Estn ligeros, cmodos, si te mueves rpido, se salen de su lugar, se me cay uno de una altura de un metro, y se abri, no s rompi. El plstico se siente frgil.
I purchased these in April 2021, and now getting around to writing the review a year and a half later. The good news is that these earbuds have lasted quite a while and have no new issues since I purchased them. However, there are a few things to know about these:
1. The Bluetooth connection is good overall but sometimes disconnects.
2. They fit in the ear well, but are not great for exercise where you sweat. They have fallen out a couple of times during running.
3. The battery life is longer than expected on these, and the time for recharge is relatively short compared to other earbuds I’ve had.
4. The charging port on the cases is a bit touchy when it comes to using a different micro USB than the one they come with. I have found one cord that will charge it besides its original cord (I save chargers from previous phones so there were about 5 different micro USB cords I’ve tried.)
Overall, these are a good choice to purchase if you don’t want to spend a lot of money on earbuds.
Sound quality is great. It pays extra attention to the instrumentals of songs, which is something I happen to really adore. The battery life is muuuuch better than previous earbuds i’ve bought from this same brand as well. This one can last me a couple days, even after battery death. Wait an hour or two after it dies and use it again. Full battery! It doesn’t take much time to charge, either. The case is kind of easy to scratch, so if you drop things a lot, that is something to consider.
Tienen buena calidad tanto de sonido como de materiales, son bastante cmodos y funcionan bien para hacer deporte, la batera es bastante duradera, el nico inconveniente seria que me agradara que tuvieran un volumen mximo mas alto.
These were the first ones I’ve had in a long time that people didn’t tell me I sounded like I was in a hole. It was nice to be able to finally be able to talk with a person without that and holding my phone up to my ear all the time or on speakerphone.
These earbuds just may be the best in my opinion. I have tried the different kinds my kids have used and they have all hurt my ears. Just uncomfortable. These ones though are fantastic. The only issue I have found is that the battery life isn’t that great. Its not bad, I just figured that it would last longer.
The earbuds last up to a week without when being used for around 4 or 5 hours a day. The only issue is that when charging, the pins are a little bit difficult to secure. The sound quality is average and the noise cancellation is mostly from the rubber tips.
El producto fue entregado en perfecto estado y das antes de lo estimado. Despus de un mes de uso puedo afirmar que la calidad del producto no es la esperada en relacin al precio. Son buenos audfonos ms no cumplen con las expectativas, definitivamente por el mismo rango de precio puedes encontrar mejores alternativas. En ocasiones las voces se escuchan saturadas, el volumen mximo que alcanzan me parece muy bajo y es ocasional que no se sincronicen. Por otra parte el micrfono me pareci excelente, nunca tuve problemas de comunicacin mientras los usaba, me parece importante mencionar tambin la batera, francamente 5 horas me parecieron ms que decentes, sumado a la carga rpida se garantiza un uso prolongado.
El principal uso que les d fue salir a correr, durante mis trayectos solo presente problemas con el audio, ocasionalmente se cortaba y eso entorpeca mi experiencia. Definitivamente recomiendo considerar otras alternativas antes de arriesgarse por comprar estos, NO SON MALOS AUDFONOS, solo existen mejores opciones.
Ya los he usado por un poco mas de un mes y me gustaron mucho, tiene varios modos, aunque el modo msico no es el mejor se puede cambiar al modo pelcula que tiene mejor ecualizacin en general. Los controles son fciles de manejar y se puede usar solo un audfono como manos libres.
Con respecto a la comodidad se me hacen cmodos para traer por varias horas sin problema. La batera dura bastante y junto con la cajita puede durar bastante sin problemas.
El micrfono no es el mejor atributo, pero sirve bien, obvio en audfonos de este estilo no puedes pedir mucho por la forma tan dentro del odo.
En general me gustaron mucho, son muy buenos y los recomiendo.
Compr los audfonos el 18 de octubre por la noche y me llegaron hoy 23 de octubre por la maana.
Seguir las indicaciones es muy sencillo, pues son pasos muy bsicos hasta con dibujos, as que emparejarlos fue muy rpido.
El sonido es bueno, se escucha lindo, si es verdad que podra mejorar, si te gusta sentirte sumergido, pues no son para ti porque no cancelan el ruido exterior.
Hice una llamada de media hora con Ello puestos, haciendo ruidos, movimientos, etc y la persona del otro lado me o muy bien, jams se cort el sonido.
La msica se controla fcil, hace funcin de sonido stereo as que suena bien.
Me encant que tiene su funcin de encontrar audfonos y que haga ruido fuerte, que adems te indique si ests o no cerca de ellos.
Para hacer ejercicio muy pesado creo que no los recomendara, yo los us par a hacer caminata larga con mi perro y est muy cmodo, pero si te recomiendo que antes de salir veas cual talla de goma te acomoda, en mi caso las que trae puestos no me quedaron y se me caa el audfono derecho, ya con el cambio quedo perfecto.
Seguir usando mis audfonos y espero que continen con este rendimiento, ya les dar mi retroalimentacin.
They don’t have different sizes for the ear pieces. The sound is fair but I ordered the Sesh ANC cuz I watched the review on all 3 Sesh products. The sound quality and microphone sound so much better than the first 2 Sesh earbuds. I do like the buds though. Just getting the upgrade any day. I’m sure I’ll end up writing a review for the ANC as well. I’ve enjoyed my buds for a year and a half. Lost one in the carwash vacuum cleaner and bought a new pair and thank God they have tile trackers. I lose everything. At least I can find these.
Skull candy is my go to brand for audio. I spend a lot of time to myself at work so I figured some earbuds would make the time pass faster. The sound quality of these ear buds are great! A nice mix of highs and lows with plenty of bass but if you plan to wear these while moving a bunch, they aren’t such a great pick. Even with the smallest tips on, the buds would slowly wiggle out of my ear and almost fall out and I have pretty average sized ears. Still a good purchase but I’d use them while sitting or traveling instead.
I bought these in November 2020 for all my self-care walks and bike rides. It’s been nearly 2 years and I’ve found them great, sweat all over them, BUT my friends are all disgusted when I try to use them for calls – I can’t hear them well, and they can’t hear me at all. Alas! Still a steal for the price (I also managed to snag them on sale).
Bought them this year in March and they were working fantastically, up until a month and a half ago. My left earbud stopped connecting to blutooth and refuses to play anything, it’s able to turn off and on, and I’ve made sure it was on, but it won’t connect or play any of my music or movies, and it also shuts itself off at random times! I even made sure both buds were fully charged and that it’s case was fully charged, only the right earbud works and plays my music and etc. It really annoys me since I love skull candy’s products and that this even happened.
Bought them this year in March and they were working fantastically, up until a month and a half ago. My left earbud stopped connecting to blutooth and refuses to play anything, it's able to turn off and on, and I've made sure it was on, but it won't connect or play any of my music or movies, and it also shuts itself off at random times! I even made sure both buds were fully charged and that it's case was fully charged, only the right earbud works and plays my music and etc. It really annoys me since I love skull candy’s products and that this even happened.
Su batera funciona muy bien. El sistema de control por toques es muy til pero su volumen resulta muy bajo por la poca cancelacin de ruido y la msica se corta mucho en lugares donde hay otras seales inalmbricas cmo cmaras de seguridad en la ciudad o routers en los centros comerciales lo que resulta molesto.
I purchased these about three months ago. They are a great product. The sound quality and noise cancellation is great. The only problem I have with these is they no longer work…my case suddenly went out. It was not exposed to heat, and although I have dropped them a couple of times, they still worked properly. After they suddenly went out, I looked towards other users for answers but they told me that sometimes the box will short fuse and go out or it may be damaged and need repairs. The skullcandy company offers a 2 yr warranty but in order to have your earbuds or case replaced, you must send the entire thing to them. This can take up to weeks and if your package somehow manages to get lost in transit or stolen, they will not replace it. These headphones cost me $35 dollars. I am very upset that they just randomly stopped working. But, you may get lucky, so I still recommend that you buy them. If I could, I would buy another set, but I can’t afford to buy a product that I’m not sure will last longer than three months. Kind of annoying, don’t you think?
Auricolari comodi, robusti, un bel sound. Connessione con iphone sempre brillante e automatica.
Durata della batteria conforme a quanto dichiarato, non un minuto di pi, ma neanche di meno.
La custodia ricaricante comoda, pratica, esteticamente bella, leggera.
Ho rilevato due aspetti migliorabili, che sono:
1- quando sono nella custodia non sono mai del tutto ”spente”, ovvero si connettono ugualmente al telefono. Per evitare che ci accada disattivo sempre il bluetooth dal cell quando non le uso, ma sarebbe stato pi comodo uno spegnimento automatico nel case di ricarica.
2- a volte cadono, e sui sentieri rischia di essere un problema. Sarebbe figo se avessero un passante in modo da permettere, a chi lo desidera, di legarsele per sicurezza.
Valide e con un buon rapporto qualit prezzo, con comandi facili tramite pressione del destro o del sinistro e semplici da ricordare. Migliorabili? Qualcosa si, ma le considero un ottimo acquisto.
I think I am the target audience for these headphone. They check off all my boxes.
-they are colorful.
They are not the best quality, but they don’t feel cheap. They pair easily with my phone (iPhone XR)
I can’t speak to the battery life since I just got them. However upon getting them charged up I did notice the buds were warm after charging for about an hour. I would recommend taking the buds out while charging the case to help with the life of the buds.
I got these to replace my old ear buds from Anker that were about the same price two years ago. I got a lot of use out of them and I’m expecting these to last about the same time. Comparing the two they are about the same. These headphone are slightly more comfortable for my ears. The only thing is the button to play is an actual button and you have to press pretty hard. So I recommend using your devise to play and pause.
Overall I’m happy with my purchase. I will update the review after I’ve had them for a little while.
These are great on sale, however I would not pay 49$ for them and I didn’t. They have a very clear and crisp sound in the treble range you can beautifully make out melodies and hear every line of vocals. They have essentially no bass and while kindve a duh for earbuds there are examples like KZs and even stock wired ibuds with actual bass response. They sound better than I expected but I really don’t enjoy music in a home environment where any other option is available, they are great on the go however where your alternative would be a drowned out phone speaker. The ability to take calls and function with either ear is nice but the noise cancelling and “hollow” closed sound stage actually made it hard to hear even with one ear out the feedback when you speak is a lot like talking if you held your hands over both your ears. That said they are too quiet for any very active environment even though they block out noise decently for comfortable listening they just in general never seem loud enough. You can make out the music and enjoy it but it feels shy of what it should be. I used software to volume boost you can go to a about 15% before you get distortion. I understand it’s a combo of battery life and hearing safety but if feels weak and substandard. Finally the case does not fit well in a pants pocket I’d recommend leaving the case in your car bag or jacket pocket. These also do not function with the skull candy app.
The gist is if you want decent usuable budget wireless these are a great option. If wireless isn’t needed KZs or and studio monitor buds. If you don’t mind the size but want battery life and portability I love the Skull Chrusher EVO. If you want great bass and accurate sound beyerdynamic 770s are my recommendation.
Son buenos, se escuchan bien, pero su diseo son algo incmodos y pesados, tambin se calientan muy rpido, y solo Durn como 3 horas, me pasa que los uso un rato, los apago y los pongo en su estuche y cuando los quiero volver a usar estn descargados, se supone que espero a que prendan la luz roja para cerrar la caja pero aun as esto me sucede muy seguido no se a que se deba, pero es algo que odio.
Bought these when on offer at just over 32, bought thinking I’ll see how these go then I could always upgrade. After having them for 6+ months I can honestly say I’d be lost without them, the sound quality is great, price is silly cheap, reliable, fantastic battery including the charging case and to use 1 on its own is a god-send when watching something on your phone in bed lying on your side. I honestly can’t think of anything bad to say, I even have issues with earphones fitting in my ears correctly and yet these fitted fine even while walking/talking, the LED indicator on the front is a massive bonus so you know how much juice is left… Maybe only argument is anyone looking for these to be mega loud would be slightly disappointed however the sound quality is fantastic and has never broken up or disconnected during a call. There are some nice colours available as well if you want to be a bit more individual, I went for black and has hidden the marks and dents well when I’ve dropped them and maybe some other colours would show that more but again for 30-35 earbuds I really don’t think you can complain. From some of the reviews of well know earbuds 3-4x the price I literally have no idea why you’d buy anything but these, noise cancelling for those who make a lot of calls could be the make or break I guess but then you’d be paying nearer the 100+ mark… If you want something well priced, reliable and super easy to use go with these 100%
Love the quality of the sound and the ease of control. Charging is a bit erratic, sometimes when removed from case they are only 10% charged. I think you need to ensure they are turned off when putting on charge.
Compre en junio 2021, hoy diciembre ya no funciona el auricular izquierdo y pues as para que lo compran, NO LO RECOMIENDO porque los he cuidado y es ilgico que por cuidarlos dejen de servir. ME SIENTO ESTAFADA Y MOLESTA.
The sound quality and noise cancellation is amazing. I really enjoy having one ear buds in at a time when convenient. Setting up the Tile feature was super easy as well. Battery exceeds my expectations and I’m looking forward to using these frequently.
14 yr old bought these and raves about them. Then their elder sibling (21yrs) tried them, sold their latest generation AirPods and bought these same ear buds as they said they are much more comfortable to wear and for longer. They fit much better in the ear socket and more importantly STAY IN POSITION even through rigorous exercise. Even more surprisingly the sound is much better, clearer and the volume is far superior than the AirPods. Lower volume to achieve better volume than max level of the Apple equivalent.
Right I have had a lot off in ear earphone. Dr dre. Samsung. Awei. But to be honest I think these are the best ones so far. I have to put the rubbers from the Dr dre because my ear holes are large but the sound on these is brilliant aslong as u can adjust the EQ on the phone you will fi d these very well equipped.
I bought these after being impressed with the Sesh (not Evo) with the shorter battery life. The sound is excellent in my opinion for the price, and that’s ranging from Dance/indie/rnb/grime/rap to podcasts. The different modes are handy and work well. Battery life is great although I’m not sure it quite meets the quoted hours, but maybe I have them louder than average. You have to be careful when putting them in the case as sometimes they don’t quite sit on the metal contacts properly and then won’t charge etc. Also annoyingly these don’t work with my LG TV very well even though the older model does. Overall for the price; excellent. Use them every day
After much deliberation about what Bluetooth earphones to buy I picked Skull Candy having used their Wired In Ear earphones previously. I’m very impressed with the product so far and the easy to follow instructions have made charging and using the product easy to do
I was worried about the bad comments I seen but now I brought them I think they are great disagree to some reviews sounds sync is good and they are comfortable to use ok they do feel like they are coming out at times but think it’s just movement they do go out of sync on charging in case abit but maybe it’s to level the charge good headphone charging cable could be longer easy to lose I would say 4 out 5 for me
I have little to go on as these are my first ear buds. They fit way better than the wire ones. Good sound. Using them to get back into running as my dad bod is in full mode. They stayed in the ear great. Happy with the seller. Good fast service
I bought these as my new phone didn’t have a headphone jack and I thought it would be a good time to upgrade. They are comfortable and have a decent battery life. I primarily use these for when I’m driving and walking so I didn’t notice the delay that they have but if you are watching a video there is an obvious delay between the video and you hearing it making everything seem like a badly dubbed film. If you are just listening to music or not watching the screen when using them, like I do, they are fine but if you want to use them for watching stuff as well, maybe look elsewhere.
Very happy with the product so far, I have only had them a few weeks but the battery life is amazing and very good sound quality for my bassy music. Comfort wise I’m happy with how they come but you are provided with a smaller and bigger ear bud if you do find they don’t fit right.
These earphones fit perfectly in my ears. I can decide how much noise cancellation I want by choosing the appropriate sized ear cups. The sound quality is amazing. The charge lasts ages. And I can dance around in them without them falling out. Yes!!
I had one issue with them they stopped charging Properly but sent them back to skull candy and before royal mail let me know they were delivered I had an email from skull candy letting me know they were sending an new set out and they delivery company even let me know it was on its way before them so very good customer service on there behalf
These Sesh evo wireless earphones are amazing. The sound quality is outstanding on them it cuts out any background sound. I have only charged them once since I bought them. It took me a while to get use to them in my ears but they are great now.
Lovely quality sound with plenty of bass. For the money I paid for these I couldn’t be happier. When the battery is going low, there is an audible message about 5 minutes before buds turn off, telling you the battery is low. Just enough time to finish a phone call you may be on. They’re pretty light in your ear and after a while you forget they are there. Good fit and very good background noise deadening.
I’ve had better sounding headphones in my time, but not by much and at a quarter of the price I know which I’ll recommend every time. These buds are excellent regardless of price.
Compr dos pares de audfonos, hasta ahora no he tenido problemas, funcionan bien el audio es suficiente por el precio, he ledo que tienen un issue dnde se des-sincronizan pero no me ha sucedido y tambin hay muchas guas en Youtube dnde se puede arreglar fcilmente este problema, pero hasta el momento todo al 100
A good little set of earbuds for me to wear while out doing exercise in the morning.
Really good sound quality to the point where you cant hear anything around you.
A little uncomfortable to wear, but I think I just need to change the ear pieces to a smaller set.
Considering a price tag of 40 I consider these quite worth it. The sound quality is decent, although you will get better sound from a wired pair of earphones. For listening to music the audio is clear, however there is a lack of bass. The standard ear tips are okay but do become a bit uncomfortable after a few hours. Battery life is great, 5 hours + 19 hours from the case and both are really quick to charge. The case has a really satisfying click. Pairing them is quite easy and they connect instantly when you take them out of the case. Strong connection with little/No interference but a slight audio delay which is noticeable when playing games or watching videos. Plus the buds can be used independently which makes this a really good deal for people who are looking to get into wireless earbuds.
despus de un tiempo de uso, y varias pruebas que hice.
tomando en cuenta que simplemente soy una persona que no sabe nada dentro de especificaciones
lo voy a contar como una simple persona que compr este articulo y voy a tratar de contar todo
en cuestiones de sonido, todo bien, no se nada de bajos ni nada, pero si les digo que el sonido es muy bueno, como el volumen que alcanzan creme que es mucho o suficiente si eres alguien estricto, ni hablar de la cancelacin de ruidos externos, perfecta, discretos, muy cmodos, y seguros, puedes estar segur@ de que no se te van a caer para nada.
en cuestin de la batera, tengo un poco de problema, no tengo duda alguna que duran 5 horas en uso, sin embargo con las recargas, dudo que duren las 24 horas. Pues los uso prcticamente exclusivamente para el gym, que en promedio es un uso de 2 horas diarias y me duran nicamente una semana, que serian apenas 12 horas en promedio. Otro de los problemas que veo es en la conexin bluetooth, (que a decir verdad, en parte pienso que es mi dispositivo mvil, pues es algo antiguo ya), de momentos se me desconectan, pero nada que no arregle en menos de 30 segundos, otra cosa que no me llega a gustar es el cable con el que viene para cargar, se me hace muy, pero muy corto, pues son apenas 24 cm
estticamente son preciosos, tanto la carcasa como los audfonos son preciosos.
el material con el que estn echos no se ve que sea de nada de mala calidad se cargan bastante rpido, en promedio 2 horas y ya tienes la batera de la carcasa completa
en cuanto a comandos, son fciles y sencillos de acordar, y veo que tiene varias criticas que solamente les llega a funcionar uno, a responder a todos ellos, se desvincula, solamente tienes que hacer es resetearlos, que es mantener cualquier botn durante 10 segundos y vincularlos otra vez y listo
en conclusin, en cuestin de precio calidad, no tengo nada mas que pedir, estoy muy satisfecho con ellos, en mi opinion por el precio al que los compre, es toda una ganga, muy , muy buenos
Battery power is actually pretty good. The wire for charging is SO short though which I thought was silly. The box that charges is also great. Sound quality I’m pleased with.
They can hurt your inner ear after a little while depending on how long you wear them. I do however love the colour of them.
I’ve been wearing skull candy for about 15 years and I’ve never had any issues at all. These ones are no exception! Beautiful colour, well designed case, sound quality and noise cancelling are amazing. Podcast/Movie/Music modes…..brilliant! In fact they’re so good, my son has bought a pair after trying mine for 20 mins. Easy to wear, extremely comfortable, and easy to charge. Highly recommend them.
Had these almost a year and love them. The one time I dropped one into a bucket of water whilst cleaning my car (took me a while to fish it out because of the soapy bubbles), and they still work afterwards. Amazing! Would purchase again.
Great earphones, sound quality is great. My only criticism is i like very loud music and these are not as loud as i would normally use. battery lasts a long time, comfortable to wea
Excelente producto, su batera recargable al momento de guardarlos en su estuche siempre me los mantiene al 100% de carga y su tamao hace fcil que los puedas guardar en la bolsa de tu pantaln, los consegu a buen precio por oferta y hasta ahora no me arrepiento y no le he encontrado falla alguna.
-Lo bueno
* Estan potentes. Suenan bastante fuerte y tienen buena cancelacin de ruido. Comparndolos con Hesh 2 Wireless quedan incluso arriba.
* Su micrfono es muy confiable. No hay que “oye no te escucho, ests usando audfonos?” En llamada son bastante confiables.
* La batera. Sin palabras, los saqu de la caja y desde entonces no los he cargado (llegaron hoy en la maana). Bastante bien.
* La distancia. Fui un piso abajo de donde tenia mi celular y los audfonos seguan sonando, tienen excelente alcance. Hesh 2 wireless es inferior en ese aspecto.
* Puedes usar un solo bud y guardar el otro sin problemas.
* Discretos y coquetones (como dira mi novia)
* Resistencia al agua. No lo he comprobado y la neta no lo quiero comprobar jajaja, pero se dice que son resistentes. Si un dia te agarra la depresin bajo la lluvia y quieres escuchar Bring me the horizon, sin problemas, pero no te metas a la alberca con ellos, tampoco te pases.
* Cargan muy rpido
-Lo malo
El sonido en los graves (a mi gusto) deja que desear. No es malo pero no es tan cool.
* Los controles al momento de subir volumen, cambiar el EQ, poner pausa, etc. Son bastante molestos, el bud se te entierra en la oreja por la misma presin que pones en el.
I have long been a guy who likes a bargain. I’m talking pound shop earphones type bargain. They do the job. I can hear what’s being said and done and sung but I was always tied down by a cable. Pulling out when I moved my head or stood up or whatever. So I needed a good pair of wireless headphones. I refuse to spend silly money on mere headphones so these were a cheap version in comparison to the likes of earbuds and the like for my iPad. Anyway, the quality is awesome. The range is good too, as I leave my iPad on my living room chair and walk to the bedroom to fetch something the quality does not miss a beat. Well recommended. Just do it.
No esperaba menos, duran hasta 8 horas con una carga y de corrido, los uso mas que nada para escuchar musica o podcast, son muy buenos y te dejan literalmente olvidarte del mundo, se escucha muy bien en las llamadas
waited a while before I wrote a review.
The earbuds are fab, I love the color (mint green) and the battery life is above desirable.
I dont really much about sound techincalities asnd stuff but I personally love the bass and sound clarity. The microphone as told by my friends on call is a little below par.
The description has proven to be accurate to a t. Battery lasts exactly as long as advertised (and I would know, I use it almost exclusively in one sitting when I work my shift) and the case is appealing and conveniently sized. It’s not pocket convenient but so long as your not taking it on and off constantly it shouldn’t be an issue. The charging cable is a little short but seeing as you don’t need it to be close to you while it charges, this is only an inconvenience if you don’t have a little place to pop it while it charges. It’s a basic new usb cable so you likely have a spare anyway.
Audio is fantastic, battery life is perfect and exactly as advertised, colour is appealing and carry case is convenient and sleek.
I’m so glad I broke my habit of buying cheap headphones to get these, they’ve proven to be exactly what I needed.
It is worth saying they have a habit of occasionally connecting to your phone from inside the carry case, but this is infrequent and easily remedied when it does occur. Worth keeping an eye out for as it does prevent charging. This is rare though and I do not think takes away from the worthy ness of this device.
Excelente calidad, a buen precio. Tiene un diseo sencillo pero elegante, se adapta perfecto a los smartphones. Y la calidad de salida (audio), excelente los bajos y esos pequeos detalles de las melodas. Fcil de utilizar y con buena carga.
Despus de pedirlos por segunda vez (el primer par se perdi) puedo decir que son un producto muy bueno.
Un audio notable y con una duracin de batera notable. El ajuste en los odos es muy bueno, no se me cayeron aunque lo quisiese. La conectividad deja un poco que desear pero de ah en fuera muy buenos audfonos
Unos excelentes audfonos con un rico Bajo, la bateria si le dura 5 hrs y las gomas vienen mas cmodas a comparacin de los sesh originales, estoy muy complacido honestamente, y la acstica de estos vienen mejor, las frecuencias si estn bien separadas. .. NO eh tenido problemas en 2 meses de uso y tampoco se me desconectan como a muchos eh ledo, el bluetooth de sus celulares tiene mucho que ver, pero si los describo en una palabra es Excelencia
Buen producto me ha gustado bastante llevo 2 semanas usandolos son comodos y la batera dura lo que debe durar, los nico que no me gusta es que no son touch sino que tienen un botn fuera de eso funcionan bien y cumplen su cometido
Sound quality for music and podcasts are decent. The other modes seem a bit faffy to switch between, there is a cheat sheet with it if you forget the commands. Voice calls are not really an option. You can hear the caller but they will struggle to hear you. There’s a charging issue which seems to alternate between ear buds. At first it was the left, now it is the right. They’re OK for about 3 months (from my experience). I would recommend them as a budget bud but if you’re going to use these daily, wait for a sale on a more established ear bud brand. In terms of comfort, they’re pretty decent.
Ya tena la generacin anterior y estos la diferencia es la duracin de la batera y el tiempo de carga, suenan muy bien, yo los compr en $531 pesos aproximadamente $27 dlares
Good sound quality, nice range on the bluetooth connection. Battery in the earphones themselves don’t last too long, but the battery in the case can keep them charged for a good 12 hours at least.
El audio es bueno, si ya conoces la marca, sabes q esta se enfoca en los bajos, en la batera hay un gran acierto ya q si duro lo estipulado, no como el anterior sesh q prometan 3 horas y nadamas me daba 2 horas 35 minutos, lo unico q no me gusto es el botn fsico ya q al oprimirlo para hacer cualquier funcin este lo entierro mas a mi oido.
I love these ear buds and my husband was always borrowing them, so got him a set for christmas. They are great value, fantastic sound and so easy to use. i would recommend these for anyone who likes music or listening to news, football etc charge really quickly and charge in case lasts for at least 24hours. Treat someone to the joy of music without breaking the bank fast delivery right to your door next day.
purchased as a gift for my girlfriend, but tested they worked myself before giving them, and wow I wish I had got them for myself.
they sound amazing, nice bass, and very good sound quality overall. they have a nice fit within the ears and don’t seem that they would come loose at all.
the charging case is nice and well made, led battery lights are clearly visible without being too bright.
bonus features such as the tile feature are awesome and would come in very handy.
overall I would highly recommend, and I stand by Skullcandy as a brand, I think in my opinion they outperform beats in most cases, especially for bass music.
I really wasn’t sure about getting these because I have trouble getting headphones to fit my ears, but these are perfect for me. The sound quality is very good, more bass than i was expecting so good for commuting or travelling. Good value for money and easy to use – there are YouTube videos if the included directions aren’t clear enough.
I chose these as Which? magazine had recently tested the next model down and said they were great value. Having now used them for a couple of days I am really impressed. The build quality is excellent, they fit well and most importantly they sound fantastic. Highly recommended from me.
I have always stayed away from wireless headphones because, historically, the batteries have not been fantastic and connecting to them has always been a hassle for me. These remove both of those problems. Pairing is insanely simple and can be done usually with just one click after your initial setup and the batteries last around 5 hours between charges, more than long enough for any normal every day user.
Range is impressive too, while the headphones claim they can connect over 30ft I have managed to get connected from over 40, more than enough to connect from another room or sometimes even floor.
The charging case uses USB C and can fully charge in a very short time. Compared to some other charging cases I’ve seen, it is slightly larger, but its impressive battery capacity and the inclusion of USB C more than makes up for that.
Sound quality is comparable to a pair in-ear headphones that might come bundled free with a mid-range phone and there is a quiet, but noticable hiss is present on lower volume tracks, though if you are using these out and about you wont even notice.
The two major downsides I’ve found to these is the audio lag, which ranges from 0.2-0.5 ms, (fine for listening to music but it can be a real problem for those planning to watch videos with these) and the user interface, which requires pushing fairly hard on physical buttons on the phones, and has some fairly unintuative shortcuts. I only use the buds to skip tracks, pause and take calls, anything else, I resort to doing on my smartphone, for fear of accidentally triggering the virtual assistant.
Aside from those small issues though, these are very solid little devices. I can look past the small issues though, as for the price and the convenience they offer, these are excellent little tools for those looking to finally get into wireless listening.
Brilliant! Light weight and comfortable. Look good too. Always go with SkullCandy and the quality and price are always great. The sound quality is clear and they are great for the gym.
I bought these for my daughter, to replace a set of beats earphones, which had broken down 4 times. She is very happy with these ones, they fit comfortably and don’t fall out, the sound produced is clear, even at only half volume, are loud. The charge lasts for a decent length of time, depending on use.
Me gusto el audio y la comodidad pero los botones son horribles
For comfort, especially when I use it doing some cardio with movements. It does not fall of. There are adjustable sizes to your fitting.
Got this as a gift for my birthday and he fully enjoys them. The tracking feature is a definite plus
My review is based the fact that I use a Bose earbud, but to be fair, it is good.
Great sound, looks battery life, raycons sounded horrid but the battery never failed, amazing for the price
Estn ligeros, cmodos, si te mueves rpido, se salen de su lugar, se me cay uno de una altura de un metro, y se abri, no s rompi. El plstico se siente frgil.
1. The Bluetooth connection is good overall but sometimes disconnects.
2. They fit in the ear well, but are not great for exercise where you sweat. They have fallen out a couple of times during running.
3. The battery life is longer than expected on these, and the time for recharge is relatively short compared to other earbuds I’ve had.
4. The charging port on the cases is a bit touchy when it comes to using a different micro USB than the one they come with. I have found one cord that will charge it besides its original cord (I save chargers from previous phones so there were about 5 different micro USB cords I’ve tried.)
Overall, these are a good choice to purchase if you don’t want to spend a lot of money on earbuds.
Tienen buena calidad tanto de sonido como de materiales, son bastante cmodos y funcionan bien para hacer deporte, la batera es bastante duradera, el nico inconveniente seria que me agradara que tuvieran un volumen mximo mas alto.
These were the first ones I’ve had in a long time that people didn’t tell me I sounded like I was in a hole. It was nice to be able to finally be able to talk with a person without that and holding my phone up to my ear all the time or on speakerphone.
These earbuds just may be the best in my opinion. I have tried the different kinds my kids have used and they have all hurt my ears. Just uncomfortable. These ones though are fantastic. The only issue I have found is that the battery life isn’t that great. Its not bad, I just figured that it would last longer.
The earbuds last up to a week without when being used for around 4 or 5 hours a day. The only issue is that when charging, the pins are a little bit difficult to secure. The sound quality is average and the noise cancellation is mostly from the rubber tips.
The price is good for the quality of the earbud, I like skull candy products
El principal uso que les d fue salir a correr, durante mis trayectos solo presente problemas con el audio, ocasionalmente se cortaba y eso entorpeca mi experiencia. Definitivamente recomiendo considerar otras alternativas antes de arriesgarse por comprar estos, NO SON MALOS AUDFONOS, solo existen mejores opciones.
Ya los he usado por un poco mas de un mes y me gustaron mucho, tiene varios modos, aunque el modo msico no es el mejor se puede cambiar al modo pelcula que tiene mejor ecualizacin en general. Los controles son fciles de manejar y se puede usar solo un audfono como manos libres.
Con respecto a la comodidad se me hacen cmodos para traer por varias horas sin problema. La batera dura bastante y junto con la cajita puede durar bastante sin problemas.
El micrfono no es el mejor atributo, pero sirve bien, obvio en audfonos de este estilo no puedes pedir mucho por la forma tan dentro del odo.
En general me gustaron mucho, son muy buenos y los recomiendo.
Seguir las indicaciones es muy sencillo, pues son pasos muy bsicos hasta con dibujos, as que emparejarlos fue muy rpido.
El sonido es bueno, se escucha lindo, si es verdad que podra mejorar, si te gusta sentirte sumergido, pues no son para ti porque no cancelan el ruido exterior.
Hice una llamada de media hora con Ello puestos, haciendo ruidos, movimientos, etc y la persona del otro lado me o muy bien, jams se cort el sonido.
La msica se controla fcil, hace funcin de sonido stereo as que suena bien.
Me encant que tiene su funcin de encontrar audfonos y que haga ruido fuerte, que adems te indique si ests o no cerca de ellos.
Para hacer ejercicio muy pesado creo que no los recomendara, yo los us par a hacer caminata larga con mi perro y est muy cmodo, pero si te recomiendo que antes de salir veas cual talla de goma te acomoda, en mi caso las que trae puestos no me quedaron y se me caa el audfono derecho, ya con el cambio quedo perfecto.
Seguir usando mis audfonos y espero que continen con este rendimiento, ya les dar mi retroalimentacin.
I bought these in November 2020 for all my self-care walks and bike rides. It’s been nearly 2 years and I’ve found them great, sweat all over them, BUT my friends are all disgusted when I try to use them for calls – I can’t hear them well, and they can’t hear me at all. Alas! Still a steal for the price (I also managed to snag them on sale).
Su batera funciona muy bien. El sistema de control por toques es muy til pero su volumen resulta muy bajo por la poca cancelacin de ruido y la msica se corta mucho en lugares donde hay otras seales inalmbricas cmo cmaras de seguridad en la ciudad o routers en los centros comerciales lo que resulta molesto.
Gmrnlitw ont i ronen om man sover med dem i. Tex om man lyssnar p en ljudbok o sedan somna
Auricolari comodi, robusti, un bel sound. Connessione con iphone sempre brillante e automatica.
Durata della batteria conforme a quanto dichiarato, non un minuto di pi, ma neanche di meno.
La custodia ricaricante comoda, pratica, esteticamente bella, leggera.
Ho rilevato due aspetti migliorabili, che sono:
1- quando sono nella custodia non sono mai del tutto ”spente”, ovvero si connettono ugualmente al telefono. Per evitare che ci accada disattivo sempre il bluetooth dal cell quando non le uso, ma sarebbe stato pi comodo uno spegnimento automatico nel case di ricarica.
2- a volte cadono, e sui sentieri rischia di essere un problema. Sarebbe figo se avessero un passante in modo da permettere, a chi lo desidera, di legarsele per sicurezza.
Valide e con un buon rapporto qualit prezzo, con comandi facili tramite pressione del destro o del sinistro e semplici da ricordare. Migliorabili? Qualcosa si, ma le considero un ottimo acquisto.
-they are colorful.
They are not the best quality, but they don’t feel cheap. They pair easily with my phone (iPhone XR)
I can’t speak to the battery life since I just got them. However upon getting them charged up I did notice the buds were warm after charging for about an hour. I would recommend taking the buds out while charging the case to help with the life of the buds.
I got these to replace my old ear buds from Anker that were about the same price two years ago. I got a lot of use out of them and I’m expecting these to last about the same time. Comparing the two they are about the same. These headphone are slightly more comfortable for my ears. The only thing is the button to play is an actual button and you have to press pretty hard. So I recommend using your devise to play and pause.
Overall I’m happy with my purchase. I will update the review after I’ve had them for a little while.
The gist is if you want decent usuable budget wireless these are a great option. If wireless isn’t needed KZs or and studio monitor buds. If you don’t mind the size but want battery life and portability I love the Skull Chrusher EVO. If you want great bass and accurate sound beyerdynamic 770s are my recommendation.
Son buenos, se escuchan bien, pero su diseo son algo incmodos y pesados, tambin se calientan muy rpido, y solo Durn como 3 horas, me pasa que los uso un rato, los apago y los pongo en su estuche y cuando los quiero volver a usar estn descargados, se supone que espero a que prendan la luz roja para cerrar la caja pero aun as esto me sucede muy seguido no se a que se deba, pero es algo que odio.
La calidad de sonido que se tiene en verdad es buena, el ruido de ambiente se elimina a la perfeccin. Son una muy buena opcin.
El producto lleg en perfecto estado, al abrirlo igualmente todo estaba en orden, todo funcion correctamente.
Bought these when on offer at just over 32, bought thinking I’ll see how these go then I could always upgrade. After having them for 6+ months I can honestly say I’d be lost without them, the sound quality is great, price is silly cheap, reliable, fantastic battery including the charging case and to use 1 on its own is a god-send when watching something on your phone in bed lying on your side. I honestly can’t think of anything bad to say, I even have issues with earphones fitting in my ears correctly and yet these fitted fine even while walking/talking, the LED indicator on the front is a massive bonus so you know how much juice is left… Maybe only argument is anyone looking for these to be mega loud would be slightly disappointed however the sound quality is fantastic and has never broken up or disconnected during a call. There are some nice colours available as well if you want to be a bit more individual, I went for black and has hidden the marks and dents well when I’ve dropped them and maybe some other colours would show that more but again for 30-35 earbuds I really don’t think you can complain. From some of the reviews of well know earbuds 3-4x the price I literally have no idea why you’d buy anything but these, noise cancelling for those who make a lot of calls could be the make or break I guess but then you’d be paying nearer the 100+ mark… If you want something well priced, reliable and super easy to use go with these 100%
Yo los compr en promo, pero si son muy buena opcin.
Love the quality of the sound and the ease of control. Charging is a bit erratic, sometimes when removed from case they are only 10% charged. I think you need to ensure they are turned off when putting on charge.
Great quality for the price. Sits in the ear a bit weird and falls out easily. I use them to sleep with and they’re great.
Soon as you find right angle sound quality is amazing
Compre en junio 2021, hoy diciembre ya no funciona el auricular izquierdo y pues as para que lo compran, NO LO RECOMIENDO porque los he cuidado y es ilgico que por cuidarlos dejen de servir. ME SIENTO ESTAFADA Y MOLESTA.
The sound quality and noise cancellation is amazing. I really enjoy having one ear buds in at a time when convenient. Setting up the Tile feature was super easy as well. Battery exceeds my expectations and I’m looking forward to using these frequently.
14 yr old bought these and raves about them. Then their elder sibling (21yrs) tried them, sold their latest generation AirPods and bought these same ear buds as they said they are much more comfortable to wear and for longer. They fit much better in the ear socket and more importantly STAY IN POSITION even through rigorous exercise. Even more surprisingly the sound is much better, clearer and the volume is far superior than the AirPods. Lower volume to achieve better volume than max level of the Apple equivalent.
Fantastic wireless earbuds for small ears.
Good sound and battery life and comfortable.
Right I have had a lot off in ear earphone. Dr dre. Samsung. Awei. But to be honest I think these are the best ones so far. I have to put the rubbers from the Dr dre because my ear holes are large but the sound on these is brilliant aslong as u can adjust the EQ on the phone you will fi d these very well equipped.
I bought these after being impressed with the Sesh (not Evo) with the shorter battery life. The sound is excellent in my opinion for the price, and that’s ranging from Dance/indie/rnb/grime/rap to podcasts. The different modes are handy and work well. Battery life is great although I’m not sure it quite meets the quoted hours, but maybe I have them louder than average. You have to be careful when putting them in the case as sometimes they don’t quite sit on the metal contacts properly and then won’t charge etc. Also annoyingly these don’t work with my LG TV very well even though the older model does. Overall for the price; excellent. Use them every day
After much deliberation about what Bluetooth earphones to buy I picked Skull Candy having used their Wired In Ear earphones previously. I’m very impressed with the product so far and the easy to follow instructions have made charging and using the product easy to do
I was worried about the bad comments I seen but now I brought them I think they are great disagree to some reviews sounds sync is good and they are comfortable to use ok they do feel like they are coming out at times but think it’s just movement they do go out of sync on charging in case abit but maybe it’s to level the charge good headphone charging cable could be longer easy to lose I would say 4 out 5 for me
Took them for the holidays.
Fantastic in planes for watching some movies and while she plays her games we don’t have to be listening to it too.
I have little to go on as these are my first ear buds. They fit way better than the wire ones. Good sound. Using them to get back into running as my dad bod is in full mode. They stayed in the ear great. Happy with the seller. Good fast service
I bought these as my new phone didn’t have a headphone jack and I thought it would be a good time to upgrade. They are comfortable and have a decent battery life. I primarily use these for when I’m driving and walking so I didn’t notice the delay that they have but if you are watching a video there is an obvious delay between the video and you hearing it making everything seem like a badly dubbed film. If you are just listening to music or not watching the screen when using them, like I do, they are fine but if you want to use them for watching stuff as well, maybe look elsewhere.
Very happy with the product so far, I have only had them a few weeks but the battery life is amazing and very good sound quality for my bassy music. Comfort wise I’m happy with how they come but you are provided with a smaller and bigger ear bud if you do find they don’t fit right.
These earphones fit perfectly in my ears. I can decide how much noise cancellation I want by choosing the appropriate sized ear cups. The sound quality is amazing. The charge lasts ages. And I can dance around in them without them falling out. Yes!!
I had one issue with them they stopped charging Properly but sent them back to skull candy and before royal mail let me know they were delivered I had an email from skull candy letting me know they were sending an new set out and they delivery company even let me know it was on its way before them so very good customer service on there behalf
Great little set of headphones!
I use them for running and they work great.
These Sesh evo wireless earphones are amazing. The sound quality is outstanding on them it cuts out any background sound. I have only charged them once since I bought them. It took me a while to get use to them in my ears but they are great now.
Extremely good audio but bad latency but you cant really notice unless pausing a video. very loud and dont feel cheap
Lovely quality sound with plenty of bass. For the money I paid for these I couldn’t be happier. When the battery is going low, there is an audible message about 5 minutes before buds turn off, telling you the battery is low. Just enough time to finish a phone call you may be on. They’re pretty light in your ear and after a while you forget they are there. Good fit and very good background noise deadening.
I’ve had better sounding headphones in my time, but not by much and at a quarter of the price I know which I’ll recommend every time. These buds are excellent regardless of price.
Compr dos pares de audfonos, hasta ahora no he tenido problemas, funcionan bien el audio es suficiente por el precio, he ledo que tienen un issue dnde se des-sincronizan pero no me ha sucedido y tambin hay muchas guas en Youtube dnde se puede arreglar fcilmente este problema, pero hasta el momento todo al 100
A good little set of earbuds for me to wear while out doing exercise in the morning.
Really good sound quality to the point where you cant hear anything around you.
A little uncomfortable to wear, but I think I just need to change the ear pieces to a smaller set.
Acaba de llegar. Se ve de excelente calidad. A ver que tal.
Sound quality is excellent and so small I got them for my holidays and don’t regret i
Considering a price tag of 40 I consider these quite worth it. The sound quality is decent, although you will get better sound from a wired pair of earphones. For listening to music the audio is clear, however there is a lack of bass. The standard ear tips are okay but do become a bit uncomfortable after a few hours. Battery life is great, 5 hours + 19 hours from the case and both are really quick to charge. The case has a really satisfying click. Pairing them is quite easy and they connect instantly when you take them out of the case. Strong connection with little/No interference but a slight audio delay which is noticeable when playing games or watching videos. Plus the buds can be used independently which makes this a really good deal for people who are looking to get into wireless earbuds.
tomando en cuenta que simplemente soy una persona que no sabe nada dentro de especificaciones
lo voy a contar como una simple persona que compr este articulo y voy a tratar de contar todo
en cuestiones de sonido, todo bien, no se nada de bajos ni nada, pero si les digo que el sonido es muy bueno, como el volumen que alcanzan creme que es mucho o suficiente si eres alguien estricto, ni hablar de la cancelacin de ruidos externos, perfecta, discretos, muy cmodos, y seguros, puedes estar segur@ de que no se te van a caer para nada.
en cuestin de la batera, tengo un poco de problema, no tengo duda alguna que duran 5 horas en uso, sin embargo con las recargas, dudo que duren las 24 horas. Pues los uso prcticamente exclusivamente para el gym, que en promedio es un uso de 2 horas diarias y me duran nicamente una semana, que serian apenas 12 horas en promedio. Otro de los problemas que veo es en la conexin bluetooth, (que a decir verdad, en parte pienso que es mi dispositivo mvil, pues es algo antiguo ya), de momentos se me desconectan, pero nada que no arregle en menos de 30 segundos, otra cosa que no me llega a gustar es el cable con el que viene para cargar, se me hace muy, pero muy corto, pues son apenas 24 cm
estticamente son preciosos, tanto la carcasa como los audfonos son preciosos.
el material con el que estn echos no se ve que sea de nada de mala calidad se cargan bastante rpido, en promedio 2 horas y ya tienes la batera de la carcasa completa
en cuanto a comandos, son fciles y sencillos de acordar, y veo que tiene varias criticas que solamente les llega a funcionar uno, a responder a todos ellos, se desvincula, solamente tienes que hacer es resetearlos, que es mantener cualquier botn durante 10 segundos y vincularlos otra vez y listo
en conclusin, en cuestin de precio calidad, no tengo nada mas que pedir, estoy muy satisfecho con ellos, en mi opinion por el precio al que los compre, es toda una ganga, muy , muy buenos
Sound quality is good, battery life is very good, the design and colour is very cool, but I can’t keep it for long time cause it’s hurt my ears
They are easy to set up, good quality sound and comfortable.
Battery power is actually pretty good. The wire for charging is SO short though which I thought was silly. The box that charges is also great. Sound quality I’m pleased with.
They can hurt your inner ear after a little while depending on how long you wear them. I do however love the colour of them.
Had these for couple of months and its doing its job. I would prefer a smaller earbuds, but other than that its a great product.
I’ve been wearing skull candy for about 15 years and I’ve never had any issues at all. These ones are no exception! Beautiful colour, well designed case, sound quality and noise cancelling are amazing. Podcast/Movie/Music modes…..brilliant! In fact they’re so good, my son has bought a pair after trying mine for 20 mins. Easy to wear, extremely comfortable, and easy to charge. Highly recommend them.
Love these! Really encouraging me to get out walking as I can listen to my podcasts and not afraid I’ll suddenly yank the lead…really good produc
Had these almost a year and love them. The one time I dropped one into a bucket of water whilst cleaning my car (took me a while to fish it out because of the soapy bubbles), and they still work afterwards. Amazing! Would purchase again.
First pair of wireless headphones so was a bit sceptical but no need. Easy to use and sycronise with Apple Watch. Sound great.
Great earphones, sound quality is great. My only criticism is i like very loud music and these are not as loud as i would normally use. battery lasts a long time, comfortable to wea
Excelente producto, su batera recargable al momento de guardarlos en su estuche siempre me los mantiene al 100% de carga y su tamao hace fcil que los puedas guardar en la bolsa de tu pantaln, los consegu a buen precio por oferta y hasta ahora no me arrepiento y no le he encontrado falla alguna.
* Estan potentes. Suenan bastante fuerte y tienen buena cancelacin de ruido. Comparndolos con Hesh 2 Wireless quedan incluso arriba.
* Su micrfono es muy confiable. No hay que “oye no te escucho, ests usando audfonos?” En llamada son bastante confiables.
* La batera. Sin palabras, los saqu de la caja y desde entonces no los he cargado (llegaron hoy en la maana). Bastante bien.
* La distancia. Fui un piso abajo de donde tenia mi celular y los audfonos seguan sonando, tienen excelente alcance. Hesh 2 wireless es inferior en ese aspecto.
* Puedes usar un solo bud y guardar el otro sin problemas.
* Discretos y coquetones (como dira mi novia)
* Resistencia al agua. No lo he comprobado y la neta no lo quiero comprobar jajaja, pero se dice que son resistentes. Si un dia te agarra la depresin bajo la lluvia y quieres escuchar Bring me the horizon, sin problemas, pero no te metas a la alberca con ellos, tampoco te pases.
* Cargan muy rpido
-Lo malo
El sonido en los graves (a mi gusto) deja que desear. No es malo pero no es tan cool.
* Los controles al momento de subir volumen, cambiar el EQ, poner pausa, etc. Son bastante molestos, el bud se te entierra en la oreja por la misma presin que pones en el.
* El cable usb C que te incluye, es muy corto.
I have long been a guy who likes a bargain. I’m talking pound shop earphones type bargain. They do the job. I can hear what’s being said and done and sung but I was always tied down by a cable. Pulling out when I moved my head or stood up or whatever. So I needed a good pair of wireless headphones. I refuse to spend silly money on mere headphones so these were a cheap version in comparison to the likes of earbuds and the like for my iPad. Anyway, the quality is awesome. The range is good too, as I leave my iPad on my living room chair and walk to the bedroom to fetch something the quality does not miss a beat. Well recommended. Just do it.
No esperaba menos, duran hasta 8 horas con una carga y de corrido, los uso mas que nada para escuchar musica o podcast, son muy buenos y te dejan literalmente olvidarte del mundo, se escucha muy bien en las llamadas
waited a while before I wrote a review.
The earbuds are fab, I love the color (mint green) and the battery life is above desirable.
I dont really much about sound techincalities asnd stuff but I personally love the bass and sound clarity. The microphone as told by my friends on call is a little below par.
All in all I totally love it 🙂
The description has proven to be accurate to a t. Battery lasts exactly as long as advertised (and I would know, I use it almost exclusively in one sitting when I work my shift) and the case is appealing and conveniently sized. It’s not pocket convenient but so long as your not taking it on and off constantly it shouldn’t be an issue. The charging cable is a little short but seeing as you don’t need it to be close to you while it charges, this is only an inconvenience if you don’t have a little place to pop it while it charges. It’s a basic new usb cable so you likely have a spare anyway.
Audio is fantastic, battery life is perfect and exactly as advertised, colour is appealing and carry case is convenient and sleek.
I’m so glad I broke my habit of buying cheap headphones to get these, they’ve proven to be exactly what I needed.
It is worth saying they have a habit of occasionally connecting to your phone from inside the carry case, but this is infrequent and easily remedied when it does occur. Worth keeping an eye out for as it does prevent charging. This is rare though and I do not think takes away from the worthy ness of this device.
Excelente calidad, a buen precio. Tiene un diseo sencillo pero elegante, se adapta perfecto a los smartphones. Y la calidad de salida (audio), excelente los bajos y esos pequeos detalles de las melodas. Fcil de utilizar y con buena carga.
Despus de pedirlos por segunda vez (el primer par se perdi) puedo decir que son un producto muy bueno.
Un audio notable y con una duracin de batera notable. El ajuste en los odos es muy bueno, no se me cayeron aunque lo quisiese. La conectividad deja un poco que desear pero de ah en fuera muy buenos audfonos
I love these, great design and great sound. Well worth the money.
Buen producto me ha gustado bastante llevo 2 semanas usandolos son comodos y la batera dura lo que debe durar, los nico que no me gusta es que no son touch sino que tienen un botn fuera de eso funcionan bien y cumplen su cometido
Sound quality for music and podcasts are decent. The other modes seem a bit faffy to switch between, there is a cheat sheet with it if you forget the commands. Voice calls are not really an option. You can hear the caller but they will struggle to hear you. There’s a charging issue which seems to alternate between ear buds. At first it was the left, now it is the right. They’re OK for about 3 months (from my experience). I would recommend them as a budget bud but if you’re going to use these daily, wait for a sale on a more established ear bud brand. In terms of comfort, they’re pretty decent.
Ya tena la generacin anterior y estos la diferencia es la duracin de la batera y el tiempo de carga, suenan muy bien, yo los compr en $531 pesos aproximadamente $27 dlares
Good sound quality, nice range on the bluetooth connection. Battery in the earphones themselves don’t last too long, but the battery in the case can keep them charged for a good 12 hours at least.
El audio es bueno, si ya conoces la marca, sabes q esta se enfoca en los bajos, en la batera hay un gran acierto ya q si duro lo estipulado, no como el anterior sesh q prometan 3 horas y nadamas me daba 2 horas 35 minutos, lo unico q no me gusto es el botn fsico ya q al oprimirlo para hacer cualquier funcin este lo entierro mas a mi oido.
Really good quality for the money and robust. My 15 year old son is happy and the grey colour is nice
These are good headphones but are turquoise not the green colour in the photo so was a bit disappointed.
Easy to link to phone and sounds great fast delivery
Value for money, was a present for my brothers birthday and he loves them.
loved these ear buds, great sound charge really quickly and fit really well. comes in small case to keep and charge them. Well would recommend these.
All good except I’d suggest a wider range of ear bud sizes
they sound amazing, nice bass, and very good sound quality overall. they have a nice fit within the ears and don’t seem that they would come loose at all.
the charging case is nice and well made, led battery lights are clearly visible without being too bright.
bonus features such as the tile feature are awesome and would come in very handy.
overall I would highly recommend, and I stand by Skullcandy as a brand, I think in my opinion they outperform beats in most cases, especially for bass music.
This product is great but if there is anything I could change is the battery Life the 3h dose not feel that long
Wow super quality, great depth of sound, good bassand fantastic price. As good if not better than 100+ similar buds.
No noise cancelling, but they are a great fit, and their battery life and sound are very very good.
Great headphones, a bit annoying that volume up/down and next/last track are only on one side for each but other than that grea
Range is impressive too, while the headphones claim they can connect over 30ft I have managed to get connected from over 40, more than enough to connect from another room or sometimes even floor.
The charging case uses USB C and can fully charge in a very short time. Compared to some other charging cases I’ve seen, it is slightly larger, but its impressive battery capacity and the inclusion of USB C more than makes up for that.
Sound quality is comparable to a pair in-ear headphones that might come bundled free with a mid-range phone and there is a quiet, but noticable hiss is present on lower volume tracks, though if you are using these out and about you wont even notice.
The two major downsides I’ve found to these is the audio lag, which ranges from 0.2-0.5 ms, (fine for listening to music but it can be a real problem for those planning to watch videos with these) and the user interface, which requires pushing fairly hard on physical buttons on the phones, and has some fairly unintuative shortcuts. I only use the buds to skip tracks, pause and take calls, anything else, I resort to doing on my smartphone, for fear of accidentally triggering the virtual assistant.
Aside from those small issues though, these are very solid little devices. I can look past the small issues though, as for the price and the convenience they offer, these are excellent little tools for those looking to finally get into wireless listening.
Brilliant! Light weight and comfortable. Look good too. Always go with SkullCandy and the quality and price are always great. The sound quality is clear and they are great for the gym.