GreenPan Saucepan Set, Non Stick, Toxin Free Ceramic Saucepans – Induction & Oven Safe Cookware – 3 pcs 16/18/20 cm

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Weight: | 3.11 kg |
Dimensions: | 11.3 x 21.8 x 37.1 cm; 3.11 Kilograms |
Brand: | Greenpan |
Model: | CC000587-001 |
Colour: | Black |
Colour: | Black |
Great pans, the only downside is they always need rewashed after coming out of the dishwasher, this is a little confusing to say the least as all of my other pans come out fine. Plus they are a little pricey.
Really good quality. Super easy to clean. Cooking is much easier and quicker in fact. (Perhaps a little heavy for the older customers or those with issues with their hands).
Est-ce que cette casserole est faite galement pour utilisation sur gaz ?
J’ai un doute.
La qualit parait irrprochable.
Wirkt wertig und ist es im Alltagsgebrauch auch. Funktioniert super auf Induktion, es brennt nichts an und lsst sich hervorragend reinigen. Absolute Kaufempfehlung!
Ich benutze jetzt inzwischen die Stielkasserolle seit 4 Wochen und bin sehr zufrieden. Die gute Antihaftbeschichtung begeistert und ist nach dem Gebrauch einfach zu reinigen.
Nice little pan, would be nice if it came with a lid but not the biggest issue. Works with most hobs and does everything it needs to. Perfect for small amounts and is very good at keeping food from sticking to the sides!
Good weight not too heavy ,great heat distribution
Only downside would have loved a pouring spout.
Nice small non-stick pan – does exactly what you’d want. I always use wooden spatulas on non-stick any pans, as they recommend, and after a month of regular use the pan still looks as good as new on the inside. I have a gas hob, so the outside of the pan isn’t quite as pristine, but that is expected. Only minor niggle is that there isn’t a lid, other than that, a nice little pan!
Im really pleased with the pans however one of the pans had a chip in the ceramic coating. I have ordered a replacement (which arrived before I even sent back the original!) but the ceramic coating also had a chip in it. Now I’m going to have to return my replacement. Very annoying. Check all your pans carefully when they arrive.
This pan is quite small but perfect for what I need. The pan has a nice weight and feels really solid and good quality. One of the best saucepans I’ve used. It cleans really well too and had no problems with sticking or scratching. Definitely recommend.
Parfait sur les plaques induction. J’ai achet cette casserole en remplacement d’une autre qui ne fonctionnait pas bien du tout avec l’induction (malgr le label tous feux y compris induction qui ne garantit rien…) Donc contente de mon achat.
I am pretty happy with this saucepan. It is fairly small but it is ideal for the usage I have for it which is, more often than not, small batches of sauce for different types of meals. My other half has also used it to make porridge (in his case, he was pleased with it as it didn’t really stick).
I have been using it for at least a couple of weeks now and I am fairly pleased with it overall. It is small and compact which means it doesn’t take up a lot of space in my cupboards. The pan does feel of high quality and it’s not flimsy or cheap looking. I have had no issues whatsoever with the non-stick: I’ve made white sauce on it, porridge and other stuff that can easily get stuck and well, it just hasn’t. So far, I cannot complain about it. If the non-stick seems to deteriorate over time, I will update my review to reflect that. To ensure it lasts as long as possible, I would ensure to use non-stick safe utensils such as wooden spoons or silicone/smooth plastic utensils.
The pan claims to work on all sorts of hobs. I have an induction hob and it has worked just fine for me. It heats up really quickly which is nice.
I do find it is a bit on the small side and it comes with no lid; these two factors aren’t an issue in my case but it is worth mentioning so you know what you are getting exactly. Quality-wise, I do see how the price is reasonable as it does feel like a really good, high quality pan.
Ein toller Topf, genau richtig fr mein morgendliches Porridge mit Milch und Wasser. Es klebt nichts, haftet nichts und es ist genau das , was ich brauche. Habe den Topf seit 1,5 Monaten tglich in Benutzung.
These are the best non-stick pans we have ever owned. So easy to clean, and in a hard water area have remained limescale free and still look brand new after more than a month’s heavy use. Although they are shown as dishwasher safe we clean them by hand.
Saucepans are lovely, heat distribution excellent and very easy to clea
i have a few Greenpans and think they are fantastic. Easy to clean, hard wearing and toxic free.
The saucepans are top quality. Couldn’t be happier with them. Very durable, easy to use and clean.
I love these pans. They are non-stick and are lightweight by comparison to my previous stainless steel pans. They also look great, as well as being so practical. The glass lid lets me see easily whether I need to turn down the heat before my pans boil over.
Great quality, definitely recommend these. The bottom is great, doesn;t stain. Well worth it.
So far its been a very good pan with excellent non stick.
Billig war die Kasseerolle nicht. Die Beschichtung scheint gut zu sein, lsst sich leicht reinigen u. ich benutze die Kasseerole auch um was anzubraten/dnsten. Vorteil zu Pfannen: Der Herd bleibt sauber…
Ich bin daher zufrieden.
Love these pans,so easy to clean and seem very durable.
Rpond toutes les attentes. Bonne rpartition de la chaleur, n’accroche pas, ultra simple nettoyer, je n’ai que de bonnes choses dire au sujet de cet article. Trs satisfait, je recommande vivement.
I love these pans. I honestly don’t have a bad word to say about them! They look fantastic and are a dream to clean. They heat up quickly and retain the heat well. They’re quite heavy, but I don’t find it to be a problem. They’re clearly well-made and still look like new. It’s worth having a read of the instructions if you want to get the best out of them as they make recommendations about oils and how to care for the pans. I bought another Greenpan previously (a casserole pan) and loved it, so was delighted to be offered these. I think I will always go to Greenpan for my cookware as they make fantastic quality products.
I’d never had any GreenPan products but was very interested by the non-toxic materials aspect. I’ve used them on both gas and electric hobs, though not induction, and have found them to be very good. I do get the impression that they aren’t as robust as full-metal pans so take care when stirring (don’t use metal utensils) and cleaning. It gives you a peace of mind knowing that you haven’t scraped any toxic materials into your food during cooking, so I will be purchasing more of this brand in future.
I love Greenpan. Excellent cooking results and as I’ve said before even my teenage son get these clean first time.
Commentaire de ma mre qui utilise cet ustensile de cuisine :
“jolie casserole vraiment bien et d’une dimension super pratique”
Produit soign. Au rendez-vous, mme modeste, de ce quoi il est destin.
– la mthode la moins chre qui consiste faire des casseroles en inox mince avec un fond rapport plus pais. Inconvnients : si vous chauffez au gaz, les cts vont tre plus chaud que le fond et a risque de brler. Les versions bon march ont un revtement anti-adhrent en tflon fragile.
– la mthode la plus chre consiste utiliser des matriaux multicouches, et entourer plusieurs couches d’aluminium par de l’inox de qualit. C’est la mthode utilise par Mauviel o le prix d’une casserole tourne autour de 80 pour cette taille.
– la mthode utilise pour cette casserole est d’utiliser un aluminium trs pais (3mm) dont le dessous est probablement recouvert d’une couche acier pour tre compatible avec l’induction, avant de recouvrir l’ensemble par de la cramique qui va protger l’aluminium et l’acier de l’oxydation ainsi que d’apporter un revtement anti-adhrent.
Comme la casserole est de petite taille, elle reste assez lgre. L’paisseur de l’aluminium apporte une cuisson uniforme et le revtement en cramique diamante est parfait.
Le manche est tenu par une vis Philips (que vous pourrez resserrer s’il prends du jeu). Pas de protubrance l’intrieur de la casserole, qui est plus facile nettoyer que lorsque le manche est fix par un rivet.
Le tout est vendu un prix tout fait raisonnable pour cette qualit, d’ou la note 5 toiles que je lui ai donn.
Casserole de petite taille entirement noire. L’intrieur a un revtement cramique antiadhsif qui fonctonne trs ben ! Comme tous ces revtements, il faut faire trs attention leur usage et leur entretien pour qu’ils durent le plus longtemps possible. Bonne dtection par l’induction. Bonne rpartition de la chaleur. Contrairement beaucoup de casseroles de cette taille, celle ci est assez lourde pour rester bien stable, mme presque vide !
Cette casserole est parfaite, la qualit est perceptible ds le dballage. Rien voir avec les casseroles lgres, ici certes un plus de poids mais cela reste raisonnable. Au niveau cuisson, la chaleur est bien rpartie, la cuisson est homogne. Les aliment n’adhrent pas du tout c’est bluffant! La marque GreenPan est vraiment recommander, les produit sont de qualit et ne sont pas nocifs pour notre sant contrairement au tflon. La prix reste trs correct d’autant que la casserole est garantie 5 ans!
Comme avec tous les produits Green Pan , c’est avant tout l’impression de solidit qui se dgage ds la prise en main. Le revtement anti – adhsif en cramique est un gage de sret et d’efficacit. La poigne ne chauffe pas, cette casserole est compatible tous feux et passe mme au four.
Greenpan est vraiment une marque de confiance ! La qualit est l, le revtement est sain car en cramique, solide car avec des cristaux de diamants, la poigne est solidement attache et ne chauffe pas pendant la cuisson, le nettoyage se fait trs facilement surtout que rien n’accroche sur le revtement…!
Le fabricant recommande de la laver la main mme si la casserole passe au lave-vaisselle pour prolonger la dure de vie du revtement.
Elle fonctionne sur tous feux et j’ai n’ai aucun souci sur une vitrocramique !
Pour un prix vraiment modique, elle vient remplacer ma vieille casserole en Tflon, la plus petite de ma batterie de cuisine (diamtre 16 cm seulement) ce n’est pas la taille dont on se sert le plus souvent mais elle est bien pratique pour plein de petites choses.
La casserole tient bien main, elle est facile saisir et se lave d’un coup d’ponge.
Pour l’instant je ne lui ai trouv aucun dfaut.
Une casserole de petite taille qui supporte tous les feux.
Oui, l’induction est comprise.
La casserole est robuste, on l’a vite en main grce sa poigne en baklite.
Lors de la sortie du feu, celle-ci reste bien froide.
Les aliments cuisent parfaitement, il y a une bonne adhrence, la casserole ne colle pas.
Une casserole parfaite pour les sauces, mais pas seulement.
J’y ai mme cuit deux ufs sur le plat sans problme.
Passage au lave-vaisselle sans problme galement.
Toute la gamme est gniale ! Rien redire ! Impeccable avec l’induction. N’accroche pas. Que du bonheur avec cette marque. J’espre que sur la dure a va tenir. Je suis fan.
Trs bonne petite casserole de qualit. Je l’utilise sur un feu induction et a marche trs bien. Je m’attendais une casserole plus grande mais en fait 16 cm de diamtre correspond des quantits pour une ou deux personnes max.
Un petit prix pour des poles de qualit, dont j’apprcie surtout se revtement en cramique, qui semble trs suprieur au tflon d’une autre clbre marque.
Il a l’avantage aussi de rsister aux ustensiles mtal.
La finition est de bonne facture, et elle est tous feux dont induction.
que des bons points pour cette casserole:
– beau design
– lgre pour du matriel qui va sur induction : 620 gr
– fabrication en Belgique
– livre monte
– vraiment anti-adhsif: je l’ai test
– facile nettoyer: un coup d’ponge
– un trou au bout de la poigne: on peut suspendre la casserole
– monte rapide en temprature avec uniformit
– passe au lave-vaisselle
– le fond extrieur est facile nettoyer
– possible de mise au four 180 : test ok
– le prix impeccable surtout en ce moment en promo !
Une petite cassserole la queue fixe (a prend plus de place pour le rangement mais c’est plus rassurant et plus joli esthtiquement) avec un revtement en cramique anti-adhsif qui change du Teflon et s’avre normalement plus naturel, plus sain et plus rsistant aux petites agressions.
La qualit est trs bonne apparemment mme si seul le temps et des utilisations rptes nous donneront la certitude que cette casserole est faite pour dure
Ds qu’on prend cette casserole en mains on sent qu’on a affaire de la qualit. Le manche est lourd et ne donne pas l’impression de vouloir lcher ou tourner quand on prend la casserole remplis de liquide chaud. Le revtement anti-adhsif, condition de respecter les conseils d’utilisation, permet de faire des crmes, de faire bouillir du lait, de faire des sauces genre bchamel sans avoir gratter n’en plus finir pour nettoyer. De l’eau, une spatule pour dcoller ce qui est sur les parois et la casserole est propre et prte un nouvel emploi. J’adore et recommande ce genre de produit.
A part le prix, c’est une casserole qui a tout pour plaire.
Elle associe deux matriaux pour en tirer l’avantage de chacun:
– la cramique pour les proprits anti-adhrentes clean (vs le tflon)
– l’aluminium pour le poids et la versatilit (pour compenser la fragilit et le poids de la cramique)
Les dimensions sont ideales pour une sauce ou un plat solo.
//petit retour aprs plusieurs annes d’utilisation fvrier 2021:
Casserole Russe homogne et versatile: elle russit tout merveille grce une paisseur et un matriau qui conduit la chaleur de faon matrisable.
Que ce soit pour chauffer ou r-chaufer, bouillir ou frire, la cuisson est trs maitrisable.
facilement lavable en plus (par rapport aux inox) c’est un rgal
Plus seine (dans la thorie) que le tflon.
Le systme anti-adhsif est efficace.
Elle fait son poids et le temps de chauffe est acceptable.
Le seul bmol est que j’ai perdu l’habitude des casseroles avec des poignes fixes qu’on ne peut pas dtacher. Dans l’utilisation ce n’est pas gnant mais c’est surtout dans le stockage.
Le prix (17 lors de la rdaction de ce commentaire) rend le produit super accessible.
Bon produit.
Voici une casserole pour tout feux dont induction. Elle n’est pas trs lourde. Elle chauffe bien, n’accroche pas et se lave trs facilement.
Je suis ravie de ce produit.
De conception robuste, elle ne cherche pas se dmarquer par une ergonomie particulire, non l, on est dans le classique par contre elle fait la diffrence par son revtement en cramique qui est sain, et a c’est le trs bon point.
La poigne reste froide et sa prhension est confortable y compris pour les personnes qui comme moi ont mal aux mains.
Sur une vitrocramique rcente, sa monte en temprature est rapide et homogne donc c’est parfait.
Elle est facile nettoyer la main mais elle passe aussi au L.V pour les inconditionnels de ce type de lavage.
Enfin elle est garantie 5 ans, passe sur tous les feux et peut tre mise au four 180 maximum, point pratique quand on veut maintenir une prparation au chaud le temps d’en terminer une autre.
A 16.99 le rapport qualit prix est donc correct.
Alors s’offrir sans hsitation pour s’quiper en matriel de cuisson sain et durable. A bon entendeur, bonne cuisine tous :-))
Lourde mais pas trop, on l’a tout de suite bien en main.
Ralise en aluminium forg, elle donne d’ excellents rsultats de cuisson.
Elle assure une rpartition homogne de la chaleur.
Grce sa technologie ” magnto “, elle a un fond conomie d’nergie, pour tous les feux induction… et les autres…
Son revtement antiadhsif sain est en cramique INFINITY, renforc avec des diamants ( la classe ! )
Contrairement au Tflon, il ne craint pas les ustensiles mtalliques !
C’est pratique et beaucoup plus rconfortant.
Jusqu’ aujourd’hui, je l’ai utilise pour diffrentes occasions,
et les aliments mme bien cuits, ne s’accrochent pas,
mais glissent, c’est impressionnant !
Il est recommand avant usage de ” graisser ” le fond de la casserole d’une noisette de beurre ou d’une goutte d’huile,
PAS extra – vierge NI en spray,celles – ci ne rsistent pas aux fortes tempratures.
Son intrieur noir constell de mille mini – paillettes, semble des plus rsistants
+++ Sa poigne ( ergonomique ) reste froide
+++ Son bord anti-goutte permet de verser sans en mettre ct !
Elle passe au lave – vaisselle, mais pour prolonger la vie de son revtement ( elle n’est jamais bien sale )
il est conseill de la laver la main, avec une ponge ( pas de tampon rcurrant )
Et voici une bonne nouvelle pour la fin,
Elle est fabrique en Belgique !!!
Je trouve que le prix demand pour cet ustensile de cuisson est trs raisonnable,
mme sans la promo, au regard de sa grande qualit !
Commenons par le revtement en cramique, c’est un vrai bonheur lorsque vous versez le contenu de la casserole avec de la sauce, car tout glisse naturellement. J’ai dit en rigolant ” je peux la ranger directement dans le placard” tellement elle est propre.
De plus, la cramique m’inspire plus au niveau sant que les autres revtements.
Cot chauffe, j’utilise du radiant et de l’halogne, pas de soucis, a chauffe parfaitement et rapidement, de plus a reste chaud un certain temps.
L’ustensile est relativement lger.
Ca peut passer en lave vaisselle, mais notez que le fabricant recommande de laver la main pour la longvit du revtement.
Un produit agrable utiliser donc, reste voir la longvit du revtement dans le temps.
Mon impression a t galement excellente pour ce qui concerne la rpartition de la chaleur qui, sur plaque induction, se diffuse parfaitement sur l’ensemble de la surface de la casserole. J’ai trouv que cet effet s’opre au dtriment d’une monte en temprature rapide mais c’est un avantage lorsqu’on veut une cuisson homogne pour saisir autant que pour mijoter.
La poigne en synthtique faon baklite reste froide et je ne n’ai ressenti aucune chaleur l’usage.
La qualit du revtement intrieur est satisfaisante, semble bien rsistante et trs glissante.
Bien pratique pour faire une bchamel, chauffer de l’eau pour le th ou pour les petites quantits.
Comme les autres casseroles avec le revtement antiadhsif il faut bannir le lave-vaisselle et les tampons qui grattent trop fort, c’est ce prix qu’on les garde longtemps. Il n’y a pas de couvercle associ, c’est dommage.
Je ne connaissais pas cette marque, cette casserole est trs bien, c’est un bon produit.
C’est le genre de petite casserole que je trouve parfaite.
Elle est anti-adherante et permet d’viter que a colle.
Moi je l’ai utilis sur le’ gaze, mais elle peut aussi servir sur l’indiction.
Elle est bien quilibr .
Par contre si elle est bien rempli, elle peut devenir un peu lourde.
L’intrieur de la casserole est de la cramique et a ne serait pas toxique. Bon point .
Bonne casserole qui convient tous les feux MME L’INDUCTION.
Le fond est conu pour coller parfaitement l’induction,
ce qui permet un gain de chaleur.
Revtement anti adhsif en cramique.
Poigne froide.
Bon look.
We moved house in 2017 and the new house came with an induction stove, which required new pans. We already had one set from Ikea, but we use the hob quite a lot, so we needed more pans. It took some careful reading of the product blurb to ascertain that these are suitable for induction hobs (they are).
There are three pans of different sizes, but the set is slightly smaller than the Ikea one — the largest of these is about the size of the medium Ikea one. I wouldn’t say that they were small though. Since there’s only two of us, and we have bigger pots and pans if needed, this isn’t a problem for us, anyway.
The Ikea ones are also bare metal, whereas these have a non-stick coating. It’s not like some of the much cheaper coatings that I’ve had in the past, that start coming off almost the first time you use it. We’ve had these about 5 months now and there’s no sign of wear on them as yet. It does mean being a bit careful with them, both when cooking (with utensils) and washing (with scouring pads). It says in the product blurb that the durable coating should be metal utensil safe, but we haven’t really tested this — it’s better to be safe than sorry and most of our utensils are wood or plastic anyway.
It’s also worth mentioning though that the instructions say not to use extra virgin olive oil with them for some reason. I don’t know exactly why not, but since we do use a bit of that in cooking, we use the other pans for that. Since my girlfriend does most of the cooking, I asked her which set of pans she prefers — out of these and the Ikea ones — and she said she couldn’t pick, as she uses different pans for different things. These ones are better for things like rice or pasta as the non-stick coating is pretty effective.
The lids fit well. My girlfriend remarked on the fact that she can carry the pan with lid on but without holding the lid or worrying about it falling off. That’s a plus. They’re not ventilated, like some saucepan lids though, which can lead to things boiling over if you’re not careful. The handles on the lids are plastic, so they don’t get too hot, which makes them good for draining water off.
Overall, we’ve been very happy with their performance. They cook well and clean easily. They are expensive (RRP currently 105) but they should last us a good while, which makes cheaper pans a false economy.
I love to cook and I frequently find that I don’t have enough of the right size sauce pans when buying a single set. This provides one of each of the most commonly used sizes, so is perfect for expaning my current set of pans, which are professional quaility, so I didn’t want to augment them with cheap pans. These pans stand up quite well to my professional pans, in terms of quailty. The handles stay cool, unlike the steel handles on my other cookware, so I find myself reaching for these first. Oven safe up to 180, so very versatile, and induction hob friendly, which is great as I have a mini induction hob from Ikea that I frequently use to expand my cooking area. Unlike my set of pro pans, these are dishwasher safe, which I love for the convenience. The pans cook very well, with even heat distribution and the quality nonstick coating is faultless. An excellent set of pans indeed, highly recommended.
This set of GreenPan ceramic non-stick saucepans is the first set of non-stick saucepans I’ve ever owned. I have a frying pan and wok that are non-stick, but having grown up near a Bodum area headquarters, the pans I bought to start myself off at university were a vastly reduced set of heavy-based stainless steel pans. Quite a lot of years later, these pans are still going strong, so I’ve never needed to replace them. As good as they are, my trusty pans are ridiculously slow on our electric hob, and have never been non-stick, so I couldn’t resist trying this GreenPan set when the opportunity was offered.
These GreenPan Cambridge pans are well made, and smart-looking with a matt-black finish. They’re solidly built, but notably lighter than my old, solid lumps of metal. The plastic handles have a comfortable, and reassuringly substantial grip, and as a whole the pans have a nice balance when held. The pan lids are edged in shiny metal, whilst the edge at the top of the pans is brushed metal. The plastic handles for the lids have an oval, easy-grip shape.
The pans heat quite quickly – even on a slow, traditional halogen hob – and seem to distribute heat quite evenly. They are suitable for other hob types, including gas and induction hobs. The non-stick surface is a joy to cook with, allowing me to cook with non/minimal oil. I’ve been using these every day for a month, including dishwashing, and am very impressed indeed.
Saucepans are pretty boring things but are very useful in the kitchen if you want dinner on the table. But not any old saucepan, as you don’t want the handle coming away. No, you want something that’s going to last, as anything else is a false economy. But what to consider?
Green Pan use something called Induction Technology, these are really solid. The handles have a good grip and won’t fall off, whilst the lids have an unusual shaped handle that is also firm to hold. That Induction Technology means you don’t need to have the heat up as high, as it distributes that heat more efficiently. Strangely, it says not to use Extra Virgin Olive Oil or spray oil due to the coating used. No one will find that a problem.
It might be a weird thing to say about a set of saucepans, but these are easy on the eye. Aesthetically pleasing if you will. Not that he’ll be using them much. He has to find where the kitchen is first. Three sizes of 20cm, 18cm and 16cm to suit all uses. Expensive? Yes. Good quality? Undoubtedly.
On opening this set it is easy to see that these pans are built to last. The build quality is superb, the finish is top notch, and the non-stick coating is designed to withstand wear and tear.
The three pans sizes are ideal for every possible cooking task, and the pan lids are a welcome addition for reducing sauces, and also reducing mess on the stove top!
The only thing that is worth flagging up is that the pans are reasonably heavy, not cast iron heavy, but bulkier than your average pan. This is due to the quality of the metal, the handles, and overall finish of the pans – they are not flimsy. Perfect to rugged kitchen use, but not ideal for older relatives, so this is just something to keep in mind.
These pans look great from the moment you open the box. It’s obvious that they’ve been made as a quality item.
More importantly, the ceramic coating means that these heat well and spread the heat evenly, you should technically be able to use metal implements with them, so the instructions say, but I don’t want to risk it.
The 3 piece set comes with 3 different size saucepans, all with glass lids that have plastic handles on top that don’t get as hot as our last set of saucepans did. The main handle is pretty good at keeping fairly cool as well, good news after some terrible pans I’ve had that have been too hot to hold after a while.
The only thing I wasn’t so keen on was the restrictions on what could be used as a coating for cooking; no Extra Virgin Olive Oil and no Spray oil. I believe standard Olive Oil is fine, though, so it may be due to the optimal temperature for the oil being lower.
In use these are great, heating food evenly and the surface seems intact and works well for cleaning as well after several meals. A good set, just be aware of the restrictions to cooking.
Each pan is made of a good quality material and they are heavy which should be considered when purchasing as I know some people do find it hard lifting filled pans from the cooker.
The ceramic coating can be delicate which should be considered, I like the fact the food glides of it even if using very little oil. I do love the fact the pan spreads the heat evenly which allows the food to cook quickly. The base of each pan is made from an extra thick forged base as well as the ceramic coating being enriched with diamonds which will add to the quality and life of the actual pans. The coating is extremely durable and the company states you are able to use metal utensils though personally, I would not be heavy-handed as I would be worried about chipping the actual ceramic coating that is my own personal thought.
Each pan is provided with a tight-fitting lid which I do like as it will help prevent any leakage of liquids on to the hot hob.
GreenPan Cambridge Ceramic Non-Stick Saucepans are a trio of three excellent and very handy saucepans which provide first-class cooking.
Happy to recommend.
Comfortable to hold when in use, with a decent weight and solidity and they look to be very durable and I am sure that they will last. They are deep and therefore have a good capacity. The glass lids let you see what is going on in the pan and they do a very good non-stick performance.
There are instructions included, which my wife thought quite interesting, especially the advice not to drop them! The pans ‘do not like’ certain products, which I found slightly baffling (as shouldn’t a pan be able to work with different types of oil equally easily?), but my wife nodded sagely at the instructions. Well, she knows more about pans than I do.
Easy to clean after use. They have come up like like new, so far. A lovely, quality product.
Green Pan set of three saucepans, ceramic and non stick.
These three saucepans measure 20, 18 and 16cms, a good range of sizes that would be enough for all everyday cooking. They are deep as well so will hold a lot of food and water. I didn’t find the handles very comfortable to hold, they didn’t sit easily in my hand but the handles on the lids are oval with a lip that makes them able to be gripped easily. The lids are glass which makes it easy to see what is going on in the pan, for instance when something is going to boil over. They feel solid and dependable. It is worth reading the leaflet, something I don’t always do, for information that you might need as they are different to other types of pans eg, knowing the types of oil you can use would help the care and cleaning of the pans. Food heated quickly and because the coating is so smooth it moved around easily making it quick to cook. I’ve had a different type of Green Pan before which I love and these are going to be just as good. It makes cooking a pleasure when you have good equipment.
Let’s say it upfront. These are great. They’re well-balanced, solidly constructed without being over heavy, easy to clean and have clear lids (which we’ve never had before in our house!). time will tell if anything works slack (I repeatedly have to tighten the handles on our previous pans) but we’re sold on these. In particular it’s good that the non-stick surface resists metal tools – we won’t deliberately use them, but if you forget it’s not catastrophic.
I would only tend to use a low calorie spraying oil in a frying pan and as these are saucepans that won’t be an issue, but it’s worth being aware of (and making sure anyone else likely to cook with them knows!).
I only tend to use wooden spoons in saucepans but I did use a metal potato masher to mash carrot and swede together and am disappointed that the ‘Metal Utensil Safe’ claim, didn’t hold up (see photograph) and have deleted a star for this reason.
Price wise these are more than I would spend on (a set of three) pans but the quality is good (IF you don’t use a masher!!) so you might feel it is worth splashing out if you can afford it.
These are fab. They’ve been used several times already and washed through the dishwasher. I use oil sprays but the manual says not to so I haven’t used them as much as we could have because there’s not a lot of cooking where I’d use butter or oil. I use gas and haven’t need to have a high heat which is nice. The coating is ideal on the pans and you can also use metal spoons instead of just wooden ones. They’re pricey but my 5 star rating has nothing to do with the cost of them rather than how I’ve found them to use so far. As for the price, I don’t know if the cost of the special coating has anything to do with it or not but they are expensive. Time will tell if a high cost leads to better quality.
Sehr hochwertiges Erscheinungsbild. Sehr guter Kontakt zum Herd, da wackelt nichts! Haltbarkeit ist noch nicht zu beurteilen. Bisher ist keine Abnutzung jeglicher Art zu sehen.
This set of non stick saucepans work really well. The non stick is excellent and the food glides off when you wash them. They look good too.
Consistent quality from Greenpan – these are not my first bits from them – and the company is one of my top favourite manufacturers of kitchenware.
They look good. They handle well: sturdy with ergonomic handles (although different size hands might have a different experience of course).
I use on a gas hob (but these work on any) and I prefer to cook on low heat .
I don’t use a spray (and the instructions say not to) as I prefer to melt a knob of butter and add oil (and not extra virgin olive oil,which can’t take high heat should I turn the gas up) and I need so much less with these pans as they truly are non-stick – so the fats are for flavour not slipperness. Scrambled egg (which I used to do in a ban marie), are easy in these as, should any be left in the pan, it cleans so easy. Same goes for heating milk.
They are dishwasher proof but I prefer to handwash for a couple of reasons – 1 pans take up room and I can get more crockery in without them, and 2, I think dishwashers can be abrasive, both with movement under jet force causing chafing, and chemicals in the detergent.
With care, these pans should last for ages.
The pans themselves are really nice. The aluminium is a decent thickness and they feel solid and weighty without being difficult to lift. The pans are black with a shiny, visible, aluminium ring as the rim. Handles are not the best shaped I’ve ever owned and feel a little wider than necessary for comfort. However, they are solid and have an accessible screw fixing should they ever work loose and need tightening a touch. While the sides are smooth the bottoms have a rough hammerite-like finish.
The lids are glass, with a shallow rim, and well-shaped handle giving a good grip. They fit nicely, but have a little play so steam can get out ok.
In use, I’m quite happy with them. Easy to use and clean, the ceramic non-stick surface is nicely non-stick. Good set of pans without the release of aluminium or Tefal toxins.
These Green Pans are expensive but are worth every penny. The non-stick is ceramic and does not flake like other non-stick coated pans that can deposit bits in food or in the stomach.
The health benefits are reflected in the price of these pans and I reckon that they are a fair price. The pans themselves are sturdy, well-made, heat evenly and are very easy to clean. I recommend them as a really good buy