FD-MOTO 1.2M*10mm STEEL Heavy Duty Motorbike Chain Lock Padlock Motorcycle Bike Scooter Bicycle Security Lock

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Dustproof Key HolePrevents rusting and clogging of the keyhole | Water-Resistant Nylon Cloth CoverProtective textile outer sleeve protects paintwork and rims | Widely UsesPerfect for motorcycles, electric cars,electric bikes,cars, tricycles, doors, grills, ladders.Ideal for bicycle lock, motorcycle lock, combination lock, cable lock, chain lock, skateboards, sports equipment. |
Weight: | 2.9 kg |
Dimensions: | 29.6 x 11.2 x 6.4 cm; 2.9 Kilograms |
Brand: | FD-MOTO |
Manufacture: | Touch Global Ltd |
Bonne longueur pour accrocher sa moto a un gros pilier. Chane robuste.
The chain is very heavy duty but the lock less so. OK for locking mountain bikes in a shed though.
it was bought to secure my sons motorbike and is excelle
Great product. This is the second one I have purchase.
It looks sturdy but I’ve had a nightmare with the lock. It is a liability. The levers keep getting jammed, I’ve done WD 40 and missed several meetings because I can’t unlock or lock the chain on my scooter.
Very difficult to lock chain has to be at a certain angle for you lock i
Actually surprised how solid it is for the price, chain is good, with a nice cover on so it doesn’t scratch your wheels, seems well made.
Lock has some kind of plastic case, which seems a bit flimsy.
Definitely a good product for the price, would buy again.
Quality chain that is strong and secure. We bought this to run through both wheels of our twin axle caravan. Fits really well and is protects the wheels from damage with a hard wearing chain cove
Great chain and arrived when they said it would
So strong , thick and heavy it’s a great lock and let’s you leave your bike locked safe and secure.
Excellent heavy duty chain and lock .good value for money recommended.
The chain itself seems to be a nice high quality chain
But the lock seems to be lightweight junk i wouldnt trust it
I threw my one away and got a better one
But this was just a secondary chain for my bike so was still worth the money in my opinio
This lock & chain seems pretty sturdy and tough and is far better value than a lot of the brand leaders that are 3 or 4 times this price. I guess if a thief really wants to nick your bike, they will find a way.
Looks the business, feels heavy and tough and I like the fact you can use the padlock as a ‘disc lock’ when you are out and about.
All in all, I think I would reccommend at this price.
Alarm easy to install but chain is not strong enough.
bien pour le prix mais si votre assurance vous demande la facture en cas de vol je pense que ca ne passera pas, pour un petit scooter ca evite les vols trop faciles mais c est pas le top non plus, a vous de voir pr le prix…
Got this set for chaining my ladders up at home, it’s heavy solid and ideal, very happy
La chaine est costaud (son poids aussi). Par contre, si l’anse du cadenas est costaud aussi, le bloc de verrouillage qui vient sur l’anse semble fragile.
d’appenrence et de son poids sa peut dcourager certaine personne mal intentionn , je recommande de graisser le systeme de fermeture car pas facile , perso huile pour armes !! maintenant nikel.
The lock is rather tricky to connect all together to get it to lock
Needs quite a bit of dexterity
Maybe it will get easier with practice
Ich bin sehr zufrieden mit dem Artikel. Ich habe sofort 2 bestellt. Bis dato noch keine Probleme.
Molto robusta molto pesante, sicuramente chi vorr aprirla dovr impegnarsi un po’.
Excellent rapport qualit prix. J’ignore si elle rsistera longtemps aux assauts d’un potentiel … intress par ma moto… mais bon, elle inspire confiance
Great product. Easy to use. Looks and feels v tough. A good deterrent. Recommend.
Bought for grandson s they were very pleased with quality
Chains ok but lock broke so had to buy a new one
Lo nico que veo a mejorar, el candado lo veo endeblillo
C’est une bonne chaine de granite
Un peu lourd mais a va ???
Alla vespa va benissimo e me la sento anche sicura
You knever know … but after six months no one stil cut i
Grande chaine avec cadenas solide pour securiser votre 2 roues ou autre, je recommande, merci
Bon rapport qualit-prix.
La chane et de bonne qualit,
par contre le cadenas fait trs lger.
Fait le job
o one is getting our bike this time 🙂 this is a heavy chain… think motorcycle, but not so big that my 11 year old can’t manage it. also, its long enough to bind two bike and around the pole. excellent value.
Wer nicht will, das sein Roller oder Fahrrad geklaut wird, sollte sich das Schlo kaufen. Aber Vorsicht, es ist Mega schwer. Hlt was es verspricht.
1 Stern Abzug wegen des Gewichtes.
Excellent security, with the addition of a disc lock I’m secure in the knowledge the bike is safe and secure.
je l’ai utilis pour immobiliser une tondeuse auto porte.
J’ai enroul la chane autour de l’axe de la roue avant, et j’ai
attach le tout avec le cadenas sur un piquet mtal de sol.
J’attends de voir si c’est efficace contre le vol.
Heavy duty chain , lock a bit not so good purchased new padlock and used to secure my boat outboard engine
Rien dire, appart le poids c’est en toutes tranquillit que mon vlo est attach
It’s all time outside, after few months no rust, no damage at all. Lock is also very good. I would recommend it for that money.
Solid chain, lock can be abit awkward. Defo spray with acf50 or similar to prevent future issues if leaving in the rain. Overall im impressed for the price, see no need to spend silly money on a chain when this is a good enough deterrent. Maybe if my bike was more valuable id spend more, but im happy it does what i need it too
Strong sturdy chain and block does the job and looks decent will be buying another one soon.
Proper heavy duty
1 for staying at home, wouldn’t take on your travels unless you got a side car lol.
Good solid bit of kit
A bit more peace of mind., with my disc lock.
Two of you in the woods, a massive bear approaches. You’ll never put running that thieving bear, best you can do is outrun the other. (Metaphor)
Elle est trs bien pour une moto, sa petite longueur permet de l’attacher une roue. A un poteau aussi avec la roue avant.
Il passe tout juste dans ma mini selle de Kawasaki ER5, c’est top car avec une chaine plus longueur a aurait t impossible.
Bon produit pour le prix, les 1m20 sont bien l, suffisamment costaud pour rsister aux voleurs de base
La trovo utile come deterrente anche per l auto ancorandola in modo adeguato.Spedizione sempre precisa e puntuale.
Chane moto . Solide . Bien dissuasif. Mais pas sra.
Super rapport qualit prix
Es muy robusta y va fantstica para atar la moto
Great length and does the job, good quality and great delivery
Bella catena, pesante ma normale per gli anelli che ha
seems very sturdy. Would I suspect take some effort to get through it.
De momento todo bieb, cuesta un poco meter la llave.
Does the trick. The lock part fits onto bike so its not lying on the ground. Good and long chain also. Have recommended this to other bikers.
I needed a chain to go though the wheels of my caravan to make it hard to drive away
Heavy duty chain I am using for my pushbike even though this is really for motorcycles. I wanted something really strong looking as there are plenty of thefts where I live. I fit it to my luggage rack, wouldn’t recommend carrying it in a rucksack or whatever because of the weight. Because of the weight and thickness it makes me feel confident thieves will try elsewhere.
s bonne chane, les maillons sont trs gros et ont l’air bien rsistant, le poid est raisonnable. le seul truc qui me fait peur c’est le cadena U qui ma l’air fragile, peur qu un coup de marteau en vienne bout . sinon je recommande ce produit
ps : acheter toujours une chane et un u pour le velo ou la moto .
Gran bell’acquisto catena Robusta e affidabile il catenaccio molto sicuro, all’inizio si fa un po’ di fatica a chiuderlo ma dopo un po’ si capisce il meccanismo tutto fila liscio. Consigliatissimo
Good strong hefty lock at a very good price. Very pleased with purchase.
This isn’t the kind of chain you can keep on the bike while cycling and if you keep it in your rucksack you really feel the extra weight. Instead I recommend wearing it over one shoulder and across your chest while cycling as it makes you feel like you’re in a mad max film.
Sistema seguro. Cmodo. Muy recomendable para guardar moto en garaje. Te aporta plus de seguridad. Anclado a argolla Abus…juego completo. Precio ajustado.
Come da titolo, la catena si presenta molto robusta ed il lucchetto pure. Il rivestimento in stoffa poi evita di graffiare i cerchi dello scooter o moto. Soddisfatto dell’acquisto.
Certe il ne vous protgera pas contre un voleur qui veut absolument vous le voler mais pour ma part il est ass gros et solide pour les disuader en tout cas.
Je le recommande fortement car a ce prix la c’est pas chere du tout.
No le pongo mxima puntuacin porque encuentro que para ser una buena cadena no hace falta que sea tan pesada. No soy un experto pero dira que hay aleaciones ms ligeras.
Non riuscivo a trovare una catena che fosse lunga oltre 150 cm e quest oprodotto assolve appieno alle mie esigenze.
La qualit della catena (10mm) e del rivestimento sono davvero ottime.
Purtroppo altrettanto non posso dire del lucchetto. Innanzitutto ho faticato tantissimo ad aprirlo; pensavo di rispedirlo indietro perch credevo che le chiavi non fossero abbinate a quella serratura. Poi, dopo innumerevoli tentativi si finalmente sboccato il meccanismo. Il lucchetto ricoperto di plastica esternamente, ma risulta abbastanza pesante. Peccato solo per il meccanismo di apertura (protetto anche da uno sportellino girevole) che lo rende inaffidabile e fa perdere moltissimo tempo prima di aprirsi a causa del disallineamento della chiave..
Tal como esperaba. Muy robusto, pueda bastante. Si le tengo que poner una pega, le falta que el ltimo eslabn sea redondo y un poco ms grande para poder alargar la cadena. Por lo dems muy buena compra
massiccia e lucchetto ben fatto!
di 4 stelle solo perch e un po difficoltoso da chiudere, si deve trovare la posizione ottimale dei 2 anelli della catena senn il lucchetto non chiude!
Ottima catena! Io lo utilizzo per la mia fixed a Torino. Ne ho gi avuta una uguale in passato!!! TOP!!!
Unica pecca un po di ritardo a causa di un’incomprensione al momento del pagamento. Si tutto risolto senza problemi…
Molto soddisfatto dell’acquisto. Solo un po’ pesante, ma il prezzo della sicurezza. La serratura protetta da una patta scorrevole.
Catena molto bella e abbastanza pesante.
Per fortuna mi ci sta nel sotto sella della moto anche se non ci avevo sperato molto.
1.2m poco come lunghezza infatti se si vuole legarla ad un palo bisogna posizionarsi il pi vicino possibile.
Se si hanno problemi di trasporto 1.2m va benissimo, se invece si ha bauletto o non si hanno problemi consiglio di prendere una versione di catena pi lunga.
A great heavy well made chain for my motorbike, it is very heavy but that just makes me more reassured that it will prevent theft hopefully
qualit prezzo onesti, la catena molto robusta ottime le sadature, bello anche il lucchetto ma mi sarei aspettato molto di pi. nel complesso per consiglio l’acquisto
Buena cadena, el cansado parece un poco peor. Le cuesta cerrar cuando introduces los dos eslabones. Pero calidad precio genial.
habe zwei Stck davon gekauft um zwei Motorrder im Winterlager verketten zu knnen. Macht einen soliden Eindruck und ist sicher nicht leicht zu knacken . Preis passt auch , wrde ich wieder kaufen.
No s si luego romper la cadena ser facil, pero robusta lo parece, tiene muy buena pinta, incluido el candado.
Good sturdy chain, similar to the one I currently have so I know if works well. Very happy overall
Real heavy duty. Use it to anchor my ladders in their store. Great piece of kit.
Very nice looking chain an lock, good weight looks strong
Great heavy duty chain, it is pretty heavy which I should have considered before buying as I plan to take it around. (problem sorted with a seat bag)
Minus 1 star because it is very tight fitting where you link the two ends of the chain to the lock and first time took me around 20 mins…(but it may be a security feature so it’s harder to fit a large cutting device?)
also dunno how long it will last so I will see. comes with 2 keys.
edit: I think I found the trick to locking it easier. have one end of the chain going in horizontally then one vertically. makes it easier to get the lock to fit into place.
easonable quality chain padlock appears to be good for the job although is a bit awkward to lock, so drops a star, otherwise good for price paid…. hope i never have to find out if stops a tea leaf from nicking my bike!
This seems really formidable for the price. I've just used it to lock up some long pieces of a scaffolding tower to a bike wall anchor in the common parts of the basement. I can't see anyone trying to saw through those very solid links. Don't know if I'd trust an expensive motorbike to it but for my purposes it's ideal. But it is pretty heavy so I won't be using it for my bicycle.
The chain is heavy, strong and very well done, the locker as well. I’m very happy of this purchase. Is absolutely not easy to break this chain. The length is perfect.
wow.. you can feel good quality here.. perfect for protecting your bike
Very sturdy, well built and just the tool for the job, I am impressed
Very good quality chain, although the lock feels abit cheap, im not sure though might just be me.
Quality cheapest and best lock ive ever had highly recommend
i didn’t buy this on amazon but brought it at my local bike shop and its a brilliant value for money and definitely does the job
Very strong and sturdy lock and chain. Worth every penny. Would recommend to anyone. Can’t find anything within the price range.