopfhrer ist perfekt. Das Kopfband ist sehr weich, hlt aber seine Position, was es sehr gut fr den lngeren Gebrauch macht.was noch gut ist , ist die Portabilitt zwischen Gerten mit seinem Doppelanschluss von 3,5 und 6,2 mm. Ich kann mit dem Adapter fr Audio und Mikrofon an meinem PC sein, an meinem Telefon und meinem Soundsynthesizer und meiner hat meine Erwartungen getroffen.
Slo quera unos audfonos con buena calidad de audio y fue lo que recib, en general me parecieron muy buenos, el nico pero y quiz sea por el tamao de mi cabeza es que despus de una hora me empiezan a molestar en la cabeza y las orejas, no me resultaron cmodos.
Okay for what I need. Does exactly what it says on the packet.
This headset is the best I ever bought. Excellent product and worth for the money
En lo personal creo que son muy buenos , el sonido que tienen es bastante bueno y el material del que estn hechos tambin es de muy buena calidad, los compre para reuniones en zoom y me han servido muy bien, los recomiendo ampliamente.
It comes with a nice variety of cables and I like the detachable microphone. Good sound quality and seems like it is a pretty solid piece overall. To be or not to bop?
We shall bop!
Loved the product but it only works for pc. Unfortunately they sent the wrong splitter cord and I had to return bc they literally wouldn’t work. There’s a cord for the mic that ONLY works for the mic then another cord to hear audio. To play any game on Xbox or ps4 these headphones are NOT compatible. Hope this helped
Je ne veux pas me faire rembourser ou le retourner. Je voudrais savoir s’il est possible d’acheter les deux pices encercl de rouge, ils ne marchent plus mais le casque marche trs bien avec l’autre fil. Je peux juster couter avec ce fil. Je n’ai rien dire contre Amazon ou le fabriquant. Je veux juste que le micro marche nouveau. Je ne sais pas ou faire la demande alors je demande de l’aide ici. Je ne veux pas non plus qu’on publie ce message. S.V.P. Aidez – moi.
El sonido es muy bueno y resultan muy tiles para impartir clases en lnea.
Sits well on my head. Sound quality Is amazing. Great for conf calls and gaming. Used it with my Oculus as well. Great value
Simple headphones! Good for watching movies and YouTube. They are somewhat comfortable.
Lo uso da da para las videollamadas del trabajo y son los mejores audfonos del mundo, sper cmodos, aslan el ruido (no como unos AirPods Pro pero casi) la primera vez que los ped no me llegaron con la diadema pero sin problema me regresaron el dinero y la segunda vez lleg todo completo y en tiempo. Sper recomendables
Sinceramente tenia mis dudas ya que es la primera vez que compro un artculo de esta marca, y quede sorprendido, son geniales
Dans l’ensemble, ce produit convient tout fait l’emploi de nos tudiants.
Desde que se retrazo en Aduanas En Monterrey sabia que algo iba a estar raro, llegaron bien empaquetados en una bolsa de plstico de Amazon, solo que al sacarlos venian con un detalle, una de las cajas de los audifonos estaba lastimada y desarmada, no le tome inportancia, abri la caja y veo los audifonos afuera de la bolsa que los acompaa, ambos adifonos se escuchan bien, no estan daados y los cables estan en buen estado, solo un unico detalle, ambos vienen con cables diferentes a como se muestra en el video, yo esperaba a que vinieran igual pero, uno esta mas comodo que el otro por la cuestin del parlante, ahorro espacio pero no venia con el cable adaptador de pc.
De recomendarlos, si, tienen un buen sonido, tiene bajos potentes y en acusticos se escucha muy bien, no los devuelvo por ese detalle, y porque me gustaron mucho, la diadema es comoda, en cuestion de conectar los cables es un poco “duro” hay que saberlos meter y quitar ya que tienen su lado.
Le daria 5 estrellas a no ser por lo de los cables y la caja, pero en todo lo demas esta muy bien.
Pros/Features: 1. Large earphone cups fully enclose the ear to cut out as much background noise as possible. 2. Earpieces are thickly and softly padded, should be comfortable for many hours of wear. 3. Sound quality pretty good at this price point. Perhaps…
These work great! I haven’t seen my kid since I gave them to him for Easter. He can’t hear me when I say do the dishes so noise canceling is on point.
Sometimes bluetooth headphones are not necessarily the best option, and this was the case for me. I wanted a set that didn’t need to be recharged, ever. This set is actually quite versatile, it has features that are usually only seen on more expensive sets, and it doesn’t sacrifice on comfort and sound quality. Some things that stand out for me are:
* The microphone jack locks into place
* You can daisy-chain the headphones with the included 6.35mm adapter cable
* The notches on the head-band are sturdy and stay in place
* The package includes adapters and cables for computer use or HiFi connections
They’re working out great for me plugged into an old-school land line desk phone. Obviously I’m not getting THX sound from the phone line, but the calls are clear and everyone reports my voice is also clear and without distortion or static noise.
Muy buena calidad, solo para un uso prolongado calienta los odos . Pero excelente relacin precio
Got it yesterday and I used it to stream. The sound quality was great and it had a great fit. I recommend this headse
Good sound quality. The noise cancelation works well. Mic came thru clear and smooth. The fit is comfortable and overall very happy with my purchase.
These headphones are so comfortable and the sound quality is amazing. I love the mute button and the volume setting. A very simple design with great sound quality
Ma fille a aim ses couter pour l’ordinateur merci expdition rapide
So far so good. I’m satisfied with the sound quality.
Today I received my Bopmen Y71-M wired headphones. The first thing I noticed was how compact they were. At first I thought it was a child or a youth set of headphones. It is a nice looking headset.
When I UN-packaged the headphones, it comes with a 6.35 MM-3.5 MM coiled cable, a 3.5 AM and cable with boom mic, and a dual 3.5 MM ‘Y’ extension cable. The ends on the 6.35 MM to 3.5 MM plug into audio devices like phones or car jacks and the other side will go to like a music player device or an app or something like that. The headphones ear pieces rotate to 90 degrees so that you can lay them flat or you can set them on top of each other to make a more compact. The 3.5 MM cable with the boom mic has a remote control function you can turn the mic on and off on the side it’s kind of volume control and then it has the capability to answer a phone call or if you’re listening to music you can turn the music off or pause it from that um function . With these headphones you can take the You can use the 6.35 MM cable to basically connect to another headset because the 3.5 will insert into the left side of the headphones and then the other end was insert into another set of headphones so you both can listen to whatever is going on. It came with a nice little bag black with a red string in it to store your headset in.
When I connected the mic to the headset I noticed it is specific to the right side. The mic does not have flip capability, but I am able to move the mic around to adjust to what I am doing. The earmuffs fit nicely and are comfortable. I do notice some static sound if plugged into USB adapter, but clear sound when I plugged directly into the computer. Every once in a while I get static but minimal. The noise canceling is very good. The length of the cable is great I can move around without pulling the cable out.
I would rate these headphones overall a 5 star. I would purchase them again and say for the price they are top notch. I will be using these.
funciona bien, no soy un experto de sonido, pero noto que aisla muy bien de sonidos exteriores y el micrfono funciona bie
Muy cmodo, no lastima las orejas. Llego con todo lo que dice que trae.
Excelentes, muy cmodos. Casi ni se nota cuando los traes puestos, don super ligeros. Sin embargo me encontr con 2 problemas: Primero cuando uso el cable con micrfono, el volmen de las bocinas baja muchsimo haciendo casi imperceptible el sonido, y dado que esto lo planeaba usar para videollamadas, pues termina siendo intil en este aspecto. Y segundo, yo soy de orejas grandes, y pasada una hora usando los audfonos empieza a molestar en la parte superior de mis orejas.
Pero fuera de eso, son excelentes. Gran relacin calidad-precio.
El tamao de los audfonos es perfecto. (soy de orejas grandes).
La diadema es muy suave pero mantiene su posicin lo que lo hace muy bueno para usos prolongados.
Uno de los motivos por lo que lo compre es por la portabilidad entre dispositivos, con su doble conector de 3.5 y 6.2 mm. Puedo estar en mi PC con el adaptador para audio y micrfono, estar en mi telfono y en mi sintetizador de sonido y mi consola de videojuegos.
Lo nico malo es que el vendedor no proporciona accesorios para su venta en caso de que el cable con micrfono se rompa.
Buena relacin calidad precio, en general son buenos, pero como los uso para trabajar en casa, despus de tres horas ms o menos seguidas lastima
Tienen buen acabado y son muy cmodos, el sonido es claro me gusto
Me gustaron mucho, llegaron en tiempo y forma, no faltaba nada de lo que ofrecen en la publicacin, aslan el ruido externo un 90%, en relacin al costo el sonido y la calidad es excelente, lo he ocupado para escuchar msica en celulares y torna mesa, conferencias y con videojuegos (xbox one).
Son un poco pesados los podras aguantar unas 3 horas seguidas antes de que te empiecen a doler las orejas, aunque el material se ve resistente no debes abrirlos mucho pero son ideales para cabezas grandes, el cable de DJ estorba un poco pero con el tiempo te acostumbras.
Recomendables al 100% ya que estn a buen precio y supera cualquier expectativa.
Fue un regalo y le gusto mucho a quien lo recibi. Cuan calidad, se escuchan muy bien. Traen una funda para guardarlos que queda muy bie
La verdad me sorprendi su calidad de audio no es lo ms sobresaliente pero por su precio la verdad muy buenos
I got this for my husband, who would gladly spend all of his free time playing video games. These replaced a very expensive set, and I honestly think they work better. They are very clear. The microphone works really well. He hasn’t had any issues when playing and when he is streaming on Twitch, it is also easy to hear him. It definitely is noise cancelling. He doesn’t hear me or the kids, regardless of what is happening, when he has them on. I have resulted in just snapping the cord to get his attention.
This is a decent headphone. My 7 year old is using it for his virtual learning right now, and can hear his teacher fine, and respond to her. He says they are comfortable but he only wears it for about 45 minutes at a time and then takes breaks. It was simple to use. I jus plugged it into my Windows 10 laptop, and it recognized it.
The only thing is there is no volume limiter so you have to be careful when letting toddlers use it. I have to make sure the volume is not too loud for my child. All in all, it works good. We are happy with it.
I ordered these for my 13 year old son to use while gaming. He has been using them about a month now and they seem to be good quality.
1. He says they are very comfortable and he wears them for hours at a time.
2. The microphone works well. The others gaming with him have no issues hearing him.
3. The sound is good. It is on par with other gaming headphones I have purchased for him in the past. I used them to listen to music and also thought they did well.
4. They do cancel out a lot of noise, but not all.
Overall, I am very pleased with these and really liked the price point. I have purchased higher priced gaming headphones that weren’t as nice and comfortable as these.
Me encant por calidad precio, se escucha muy bien, no apaga los ruidos externos al 100 pero por el precio digo que es excelente lo que tambin me encant es que se puede quitar el cable y usar otro que no tenga microfono.
This headphones are perfect for gaming. Got these for my 11yr old to play games on our xbox with her friends. They fit her well & are comfortable (I too have worn them and like how comfortable they feel).
They also pair well with my computer to use during video conferencing if I need to cancel out background noise in my house or office.
These are amazing and well worth the price.
Estos audfonos no son tan cmodos para cabezas pequeas, tienen buen volumen pero no son ligeros
These are quality headphones with built in microphone. The sound quality and noise cancellation is perfect for doing Zoom meeting for virtual school with 3 other children in different grades. Sometimes my 7th grader is on her computer with group discussions while my 5th and 3rd graders are testing. These are a decent price for top notch headphones. Works well for my family.
Estoy muy conteto con el producto y con la compra, llego muy rapido y esta muy bonito y se ve muy elegante
-Noise cancellation is alright. Nothing special. No active noise cancelling but your music will be more than enough to drown out sound.
-Additional cables and earbud sharing features are really nice— dont need any extra accessories, which is something a lot of other headphones dont do for a more premium price.
-not an audiophile so can’t say with expertise but the sound quality is enough to get the job done. Fine for office work and casual listening to music.
-comfort is not great. My head isnt huge but there seems to be a lot of pressure that can get uncomfortable after a while. Might just be me but even my ears pushing against the inside can get uncomfortable. Too small to fit around your neck so it’s either on or off.
-only really bad thing I want to note is the audio control function. The audio gets messed up and static-y even by barely touching the volume adjustment. The mute function deafens the input but doesn’t quite negate all the sound— Discord will still show input coming through but nothing will transmit. Would have preferred a complete mute but it at least works ok.
-its good. Nothing amazing but good for its price
These are pretty good. My son and I have used them for gaming. They are comfy and pretty much plug and play. We have had some issue with the sound and the mic cutting in and out occasionally. Mostly they are fine but every once in awhile we’ll have a sound issue. My son’s friends have told him the mic sound quality isn’t as nice as some other headphones he owns either.
Overall these are decent. They are decent for the cost but not perfect. We keep them as backup headphones. If you are just listening to music they are fine. If you are listening to an audiobook or trying to game with them the sound cutting out can get irritating.
I got these for my grandson to use with his Xbox that’s in a shared room.
He just needed something to where he could play his games with other people around and not annoyed them with the noise and this way he can also talk with his friends at the same time.
This is not his main gaming console but since it’s in a room with the family he does use it a lot so they can spend time together while they’re doing separate things.
He says the sound quality is very good the noise canceling it’s not top-notch but it works. And his friends can hear him through the microphone perfectly. Without picking up the rest of the noise in the room.
As you can see from the price these are not being sold is world class noise canceling headphones. But for the price they’re perfect for the reason we got them.
Sounds Great.
Mic seems to sound good too. Not crystal clear studio sound… but PLENTY clear enough for comms in a game.
Folds up nice and small, with a bag, to tuck away in a drawer.
HOT. Those padded ear muffs get hot and sweaty. Maybe not any issue if you normally ‘run cold’ or are in a cold area. I literally turn the ac down a bit, and after each 10-15min match pull them off so my ears can breath a bit and head cool down. Would NOT work for me for a class or videos that are longer.
I’m confused, and still trying to figure out the wiring. Do I need wires from both sides plugged in for mic and speakers to work? Because the ‘splitter’ off the mic side doesn’t seem to send any sound TO the headphones. So far its worked great… with the left side plugged in for sound, and the right side plugged in for mic. That’s annoying. I MUST be doing something wrong.
This Bopmen Computer Headset with Microphone has comfortable ear pads with a clear sound, both on the earphones and the microphone. And the ear pads are really like cushions that surround, and completely cover one’s ears. These are in themselves a noise cancellation feature.
I like that the microphone is detachable, so when I’m listening to music, and I can remove it and get the wire out of the way. It comes with a 3.5 mm CTIA connector, but when connecting it to a desktop computer, the use of the included adapter is a must, or the sound is a little distorted. I like that I can use it with a Smartphone when I’m home, to answering calls by just pressing the built-in button in the microphone. It also includes print instructions, and a storage bag.
Excelentes audfonos, una mejora impresionante en comparacin con los que usaba antes, obviamente hay mejores pero estos estn muy bien en relacin calidad-precio! Valen la pena totalmente!
No complaints for the price. Mostly bought because it doesn’t look like some crazy aggressive 2030 glowing techno fashion statement. Needed to be professional and mostly for music while I work… sound quality is good to me, but I’m not an audiophile. Better than all earbuds I’ve owned.
Mic feature capable, but have not utilized, yet.
A bit tight. I have a normal sized head and these are fine for 4-6 hours. Bigger heads may have issues with how tightly it grips.
Overall, serves it’s purpose for the price. Good value for the money.
Like many of you, I’ve been beset by more videoconference meetings than I ever thought possible. These headphones mitigate the discomfort with that nicely. They are uber-comfortable, the sound quality is good (not the best, but very good), and the microphone is excellent.
Just plug them in and use them, no laborious set up, and no complicated instructions. These are great for meetings and webinars!
Great headphones for gaming! Clear sound. Comfortable. Noise canceling. Stylish.
These headphone are nice. A little tight on an adult head, but fits the kids just fine. I don’t like how the mic is connected to the wire that plugs into the headset that goes to the controller. The sound is alright. Good starter headset.
I use this for my Xbox one.
As soon as you have multiple people on their laptops or Chromebooks doing work or school from home in an area it quickly becomes difficult for anyone to focus. This headset with boom microphone works extremely well in providing just a reasonable amount of isolation and good sound quality so that everyone can keep working. Seems to be well made and comes with connector suitable for multiple kinds of hookups.
The good: Left and right are marked inside the earpieces. Super cool! I see some other models made by other brands (and probably the same factory) are doing this, and it’s a small thing that cuts a second or two of stress, which is important to me lately.
The construction is solid, and the cups do fit mostly over my ears. If they surrounded them, that would be more comfortable, and I’d probably even give them 5 stars for their price to performance range. But there is some pressure on my earlobes, and I can’t forget that I’m wearing them. The sound isolation from the foam is excellent. I got these mainly for long phone conversations (30 minutes or more) and at first I found myself talking too loudly. You know that kind of singing you do in headphones when you can’t hear yourself? Yeah. That. Good sound isolation. The people on the other end report NO noise when I move the removable boom (excellent feature!) around, and I can hear them clearly. The dual design with the interchangeable plugs and being able to share what you’re listening to by allowing your friend to plug into the other side of your phones is ingenious. I haven’t tried to share with anybody yet, but maybe someday!
The bad? There’s not any BAD, really. It could just be better. They don’t feel comfortable. I haven’t used them for gaming. But the boom works well on calls and the music reproduction is good, so I think these would be excellent if you have smaller ears.
These are marketed for gaming, and not noise reduction, but they sound balanced enough, without any overt bass boosting, so I could see using them for that. I have a set of Bose Quiet Comfort which I’ve used on tons of trips back when I was traveling. These cost 10 times less than the latest Bose noise cancelling headphones!
Overall, I like this set a lot. It’s great for at home or in office calls. Oh, and the rotating cups make them more versatile.
if you are considering them, I see no reason not to go for it.
These are comfy and work as advertised. My son and daughter have both used them for various things and they work great. They’re a little large on my 10 year old but fit me perfectly. They have good sound quality and parties on the other end of our conversations said the mic quality was good as well. Nice headphones for gaming, school and conference calls!
I requested a few pairs of headphones for my kids to use during their distance learning days now that they are back in school. This set comes with two cabling options, (1) a straight cable with mic; and (2) a coiled cable without mic. We’ve used both and I can state they work equally well. I do wish the coiled cable had more coiled length and less straight length; but that’s a minor ding. The sound quality is great and the pads are very comfortable on your ears. My son prefers the over-the-ear type for long periods of wear. These are a good buy at the current price tag of approx. $25. Highly recommended!!!
We’ll just start with some high praise from the house gamer: “Dad… These are WAY BETTER than the X-box ones.” He went on to elaborate that the sound was clearer, stereo separation much better (he can hear opponents positions far more clearly), mic clearer (per his buddies he plays online with), and more comfortable. He hopes to never go back to the X-box branded headset. I can’t think of any higher endorsement than that.
But here’s one more: The price-point on this headset blows many others out of the water. We’ve had headsets that are 3x as expensive that aren’t as high quality. Durability remains to be seen, but for now this headset is deep in the win column.
This is the third or fourth set of headphones we tried for internet gaming. The biggest problem we’ve had is the poor mic quality, or the boom failing to stay in place. Finally, that problem has been solved.
The mic quality is really fantastic. I could hear my nephew loud and clear. No static or crackling. Most importantly, perhaps, the boom stayed where he put it. It was nice to be able to hear him while playing Destiny 2 on PS4.
The presentation is quite nice. They are very sleek-looking headphones. The comfort is great too. We haven’t tried the noise-cancelling, so I can’t speak to it. The sound quality is also great. Deep sounds, but not overly deep (which is good!)
Of note: the mic is on the right hand side. I’ve never seen that before. Not a big deal, just be aware.
For this price point, this is a great set of headphones and I’d gladly recommend them.
Nice quality, built well. sounds great. very comfortable, easy and portable. nice detachable boom mic, sounds good, has a good bit of noise cancellation . Really great produc
These headphones are pretty big, but the quality of the sound and functionality is worth this size.
There is a lot of cables in the package, but all of them make those headphones very universal.
The first set (with the small and the big jack) is to listen to the music. In this configuration, the microphone is not used.
The quality of the sound is very good (I was surprised) – much better that you could expect from the conferencing headphones.
The second set (used instead) contains the microphone and is used for conferences.
This set works great as well.
I already mentioned the quality of the sound, but the quality of the headphones is also very good. They are very comfortable, reduce an outside noise nicely, and they are foldable.
In the package, you receive a nice cover and an adapter to connect them to a PC (two jacks).
Very nice set.
Headset looks good, I am on my phone for about 10 hours per day and decided to try these for my inside job. I needed something that would not hurt my ears from long wear. These are awesome for that. My ears are inside the earpiece so not pressed up against the. The only bummer is the cord starts to twist up and I have to keep untwisting it. sometimes twist was annoying me.slipping from my head all the time.
I got this headset for my 9 .5 year old son to pair with his Chromebook for in-school and remote learning. So far it works really well and is comfortable on my son’s head. He said that the sound quality is good and he likes it. I wore it myself and the headsets were “over ear” which is what I liked and the cushions and top of head seemed adequately cushioned. For the price of $28 I was impressed with all the extras/accessories they included. At the moment my son doesn’t need the microphone yet but if the school suddenly reverts to “at home remote learning” I’ll be sure to have him bring the headsets home as he would then use the microphone function when they do Google Meet / Zoom. The microphone itself seems pretty nice in that it is stiff and flexible – when you position it the way you want it stays that way. They also included a nice black bag for the headphones as well. All in all, a good headphones with mic for the price I feel is pretty fair.
Comes with multiple connectors. Can be plugged into a stereo with a 6.35mm. Also comes with a splitter so two pairs can be connected at same time. They can be used on ps4 but settings have to be changed it comes in the directions.
The sound quality on these headphones is very good and the microphone works very well. I got these for my son who has been begging for a pair of gaming headphones since online games is how he and his buddies have been keeping in touch during quarantine. The only negative is that he found that these became tight and a bit uncomfortable to wear after using them for a while (and this is on the head of a 5’3 13 year old so on a larger person, this could be a deciding factor.
He is using these with his Xbox and no issues with compatibility. He has put these through some heavy use and they look to be in the same shape as when he got these so I have got to admire the build quality (he is not gentle with things!).
This is an awesome headset. I was looking for a headset for my new gaming pc and this one does not dissapoint. It is a great value for the money and the sound is amazing. Everyone can hear me just fine so the flexible microphone that can be moved around allows for a better experience.
As far as I can tell, the audio quality is the same from these. I alternated using them to see if I could tell any difference and I couldn’t. They’re very soft and comfortable. They also come with a nice little black bag to carry them in or store the spare cables. I’ve only used them as headphones and haven’t tried the microphone capabilities, though they should also work with my PS4 should I need them.
All in all, quality feels just as good as my Skullcandy headphones and I saved a little money. They also have metal support in the ears, where my skullcandy headphones only had plastic and broke in those spots in both sides (after a decade of use).
I’ve used this for six hours of straight zoom calls and the occasional CoD Mobile game. The sound quality on these are outstanding. But, wearing them for hours on end is uncomfortable in two ways – my ears hurt (Even when swiveling them and adjusting them) and they are super hot – like the material causes the sides of my head to sweat a lot. Overall, I’m generally satisfied. It could be because I have a big head, who knows? Maybe there’s a way to make them more comfy, but I’m still at a loss.
Altogether, are they worth getting? Sure, why not?
Thank you so much for quick shipping and for a quality product.
The packaging was surprisingly small. The box looks exactly what you’d expect, a mid range headphones. Upon unboxing, I noticed a very familiar look and feel. This headset has a lot of similarities with an ATH-M50 headphones. The build quality is not far behind from some $150 headphones, it looks nice and premium. The black matte finish makes this look like a professional studio headphone. The cushions on this headset is amazingly comfortable. The foams are soft enough to wear this headset for long periods of time. One feature I bought this for is that it has no buttons, making it very easy to operate for kids. The sound quality is great on this headset, the clarity is excellent. When listening to music, there is a feeling of fullness, the bass makes the audio very immersive. I did a blind test with my family asking them which one is better compared to my other expensive headphones, they can tell there is a difference in sound signature, but they couldn’t tell which one is $40 or which one is $200. This headset is good enough for audiophiles to enjoy as well. The detachable microphone is also another reason I bought this. When on a video conference or gaming, the microphone is very useful, but when on the go or personal media consumption, the microphone can be detached.
Overall, this headset is an excellent all-around headset. The build quality is premium, sound quality is great, versatility is superb. I won’t hesitate to buy again if needed.
This is a great set of headphones. It is comfortable and the sound quality of the earphones is great. It fits my head nicely. Unfortunately I could not get my mic to work. I was using it on my PC for a class that I am teaching. When I went to try it out, I could hear everyone but no one could hear me.
They’re fairly comfortable – but be aware that unless you’ve got a small head, you’ll likely need to extend these to their maximum to wear them properly, and even then they may still be somewhat tight like on my head.
The headphone jack is situated on the right side, meaning if you’re right-handed (like most of the world), then the cord can get in the way while you’re using your mouse.
Getting into the nitty-gritty, the bass cuts out at around 40hz while the treble cuts out at 15000hz. The bass itself is rather muted when played on multiple bass-test songs on YT.
I got this for my teenage son to use while gaming. He has had several different head sets over the years, and these are up there among his favorites.
They fit him comfortably. They don’t slip. They feel comfortable on his ears (a big deal for him because he is sensory defensive).
The sound quality is excellent. They are loud enough for him to hear everything, but are quiet to those around him. They block out external noise very well.
The mic has very good sound quality and doesn’t cut out at all. That said, it doesn’t do a great job of filtering out background noises, which can be annoying. It’s not a deal breaker, but bothersome enough to reduce the rating by one star.
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I tried these great headphones with all my devices. The sound was great and the connections worked with almost everything.
Unfortunately, what I really needed to replace was the headphone/mic combination for my Dell gaming tower. I tried all of the connections in front and in back but couldn’t get this set to work. The problem isn’t unique to these headphones. I’ve had the same difficulty with others that have this kind of connection. For some reason this computer just likes USB connections. It’s probably my lack of saavy, and if you’ve used this kind of audio and mic plug in your computer before you’ll be fine.
Im a college student/musician/gamer/podcast listener, and these Bopmen PC headset Y-71 M get an A+ in each of those categories.
Extremely comfortable, versatile and neat looking, they worked really well for ZOOM meetings, DISCORD, and they allow me to practice my electric instruments quietly.
Good sound quality for the price. More comfortable than some I’ve tried, but still ends up hurting my head after wearing for a while, makes my ears feel squished. The mic that came with it tho!!! Man is that thing better than I expected! Worth the price literally JUST for that thing!
An image immediately springs to mind of the head sets that helicopter pilots used in Vietnam. They feel that solid and have that level of tension as you put it on your head. Personal preference but something to explicitly say, your head will feel like it’s in a audio head lock or acoustic warm embrace.
The quality of the sound both out into your ears and into the mic is very solid. Among the best bass of about 8 or 9 different head sets I’ve used. Three of those in the $150 dollar range.
Being able to hear outside sound can also make or break your appreciation of a head set. This one doesn’t block much outside sound. As a father of 4, I have to say this does help my value of these bopmen headset.
Being able to hear glass break or some child’s head collide with dry wall is a plus. I highly recommend these to anyone that needs to hear their surrounding while also sending and receiving high quality audio.
These headphones are really good quality for the price. They come in a box along with instructions, extra chords, an attachable microphone, and a bag for storage. The headphones aren’t too bulky and the material around the ear is nice and soft. The sound quality is great, but the headphones don’t keep sound in very well, so other people will be able to hear what you’re listening to if they are nearby. Still, they are great headphones for gaming especially since they have the mic attachment. When you’re done using them you can fold them up for easy storage or transportation, so they’d also be good for long car rides or road trips.
These headsets are fantastic! I’ve used Hyper X for several years now and when I compared to these headsets I prefer bopmen the sound quality is fantastic and the recordings I do for YouTube sound great as well! I’m very happy with this product and I definitely recommend it!
It’s no Bose headset but I would put it on par with Anker or other middle of the road headsets. Confort is great. Lots of adjustments. Sound quality is very good! Much better than the other cheap “over seas” headsets. I can recommend this one.
For ~$35 you get a great set of headphones, a 1/4 inch cord (it looks like a guitar cord anyway, I don’t have an amp to test it on, sorry), a splitter for your PC, a regular 3.5mm to 3.5mm cord with a mic (which I guess would leave you out of luck if it breaks, right? You wouldn’t have the mic anymore, but a 3.5mm cord would still work.) and it has the volume control on it and a mic mute switch, AND a carrying bag? Holy…wow. The sound quality is pretty good too. I bought another headset not long ago that I love, but it didn’t come with any of the accessories that this one did, and the quality is about the same except it’s not made of plastic. It was a bit confusing putting the cord in, but I eventually got it in. It has two holes for some reason, I’m not sure why. I’m thinking one side is for the 3.5mm and the other for the 1/4 inch cord, so that’s convenient. One thing I’d really like is for the headphones to snap in, but they don’t, but that’s a small issue not worth losing a star for it. Overall, I’m super satisfied.
Revised review – support issue – minus one star.
There is a warranty registration site but no confirmation of warranty. The does not seem to be any way to contact support past the 30 days via Amazon. What happened is my son put them away and the next morning one ear cup was dangling instead of pivoting. It seems it was over rotated and snapped the shaft. While not something I would expect manufacturer to address would have liked to try but there is no way I found to reach them. For this I removed one star. Original review below.
That drove me crazy since I use Bluetooth headsets all day and never have a problem so to resolve the issue I got him these wired cans and took back my wireless ones. Sound quality and comfort are top notch and the accessories included are complete. Some might complain that there is not a hard case but for this price and list of accessories the bag is fine. Some neat features are the use of a 1/4″ plug on the headset input with a 3.5mm end to plug into your source. You can also use a 1/4″ to 1/4″ cable so son uses this with keyboard and guitar with separate cable (not included) from when he connected to PC. Mic is separate plug on headset and a two to one reducer is included to a three ring 3.5mm device. Overall a great deal on a good headset for someone who you don’t want to hand a $100 headset to but also don’t want to give them the $5 pair of cans that sound horrible.
**Disclosure: I received a sample product from the Amazon Vine program for an honest and unbiased review.
Great product for the price. I got the wrong ones but got it fixed already
Bopmen Computer Headset with Microphone – Wired Gaming Headphones with Boom Mic-
This is a very odd headset compared to others I’ve used. It’s not terrible given the price. I’m basing my rating on others around this price point I’ve used. It in no way compares to the higher-end gaming headsets. I did try this on Xbox as well and it works alright just not the best microphone for gaming.
The design first off is weird. The microphone is connected to the cord rather than the headset itself. That microphone line goes into a 3.5mm jack. There is the other side of the headset to take the larger jack though I don’t see where a microphone would work with that side of it.
The audio is decent. It’s nothing that I would rave about but it does the job. At higher volume levels you can hear a bit of strain and cracking in the audio. Just under that setting, the audio sounds much better. It’s balanced evenly for the most part with the audio being fairly equalized. The bass is rather muted though I don’t mind that personally.
The controls on the line for the microphone feel cheap. There’s a mute switch and also a play/pause button that doesn’t do anything when using on a console for gaming or at least I haven’t seen any effect when I pressed it.
The one thing I was surprised about is that I was told by people I played with that the microphone sounded better to them than more traditional gaming headset brands I had played with. Less echoing.
The price isn’t bad but I do feel like there’s some competition from other off-brand names at this price. If you can get over the design being a little odd it’s not a bad choice for an inexpensive headset. I was torn between 3-4 stars but given the price is low, I sided with 4. Not the best but far from the worst in this price range.
They really are soft to the ears. Very comfortable headphones. Good for the price. They look nice and feel well built. I use them for gaming. They work great. Quality of sound is good for the price.
They come with a baggie to put in and fold nicely as well.
2 sets of connections to plug into headphones. But you only need to use 1. One of the plugs gave me only sound in 1 ear but I believe I didn’t use it with the proper equipment, it might be for DJ,s. The other work perfectly and has built in mic.
Can’t complain with this purchase.
This is a great headset. We’ve been able to use it cross-platform with our Call of Duty team and the sound is excellent. It’s very comfortable to wear even for hours at a time. And it looks cool. I’m using this on my Xbox but like I said friends with PlayStation 4’s on the other end had no issue hearing me and vice versa..
These have worked well for Xbox One, and I have had no problems from the start. The sound quality is good and others can hear me clearly on the microphone. I am happy with these headphones and recommend them for using with video games via the console or controller. The ear pads don’t quite cover my entire ear but rest on top of my ear, so they do not completely cancel outside noises.