Tascam DR-60DMKII â Portable linear PCM Stereo Recorder for DSLR
Weight: | 510 g |
Dimensions: | 7.8 x 13.3 x 9.3 cm; 510 Grams |
Model: | DR-60DMKII |
Colour: | Black |
Batteries Included: | 4 AA batteries required. (included) |
Colour: | Black |
Weight: | 510 g |
Dimensions: | 7.8 x 13.3 x 9.3 cm; 510 Grams |
Model: | DR-60DMKII |
Colour: | Black |
Batteries Included: | 4 AA batteries required. (included) |
Colour: | Black |
Der Rekorder kommt in einem (fr Filmer) sehr praktischenDesign daher. Dieser kleine Wrfel kann Dank der Zollgewinde in einem Kamera-Rig gut montiert werden. Einen Sturz wrde das Kunststoffgehuse vermutlich nicht berleben.
Die Menfhrung macht fr mich Sinn, aber das eine oder andere Tutorial in YouTube helfen auf jeden Fall fr das Handling.
Begeistert bin ich von den Vorverstrkern, die sind eindeutig krftiger und sauberer als viele teurere Konkurrenten von Zoom und co.
Das hat seinen Preis. Der DR-60MK2 ist schon ein Stromfresser. Zum Glck kann er via USB versorgt werden und mit einer kleinen Powerbank luft er dann den ganzen Tag. Als Feldrekorder fr Filmaufnahmen perfekt. XLR Outputs wren zwar schn, aber das ist Jammern auf hohem Niveau. Mit meinem Rode NTG-2 Mikrofon bekomme ich gute bis sehr gute Ergebnisse hin. Der Rauschabstand ist gut, was bedeutet, dass das Mikrofon auch ordentlich mit 48 V Phantompower versorgt wird.
Ich finde den Tascam sehr sympathisch, wenn er denn ein Weilchen lebt. Klare Kaufempfehlung meinerseits.
Condensa molte funzioni in un registratore veramente piccolo, il che lo rende un po’ complicato per un utilizzatore inesperto (in tal caso il libretto di istruzioni risolve il problema). Buona qualit di registrazione e grande portabilit. Uniche pecche a parer mio sono il numero di canali e l’alimentazione. I 4 canali (2 mono con entrata XLR/mini jack e 1 canale stereo mini jack) sono a parer mio pochi. All’alimentazione attraverso 4 AA avrei preferito una con delle batterie dedicate. Consuma abbastanza motivo per cui bene dotarsi di batterie ricaricabili con un buon milliamperaggio orario. Consente ottime registrazioni e un buon controllo con un registratore piccolo ed economico.
Priceless kit and well worth the money as records great and works well with two mic dialogue
Por lo poco que lo he podido probar va muy bien. Los previos que tiene son bastante buenos, y dan una calidad bastante profesional. Lgicamente tambin depende mucho del micrfono que le conectes.
Muy manejable. Gran calidad de sonido. Perfecto para cine (largometrajes o cortometrajes). Se acopla muy bien al tripode y a la cmara.
est bien cumple las espectativas que tena sobre el y creo que con esto ya no tengo ms que aadi
J’ai fais l’acquisition de cet enregistreur essentiellement pour exploitation avec des micros XLR. Globalement je suis plutt satisfait mais quelques dtails cotent la 5 toile:
– Je trouve quand mme les pramplis un peu trop bruyants
– a consomme vraiment beaucoup et quelle ide d’avoir adopt une prise MINI usb pour l’alimentation extrieure
– L’appareil ne sait pas commuter tout seul de l’alim interne vers l’alim externe, et a c’est pas trs rassurant car on n’est pas l’abri d’une msaventure avec l’alim extrieure. Si on n’est pas devant pour valider ce basculement, c’est foutu, on use les piles internes et puis plus rien.
– C’est dsagrable et inhabituel d’avoir appuyer 2 fois pour dmarrer l’enregistrement. On n’est plus l’poque des enregistreurs bande !
– Il manque la possibilit de doublage : couter 1 piste et enregistrer sur une autre
Il y a aussi heureusement de trs bonnes choses, comme l’abondance de prises d’entre/sortie, un monitoring plutt complet, la possibilit de fixation dessus et dessous, de multiples configurations d’enregistrement possibles
Quick and cost effective solution to conference recording from my desk.
Grabadora genial para dSLR. Puedes utilizarla con pilas o conectado a la red. Recoge buena calidad del sonido comparado con la conexin directa de un micro a la cmara. Variedad de controles.
bought as a gift for my son who loves i
Apparato versatile, adatto per registrazioni dal vivo con supporto fisso, molto fedele, con buon preamplificatore incorporato, abbinato con microfono a fucile su cavalletto il risultato molto buono.
Un appareil vraiment pratique et efficace, dispose de deux modes d’alimentation ( pile ou batterie externe), simple d’utilisation une fois que on a assimil les diffrents paramtres proposs. Un outil indispensable pour les tournages extrieurs.
Pas de mauvaise surprise ! Les produits Tascam sont en gnral de bonne facture et ce produit n’y fait pas exception ! La qualit audio et les diffrentes fonctionnalits sont un vrai plus.
La grabadora est bastante bien si no tienes un presupuesto muy alto, aunque lo suyo es tener unos buenos micrfonos para usarla. Vino en perfectas condiciones y muy bien embalada, as que estamos muy contentos.
Petit, compact peu encombrant c’est l’accessoire parfait pour la prise de son au format .wav uniquement quatre canaux et un rglage parfois complexe pour trouver la bonne configuration en rapport avec mes diffrentes camras JVC mais le rendu est parfais et le support en ligne existe rellement chez TASCAM petits points noirs, les sauts de rglages de niveaux, la consommation des piles que l’on peut palier par une source 5volts externe bien qu’un jack d’alimentation fut plus appropri que le connecteur mini usb fragile sur le long terme, le menu uniquement en anglais, pour le reste c’est une efficacit et une plage d’amplification importante dans la limite du raisonnable au niveau souffle.
Le prix est largement appropri pour ce type de matriel grand publique.
Once you get used to using it, it’s pretty damn good.
Produces lovely clean audio tracks.
It massacres batteries though so I would highly recommend an external usb battery “tank” or v-locks.
Works well with a dslr and can mix down into the camera if you want but the tracks it records are very nice. Easy enough to use and lots of supporting material to help you through the learning in various places online. The xld inputs a nice but the smaller jacks etc.. a little bit vulnerable on a busy shoot.
Ohh.. a potential thing to watch for… a full card format on this unit… takes forever and a day.. do quick ones if you are working.
As professional photographer / videomaker that spend all time traveling around the planet, I can’t live without this recorder. I use it with R0DE stereo microphones, with shotgun and also studio and levaliers for interview. The sound quality is superb, professional grade. Much better than the sound recorded by video or DSLR cameras. Recommended.
Buena relacin calidad precio y resuelven rpidamente las incidencias.
De uso diario, mejor usar una caja o soporte porque la base inferior se termina deformando.
Si no requieres de muchas captaciones a la vez es una grabadora de campo excelente. Calidad, peso, funcionalidades, etc estn al nivel que se espera de Tascam. Si hay que ponerle una pega: funciona con pilas y no con batera (aunque as subira su coste). Algo que con unas pilas de recambio y/o recargables se suple.
Now this is a cracker – probably the best entry level recorder there is out there! I had the impression that using a semi-professional recorder wasn’t that easy, but with this one you are good to go in just a few steps. After watching a video review on the YouTube channel “Curtis Judd” I fell in love with this thing and decided to give it a try, and I have to say that I wasn’t expecting it to be this good.
This is a well built unit for making top end high quality recordings.
Not yet used it to its full potential, but capable of outdoor field recordings, and live music.
Requires a good quality microphone.
Ho comprato questo per registrare audio per le riprese che faccio con Sony A6000 che non ha nessun ingresso audio. Funzione perfettamente con quatro ingressi XLR.
More detailed review to follow.
However in summary the Tascam DR-60MKii is an excellent product backed by brilliant customer service from a company that keeps its word.. a winning combination!
War beim Auspacken begeistert -> Mann ist das niedlich! So klein und leicht!
Und die Konfiguration war Dank des mitgelieferten Handbuchs auch schnell klar.
Abzug gibt es, weil es bereits zwei mal abgestrzt ist (einfach eingefrohren) und fr die mechanische Verarbeitung: Die 3,5mm Klinken sind nur bei Nutzung von Kabelbindern machbar, die eine Zugentlastung bilden bzw. Belastung der Buchsen verringern; mir haben sie zu viel Plastik-Charm. Aber der geringen Baugre geschuldet passen da wohl keine anderen Buchsen ins Gert.
Die Bedienknpfe machen keinen langlebigen Eindruck, aber da lasse ich mich gerne positiv berraschen.
Und zwischen Kamera und Videokopf am Stativ montiert (wie die Bauart suggeriert) wird das Konstrukt durch den relativ weichen Plastikboden des Gehuses zu einer wackeligen Angelegenheit. Ich nutze das Teil daher unter dem Rig montiert oder ganz losgelst von der Kamera.
Ausserdem (ohne Abzug): Der Kopfhrer-Ausgang ist nicht Studio-Niveau. Das erwartet man bei dem Preis nicht wirklich, neutralere Abstimmung wre nett gewesen. Allerdings – in der Praxis erst einmal wichtiger: Das Teil kann am KH-Ausgang sehr sehr laut spielen. Und der aufgenommene Sound ist wirklich viel besser (Klang und Rauscharmut) als die Tonspur irgendeiner DSLR.
Sehr sehr positiv: Die Akku-Laufzeit und das zuverlssige Umschalten bei Wechsel von Akku- auf Netzteil-Betrieb und umgekehrt. Hierbei gibt es am Line-Out ggf. ein “Blop” Gerusch. Die Aufnahme luft aber tadellos weiter und zwar ohne Nebengerusche.
Selbst mit einer 2600mAh / 5V PowerBank (wie man es als Werbegeschenk fr das Laden von Handys bekommt), spielt der DR-60 ca. 2 Stunden (4 Spuren, 24/96, ohne Phantomspeisung).
Der Support deutete auf Anfrage an, dass in einer zuknftigen FW Version eventuell auch SD Karten grer 32GB untersttzt wrden.
Un super outil, trs efficace, une vrai petite mixette de poche !
Seul bmol, c’est un peu gros mais la qualit gomme largement ce dtail.
un ottimo registratore, qualit impeccabile. Io lo uso collegato ad un mixer digitale , per registrare concerti Live. Il risultato eccezionale.
Ma purtroppo non posso dare 5 stelle , perch consuma troppo, come batterie, dopo 1,30, max 2 ore, devo cambiarle.
O prendo una power uniti, o devo collegarlo in rete.
Prodotto ottimo e di qualit. Consiglio l’acquisto di una cinghia per poterlo utilizzare pi comodamente.
L’utilizzo su cavalletto sotto la videocamera risulta scomodo per le sue dimensioni.
very useful, it’s going to see lots of field work
Using it with two wireless lavalier microphones + ambiance stereo mic and output to the camera. Saves me quite a bit of time to sync in post. Very good solution for the price. The only inconveniences are that I can’t record the safety (-6dB) tracks also in 4 track mode and I had to buy adapters for XLR, otherwise I would have to put both wireless microphones on high gain and that adds lots of hiss.
Soddisfattissimo dell’ acquisto!
Tascam garanzia di qualit, preamplificatori e potenziometri senza fruscii, tante possibilit di connessione, registrazione fino a 4 tracce, semplicissimo da usare, anche pi leggero di quello che pensassi!
Ho preso due power bank da 12000 mA della RavPower RAVPower Caricabatterie Portatile da 12000mAh [20% Pi Piccolo], Doppio Output Totale da 3.4A (2.4A Ciascuna), Input da 2A, per iPhone, iPad, Huawei, Samsung, Tablet e Smartphone -[Garanzia a Vita ], in modo da usarne uno mentre l’ altro in carica, ma gi con un solo power bank da 12000 l’ autonomia di ore e ore (probabilmente intorno alle 8/10 ore).
Se devo trovare il pelo nell’ uovo, la Tascam dovrebbe produrre una borsa da trasporto, ma ne ho trovata una su Amazon che consiglio a tutti:
“Caison per fotocamera digitale Mirrorless ponte Compact Comfort Case Borsa a tracolla per il trasporto” Caison per fotocamera digitale Mirrorless ponte Compact Comfort Case Borsa a tracolla per il trasporto
Borsa molto comoda, con divisorio per mettere sotto al Tascam il power bank, con tasca frontale per l’ altro powerbank e/o scheda SD di scorta, tasca laterale per le cuffie (personalmente uso e consiglio le Panasonic RP-HS46, Panasonic RP-HS46 – headphones (Supraaural, Ear-hook, Black, 20 – 20000 Hz, neodymium, Wired) sopraurali leggere, semi-isolanti, che una volta posizionate sulle orecchie non si spostano mai), ma soprattutto con l’altra taschina che permette l’ accesso all’ interno della bag, in modo da poter fare uscire dalla tasca stessa i cavi di input/output (dei codini jack-minijack che ho realizzato ad hoc) del Tascam!!
It is fine delivered on time, one big snag, the battery pullout ribbon is black, so is the plastic and it is difficult to see, bad feature design in a dark place
La qualit audio est primordiale pour un bon rendu vido. Et avec ce boitier enregistreur TASCAM, j’ai ralis un court mtrage dont la qualit des micros est vraiment exploite. Pas de parasites, une qualit de fabrication irrprochable, deux connections XLR de bonne qualit de fabrication, un rendu sonore juste parfait.
Les menus sont bien faits, les accs peut-tre un peu longs en prise en main, mais tout est rglable.
A commander les yeux ferms 🙂
Mi sto avvicinando al mondo della cinematografia e avevo bisogno di un registratore audio, ho deciso di spendere un po’ e di fare un investimento su questo registratore. Ottima qualit audio ma essendo prodotto da una marca famosa era quello che mi aspettavo. Ottimo acquisto, sono soddisfatto.
Great piece of kit- works with a variety of microphones and can be mounted on a tripod. Can also have a camera mounted on top.
The batteries also last a lot longer than they did in the MKI edition of this item.
Ottimo mixer, lo uso quotidianamente con grande soddisfazione. unico neo la durata delle batterie, assolutamente necessario un power bank collegato tramite usb. personalmente lo ho incollato direttamente sullo sportellino batteria collegandolo con usb, autonomia 10 h.
Lavoro nel campo audio video, e nessuno deve uscire di casa senza questo oggetto in “tasca”! Fa quello che dice in modo egregio, qualit audio ottima e design semplice e funzionale!
Great piece of kit, has helped to improve the audio tremendously on my shoots, ordinary recordings, it’s an amazing portable sound recorder for dlsr or standalone audio recordings, I’m thinking of acquiring another as a spare.
The best for the money and very straightforward to use. Shame the XLR connections lock up your cables.
J’ai un micro Rode NTG-2 que je branchais sur un Zoom H2n avec un adaptateur XLR – Mini Jack, mais les niveaux taient faibles, avec beaucoup de bruits de fonds, et sans alimentation fantme donc micro munie d’une pille…
J’ai choisis le DR-60D car il possde des entres XLR avec alimentation fantme, possde des contrles de volumes physique trs pratique (mme si ils ne sont pas digne d’une mixette, car quand vous les tournez, le volume ne change pas progressivement, et vous entendez la diffrence et des fois un petit clic, donc il faut rgler les niveaux avant d’enregistrer), dispose d’un nombre suffisant de boutons de contrles (je ne dois aller dans les menus que pour rgler les gains d’entres, le type de fichier mono/stro/4ch, etc, mais pour les contrles courants tout est en boutons !), ensuite son cran est pas mal (plus petit que le H2n mais plus confortable et mieux utilis je trouve), dispose de 2 entres XLR/Jack alimentes (alimentation pouvant tre dfinie, dans mon cas 48v, trs pratique), une entre stro mini jack (mais pas vraiment de qualit, plus de bruits de fonds…), plusieurs sorties (une camra low (je ne sais pas quoi elle peut servir mais bon…), une camra high de bonne qualit pour le retour vers reflex, et une sortie casque, chaque sortie possdant une molette de volume ! Que demander de plus pour ce prix ??
Son format est trs spcial… Destin se fixer sous le reflex -> MAUVAISE IDE puisque l’ensemble n’est pas stable et trop haut… En revanche sur un rig il trouve bien sa place. Mais le mieux est en utilisation part, les poignes pour sangles sont pratiques mais comme elles sont larges et l’appareil peut profond, il a tendance pivoter quand on l’a au tour du coup, mais c’est facile corriger en ajoutant un poids l’arrire (comme une batterie USB externe pour tlphone), ou en le mettant dans un petit sac d’appareil photo.
Son plus gros point faible doit tre sa consommation nergtique, il s’enfile les pilles en quelques heures pour peut que l’on a activ l’alimentation fantme… SAUF QUE, le port USB prend en charge une parfaite alimentation externe, comme le Zoom H2n, tascam vend une batterie externe ddie (l’arnaque…) alors qu’il gre parfaitement toute batterie nomade pour tlphone, on en vends partout… En revanche j’ai des doutes sur les batteries Fast Charges qui offrent un amprage plus lev… Je ne m’y connais pas en lectronique mais je ne prfre pas tester, ce n’est dj pas bon pour les tlphones de les recharger trop vite de toute faon…
Et le truc gnial, c’est qu’il reconnait tout seul lorsqu’on connecte une batterie USB, mais pas le niveau de batterie, alors on peut croire que quand la batterie externe est vide il s’teint sans prvenir ? Et bien non, car en utilisant des pilles AA internes, et en connectant une batterie USB, l’appareil vous demande quelle source choisir, et lorsque la batterie externe est trop faible ou est dconnect par accident, les pilles prennent la relve sans aucune coupure… C’est gnial ! Fini le tracas des pilles qui durent quelques heures dans l’enregistreur ET dans le micro cause d’une absence d’alimentation fantme ! 😀 avec une grosse batterie USB genre 11000 mAh, j’alimente l’enregistreur et le micro une bonne journe sans soucis.
Ensuite, il a beaucoup moins de fonctions musicien que le Zoom H2n (pas d’accordeur, de mtronomes,de fonctions spcial pour guitaristes,…) mais ce n’est pas sa vocation, alors il ne possde pas de micro interne, c’est regrettable, sauf que a le rend abordable niveau prix.
Niveau fonctions il a quand mme ce qu’il faut, ma prfre c’est le DUAL RECORDING, qui enregistre en 2 fichiers avec un volume diffrent que vous pouvez rgler (pour ma part je l’ai fixer -8dB), et le rglage du gain en plus du volume pour chaque entre font que les pramplis sont SUPER PUISSANTS. Mon H2n n’avait jamais assez de puissance pour mon micro qui enregistrait toujours beaucoup trop faible, alors que sur cet appareil un gain sur MEDIUM et le volume moiter est dj bien suffisant 🙂
BREF, a faisait longtemps que je le voulais aprs avoir hsiter entre sa premire version, le Zoom H6, et le DR-70D, et franchement je n’en suis pas du le moins du monde (et contrairement au Zoom H6 son cran est parfaitement lisible en plein soleil)
Pour une utilisation en vido avec un reflex, c’est TOP-TOP-TOP !
Works really well with RODE NTG-2. Eats batteries though, watch out! I need eight batteries for a long shoot just to keep this thing powered. Well worth it though.
Superbe qualit de son, prise en main facile et intuitive. The best ! Rien redire sur ses possibilits, autant en fonctionnement autonome que reli la camra. Deux bmols: d’abord un encombrement consquent, cet appareil n’est pas discret. Ensuite, une consommation importante, problme rgl par une batterie externe qui amplifie encore l’encombrement de l’outil !
Mais si la capture de son est votre dada, cet appareil, dans une gamme de prix raisonnable, est le meilleur.
We have been using this unit now for around 18 months and the reason I have come back to this page is that we are buying another! ‘We’ are Sine Wave Media and produce show reels, promos, branded films and our own films so we have to be sure. Other reviewers have highlighted the two level option which, for us, has proved a huge benefit because you can choose or merge your sound wave in the edit. This unit is also great for off camera interviews i.e. audio only. Someone was complaining the DR-60 did not have any external mics. fair comment if this was what was originally described, but we would always advocate the purchase of external XLR capable mics anyway. For the sake of 50-70 it is a false economy not to have at least one roving mic. The build quality is a little suspect around the battery holder but extra vigilance is all that is needed to preserve this vital piece of kit. The manual is indeed a little on the geek side, but all you need to do is have a fiddle and you’ll pick up all the options quickly enough.
Sono felicissimo di aver acquistato questo prodotto. Qualit TASCAM garantita. Io ho acquistato un Rde NTG-2 e la considero un’accoppiata vincente. Unico difetto: l’alimentazione consuma in breve tempo le 4 pile stilo da utilizzare.
Stupendous, screws onto the side of my rig no problem, pre amps are fantastic for this price range, whether I’m using a 20 condenser mic or a 150 shotgun mic through the pre amps it always sounds crisp and clean. Battery life is amazing, the fact you can recorder two tracks separate or into one mix is super handy plus it’s small size means taking it on the road is a no brainer. 100% recommend if you need something small and don’t use loads of mics.
I use this for recording outside with both video cameras and on its own for podcasts. I have attached a padded neoprene strap to the unit and this sits comfortably around my neck and the unit is just below my chest which allows for ease of access. I use it with 3 inputs, which are a wireless lapel microphone which connects via XLR 1, a separate shotgun cardioid microphone which connects via XLR 2 and a third microphone which connects via the stereo 3.5mm connector. I did have problems getting the lapel microphone to work on the 3.5mm socket, but this was primarily due to the lapel mic needing ‘plug in power’. This is enabled in the settings for the Tascam unit, but it took me a couple of days to realise why my lapel mics weren’t recording at a decent volume. I did buy a stereo plug splitter which gives two separate mono 3.5mm inputs and allows for two mono inputs to be added to the Tascam 3.5mm stereo input.
The unit works really well, is very lightweight and can be used with USB power should the batteries run down. I have a RavPower 26800mAh USB battery pack which I keep in my bag should it be needed.
My only bugbear is the rotary input level knobs. They do not work in a linear manner and are stepped, a minor gripe which doesn’t really impact on the usability of the unit but thought I would mention it.
Pequeo, robusto, compacto, buena informacin en pantalla, muy buena ergonoma y facilidad de manejo, muy buena conectividad y posibilidades de amarre a otros dispositivos. Es excelente y adems, bonito.
Wir haben das fr unsere Gemeinde gekauft die Ton zu verbessern. Es hat gut geklappt und jetzt haben wir ein Klarer Ton erzeugt mit Tasche DR-60D
comprando un oggetto di marca non si sbaglia quasi mai… Tascam e’ leader nell’audio portatile …. e questo oggetto e’ professionale e perfetto
delivered as promised,thought the device was going to be a lot smaller than it actually was but still a great piece of kit.this is a replacement recorder that i use (edirol r44)which has become rather bulky in my rather miniturized kit.overall the performance and build quality of this recorder is comparable with any other machine .no noticeable noise on the recorded tracks so signal to noise ratio is exellent,as is the way the buttons are laid out and i recorded a male voice chior the other day connected up to my yamaha mixer and have to say the result was brilliant.have not yet had a chance to do any work with it connected up to my camera,so when the weather gets warmer ill be out testing it in its other role as well cheers.
Used this a good few times now, both for location recording on film shoots and for outside recording of foley work. A little battery hungry (with 48V) but I use a USB power charger (the ones that are supposed to charge your phone on the go) and get around 8 hours continuous use, a great solution to of AA batteries!
The inputs are pretty clean for this spec and the display/menus are nice and clear.
Headphone output is a little noisy, to the point where I had to double check my recordings to make sure it wasn’t on the inputs.
I don’t use it underneath a DSLR, only as a standalone unit.
Spettacolare, facile da usare se adattato ad una power bank non devi comprare nemmeno le batterie, registra come vuoi e dove vuoi. La scheda SD ottima soluzione, i 4 canali vanno benissimo. Prodotto consigliato voto 10 ottima l’Azienda fornitrice affidabile e ben curata la consegna. Amazon eccezionale.
J’utilise ce produit pour des tournages de cinma amateur avec un micro Rode NTG-2 (XLR, alim Phantom) sur perche, mais aussi parfois un micro secondaire Rode videomic (mini-jack). Produit achet dans le cadre d’une monte en gamme: auparavant sur mes tournages j’utilisais un matriel trs basique (videomic+zoom H2n). Donc forcment, l’amlioration est nette (c’est le jour et la nuit!) et je n’ai pas de vrai point de comparaison.
Toutefois la prise en main de l’appareil a t assez facile. Il m’a certes fallu passer un peu de temps pour trouver les rglages optimum (notamment pour rediriger le son vers le DSLR: trouver la meilleurs config des gains en entre et sortie du Tascam et celui en entre du DSLR) mais les interfaces sont assez claire et intuitives, et sur les points plus dlicats le manuel m’a bien aid.
Les quelques bmoles:
– trs trs consommateur de piles… Mais je le savais pour avoir lu des commentaires ici qui en parlent. J’ai donc achet une batterie externe ( Batterie Externe EC Technology 22400mAh Power Bank Chargeur Portable de Secours avec 3 Ports ,Lumires LED, Puissante pour iPhone, iPad, Samsung Galaxy, des Smartphones et Tablettes – Noir&Rouge ) pour pouvoir l’utiliser toute une journe de tournage sans avoir changer les piles constamment… J’ai coll des bandes velcro pour pouvoir fixer les deux ensemble. Et ca marche trs bien!
– les molettes de rglage du gain tournent en continue, mais il semble que les montes et descentes de gain se fassent par paliers, ce qui a des effets un peu bizarres parfois et peut tre gnant si on veut faire des rglages dynamiques pendant l’enregistrement.
– la compacit de l’appareil ses cts pratiques (petite taille…) mais aussi ses cts agaants: il ne faut pas avoir de trop gros doigts pour rgler les gains de sortie vers DSLR ou vers casque, ou pour brancher/dbrancher les prises jack.
– La molette plastique pour la slection dans le menu principal se dtache trop facilement! j’ai failli la perdre sur un tournage…
Bref globalement trs satisfait aprs utilisation pour un tournage puis pour deux interviews
Well though out design and UI. Up and running and recording at great audio quality in minutes. Only issue is battery life. 4 brand new top brand batteries ran out after <1hr recording with 1 Phantom powered condenser mic. Will be using this with USB power from now on.
Gran calidad de sonido, pesa muy poco, amplia mucho la cantidad de seal del micrfono sin apenas aadir nada de ruido.
– Encontra: falta de micrfono para tener referencia y cinta para colgrtelo al cuello.
Te quejas de como graba una DSLR?
Te quejas de no tener varias fuentes de sonido?
O quieres tener las funciones de un estudio en el tamao de un cartn de leche?
No le vendra de ms una cinta de neopreno (por ejemplo) o algn sistema para colgar.
Good recorder. The shape helps a lot. Better with an external USB power source because it drains batteries too quickly.
Buen producto, facil de usar, con muchas opciones para ganar una muy buena grabacion y con un precio bastante accesible.
La recensione di un nome come Tascam,pu essere considerato inutile, conosciuto da molti anni da chi lavora nel campo dell’audio professionale.
Per quanto mi riguarda ho sempre avuto almeno un registratore nel mio studio che portava questo nome.
Quindi il giudizio deve per forza di cose essere piu analitico.
Pensato per utilizzo sul campo con sistemi DSLR deve essere pratico robusto,di rapida regolazione e di qualit indiscussa;
Praticit relativamente grande,mi st a fatica nella mano,relativamente pesante,con le batterie 4 ,montato del cage deve essere equilibrato,va posizionato dall’altra parte del monitor,se c’.
Richiede un braccio snodato,per essere collocato per una rapida verifica delle regolazioni.(spesa in piu).
Regolazione il display piccolo e la retro illuminazione ovviamente per risparmiare batterie si spegne automaticamente dopo un p.
Evitare quindi di cambiare microfoni al volo,pena perdita di tempo.
Nel pacco non c’era un cavetto mini jack,da collegare al corpo reflex,mancanza che mi ha fatto dare una stella in meno.
Altri soldi e altro tempo per cercarne uno adatto.
Qualit visto che non posso per il momento collegare il mixer preamp al corpo macchina impossibile giudicare la catena nel suo insieme. Mi sono accontentato di ascoltare in cuffia,il suono con microfoni a condensatore panoramici,compagni del Tascam e motivo dell’acqusto.
Risultato la preamp limitata con suoni distanti la lettura del segnale scarsa. (non colpa del micro AKG che conosco bene).
Con micro Lavalier il risultato buono mixato con i panoramici danno un onesta idea dell’aria dove si effettuata la registrazione.
Giudizi affrettati per il momento,ci giocher ancora per poter dare un parere esauriente.
Quando avr tempo scatter una foto per mostrare l’effetto impressionante del tutto,non passerete inosservati.
Prodotto perfetto per fare registrazioni audio di qualit da utilizzare a livello professionale. Unica pecca l’eccessivo consumo di batterie. Questo importante aspetto poteva essere pensato e realuzzato meglio. Tempi di consegna veloci con Prime.
I can’t parse this recorder enough. Much better that the zoom H5 I used as it has more capability. I mount it to a rig separately and put a Ninja video recorder on the top. The ability to make two recordings at different levels has made a real difference to my editing and I haven’t missed any audio due to peeking. I also like that I can easily bring in different devices such as a remote lava mic as well as ambient Mike to get a good mix of sound and not make it to focused.
A nice neat recorder, with useful facilities. Limited use, so far, but has proved satisfactory.
Avevo provato diversi adattatori XLR per registrare audio adeguato con DSLR o videocamere di piccolo ingombro. Il problema principale sempre stato che con questo tipo di macchine nel 99% dei casi non possibile eliminare il controllo automatico del gain, per cui in ambienti mediamente rumorosi durante le pause tra i dialoghi viene portato su il rumore di fondo. La registrazione del Tascam impeccabile, ormai la sincronizzazione in post con la traccia audio della DSLR o della cam molto semplice e veloce. L’ho disposto in una valigetta con tutto gi montato, cuffia, ricevitore, cavo XLR, ed un power bank serio gi allacciato, livelli gi regolati, cos quando devo riprendere non devo trafficare con troppa roba sulla videocamera.
Really good for dslr film makers! Gives great control of your Audio still learning to use it. NOTE: Does not include battery, case or cable!
Es un grabador muy bueno. Especialmente para gente que hacen videos o cortometrajes. Lo daria 5 estrellas si no fuera por el tiempo muy limitado que duran las 4 baterias AA. Pero hay la posibilidad de conectar una bateria externa por usb. Tiene una configuracin para eso. Y entonces puedes estar muchas horas grabando. No vas a encontrar algo mejor por este precio.
j’ai pris le temps de comparer avec d’autres enregistreurs et je ne regrette surement pas mon choix. Trs bon appareil et l’alimentation par le port usb 5v avec un power bank est super; plus de 6h d”autonomie en full exploitation.
Bhe … un Tascam …non devo star qui a tessere lodi di nessun tipo. La sua qualit le tesse da sola. Fantastico registratore! Il fatto poi di poterla mettere sotto la 5D eccezionale!
This is an incredible bit of kit given the price.
The functions of this tascam unit are very indepth, there are loads of youtube videos about this unit and there are many places you can do some research.
I did the same but basically you can order this with confidence.
I guess one of the best features I would use is the safety track, you can set it up to record a track and another 6db lower, so if your main track is over high and distorting the secondary track will be fine, you can change the settings of this to be whatever you want.
As many people have found and commented on line when you adjust the levels it is digitally stepped, but I think it very rare this would ever be a problem, You can only detect this when recording a constant tone and turn the dial, the sound you hear back is stepped. But as I say in reality you would never capture this for an actual recording..
The unit will quite happily mount on a tripod with an SLR or other camera on top, I dont think many people would use it like this so much, it is possible to get very cheap plates for the tripod with 2 mounting positions on and mount the tascam on its own next to a camera.
I cant comment on battery use as I haven’t used it for that long, but again portable power batteries are very cheap and many users velcro one on the back of the tascam, if you are going to do this I recommend mushroom tape, its stronger than velcro.
Out the box I did find it a bit complex, might just be me, but I couldn’t get the headphones to work, so for any newbies like me, you have to go into the menu and turn monitor on, you can then hear the inputs through headphones whether recording or not.
I think once you get to grips with it, it will be easy for you to set up, maybe a crib sheet would be good, depending how complex your setup.
Some people feed the output straight into a camera and in that way you dont need to mess about in post with syncing etc, but having done it a few times myself, its not a problem.
All in all there is nothing I can say negatively about this unit, its unbelievable for the price and very professional the way it handles SD cards, I had it lock up on one but you normally format a card with the unit your using which is always good practise and I hadn’t.
This is my first external sound recorder. Have used in camera prior to this. I found this unit easy to setup by use rather than instructions which assume too much. Sound quality is good enough for my work and provides greater flexibility.
After looking at lots of devices of this kind, I selected this one and I’m pleased with it. I’m not a professional and I don’t ill-treat my kit so the build quality seems more than enough for frequent amateur use. The deciding factor was the ability to make a simultaneous digital audio recording which can be synced to the video track and used to replace the audio track recorded by the camera – not all of these devices offer this. It’s a bit big, but it sits nicely under the camera (D750) and isn’t a problem of any kind.
Inputs, outputs and metering are all that would be expected of a low end professional video camera (including XLR inputs with switchable phantom power). It may be a bit complicated for some – you’ll need to know your way around audio for video to use it confidently.
Reu dans les temps, ce petit bijou de technologie a un rapport qualit prix trs favorable. Pour moi de 200 euros vous avez une mixette quasiment professionnelle avec entres XLR et mini Jack. De quoi faire de beaux reportages audio et avoir un son professionel lorsque vous tournez avec votre appareil reflex. Son autonomie et sa qualit d’enregistreur permettent aussi de placer un micro loin de la camra et de synchroniser le son en post production. Il se fixe aisment sous l’appareil de photo.
Excelente en todos los sentidos. nico inconveniente: la alimentacin phantom agota rpidamente la batera de pilas alcalinas. Imprescindible alimentacin externa en exteriores. Tambin podra tener una toma de AC. La alimentacin por USB no soporta los 48V de phantom
Tengo un zoom h4n y me es incmodo cuando tengo que rodar solo, con este tascam puedo ponerlo debajo de la cmara y controlarlo, por otro lado el zoom no tiene salida de micro, por lo que tengo que sincronizar despus o utilizar el cable que viene en la compra de los accesorios, con este no tengo que preocuparme ya que tiene salida micro y puedo enchufarlo directamente en cmara.
Por lo dems es un grabador como todos, un poco incomodo ya que de serie viene en low y es insuficiente para todos los micros, hay que cambiarlo siempre y puede olvidarse.
Test lors d’un tournage avec le micro BOYA BY-PVM1000L rsultat trs correcte pour le prix.Je recommande sans problme se produit.
Je suis trs heureux de cet achat mme si c’est un investissement important, mais comme le son dans une vido est la chose la plus importante bien avant l’image, je me suis dis qu’il me fallait quelque chose de qualit, et elle est au rendez-vous avec cet enregistreur qui est trs polyvalent et qui n’est pas si compliqu d’utilisation que cela, il suffi de lire la notice pour comprendre en quelques minutes son fonctionnement, et ensuite c’est l’exprience qui fera le reste ! Je l’utilise avec un Rode NTG-1 Microphone ruban
Le seul dfaut du Tascam DR-60D MKII Enregistreur audio stro portable pour appareil photo numrique c’est qu’il est TRS gourmand en piles, et du coup je conseil a tout ceux qui souhaitent s’en quip de prendre une batterie externe du style EC Technology 22400mAh Batterie Externe 3 Ports USB Chargeur de Secours pour Smartphones et Tablettes – Noir&Rouge une fois recharg compltement, il offrira une autonomie trs importante et il suffira de le recharger via l’USB de votre PC pendant le traitement des fichiers audio pour ensuite pouvoir rutiliser votre Tascam la prochaine fois sur le terrain 😉
C’est un appareil assez complet pour de l’enregistrement direct ou comme table de Mix pour un APN…. Notamment pour des micros demandant une alimentation fantme . tant donn que c’est du matriel pro, il demande un peu d’entranement, des tests et une bonne lecture du mode d’emploi avant de se lance dans des enregistrements srieux
splendido! ricordo che non e’ un giocattolo. Il prodotto funziona alla grande, a patto di saperlo usare.
consiglio di provare tutti i settaggi possibili. un po troppa plastica,(ma questi sono i miei gusti) attenzione agli urti che gli si puo causare.
specialmente se lo usate sopra un treppiedi distaccato dalla fotocamera/videocamera.
comunque avrete fatto un ottimo acquisto. grande teach.
Ho comprato questo oggetto per il rapporto qualit prezzo, le batterie (io uso le panasonic) mi permettono, fino a oggi di non avere riscontrato il problema del grande consumo, comunque consiglio un power bank se le registrazioni fossero molto estese.
Lovely product – great feel and finish. Well worth it.
If you are a video journalist or actually need a sound recorder for portability then this isn’t really it. This is quite large, bigger than most compact cameras. However, I was pleased with its build quality, it seemed quite robust and strong, especially the camera mount. It looks impressive but as I needed a slightly more portable one, I had to return it and get the DR-40 instead.
Arriv en parfait tat et dans les temps. Cet enregistreur rpond parfaitement mes besoins lors de prises de sons en tournage. Compact et efficace, je le recommande.
I been out with his a few times, just as good as the Pro sound.
I have two powerbanks they both work it detect an USB power supply and asks you if you would like to switch to that source from the internal.. Most work 23000 and up I would say is a safe bet
Anker PowerCore 20100
Punktabzug fr das Kunststoff-Gehuse. Ansonsten alltagstauglich fr Reportageeinstze mit der DSLR. Audio-Qualitt absolut sendefhig. Dual-Aufnahme gutes Backup fr Solisten. Preis/Leistung top
Very nice indeed. Use it to record from drum machines and synths though, not mics.
This is a very good recorder. The only problem I found is the extremely poor customer support. So be warned!!!!
My Tascam DR60D-mkII has reliably produced very high quality and clean audio recordings each time I’ve used it. It has fairly intuitive menus and is easy to operate while filming.
The only negative point I’ve found so far is that this recorder is surprisingly power-hungry and will drain AA batteries in no time. I now power it from a large external battery connected by the USB port.
If you want excellent sound quality, for your DSLR videos, then this is a perfect way to get it!
I also have a DR-05, but the DR60, has all the controls immediately to hand, on buttons, instead of having to scroll through lots of menus, as with the DR-05. Plus the obvious XLR inputs (with Phantom Power).
You can find many reviews & tutorials, on YouTube, to make getting acquainted with this unit easier.
I’ve read a lot of negativity, regarding the plastic casing & mounting points. Let’s be clear, here. If you want to be throwing your recorder around, you’re looking at the wrong unit.
If you’re making a DSLR video, you would be using a tripod or video support rig. Not hand holding.
Stacking equipment is never advised, as it puts a lot of strain on even the beefiest tripod head. (Simple leverage principles apply) Not to mention, hugely increasing the likelihood of camera shake
It’s far better to mount the camera & recorder separately. Either on separate tripods, or maybe as I did, with a twin mounting plate, so the camera & recorder sit next to each other on the tripod head (or one behind the other, if on a shoulder rig). These are easy to make (photo), or fairly cheap to buy.
ich besitze bereits einen Tascam DR70 D und habe den DR60 Mk II fr Einstze geordert, bei denen ich nur zwei Kanle aufzeichnen muss. Wie der DR70D liefert der DR60 eine exzellente und sehr rauscharme Tonqualitt (ich bilde mir ein, dass er einen klitzekleinen Tacken strker rauscht als der DR70, allerdings schlgt er in dieser Disziplin immer noch alle vergleichbaren Recorder um Lngen). Gegenber dem 70er fehlen diesem Recorder hier zwei zustzliche XLR/TRS-Eingangskanle und die eingebauten Mikrofone, dafr ist die Bedienung etwas besser gelst, da man bei diesem Gert (DR 60) einige oft benutzte Elemente nutzen kann, ohne ins Men abzutauchen. Was auch sehr angenehm ist – man kann ihn, je nachdem wo er beim Einsatz steht, auf den Rcken legen und so das Display vernnftig ablesen. Getestet habe ich lediglich die Aufnahme ber XLR/TRS, auch die Kamerabefestigungen habe ich nicht ausprobiert, da ich das Gert schlicht nur zum Aufzeichnen ber Kondensatormikrofone einsetze. Der einzige Meckerpunkt ist die Aufnahme-Aussteuerung, die sich nicht stufenlos regeln lsst sondern in kleinen Lautstrkestufen reagiert. Das ist beim DR70 besser gelst. Ansonsten – definitiv kein Fehlkauf.
This is a terrific little unit for when you don’t have enough XLR / 3.5mm inputs on your cameras for additional microphones.
Filmed a wedding at the weekend, using my usual 9 cameras, but needed additional mics. due to the huge size of the venue.
Both phantom-power outputs worked perfectly, and the radio-mic and the mic on the lectern were all picked up and recorded as if the people were standing beside me!
When you get this, I would strongly recommend having a play with it to ascertain which input does what, etc.
The manual isn’t terribly clear in some instances, but you can’t really damage anything.
One of the most useful features is the ‘double-check’ you get if you’ve left one of the phantom-power switched on to the XLR inputs.
This could save you a lot of popped mics and sweary words.
Strong, sturdy, well made and very simple to use.
I tried running it from a large 12V battery (via a suitable USB / voltage adaptor, obviously!) but it sounded like a generator was running in the room when this was connected…. but not every time, which was a tad frustrating.
In the end I just ran it on internal power, which was perfect.
I have it on the desk in front of me, and the only way I can see a camera falling off is if it’s not screwed on tightly enough.
I’ve made shed-loads of camera mounts over the years for various TV production companies (with not one failure), and this one is good enough to have been made by me – I can’t give it higher praise than that. 😉
Very, very pleased with!
Le tascam dr60d mkII est vritablement un superbe appareil qui tient beaucoup de promesses. Trs lger et trs efficace. Facile d’utilisation, en tout cas pour quelqu’un qui a dj une petite notion des enregistreurs numriques. La seule chose que je comprends pas c’est pourquoi mettre une taille maximale de fichier qui est imite 2 gigas?
Still testing. Seems ok. Mic input seems low to me. Most annoying hence reduced stars – was I plugged in a usb power pack so I could recharge the batteries – and it lost its time and date setting. How silly!
Professional sound and benefits of great features at a very sensible price. Will probably buy a second one to have 4 extra channels and still have the flexibility to have two separate shoots each with 4 inputs. Often tripod mount and or stack with camera.
Great sound, small and full of options..a good buy.
If you need an external audio recorder for DSLR film making or as a stand-alone sound recorder, this is the ticket. I had no experience with the first version, but I do know the Mark 2 adds step-less audio recording control knobs which apparently was an annoyance on the Mark 1.
Excellent interface and audio quality with my AT875R. My only problem is with the fact that when a dslr is attached on its top side (that is, on the screw wheel on the top of the recorder), due to the fact that the recorder has a plastic casing, the camera is wobbly and will shake with even slight operation of the buttons. I am looking to have the camera in a cage and place the recorder on the top of the cage, but this adds an additional 50-100GBP cost… Hence the 4 star rating.
Tutto come da premesse, anzi meglio, perch i tempi di consegna sono stati pi veloci.
L’oggetto consigliato a chi voglia ottenere suono di qualit utilizzando reflex per girare video.
Unico piccolo difetto: il consumo di batterie, ma si pu aggirare acquistando un battery bank e attaccandolo al registratore col velcro.
Tascam DR-60D Mk2 – simple to use . Menu is very straightforward.
It takes SD cards – 6 minutes of audio at 16bit mono – 48k sample produced a 70MB file.
You can read the blurb on the Tascam website but it can take 2 XLR mic inputs and also has a 3.5mm stereo jack socket input.
You can have phantom power on the xlr inputs . It takes AA batteries but you can use USB cable ( it will prompt you to select the USB as a storage device or a power supply when you attach the cable )
Shooting Video , the DSLR built in Audio wasn’t great , using a mic straight into the DSLR wasn’t great either.
I got much better results by connecting XLR Mic to DR60Mk2 XLR Input and then connecting a 3.5mm jack to jack cable from DR60MK2 “camera out” socket to the DSLR mic in socket.
Depending on the editing application you will use , you can sync the DR60DMK2 files with the DSLR audio track
Im not a sound engineer , it will doubtless do 1001 other things that I don’t understand or would try to use but it will record good quality audio files for me with little effort.
I now have the original and Mark II version of the Tascam DR60D and they are excellent.
The ability to phantom power an onboard shotgun mic (Rode NTG-2) whilst separately feeding a hand held mic and mixing for event filming is very useful. The slate function with feed to the camera makes syncing the DR60-D’s recording in post a relative doddle – no need for hand clapping or clapper boards at the beginning of each take, and can all be done from behind the camera. Mixing between inputs is easy with proper dials, rather than menu selection.
The dual track feature is ideal for filming in environments where you don’t have too much control over background noise (e.g. exhibitions). Chances are one of the tracks will get what you need!
It’s a bit plasticky – I’d definitely prefer it if it were an aluminium casing as I don’t know how its going to fare when I eventually drop it. For this reason I tend to keep it permanently attached to my tripod / rig.
It’s a bit of an odd shape and will take up quite a bit of space on your rig! I must have moved mine half a dozen times now and I’m still not totally happy with it!!
Overall, I’m giving it 5 stars, as I don’t think there’s a better option out there at the moment for my needs, but I look forward to a “pro” version in the future with a more robust casing.
Spettacolare, facile da usare se adattato ad una power bank non devi comprare nemmeno le batterie, registra come vuoi e dove vuoi. La scheda SD ottima soluzione, i 4 canali vanno benissimo. Prodotto consigliato voto 10 ottima l’Azienda fornitrice affidabile e ben curata la consegna. Amazon eccezionale.
correspond mes attentes et parfait pour mes enregistrements que ce soit en intrieur ou en extrieur avec de nombreuses options trs apprciables pour les tournages de clips ou d’interviews je recommande car trs maniable et comple
De fcil manejo. Grabacin con excelente calidad. Fcil de adaptar a las videocmaras y como estudio porttil. Buena relacin calidad/precio.