RÃDE NTH-100 Professional Over-ear Headphones For Content Creation, Music Production, Mixing and Audio Editing, Podcasting, Location Recording (Black)

Premium Accessories Included
The NTH-100s comes with a range of premium accessories, including a storage pouch, 2.4m headphone cable with integrated locking connector for complete security, a high-quality threaded ¼-inch adaptor, and coloured ID rings for easy identification in multi-person recording set-ups.
Quick & Easy Earcup Identification
Easy left and right earcup identification with luminous letters, colour-coding and braille.
Dual-sided Cable Attachment
Dual-sided cable attachments for maximum flexibility, position the cable where best suits you and your setup. With an integrated locking connectors for complete security.
Weight: | 10 g |
Size: | nil |
Dimensions: | 8 x 19 x 18.8 cm; 10 Grams |
Model: | NTH-100 |
Colour: | Black |
Colour: | Black |
Dimensions: | 8 x 19 x 18.8 cm; 10 Grams |
Size: | nil |
They are the best headphones I have owned in a long time. Sounds are precise for mixing and they are so comfortable, that I can wear them for hours. Blue tooth wireless would make this better, but they don’t have that feature for now.
GLAD I got them they are very comfortable and sound is amazing everything about them is FANTASTIC, WELLDONE TO EVERYONE FROM DESIGN TO DELIVERY.
Comfortable to wear, perfectly decent sound signature especially for spoken word, decent isolation, and look stylish 🙂
I have a lot of headphones. A lot! From the some high end to a couple consumer sets. I was pleasantly surprised by how clean these sound and the fit is like no other. These are very well thought out. The locking size adjustment is a nice touch as well. Well done RODE.
Now Rode comes out with the NT-100 and I am in love with the Sound (!), durability, and the comfort of these heavier but oh, so superior speakers.
Having the cord available on either right or left is so convenient, too.
I wear these for about 6 hours daily, and when I take them off, I feel like I’m taking off a part of my own body.
I have grown that ‘attached’ to them.
I really enjoy these. From the sound to how they Look. Best closed back I have in my collection and I don’t see them getting replaced anytime soon. Bonus they aren’t that expensive either. Only down side for me is the longer cable is way to long and the short cable is a bit to Short that being said you can make it work fine.
Seriously, just buy them. Points docked for not having readily available cable length accessories that I can easily find.
Une qualit sonore absolument impeccable et un grand confort qui rend l’utilisation prolonge agrable.
The most comfortable and versatile to make a Podcast, I use it and I liked it, I recommend it.
Unlike many other headphones in this price range, you get not only decent sound, but uncompromising quality of materials. While a handful of headphones have the edge in sound, these are built like a tank. Their sound is amazing for the price, but comfort for big heads and ears (24 inch head with big ears) generally had less comfort. A more open pad design would’ve made this easily 5 stars.
Good neutral sounding headphones with cool features such as that adjustable headband lock and interchangeable left/right wire. The pads are soft but after a few hours they do warm up and lock in sweat. They are also a bit too small for my big ears so it does have some pain after a few hours. Regardless, it’s still my headphones of choice.
Usually I prefer open Headphones, this is the closest to an open headphone, while having a closed back.
Very good sound ideal for mixing home recordings, surprisingly good for the price.
Hatte bis dato zum Zocken eigentlich immer nur die Typischen Gaming Headsets.
Wie zb.:
EPOS Sennheiser GSP 600
beyerdynamic MMX 300
Immer in Verwendung mit einer Soundkarte. Aktuell Sound Blaster AE 7
Ich wollte jetzt einfach mal den Sound auf ein Maximum bringen und bin zufllig aus den Rode Kopfhrer gestoen den ich kurzerhand bestellt habe. Zuhause angekommen war ich schon beim auspacken berrascht Hochwertig die Materialen sind und wie diese verarbeitet wurden. – WOW
Soetwas kannte ich von den Gaming Headsets noch nicht! Das sind andere Welten !
Nach dem ersten Soundcheck war ich wie vom Hocker gerissen, verflucht ?!?! Was zur Hlle…. wie konnte ich nur ansatzweise denken das meine alten Headsets guten Sound hatten ?…. Ich hatte den Kopfhrer sicherlich eine Stunde auf und habe mir alle mglichen Musikstcke angehrt, wollte den Kopfhrer nicht mehr abnehmen. Einfach ein Wahnsinn wie gut der Kang ist! (Soundkarte: SoundBlaster AE 7)
Um alles perfekt fr mich abzurunden habe ich mein vorhaben umgesetzt und den Rode NTH-100 zum Gaming Headset umfunktioniert indem ich mir das “v-moda Boompro Microphone” bestellt habe.
Das Micro passt aber NICHT auf anhieb in den Kopfhrer da das Rode NTH 100 eine “Arretierung” des Kabels hat und der 3,5mm Pin des Micros somit nicht voll in die Buchse eintauchen kann.
Um das Problem zu lsen reicht es aber aus das BoomPro Micro mit einem scharfen Messer “rechts und links” leicht (!) “anzuspitzen”. Schon passet es perfekt und funktioniert einwandfrei.
Zum Kopfhrer selber:
+ Wirklich sehr guter Sound
+ Bestens fr Basslastige Musik geeignet
+ Exzellente Verarbeitung
+ Hochwertige und langlebige Materialien
+ Solide Arretierung der Ohrmuscheln,- daher kein versehentliche verrutschen mehr mglich
+ Arretierung des Kabels
+ Kabel beidseitig anschliebar
= Cool Tech Schaum,- bleibt nur solange Khl bis sich irgendwann mal wie jeder Kopfhrer erwrmt
= Sehr kompaktes kleines Design
– Ohrmuschen sind maximal fr kleine bis mittlere Ohrgren geeignet (Over Ear) daher bei groen Ohren nur als On Ear Kopfhrer verwendbar.
Ich wrde das Headset / Kopfhrer jedem meiner Freunde mit kleinen bis mittelgroen Ohren uneingeschrnkt weiterempfehlen!
Previously I’ve been using a Beyerdynamic DT770 Pro headset, it’s been great but I have a Rode Procaster that’s been outstanding so I wanted to try these with the idea that if they weren’t better than the Beyerdynamic’s I’d just return them.
Well… I can safely say side by side the Rode headphones are better in terms of sound quality. I’m not an audiophile but I could hear background instruments more clearly on LoFi type music and heavy rock/metal just sounded more crisp. It surprised me how noticeable it was tbh. I didn’t expect an actual noticable difference.
The locking mechanism on the side is awful though and I’m sure it will break at some point.
The other negative point is that whilst these are comfortable, they are on ear headphones, not over ear like the Beyerdynamics. This may be a deal breaker for me since I use them for long gaming sessions and I wear glasses. I’ll be testing them on stream tomorrow and if they ache at all I’ll send them back.
But there is something unique about these headsets. The sound, the feel. I never imagined needing a headset like this! I cannot imagine not using them. They are very durable and the cushions STAY ON!!!!! Every pair of over the ears that I have previously owned had always had the padding detach. It happened on my Behringer and AKG headsets.
When I’m broadcasting live, doing studio work, or just lounging: I’m glad to have these.
Great headphones, sound well above the price tag. Gell ear pads are very comfortable. One warning, if you have massive ears those might not be for you.
No need to write a long review. I’ve tried many, and these are by far the most accurate, the best. Rode crushed it. Get them.
If you are looking for the best headphones for podcasting, making music, or just comfortable feeling then you have the right ones here!!! Not a lot of bass, just very clear sound!
Been through many headphones (not earbuds) which are mostly sitting collecting dust and now that I have this in my hands, I’ve pulled them out to compare… this Rode is ‘exactly as you should hear it’ said by so many YouTube talking heads and I agree. Not an audiophile but this headphone is NOT a headphone you would want to listen (to music) with but rather CREATE with. Otherwise, it is insanely well built and priced for what it should be worth!!
Llegaron un da antes de lo previsto, los auriculares son los ms cmodos que eh probado en mi vida despus de usarlos un tiempo hasta se te olvida que los traes puestos & eso que eh probado muchos auriculares de diferentes gamas de precio, la calidad de los materiales es exelente comparado con el precio, se sienten de calidad. El mayor pero es su sonido si bien en crticas hay opiniones mixtas, para m el sonido es flojo tanto en frecuencia medias como agudas da una sensacin de filtrado de ah es que le ponga 4 estrellas
I like everything about these headphones, but the sound quality is most important, excellent buy.
These are excellent headphones but I found them to be uncomfortable and so am unable to use them extensively when working on music projects. The sound quality is excellent as is the build but the comfort issue needs to be addressed.
Product was well worth the money and audio is impeccable
These are a great value and sound terrific. The headband is a feature alone is one that all other manufacturers should look at and emulate. The only issue I had was that my ears did not fit the cups and after a bit they would become very uncomfortable. If you have normal or smaller ears this will not be an issue, and you would be hard pressed to find any faults with these headphones. They are a terrific value and sound great, just use caution if your ears are on the larger end.
So far the headphones are great for video editing and I prefer them for this task to my Beats Studio 3 headphones. I’m not a professional, so am not able to offer much technical advise – just personal opinion.
Just a wee point to note when you buy them – although both ends of the cable fit into the ear piece and the headphone port on your device, only one side is deisgned to fit into the headphones. I just flung them together and started using them straight away without paying much attention and thought I was getting terrible drop out and interference (thinking it was a faulty set) but upon further inspection saw that one end has a groove to twist in (see attached photo), after inserting, which locks the connection – and everything has been great since realising that. Hope this helps!
Hatte schon viele Kopfhrer, vom reinen Stereo bis hin zum Gaming Kopfhrer.
Kann aber hier eindeutig sagen, das es bisher die Komfortabelsten sind, hier drckt nichts an den Ohren, was bei Brillentrgern immer so schwierig ist. Auch auf dem Kopf gibt es kein hohen Druck, auch nach lngerem Tragen nicht.
Das wichtigste Aber neben dem Tragekomfort ist die Klangqualitt.
Und da ist dieser sehr Neutral abgestimmt, es gibt weder eine berbetonung der Hhen noch der Tiefen.
Auch die Kanaltrennung finde ich hervorragend.
Was ich auch bei diesen Kopfhrern noch nicht erlebt habe, das darunter die Ohren schwitzen nach lngerem Tragen.
Rundum fr mich ein gelunger Stereokopfhrer.
Amazing workhorse cans you can wear for hours. Love the fit and the sound. Proper studio headphones that also won’t feel out of place on the road. Amazing build quality – especially for the price. Great in the radio studio and when working from home.
Really good job, and for a very good price as well. Not the lightest pair of headphones you can find on the market bear in mind, but a really good product for a fairly affordable price.
The quality of bass and treble response in these pair of cans hit well above their price range, even beating out every pair of $300 planar and dynamic driver headphones I’ve ever owned.
Great headphones – very comfortable and excellent sound quality. They sound better than headphones that cost twice as much.
Je les utilisent pour le studio et la qualit est excellente avec un trs bon soundstage pour des couteurs ferms.
-Packaging e accessori: minimo indispensabile per entrambi, meglio cos, meno carta e roba praticamente inutile, tutte le spec sono visibili tramite un qr all’interno della scatola, le cuffie si trovano all’interno di un sacchetto di tessuto, carino e ben fatto, e in un’altro troviamo il cavo(proprietario, purtroppo), l’adattatore 6.35 e delle clip colorate utili per riconoscere le proprie cuffie magari in ambienti lavorativi dove ce ne potrebbero essere diverse paia.
-Qualit costruttiva: impressionante, veramente impressionante per questo prezzo, metallo ovunque, molto spesso e resistente, da qui il peso consistente dell’unit. Solamente le coppe sono di plastica, comprensibile dato che non sono componenti strutturali, e le regolazioni, che comunque al tatto molto piacevole e non da quella sensazione di economico. Cavo in gomma abbastanza spesso che decisamente durer nel tempo. Cuscinetti tutti in Alcantara, molto molto meglio della pelle finta o altro tessuto perch molti pi durevole.
-Comfort: parere personale perch ognuno diverso e avr un esperienza diversa, ci si deve abituare, il peso percettibile soprattutto all’inizio, esercitano un po’ di pressione sui cuscinetti delle orecchie che da una parte allevia il peso ma dall’altra serve abitudine e anche trovare il posizionamento giusto. L’alcantara sulla pelle fa un lavoro straordinario e la sensazione molto piacevole. Unica “pecca”, le scritte R e L dentro sono stampate e spero non inizino a staccarsi col tempo.
-Suono: Da una cuffia da monitoraggio non ci si aspetta niente di eclatante, anzi una firma pi neutra possibile voluta per progetto. Queste ci si avvicinano molto, i bassi sono leggermente enfatizzati, il che secondo i miei gusti meglio perch danno al suono un po’ pi di pienezza e di rotondit. Voci e medi sono ben separati cos come gli alti che sono molto precisi. Tutta la gamma di frequenza veramente pulita e chiara. Lo staging giusto, n troppo n poco, per far si che tutto arrivi 1 passo dietro alle voci correttamente. L’imaging molto buono, con una traccia audio di qualit sufficiente si pu letteralmente puntare alla direzione degli strumenti. Azzarderei a provarle per il gaming. Essendo da 32 ohm vanno praticamente ovunque, ho trovato che l’effetto di un dac/amp appena udibile.
Nothing to dislike. Audio as good as others 2 to 3 times the price. Comfortable to wear for extended periods. Used mainly for recording and mixing. No complaints about this product.
For a dude who wears glasses these are the perfect fit for me, if you have big ears they may not be great for you but I was pleasantly surprised by the sound quality and comfort. Straight out of the box I put them to the test for an edit and they gave a great flat response which enabled me to get the same outcome as if I was mixing audio with my HS5 monitors. The ability to put the cable on either side is a nice touch and the cloth covers are soft with the padding being a little firm although it’ll likely soften over time. They’re not as portable as previous headphones but it’s a small trade off for the overall quality. I’m yet to get ear fatigue and compared to similar priced headphones I’ve owned these are easily the best. My only gripe with these headphones is the cable seems to send a louder than normal handling noise into the cup if touched whilst being used. I’ve read that some people thought these sounded dull but mine are great! Rode are a fantastic company and this product has lived up to their normally high standard. The build quality seems to be more robust than most too but as a sweaty man, I’ll update this review to see how they handle over time.
These are a must, absolutely awesome headphones which you can plug in either in the left or right earphone. Brilliant sound.
I wondered if all the hype was worth it and yes it is. If you edit podcasts or anything to do with the voice you can’t go wrong. The headphones are comfy and are great for long stints of editing. I highly recommend them, but they are not there to listen to music with big bass expectations.
They say buying patterns are about comfort, quality and convenience.
These tick all three boxes.
Convenient because of how you can attach the headphone cable on either side to suit how you work, which means the cable (often the bit that breaks) can be replaced along with the headband and ear cushions.
Comfort because they have memory foam ear cushions which are the most comfortable I’ve ever worn, along with adjustable headband which locks in position meaning I don’t have to keep repositioning it.
And quality because, so far, the build, the materials and (of course) the sound are all exceptional for the price.
I’ve had significantly more expensive headphones in the past. Based on price alone I’d assume this were mid-range. However they feel significantly better than mid-range and on the whole I’m more please with these as I have been with any other pair cans.
These are simply superb headphones. Supremely comfortable, nicely sound isolating and the sound is simply spot on. It is genuinely like the singer is in front of you but not exaggerated like some headphones I’ve owned. I bought these to listen to music at my desk and they do the job brilliantly.
I have heard reviews on YouTube state that the treble is recessed. It is my experience that this is VERY dependant on your amp. The Rode’s seem to really respond to the characteristics of your amp. For example the Topping A90 although very neutral seems to express itself as recessed in the highs. However, when I run them through my FiiO K9 the treble really sparkles. So I would keep this in mind before you purchase.
In my opinion you can’t go wrong with these. Have fun!
These are not headphones to purchase if you like that overhyped bass and treble that so many big brand products feature.
These headphones are like very high end speakers e.v Kef, b&w etc where the voicing is absolutely neutral. If you are a classical or jazz aficionado or you like to hear music absolutely uncoloured, with unparalled detail and clarity, then for the price these are exceptional value.
They are solidly made and very comfortable, and the locking adjustment is a great feature as you can get them fitting how you like, twist the locks and now you can just pick them up and put them on anytime.
They will deliver adequate but not earsplitting volume powered by a phone, but driven from a headphone amp or audio mixer they can deliver huge amounts of volume.
Don’t forget to fit the little rubber plug supplied into the socket on the side you don’t choose to use to fit the cable ( a nice touch by the way to be able to choose left or right) as this ensures the sound is balanced correctly.
Rode are a well established company with an excellent reputation so I expect spares to be available for a long time for these. Destined to be a classic, I think.
These are a very good pair of head phones for mixing or production music is what I am using them for I do have other sets but the Rodes are very satisfying in detail, I would have paid much more for this quality,
They are built very well with thick metal frames, they are heavy but very comfortable and you will not sweat often, the lock adjustment is great difficult to find a reason not to use.
Very comfortable on the ears with the cooling effect. Audio sounds great through the headphones. The locking mechanisms on it are a bonus.
Seriously I bought these because Z said they finally fill the SOLID under 200 closed back segment and I wanted to check out the state of the art (haha). And yeah, I don’t know what more you’d want out of a $150 closed back. Put, say, an Audeze logo on these and I’m confident people would happily shell >>$150. Rode did a truly bang up job here. Good on ya mates.
– Can power these to uncomfortable volumes on most songs using the apple lightning dongle and they sound pretty good, although of course they sound better on my desktop amp.
– Stock cable is of good quality but pretty microphonic, ima try to find an alternative now that these are here to stay.
– Adjustment method is kinda weird, not really well suited to sharing between multiple users with different head sizes as it takes some effort to satisfyingly adjust. However, I do appreciate that they lock once in a good place for me.
– I really like the ear cup shape comfort/design wise. I’m very happy with the design overall.
– They feel really well built
– You should probably buy these
If you compare this to the staples in this price range (m40x, k361) It blows them out of the water, so much energy and fun and also very balanced. Loving this set. No complaints yet, build also feels really good. Cable is decent. Pads appear to be glued, which is my only gripe with this set but the stock pads are also great.
These headphones are everything that Rode said they would be. They are by far the most comfortable headphones I have ever worn, the build quality is outstanding. The moment you lift the bag out of the box containing these headphones you know you have quality.
The sound is fantastic. Perfect for video editing and mixing.
I have always been very pleased with Rode products. The Wireless Go and Wireless Go 2 are amazing products and have never let me down and from my early impressions the NTH-100 is going to be no different.
I will upload my full review here on amazon as typed words cannot tell you how excited I am for these existing at one fifty and not the three fifty they could have easily charged.
The Rode’s primary purpose is not field recording, and the build quality reflects that. The arm connecting the ear cup to the head band is metal, as is the arching headband itself. The adjustment points appear well made, so it would be accurate to say that these are built to take abuse and long term usage. They wouldn’t be out of place in a studio or for anyone working with audio at their desk. The connector from the cable to the headphone is plastic – as I presume that it is meant to break under excessive strain – preserving the headphones.
Sound wise, I found the Rode to be natural, neutral and exceptionally clear. They are very comfortable to wear for long periods. I like that the cable can be switched from one side to the other since my Scarlett audio interface is on my right side. I wouldn’t be surprised if Rode later introduces the ability to use a microphone with this headphone, since there’s an empty connector that could be used for that purpose.
Packaging is well thought out – nothing but cardboard and a bare minimum of documentation (Rode printed some of the necessary documentation on the cardboard itself to cut down waste!)
Highly recommended.
Heute erhalten und sofort zu testen begonnen. Sitzen perfekt sogar noch bei XL Schdel. Die Ohren werden gut umschlossen, die Geruschabschirmung funktioniert in beide Richtungen wirklich gut. Mein SM7B hrt die Kopfhrer trotz gerade einmal 1cm Abstand zwischen Kopfhrer und Micro nicht. Also 0 Backbleeding in die Aufnahme bei mir. Die gewohnten heien Ohren sind bei mir damit auch deutlich besser geworden. Das Alcantara fhlt sich auch sehr angenehm an. Bin sehr zufrieden und kann bislang nur Gutes ber die bei mir eingesetzten Produkte von Rode berichten. Tolle Qualitt bei leistbaren Preisen!
Rode is an Australian company.
The NTH-100 is their first headphone. It’s aimed at producers and videographers. For most video people, monitoring of audio is likely to be done on a Sony 7506 or Beyer DT770. Not because they’re the best headphone, but because they can both be brutal in highlight audio flaws. The 7506 isn’t that great for long listening sessions because of its tonal balance but it is excellent for monitoring.
The NTH-100 sounds to me like a middle ground between the dt770 and the 7506. It has good slam but not as fat as the DT770. It has a clean treble, but doesn’t pierce through your head like the 7506 sound.
It’s an unusual headphone. Shaped to closely fit your ears so no space in the cups for resonances. (Triangular) The pads are memory foam with cooling gel. Also. Alcantara. The pads are frankly . Plush as hell.
The cups, once fitted to your head are locked into place, so they never move again. The lead can be connected on left or right side and is extremely flexible. It doesn’t have ‘spring’ in it.
It’s quite heavy as far as headphones go, but because of the way it fits, it feels much lighter on your head.
I’m not kidding when I say that these are a BARGAIN. Around 130. The sound is really balanced and they sound pretty flat to me. There is perhaps a slight lift in the upper bass but actually, it’s not a lot and I think as far as monitoring headphones go, that’s what makes these headphones useable for music listening as well as monitoring. I did a mix with them, and the mix sounded great on speakers afterwards. That’s a sign that they have a really balanced frequency response. I have to be very careful with the DT770 because of its bass and the 7506 with its treble. This one is way more flat and it shows big time in the mixing.
Imaging is extremely good. It’s a closed headphone, but it images like a semi-open headphone. The drivers are closely matched and placement is spot on. I can move people talking in my videos literally by inches with these and clearly hear it. Music listening puts vocalists firmly in centre and sometimes, it seems to put them in their own ‘space’ in the mic. You get a feeling of front to back depth and on some recordings, singers are placed further back in the stage. Really obvious with these.
Treble is clear. Not piercing in any way. Fantastic mids but the bass .. it doesn’t dominate but can really growl at you.
You can listen loud if you want. No trouble. 32ohms so driven easily by phones.
They make me think of the Sennheiser HD600 but with a better bass response and no ‘veiling’ or ‘harshness’
Rode are an excellent company and their design team took a long time designing this headphone. It’s their first and boy, is it a cracker. It looks good. Feels good and sounds good.
One thing. Without being rude, if you have large ears, the cups might be a problem. My ears fit fine. They made this close fit on purpose to avoid cup resonances.