EPOS H6PRO Open GreenH6PRO Open Gree





Enhanced ergonomics, comfort, and weight
Gaming for hours on end? This lightweight headset features an updated slim headband with improved padding, plus 2-axis hinged ear cups that conform to your unique anatomy.
Ergonomic volume controls
A handy volume control wheel is built into the headset’s right ear cup, so you can make quick audio adjustments on the fly while keeping your eyes on the prize.
Adaptable To EPOS Surround
Precise and detailed binaural surround when used with dedicated sound cards.
Weight: | 322 g |
Size: | One-size |
Dimensions: | 22.2 x 10.3 x 25 cm; 322 Grams |
Model: | 1000970 |
Colour: | Green |
Colour: | Green |
Dimensions: | 22.2 x 10.3 x 25 cm; 322 Grams |
Size: | One-size |
My ears get hot in other headphones… these sound great (not sure how great on the other end) and I can wear them for a long time
first and foremost, these headphones are excellent! they do look awesome and feel very comfortable when in place on your noggin! however, they are not cheap and sadly that is where they don’t quite make it into the high-end quality headphones that they pretend to be! they feel cheap! the sound is great but not as good as i was hoping for…particularly for listening to music and watching movies…gaming is where they excel…because they are so light and open cups you can play for hours and not feel like your brain is being squashed by a pair of vice grips (my GSP601 tends to do that after an hour or two)…don’t get me wrong…they are very nice…just don’t over think them…if you can buy them on special…go for it!
Schon sehr lange war ich auf der Suche nach einem guten, offenen (!) Headset. Ich mchte meine Umgebung noch wahrnehmen knnen, daher konnte ich mich mit keinem der geschlossenen Modelle anfreunden.
Bei dem Epos passt alles: es sitzt gut, aber nicht zu fest. Es drckt nicht auf die Ohren! Und es hat einen hervorragenden, vollvolumigen und leicht basslastigen Klang, der sich auch fr Musik gut eignet. Und dennoch kann ich in der Umgebung hren, was vor sich geht.
Drei kleine Mankos knnte man anbringen: es ist ein recht schweres Headset (aber es ist qualitativ auch hervorragend, irgendwo muss das herkommen). Das schwenkbare Mikrofon lst sich schnell mal aus der Magnethalterung (aber so kann man es auch schnell mal beiseite legen). Und es gibt keinen Lautstrkeregler (das ist in der Tat schade, aber kein Weltuntergang).
Alles in Allem fr mich trotzdem 5 Sterne!
Probably the best headset I have ever owned so far in my life, I defiantly recommend this headset for the value!
Aprs avoir eu un Corsair Void Pro pendant presque 5 ans il tait temps de changer de casque.
Je m’tais tout d’abord tourn vers le Corsair HS80 RGB Wireless mais pas convaincu de la qualit sonore et de la dure de la batterie j’ai essay le Arctis Nova 7+ qui une meilleur qualit de son mais qui une qualit de micro vraiment pas folle et une qualit de construction qui fait vraiment cheap compar au Corsair HS80.
J’ai commenc avec le Epos h6 pro ferm qui est vraiment super confortable avec une trs bonne restitution sonore et une isolation au poil voir un peu trop mon gout, en effet je n’arrivais mme plus m’entendre parler tellement qu’il isolait ce qui est terriblement troublant. J’ai donc dcid de prendre son frre qui est ouvert et qui est globalement le mme que celui ferm mais en isolant pas, seul bmol la version ouverte c’est les coussinet que je trouve moins confortable surtout avec des lunettes et qui appuie plus sur le crane car tant lgrement plus pais.
Par ailleurs je vous conseille d’acheter un autre cble compatible en caoutchouc car les cbles tress ont tendance s’entendre l’oreille lorsque qu’il y a du frottement.
En conclusion si vous souhaitez un bon casque pour jouer, couter de la musique et regarder des films l’Epos h6 est vraiment superbe, il ne vous restera plus qu’ choisir entre la version ouvert ou ferm selon si vous prfrez une bonne isolation ou non.
It’s absolutly amazing. more than I expected.
it’s so comfortable to wear that sometimes I forgot I was wearing it.
but know this, this headphone is designed to be able to hear the voice around, so it doen’t cancle any noise around you. DON”T EXPECT FOR NOSIE CANCLEING on this headphone.
Son muy buenos al ser unos audfonos abiertos solo a considerar que se filtra el audio exterior pero eso si tiene un soundstage muy amplio
First of all this is not a audiophile gaming headset, they’re a gaming headset with audiophile features so if you’re looking for audiophile open backs then just buy actual open back headphones.
H6pro open vs PC38x
Sound quality goes to PC38x
Build quality goes to H6pro by alot (just wow)
Comfort goes to H6pro
If youre looking for that pure neutral sound for gaming and listening to music then the PC38x are amazing and pretty comfortable but theyre very light plastic so for the money youre getting amazing sound and what feels like cheap plastic.
If youre looking for amazing sounding super comfortable gaming headphones that you can EQ the neutral tuned sound to whatever you like for gaming and music with the open back design that eliminates ear fatigue almost completely then the H6Pro open backs are for you.
The PC38x sound like 10% better but are built way cheaper and are less comfortable and theyre both the same price, your ears float inside the H6pros which makes the soundstage sound amazing for gaming. Everything about the H6pro says quality and comfort and you also get similar sound quality to the PC38x but the highs are a bit loud so you can hear footsteps really easily but gunfire can be uncomfortable which is why a DAC is amazing so you can turn down the slightly over tuned treble in the H6pro open backs.
Bottom line theyre amazing sounding, super comfortable, and youre getting quality worth the price tag. The PC37x are like half the price of the PC38x and sound almost as good so if youre not looking for the ultimate build quality and comfort with amazing sound of the H6PROs then the PC37x are in the proper price bracket for what youre getting.
Open back is better sounding. But the earpads are hard and rough. May try to replace it with leather pads.
es bonne qualit de son , je dirais meme plutot bluffant ( le fait qu’il soit filaire y est pour quelque chose ) , il est confortable et se porte bien avec mes lunettes .
pour qui en a ras le bol des casques sans fil qu’il faut tout le temps recharger c’est un tres bon casque.
pour la tenue dans le temps je ne saurais dire car je l’ai depuis trop peu pour en juger , j’ai us beaucoup de casques , meme haut de gamme , on verra bien pour celui ci , neanmoins les articulations de cup en plastique m’inspirent peu confiance , je vais essayer de pas le brutalise
Es ist ein tolles Headset wenn man sich auf die Vorteile aber auch z. T. Nachteile der offenen Bauweise einlsst. Bequem, groe Ohrmuscheln, leicht und ein hervorragender Klang machen dieses Headset zu einer guten Alternative zu den blichen Gaming-Headsets, sofern man mit dem Kabel leben kann.
Ich habe auf das immer so oft erwhnte Beyerdynamics MMX 300 geschielt, weil man relativ oft davon im Bereich PC-Gaming gelesen hat/liest.
Nach einigem einlesen in die Materie bin ich aber schnell davon abgekommen, weil es einfach ein Beyerdynamics 770 mit Micro sein soll und somit malos berteuert war.
Ich besorgte mir nun aufgrund mehrerer gelesener Wertungsseiten folgende Headsets:
Beyerdynamics 770 Pro 250 Ohm
Beyerdynamics 990 Pro 250 Ohm
Hyper Cloud X Alpha
Epos H6 Pro
Betrieben wurden alle vier Kopfhrer/Headsets an einem Creativ SB X G6 in diversen Modi, aber berwiegend im Direct Mode.
Ein verstellen des Equalizers kam fr mich nicht in Frage. Wenn ich ~150 Euro fr einen Kopfhrer ausgebe, dann muss das in den Standarteinstellungen passen und nicht erst durch herumdoktorn gelst werden mssen.
Gespielt wurden: Warhammer 40K Darktide, Warhammer 40K Deamongate, War Thunder und ein paar andere Titel. Des weiteren wurden Metal, Klassik und Synthietitel angehrt um einen etwaigen Vergleich zu erlangen.
Test: Beyerdynamics:
Vorweg, die Beyerdynamics hatten den saubersten und ausgewogensten Klang fr meine Ohren. Ich hab lange nicht verstanden wovon in den Foren immer geredet wird, wenn von einem hochauflsenden, klaren, granularen, gleichmig auf Hhen/Tiefen/Mitten verteilten Klang geredet wurde.
Als ich die beiden BD auf hatte, wusste ich was gemeint war. Es war schlichtweg ein Genuss damit in die Games reinzuhhren.
Behalten htte ich dann tatschlich das 990 Pro, weil mir das offene System einfach besser gefallen hat, weiter/rumlicher wirkte und man trotzdem noch ein wenig was von der “Auenwelt” mitbekommt.
Gescheitert ist es dann letztendlich aber an dem sogenannten Beyerpeak. Die Hhen waren so klar definiert und hatten fr meine Ohren wirklich grantige Spitzen, dass ich nach sptestens einer Std durch. war und die Hhrer abnehmen musste. Sehr schade muss ich sagen. Mich hats wirklich sehr gereut die beiden Modelle wieder zurcksenden zu mssen, aber so konnte ich nicht zocken. Im Scout-Mode schon gleich fnfmal nicht. Da meinte ich, mir piekst jemand ins Ohr.
Dann das HyperX:
Wie bitte in allen Herr Gotts Namen kann dieses Teil so gut bewertet werden!? Ich hatte es lediglich in Darktide auf und war der Meinung in einer Blechrhre zu sitzen. Grottenschlecht. Dumpfer Sound, Hall ohne Ende und keine Rumlichkeit. Sofort wieder ab in die Verpackung. Aber gut, ist auch eine andere Preisklasse. Weg damit.
Das EPOS H6Pro (offen) in Racing Green:
Das Teil ist super verpackt und macht optisch einen sehr tollen Eindruck. Fr Gamer. Musikliebhabern wird das erstmal wurscht sein nehme ich an.
Klar, viel Plastik, aber alles ist sauber und schlssig verarbeitet. Der Volumeregler hat den optimalen Widerstand und lsst sich reibungslos drehen. Die Arretierung fr das abnehmbare Mikro ist robust und ohne Schnickschnack gebaut und verspricht so Langlebigkeit.
Nun aber zum wichtigsten, dem Klang. Basslastiger als die BDs. Die Hhen und Tiefen kommen gut rber, die Mitten rutschen etwas in den Hintergrund, aber nicht zu Lasten der Rumlichkeit. Ortung funktioniert mit diesem Headset genausogut wie mit den BDs.
Nach langem Hin- und Herprobieren hab ich mich dann fr das EPOS H6 Pro entschieden.
Zum einen brauch ich kein Extra Mikro, zum anderen hatte ich da kein Problem mit den ebenso klaren Hhen, die jedoch nicht diese unangenehmen Spitzen wie die BDs hatten. Die leicht in den Hintergrund gerckten Mitten sind verkraftbar. Der Bass ist gut und definitiv nicht schwammig, sondern schon eher knackig und verleiht Explosionen oder einem MG das ntige Volumen.
Ich persnlich bin sehr froh mit dem Epos und habe mein nchstes Headset gefunden und geniee es so oft ich kann. Guter Klang ist einfach unerllich fr eine ordentliche Immersion in Games.
Zu den Passformen mchte ich nicht viel sagen, denn jeder Kopf ist anders. Allerdings, sehr bequem waren die Polster der BDs, von der Form und Gre her, sowie vom Anliegen an den Kopf kam mir das Epos besser vor.
Ich hoffe einigen mit meiner Rezension geholfen zu haben. Die Suche im Headsetdschungel htte mich fast wahnsinnig gemacht, weshalb es mir die Mhe wert erschien, eine ausfhrliche Rezi zu schreiben.
Game on!
Overall happy with this item sound is okay could do with some better noise cancelling but they would there gonna be more expensive. I was in that everything works doesn’t need to do so I have enough
GSP 500, GSP 550 … LE H6PRO open “ouvert” beaucoup de gamer ne le savent pas … Mais les casques ferms fatiguent vite l’oreille, avec le H6PRO c’est un peu plus de confort. Je n’ai trouv que celui-ci en mode ouvert. Je ne comprends pas pourquoi beaucoup aiment le “ferm”.
Sinon j’ai dj essay le corsair virtuoso, il tait tout, mais sauf virtuoso ! Je l’avais renvoy ! J’ai test la famille des HyperX, pas mieux je les avais renvoys tous …
Le seul casque qui tait vraiment la hauteur c’tait le Crs 500 de cool master, malheureusement il n’est plus la fabrication (Lui aussi tait en mode ouvert)
J’imagine un H6Pro avec un son et systme la cres 500 cela serait le top ! Je n’ai pas oubli la qualit de son du cres 500, un casque qui ne m’avait cout que 64 euros et qui dtrnait les casques 364 euros !
Faites vos recherches, vous verrez que je ne mens pas !
Tout d abord : livraison avec prime le lendemain de la commande, donc +1 pour le service.
Au niveau du casque : bon casque avec des basses marques, le micro est de bonne facture, la couleur verte on aime ou pas
Plug and play sur xbox serie x
Le moins : je le trouve plutot inconfortable au niveau du poids de ce dernier, j ai mal au cou au bout de 30 minutes de jeu, est ce du a mes cervicales ou le casque est il vraiment lourd ? Il faut dire que je viens d un Sennheiser 560 S qui est un poids plume ct
Je pense le retourner et revenir vers mon sennheiser pour des raisons de conforts, au niveau du son il est meme plus prcis..
Pour ce qui ne connaissent pas les casques gamer, pour le prix ca vaut le coup mais niveau confort ca va dependre de vous et de l age de vos os…
Terminacion muy premium y el sonido sorprende por calidad y fidelidad.
These headphones (open) are now my favourite for both music and gaming.
Comfort: these do not clamp against your head like some have reviewed on the closed back. There’s enough adjustability in the headband to get the sizing just right and stays in place nicely. I don’t suffer from hot ears or sweaty head after hours of gaming, and I really don’t feel like I’ve got anything on. You will not fatigue with these one bit. I found my HyperX to be very comfortable, but when trying these and going back to the HyperX, you can tell they’re in different leagues (price wise you certainly are)
Sound quality: this area is highly subjective like anything audio related it comes down to personal preference. I saw a lot of reviews saying the profile was relatively flat and lacked low end when compare to the closed. I can’t comment on the closed, but I was pleasantly surprised how much low end it had when expecting such a flat profile. Both gaming and music, these things just sing. Playing FPS games I could hear footsteps and direction of enemy much clearer than HyperX. Explosions and bullets sounded amazing!
Sound leakage: these are my first open back headphones. But the wife didn’t complain hearing my gaming/music when played at same volume as HyperX. Not to say its not there, because it certainly is. But in a typical sized front living room, with my wife sat on the other sofa, she had to concentrate to hear anything. Happy wife, happy gamer!
Music: I compared these to my Sony wh1000 XM3, which I love. I wasn’t expecting much at first as the two couldn’t be more different with Sony having ANC and closed back vs non-ANC and open back. But I was taken aback by how good music sounded on these. Obviously these are basically Sennheiser headphones, and so should sound very good! But it wasn’t something I thought I’d appreciate quite as much as I did. The clarity, clear crisp highs and rumbling lows were welcomed, I cranked the volume up and no distortion. You could happily listen to Rap/R&B, hip hop, dance, pop, rock… they are truly versatile.
Microphone: I like how you can magnetically remove the mic if you wanted. It rotates up to mute the mic automatically. From what others have fed back, my voice is clear and not too loud, with no background noise either. Though can’t comment too much as not heard the results myself only feedback of others I’ve played with
I highly recommend these headphones for either gaming or music.
This headset is perfect for me. I prefer the open back when gaming so I can still hear everything going on in my house. But sound quality is great and the microphone is probably the best attached microphone I’ve used before. Incredibly comfortable to wear for long hours. Absolutely would recommend to anyone looking for an open back headse
I’ve had the headset for only a day at this point and it’s already the best I’ve owned. It doesn’t block much background noise if any but that’s because it’s open-back rather than closed back so if it’s noisy where you are I’d recommend the closed-back instead, otherwise it’s a great headse
Ok overall for the price but not comfy. My Bose qc35 disappears on my head vs this thing.
My son his a very happy boy he loves the sound he will recommend.
J’avais auparavant des HyperX Cloud, mais je suis plus que satisfait d’avoir enfin chang !
Pour moi le gros point fort de ce casque est le contrle du volume latral.
Honntement je pensais que ce n’tait qu’un gadget, mais l’utilisation cela rend vraiment l’utilisation du casque trs confortable.
J’ai tendance regarder beaucoup de vidos en tant “allong” sur mon sige de bureau, et pouvoir rgler le volume sans avoir se relever est vraiment un gros plus !
La qualit du microphone doit tre moyenne, sans plus, tant donn que je n’ai reu aucun commentaire positifs son encontre lors de mes sessions en vocal sur Discord.
Le casque est sinon trs esthtique et semble de bonne facture.
Le fait de pouvoir activer et dsactiver le microphone en le faisant descendre est galement trs pratique.
Finalement ce casque regorge de bonnes ides et est donc incroyablement confortable l’utilisation.
Je n’ai, pour le moment, aucun point ngatifs a signaler.
Cela dit, si cela venait changer je modifierai mon commentaire en fonction.
These are open back which I prefer for gaming. Wider sound stage and sense of scale over closed back. They aren’t as punchy as closed back, but still very good. Replaced my Astro A40 and Mixamp with just these. Very comfortable and well built. Love the magnetic quick removing mic. Can’t go wrong with these.
I really like the openness of them, really nice crisp audio with more bass than i was expecting. If youre into gaming, the footsteps seem to be pretty distinct compared to other headsets and the feeling of directional/distance awareness is perfect.
The one and only thing I am hating and genuinely mad about is how uncomfy the earpads are. The headphones are light on the head but it feels like they got the WORST stiff foam to press hard against your skull. Idk if theres a way to break in earpads immediately but youre better off buying 3rd party earpads, or buying headphones that are $30 more expensive cause you’ll end up wanting to buy earpads.
Amazing headset the sound quality and microphone are amazing. Definitely worth the money.
Bought these to replace my DT990s that had their right ear pack in. Had some trouble at first which ended up being a problem unrelated on my end, that resulted in an experience with their customer support who was about as useful as a paper bag in the rain.
Had a GSX1000 arrive after these headphones arrived which I couldn’t possibly not recommend if you’re in it for the audio quality.
The detachable mic was a splended addition, ideal for me since I have a standalone mic.
The headphones are very comfortable once properly adjusted, however not as comfortable if you have glasses.
Amazon asked me about Noise cancellation which these headphones don’t do, as for as i know. and being the open varient would be pointless.
I saw another reviewer having trouble with the sound quality, which I must assume was a bad defect or connection issue on their end since mine arrived just fine. I will note, that the 3.5mm jack these supply are 4 pole, and may have issues connecting to a 3 pole connector.
I’m glad I put my money down on this headset. It’s very accurate for location in video games and listening to music is also a pleasure. It’s also nice to hear what’s around me in my house, and I got compliments on how the mic sounded. Definitely would recommend to anyone. Also if you have trouble with a loud ringing noise in the party, plug it into the back of your pc instead of the front. It fixed it for me
Like always Sennheiser always going up it’s great product great quality great sound thank you
If you want to level up your FPS gaming experience, this is the headset for you. For other purposes like video meetings, I would avoid it as it picks up a good amount of background noise. Maybe a windscreen will change the experience.
I would give then 4.8/5 overall as they also are amazing for music.
sound clarity is amazing regardless if you are watching movies or playing any kind of video game, id gladly recommend these to anyone
Amazing mic quality, and sound quality. I use them mostly for gaming, and am able to pinpoint sounds so easily. Especially in games like Hunt: Showdown which have great sound design. Would not recommend if you game in a loud area as they do let some sound in being open back.
Extremely comfortable,I have been using them more than eight hours at work,love them!!!
USBXonar u7
Throughout my time I’ve purchased MANY headphones, I am very very picky with how they perform and feel and the quality of the headphones itself.. now the reason I’ve gotten this was cause my last pair were decent but the wire gave out sadly i did the switch to the epos based on what I’ve heard about them and my oh my where have I been. These headphones not only feel nice and look good but they also sound spectacular and have some very nice features. For one the open back models have absurd surround sound which trumped a lot of headphones with surround sound I had before, the audio clarity is great and the headset feels very comfortable for long durations of gaming or music or whatever you do. One fantastic feature i love is the option to take off the mic if you have one too, and the slick little disk that covers it is another part of that which I love.
Overall, quality and performance for audio on these headphones are very good and the materials make me think this will last a long time. I’ll update my post if they don’t last. (Ps: feels great if you also wear glasses)
Great audio and mic quality! My second set, love the removable mic.
I also purchased the closed back and I returned them. Open back is the move.
These headphones are excellent. Even when not paired with a DAC (Used EPOS GSX1000 and Soundblaster X3) these still sound great. I would pick these over my GSP660s any day and they are more comfortable for way less price. Quality is great. Great brand.
I had to give it 4 stars on the “noise cancellation” because they are an open headset. Not really designed for that function. Just pointing it out. Btw, I’ve spent a small fortune on headsets that didn’t give me the sound or quality that I wanted and hoped for. Most end up in storage as you can’t really send them back after they fall apart or are equipped with a poor mic. This set didn’t disappoint.
They are very comfortable, don’t make my ears steamy & sweaty, and the sound is incredible. The mic doesn’t make me sound like a kid either and even more impressive is that having a soft voice, most mics don’t even pick it up. I also wear glasses and many headsets dig the earpieces against my head. Very uncomfortable. I hope to have these for many years so I can stop wasting money on inferior units.
EPOS H6 Pro OpenPC38XH6 Pro Open38XSound Blaster X4ASTROMixAmp