Singer ESP-2 Steam Press, White
Singer ESP-2 – Professional Results in Half the Time as Convential Ironing!
The Singer Steam Press gives you professional pressing results right at home. With a large pressing area and adjustable heat and steam settings you can quickly press tablecloths, curtains, dress pants and more. This portable unit is easy to store and includes auto shut-off with an audible alarm for safety.
Features and Benefits
Accurate Electronic Fabric Temperature SettingsVariable settings from nylon to linen. | Professional Results in Half the TimeReduce ironing time by 50%! | Auto Shut-Off with Audible AlarmSafe for you and your family. | Perfect Steam ControlControl of the amount of steam emitted, even if it’s none! |
Features and Benefits
Extra-Large Pressing Surface10 times larger than a conventional iron. | Washable Ironing PadKeeps surface clean, allowing fabrics to flow smoothly. | Die-Cast Aluminium BaseEasy, sturdy ironing. | Powerful Burst of Steam at Your FingertipsConcentrated steam removes stubborn wrinkles. |
Weight: | 9.8 kg |
Dimensions: | 69 x 25 x 54 cm; 9.8 Kilograms |
Brand: | Singer |
Model: | ESP-2 |
Colour: | White |
Colour: | White |
I have this steam press for a month. Is very easy to use, but you have to be careful cause is very easy to burn your hands.Ironing now is easier and quicker. It’s actually fun cause you can do it watching tv and also seating down. It’s very easy to iron almost all clothes but it’s difficult to iron shirts.
My first steam press. Whips through the straight forward ironing easily.
Cuts down ironing time get excellent results. The only thing Is I keep burning myself Have got some home made hand protectors – when I remember to use them. Easy to control the temperature. Wouldn’t go back to my iron now. I actually enjoy ironing now. Easy to use I lift it on to my ironing board to use it – but would like to buy the stand for it eventually
Quick to iron most clothes and bedding. Still not sure about pressing shirts But it’s still early days for me using the press.
my wife keeps burning her arm on the top of the singer , also she is finding it very hard to do the long sleeves of the shirts
This hot press iron is fantastic but I would have liked more space at the back of the iron to accomodate larger amounts of material.
Great product still using it daily 2 years on from purchase
Best thing iv ever bought I was paying someone 60 a month now I do it myself
I cannot fault this product it is great & made my ironing life a lot easier. However I took one star off because as I am an OAP & I found the weight of the machine a bit of a problem. It is quite heavy and needs all my strength to lift it on to the table but is well worth the effort for easy ironing. Highly recommended.
Il primo ricevuto non funzionava il vapore, mi hanno sostituito immediatamente con uno nuovo in pochissimo tempo.
La piastra funziona bene, ma non sostituisce il ferro da stiro, specialmente per le camice o per vestiti, in quanto non facile stirare le pieghe. ottimo per lenzuola, asciugamani e magliette. Le camice le riesco a stirare, ma ho un po’ di difficolt, magari con un po’ di pratica migliorer….
I replaced my old one for this because I wanted steam. It’s easy to use, sturdy and I am more than pleased with i
just brilliant and time-saving wish I had got one years ago
Wish I had bought this years ago. I did have a rotary iron for many years but they’re hard to find now. I have Arthritis but find this easy to use more so than the iron.
Easy to use. Makes a good job and is quicker to use than a iron.
Its a joy to do the ironing now, so much easie
La primera prensa que recib tard casi una semsna… al sacarla del paquete no se encenda, no funcionaba, as que la devolv… volvieron a recogerla y enviaron una nueva sin problema. Sacando este pequeo incordio que me trastorn muchsimo porque me pill de lleno en Semana Santa y con mucho trabajo ya que tengo un negocio de hostelera… os dir que estoy encantada, lo que antes me llevaba planchar un minimo de hora y media ahora me lleva apenas 40 minutos. Si hubiese un tamao todava algo mayor sera genial. Normalmente plancho ropa de cama y manteles, y pocas veces ropa de vestir,porque las camisas me parece un rollo aunque hay tutoriales en YouTube…pero camisetas, jerseys y pantalones quedan muy bien. En definitiva: una muy buena compra, muy contenta.
Excellent should’ve got one years ago would’ve cut my ironing Time in half actually like ironing now
10 out of 10 it’s so easy to iron and press bedding saves so much time would definitely recommend this press
Diese Maschine ist sehr gut. Nach anfnglichen Schwierigkeiten ( bung macht den Meister ) bin ich jetzt sehr zufrieden. Die Hemden sehen besser aus als nach Bgeln mit dem Dampfbgeleisen. Tischlufer, Hosen, Shirt sind super gebgelt.
Schade nur dass die Pressflche so klein ist denn groe Tischdecke zu Bearbeiten ist umstndlich.
Ich habe die Maschine jetzt so ca 4 Monate und das Bgeleisen ist seit dem nur noch kalt.
This is a very good piece of equipment which works as it says and produces perfect results. It is easy to use but needs to be kept where it is used as it is rather heavy. One disadvantage is that the light to tell it is ready is on the handle which one must lift whilst waiting and so is not easy to see – I have to keep pulling handle down to check. Otherwise I enjoy using this ironing machine.
I have never used an ironing press before and bought this one on users recommendations and hopefully to save me some time.
It is a nice piece of equipment and I am really pleased with it but if you have not used one before do not underestimate how long it takes to get used to it particularly where to put it to gain maximum benefit at the height level when you are sitting. But once that is mastered I now wonder how I managed without i
he product very dispionted it came without warrenty and paper work
So far so good.seems excellent.easy to use.clear instructions.savrs so much time
l’ho comprato perch anche se mi stato insegnato ad usare il ferro da stiro non sono mai riuscito ad avere il coraggio di stirare da solo capi a cui tengo, quando ho letto che a questa piastra da stiro perch quello che , basta selezionare il materiale che si va a stirare e dopo emette un suono oltre che luce rossa che dice di tirare su la piastra, ho capito , ok questa a prova di imbranato e facendoci la pratica facilissima ed utilissima, cosi da non dover chiedere mia moglie stanca anche lei dal lavoro se perfavore poteva stirarmi pantaloni o maglioni ecc, essere liberi di stirare senza dover dipendere da nessuno o dover pagare qualcuno come nelle stirerie italiane o cinesi. Ottimo acquisto per un uomo che vuole l’indipendenza nello stirare.
bon produit permettant de repasser avec moins de fatigue. J’ai voqu un problme de verrouillage et dverrouillage de la poigne. La socit italienne centro del cucito dans le cadre de marketplace d’amazone rpondu le 27 octobre qu’elle reprendrait contact ce propos. Pour l’instant rien ne s’est pass. Dommage car ce produit m’est trs utile. Je l’utilise certes mais son ouverture et sa fermeture posent problme.
Utile e comoda mi permette di stirare stando seduto. Certo che qualche suggerimento in pi sul libretto delle istruzioni avrebbero potuto metterlo. Ad esempio mi capitato che sulla piastra scaldante si sia trasferita qualche scritta di una maglia, sinceramente non so come togliere. L’ho lasciata li. Ottimi i consigli per stirare le camicie. Priam utilizzavo un ferro da stiro a carica continua, utilissimo ma essendo alto 2 metri andavo male e dopo qualche dolorino alla schiena. Avevo letto quasi tutte le recensioni negative prima di acquistare, ma in realt bisogna avere almeno un occhio di riguardo nel leggere almeno le istruzioni prima di iniziare a stirare. Ottimo sopratutto il suggerimenti di svuotare il sebatoi del vapore al termine della stiratura. Per il momento sto stirandoi miei indumenti e quelli dei miei che, dati l’et e i problemi fisici, non possono pi fare e sopratutto sto risparmiando le spese per la signora che veniva a stirare. Che dire ancora….
Love it, so easy to use, makes ironing fun, would definitely recommend.
I’ve had the privilege of using a roller steam ironer and also the Singer press and can quite honestly say, I prefer the Singer. Good value for money, does what is required and you can get through your ironing in a jiffy!
Excellent – product for family
Ironing a breeze now .
Would recommend.
Dampfbgelpresse funktioniert wunderbar und erleichtert die Arbeit enorm! Habe sie heute bekommen, ausgepackt, Anleitung gelesen und…..START !!!! Mein riesiger Korb war in Krze gepresst es ist eine unwahrscheinliche Erleichterung !!! Selbst mein Mann hat gestaunt und hat …auch mal gewollt….wir sind wirklich beeindruckt. Fazit: sehr empfehlenswert!!! Den Wassertank auf keinen Fall zu sehr fllen. Er kann NICHT entnommen werden und das berschssige Wasser im Tank muss umstndlich durch kippen der Bgelpresse entfernt werden. Nun muss ich aber einen fr uns doch relevanten Wehmutstropfen los werden. Unsere heue gelieferte Bgelpresse war schon benutzt !!! Wir haben gleich gesehen, dass das Stromkabel nicht ordentlich zusammen gebunden war. In der Regel mit einem kleinen Draht. Um Kabel war zwar Tte, aber dieser Draht nur reingelegt….Im Wassertank, welcher transparent ist und zum befllen des Wassers etwas herausgezogen wird, war unten eine dicke Kalkschicht drin. Ich dachte ich sehe nicht recht!!! Maschine gestartet, sie heizt auf…und als erstes ein Handtuch eingelegt. Und da war der nchste, fast schon Schock!!! Im Oberteil der Presse sind die Dampfdsen. Den oberen Teil zieht man ja runter um zu pressen…und siehe da !!!! Das Handtuch war voller Kalk ! Die Dsen waren voller Kalk. Ich habe es oder ihn, den Kalk, abschtteln mssen und immer wieder gepresst, bis ich der Meinung war, die Dsen sind gereinigt !!! Das Handtuch hing anschl. erst mal in die Wsche. Ich denke es ist ein dicker Hund, ein solches Gert zum vollen Preis zu verkaufen. Es war eindeutig bereits benutzt. Ich habe es NICHT zurck geschickt, das es doch relativ gro ist, gerade auch in der gesamten Verpackung und es fast ein Kraftaufwand ist oder wre . Ich hoffe, dass dieses Gert dennoch gut seine Dienste tut. Nur finde ich es vom Verkufer ein Stck weit unverschmt, eine solche Ware als neu und zum vollen Preis zu verkaufen!!! Ein Stern Abzug fr den nicht entnehmbaren Wassertank.
Bisher habe ich 20 Jahre lang die Singer Magic Press verwendet, die nun leider den Dienst versagt hat. Habe also ausreichend Erfahrung mit Bgelpresse und will diese auch nicht missen. Ich habe lange ber die Anschaffung einer Dampfbgelstation nachgedacht, kann mich aber nicht damit anfreunden, wieder mit einem Bgeleisen ber die Wsche zu rdeln.
Dieses neue Gert kann leider mit dem Vorgnger nicht mithalten. Insbesondere die Dampffunktion kann man nicht vergleichen.
Der Damof kam bei der Magic Press von unten und war sehr krftig und gleichmssig. Dadurch war das Entknittern von empfindlichen Teilen wie Seide oder Wolle sehr gut mglich. Bei der ESP2 strmt der Damof aus der oberen Bgelsohle, was mich nicht so berzeugt.
Das Bgelergebnis insgesamt finde ich allerdings besser, was eventuell an dem straffen Bgelbezug liegt, auf dem die Teile auch
irgendwie besser glattgezogen werden knnen.
Ausserdem lsst sich die ESP2 weniger weit ffnen. Ich habe mir hier geholfen, indem ich die Presse etwas hher plaziert habe als den Vorgnger. Dadurch kann man die Wsche besser einlegen und die Gefahr, dass man sich die Hnde verbrennt, nimmt ab.
Als berzeugte Bgelpressenbenutzerin werde ich diese Presse behalten, zumal sie einen gnstigen Preis hat und ich auch keine wirkliche Alternative gefunden habe.
Nachtrag im Dezember 2018:
Benutze das Teil nun einige Monate und muss nun sagen, dass man sich durch die doch etwas enge ffnung zwischen den Bgelsohlen relativ leicht die Hnde verbrennt! Und ich habe kleine Hnde.
Auch die Dampffunktion ist mit Vorsicht zu geniessen. Es entweicht sehr viel Dampf nach vorne, so dass es fr den Bediener schon sehr heiss werden kann. War bei der Magic Press nie der Fall.
Light, easy to use and size makes it easy to store .
I can not imagine how I would do without this presser. Has cut my ironing time down considerably. I now enjoy ironing when I always felt it was a chore before.
I bought this machine because I was fed up of taking almost 2 hours to iron a king size duvet plus fitted sheet and pillow cases on a regular ironing board, only to find when I put them on the bed that I’d missed places. So annoying! First I replaced my fitted sheets with flat sheets bought from Divine Textiles (fantastic hotel quality sheets: so they would be easy to iron.
Then I bought this machine based on its reviews nd being portable to fit on a table and it is amazingly fast and easy to use. Once your bedding is washed and dried, make sure to fold it neatly ready for ironing. I put the setting on Cotton heat and it ironed out the creases perfectly on the sheet even though it was folded EIGHT times. This meant I only needed 3-4 presses to do the entire sheet! Now I want to wash and iron all my sheets every day on these hot summer nights! I know, who would’ve thought you could be so excited about the ironing 🙂
I’ve also done t-shirts and jeans super quick, will be trying out shirts soon. I just love this machine!! Thank you Singer!
I don’t know how I ever lived without one. I haven’t had my ironing board down once since the day this press arrived. I have even ironed shirts with it. Duvet cover not quite like the laundry finish but good enough for me.
Arrivata oggi dopo 2 gg dall’ordine. L’imballo era originale, non nel solito scatolone Amazon ma immagino che le dimensioni non permettessero altro, tutto perfettamente integro. Gli accessori sono quelli descritti, uno spruzzino, un dosatore acqua e un cuscinetto con il rivestimento della pressa per facilitare lo stiro di alcuni capi, e il libretto istruzioni. E’ in molte lingue oltre l’italiano e la lettura delle istruzioni facile e scorrevole. Mi accorgo che sembra molto semplice da usare, e quindi l’ho messa alla prova. Ci vuole un attimo per capire come piegare meglio i capi per avere un buon stiro e accorciare i tempi, cosa che a me premeva moltissimo. Si impara davvero facilmente. Immaginavo in verit pi grande la superficie di stiro, ma provandola va benissimo cos. Direi tranquillamente che ho dimezzato i tempi, il risultato pi che soddisfacente (solo per le camicie sono pi esigente e il buon vecchio ferro ottimale) e soprattutto zero stanchezza e gambe doloranti. La consiglio a tutte le donne che come me vogliono semplificarsi la vita!
Quality is over 5 start, such a great product, way more better than the steam guns around there, is takes second to get ready without effort, no steam burns on my hands and while the clothes are being pressed you have your hand free to grab another piece of cloth and sort it out. I place the machine on my coffee table and watch a movie like a boss and after and 1h I easily have 70 pieces clothes ( or more) already done.
Bought it to replace an old machine that we had, the product was the same dimensions but when we took it out of the box we were sure it was smaller!! It’s not! It’s just really nicely compact, does a nice job ironing too.
Bought to replace 15 year old Elna Press. So far no complaints
Ich hatte mich via zahlreichen Videos schon vorbereitet wie man ein solches Gert einsetzt. Ich habe wegen einem Pflegefall sehr viel Wsche und verheize alle 2 Jahre eine Miele oder Siemens Waschmaschine.
Es kam mir auf Zeitersparnis und leichtere Arbeit an. Bis zu der Maschine setzte ich eine Dampfbgelstation einer bekannten Marke ein.
Die ESP2 hatte ich sofort nach deren eintrffen probiert. 2 Waschmaschinenladungen standen zum Test bereit.
Die erste Ladung war zum angewhnen, die zweite zum Test.
Ich kenne die bentigen Zeiten mit einer Dampfbgelstation ziemlich genau. Die ESP2 aber unterbot alles – glatte 40% schneller !!!
Ich wre auch schon mit weniger sehr zufrieden gewesen.
Die Ergebnisse bei der 2. Testladung waren Top. Die Folge – die Dampfbgelstation und den Bgeltisch habe ich eingemottet – werde ich wohl eher sehr selten bentigen.
brigens – Dampf ist ja ganz gut und schn – aber diese Funktion wird eher selten bentigt, z.B. wenn man Handtcher schon doppelt und dann presst.
Die ESP2 ist brigens Made in China und augenscheinlich sehr gut verarbeitet.
Habe nun jede Menge Wsche damit gebgelt.
Auf die Dampffunktion kann man komplett verzichten.
Das Geheimnis – bgelfeuchte Wsche aus dem Trockner. Der Feuchtigkeitsgrad lsst sich bei modernen Maschinen einstellen.
Der sollte so sein das das Wschestck unterhalb 8 Sekunden trocken wird (weil dann die Maschine aus Sicherheitsgrnden die Heizung abschaltet).
Ich hab das hin bekommen und so lassen sich auch Taschentcher, Servietten und groflchige Wschestcke die an der Naht zum umklappen neigen hervorragend bgeln.
Ich habe brigens Handschuhgre 11 und habe mir noch kein einziges Mal die Hnde verbrannt.
Tshirts bis Gre L ist kein Thema – ich habe jedoch 3xl und dafr htte die Bgelflche ruhig grer sprich breiter sein knnen.
So muss man 2x mehr umsetzen, aber da eine Klappe nur rund 4 Sekunden dauert geht das noch.
Well built, solid and straightforward to us, Gives great results and much quicker than a steam iron.
our third in 20 years and just as good as the fris
This is a very good ironing press. I find it a great improvement on my previous one( not a Singer)delighted with performance on bed linen, jumpers, and other small items. The steam action is very efficie
arrivato in anticipo sul previsto! Ho ordinato questo prodotto il giorno del black friday approfittando della sezione warehouse deals, usato con ulteriore sconto del 20% perch non ero proprio convintissima, per avevo bisogno di un aiuto per stirare per problemi recenti di salute. devo dire che alla prima prova questa pressa si rivela solida ma pesante da trasportare (che non ritengo sia negativa come cosa), dopo un’occhiata veloce alle istruzioni l’ho messa in funzione facilmente ed ho iniziato a stirare la mia montagna di vestiti: in un’oretta ho finito tutto! Non ho quasi mai camicie da stirare, quindi ho testato la pressa su maglie e abiti da bambino, da adulto, pantaloni classici con piega e jeans. Ammetto che la parte alta dei pantaloni non viene benissimo al primo colpo, ma considerando che la prima volta che la uso conto di imparare per le prossime. per il resto la potenza, la facilit e la velocit di utilizzo la rendono un aiuto valido anche se ingombrante da riporre. Per la sua utilit vale sicuramente l’investimento, d’altronde cercando le offerte il costo poco pi di un valido ferro da stiro e asse! Unico aspetto negativo che non fa meritare 5 stelle a questo articolo sicuramente il fatto che il serbatoio dell’acqua non si estrae del tutto, il che rende impossibile svuotarlo a fine utilizzo, e il fatto che la piastra riscaldante nella parte superiore non si alza totalmente: nel maneggiare i vestiti per sistemarli molto facile scottarsi le mani, come successo a me. Credo che questo sia stato progettato per evitare getti di vapore in viso ma, dato che il vapore residuo che a volte fuoriesce dai fori potrebbe scottare comunque l’utilizzatore, sarebbe stato meglio a mio avviso permettere un’apertura totale con un migliore sistema di blocco vapore. per il resto consigliatissima
This item is really good, simple to use as long you read the instructions the only thing my wife burnt back of her hand twice apart from that it is a very good buy.
Ho letto un infinit d recensioni online e su amazon prima di decidermi ad acquistarla. Meglio essere precisi dunque per dare il consiglio giusto. Considerate che in famiglia siamo 5 che facciamo tutti molto port ce che i panni da stirare sono tantissimi tutti i giorni. Detto ci com’ ovvio non puntavo a stirare perfettamente ogni capo ma ad ottimizzare il tempo di stiratura. Detto ci questa pressa molto buona stira bene sia con il vapore che senza vapore e fino ad ora l’ho utilizzata quasi sempre senza vapore sui panni umidi, asciugandoli e stirandoli bene. Se pensate di stirare bene ogni capo vi sbagliate perch il ferro riesce ad essere pi preciso ma se acquisite manualit i risultati saranno buoni con tutti i capi. Le magliette, la biancheria, gli asciugamani vengono perfetti cos anche i pantaloni che tra l’altro si stirano in un attimo. Qualche perplessit sulle camice ma molto dipende dal tipo di tessuto e dal taglio. Ossia se sono tagliate bene vengono perfette se hanno problemi di taglio perch di scarsa qualit o di tessuto scadente vengono meno bene ma possono comunque andare. Insomma per me stato un ottimo acquisto anche perch rispetto ad altre presse ha un prezzo decisamente pi contenuto ed una superficie della piastra buona. Ho due figli maschi grandi di altezza e dunque una piastra leggermente pi grande avrebbe fatto comodo ma considerando che per prenderla avrei dovuto spendere il doppio ritengo di aver fatto la scelta giusta. Impiego la met del tempo a stirare e questo quello a cui miravo. Dunque fate voi le vostre considerazioni in relazione al tipo di uso che ne dovete fare, a quanti siete in famiglia e a che tipo di indumenti utilizzati pi di frequente. Per me va benissimo anche perch molti capi vengono decisamente meglio con la pressa che con il ferro. Altri un po’ meno, ma anche questione di pratica, dunque alla fine conviene.
Really pleased with this machine as cuts ironing in half and great for large sheets .
Very good steam ione takes seconds to heat up very good steam fast well worth money
This is my second Singer steam press. My original one was in use for many years. Wouldn’t be without it!
Arrived very quickly. Fully boxed & in polystyrene molded to protect in transit. Instructions & pad & with water spray & watering can/funnel. Remember to order deionised water to keep appliance in good working order & because it doesn’t have a filter. Lots of steam, switches in handle, well designed . I like the temperature selection gauge for different fabrics & the fact it switches off if it’s not used for a time . On /off switch on appliance & long cable & plug. Great product & value for money. Great results .
So good that I even bought another one for a friend’s birthday!
Best laundry buy ever excellent for people with arthritis, makes ironing do easy
Brilliant! So much time is saved. I waited too long for this little beauty.
Great product. Easy to use and very portable. I am very impressed with this product.
I have bee using this for a while now, and it is an absolute gem. Saves me time to sit and do jack all. Highly recommended
Love this! Takes less time to do my ironing great steam action and very easy to use.
Excellent support From the seller – 5 plus.Recommend wholeheartedly.Machine really good and at a genuine bargain price.I do not usually review purchases but felt I really had to this time.Don P.
Sheets are no more a problem. So quick for a laundry finish.
My press died on me and I searched for a replacement,I am very pleased I chose this press, it gives a good shot of steam and is not too heavy and best of all a good price
Excellent machine efficient and easy to use. Good value for money.
Solid, well made press. Bought to replace 1 we had for 15yrs, so expecting that, at least, again!
Found it so easy to use. Heats up quickly and good choice of heats to choose Steam excelle
love this it has cut my ironing time in half
My wife loves it and hopes it last as long as her old model by the same manufacturer. It’s so easy to,use and gets through her ironing quickly and easily.
Does a very good job, I am very please with this item.
Enjoying the product, still haven’t found the best way to iron shirts?
Can’t fault this machine so easy to use cut’s ironing time drastically, great item, would recommend to anyone.
Don’t know how I have ever managed without this product. It really deserves TEN STARS
very happy, delivered well within time given and tracking was easy. Good value, well packed.
We have had 3 presses over the years but this one is the best.
My second one. Sadly I could find no one to fix the fault on my original singer esp2. This works beautifully and I hope will do so for a long while.
Many thanks for prompt service.
Arrived in two days. Easy to use and wouldn’t be without it . Great Value too.
worth it…
once you get used to pull shirts/pants etc and don’t burn yourself.. cuts the work load.
his is fantastic it cuts my ironing down by half
Does exactly what you expect (and want) it to do. Our previous one was slow to heat up and you had to keep waiting while it got to temperature. No problems with this one, fast and loads of steam when required. A good basic steam press.
Saves time, easy to use, just one fault find it difficult to clean hot plate
Great and easy to use.clothes look like they have been ironed
Very good item. Reduces ironing time massively, you get better the more you use it, watch out for burns if you are rushing
Very pleased with this press works very well also pleased with quick delivery
Makes ironing quick and easy with great results. Watch those fingers though as it gets hot.
A good product and really helps me I’ve got bad arthritis and this is the answer to my ironing problems
Really quick delivery and it does what it says on the box
Cut ironing time by more than half. Easy to use
Love my steam press, cuts ironing time in half. Had a singer before which lasted for years, so go same make.
I love this machine its my first intro to housework and its saving me loads of time..
I would never use a iron again this is perfect very handy to use
I was really happy with this item and it met all my expectations. Ironing is no longer a chore and in fact I enjoy doing it now
The wife loves this it’s so much easier than an ordinary iron, and does the ironing in half the time and no arm ache, would recommend to anyone
Great iron compact but does the job well saves so much time especially trousers gets a very sharp crease. As described delivered promptly well done.
Wonderful. Does all I cannot do with an iron.
easy to use.
Perfect for my needs as I have a business that involves a moderate amount of laundry (sheets pillows and douvet covers every week.
Excellent press does the job well, much improved on our last model. Delivery was bang on time.
its arelly good buy,i have enjoyed doing my ironing since bought.itsgreat.
Excellent replacement press after the old one packed up after 15 years!
This is my 2nd Singer Press – would not have any other brand.
Recommend to Bridie Thomson, [email protected]
Very satisfied with same.
Brilliant press for all the bedding and lots of t shirts and jeans can also be pressed so easy to use
I love it especially when I live on my own.once you get used to it ironing clothes gets very easy.
This press gives excellent results with less effort than an ordinary steam iron. Very clear instructions and I can sit down to use it.
Wow!!!!!! I love this product, ironing is a drasm now, infact I iron things that never ever got ironed before, I’m always asking for laundry to iron Thanks
I’m very pleased with this steam press.
I’ts easy to use and a great time saver.
very good value for money
The old lady said she didn’t like it, but she won’t stop using it. The power of the unity of opposites.