Steinberg UR22C MKII Audio interface Black

UR22C StageAuflösung UR22CRobuste Bauweise UR22CAuflösung UR22CRobuste Bauweise UR22CClassA UR22CiOS UR22CClassA UR22CiOS UR22CCubase AIdspMixFX

Cubase AI

Based on Steinberg’s award-winning advanced music production system Cubase Pro, Cubase AI is a powerful, one-stop music software solution for studio-quality recording. Combining audio and MIDI recording, editing, mixing and scoring in a single, integrated software package, Cubase AI is the perfect entry into the world of computer-based music production. Featuring Steinberg’s advanced audio engine, flexible routing and full automatic delay compensation, it supports 48 MIDI, 16 instrument, 32 audio tracks and 16 physical inputs. Cubase AI comes with a range of high-quality audio effect processors, the HALion Sonic SE workstation instrument and MixConsole for a stellar mixing experience.

Cubasis LE

UR22C’s seamless integration with iPad is enhanced by the inclusion of Cubasis LE, for creating professional music productions on your iPad. Featuring the same look and feel of its bigger brother Cubasis, Cubasis LE is especially designed for quick and easy operation, making recording, editing and mixing a breeze, as well as opening up a new world of possibilities for your creativity. It supports up to four audio and four MIDI tracks, features a mixer with studio-grade effects processors and also includes MicroSonic, a virtual instrument with 25 virtual instrument sounds, a virtual keyboard, sample editor and key editor

dspMixFx mixing application

The UR22C interface provides zero-latency monitoring with effects for every DAW, with straightforward control of all routings and settings, thanks to the built-in DSP chip and the dspMixFx UR-C software. Powered by Yamaha’s custom-designed SSP3 DSP chip, dspMixFx technology offers latency-free monitoring, together with the highly acclaimed REV-X reverb, the Sweet Spot Morphing Channel Strip and Guitar Amp Classics for users of any DAW software. When using Cubase, all of the advanced monitoring capabilities are fully integrated into the application’s GUI by True Integrated Monitoring technology, with users able to choose to control the monitoring capabilities from either Cubase or the dspMixFx application.

UR24CUR22CUR44CUR816CUR22C Recording Pack
Connectivity USB Typ-C USB Typ-C USB Typ-C USB Typ-C USB Typ-C
Protocol USB 3.1 Gen 1 USB 3.1 Gen 1 USB 3.1 Gen 1 USB 3.1 Gen 1 USB 3.1 Gen 1
Simultaneous I/O 2 x 4 2 x 2 6 x 4 16 x 16 2 x 2
Resolution 32-Bit/ 192kHz 32-Bit/ 192kHz 32-Bit/ 192kHz 32-Bit/ 192kHz 32-Bit/ 192kHz
Number of Preamps 2 2 4 8 2
MIDI In- / Output ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Headphone Outputs 1 1 2 2 1
Bus-powered ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Latency-free monitoring with DSP effects ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
iOS ready via Class Compliant mode ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓

Weight: 1 kg
Dimensions: 23.4 x 20.5 x 10.5 cm; 1 Kilograms
Model: UR22C
Colour: Black
Colour: Black

51 Responses

  1. Dr. AC Fool for Blood says:



    Connaissant les capacits de cette carte je n’ai pas hsit la prendre. Arrive dans les temps. Rien dire.

  2. Anonymous says:


    Funciona de maravilla. 0 latencia (esto depender de si tu equipo cumple con los requisitos de tu tarjeta de sonido y tu DAW, claro) y un diseo compacto pero de materiales de calidad. El nico inconveniente es que instalar la licencia de Cubase que trae con la compra fue un dolor de cabeza en algunos momentos, pero de momento va bien, aunque no lo he probado mucho ya que suelo utilizar Ableton Live, con el que tambin funciona a la perfeccin. La he utilizado conectndola al iPhone y genial tambin, lo mismo que a una Samsung Galaxy Tab S7 Plus. Tambin trae licencia para la versin para mviles de Apple, llam al servicio tcnico (muy amables por cierto) para ver si poda cambiar la licencia por una de Andorid pero me dijeron que no era posible. Un gran producto.

  3. Anonymous says:


    Ho avuto una scarlett prima di questa scheda e la steinberg mi piace molto di pi: ha degli ottimi pre, l’ingresso ad alta impedenza, la possibilit di essere usata stand alone. Consigliata

  4. Anonymous says:


    Got amazing feature to add reverb to direct monitor without using a daw which is useful to guitarists, vocalists , flutists etc ..

  5. AngelBirdsall says:


    La uso per la postazione casalinga con Win10. Suona veramente bene, ha tutto quello che serve per una home station; non mi occupo dei plug inclusi, non di quello che mi interesso: ha comunque due I/O, l’Hi-Z, il controllo di monitor, le uscite cuffie, due pre decenti e consente latenze veramente basse con un i7, anche se ha ha il direct monitoring (con Kontakt non si scende sotto ai 256 nemmeno con macchine molto pi potenti)… per ora sono arrivato a 128 con sessioni veramente impegnative senza il minimo problema. Per questa cifra c’ pure la versione ai di Cubase e Cubasis, il che mi pare veramente tantissimo. E’ ottima, considerato il prezzo veramente ridotto.

  6. Anonymous says:


    Ich nutze das Steinberg UR22C um ein Stage Piano Korg D1 ans Ipad ber USB-C anzuschliessen, das funktioniert direkt und problemlos ohne weitere Adapter oder Umwege.
    D.h. Line Out vom Piano gehts ins Steinberg und ber USB-C kann dann direkt auf dem Ipad mit beliebiger App aufgenommen werden.
    Aber auch umgekehrt, ich kann zu Spotify oder Youtube Videos spielen, sowohl das Piano als auch das ipad werden auf Line-Out oder Kopfhreranschluss gemischt.
    Auch Midi funktioniert problemlos, man kann sogar Midi ins Ipad geben, dort den Synthi-Sound erzeugen und mit dem Line-Out vom Piano mischen und beides auf den Line-Out vom Steinberg geben.
    Alles ohne Strgerusche, auch wenn das Ipad sich in den Ruhemodus gibt, gibt es kein knacken, hier hatte ich mit anderen Usb-Adaptern schon Probleme.
    Das einzige was fehlt, das Ipad wird leider nicht aufgeladen vom Steinberg (um es aufzuladen braucht mann dann doch wieder einen USB-Adapter, erfolgreich getestet) und die Peak-LED kann man schlecht einsehen, wenn das Steinberg unterm Piano steht.
    Ich habe das Gert bisher nur am Ipad Air 4 Generation betrieben. Die Spannungsversorgung erfolgt ber ein Micro Usb Kabel ans Steinberg und den Ton habe ich ber ein TS-Klinke Doppelkabel -Paar bertragen.

  7. Anonymous says:


    Ich betreibe den UR22C an einem MacPro (2013). Die Qualitt der Aufnahmen ist hervorragend. Das gilt fr die Digitalisierung von Band und Vinyl Aufnahmen genauso wie fr E Gitarre und Mikrofon. Es gab ein paar Probleme mit dem Yamaha USB Gertetreiber. Die konnte ich aber mit Hilfe des Steinberg Supports beheben. Da das Apple Betriebssystem eine sehr gute Audio Schnittstelle bietet, habe ich keine Verwendung fr die Steinberg Software.

  8. FayeYVFgzmqnwq says:


    Top Gert. Ist seit 4 bis 5 Monaten im Einsatz und erfllt komplett seinen Zweck. Fr Aufnahmen in FL Studio etc. sehr gut.

  9. SashaWilkes says:


    Steinberg hat wieder einmal bewiesen, dass sie ihr Qualittsversprechen einhlt. Robust kommt das Interface daher, mit USB-C Anschluss fr die Zukunft gewappnet und auch Unterwegs sehr gut nutzbar. Die Wandler erfllen ihre Aufgabe sehr gut, die Preamps arbeiten sehr rauscharm. Selbst Waldgeruschaufnahmen sind ordentlich und sauber im Klang. Kann ich absolut empfehlen. 🙂

  10. Taylor Frint says:


    The product is very good, gives solid sound quality. The only thing I lack is a second pair of outputs, but for this price I am happy with what I go

  11. Anonymous says:


    Golden Review Award: 3 From Our UsersEro molto indeciso su quale scheda audio acquistare. Ho visto molte recensioni di esperti e alla fine ho deciso di acquistare questa scheda audio della Steinberg UR22C. Non mi dilungher molto ad elencare i pregi che ha, ma dico solo una cosa fondamentale. Questa scheda l’unica nella sua fascia di prezzo ad avere un processore incorporato. Ci vuol dire che durante il lavoro di studio non va ad adoperare nulla del pc ma usa il suo processore, quindi la fluidit al 100%. Per il resto, non ho parole per quanto limpida, dinamica, suono stupendo ecc ecc. Pienamente soddisfatto di averla acquistata. L’ha consiglio a tutti i Musicisti, DJ, Producers, Videomaker…..insomma per chi vuole eseguire dei lavori PRO.

  12. Anonymous says:


    nachdem ich hier einige Rezensionen gelesen habe, die mir etwas merkwrdig erschienen, hier meine fr mein Setup. Ich sitze umgeben von einem Schwung PC’s und Macs und nutze Cubase plus eine Tonne Plugins. In dem Setup, bei dem das Aufnehmen ber die Ports im “Nomal-Hausbereich” angesiedelt sind, habe ich nichts zu meckern. Soweit ich hren kann: rauscharm und leicht zu steuern. Installation: fire and forget. Steinberg ist angeschlossen an eine USB Bridge (12 mit eigenem Netzteil) und Aussetzer: NULL.
    Wer Gerte dieser Art an mobilen Systemen einsetzen mchte, die kleiner als ein M1 Mac sind, die trumen wohl noch vom Supercomputer am Handgelenk. Audio ist immer ein Bereich gewesen, in dem groe Datenmengen erzeugt werden…
    Fr mich also das Gert der Wahl in meinem Setup. Ein Punkt Abzug fr einen fehlenden vernnftigen Ein-Aus-Schalter auf der Frontseite.

  13. Anonymous says:


    L’installation c’est faite sans problmes et le fonctionnement est parfait.
    Je l’ai achet pour remplacer mon ancienne carte son Focusrite Scarlett 8i18 2nde gnration dont la mise jour de la derniere version des drivers et du contrleur s’est rvle ne plus tre compatible avec Cubase (toutes ditions confondues).
    Les performances de ma configuration sont nettement meilleures maintenant.
    J’ai beaucoup moins d’entres mas en fait, a me suffit pour l’instant.

  14. Anonymous says:


    Verwende es als externe Soundkarte und mit einem XLR Mikro. Die Soundqualitt bei der Ausgabe ist herforragend. Einrichtung geht leicht von der Hand und der eingebaute DSP ist Goldwert und eine Alleinstellungsmerkmal. ( Stimmenanpassung Hardwarseitig). Robust verarbeitet und keine Strgerusche.

  15. PatriciaLovelac says:


    Amazing product especially for beginners as well as intermediates… Professional quality… Loved it comes with licensed “cubase AI” DAW. Can connect both usb c as well as it’s previous generation.

    Amazing product especially for beginners as well as intermediates... Professional quality... 😍👍👍👍 Loved it comes with licensed "cubase AI" DAW. Can connect both usb c as well as it's previous generation.

  16. LisaBeersixfobx says:


    Piccola Interfaccia Steinberg Yamaha UR22 C ma grandissimi risultati ottenibili grazie alla semplicit di utilizzo con Cubase LE ed alla ottima qualit del suono che garantisce. Inoltre in questa fascia di prezzo nessun altro fornisce anche Midi IN ed OUT. Molto valido anche l’inclusione di poter aggiornare a Cubase ELEMENTS con 49Euro di spesa aggiuntiva.

  17. Anonymous says:

     Italy 🇮🇹

    Scheda audio usata per home recording ad uso personale.Ottimo!!!!!

  18. Hiking Mama says:


    Ottima, buona qualit del suono, e in dotazione software ha il Cubase 11 le AI !!

  19. JannetteBeckenb says:


    Estoy enamorada de mi interfaz, es bonita y trabaja perfectamente.

  20. Anonymous says:


    Premessa, non avevo/ho grandi pretese, mi serviva una scheda audio a cui collegare la chitarra per suonare/registrare la chitarra ogni tanto e per avere un buon ascolto con le cuffie (in attesa di acquistare un impianto audio). Devo dire che questa scheda perfetta per il mio utilizzo:
    – molto solida e ben costruita
    – il DSP interno fantastico, i suoni ottenibili non sono molti (pulito, crunch e distorto) con pochi effetti (compressore, EQ e riverberi) ma fantastico per poter suonare senza latenza e senza dover accendere DAW/plugin/VST vari. Inoltre utilizzando il controllo di mix tra DSP e DAW posso comunque mettere una backing track dal PC e suonarci sopra con il suono del DSP.
    – funziona perfettamente anche con il mio Ipad (iPad 2018) che rende il tutto ancora pi versatile

  21. Anonymous says:


    he interface is good and with the lincense from cubase make a good deal . if you are struggiling with asio4all , go for this option.

  22. James Nettleton says:


    L’ho acquistata per collegarla alla chitarra e ad un software DAW. Eccellente! Ottima qualit sonora, nessun problema di connessione, latenza inesistente. Per chi voglia utilizzare la chitarra con un software DAW ed indeciso, la consiglio.

  23. AbelGettyuyz says:


    Ich nutze dieses Audio-Interface mit meinem IPad Pro. Da ich selbst Keyboarder bin ist der Umfang der Anschlsse vllig ausreichend. Sowohl die Einrichtung als auch das Handling und die Verarbeitung sind top.Ebenso ist die Kompatibilitt mit Cubasis 3 voll gegeben. Ich wrde das Gert immer wieder kaufen.

  24. Anonymous says:


    Si no fuese por la escasez de conectividad, es sencillamente genial por este precio

  25. Anonymous says:


    Golden Review Award: 6 From Our UsersLa uso attaccata a un mixer Mackie che a sua volta ha in ingresso due synth professionali (una Yamaha Motif ES8 e una Novation Supernova II Key).
    Usando quest’interfaccia a 32bit/192Khz la qualit semplicemente superlativa – la differenza con la mia “vecchia” ancora montata M-Audio Audiophile 2496 pittosto netta.

    Il rumore sensibilmente inferiore (tutte le connessioni da me usate sono bilanciate), la dinamica nettamente superiore, la resa generale da impressione di “apertura” del suono molto superiore (l’MAudio pi “scatolare”, sebbene d’ottima qualit generale), molto pi esplosiva, la resa pi naturale e -soprattutto- il suono non appare MAI impastato, sempre straordinariamente limpido e analitico.

    Ho effettuato decine e decine di test in switch per confrontarle, la differenza ben avvertibile.

    Con l’altra non sono mai riuscito ad ottenere esattamente la naturalezza e la dinamica del suono direttamente inviato ai monitor nearfield, ho speso questi soldi esattamente per questo motivo (potendo “swicciare” in continuazione piuttosto facile riscontrare differenze), mentre con questa – naturalmente usata a 32 bit /192kHz – cambia tutto. In pratica il suono esattamente identico.
    Sono quindi rimasto del tutto soddisfatto ma…

    …attenzione ai picchi, pare straordinariamente sensibile ai picchi in tema di distorsione. Occorre tenere ben d’occhio i led rossi evitando che s’accendano.
    La calibrazione dei livelli enormemente pi critica a quella della scheda MAudio Audiohile 2496. Neanche paragonabile.
    L’altra in pratica “perdona”.
    Questa NO.

    Per il resto trovo semplicemente “vergognoso” che non sia dotata di un alimentatorino USB, e che il cavetto (solo uno in dotazione) USB 3.0 sia lungo una cinquantina di centimetri.
    Per quello che costa, inserire in scatola un cavetto da 1,5 metri avrebbe senz’altro evitato di far storcere la bocca all’acquirente.
    Sciocca scelta d’economizzare su qualche decimo d’euro, IMHO.

    Inoltre il software in dotazione di laboriosa installazione e le protezioni (gestione dei codici online contro la copia) sono realmente pedanti.
    Una vera croce.

    cinque stelle in generale per la qualit audio superlativa, ma tenete presente che -purtroppo- storcerete la bocca pi volte per sciocche scelte d’ordine pratico.

  26. Abdul Q says:


    Habe zunchst auf ein anderes Billigfabrikat gesetzt. Leider war es das falsch Pferd. Starke Kompatibilittsprobleme.
    Zum Programm Steinberg Cubase absolut die erste Wahl. Gute Verarbeitung und sofortige Erkennung durch den Rechner. Die Regler und Anschlsse sind perfekt. Leider funktioniert der Anschlu ber USB 3 am Rechner immer noch nicht. (wurde bereits frher bemngelt) Trotzdem klare Kaufempfehlung.

  27. Anonymous says:


    Ich bevorzuge Steinberg Software und Hardware von allen anderen Produkten. Ich habe UR 22C bestellt und ein Paar Tage spter kam es an. Ich habe es angeschlossen an meinem iMac keine Millisekunde Latenz, sehr Gute Qualitt und sehr stabil. Ich kann es nur weiterempfehlen.

  28. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    The Steinberg UR22C is a great USB audio interface – the interface delivers 32 bit / 192 kHz (up from 24 bit 192 kHz on the UR22 / UR44). It uses USB C for power and to interface with your computer / PC / laptop making it easier – no additional power cable and transformer needed.
    I like the big output gain knob – on UR22 / UR44 it was small and less visible.

    All done – a great box.

  29. Anonymous says:


    good interface, addition of MIDI ports when compared to the 2i2 does not have.

  30. VickiV13wmhvn says:


    Ich hoffte, dass der Steinberg UR22c ausreichend Power hat, um meinen 600 KH von Beyerdynamic zu befeuern, leider ist das Ergebnis nicht wie erwartet. Zuvor hatte ich eine Asus Essence STXII Soundkarte mit KH Verstrker. Diese kann ich aufgrund eines Umzugs auf ein AMD System leider nicht mehr nutzen. Fr meine Bedrfnisse ist dieses Gert nicht geeignet.
    Dennoch vergebe ich 4/5 Sternen weil das Gert sehr hochwertig gearbeitet wurde.

  31. Anonymous says:


    Golden Review Award: 2 From Our UsersThe activation code has already been used. Looks like these are products already sold and returned by someone. There is also no output on the right channel. Returning the product requesting for replacement hope I will get an unused / undamaged product this time.

  32. RodArmytage says:


    Oltre le registrazioni di voce o strumenti, questo UR22C una potentissima scheda audio esterna. Io lo utilizzo collegato ad una tastiera MIDI e ad un PC con strumenti virtuali di Cubase, eseguendo questi strumenti con una qualit e sonorit incredibili e tempi di latenza con la tastiera midi bassissimi, impossibili da ottenere con le schede audio dei PC.

  33. Caitlin Petrakovitz says:


    Sehr guter Klang, gute Bedienbarkeit und hlt was es verspricht. Harmoniert hervorragend mit Ableton Live.

  34. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    An excellent choice for musicians, composers, voice-over artists, b/vloggers.
    Pros: Excellent build and sound quality. Versatile powering options. IPad connectivity. Good software bundle. DSPMixFX. Solid drivers.
    Cons: Software install was not particularly easy. Slightly higher measured noise floor than some competing products though this is negligible.

    I purchased this recently to record some musical ideas I was having. Let’s say the world has come a *long* way from the world of four-track tape recorders!

    I chose this interface because it had a very comprehensive software bundle and a reputation for good ASIO driver performance and stability. Additionally, it is the cheapest interface to feature on-board digital signal processing (DSP).

    In truth, the differences between most interfaces are quite negligible. They all do basically the same thing and they all have acceptable pre-amps and sample rates. They are typically marketed on specs like ever-higher sample rates, pre-amp gain and noise levels. While these are all nice to know, even the lowliest interface will have vastly superior audio fidelity to high-end analogue equipment of 30+ years ago. Quibbling over these specs is missing the point: Technically, they’re all more than good enough to record in pristine quality.

    Where some interfaces fall down is in the reliability of their ASIO drivers. The latest 1.01 firmware and Yamaha/Steinberg UR22C USB/ASIO driver v2.0.3 is absolutely rock-solid. I always have under 7ms latency at 192kHz/128 sample buffer with no drop-outs on a comparitively puny Asus UX305 laptop equipped with 8Gb RAM / 512Gb SSD / Intel Core m3 5y10c CPU. Playing around with sample rates and hi-performance/balanced/stable modes can drop latency to under 2ms if needs be – and I haven’t encountered any problems when doing so – but what’s the point? At this level of reliability and performance I can get a sub-7ms latency and forget about it without worrying about glitches, stutters or drop-outs. That is a truly outstanding, amazing job and is a serious plus point in favour of this device.

    The DSP is what sets the UR22C apart from the competition. My PC is a fanless laptop and thus silent (perfect!) but not particularly fast or powerful. Off-loading commonly-used effects (reverb, compression, chorus, EQ and amp/cabinet simulation) from the PC’s CPU to an external DSP like this means a less-powerful PC can work just as well for most reasonable use-cases (I’m not writing orchestral film scores requiring dozens of tracks and plug-ins). These DSP effects (amp simulation, compression, reverb and EQ) all work *really* well. In fact the reverb tweakability is possibly the most flexible and usable I’ve ever encountered. And it works: employing these effects in real-time had no impact on CPU utilisation or latency whatsoever. This is the only device in this price range that can offer this actually useful-in-the-real-world functionality.

    Cubase 10.5 AI is running well; I like this for the excellent UI and integration (although the installation is tricky due to the idiotic copy-protection system they employ).
    I got Reaper working nicely with it too, if you favour that particular DAW. I can’t see why other DAWs shouldn’t work just fine. You’ll need to use the DSPMixFX application to use the DSP with DAWs other than Cubase. I haven’t used an iPad with this interface myself but the ability to power the UR22C via a separate micro-USB power input is a nice, flexible feature that makes this sort of thing possible and gives me options for the future.

    This device has let me construct a small-yet-powerful home studio that can fit entirely in a rucksack – just the ticket for taking with me to collaborate with other musicians. And Cubase/DSPMixFX combo can create remarkably professional results. Well worth the investment, but follow the startup guide carefully when installing the software!

    I highly recommend this interface. It’s not the cheapest and it could be a bit easier to set-up, but it offers the best bang-for-the-buck, stability, reliability and flexibility. Great stuff!

  35. Bryce Elder says:


    If you know your way around technology this is the best suited for you. I managed to get around 2ms of latency while my guitar was running through FL11 with guitar rig as VST. Really good for recording instruments. The bundled amp sims are great and offer zero latency monitoring and effect chaining. would recommend for anyone who is just starting out or even to intermediate guitarists who need to up their recording quality.

  36. Anonymous says:


    J’ ai suffisamment de recul pour faire un descriptif, le son est bon, le microphone que j’utilise ne fait pas de bruit de fond, elle est bien reconnue par cubase ableton fl et autres, la latence est trs faible, l intgration est trs bonne par rapport des produits similaires d’autres marques, on ressent la qualit Yamaha trs similaire leur table USB.

  37. SethLyellhi says:


    Golden Review Award: 3 From Our Usersawesome product with dspmixfx and there is no latency at all.

    awesome product with dspmixfx and there is no latency at all.

  38. Anonymous says:


    Golden Review Award: 3 From Our UsersThe Steinberg UR22C is an excellent audio interface for beginners and early professionals. The preamps are great. The availability of a switch for the phantom power as well as a choice to select power source from either the usb port or a power adaptor are great features. I would like a power switch for the unit though.

    The XLR/TRS combo input sockets are great and for the output besides a wired headset (also a TRS socket) there is a balanced L & R TRS output for studio monitors. The USB connection to the PC / Laptop is through a USB C 3.0 port. Steinberg ships with a USB cable.

    You need some patience to install the software licenses (multiple instances). Takes time but following the instructions will see you through.

    Good purchase and I am happy that I bought the Steinberg UR22C but I feel that the price at Rs.14,900 is expensive when compared to other audio interfaces in the same category.

  39. Law whalebone says:

     United Kingdom

    Professional design

    Ease of use.

    Didn’t use all the functions. mainly for studio monitors.

    Amazing sound for Adam Audio.

  40. Anonymous says:


    Sicuramente non sar un prodotto di prima fascia ma questo prezzo competono in pochi.Abbastanza facile da installare, serve avere dimestichezza con i vari DAW, che la cosa pi importante.
    Per il resto la sto ancora testando con i vari drivers e per ora va liscia, mai un impuntamento.
    La uso collegando una centralina di batteria elettronica al primo input e i piatti della batteria al secondo.
    Ora sono passato al midi, santo midi. Gestisco tutti i miei colpi di tamburo con un solo cavo, una svolta.

  41. JerrodLassiter says:


    Golden Review Award: 2 From Our UsersDie Preamps wurden oft kritisiert und das zu Recht. Im Vergleich mit den Focusrite Scarlett Interfaces fllt das schon sehr auf. Das Steinberg UR22c klingt deutlich schwcher und irgendwie kleiner. Beim Scarlett ist von allem mehr da. Auch ohne die Air Schaltung. Mit besseren Preamps wre es ein wirklich tolles Produkt.

  42. Anonymous says:


    Golden Review Award: 5 From Our UsersThe product is so far the best one i could possibly see out there in the market. The steinberg UR22C is the next up version of MK, This UR22 comes with a whole lot of features to try in. It is the perfect stuff if you are looking to set up a small home studio. MIDI ports on the rear end gives u options to connect your hardware synths which can come in handy. All in a a worth buy product the quality is unbeatable and very handy and portable.

  43. Anonymous says:


    Golden Review Award: 2 From Our UsersWir hatten Treiberprobleme am Anfang. Nachdem ein Profi uns untersttzt hat, sind wir sehr zufrieden mit dem UR22C.USB 3. Unser Problem kam daher das wir mit der Bedienungsanleitung nicht so klar kamen. Als Anwendung luft Cubase. Fr uns ist das Recording damit perfekt.

  44. Thor Benson says:

     Germany 🇩🇪

    Supergert, nur die “Treiberbindung* finde ich alles andete als ok.

  45. AidenDadswell says:


    Super interface audio, juste quelques galres au dbut avec le pilote pour Windows 10, tlcharg depuis le site de Steinberg : faites attention, car cela n’est pas clair au premier coup d’oeil, le pilote Yamaha Steinberg v1.10.4 n’est pas support par cette interface sous Windows (uniquement MacOS), il faut tlcharger “TOOLS for UR-C” qui comporte le pilote v2.0.1 ( ce jour) et des effets logiciels. A l’installation, vous n’tes pas oblig d’installer les autres logiciels (dont eLicenser). Cette interface audio remplace une Focusrite Saffire Pro 14 (qui n’est plus supporte dans les dernires versions de Windows 10).

  46. Jenifer Calle says:

     France 🇫🇷

    Excellente carte son, facile installer et utiliser, c’est une carte fabrique par yamaha il me semble.
    Livraison rapide tout va bie

  47. Anonymous says:


    Golden Review Award: 55 From Our UsersUR44cubase





  48. Tushar Mehta says:


    Golden Review Award: 29 From Our UsersIch hab gekauft fr satelite empfange nach kurdistan is aber fr Musik jetzt mach ich Kurdische autotune Musik danke Herr Steinberge

  49. [email protected] Jim Garner says:


    ich htte mir fr diesen preis niemals erwartet dass dieses interface problemlos und latenzfrei mit einer samplerate von 192Khz luft.. einfach weltklasse!!!
    Nur zu empfehlen. Usb 3.0 ist eben um welten schneller als 2.0
    Groes lob an Steinberg!!!

  50. WinonaJyyre says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 2 From Our UsersThis review is for the latest usb3 Ur22c .
    This is a fabulous interface and the older versions have little comparison . This version has built in dsp. I have tested this device at all sample rates it works flawlessly . The included effects like rev-x are very worthy . The ability to run latency free monitoring whilst recording is superb . I have cubase 10 pro with dongle it integrates flawlessly . You can also use the supplied plugins in the daw . It’s noise free very clean and easy to use I’ve recorded through all channels including a guitar it’s very good lots of headroom on the pre’s . The only issue is it does not like certain usb3 chipsets . I suffered annoying audio dropouts across the board and the occasional cubase crash whilst using super fast usb3 . I switched to usb2 and it’s flawless . It’s very well made . I’ve used five different mics from dynamic to 48v condensers and all sounded great . For the money this is a great value interface . I have several interfaces an A B with the audient shows no discernible quality loss in a blind test you could not tell . You can not change sample rates whilst using the daw you need to exit and use the control panel supplied then restart . I have also tested this using a vst headphone mix on a send with no latency . What more could you want or need ?, advanced users may need more ports but for a home studio it’s great . The midi interface is spot on as well . All in all it’s a no brainier .