Resistance Bands, Resistance Bands Set Men, Workouts Bands, Exercise Band with 5 Fitness Tubes, 2 Foam Handles Strength Training Home Gym Equipme

Included components
â5 x Anti-snap latex bands / 2 x Padded Handles / 2 x Ankle straps / 1 x Door Anchor / 1 x Carrying Bag / 1 x Instruction
Weight: | 650 Grams |
Size: | 120 cm |
Dimensions: | 25 x 23 x 6 cm; 900 Grams |
Brand: | FitFasting |
Colour: | Yellow (10lbs), Green (20lbs), Red (30lbs), Blue (40lbs), Black (50lbs) |
Pack Quantity: | 5 |
Manufacture: | FitFasting |
Colour: | Yellow (10lbs), Green (20lbs), Red (30lbs), Blue (40lbs), Black (50lbs) |
Department: | Men’s |
Department: | Men’s |
Quantity: | 5 |
Reference: | 1 |
Size: | 120 cm |
Acquistate per far fare fisioterapia ad un familiare, le ha utilizzate senza problemi e non hanno presentato neanche un difetto. Buon acquisto.
Arrived on time and in good order.
I’ve been using them for a few days while I’m rehabing an injured muscle and so far so good.
Il prodotto conforme alal descrizione, funzioan molto bene. Le maniglie e gli alri accessori danno accesso ad una vasta gamma di esercizi, che snza sarebbero difficili. Il numero di bande sufficientemente grande per poter gstire al meglio un allenamento completo.
his set of resistant tubes is great for those who want to train at home. the set includes different coloured tubes ranging from different weights from 10lbs to 50lbs, door anchor, ankle straps x2 and a storage pouch. as a mum to two little ones i find it difficult to go to the gym so using these tubes im able to get a fitness session in at the comfort of my own home as im just getting back into fitness i find the yellow tube is my best friend so far ive yet to master the higher resistant tubes. this set also comes with a booklet showing a few exercises on how to use the tube and straps. ive not use the ankle straps or door anchor yet i feel the door wont be strong enough to support me. it will work much better on a metal pole or something than a door. as i mentioned before the kit does come with a pouch which makes the portable so can take these over to my mums house and make sure i dont miss my workout session. the tubes are made of rubber which makes them great for stretching and building muscle exercises so hopefully they will last a long time. overall id say they are a great set priced fairly well and im satisfied with them so fa
Arriva in una scatola anonima un set per fitness chiuso di un sacchetto in nylon nero.
Manuale con elenco componenti, tabella caratteristiche e modalit d’uso con traduzione anche in italiano incluso.
Questo set composto da:
-5 corde elastiche di diverso spessore e colore, realizzate in morbida gomma elastica, con un livello di resistenza che aumenta in maniera proporzionale allo spessore e una fibbia in metallo cromato per ogni estremit. Queste corde sono lunghe circa 120cm, con diametri esterni e interni differenti che aumentano leggermente con il grado di resistenza, percepibile anche al tatto, comunque indicato con targhetta cucita in una delle due estremit;
-una coppia di maniglie realizzate con moschettone in metallo cromato per l’aggancio alle fibbie delle corde, con banda in resistente tessuto antistrappo e impugnatura cilindrica in rigida plastica rivestita con strato in morbida schiuma nera antiscivolo con buone capacit di assorbimento del sudore;
-una coppia di cinghie alla caviglia che misurano 3,8x42cm, sempre in resistente tessuto antistrappo, imbottite nella faccia interna in morbida schiuma espansa (5,5x29cm), regolabili con pratica chiusura a strappo (velcro/scratch) e fibbia metallica per aggancio alle corde;
-un ancoraggio per porta realizzato con ruota (7x3cm) in rigida plastica e schiuma espansa fissata ad un’impugnatura in tessuto antistrappo e strato di schiuma espansa.
Le corde elastiche possono essere allungate fino ad un massimo di 5 metri.
Nell’uso il set per fitness appare come consueto per questi attrezzi ginnici, versatile, facile e rapido, alternando resistenze alla trazione differenti in funzione degli esercizi da svolgere con i soli elastici e maniglie, ancoraggio alla porta o con le cavigliere.
Ottimo per allenare tutti i gruppi muscolari in alternativa ai pesi, come e quando si vuole con combinazioni flessibili, angoli differenti, ripetizioni e serie a piacere.
L’uso del supporto per la porta permette di utilizzare le corde di resistenza per vari esercizi, sebbene con un po’ di attenzione nel posizionarlo e incastrarlo nella porta chiusa, in maniera sicura per evitare che si possa sganciare accidentalmente.
Anche se devo dire che quando si fa ginnastica in genere l’attenzione nell’esecuzione degli esercizi deve sempre essere alta, anche con pesi e attrezzature complesse per palestra, per evitare spiacevoli incidenti in questo caso bisogner anche controllare periodicamente, prima e dopo gli esercizi, eventuali variazioni o lesioni dei materiali componenti, soprattutto in caso di uso intensivo.
Buona in genere anche la qualit complessiva dei materiali che appaiono piuttosto resistenti.
Comodo il sacchetto di conservazione e trasporto che, grazie anche alla leggerezza delle fasce, diventa portabile anche in viaggio e all’aperto.
Per questa fascia di prezzo, se proprio vogliamo trovare un difetto le maniglie appaiono leggermente sovradimensionate (4x15cm) rispetto ad altri articoli in precedenza utilizzati, dimensioni queste che rendono l’impugnatura meno comoda nell’esecuzione degli esercizi.
Valido set con 5 corde elastiche per una resistenza complessiva di 150lbs e accessori robusti, realizzati con precisione e materiali di buona qualit, alternativa ai pesi o ad attrezzi da palestra, utile per mantenersi in forma fisica e migliorare il proprio equilibrio e coordinamento, in casa o in viaggio grazie anche al pratico sacchetto.
Sicuramente pi facile e rapido da usare e riporre in piccoli spazi rispetto ai pesi molto pi pesanti e ingombranti.
Spero che questa mia esperienza possa esservi utile nella scelta.
The resistance bands are good quality, easy to use items. There are multiple attachments to train arms and legs. However, it doesn’t feel there is much difference in their resistance. Particularly between the red and the black. The red one is 13kg and the black is 22kg but it doesn’t feel like the resistance reflects the same ratio. Overall, good quality product and value for money.
Easy to use and looks like will last a long time.
Mi piace tenermi in forma, ma, purtroppo, gli impegni familiari e gli orari lavorativi mi lasciano poco tempo libero. Per tale motivo, mi sono munito di un bilanciere con i pesi e di una coppia di manubri componibili, che utilizzo presso la mia abitazione. L’unico problema che spesso rimango fuori sede per lavoro e, quindi, non posso usufruire della mia “palestra domestica”, che, d’altro canto, anche difficile da portare al sguito. Questo il motivo principale per cui ho ordinato questo set di bande elastiche con maniglie, rendendomi conto, dopo appena qualche giornata di utilizzo, che il kit in parola rappresenta, non solo una valida alternativa alle attrezzature metalliche che in genere uso (la c.d. “ghisa”), ma anche un loro ottimale completamento.
Tra i vari tipi di elastici da allenamento disponibili sul mercato ho scelto quello con le maniglie, poich ha il pregio di offrire una presa pi sicura e comoda rispetto alla fascia elastica “aperta” e a quella “circolare” (c.d. “loop band”). Ho preferito la versione con le maniglie rimovibili perch consente:
1) di usare pi elastici contestualmente. Ad un unico manico possono essere, infatti, agganciati anche pi elastici, in modo da avere a disposizione una gamma pi ampia di resistenze. Nei modelli dove la maniglia non smontabile, per abbinare pi elastici, occorre, invece, impugnare assieme i rispettivi manici, il che risulta scomodo, se non impossibile, laddove si abbia una mano piccola;
2) di installare le cinture per le caviglie, le quali garantiscono un ancoraggio agli arti inferiori pi confortevole e sicuro;
3) di utilizzare gli elastici anche senza la maniglia, ossia come bande elastiche “aperte”, le quali, come sappiano, brillano per poliedricit, in quanto pi agevole ridurne la lunghezza (e la resistenza) e, quindi, incrementare il numero di esercizi effettuabili. Basta, infatti, impugnarli diversamente, oppure fare nodi, piegature, ecc.; espedienti che, in realt, sono realizzabili anche con i modelli dotati di maniglia non smontabile, dove, per, se non viene impugnata per diminuire l’estensione dell’elastico, crea, comunque, un minimo di intralcio.
2. Le sue caratteristiche.
Il set in questione contrassegnato dal marchio “FITFASTING”, di cui titolare un’azienda sinica dal nome impronunciabile che, con questo brand, commercializza esclusivamente attrezzature sportive. Giunge tra le nostre mani in un’anonima scatola di cartone riciclabile, la quale scherma sufficientemente i vari agenti esterni che si possono concretizzare in fase di stoccaggio e di trasporto; costituisce, in particolare, un’efficace barriera avverso la polvere, l’umidit e la muffa, di cui, in effetti, non ho trovato traccia all’interno della confezione. Un packaging di taglio minimale, che, se da un lato, denota una politica di contenimento dei costi da parte del produttore, dall’altro prodromico di una sua marcata attenzione alla sostenibilit ambientale, consistente, nel caso specifico, nell’evitare le componenti inutili dell’imballaggio, privilegiando solo materiali riutilizzabili e/o riciclabili.
La dotazione include:
5 fasce elastiche con resistenze di 10, 20, 30, 40 e 50 libbre, che, secondo quanto riportato dal fabbricante, corrispondono rispettivamente a 4.6, 9.0, 13.6, 18.2 e 22.8kg (la libbra, denominata anche “pound”, un’unit di misura del sistema imperiale britannico, che equivale a 453,59g). Sono realizzate integralmente in lattice naturale e recano ad entrambe le estremit un anello metallico cromato di medio spessore a forma di “D”, il quale fissato per mezzo di una robusta striscia di nylon nero e un manicotto siliconico della stessa tinta. Sono tutte di forma circolare, ma il diametro cresce progressivamente con l’aumentare della resistenza, spaziando da 8,5 a 11,5mm. La lunghezza rimane identica (misurano all’incirca 125cm, che diventano quasi 170cm, quando vengono installate le maniglie), mentre il colore differente: quella da 10lbs gialla; quella da 20lbs verde; quella da 30lbs rossa; quella da 40lbs blu; quella da 50lbs nera. Le tinte sono piuttosto vivide e ben distinguibili l’una dall’altra; le targhette identificative riportano la resistenza, non solo in libbre, ma anche in chilogrammi (anche se l’equivalenza un po’ approssimativa, non pienamente conforme al rapporto di conversione precedentemente indicato);
2 maniglie in plastica nera abbastanza robusta, rivestite da schiuma di neoprene ad alta densit (per intenderci quel materiale leggermente vellutato, di cui sono costituiti alcuni tipi di manopole per la mountain bike e che spesso ricopre le impugnature dei macchinari delle palestre) dello stesso colore. Sono dotate di una fascia in nylon nera e un moschettone metallico “a pera” cromato, che ne consentono l’ancoraggio all’elastico. Caratterizzate da una buona ergonomia, garantiscono una presa confortevole, che risulta salda pure senza guanti, quando la mano sudata o non perfettamente pulita, grazie, non solo alle buone doti di aderenza e di assorbenza offerte dalla schiuma di neoprene, ma anche alle pronunciate scanalature realizzate ortogonalmente sulla loro superficie;
2 cinture per le caviglie, realizzate in nylon nero, regolabili per mezzo di una chiusura con velcro. Internamente recano un’imbottitura in schiuma di neoprene ad alta densit, che, adattandosi magnificamente all’anatomia degli arti inferiori, le rende comode e, al tempo stesso, stabili anche in presenza di sudore. Esternamente sono munite di un robusto moschettone metallico “a pera” cromato, che ne consente l’aggancio all’elastico;
un supporto costituito da una fascia in nylon e una rotella in schiuma poliuretanica, entrambi neri e alquanto consistenti, che permette di fissare gli elastici tra la porta chiusa e il suo telaio, in modo da avere un valido punto di ancoraggio per lo svolgimento di alcuni esercizi;
un astuccio morbido in nylon nero, munito di coulisse, che, essendo in grado di contenere l’intera attrezzatura in parola, ne agevola sia la custodia che il trasporto;
il manuale d’uso tradotto anche in italiano, il quale corredato di numerose raffigurazioni esplicative, che lo rendono chiaro ed esauriente. Tali indicazioni, tra l’altro, sono facilmente integrabili con la miriade di tutorial reperibili gratuitamente sul web.
Per quel che concerne l’etichettatura, troviamo solo una marcatura “CE” sull’imballaggio, la quale, com’ noto, garantisce al consumatore la conformit a tutte le normative, vigenti all’interno della Comunit Europea, che disciplinano la produzione e l’immissione sul mercato dell’oggetto in commento (compresa la direttiva europea “RoHS”, che impone restrizioni sull’uso di determinate sostanze pericolose, come piombo, mercurio, cadmio, cromo esavalente, ecc.). Al riguardo, posso dire che i materiali realizzativi sino a questo momento non hanno innescato alcuna reazione allergica sulla mia persona, nonostante abbia tenuto, anche per periodi prolungati, le fasce elastiche a contatto con l’epidermide sudata. Aggiungo, inoltre, che, prima di utilizzarle, ho provveduto a pulirle, sebbene, una volta rimosso l’imballaggio, non avessi rilevato la presenza n di residui di lavorazione, n di cattivi odori legati al processo produttivo delle materie plastiche.
Ad oggi i diversi componenti delle 5 bande elastiche e gli accessori in dotazione hanno palesato una buona resistenza all’abrasione, alla lacerazione, al sudore e, in generale, alla consunzione. Non ho sperimentato, purtroppo, la loro compatibilit con il cloro della piscina. Sono facilmente igienizzabili con un panno inumidito con acqua o detergente non aggressivo; operazione che ho effettuato al termine di ogni sessione allenante, senza registrare alterazioni delle loro originarie caratteristiche funzionali ed estetiche. Preciso, al riguardo, di non aver mai applicato del talco agli elastici prima di conservarli; un’accortezza adottata da alcuni col proposito di scongiurare eventuali appiccicature, che io, invece, evito per non compromettere la presa durante lo svolgimento degli esercizi. Ritengo, infatti, che, una volta puliti, sia sufficiente non esporli all’azione diretta della luce solare o ad altre fonti di calore.
3. La valutazione finale.
Ho constatato che queste fasce elastiche hanno una versatilit incredibile. Possono, infatti, essere utilizzate per allenare la forza, la resistenza, la velocit, la flessibilit, la mobilit e la coordinazione, oppure per il riscaldamento, lo stretching, la fisioterapia e la riabilitazione motoria, coinvolgendo qualsiasi distretto muscolare, senza gravare in maniera incisiva sulla colonna vertebrale e sulle articolazioni. Tutto ci con l’ulteriore valore aggiunto rappresentato dalla forte riduzione del rischio di infortuni, che, comunque, sempre presente e, per essere minimizzato, esige la stessa attenzione e le medesime precauzioni che si adottano nell’allenamento con i pesi.
Ad affascinarmi, oltre all’estrema trasportabilit per peso, dimensioni e flessibilit, stata, soprattutto, quella resistenza progressiva che, in anni di allenamento con manubri e bilancieri, non avevo mai sperimentato. Quell’opposizione, lieve all’inizio del movimento e progressivamente sempre pi intensa, mi ha permesso di eseguire agevolmente anche esercizi mai svolti, proprio perch l’abbrivo richiede uno sforzo nettamente inferiore a quello necessario per muovere un peso metallico.
L’assenza di segni visibili di usura, il perdurare della risposta elastica originaria e il mancato verificarsi di episodi allergici, registrati a dispetto dell’intenso utilizzo fatto, mi portano ad esprimere un giudizio nettamente positivo nei confronti di questi elastici, che attualmente costano appena 17,99euro, un importo, a mio giudizio, non solo equo, ma anche alquanto concorrenziale.
A good choice for a resistance band set – not just for men though!
Good quality, great value, and recommended.
Ausser dem blichen chemischen Geruch (verfliegt nach kurzer Zeit), gibt es an diesem Set nichts auszusetzen.
Super zum Trainieren! Hlt was es verspricht, ich bin sehr zufrieden.
This is a great starter set, I have a gym phobia anxious in places like this. These are perfect for at home and getting fit they don’t take up any room at all and are really affective. Can feel how they’ve worked on the muscles. Perfect for different abilities from beginners upwards
Due to the current situation around the world it has caused myself to become less fit than I would of usually been.
So when I seen these I decided to get them to try and build all my upper strength back that I have lost over the lock down periods.
These are just fantastic for it! Not only do I save around 22 on a monthly gym subscription but I get to build myself back up in the comfort of my own home!
This set it totally fantastic and seem good quality and strong unlike the cheaper types online available.
I love the fact there is different resistances and you can use them in so many different ways for all different muscles, areas on your body.
These truly hit the spot of what I was wanting!
Bargain indeed and I would highly recommend this set if you just don’t have the money or time to be visiting a gym everyday or every other day.
I have been using resistance bands in the gym lately however I dont get to go to the gym as often as I want and sometimes end up having g to do a work out at home and believed these would be handy to have for that workout.
The set includes 5 different resistance bands starting from 10 to 50lb but you can also co.bine them and use more than one.
The set also comes with some padded hand grips and some ankle straps. A door anchor and A bag to keep it all in.
The straps are easy to use and can g8ve you a good workout if you know what your doing with them.
I have found some good tutorial videos on YouTube for at home workouts with the bands however I think it would be nice to include a small book or poster with the bands to give you examples of different ways to use them even if just a starter workout for a novice.
This is a great exercise set for the money, perfect for those on a limited budget or with limited space. The colour coding and clear labels make it easy to pick out your band. The instructions are fairly basic so YouTube it is with a great selection of workouts on there. Have really enjoyed using these in the last couple of weeks, sometimes with Mrs Kratos who has a long term shoulder injury but can work on muscle tone on her that arm with the yellow or green band. We’re a bit wary of the door device so don’t use that but both agree this is a great set for peeps of any age and are looking forward to trying them outdoors when it warms up.
These resistance bands are great. They can provide a large amount of resistance meaning you can do a large range of exercises with them. The door stop works well and offers a good place to secure the bands in order to do exercises. The handles work well, they are easy to grip onto and mean that you can perform movements such as bicep curls very easily. The wrist or ankle cuffs are a good addition. All the attachments and carabiners and bands are good quality and I would recommend buying these if you’re looking for some resistance bands.
These resistance bands come in a plain cardboard box and inside you’ll find a door anchor, 2x ankle straps, 2x foam handles, 5 colours of resistance bands, and a carrying pouch.
Taking this set out of the box, everything is neatly packaged inside the carrying pouch which is held closed with a drawstring and spring nut. The resistance bands come in 5 colours and each colour represents a different strength of resistance.
* Yellow (10 lbs — 4.6KG)
* Green (20 lbs — 9.0KG)
* Red (30 lbs — 13.6KG)
* Blue (40 lbs — 18.2KG)
* Black (50 lbs — 22.8KG)
The bands are hollow and can easily be compressed by squeezing them, but their strength is when the are stretched. They stretch extremely well, and the first few stretches were easy enough, but they soon became challenging as my arms started to tire. Moving up the resistance band colours and things started to get tougher, and I felt my muscles had a good workout from using them. On the ends of the bands are tags which tell you what weights they are and attached to them is a D-buckle. This is to attach the end to the ankle straps or foam handles.
The foam handles consist of a hollow plastic tube, covered in foam, with a strong strap going through the handle. Attached to the strap is a carabiner which makes it quick and easy to attach to a resistance band. The ankle straps are the same strong material which is fastened around your ankle with Velcro and feature a carabiner for easy attachment. The door anchor is strong material strap which is attached to a foam circle with a hole in it. The foam is to put on the other side of the door before you close it and prevent the strap from coming away from the door. It’s a simple design but it does the job well, but you do need a strong door to use it as it must withstand you pulling on it with the resistance bands.
It’s good to see an instruction leaflet, even though basic, as it shows you some different exercises you can do to target key muscle groups. The English isn’t great, and doesn’t use proper names of the muscles, but it gets the message across and I’m very happy to see it included with the set.
In conclusion, this a very nice set of resistance bands which can exercise your muscles in an easy way. Beginners can start off with the lighter bands and as they become stronger, can move up through the different colours of resistance. It is lightweight and very portable so can be taken out and about. A very nice kit for your exercise routine
These resistance bands offer graded resistance from light to quite heavy resistance. The attachments allow working all major muscle groups and store away easily not using much space. Ideal for home use. Recommended
The exercise bands had different resistance so you could start on something lower and work your way up, in terms of weight. The bands came with a handy pouch to store in and can be easily taken wherever you needed to work out.
They also come with a door anchor and hand grips which are quite sturdy and lightweight. The handgrips can be easily attached to the bands. Instruction manual is also provided. I enjoy working out with the bands.
Resistance bands improve the quality of your exercises, help you focus on your control and recruit the ‘stabilizer’ muscles.
Band training is very effective for burning fats and increasing muscle strength while increasing coordination, endurance, flexibility and range of motion. It also helps in exercising different muscle groups such as shoulder, arm, leg, buttox and more. The bands are equipped with the newest carabiner and 5 buckle designs so you can put the 5 bands onto it. Each band has different tensions such as 10lbs, 20lbs, 30lbs, 40lbs and 50lbs. You can customize the level of the band’s resistance by stacking multiple bands.
The bands are very light and easy to carry so you can easily put this in your gym bag. These are made of premium quality latex materials that ensure the quality of the bands. These are also non-irritating, odour-free and indeed safe to use.
Upon trying these bands for the first time, it definitely gave a muscle-burning sensation which is very good. The bands are indeed well made and very flexible, unlike some others I have tried before. I really like that it came with 5 bands with different intensities so a beginner or a pro can still use this anytime and anywhere.
Based on my experience using this, it is definitely a great addition to my home gym for working out. It is also reasonably priced and seems like it will last long.
It is great resistance bands set for some workout at home. It is more space saving than weights. And you can workout and grow muscle in a different type of exercises. As new to this, I’m glad I can start from light and have ability to grow my strength and follow to other band without need to buy extra.
Firstly I have to state that I received this product free of charge as part of the Amazon Vine system, in return for a fair and unbiased review.
The product arrived in a box shared with another item, well-protected to preclude damage, and on time the next day as promised, even though that day was a Sunday. I ordered these bands because I have have had a damaged spine for over fifteen years, and there are stretching exercises which I am supposed to do, although I have to admit I don’t do them as often as I should, but I used to have a resistance band I was given by my physiotherapist at the hospital, which looked more like a strip off a burst balloon than anything else, but I did used to use that more readily than I did the stretches, until it disappeared somewhere into the abyss of misplaced items. Hence these bands appealed as something which would inspire me to take better care of my problem back.
On opening the parcel I was struck by how the set presented as so much more purposeful, by comparison with my absent bit of red balloon, and found this encouraging. Everything in the set seemed well-made and tough, well up to rigours of exercise by people vastly more athletic than myself, but without being intimidating to the casual weakling. I began by attaching the medium (red) band to the handles, figuring that its 30lb resistance should be fairly straightforward with which to cope, and the red colour felt familiar. Perhaps I should have taken the effort required by one of the clips to squeeze it open enough for the ring to pass through as an omen. I stood with feet hips wide, placed on the band, hands gripping the handles slightly outward from my thighs, then slowly raised my arms until my hands were at eye-level and slowly down again. After doing the same again I accepted my error and replaced the red band with the yellow 10lb band. Even then, after four repetitions of the exercise described above I could feel the effect in my upper arms and across my shoulders and sat down for a rest.
Nine days in and I’m taking this sensibly. It’s better to adopt a longer, slower process than to end up on all fours again, but this set is as ideal for this purpose as it is as a versatile home workout for those who resemble the musclemen or musclewomen in the listing’s illustrations. I’ve stuck with the yellow band thus far, and it’s easy to pick up and do a few short pulls during the ad breaks. I’ve even occasionally lobbed it round my feet and had a shot whilst sitting on the couch watching telly. There is a small booklet included which indicates some basic ways to use the kit, but as yet I haven’t ventured into the ankle straps or the door anchor, though the latter seems to offer some interesting options once I have acclimatised myself to a level of regular activity through the most simple exercises. I note from the booklet that must have been an uprating of the kit, since the bands now go up in 10lb increments from 10 to 50lbs, whereas in the booklet they are described as being in 5lb increments from 10 to 30lbs. This is unlikely to affect me for some considerable time, if ever, but for most it will make the set even more flexible, and the total resistance available by attaching all five bands is doubled to 150lbs. I’m close to fainting just contemplating it.
To summarize, this set is a strong and versatile home exercise kit, which offers lots of scope for variations on the basic exercises illustrated, I’ve even brought in a couple myself, such as crossing my arms on front of my ribs, which feels more intense to the muscles I most wish to strengthen to support my spine. The set is able to replicate the motions of several pieces of the gym equipment I experienced during physiotherapy, any one of which would cost far more than these bands, and as such I think they represent great value in addition to their excellent functionality.
This set of resistance bands is good for a beginner who doesn’t want to pay out for expensive weightlifting equipment. It comes with 5 resistance bands, 2 handles, 2 ankle cuffs, a door anchor, and a bag. The resistance bands are varying weights from 10lb to 50lb and you can pair them up if required.
Fairly easy to use, but must be careful to attach firmly to a door to avoid them springing off and hitting you in the face,
Not a bad set. There are better quality ones out there, but these are good for the price.
This is a good set of resistance bands. You get different coloured bands to correspond with the resistance.
The handles to attach to the bands are foam covered. A carry bag is also included.
The quality is good and I have no concerns about reliability. A good purchase overall.
Bin mit dem Resistance Band Set wirklich sehr zufrieden und fast jeden Tag sind sie im Einsatz. Die verschiedenen Strken kann ich optimal einsetzen. Bis jetzt sehe ich keinen Unterschied zu den Bndern, die ich im Fitness Studio benutze. Klare Kaufempfehlung!
I’ve lifted heavy objects all my life, and some of them have been gym weights etc. but I am a novice to resistance bands, so that caveat must apply to my review.
Not entirely certain that the resistance value printed on the bands is accurate. For example, as an active man I can loop the 50lb black band around my foot, attach both clips to the hand grip and curl it with one hand without great effort.
For a frame of reference 56lb is four stone or roughly 25Kg, that is a bag or cement, or potatoes.
However it would be fair to say that for a medium to higher rep set, it would be a reasonable work out in this way, for that exercise.
Given one can combine the various straps together to increase resistance it makes for a very portable system, as the actual weight of the whole kit is negligible – and so would throw into an overnight or carry-on bag.
That’s something you couldn’t do with set of iron weights.
The box is uninspiring cardboard, and workout guide is just a simple black and white paper booklet. The various grips and hooks and the bands themselves seem reasonably well made however, and there is black nylon carry bag – which for a day-to-day use is too small to easily pack everything in quickly, okay – sure you could do it, but it would take some time and patience; which I don’t have.
I intend to use these for extending exercises, especially the shoulders, with arms outstretched, and I think they well suited for that as part of a wider routine, especially with pre-exhaustion in play.
As already mentioned, these are also very portable, so if the usual range of gym equipment wasn’t available at a given place, these would augment any free body weight routine, improving the workout options.
While the booklet does outline basic exercises for anyone without experience, I would very much advise doing more research about how resistance bands can be used, ( I intend to and I have been lifting heavy objects for many years boy and man ) and of course always consult your physician before beginning any new to you exercise or sport – especially if you have never done the thing, or have any health issues.
Based on the quality of the kit itself – new out of the box, I’ve given this product four stars. Presentation, packaging and the instructions are poor, but that doesn’t practically detract from the product itself.
Longevity is a question I cannot answer at this point. I do expect these have a finite life, as plastic and rubber must have, certainly compared to iron, but at this price point (which I think is very competitive given the range of bands provided) this product is represents good value, well deserving of a highly rated score.
The bands appear to be robustly constructed, as do the accessories: 2 handles, two ankle straps and a door anchor (which is a particularly useful thing to have) together with a simple carry bag.
The resistance bands themselves are clearly colour-coded and can, of course, be used individually or in combination with each other – so in spite of the fact that it claims in the main heading that this set is for men, it’s entirely suitable for women too. (For reference, I’m female and middle-aged and I use resistance bands to work on my upper-body and all-important core strength …)
A really good, budget-priced set of bands for your home gym. Recommended.
I got these resistance bands to replace my weights as they are a great muscle building tool. They come in 5 different colours. Each colour represents a resistance strength: from extra light to extra heavy; from 10 lbs to 50 lbs or even more; if you combine them, approximately up to 75 lbs. So the intensity of your training can be easily adjusted. The foam, non-slip handles, ankle straps, door anchor and the instructions were also included in the travel bag, in which everything fits nicely. The resistance bands were designed specially to exercise your muscles. The rubber bands do work, as you can feel it after a couple of pull. Using them regularly, you can achieve great results. I suggest you create an exercise program. Loads of them are available on the internet. You can do exercise in the comfort of your home, or it can be taken with you anywhere (gym, park, overnight stay etc). The bands can be used with other exercise programs, such as yoga, pilates etc. They are perfect for chest, back, shoulder, abdominal muscles; also hip and leg training.
Great for the price! I have to say I am very satisfied with them.
Questo un kit di cinque elastici con maniglie cinturini e ancoraggio per allenamento indoor, nella confezione troviamo:
1 elastico da 4.6 KG (giallo)
1 elastico da 9.0 KG (verde)
1 elastico da 13.6 KG (rosso)
1 elastico da 18.2 KG (blu)
1 elastico da 22.8 KG (nero)
2 manici in schiuma
2 cinturini da caviglia
1 ancora per porta
Sacchetto in tela dove riporre il kit completo quando non utilizzato.
Manuale istruzione multi lingua (italiano compreso).
L’utilizzo e molto semplice le maniglie anno dei moschettoni dove collegare gli elastici che vogliamo utilizzare per fare gli esercizi bloccandoli con i piedi o agganciati alle caviglie o con l’aiuto di una porta mediante un “ancora”.
Gli ho voluti provare per poter fare qualche esercizio pi impegnativo in casa non avendo tanto spazio per poter mettere panche o altri attrezzi pi ingombranti, li sto utilizzando da una settimana ogni giorno per testare la resistenza e per il momento non ho riscontrato cedimenti o problemi di rottura dei cavi elastici da attrito anche utilizzati con l’ancora da porta (utilizzo secondo me pi critico) le due maniglie anno un buon grip e cinturini da caviglie sono resistente.
Difetti sudore e la gomma piuma delle maniglie fanno un po’ di odore ma penso che con il tempo svanir, avrei voluto magari nelle istruzioni un po’ pi dettagliate su gli esercizi possibili con gli elastici (comunque reperibili facilmente online) le cuciture non sono perfette ma al momento stanno resistendo.
Per il momento mi reputo soddisfatto va bene per un allenamento semplice indoor e in pi occupa poco spazio una volta terminato di utilizzarlo ve lo consiglio se avete queste necessit.
Inexpensive way to keep fit, a really good buy and it works almost identically to my more expensive set.
The pack of resistance bands comes with 5 resistance bands, 2 handles, 2 ankle cuffs, a door anchor, storage bag and instructions.
The bands all seem in good order with no cracking to the elastic and the joins to the ‘D’ rings on each end are secure.
The bands are in different colour and all labelled with an equivalent weight rating from yellow 10Lbs to black 50Lbs. The English instructions have these as Yellow 10Lbs and Black 30Lbs. Only the yellow one matches the instructions, the rest all differ. Except when you look at the German or Italian instructions the weights are correct. Best to just rate them from weakest to strongest. The English instructions also show how to combine them to create even stronger resistances, but not so in the other languages.
The foam handles each have a carabiner and feel quite strong but with a foam sleeve on the handle for comfort. The two ankle straps similarly have a carabiner attached with a generous Velcro strip to allow a secure closure on the leg, and easily open to 4inches diameter or more. The door anchor has a foam disc at one end to protect the paint work. I would make sure that if you use the door anchor, you make sure that no one else will open the door on you, otherwise you might get a surprise slap in the face from the resistance band plus anchor.
Not sure why these are labelled as a ‘Men’ set, as these could equally be used by anyone, and this is shown in the example exercise pictures. The bands allow you to create a work out regime tailored to you and work up to stronger bands as your experience grows. There are suggestions on likely uses in the instruction book. These bands are a good set and look sturdy, and if you forget the dodgy instructions, should be a good addition to your exercise regime.
erfllt absolut meine Erwartungen und ersetzt mir fast zu 100% mein Gym
Fantastic little set of resistance bands, comes with a little guidance book with afew suggestions on different styles of exercise all fits neatly in the bag provided, have had alittle go and the resistance is definitely a challenge especially onthe bigger numbers, looking fwd to setting this up and having agood workout will up date in a month or so
I have tried these myself and can see the benefit, so I put two together using the handles and tried to stretch them using both handles with the tubes under my feet, it was fairly hard, I couldn’t use the higher strength tubes to stretch them, though my sons had no trouble.
You need to be very careful with the door anchor, as we used this and the door did not feel safe, certainly, not safe if you are going to be pulling really hard, when my son pulled it the door was moving, so you really need a robust door, we are using them in our garage where we have beams, so be careful as this could cause damage to the door and in extreme cases the whole door could break or split and may cause injury.
I am not going to take a star off for the door anchor, as clearly it is for your discretion and if you do anchor it to the door and the door is not strong then you will not use it, so for me really great value and good for exercise, you don’t need weights etc, these are a good alternative and will help you get fit, but of course, you need to be motivated, so for me, I am giving these five stars overall.
Wow I couldn’t believe how good these could be . A few pulls and you feel it. You can add black , blue & red together and it’s like a full on work out. Great packaging and carry bag included is good to keep everything together. I would definitely recommend for people that don’t like to mix in a gym and be home alone and doing in own time
The different colours are different resistance and you can add more than one to the handles so a very customisable product. There’s a door anchor too which I’m a bit scared to use in case I only the door frame off but I will update once that’s been tested! Handy bag to keep it all in too
They come in a plain box and inside that in a nice small travel bag so there very easy to transport. They are made of a good quality material and are stretchy. They come with handles, ankle handles and a door wedge so you can attach them to your door for certain types of exercises. These are great if you want to get fit!