REDSHIFT ShockStop Suspension Stem for Bicycles, Shock-Absorbing Bike Handlebar Stem for Road, Gravel, Hybrid, and E-Bikes

Redshift sports
Redshift sports
Redshift sports
Seatpost Handle Grips Tape
Better Ride ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓

Size: 6 Degree x 80 mm
Dimensions: 19.5 x 7.2 x 5.5 cm; 353 Grams
Batteries Included: No
Manufacture: Redshift Sports
Reference: RS-40-07
Size: 6 Degree x 80 mm

175 Responses

  1. Anonymous says:


    Ich nutze den Vorbau an einem Crossrad, mit dem ich fters auf Waldwegen unterwegs bin. Auf solchen Wegen wird wirklich vieles weggepuffert, sodass man deutlich schneller fahren kann, ohne sich Hand- und Schultergelenke vllig zu ruinieren.
    Jetzt bruchte man allerdings noch etwas vergleichbares fr den Hintern und auerdem noch Reifen mit ein bisschen mehr Grip, um nicht bei der ersten schrferen Kurve in den Graben zu schliddern…

  2. Leslie Ruse says:


    Ich fahre ein Tourenrad ohne Federgabel, das ich erst mit einer Parallelogramm-Sattelsttze von Suntour und nun mit dem Redshift Shockstop-Vorbau aufgerstet habe. Fahren ber unbefestigte Wege, Kopfsteinpflaster, Wurzeln, Unebenheiten und dergleichen ist nun sehr viel sanfter – so als htte man breitere Reifen mit weniger Druck. Natrlich ersetzt die Redshift keine Federgabel: Sie gleicht mit 2 cm Federweg natrlich keine tiefen Schlaglcher aus. Sie aber auch eher (und das besser als eine Federgabel) dem Ausgleichen von Vibrationen, wodurch vor allem meine Handgelenke sprbar geschont werden. Das Fahrgefhl empfand ich von Beginn weg als vllig natrlich und ebenso przis wie mit einem ungefederten Vorbau. Teuer ist das Teil natrlich (daher nur vier Sterne), aber ich finde, dass es das Geld wert ist. Kaufempfehlung!

  3. BridgetLok says:

     United Kingdom

    Great inventio

  4. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Fitted on a Domane SL5 as the front isospeed wasn’t soaking up the bumps from Irish roads. Very glad that I did.

  5. Anonymous says:

     United States 🇺🇸

    Easy to install comfort level was good with the elastomers suggested for my weigh

  6. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Absolutely love this stem , only wanted it to take the edge off some bumps and it does a better job than that, your forks will spak up the big bumps and the stem will soak everything else up ,,worth while purchase highly recommended

  7. EnriqueKVH says:


    preso quello da otto cm 30 gradi per la mia gravel giant revolt.nelle strade pi impegnative,piene di sassi fa egregiamente il suo lavoro.sono soddisfatto.ovviamente,non fa miracoli,ma gi il fatto di aver notato dei benefici in determinate strade,mi rende soddisfatto dell’acquisto

  8. CaseyDurrqu says:


    un p caro a fa quello che promette! Scelto il modello inclinato di 30 gradi da 8 cm, favoloso! Testato con giri gravel da 50 a 120 km (30% sterrato gravel) con risultati pi che soddisfacenti, dolore al collo e intorpidimento da affaticamento a spalle e mani sparito.
    Secondo me migliora anche la tenuta di strada sullo sconnesso. Consigliatissimo

  9. Lori Grunin says:

     Germany 🇩🇪

    Gerade auf Kopfsteinpflaster bringt der Vorbau eine super Wirkung. Empfehlung fr mehr Komfort, das Mehrgewicht ist noch im Rahmen.

  10. TangelaHutchins says:

     United States 🇺🇸

    I did install 80mm stem on my bike , very satisfied and worth the money , just follow the instruction manual , easy to install and enjoyed i

  11. Anonymous says:

     Italy 🇮🇹

    Eccellente, cambia completamente la sensazione di guida, ammortizzando molto bene buche e sassi. Provata su sterrato talvolta brutto, non pensavo ad un cambiamento cos sostanziale

  12. JanGDPdskomyz says:

     United States 🇺🇸

    Like with every stem you may need to purchase a couple different sizes to get the right fit. Take the time to dial the right elastomers for your riding style. Am riding across country with this stem and will provide input post ride.

  13. Anonymous says:

     Germany 🇩🇪

    Sehr zufrieden mit dem zustzlichen Komfort. Diskret im Design. Das Komprimieren vor dem Festschrauben gelingt am besten zu zweit.

  14. AlenaCoburn says:

     United States 🇺🇸

    cumple con lo especificado. se nota mucha ms comodidad en la conduccin y menos fatiga en los hombros y brazos. fcil instalacin.

  15. Anonymous says:


    Tolle Idee den Lenker zu dmpfen. Die Einstellbarkeit ber Polymere ist auch fr schwere Fahrer wie mich ideal. Auf Feld-und Waldwegen und auf leichten Trails sprt man die teils heftigen Erschtterungen fast nur noch hintenrum und die Finger schlafen nicht mehr so schnell ein. Alles in allem erfllt der Vorbau alle Erwartungen perfekt.

  16. abuya2ystc says:

     United States 🇺🇸

    Gravel riding can be stressful on the arms and shoulders. Over a long ride I had plenty of after-ride aches. Saw good press on this stem and gave it a try. After a few rides I am happy to report less stress and aches. It is a very subtle movement controlled by rubber inserts selected by rider’s weight. Just enough travel to ease the vibrations but not the feel of the road. Might get one for my road bike, too!

    Gravel riding can be stressful on the arms and shoulders. Over a long ride I had plenty of after-ride aches. Saw good press on this stem and gave it a try. After a few rides I am happy to report less stress and aches. It is a very subtle movement controlled by rubber inserts selected by rider’s weight. Just enough travel to ease the vibrations but not the feel of the road. Might get one for my road bike, too!

  17. Anonymous says:


    Le montage prend un peu de temps et il faut un peu de kilomtres pour roder les lastomres. Une fois fait, l’amortissement est rel et apporte un gain de confort sans gner en danseuse.

  18. LeonardoJzb says:

     United Kingdom

    Does exactly what it says it does, very impressive, so good I bought 2 one for a road bike and one for a gravel bike fantastic bit of ki

  19. Anonymous says:

     United States 🇺🇸

    Bought this based on several online reviews. I think it is worth it if you ride on gravel and are annoyed with a rigid fork. It definitely made a difference in smoothing out the ride over gravel or rocky sections. But then it is definitely not like a fork shock. Buy one!

  20. Anonymous says:

     France 🇫🇷

    J’ai attendu d’avoir test cette potence sur plusieurs sorties pour laisser un commentaire.
    Mon seul regret, c’est de ne pas l’avoir achete plus tt, quel confort surtout dans les descentes lorsque le revtement de la route n’est pas lisse, je n’ai plus de contracture dans les avants bras comme prcdemment. Je la recommande vivement.

  21. FranceWeisz says:


    Acquistato e installato su gravel Diverge della Specialized. E’ un accessorio interessante, ben costruito, ma eccessivamente costoso: Il limitato beneficio che si ottiene a mio parere non giustifica un prezzo cos elevato. Il meccanismo si basa sulle capacit elastiche di due elementi in gomma in compressione( elastomeri). Smorza un p e ammortizza leggermente le piccole asperit del terreno, ghiaia, crepe, piccole buche, ma non ha ovviamente l’ efficacia di una forcella ammortizzata. Pesa qualcosa di pi dell’ attacco di serie ma rispetto a questo prevede una inclinazione di 6 gradi al manubrio, verso l’ alto o verso il basso. Sono disponibili 5 elastomeri tarati per pesi diversi in base alle necessit. Per installazione, come spiegato nelle istruzioni in inglese, attenzione a premere verso il basso l’ attacco quando si riavvita la vite nel cuneo degli elastomeri. E consiglio una chiave dinamometrica per i serraggi.
    Concludendo, un bell’ oggetto sicuramente, ma di utilit limitata e basandomi solo sul rapporto costo/benefici non lo ricomprerei.

  22. RichellGepp says:

     United Kingdom

    Had one of these stems 6 years ago made riding aluminium a joy, the latest models have a new retaining plate , much better than the old 2 inch fine thread bolt , however takes a while to get used to the tool for replacing elastomer, brilliant product simple but effective

  23. IseewoBelgrave says:

     United Kingdom

    Absolutely blown away with the difference it has made to the bike! No it’s not total front suspension but it does what it say it does would strongly recommend to any off road users saves you spending at least 500 on a front suspension fork in my opinion! Friends where sceptical about it until they road my bike and have seen the trials and tarian I can go over with out getting uncomfortable! It a 5 star product from me well done Redshif

  24. ChandaMcCaughey says:

     United Kingdom

    Great piece of kit, ready helps if you’re on fixed forks on and off road, expensive but does the wrists and elbows the world of good.

  25. Somrata Sarkar says:

     Italy 🇮🇹

    Prodotto un po’caro, ma veramente eccezionale. Fa il suo lavoro in modo eccellente. Lo consiglio vivamente a chiunque voglia soprattutto utilizzare la propria Gravel anche su sterrato. Grazie a lui veramente possibile.

    Risolutivo per l'off Road

  26. Anonymous says:

     Germany 🇩🇪

    Lsst sich gut montieren und erzeugt einen gewissen Federungskomfort, verursucht beim Eintauchen ein gewisses Mini-Gerusch.

  27. LornaMonaco says:

     Germany 🇩🇪

    Hab diesen Vorbau am Gravelbike (Scott Speedster) meiner Frau verbaut, seit her gibt es keine Rcken, Schulterschmerzen mehr. Wollte ihn mir auch kaufen, da berzeugt von dem Vorbau war, leider passt er am Canyon Grail nicht, da er fr Gabeln mit 1 1/8 Zoll ist, das Grail hat leider 1 1/4. Aber fr die Rder wo er passt, klare Kaufempfehlung!

  28. JeramyK82vuv says:

     United Kingdom

    After much reading up on this I took the plunge, this combined with the seatpost is game changing on the gravel bike

  29. Anonymous says:


    Avendo acquistato una bicicletta un po’ piccola per la mia altezza mi stato suggerito dal venditore anche per ammortizzare le disconnessioni del suolo che la bicicletta troppo rigida amplificava

    Benfatto vale i soldi spesi.

  30. Anonymous says:

     United States

    You have to get the adjustment right, and this isn’t like having a suspension fork, but it definitely takes the sting out of the sharp bumps

  31. Lindsay Frankel says:

     United Kingdom

    The difference is incredible.I’m not naming the cycle brand as we love our new assist bikes but the ride was very hard without this additional suspension.

  32. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Using the default set up I could feel no benefit from the stem. However after changing one of the elastomers there is a major reduction in road buzz.

  33. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    An old wrist repetitive strain injury was causing pain when cycling over high frequency ground (gravel and coarse road surfaces). The ‘ buzz’ on the effected wrist and forearm was no joke, seriously it’s painful. Initially I baulked at the price but now, after fitting the stem I’m glad I purchased the Shockstop. No more aching ‘buzz’ arms really works. I found I had to use the lowest polymers in the kit for the best results as my hybrid bike is straight barred with an upright riding position (so less body weight on the bars). Cannot recommend enough. Setting it up though…it’s a chore to keep swapping out your handlebars and changing the polymers and then test riding on rough surfaces, so if you’re a hybrid rider try the softest settings first. Overall I rate as excellent… the changing of polymers. Pricey but worth it, and way cheaper than upgrading your bikes forks, wheels and tyres…for an unknown end result!

  34. Anonymous says:


    Golden Review Award: 2 From Our UsersMa che figata questa attacco manubrio ammortizzato. La mia Gravel adesso si che divertente sullo sconnesso. Avevo visto questo dispositivo da un amico tempo fa, e ho voluto testarlo dato che ogni tanto uso la mia Giant Revolt Advanced 0 anche su sterrato. Prima facevo solo strade bianche perch le vibrazioni trasmesse a mani e braccia erano insostenibili dopo un po, adesso devo dire che sia su strada sia offroad, la sensazione di una maggiore sicurezza, e sicuramente minor indolenzimento alle braccia. Non proprio a buon prezzo, ma se lo provate, capirete che vale i soldi che costa.

  35. Stanesha Rivers says:


    Golden Review Award: 2 From Our UsersSimply put, this by far has to be one of the best upgrades I’ve come across.

    Those reviews that say it doesn’t work, are either idiots or haven’t followed the instructions and are expecting too much.

    After having ridden with it for over a month, and 500 kms later, this has been a surprising game changer. While it doesn’t completely eliminate bumps and jars, it drastically reduces all but the most severe, which had the surprising effect of reducing upper body fatigue on mixed surface riding.

    As long as you follow the instructions, it works and works very well the first time. It did take a slight bit of time to get used to the slight movement of the handlebars, but now can’t imagine going back and riding without it now.

    This great for road, gravel, and smooth flowy MTB trails, but doesn’t replace a suspension fork for MTB jumps and potholes.

    Simply one of the best upgrades period!

  36. Anonymous says:

     United States 🇺🇸

    It arrived fast and in good condition I installed it right away and went for a ride can tell the difference right away it’s going to take some time to break in I think about 50 MI but I’m a daily Rider on City Street and it’s definitely worth the money

    It arrived fast and in good condition I installed it right away and went for a ride can tell the difference right away it's going to take some time to break in I think about 50 MI but I'm a daily Rider on City Street and it's definitely worth the money

  37. Anonymous says:

     Canada 🇨🇦

    Easy to install and takes the jar out of hitting bumps.

  38. Anonymous says:

     Germany 🇩🇪

    Habe damit mein Gravelbike aufgerstet, bringt sprbar mehr Komfort.
    Habe unterschiedliche Einstellungen ausprobiert, am besten war die 2 Stufen unter der Empfehlung (beim Gewischt von 86 kg Elastomere fr unter 78).

  39. Gael Fashingbauer Cooper says:


    Love this. Sure it’s about 100g heavier than the one that came off, but it’s 100g well spent.

    I was worried that it’d either be wallowing about or barely noticeable and it’s neither. The bars feel solid, but when a shock hits them they deflect a bit and soften the blow. Add in a pair of tubeless tyres and bombing down a gravel track at 50kph or so is surprisingly easy on the hands.

    Might not be the thing for a race bike, but I’ve already ordered a second for my touring bike

  40. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Went for a 30 min test ride in the rain and I’m impressed! Looks good and works even better than I expected on bumpy surfaces – pictures attached!

    Very happy with my purchase!

    Great stuff!

  41. Anonymous says:


    Golden Review Award: 2 From Our UsersIch habe Den Redshift heute Bekommen und Gleich Verbaut Anleitung ist zwar Auf Englisch aber Das ist kein Problem gewesen, Ich Habe dann Nach Anleitung den Passenden Elastomer Eingesetzt und getestet War etwas zu Hart dann Habe ich den Nchstniedriegen Elastomer Probiert und Bin gleich Probe gefahren…. Es war erstmal Ungewohnt aber Mit jeden Meter mehr wurde es besser…. Ich muss sagen ich bin Begeistert der Vorbau nimmt die Ste auf und das Fahren ist Viel angenehmer… Von Mir Klare Kaufempfehlung.

    PS. Ich habe die Version 6×80. Gewhlt und habe den Vorbau Nach oben gedreht.

    SUPER Teil.

  42. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    This is the second of my Redshift suspension stems.

    The first was on my long distance Audax bike and was used on events like PBP/LEL with amazing reduction in road buzz. No hand fatigue and numbness at all.

    Fitted the second to my gravel bike after riding some long distance multiday bike packing events and getting some hand numbness. Used on another bike packing event since and now OK.

  43. MarcoCaron says:

     United Kingdom

    Bought one for my road bike. Have mild arthritis in my hands and this really helps comfort wise on local roads which are not the smoothest. So happy we bought another one for my husband. Very easy to install. For the small increase in weight definitely worth it – I could just loose the odd pound to compensate!

  44. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Bought this after a 45 mile off roader on hard packed tracks. At the start I headed downhill across a field and had to slow right up as I was bouncing all over the place. Fitted the Redshift Stem and the bike was transformed in terms of handling and comfort in respect of my hands and shoulders. It gave me the ability to go flat out down the same field . I only slowed up when I hit 35mph plus. It really is a game changer . Fitted to my Ribble CGR TI and set up for my weight as per the instructions. Now asking my wife to buy the Redshift suspension seat-post for my Birthday. Not the lightest and at 145 not cheap but this is one upgrade if you head off the main road I would recommend.

  45. Laura Michelle Davis says:

     United States

    I’m old and I’ve got hand/wrist problems. This absorbs a LOT of road/trail shock. I feel much better at the end of a ride and it will prolong my cycling days.
    Of course it’s a little heavy compared to plain stems so weight weenies need not apply.
    The setup it comes with seems perfect for me at 160 lbs. I did get the 30 rise so I could imagine that it would perhaps flex more on the 6 model and perhaps require a stiffer setup.
    It’ll go from cushy to firm w different combinations.
    On stand-up climbing there’s is a little detectable movement but unless you’re racing, comfort comes first.

  46. Anonymous says:


    Golden Review Award: 3 From Our Usersexcellent produit , je viens de faire 120 kms sur des routes a bosses , vraiment cette potence filtre bien les coups dans les bras et poigne , on plus les coups secs qui vous claqu le dentier … vraiment satisfait de mon achat , j’ai hsit longtemps avant d’investir dans ce produit mais vraiment pas du , par contre bien mettre les tampons qui corresponde a votre poids , je recommande cette potence un vrai plaisir de roul .

  47. PaulaToRot says:

     United States 🇺🇸

    I got this and the Redshift seatpost for a 50+ mile gravel ride I recently did. It was game changing. 6 hours in the saddle and my butt and hands were sore, but not nearly as bad they would’ve been with my low end Salsa Journeyman all aluminum setup. Definitely worth the money as upgrade if you’re in a similar boat as I was. If you’re already riding carbon everything, this is probably not for you.

  48. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Really impressed with this product.

    Fitted easily to my CX bike with clear instructions to change elastomers to suit my weight. In use it does exactly what I’d hoped. You still get the big hits coming through as you’d expect but it does a great jobs of smoothing out chatter and vibrations from road & gravel that can become tiresome. Definitely increased control in some section. Out of the saddle efforts barely feel any different, you can feel a tiny amount of squish but stem still feels rock solid and not bobbing around all over the place.

    Highly tempted to now get another for the road bike to take the edge of potholed roads. I’d happily accept the small trade-off in weight for the extra comfort.

    Long term, interested in seeing if it changes in feel when the temperatures drop over winter. Hopefully my memories of old suspension and elastomer freezing solid are a think of the past.

  49. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Superb stem and I am so glad I got it. I feel much more confident going faster down the bumpiest gravel roads. Well worth the purchase even if it is a bit pricey.

  50. AnneLandsboroug says:

     United States 🇺🇸

    Golden Review Award: 3 From Our UsersI was looking for a new endurance bike, because my road bike is extremely rigid and I am getting on in years and pain was limiting my ride time. So, I searched for months for a new Domane or Synapse ($5,000 budget!) with no luck at any bike store. I kept riding my old road bike, and feeling very frustrated. Then I got the ShockStop stem and Seat post from REDSHIFT, and found that all of my road pain problems were solved! This system insulates the rider from the road in a way that enables you to still put down the power but not have to take ANY punishment from bumps, either through your saddle or your handlebars! I could not recommend this system more! If you are in the market for an endurance bike like I was, put away your wallet, buy the REDSHIFT products, and enjoy the bike you have!

  51. Erin says:

     United Kingdom

    Easy to fit, after watching videos on line was so much easier than appeared. No problem at all. Made an amazing difference to absorbing the vibrations from the ripples and ruts on roads. Only ever had mountain bikes with suspension as couldn’t stand the pain in hands from ruts. Now am riding comfortable miles on a road bike. Which I love. Very expensive stem but was worth it to me to have comfort. Bought second one to fit to my blue Liv Alight Hybrid bike with a suspension seat post, and when larger tyres fitted will be able to ride all terrain I want. Gravel, trails, roads, Bridlepaths all now possible.

    Redshift Shock Stop suspension Stem does what it says on the box! Brilliant!

  52. Victoria says:


    Golden Review Award: 2 From Our UsersThis makes riding a lot more comfortable. It’s a dampening system, not a shock. The stem absorbs road vibration, which makes the ride much more comfortable and less fatiguing. 100% recommend.

  53. Anonymous says:


    Golden Review Award: 2 From Our UsersUnfortunately I received a package that was opened (most likely a return from a previous customer). There was a few items missing. Fortunately after communicating with the company, they were not hesitant in sending me replacement parts for the missing pieces without cost. I’m in Canada and the parts came from the US within a week. Installation was simple to follow. The stem is no replacement for a suspension fork. But it does lessen the shock when I do hit rough terrain. Overall I am pleased with the customer service and the product.

  54. Anonymous says:


    Golden Review Award: 3 From Our UsersFunktioniert wirklich gut und nimmt die bsen Schlge weg. Eine deutsche und besser lesbare Installationsanleitung wre gut, bei dem Preis sollte das machbar sein.

    Was mir bei der ersten Fahrt auch aufgefallen ist, als ich ber einen Parkplatz mit Rasengitterplatten gefahren bin, hier fngt das Teil an zu “schlagen”. Fr mein Verstndnis schlgt der Vorbau nach oben an und das gibt ein metallisches Gerusch. Ist zumindest nicht das Rad, das ist neu und die Gerusche entstanden erst nach Montage des Vorbaus.

    Dennoch: ich bin damit sehr zufrieden – lieber ein Klingeln im Ohr als im Handgelenk 😉

  55. Anonymous says:

     France 🇫🇷

    Golden Review Award: 3 From Our UsersJ’ai install cette potence sur mon gravel pour gagner en confort dans les chemins. L’amorti est suffisant dans les chemins tout en restant suffisamment rigide et quasi imperceptible sur route, le meilleur des deux mondes.

    a donne bien envie d’essayer leur tige de selle en complme

  56. Anonymous says:


    Ho una Gravel e quando facevo giri lunghi su strade sterrate le buche erano sempre la parte peggiore.
    Da quando ho installato redshift la mia vita cambiata e il giro in bici su sterrato o strada con tante buche diventato molto pi piacevole.
    Smorza le buche, perci io riesco a sentire tutti i cambiamenti nella strada ma con una sensazione di gommoso.
    Io ormai lo considero irrinunciabile, da comprare a tutti i costi.

  57. LavondaMendelso says:

     United Kingdom

    I purchased this stem for my wife’s bike as she was suffering from pain in here wrists from the constant jarring from the poor road surfaces in our area. This upgrade seams to have solved the problem. I chose the 30 degree stem to suit the more relaxed riding position on the bike. The stem is well made and is actually lighter that the stock adjustable item that came with the bike.

    Suspension stem.

  58. Los Angeles Times says:


    Hab den Vorbau jetzt seit 3 Tagen im Einsatz. Sehr hochwertig verarbeitet.
    Die Dmpfungseigenschaften sind sehr gut und nehmen die Belastung von den Bandscheiben.
    Ich denke die Kombination mit einem Flatbarlenker ist optimal. Ich hab es am Gravellenker in Verwendung, wo natrlich durch die unterschiedlichen Hebelkrfte, je nachdem wo ich greife, die Dmpfung unterschiedlich ist. Am Oberlenker verhltnismig gering, im Unterlenker dann deutlich sprbarer und vorn an den STI’s am strksten.
    Dennoch halte ich den Vorbau auch am Gravellenker fr sinnvoll, da es die Halswirbelsule und Hnde sehr entlastet.

  59. "ticket discount uk" - Google News says:

     United States 🇺🇸

    This is pretty expensive for a stem – because it’s easily worth it. I don’t see any reason for the Specialized FutureShock stem (20mm travel) or Cannondale’s Lefty Oliver fork (30mm travel). Redshift’s ShockStop stem is light, tunable, maintenance-free, and it works brilliantly. In my opinion, every gravel bike – and most commuter bikes too – should come with a ShockStop stem as standard from the factory. The only people who don’t like this stem haven’t tried it.

  60. Armando dela Cruz says:

     United States

    This is actually my second ShockStop. The effect of the ShockStop is not very overt, but it dampens out enough of the micro-vibrations that it makes a difference in your day. The best example I can give is that at the start of the season, I had not put enough time in at the gym. Ordinarily, this would mean the backs of my arms (trapezius muscles), would be really sore from a gravel ride. With the ShockStop, I felt more like I was in mid-season form, it took away a lot of the harshness of the gravel road. Additionally a friend bought this and finds it gives him greater confidence on descents, since there is less chatter from the road.

  61. Anonymous says:


    Golden Review Award: 3 From Our UsersBon j’tais dubitatif.
    Montage facile sur un vlo Gravel .
    Une fois que les coussinets sont mis en place votre poids. la mise en place de la potence ne pose aucune difficult. (Attention il y a 2 positionnement diffrents selon l’angle souhait)
    L’amortissement des chocs est bien l, sans dnaturer la conduite du vlo et l’usage du guidon.
    Le look de la potence est discret et celle-ci ne devrait pas se faire remarquer.
    Je ne suis pas puriste de la rigidit, ni la recherche des grammes, ce produit me convient parfaitement.
    Probablement un peu cher mais sans quivale

  62. TriciaSegal says:

     United States 🇺🇸

    Bought this on the recommendation of a fellow who does insightful YouTubes under the name DirtyTeeth.

    It is a stem shock, and as long as you understand its limits, it works great for what it is. It somewhat dampens the road vibrations on uneven ground. One version also also elevating the handlebars for a slightly more upright stand (too).

    I’ve installed on a Salsa Fargo outfitted as a bikepacking trail bike. This bike doesn’t have front shocks, so I’ve used this stem to dampen the vibrations that come from riding rough dirt roads or mild trails. It isn’t night & day, but it does absorb a measure of the vibration that my hands & wrists would otherwise suffer.

    I would recommend it for bikes that will be used with some frequency on rough roads, and for which the offered geometry fits your bike & body. Make sure of the latter before you buy.

  63. AngelikaBoston says:

     United States 🇺🇸

    I bought this to install on my mom’s Pedego Element E-Bike. The bike is nice but very stiff and my mom would complain of wrist pain and numbness after certain trail rides. After installing the suspension stem, she instantly felt a difference after I took her on a trail ride. She no longer has numbness in your hands and wrist after a bike ride. This stem will only reduce vibration from various gravel trail or slight uneven terrain and not bigger bumps. The product came nicely packaged and the installation instructions included were easy to understand and follow. There’s also Youtube videos that help you with the install. Install time took roughly 20 minutes. The stem is quality built, which explains the high price. Overall, I am very satisfied with this purchase.

    I bought this to install on my mom's Pedego Element E-Bike. The bike is nice but very stiff and my mom would complain of wrist pain and numbness after certain trail rides. After installing the suspension stem, she instantly felt a difference after I took her on a trail ride. She no longer has numbness in your hands and wrist after a bike ride. This stem will only reduce vibration from various gravel trail or slight uneven terrain and not bigger bumps. The product came nicely packaged and the installation instructions included were easy to understand and follow. There's also Youtube videos that help you with the install. Install time took roughly 20 minutes. The stem is quality built, which explains the high price. Overall, I am very satisfied with this purchase.

  64. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Excellent quality and provides significant additional comfort and safety on bumpy roads. Pricing is a bit on the high side and the design is not really slick, but it s still worth the investmemt if you cycle off road or on damaged asphalte.

  65. Lindsey Gain says:

     United Kingdom

    A tad heavy and a tad expensive, but does the job on my partner’s non-suspension adventure/urban bike. Not sure of the need for different inserts to adjust the ‘give’ as I don’t see this being used on an S-Works or a Pinarello ‘racer’ really.

  66. KerstinLuttrell says:

     United States 🇺🇸

    I’d give it 10 stars if I could. It’s not often that a product comes along that just literally changes your experience within a sport, but this stem does just that in terms of riding gravel. The thing is, you don’t even notice it when the dirt (or pavement) is smooth. It’s not like it bobs up and down. In those instances it feels like any other stem that you don’t give a second thought to. When you hit the rough stuff though, you’ll immediately notice how much easier the ride is on your hands, arms and shoulders. The ShockStop just eats up the bumps. I’ve had one on my bike for a year now, and just put one on my wife’s bike this spring. She used to have to stop about every ten miles or so to shake out her hands. No more. I played around with the tension a little bit and I actually prefer one level less than recommended for my height/weight. The stem is easy to adjust if you watch one of the Redshift videos on youtube. Takes about ten minutes. Great product.

  67. Anonymous says:

     United States 🇺🇸

    Was looking for something to take the hand fatigue away from riding on side walks and semi bumpy roads. This did the job perfectly. Don’t feel the bumps anymore on bumpy terrain. Took it for a quick spin around my block and was pleasantly surprised at how much it dampens the bumps and give a smooth ride.

  68. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    I have recently bought a road bike after riding hybrids, and the truly appalling state of many of our roads has been revealed on this new machine. I fitted a thud buster seat post, which has made a massive difference and now I’ve fitted one of these stems. I can’t praise it highly enough for the difference it has made to the comfort of cycling over poor surfaces; it smooths out the bumps incredibly well and makes riding much less tiring. It may add a bit to the weight and yes it is expensive, but it’s an upgrade I can wholeheartedly recommend to anyone getting fed up with the vibration and jolting experienced on so many of our roads.

  69. Anonymous says:

     United States 🇺🇸

    Make sure you know your reach/length of arms,
    I got back pain because of the wrong size.

  70. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    This suspension steerer actually works well. On a 30 mile ride on our terrible road surfaces I really noticed a difference. Well made and an option of damper rubbers to cater for different body weights.

  71. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    It does help with smoothing out the road, I tend to get hand pain and this has helped. Some routes I ride have a few pot holes and this helps with confidence of riding. Also hope not to damage my wheels…

    Really comfortable

  72. Aaron Mamiit says:

     United Kingdom

    This is a great bit of kit. My gravel bike was great but very jarring on the sorts of tracks it was designed for. This really smooths thing out, and yet is unobtrusive when on the road. Very easy to fit. It was a lot of money but well worth it.

    Well worth the investme

  73. Anonymous says:


    Golden Review Award: 4 From Our UsersWas really unsure about this product despite all the research. But the concept seemed sound.

    First ride out told the story…especially down a slight incline of somewhat bumpier road section at 50km/hr….nice!!

  74. Anonymous says:

     United States 🇺🇸

    I have no regrets on this purchase, and the time or two I interacted with the makers they were responsive and thoughtful Yay. It does soften roadbuzz along my reualr 15 mile chipmix surface training ride.

    Fellow cyclists: reason for follow up review- Im not saying I made a mistake, but the otherday I came to a realization while riding that may help you make a better decision…….I got the model with the up angle stem, cause thats what I had onmy current motobecone road bike…..for best or optimum travel the stem needs to be at 90 degrees from post and parallel to road surface…..yes its likley very non linear, but real ; also furtheraway from post ie longer stem mo easier activation of travel even tho yes point of travel is not at post. Good luck and smooth ridiing. google 70 @ 70 challenge Smile

  75. ScottyOverstree says:

     United Kingdom

    I fitted this as I have a long term shoulder injury. The amended riding position and anti vibration qualities now mean I can ride my bike further without pai