LARUTAN Picnic Blanket Waterproof, Large Picnic Blanket 200x200CM Beach Blanket Waterproof, Sand proof, Portable Picnic Mat for Beach, Park, Hiking, Camping Great for Family Travel (Brown)

Weight: | 1.28 kg |
Dimensions: | 33.79 x 23.5 x 5.4 cm; 1.28 Kilograms |
Brand: | LARUTAN |
Colour: | Brown |
Colour: | Brown |
Seul bmol, l odeur du produit neuf, laisser arer 2 jours mini pour rduire l odeu
Really pleased with this picnic blanket , waterproof , easy to keep clean and fold away with carry handle . Also a great size to easily fit 4 adults and food
Il materiale resistente, l’aspetto esattamente come la descrizione. Non avevo io notato quanto fosse grande in effetti 2 metri per 2. Se serve da portare nello zaino durante un trekking un p ingombrante e pesante, mentre se la si utilizza per picnic sulla spiaggia o sul prato senza dover fare tanti chilometri allora funzionale da trasportare con la maniglia.
Well, I wouldn’t call this a blanket really as it is a bit closer to a mat or rug, not very flexible. But than again this is a picnic blanket that is supposed to be used outdoors in dirt and dust. So this is a good thing.
The colors are a bit too light and dirt can easily be seen on it. But it is quite easy to clean and could be cleaned with the garden hose. It is big and folds ip nicely for easy storage
I have bought a few of these over the years and must say. This one is by far the best ones.
couverture de pique nique l’image de l’ide que je me fais d’un pique-nique: DTENTE & CONVIVIALIT.
sympa son cot rtro avec ses petits carreaux.
2m sur 2 m offre pas mal de place dj.
la qualit est plus que correcte au niveau des coutures, de la sangle / poigne de transport.
pas encombrante, se plie et se dplie facilement.
au final, je suis satisfait.
This is great to take on a picnic, really big so everyone was able to sit on the one blanket.
Easy to wipe down because of the material.
A bit hard to fold back up correctly but got there in the end.
Comodissima e facilissima da pulire.. Tovaglia perfetta per il Pic nic
Cette nappe est trs paisse , bien lourde elle ne s’envole pas facillement . Elle est parfaite pour l’extrieure. Je l’utilise mme pour manger dehors que la table de jardin . Elle se lave bien . Elle est trs grande .
J’ai juste du mal la replier mais je ne suis pas doue ..
Couverture de pique-nique, plage, 200×200 ouverte (assez grande), elle se plie et se fait comme un petit sac et se ferme au scratch. Marron, carreaux, il a une matire semblable une nappe (polychlorure de vinyle), mme l’odeur quand on l’ouvre. Il est tanche, et mme facile d’entretien. Je recommande pour les sorties en famille ! Le rapport qualit prix!
Il s’agit d’un tapis incroyablement grand, parfait pour les pique-niques en famille.
Le matriau a juste la bonne paisseur pour plus de confort et il se nettoie trs facilement.
Le prix est correct pour la taille (pour une famille de 4 personnes, c’est idal pour nous).
Dans l’ensemble, je suis heureux de le recommander.
My and my family loves to go on picnics unfortunately we never had enough space on the blanket , now with this huge picnic blanket is just perfect . The picnic blanket comes folded and has a handle too for easy carry is heavy but ok , probably because is so large must be heavy too, also the blanket comes with a instructions for how to fold it back for easy storage. The picnic blanket is perfect even when the ground is not so dry and still dump but I can’t feel it when sit on the blanket as it has double layer underneath like a plastic fabric , is really good, is just easy to clean it after with a dump cloth or wipes . Love this item .
Cette couverture pique-nique est de grande taille 200*200, possibilit de contenir plusieurs personnes.
Se plie facilement, malgr sa grande taille, elle ne prend pas donc beaucoup de place.
Impermable, a peut toujours service mme si les pique-niques se font principalement quand il fait beau.
La couleur marron est neutre.
Petit bmol : prsence d’une lgre odeur de plastique
Above average ground sheet that provides waterproof barrier between you and the floor.
strong robust material that so far isn’t cracking or splitting on the folds.
easy to fold up for storage when not in use. Not too heavy or cumbersome to carry
good size for picnic or camping
wipe clean
This is less comfortable to sit on than we were expecting but there is a functionality / comfort trade off to be had here. In order for this picnic blanket to be wipe clean, it needs to be plasticky on to layer. This means less comfort when sitting on but all spills can be dealt with quickly and easily. you can always have a more comfortable throw on top of this that then acts as a wrap/shawl if it gets colder.
We recommend unpacking this and leaving it outside for the plasticky chemical smell to dissipate.
Je garde toujours dans la voiture cette LARUTAN Couverture de Pique-Nique 200*200CM, Pliable Tapis Plage Surface impermable et sans sable, Tapis Pique Niques pour plage, le parc, la randonne, parce qu’elle sert quand on dcide de partir en picnic ou encore lorsque l’on improvise selon les besoins et les circonstances!
Elle se dplie et se replie rapidement et simplement, se nettoie tout aussi facilement, et ne prend finalement que peu de place. On tient aisment deux adultes et deux enfants pour picniquer dans l’herbe.
Trs bonne surprise avec cette nappe de pique-nique pliable qui se transporte aussi facilement qu’une petite sacoche. J’admets que nous n’avions jamais vu ce genre de produits jusqu’ prsent et que le concept nous a plutt sduit la maison. C’est une ide relativement bte mais encore fallait-il y penser ! A l’usage, c’est drlement pratique et facile utiliser, aussi bien pour l’installation que pour le rangement d’ailleurs. Cela permet de ne jamais tre pris au dpourvu en la laissant dans un recoin du coffre de la voiture par exemple. Le tissu est dperlant, se nettoie sans difficult et la grande taille permet d’tre l’aise mme en famille (200x200cm). En bref, vraiment chouette avec un prix qui reste convenable 19,99 ce jour. Seule la forte odeur de plastique et/ou produits chimiques rception nous a drang mais c’est momentan et assez classique avec ce type de matriaux.
“Long Story Short”
Great size
Nice blanket in handy format
Durable and easy to clean
Well made, good quality
Value for money 10 out of 10
This is a great blanket good for the beach, folds away neatly. Has a carry handle etc. it’s a nice size as well, could fit 4 people on it and still have room! I’d highly recommend
So this is massive
I’ve got 2 now, one for my car and one for my partners when out with the kids.
They’re a great family size and no itchy grass or sand coming through.
They’re easy to wipe clean, it did come with some sort of “how to fold” thing, but I don’t know what I did with it. You can see the folds though so you just figure it out as you go.
It’s quite heavy, but overwise can’t fault it for anything.
Our old picnic blanket finally died. This is a nice – indeed, much nicer/better – replacement. We like the colours and the pattern, and it packs away neatly and nicely as well.
Very happy!
Tapis de picnic qui correspond la description. D’une taille de 2 mtres sur 2, a va tre assez grand pour faire s’allonger plusieurs personnes. Pratique aussi pour le ct impermable. Seul gros bmol pour moi c’est le poids et la taille une fois pli. Normalement pour aller en picnic on doit porter pieds jusqu’au cur du parc nos affaires. L a va tre compliqu car la couverture est hyper pourde, je dirais plus de 1,5 kg presque 2 kg. Pareil pour la taille pli a reste grand. Donc je trouve que pour le ct pratique a perd 1 point.
This is an incredibly large mat that is perfect for family picnics.
The material is just the right thickness for comfort and practicality and it can be wiped down to make it good as new before folding away.
With a good-looking print, this is well-priced for the size (as a family of 4, this is ideal for us)
My only slight niggle is that it isn’t the easiest of mats to fold back up neatly each time!
Overall, happy to recommend this.
Very nice picnic blanket. At first when you open it…it does have that rubbery intense smell….but you could open it before hand and let it air out for a couple of hours. It’s really easy to put back together after use…but it could help if you would have an extra pain of hands. It’s very easy to keep clean….i used it once as a table cloth on a picnic bench in the park…at it turned out to be amazing for that as well….It looks nice…it could be used at the beach also…it’s quite versatile in my opinion. Overall…it’s worth the price…it’s a good blanket…would gladly recommend it to anyone to be honest. It’s worth the price.
Trs grande couverture de pique nique ou simplement pour se poser dessus lgre a transporter vraiment pratique et impermable
Qualit prix top
Couverture de pique-nique de la marque LARUTAN bien reu.
Cette couverture d’une dimension de 2m x 2m est d’une bonne taille pour 2/3 personnes qui s’talent ou 6 personnes en position tailleur ou jambes croiss.
Les dimensions en formation de sac sont vraiment petite et comme l’paisseur de la couverture est fine, cela permet de le mettre facilement dans un sac dos pour aider au transport.
Je prconise la premire ouverture dans un espace ar comme le vinyle sans fort et qu’il tait enferm dans un sachet en plastique.
La surface en dessous de la couverture est impermable et cela permet de ne pas se retrouv avec un tissu humide si l’herbe est encore un peu humide.
Pareil pour la surface du dessus d’ailleurs, nous avons renvers une boisson sur la partie haute et elle se retrouve perl et donc ne s’introduit pas dedans. Le nettoyage est donc simple avec un coup de chiffon et c’est dj sec et sans tche.
Lorsque vous avez fini, un sens pour le remettre dans sa forme initial est suivre afin que le positionnement des scratchs permettent de reprendre la forme d’un sac tenir en main.
Un indispensable pour vos sorties en amis ou famille si vous devez casser la crote.
Ideal pour les jours de piques niques.
Se plie facilement.
Je recommande +++
Bon rapport qualit prix
Couverture faon “toile cire” qui se dplie et se replie assez facilement.
Encombrement minimal une fois replie et facilement transportable.
Le tissu est pais et impermable, donc la couverture est assez lourde.
Taille idale pour 4 personnes / 2mx2m.
Semblait mme plus petite sur les photos de l’article..
Tissu vichy marron qui n’est pas spcialement mon got mais c’est au final peu important..
Prvoir d’arer la couverture au moins 48h l’extrieur AVANT utilisation car au dballage elle dgage une trs trs forte odeur de plastique…
Elle se situe dans la fourchette de prix (environ 20) des autres couverture de pique nique.
Nappe impermable de 200×200 cm de bonne qualit
Assez compacte une fois plie petite
Par contre l’odeur de produits chimiques
Cette couverture va nous servir pour les futurs pique nique.
Je la trouve de trs bonne qualit, paisse et galement impermable.
Son ct impermable peut servir lorsqu’on s’en sert sur une pelouse mouille.
J’apprcie qu’elle puisse se replier (mme si ce n’est pas simple de le faire correctement) et tre transport facilement avec une petite poigne !
Sa grande taille 2m x 2m permet d’y accueillir facilement 4 personnes!
Je suis impatient de pouvoir l’utiliser dans les premiers pique nique dans les parcs mais aussi dans notre jardin!
Le prix de 19,99 euros est un peu lev malgr la qualit de la couverture !!
J adore,nappe trs jolie et trs grande.
Qualit respectable.
Parfait pour cet t.
Au dballage l’odeur que dgage ce tapis de pic-nic empeste immdiatement la pice de ses effluves chimiques. Une fois dpli, le tapis accueil 4 personnes ou tous les couverts et paniers prvus pour le repas.
Son cot rustique peut rebuter mais il a le mrite de ne tre trop salissant .
Tapis de pique nique .
Joli , petits carreaux marron et blanc .
Se plie , comme un petit sac , avec une poigne . Rabat avec un velcro pour le maintenir pli .
2m x 2m .
Le tissu est lourd , pais , impermable , et hydrophobe . Il faut juste l’ essuyer si accident .
Sent beaucoup le PVC . Il faut bien l’ arer avant de l’ utiliser .
20 . C’ est bien .
J’ai pris cette couverture pour les pique nique de cet t. Je viens de la recevoir et la premire impression est trs positive. La petite poigne au dessus permet de la transporter sans problme. Sa taille une fois plie la rend facile transporter o caser dans le coffre. Son cot dperlant lui donne un aspect toile cir et le plastique du dessous rassure, pas de crainte de moisissures ou de salissure. Je l’ai dplie dans la maison, elle est large et peut sans problme accueillir 4 adultes pour le repas. Vivement cet t que l’on puisse passer de bon moment dehors avec elle.
Vraiment trs bien ce tapis de pique nique , compact quand il est plier et bien grand une fois dplier .
Il fait 2 mtres sur 2 mtres.
On peut s’y installer plusieurs et mme s’allonger.
L’idal pour pouvoir s’installer au sol sans se salir et tre protg des insectes,du sol humide, sable ou autre grce sa matire impermable .
Une poigne pour le transporter , une fermeture a scratch pour le maintenir plier.
La matire en oxford est trs rsistante et solide.
C’est trs pratique a avoir pour de nombreuses sorties en plein air.
This is a huge picnic blanket. Ideal for a full family. Due to it’s large size and strong material it’s not as light weight as i was expecting. However, in a backpack, which this happens to be an ideal folded size for the weight is barely noticed.
The blanket does have a plasticky smell to it but personally i’m not bothered by this. It stops our bottoms getting wet and can handle a bit of roughness. The material is very strong. I think this blanket will last a long time.
It’s a lovely cheerful design. Easy to unravel and easy to fold back up again. Doesn’t attract dirt and is easily cleaned. We live by the seaside and it’s been ideal for picnics on the sand. Good value and good robust quality.
This large picnic sheet is lovely to look at and sturdy and waterproof and easy to clean. I’m not sure I’d call it a “blanket” as it’s different from the classic ‘blanket with waterproof backing’ picnic blanket. In some ways I love it, but for me personally there are also some downsides.
-I chose the “rainbow” version and I love the design, it’s one of the nicest I’ve ever seen. The look feels stylish and natural whilst being colourful and uplifting.
-It’s a great size for the whole family and useful for beaches, parks, camping etc.
-It’s good and waterproof from the underside, and also the upper surface seems protective against spills and dirt and rain.
-It is easy to clean, and keep hygienic.
-I’m honestly not sure what they mean by ‘soft Oxford cloth’ on the top surface. It feels more plasticky to me. (It may be a coating?) That’s fine for cooler weather picnicking, but I think we will put a towel or throw over it to sit comfortably on it with bare legs.
-I’m not sure about carrying it by the handle, as it feels like the weight (it is surprisingly heavy) is causing a pull on the handle stitching. Holding it by the handle for just a few seconds already pulled at the stitching, widening the first stitching hole. So I think I’ll take care on that and carry it differently.
-I agree that the smell is overpowering. I see that in the product details they say this is normal and they recommend to open and sun it to dissipate the smell. I think it is reducing but hasn’t gone yet. When we get better weather I will try it for longer.
All in all I love the look of this more than the feel. It’s definitely useful as a waterproof seating area. It folds up well and is handy. I will keep it in the car for spontaneous picnicking trips. It just isn’t as comfortable to sit on as the soft-topped styles. But I can see that it’s more practical in many ways.
This picnic blanket is a really good size with plenty of space, so multiple people can sit comfortably or a few people lie down and sunbathe.
I use this mat out in my garden but it’s also handy to take on the go. You can fold it up quite small.
The material is wipeable, waterproof and it does the job really wel
Really pleased with this. Love the colour, very summery and gender neutral. Fits perfectly in many places: in bags, in the car, on the handle of push chairs. Also very lightweight to hold. Folds up easy enough after use and easy to clean too. Lots of room on the blanket, easy fit two adults and my two grandchildren. Would definitely recommend, very good value
Was hoping to review out on a picnic but the weather put a stop to that but I have to say this thing is massive nicely made but not over thick so if your out with dogs just be careful. Just looking at it before you open it you would think it was an hand bag not a massive blanket It’s well adequate for a family of 4 and water proof so if the ground is a little damp you won’t all end up with wet bottoms.I myself can’t wait to get out and use it role on the good weather.
Can say its a really good picnic blanket for such price.
Excellent quality and material.
Very easy to clean it.
And its dont take muh space in bag once folded.
Worth to buy it.
I really like this troupe of picnic blanket, it has a waterproof backing and folds up for storage. At 200x200cm it is a good size, ideal for a couple as you can stretch out on it. Nice design on it. Good value.
If you’re looking for picnic blanket then this one is well worth considering. When folded out, it measures two metres by two metres, and has a good weight to it (1.3Kg) – so no worries about it blowing away or lifting in a sea breeze! I do like that this has a protective PVC skin to its base, which makes it waterproof – a useful feature if you’re at the seaside, or having a picnic on wet/damp grass. The top material is a hard-wearing Oxford cloth that is fairly resilient, and easy to wipe down if spillages occur. Rather than just rolling it up, this can be folded in a certain way (simple instructions included), and then carried via the built-in canvas handle.
This blanket is available in two colours: Brown (with a chequered pattern) or Rainbow, which has a super, modern, colourful, criss-cross design. My wife and I are impressed with this picnic blanket, which is why I have no hesitation in giving it a 5 star rating.
LARUTAN Picnic Blanket Waterproof Backing 200x200CM, Picnic Blanket Large Beach Blanket Waterproof, Sand proof, Portable Picnic Mat for Beach, Park, Hiking, Camping Great for Family Travel (Rainbow)
The product I received was a waterproof picnic blanket.
This is a large blanket, 200cmx200cm square, which folds down into a handy carry bag style with velcro to secure once folded. The top of the blanket is in a hard fabric, with bright coloured criss cross stripes and a plain plastic underlay – so not soft and fluffy, but for picnics/outdoor it is practical, easy to wipe down and clean.
There is a plastic smell when you first open the packaging and unfold the blanket, but I would say after a few uses this smell should reduce.
This is a practical blanket, large size, easy to clean and folds down small with its own carry handle, great for outdoor pursuits – travelling, picnics, the beach… what’s not to like.
Compact, simple design and I love the texture of the material. This is the type of material that I like rubbing my feet into. I don’t really like a mat that is a felt-type fabric. This one is so easy to clean and sand won’t get stuck on it if use in the beach. The bottom side is also easy to clean. I like that this is compact when folded. It can easily fit our backpack when going outdoors for picnic.
Highly recommended