PetSafe Extreme Weather Energy Efficient Plastic Pet Door for Cats and Dogs – Large

Weight: | 2 kg |
Size: | L |
Dimensions: | 34.61 x 8.57 x 52.71 cm; 2 Kilograms |
Model: | ZPA19-17116 |
Pack Quantity: | 1 |
Batteries Required: | No |
Batteries Included: | No |
Quantity: | 1 |
Size: | L |
Volume: | 2780.07 Millilitres |
Easy to install using the manufacturer video. Minimal tools needed. Way better for winter than single flap dog door. I’m very happy with this purchase!
Bin zufrieden mit dieser Klappe.
Funktioniert gut, keine Zugluft.
Einbau relativ einfach.
Got this so didn’t have to let the dogs out. They can come and go as they please.
This pet door is superb quality, true to size, and super easy to install! It’s not even the slightest bit drafty because of the multiple weather proof layers! Santo LOVES his new pet door!
Pour mes gros chiens Beauceron et Griffon 41 kg et 31 kg un temps d’adaptation pour le passage des chiens a t ncessaire maintenant tout va bie
This is worth the money! I like in Colorado and it does very well keeping the cold and snow out! I have not noticed a temp Aries difference and we’ve gotten down to negative 13 this winter. No issues!
Was fairly easy to install. Works great, very sturdy, dog learned to use it quickly and well insulated.
Works great to keep heat and cold from in through dog door. The single flap models don’t do well to keep weather out but the insulated 3 flap model works great.
Dogs learned quickly to use it. It keeps the cold air out even when the wind is blowing . I put it in the wall so I had to order the sleeve that go’s between the doggie door flaps. Easy to install but the bolts that came with would not work with the 6 inch wall. Wasn’t a big deal, I framed around the opening so I was able to use wood screws to secure the door’s.
Top ! J’avais dj utilise deux autres trappes avant. L’une avec un rabat rigide qui a bless le dos d’un de mes chiens ! En voulant sortir trop rapidement il s’est grivement bless et provoquant un choc avec le rabat sur ka colonne vertbrale.
J’ai donc achet cette chatire, car elle a un rabat souple, donc sans risques de blessures.
J’avais galement des problmes car le froid s’introduisait par la chatire, avec ce modle plus aucuns soucis ! Elle est vraiment trs isolante avec ses 3 rabats et les Rabats se reajustent parfaitement a chaques passages !
J’ai un Spitz nain de 3 kilos et 3 chats, ils passent tous sans difficults avec la taille S.
Door was better than expected going from one flap to three was a game change
Produto de boa qualidade, fcil instalao e bom isolamento
Peca s por ter opo de cor branca.
Tres solide et tres pratique
Parcontre pas facile a fix seule.
Tolles Produkt, nach dem sie eingebaut war hatte die Hunde etwas scheu durch zu gehen da sie nichts sehen was auf der anderen Seite ist , aber nach 2 Tagen kein Problem meh
Well, if you’re OCD about trying to get it to close perfectly everytime, like me. As it should though, right? The outside flap is ever-so off centered, and that you can’t adjust. So trying to tweak the height without making that worse was way too much fun.
Replaced my single flap for this. Easy installation, keeps the wind out.
The extra large insulated model preforms very good in extreme cold conditions. The materials don’t feel brittle on the outside at -40c and it operates perfectly. There are no drafts on the inside and it is insulated as well as the original door. I highly recomend this dog door it is well worth the price.
Extremely impressed with aluminum frame. Had a few plastic Pet Safe doors and at -25 degrees they self destruc
Super sa change la vie tout le monde passe chez nous ! Lapins chats chiens produits gniale
It is so much warmer in the room by the dog door than the single flap. Once in a while it doesn’t close completely, but no problem with the dogs or cats going in and out. Very pleased with i
Muy buena puerta, bien diseada para que el perro no se haga dao y adems con varias capas para que no pase el fro. Lo nico que me est costando un poco que el perro aprenda a pasar, pero bueno eso es mi perro que tengo que ponerme con chucheras y ensearle con paciencia.
Bien hermtique. Je craignais des ponts thermiques mais il n’y en a aucun. Nickel. Modle achet taille L pour braque de Weimar. Il passe au poil.
Everything about this pet door is great! Hardware, sturdy construction and fairly easy to install. Really happy with purchase and so are the dogs!
es pratique pour que mon rottweiler puisse rentre et sortir comme il veux, on peut mme le verrouilleu
Nachdem sich unser Hund durch die alte Katzenklappe gequetscht hat und mit samt der Klappe im Garten stand, haben wir uns fr eine neue und grere Hunde- und Katzenklappe entschieden. Sie hlt was sie verspricht! Gerusche sind nicht strend, wenn der Wind durch pfeift, da die Klappe” Gummihnlich ist. Der Alurahmen ist sehr stabil und mit Plastik nicht zu vergleichen. Ich kann es nur empfehlen 🙂
Le produit est de bonne facture, isole bien et ne fait pas de bruit. Le vendeur est srieux, j’ai voulu d’abord retourner le produit car la taille que j’ai choisi tait un peu grande pour mon chien. Les rponses du vendeur ont t rapides et efficaces. J’enlve une toile car j’ai achet la taille L 80 euros et une semaine plus tard elle tait 60 euros, en promo :(.
Devo dire la verit questa porticina mi ha salvata!!!!
Ero molto scettica sul comprarla o meno.. Ma ero anche molto stanca di fare apri e chiudi. D estate tanto tanto.. Ma d inverno quando inizia a fare freddo diventa fastidioso!!
Ero scettica anche per il fatto se la compravo come la mettevo e se passava freddo…
Il mio cane un husky ho preso la taglia L si abituata subito.
Noi per esperienza abbiamo levato il vetro e ci siamo fatti fare una tavoletta di legno Marino per non far passare il freddo!!!
Pour chat et chien facile installer avec le gabarit.. Je vais srement changer les vis en plastique contre d’autres en fer je pense plus solide
Trs bon produit pour l’animal, installation facile faire, l’animal s’est vite adapter et passe cette petite porte sans problme. Plus besoin de lui ouvrir la porte. Je recommande.
I have an 89lb lab and a 78lb husky. I put the door a little high. The instructions say line it up with their shoulders and honestly it probably should have been a little lower but honestly it’s a great door. 10/10
C’est pas mal, plutt tanche avec les 2 portes en plastique souple et l isolation thermique entre les deux. Mais un peu bruyant…
Le chien aime pas trop lourde soulever pourtant il pse 52 kg
Non ho trovato un prodotto analogo sul mercato… L’ho gi acquistato in passato ma, avendo 4 cani ( quindi soggetto a una maggior usura) nonostante per i pannelli dello sportello ci siano i ricambi, l’imbottitura interna si imbarca e di questa non c’ ricambio, quindi bisogna comprare uno sportello nuovo.
robusto e funziona bene…..
J’ai achet ce modle en xl pour grand chien en aluminium. Produit simple installer avec un patron pour la dcoupe du trou, diffrentes modles de vis pour portes pvc ou bois ou fer.
Ma chienne passe bien et les diffrentes bavettes retombent impeccables, trs isolant, je recommande
Gracias al sistema de imanes, no entra aire. No tenemos todas las compuertas puestas, ya que una de nuestras gatas es pequea y no tenia fuerza para abrirlas. Tanto el perro como las gatas, se han acostumbrado enseguida!
Loving this door. We have a bigger pooch as well so we got the large size. We did consider the step down on the other side of the door when determining where to cut and place the door. I had a great local handyman complete the work, and it was all done within 2 hours! Super easy and we are loving it. The dogs took about 30 minutes to fully acclimate and now MY life got easier. 🙂
Installata sia in una porta finestra che a muro, perfetta.
Dopo una prima esperienza con una porta analoga ma con un solo flap, definitivamente rovinato dopo tre inverni, con spifferi incredibili per via della progressiva deformazione della gomma, decido di passare alla stessa tipologia di porta ma in versione “per climi estremi” per risolvere il problema.
Il risultato stato nefasto. Le paratie di gomma esterna ed interna si sono deformate dopo un mese, le viti di fissaggio sostituite in fase di montaggio perche di infima qualit.
Le traverse sulle quali fanno presa le viti , che nella prima versione erano di alluminio, qui erano di plasticaccia che ha ceduto istantaneamente in pi punti con le sei viti in trazione, quindi rifatte con bandella di alluminio forata e filettata…. Le asole che , solo teoricamente, dovrebbero servire a registrare in altezza le paratie, oltre a non assolvere alla funzione (i magneti che dovrebbero servire per garantire una buona chiusura non possono lavorare correttamente perch non possono arrivare a sfiorarsi data la corsa insufficiente. In compenso i fori passanti de delle viti di fissaggio sono un ottimo ingresso di aria fredda, quindi da nastrare accuratamente per chiuderli.
risultato: spifferi, chiusura pessima, materiali sotto il minimo sindacale.
Quanto pagato dovrebbe essermi risarcito solo per le ore di lavoro spese per porre rimedio a ridicoli errori progettuali.
Validissima per cani di grossa taglia (2 mastine napoletane, 1 corso e 1 breton). L’aria fredda rimane fuori, i cani escono quando hanno bisogno. Abbiamo dovuto inserire dei supporti in legno perch la nostra porta del garage era pi sottile rispetto allo spessore della porta. Sulle misure era indicato quindi ne eravamo consapevoli. pi di un mese che viene usata ed ottima
Wir haben uns fr diese Klappe fr unsere Katzen entschieden, da sie biegsam ist.
Unsere Katzen ffnen die Klappe auch oft mit ihrer Pfote. Wenn sie diese unter eine gewhnliche Klappe stecken und zurckziehen, quetschen sie sich ihre Pftchen ein 🙁
Deshalb finden wir diese Art von Klappe super, denn da passiert dies nicht. Auerdem schliet sie durch den integrierten Magnetstreifen sehr gut ab. Wir benutzen sie an einer Auenwand als Eingang ins Freigehege, es kommt kaum Zugluft durch.
E’ il secondo che acquisto e questo rispetto al primo pi elaborato e indicato per chi lo deve installare su una porta esterna e vuole essere sicuro di non fare entrare spifferi in casa; infatti non ha un unico battente, ma addirittura tre, di cui uno, al centro, imbottito e dunque non trasparente. E’ perfetto se lo deve usare un gatto o un cane belli forzuti, ma sconsigliato per gatti “normali” o semplicemente paurosi. Il mio gatto un meticcio di 3,5 kg e si rifiuta di usare questo modello size M (mentre usa senza problemi lo stesso modello con un solo battente in silicone -comunque a prova di spifferi!) e solo la cagnolina di 9 kg, dopo molta esitazione, si decisa ad usarlo.
The ease of installation and the strength of the materials has made this switch from plastic the best decision.
La gattaiolafunziona perfettamente. L`ho fissata in un muro in cartongesso
davvero robusta, anche il telaio in alluminio ben fatto. Avevo letto in altre recensioni e confermo, non si pu montare nel vetro, ho dovuto far fare un pannello in legno. La misura L sembrava piccola invece perfetta per il mio cane , un meticcio simil pastore che pesa 37 kg.
Ottimo prodotto! In effetti l’aria non passa, chiude bene.
Franchement super, installation facile sur une porte de service en pvc avec isolant intrieur. Notice plutt claire.
Elle est bien tanche, l’air ne passe pas et les rabats sont rglables selon la force de l’animal. Mon malinois passe normal.
A voir dans le temps mais elle parait solide.
I bought it to replace an old, worn out doggy door. Install was a breeze and everything went together well. I recommend the metal screws vs the nylon as the nylon ones are easy to over torque. Material construction is excellent and appears very durable. The only issue I have is I believe the flaps could benefit from a heavier weighted magnet at the bottom, which would improve the closing and sealing of the flaps. With that stated, so far the decrease in the airflow from outside to inside has been significantly reduced and I’m very pleased with the performance. If I use the included slide in door panel to close it at night, the airflow stops completely. Very nice!
Aprs de nombreuses annes, a y est !!! mon mari a retrouv le sommeil.
jusqu’ prsent, la nuit tait un enfer, nous dormons l’tage et lorsque, la nuit, les chiens passaient par la chatire, le bruit du claquement de la porte, rsonnait dans notre chambre, c’tait infernale.
Suite aux bons commentaires de cette chatire, nous avons tent … et effectivement, comme il ne s’agit plus du porte rigide, le bruit c’est termin !!!!, termin les clac clac clac clac toute la journe et toute la nuit
De plus, il y a 2 “sections” ce qui permet de garder une bonne isolation de la pice.
Pour conclure, le fait que la porte est silencieuse, mes chiens sont beaucoup plus calmes (ils ne sont plus stimuls par les aboiements du chien du voisin), que du bonheu
Inte jttesvr att montera och hunden r lycklig ver att kunna g ut och in nr han vill. Vi monterade luckan i ett isolerat vxthus och har inte mrkt av ngot drag. Luckan sluter till fint och magnetlist hller luckan stngd men s valde vi visserligen att stta luckan p stra sidan dr vi har en hck som skyddar frn den vrsta ostanvinden.
Nous cherchions une chatire qui ne faisait pas perdre trop de chaleur et protgeait bien des entres dans la maison.
Celle ci est vraiment top. Pas de grosses dperditions et niveau bruit a n’est pas gnant. La porte du garage se trouve ct de notre chambre et lorsque le chat sort a ne nous rveille pas mme en pleine nuit ! Vraiment je recommande ++
ho acquistato questa grande gattaiola per l’entrata e l’uscita del cane in inverno. Il prodotto arrivato e’ molto robusto e non puo’ essere montato su vetro per cui ho sostituito il vetro con un pannello in legno. Mi sembra molto ben fatto e speriamo che il cane si abitui.
Eine Wirklich stimmige Klappe (Gro Klappe ) . Der Einbau war ganz okay und man kann sie gut einstellen. Selbst die Katze kommt durch . Ob sie im Winter dicht hlt kann ich leider noch nicht sagen . Die Weien Montageschrauben bestehen aus sehr weichem Plastik und verbiegen sich schnell ,dass ist nicht so schn . Die Lautstrke hlt sich in Grenzen. Oben im Schlafzimmer hrt man es nicht , aber dafr unten ziemlich deutlich obwohl der Eingangsbereich extra ist . Die Klappe ist Robust und wertig verarbeitet . Wrde ich wieder kaufen . D
Seems good quality,
Have left external flap off until cat and dog are used to going through with one.
Cat is not too sure of it at them moment, hopefully it works it out with only one flap installed for a few weeks. Will probably move the one flap to the outside for weatherproofing.
Sprayed with anthracite, as the brush strips are installed before the frame is assembled, you need to notch to top to slide them out.
Par-rapport d’autres modles, celui-ci ne prsente pas de jour au-dessus du battant, comme certaines chatires qui ont un battant en plexiglas qui tourne autour d’un axe et un espace de 5-6 mm au-dessus.
Pour que la fermeture magntique fonctionne, il faut que le battant retombe suffisamment fort; c’est en gnral le cas.
L’hiver, l’ouverture peut tre condamne avec un couvercle qui est livr avec la chatire, et calfeutre avec du papier bulles et de l’adhsif de rparation.
DRESSAGE: ma chatte, une chatte d’extrieur, a mis quinze jours pour passer seule dans la chatire. Je lui ai d’abord montr l’ouverture en la laissant ouverte l’aide d’un btonnet, et en rassurant Polarfox avec des croquettes. Elle est passe rapidement avec confiance. Puis je lui ai ouvert moi-mme la chatire avec la main lorsqu’elle voulait entrer ou sortir, en laissant progressivement le battant retomber sur son dos. Elle n’entre pas dans des caisses avec battant et craint d’tre pige par ce genre de passage. Elle est parvenue sortir seule au bout de dix jours, en mon absence, et entrer seule quelques jours plus tard.
INSTALLATION: ne pas se laisser piger par un rebord de porte-fentre incurv l’extrieur. Pour placer la chatire la hauteur du passage du chat, il faut alors le travailler avec un outil multifonctions. Les grands boulons en plastique se coupent l’extrieur pour s’ajuster l’paisseur de la porte, cela peut se faire avec des ciseaux, mais ce n’est pas trs net. Des lments en plastique dur sont fournis pour faire un tunnel entre les deux pices de la chatire, ne pas se tromper dans la dcoupe: s’ils sont coups trop court, ils ne s’emboteront pas dans la chatire.
Fits perfect had to get extra large so my husky would fit we started with a large and he couldn’t get through
We were reluctant to install a flap big enough for our 30kg Golden Retriever on security grounds. However she was joined by a GR puppy in mid-Feb the pros and cons of the door being opened & shut multiple times persuaded us to try it. Despite our young grandchildren proving they could climb through we do not regret installing the flap which both dogs mastered in about 20 mins. We slide in the ‘lock’ at night or if we are all out, plus our back door is not visible to passers by as is behind a high locked gate. We have not had ‘draft’ issues, however the door is sheltered from high winds. The dogs love the freedom, thankfully they have stopped trying to go through at the same time!
Bought the medium size for small 7kg dog, it was about right. It does seem well insulated with an inner and outer flap and insulated flap in the middle. The magnets at the bottom of the flaps seem to hold the flaps enough to stop any draughts but nothing at the sides except draught excluder, dog was using straight away.
would recommend.
Bought the medium size for small 7kg dog, it was about right. It does seem well insulated with an inner and outer flap and insulated flap in the middle. The magnets at the bottom of the flaps seem to hold the flaps enough to stop any draughts but nothing at the sides except draught excluder, dog was using straight away.
would recommend.
Simple to install with a few tools and skills . Took around 3 hours into my brick wall.
Totally weather and waterproof.
No increase in heating costs. No dratfs or water incursion whatsoever.
Took my 8 year old Border Collie 4 minutes to work it out with help from a few treats and encouragement.
Best buy of the year.
Simple to install with a few tools and skills . Took around 3 hours into my brick wall.
Totally weather and waterproof.
No increase in heating costs. No dratfs or water incursion whatsoever.
Took my 8 year old Border Collie 4 minutes to work it out with help from a few treats and encouragement.
Best buy of the year.
Was a breeze to install apart from the fact it didn’t advertise that it would not fit a upvc door 25mm thick…I had to build a frame around it to compensate for the thickness of the door. Those who are not practically minded might struggle. Apart from that , very happy
Strong . Easy to fit . Looks much better than the plastic type . More heat retaining
This replaced a prior dog flap and the difference is astonishing. Weatherproof sturdy and the house is significantly warmer too! Excellent customer service when I ordered the wrong size. Highly recommend the product and company.
Very weather and draft proof, helping with increased energy costs!!
Very weather and draft proof, helping with increased energy costs!!
Rattles a small bit when heavy wind straight on i
Just keep the sides of the flap sides clear of fur. Just a wipe over each day for example in windy weather. If you have dogs that are malting, and their fur sticks to the sides of the dog flap opening, the flap won’t magnetically seal as tight. BRILLIANT though. FAR BETTER than the companies normal single flap option which we’ve had previously. We have six dogs, it gets some use.
Just keep the sides of the flap sides clear of fur. Just a wipe over each day for example in windy weather. If you have dogs that are malting, and their fur sticks to the sides of the dog flap opening, the flap won’t magnetically seal as tight. BRILLIANT though. FAR BETTER than the companies normal single flap option which we’ve had previously. We have six dogs, it gets some use.
Superb design. This was fitted into my south-facing upvc porch door (into a pvc panel – not in the glazing). My Lhasa apso dog learnt how to work the flap within days. I did as other reviewers suggested and taped up the flaps so she learnt to hop in and out through the hole, then the next day just left the central insulated flap down. The third day I dropped one of the magnetic flaps. And the fourth day she could easily push through the full door. She has lots of dog friends who visit. I was amused to see her best mate, a Border Collie/ Labrador cross, easily use the flap too (with zero training just following my dog). We’ve recently had a very strong storm with 80 mph winds. The flap has not flapped about under any weather. It has not let rain in. It does let a small draught through – but I don’t mind that at all. Really great purchase.
A nice design, but be aware of thickness as not suitable for all uPVC doors.
A nice design, but be aware of thickness as not suitable for all uPVC doors.
A nice design, but be aware of thickness as not suitable for all uPVC doors.
A nice design, but be aware of thickness as not suitable for all uPVC doors.
Far superior to the basic one. It doesn’t blow open in extreme weathe
Far superior to the basic one. It doesn’t blow open in extreme weathe
very sturdy dog flap used by 4 large dogs, very weather and draft proof and also a lot quieter than my last one