MSOAT Golf Impact Tape Set 300 Pieces, Impact Tape for Swing Sweet Spot Analysis, Three Types of Iron, Wood, Hybrids Each 100, Easy to Use and Tear Out Swing Training Aids

Size: | 300PCS |
Dimensions: | 13.5 x 9.1 x 2.1 cm; 250 Grams |
Brand: | MSOAT |
Batteries Included: | No |
Manufacture: | MSOAT |
Reference: | 57060304 |
Size: | 300PCS |
What will they think if next? I ordered these for my husband who seems to always be practicing his golf swing. These stickers go on the golf club where it comes in contact with the ball. It marks the sticker in blue where the ball is hit with the club. This way the golfer knows how to change his performance to improve his game and swing. Genius! Plenty of these tape pieces come in the pack to work your game up to perfection.
I really like using this impact stickers to tighten up my swing consistency. My swing is slowly improving with the use of these stickers. Granted, some shots you know exactly what you did wrong. Others seem to violate the laws of physics! These stickers help a great deal. They have been especially helpful telling me I’m hitting my irons too close to the shaft and too far away from the sweet spot of the club. This is robbing me of precious distance!
Easy to use and no excessive adhesive left on the club as long as you don’t leave them on the club too long, like days long.
Should be fairly obvious from the photos, but right handed clubs only.
I really like using this impact stickers to tighten up my swing consistency. My swing is slowly improving with the use of these stickers. Granted, some shots you know exactly what you did wrong. Others seem to violate the laws of physics! These stickers help a great deal. They have been especially helpful telling me I’m hitting my irons too close to the shaft and too far away from the sweet spot of the club. This is robbing me of precious distance!
Easy to use and no excessive adhesive left on the club as long as you don’t leave them on the club too long, like days long.
Should be fairly obvious from the photos, but right handed clubs only.
Great impact tape to see where you are making impact. Easy to use. Would recommend for sure.
Great impact tape to see where you are making impact. Easy to use. Would recommend for sure.
I tried these to help improve my ball strike. I applied these to my 5, 7, and 9 iron while at the range. You can hit several balls before replacing and see what your strike pattern looks like. They were very helpful for me. I recommend them.
I was going to buy just the sheets for irons and woods separately but saw a lightening deal with irons, woods and the putter stickers – and it was about the same price as one of them individually. I used a few sheets today to see how they worked. Probably nothing one can do about this – and it’s not anything having to do with quality – but they got a bit destroyed at the bottom of the irons after 5 or 6 shots because it’s been raining a lot here in Florida. But they stuck on nicely and detected iron contact properly. It would have been helpful to have instructions on exactly how or where to mount on each club. The only thing I didn’t like was that you used one sheet at a time for whatever you were working on. So for example, I was hitting irons so I used sheets from the first four in the pack. Instead of having just the sheets of iron stickers, I had to keep track of the sheets and go back and use again for the woods and so forth. Not sure if I’m explaining it properly, but next time, I’ll just buy sheets for driver, then sheets for irons and so forth so that I can just use the sheet that I want instead of them all being on each sheet at a time. Meaning each sheet has the iron, driver and putting sticker. So then I had to go to the next sheet for another iron, etc., and it got messy with them on the driving range. The product itself is great.
Getestet habe ich die Impact Tapes von MSOAT auf Golfrunden, auf dem Platz also. Von daher ist “Trainings”hilfe nicht falsch zu verstehen. Man kann diese Tapes sehr gut beim normalen Spiel verwenden. Schlielich zhlt auf dem Platz, wie man im Sport sagt. Und nicht auf der Range. Aber selbstverstndlich ist die Range der richtige Ort, um an seinem Schwung zu arbeiten und etwas zu verndern.
Auf einem Sleeve sind jeweils drei dieser Aufkleber. Es ist eine einheitliche Gre, so dass man einfach einen abzieht und auf das Schlgerblatt eines Eisens klebt. Die Form ist universell und sollte bei jedem Eisen passen. Das Eisen sollten einigermaen sauber, auf alle Flle trocken sein, sonst leidet die Haftung.
Warum nur fr Eisen? Die Schlagflchen von Eisen sind plan. Die von Driver, Hlzern und Rescues leicht gebogen (konkav). Auf einer gebogenen Flche haftet so ein Stck Papier einfach schlecht.
Die Abdrcke sind sehr deutlich zu sehen. Je nach Schlgerkopfgeschwindigkeit werden sie grer oder kleiner, weil die Schlgerkopfgeschwindigkeit den Ball komprimiert – also zusammenpresst – und je strker die Kompression, umso grer die Flche, mit der der Ball das Schlgerblatt trifft. Da meine Schlgerkopfgeschwindigkeit relativ hoch ist, sind die Abdrcke recht gro und ich kann ein Sleeve fr fnf, sechs, hchstens sieben Schlge nehmen. Danach wird es unbersichtlich oder Treffer decken sich genau.
Auf den Sleeves sind Sektoren eingeteilt, an denen man ablesen kann, wieviel Lnge man %ual in etwa verliert bei einem Treffer.
Eine gute Trainingshilfe! Ich finde es sehr interessant, gerade auf dem Platz! Achtung, bei Turnieren ist das nicht zulssig! Also nur auf Privatrunden auf dem Platz nutzen.
These work fairly well but you got to hit them pretty hard for it to transfe
These work fairly well but you got to hit them pretty hard for it to transfe
Deja siempre la huella del golpeo sin tener que pintar la pelota ni nada
Deja siempre la huella del golpeo sin tener que pintar la pelota ni nada
Easy to use and also a good idea to help with any swinging issues. Great value for money as you get so many stickers
Sometimes you just need to know where you are striking tha ball to know what you need to fix. These give a clear indication where on the face you are hitting. Stay put but peel right off without leaving anything behind. Much cleaner than the spray powder that I spent forever cleaning out of the grooves.
Ordered this for my husband who just started to learn playing golf. Very good adhesion. Easy to apply and easy to remove. Does not leave residue. Will order again.
Ordered this for my husband who just started to learn playing golf. Very good adhesion. Easy to apply and easy to remove. Does not leave residue. Will order again.
I LOVE these! I am new to golf and am working to improve my swing accuracy.
These stickers have been invaluable and tell the story of a consistently “off” swing.
Will always have these in my bag.
I LOVE these! I am new to golf and am working to improve my swing accuracy.
These stickers have been invaluable and tell the story of a consistently “off” swing.
Will always have these in my bag.
These are a great way to understand your swing and consistency in your club handling across your bag. They simply attach to the face and they make it easy for you understand where you are making contact and if its consistent and how you can find hook/slice etc with greater accuracy. They go on easily to a clean club face and remove pretty easily too. I would only leave them attached during the game and would recommend removal before the clubs go away as I Imagine the adhesive might be too effective if left.
These are a great idea, and they work really well. We’ve been using these at the driving range and it’s really easy to analyse my swing with these, they help to point out weak areas. They are really quick and easy to use and very effective.
These are a great idea, and they work really well. We’ve been using these at the driving range and it’s really easy to analyse my swing with these, they help to point out weak areas. They are really quick and easy to use and very effective.
Could be a slightly better option,as I don’t use the putter ones,but overall all they do the job and easily peeled off.
My husband is a keen golfer so he was eager to try these.
The stickers are easy to apply and take off.
They are a good indicator on where you are hitting your ball with your club. They go a blue colour on the place of impact.
I think they are a little expensive but my husbands says they are good and a game changer. He would recommend them.
My husband is a keen golfer so he was eager to try these.
The stickers are easy to apply and take off.
They are a good indicator on where you are hitting your ball with your club. They go a blue colour on the place of impact.
I think they are a little expensive but my husbands says they are good and a game changer. He would recommend them.
My husband is a keen golfer so he was eager to try these.
The stickers are easy to apply and take off.
They are a good indicator on where you are hitting your ball with your club. They go a blue colour on the place of impact.
I think they are a little expensive but my husbands says they are good and a game changer. He would recommend them.
My husband is a keen golfer so he was eager to try these.
The stickers are easy to apply and take off.
They are a good indicator on where you are hitting your ball with your club. They go a blue colour on the place of impact.
I think they are a little expensive but my husbands says they are good and a game changer. He would recommend them.
Ich habe die Impact Sticker mit einem Eisen 7 getestet. Wie man auf den Bildern sehen kann, ist bei mir der Schlgerkopf grer, wodurch die Positionierung der Sticker nicht ganz so intuitiv ist. Man kann ihn aber einfach wieder abziehen und nochmals neu positionieren.
Der Abdruck wird sauber dargestellt und der Sticker kann auch fters verwendet werden. Auf der Range bietet sich dies an, damit man seinen Schlag verbessern kann.
Die Sticker werden in einem kleinen Karton geliefert. Dieser schtzt diese gut und es waren bei mir keine Abdrcke auf den Stickern vorhanden. Leider ist der Karton etwas eng und so ist es etwas fummelig, die Aufkleber wieder hineinzubekommen, besonders am Anfang. Da man aber nicht alle Sticker mitnehmen wird, ist dies nicht wirklich ein Problem.
Ich finde die Sticker gut, da sie eine direkte Rckmeldung geben, weshalb man den Ball nicht optimal getroffen hat. So kann man direkt den Schlag anpassen. Sie haften gut und die Position kann ohne Probleme korrigiert werden. Auch knnen sie rckstandlos wieder entfernt werden.
Ich habe die Impact Sticker mit einem Eisen 7 getestet. Wie man auf den Bildern sehen kann, ist bei mir der Schlgerkopf grer, wodurch die Positionierung der Sticker nicht ganz so intuitiv ist. Man kann ihn aber einfach wieder abziehen und nochmals neu positionieren.
Der Abdruck wird sauber dargestellt und der Sticker kann auch fters verwendet werden. Auf der Range bietet sich dies an, damit man seinen Schlag verbessern kann.
Die Sticker werden in einem kleinen Karton geliefert. Dieser schtzt diese gut und es waren bei mir keine Abdrcke auf den Stickern vorhanden. Leider ist der Karton etwas eng und so ist es etwas fummelig, die Aufkleber wieder hineinzubekommen, besonders am Anfang. Da man aber nicht alle Sticker mitnehmen wird, ist dies nicht wirklich ein Problem.
Ich finde die Sticker gut, da sie eine direkte Rckmeldung geben, weshalb man den Ball nicht optimal getroffen hat. So kann man direkt den Schlag anpassen. Sie haften gut und die Position kann ohne Probleme korrigiert werden. Auch knnen sie rckstandlos wieder entfernt werden.
Ich habe die Impact Sticker mit einem Eisen 7 getestet. Wie man auf den Bildern sehen kann, ist bei mir der Schlgerkopf grer, wodurch die Positionierung der Sticker nicht ganz so intuitiv ist. Man kann ihn aber einfach wieder abziehen und nochmals neu positionieren.
Der Abdruck wird sauber dargestellt und der Sticker kann auch fters verwendet werden. Auf der Range bietet sich dies an, damit man seinen Schlag verbessern kann.
Die Sticker werden in einem kleinen Karton geliefert. Dieser schtzt diese gut und es waren bei mir keine Abdrcke auf den Stickern vorhanden. Leider ist der Karton etwas eng und so ist es etwas fummelig, die Aufkleber wieder hineinzubekommen, besonders am Anfang. Da man aber nicht alle Sticker mitnehmen wird, ist dies nicht wirklich ein Problem.
Ich finde die Sticker gut, da sie eine direkte Rckmeldung geben, weshalb man den Ball nicht optimal getroffen hat. So kann man direkt den Schlag anpassen. Sie haften gut und die Position kann ohne Probleme korrigiert werden. Auch knnen sie rckstandlos wieder entfernt werden.
Ich habe die Impact Sticker mit einem Eisen 7 getestet. Wie man auf den Bildern sehen kann, ist bei mir der Schlgerkopf grer, wodurch die Positionierung der Sticker nicht ganz so intuitiv ist. Man kann ihn aber einfach wieder abziehen und nochmals neu positionieren.
Der Abdruck wird sauber dargestellt und der Sticker kann auch fters verwendet werden. Auf der Range bietet sich dies an, damit man seinen Schlag verbessern kann.
Die Sticker werden in einem kleinen Karton geliefert. Dieser schtzt diese gut und es waren bei mir keine Abdrcke auf den Stickern vorhanden. Leider ist der Karton etwas eng und so ist es etwas fummelig, die Aufkleber wieder hineinzubekommen, besonders am Anfang. Da man aber nicht alle Sticker mitnehmen wird, ist dies nicht wirklich ein Problem.
Ich finde die Sticker gut, da sie eine direkte Rckmeldung geben, weshalb man den Ball nicht optimal getroffen hat. So kann man direkt den Schlag anpassen. Sie haften gut und die Position kann ohne Probleme korrigiert werden. Auch knnen sie rckstandlos wieder entfernt werden.
Ich habe die Impact Sticker mit einem Eisen 7 getestet. Wie man auf den Bildern sehen kann, ist bei mir der Schlgerkopf grer, wodurch die Positionierung der Sticker nicht ganz so intuitiv ist. Man kann ihn aber einfach wieder abziehen und nochmals neu positionieren.
Der Abdruck wird sauber dargestellt und der Sticker kann auch fters verwendet werden. Auf der Range bietet sich dies an, damit man seinen Schlag verbessern kann.
Die Sticker werden in einem kleinen Karton geliefert. Dieser schtzt diese gut und es waren bei mir keine Abdrcke auf den Stickern vorhanden. Leider ist der Karton etwas eng und so ist es etwas fummelig, die Aufkleber wieder hineinzubekommen, besonders am Anfang. Da man aber nicht alle Sticker mitnehmen wird, ist dies nicht wirklich ein Problem.
Ich finde die Sticker gut, da sie eine direkte Rckmeldung geben, weshalb man den Ball nicht optimal getroffen hat. So kann man direkt den Schlag anpassen. Sie haften gut und die Position kann ohne Probleme korrigiert werden. Auch knnen sie rckstandlos wieder entfernt werden.
Ich habe die Impact Sticker mit einem Eisen 7 getestet. Wie man auf den Bildern sehen kann, ist bei mir der Schlgerkopf grer, wodurch die Positionierung der Sticker nicht ganz so intuitiv ist. Man kann ihn aber einfach wieder abziehen und nochmals neu positionieren.
Der Abdruck wird sauber dargestellt und der Sticker kann auch fters verwendet werden. Auf der Range bietet sich dies an, damit man seinen Schlag verbessern kann.
Die Sticker werden in einem kleinen Karton geliefert. Dieser schtzt diese gut und es waren bei mir keine Abdrcke auf den Stickern vorhanden. Leider ist der Karton etwas eng und so ist es etwas fummelig, die Aufkleber wieder hineinzubekommen, besonders am Anfang. Da man aber nicht alle Sticker mitnehmen wird, ist dies nicht wirklich ein Problem.
Ich finde die Sticker gut, da sie eine direkte Rckmeldung geben, weshalb man den Ball nicht optimal getroffen hat. So kann man direkt den Schlag anpassen. Sie haften gut und die Position kann ohne Probleme korrigiert werden. Auch knnen sie rckstandlos wieder entfernt werden.
Die Impact Sticker von MSOAT fr Eisenschlger wurden ausgiebig von meinem Mann auf der Range getestet. Gegenber seinen bisherigen Impact Stickern, stehen auf diesen von MSOAT die Lngenverluste in %, je nachdem wo der Ball den Schlgerkopf trifft. Die Sticker lassen sich leicht auf den trockenen Schlgerkopf aufkleben und spter auch leicht wieder entfernen – ohne Kleberckstnde.
Die Farbabdrcke sind sehr gut im satten Blau zu erkennen, so dass man beim Einschlagen Tendenzen feststellen kann, wie man sein Setup oder den Schwung fr die Runde anpassen sollte. Mein Mann schlgt 10 Schlge mit einem Aufkleber und testet dies vor der Runde jeweils mit einem P, 7er und 5er Eisen und den Driver. Auch auf den Hlzern kann man die Sticker verwenden, obwohl nicht alles abgedeckt wird. Mein Mann wird sich jedoch die Sticker fr die Hlzer ebenfalls bestellen, da der Preis (11,99 fr 120 Stck) aus seiner Sicht ziemlich gnstig ist. Er findet diese Sticker sehr hilfreich und bewertet sie gern mit 5 Sternen.
Die Impact Sticker von MSOAT fr Eisenschlger wurden ausgiebig von meinem Mann auf der Range getestet. Gegenber seinen bisherigen Impact Stickern, stehen auf diesen von MSOAT die Lngenverluste in %, je nachdem wo der Ball den Schlgerkopf trifft. Die Sticker lassen sich leicht auf den trockenen Schlgerkopf aufkleben und spter auch leicht wieder entfernen – ohne Kleberckstnde.
Die Farbabdrcke sind sehr gut im satten Blau zu erkennen, so dass man beim Einschlagen Tendenzen feststellen kann, wie man sein Setup oder den Schwung fr die Runde anpassen sollte. Mein Mann schlgt 10 Schlge mit einem Aufkleber und testet dies vor der Runde jeweils mit einem P, 7er und 5er Eisen und den Driver. Auch auf den Hlzern kann man die Sticker verwenden, obwohl nicht alles abgedeckt wird. Mein Mann wird sich jedoch die Sticker fr die Hlzer ebenfalls bestellen, da der Preis (11,99 fr 120 Stck) aus seiner Sicht ziemlich gnstig ist. Er findet diese Sticker sehr hilfreich und bewertet sie gern mit 5 Sternen.
Die Impact Sticker von MSOAT fr Eisenschlger wurden ausgiebig von meinem Mann auf der Range getestet. Gegenber seinen bisherigen Impact Stickern, stehen auf diesen von MSOAT die Lngenverluste in %, je nachdem wo der Ball den Schlgerkopf trifft. Die Sticker lassen sich leicht auf den trockenen Schlgerkopf aufkleben und spter auch leicht wieder entfernen – ohne Kleberckstnde.
Die Farbabdrcke sind sehr gut im satten Blau zu erkennen, so dass man beim Einschlagen Tendenzen feststellen kann, wie man sein Setup oder den Schwung fr die Runde anpassen sollte. Mein Mann schlgt 10 Schlge mit einem Aufkleber und testet dies vor der Runde jeweils mit einem P, 7er und 5er Eisen und den Driver. Auch auf den Hlzern kann man die Sticker verwenden, obwohl nicht alles abgedeckt wird. Mein Mann wird sich jedoch die Sticker fr die Hlzer ebenfalls bestellen, da der Preis (11,99 fr 120 Stck) aus seiner Sicht ziemlich gnstig ist. Er findet diese Sticker sehr hilfreich und bewertet sie gern mit 5 Sternen.
Die Impact Sticker von MSOAT fr Eisenschlger wurden ausgiebig von meinem Mann auf der Range getestet. Gegenber seinen bisherigen Impact Stickern, stehen auf diesen von MSOAT die Lngenverluste in %, je nachdem wo der Ball den Schlgerkopf trifft. Die Sticker lassen sich leicht auf den trockenen Schlgerkopf aufkleben und spter auch leicht wieder entfernen – ohne Kleberckstnde.
Die Farbabdrcke sind sehr gut im satten Blau zu erkennen, so dass man beim Einschlagen Tendenzen feststellen kann, wie man sein Setup oder den Schwung fr die Runde anpassen sollte. Mein Mann schlgt 10 Schlge mit einem Aufkleber und testet dies vor der Runde jeweils mit einem P, 7er und 5er Eisen und den Driver. Auch auf den Hlzern kann man die Sticker verwenden, obwohl nicht alles abgedeckt wird. Mein Mann wird sich jedoch die Sticker fr die Hlzer ebenfalls bestellen, da der Preis (11,99 fr 120 Stck) aus seiner Sicht ziemlich gnstig ist. Er findet diese Sticker sehr hilfreich und bewertet sie gern mit 5 Sternen.
Die Impact Sticker von MSOAT fr Eisenschlger wurden ausgiebig von meinem Mann auf der Range getestet. Gegenber seinen bisherigen Impact Stickern, stehen auf diesen von MSOAT die Lngenverluste in %, je nachdem wo der Ball den Schlgerkopf trifft. Die Sticker lassen sich leicht auf den trockenen Schlgerkopf aufkleben und spter auch leicht wieder entfernen – ohne Kleberckstnde.
Die Farbabdrcke sind sehr gut im satten Blau zu erkennen, so dass man beim Einschlagen Tendenzen feststellen kann, wie man sein Setup oder den Schwung fr die Runde anpassen sollte. Mein Mann schlgt 10 Schlge mit einem Aufkleber und testet dies vor der Runde jeweils mit einem P, 7er und 5er Eisen und den Driver. Auch auf den Hlzern kann man die Sticker verwenden, obwohl nicht alles abgedeckt wird. Mein Mann wird sich jedoch die Sticker fr die Hlzer ebenfalls bestellen, da der Preis (11,99 fr 120 Stck) aus seiner Sicht ziemlich gnstig ist. Er findet diese Sticker sehr hilfreich und bewertet sie gern mit 5 Sternen.
Die Impact Sticker von MSOAT fr Eisenschlger wurden ausgiebig von meinem Mann auf der Range getestet. Gegenber seinen bisherigen Impact Stickern, stehen auf diesen von MSOAT die Lngenverluste in %, je nachdem wo der Ball den Schlgerkopf trifft. Die Sticker lassen sich leicht auf den trockenen Schlgerkopf aufkleben und spter auch leicht wieder entfernen – ohne Kleberckstnde.
Die Farbabdrcke sind sehr gut im satten Blau zu erkennen, so dass man beim Einschlagen Tendenzen feststellen kann, wie man sein Setup oder den Schwung fr die Runde anpassen sollte. Mein Mann schlgt 10 Schlge mit einem Aufkleber und testet dies vor der Runde jeweils mit einem P, 7er und 5er Eisen und den Driver. Auch auf den Hlzern kann man die Sticker verwenden, obwohl nicht alles abgedeckt wird. Mein Mann wird sich jedoch die Sticker fr die Hlzer ebenfalls bestellen, da der Preis (11,99 fr 120 Stck) aus seiner Sicht ziemlich gnstig ist. Er findet diese Sticker sehr hilfreich und bewertet sie gern mit 5 Sternen.
These are essential as a training aid if you’re going to the driving range and not quite sure what’s going wrong…. Or you want to make surw you are doing it right.
The stickers apply easily to the face of the club. It is very important to have it lined up right the centre of the club face. Then swing away. Each strike will colour the stickers to show the impact and how you are hitting the ball. Then from that you can work on correcting it.
These are very easy to use and highly recommended. I still use them every now and again to make sure i am hitting the ball how i think i am. It’s also good to keep a few in the bag for if you’re out for a practice round or relaxed round and things aren’t quite going right.
Very Impressed with these stickers I love you get three stickers per strip and I found them very easy to put on to my clubs and easy to take off even after they’ve got damp and you’ve hit a good 10 balls they are impressive.
The information on the stickers is fantastic I’ve been able to adjust my set up and hit the balls straighter more consistent brilliant.
I really like that they are a pack of one type of stickers as I have more irons in my bag than any other clubs so I’m able to put the stickers on the clubs I use most when practising. Fantastic
These are in a game changer for me a price point of 13 120 very very happy.
My husband uses these for the driving range and finds it interesting to see where he hits the balls. They work well and he would repurchase!
My husband uses these for the driving range and finds it interesting to see where he hits the balls. They work well and he would repurchase!
I am new to golf so its a big learning curve for me, these are really helping me analysis each shot and very interesting to be able to see where abouts each shot struck the club, these are very easy to stick on and pull off with absolutely no stickiness left on your clubs, it comes with 3 different varieties, one for your Iron, driver and putters. It’s a bit like the old carbon copy paper i suppose, if you scratch them it appears blue, so as soon as the ball impacts the club it leaves a carbon print where it struck. Such a great idea, I will most definitely be using them to improve my game
As described and as advertised.
This is a really simple idea but really well implemented!
Well packaged and presented – basic but effective and this would make a nice gift for a golfing friend or family member.
This is suitable for most golfing abilities – you can use it when practicing or use it when playing a round. If gives you a better idea as to why you’re hitting duff shots.
We love how easy these are to fit and then remove – causes no damage to club heads.
The impact markings are clear and easy to see – so you really do get feedback on how you’ve struck the ball.
We like that the pack is good for three club types – woods, irons and putter. We were less keen on the putter strike stickers but it’s a good set with 100 of each type.
We haven’t scored these 5 stars because of two issues:
1. We are using these as right handed players and we are assuming that these aren’t suitable for lefties – but not 100% sure.
2. With damp grass this can affect the stickiness and strike indicators – so best used in dry conditions.
This tape is a great aid to golf and to finding out where you are going right and wrong.
I put it on a driver and could clearly see where it was being hit. And I could see that I have improvements to make. Before I would not have know just where I was going wrong. With this tape it shows exactly.
You don’t have to replace it for each drive either. It is well worth it and I’ll be using it regularly from now on.
This is a great tool on the range to help you understand where you’re hitting the ball on the club. Thankfully there are a lot of stickers in the pack because they are very flimsy and on the irons, can get ripped up quickly only after 1 or 2 shots. If your ball is teed up, you might get one more use out of it, but I can’t see it being helpful beyond 2 or 3 shots. Happy to have this quick use tool in the bag when needed as it’s easy to put on the club and you can get instant feedback.
This is a great tool on the range to help you understand where you’re hitting the ball on the club. Thankfully there are a lot of stickers in the pack because they are very flimsy and on the irons, can get ripped up quickly only after 1 or 2 shots. If your ball is teed up, you might get one more use out of it, but I can’t see it being helpful beyond 2 or 3 shots. Happy to have this quick use tool in the bag when needed as it’s easy to put on the club and you can get instant feedback.
This simple golf aid has made the art of swinging a golf club into a fine art. At first when my grandson used these, he was hitting the ball with all areas of the face of the club. However after a couple of lessons where the golf professional used similar impact tape on the face of a club, the concentration now being applied to hitting the ball was remarkable. Every golf swing was taken with care and the number of times the marks on the tape were concentrated in an area near the middle of the club face increased. I think these are a great way of improving golf swings as the results are visible on the tapes. Great value as well.
Golfing can be a lot easier and fun whether you are beginner, enthusiast, or golf professional with the MSOAT Golf Impact Tape. It feels like having a trainer at your side, but more low maintenance compared to having a physical trainer.
This MSOAT gold tape has a total of 300 (100 drivers, 100 iron and 100 hybrid) stickers that are easy to apply, easy to remove, and leaves no glue adhesive residue that can damage the clubs. It does not damage the striking surface of the golf club, and the high-quality adhesive will not peel off, is environmentally friendly, and will not affect the feel of the stroke during use and each label will last for 6-10 golf shots in dry weather.
The tape records the exact point of contact between the golf ball and the club face. The sheets are white, and it turns blue when it meets the ball. This will definitely help improve your ball striking skills as it allows you to make adjustments to your swing to help ensure consistency and to analyse your shot pattern after each shot.
With the reinforced paper material, this allows the impact tape to be applied and removed from the club without tearing. I can say that this is a must have training aid for those having a hard time with aiming at the right position, swing and angle while playing golf. On the other hand, the tape may not last as long as expected during the rainy seasons.
All in all, this is a useful self-teaching tape set for fellow golfers out there to help improve your skills for a reasonable price.
Good product to practice with. Easily place on club face, comes with sizing for different clubs. Spot where ball makes impact is visible and a great tool for tracking where you hit the ball to help correct your swing if needed. Would recommend
Good product to practice with. Easily place on club face, comes with sizing for different clubs. Spot where ball makes impact is visible and a great tool for tracking where you hit the ball to help correct your swing if needed. Would recommend
Good product to practice with. Easily place on club face, comes with sizing for different clubs. Spot where ball makes impact is visible and a great tool for tracking where you hit the ball to help correct your swing if needed. Would recommend
Good product to practice with. Easily place on club face, comes with sizing for different clubs. Spot where ball makes impact is visible and a great tool for tracking where you hit the ball to help correct your swing if needed. Would recommend
My wife loves golf. Me? Not so much.
These stickers are excellent at giving feedback on her swing. From time to time we head to the golf nets and she’ll use these to work on her swing. Combined with the videos I take, she has really been able to pinpoint the areas needing improvement and has brought her handicap down to just over double figures.
These stickers are easy to apply. Just clean the head and apply. The sticker then clearly pinpoints where your club head meets the ball. You can use the sticker multiple times although from experience I recommend you only use one sticker per club as you’ll get confused otherwise. We take a picture of each one and, combined with the video which my wife studies later, she has really made progress.
We had to trim the stickers for the irons which is a bit fiddly but you only have to do one and then keep it as a template for the others.
Great stickers. Easy to apply and easy to remove with no sticky residue. I really recommend you use a video with them. If you can’t get some sucker to go with you, set up your mobile phone on a little stand. Unless you are completely aware of how you swing, you’ll never be able to improve.
These impact tapes are brilliant if you are trying to perfect your golfing technique (I got these for my husband). There are 300 stickers in the pack for various clubs, making them brilliant value for money.
They are actually quite sensitive, so the lightest of touches with the golf ball will leave a blue imprint on the sticker. My husband says that they will help to improve his form and drive. More importantly they come off easily and don’t leave any remnants on his golf clubs (or any sticker residue).
Overall a great training tool, with instant feedback.
Not really a huge amount to say about these, they are pretty much the same stickers that show impact points that your pro uses. The box has a mix of different stickers to cover most clubs and they work exactly as intended. No complaints here, exactly what I wanted.
Impact tape records the precise point of contact between your golf ball and the club face.
This allows for straightforward analysis of your strike pattern after each shot.
When you place Impact tape on the face of your club, you get an immediate visual representation of the contact that you make with the ball each time you hit a shot.
Since the moment of impact is far too fast to observe visually with the naked eye, impact tape is a great way to get a snapshot of the action.
Once you hit a shot, you can look down at the tape to see where on the face the ball contacted the club.
If there is a mark perfectly on the sweet spot, you will know you struck the shot nicely.
If, however, the mark is somewhere else, you will know that you need to make an adjustment to correct the error.
Records the impact point on the club face
— Self-adhesive stickers
— Allows shot consistency to be analysed
— Strike accuracy can be perfected helping to achieve greater distances
Easy to use and useful.
Good value for the money.
Got these for my dad who has taken up golf. These are such a great tool if you are at the range and working by yourself you can get some instant feedback and make little changes that make a big difference.
They are quick easy to apply and remove with no residue left behind. They mark up easily upon impact and its really clear where you can try and improve.
Overall a great product that works well and is good value.
Great stickers for learning more about your swing and range-time.
Great stickers for learning more about your swing and range-time.
Great stickers for learning more about your swing and range-time.
Great stickers for learning more about your swing and range-time.
These stickers are pretty self-explanatory – place them on your club of choice, give the ball a slap and see how off you are.
There are plenty of stickers in the set for wood, iron and putter so you can get plenty of practice and feedback.
Fingers crossed they help and hopefully as the weather improves I’ll be able to wow my fair weather golf buddies and not be the worst of us!
These are pretty good impact stickers.
They highlight in blue where you have struck the ball.
The contrast of the colour was very good, as is the adhesion to the clubs.
I think they are good value for a box of 300 of them.
My golf swing is still rubbish.
These are pretty good impact stickers.
They highlight in blue where you have struck the ball.
The contrast of the colour was very good, as is the adhesion to the clubs.
I think they are good value for a box of 300 of them.
My golf swing is still rubbish.
Really accurate, and they’re easy to fix onto the clubs. It’s ideal for training.
Really accurate, and they’re easy to fix onto the clubs. It’s ideal for training.
These are an essential training aid, especially if you keep having off hits and you’re not sure why. Simply peel off a sticker apply to the club face and start swinging. The stickers go on white and turn blue from any impact. They are quite sensitive so even putting will show up.
You can see on the driver pic when i was skying my shots the marks near the top and then the dashes as it rolled across the clubface. It really helps you to understand your swing and flight of the ball, and adjust accordingly.
The box is about the size of a deck of cards and each sheet has a sticker for iron, driver, and putter. I will not be running out of these any time soon. There are loads.
When done just peel off. No nasty residue is lef
These stickers are put onto golf golf clubs so you can see if your swing is effective enough. There’s 100 stickers on a roll and my golfing friend is very happy he’s now got some of these. He’ll be a pro golfer in no time.
These stickers are put onto golf golf clubs so you can see if your swing is effective enough. There’s 100 stickers on a roll and my golfing friend is very happy he’s now got some of these. He’ll be a pro golfer in no time.
Impact tape pads which are designed for wood iron and putters. These stickers basically go over your metal ends and then show you the positions to hit to get direction and angles perfect. Great for training and aid before big games! Im certain by the end of the pack I will have my ant going set up perfectly without the need of them anymore. Arrived well packaged with a total of 100 in the pack.
These stick well to the club face without falling off, and left nothing behind after removing them. It was very enlightening to see exactly where I’d hit the ball with the club, and will help me correct some consistent flaws in my swing. No instructions come with the stickers, but they are fairly self explanatory to use. The feedback is instant and there are plenty of stickers in the box to keep me going for a while.
I found them very easy to put in both wood and iron and I was amazed at how after each contact you get a blue imprint on the sticker do you know what you need to adjust.
After a little adjust with my irons set up I was hit consistently every time and with my driver I just had to adjust my tee hit absolutely brilliant. ( obviously that was the driving range)
I really like the marking as it show you how much distance and if your hit a fade or draw very happy it’s great seeing improvement with out paying a fortune on lessons.
Finally I worried that the stickers wouldn’t peel off but again amazed how easy and clean they peeled leaving my clubs clean and ready for the next time.
These are so helpful to use when practicing golf as shows you where you are hitting the ball so you can improve your swing.
These are so helpful to use when practicing golf as shows you where you are hitting the ball so you can improve your swing.
hese are great to have in the bag. I recently went to a short shaft for my driver and these helped me in placing the ball in my stance. The ball mark is so easily seen and works like a charm.
Highly recommend these as they work.
hese are great to have in the bag. I recently went to a short shaft for my driver and these helped me in placing the ball in my stance. The ball mark is so easily seen and works like a charm.
Highly recommend these as they work.
hese are great to have in the bag. I recently went to a short shaft for my driver and these helped me in placing the ball in my stance. The ball mark is so easily seen and works like a charm.
Highly recommend these as they work.
hese are great to have in the bag. I recently went to a short shaft for my driver and these helped me in placing the ball in my stance. The ball mark is so easily seen and works like a charm.
Highly recommend these as they work.
This is an excellent tool for troubleshooting your golf game. The MSOAT Golf Impact Tape allows you to see exactly where the ball is impacting the face of the club. Today i was able to clearly see that I was striking the ball fairly consistently with the toe of my driver resulting in inconsistent drives. I tend to hit my best drives from just inside of the sweet spot and was able to focus on lining up the club to get straight, long drives. I highly recommend!
This is an excellent tool for troubleshooting your golf game. The MSOAT Golf Impact Tape allows you to see exactly where the ball is impacting the face of the club. Today i was able to clearly see that I was striking the ball fairly consistently with the toe of my driver resulting in inconsistent drives. I tend to hit my best drives from just inside of the sweet spot and was able to focus on lining up the club to get straight, long drives. I highly recommend!
MSOAT golf club stickers are a great way to improve your practice and improve your golf game. These stickers show where the club is impacting the ball to evaluate your golf swing. These show up in blue and clearly indicate your contact point. These have labels for woods, irons, and putters to cover every club in your bag. These go on easy and come off without any residue or tearing.
MSOAT golf club stickers are a great way to improve your practice and improve your golf game. These stickers show where the club is impacting the ball to evaluate your golf swing. These show up in blue and clearly indicate your contact point. These have labels for woods, irons, and putters to cover every club in your bag. These go on easy and come off without any residue or tearing.
I got these impact stickers so that I can focus more on my point of impact before trying to fix anything else. These stickers are super easy to put on and take off. I highly recommend these if you are trying to fine tune your swing and point of impact.
I got these impact stickers so that I can focus more on my point of impact before trying to fix anything else. These stickers are super easy to put on and take off. I highly recommend these if you are trying to fine tune your swing and point of impact.
These impact markers are great for when you make big swing changes
Or hitting clubs for the first time.
It’s nothing i’d imagine using with each range session, but for major tweaks or if something is wrong,
it gives you instant feed back!
They come in 3 sizes and fit my clubs without any issue
They was no residue after some light brushing
And i was able to use each for about 5 strikes.
As a bonus, you can use the narrow strips for the BOTTOM of your irons to help determine proper ground strike and lie of the club.
5 stars, a great pro level feed back tool!
I hope this review and my pictures were helpful
please let me know by clicking below!
Any questions, please ask!
These impact markers are great for when you make big swing changes
Or hitting clubs for the first time.
It’s nothing i’d imagine using with each range session, but for major tweaks or if something is wrong,
it gives you instant feed back!
They come in 3 sizes and fit my clubs without any issue
They was no residue after some light brushing
And i was able to use each for about 5 strikes.
As a bonus, you can use the narrow strips for the BOTTOM of your irons to help determine proper ground strike and lie of the club.
5 stars, a great pro level feed back tool!
I hope this review and my pictures were helpful
please let me know by clicking below!
Any questions, please ask!
These impact markers are great for when you make big swing changes
Or hitting clubs for the first time.
It’s nothing i’d imagine using with each range session, but for major tweaks or if something is wrong,
it gives you instant feed back!
They come in 3 sizes and fit my clubs without any issue
They was no residue after some light brushing
And i was able to use each for about 5 strikes.
As a bonus, you can use the narrow strips for the BOTTOM of your irons to help determine proper ground strike and lie of the club.
5 stars, a great pro level feed back tool!
I hope this review and my pictures were helpful
please let me know by clicking below!
Any questions, please ask!
his sticker & marker concept has been around since the early days of tiger as far back as i can remember. i have a love-hate relationship with golf so it’s an on-off relationship.
this is one technique amateurs like me avail of figuring out how we can improve our game. i like that by just looking at this sticker stuck to my club, i get immediate feedback how far i am from the clubface sweet spot. as i strike the ball with my club, the point of contact on the sticker turns bluish thus showing me precisely where i hit it. from there, i try different changes to my swing at would give me a more center and consistent hits. good tool to have at the driving range where changes to my swing can be done based on the sticker’s “feedback” to me. Recommended for those still struggling to break a hundred.
Hope this helps.
his sticker & marker concept has been around since the early days of tiger as far back as i can remember. i have a love-hate relationship with golf so it’s an on-off relationship.
this is one technique amateurs like me avail of figuring out how we can improve our game. i like that by just looking at this sticker stuck to my club, i get immediate feedback how far i am from the clubface sweet spot. as i strike the ball with my club, the point of contact on the sticker turns bluish thus showing me precisely where i hit it. from there, i try different changes to my swing at would give me a more center and consistent hits. good tool to have at the driving range where changes to my swing can be done based on the sticker’s “feedback” to me. Recommended for those still struggling to break a hundred.
Hope this helps.
his sticker & marker concept has been around since the early days of tiger as far back as i can remember. i have a love-hate relationship with golf so it’s an on-off relationship.
this is one technique amateurs like me avail of figuring out how we can improve our game. i like that by just looking at this sticker stuck to my club, i get immediate feedback how far i am from the clubface sweet spot. as i strike the ball with my club, the point of contact on the sticker turns bluish thus showing me precisely where i hit it. from there, i try different changes to my swing at would give me a more center and consistent hits. good tool to have at the driving range where changes to my swing can be done based on the sticker’s “feedback” to me. Recommended for those still struggling to break a hundred.
Hope this helps.
his sticker & marker concept has been around since the early days of tiger as far back as i can remember. i have a love-hate relationship with golf so it’s an on-off relationship.
this is one technique amateurs like me avail of figuring out how we can improve our game. i like that by just looking at this sticker stuck to my club, i get immediate feedback how far i am from the clubface sweet spot. as i strike the ball with my club, the point of contact on the sticker turns bluish thus showing me precisely where i hit it. from there, i try different changes to my swing at would give me a more center and consistent hits. good tool to have at the driving range where changes to my swing can be done based on the sticker’s “feedback” to me. Recommended for those still struggling to break a hundred.
Hope this helps.
What a great way to see where the in the head you’re hitting the ball. I tried hitting soft sponge golf balls and it didn’t make the marks. When I tried using actual golf balls, it made great marks. I realized that I was hitting lot of my balls towards the far end of my clubs. I was able to adjust my position to correct to hit more in the middle. Just like that, you can see where you’re hitting and make correction. The sticker go on the clubs easy and takes off easy; without tearing. I’ve used it for driver and irons and it’s been great way to correct my swing.
What a great way to see where the in the head you’re hitting the ball. I tried hitting soft sponge golf balls and it didn’t make the marks. When I tried using actual golf balls, it made great marks. I realized that I was hitting lot of my balls towards the far end of my clubs. I was able to adjust my position to correct to hit more in the middle. Just like that, you can see where you’re hitting and make correction. The sticker go on the clubs easy and takes off easy; without tearing. I’ve used it for driver and irons and it’s been great way to correct my swing.
These golf clubface stickers go on and off easily and allows you to check
your swing to see if you are striking the ball on the sweet spot of the club face.
These come in different sizes for irons, woods and putters.
The putter stickers are not necessary for me. Therefore, I use them on fairway woods
or apply two of them on a driver. Good price for a pack of 300 stickers.
These golf clubface stickers go on and off easily and allows you to check
your swing to see if you are striking the ball on the sweet spot of the club face.
These come in different sizes for irons, woods and putters.
The putter stickers are not necessary for me. Therefore, I use them on fairway woods
or apply two of them on a driver. Good price for a pack of 300 stickers.
The Msoat golf impact stickers were ordered for use when I am practicing golf.
WOW !!! One receives 100 stickers each for woods, irons, and the putter,…300 in total. That is a lot of practice aid. These stickers peeled right off the backing and were easily applied to a driver, fairway wood, irons, and putter. When used properly one can get about 6 – 10 impact marks or more on the face of the club indicating where the ball strikes the club. On drivers, I generally strike the ball in the center of the club a little toward the top, and that is exactly where the impact stickers indicated the strike was. There was also very little, if any, degredation of feel from the thickness of the tape.
One thing I noticed is that the driver sticker may be a little too small for drivers that are in the 460 CC range depending on the manufacturer. If one will be using the driver sticker on fairway woods, then the sticker may need to be trimmed somewhat in order to fit the clubhead properly. The same is probably true with the stickers for irons, depending on iron (2 – SW). It’s not a negative for these stickers but rather a statement of fact that the sticker may need to be customized.
The putter sticker is good for indicating whether hot strikes the putter head forward, center, or rearward. The sweet spot on a putterhead face is not necessarily in the center. In fact, on my putterhead it is back of center about 1/2 inch, and I have a alignment line on the top of my putter that I put on the club that shows exactly where that point is. The sticker lets me know if I am hitting the ball in the proper spot.
BOTTOM LINE: These are a great aid for use when practicing. I’ve used similar products, at one time of another, for many years. These are as good or better than many of the other stickers I’ve used. I would defininitely order again at their current price point.
The Msoat golf impact stickers were ordered for use when I am practicing golf.
WOW !!! One receives 100 stickers each for woods, irons, and the putter,…300 in total. That is a lot of practice aid. These stickers peeled right off the backing and were easily applied to a driver, fairway wood, irons, and putter. When used properly one can get about 6 – 10 impact marks or more on the face of the club indicating where the ball strikes the club. On drivers, I generally strike the ball in the center of the club a little toward the top, and that is exactly where the impact stickers indicated the strike was. There was also very little, if any, degredation of feel from the thickness of the tape.
One thing I noticed is that the driver sticker may be a little too small for drivers that are in the 460 CC range depending on the manufacturer. If one will be using the driver sticker on fairway woods, then the sticker may need to be trimmed somewhat in order to fit the clubhead properly. The same is probably true with the stickers for irons, depending on iron (2 – SW). It’s not a negative for these stickers but rather a statement of fact that the sticker may need to be customized.
The putter sticker is good for indicating whether hot strikes the putter head forward, center, or rearward. The sweet spot on a putterhead face is not necessarily in the center. In fact, on my putterhead it is back of center about 1/2 inch, and I have a alignment line on the top of my putter that I put on the club that shows exactly where that point is. The sticker lets me know if I am hitting the ball in the proper spot.
BOTTOM LINE: These are a great aid for use when practicing. I’ve used similar products, at one time of another, for many years. These are as good or better than many of the other stickers I’ve used. I would defininitely order again at their current price point.
These work just as advertised … I hit smaller, vintage woods and these JUST fit on the club face. On larger, modern drivers I’d imagine they would go in the center of the club but there would be a lot of space around them. I was pretty surprised that these fit my vintage 3-wood so perfectly. You have to be careful when pressing them onto the club face because they are sensitive and if you push too hard, a mark will be left.
These stuck on my club face easily and peeled off easily and with no residue. I took a couple swings and, just as advertised, there were impact patterns where the ball was struck. I can now see exactly where the ball was stuck and can adjust accordingly. Over time, this will allow me to make the necessary changes to my grip and ball address/swing that I might miss otherwise.
I like the online guide, which explains what the different sections of the club strike mean. You can see an example in my photos. That is three shots
… so at least I know I am consistently bad ha ha Two hits struck outside the bullseye area and one was just an odd mis-hit towards the bottom of the club face.
Overall, these work perfectly. Each page has an iron, wood and putter sticker and there are 100 sheets, so you’ll get some good practice. It mentions that each sticker is good for around 6 hits in the dry atmosphere. So, each package will last 500-600 ball hits. Not a bad value when you consider the price. Sure, these won’t replace an instructor but they will give you a good idea of what you are doing wrong and allow you to make your own corrections. In terms of a self-teaching tool, these are at the top of the line.
These work just as advertised … I hit smaller, vintage woods and these JUST fit on the club face. On larger, modern drivers I’d imagine they would go in the center of the club but there would be a lot of space around them. I was pretty surprised that these fit my vintage 3-wood so perfectly. You have to be careful when pressing them onto the club face because they are sensitive and if you push too hard, a mark will be left.
These stuck on my club face easily and peeled off easily and with no residue. I took a couple swings and, just as advertised, there were impact patterns where the ball was struck. I can now see exactly where the ball was stuck and can adjust accordingly. Over time, this will allow me to make the necessary changes to my grip and ball address/swing that I might miss otherwise.
I like the online guide, which explains what the different sections of the club strike mean. You can see an example in my photos. That is three shots
… so at least I know I am consistently bad ha ha Two hits struck outside the bullseye area and one was just an odd mis-hit towards the bottom of the club face.
Overall, these work perfectly. Each page has an iron, wood and putter sticker and there are 100 sheets, so you’ll get some good practice. It mentions that each sticker is good for around 6 hits in the dry atmosphere. So, each package will last 500-600 ball hits. Not a bad value when you consider the price. Sure, these won’t replace an instructor but they will give you a good idea of what you are doing wrong and allow you to make your own corrections. In terms of a self-teaching tool, these are at the top of the line.