Magna Cart MFF Platform Truck – Black

Key Features
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Durable MaterialOur hand and platform trucks are constantly subjected to the highest quality tests. This results in excellency when it comes to materials we use: steel, aluminium, polypropylene. | Foldable WheelsThe ball-bearing rubber wheels enable the platform car to be used on almost any floor, whether it is stone, carpet or linoleum. | Compact DesignFoldable within seconds. Fits virtually anywhere at all – Planes, busses, trains, trunks, garages or closets for storage. | EnvironmentMagnacart Material Handling can be used inside as well as outside. They are ideal helpers for transporting various loads on various occasions. |

Magnacart Material Handling Range
Magnacart Material Handling is ideal for home improvement, travelers, trade fair exhibitors and anyone who needs to carry cartons or anything else. With Magnacart, you can easily transport up to 135 kg at a time. But also lower quantities or smaller products can be transported easily with the matching basket.
The rubber wheels allow the use of the trucks on almost any floor, whether it is stone, carpet or linoleum. After usage, the trucks can be simply folded which makes them easy to carry or to store.
Magnacart Material Handling among other things is ideal for the transport of tools, DIY materials or moving cartons. But also in and around the house, the garden, during the holiday or when visiting a festival.
Weight: | 6.4 kg |
Size: | MFF |
Dimensions: | 41 x 92 x 68.1 cm; 6.4 Kilograms |
Model: | FF |
Part: | MFF |
Colour: | Black |
Pack Quantity: | 1 |
Batteries Required: | No |
Batteries Included: | No |
Manufacture: | Magna Cart |
Colour: | Black |
Quantity: | 1 |
Size: | MFF |
We moved me into my new home with this. It held a ton of boxes and is very solidly built and portable. I can slide it behind the seats of my compact car. Now that I’ve moved, my family will use it for gardening supplies, decorating, etc. very handy!
I love this cart. I keep it parked behind my car in the garage. Use to take groceries up to condo and boxes back to garage. It is so easy to maneuver and fold back up. Will use for a luggage dolly for trips in car as well. No need for hotel luggage carts that are rarely available. Don’t have to leave room in morning of checkout to get cart. Will take bungee cords to secure if have more bags than usual.
This cart got the job done but not without some aggravation. Only the back 2 wheels turned 360 degrees, not the front two. This made moving my college student into her dorm that much more difficult. The design is a little shortsighted but like previously mentioned it got the job done.
I bought this for my husband to use with his work. He loves that it opens/folds up easily and it doesn’t take up a lot of room in his truck.
I do a lot of moving with boxes and this has been great. Its small enough to fit in my car but can handle large load. I have stacked 7 file boxes and it had no problem.
I love these carts, but the last one I bought folded on one side when it had 50 lbs on it. it is supposed to be able to hold more but I would not use this with more than 50 lbs!
Great quality cart and easy to pull even if you have heavy items on the cart. Doesn’t seem like you can push like a shopping cart, only pull.
I’ve had this item for almost 10 years and it is still working great. It is easy to use, set up, and take down. It’s convenient enough to keep in your trunk or in the garage. It is never in the way, but it can literally be a life saver.
This cart does the job. Easy to maneuver, easy to fold and easy to store.
1. The handle (and platform) was a bit taller/longer at the tallest setting (I’m only 5’6″ and feels like that handle is too short, can only imagine what it’s like for taller people). I realize the handle can’t be longer than the platform itself or it would be an awkward fit when folded, but it would be possible to make the handle AND the plattform slightly longer. Nobody would mind a slightly longer platform (especially those of us who cart around postal tubs when dropping off orders at the post office, this platform cannot hold two postal buckets without one hanging off the edge a bit). A couple more inches would be great.
2. If the handle could be tilted backwards. The handle is just too straight so you keep kicking the cart as you push it in front for you. If the handle would lean backwards a little bit that would be a great improvement – I don’t know how that would affect the quality of it though, the more moving parts and more “settings”, the bigger the risk of something breaking.
3. I also wish this cart came with a rubberized surface, as right now everything slides right off it (hard plastic). I will have to add something to it myself, to keep the plastic boxes/tubs from sliding off.
4. Some kind of brake would be nice. The wheels on this cart is an absolute dream and rolls so nice and smooth, which also means the cart rolls away from you all the time when you’re on uneven ground or trying to load boxes on it.
5. Wish all 4 wheels were moving in 360 degrees, not just two of them. But it works fine anyway, definitely easier to pull this cart alongside you instead of trying to push it.
Other than that, this is a quality cart that you will be able to use for many years. Its compact size is absolutely perfect for the car, I never go anywhere without it as you just never know when you’ll need it. Mainly I use it to bring tubs of orders to the post office and to move a lot of heavy books.
No set up/assembly needed, just unfold it and use it. Comes with clear instructions attached to the platform itself (an easily removable piece of paper) on how to fold/unfold and raise the handle. I’m happy with this cart, definitely recommend it!
Now if only they would get those few improvements done (taller handle, added brake, non-slip surface, 360 wheels etc) this cart would be an absolute jackpot. I certainly wouldn’t mind paying more for an upgraded version of this cart. This IS a very nice cart, no doubt, but I’m giving it 4 starts because of the improvements that need to be done for it to become a 5 star item.
Wir haben den Wagen zum Weintransport auf einer Weinmesser genutzt und mittlerweile nutzen wir ihn oft auch zu Hause bspw. beim Transport von Getrnkekisten zum Auto und ins Haus. Absolut stabil und kompakt verstaubar – absolut empfehlenswe
I am so happy with this product. Quality made. Folds flat. Very sturdy. Not cheaply made. I do training for electrical contractors in their offices and at motel conference spaces. This truck works great getting my training materials into the training space. Very pleased with this product.
Ich bin auf der Suche nach einer Transportkarre frs Auto auf dieses Produkt gestoen, da ich die Getrnkeksten oder Einkaufstaschen nicht immer in Haus tragen wollte.
Sie nimmt zusammgefaltet im Kofferraum kaum Platz weg, da sie nur geringfgig hher ist als die Bodenplatte.
Aus meiner Sicht ist sie daher perfekt fr Familien, Monteure oder Handelsreisende.
Sie lsst sich sehr einfach auf- und zusammenfalten. Der entsprechende Mechanismus ist sehr stabil und langlebig konstruiert. Die Rollen sind leichtgngig und lassen sich leicht einklappen.
Der Faltmechanismus ist so gut konstruiert, dass mit einer Klappbewegung gleichzeigt das Gestnge und die Rder eingeklappt werden.
Es ist also fr das auf- bzw. zusammenfalten gerade mal ein Handgriff ntig.
Ich habe sie jetzt schon seit einigen Monaten im Einsatz und befrdere damit auch Lasten im Haus z. B. Kisten in der Garage oder im Keller. Dabei hat sich noch nicht eine Verschleispur gezeigt.
Der Preis mag hoch erscheinen, aber dafr bekommt man ein Qualittsprodukt.
Ich kann diese Transportkarre nur empfehlen.
Was man beachten muss: Sie ist nicht ganz leicht (7 kg). Dafr aber stabil gebaut.
The cart did its job well. I was able to push some boxes of goods for a mile. The box on the bottom was the largest box and it’s dimensions were bigger than that of the flat surface of the cart and at times since there were a lot of pot holes or uneven sidewalk area along the way the cart sometimes tilted to one side or other and the boxes seemed ready to fall and I would have to adjust the boxes on top of each other. Of course whatever you put on the cart you have to make sure the items are balanced properly. Of course that is not always easy either. T he boxes of items I put on the cart were actually not so heavy, quite a bit of clothing and shooes and some books and other small bric-a-brac and household items. But the dimensions of tbe boxes were different and any swaying of the cart could have made the boxes slowly work their way to the side of the lower box than stay put. Some properly placed bungee cords helped moderately with that.
This cart is good for such an occasion. It is strong enough and it is great that it can be folded and stored away when not in use.
There are a few cons. The two wheels that are under the extending handle are a bit too far under the flat platform and that can cause the truck to easily tilt if you put too much of your weight on the handle as you push or pull it. It may come in handy if you have to tilt the cart when you are going up a sidewalk curb but still a better design would be if the wheels were closer to the edge of that side of the cart.
Also only the wheels under the extending handle rotate. The othe two wheels do not. It means that if you are pushing the cart it will be a bit more difficult as the rotating wheels should be the wheels going in the direction of where you are moving, if you get what I mean.
But still I would recommend this item for some smaller hauling or carrying jobs. It can depend on what kind of terrain or ground you are pushing or pulling the cart through, it can depend on what you place on top of the cart and how you place those objects on top of the cart., it can depend what dimensions the items you place on the cart are .
I am happy enough with the cart but I may still need a different type of cart for different types of carrying or hauling jobs.
I think the price should be a bit cheaper.
I wouild not know about the long-term durability since I have not used the cart for a long enough time.
I will update if necessary and if I can.
Fits nicely under the boot floor in my car when flat, use it everywhere; feels substantial and handles load well. Textured rubber top makes good friction hold.
Me pareci el ms adecuado para cargar las bolsas del sper. Vivo en un Condominio y los carritos de sper son brumosos para guardarlos. Esta plataforma me da el servicio y la puedo plegar y guardarla en cualquier lado. Muy til!!! Felicidades! Y adems me fue entregada antes de lo esperado. Felicidades Amazon!
It is very easy to unfold and use. Since the wheels can rotate 360, it makes the handling very easy. I also have put heavy boxes on it, and is not hard to push at all! The frame comes a little loose though, but so far has not affected the actual function.
It has suited us very well. It’s much better than our old trolley jack.
Gekauft fr die Untersttzung bei einem Umzug ist der kleine Wagen fr mich bis jetzt der Kauf des Jahres. Flach transportierbar fllt er im Kofferraum kaum auf; mit zwei Handgriffen einsatzbereit, stabil und auch fr meine fast 2m Gre gut rangierbar. Im Alltag dient er jetzt dazu, nach dem Einkauf 2-3 Klappboxen bequem von der Tiefgarage bis zum Lift und in die Wohnung zu rollern, aber auch whrend des Umzugs war er eine groe Hilfe. Einzige Kritikpunkte: Keine Radfeststellung, weswegen er schnell zum Wegrollen neigt. Und die Haltebgelarretierung hat ein paar Scharfe Kanten, da muss man schon etwas aufpassen.
Die Verarbeitung des Transport- Rollers macht einen guten Eindruck- die Einklapp- Mechanik
funktioniert tadellos und macht diesen Transport- Roller zu einem guten Begleiter im Auto. Einziger (groer) Kritikpunkt ist die viel zu glatte Oberflche der Plattform! Die drei weichen, roten Gummi- Einlagen sind bei vielen Transportgtern an der falschen Stelle- Beispiel Wasserksten. Ich habe jetzt Filzstreifen ringsum die Plattform geklebt- mal schauen wie lange die halten – schade – ansonsten htte ich 5 Sterne fr dies eigentlich gute Produkt vergeben!
This truck is easily used and collapses into a small space with no bits sticking out. So, its easy to stow with other equipment.
This is an excellent quality platform trolley.It arrived quickly and does the job it’s supposed todo.It has the added bonus of an extendable handle.Most platform trolley ‘s handles are far to short making it hard for transporting goods over a long distance.This trolley ‘s handle is perfect and makes it easy to use.
El nico “PERO” es que en la foto del producto viene con una caja de plstico a medida que no viene luego parece que no est incluida en el pedido y por lo tanto eso confunde al comprador … como yo. Y por aportar algo ms, sera conveniente que la plataforma viniese con algn sistema para poder enganchar gomas de sujecin.
Have used these carts at multiple live events to carry cartons of meeting materials. All I can say is “Lifesaver!”
A los lugares que voy me lo elogian y preguntan dnde lo consegu.
Lo utilizo 2 veces por semana en caminos no muy regulares con cargas de ms de 100kg. Desde hace mas de 5 meses y ha estado de maravilla.
Se dobla completo y Cabe perfecto en un hueco en el maletero del auto.
Lo recomiendo ampliamente.
Adems lo consegu por del costo actual.
Por lo que no podra estar ms satisfecho.
Probablemente comprar otro en cuanto baje el precio.
Wofr ich ihn benutze:
Ich bin Kameramann und muss oft Stative, Scheinwerfer und hnliches Zubehr, dass sich einigermaen kompakt zusammenlegen lsst, in Summe aber trotzdem Sperrig und schwer ist, aus dem Auto vom Parkplatz zum Drehort schaffen. Bevor ich den Wagen hatte, bin ich eben mehrmals gelaufen – genau das sollte und hat der Wagen gendert.
Was ich daran schtze:
Das Beste zuerst: Der Wagen lsst sich klein zusammenlegen, zieht die Rder an den Bauch und nimmt so kaum Platz im Kofferraum weg. Das ist sehr intelligent gelst und geht dabei nicht auf Kosten der Stabilitt. Die vom Hersteller angegebene Maximallast (135 kg) reize ich kaum bis selten aus. Ich habe aber auch schon mal ein paar Scke Mrtel (insgesamt 125 kg) damit transportiert und der Kleine hat es locker ausgehalten. Ob er das jeden Tag ein Jahr lang mitmachen wrde, kann ich allerdings nicht bewerten, traue es ihm aber zu.
Da ich einigermaen gro bin (ca 190 cm) begre ich es sehr, dass man den Fhrgriff auf ber 90 cm ausfahren kann, man sich damit also nicht wie der Glcker von Notre Dame bewegen muss.
Die Rollen sind leichtgngig, gummiert und gro genug. Die Achse unterm Griff ist starr, “gelenkt” wird beim Ziehen des Wagens also ber das Heck. Schn wre es noch gewesen, wenn der Wagen so etwas wie “Bremsen” htte, man also zumindest eine Achse sperren knnte, damit er nicht wegfhrt.
Was ich zustzlich empfehlen kann:
Ich habe mir noch eine Antirutsch-Matte gekauft, welche ich zwischen Wagen und Klappbox, mit der ich meine Technik transportiere, lege, damit die Box auch garantiert nicht verrutscht. Das funktioniert super. Ich benutze eine bereits vorhandene Klappbox von der groen, orangefarbenen Baumarkt mit dem Bieber. Es gibt aber auch vom Wagenhersteller selbst passende Klappboxen, die wohl nicht nur ineinander, sondern auch auf dem Plattformwagen einrasten. Habe ich noch nicht ausprobiert, bisher tuts meine olle Klappbox mit Antirutsch-Matte auch sehr gut 😉
Toller Plattformwagen, der mir das Leben echt leichter macht und sich superflach im Kofferaum verstauen lsst. Wrde ich jederzeit wieder kaufen!
We experienced stiffness using the small levers to control the handle. Performance so far is good.
Love it. I have not put it through its paces yet but I really like it’s simplicity and easy storage
How can a cart be this adorable???? It is durable, easy to store, compact and so easy to fold to either store or take in hand to where you want to use it. I initially purchased this to move some items. But over the years I ended up using it much more than imagined, it folds 100% flat and the handle raises to a good height. It is very easy to manouver and such a compact size. Love it!!!! I even took it from where I was living abroad to the UK – no way could I leave it behind!!
Si pu metterlo in uno spazio ristretto grazie alla completa chiusura, anche le ruote rientrano a filo del piano.
L’unico neo che non ha il manico regolabile nell’inclinazione, solo in altezza.
First, this does an excellent job of rolling over uneven surfaces as well as textured ones like cobblestone. Note that I do not load this anywhere near the weight capacity, so that may account for the ease of rolling. My normal loads are less than fifty pounds.
Second, it expands out and folds back in seconds. When I first received it there was an issue with the wheels smoothly and completely folding in for storage, but that problem went away after a few uses and has not resurfaced. Perhaps it needed to be broken in.
I stand 5’9″ and the handle expands vertically to a height that is both comfortable for me and and easy to control the cart. If I could change anything it would be to add a few inches to the length and width, but as is it is still vastly better than any other hand truck or cart that I have used because it is compact. And, for my loads and use, sturdy.
To put my use into context I play 22-25 gigs a month and hand carrying all of the gear we use into and out of venues was time consuming and a cause of aches in my sixty-six year old body. Thus far this has not only diminished the aches and pains, but has also cut set-up and break down time by at least a third. To be totally honest I would replace this immediately if something were to happen to it, and am contemplating purchasing another as a spare.
Factor in the way I use mind when making a purchase decision because I am not stressing it to anywhere near its specified limits. Some other reviews have reported issues and you should also factor those in, but for me I am totally pleased with this cart.
Gerade habe ich die dritten Transportkarre bestellt, nachdem auch die zweite Transportkarre an seiner Achillesverse anfngt, den Dienst einzustellen. Die Achillesverse sind und bleiben offenbar die Lager in den kleinen Rdchen, die jetzt wieder zu klackern anfangen und akustisch das Ende ihres Lebenszyklus melden.
Fairer Weise muss ich aber einrumen, dass ich diese superpraktische Karre manchmal ein wenig berlade, wenn ich etwa 6 Ksten Bier und zwei Ksten Wasser (in Glasflaschen) auf einmal transportiere. Da berschreite ich dann schon einmal die zulssigen 135 Kilo Maximalzuladung. Indem ich selber hin und wieder “schuldhaft” handele und die Karre dennoch 6 Jahre gehalten hat, erhhe ich meine Bewertung wieder auf volle 5 Sterne. Schade, dass man keine Ersatzrder kaufen kann.
Diese Karre ist unglaublich praktisch und kann eben sowohl im Fahrzeug wie am Aufbewahrungsort (hier hinter der Tr im Vorratsraum) schlank verstaut werden. Ein Griff und die Karre steht einsatzbereit vor einem. Zwei Griffe und die Karre ist wieder elegant, schlank und verstaubereit.
Diese Karre werden wir bei Bedarf immer wieder kaufen, zumal der Preis wieder von 81 im Jahr 2016 auf jetzt 69 gefallen ist. Es ist und bleibt ein sensationelles Produkt.
Update 15.02.2016
Nach knapp 2 Jahren Gebrauchs erweisen sich leider die Lager der Rder als zu schwach. Das Innenleben der Rder unter diesem patenten Wagen besteht vollstndig aus Kunststoff, welcher den Belastungen auf Dauer nicht standzuhalten vermag.
Jedes Wochenende stapeln wir unsere Einkufe (Getrnkekisten und Faltboxen) auf dem Wagen und ziehen die Ladung von der Garage den stufenlosen Weg in den Lift und dann – oben angekommen – in den Vorratsraum. Zwischenzeitlich sind es auch schon Lasten gewesen, die wohl auch die Gesamtzuladung etwas berstiegen haben.
Daher ziehe ich auch von meinen ursprnglich fnf Punkten lediglich einen ab. Indem aber der Preis dieses praktischen Wagens von damals 58,42 EUR auf inflationre 81,93 EUR gestiegen ist, werde ich bei der knapp 30%igen Preissteigerung nach einer Alternative suchen; aber wohl kaum finden.
Merke: Wird ein Produkt sehr gelobt, steigt der Preis exorbitant.
Dieses handliche Wgelchen ist wirklich jeden Cent wert, den die Chinesen zusammengeschraubt haben. Es bleibt allein abzuwarten, wie lange der Wagen hlt. Solide genug wirkt der Plattformwagen aber.
Ganz intuitiv habe ich den Wagen ausgeklappt, indem ich den Griff des Wgelchens entriegelte und nach oben zog. Gleichzeitig mit dem Hochziehen der Griffeinheit fahren zuverlssig die Rder aus und in wirklich nur Sekunden ist der Plattformwagen einsatzbereit. Ebenso simpel ist das Zusammenklappen des Transportwagens: Mit dem Herunterklappen des Griffes fahren auch die Rder wieder ein und machen den Plattformwagen zu einem schlank wegstellbaren Helferlein in Wartestellung; bis er eben wieder bentigt wird.
Das Wgelchen wird hier noch extrem gute Dienste leisten. Da kommen keine Zweifel auf.
So, I was really excited when I found this folding compact hand truck on amazon that could hold loads of 275 lbs! As a woman, living in a tiny Manhattan apartment I needed a compact folding hand truck. This hand truck is perfect because it folds flat and does not take up much room in my apartment’s small coat closet. Sometimes I also leave it lying flat in the back of my car as it doesn’t take up much room. I use this hand truck several times per week depending on the errands that I run. When you first get it it may take a bit of practice to get used to folding it flat but after a couple of attempts it becomes really easy, just follow the instructions.
I have managed to balance various loads of items on it, including pieces of furniture on like dressers, baby swings, luggage etc and walk several blocks moving this furniture. When possible I do recommend placing smaller heavier items in stackable plastic bins or boxes which can be secured to the hand truck with bungee cords to keep items from falling off of the cart when you go over curbs or turn the cart.
I have been impressed by how many compliments that I have received on this hand truck. Several people that have seen me using this cart on the street have asked me where they can get their own because they have been so impressed by how easy it is to maneuver while carrying a large load. It is definitely a lifesaver for moving heavy objects and it is easy to keep on hand with its compact fold.
First of all, we go to the Aiport a lot!!!
My review is geared towards those who may be interested in buying this to eliminate Airport cart fees forever! But you should know that you cannot push this thing standing behind the handle like a shopping cart, or like those carts at the airport. Well you can, you just have very little control. That’s because the 2 maneuver/turning wheels are placed on the handle bar end, while the 2 stationary wheels are placed on the other end. So you would push this exactly like how you would push a travel luggage, you drag it by the handle and all your stuff is behind you, or side by side would work too. This cart can hold up to 300 lbs. You can stack only two luggage and be comfortable. You can stack a third if you want, but then the height of the 3 luggage will be higher than the handle. Just need extra care in pushing and steering. Since Airlines’ per luggage weight limit is usually 50 lbs, you’re looking at 150 lbs for three luggage. So for Airport purposes, you’ll never come close to testing their 300 lbs claim, so this cart should last you a long time. This is the only product I know that will pack extremely compact and flat, yet will open up and give you 300 lbs of carriage. I’m giving it a 5 stars because it worked! An old lady at the Airport looked at me and said good idea!
Lastly, of course this is only ideal if you’re seeing people off from beginning to end. My parents can never handle the Airport alone. So I would park the car, stand in the check-out line with them, and also translate. Once everything is complete, you can fold up the cart and take it home. So if you travel alone, you don’t want to take the cart on the airplane, do you? And if you’re just dropping people off at the curb, you don’t want them to know you have such a cart because then you have to wait. LOL! I know this must be a totally random review for most of you. But for the few who may be thinking about this for the Airport, I hope you appreciate it! I’m going to try and have the stationary wheels and the turning wheels switch places. If I can do that then this thing would be perfect for my purpose! But from the looks of the bolts, it won’t be an easy job. Your usual household tools won’t work. But where there’s a will, there’s a way!
U P D A T E:
This cart is easy for me to open — but VERY hard to close. I am, however, very thankful to the manufacturers and to Amazon, for puttting a video on this item’s page, for easy reference on how to open and close this dolly. (A slow-motion version would be even more helpful, but I find puttng my screen magnification up to 400% — and watching it a few times, helps.) For other ladies, and those who do not have the energy to close this cart, (or, unlike me, do not have the strength to open it), my adice, for what it may be worth, is this: Find someone whom yoo trust, who CAN open and close this dolly. Have them do it several times, each time they come to your home. After a while, the gears may loosen a bit, and so it may beome easier for you, yourself, to open, (and especially, to close), this otherwise excellent dolly.
O R I G I N A L……R E V I E W
The MAGNA CART FLATFORM 4-WHEELED HAND TRUCK, like all “dolly carts”, DOES look a bit big and unweildly on the computer page. Or on the magazine page, for that matter. Maybe not the MOST big and unweildly dolly-cart there is, but certainly, in danger of being big and unweildly, nonetheless. I guess to us non-business users of these dolly-carts, ALL of them look big and unweildly — even this one, which is accompanied, here on Amazon, by a nice little video, showing the ease of opening, using, and closing this dolly-cart. _
o o
I am very pleased to report that unweildiness is NOT a problem with this dolly cart. Unobtrusive when folded, only a tiny bit obtrusive
when opened, (well, when opened it does have to take up SOME amount of space), it glides along very smoothly on large “legs with wheels”. It is also as easy to open and close, as the video on Amazon shows it to be.
Even a child, (and especially, a girl — but those times are changing and boys can obviously use this cart as well!) can lift this thing. It rolls easily and smoothly, almost effortlessly, anywhere, on 4 BIG wheels.
This is, despite it’s undenible, (but very slight), “bulkiness”
is someting anyone– with normal energy levels, can use and enjoy.
Closed, it is unobtrusive, open it is just slightly noticeable.
Don’t be fooled by the simularity of this item to the HUGE dolly-trucks used in industry. This dolly-truck is ….much smaller and easier to handle.
So, declare you indendence, and use this MAGNA CARTA dolly-truck for small, house-holder moving tasks. Adults may have outgrown “dollys”…..but this “dolly-cart” will help them free up
time, and effort, for various home tasks.
No I am not throwing around that 4-star rating effortlessly, however the amount of effort I save by using the Flatform 4 should be recognized. I replaced a set of hand-carts with this hand “truck” and I could not be happier. The construction is superb, it folds down and expands in under 10 seconds and holds a great deal of stuff in place while transporting. It is extremely sturdy (it holds more than 300lbs), although I would not make a habit of it.
I would presume that you are interested in purchasing this hand truck because of its unique ability to fold down into such a compact size, and you would be right. Even though it can handle such a great deal of weight, the wheels move freely, it never locks up and then folds down into a compact size which is perfect for travel. I personally liked it so much, I bought a second unit which I keep in the trunk of my car at all times. It takes up such little space that I don’t even mind or notice it being there. It has come in handy on many occasions. I purchased some office furniture recently and while I had help getting the furniture in the car, my only help getting it out was the Flatform Truck – but boy was it convenient and saved me a great deal of time and stress on my back.
Due to it’s compact size, it is easily able to carry a hefty load while navigating through tight spaces. Not only that, but it is fairly easy to take over a step-up (not stairs) or a curb for example. This is a very valuable feature that I don’t think is really advertised much. If there is a small curb about 6″-8″ or so, you can pop it right up over the curb rather than having to look for a ramp. This is very very convenient.
I really don’t have anything bad to say about the product, and I wish I could have given it 4.5 stars on Amazon. The reason I am not giving it a full 5-star review is because I feel there are a couple of things that could possibly make it better, although these are not a deal-breaker in any way because when compared to the competition this product is still far ahead.
However, just to be fair, I will point out that I wish the truck had some sort of a “brake” so if it was placed on a slight incline it might not roll away. Sometimes when I am unloading things from my car, I notice it has the tendency to roll even on a slight hill. The other improvement I think that could be made (while it’s not as big of a deal) is when you fold it up, the wheels contract within the base of the truck, however if you are say putting it in your trunk with the portion holding the wheels facing downward, gravity will cause the wheels to flip open on the bottom. This is really not so much of a problem rather than a nuisance since you can easily turn the wheel to tuck it properly in the base. Although when I am storing it in my trunk, I just flip it over so I don’t have that issue. Other than these two points, everything else about the truck is perfect and I would definitely buy more products from this company in the future!