Magnetpro 12 Pieces Magnet 10 KG Force 20 x 7 mm with Countersunk Hole and Steel Capsule, Pot Magnets with Screws and 12 Steel Pads

- Magnetpro is a leading supplier of magnet products. We supply a full line of advanced permanent magnets in many bearing sizes. In addition, we can supply magnets according to customer specifications.
- Magnetpro brand magnets for household, office supplies, science, innovation, technology and industry. Our magnets are made from the world’s most advanced magnetic materials. We only sell new magnets produced under license to the highest standards.

Magnetpro Topfmagnet 20 x 7 mm
- Pulling force: 10 kg
- Size: diameter 20 x 7 mm
- Screw in hole diameter: 4 mm
- Material: magnets, steel capsule, steel plates
- The package includes: 12 x round magnet, 12 x steel plates, 24 x screws
- Heat resistant up to 80 ° C
Similar magnets from Magnetpro:
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At Magnetpro we have a large selection: magnets and pot magnets for industry and trade, our range is geared towards the long-term availability of products so that you can buy the same magnet years later. | The system accurately measures the weight a magnet can hold when pulled vertically and the pull a magnet can exert if there is a gap or non-magnetic material between the magnet and the material it is being applied to . With the best technology, we ensure that our customers always get the right magnet for their application. | 1. Keep away from pacemakers. 2. Powerful magnets can hurt your fingers. 3. All magnets may chip and shatter, but if used correctly can last a lifetime. 4. If damaged please dispose of completely. Shards are still magnetized and if swallowed can inflict serious damage. |

Dimensions: | 2 x 2 x 0.7 cm; 240 Grams |
Model: | MA20 |
Manufacture: | Magnetpro |
Origin: | China |
Unglaubliche Haftkraft . Sehr vielseitig einsetzbar . Der Kauf hat sich gelohnt.
Magnete sind genau so stark wie in der Verkaufsanzeige beschrieben.
Kann ich echt weiterempfehlen.
Ich habe die Magneten bestellt als Trstopper/-halter. Die Haftung ist wenn man sie Direkt an einander hlt sehr gut.
Ich habe mehrere Magneten gestapelt und mit einer lngeren Schraube befestigt. Das Metallbltchen an die Tre. Habe einen sehe dnnen Filz darauf geklebt damit es leiser ist und die Magneten nicht so stark halten. So bleibt die Tre offen wenn sie an die Wand gedrckt wird aber lt sich leicht wieder schlieen ohne das man die Magneten wieder los reit.
Aber man muss aufpassen das man nicht zu dicken Stoff benutzt sonst ist die magnet Leistung futsch.
Es handelt sich um Neodym-magnete sie halten direkt sehr gut aber mit Abstand von wenigen Millimeter ist die Leistung stark reduziert.
Ich habe sie so verwendet und bin zufrieden ich denke es gibt viele Einsatzmglichkeiten also versucht es einfach.
Ein Bild in der Schrgen aufgehangen, es hlt endlich. Tolle Dinger kann ich sehr weiterempfehlen.
Para lo prequeos que son, la verdad es que tienen fuerza suficiente incluso para colgar una herramienta.
Magnete sind stark genug um bis zu 10 kg Last zuhalten.
Leider sind die U-Scheiben (vom Verkufer Stahlkissen genannt) zu dnn, oder die Schrauben passen nicht.
Ich habe ander Schrauben benutzt damit es eine ebene Flche ergibt.
Ansonsten gibt es nichts aus zusetzen alles in Ordnung.
Preis passt, und schnelle Lieferung war es auch.
la semplicit e la facilit di applicazione.
Consiglio di incassare sia la calamita che la contro calamita per avere una perfetta tenuta della chiusura
Tun was sie versprechen. Wirklich sehr starke Magnete. Daumen hoch
Ho usato Magnetpro 12 pezzi per fissare una tenda sul terrazzo, devo dire che aderiscono molto bene e mi sembrano anche robusti.
Son bastante potentes.
Vienen muy bien protegidos.
Buena relacin calidad-precio.
Satisfecho con la compra
Hab mir ein Schlssel Brett gebastelt mit punktuelle haltepunkten. Unsere Schlssel halten gut daran ohne das mann viel Kraft aufbringen muss um sie ab zu ziehen. Also genau richtig.
Sono passati diversi giorni dal momento cui ho ricevuto questi magneti e posso quindi rilasciare la mia recensione onesta e trasparente sul prodotto.
I magneti sono pervenuti integri, presentati in una scatolina di plastica forte, separati accuratamente tra di loro per poterli manipolare senza difficolt, in un pacchetto spesso cos da non interferire con altri prodotti a contatto, tipo un cofanetto CD, rischiando di rovinarli smagnetizzandoli.
Innanzitutto, ho notato che l’attrazione del magnete considerata efficace solo se si mette il magnete a diretto contatto con la rondella o l’oggetto metallico.
Se inserisci qualcosa tra i due elementi, la forza di attrazione si riduce e questo ovvio visto che non l’obiettivo ricercato.
Un peso di 10 kg condensati in un unico piccolo elemento con una ridotta ed omogenea superficie cos come quanto mostra la foto presentata nella descrizione del prodotto sar effettivamente supportato dal magnete.
Se proprio vuoi sospenderci questi 10 kg in verticale, li metti a diretto contatto con il magnete, in un posto sereno e neutro e non li tocchi mai pi per nessun motivo. Se mai vuoi spostarli, cadono.
In effetti il punto di rottura calcolato di 10 kg, ma in tutta logica scientifica, un punto di rottura un massimo raggiungibile in s e non un punto di riferimento sostenibile di fronte ad una forza di sollecitazione costante.
Un esempio semplice, un TGV – treno ad alta velocit – ha raggiunto i 575 km orari sul circuito di prova, questo il massimo, il record per i media, ma in realt, al giorno d’oggi, non ha mai viaggiato a pi di 300/320 km orari perch le strutture interne del motore del treno cos come quelle esterne che lo alimentano, la catenaria, non sosterrebbero una sollecitazione costante senza creare danni irreversibili su entrambi le apparecchiature..
Quindi, se a questi magneti ci poggi un utensile con un peso significativo, anche al di sotto del massimo di capacit, non strettamente di forma omogenea e non in posizione verticale, interferir con l’efficienza della distribuzione delle masse e quindi i 10 kg ufficiali saranno notevolmente ridotti.
Diciamo che per un coperchio leggero o una spatola con manico metallico un magnete andr bene.
Insomma, questo tipo di magnete molto efficiente se usato correttamente.
In breve, per delle piccole ante poco spesse di mobili questi magneti potrebbero essere troppo potenti, tuttavia, per appendere una cornice leggera di 20 cm x 30 cm funzioneranno perfettamente.
Bisogna sempre ragionare in base all’ampiezza della superficie dell’oggetto che si vuole magnetizzare nonch al suo posizionamento rispetto al punto dell’attrazione magnetica.
Lo stesso peso di 10 kg distribuito su una superficie pi ampia e di forma irregolare non reagir allo stesso modo sul magnete, soprattutto se quest’ultimo non sar posizionato esattamente al centro del suddetto oggetto in modo strettamente verticale.
La distribuzione delle forze importante quando si vuole creare un punto di stabilit dell’oggetto.
Ci equivale a dire che a secondo di cosa c’ da magnetizzare e se l’oggetto sar sottoposto a vibrazioni o meno, il magnete sosterr una forza nettamente inferiore ai 10 kg annunciati.
Tutto dipende da come interpreti il testo descrittivo.
Ora poi spiego nel dettaglio perch ho acquistato questi magneti, a quale scopo e infine se sono efficienti o meno.
Dovevo installare un pannello led nella mia cucina ma senza poter fare lavori strutturali con solo una piccola struttura in legno come supporto.
Ho usato un pannello led che pesa esattamente 1,9 kg e misura 120 cm X 30 cm.
Essendo la parte interna del pannello in metallo, se posiziono un magnete al centro, lo manterr in posizione verticale senza problemi data la sua leggerezza inferiore ai 2 kg.
Tuttavia, una semplice vibrazione, una porta che sbatte rumorosamente, un veicolo di passaggio o lavori stradali in attivit saranno sufficienti per far cadere il pannello led, data la sua forma irregolare e l’ampia superficie.
Bisogna quindi reagire in modo tale da distribuire le forze cos da dividere il peso.
Vale a dire che invece di utilizzare un magnete che dovrebbe sostenere 10 kg, ho posizionato un magnete alle estremit del pannello led ogni 56 cm in lunghezza e ogni 26 cm in larghezza che fa un totale di 6 magneti per un oggetto che pesa meno di 2 kg.
Siamo quindi lontani dai 60 kg teorici che i 6 magneti dovrebbero padroneggiare.
Il risultato di tutto ci che il pannello led stabile, correttamente magnetizzato e che nessuna vibrazione lo far cadere dalla sua posizione.
Solo una feroce volont di staccarlo lo far precipitare.
Un’ulteriore domanda da porsi sarebbe quella di sapere se ‘in fine’, quando dovr sostituire il pannello led o semplicemente se vorr spostarlo, questo sar possibile vista la forza di attrazione presente.
Nessun problema perch qui parliamo di piccoli magneti e siamo molto distanti da un elettromagnete industriale come quello che solleva i rottami metallici di auto o navi sui cantieri navali.
La vera risposta ci viene da oltre 2270 anni, proprio da Archimede di Siracusa, il matematico, che aveva gi pensato a questo problema quando pronunci la frase “Datemi una leva e sollever il mondo”, infatti facendo pressione su un punto particolare dell’installazione del pannello, la separazione con i magneti avverr senza alcuna difficolt, il dito sar la leva e il pannello led sar il mondo..
Conclusione, soddisfatto..
Et voil..
Grazie di farmi sapere se la mia recensione vi stata utile
The magnets were perfect for the application they were purchased for. I only needed 4 magnets but I will find a use for the rest.
Um die volle Magnetkraft zu erreichen, ist fr die Scheibe, die den Magnet berhrt, eine kleinere Schraube zu verwenden (bei mir war es eine mit Durchmesser 2,5 mm). Der Kopf der Originalschraube ist zu gro, dadurch berhren sich beide Schraubenkpfe (Magnet + Scheibe) und es entsteht kein direkter Kontakt Magnet/Scheibe. Weiterhin ist die Schraube der Scheibe nicht ganz festzuziehen, wenn beide Flchen nicht planparallel sind. Die Scheibe muss etwas Spiel haben, damit sie sich an das Magnet flchig anlegt, da ansonsten die Magnetkraft wesentlich geringer ist.
Ich benutze die Magneten um die Sonnenblende in meinem Ford tourneo hoch zu halten. Der Wagen ist 4 Jahre alt und es ist nicht in der Garantie enthalten. Also msste ich mir eine altanativende Einfall lassen.
Die Magneten halten aber nur gut wenn sie aufeinander oder direkt auf Metall gesetzt werden. Ich hatte 0,5 cm Kunststoff dazwischen (oberes Fach ber der Sonnenblende) dann sin zwei Magneten mit 10 kg leider zu schwach.
I use these to hold the tarp on my boat, there is no way it is getting blown off with these.
They are very strong, I use another magnet or two to
remove them.
Well the advertised applications as fridge magnets and for sticking to (magnetic) whiteboards etc., doesn’t seem like a great idea after testing them. I stuck one onto my whiteboard and I defy anyone to easily remove it with just your fingers lol! It slides fairly easily but to lift it away I try to get a fingernail under the edge without success. I then prodded it with a metal object which stuck to it and, combined with finger pressure, managed to get it off. Stupidly I placed it on the desk and forgot about it, picked the stack of others up and accidentally moved it near.. Result: loose magnet flies across desk and smashes into stack with a shower of sparks. One shattered magnet and another chipped.
No, these are not trivial things for sticking to fridges but are fine for holding sturdy doors closed or embedding in wood, or hanging tools and steel cased doodads etc., but they are a hazard otherwise. For myself, I put a drop of superglue on one side then stick them to a my magnetic whiteboard – that way they don’t come away with whatever it is I want to hold in place, or risk two crashing together again.
Us estos imanes para construr un soporte de herramientas. Mont los imanes con los tornillos includos. Pueden aguantar un martillo pequeo, aunque no he probado objetos ms pesados.
heyre nothing super super strong but sheesh…you wont be using them on a stick under your car bonnet lol, clunk! stuck fast to the metal on the way in.
probably better for for hanging tools and the likes up.
Veramente soddisfatto. Arrivate sempre nei tempi dichiarati. Facili nell’utilizzo. Calamite corredate di rondella e viti specifiche. Ottima presa e facilit d’utilizzo. Utilizzate per realizzare su parete pannellata in legno, i supporti per l’officina (attrezzi meccanico, lavorazione ferro e legno)
Und ich hab sie gefunden.
Neodym-Magneten kamen wegen der Empfindlichkeit und der angedachten Verwendung auf Glas nicht in Frage. Ich fand diese Lsung mit der “Gegen-Scheibe” fr meine Zwecke uerst praktisch da ich so auch Modelle drber stellen kann. Deshalb auch die Variante Magnet an der Leuchte und Scheibe obenauf. Die Magneten kamen in einer Plastikbox sauber und sicher verpackt an. Die Kraft von 10kg knnte passen war aber fr mich nicht “das Ma der Dinge”.
Die Magneten halten die Leuchten problemlos an ihrem angedachtem Platz. Natrlich sind sie sensibel wenn man mal dagegenstt aber sie halten so fest das ich selbst meine im selben Zimmer aufgestellte alte Onkyo-Anlage mit ihrem IQ-Boxen “richtig aufdrehen” kann ohne dass die Leuchten durch die Virbrationen abfallen. Also 5 Sterne meinerseits. Anbei noch ein paar Bildchen von der Verwendung.
Buscaba unos imanes fuertes para colgar un cuadro y por el tamao y el grosor me esperaba mas fuerza. El embalaje muy bien y trae tornillos y arandelas de “regalo”
Pretty strong magnets, but magnets after all. Used them to locate pipes behind walls and worked pretty well.
These magnets are very strong and are very good value.
Needed to contain false cupboard door Worked very well and very easy to fit.
Avevo bisogno dei magneti forti da avvitare al teleio in legno 80x82cm della mia zanzariera.
Pur applicandone ben 6, 4 negli angoli e 2 a met del profilo non danno la tenuta che ci si aspetterebbe. Ho paura che basti un forte colpo di vento per staccare il telaio.
Ho provveduto quindi a ancorarla con del filo di ferro.
Forse sono pi indicati per fissare piccoli attrezzi da lavoro alla parete e nulla pi.
Los imanes resultan bastante tiles para sujetar cosas a vallas de hierro o acero. En mi caso, una lona de proteccin.
Super strong magnets with screw fixings for extra strength. Using a set to keep a stair gate secure when in open position. Going to use a set on garden gate.
Parece mentira que algo tan sencillo sea tan prctico.
Adems es un magnfico juguete para mi hijo.
Magneti molto efficienti. Pensavo fossero pi grandi ma tutto sommato vanno bene. Per l’uso che ne devo fare il fatto che il magnete lavori su un solo lato costringe ad inventarsi soluzioni artigianali.
li ho usati a coppie per far attaccare il lettino di famiglia (anni ’60) di mia figlia al letto matrimoniale e devo dire che svolgono bene il loro lavoro. Nulla da eccepire
Prodotto perfetto, confezione perfetta, tenuta ottima, prodotto completo di viti in una scatolina di plastica molto comoda. Spedizione e tempistica perfetta.
Consiglio l’acquisto
ho gi utilizzato magneti uguali di altra marca e di diametro maggiore (30mm) che si sono rivelati ottimi per lo scopo. Ora dovevo sostenere delle tavolette di multistrato da 10mm davanti ai coni degli altoparlanti di casse aucostruite per proteggerli quando non sono utilizzate. Ho scelto questo prodotto perch la confezione oltre ad includere le viti di fissaggio include anche le rondelle per la attrazione magnetica e perch la forza mi sembrava sufficiente e cos stato. Per fissare le rondelle con le loro viti osservare l’accorgimento di avvitare sino in fondo affinch la testa sia completamente a filo nella sede. Per fissare i magneti ho dovuto utilizzare nel mio caso bulloni con testa svasata e scegliendola di dimensioni tali che in opera risulti annegata o al massimo a filo dello svaso di sede del magnete. E’ importante che non si creino dislivelli tra rondella e magnete che uniti devono aderire in piatto in modo da sviluppare il massimo dell’aderenza magnetica. Nel fissaggio del magnete occorre fare attenzione alla forza di serraggio perch se eccessiva facilmente il magnete “salta” (si fessura pure restando in sede a meno che proprio non si sbricioli).
Tye magnets are very fragile and can easily break when tightening, but otherwise hold well. Had an issue, but customer service took care of it. We used them to hold up the continents for a walk mounted wooden world map. Definitely wouldn’t hold a 10kg weight horizontally… But it was fine for the individual continents, none of which weighed more than a kg (we used 2-3 per continent).
L’articolo stato consegnato in una confezione di pratica richiudibile, i magneti sono veramente potenti. Il kit prevede anche viti e rondelle con foro smussato, entrambi in acciaio, ottima scelta. Ritengo ottimo il prodotto e con ottimo rapporto qualit prezzo
Il faut bien aligner les 2 pices et l a s attire trs fort !
Pacco arrivato puntuale e ben protetto.
Magneti fantastici, arrivati in una scatolina di plastica divisi da una robdella di plastica.
Non credo siano da 10kg di forza ma ottimi per lo scopo.
Li uso per tenere le zanzariere.
Assolutamente consigliate
I wanted these to hold tools to a vertical surface. Just one holds a full sized claw hammer firmly with no gravity sheering at all. Brilliant little things.
Ich habe die MAgnete durch die Schraubbefestigung angeschafft. Wenn lerdings die UNterlegscheiben mit angebracht werden, sinkt die Kraft des MAgnetes sehr stark ab. Deshalb nutze ich die MAgnete ihne Abdeckung. Damit sind sie krftig genug um meinen Zwecken zu gengen.
Die Magnete sind in einer praktischen Box verpackt.
Optisch sehen sie sehr hochwertig aus. Praktische ist, dass die passenden Metallgegenstcke mitgeliefert werden, so dass man sich darum keine Gedanken machen muss.
Wir haben diese Magnete verwendet, um eine Klappe an einer Dachschrge zu halten. Einfach anzubringen mit den beiliegenenden Schrauben, halten zwei Magnete problemlos die Klappe fest.
Die Einzelmagnete halten sehr krftig die entsprechenden Gegenstcke, lassen sich aber mit leichtem Zug lsen, so dass die Klappe geschlossen werden kann.
Alles in allem die passende Wahl und klare Kaufempfehlung.
Great magnets for a sensible Price.
They work really well on all the doors inside our narrowboat
And quick delivery too
Nach dem Lesen der Produktbeschreibung hatte ich zuerst bedenken, ob dieser Magnet fr meine Anwendung nicht zu stark wre… Die angegebenen Werte scheinen aber nur unter idealen Bedingungen erreichbar zu sein. Sobald die Metallscheibe nicht bndig auf dem Magneten aufliegt schwindet die Haltekraft deutlich. Auch sind die mitgelieferten Schrauben nicht zu gebrauchen. Ich habe die Magnete in klappbare (Holz-)Tischbeine eingelassen. Das Loch dafr habe ich mit einem Forstnerbohrer gebohrt. Der erste Magnet ist dann beim Anschrauben zerbrochen…
Es ist wirklich ein tolles Produkt, ich habe sie fr meine Steelbooks verwendet um sie etwas schner prsentieren zu knnen. Ich habe lange nach einer schnen Alternative gesucht die mir Spielraum in ihren Mglichkeiten gibt, irgendwann bin ich auf das Produkt gestoen.
Und es ist groartig, der Preis ist super, sie halten meine Books an der Wand und sind gleichzeitig versteckt. Ich habe natrlich alle meine Steelbooks mit einer Hlle versehen damit sie nicht zerkratzen sollte man sie wieder entfernen oder austauschen wollen.
Ich kann sie nur empfehlen und habe mir daraufhin nochmal 2 packte bestellt, Weil meine Sammlung immer grer wird.
Mi ha sorpreso la forte adesione magnetica. Positiva, ma solo dov’ utile o necessaria.
Utilissime le rondelle metalliche e le viti di fissaggio. La confezione curata e utile. Comprende spessori di plastica che facilitano la separazione delle calamite. Veloce e precisa la spedizione. Prodotto consigliato.
I particularly liked these boxed magnets, carefully packaged, with all the appropriate screws and washers for immediate use. Thank you
per l’utilizzo che mi serviva vanno bene anche se secondo me non reggono 10 kg come dichiarato. non fateli cadere che vanno in mille pezzi
These magnets are great, the adhesion is strong does the job for me
Ottimi magneti al neodimio, gi acquiastai in precedenza e devo dire che sono ottimi per svariati lavori anche per il fai date.
acquistati per accorciare e “nascondere” la lunghezza della tenda di una finestra, evitando di comprare quei magneti orrendi che ci sono in giro. fanno il loro lavoro!
Very good value and pretty strong. Bought them to hold some lightweight MDF panels in place against a set of shelves. At first I thought they were a bit weak but, after they pulled the superglued keeper plates off the MDF I realised they were pretty strong. Considering I paid 6.99 each for some other magnets, these are very good value. Oh and yes, I did receive 12 magnets, 12 keeper plates and 24 screws.
prodotto di alta qualit, versateli nell’utilizzo, la propria fantasia pu spaziare.
peccato che non era presente nessun suggerimento di utilizzo, esempio: le viti, le rondelle metalliche e
quelle isolanti, come vengano utilizzate.
Well made magnets that save room by using the space underneath the shelves
Very useful for hanging up “displate” metal artwork pieces. Even though the cost is quite high I still recommend this magnets over others I’ve tried in the past. I never used the extra plates that came with the magnets, I just predrilled into the wall with a 2.5 mm drill bit and screwed each individual magnet into the wall with a 4 by 4 rectangular ratio pattern.
Nutze die Magnete (je 2) fr Bilder von Displate, da die beigelieferten Magnete nicht auf Raufasertapete halten.
Die Montage ist etwas anstregend gewesen wegen der Kleinen Schrauben und der starken magnetischen Wirkung. Aber wenn die einmal an der Wand sind, halten die gefhlt ewig.
Lo nico “malo” que puedo decir es que es demasiado potente pero si compras imanes de neodimio se da por hecho que sabes la potencia que tienen con lo cual ningn pero.
Great for what i wanted them for. Really strong( enough to hold number plates on my car and not lost one ye
If you need a strong magnet fastening , these are what you need. Really good quality.
I decided to try these on my concertina doors to help them click together but these magnets were a little too big for the job i needed them for. Although i can think of was these can be used. There are holes in the middle meaning these could be screwed onto a surface if needed. The price of this item is reasonable as you do get alot in the packaging.
They also come so well packaged, in their own little storage box which is great.
Strong, compact and neat. Screws could be better. They are a bit soft.
Ottimo magneti molto potenti , per il prezzo che vengono proposti mi sento di consigliarli , avevo provato altri magneti al neodimio ma non potenti come questi
Non so se regge effettivamente i 10 kg pubblicizzati ma ben fatto e fa bene il suo lavoro.
es sind wie erwartet starke Magnete die ihren Job machen. Ich hatte nicht so viele Metallscheiben erwartet wie dabei waren. Die Schrauben sind etwas kurz, wenn die Magnete mehr halten sollen braucht es lngere
Absolutely blinking awesome!!! After searching for days and countless number of Amazon packages to return that claimed to be strong magnets, these are amazing!!!! They are very strong, well made and so easy to use. I received 12 magnets, 12 mounts and screws and washes for fitting although I have to admit, I just used no more nails for the job I needed these for.
Well packaged and fast delivery!! I can’t fault them and in fact I’ve just ordered another packet for they are so versatile! Thank you so much!!
Attention ne pas manipuler les aimants sans prcaution, ca “pince” les doigts quand les aimants se collent, on n’est clairement pas dans du jouet, mais de l’aimant puissant.
J’ai utilis ces aimants pour les inclure dans du bois pour faire un porte couteau magntique, il faut malgr tout les mettre assez prs de la surface pour que l’aimantation “colle” le couteau sur le support.
Un fraiseuse de 1cm, de la colle cyanolite, et hop !
Der Titel sagt, glaube ich alles =)
die Magneten kommen gut verpackt inklusive Montage Schrauben an.
Zwischen den einzelnen Magneten sind Distanzringe damit sie sich einfach voneinander lsen.
N’he utilitzat un per penjar una petita lmpada i l’altre per la porta d’un armari, per per la porta noms he posat un cargol al marc d’alumini de la porta. Utilitzar un disc faria massa fora.
Die Magnete sind einwandfrei und auch sehr stark. Halten mhelos Zangen, Anreiwinkel, Schraubendreher und andere Handwerkzeug am Holzregal fest. Auch gut als Magnetverschluss fr Schranktren z.B. im Wohnmobil oder fr den Einsatzwagen voller Werkzeug. Wem die Magnete zu stark sind oder das zu haltende Teil empfindlich gegen Kratzer ist, dem empfehle ich dnne selbstklebende Moosgummipads als Puffer dazwischen zu kleben (z.B. wie bei den Fen von DVD-Playern oder kleinen Haushaltsgerten oft verwendet)… sind in jedem Baumarkt erhltlich. So kann man die Magnetkraft reduzieren. Entgegen der Artikelbeschreibung waren nicht nur 4, sondern 12 Stahlpads und 20 Schrauben in meinem Lieferumfang enthalten. Top!
Quite expensive but they work used for holding blinds in place for a dark room
Arbeitet man ohne Spalt, ist ein geradliniges Abziehen vom Magnet nur mit hoher Kraft mglich. Wie lange der Magnetismus hlt, wird die Zeit zeigen.
Review for Magnetpro 12 Pieces Magnet 10 KG Force 20 x 7 mm with Countersunk Hole and Steel Capsule, Pot Magnets with Screws and 4 Steel Pads.
I am using these as makeshift coat hooks for my work van due to the lack inbuilt hanging hooks. The strength of the magnets is more than sufficient for clothing items and have even resorted to using them for attaching equipment to. They stick well to steel of the panels in my van and provides a quick easy and effective way to provides hanging hooks. Overall very useful ,quick to install, well priced.
Very strong magnet, you can use them alone by 1pcs to hold tools, knifes etc.
Or use a more of them to make a stronger magnetic stripe for a lot of tools and stuff.
I like the packaging – safe storage for unused magnets.
This set comes in a small plastic box with hinged lid. There are two zip lock bags inside. In one are the twelve magnets, separated with plastic washers for ease. In the second bag is a bunch of screws and four countersunk washers (plates) to marry up to the magnets.
Yes it does strike me as strange that they only provide four plates with twelve magnets. It should really be twelve pairs but I can’t mark them down for this. It is stated in the description, but I imagine it may upset some buyers.
The magnets themselves are nicely machined, countersunk and pretty strong. Attach a plate and you won’t remove it straight with your fingers. It’ll need sliding off, so this would easily catch something like a garden gate for instance.
I’ve not had my brainwave for how I’ll use the magnet/plate pairings but the other 8 magnets are up and hanging tools! Things like pliers etc. hang just fine. To give some idea of what can hang, the heaviest thing I’ve hung on a vertical wall is a Stanley claw hammer but it only just stuck if carefully placed.
I have used several of these in my garage and van just to hold odd bit I have laying around such as screwdriver, trowels, grinder blades, and other metal items they are very strong and easy to install
I really like these magnets as a way of keeping my tool collection tidy. These are easy to screw to the wooden surfaces inside my shed and I can then use them to store chisels, hammers and all manner of ferrous based tools. They have a good “pull” so even some heavier objects (like a small crowbar) are not a problem.
I am sure that they have multiple possible uses. Very handy indeed.
As in the title – what you use these for is up to you – they are basically magnets with holes in and a taper on one side for a screw head. They come with screws and you also get 4 steel washers basically to use if you want to use these as a wardrobe door or something? I guess for the rest, just use a normal washer.
They are quite magnetic especially for their size, with a rating of 10kg which is believable.
Very useful for keys, or perhaps knife storage, etc.
12 x 20mm really strong neodymium pot magnets, matching screws and 4 steel pads – this is what you get for 12. And they come in a nice storage box. Very good.
There is a practical side to these magnets. They have a countersunk hole which you can combine with provided matching screws and attach them to the wall. You can then use them as really strong and nice looking holders for anything made of metal.
With the adhesive force they have, these magnets need to be protected from shattering, which may be easier than you think. Therefore they have a metal casing around with an additional plastic ring surrounding them.
In the box they also come with some nylon washers to make them easier to detach. Because when they get stuck together, the only way to detach is to slide them apart.
I already made use of one of them. It’s now holding my scissors in one of my kitchen cupboards. Before they were just lying there being in the way of everything – now neatly hugging the wall. I am already planning for other uses.
The manufacturer provided 4 steel caps to use these magnets as a magnetic door. While a good idea, it makes me wonder why only 4 caps if I have 12 magnets? I think there should be a bit more
Overall I think these magnets are really well made and priced. They’ll find a practical use in almost every house. Just remember to be careful with them and definitely not let children play with these. There is a useful leaflet in the box that everyone should read.
Thank you for reading my review. I hope you found it helpful.
Ho provato ad usarli anche per bloccare aperta la grata di ferro che ho in cucina, all’inferriata dove normalmente sbatte, ma c’ qualche materiale che non prende la calamita (purtroppo non so dire quale).
Ad ogni modo molto pratiche anche per appendere attrezzi, o la maggior parte degli oggetti in metallo che si hanno in casa.
Attenzione a non avvicinarle a smartphone, laptop, tv carte di credito, o qualsiasi cosa sia tecnologico, perch potrebbe rovinarsi.
Nehme die Magnete zur Entnahme von Schrauben aus einem Schraubenkasten. Die Befestigung erfolgt an einem 10 cm abgesgten Besenstiel. Die magnetische Kraft ist der Hammer; es bleibt fast der ganze Kasten daran hngen.
This set of magnets come in a plastic box and you get 12 super strong 2cm diameter round magnets that are 0.7cm deep with a rounded dome shaped back. You also get 4 metal plates and a bag of screws that fit them perfectly.
I’ve found neodymium magnets to be very useful around the house and workshop. These are unusual though, having a countersunk hole, allowing them to be screwed to a surface, such as a wooden beam.
I started by using them in my shed – so easy to screw in and then stick tools to them. The steel washers can be screwed onto non-steel tools so they can be placed too.
Excellent idea, really pleased with them.
These magnets are so very useful and really are very strong with a powerful hold.
Each magnet has a hole to enable it to be screwed into place such as a wall and the hold it creates is so strong that for most things I have tried with them I have only had to use one magnet.
The set comes with the magnets, screws and four blank plates that match the size, I do wish that it had come with the same number of plates as there are magnets but at least they give an extra option on the use of each magnet.
My latest project was to mount a quite large and heavy router to my wall as it was to big for my equipment top and it has held this beautifully and still allows me to easily remove the router if I need to just by pulling it off.
I have also found that unlike a lot of the strong magnets thats these do not easily break or shatter so they should last far longer and work from job to job.
I am finding new uses for these every day and will be ordering more very soon.
Terrific magnets and well thought out.
I’m happy with these. Used them in a few craft projects but also to add a few fixtures. They’re good quality and strong plus easy to fit.
My only dislike was the screws could be a little longer but that depends on what you plan on doing with them I guess.
A pack of 12 pieces of small magnets which provides 10 kg force, with a hole in the middle to fix the screws. Magnets are looking nice and also the installation it was very easy
I loved these magnets in my tool room. They are easily applied to the wall using a screw and we can stick the tools there, which are always at hand. They are very strong, can handle tools up to 10 kg. If we want to hang an object that is not magnetic and the magnets do not attract, just screw a steel pad to the object, and the object becomes magnetic. These magnets came to help me keep my workshop more organized and keep the main tools at hand. Very recommended.
he package came with 12 magnets, 4 steel pads, 16 screws, nicely placed in a plastic box; all magnets and steel pads have a countersink hole on it, they could be screwed to wall for hanging metal tools
i used them in the garage, they are very strong, hold metal tools very firmly
it does the job very well, i’m satisfied with this product and would recommend
I got 12 really strong small pot magnets in this kit. They came in a small plastic case which had been cracked in transit, so needed some sticky tape to repair it. But the magnets inside were undamaged so all was well.
The magnets were separated by small nylon washers so that removal was easy enough. But if two magnets got stuck together the only way to separate them was by sliding them apart, so powerful are they.
This makes them ideal for hanging iron or steel things in a workshop, even a heavy hammer or wrench. You also get four steel washers in the kit so that you can use these as door catches – but they are so strong a lot of effort is needed to open the door. 16 small chipboard screws are supplied in the kit for fixing. Once screwed on to a shelf or board they look very neat. I’m sure there’s lots more uses I can find for these in future.
Beware, though, of letting these near children as they can cause serious injury if swallowed. There’s a safety leaflet in the box that should be read carefully. These magnets are seriously strong!
Was hoping these would be a little stronger.
Saying that its a preference thing. I like a strong snap when placing my steel back on the magnet.
Using for my grill door to stop my child opening so easily. Very effective, works well. Plenty of other uses for these magnets too, handy to have around the house.
These are incredibly strong magnets which I used to upgrade the cabinet doors on my caravan. They are predrilled and already countersunk so sitting them is a doddle.
They have such a strong magnetic grip they are great for the caravan as they keep the doors from swinging open.
very strong magnets which can be screwed on to wood or a wall and thus allowing items to be affixed to said magnet’s .
These magnets are extremely strong i used them to fix my oven door as it wouldn’t completely close, they work a dream. These are in my toolbox now as I know they are going to come in useful again. A great product well worth the price
I knew these rare earth magnets are strong, but little did I know just how strong. These small magnets are now in my workshop holding up saws and and hammer. I think I might have to get myself some stronger ones as it means I would be able to hold up much heavier items without having to drill lots of big holes everywhere.
The most amazing thing is that the actual magnet itself is quite small and is inside the ‘pot’! For real power, if you put one magnet on the wall and another on, in my case, a wooden (quite heavy) jig I use for my table saw, I am able to put my jig safely away up high, knowing that the two magnets are more than strong enough to hold it securely there – amazing.
Warning – remember strong magnets are not to be placed around mobile phones or anything that has digital memory as the magnetic energy plays havoc with electronic.
Great set of mini magnets
Superb strong
Nice to teach kids some physical
Easy to use
Great for collection staff from wate
This is a well packaged box of magnets and fixings.
The magnets are held apart with small plastic spacers, which is just as well as they are hard to pull apart. You need to slide them apart. They are made so there’s only one face that’s really magnetic, the shroud is ferrous, but not magnetic. Each magnet has a recessed hole through which you can use the supplied screws to attach it to something.
The kit also comes with washers that have a recessed hole too. This allows you to screw the washer to once face and the magnet to another, allowing them to match up and connect. I’m using one for a door to keep it open when it’s windy, but still allow me to close it without having to lean out and undo a latch. It works well as there’s a lot of force in these.
The general finish is excellent, this isn’t made on the cheap.
I need to find a way to attach a dust collector to the underside of my router table which is reinforced with a metal boxed steel frame. I intended drilling holes into the frame and with the use of my rivet nut gun and some threaded rod I could make four permanent fixtures onto which I could thread and secure my dust hood. However, when I had the opportunity to review these Magnetpro neodymium magnets with a 10kg pull, I thought, that’s the answer.
After testing the magnets by supporting known weights I discovered they are good to go as far as my project is concerned as I intend for the dust shroud to be easily less than 2kg. Along with the 12 magnets the pack comes with 4 steel pads, for door closures I presume and 16 screws for fixing purposes although my intentions are to countersink these with a forstner bit and epoxy them in place. I’ll only be using four of these for the time being but neodymium magnets are so handy you’re never sure when they’ll turn out to be the answer to your next DIY problem.
The magnets are separated from each other by a plastic washer, and are supplied in a plastic box together with some washers and some self-tapping screws. Adhesion between the magnets is very strong, you can’t pull them apart, only slide them. The magnets and the washers have countersunk holes and countersunk self-tapping screws are supplied. The magnetic force is on one side of the magnet where there’s a ring of magnetic material; they’re really useful to make screwdriver and tool holders, for non-permanent fixings to metal surfaces e.g. bolt a bulldog clip to the magnet to make a paper holder or a small can to make a pencil holder, and, using the washers to make door catches, and for holding gates and doors open. Sometimes only a magnet will do and these are really strong, useful magnets.