Es el segundo que compro a Hachiko mi Akita. Este es mucho ms ergonmico y ligero que el primero.
Me da mucha seguridad y comodidad para el perro con la que poder pasear sin tirones.
Muy contento, llevo una bxer de 30 kilos y da mucha sensacin de Seguridad, costuras y argolla bien slidas, se ajusta perfectamente y la perra va muy comoda
This item was recommended by a colleague and I’m completely happy with it, my Lexi would tug, pull and drag during walks, refusing to put harness on until I bought this harness, I highly recommend i
Compre 2 camuflaje talla L y perfecto para mis perros Staff de 27 hasta 40 kg … se adapta bastante bien ! y lo pagu con descuento guay ! 100% recomandable
Es el cuarto arns de compro de esta marca y como siempre estoy encantada. Es muy fcil de poner y al tener asa, puedo coger a mi mascota con ms facilidad. La nica pega es que las primeras semanas le roza y el pobre anda raro.
Muy cmodo para el perro y tira menos que con un collar corredizo.
Pero hay que llevarlo ms controlado porque el perro tiene mucha ms libertad de movimiento.
La calidad es la esperada para los productos de esta marca. Se ve robusta y no molesta al caminar a la perra. Es la talla justa para ella. Ideal para hacer RUNNING con ella, as cuando frena en seco a mear no le haces dao en el cuello
Estara bien que tuviesen para personalizar con el nombre las pegatinas de velcro laterales.
Mejor precio que en tiendas de mascotas. Unos 10-15 de diferencia.
Muy contenta con la compra.
Tengo dos perras mestizas de unos 27 kilos cada una, pasean y corren con comodidad con estos arneses.
Dan sensacin de ser muy fuertes y a la vez comfortables para ellas.
El asa superior es muy cmoda para mantenerlas cerca de nosotros si es necesario e incluso para ayudarlas, si lo necesitan, al subir al coche.
Las etiquetas con velcro de los laterales son sustituibles por otras personalizadas con el nombre, telfono, etc..( hay que comprarlo en la web).
Compr uno del mismo modelo marca xtreme dog por el mismo precio en una peluqueria canina y resulto ser una porqueria la tela acaba cediendo y se descose entero. Este me lleg hoy y a la vista parece de mejor calidad mas resistente y mas comodo me encanta !!! Es la talla L
Talla 1. Justa para mi perro, de 30 kilos (mezcla de belga malinois), si ajusto al mximo ambos extremos. Bonito, y parece cmodo para l. Lo nico que el velcro de delante se llena muchsimo de pelos y es un poco aparatoso, por eso le doy un 4 de 5. Tengo otro arns ms barato y fresquito para verano.
Como siempre, la marca no decepciona, buena calidad y estticamente es un arns muy bonito y cmodo. Genial si dais paseos largos y para perros fuertes ya que va bien sujeto
Made to last, tough, strong and durable with lots of tech behind the design and extras built in to make the perfect adaptable, multi function dog harness. A harness is always so much better than the tradditonal lead and collar which pulls constantly on your dog’s neck impacting on their spine causing muscle related damage for your dog when it’s older. We purchased for a rescued Husky. On day one, the dog was not overly impressed by the different feel of his harness as he had previously had collar and lead attachement. Within half an hour of first walk our dog began running, totally unhindered by his new harness, which he seemed to forgot he had on, and we have not looked back since. The Husky being a powerful dog breed which is bred to pull sleds we were absolutely amazed at just how much more ‘easier’ it was to control the dog over a collar and lead and how much more comfortable it was for both dog and human. Cannot recommend these harnesses enough as they also have reflective strips with various signs which can be purchased separately such as ‘friendly’, ‘nervous’, ‘shy’ dog etc which you can velcro to both sides of the harness so visible to all. These harnesses also have two apertures for holding two night lights either side at top of harness, also a grip handle at top if needed to hold/retain your dog more securely. The harness is also very easy to adjust and put on, simply place over dog’s head and buckle underneath, it’s ultra quick and easy. 10/10 for us and our dog. We got the black on black which looks very smart and expensive looking too.
Ho acquistato questa pettorina per il mio Amstaff di due anni ed stata un’ottima scelta. La pettorina veramente fatta bene, molto robusta e inoltre il cane tira meno. Molto soddisfatta
Tras unos meses de uso puedo confirmar que es de buena calidad. He tenido que ponerlo en la lavadora en una ocasin y no se estrope. La etiqueta se despegaba ya antes por los bordes y, aunque la he cambiado por otra personalizada, sucede lo mismo con las nuevas pegatinas.
Este verano he usado menos el arns porque me daba la sensacin que le daba calor a mi mascota y he notado la diferencia. Julius K9 va muy bien pero se debe tener en cuenta que funciona mejor cuando el perro va delante o al lado. Si se “planta” y tienes que tirar de l el arns no va tan bien (aunque ya lo avisan en las instrucciones).
Es una pena que no est disponible la correa a juego.
Simply the best harness you can get your dog. The IDC POWER has loop over straps to attach larger bags on the side & torch attachment (sold separately). Got this for our male staffy in camouflage size 1. He looks the part.
Sper satisfecho con la compra no es la primera vez que compro estos arnes para,mi los mejores cmodos excelente calidad y un promedio de 2 aos sin tener que preocuparme sper bie
Arnes para pasear al perro, muy util para no hacer dao a nuestro amigo peludo en el cuello. Problema que tienen todos los arneses no solo este que si es un perro que tira mucho no tienes forma de frenarle a menos que sea dando tiron.
Buenos dias,despues de comprarlo y probarlo en mi Boxer puedo decir que es de lo mejor que he comprado,le compre la talla 1 al ser boxer y le va perfecta.Puedes configurarlo aparte con el nombre del perro o poner tambien el telefono en vez de las pegatinas de julius o comprale mochilitas que se aaden tambien perfectamente para los accesorios de tu mascota.
Presa per sostituire la pettorina di un’altra marca conosciuta,ma ormai consumata negli anni…
Solitamente se mi trovo bene non cambio,ma per curiosit recensioni e offerta ho voluto provare…
Che dire…si vede subito che veramente ben studiata…
Robusta ottimi i materiali,comoda e con un sacco di “optional” dalle scritte visibili la notte ai porta torcia alla possibilit di aggiungere accessori come borse pesi e altro…
Il mio cane felicissimo…io anche…
Estoy realmente contento con el arnes adquirido. Este arnes es muyresistente, bonito y le queda a mi pastor belga malinois de 31kg como un guante.Elegi la talla 1.Un saludo
Estamos totalmente satisfechos con este harns. Es fuerte y a la vez comodo para nuestro perro. Las rayas florescientes se vean muy bien durante paseos nocturnos.
Spedizione come sempre puntuale, pettorina robusta e semplice da indossare ottima per condurre il cane, se si compra la taglia adatta per il proprio cane questa non si sfila anche se il cane tira come ho letto su alcune recensioni
Volevo prenderne una per il mio cane da tempo e finalmente l’ho potuto fare, con lo stesso prezzo che mi offriva il negozio ho preso sia la pettorina che il guinzaglio sempre della julius regolabile e sono soddisfatto dell’acquisto soldi ben spesi
La rputation des harnais Julius K9 n’est plus faire. C’est du solide, c’est bien fini. En version camouflage, il a de la gueule sur un boxer bring! Enfilage ais, grande marge de rglage. Malheureusement ne convient pas la morphologie de mon boxer, il lui appui trop sur la gorge. Je ne retira pas d’toile pour cela, tout dpend de la morphologie de chaque chien. Je l’ai donc renvoy et demand un change pour essayer le modle plus ancien, sur lequel la sangle de poitrail est oriente diffremment, j’espre que a ira mieux car c’est vraiment un harnais qui a l’air super.
I have found this harness to be fantastic. It has vastly improved our dogs behaviour on the lead. He is a powerful pooch but he now pulls a lot less and is much easier to handle. He seems very comfortable in the harness and it looks fabulous on him. Great fit; sturdy; well made and easy to clean. Very pleased with this item, and I highly recommend it.
Second harnais JULIUS que j’achte pour mon Loulou car celui-ci a un peu forci. JULIUS, le top pour moi des harnais, costaud, ne blesse pas votre animal, parfait quoi !
Veramente un ottimo prodotto! Molto meglio del classico collare, perch non tira sul collo ed molto pi confortevole e robusta! La taglia 1 calza benissimo al mio cane di 35kg. L’ho presa in colore mimetico, molto bella anche esteticamente.
Fattura ottima, materiale ottimo e resa ottima! L’ho comprata per la mia pitbullina di 2 anni , circa 27 kg, la taglia 1 e perfetta ! Consigliatissima, soddisfatta a pieno! In negozio l avrei pagata quasi il doppio!
Alla nostra cucciola (mix amstaff) sta benissimo. Abbiamo preso una taglia 1 per lei che a circa 9 mesi pesa 20 Kg e apportate minime regolazioni per stringerla le calza a pennello, non sembra crearle nessun tipo di fastidio, anzi a passeggio va che una meraviglia.
Una pettorina be fatta, le cuciture, il velcro e l’aggancio danno veramente un senso di solidit, sembra davvero indistruttibile.
Per il momento ha soddisfatto le aspettative e sono davvero soddisfatto dell’acquisto.
meme si je suis repasse au collier, j’adore ce harnais , je l’utilise encore pour l’attacher en voiture et la foret (on peut mettre des lampe de poche etc)
Resistente, ajustable, se puede adaptar perfectamente, tengo un perro de aguas, grande para su raza, y el arns se ajusta perfectamente. Muy buena idea el asa superior para controlarle cuando se pone belicoso.
Es buen articulo,se adapta perfectamente a lo que buscaba, es cmoda para usar, los bolsillos que lleva estn bien pero para mi gusto personal algunos de los bolsillos tendran que ser un poco mas amplios, pero insisto que es solo un gusto personal, que en general es un buen articulo.
I’ve a 2 year old German Shepard 32kg she has decent lead control but wanted something that could take the added pressure off. Put simply walking her is effortless I’ve even better control than before and I know that having no lead via traditional collar she feels a level of freedom and trust. Highly recommend
Excellant product our german shepherd is re-active to some dogs and the handle on the top is great for helping to control her. Well made and easy to put on.
Perfecto, sper resistente, las letras brillan en la oscuridad
Ped una talla 1 para m doberman y le queda estupendo, llego un par de das antes de lo previsto, muy contenta con la compra.
Made from good quality materials. Makes my dog viable at night and is a comfortable and easy fit. It stops pulling. My dog feels extremely cool wearing her Julius K9 harness
Excellent product, would recommend to any dog owner.
Perfecto. Julius autntico y de calidad, yo compr una talla Pequea y an as creo que debera haber comprado una menos, pero el julius es de muy buena calidad.
bello e perfetto, ne avevo gi un altro ma la cagnetta dimagrita quindi ho dovuto prendere questo di misura pi piccola, in ogni caso mi trovo bene e lo consiglio
Ordered a size 1. for our 8 month old Standard Poodle, plenty of growing room as he’s a chunky boy, it actually fits our full grown 2 year old who is now classed as a Giant, so re ordering 1 for him too.
This harness is the best harness I’ve bought so far! It is incredibly tough and strong and looks great on my dog and relatively comfortable to wear.
The handle is incredibly strong. I have a very strong golden retriever, who walks beautifully on the lead, however when she sees a bird, she wants to run after it; so its a great way to hold her close for greater control when needed.
The reflective strap and glow in the dark side strips are fantastic and reflect/glow well in the dark for easy visibility.
The steel D-Ring is incredibly strong and robust, in fact, it’s so chunky, I’ve had to get a new lead just to fit it!
The Julius-K9 Powerharness looks fantastic on and I’ve had other owners ask me where I purchased it from.
Only a couple of negative things I’ve sadly noticed:
1) The excess Velcro on the chest strap overhangs inside the harness where I’ve adjusted it and occasionally gets caught up as it has no where to stick to inside the harness, and cutting it does not seem like a viable option. Somewhere for the excess chest strap to stick to would be great.
2) The buckle, whilst not faulty, occasionally doesn’t click properly or its a bit stiff when you clip it together. Could just be it not going in straight but I always have to give it a couple of strong tugs just to be sure it is secure and won’t come loose.
3) The belly strap could do with being padded a bit better. My dog has a couple of sore spots under her armpits from where the harness rubs even though it is adjusted correctly and is actually looser than it should be. If I make the harness any looser, I run the risk of it sliding about on her back, which isn’t good for her spine or her safety/security if it ever came loose.She does suffer from skin allergies so I am going to walk her without the harness for a little while and see if it makes a difference. If the sore spots are due to her allergies, I will of course increase the rating of this review. In the mean time I will search for some appropriate padding for the strap.
I have increased the review to 4 stars. The sore spots under her armpits do seem to be the result of her allergies and not the harness itself. Overall a great harness, but with a couple of small modifications, would be perfect!
Ich habe wohl einen leichten Tick was Geschirre angeht
Es ist jetzt die Nummer 5 an K-9 Geschirren und sicher auch nicht das Letzte wuffi soll ja nicht immer das gleiche tragen.-)
Es sieht toll aus Passt und Qualitt wie zu erwarten gu
Amazing value for money. Really well made, high quality materials and finishes. Been using with my Staffy x for months and no signs of wear at all, even though he pulls and is very strong; been through bushes and ditches with barely a scratch. Also use this for running with a handsfree lead belt and is great with that too.
So pleased with this harness for my staffe it fits him like a glove and looks superb on him
I have total control when walking him.
I have recently bought another for my French bull mastiff cross bully
I highly recommend these harness
My Border Collie is about 19kg and from working stock so is a skinny athletic dog – he wears the Size 0. He loves being off the lead but is a puller when on it. I have used a Halti on previous dogs but have seen a lot of dogs wearing harnesses so decided to give it a go. He wasn’t bothered about wearing it as he has a car harness but the first time he got giddy about going out for a walk he backed right out of it and I was left with a harness on the end of the lead and a dog sat looking at me wearing nothing! Luckily we were in the drive and not on the street or we would have been in trouble. Prior to buying it I had read that this could happen but could be resolved be buying the Y strap that slides onto the chest strap. As soon as I did this and refitted the harness it is perfect. If your dog has a habit of backing out of situations he is uncomfortable in i would wholly recommend paying a little extra and getting the Y strap. He wears it no problem, walks a lot more calmly and now can’t back out of it. It seems very sturdy and well made and is saving my arms from a lot of pulling!
photos conforme , descriptif manque le dtail pour savoir ce que l on doit prendre. couleur parfaite
pour info ! j ai un border collie, tour de cou 45 cm tour de poitrail 72 cm .
j ai acheter la taille 1 car les sangles autour du cou et du ventre sont rglable donc ma chienne peut prendre du poids .
quand vous mettez l harnais sur le dos de votre chien boucle fermer mettre la valeur d une main entre l harnais et le dos et pour le cou aussi !
j ai pris la nouvelle gnration de chez Julius K9 (,JULIUS IDC POWER) car plus ergonomique la sangle ventrale est plus en arrire donc pas de frottement au niveau du haut des pattes sangle est vraiment en dessous du cou pas de problme d tranglement.
trs bien pour l agilit et la promenade
je recommande ce produi
A tiempo y de muy buena calidad, aadiendo que el precio esta ms que bien! Lo volveria a pedir. A parte los reflectantes que tiene para passear de noche le da un toque de calidad muy alto!
Es muy bueno, parece muy cmodo y adems se nota que la calidad de los materiales es muy buena.
Buena calidad de materiales. Algo rgido al principio pero acoplar con el tiempo. Talla L para Beagle.
Es el segundo que compro a Hachiko mi Akita. Este es mucho ms ergonmico y ligero que el primero.
Me da mucha seguridad y comodidad para el perro con la que poder pasear sin tirones.
Muy contento, llevo una bxer de 30 kilos y da mucha sensacin de Seguridad, costuras y argolla bien slidas, se ajusta perfectamente y la perra va muy comoda
This item was recommended by a colleague and I’m completely happy with it, my Lexi would tug, pull and drag during walks, refusing to put harness on until I bought this harness, I highly recommend i
Compre 2 camuflaje talla L y perfecto para mis perros Staff de 27 hasta 40 kg … se adapta bastante bien ! y lo pagu con descuento guay ! 100% recomandable
Es el cuarto arns de compro de esta marca y como siempre estoy encantada. Es muy fcil de poner y al tener asa, puedo coger a mi mascota con ms facilidad. La nica pega es que las primeras semanas le roza y el pobre anda raro.
Bonito arns,es tal cual en la foto y a mi perro le queda perfecto,excelente precio.
Muy cmodo para el perro y tira menos que con un collar corredizo.
Pero hay que llevarlo ms controlado porque el perro tiene mucha ms libertad de movimiento.
La calidad es la esperada para los productos de esta marca. Se ve robusta y no molesta al caminar a la perra. Es la talla justa para ella. Ideal para hacer RUNNING con ella, as cuando frena en seco a mear no le haces dao en el cuello
Estara bien que tuviesen para personalizar con el nombre las pegatinas de velcro laterales.
Mejor precio que en tiendas de mascotas. Unos 10-15 de diferencia.
Genial ,sper cmodo para el y fcil de poner ,esta talla muy bien para su peso ,sobre los 27kilos
Really pleased with the harness. Fits great and is really easy to put on / take off.
I loved the fit and the easy on anf off. I feel its very strongly made. And not to forget it looks great on .
Muy contenta con la compra.
Tengo dos perras mestizas de unos 27 kilos cada una, pasean y corren con comodidad con estos arneses.
Dan sensacin de ser muy fuertes y a la vez comfortables para ellas.
El asa superior es muy cmoda para mantenerlas cerca de nosotros si es necesario e incluso para ayudarlas, si lo necesitan, al subir al coche.
Las etiquetas con velcro de los laterales son sustituibles por otras personalizadas con el nombre, telfono, etc..( hay que comprarlo en la web).
En principio lo he comprado una talla grande no se si se ha acabado el plazo para la devolucion asi que tengo que comprar otro una talla mas pequea
Es buen producto, el cierre sera mejor si fuera bajo en lugar de en el sobaco porque le hace herida a mi perro cuando vamos corriendo.
Io ho un cane di 30 kg , gli sta benissimo, comodo per lui e bello da vedere
Compr uno del mismo modelo marca xtreme dog por el mismo precio en una peluqueria canina y resulto ser una porqueria la tela acaba cediendo y se descose entero. Este me lleg hoy y a la vista parece de mejor calidad mas resistente y mas comodo me encanta !!! Es la talla L
Talla 1. Justa para mi perro, de 30 kilos (mezcla de belga malinois), si ajusto al mximo ambos extremos. Bonito, y parece cmodo para l. Lo nico que el velcro de delante se llena muchsimo de pelos y es un poco aparatoso, por eso le doy un 4 de 5. Tengo otro arns ms barato y fresquito para verano.
Como siempre, la marca no decepciona, buena calidad y estticamente es un arns muy bonito y cmodo. Genial si dais paseos largos y para perros fuertes ya que va bien sujeto
So easy to put on my dogs. They look super comfortable. You can also wash in washing machine
Our dog we got it for which is very good for him and would recommend it for anyone
Azienda seria, imballo perfetto e consegna TAPIDA, rispettati i tempi!!!!!
Fast delivery good for strong pulling dog .great qauility.size 1 fits my staffy bullmastiff cross perfec
Harnais trs bien le chien peut tirer l’harnais ne dtache pas
Elegante robusto e comodo sia per me che per il mio cane. E rispetto al prezzo di mercato per la stessa pettorina anche un buon risparmio.
Juluis cnest amlior avec la gamme IDC Power
Bon hanais resistant et esthtiqueent sympathique.
Das Geschirr ist ideal zum rumtoben.
Es sitzt sehr gut und die Klettbanner leuchten im Dunkeln und man knnte diese austausche
Consigliato assolutamente, smettiamola di mettere dei collari che strozzano i nostri amici a 4 zampe.
Lo que mas ne gusta es su comodidad para poner y quita
Ho acquistato questa pettorina per il mio Amstaff di due anni ed stata un’ottima scelta. La pettorina veramente fatta bene, molto robusta e inoltre il cane tira meno. Molto soddisfatta
Tras unos meses de uso puedo confirmar que es de buena calidad. He tenido que ponerlo en la lavadora en una ocasin y no se estrope. La etiqueta se despegaba ya antes por los bordes y, aunque la he cambiado por otra personalizada, sucede lo mismo con las nuevas pegatinas.
Este verano he usado menos el arns porque me daba la sensacin que le daba calor a mi mascota y he notado la diferencia. Julius K9 va muy bien pero se debe tener en cuenta que funciona mejor cuando el perro va delante o al lado. Si se “planta” y tienes que tirar de l el arns no va tan bien (aunque ya lo avisan en las instrucciones).
Es una pena que no est disponible la correa a juego.
Simply the best harness you can get your dog. The IDC POWER has loop over straps to attach larger bags on the side & torch attachment (sold separately). Got this for our male staffy in camouflage size 1. He looks the part.
Para un pastor alemn de 26kg la talla 1 es perfecta. Va muy cmoda y le sienta genial. Lo recomiendo. La calidad parece buena, es refrectante.
Such a great qaulity, easy to fit and comfortable harness for my dog. Couldn’t want anything better.
Sper satisfecho con la compra no es la primera vez que compro estos arnes para,mi los mejores cmodos excelente calidad y un promedio de 2 aos sin tener que preocuparme sper bie
Rapporto qualit prezzo ottimo, molto comodo e maneggevole da utilizzare, consigliato.
Uso questo prodotto da diversi anni e lo trovo comodissimo e resistente. e questa volta ho preso la mimetica.. bellissima pettolina direi.
Tengo un pastor alemn alsaciano de 7 meses y estoy encantada con el arns, es perfecto
Per il mio Amstaff 26kg perfetta, anche perch possibile stringerla e allargarla come si preferisce.
L’ho presa militare con la scritta che si illumina al buio!!!! Buona! Sembra originale
Arnes para pasear al perro, muy util para no hacer dao a nuestro amigo peludo en el cuello. Problema que tienen todos los arneses no solo este que si es un perro que tira mucho no tienes forma de frenarle a menos que sea dando tiron.
comprato per il cane da 30 kg, perfetto, robusto e semplice da indossare.
Solitamente se mi trovo bene non cambio,ma per curiosit recensioni e offerta ho voluto provare…
Che dire…si vede subito che veramente ben studiata…
Robusta ottimi i materiali,comoda e con un sacco di “optional” dalle scritte visibili la notte ai porta torcia alla possibilit di aggiungere accessori come borse pesi e altro…
Il mio cane felicissimo…io anche…
Estoy realmente contento con el arnes adquirido. Este arnes es muyresistente, bonito y le queda a mi pastor belga malinois de 31kg como un guante.Elegi la talla 1.Un saludo
No es el primero que compro y en todas las ocasiones sin ningn tipo de problemas
Estupendo arns para mi pitbull , sper resistente buen material , fcil de poner estoy muy contenta con mi compra 100% recomendado
Pris pour mon pagneul breton qui est un vrai bolide. Taille parfaitement et retient bien le chien sans souffrance. Je recommande.
Molto bella,comoda,la taglia corretta.
Ottimo prezzo qualit consiglio davvero di farci un pensiero
It’s amazing only bad thing is that the sizing is a little hard to understand as this one is a mini
Quizas un poco grande pero es super chula, tengo un border collie pero me gustsbmas edte modelo que el mas pequeo
Estamos totalmente satisfechos con este harns. Es fuerte y a la vez comodo para nuestro perro. Las rayas florescientes se vean muy bien durante paseos nocturnos.
Spedizione come sempre puntuale, pettorina robusta e semplice da indossare ottima per condurre il cane, se si compra la taglia adatta per il proprio cane questa non si sfila anche se il cane tira come ho letto su alcune recensioni
Fantastica per il mio sharpei. Taglia 1 per un 27/30 kg E gia la seconda che compro sono super resistenti e comode!
As described, arrived on time. Feels good quality and I like having the handle as a way of holding back and lifting our dog. Looks great on.
Volevo prenderne una per il mio cane da tempo e finalmente l’ho potuto fare, con lo stesso prezzo che mi offriva il negozio ho preso sia la pettorina che il guinzaglio sempre della julius regolabile e sono soddisfatto dell’acquisto soldi ben spesi
Funciona muy bien y eso que lo llevo a la playa y se mete en el agua con el arns puesto.
Fantastic harness perfect sizing so much more comfort for my staffy who has the camouflage one and it looks pretty cool I have to say
I have found this harness to be fantastic. It has vastly improved our dogs behaviour on the lead. He is a powerful pooch but he now pulls a lot less and is much easier to handle. He seems very comfortable in the harness and it looks fabulous on him. Great fit; sturdy; well made and easy to clean. Very pleased with this item, and I highly recommend it.
Second harnais JULIUS que j’achte pour mon Loulou car celui-ci a un peu forci. JULIUS, le top pour moi des harnais, costaud, ne blesse pas votre animal, parfait quoi !
La miglior pettorina che abbia mai provato anche il mio cane sembra apprezzare molto. Il prezzo ne vale la pena.
Similar a lo que se anuncia bueno, mejor es reflectante y encima muy comodo para el animal ademas le da un buen aspecto de macarra
Una pettorina be fatta, le cuciture, il velcro e l’aggancio danno veramente un senso di solidit, sembra davvero indistruttibile.
Per il momento ha soddisfatto le aspettative e sono davvero soddisfatto dell’acquisto.
Ottimo prodotto, qualit molto buona dei materiali, ma hanno un difetto, se il cane indietreggia mentre voi lo tenete al guinzaglio si riesce a sfilare
Absolutely superb, a great fit for my 14 month old Fox Red Lab, easy to put on, easier to control him and added comfort and security in the car.
meme si je suis repasse au collier, j’adore ce harnais , je l’utilise encore pour l’attacher en voiture et la foret (on peut mettre des lampe de poche etc)
Resistente, ajustable, se puede adaptar perfectamente, tengo un perro de aguas, grande para su raza, y el arns se ajusta perfectamente. Muy buena idea el asa superior para controlarle cuando se pone belicoso.
Absolutely love this harness as does my dog! Highly recommend
I’ve a 2 year old German Shepard 32kg she has decent lead control but wanted something that could take the added pressure off. Put simply walking her is effortless I’ve even better control than before and I know that having no lead via traditional collar she feels a level of freedom and trust. Highly recommend
One of the best harnesses on the market. Will never buy any other my my dogs
Brought for a couple of energetic pointers. Comfortable fit, and much better control than collar.
Excellant product our german shepherd is re-active to some dogs and the handle on the top is great for helping to control her. Well made and easy to put on.
Perfecto, sper resistente, las letras brillan en la oscuridad
Ped una talla 1 para m doberman y le queda estupendo, llego un par de das antes de lo previsto, muy contenta con la compra.
Made from good quality materials. Makes my dog viable at night and is a comfortable and easy fit. It stops pulling. My dog feels extremely cool wearing her Julius K9 harness
Perfecto. Julius autntico y de calidad, yo compr una talla Pequea y an as creo que debera haber comprado una menos, pero el julius es de muy buena calidad.
Great harness, so easy to put on! Also makes it easy getting my bulldog in the car!
Ordered a size 1. for our 8 month old Standard Poodle, plenty of growing room as he’s a chunky boy, it actually fits our full grown 2 year old who is now classed as a Giant, so re ordering 1 for him too.
The handle is incredibly strong. I have a very strong golden retriever, who walks beautifully on the lead, however when she sees a bird, she wants to run after it; so its a great way to hold her close for greater control when needed.
The reflective strap and glow in the dark side strips are fantastic and reflect/glow well in the dark for easy visibility.
The steel D-Ring is incredibly strong and robust, in fact, it’s so chunky, I’ve had to get a new lead just to fit it!
The Julius-K9 Powerharness looks fantastic on and I’ve had other owners ask me where I purchased it from.
Only a couple of negative things I’ve sadly noticed:
1) The excess Velcro on the chest strap overhangs inside the harness where I’ve adjusted it and occasionally gets caught up as it has no where to stick to inside the harness, and cutting it does not seem like a viable option. Somewhere for the excess chest strap to stick to would be great.
2) The buckle, whilst not faulty, occasionally doesn’t click properly or its a bit stiff when you clip it together. Could just be it not going in straight but I always have to give it a couple of strong tugs just to be sure it is secure and won’t come loose.
3) The belly strap could do with being padded a bit better. My dog has a couple of sore spots under her armpits from where the harness rubs even though it is adjusted correctly and is actually looser than it should be. If I make the harness any looser, I run the risk of it sliding about on her back, which isn’t good for her spine or her safety/security if it ever came loose.She does suffer from skin allergies so I am going to walk her without the harness for a little while and see if it makes a difference. If the sore spots are due to her allergies, I will of course increase the rating of this review. In the mean time I will search for some appropriate padding for the strap.
I have increased the review to 4 stars. The sore spots under her armpits do seem to be the result of her allergies and not the harness itself. Overall a great harness, but with a couple of small modifications, would be perfect!
Ich habe wohl einen leichten Tick was Geschirre angeht
Es ist jetzt die Nummer 5 an K-9 Geschirren und sicher auch nicht das Letzte wuffi soll ja nicht immer das gleiche tragen.-)
Es sieht toll aus Passt und Qualitt wie zu erwarten gu
Its robust and works perfectly with my staffie cross. And the fact that you can change the message in the side is a great plus! Recommend i
Amazing value for money. Really well made, high quality materials and finishes. Been using with my Staffy x for months and no signs of wear at all, even though he pulls and is very strong; been through bushes and ditches with barely a scratch. Also use this for running with a handsfree lead belt and is great with that too.
Great product really well made and fits my dog(Belgian shepherd) perfectly.
So pleased with this harness for my staffe it fits him like a glove and looks superb on him
I have total control when walking him.
I have recently bought another for my French bull mastiff cross bully
I highly recommend these harness
Great product great price, the only harness I would buy.
Brilliant, my dog (a staffy) is walking so much better, not pulling as much and makes walking him now a joy.
pour info ! j ai un border collie, tour de cou 45 cm tour de poitrail 72 cm .
j ai acheter la taille 1 car les sangles autour du cou et du ventre sont rglable donc ma chienne peut prendre du poids .
quand vous mettez l harnais sur le dos de votre chien boucle fermer mettre la valeur d une main entre l harnais et le dos et pour le cou aussi !
j ai pris la nouvelle gnration de chez Julius K9 (,JULIUS IDC POWER) car plus ergonomique la sangle ventrale est plus en arrire donc pas de frottement au niveau du haut des pattes sangle est vraiment en dessous du cou pas de problme d tranglement.
trs bien pour l agilit et la promenade
je recommande ce produi
lovely harness..well made strong good size 4 my puppy of 6mths….but does not stop pulling
Best harness we’ve found. People stop and ask us about it when we’re on the trails. 🙂