TERIOS Wireless Controller for PS-4 with Built-in Speaker, Gaming for PS-4 Slim/Pro with Stereo Headset Jack and Multitouch Pad, Rechargeable Lithium Battery, Double Shock function (Black)

Why is this product for you?
The premium TERIOS gaming controller is a must-have for real players. With built-in speakers that enhance the gaming experience and a multifunctional touchpad that allows you to simplify difficult controls. The ergonomic design perfectly with soft grip and trigger buttons provide pinpoint accuracy and comfort.

1. How to Connect:
The first time you use a controller, you’ll need to pair it with the system via a Micro-USB cable(Provided in the packaging)
A. Turn on your system, connect the TERIOS controller using a USB cable, and then press the PS button on the controller.
B. When the controller is connecting to the console, the light bar starts flashing, you can remove the cable and use the controller wirelessly.
Reconnect: Press the âPSâ button to turn on your controller, it will reconnect to the system automatically.
2. How to Use Turbo?
Hold turbo and press the button you want to assign it to, then let go of turbo. Like if you assign turbo to A, it’d have the effect of pressing the button constantly, and you just need to hold it down. The Clear button stops all turbo settings.
* The turbo feature is available for the fire buttons (A, B, X, Y, L1, L2, R1, R2ï¼
* The turbo feature has only one speed. (No speed adjustment)
3. Iâm having a problem using the Headset Jack.
Please make sure if you have made the setting correctly
Step 1, go to your system.
Step 2, Select Settings > Devices > Audio Devices.
Step 3, Select Output to Headphones > All Audio.
Make sure the controller’s volume is turned up.

Please note:
* If your controller won’t pair, won’t respond, or is displaying a flashing light, Youâll need to reset the controller. To do that, just use a small tool and push the reset button. This will prompt the controller to resync.
Weight: | 308 g |
Dimensions: | 16.79 x 12.19 x 7.11 cm; 308 Grams |
Brand: | Terios |
Colour: | Black |
Batteries Included: | No |
Manufacture: | TERIOS |
Colour: | Black |
Disappointed that the turbo button did not work very well.
The D-pad feels small.
My only con for this control.
I love the feel of it. It’s comfortable to use because I have large hands.
Facile da installare, io ho play 4, ottima ricezione e giocabilit, ottimo
I was very pleased with this controller for the price that you pay. I love the fact that with a couple quick button pushes you have turbo.
Best bang for your Buck out there. Even if you take away the turbo (which is my only gripe about the thing as it does not seem to function) it is a perfect standard controller. Now put the added back buttons buttons, thin and comfortable design with a great battery life and you have this controller. To be completely honest I was concerned when I first found this controller that it was almost “too good to be true” because of the price, especially when compared to similar controllers it was actually affordable. So when it finally arrived (very quickly might I add) and I powered it on and started playing I was kinda shocked that it was so good lol. Like I said the only gripe is the turbo function, I have been unable to get it to work. Now, that could be my fault as I am not trying to use it for FPS games, but I use it to play Elden Ring and either there is no functionality that would fit the game, or it doesn’t work altogether, but either way, even if there was no turbo button there is not another controller out there at this price point and similar functions. I plan on buying three more to have a full set of 4 , and the best part is I might actually be able to afford it! Thank you!
Got this for my 11yo son, he is a happy gamer.
Really loves this controller. IT was well worth the price.
I think that this is wireless controller will help to compete in games my grandsons
This is better than the official controllers for half the price. Turbo and programmable extra buttons on the back are great extra features.
Great for the price. Does everything its supposed to do. Very quick delivery. As good as Sony
Stays charged for long time. Feels light but not cheap. Fits smooth in your hand. Button response is better than ps4. Also the ability to customize your buttons as well as extra buttons behind the remote
I have been a PlayStation controller only person for years. This one though, may be my new favorite. Back buttons get in the way if you’re not used to them. But overall awesome controller.
For the money that I paid for this, it was very good. I have been through 3 expensive Sony controllers, and this one is by far the BEST. I do highly recommend this.
Also ich habe den Controller fr meinen Mann zum Geburtstag bestellt der 1. War leider nicht ganz in Ordnung wodurch dann ein normales Spielen nicht mglich war. Ich habe mich allerdings an den Verkufer gewannt und ihm den defekt erklrt und er hat mir ohne wenn und aber sofort einen neuen zukommen lassen. Dieser kam heute an und funktioniert Top. Er liegt super im der Hand, der akku hlt echt gut und es gibt auch keine Verzgerungen beim spielen oder sonstiges. Also ich wrde mir den Controller immer wieder kaufen vor allem jetzt wo ich wei wie Top der Kundenservice ist. Sehr zufriede
Good buy overall, inexpensive, my son loves it! Works as expected, battery life is pretty good. Looks very similar to official PS controllers
Endlich etwas gefunden was sein Preis gerecht ist und zuversichtlich lnger hlt. Die mechanik in den Schultertasten ist Hundertprozentig stabieler wie die von Nacon und Snakebyte.
I can play all day and THEN charge.
I need the hand hold that let’s me play and not worry about holding on!
Fiquei surpreendido com a qualidade. Cumpre muito bem a finalidade.
Ottimo rapporto qualit prezzo. Nonostante le cadute di ogni giorno funziona benissimo. resistente
Took a bit to break in but once I got use to it it has done wonders. Only nitpick I have is that hitting the home button doesn’t always turn on the console but that’s nothing.
No complaints at all from my gamer son ! He said he loves it and it works really good . I was impressed that it didn’t look or feel like a knock off controller. We will be getting these from now on !
– Design is different from the normal PS4 controller; so it takes a little getting used to when you hold it.
– Aside from this, the buttons and joysticks are slightly less responsive. So there is a learning curve; it feels like when you do something, it has to be very intentional. This isn’t necessarily a bad thing, but isn’t great in every situation. Once you’re used to it though, it’s not a big deal really.
– Battery life is… I won’t say bad. It’s comparable to what I’d expect, but I do wish it were better. (Read as: The controller is fine, I just spend too much time using it.)
Okay, now the perks.
– For under half the cost of a Sony controller, you can’t beat this as a purchase.
– There are R1 and L1 buttons on the bottom of the controller. I cannot stress what an incredible move this was and how game changing it can be, it is so unbelievably comfortable that even with a hunt for the PS5 in full effect I’m still considering buying a second one of these.
– Once you’re used to it, it’s hard to want to go back to the normal controller. The size and design, learning curve aside, fits *great* in your hand and it’s incredibly comfortable.
– No problems like the annoying joystick drift that I keep seeing on my Sony controllers.
All in all I have to say, this is a good purchase. Just remember the learning curve and ignore the voice telling you how awkward it is at first, once you’ve given it a day or two you’ll love it!
Super Gert, der Controller ist perfekt und liegt sehr gut in der Hand
Brilliant controller my son said it was better than the original PS4 one
The dead zone in the L and R is like 0-100 real fast. So with COD I have to adjust my sensitivity from an 8 down to a 2 and increase dead zone in settings to about 50 percent. Love the programmable buttons. The turbo is nice but I don’t use it much. Sad the controller doesn’t have a port to use a charger dock. All in all. It’s a sturdy controller and I’ve yet to have any issues other than it’s super sensitive.
The controller is great there is only one issue when I connect them to my PS4 Pro the controller will stick drift and I have to disconnect the controller and reconnect it to stop. Other then that I noticed when turning in games the sensitivity compared to the standard is almost the same just when you push the stick slightly it begins with a slight jerk then acts smoothly in response.
It’s not an end of the world but it is an issue worth noting that when you first connect the controller the sticks will be stuck in drifting one direction or stuck at being centered screen if you move a cursor with the stick and I have to disconnect and reconnect the controller to fix it.
It works very well as a replacement controller for my PS4. The charge on it lasted for at least 12 hours and then some. Plus having the back buttons are great! I’ve programmed them for COD. I highly recommend this controller.
*Update: Still going strong. I have since purchased a new Dualshock 4 but seeing how battery life isn’t the strongest attribute for the dualshock controllers, this is still getting plenty of use in between charges of the main controller.
If you want a quality controller at a fraction of the cost, or even a backup when you need to charge a dualshock, you can do a lot worse than this. Recommended*
My dualshock 4 that I have had for five plus years finally went to the controller graveyard recently and would no longer charge.
I wanted a replacement, but with it being the holidays and very much living paycheck to paycheck I wanted something cheaper to tide me over for a few months.
This has done the job and then some. Shape wise it’s very similar to a dualshock, though slightly heavier and not quite as comfortable in the hand.
I have seen some complain about responsiveness, but I have had no real issue in that regard. Long term durability is still up in the air as I’ve only had it for a few weeks, but so far so good.
Battery life seems to be good enough to go a week or so with moderate amounts of gaming before needing to be recharged. No comment on the turbo function as I haven’t had a reason to use it and don’t plan to.
In the end I still plan on getting a dualshock within next few months and at that point using this as a backup/ 2nd player controller. As a stopgap between now and then I have no complaints and pleased, especially given how cheap this was.
Cheap controller that functions. I use it for Rocket League on PS
Bought two for the price of one . When my son goes tru so many better priced and good lasting
Davvero fantastico, lo trovo pi comodo del joypad originale ps4, funziona come si deve e fin’ora sono ancora stupefatto dell’ottimo acquisto effettuato. Oltre ogni pi rosea aspettativa.
At first battery life was much better than Sony’s pad, but that was only for first 2 or 3 uses, battery now discharges quite quickly. Have intermittent problems with the up movement on left stick very frustrating when playing sports games ie fifa and golf. The pad sits well in my hand with all buttons and sticks easy to access
Really happy with the quality and feel of the controller and works perfect with the PlayStation!
Purchased as a gift for my son, who was quite surprised by the quality of this piece. Exceptional is his description from the grips to the overall quality and use…with one exception, it lags to the point where you are unable to effectively play various games where speed is essential. The lag is visible. Still, this particular controller, for the price, is worth the purchase if you’re not concerned with lagging and just enjoy playing your games. He will be returning this item, sadly, and hopes TERIOS addresses this specific issue with their controller(s) for a better experience in gaming. Otherwise, this is a great product.
Una buena opcion para el costor de un control original se conecteo muy facil y no he tenido problema los botones posteriores vienen configurados com el R1 y L1 mas no he intentado cambiar la configuraroon por los juegos que tengo no lo vi necesario
I find there is a buzz/wine on the audio that I don’t get when I plug the same headphones into a different controller. Can’t hear it during game play, but it’s present when there is no sound, like when loading.
My only complaint is the movement with the analog stick feel “tanky” and needs to be broken in. Otherwise, lovely!
Une manette a un prix tout fait raisonnable, une belle alternative pour ne pas acheter l’officielle. Design sobre, prise en main parfaite et agrable durant des heures grce au ct gripp, autonomie correcte.
Didn’t expect it to not work wirelessly for my nitro 5 laptop and the vibration does not work pc. Over all it an okay for a generic controller.
Much cheaper than buying a licensed Sony controller. Sturdy, substantial and does the job perfectly. Would recommend
Rien dire parfaite ! mieux que la vrai . voir dans le temps
I can’t say anything about this as it was brought for a friend. He says he is really happy with it.
Faster delivery and Very good Item and very light doesn’t take long to charge and the battery last along time
Reminds me of an Xbox controller at least the size. I sometimes feel the PS4 remotes are to small, so this was nice to see a little more bulky a controller. Most people rather go smaller, not me. Battery life is so-so, some days last all day, even two a few times, however most it’s half a day depending how much you play. All the controls feel nice and smooth, grip is good and has two buttons on the back you can assign for extra manuvers and what not.
Highly recommend, especially for the price. Tired of paying 60 plus for authentic ones that I can’t get more than a year out of.
*** Prsentation ***
J’avais dj test plusieurs manettes non officielles qui taient fragiles et de mauvaise qualit. J’tais donc assez sceptique en commandant celle-ci.
Or, cette manette TERIOS sans fil pour la PS4 m’a agrablement surpris par sa qualit et son poids lourd, ds le dballage du colis soign.
Ce qui m’a frapp en premier, c’est sa beaut avec ses couleurs noire et rouge. Elle ressemble beaucoup la DualShock 4, que ce soit par sa conception, son design et sa taille. Ici, pas de modle au rabais! Elle est lourde, robuste et la qualit se ressent.
Esthtiquement, il y a quand mme des diffrences par rapport la manette originale : elle est lgrement plus lourde, les visuels des 4 directions sont diffrents, les grips sur les poignes sont de meilleure finition, les boutons L1 et L2, R1 et R2 ainsi que les flches directionnelles sont dtachs (comme ceux de la DualShock 3, manette officielle de la PS3). Il y a mme une fonction Turbo et 2 boutons supplmentaires l’arrire.
Elle est trs plaisante en main, notamment grce son grip qui assure un maintien optimal, mme aprs plusieurs heures de jeu.
Elle est fournie avec un cble Micro USB assez long et une notice multilingue (dont le franais).
*** Les fonctions ***
Aucun problme de compatibilit, la manette est immdiatement reconnue par ma console (une PS4 Pro) et possde les mmes fonctionnalits.
La luminosit de la barre lumineuse ragit parfaitement bien, comme une manette DualShock 4 (faible, moyen et leve).
La fiche casque fonctionne sans problme (avec un connecteur jack 3,5 mm).
La touche PS rpond trs bien, que ce soit pour allumer/teindre la console ou pour revenir au menu principal.
Concernant l’autonomie de la batterie de 800 mA h, elle est annonce entre 12 et 14 heures (j’ai vrifi et c’est un peu moins en utilisant l’audio de la sortie casque), pour 3 heures de charge maximum ( charger entirement avant la premire utilisation).
*** Mon avis ***
Je ne m’attendais pas une telle qualit pour une manette alternative. La finition est excellente et on sent que le matriel est robuste.
Elle est trs bien comme manette principale, mais surtout comme seconde manette de rechange ou pour faire jouer ses potes sans forcment dpenser beaucoup d’argent (le double) pour une ou plusieurs manettes officielles ( 60 l’unit, tout de mme). Rapport qualit/prix au top.
Good controller, value for money, easy to use & good battery life
Got this controller because it’s affordable and it’s a pretty good controller. I’m using it to play Assassins Creed and the controller does as expected. No complaints so far.
I had tried other generic controllers too. But this one is quite smooth, works perfectly as close to genuine. Battery life is pretty good too.
Solid controller , good feeling material on the sides . It’s comfy on the hands and doesn’t slip or get sweaty. The only issue is battery life after a few months .
The controller exceeded my expectations. The turbo button works great, the extra l3 and r3 buttons on the back really make a lot of games easier to play, red dead 2 and gta v are great examples, the extra buttons help look behind my character while.i can still sprint and even shoot behind me. The battery life is decent, it does last longer than the regular ps4 daulshock controller. The light bar is way smaller on this controller and isn’t very intrusive at all. The TouchPad works great, and the controller isn’t too bulky and heavy either. It’s way lighter than I was expecting. The only issue I have with it is that it doesn’t turn on my ps4 when I press the home butto
Honestly my only concern is both the shape and size of buttons on the controller.
Bello, robusto ed ha pure i tasti l3 e R3 dietro agli analogici corrispettivi. Sono soddisfatto. Forse dura poco la batteria. Ma comunque soddisfatto
Nice fit for hand, like the extra buttons on bottom of controller.
Love it works great for rl but Minecraft for iOS is a little glitchy
In attesa di sfidare gli amici a fifa durante le giornate libere dal lavoro, ho voluto provare questo joystick Terios 5S.
Si tratta di un controller “alternativo” dotato di una buona ergonomia anche se leggermente pi grande di quello originale.
Durante l’utilizzo “intenso” offre un buon grip anche con le mani sudate, grazie al profilo in silicone.
Buona autonomia della batteria, che si attesta sulla decina di ore.
Quello che non mi ha convinto del tutto il feedback di risposta dei tasti, del tutto differente rispetto a quello a cui sono abituato da anni.
Ogni gamer conosce infatti l’importanza di una risposta dei tasti rapida, soprattutto nei giochi di sport e negli sparatutto.
Ovviamente non aspettatevi un prodotto di fascia alta (anche in virt del prezzo di appena 25 euro su amazon) ma un buon prodotto, che torna utile come controller di scorta, utile per sfide tra amici.
Le voci vine redigono costantemente recensioni che possano essere utili per altri clienti e per chiunque voglia sapere qualcosa in pi sul prodotto.
In quanto noi stessi clienti affezionati sappiamo quanto sia importante acquistare consapevolmente e, per questo motivo, scriviamo personalmente e pubblichiamo recensioni indipendenti e imparziali che riflettono sempre la nostra vera opinione, sia essa positiva o negativa sui prodotti.
Il pacco arrivato il giorno dopo l’acquisto e l’imballaggio era in ottime condizioni e resistente.
I materiali del controller sono leggeri e resistenti e all’impugnatura davvero comodo. La gomma laterale aiuta a tenere un grip saldo. I tasti sono molto responsivi e non fanno assolutamente rumore. La batteria dura circa una decina di ore e si ricarica piuttosto velocemente. inoltre poissibile usarlo per PC ma solo via cavo: nel mio caso non sono riuscito a trovare il dispositivo wireless.
Prodotto consigliatissimo!
This is probably the best non PS4 controller I have ever bought at any price. The plastics feel of better quality than the real PS4 controller, all the buttons and sticks are very good, seem very durable and accurate…the buttons on the bottom work but take some getting used to as does the thick grips…and a word of advice, don’t use the turbo button on any competitive/PVP game(Destiny, Fortnight, APEX etc.) as it can be considered a cheat and get you banned.
So why the 4 stars? For one, battery life is just meh. So far the longest I can play is about 3.5-4.0 hours then time for a charge. Second is, sometimes it has to be re synced to the PS4 on start up, that isn’t hard to do, it’s just kind of annoying.
I will update again if anything doesn’t hold up…
Happy with my purchase. At first I was a bit skeptical about this controller for my PS4, but after using it for a few months it has become my favorite controller to use when playing on my PS4. This controller is amazingly comfortable to use for extended periods of time and the value for the money makes this controller an incredibly sweet deal. It reminds me of the XBOX elite controllers without an expensive price tag.
I got this controller a couple of months ago, and just recently the left joystick started to press when I stopped pressing it, and I contacted the seller and they are replacing it within 2 days of contacting them! Other than that this controllers battery will last me about 5-6 hours of use, and it works like a charm!
Bought forms son because he goes through controllers like amad child, this one hasa sturdy build so im hoping it can take drops and spills well.
Nice design and functio
Un beau look noir et rouge.
Trs bonne manette pour la PS4.
Elle est ergonomique, confortable mme aprs plusieurs heures de jeux.
Les joysticks sont en plastique recouvert de caoutchouc, et sont trs sensibles au toucher, ils sont trs ractifs.
Sur le dessus de la manette il y a un port micro USB pour la recharge et pour jumeler la manette avec la console.
On retrouve en plus des boutons classiques de la manette d’origine, 2 touches en dessous qui dupliquent les touches L3/R3. Se trouve aussi un bouton de partage pour vous permettre de diffuser en live streaming le jeu sans interrompre la session.
Nous trouvons galement un bouton “turbo” qui permet d’assigner la fonction turbo n’importe quelle touche (touche turbo + touche d’assignation).
Au dos se trouve galement un bouton de rinitialisation.
Il y a aussi une prise Jack.
Une excellente ergonomie, une excellente autonomie, des entres ractives et prcises sont des caractristiques qui font de cette manette est bon compromis par rapport la manette originale.
La synchronisation avec la console s’est faite impeccablement et rapidement.
La manette a donc t oprationnelle quasi instantanment.
Tout fonctionne bien, rpond bien.
La manette est agrable en main et on se l’approprie trs vite.
Les boutons supplmentaires au dos n’ont pas encore trouvs leur utilit, mais a viendra srement au fil des divers jeux.
Le son qu’elle met n’est pas hyper puissant mais c’est un petit plus de l’avoir tout prs de soi.
Au final, une manette trs correcte, pour un prix plus qu’intressant.
Prodotto che fa il suo, la qualit costruttiva non il massimo ma ha alcune feature interessanti. E’ compatibile con i driver DS4windows che consiglio, rendono molto pi facile la compatibilit con il pc quando si utilizzano controller per PS4. Purtroppo questo controller da pc funziona solo cablato mentre con ps4 si associa benissimo tramite Bt. Ergonomicamente non malaccio ma la posizione dei tasti sul retro non delle pi comode. Il feeling dei tasti molto pastoso e poco reattivo ma funzionano sempre. Il rapporto qualit prezzo leggermente sotto la media, costasse quei 5 in meno sarebbe sicuramente pi consigliato (27 al momento della review)
This is a superb controller for the price and has a everything you could want in it. The back buttons come in very handy. I can’t say anything about the battery life because I always play with the controller plugged in, but everything else about it great. My only complaint is that I wish that the red version had more red accents.
This has the “elite” buttons on back. Works great for the most part. Has a few instances when the controller randomly loses some connection and will not respond, have to reset controller. Still no R3 drift and hope that doesn’t happen like with all the other PS4 controllers. High hopes
Bonne manette de remplacement pour console PS4.
La synchronisation la console est rapide et ne pose pas de soucis.
La.prise en main est bonne, bien que je prfre celui de la manette officiel mais c’est tout fait acceptable, surtout vu le prix.
Les gchettes fonctionne et rponde bien, les sticks sont galement prcis avec une bonne accroche.
Les moteurs de vibrations font bien leurs travail, elles sont bien ressenties.
Elle possde deux boutons au dos, ce qui peut tre bien pratique sur certains jeux.
L’autonomie est correct, environ 12 heures de gaming.
C’est une manette trs correct, avec un excellent rapport qualit-prix.
Je la conseille.
5 toiles
Ottimo prodotto per rapporto qualit prezzo, ha uno stile accattivante ed ergonomico in sostanza per il prezzo pagato ci sta
Just got it today and tried it for a bit, I’d have to say that I do like it compared to other 3rd party controllers I’ve used on ps4. I also like that you can program the buttons under the control sticks. I currently have mine set for L3 and R3 since I don’t like pressing the sticks.
Will update my review if I have any issues, but so far I’d say it’s a really good quality, especially for the price.
My grandson said its the best one he as had
Ce que j’apprcie pour cette manette ps4 et qui change des autres non officielles que je possde c’est la bonne qualit de fabrication, elle est lourde et solide . L’ autonomie et la prise en main sont trs bien et je n’ai pas eu de difficult utiliser cette manette , tout de suite habitue comme l’officielle.
Pour la connecter sur la playstation 4 aucun problme, il suffit de la relier avec le cble fournie en touchant la touche PS de la manette , de la slectionner sur votre console et c’est prt. Elle s’est charge assez rapidement 2h environ et l’autonomie est bonne , les vibrations de la manette fonctionnent.
Le pad ragit bien galement. Seul petit dfaut, je trouve que l’audio ( en ayant slectionn tout l’audio et en augmentant le volume,) que le retour est faible mais personnellement cel ne me drange pas, je ne me sers rarement du mode audio, ce qui pourra dranger les plus jeunes par contre ou les plus regardants. Pour un prix de 32,99 euros j’en suis trs satisfaite.
J’ai fait tester cette manette par un adolescent accro aux jeux vidos, voici son retour :
– Design classique, sans ergonomie particulire. Adapte aux petites mains.
– Sans led, mais a n’influe pas sur ma satisfaction client.
– Le joystick est plus confortable que les autres manettes PS4. Les touches supplmentaires au dos de la manette apportent une rapidit supplmentaire.
Il controller arriva all’interno di una scatola illustrata con cavetto usb/microUSB e manuale d’uso, anche in italiano.
Della classica forma similare al controller della PS4, realizzato in plastica ABS, con impugnatura gommata zigrinata che garantisce la miglior presa e misura 16x11x6,5cm con un peso di 228,2g.
Superiormente troviamo:
-sulla dx la croce dei tasti direzionali;
-centralmente, partendo dall’alto, tasto “share” per la condivisione e il tasto “opzioni”, poi il touch pad, il tasto “turbo”, ovvero un tasto che pu essere impostato e associato ad altri a proprio piacimento rendendone l’esecuzione molto pi rapida, e il tasto “clear” per cancellare tale impostazione. Infine troviamo le levette analogiche gommate, il tasto PS e l’altoparlante;
-sulla sinistra i classici 4 tasti azione.
Frontalmente abbiamo i 4 tasti R e L, il led e la porta microUSB. Posteriomente l’entrata per il jack 3,5 mm delle cuffie. Inferiormente interessante la presenza di 2 tasti che fungono da L3 e R3.
Il cavo microUSB da 1 m circa pu essere usato oltre che per la ricarica anche per utilizzarlo con il pc direttamente.
Durante la ricarica della batteria integrata agli ioni di litio da 800mAh con alimentatore da 5V, durata circa 4 ore, la barra luminosa lampegger di arancione, spegnendosi a carica completa, Autonomia con una ricarica completa di circa 12 – 14 ore.
Il livello di carica residua viene visualizzato sullo schermo tenendo premuto il pulsante di accensione/spegnimento “PS”.
Per ripristinare il controller allo stato iniziale bisogner premere per alcuni secondi un pulsantino infilando una graffetta all’interno di un forellino sulla faccia inferiore.
Bluetooth 4.2 fino a 10 m di distanza.
La compatibilit sia con ps4 che con PC assicurata. Al primo uso con il proprio apparecchio, bisogner forzatamente collegarlo tramite usb per il riconoscimento. Quando la barra led inizier a lampeggiare si potr staccare. Dalla volta successiva il riconoscimento avverr in automatico senza cavo.
In mano si impugna bene, quasi come l’originale, bisogna naturalmente un attimo abituarsi. Il feedback dei tasti discreto, comodi i due sulla faccia inferiore, cos come il touch pad abbastanza reattivo. Certo, le prestazioni e la reattivit non sono paragonabili con controller originali, ma fa il suo buon lavoro se non si hanno troppe pretese.
Un controller a buon mercato (attualmente 25,99 euro) che pu tornare sicuramente comodo come riserva, magari per giocare con qualche amico.
Spero che questa mia esperienza possa esservi utile nella scelta.
Il prodotto di per s non affatto male, i materiali sembrano adeguati, i tasti rispondono bene e non mi ha creato alcun tipo di problema… La batteria risultata abbastanza in linea con i controller originali, anche se non ho fatto dei test cos specifici… In ogni caso godibile.
Una caratteristica tanto particolare quanto interessante la presenza di un tasto “turbo”, che programmabile in modo tale da spammare il tasto assegnato… Per chi non lo sapesse, con “spammare” si intende, in questa sede, il premere in maniera ripetuta e molto veloce il tasto voluto… Questo pu essere estremamente comodo per quei giochi che prevedono delle pressioni in sequenza molto rapide…
Do 4 stelle perch l’unica pecca l’ho trovata nell’ergonomia… Intendiamoci, non un punto drastico, ma essendo abituato da anni agli originali Sony, anche una forma appena diversa risulta “estranea” alle mie mani, dando un sensazione strana… Comunque, ripeto, un prodotto validissimo.
It’s just a very well thought out and comfortable to use controller.
You can’t beat it for its price.
Un controller compatto che da la possibilit di essere usato non solo su PS4 ma anche su PC.
All’interno della confezione troviamo il controller, il cavo ricarica/connessione pc, ed il manuale.
Il controller risulta molto compatto, facile da impugnare e da una sensazione di robustezza generale. I vari tasti e le leve sembrano molto robuste e rispondono bene ai vari comandi. Oltre ai vari pulsanti classici che troviamo su un controller in questo c’ anche l’ingresso per le cuffie che pu essere utile per le sessioni di giochi in cui non volete disturbare. C’ anche una specie di PAD touch nella parte alta che pu essere impostato per qualsiasi uso riteniate utile nei giochi.
Da notare che nella parte sottostante ci sono due pulsantini L3/R3 che vanno ad aggiungersi ai classici che avete normalmente nei controller. Per quanto riguarda la connessione per ps4 avviene tranquillamente tramite bluetooth senza problemi mentre se volete usarlo su computer dovete per forza utilizzare il cavo a disposizione nella confezione.
A livello di batteria questo controller garantisce circa 12 ore di uso con una ricarica che da zero avviene in circa 2/3 ore. Personalmente l’ho trovato molto comodo e ben fatto; i vari comandi non sono troppo molli ma hanno la giusta durezza che serve per comandare al meglio. Il prezzo di 25,99 euro molto buono e questo potrebbe essere il classico controller da tenere per scorta o comunque pu essere una valida alternativa a quelli che usate costantemente per la vostra PS4. Se poi vi dilettate a giocare su pc con questo andrete tranquilli, funziona alla perfezione.
Product works great. With price of name brand controllers tripling in price we thought we would try these with a 3 year warranty. They are not flimsy or cheaply made. The only downside was they don’t fit in the charger stand , but, they do include a USB cable to charge them.
Bonne prise en main pour cette manette PS4
Notice en franais
Mode turbo
La batterie semble bien tenir la charge, a voir dans le temps
Un reproche a faire sur la longueur et la qualit du cable USB.
Ottimo controller compatibile per PlayStation 4, grazie alle parti in gomma la presa pi salda e in generale lo trovo pi anche dell’originale.
Il collegamento immediato e semplice, risponde bene ai comandi senza lag, buono che ci siano dei tasti in pi programmabili.
Durata della batteria in linea con quella del joyoad originale, inoltre all’interno presente un cavo per la ricarica e l’utilizzo collegandolo direttamente alla console.
Il prezzo poi veramente molto basso, praticamente la met di un controller originale, ma che funziona comunque egregiamente.
Good for single player games or casual multiplayer. Not for competitive use though. Pay the extra money for a oem if you’re really into games like COD, Fortnite, etcOverall the R3 and L3 buttons on the back make it a good buy for the price.
Non sono un gamer sfegatato, quindi il mio giudizio puramente relativo all’esperienza di utilizzo molto basilare. Ho avuto la possibilit di provare questo controller e nel complesso devo dire che mi sono trovato pi che bene: bello reattivo, costruito pi che decentemente e con tutte le funzioni/caratteristiche essenziali per giocare in tutta tranquillit
In confezione troviamo:
– Controller
– Cavo di ricarica
– Manuali
La cosa sicuramente comoda a parer mio, il fatto che questo controller si possa utilizzare con tutte le varianti della PS4 (quindi normale, pro e slim) e volendo possibile utilizzarlo anche da PC (possibilit solo tramite cavo).
Nel complesso come dicevo, mi sono trovato bene. L’ho testato con diversi giochi e per l’utilizzo che ne faccio io va molto bene. L’ho trovato reattivo, la gestione e posizione dei tasti comodissima e con un buon grip. Il pad centrale multitouch e quindi davvero comodo in fase di gioco.
Segnalo infine che presente la funzione “turbo”
Dura tranquillamente pi di 10 ore di gioco continuativo e la cosa comoda che volendo si pu utilizzare mentre si sta ricaricando. Tempi di ricarica invece intorno all’ora.
Insomma un controller pi che buono che per me vale sicuramente la pena acquistare
Grazie per l’attenzione
Far better than original. Plug and play. No dongle or whatever. The weight. It doesn’t feel like a light weight toy like some other after market controllers I’ve used. This thing feels solid and has a similar shape to the x box controller. SO much better! All the buttons press clean. I think the only thing I’d change is a little bit more stiffness on the triggers. The third button placement is a teenie bit more it is the way than I like, but it’s THERE! I love this thing. Also sometimes the game tells you to push a button and it’s actually a different button on the controller (very minor issue imo). I’ll probably be getting another one.
How a control can seem bigger but really be close to the size of the original is beyond me but this one seems to pull it off.
I cant speak on this controls longevity or its durability yet but it sure feels good and so far plays well. Has a turbo button which I haven’t had since ps1 and grips. Apparently the buttons on the bottom are like ones you would see on a pro controller which I’ve never used befor but thats a plus for me.
May have to buy more from the seller I got mine from as well because they got it to me quick just like I like!
First I want to say that the turbo feature is really good. It also feels good in general. I paired it well with my PS4. However, I need to add that sometimes I get noise in my headphones. I tried different headphones and still get noise. If it wasn’t for this, I would give it 5 stars.
Complete and total lifesaver. I have 4 wireless Sony PlayStation 4 controllers and none of them connect it keeps telling me the device is not supported. However with this one I bought I unpackaged it charged it for 2 full hours and soon as I connected the usb to the ps4 and pressed the ps4 button it connected right away and works with or without the usb connection and my son loves it the shock it not too strong. I will recommend and buy again different color this time
The joysticks were very responsive and the shape of the controller felt nice in my hands. Only complaint i have with the controller is when i plug headphones in. For some reason, there’s always this feedback ringing noise.
Makes me think i have tinnitus.
I purchased this. Controller for the added functionalities it has and was NOT disappointed. It’s smooth joystick controls and buttons work great.
I had some difficulty contecting the controller at first only to realize after emailing the manufacturer of my problem did I find out you have to first plug into the PS4 Pro first time you use it, after that you do not have to plug it in again other than for charging, that is how the controller becomes recognized by the PS4 Pro. Their service was spectacular, they responded to my email with in a couple of hours. Great Job.
Overall I rate this product as a 10, in service and quality.
Was hard to set up at first, but got it eventually. Different structure than other remotes but still works
Definitely recommend this controller. Very comfortable and user friendly. If you have big hands this is the controller for you.
-Also good if you just stream videos and don’t play actual video games much.
This controller is definitely a nice affordable option in a market of high cost controllers. This most notable differences are the size, it’s a little bigger than a regular ps4 controller with rubber grips on the handles, the joysticks are also a bit stiff and don’t give the slap action of an OEM controller in fps games, for accuracy this controller is top notch as you won’t get alot of fast out of control movements. Overall this controller is well worth your money and then some.
Sehr gute Qualitt, liegt gut in der Hand. Nutzungsdauer auch wie angegeben. Kann ich nur weiter empfehlen.
It’s a ps4 controller but feels similar to that of an Xbox controller with its size. The grips make the controller very comfortable and I love the analog buttons on the bottom as this will help me prevent controller drift in the future. The turbo button is a remarkable aspect that allows you to hold a button and it acts as if you repeatedly click it. This controller is all around amazing and we’ll worth its price. Battery life is lasts long and is quickly charged.
Great Controller
Thought I’d miss the PS4 controller but I honestly don’t. My original official ps4 controller was starting to have issues with one of the joysticks traveling. I tried everything to fix it without success.
This controller is perfect. Great battery life, quick response, and has been flawless so far. This was definitely worth it as a replacement. Would highly recommend.