Smart Watch ECG, IP68 Waterproof Fitness Trackers with Body Temperature, 1,7″ Touch Screen Activity Tracker with Heart Rate SPO2 Pedometer Blood Pressure Sleep Monitor Message Notification Men Black

Sedentary Reminder
For those who are often sedentary, this smart phone can customize the sedentary time. Vibrate to remind you to get up and move. Ten minutes of activity after sitting for a long time is more helpful to health.
Message Reminder
Incoming call notification, message notification and Social APP message notification. Even if you are not looking at your phone, you can still see your friends’ messages. Especially during meetings or driving. You can also choose which social APP messages are synchronized. Just set it in the APP[ SmartHealth].
Wrist Rotation to Wake Up Watch
you can wake up the watch screen by rotate your wrist. You also can turn off the settings from APP settings(SmartHealth).
Long Lasting Battery
Long Lasting Battery:
180mAh Battery Capacity,
Charged for 2 hours,
Can be used for 5 to 7 days,
Standby for 20 to 30 days.
ï¼Note: It is slightly different according to personal frequency and habits.ï¼
Dimensions: | 25.5 x 36 x 1 cm; 150 Grams |
Model: | E86 |
Batteries Included: | 1 Lithium Ion batteries required. |
Manufacture: | DigiKuber |
Dimensions: | 25.5 x 36 x 1 cm; 150 Grams |
I bought this beautiful and very accurate health watch from Digikuber, I am very happy with everything it has and very easy to use.
I accidentally cracked the screen and asked the company if they do screen replacement, they replied shortly and they were very kind to offer me a new watch for free.
Definitely 5* for this company.
This was a gift from the wife and works great the one I got her has just stopped working
Fast and efficient service, good value for money, looks smart and has the features I was looking for. I would highly recommend if your thinking of getting this type of watch…….
The watch is excellent, I have found the blood oxygen Measurement to be particularly accurate when compared with my hospital issued monitor.
Unfortunately watch does not calculate resting heart rate, which tends to be standard and the temperature is wildly unreliable, even as a measurement of skin temperature.
I have noticed the app for the watch uses A LOT of additional battery life on iPhone.
Brilliant if only
1. ecg worked when required. It is temperamental.
2. The app worked with google fit.
On the plus side, the app does not ask for permissions to access photos and stored media like the “Da Fit” app, so to me its more secure in that way.
Haven’t verified accuracy yet; but so far very pleased with this watch.
In fin dei conti un buon prodotto a basso costo, se paragonato ai pi blasonati concorrenti con prezzi molto pi alti.
Affidabile come monitoraggio indicativo e soprattutto se non usato come strumento diagnostico.
Un neo l’eccessivo consumo della batteria del cellulare ad esso accoppiato: l’applicazione SmartHealth andrebbe migliorata.
Infine il manuale: traduzione assolutamente inadeguata, peggio di un traduttore on line. Solo dopo che si risolto un problema, si capisce cosa c’ scritto.
The monitor itself is very comfortable and very easy to use, with monitoring functions not offered on other products anywhere near this price.
Setting it aside from the crowd is the App, bluetooth connection does not break down giving ongoing 24/7 data on app of..
blood pressure
blood oxygen
respiratory rate
plus there is and ECG function to send your trace to the app, which is very easy to use.
Finally the sleep monitoring is a revelation, amazing to find out how badly you sleep and how many times you wake up !
This is not a fit bit monitor though it does have sports settings. It is an exceptional personal health aid.
worth every penny.
The product was good I liked however it stopped charging after 6 to 8 weeks therefore I had to return it.
This is my first smart watch and I chose it because of the health monitoring features, appearance and price. I was not expecting something that would do what would take thousands of pounds worth of equipment in a clinic but was surprised that at least most of the readings were similar to those obtained elsewhere. Temperature, heart rate, SpO2 and breathing rate were all realistic, the BP not quite so accurate, the sleep monitor – who knows, and the ECG is probably just a bit of fun. But if monitored regularly could show a trend. I wasn’t interested in the fitness features of the watch as I am getting on a bit!
There are a limited number of watch face designs to choose from and you can make one bespoke with a photo or design. I like the fact I can see the time at night with just a touch of the button. Battery life is excellent and charging very easy. I have not tested the waterproof capabilities but the occasional splash has not caused a problem.
Overall I’m happy with the watch, as far as longevity goes, who knows.
ECG, Systolic and deep sleep not accurate otherwise excellent watch. I used it for tracking 24/7, but when measured against professional medical equipment, it was inaccurate. Watch has excellent look. Rubber wrist band was keep sticking to the skin.
Considering it is a budget smart watch, it is very well made, accurate and very good battery.
Also was mir Immer wieder Probleme bereitet is das Bluetooth das ist Naja bis jetzt kann ich damit lebe
Very light and stylish watch. Highly recommended. Touch screen works good and connectivity to Bluetooth works well.
Smart Watch fr mich 4 Monate gut funktioniert dann Display dunkel Reklamation
Nach Meldung des Fehlers kurzfristig(8 Tage) eine neue erhalten. Danke!
I ordered this with some trepidation as the weight of the watch is stated as 150gm. The idea of carrying around over 1/4 lb on my wrist all day almost put me off. Now that it has arrived, I’m relieved to find that it’s probably more like 50gm or less. It seems to be all working well so far and I will report further after using it for a few weeks.
I’ve had a few smart watches and when the last one broke I chose this. It’s the best I’ve ever had. It’s got the biggest and clearest screen, it has all the functions that I want, and it immediately synced to the app. The battery life is unbelievable. After the first charge I waited and waited for it to go flat, but when it eventually did, I had to check the delivery date to work out how long it lasted. It was just over 2 weeks. The blood pressure app has a Calibrate function – which I did and it’s now as good as a conventional arm band BP meter.
It’s amazing.
Eccellente prodotto e ottimo rapporto qualit prezzo.
Notifiche chiare. Quando ci si allontana dal smartwatch e si scollega, avvisa vibrando e facendo apparire sullo schermo la ragione di tale avviso.
Include tutte le funzioni elencate nel volantino. Usandolo normalmente la batteria dura anche 10 giorni.
Schermo ampio e design elegante.
Prima di questo ne ho cambiati altri 3. Questo lo tengo.
Lange gesucht und hoffentlich jetzt die richtige Uhr gefunden. Bei den anderen immer irgendwelche Dinge festgestellt die nicht gefielen. Entweder das Vibrieren fr Eingang der Nachrichten zu schwach dann fehlte die Krpertemperatur der Blutdruck oder die Aufzeichnung von zurck gelegten Strecken. Hier alles enthalten und auch gute Menfhrung. Die Armbnder der Chinesen allerdings mssen fast alle irgendwelche Chemikalien enthalten die Allergien hervorrufen und sich rote Stellen an der Stelle wo das Band am Arm sitzt bilden. Deswegen gleich ein Metallarmband dazu bestellt jetzt sollte alles passen.
Ho appena restituito un prodotto simile ma che costava il quadruplo. I valori riscontrati con strumenti di precisione confermano che il prodotto molto affidabile forse un po’meno per la registrazione del sonno e per le notifiche dei messaggi che non compaiono interi del loro contenuto. Se volete spendere poco e avere uno smartwatch per monitorare la salute e spendere poco direi che questo prodotto il top.
Je l’ai achete pour l’ECG, a marche super bien. Les autres fonctions galement. La temprature et la pression sanguine me paraissent un peu basses, vrifier.
Husband Using for ECG, blood pressure and pedometer following diabetes’ diagnosis. Very useful and does what’s needed.
Acquistato da 3 giorni , direi perfetto per il mio caso , dopo tre tentativi di vari orologi misura pressione.. ho trovato l’orologio perfetto !!!!!! Direi super contenta l’unica pecca.. la vibrazione dei messaggi e le telefonate., quasi non si sentono .. per durata batteria e tutto il resto.. veramente contenta dell’acquisto !!!!
So I’ve had this watch for a few months now and I’m impressed. Battery lasts ages and all the health functions work very well and I can definitely confirm it’s waterproof. So far so very good.
Molto ricco di funzionalit. Ma l’ECG non funziona bene. E’ un po’ scarno di quadranti (poco belli). Comunque qualit/prezzo ottima.
Consegna rapida, confezione sigillata
Orologio semplice lineare si adatta sia ad abbigliamento sportivo che classico, anche per la possibilit di cambiare la grafica del display.
Si collega allo smartphone tramite la sua app e monitora in tempo reale, battito, pressione, passi, ecc..
in dotazione il cavo di ricarica usb magnetico
L’ho acquistato per le caratteristiche. Veramente ottimo e ben strutturato. Perfetta la misurazione dei valori che mi interessava avere, piuttosto che musica, messaggi ecc. Sono soddisfatto.
apporto qualit prezzo perfetto. Qualit costruttiva buona con risultati soddisfacenti.
stato un regalo molto gradito. Prezzo competitivo per le funzionalit di cui dispone. I valori della pressione misurati presentano uno scarto di 10mmHg rispetto ai valori misurati da un apparecchio convenzionale, pertanto fatte le dovute correzioni permette un monitoraggio adeguato.
Ottimo prodotto solo 1 pecca vibrazione leggera.Ma per il resto eccezionale
Molto utile e bello, mi aspettavo pi funzionalit da aggiungere ad esempio il trova telefono che per me fondamentale per un bracciale/orologio. ci sono altre cose da migliorare ma tutto sommato molto bello
Estoy contento. A parte del mio regale dos a dos familiares
Bell’orologio, luminoso e display grande, funziona bene, reattivo e comodo per gestire telefonate e messaggi, avvisarci delle chiamate in arrivo, rispondere e rifiutarle.
Tutto ok
Scaricare l app e sincronizzarlo con attenzione rispettando le spiegazioni del manuale allegato . Dopo funziona benissimo! leggero e i suoi sensori sono abbastanza precisi . Il manuale in italiano per alcune spiegazioni dell app scaricato sul telefonino sono in inglese
En General estoy contento x la compra, ya que lo compre x el ECG, la tensin arterial es dificil de calibrar aunque utilices un aparato de brazo.
Si interfaccia con smarthealth. Simpatica la possibilit di fare un vero ECG mediante l’uso dell’elettrodo laterale
I colori del display sono molto vivi, il cinturino di un materiale soffice al tatto ed elegante.
Ottima anche la funzione di misurazione dei battiti cardiaci.
Viste le funzionalit , che sono veramente tante,penso che il prezzo sia molto aggressivo e la qualit ottima.
sono positivamente impressionato. bel prodotto.
Mi sento di consigliarne l’acquisto!
Molto utile per tenere sotto controllo tutti i parametri in ogni momento della giornata!
Purtroppo, scollegato dal wifi non trasmette pi nessun dato all’applicazione scaricata sul cellulare. Rileva i parametri in modo impeccabile, ma non si possono monitorare da remoto. Un vero peccato.
Restituito non avevo interpretato bene alcune funzioni, a me servivano altre funzioni e verificando il prodotto ho visto che non erano supportate, eccellente la consegna come pure il rimborso
completo in tutte le funzioni, batteria di lunga durata dopo 10 giorni ancora al 75%.
Trs bonne montre, quelques faiblesses sur les donnes du sommeil, pour le reste beaucoup d’informations:
Tension artriel que l’on peut calibrer, cardiaque, SPO2, frquence respiratoire et temprature.
Il n’y a pas de signal pour indiquer de boire.
SmartHealth est en partie en Franais et Anglais.
J’ai eu beaucoup de montre pas trop chre, celle-ci c’est la meilleure en rapport qualit-prix
This is a great watch with many options and data available
The watch face has about 12 different designs you can choose from
I am not certain how accurate the stats are although they seem ok. I have trouble get the steps to as many as I would like. I get about 7500 average each day where as the minimum recommended is 10000.
It has a ECG which provides a wealth of data. The ECG is a little awkward to get right but once you get used to it, it is fine. You have a sensor on the back of the watch which is normal but this also has one on the side. When doing a ECG test you must hold a finger on the side sensor while maintaining contact on the back. It tells you when you have a good connection.
Once the test is completed, You get data for ECG, blood pressure, heart rate, SP O2, Respiratory Rate and whether each of them are low normal or high. The watch can be set to do these tests every 20 mins, 40 mins or 60 minutes.
Sleep – it will tell you what time you fell asleep, woke up, deep sleep, light sleep and in general (ie poor, good or excellent sleep).
It also tells you your body temperature and whether it is low, normal or high.
All data is transferred to the app so there is a wealth of data to review when your ready.
Some watches give me skin rash but not this one so far.
When I received it I fully charged it and 4 days later it is on 88% which I think is excellent.
It has message notifications which buzz once received.
Set up is very easy.
I can’t confirm the accuracy of the data but the blood pressure can be calibrated against an accurate reading.
I would say the sleep seems about right so no reason to doubt the others
Seit drei Tagen setze ich diese ein und habe noch einen Akkustand von 88 %. Einfach klasse. Natrlich kommt das auch immer ganz auf die Nutzung an. Mir reicht es wenn die wichtigen Werte stndlich gemessen werden. Das Display muss auch nicht bei jeder Handbewegung einschalten. Was selbstverstndlich auch Geschmacksache ist. Den Blutdruck kann man mit einem Oberarm Messgert messen und in der App dann die Blutdruckkalibrierung durchfhren. Danach sieht der Wert absolut schlssig aus. Bisher hatte ich keine Uhr die die Temperatur messen konnte. Ob man das nun braucht ober nicht, das ist eine praktische Sache, wenn die regelmig gemessen wird.
Die original Bilder vom Hersteller geben diese sehr genau und gut wieder. Einfach schick.
Von mir also die volle Punktzahl und eine absolute Kaufempfehlung.
Wenn der Hersteller vielleicht noch ein wenig mehr Ziffernbltter, die man auch bearbeiten knnte, zur Verfgung stellen wrde, dann wre die Smartwatch unschlagbar. Das Preis- Leistungsverhltnis passt auf jeden Fall und ist spitze. Ich habe den Kauf nicht bereut und freue mich nun endlich die richtige Smartwatch gefunden zu haben.
Smartwatch bellissimo, funziona benissimo. arrivato con un perno del cinturino mancante purtroppo.
Da migliorare i risultati di alcune funzioni (tipo ECG) non molto precise ma, ragazzi, non un dispositivo medico e francamente a questo prezzo non mi aspettavo manco questi risultati. Conclusione, ottimo rapporto qualit/prezzo. Soddisfatti dell’acquisto io e mio figlio.
L’orologio funziona bene, certo i valori che legge sono attendibili al 70 80 % ma con un unico strumento puoi controllare i tuoi valori funzionali