FESHFEN Hair Secrets Extensions, Invisible Secret Wire Crown Hair Extensions One Piece Curly Wavy Hair Extension Synthetic Hairpieces for Women, 14 inch

Invisible Secret Hair Extensions are one of the newest methods of adding length and volume to your hair. Simply cover your natural hair with the extensions and secure them to your head with a band- no tape, glue, weaves, or beads are necessary. The invisible band allows the extension to lie smooth and flat on the head. This means zere damage and the fastest possible application. In fact, it takes just 30 seconds to achieve the perfect fit.

Why choose FESHFEN Hair Secrets Extensions?
There are lots of hair extensions on offer, but FESHFEN secrets hair extensions are available in 3 different lengths and more than 20 shades, including solid, ombre, highlights colors. Plus, as the bands are transparent, they are completely invisible. These extensions are the perfect option for naturally thin or medium-thick hair.

1. Is it possible for the hair secrets extensions to slip/fall out?
No, the hair secrets extensions will not slip or fall out of your hair if applied correctly. The added extra clips on either side of the weft can add security. And the weight of your hair laying on top will also help keep it in place.
2. Do hair secrets extensions work on thin hair?
Unlike other types of hair extensions, the invisible wire doesn’t attach to your own hair. You’ll get thicker, longer hair in seconds without any breakage or hair loss. So hair secrets extensions are the ideal hair extension for fine hair.
3. How many pcs do I need?
We recommend 1 pack for fine hair, 2 packs more if you like heavy volume.

How to choose the correct color?
- You can confirm color with us before placing an order.
- Colors on the iPhone screen would be more accurate to display.
- Compare your hair with extension color in the good natural light during the day.
If you have any problem with color choosing, please tell us with a recent selfie taken in natural lighting, where we can see your hair from top to bottom, and with no filters added. We will response to your message and recommend color for you within 24 hours!

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How to adjust the wire band length?
| How to wear hair secrets extensionsï¼
| How to detangle?
Dimensions: | 35 x 9.6 x 2.3 cm; 149 Grams |
Brand: | FESHFEN |
Colour: | 2# Natural Black-Wavy |
Colour: | 2# Natural Black-Wavy |
Niemals htte ich fr diesen Preis eine solche Qualitt erwartet.
Die Farbe entspricht den Fotos und egal wie man die Haare brstet (am besten eine Extensions Brste verwenden) oder in die Verpackung knautscht, sie verndern nie ihren Ursprungzustand, leichte Wellen.
Selbst nach groben brsten gehen aus der Trasse keine Haare raus. Ich bin wirklich super zufrieden.
War wirklich berrascht, dass die Qualitt doch recht gut ist. Die Farbe pat auch super. Da Anbringung ist wirklich einfach und es hlt gut. Einzig was mich etwas strt sind die doch sehr starken, unnatrlichen Locken nach unten hin.
Brsten kann man die Haare ganz gut. Mal sehen wie sie auf Dauer und im Alltag sind.
Por el precio, el pelo esta muy muy bien pero si tienes pelo corto se nota mucho la diferencia entre el pelo natural y la extensin. Tampoco me qued muy claro como se ajusta el hilo. El color es exactamente igual que mi color natural. Por lo general esta muy bien calidad precio.
Ein ganz groes Lob und Dankeschn an den Verkufer fr die gute Verbesserung mit den zustzlichen Clips.
Ich kaufe mir seit 7 Monaten die Haare zur Verdichtung, es geht so schnell und einfach.
Ich bekomme immer Komplimente fr meine Frisur.
Wasn’t sure how the quality or thickness would be, but really pleased with this hair extension piece. Colour match to my own hair is perfect too. Great value. Really pleased.
Non sono pratiche. Uso Extencion da anni e volevo provare queste col filo che sembrano pratiche nei tutorial ma io non riesco a sistemarle. Hanno anche due clip cucite che sicuramente aiutano nella tenuta ma non mi sono trovata. Peccato perch comunque sono morbide e per essere sintetico sono di buona qualit.consiglio per chi ha praticit col filo
Les extensions son fins, mais comme j’ai des cheveux fins a se melange bien. Le seule point negative ce que cest dommage quil y ait pas de clips pour securiser un peu plus a larriere
Il filo molto leggero e si mimetizza bene, bisogna magari spendere qlk minuto x sistemare bene e creare un effetto naturale. Sono presenti due micro pettini che aiutano il fissaggio. Cmq veramente bella, mi fa desiderare sempre di pi di fare il grande passo delle extension fisse!
Posso dire che sono ben fatte , solo che con una fascia nn fai nulla almeno per avere un buono effetto ne servono due , qualit comunque buona , io li ho mandati indietro avendo sbagliato il colore ma comunque subito riordinate , se si ha una base scura un castano scuro troppo chiaro meglio prendere un nero , comunque posso dire che sono molto belle
Super happy! Want to order another one in the same colour but they are out of stock! 🙁
Es wirkt super natrlich weil die eigenen Haare oben auf liegen. Man darf nur nicht zu kurze Haare haben!
Ich bin total zufrieden fr den Preis!
Arrivano in una retina che protegge i capelli; sono morbidi al tatto, fatto decisamente bene per il prezzo che hanno e sono facilissimi da mettere e piuttosto comodi da portare, ne prender altri.
Ancora devo sistemare i miei capelli, ma vi posso assicurare che la qualit delle extension ottima nonostante il prezzo cos basso
Bellissime le adoro! In foto non rendono ma non sembrano assolutamente finte!
Oltre il filo invisibile ci sono anche due gancetti all’interno che rendono il tutto pi stabile una volta agganciate! Molto soddisfatta.
L’elastico perfetto si adatta alla testa, ottimo qualit prezzo
Espectacular, calidad precio inmejorable. El color perfecto para mi cabello, super suaves y apenas se nota que es artificial. La distancia de la hilo es perfecta e impide que la extensin se venga abajo. Para asegurar la extensin y que no se mueva basta con colocar unos clips cosidos de extensin y listo. Perfecto para lucir estas fiestas y como no en el da a da. Si las lavas y las cuidas como es debido te durarn muchsimo tiempo. Sin duda volver a comprar. El paquete perfectamente preparado, en una gran caja evitando que se estropee en el trayecto de envo. De 10 !
Peccato non sono riuscita a metterla, ho seguito il video ma nulla da fare.Colpa mia
Ho dovuto restituirla!!!
Echt gut , glnzt aber leider
Wers die richtige farbe so wie bestellt htt ichs behalten
Bissl a nachteil ist das ma nur geschlossene frisuern machen kann
Also die kurzen haare nen zopf machn und die extensiins dann so darunter offen lasse
Premetto che il primo prodotto di questo genere che abbia mai acquistato ma non capisco perch non l’avevo fatto prima.
Ottimo rapporto qualit prezzo! Vi assicuro che sembrano davvero capelli veri, diverse persone mi hanno fatto complimenti per la mia folta chioma pensando che fosse davvero la mia ;).
Io ho leggermente accorciato la lunghezza perch sinceramente per me erano davvero troppo lunghi.
Vi avviso che per non si comportano come capelli veri perch si annodano molto pi velocemente ma se avete un p di pazienza e volont di spazzolarli non vi pentirete dell’effetto finale.
Vi invito inoltro a conservare la retina e a metterli come vi sono arrivati per avere la posa perfetta delle onde 🙂
In conclusione consiglio l’acquisto!
Il colore e e sfumature sono decisamente pi chiare rispetto all’immagine. Comunque il biondo molto bello ed anche la qualit dei capelli discreta. Bello il mosso. L’elastico invece non mi convince per niente.
My ‘goto “for a quick fix. Easy yo wear and quick to put in.
These are very. I saw a video on YouTube typing Short Hair Extensions if your hair don’t touch your shoulders yet, and you can find out how to go about it with this halo extensions. People couldn’t tell that it isn’t my hair. Very long and will make you feel like a Princess. I washed it wish hair shampoo, I comb these hair and they’re still in very good condition (a month after buying it).
Love these. Going to order another one. As I did order the wrong colour, needs a little darker. Great value for money
Me han llegado perfectas. La talla me va perfecta pero es ajustable por si os preocupa .
El color es igual que el mo y son comodsimas.
La textura del pelo por lo que cuestan es muy buena .
Yo las tengo que cortar un poco pero genial.
Las recomiendo
Ragazze donne sono bellissimi io ne ho acquistato tanti di varie sfumature e vi assicuro che non diventano paglia donano volume sono comode(io ho tolto il filo e cucito tre clip ) dopo alcune settima e le ho lavate e sono tornate perfette. Acquistatele perch meritano davvero.ribadisco con il filo non sono per niente comode.tagliatelo e cucite treclip.per il resto buona ma un po’ pesante
Ich bin wirklich positive berrascht, so gnstig und so hochwertig. Kunsthaare sehen wie junge, glnzende Echt Haare aus, sie sind nicht schwer und sehr angenehm zu tragen. Die Farbabbildung ist leider nicht ganz korrekt, ich habe mittel-braun bestellt, aber sie sehen eher wie dunkel-blond aus, und ich wollte braune Haare, ich werde es nochmal mit dunkelbraun versuchen. Aber insgesamt hat mir diese Kunsthaare sehr gut gefallen. Im Winter trage ich Kunsthaare zu Strickmtzen, sieht chic aus und die Ohren bleiben sehr warm :)…
Para el precio no estan mal, yo las utilice para un recogido y quedaron muy bie
Mi piaciuto tutto, colore, il fatto che sembrano veri…TUTTO…Se per avete capelli molto corti, potreste averne bisogno di 2, altrimenti una pi che sufficiente xke sono piene
Le extension sono molto morbide, il colore davvero bello e intenso, nel mio caso un castano scuro, unica pecca si spostano facilmente essendo poggiate sulla testa solo con un filo trasparente. Consiglio magari di usare un cerchietto per fissare il tutto. Per il resto soddisfatta
Man siehte es nicht nur man fhle es auch schlechte Qualitt fhlte sich nach Plastik an und der Gummi ging nicht mal rund rum und keine andere Halterung zum Fest machen gab es auch nich
Amo questo nuovo tipo di estensioni ed ho praticamente tutti i colori. Sono comodissime da usare, si mettono in un istante, non si muovono, effetto naturale. Nel particolare queste estensioni hanno un ottimo rapporto qualit prezzo, sono molto ben fatte, molto morbide al tatto e l’effetto assolutamente naturale. Ottimo prodotto. Arrivato nei tempi e corrispondente a descrizione.
La qualit del prodotto ottima, i capelli sono molto morbidi. Io ho una base castana chiara con schiariture ed il colore pefetto. Indossato, si pu anche ballare e tenerlo su tutto il giorno, basta trovare la posizione giusta e nel caso regolare il filo: si schiaccia la chiusura anche con una semplice pinzetta per sopracciglia e la si richiude nel punto desiderato. Il tutto bordato di pizzo, che ai lati, risulta un p scomodo, va coperto bene, perche tende a vedersi. Io lo uso per trecce e code basse, molto pi comodo della coda, che a me caduta pi volte. Non li uso sciolti per evitare l’effetto barbie, ma per una foto vanno benissimo.
So real looking, well packaged, comfortable to wear and lasted all day and night at a festival. Other than the fact my hair had grown crazy long compared to normal, no one could even tell these were extension! Thoroughly recommend.
Habe die Tresse ein bisschen gekrzt damit sie besser zu meinen Haaren passt, finde fr den Preis kann man nicht meckern. Haare sind super weich. Nie wieder Clip In Extensions! Nur die Farbangaben knnten etwas genauer sein, lieber eine Stufe dunkler bestelle
It’s not as hot as wearing a wig but you are aware of it in the summer. I will keep mine for girly days.
I was really surprised and happy with the colour match. I just need to style my hair to match the soft curl in the extension (see the photo).
It has clips as well as the halo elastic so stays put.
Ovviamente i capelli sono sintetici quindi zero piastre o colorazioni in quanto col tempo non dureranno ma per il prezzo che hanno si possono benissimo tenere 2 o 3 confezioni per effettuare dei cambi. Comprer sicuramente di nuovo
Ok, so this is actually amazing! The colour matches my hair perfectly (i got lucky with that), it is so easy to put on, and comfy! The hair piece is very thick too!
Ansich ein schnes Haarteil, mir aber zu lang und zu schwer. Das Band htte ich krzen mssen. Es ging daher zurck.
Natural looking, easy to use and unbelievable price. What’s not to like?
So easy to have long hair now!
Wow. All I can say is wow. I bought these just to see what they was like considering the price that made me want to try them. I absolutely love them. Never worn anything like this before. For 8 I am shook. The quality is great, light weight and very true to colour. I messaged the seller a picture of my hair and they recommended this colour and have been outstanding at delivering customer service. Just ordered some more, thankyou x
Ho acquistato queste extension, cos.. Per un taglio di capelli che non mi piaceva.. Ma ero molto scettica, non credevo fossero cos belle..
L’unica cosa.. Non so come lavarle per non farle diventare tipo la stoppa che usa l’idraulico
Ho visto dei set shampoo e Balsamo per capelli sintetici…
I love it, for the price its even very cheap.
My friends say it looks very natural and I also think the same.
Very easy to use and put on.
Take your time to choose the colour wisely
Lovely soft hair, looks and feels real, but unfortunately i had to send mine back as i ordered light brown/dark blonde, but got bright blonde.. not a great look on me! would order again though
la qualit veramente buona sono morbidi e lucenti si applicano facilmente facili da pettinare riccio definito se si trova il colore giusto al proprio capello sembrano molto naturali lunghezza che desidera prezzo accessibile
These hair easy to use but colours not the same, I order 2nd one as 1st didn’t match my hair colour. But looks nice overall.
Easy to use, no needs to attach with clips, great quality , love the colour
I can use with different hairstyles.
Very satisfied with the product and delivery was fas
I just got them and they look amazing and they feel like real hair! So far I’m loving this product . I spent 5 times more money in hair extensions that did not look as good.
Honestly for the price you really cannot complain. Easy to put in, comfortable to wear.
Slight synthetic hair shine but I think that’s to be expected but I wouldn’t say it was hugely noticeable one you style and brush your own hair through it. I got the 14 inch which were plenty long enough and since my hair is only a bit shorter than the hair piece, and I just wanted the volume, it just looked like layers. Would buy again for sure.
I am so impressed with these extensions !!! I have paid so much more for other products and these are by far superior. So simple to use !!! Highly recommend xx
It’s amazing. Quality is really good. Match my hair colour perfect. Easy to use. Love i
Bought for my daughter. Shes got mixed race hair and worked perfectly. Excellent value.
Bella ,colore indovinato ,facile da applicare solo un po’ pesantuccia da tenere per troppo tempo.Contenta.
Il prodotto bello, non sembrano capelli sintetici, tuttavia per me che ho pochi capelli e i lisci non va bene perch si vede il filo in alto. Inoltre la larghezza troppo grande per la mia testa. Comunque penso che chi ha i capelli folti riesce a nascondere bene l’elastico.
This is great! Yes its quite a bit curly but that can be tamed with horse n mane detangler spray. It can be adjusted and sits well if u place it properly. For the price this is awesome.
I ordered a wig before that looked gorgeous was more pricey but tangled extremely n had to return it to amazon but This is goood, it doesnt tangle much and doesnt look like ur wearing a wig because of the front.
Clip in weighs hair down and bothers roots…so im happy with this especially after my hair is shedding in clumps from postpartum.
J’adore, a rends super bien mais je n aime pas le file donc j ai mis des pinces a la place mais sinon j adore mes extensions
Really think best I’ve brought as I’ve had loads really good quality will buy agai
Hair is lovely and thick, as it is synthetic it can tangle a little but it’s easy enough to brush out. Really easy to put in and feels comfortable/blends well with natural hair. A really good purchase if you’re looking for something to wear on occasions and don’t want to spend a fortune.
Haarteil hat wirklich eine schne Farbe und die Haare sind sehr weich! Super einfach zu nutzen. Sieht nicht unecht aus. Kam nach wenigen Tagen an. Wirklich richtig guter Kauf!
Great. I got a few hair extension clips and sewed them in, just to personally feel it was secure, but seriously, these are worth the effort. Looks very real. Blends with my colour seamlessly. Noone knows, if you buy the right shade. I bought the double weft or whatever. So good! Give a rinse and condition when it needs it, and looks wonderful again.
I’m pleasantly surprised! Wasn’t expecting much for such a cheap price but they are amazing quality
I’m so happy with them, such good quality you can’t go wrong for the price good colour match too!
Fr den Preis wirklich Top! Haar fhlt sich zwar knstlich an, aber nicht strohig. Es ist weich, aber muss vorsichtig gestylt werden. Es lsen sich leider schnell mal Strhnchen beim kmmen.
Love this product, hair is jot that thick so I got 2 but great for the price & fully recommend
Haven’t taken photo but the quality is FANTASTIC and for the price . I’ve ordered a pony tail now hoping it will be as good . Hair looks really natural
Quick Easy and easily hidden under natural hair
You can tightn it to fit by the headband
Im warm auburn this is a perfect colour match
Nice shine to product too
Die Haarteile kann man super zu einem Haarband/Kranz umfunktionieren. Damit sind sie eine gute Variante zu einer Percke. Man kann sie so unter einer Mtze tragen, und schaut fesch aus. Wir haben allerdings die dnne Schnur entfernt und anstatt der ein bereiteres Silikonban darauf genht. Somit ist sie angenehm zu tragen und rutscht nicht weg vom Stirn. Diese kleine Aufwand hat sich wohl ausgezahlt, wenn man den Preis von Haarbnden vergleicht.
Die Haarteile schauen wirklich sehr schn aus, und haben eine gute Qualitt.
I don’t normally leave reviews but I had to review this as it was simply amazing value for money and the perfect colour match. Slight synthetic feel but nothing major. So happy with this product. For colour match reference my hair is a 7n colou
J ai juste une question…
Est ce possible de rgler la longueur du fil mettre sur la tte ?? Pour les plus petits cranes
??? Svp.
Je recommande 1000% le produit ainsi que le vendeur !!
Reu en 1 semaine.
Great colour match and comfortable to wear. Super price too. I find adjusting the wire a bit fiddly but amazing product all the same. Will be buying more.
J’adore !!!! Pour 15 c’est cadeau et ils sont de trs bonne qualit. Mes amis ont pens que ce sont mes cheveux ! Magnifique rsultat et tellement facile d’utilisatio
I have really thick hair naturally so normally cheap quick hair extensions never do the trick but these are a game changer, with a bit of styling and a brush through these babies are perfect. Couldn’t be happie
Ive tried MANY hair extensions costing a lot of money.. so this was a gamble! & what a surprise!! The hair is thick.. comfortable.. not shiny.. amazing quality! And the colour matches perfectly! I need fo adjust the wire so its a little tighter.. but even with it a little loose.. i dont feel like its going to fly off! I will definitely order more in ghe future! Oh.. and it arrived the next morning even tho its the 22nd Dec!
Trs facile mettre et surtout indtectable visuellement.
It fits on your head nicely and you can make it smaller to fit your head size but it’s not that thick
So good for the price, better quality than I expected and good hair colour match.
Ich kann das Haarteil nur weiterempfehlen. Ich habe Goldblond/Strandblond bestellt. Die Farbe passt genau zu meinen eigenen Haaren. Es sieht auch nicht knstlich aus und glnzt auch nicht viel. Es ist leicht anzubringen, ich habe es allerdings hinten mit 3 Haarklammern festgesteckt, damit es nicht hochrutscht, nur vorsichtshalber. Ich hatte extremen Haarausfall und daher nur noch sehr dnnes Haar. Es fllt absolut nicht auf, dass es nicht meine echten Haare sind. Ich bin absolut zufrieden.
You do have to get this for a full glamour look.
Just ordered two more, and the price is simply unbeatable.
So glad I found this
Das Haar ist sehr weich und hat einen angenehmen warmen schwarz Ton!
Die Extensions verlieren eigentlich keine Haare. Sie glnzen auch nicht.
Das Anziehen ist selbst fr einen Anfnger fr mich super einfach!
Ich werde das Produkt auf jeden Fall weiterempfehlen.