Sterling Sold Diamond & Gold High Security Ground/Wall Anchor, Black, GA1

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Burg Wächter offers a range of physical security hardware with an emphasis on quality and great value.
Burg-Wächter, Europe’s largest safe and post box manufacturer and a trusted brand throughout the world.
Burg-Wächter has a proud heritage of over 120 years and are recognised for quality standards across our extensive range of locks, padlocks, safes, post boxes and access control solutions.
- Over 120 years security experience
- 10,000 individual product lines
- One of Europe’s largest safe and post box manufacturer
Burg Wachter GA1 Heavy Duty Ground & Wall Anchor
Sold Secure Diamond Bicycle & Gold Motorcycles
The Burg Wachter GA1 ground anchor serves as a secure locking point for your Mtorbike or bike both for indoors and outdoors. Its made from 6mm hardened steel plate for strength & is Sold Secure Diamond rated for bicycles & Gold rated for motorbikes giving you the peace of mind that your possessions will be covered by an industry tested certified security product. It is supplied with 10mm tamper resistant anchor bolts and is ideal to use with our sold secure security chains cables & padlocks.
- Sold Secure Diamond for Bicycles – Insurance Approved
- Sold Secure Gold for Motorbikes – Insurance Approved
- 6mm Hardended Steel Plate
- Supplied with 10mm Anti-tamper fixing bolt (16mm drill bit required)
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Tamper Proof Fittings SuppliedSupplied with 10mm tamper prof fittings. These have ball bearings that are pressed into the head of the bolts after fitting to stop it being removed. (please note you will require a 16mm drill bit to fit these.) | Sold Secure Insurance ApprovedThe Burg Wachter GA1 is Sold Secure approved to Bicycle Diamond standard, this is the highest possible standard for bikes and ideal for use at home both internal and external. Its also Gold rated for use with motorcycles and is ideal to use with our Sold Secure range of chains and padlocks. – You will find it tested under the Burg Wachter brand on the Sold Secure site. | Heavy Duty ConstructionThe ground anchor is made from 6mm hardered steel plate, this helps it resist against attack and keeps your belonging safe and secure. |
Weight: | 1.25 kg |
Size: | GA1 |
Dimensions: | 15.9 x 8 x 6.3 cm; 1.25 Kilograms |
Model: | Sold Secure |
Part: | Sod Secure |
Colour: | Black |
Pack Quantity: | 1 |
Batteries Required: | No |
Batteries Included: | No |
Manufacture: | Sterling Locks |
Colour: | Black |
Quantity: | 1 |
Size: | GA1 |
Ob es nun ein Stck Stahl ist oder nicht.
Es htte immerhin dickerer Lack und besser lackiert sein knnen.
Die Kanten sind teilweise Scharf! Die Ummantelung der Kette wird darunter leiden!
Die zwei Schrauben sind dick aber kurz. Das Entfernen der Kugel aus so dicken Schrauben ist einfacher, als aus kleinen. Da das wegbohren so vereinfacht wird. Eventuell sollte man einfach den Kopf zuschweien.
Add this to your security! for push bikes and motorcycles got 2 one for motorbike and one for peddle cycle with 3meter wire for locking to a wall and a garage! Works well read all instructions easy to install make sure you use right size masonry bits! Awesome!
Absolutely solid once Installed!
Easy to Install, 16mm SDS bit, hammer and Allen key.
I think burglars would have trouble getting this off the wall! Has a large gap behind for a chunky chain.
I put two of these into a block wall to secure bikes. Really solid and easy to fit. I’d buy them again.
Great value for money for a Sold Secure Approved Ancho
You get a lot of heavy steel for the price. Feels like it will keep my new bike safe.
Needed this to lock my expensive electric bike to at work. Took ten minutes with no problems. Sturdier than I imagined it to be
Would thoroughly recommend.
Very impressed with this – heavy steel and well painted, it was very easy to install in my concrete garage floor. Just be sure to follow the instructions and drill pilot holes first – it makes drilling the large 16mm holes easier and more accurate. Recommended.
Wanted for bike anchor in garage – mounted on wall alongside bike hanger, so actually quite high. Just ensure you have secure brick/block so that it can’t be levered from the wall (or floor).
Much bigger than I expected. Heavy duty and thick. Excellent item. Just need a thick chain and reliable lock. Would definitely recommend this.
Needed to buy a large masonry drill bit but simply to install and use. Achieves the sold secure gold rating I needed to lock up bikes in the garage. Would definitely recommend.
Installed mine on my concrete garage floor. It’s a bit tricky to get each of the 2 holes spot on, which you obviously need to do or you won’t get both the both the bolts in the right place! I drilled 2 holes using a much smaller drill bit first to make it easier to get the bigger drill bit accurate enough, this worked on for me.
Had to hammer each of the expanding bolts in a bit as i got it very slightly off, but they both went in in the end and everything tightentend up perfectly and it is really secure.
Took me 20 minutes to install and would thoroughly recommend for anyone with expensive bikes/motorbikes. Very resonably priced too.
The only thing I would say is that the wall anchors need to be a better quality. If you’re not careful, the retaining ring around the outer casing can spring off and the whole outer casing falls to pieces before you can tighten it up. I ended up buying replacement anchors from Amazon which were 100 times better. I would recommend it though for the price.
Bought to anker my bikes to the floor , easy to install and works a treat , love the little ball bearing to fill in the holes for the bolts
Follow the fitting instructions and you should be fine. Seems sturdy enough. Hasnt been put to the test yet!
Disclosure; I am terrible at drilling
However, purchased two new masonry drill bits as advise(10&16mm) and despite hard going to drill the hole, the bolt fits fine. Not sure if people are using the wrong size bit or are enlarging the hole somehow? But 16mm was spot on for me, just make sure you’re dead straight downward or you’ll have to mess about a bit.
Both in and secured within 20 mins.
Si tienes el taladro adecuado para hacer buenos agujeros es perfecto. Lo he puesto en el suelo del trastero para la bici nueva y queda increble.
Brill security once fitted that is not coming out the ground!
piastra di dimensioni generose e spessore notevole (6mm). non proprio economico ed necessario dotarsi di punte da 16mm ma la qualit garantita.
Note for people reading other reviews about the instructions:
16mm is the right drill bit size for an M10 anchor. Look it up. If you use a smaller size and force it into the ground there will be no space for the anchor to expand and hold securely and you will not be able to tighten the bolt. I found the anchors to be of good quality. If you disagree buy another pair for a couple of quid.
Staffa di ancoraggio ben fatta e dal
giusto prezzo. Si installa con molta facilit, ottime le fishes in dotazione.
L articolo robusto, dotato di 2 tasselli in ferro da 16, quindi sinonimo di sicurezza.
Se necesita una broca del 16 para poder meter los tacos que trae.
Tienen buena pinta y a priori parecen robustos. Los coloqu facilmente con el sistema que trae y quedaron realmente bien. Contento.
Der sehr robuste und schwere “Sterling Locks Bodenanker” erfllt seinen Zweck im Keller an der Wand um Fahrrder zu sichern. Die Schrauben habe ich mit wieder zu entfernenden Zinnkugeln versiegelt und nicht mit den mitgelieferten Stahl-Sicherungskugeln, die nicht mehr zerstrungsfrei bzw. nie entfernbar sind.
Por el precio que tiene creo que es una muy buena compra.
Habe diesen Anker direkt an der Hauswand zum Anschlieen meines E-Bikes erworben.
Die Verarbeitung? – naja. Eine Art riefige Struktur prgt sich an beiden Seiten durch die Lackierung.
Die Beschreibung in Englisch mit Google-bersetzer ins Deutsche bersetzt, wirkt doch sehr fragwrdig.
Im Grunde alles etwas unlogisch wie es beschrieben wird.
Im Grunde soll aber erst mit 10mm vorgebohrt, dann aber auf 16mm aufgebohrt werden.
Allerdings frage ich mich, ob es nicht besser wre, direkt vorsichtig mit 16mm zu bohren, da der groe Bohrer sehr reit und zerrt wenn er an ein kleines Loch angesetzt wird.
Im brigen werden die Metalldbel nicht eingeschlagen, sondern in meinem Fall, bei Bohrung in Klinker, locker eingedrckt.
Ein Indiz, das die Bohrung durch Schlagbohrung und Vorbohrung etwas verlaufen, somit oval und/oder zu gro ist.
Vielleicht knnte in diesem Fall auch ein Bohrer 15mm gengen.
Jedoch hatte ich Glck und die Schrauben lieen sich mit einem Sechser Imbus gefhlt sehr fest anziehen ohne das der Dbel etwa mitgedreht htte – Glck gehabt!
Ich fhre nun die zwei Meter lange Kette mit 10mm Gliederstrke am oberen Rahmen meines Fahrrades durch den Anker. Die Kette ist dadurch kein bisschen zu lang, wenn auch sehr schwer.
Widerrum kann ich die schwere Kette nicht an anderer Stelle des Fahrrades durchfhren, weil dort irgendwelche empfindlichen Kabel, Kabelzge, Speichen sind und dadurch Schaden nehmen knnten.
Lange Rede kurzer Sinn – Der Anker ist fr diesen Zweck bis zum erfolgreichen Diebstahl sehr zu gebrauchen wenn keine andere solide Anschliemglichkeit zur Verfgung steht.
Impossibile da manomettere dai ladri. Ottimo per legare moto e bici nei garage.
usato per assicurare bicicletta e scooter al muro, le viti di fissaggio al muro sono di buona qualit anche se adatte solo a pareti in cemento e non a forati, in questo caso sarebbe meglio utilizzare fissanti chimici.
Los tacos y los tornillos tambin se ven de buena calidad.
Para que el conjunto sea 100% indestructible trae dos bolas de acero para insertar en las cabezas de los tornillos. Piensa bien donde lo instalas que ser imposible quitarlo.
La broca para instalarlo debe de ser de 16 mm.
Good value for money. Had these before and they are fine, fairly easy to fit and the bolts aren’t so cheap that they fall apart!
Im Hausflur angebracht, Montage einfach (16 er Bohrer), sitzt Bombenfest.
Macht einen sehr sicheren Eindruck. Ich kann mein Rad sorglos im Treppenhaus anschliessen.
Muy buena calidad al mejor precio. Eso si, los tornillos que traen son ms gordos que los remaches del titanic. Lo que enganches no se lo lleva ni el Dioni.
Ne ho comprati 3 nell’ultimo anno. La staffa super resistente e ci passa una catena da 12mm. La consiglio se si vuole mettere in sicurezza moto o bici. Io per maggiore tranquillit aggiungo anche dell’ancorante chimico tra staffa e muro.
Muy buena calidad. Tiene el hueco suficiente para poder meter una cadena cementada de calidad. La ma es de 16mm si no mal recuerdo.
Ich bin total begeistert von dem Teil. Sehr einfache Montage, sitzt bombenfest.Der Bodenanker ist viel massiver, als das Foto vermuten lsst.
Lo he colocado sobre pared de hormign, tiene toda la pinta de ser bastante resistente, espero no tener que comprobar si aguanta un intento de robo…
Der Bodenanker ist sehr massiv und leicht zu installieren. Die Dbel halten bombenfest. Durch die einzuschlagende Metallkugel wird ein herausdrehen der Schraube verhindert.Das Produkt kann ich nur weiterempfehlen.
Viene con los tacos metlicos necesarios para su instalacin. Lo use en un trastero de un piso de alquiler y no fui capaz de quitarlo para levarmelo. Comprare otro!
Muy slido y sencillo de colocar (necesario una broca de 16mm y una llave allen) con un sistema que impide que una vez atornillado se pueda desatornilla
Oggetto arrivato nei tempi indicati.
Ottima fattura e compreso di tutto.
Io ne ho acquistati due e credo di essere un po pisicuro ore…
Todo muy bien, los tornillos que vienen super grandes con lo que tuve que utilizar otros, pero de momento parece muy seguro
Es perfecto, lo utilizamos para guardar la bicicleta en el garage y va perfecto. Est anclado a la pared y es muy cosistente. La nica deficultad es que las instrucciones no estn en castellano.
Perfekt zur Grillsicherung in Verbindung mit einer massiven Kette.
Vertrauenserweckende Qualitt, massive Metalldbel und Schrauben.
Der Innensechskant wird dann durch Einschlagen einer Kugel unzugnglich gemacht.
Gut gelst.
Muy potente, intent ponerla en la pared pero no me fu posible pero la puse en el suelo y qued muy contenta
Muy contento hace la funcion deseada es muy buena compra ya que esta muy bien para amarrar motos o cualquier vehiculo que quieras asegurar un poco mas