ThermoPro TP01H Meat Thermometer Food Temperature Probe for Kitchen Cooking Oil Sugar Thermometer for Milk Jam Hot Beverage BBQ Instant Read with Backlight and Lock Functio

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Auto Turn off Functionit will automatically turn off if no button has been pressed in 10 minutes. | Backlight Function | Multi Placement Methods |
Dimensions: | 23 x 2.8 x 1.8 cm; 40 Grams |
Model: | TP-01H |
Part: | TP-01H |
Batteries Included: | 1 Lithium Metal batteries required. |
Manufacture: | ThermoPro |
Dimensions: | 23 x 2.8 x 1.8 cm; 40 Grams |
Some time ago I got a similar looking meat thermometer and like this one it was relatively compact, accurate and was easy to use.
However it wasn’t very robust and it didn’t come with a decent cover for the probe, just a clear plastic sleeves that looked rather cheap.
This meat thermometer is much better quality. The overall build is sturdier the buttons and not flimsy the probe is supplied with a good quality cover.
This is definitely a much better quality thermometer than my last one and I’m very pleased with it’s performance and build and have noted no issues with it so far. Thanks to the design it’s really easy to just hang it up one one of my kitchen hooks.
Very easy to operate and a good, clear screen display.
prodotto dall’utilizzo molto intuitivo, buona fattura, rapporto qualit prezzo da considerarsi decisamente ottimo. preciso.
Nice little meat thermometer – comes with a sleeve to keep the probe end protected when not in use. It’s a good small size and measures in C and F.
This ThermoPro meat thermometer is excellent! I’ve had one before but my daughter pinched it to take to university so I was delighted to be able to review this one which is slightly different.
The thermometer is well-designed and extremely simple to use. It comes with clear instructions but the whole thing is pretty self-explanatory. It has a probe cover which is easy to side on and off but doesn’t fall off in storage by itself. The cover has a pen-stye clip on one end which is handy. The thermometer comes fitted with a LR44H cell — just pull the plastic protective tab which sticks out of the battery compartment to ‘activate’ the connection.
ON the front, there is an orange Power switch — press to turn on and off. The other orange switch changes between degrees Celsius and Fahrenheit. Both react instantly which is great.
To take a temperature reading, remove the case and insert the probe into the centre of the meat (or other food item) that you want to measure. As you can see from my video, the reading very quickly stabilizes to give you an accurate temperature. This allows you to ensure that things like meat and fish are cooked to a safe internal temperature, but also not overdone. This is a game changer for cooking medium steak and not having fish overcooked and dry! It’s also amazing for cake baking. The internet will tell you that most cakes are cooked at a temperature of around 205 degrees F, to using this to check if it’s cooked towards the end of baking time takes all the guesswork out of cooking!
I love this thermometer. My first one is still going strong after several years of regular use, AND on the original battery that was supplied with it. It’s compact enough to keep in a drawer, but also has a ‘hook’ section on the end which you can hang it from. It’s currently selling at a Prime price of 9.99 which we think is great value too!
Leggero, pratico da maneggiare, dotato di una piccola calamita sul lato interno. Misurazione precisa. Prezzo pi che valido.
This is a worthwhile kitchen gadget to have,that is keenly priced at 9.99 and can be used to test the temperature of different foods/drinks.
The thermometer has clear digital display and the option to select either centigrade or fahrenheit.The type on the digital display is black.The case of thermometer is black with 2 orange buttons and temperature probe is metallic.I also like the hanging clip and the probe cover.The probe cover also has a metallic clip,which can be used to hang from your apron.
Comes with box and instruction manual and the battery is already included.
Good gadget that does not require much storage space as it is slimline.
I hope you will find my review helpful.
Handy lil thing – comes with instructions incase you don’t know how to use it. Can have temperature gage in either celcius or farenheit.
Sturdy and very easy to use. Nicely packaged with a protective slip on case for safety in storage. Gives peace of mind and gives accurate readings for meat cooking . A very good thing to have at hand in any kitchen.
Nice slimline insta read thermometer.
Clip is handy for securing it when in use, and hoop at the top is ideal for hanging up when not in use.
I have a few other insta read thermometers that fold up, but this one will be used specifically for making jam, caramel, etc. As the long straight probe will work better for sitting in the pot /bowl etc.
Fair price, and seems to respond to temp change quickly, which is handy with temp sensitive cooks.
Nice clear display which is easy to read.
Would recommend
Excellent temperature probe , has a probe sleeve with handy stand and also have a clip to attach to whites . Excellent produc
This meat thermometer works straight out of the pack. All you have to do is remove the battery tab and it is ready to go.
You can change from Fahrenheit to Celsius with the touch of a button. The temperature appears to be accurate as it says the same as my other thermometer.
Ho ricomprato questo termometro e lo trovo veramente comodo da utilizzare.
Indispensabile per la cottura a bassa temperatura e per il reverse searing
Termometro che fa il suo dovere.
Semplice da usare intuitivo bel display, ottimo la luce quando difficoltosa la lettura.
Pagato 6 e regalato a mia madre, miglior cuoca d’Italia.
Per i pi precisi raggiungere la temperatura giusta negli impasti, nell’olio che frigge, o anche solo per sapere che temperatura abbia un oggetto a caso figo.
Funziona bene. Si aggiorna 1 volta al secondo durante la misurazione. Raccomando a tutti di tenere la sonda pulita a livello maniacale, per far s che continui a funzionare a lungo.
Bought this after i started to try and make tablet which i kept failing at. The reason being i was not getting the mixture hot enough, so bought this and my tablet has been perfect since. Delighted with it.
It is 1 degree Celsius out compared with a salter probe measured in boiling water. But 1 degree is acceptable to me. It’s probe is longer than most and comes with a cover for protection, it’s on small card box to store it in too. The light is powerful enough to iluminate even in a well lit room and the magnet on the back is an extra bonus
Lo uso sempre. La mia frittura addirittura migliorata! Buono per verificare la cottura dell’interno delle carni
Bought to check temp of oil for cooking doughnuts but use it on everything now!
Alexa is great to ask for what temps meat should be as I always seem to forget!
Per quello che costa un buon prodotto, ho visto cose peggiori a prezzi superiori.
Si presenta bene e funziona altrettanto bene.
Piccolo difetto della calamita che si staccata dalla sua sede dopo 2 giorni, problema risolto in 3 minuti .
Used it for a Jubilee BBQ, So much easier than guessing when the chicken was cooked
Ottimo prodotto, funziona sempre ed preciso. Risponde velocemente alle variazioni di temperatura. Se proprio dovessi trovare un difetto, da migliorare l’ergonomia dell’impugnatura. Prodotto da consigliare.
It’s great for measuring oil temperature, it has a magnet attached to it so you can stick it to your fridge or any metal surface which is very convenient. It also has an option to turn on the backlight for easier reading, but it goes back to normal after a few seconds unless you ‘lock’ the temperature so you do have to keep pressing it. The main downside, however, is that it takes quite a while (feels like ages) to update the temperature, but this is the first digital thermometer I’ve bought so I’m not sure if all are like this.
I bought a Ninja duel airfryer and need this for the meat when I cook it.
I works perfectly and does the job I needed it for.
For the price excelle
It does the job. I like it. Very good thermomete
la prima volta che lo acquisto vediamo se funzionale si pu usare ad immersione in qualsiasi liquido e per introduzione in una qualsiasi pietanza carne dolci ecc ecc..
Facile da usare. Utile sia per testare la temperatura del cibo che dei liquidi. Un grande aiuto per controllare la temperatura dell olio durante la frittura
Semplice da usare, immediato nella misurazione della temperatura, mi pare un buon prodotto dall’ottimo rapporto qualit prezzo.
Per 9 euro un accessorio che mi ha svoltato il modo di cucinare la carne e secondo me necessario averne uno in cucina. Molto intuitivo e abbastanza sensibile, non sono un esperto ma per l’uso che devo farne perfetto.
Very good for pregnant women who want to make sure the food is cooked at the right temperature
La cosa migliore di questo articolo il rapporto qualit prezzo, ovviamente non perfetto ma per il prezzo cosi basso ottimo
Arrivato in un giorno.
uno strumento facilissimo da usare.
Basta premere il pulsante in basso e si accende direttamente sui gradi centigradi.
Basta inserire la punta nel cibo che state cuocendo ed in un paio di secondi (forse meno) potrete leggere nel display (molto chiaro) la temperatura esatta. Da quando lo uso mi vengono fuori ottime cotture. Andate a vedere le temperature consigliate online ed utilizzando questo strumento farete sicuramente un ottimo lavoro
Il prodotto conforme alla descrizione non ha evidenziato problemi nei primi giorni di utilizzo, noi lo usiamo per misurare la temperatura del latte per neonati.
Ottimo termometro, io lo uso per controllare la temperatura degli alimenti freschi che mi arrivano nel mio negozio, misura sia in celsius che fahreneith, basta schiacciare 2 volte on, tasto per attivare/ disattivare la luce, tasto per bloccarlo. Ottimo anche per misurare la temperatura dell ambiente!
Sul retro sono segnate le temperature che i vari cibi devono raggiungere per essere cotti !
Nessun difetto il display molto ambio e si illumina tramite apposito pulsante.. per accenderlo basta tenere premuto qualche secondo cosi come per spegnerlo ,stesso pulsante basta che lo si preme 1 volta per cambiare il formato di lettura gradi.
Il magnete molto potente si attacca bene senza nessuna preoccupazione che possa cadere .
Il vano della batteria a bottone posta dietro di facile acesso in caso di sotituzione.
La misurazione delle tmp. mi smebra m,olto affidadicle bisogna attendere 4 5 secondi fino a quando il sensore si stabilisce.
I materiali sono molto buoni .
Per il prezzo la qualit calcolando che anche compreso il trasporti per i clienti prime 5 stelle sono poche lo valuto 10 stelle ottimo acquisto che consiglio
Wonderful little thermometer. Just the job for getting the correct temperature.
Excellent and affordable. Very handy (and magnetic, so you can stick where you like).
– misura la temperatura in meno di 5 secondi!
– sul retro ha una potente CALAMITA per poterlo appendere alle varie superfici metalliche presenti in cucina e averlo sempre a portata di mano. Eventualmente possiamo appenderlo tramite l’apposito gancio!
– lo schermo si illumina, cos da poter essere facilmente leggibile da qualunque angolazione
– pulizia semplicissima, basta lavare con un po’ di acqua e sapone il bastoncino metallico! Ma, sempre meglio dirlo, state ATTENTI, non pu essere messo in lavastoviglie!
– sul retro ha anche delle temperatura consigliate per 6 tipi di carni diverse, quando la parte pi interna della vostra carne raggiunger quella temperatura allora significa che cotta al punto giusto.
Confrontato con altri termometri da cucina simili, si comporta egregiamente: la temperatura rilevata precisa, la misurazione veloce. Compreso tappo di gomma di protezione della punta e dotato di calamita sul retro si pu attaccare alla cappa o frigo. La qualit percepita alta, di solidit: il punteruolo ben fermo e il manico dove alloggia la batteria e si legge la temperatura permette una presa salda. Il display retroilluminato con accensione con pulsante dedicato. Consigliato.
Obviously it was difficult to check the temperature, however the meat we cooked looked done. No issues and easy to work. Will use it as and when.
Don’t usually leave reviews to be fair, but had to take some time out my day to say that this thermometer has completely changed how I cook in the kitchen. Brilliant bit of kit for the price
I like it because it’s accurate and easy to use
I have been using this for a few months now without any issues, a pleasant surprise given the low price.
It appears accurate when compared with my previous manual meat thermometer (that had a gauge) and temperate registers very quickly on the screen.
Can’t say much more than that. I certainly recommend it.
If you need an exact temperature this will do the job.
That thermometer work very fast and very easy to use
Came yesterday 20/10/21, used today for bonfire toffee recipe, came out perfect thanks to the thermometer, easy to use and read thanks to the backligh
Well made and works perfectly. Response time to show temperature virtual instant. Auto off with back light and clear display, magnet to store it on a metal surface
Looks exactly like it does on the page. Functions perfectly, easy to clean and store. The magnet is also quite handy to have built on.
Easy to use.
Easy to read.
Very accurate.
Had a magnet at the back so handy to store on side of fridge etc.
Small and portable. Lightweight.
Well made.
Good value for money.
Would recommend.
This is a very simple to use and accurate piece of equipment and to have multiple use for meat or liquid is
an advantage.
Accuracy is good.
Putting it into water in a boiling kettle, mine reads 100.5c, which gives an accuracy of 0.5%. Very acceptable to me. (Photo).
To take a temperature, whether it be meat or jam or whatever, you just insert it into your object, wait a couple of seconds, then read the temperature.
You must not leave it in something, such as a pot whilst cooking.
For example, if you were making jam, if you left the thermometer in the pot, and waited for the mixture to reach the correct boiling point, the constant increasing heat will travel up the length of the probe, and will eventually melt/damage the internal electronics.
Just insert it occasionally to check the temperature.
There are 3 buttons on the clever end.
1) A combined on/off, centigrade/Fahrenheit button. A momentary press will turn the unit on. Pressing the on/off button for 2 seconds will turn it off.
A momentary press of this button whilst on, switches between Centigrade and Fahrenheit.
2) A temperature ‘lock’ button, which keeps the current temperature on the readout.
3) A light button. The light comes on, when you first turn it on, and goes out after approx 5 seconds. Pressing this button will turn it on again for approx 5 seconds.
The temperature, remains on the readout, as long as the unit is switched on.
The probe itself is stainless steel, and is 135mm in length.
The thermometer is powered by a 3v CR2032 battery, which comes supplied and fitted.
There is a magnet on the rear, which is very useful, as to me, the fridge is the perfect place to keep it.
The probe has a silicon cover, which is worth keeping, both for safety and to keep the end clean and undamaged.
Obviously when cleaning, only clean the probe. Do not immerse the orange, electronic end in water. It is not waterproof.
There is a little table of recommended meat temperatures printed on the back.
Very useful to have, particularly if you want to cook beef, rare or medium.
Overall, this is a great little thermometer for the money. It’s has very good accuracy, and is very simple to use.
I hope you found this review helpful.
Very accurate. Meat joints and steak are now cooked to perfection, no more guessing if it’s cooked and I also use it when making yogurt. Highly recommended, I don’t know why I waited so long to get one, can’t be without it now.
I liked it because it is very accurate for bread making
Product looks amazing, works perfect, fast delivered. Would buy again from them.
As they say, does what it says on the tin. A handy thermometer that I have used mainly for sweet making and preserves. Would recomment it.
This Thermo Pro is v easy to use.
Highly recommend.
Excellent product. Measures temperature accurately and the magnet is useful for storage.
Brilliant thermometer. Seems to be spot on in regards to temperature.
There is a magnet on the reverse to attach it to a metal surface in the kitchen which I find to be very useful.
Would recommend.
Easy to use long enough to test joints of meat keeping hands away from hea
Bought this for testing cooking fat in fryer works really well. Use it for checking meat is cooked and chicken.
Find it really easy to use
Really good meat thermometer with a nice long probe so you don’t singe your fingers on the BBQ
Excellent product, easy to use, fast delivery, super quick reading. Very convenient with magnet on the back along with the recommended temperature for different kinds of meat. Good price too. Very happy with purchase.
This is perfect to use on the barbeque in nice weather or when cooking meats indoors. The probe easily inserts into food and provides a very quick and easy temperature reading at the press of a button. It is very easy to use and seems to be very accurate with its temperature reading which is clearly displayed on the digital display. As an added bonus it has a magnetic part that allows it to stick to the barbeque or similar metal appliance ready to be used. Effective and useful thermometer for food – I really like it how quick and easy it is to use. Recommended.
Perfect for ensuring that roast is just right.
Works for BBQ’s or indeed in ovens – though don’t leave it in there!
Apparently you can check the oil temp when deep frying but we don’t fry anything so can’t report on that.
However, want that steak at 59c – no problem, this will work perfectly. The readout is clear and precise – excellent product.
When used as per recommendations the meat is cooked to perfection.
The probe is sharp to pierce any meats and gives real-time temperature readings in either fahrenheit or centigrade.
It takes one flat battery — CR2032 — and has an amber light, a lock function, as well as switching from F to C .
It has a multitude of uses from large lumps of meat, checking barbequed meats, to setting points for jams and marmalades. It’s small and neat and with a small magnet on the reverse, it can be stuck to the cooker hood or other magnetic area for easy access.
its looks like a lab quality instrument also good thing is about that is made in Germany. A++++++
I wish I’d bought one years ago! Very handy, magnetic, sits on the fridge. Perfect.
Definitely a must for anyone using a BBQ especially when cooking meat, that said I use it even when cooking meat in the oven, like a full chicken. It’s easy to use seems to be accurate from what I have concluded doing the boiling water test and it VERY reasonable on the price so there is literally nothing to complain about. Get one!
I’ve used a few food thermometers in the past, mainly own brand supermarket ones. This thermometer is miles ahead of those and something I have been using consistently when cooking for the last few weeks.
Firstly, the build quality is very sturdy compared to supermarket ones and the actual thickness of the metal rod is bigger which means it’s more weighted so it doesn’t swirl around when putting in liquids. I’ve used this for BBQ’s, making sauces and oven cooking meat and it holds up perfectly.
My only gripe is that there is no option to keep the light on permanently. When cooking sometimes the screen isn’t that visible especially BBQing outside, so the option to keep the light on would really help but it turns off automatically after 10-15 secs.
Other than that I would definitely recommend as a tool to any kitchen.
Thermometer is very easy to use so you can cook raw foods very efficiently, buttons are big enough to press and overall easy to clean as well. It uses CR2032 batteries if anyone is wandering.
This arrived within hours of ordering and is a perfect addition to my kitchen equipment!
The day I received this thermometer I was cooking a gammon roast for friends, I took the gammon out the oven, thinking is this cooked or not?! Then I thought the thermometer! Firstly it has a little rubber protective cap to prevent pricking yourself. You can change the temperature unit between fahrenheit/celsius depending on your preference. There is a handy light button so you’re not struggling to see what the number says which is a great touch. What I like the most is how on the back of the thermometer it tells you the minimum cooking temperature to ensure the meat is safe to eat!
Once finished with the thermometer you just need to give it a quick wipe with a damp cloth and it’s ready to use for next time. Just pop the protective cap back on and put away. I keep it in the cutlery draw but there is a little loop so you can hang it where you wish, or you can use the magnet on the back to secure to your fridge so you never lose it! This is a great little thermometer and I would happily recommend to others.
The meat thermometer comes with instructions. It’s easy to use and has a magnetic back that can
Be attached to the fridge or oven door. The shap end comes with a cover for safety .
A welcome addition to the kitchen.
Really easy to operate comes with booklet but didn’t really need it can now test to make sure food is hot enough and no longer need to chop it up and check ruining presentatio
I love this meat thermometer, not for its main purpose but all the little extra bits that set it apart from others.
It was nicely packaged and when i opened it saw it had a nice rubber safety cap on the prong so you dont stab yourself if its kept in a drawer. Once we got a few things chucked on the bbq i gave it a go and it read the temperature almost exactly the same as my old one always less than 0.2degrees difference and they were in slightly different bits of the meat. Once i had checked the food i looked on the back and found the recommended temperatures for the food which is a lovely touch and saves you having to check when like me you dont do many bbqs. Also on the back is a strong magnet so once i did the first batch of food stuck it to the bbq lid and it didnt move at all. Now its hang up in the kitchen of the handy hook on the top so there are many ways to store it and so many nice touches that other ones dont have.
I really recommend it and at 9.99 with a 5% discount as well its a bargain compared to others.
This is a very well designed meat thermometer. It has a magnet so it can be fixed to the fridge door making it easy to find. Nice and long to prevent burnt fingers.
Finally we can prepare proper burgers and my beloved steak!!! My wife used to have one like this at the restaurant where she was working and she kept promising to prepare me food like in restaurant but always complained she’s got no proper thermometer. Now we’re both happy.
The shape of the item is very practical as you can measure without getting burnt. Can’t compare to any other to say how precise it is, however, both dishes that were prepared with it’s help were very good. Also I love it because it’s compact.
The thermometer model no: TP-01H arrives very neatly boxed with a security seal at both ends. Note when you remove the item from its box there is an instruction booklet packed tightly in the box too.
On first glance the thermometer is extremely well made and is finished in a nice bright orange colour. The colour choice is a brilliant idea, making it easy to stand out when you are using it. The probe is fitted with a protective end cap.
On the back of the thermometer is a printed scale in both Fahrenheit and celiues telling you the safe to eat internal temperatures of different meats. Another nice feature is a fitted magnet, so you can attach to the side of your BBQ etc.
Unlike a lot of products today, the instructions are clear and concise and easy to understand. The thermometer is fitted with a CR2032 battery, which are widely available once it needs replacing.
In use the probe is nice and long, so you don’t get your fingers burned. The display is easy to read, even in bright sun light.
Overall a brilliant little gadget, that might just save you from food poisoning!!!!
[4 images attached
There is the option to display the temperature in C or F. The display is nice and clear. A magnet is on the back to stick it to something metallic, or you can hang it up using the loop at the top of the thermometer. A handy temperature guide is on the back if you are unsure of the correct temperature for the meat being cooked. With the addition of a screen light, I don’t think there is anything more you would want from a cooks thermometer.
good thermometer, one of the main reason really like this thermometer that is the back of this thermometer have a magnet, it can stick on the my refrigerator. because always forgot where my old one put in the drawer. The temperatures difference is not too much different from my old one. one thing i don’t like is this thermometer is too long .
Quick and easy to use. Takes up little space in my draw cupboard and has a handy magnet on the back, to stick on the fridge on roasting days. Now I have peace of mind that the food is cooked enough, without having any doubts. I like the safety cap that fits tight over the sharp end, when not in use. Highly recommend.
The thermometer does exactly what it’s supposed to do and it does it accurately and does it well.
I tgink one of these is essential nit only for bbq’s but for any kitchen.
5 star + product.
This thermometer is great for checking the temperature of meat to make sure that it is cooked properly. The product itself is small and compact. It is magnetic for sits on the oven itself for convenience.
There is a light button included to illuminate the screen and on the back there is the temperatures listed for each type of meat product.
This is perfect to be used for dangerous meats such as chicken and great for use when BBQing.
Provides peace of mind.
I wanted a food thermometer for a long time, since it looked like a handy device you could use in the kitchen. I’m glad I ordered this one since it is quite good, very accurate, easy to use and I love using it.
The actual body of the thermometer is made from a sturdy plastic, and it has a nice, bright orange colour to it. It has a magnet on the back so you can stick it onto your fridge or maybe your oven etc.. You can also hang it up since it comes with a hook attached to it….I hang it actually in the fridge easily, no need to make any wholes in the kitchen wall
It comes with a protective little piece of plastic over the sharp area of the thermometer, so you won’t hurt yourself when getting it out go the packaging….safety is 100%. In my case I put it on every time after I finished using it.
Overall, this is a good product and also the price is okay.
Hope this review helps other people looking for similar products while reading this review
Over the last couple of weeks the wild blackberry bushes at the back of the house have given up more fruit than in any previous year. We have therefore turned to jam making, and having got the bug, nothing is safe. Leftover lemons? Curd. Strawberries about to start going mushy? Bung them in a pan!
This really works. I was a bit sceptical about its accuracy but I checked it out with a kettle and guess what? Water does indeed boil at 100 degrees!
It’s simple to use, you press a button to turn it on and off and another to change between fahrenheit and Celsius (or is it centigrade?) and make sure you don’t drop it in the pan. I haven’t used it for meat yet, but it’s got a sharp point and a little rubber tip that protects it when not in use, so it should be fine. There’s a magnet on the back so you can hang it on the side of your fridge or whatever metal appliance is handy. It’s very strong, so it won’t fall off.
We’ve managed without a thermometer for all these years, but now we’ve got one I can see that we’ll be sticking it in all kinds of things just because we can.
The Thermometer is an absolute gamechanger in the Kitchen allowing you to check food if ready without having to cut it open or ruin presentation. there is even a very handy backlight allowing you to see better when using it in a dim lighted area, even comes with a cap for the spike at the end for added safety.
I’ve bought a few of the “cheap” meat thermometers over the years. They come in a clear plastic tube and feel very light weight and fragile. Invariably they fall apart, and one rusted all along this “stainless steel” probe.
So this bit of kit from a quality German company is a breath of fresh air. The body is thick solid plastic. its a strong bright colour for ease of location. It has a magnet on the back so it’ll stay where put, and will support itself on a steel panel or fridge. The backlight is solid and bright. The digits are large and easy to read.
Do I need to go on? Its basically better in every single way. I’m confident it’ll last too, feels really solid.
Power is from a single standard CR2032 battery (very widly sold). The light auto-offs after a few seconds. The unit auto-offs after about 10 minutes. Has a power on/off button which also switches the C/F setting.
Handily you can insert the probe, press the “LOCK” button, remove the probe and then read it. Great if you want to take a temperature of something in an oven without cooking your head. Basically a brilliant bit of kit. And essential for everyday kitchen safety.
I think a good kitchen thermometer is a necessity. It takes the guess work out of your cooking, roasting, barbcueing etc. I use this too to check the temperature of milk when making yoghurt. I have also used it when making jam.
This has a light on it should you need it. You can have the reading in centigrade or Fahrenheit. You can lock in the reading so it can be checked. The battery is easy to access and change (it does come with a battery in it) and there is a magnet on the back for sticking it on the oven door or on the fridge. There is also a plastic cap to protect the point when not in use. Just wipe the point clean between each use. I find this very handy.
I did some basic testing with known temperatures – and this performed well. The build quality is fine – just not very finessed.
A useful addition to your arsenal of kitchen gadgets. Give it a look