HEIMAN Wireless Interconnected Smoke Alarm Detector with Over 492 ft Transmission Range Wireless Interlinkable Fire Alarm With Replaceable Battery-Operated, EN14604/CE Standard(3 Pcs)

633PHW Wireless Interconnected Smoke Alarm633PHW smoke alarmsmoke alarmsmoke alarmheiman
Why choose HEIMAN home protection equipment?

HEIMAN Technology was founded in 2005 and has more than 10 years of experience in the security sector and is professional in the field of smoke detectors. Our smoke detectors are more advanced and professional and offer you more secure protection.

Technical Specifications:

  • Operating: Voltage DC 3V Battery: CR123A / CR17335 Lithium Battery
  • Built-in battery life: 10 years
  • Frequency: EN: 433.92MHz,868.42MHz
  • Operating temperature: 0℃~+50℃
  • Networking distance: Up to 150m between any two interconnected smoke alarms(in open area).
  • Inter-connecting: Maximum interconnectable quantity is 40 units

  • Package Contens:
  • 3 * 633PHW Smoke alarm
  • 3 * Mounting bracket
  • 6 * Screw
  • 6 * Anchor plug
  • 1 * User manual

Weight: 500 g
Size: One size
Dimensions: 12 x 12 x 5 cm; 500 Grams
Model: 633PH
Part: 633PHW
Colour: 3pcs
Batteries Required: Yes
Batteries Included: Lithium
Manufacture: HEIMAN
Colour: 3pcs
Dimensions: 12 x 12 x 5 cm; 500 Grams
Size: One size

286 Responses

  1. YODLuisalej says:

     Italy 🇮🇹

    Il prodotto contiene tre rilevatori di fumo, sostanzialmente gi pronti per essere utilizzati, infatti posseggono gi all’interno le batterie. Le batterie da istruzioni dovrebbero in teoria durare per 9-10 anni. In pi nella confezione troverete un libretto di istruzioni (anche in italiano) con tutte le caratteristiche del prodotto le istruzioni per istallarlo.
    Essendo praticamente gi pronti all’uso, dovrete semplicemente posizionare i 3 rilevatori nei punti strategici dell’ambiente che intendete controllare.

    Il funzionamento di questi dispositivi in realt molto semplice, se i dispositivi rilevano la presenza di fumo, si attiva un dispositivo led e un allarme di ben 85 db e per disattivarlo bisogna premere un piccolo pulsante di reset.
    Tutti e tre i sensori sono connessi fra di loro, infatti bisogna utilizzare lo stesso ID, l’impianto pu essere esteso fino a 40 dispositivi, e una volta che scatta l’allarme su uno, si estende anche a tutti gli altri.
    In sostanza un prodotto che, dato anche il prezzo irrisorio, pu rendere la vostra abitazione o i vostri locali commerciali molto pi sicuri.

    Ottimo impianto di rilevazione! Estensibile fino a 40 dispositivi

  2. Anonymous says:

     Italy 🇮🇹

    Ho scelto questo rilevatore di fumo per avere una maggiore sicurezza nel mio appartamento. La confezione ne contempla tre connessi tra loro in modalit wireless.
    Ognuno di essi alimentato da una pila a 3V offerta in dotazione che dovrebbe durare circa 10 anni, cosi come dichiarato dall’azienda che li commercializza.

    presente un manuale d’istruzioni in italiano che indica in maniera abbastanza chiara e comprensibile il posizionamento di ciascun apparecchio.
    L’installazione viene fatta a soffitto oppure a parete tramite dei fischer, anch’essi gi offerti nella confezione. Sistemarli uno per ogni stanza la cosa ideale.

    Quando vengono fissati bisogna osservare che un led lampeggi dopo ogni frazione di tempo.
    In caso di allarme, la sirena emette un suono potente di circa 90 db.

    Purtroppo non essendo un dispositivo domotico, non invier alcuna notifica allo smartphone, pertanto, se si lontani da casa, non saremo allertati sul pericolo imminente, a meno che i nostri vicini udendo il suono delle tre sirene, svolgano tale funzione.

    I 90 db infatti bisogner moltiplicarli per i tre rilevatori, essendo collegati tra loro in modalit wireless. che suoneranno in contemporanea in caso di evento
    Dalle prove effettuate abbiamo rilevato il suo buon funzionamento ed per questo che ne consigliamo l’acquisto nonostante le limitazioni.

  3. Anonymous says:

     Italy 🇮🇹

    Prezzo alla data recensione: 59,99

    Prodotto di altissima qualit sia costruttiva che funzionale. Ottima la funzione di interconnessione senza fili (da configurare tramite leve sottostanti) che pu arrivare fino a 150m in linea d’aria.

    Prodotti dotati di falso allarme in grado di disattivare falsi allarmi per 15 minuti.

    Fate molta attenzione a dove lo posizionate, leggendo il manuale infatti facile capire subito che la sua installazione (luogo) non cosi facile come si pensi, infatti ci sono alcuni fattori, come l’umidit, che possono innescare falsi allarmi molto fastidiosi.

    La funzione di interconnessione permette di allarmare tutti e tre i prodotti facendo capire, visivamente, da quale allarme arriva il segnale. In pratica se a suonare non il prodotto vicino a voi questo emetter un segnale di bip veloci ma SENZA il lampeggio del Led rosso, SOLO il prodotto che ha rilevato il pericolo avr il led che lampeggia velocemente.

    Si ricorda che bene tesare gli allarmi una volta al mese per sicurezza.

    Il prodotto di qualit e la marca una garanzia infatti Heiman si un’azienda Cinese ma specializzata principalmente sui dispositivi di sicurezza domestica (basta cercare sul web). Personalmente possiedo gi un loro prodotto (rilevatore di monossido di carbonio in cucina) e devo dire che mi trovo benissimo, mai un falso allarme ed perfettamente funzionante (con test mensile).

    Si, consiglio il prodotto ma se avete la possibilit prendete direttamente la versione da 5 pezzi (non si risparmia) per una maggiore copertura anche nelle camere da letto.

  4. Anonymous says:


    Questo dispositivo di sicurezza, viene spedito in uno scatolo ben protetto da urti accidentali, essendo un dispositivo molto delicato e con una tecnologia particolarmente sensibile.

    Questo rivelatore di fumo intelligente, come gi si evince dal suo nome, un dispositivo di sicurezza e nella confezione troviamo:
    il rivelatore di fumo, gi con due batteria da 3V
    il supporto da muro
    due viti e tasselli
    Il tutto per tutti e tre i rilevatori contenuti nello scatolo
    manuale di istruzioni.

    Il rivelatore davvero semplice da installare, infatti servir oltre quello che gi presente nella confezione, servir un trapano una matita e una scala per poterlo fissare in altezza.
    Una volta procuratosi tutto, si passa al fissare con le viti e tasselli la parte del supporto, una volta fatto si accoppia il corpo del rivelatore di fumo, lo si posa sopra, facendo entrare nello scasso del rivelatore la parte plastica che sporge dal supporto, una volta fatto si ruota in senso orario il rivelatore per bloccarlo e accenderlo, proprio quel parte plastica lo attiva.
    Vedremo un led che lampeggia e che indica che in rivelatore e pronto a proteggere l dove posizionato.
    L’installazione deve essere fatta con dei criteri indicati nel manuale di istruzioni, infatti per evitare accensioni accidentali, ci sono degli accorgimenti da tenere presente.
    Innanzitutto meglio evitare cucine, bagni o garage, proprio perch ci sono fumi o vapori che potrebbero far scattare l’allarme.
    Se si decide di installare il rivelatore sul soffitto, si deve almeno allontanarsi dai muri perimetrali di 50 cm, o nel caso non si possa sul soffitto, si pu installare su muro e a minimo 20 cm dal solaio.
    Dopo aver fatto tutto questo, il rivelatore di fumo gi pronto a proteggere la stanza o casa da incendi, pu coprire una stanza di ben 50 metri quadri, quindi meglio se si installano pi rivelatore nell’abitazione.
    Il suo allarme di ben 85 decibel un sono che non pu non essere sentito sia dentro che fuori casa, quindi gli aiuti possono anche essere dati da persone non presenti in casa.
    Questo particolare rivelatore ha anche una connessione wifi, per interconnettere i tre rivelatori, possono essere un massimo di 40 interconnessi tra loro, e possono interagire tra loro ad una distanza massima di 150 metri senza ostacoli, altrimenti la distanza si accorcer notevolmente, questa connessione servir nel caso uno scatti e saranno tutti a suonare per avvisare del pericolo ovunque, in tutta la casa.
    Per finire le batterie indicate all’inizio nell’elenco, sono da 3 Volt e hanno una durata di ben dieci anni dati dalla casa costruttrice, quindi non solo un prodotto di tutto rispetto ma anche una durata lunga per delle batterie, questo sta anche ad indicare che se non ci dovesse essere corrente elettrica, questo rivelatore non si spegner e durer per tanto tempo.
    La durata comunque pu essere controllata dal diverso lampeggio del led posto sopra.

    Che dire un dispositivo che pu dare sicurezza e tranquillit a chi abita in una casa dove presente molto legno, non solo per i mobili, ma per il solaio e soppalco.

    Un dispositivo utile alla nostra sicurezza

  5. DominicChamberl says:

     Italy 🇮🇹

    I sensori di fumo sono tra quei dispositivi che si installano ma si spera di non vederli mai in funzione.
    Ad ogni modo costruttivamente questi sensori lo ho trovati validi, ma quello che li differenzia da prodotti analoghi che questi sono (a propria scelta) interconnessi tra di loro (fino a 40 unit), quindi quando uno dei tre sensori rileva del fumo, tutti e tre emetteranno degli avvisi acustici.
    L’avviso acustico emesso da questi rilevatori veramente forte e fastidioso, di fatto udibili anche a grande distanza. I sensori per poter essere interconnessi tra di loro devono essere ad un range massimo di 150 metri.
    Un altro fattore positivo, non da poco, che su questi sensori la batteria si pu sostituire. Bisogna per verificarne l’effettiva durata perch da quanto ho capito dalle istruzioni (che in alcuni punti non sono proprio chiare causa traduzione dal cinese) la durata della batteria normale di 10 anni, ma se i dispositivi sono interconnessi tra di loro, la durata solo di un anno. La batteria contenuta una cr123A (o CR17345) quindi facilmente reperibili sul mercato a prezzi contenuti.
    Ad ogni modo l’installazione semplice ed i tasselli volendo sono forniti all’interno della confezione.
    Sulla parte posteriore del sensore presente una linguetta da rimuovere ed un selettore da spostare per farli effettivamente operare. Inoltre presente una piccola morsettiera per sintonizzare i vari dispositivi tra di loro (ovvero quelli che devono interconnettersi tra di loro devono essere tutti impostati sullo stesso canale, a scelta tra i 16 disponibili).
    Personalmente credo che un sensore di fumo sia sempre importante, ma questi sono pi utilizzabili in un ufficio che in una casa con stufa a legna o pellet, poich rilevano solo fumo (grazie al sensore fotoelettrico) e non del monossido di carbonio.
    Nel complesso comunque sono ottimi, soprattutto per il fatto di interconnettersi e coprire diversi locali.
    Il prezzo di 60 euro per i tre sensori lo vedo in linea con la loro qualit e li consiglio.

    Sensori interconnessi tra loro, non rilevano però monossido

  6. Anonymous says:


    Prodotto decisamente interessante da installare all’interno di casa per evitare brutte sorprese.
    Personalmente ritengo che questi strumenti siano incredibilmente utili quando si sta dormendo e di conseguenza quando si pi vulnerabili in caso di un incendio.
    I tre sensori sono collegabili in maniera tale che se uno dovesse rilevare un incendio o comunque del fumo tutti i sensori suoneranno.
    Importante considerazione che le batterie non sono intercambiabili ma che sono garantite per una durata di 10 anni.
    Non ci sono display ad indicare il corretto funzionamento dei dispositivi ma una spia rossa che lampeggia ogni 53 secondi.
    L’installazione semplicissima, anche se mi sento di consigliare di fare un test prima di fissare definitivamente tutti i sensori, cos da verificarne il corretto collegamento in caso di evento.
    Ve lo dico perch nel mio caso un sensore era troppo coperto da pareti in cemento armato e ho dovuto posizionarlo una seconda volta.
    Per quanto riguarda il prezzo direi che sono leggermente cari, anche se sembrano di ottima qualit.
    E’ inoltre possibile collegare molti altri sensori oltre a questi tre, quindi se si vuole mettere in sicurezza pi stanze e collegare tutti i sensori possibile farlo (io ho messo un sensore per piano.

  7. CathleeCothran says:


    Set di tre rilevatori di fumo ad attivazione con sensore elettrico. Questi rilevatori si attivano emettendo un forte cicalino di allarme in caso di fumo persistente che va a colpire il sensore racchiuso all’interno della struttura e protetto da una rete metallica antintrusione insetti.

    I rilevatori possono funzionare singolarmente e autonomamente oppure dialogare fra di loro attivandosi in caso di fumo anche in una singola stanza: nel momento in cui c’ fumo in una stanza e suona un rilevatore, attraverso la comunicazione wireless, il sistema di un rilevatore invia il segnale di allarme anche agli altri due che inizieranno a suonare. Tacitando un rilevatore si spengono le sirene anche degli altri.
    possibile collegare fino a 40 rilevatori; nella parte interna vi un dispositivo a cavalieri (deep switch) che va settato per permettere la comunicazione simultanea; inoltre bisogna tirare la linguetta gialla per fare attivare l’alimentazione della batteria supplementare per la comunicazione wireless.

    Il funzionamento molto intuitivo, il fissaggio a muro avviene attraverso la basetta circolare fornita in dotazione a ciascun rilevatore, dove poi viene avvitato, con rotazione a 90, il rilevatore.

    – I rilevatori non hanno una sensibilit immediata; occorre che il fumo sia persistente e duraturo prima che inizi a suonare. la batteria interna non sostituibile ed garantita per 10 anni.
    – non ci sono display ma un’unica luce LED rossa che lampeggia ogni 53 secondi per indicare lo stato di funzionamento
    – La sirena molto forte ed udibile anche nelle altre stanze.

    – installate i rilevatori a soffitto, con montaggio parallelo alla superficie; meglio se al centro di una stanza.
    – non installate i rilevatori in zone con forti turbolenze o in corrispondenza di anfratti o chiusure; potrebbero non svolgere correttamente il loro lavoro.
    – se dovete installarli in una casa con pi piani, prima di fissarli al muro, assicuratevi che ci sia comunicazione fra i vari sensori in quanto le murature potrebbero limitare la portata del wireless

    Prezzo un po’ altino rispetto alla media ma la qualit pi che soddisfacente

    Forte sirena, sensibilità discreta, comunicazione fra dispositivi

  8. MyrtleBrodzky says:


    Golden Review Award: 2 From Our UsersDie Rauchmelder tun, was sie sollen. Langzeiterfahrung mit Batterie bleibt abzuwarten.
    Von der Abmessung sind die Rauchmelder ungewhnlich gro, aber man gewhn sich daran.

  9. StephenHedge says:


    Die vernetzten Rauschmelder funktionierten nach Installation sofort.
    Leider ist die Bedienungsanleitung schlechter als eine Google- bersetzung! Sorry, als Distributor solcher Artikel sollte man schon eine Bedienungsanleitung einmal lesen und korrigieren und nicht auf Deutschkenntnisse in China vertrauen. So ist z.B. die Rede von Akkus, eingesetzt sind aber Batterien…
    Ich habe diese Rauschmelder eingesetzt, da in der Garage ein E-Fahrzeug steht und geladen wird. Sollte etwas passieren, wrde ich dies im Hause warscheinlich nicht mitbekommen, so habe ich im Haus in beiden Etagen diese melder.

  10. EddyBorchgrevin says:


    ich habe in meinem Dachgeschoss und Garage jeweils eine kleine Werkstatt eingerichtet und um den Faktor Zeit zu gewinnen, im Falle der Rauchmelder schlgt im oberen Stockwerk oder Garage Alarm, knnte es sein dass der ausgelste “nicht” oder sehr spt gehrt wird , da nun 3 Melder im Haus vernetzt sind ,schlagen alle 3 Alarm und es ist die Warscheinlichkeit gegeben dass die Reaktionszeit sehr gering ausfllt und mehr Zeit zum Handeln vorhanden ist…..

  11. JanieQoxfikln says:


    ich habe in meinem Dachgeschoss und Garage jeweils eine kleine Werkstatt eingerichtet und um den Faktor Zeit zu gewinnen, im Falle der Rauchmelder schlgt im oberen Stockwerk oder Garage Alarm, knnte es sein dass der ausgelste “nicht” oder sehr spt gehrt wird , da nun 3 Melder im Haus vernetzt sind ,schlagen alle 3 Alarm und es ist die Warscheinlichkeit gegeben dass die Reaktionszeit sehr gering ausfllt und mehr Zeit zum Handeln vorhanden ist…..

  12. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 110 From Our UsersPurchased two of these and they paired without any problem. I did find that on one occasion when testing the other one didn’t sound it’s alarm but on all other occasions it’s worked fine. Good value produc

  13. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 110 From Our UsersPurchased two of these and they paired without any problem. I did find that on one occasion when testing the other one didn’t sound it’s alarm but on all other occasions it’s worked fine. Good value produc

  14. Heather M says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 110 From Our UsersPurchased two of these and they paired without any problem. I did find that on one occasion when testing the other one didn’t sound it’s alarm but on all other occasions it’s worked fine. Good value produc

  15. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 110 From Our UsersPurchased two of these and they paired without any problem. I did find that on one occasion when testing the other one didn’t sound it’s alarm but on all other occasions it’s worked fine. Good value produc

  16. LucretiaChisolm says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 110 From Our UsersPurchased two of these and they paired without any problem. I did find that on one occasion when testing the other one didn’t sound it’s alarm but on all other occasions it’s worked fine. Good value produc

  17. SamGilmersfbqta says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 110 From Our UsersPurchased two of these and they paired without any problem. I did find that on one occasion when testing the other one didn’t sound it’s alarm but on all other occasions it’s worked fine. Good value produc

  18. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 110 From Our UsersPurchased two of these and they paired without any problem. I did find that on one occasion when testing the other one didn’t sound it’s alarm but on all other occasions it’s worked fine. Good value produc

  19. ONJCarissa says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 110 From Our UsersPurchased two of these and they paired without any problem. I did find that on one occasion when testing the other one didn’t sound it’s alarm but on all other occasions it’s worked fine. Good value produc

  20. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 110 From Our UsersPurchased two of these and they paired without any problem. I did find that on one occasion when testing the other one didn’t sound it’s alarm but on all other occasions it’s worked fine. Good value produc

  21. MarilynT20 says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 110 From Our UsersPurchased two of these and they paired without any problem. I did find that on one occasion when testing the other one didn’t sound it’s alarm but on all other occasions it’s worked fine. Good value produc

  22. ShanaHamel says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 110 From Our UsersPurchased two of these and they paired without any problem. I did find that on one occasion when testing the other one didn’t sound it’s alarm but on all other occasions it’s worked fine. Good value produc

  23. MuoiBerger says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 110 From Our UsersPurchased two of these and they paired without any problem. I did find that on one occasion when testing the other one didn’t sound it’s alarm but on all other occasions it’s worked fine. Good value produc

  24. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 110 From Our UsersPurchased two of these and they paired without any problem. I did find that on one occasion when testing the other one didn’t sound it’s alarm but on all other occasions it’s worked fine. Good value produc

  25. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 110 From Our UsersPurchased two of these and they paired without any problem. I did find that on one occasion when testing the other one didn’t sound it’s alarm but on all other occasions it’s worked fine. Good value produc

  26. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 110 From Our UsersPurchased two of these and they paired without any problem. I did find that on one occasion when testing the other one didn’t sound it’s alarm but on all other occasions it’s worked fine. Good value produc

  27. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 110 From Our UsersPurchased two of these and they paired without any problem. I did find that on one occasion when testing the other one didn’t sound it’s alarm but on all other occasions it’s worked fine. Good value produc

  28. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 110 From Our UsersPurchased two of these and they paired without any problem. I did find that on one occasion when testing the other one didn’t sound it’s alarm but on all other occasions it’s worked fine. Good value produc

  29. MargaritoDowlin says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 110 From Our UsersPurchased two of these and they paired without any problem. I did find that on one occasion when testing the other one didn’t sound it’s alarm but on all other occasions it’s worked fine. Good value produc

  30. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 110 From Our UsersPurchased two of these and they paired without any problem. I did find that on one occasion when testing the other one didn’t sound it’s alarm but on all other occasions it’s worked fine. Good value produc

  31. LanceMartinovic says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 110 From Our UsersPurchased two of these and they paired without any problem. I did find that on one occasion when testing the other one didn’t sound it’s alarm but on all other occasions it’s worked fine. Good value produc

  32. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 110 From Our UsersPurchased two of these and they paired without any problem. I did find that on one occasion when testing the other one didn’t sound it’s alarm but on all other occasions it’s worked fine. Good value produc

  33. ElvaG10fvg says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 110 From Our UsersPurchased two of these and they paired without any problem. I did find that on one occasion when testing the other one didn’t sound it’s alarm but on all other occasions it’s worked fine. Good value produc

  34. LeonVallecillo says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 110 From Our UsersPurchased two of these and they paired without any problem. I did find that on one occasion when testing the other one didn’t sound it’s alarm but on all other occasions it’s worked fine. Good value produc

  35. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 110 From Our UsersPurchased two of these and they paired without any problem. I did find that on one occasion when testing the other one didn’t sound it’s alarm but on all other occasions it’s worked fine. Good value produc

  36. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 110 From Our UsersPurchased two of these and they paired without any problem. I did find that on one occasion when testing the other one didn’t sound it’s alarm but on all other occasions it’s worked fine. Good value produc

  37. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 110 From Our UsersPurchased two of these and they paired without any problem. I did find that on one occasion when testing the other one didn’t sound it’s alarm but on all other occasions it’s worked fine. Good value produc

  38. MatthewReid says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 110 From Our UsersPurchased two of these and they paired without any problem. I did find that on one occasion when testing the other one didn’t sound it’s alarm but on all other occasions it’s worked fine. Good value produc

  39. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 110 From Our UsersPurchased two of these and they paired without any problem. I did find that on one occasion when testing the other one didn’t sound it’s alarm but on all other occasions it’s worked fine. Good value produc

  40. Anonymous says:


    Die Rauchmelder waren leicht zu montieren, allerdings wurde die Vernetzung in der Bedienungsanleitung nicht beschrieben.

  41. Anonymous says:


    Die Rauchmelder waren leicht zu montieren, allerdings wurde die Vernetzung in der Bedienungsanleitung nicht beschrieben.

  42. Anonymous says:

     France 🇫🇷

    Esthtique ,car discret. Pour le fonctionnement ,ractif aprs essais de fume. Rien dire pour le moment.

  43. Anonymous says:

     Germany 🇩🇪

    Die 5 Rauchmelder kamen sicher verpackt und unbeschadet in einen kleinen Karton an.

    Zum Lieferumfang gehren neben den 5 Rauchmeldern noch eine mehrsprachige und bebilderte Anleitung,
    (Dbel & Schrauben) fr die Deckenmontage.

    Das Auengehuse besteht aus schwer entflammbarem ABS-Kunststoff und ist von der Verarbeitung ganz ok.

    Die Installation der Rauchmelder war sehr leicht und in ein paar Minuten erledigt.

    Sie haben ein fotoelektrischen Sensor mit ein Chipsatz verbaut, der in Sekundenschnelle die gefhrliche Rauchkonzentration erkennen soll und Fehlmeldungen vermeiden soll. Sie arbeiten im stay-alone Betrieb und sind leider nicht miteinander vernetzt.

    Auch der zweckmige Test-Knopf fr den Funktionstest funktioniert und ist auch im ganzen Haus zu hren

    Die festverbaute 3V Lithiumbatterie soll bis zu 10 Jahren halten, was ich auch hoffe. Ist die Batterie mal leer, kann sie nicht ausgetauscht werden und der Rauchmelder ist dann unbrauchbar.

    Insgesamt machen die Rauchmelder auf mich einen guten Eindruck, bis auf den etwas teuren Preis fr die nicht vernetzbaren Rauchmelder.

  44. AntoniettaWisni says:

     Germany 🇩🇪

    Die Rauchmelder wurden mir bereits einen Tag nach Bestellung zugestellt. Mein erster Eindruck war uerst positiv: Bei den Rauchmeldern handelt es sich um ein solides Produkt. Das Gehuse fhlt sich robust an, die Installation ging schnell von Hand. Einfach den Rauchmelder in die Deckenhalterung einrasten lassen und der Rauchmelder ist scharf geschaltet. Zur Kontrolle blinkt jede 53 Sekunden ein rotes LED Lmpchen. Die eingebaute, nicht austauschbare Batterie soll 10 Jahre halten. Manuell lsst sich die Funktionalitt des Alarms auch jederzeit durch den Testknopf in der Mitte des Gertes testen. Durch halten des Knopfes ertnt ein Testalarm mit einer in der Anleitung angegeben Lautstrke von 85 dB. Laut Hersteller ist der Rauchmelder TV zertifiziert, auf der Rckseite ist das CE-Kennzeichen zu sehen.

    Ich habe nur 2 Punkte auszusetzen: Laut Anleitung soll fr die Montage die mitgelieferten Dbel benutzt werden. Da die meisten Menschen ungerne Lcher in die Decke bohren mchten, htte man hier alternativ doppelseitiges Klebeband bzw. auch die bekannten, klebbaren Montageplttchen mitliefern knnen. Ferner finde ich die Rauchmelder mit einem Durchmesser von 11,2 cm und einer Tiefe von 4 cm recht gro.

  45. Anonymous says:

     France 🇫🇷

    Ce pack de dtecteurs ne rinvente pas la roue car finalement ils sont trs basiques mais finalement on en demande pas plus.

    Si vous avez dj eu un dtecteur incendie en main alors vous ne serrez pas dpayser avec ce modle, on y retrouve un bouton de test en faade ainsi qu’une lampe indiquant une anomalie ou une alerte.

    Sur ce modle la batterie n’est pas remplaable mais a une dure de vie annoncer a 10 ans, en thorie il faut quand mme remplacer ce genre de dispositif tous les 10 ans, c’est un problme oui et non finalement, il faut juste esprer que la pile n’ai pas de souci de fabrication qui limiterai son autonomie.

    Niveau installation, il faudra fixer la base au plafond avec les vis et chevilles qui sont bien entendu fournies, rien de bien compliquer a signaler finalement.

    Finalement ce pack est vraiment intressant mais finalement est trs classique et un peu gros car il existe des modles plus compact mais cela influera sur le prix bien entendu. Donc pour conclure ce pack est intressant et finalement fonctionne bien, d’autant plus que le prix est trs correct.


  46. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 125 From Our UsersThis is an attractively made, small smoke alarm that looks neat and unobtrusive even when on the ceiling even in a lounge. We only have the one so far, but these can be added to and wirelessly interconnect, which means that even if one detects a fire or smoke all of them will sound. With this aspect, I feel they are safer and, at the price, provide a useful extra feature that makes them especially good value.

  47. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 125 From Our UsersThis is an attractively made, small smoke alarm that looks neat and unobtrusive even when on the ceiling even in a lounge. We only have the one so far, but these can be added to and wirelessly interconnect, which means that even if one detects a fire or smoke all of them will sound. With this aspect, I feel they are safer and, at the price, provide a useful extra feature that makes them especially good value.

  48. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 125 From Our UsersThis is an attractively made, small smoke alarm that looks neat and unobtrusive even when on the ceiling even in a lounge. We only have the one so far, but these can be added to and wirelessly interconnect, which means that even if one detects a fire or smoke all of them will sound. With this aspect, I feel they are safer and, at the price, provide a useful extra feature that makes them especially good value.

  49. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 125 From Our UsersThis is an attractively made, small smoke alarm that looks neat and unobtrusive even when on the ceiling even in a lounge. We only have the one so far, but these can be added to and wirelessly interconnect, which means that even if one detects a fire or smoke all of them will sound. With this aspect, I feel they are safer and, at the price, provide a useful extra feature that makes them especially good value.

  50. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 125 From Our UsersThis is an attractively made, small smoke alarm that looks neat and unobtrusive even when on the ceiling even in a lounge. We only have the one so far, but these can be added to and wirelessly interconnect, which means that even if one detects a fire or smoke all of them will sound. With this aspect, I feel they are safer and, at the price, provide a useful extra feature that makes them especially good value.

  51. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 125 From Our UsersThis is an attractively made, small smoke alarm that looks neat and unobtrusive even when on the ceiling even in a lounge. We only have the one so far, but these can be added to and wirelessly interconnect, which means that even if one detects a fire or smoke all of them will sound. With this aspect, I feel they are safer and, at the price, provide a useful extra feature that makes them especially good value.

  52. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 125 From Our UsersThis is an attractively made, small smoke alarm that looks neat and unobtrusive even when on the ceiling even in a lounge. We only have the one so far, but these can be added to and wirelessly interconnect, which means that even if one detects a fire or smoke all of them will sound. With this aspect, I feel they are safer and, at the price, provide a useful extra feature that makes them especially good value.

  53. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 125 From Our UsersThis is an attractively made, small smoke alarm that looks neat and unobtrusive even when on the ceiling even in a lounge. We only have the one so far, but these can be added to and wirelessly interconnect, which means that even if one detects a fire or smoke all of them will sound. With this aspect, I feel they are safer and, at the price, provide a useful extra feature that makes them especially good value.

  54. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 125 From Our UsersThis is an attractively made, small smoke alarm that looks neat and unobtrusive even when on the ceiling even in a lounge. We only have the one so far, but these can be added to and wirelessly interconnect, which means that even if one detects a fire or smoke all of them will sound. With this aspect, I feel they are safer and, at the price, provide a useful extra feature that makes them especially good value.

  55. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 125 From Our UsersThis is an attractively made, small smoke alarm that looks neat and unobtrusive even when on the ceiling even in a lounge. We only have the one so far, but these can be added to and wirelessly interconnect, which means that even if one detects a fire or smoke all of them will sound. With this aspect, I feel they are safer and, at the price, provide a useful extra feature that makes them especially good value.

  56. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 125 From Our UsersThis is an attractively made, small smoke alarm that looks neat and unobtrusive even when on the ceiling even in a lounge. We only have the one so far, but these can be added to and wirelessly interconnect, which means that even if one detects a fire or smoke all of them will sound. With this aspect, I feel they are safer and, at the price, provide a useful extra feature that makes them especially good value.

  57. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 125 From Our UsersThis is an attractively made, small smoke alarm that looks neat and unobtrusive even when on the ceiling even in a lounge. We only have the one so far, but these can be added to and wirelessly interconnect, which means that even if one detects a fire or smoke all of them will sound. With this aspect, I feel they are safer and, at the price, provide a useful extra feature that makes them especially good value.

  58. LieseloLongstre says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 125 From Our UsersThis is an attractively made, small smoke alarm that looks neat and unobtrusive even when on the ceiling even in a lounge. We only have the one so far, but these can be added to and wirelessly interconnect, which means that even if one detects a fire or smoke all of them will sound. With this aspect, I feel they are safer and, at the price, provide a useful extra feature that makes them especially good value.

  59. FelixAshburn says:


    Anfangs etwas schwierig bis alle drei Rauchmelder vernetzt waren, aber dann alles super!!!

  60. Bobby5418hohjt says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 120 From Our UsersThis is a top quality smoke alarm. Fitted this week in a community centre. Arrived well packed and with all the fittings. Plus for once a really easy to understand instructions sheet. Please read the instructions before attempting to fit the alarm.
    Fitting is just a few minutes. All screws etc are supplied plus the built in 10 year battery which is such a neat idea. The main selling point is that these alarms are WiFi connected.

    “Wireless interconnect uses DIP switch setup to connect the alarms, without any electrical wiring needed. When one alarm activates, all interlinked smoke alarms will sound, it gives clear indication of what the danger is and where it is located.”

    Took a few minutes to connect to WiFi. We need to obtain a second of these alarms and pop into the office space. Overall this is an excellent idea.
    Very pleased with this alarm. And it does work! After fitting the after school club were making toast and the alarm sounded. So very pleased.

  61. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 120 From Our UsersThis is a top quality smoke alarm. Fitted this week in a community centre. Arrived well packed and with all the fittings. Plus for once a really easy to understand instructions sheet. Please read the instructions before attempting to fit the alarm.
    Fitting is just a few minutes. All screws etc are supplied plus the built in 10 year battery which is such a neat idea. The main selling point is that these alarms are WiFi connected.

    “Wireless interconnect uses DIP switch setup to connect the alarms, without any electrical wiring needed. When one alarm activates, all interlinked smoke alarms will sound, it gives clear indication of what the danger is and where it is located.”

    Took a few minutes to connect to WiFi. We need to obtain a second of these alarms and pop into the office space. Overall this is an excellent idea.
    Very pleased with this alarm. And it does work! After fitting the after school club were making toast and the alarm sounded. So very pleased.

  62. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 120 From Our UsersThis is a top quality smoke alarm. Fitted this week in a community centre. Arrived well packed and with all the fittings. Plus for once a really easy to understand instructions sheet. Please read the instructions before attempting to fit the alarm.
    Fitting is just a few minutes. All screws etc are supplied plus the built in 10 year battery which is such a neat idea. The main selling point is that these alarms are WiFi connected.

    “Wireless interconnect uses DIP switch setup to connect the alarms, without any electrical wiring needed. When one alarm activates, all interlinked smoke alarms will sound, it gives clear indication of what the danger is and where it is located.”

    Took a few minutes to connect to WiFi. We need to obtain a second of these alarms and pop into the office space. Overall this is an excellent idea.
    Very pleased with this alarm. And it does work! After fitting the after school club were making toast and the alarm sounded. So very pleased.

  63. Phil Kirby says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 120 From Our UsersThis is a top quality smoke alarm. Fitted this week in a community centre. Arrived well packed and with all the fittings. Plus for once a really easy to understand instructions sheet. Please read the instructions before attempting to fit the alarm.
    Fitting is just a few minutes. All screws etc are supplied plus the built in 10 year battery which is such a neat idea. The main selling point is that these alarms are WiFi connected.

    “Wireless interconnect uses DIP switch setup to connect the alarms, without any electrical wiring needed. When one alarm activates, all interlinked smoke alarms will sound, it gives clear indication of what the danger is and where it is located.”

    Took a few minutes to connect to WiFi. We need to obtain a second of these alarms and pop into the office space. Overall this is an excellent idea.
    Very pleased with this alarm. And it does work! After fitting the after school club were making toast and the alarm sounded. So very pleased.

  64. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 120 From Our UsersThis is a top quality smoke alarm. Fitted this week in a community centre. Arrived well packed and with all the fittings. Plus for once a really easy to understand instructions sheet. Please read the instructions before attempting to fit the alarm.
    Fitting is just a few minutes. All screws etc are supplied plus the built in 10 year battery which is such a neat idea. The main selling point is that these alarms are WiFi connected.

    “Wireless interconnect uses DIP switch setup to connect the alarms, without any electrical wiring needed. When one alarm activates, all interlinked smoke alarms will sound, it gives clear indication of what the danger is and where it is located.”

    Took a few minutes to connect to WiFi. We need to obtain a second of these alarms and pop into the office space. Overall this is an excellent idea.
    Very pleased with this alarm. And it does work! After fitting the after school club were making toast and the alarm sounded. So very pleased.

  65. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 120 From Our UsersThis is a top quality smoke alarm. Fitted this week in a community centre. Arrived well packed and with all the fittings. Plus for once a really easy to understand instructions sheet. Please read the instructions before attempting to fit the alarm.
    Fitting is just a few minutes. All screws etc are supplied plus the built in 10 year battery which is such a neat idea. The main selling point is that these alarms are WiFi connected.

    “Wireless interconnect uses DIP switch setup to connect the alarms, without any electrical wiring needed. When one alarm activates, all interlinked smoke alarms will sound, it gives clear indication of what the danger is and where it is located.”

    Took a few minutes to connect to WiFi. We need to obtain a second of these alarms and pop into the office space. Overall this is an excellent idea.
    Very pleased with this alarm. And it does work! After fitting the after school club were making toast and the alarm sounded. So very pleased.

  66. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 120 From Our UsersThis is a top quality smoke alarm. Fitted this week in a community centre. Arrived well packed and with all the fittings. Plus for once a really easy to understand instructions sheet. Please read the instructions before attempting to fit the alarm.
    Fitting is just a few minutes. All screws etc are supplied plus the built in 10 year battery which is such a neat idea. The main selling point is that these alarms are WiFi connected.

    “Wireless interconnect uses DIP switch setup to connect the alarms, without any electrical wiring needed. When one alarm activates, all interlinked smoke alarms will sound, it gives clear indication of what the danger is and where it is located.”

    Took a few minutes to connect to WiFi. We need to obtain a second of these alarms and pop into the office space. Overall this is an excellent idea.
    Very pleased with this alarm. And it does work! After fitting the after school club were making toast and the alarm sounded. So very pleased.

  67. DarnellPelsaert says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 120 From Our UsersThis is a top quality smoke alarm. Fitted this week in a community centre. Arrived well packed and with all the fittings. Plus for once a really easy to understand instructions sheet. Please read the instructions before attempting to fit the alarm.
    Fitting is just a few minutes. All screws etc are supplied plus the built in 10 year battery which is such a neat idea. The main selling point is that these alarms are WiFi connected.

    “Wireless interconnect uses DIP switch setup to connect the alarms, without any electrical wiring needed. When one alarm activates, all interlinked smoke alarms will sound, it gives clear indication of what the danger is and where it is located.”

    Took a few minutes to connect to WiFi. We need to obtain a second of these alarms and pop into the office space. Overall this is an excellent idea.
    Very pleased with this alarm. And it does work! After fitting the after school club were making toast and the alarm sounded. So very pleased.

  68. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 120 From Our UsersThis is a top quality smoke alarm. Fitted this week in a community centre. Arrived well packed and with all the fittings. Plus for once a really easy to understand instructions sheet. Please read the instructions before attempting to fit the alarm.
    Fitting is just a few minutes. All screws etc are supplied plus the built in 10 year battery which is such a neat idea. The main selling point is that these alarms are WiFi connected.

    “Wireless interconnect uses DIP switch setup to connect the alarms, without any electrical wiring needed. When one alarm activates, all interlinked smoke alarms will sound, it gives clear indication of what the danger is and where it is located.”

    Took a few minutes to connect to WiFi. We need to obtain a second of these alarms and pop into the office space. Overall this is an excellent idea.
    Very pleased with this alarm. And it does work! After fitting the after school club were making toast and the alarm sounded. So very pleased.

  69. calmyourbeans says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 120 From Our UsersThis is a top quality smoke alarm. Fitted this week in a community centre. Arrived well packed and with all the fittings. Plus for once a really easy to understand instructions sheet. Please read the instructions before attempting to fit the alarm.
    Fitting is just a few minutes. All screws etc are supplied plus the built in 10 year battery which is such a neat idea. The main selling point is that these alarms are WiFi connected.

    “Wireless interconnect uses DIP switch setup to connect the alarms, without any electrical wiring needed. When one alarm activates, all interlinked smoke alarms will sound, it gives clear indication of what the danger is and where it is located.”

    Took a few minutes to connect to WiFi. We need to obtain a second of these alarms and pop into the office space. Overall this is an excellent idea.
    Very pleased with this alarm. And it does work! After fitting the after school club were making toast and the alarm sounded. So very pleased.

  70. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 120 From Our UsersThis is a top quality smoke alarm. Fitted this week in a community centre. Arrived well packed and with all the fittings. Plus for once a really easy to understand instructions sheet. Please read the instructions before attempting to fit the alarm.
    Fitting is just a few minutes. All screws etc are supplied plus the built in 10 year battery which is such a neat idea. The main selling point is that these alarms are WiFi connected.

    “Wireless interconnect uses DIP switch setup to connect the alarms, without any electrical wiring needed. When one alarm activates, all interlinked smoke alarms will sound, it gives clear indication of what the danger is and where it is located.”

    Took a few minutes to connect to WiFi. We need to obtain a second of these alarms and pop into the office space. Overall this is an excellent idea.
    Very pleased with this alarm. And it does work! After fitting the after school club were making toast and the alarm sounded. So very pleased.

  71. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 120 From Our UsersThis is a top quality smoke alarm. Fitted this week in a community centre. Arrived well packed and with all the fittings. Plus for once a really easy to understand instructions sheet. Please read the instructions before attempting to fit the alarm.
    Fitting is just a few minutes. All screws etc are supplied plus the built in 10 year battery which is such a neat idea. The main selling point is that these alarms are WiFi connected.

    “Wireless interconnect uses DIP switch setup to connect the alarms, without any electrical wiring needed. When one alarm activates, all interlinked smoke alarms will sound, it gives clear indication of what the danger is and where it is located.”

    Took a few minutes to connect to WiFi. We need to obtain a second of these alarms and pop into the office space. Overall this is an excellent idea.
    Very pleased with this alarm. And it does work! After fitting the after school club were making toast and the alarm sounded. So very pleased.

  72. Chase Evans says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 120 From Our UsersThis is a top quality smoke alarm. Fitted this week in a community centre. Arrived well packed and with all the fittings. Plus for once a really easy to understand instructions sheet. Please read the instructions before attempting to fit the alarm.
    Fitting is just a few minutes. All screws etc are supplied plus the built in 10 year battery which is such a neat idea. The main selling point is that these alarms are WiFi connected.

    “Wireless interconnect uses DIP switch setup to connect the alarms, without any electrical wiring needed. When one alarm activates, all interlinked smoke alarms will sound, it gives clear indication of what the danger is and where it is located.”

    Took a few minutes to connect to WiFi. We need to obtain a second of these alarms and pop into the office space. Overall this is an excellent idea.
    Very pleased with this alarm. And it does work! After fitting the after school club were making toast and the alarm sounded. So very pleased.

  73. SwenGaleamdwoob says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 120 From Our UsersThis is a top quality smoke alarm. Fitted this week in a community centre. Arrived well packed and with all the fittings. Plus for once a really easy to understand instructions sheet. Please read the instructions before attempting to fit the alarm.
    Fitting is just a few minutes. All screws etc are supplied plus the built in 10 year battery which is such a neat idea. The main selling point is that these alarms are WiFi connected.

    “Wireless interconnect uses DIP switch setup to connect the alarms, without any electrical wiring needed. When one alarm activates, all interlinked smoke alarms will sound, it gives clear indication of what the danger is and where it is located.”

    Took a few minutes to connect to WiFi. We need to obtain a second of these alarms and pop into the office space. Overall this is an excellent idea.
    Very pleased with this alarm. And it does work! After fitting the after school club were making toast and the alarm sounded. So very pleased.

  74. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 120 From Our UsersThis is a top quality smoke alarm. Fitted this week in a community centre. Arrived well packed and with all the fittings. Plus for once a really easy to understand instructions sheet. Please read the instructions before attempting to fit the alarm.
    Fitting is just a few minutes. All screws etc are supplied plus the built in 10 year battery which is such a neat idea. The main selling point is that these alarms are WiFi connected.

    “Wireless interconnect uses DIP switch setup to connect the alarms, without any electrical wiring needed. When one alarm activates, all interlinked smoke alarms will sound, it gives clear indication of what the danger is and where it is located.”

    Took a few minutes to connect to WiFi. We need to obtain a second of these alarms and pop into the office space. Overall this is an excellent idea.
    Very pleased with this alarm. And it does work! After fitting the after school club were making toast and the alarm sounded. So very pleased.

  75. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 120 From Our UsersThis is a top quality smoke alarm. Fitted this week in a community centre. Arrived well packed and with all the fittings. Plus for once a really easy to understand instructions sheet. Please read the instructions before attempting to fit the alarm.
    Fitting is just a few minutes. All screws etc are supplied plus the built in 10 year battery which is such a neat idea. The main selling point is that these alarms are WiFi connected.

    “Wireless interconnect uses DIP switch setup to connect the alarms, without any electrical wiring needed. When one alarm activates, all interlinked smoke alarms will sound, it gives clear indication of what the danger is and where it is located.”

    Took a few minutes to connect to WiFi. We need to obtain a second of these alarms and pop into the office space. Overall this is an excellent idea.
    Very pleased with this alarm. And it does work! After fitting the after school club were making toast and the alarm sounded. So very pleased.

  76. Bill says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 120 From Our UsersThis is a top quality smoke alarm. Fitted this week in a community centre. Arrived well packed and with all the fittings. Plus for once a really easy to understand instructions sheet. Please read the instructions before attempting to fit the alarm.
    Fitting is just a few minutes. All screws etc are supplied plus the built in 10 year battery which is such a neat idea. The main selling point is that these alarms are WiFi connected.

    “Wireless interconnect uses DIP switch setup to connect the alarms, without any electrical wiring needed. When one alarm activates, all interlinked smoke alarms will sound, it gives clear indication of what the danger is and where it is located.”

    Took a few minutes to connect to WiFi. We need to obtain a second of these alarms and pop into the office space. Overall this is an excellent idea.
    Very pleased with this alarm. And it does work! After fitting the after school club were making toast and the alarm sounded. So very pleased.

  77. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 120 From Our UsersThis is a top quality smoke alarm. Fitted this week in a community centre. Arrived well packed and with all the fittings. Plus for once a really easy to understand instructions sheet. Please read the instructions before attempting to fit the alarm.
    Fitting is just a few minutes. All screws etc are supplied plus the built in 10 year battery which is such a neat idea. The main selling point is that these alarms are WiFi connected.

    “Wireless interconnect uses DIP switch setup to connect the alarms, without any electrical wiring needed. When one alarm activates, all interlinked smoke alarms will sound, it gives clear indication of what the danger is and where it is located.”

    Took a few minutes to connect to WiFi. We need to obtain a second of these alarms and pop into the office space. Overall this is an excellent idea.
    Very pleased with this alarm. And it does work! After fitting the after school club were making toast and the alarm sounded. So very pleased.

  78. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 120 From Our UsersThis is a top quality smoke alarm. Fitted this week in a community centre. Arrived well packed and with all the fittings. Plus for once a really easy to understand instructions sheet. Please read the instructions before attempting to fit the alarm.
    Fitting is just a few minutes. All screws etc are supplied plus the built in 10 year battery which is such a neat idea. The main selling point is that these alarms are WiFi connected.

    “Wireless interconnect uses DIP switch setup to connect the alarms, without any electrical wiring needed. When one alarm activates, all interlinked smoke alarms will sound, it gives clear indication of what the danger is and where it is located.”

    Took a few minutes to connect to WiFi. We need to obtain a second of these alarms and pop into the office space. Overall this is an excellent idea.
    Very pleased with this alarm. And it does work! After fitting the after school club were making toast and the alarm sounded. So very pleased.

  79. Ted Muehl says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 120 From Our UsersThis is a top quality smoke alarm. Fitted this week in a community centre. Arrived well packed and with all the fittings. Plus for once a really easy to understand instructions sheet. Please read the instructions before attempting to fit the alarm.
    Fitting is just a few minutes. All screws etc are supplied plus the built in 10 year battery which is such a neat idea. The main selling point is that these alarms are WiFi connected.

    “Wireless interconnect uses DIP switch setup to connect the alarms, without any electrical wiring needed. When one alarm activates, all interlinked smoke alarms will sound, it gives clear indication of what the danger is and where it is located.”

    Took a few minutes to connect to WiFi. We need to obtain a second of these alarms and pop into the office space. Overall this is an excellent idea.
    Very pleased with this alarm. And it does work! After fitting the after school club were making toast and the alarm sounded. So very pleased.

  80. TamelaENJR says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 120 From Our UsersThis is a top quality smoke alarm. Fitted this week in a community centre. Arrived well packed and with all the fittings. Plus for once a really easy to understand instructions sheet. Please read the instructions before attempting to fit the alarm.
    Fitting is just a few minutes. All screws etc are supplied plus the built in 10 year battery which is such a neat idea. The main selling point is that these alarms are WiFi connected.

    “Wireless interconnect uses DIP switch setup to connect the alarms, without any electrical wiring needed. When one alarm activates, all interlinked smoke alarms will sound, it gives clear indication of what the danger is and where it is located.”

    Took a few minutes to connect to WiFi. We need to obtain a second of these alarms and pop into the office space. Overall this is an excellent idea.
    Very pleased with this alarm. And it does work! After fitting the after school club were making toast and the alarm sounded. So very pleased.

  81. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 120 From Our UsersThis is a top quality smoke alarm. Fitted this week in a community centre. Arrived well packed and with all the fittings. Plus for once a really easy to understand instructions sheet. Please read the instructions before attempting to fit the alarm.
    Fitting is just a few minutes. All screws etc are supplied plus the built in 10 year battery which is such a neat idea. The main selling point is that these alarms are WiFi connected.

    “Wireless interconnect uses DIP switch setup to connect the alarms, without any electrical wiring needed. When one alarm activates, all interlinked smoke alarms will sound, it gives clear indication of what the danger is and where it is located.”

    Took a few minutes to connect to WiFi. We need to obtain a second of these alarms and pop into the office space. Overall this is an excellent idea.
    Very pleased with this alarm. And it does work! After fitting the after school club were making toast and the alarm sounded. So very pleased.

  82. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 120 From Our UsersThis is a top quality smoke alarm. Fitted this week in a community centre. Arrived well packed and with all the fittings. Plus for once a really easy to understand instructions sheet. Please read the instructions before attempting to fit the alarm.
    Fitting is just a few minutes. All screws etc are supplied plus the built in 10 year battery which is such a neat idea. The main selling point is that these alarms are WiFi connected.

    “Wireless interconnect uses DIP switch setup to connect the alarms, without any electrical wiring needed. When one alarm activates, all interlinked smoke alarms will sound, it gives clear indication of what the danger is and where it is located.”

    Took a few minutes to connect to WiFi. We need to obtain a second of these alarms and pop into the office space. Overall this is an excellent idea.
    Very pleased with this alarm. And it does work! After fitting the after school club were making toast and the alarm sounded. So very pleased.

  83. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 120 From Our UsersThis is a top quality smoke alarm. Fitted this week in a community centre. Arrived well packed and with all the fittings. Plus for once a really easy to understand instructions sheet. Please read the instructions before attempting to fit the alarm.
    Fitting is just a few minutes. All screws etc are supplied plus the built in 10 year battery which is such a neat idea. The main selling point is that these alarms are WiFi connected.

    “Wireless interconnect uses DIP switch setup to connect the alarms, without any electrical wiring needed. When one alarm activates, all interlinked smoke alarms will sound, it gives clear indication of what the danger is and where it is located.”

    Took a few minutes to connect to WiFi. We need to obtain a second of these alarms and pop into the office space. Overall this is an excellent idea.
    Very pleased with this alarm. And it does work! After fitting the after school club were making toast and the alarm sounded. So very pleased.

  84. LeilaDyson says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 120 From Our UsersThis is a top quality smoke alarm. Fitted this week in a community centre. Arrived well packed and with all the fittings. Plus for once a really easy to understand instructions sheet. Please read the instructions before attempting to fit the alarm.
    Fitting is just a few minutes. All screws etc are supplied plus the built in 10 year battery which is such a neat idea. The main selling point is that these alarms are WiFi connected.

    “Wireless interconnect uses DIP switch setup to connect the alarms, without any electrical wiring needed. When one alarm activates, all interlinked smoke alarms will sound, it gives clear indication of what the danger is and where it is located.”

    Took a few minutes to connect to WiFi. We need to obtain a second of these alarms and pop into the office space. Overall this is an excellent idea.
    Very pleased with this alarm. And it does work! After fitting the after school club were making toast and the alarm sounded. So very pleased.

  85. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 120 From Our UsersThis is a top quality smoke alarm. Fitted this week in a community centre. Arrived well packed and with all the fittings. Plus for once a really easy to understand instructions sheet. Please read the instructions before attempting to fit the alarm.
    Fitting is just a few minutes. All screws etc are supplied plus the built in 10 year battery which is such a neat idea. The main selling point is that these alarms are WiFi connected.

    “Wireless interconnect uses DIP switch setup to connect the alarms, without any electrical wiring needed. When one alarm activates, all interlinked smoke alarms will sound, it gives clear indication of what the danger is and where it is located.”

    Took a few minutes to connect to WiFi. We need to obtain a second of these alarms and pop into the office space. Overall this is an excellent idea.
    Very pleased with this alarm. And it does work! After fitting the after school club were making toast and the alarm sounded. So very pleased.

  86. GiselleSikora says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 120 From Our UsersThis is a top quality smoke alarm. Fitted this week in a community centre. Arrived well packed and with all the fittings. Plus for once a really easy to understand instructions sheet. Please read the instructions before attempting to fit the alarm.
    Fitting is just a few minutes. All screws etc are supplied plus the built in 10 year battery which is such a neat idea. The main selling point is that these alarms are WiFi connected.

    “Wireless interconnect uses DIP switch setup to connect the alarms, without any electrical wiring needed. When one alarm activates, all interlinked smoke alarms will sound, it gives clear indication of what the danger is and where it is located.”

    Took a few minutes to connect to WiFi. We need to obtain a second of these alarms and pop into the office space. Overall this is an excellent idea.
    Very pleased with this alarm. And it does work! After fitting the after school club were making toast and the alarm sounded. So very pleased.

  87. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 120 From Our UsersThis is a top quality smoke alarm. Fitted this week in a community centre. Arrived well packed and with all the fittings. Plus for once a really easy to understand instructions sheet. Please read the instructions before attempting to fit the alarm.
    Fitting is just a few minutes. All screws etc are supplied plus the built in 10 year battery which is such a neat idea. The main selling point is that these alarms are WiFi connected.

    “Wireless interconnect uses DIP switch setup to connect the alarms, without any electrical wiring needed. When one alarm activates, all interlinked smoke alarms will sound, it gives clear indication of what the danger is and where it is located.”

    Took a few minutes to connect to WiFi. We need to obtain a second of these alarms and pop into the office space. Overall this is an excellent idea.
    Very pleased with this alarm. And it does work! After fitting the after school club were making toast and the alarm sounded. So very pleased.

  88. ReviewTeam1 says:

     Germany 🇩🇪

    Der fotoelektrische Sensor dieses Rauchmelders kombiniert mit einem Chipsatz, der gefhrliche Rauchkonzentrationen in Sekundenschnelle erkennen kann. Der Feuermelder ist mit einer 3V niedrigen Stromverbrauch eingebauten Lithiumbatterie ausgestattet, damit ist eine Lebensdauer von bis zu 10 Jahren mglich und ein reibungsloser Betrieb gewhrleistet. Der ist mit einem Test-Knopf fr den Funktionstest ausgestattet, man kann der Alarmmelder auch nach einem Alarm wieder reseten, heit in den berwachungsmodus zurcksetzen.

    Die Installation der Rauchmelder sind sehr einfach und selbsterklrend. Montagematerial wird mitgeliefert, es sind je 2 Dbel und Schrauben pro Gert.

    Was ich nicht so gut finde, dass die Batterie fest verbaut ist und nicht wechselbar. Per Magnethalterung lassen sich die Rauchmelder auch nicht befestigen.

    Alles in einem, ist das Produkt wie beschrieben, niedriger Stromverbrauch und lange Batterielebensdauer. Die Verarbeitung ist in Ordnung, also nichts besonders und ber die Langlebigkeit kann ich noch nichts sagen, weil ich die noch nicht so lange in der Anwendung habe. Das Preis Leistung Verhltnis wrde ich persnlich als gut einstufen.

    TÜV Zertifizierter Rauchwarnmelder mit Fotoelektrischem Senso

  89. LovieGUCwtdv says:

     Germany 🇩🇪

    Das Set beinhaltet 5 Rauchmelder, sowie Montagematerial.

    Vom Preis her bewegt es sich irgendwo im Mittelfeld.
    Die Melder arbeiten im “stand alone- Betrieb”, sind also nicht miteinander verbunden.

    Dazu direkt ein Tipp: das Set gibt es fr gut 20 Euro mehr auch mit Funkvernetzung, das wrde ich persnlich vorziehen.

    Ansonsten gleichen die Eigenschaften denen von anderen Rauchmeldern…. Standzeit der Batterie- 10 Jahre… danach wrde ich die Melder sowieso austauschen.

  90. Anonymous says:

     Germany 🇩🇪

    Inzwischen sind in Mietwohnungen Rauchmelder ja Pflicht, aber auch beim eigenen Eigentum schaden sie bestimmt nicht. Und diese Rauchmelder sind so weit ich das bis jetzt beurteilen kann nicht schlecht.

    Die Installation ist relativ einfach und fr Schwierigkeiten gibts auch noch eine Bedienungsanleitung. Die ist auch auf Deutsch verfgbar, ich wrde aber eher die englische Version empfehlen, da sich in der deutschen einige bersetzungsfehler eingeschlichen haben. Fr jeden der 5 Melder wird eine Halterung mitgeliefert, da diese aber mit Bohren angebracht werden mssen, wrden sich auch Magnetplatten anbieten, die man aber extra dazu kaufen msste. Dies htte dann aber den Vorteil, dass man beim nchsten Set die Rauchmelder ganz einfach austauschen kann und nicht noch einmal bohren muss, falls die neuen eine andere Halterung haben.

    Die Vernetzung unter den Rauchmeldern funktioniert auch einwandfrei, sobald einer auslst, geben auch die anderen Alarm. Auerdem reicht bei uns auch der Funk durchs ganze Haus (3 Stockwerke).

    Einziges Manko ist zuletzt nur der Preis, da man einfache Rauchmelder natrlich auch gnstiger erhalten kann. Wer sich also keine vernetzten Rauchmelder zulegen mchte, sollte eher zu einem anderen Modell greifen, ansonsten macht man mit diesen hier aber bestimmt nichts falsch.

  91. LouellaVachon says:

     Germany 🇩🇪

    In den meisten Bundeslndern sind Rauchmelder in Schlaf- und Kinderzimmern sowie Fluchtfluren Pflicht, aber auch zur eigenen Sicherheit sollte man freiwillig Rauchmelder installieren.

    Hier die aus meiner Sicht erwhnenswerten Vor- und Nachteile:

    + Gute und robuste Verarbeitung.

    + Unaufflliges Design in hellgrau/wei.

    + Verstndliche Bedienungsanleitung mit Tipps, wo Rauchmelder anzubringen sind.

    + Einfache Montage: Montageplatte mit den mitgelieferten zwei Schrauben und Dbeln an der Decke (oder Wand) befestigen. Rauchmelder auf die Platte drcken und bis zum Anschlag drehen. Fertig!

    + Lithium-Batterie mit 10 Jahren Lebensdauer. Zu beachten ist, dass die Batterie nicht gewechselt werden kann. Ist die Batterie fast leer, erfolgt alle paar Sekunden ein Alarmton und die LED blinkt rot. Dann muss der Rauchmelder ausgetauscht werden.

    + Mglichkeit zur temporren Stummschaltung nach einem Alarm.

    +/- Groer Testknopf, der vom Boden z.B. mit einem Besenstiel bequem bedient werden kann. Der Hersteller verlangt, dass der Test wchentlich zu erfolgen hat (“Weekly testing is required”). Aber wer macht das wirklich?

    +/- Kurzanleitung auf der Unterseite des Rauchmelders nur auf Englisch. Dafr wird aber eine ausfhrliche gedruckte Anleitung auch in deutscher Sprache mitgeliefert.

    – Hngt der Rauchmelder im Schlafzimmer, kann es den einen oder anderen stren, dass er alle 53 Sekunden kurz rot aufblinkt, um Betriebsbereitschaft zu signalisieren.

    Eine Vernetzung mehrerer Rauchmelder ist brigens mit diesem Modell nicht mglich. Somit wird auch keine Alarmmeldung bei allen Rauchmeldern ausgelst, wenn bei einem Gert der Alarm aktiv wird. Wer so eine Funktionalitt wnscht, sollte ein anderes Modell whlen.

  92. Leta Shy says:

     France 🇫🇷

    16 euros pice, c’est le tarif l’unit de certains dtecteurs. Ces modles semblent fonctionnels (bipent si proche d’une fume de grillade en cuisine) mais ils ne sont pas exceptionnels : assez volumineux, on en trouve au mme prix plus compacts pour tre placs facilement un peu partout. Ceci tant, ils fonctionnent donc 4/5

  93. Anonymous says:

     Germany 🇩🇪

    Auch wenn das Design recht schlicht ist, es keine blinkende LED gibt die nervt, haben die Feuermelder einfach ein recht breites und groes Gehuse. Die anderen im Haus, teils auch mit 10 Jahre Batterie und nicht vernetzt sind da wesentlich schmaler. Die habe ich dann mittels Magnete und ohne Bohren an die Decke gepappt, das traue ich mich bei den dicken Teilen hier nicht. Viele Rezensionen anderer Rauchmelder sprachen von wie hier eingebauten Batterien die nur 1 -2 Jahre gehalten haben, da der Hersteller eine 10 Jahre Garantie ausspricht gehe ich davon aus das es hlt , der recht hohe Preis von 75 Euro ist ja auch vielleicht zu beachten. Ansonsten sind die Teile gut verpackt und man kann die mittels APP bedienen. Man braucht also kein Wlan, sondern Funk und die Teile sind auch TV zertifziert. Das Gehuse soll auch robust gegen Rauch, etc. sein und der Ton ist dank Testtaste recht laut, 85 DB. Diese blinkt im Notfall auch.

  94. BillieMackay says:

     Germany 🇩🇪

    Wir sind vor zwei Jahren in unser eigenes Haus gezogen und haben damals jedes Zimmer mit einem Rauchmelder ausgestattet. 10 Jahren sollten diese halten, aber schon nach 1,5 Jahren waren diese teilweise leer und gaben zwei bis drei Mal am Tag Fehlalarme.

    Diese hier sind nun der Ersatz fr die noch nicht ausgetauschten Rume. Auch hier sollen die Batterien zehn Jahre halten und schn wre es, denn sind die Batterien leer, kann man die Gerte entsorgen, denn die Batterien sind nicht austauschbar. Einerseits finde ich zehn Jahre schn, wenn sie so lange halten, aber auf der anderen Seite wre austauschbar besser. Wie lange es hlt, wird in diesem Fall die Zeit zeigen, falls es auch so kurz ist, gibt es ein Update.

    Sie lassen sich jedenfalls gut anbringen und sind richtig laut. Wir haben es ausprobiert und der Alarm ist im ganzen Haus zu hren, sogar im Garten. Das ist sehr praktisch. Der Testalarm funktioniert somit sehr gut. Fehlalarme gab es bis jetzt noch nicht.

  95. Anonymous says:

     Germany 🇩🇪

    Ich muss Vorweg schicken dass wie seit vielen Jahren in einem kleine Haus auf dem Dorf wohnen mit drei Zimmern, Kche und Bad verteilt auf zwei Etagen. Und wir nutzen auch schon viele, viele Jahre solche Rauchwarnmelder. Wir wechseln sie alle 5 Jahre und haben sicher schon die vierten.
    Verteilt sind diese unten im Wohnzimmer und Kinderzimmer und oben auf dem Flur und im Schlafzimmer. Der 5er-Pack ist ideal fr uns. So haben wir alle alten ersetzt und einen weiteren im Flur unten montiert.
    Kche und Bad sind nicht so dafr geeignet (steht auch so in der Anleitung auf Seite -07- “4.Orte die vermieden werden sollten”.
    Sehr sehr oft hrt und sieht man im TV von Brnden bei denen Menschen zu Schaden gekommen sind, weil dort keine Rauchmelder montiert waren. Ich sage dazu nur: kleine Ausgabe, groe Wirkung.

    Aus Erfahrung empfehlen wir aber die Halterungen nicht mit Schraube und Dbel zu montieren, sondern dafr extra-Magnethalterungen zu kaufen und zu nutzen. Das macht die Wartung und den Wechsel viel viel einfacher. Denn kauft man einen neuen Rauchmelder hat man meist auch eine neue Halterung, die andere Bohrlcher hat und mit der Zeit ist die Decke voller Lcher. Lieber kleben oder ein mal Bohren und Schrauben und der Rest macht der Magnet.

    Der “Rauchmelder | TV und DIN EN 14604 geprfter Rauchwarnmelder mit 10 Jahren Batterielaufzeit, Feuermelder mit fotoelektrischem Sensor | 633PHW (Set of 5)” von HEIMAN kam sehr gut bei uns an, verpackt in einem einfachen, stabilen Pappkarton. Darin findet man die fnf Rauchmelder, fnf Halterungen, fnf Tten mit Befestigungsmaterial (je zwei Schrauben und zwei Dbel) und eine mehrsprachige Anleitung (auch in Deutsch). Ein praktisches, ausfhrliches und bersichtliches Heft mit Tipps zur Anbringung, Merkmalen, Anzeige, Test, Wartung und Reinigung und Batterie-Ersatz. Immer mit Abbildungen. Und ja die Batterie kann man bei Bedarf wechseln, Dazu reicht ein Blick in die Anleitung und man muss eben den Aufkleber auf der Rckseite etwas abmachen. Ich kann schon so darunter die Klappe des Batteriefachs erkennen.

    Alles macht einen sehr gut verarbeiteten Eindruck. Sie sind auch etwas grer als die sonst handelsblichen und etwas gnstigeren aus dem Baumarkt.
    Die Montage ist einfach da alles dabei ist und auch einwandfrei funktioniert. Vorher noch den Akku-Schutz entfernen und mit Hilfe der Dip-Schalter auf der Rckseite die fnf vernetzen.
    Nach der Montage dann mit Hilfe des Testknopfes testen.
    Hat bei uns prima geklappt und funktioniert auch prima. Nun knnen wir berall hren, wenn in einem Raum der Alarm losgeht. Das ist vor allem Nachts schon wichtig.
    Ich empfinde ihn jetzt auch nicht als zu laut.

    Der eingebaute Akku hlt laut Anleitung 10 Jahre und erst wenn man ihn gegen eine handelsbliche wechselt nur noch ein Jahr.
    Die Rauchmelder sind grtenteils wartungsfrei und zeigen durch die LED, die alle 53 Sekunden blinkt, das alles okay ist. Trotzdem sollte man sie ab und zu ber den Testbutton testen (jede Woche ein mal). Und ab und zu auch von Staub und Schmutz befreien. Prima eignen sich da Staubsauger mit einem kleinen Brsten-Aufsatz.
    Sobald sich der Akku zu leer ist, meldet sich der Rauchmelder alle 40 Sekunden mit 2 Tnen.
    Bis auf das Verbinden ist es also nichts anders wie bei einfachen Rauchmeldern auch.

  96. MargareVaughan says:

     Germany 🇩🇪

    Seit einiger Zeit verwenden wir bereits drei ordentliche Rauchwarnmelder von Hekatron in unserem Haus, die ebenfalls ca. 10 Jahre halten (sollen). Es spricht aber auch nichts dagegen, in jedem Raum jeweils ein Gert zu haben, also vom Keller bis zum Dachboden, um mglichst smtliche Gefahrenquellen erfassen zu knnen.

    Die Hekatron-Rauchmelder sind ber Funk vernetzt und innerhalb einer App verwaltbar, whrend das Heimann-Set diesen Luxus nicht bietet. Wirklich zwingend ist das natrlich auch nicht, denn man braucht hier keinen Router (WLAN), keine App und spart somit auch Geld dabei. Im Brandfall geben die Brandmelder allerdings nicht gleichzeitig einen Alarm aus, sondern nur in dem Raum, in welchem der Rauch entdeckt worden ist. Das ist in blichen Husern erfahrungsgem laut genug, sodass man auch das hren kann
    Die Batterien (CR123A Lithium-Batterien) sollen lt. Hersteller ca. 10 Jahren halten, was abzuwarten bleibt. Hier habe ich im Laufe der Jahre vor allem mit gnstigen Baumarkt-Produkten tlw. schlechte Erfahrungen gemacht Da aber der Hersteller eine 10-jhrige Qualitstgarantie auspricht, sollte man etwaige Batterie-Probleme hier ggf. geltend machen !
    Nach sptestens ca. 10 Jahren sind die Melder aus technischen Grnden aber ohnehin komplett auszutauschen. Und wer wei, wie weit die Technik in 10 Jahren schon ist, wahrscheinlich gibt es dann bereits noch komfortablere Brand-/Rauchmelder.

    Natrlich gibt es aber auch eine ausreichend verstndliche Bedienungsanleitung (Englisch sagt mir mehr zu). In der Praxis ist die Anbringung und Funkverbindung der Gerte untereinander wirklich relativ einfach und unkompliziert. Beigefgt sind pro Gert jeweils eine Halterung, zwei Schrauben und zwei Dbel, allerdings keine Magnetplatte (Klebepad), das kostet ggf. extra. Wer keine Lust hat zu bohren, ist sollte sich ggf. gut haltbare Pads zulegen.

    Da Rauchwarnmelder mittlerweile auch bei uns im Haushalt (gesetzliche) Pflicht geworden sind, stellt sich die Frage, warum nur vor dieser Gefahrenquelle gewarnt werden soll. Hier muss also vorerst an das eigene Gewissen appeliert werden, denn alle Haushalte, die z. B. mit einem Gasbrenner der Gefahr einer Kohlenmonoxid-Vergiftung ausgesetzt sind, sollten sich auch zumindest einen derartigen Warnmelder zulegen.
    Ebenso sind ohnehin gleich mehrere Rauchwarnmelder in wesentlichen Rumen eines Hauses/ Gebudes sinnvoll. Tatschlich werden diese vom TV geprfen Melder zumeist unterhalb einer Decke angeschraubt, oder mit einer zustzliche zu erwerbenden Magnetplatte (Pad”) , z. B. direkt im Schlafzimmer. Bei der Alarmlautstrke wird man dann sicherlich schnell wach !

    Vom eigentlichen Betrieb sollte man im Idealfall bei solch einem Melder aber nichts mitbekommen. Nur zu Testzwecken wird man ansonsten das Gert laut piepen hren und die LED rot blinken sehen. Ein Alarm sollte immer ernst genommen werden und ggf. die Feuerwehr alarmiert werden! (Nervige) Fehlalarme hatten wir auch hier brigens bislang nicht, ich hoffe, das bleibt auch so.

    Ob (wie bereits erwhnt) nun die mitgelieferten Batterien tatschlich ca. 10 Jahre halten, kann ich aktuell nicht beurteilen. Vorerst gibt es hier 4 Punkte, zumal auch noch kein Test (> 1 Jahr) vorliegt. Unabhngig davon ist die 10-jhrige Qualittsgarantie” ein hoher Vertrauensbeweis des Herstellers.

  97. Anonymous says:

     Germany 🇩🇪

    HEIMAN Rauchmelder Feuermelder mit 10 Jahren Batterielaufzeit TV EN14604 Zertifizierter Rauchwarnmelder mit Fotoelektrischem Sensor, 635PHS (5er Set)

    Vorweg: ich habe den Artikel im Rahmen des Amazon-Vine-Programms kostenlos erhalten zum Testen. Das beeinflusst meine Rezension aber nicht.

    4 Sterne

    Stabil verarbeitet, funktioniert einwandfrei, Batterie nicht wechselbar, recht hoher Preis

    >>>> Hinweis zu Abbildungen und Produktbeschreibung auf der Produktseite:

    Beschreibung und Abbildungen sind weitgehend stimmig.

    – Montagematerial wird mitgeliefert: je 2 Dbel und Schrauben pro Gert
    – per Magnethalterung lassen sich die Rauchmelder nicht befestigen. Die Befestigungsbasis hat mittig ein Loch von ca. 5 cm Durchmesser, so da der Kleber nicht genug Haftflche hat. Zudem sind die Melder mit je ca. 250 g relativ schwer
    – die Batterie ist fest verbaut und nicht wechselbar.

    >>>> Produktqualitt:
    5 Sterne

    Die Kunststoffgehuse sind sehr stabil und recht sauber verarbeitet (keine Grate). Lt. Aufkleber auf der Unterseite ist das Produktionsdatum 2020-7-17, so da die Batterien bis 2030 durchhalten sollten.

    >>>> Funktion:
    4 Sterne

    Alarm / Test / Batteriewarnung:
    Bei einem Alarm kann man die Melder fr 10 Minuten per Druck auf die Testtaste stumm schalten. Die Laufstrke-Angaben drften wohl stimmen. Bei niedrigem Batteriestand melden sich die Gerte mit kurzem Alarmton (lt. Anleitung, konnte ich nicht testen).

    Leider sind die Rckseiten beider Melder so gestaltet, da man sie nicht per Magnetplatten befestigen kann.

    Ein Batteriewechsel ist nicht mglich. Da die Batterien 10 Jahre halten sollen, entspricht das auch der Lebenseinsatzdauer der Melder. In der Anleitung fehlt jeglicher Hinweis dazu, wie man die Batterien letztendlich aus dem Gehuse herauskriegt bevor man das Gert entsorgt. Es sieht so aus, als mten von unten drei Klemmen gelst werden, damit man den Gehusedeckel abheben kann. Probiert habe ich das natrlich nicht.

    >>>> Handbuch / Anleitung / Technische Daten:
    5 Sterne

    Es wird eine mehrsprachige und bebilderte Anleitung mitgeliefert, u.a. in deutsch und gut verstndlich. Darin ist auch beschrieben, wie und wo bzw. wo nicht ein Melder anzubringen ist. In der Anleitung und auf dem Gehuseboden werden auch die technischen Daten genannt und das europische CE-Kennzeichen gezeigt.

    >>>> Produktverpackung:
    5 Sterne

    Jeder Melder steckt in einer Kunststofftte. Das Befestigungsmaterial liegt in einer Tte bei. Gut angepater Karton drumrum fr alle Melder zusammen, innen mit Pappe gepolstert. Auf dem Karton sind die technischen Daten und das CE-Kennzeichen angegeben.

    >>>> Preis-Leistungsverhltnis:
    3 Sterne

    Der Preis von EUR 75,99 ist fr 5 nicht vernetzbare Melder recht hoch, selbst wenn man die 10 Jahres-Batterie bercksichtigt.

    >>>> Lieferung
    5 Sterne

    DHL-Paket, Lieferung binnen drei Werktagen; das ist noch gut. Der Versand erfolgte in einem gut angepaten Pappkarton, nichts verschwendet.

  98. Anonymous says:

     Germany 🇩🇪

    Golden Review Award: 4 From Our UsersSchon seit einiger Zeit verwenden wir drei ordentliche Rauchwarnmelder eines anderen Herstellers in unserem Haus, die ebenfalls ca. 10 Jahre halten (sollen). Es spricht aber auch nichts dagegen, in jedem Raum ein solches Gert zu haben, also vom Keller bis zum Dachboden, um smtliche Gefahrenquellen erfassen zu knnen.

    Vorteil der Funkverbindung ? Man braucht keinen Router/ keine App, denn es gibt keine WLAN-Vernetzung, wie das z. B. kostspieligere Gerte von Hekatron erforderlich machen (Luxusvariante”). Im Brandfall geben die jeweils miteinander verbundenen Brandmelder gleichzeitig einen Alarm aus, also egal wo Rauch im Haus entdeckt worden ist. So verpasst man keinen Alarm und gewinnt kostbare Zeit. Dieses Plus an Sicherheit hat dann auch seinen (angemessenen) Preis, wobei einzeln agierende Melder vor allem im Set gnstiger sind.

    Ein Batteriewechsel (CR123A Lithium-Batterien) ist fr die fnf Melder zwar erst nach ca. 10 Jahren vorgesehen. Ob die Batterien tatschlich so lange duchhalten, bleibt abzuwarten. Hier habe ich im Laufe der Jahre vor allem mit gnstigen Baumarkt-Produkten tlw. schlechte Erfahrungen gemacht Da aber der Hersteller eine 10-jhrige Qualitstgarantie auspricht, sollte man etwaige Batterie-Probleme hier ggf. geltend machen !
    Nach sptestens ca. 10 Jahren sind die Melder aus technischen Grnden aber ohnehin komplett auszutauschen. Und wer wei, wie weit die Technik in 10 Jahren schon ist, wahrscheinlich gibt es dann bereits noch komfortablere Brand-/Rauchmelder.

    Natrlich gibt es aber auch eine ausreichend verstndliche Bedienungsanleitung (Englisch sagt mir mehr zu). In der Praxis ist die Anbringung und Funkverbindung der Gerte untereinander wirklich relativ einfach und unkompliziert. Beigefgt sind pro Gert jeweils eine Halterung, zwei Schrauben und zwei Dbel, allerdings keine Magnetplatte (Klebepad), das kostet ggf. extra. Wer keine Lust hat zu bohren, ist sollte sich ggf. gut haltbare Pads zulegen.

    Da Rauchwarnmelder mittlerweile auch bei uns im Haushalt (gesetzliche) Pflicht geworden sind, stellt sich die Frage, warum nur vor dieser Gefahrenquelle gewarnt werden soll. Hier muss also vorerst an das eigene Gewissen appeliert werden, denn alle Haushalte, die z. B. mit einem Gasbrenner der Gefahr einer Kohlenmonoxid-Vergiftung ausgesetzt sind, sollten sich auch zumindest einen derartigen Warnmelder zulegen.
    Ebenso sind ohnehin gleich mehrere Rauchwarnmelder in wesentlichen Rumen eines Hauses/ Gebudes sinnvoll. Wenn diese (wie hier) auch noch miteinander vernetzt sind, entgeht einem kein Alarm, der das Leben von Menschen und Tieren retten kann.

    Tatschlich werden diese vom TV geprfen Melder zumeist unterhalb einer Decke angeschraubt, oder mit einer zustzliche zu erwerbenden Magnetplatte (Pad”) , z. B. direkt im Schlafzimmer. Bei der Alarmlautstrke wird man dann sicherlich schnell wach !

    Vom eigentlichen Betrieb sollte man im Idealfall bei solch einem Melder aber nichts mitbekommen. Nur zu Testzwecken wird man ansonsten das Gert laut piepen hren und die LED rot blinken sehen. Ein Alarm sollte immer ernst genommen werden und ggf. die Feuerwehr alarmiert werden! (Nervige) Fehlalarme hatten wir auch hier brigens bislang nicht, ich hoffe, das bleibt auch so.

    Ob (wie bereits erwhnt) nun die mitgelieferten Batterien tatschlich ca. 10 Jahre halten, kann ich aktuell nicht beurteilen. Vorerst gibt es hier 4 Punkte, zumal auch noch kein Test (> 1 Jahr) vorliegt. Unabhngig davon ist die 10-jhrige Qualittsgarantie” ein hoher Vertrauensbeweis des Herstellers.

  99. ShawnaKeble says:

     Germany 🇩🇪

    Golden Review Award: 3 From Our UsersDieser Rauchmelder (635PHS) ist ein 10jahres Melder ohne Vernetzung.
    Von Heimann gibt es diese Melder auch mit Vernetzung. Fr diejenigen die einen solchen suchen habe ich am Ende dieser Rezension einen sehr wichtigen Hinweis der viel Geld sparen kann.
    Der 635PHS ist ein einfacher Melder der Mittelklasse ohne besondere Merkmale. Obwohl er im 5er Pack angeboten wird ist der Preis mit 15/Stck. nicht besonders gnstig.
    Die Alarmlautstrke ist mit 85dB angegeben und damit im blichen Bereich, allerdings empfinde ich die Lautstrke subjektiv leiser als die von den bisher bei mir verbauten Discouter Rauchmeldern.
    Der Alarm wird autmatisch durch einen kleinen Schiebeschalter aktiviert wenn der Melder in die Deckenhalterung eingerastet wird und entsprechend auch wieder deaktiviert.
    Testen kann man ihn durch einen Druckauf den mittleren Testknopf.
    Die Lebensdauer der festverbauten, nicht wechselbaren Lithiumbatterie soll 10 Jahre sein.
    Ich habe ihn mit einem speziellen Testspray getestet und die Funktion war einwandfrei. Fr diesen durchschnittlichen Melder aus dem hheren mittleren Preissegment gebe ich 4 Sterne.
    Jetzt etwas Wichtiges zu den Heimann 10jahres Meldern mit Vernetzung.
    In meinem Foto von der Rckseite dieses 635PHS Melders erkennt man eine leere Einbaumulde. Der gleiche Melder mit Vernetzung heit 635PHW. Dann ist in dieser Einbaumulde ein Modul mit der gleichen Lithiumbatterie, nur nicht fest verbaut sondern wechselbar wie auf einem Foto (gezeichnet) dargestellt. Dieses Modul ist zustndig fr die Vernetzung und ist diese aktiviert dann hlt diese Batterie 1 Jahr und mu dann gewechselt werden. Die Laufzeit der festverbauten Batterie fr den Rauchalarm wird dadurch nicht beeinflut.
    Soweit, sogut. Aber diesen Melder gibt es auch als 10jahres Melder unter der Bezeichnung 633PHW. Dort gibt es dieses Modul nicht wie man auf dem Foto von der Rckseite sieht, nur 4 Dippschalter um die Vernetzung zu konfigurieren und einen Kontaktsicherungsstreifen. Wenn dieser gezogen wird aktiviert man die Vernetzung was dann aber nicht rckgngig gemacht werden kann.
    Jetzt kommt das Fatale: Da dieser Melder nur eine festverbaute Batterie hat – die gleiche wie im Modul der 635- die somit fr den Rauchalarm und auch die Vernetzung zustndig ist, kann sich jeder ausrechnen was passiert wenn man bei diesem Melder die Vernetzung aktiviert: Die Batterie ist nach einem Jahr leer, somit ist auch der Rauchmelder selbst ohne Strom, und da dieses Batterie nicht wechelbar ist wird aus dem 10jahres Melder ein nutzlos gewordener 1jahres Melder den man entsorgen mu. Liebe Heimnner, wer hat sich das bei Euch ausgedacht. Eine Nachfrage per Email ist bislang noch nicht beantwortet worden.
    Ich hoffe dieser Hinweis ist fr Euch hilfreich.

    Rauchmelder aus dem Mittelfeld- wichtiger Hinweis in der Rezensio

  100. KPJFabiantqg says:

     Germany 🇩🇪

    Wir haben 140qm und die mchten wir auch sichern. Aus diesem Grund haben wir in jedem Zimmer einen Rauchmelder. Unsere mssen jedoch stndig neue Batterien haben und melden sich sehr lautstark, weswegen ich die Idee gut fand, welche zu installieren, die direkt Batterien haben, die 10 Jahre halten.

    Die Installation geht mehr oder weniger gut. Ich empfehle die deutsche Anleitung zu vergessen und sich direkt an der englischen zu probieren, denn diese ist verstndlich und hat keine Fehler. Mit ihr klappt das Vernetzen sehr gut.

    Jetzt kann man die Melder vernetzen, sodass alle Alarm schlagen, wenn es einen Alarm gibt. Das funktionierte im Test sehr gut. Bei einem Fehlalarm, weil es zum Beispiel in der Kche qualmt, kann man den Alarm fr 15 Minuten deaktivieren. So hat man Zeit zum Lften. Das klappt ebenfalls gut. Die Rauchmelder sind auf jeden Fall sehr laut und kaum zu berhren.

    In der Anleitung steht auch etwas von Batterie tauschen, aber das habe ich noch nicht hinbekommen oder gefunden.