Mi serviva per coprire un’ampia zona e devo dire che le misure sono veramente rispettate. Ho dovuto tagliarlo a misura e non ho avuto nessun problema. Davvero molto resistente, ha il miglior rapporto qualit-prezzo-dimensione che abbia trovato.
La toile est paisse dommage que les fils s’arrache sur les cte mais bon pour le prix faut pas se plaindre et utiliser pour led mauvaises herbes efficace de ce ct l
My husband and I have had a big garden project in motion, I was lucky enough to find this on a promotion. Its been easy to use and so far had not issues with the outcome of its use. We still have more garden project to get through involving using this item and feeling pretty confident it will hold up to what we expect.
The barrier is good, does the job but the stakes (are they even called that?) it comes with are rubbish. Hit a hard bit of ground and it just bends. You also don’t get enough I though
It is what it is, the biggest complaint seems to be the fraying. The solution. Don’t cut it!! I used a lighter with a jet type flame, cuts and melts the ends in one go , NO FRAYING.
Good price and feels fairly sturdy and so will hopefully do the job. We have put ours under a low level deck and it’s was easy to cut to make it fit. There were 4 nail type fastener’s provided which wasn’t enough but we just used some spare tent pegs and worked fine. Would buy again.
Telo da pacciamatura molto grande e resistente.
Unico difetto se cos vogliamo definirlo, ha solo 4 fermi nella confezione e se vuoi fissarlo bene per terra devi comprarne una confezione a parte.
Brilliant product, does the job, good value. I did get one little weed come through, however, the roots were so weak that it couldn’t establish itself and pull out like an absolute dream! Gardeners delight!
Folded double for delivery so unfold the length you need and open up before cutting with sharpe scissors. Easy to over-lap joints to prevent sneaky weeds! Looking forward to seeing how it endures the winter and early Spring growth.
This is my second order of this membrane, it is thick unlike others and therefore of great quality! Will certainly order more of this in the near future as it’s the best quality yet!
Une toile geniale et solide, qui laisse passer la pluie, et reste bien en place.
Par contre pensez a acheter ses crochets supplementaires pour la fixer ! Car vous n irait pas liin avec les 8 fournits…
Bought this strong long lasting weed control fabric in order to line three very large garden pots. Time will tell on how good the product is but was very pleased with quality easy to cut too.
Utiliser pour bcher un potager. Le produit correspond au descriptif. Bon paisseur facile mettre en uvre. Par contre acheter des paquets de bon qualit car ceux fourni sont minces
il telo robusto e funziona, oltretutto il colore nero agevola il mantenimento del calore nel terreno che fondamentale per l’orto invernale. Peccato che nella confezione ci siano solo 4 paletti per fissare il telo, su queste misure qualche paletto in pi avrebbe fatto comodo.
Have put this membrane down ready fir decking on top. Very heavy duty and covered way more than area required. Few heavy showers since laying and drains well despite thickness. Highly recommend.
This is excellent quality and really heavy duty you could safely use this if making a driveway for your vehicle and they also supply stainless steel pins staples to fix in position I had to cut mine and it was easy to do with domestic scissors really impressed with this
I used this to create paths on my allotment. It’s decent for the price. Only issue is if you cut it, it frays, at the edges, but if you fold the edges and pin it down it’s fine, as you can see in my picture.
Good quality product has done the job I required it to do, but that said in the description it said that the water would drain through it and it doesn’t it runs off into puddles if it drains through it is extremely slow. The material is tower polling quality and frays when you cut Through it to put your plants in. For it to look really tidy it would need bark chippings put over the top. Overall I am pleased with the product but disappointed with the performance
He comprado este producto ya hace varios meses, as que est ms que testeado.
A mi me ha funcionado a la perfeccin, la utilic para tapar una parcela que no me paraban de crecer malas hierbas, desde que la puse, no ha crecido nada. Recomendadisima, de hecho comprar ms para tapar el resto de la finca.
Used under 20mm flint chippings, easy to deploy, more ground pegs would be useful, but for the price what can you expect. Overall good value for money.
Me ha gustado esta malla, he usado otras y de momento parece que tiene mejor pinta. La uso para el patio en zonas donde sale mucha mala hierba y se la ve tupida, ahora, lo que vaya a durar hay que esperar. Relacin calidad-precio me ha parecido bien.
Toile trs solide, mais s’effiloche lors de la coupure. Prvoir un rebord retourner si l’on veut que cela paraisse propre. Sinon, laisse passer l’eau de manire optimale lors de fortes pluies et ne laisse pas (encore) passer les mauvaises herbes.
Ich habe das Vlies unter einer Holzterrasse gelegt, um das wachsen von Gras/Unkraut zu verhindern. Das Vlies lt sich problemlos legen und schneiden. Es macht einen robusten Eindruck. Auch wenn man etwas rauffllt, reit es nicht sofort ein. In der Hoffnung, dass es unter der Holzterrasse keiner so intensiven UV-Strahlung ausgesetzt ist – abgesehen von dem, was durch die Spalte der Deelen kommt – hoffe ich, dass das Vlies lange hlt.
Einziger Kritikpunkt ist die Anzahl der Anker. Da htte man gerne ein paar mehr beilegen knnen.
Really good ground cover for keeping weeds at bay, ready to lay stones on top. I was pleasantly surprised at just how thick this product was, unlike some that I’ve bought in the past. So easy to cut to size and to lay. I bought extra spikes to anchor to the ground as only 4 supplied, and I wanted to make sure the sheeting was secure. More than pleased with this product.
Die Folie lsst sich problemlos zuschneiden und verlegen, am einfachsten ist es natrlich zu zweit aber auch alleine ist es kein Problem. Da hatte ich vom Baumarkt auch schon andere Folien die beim kleinsten windhauch alleine nicht zu verlegen waren.
Zum zuschneiden empfehle ich eine sehr scharfe Schere! Mit einem Cuttermesser franzt Sie etwas aus, ist aber auch nicht tragisch.
Die Folie wirkt robust und Preis-Leistung ist super!
Wie lange die Folie hlt kann ich natrlich noch nicht sagen.
Mein Fazit: Man kann diese Folie bedenkenlos kaufen.
Toiles anti herbes avec un rapport qualit prix correcte
rien signaler
La seule chose tant qu’aprs la dcoupe, toujours des languettes qui se dtachent, il faut mieux privilgier une pose sans la dcouper ou bien broder le contour aprs dcoupe .
It is so heavy duty that my dogs claws doesn’t even bother it. It’s more like the plastic youd put down when you camp well that’s what it reminds me of.
The size was perfect for my garden and the area I wanted to cover so I didnt have to cut it.
Water does go through it, eventually it’s a very slow draining membrane.
Very sturdy product, easy to cut and heavy gauge, have it for a year nearly on my garden and does a perfect job . Very satisfied with it, would buy again without hesitation.
Arrivato in anticipo. L’ho preso per fare da fondo per la piscina visto che i teli che vendono celesti mi danno fastidio perch molto impattanti alla vista. Ho notato come dalla foto che rovinato. Non lo mando indietro perch stato un lavoraccio posizionarlo da sola. Ho acquistato i ganci a parte per essere sicura che i 2 teli sormontati rimangano ancorati.
We have work done in our garden and we had a couple of areas that needed a new look. We decided to use chip stones to cover areas that the weeds love to grow in. The membrane did the job and it now looks lovely.
Das Vlies erfllt meine Erwartungen, leider verschmhen einige Nager das Material nicht, htte ich nicht erwartet. Im Garten gibt es ja leckerere Angebote wie Wrmer, Bodeninsekten,… Weshalb mssen also Lcher hineingenagt werden, Dami hatte ich allerdings nicht gerechnet – dachte , Kunststoffe seien zum Verzehr nicht attraktiv.
Bought this as a base layer for a garden path that had been overgrown with weeds and worked so well i bought a lager size to redo some rose beds. Both products arrived very quicky, well packaged and in good condition.
Necesitaba una malla resistente para hacer una mesa de cultivo y la verdad es que va de maravilla!
Es facil de manejar y cortar por lo que se puede adaptar a las dimensiones finales sin problemas. Con un mechero se pueden sellar los bordes cortados para evitar que se deshilache.
Ya tengo mi mesa lista, y con el sobrante me ha dado para poder hacer una cobertura para exponer solamente los plantones
Ho acquistato questo prodotto per evitare la crescita di erbacce nel mio orto e mantiene le promesse. L’ho tagliato in due (per adattarlo alle dimensioni dell’ appezzamento) con una saldatrice a caldo in modo da evitare lo sfilacciamento (va bene comunque anche una forbice ben riscaldata!) e nello stesso modo ho fatto i tagli in cui inserire le piantine. L’ho poi steso senza difficolt fermandolo con i picchetti in dotazione. Lo spessore superiore a quanto immaginassi, permette all’acqua e alla luce di passare in maniera ridotta impedendo alle erbacce di infestare. Ora spero che gli agenti atmosferici e soprattutto le gelate non lo rovinino troppo. Se devo trovare un difetto aggiungerei qualche picchetto in pi, anche se si possono ordinare a parte!
Ottimo il rapporto qualit-prezzo e la consegna in tempi veramente brevi. Lo riacquister sicuramente in primavera quando aggiunger altre piantine di stagione
La malla antihiervas es de muy buena calidad, trae incorporados 4 ganchos y unos soportes que son muy prcticos para que el gancho no se entierre en la tierra.
La malla es de un grosor bueno ya que no se transparenta y as es ms resistente y duradero por ms tiempo, as la lluvia, fro y sol no lo estropea y lo podemos reutilizar para bastantes temporadas. Por eso recomiendo calcular bien donde hacer los agujeros, as se reutiliza ao tras ao.
Sin duda comprar ms cuando lo necesite
Since I’ve had problems with the blackberries for a year now, I decided to finally buy a weed control system. I split it to have two lanes and now I really have the feeling that the blackberries are dying with it. The material is super tear-resistant, so you can run over it and drive over it. Due to the stability you can lay the fleece alone without any problems. I weighed it down with stones on the edge and it is now very well. I am particularly impressed by the size.
Ottimo prodotto da posizionare e fermare con i suoi ganci specifici.
Il vantaggio di un telo non perforato che mantiene il terreno umido e caldo,
riducendo la necessit di irrigazione e garantendo condizioni ottimali per la crescita delle piante.
Le piante che avevo piantato vicino al muretto erano infestate dalla gramigna
e non riuscivano a crescere causando anche durante la potatura danni alle altre piante.
Adesso con questo telo ho pulito e decorato il mio angolo di gerani,rendendolo pi pulito e sistemato.
Lo consiglio a tutti……anche chi non del mestiere come me….Saluti
Really strong fabric, good quantity and very easy to use. The pins help to keep it in place. I highly recommend this product and it has done exactly what I wanted and great for the price.
Weed Control Fabric was used (In my case) on soil with gravel laid on top, this product is easy to cut and lay. The material is similar to what I’ve seen on the underside of some chairs, sofas and divan beds, but is a bit thicker I’d say. Being non-woven it cuts with a clean edge and doesn’t come apart. I’d think it might puncture under sharp stones or by protruding sharp points beneath if weight is placed on top. Overall it’s great and I’d recommend it.
Bon produit, assez pnible couper mais c’est plutt une bonne chose puisque a indique que le tissage est solide.
Telo perfetto per la pacciamatura, nel fare i tagli per far aderire alle piante si sfilacciato un po’ per abbastanza risolvibile
Mi serviva per coprire un’ampia zona e devo dire che le misure sono veramente rispettate. Ho dovuto tagliarlo a misura e non ho avuto nessun problema. Davvero molto resistente, ha il miglior rapporto qualit-prezzo-dimensione che abbia trovato.
Utilizzato su un terreno per potervi stendere poi sopra della ghiaia.
Robusto e durevole
La toile est paisse dommage que les fils s’arrache sur les cte mais bon pour le prix faut pas se plaindre et utiliser pour led mauvaises herbes efficace de ce ct l
Semble de bonne qualit… Me correspond ! Les attaches au sol sont un vritable plus
My husband and I have had a big garden project in motion, I was lucky enough to find this on a promotion. Its been easy to use and so far had not issues with the outcome of its use. We still have more garden project to get through involving using this item and feeling pretty confident it will hold up to what we expect.
The barrier is good, does the job but the stakes (are they even called that?) it comes with are rubbish. Hit a hard bit of ground and it just bends. You also don’t get enough I though
Fantastico finalmente una metratura decisamente migliore delle altre
Ottimo prodotto
Cumple su funcion, buena permeabilidad.
Se deshilacha demasiado al cortarla.
It is what it is, the biggest complaint seems to be the fraying. The solution. Don’t cut it!! I used a lighter with a jet type flame, cuts and melts the ends in one go , NO FRAYING.
Destin couvrir le sol et empcher les mauvaises herbes . Je pense drouler le tapiscet automne aprs la reocolte
For the size and quality of this product it’s very good value
Good quality and size. Could’ve done with a few extra staple pins
Folie lsst sich leicht zuschneiden und das Material ist deutlich robuster als einfache Unkrautfolien. Haltbarkeit kann ich noch nicht beurteilen.
He puesto unos metros de malla y la verdad es que ningn problema, todo ok.
Good price and feels fairly sturdy and so will hopefully do the job. We have put ours under a low level deck and it’s was easy to cut to make it fit. There were 4 nail type fastener’s provided which wasn’t enough but we just used some spare tent pegs and worked fine. Would buy again.
Ottimo rapporto qualit/quantit/prezzo.fa il suo dovere,arriva in pacco di cartone ,bene tutto
Molto resistente ed effettivamente molto grande ed infatti unica pecca,diciamo, che visto il prezzo un paio di picchetti in pi ci andrebbero.
il secondo che compero…ed perfetto…ottima qualit prezzo…il telo molto robusto. Consegna prima del previsto
Achete pour refaire une place de fraisiers. Je regrette qu’il n’y ait que 4 piquets de jardin pour tenir la toile, ce qui est trs trs insuffisant.
Telo da pacciamatura molto grande e resistente.
Unico difetto se cos vogliamo definirlo, ha solo 4 fermi nella confezione e se vuoi fissarlo bene per terra devi comprarne una confezione a parte.
Toile de paillage achet pour la 2me fois, trs satisfaite car trs costaud et pais, se coupe assez bien. Je le recommande.
Arrived quickly, very thick & is very hard wearing. Great value for the money. Would recommend.
Brilliant product, does the job, good value. I did get one little weed come through, however, the roots were so weak that it couldn’t establish itself and pull out like an absolute dream! Gardeners delight!
Great product, speedy delivery. No faults at all thank you.
Folded double for delivery so unfold the length you need and open up before cutting with sharpe scissors. Easy to over-lap joints to prevent sneaky weeds! Looking forward to seeing how it endures the winter and early Spring growth.
This is my second order of this membrane, it is thick unlike others and therefore of great quality! Will certainly order more of this in the near future as it’s the best quality yet!
Une toile geniale et solide, qui laisse passer la pluie, et reste bien en place.
Par contre pensez a acheter ses crochets supplementaires pour la fixer ! Car vous n irait pas liin avec les 8 fournits…
Seems strong no fraying just hope it keeps the weeds at bay ?
Ok but badly fray on cutting but for the money I would recommend.
Good quality material, great value for money and works exactly as described. Would buy agai
Used this in the garden to go under a path. It’s thick, durable and sturdy.
Bought this strong long lasting weed control fabric in order to line three very large garden pots. Time will tell on how good the product is but was very pleased with quality easy to cut too.
Utiliser pour bcher un potager. Le produit correspond au descriptif. Bon paisseur facile mettre en uvre. Par contre acheter des paquets de bon qualit car ceux fourni sont minces
il telo robusto e funziona, oltretutto il colore nero agevola il mantenimento del calore nel terreno che fondamentale per l’orto invernale. Peccato che nella confezione ci siano solo 4 paletti per fissare il telo, su queste misure qualche paletto in pi avrebbe fatto comodo.
Did the job
Very strong
Can take 2 large dogs playing on it and hasn’t ripped
100 % recommend
Have put this membrane down ready fir decking on top. Very heavy duty and covered way more than area required. Few heavy showers since laying and drains well despite thickness. Highly recommend.
This is excellent quality and really heavy duty you could safely use this if making a driveway for your vehicle and they also supply stainless steel pins staples to fix in position I had to cut mine and it was easy to do with domestic scissors really impressed with this
Could do with more pegs, had to order additional ones
Very pleased with this product so far after a couple of weeks
Plastic sheet very effective for weed control, no rotting like fabric weed barriers.
Great item just as described very hardy just the job
Loved this and had plenty .
Would buy again
Great value
Seems to be holding back all growth under our patio so it’s a 5 star review from me.
I used this to create paths on my allotment. It’s decent for the price. Only issue is if you cut it, it frays, at the edges, but if you fold the edges and pin it down it’s fine, as you can see in my picture.
Used in my back garden with artificial grass over i
Good quality product has done the job I required it to do, but that said in the description it said that the water would drain through it and it doesn’t it runs off into puddles if it drains through it is extremely slow. The material is tower polling quality and frays when you cut Through it to put your plants in. For it to look really tidy it would need bark chippings put over the top. Overall I am pleased with the product but disappointed with the performance
He comprado este producto ya hace varios meses, as que est ms que testeado.
A mi me ha funcionado a la perfeccin, la utilic para tapar una parcela que no me paraban de crecer malas hierbas, desde que la puse, no ha crecido nada. Recomendadisima, de hecho comprar ms para tapar el resto de la finca.
I’ve used weed membrane before but this is by far the best ever it’s covered all the area I needed to cover and the quality is brillia
Great to get a product that will fit the area required.
Used under 20mm flint chippings, easy to deploy, more ground pegs would be useful, but for the price what can you expect. Overall good value for money.
Great product. Some of the sheets at the end had to be cut manually which means it will fray. They should be precut already.
Pas encore poser mais cela m’a l’air correct pour le prix a voir aprs sa pose
Me ha gustado esta malla, he usado otras y de momento parece que tiene mejor pinta. La uso para el patio en zonas donde sale mucha mala hierba y se la ve tupida, ahora, lo que vaya a durar hay que esperar. Relacin calidad-precio me ha parecido bien.
Ich habe das Vlies unter einer Holzterrasse gelegt, um das wachsen von Gras/Unkraut zu verhindern. Das Vlies lt sich problemlos legen und schneiden. Es macht einen robusten Eindruck. Auch wenn man etwas rauffllt, reit es nicht sofort ein. In der Hoffnung, dass es unter der Holzterrasse keiner so intensiven UV-Strahlung ausgesetzt ist – abgesehen von dem, was durch die Spalte der Deelen kommt – hoffe ich, dass das Vlies lange hlt.
Einziger Kritikpunkt ist die Anzahl der Anker. Da htte man gerne ein paar mehr beilegen knnen.
Went down well and seems to be really good quality
I bought this and it is very good quality great produc
does the job easy to work with fast delivery and great price .tics all the boxes would recommend
Perfecto para el precio que tiene. Fcil de colocar y cumple su funcin perfectamente.
Really good ground cover for keeping weeds at bay, ready to lay stones on top. I was pleasantly surprised at just how thick this product was, unlike some that I’ve bought in the past. So easy to cut to size and to lay. I bought extra spikes to anchor to the ground as only 4 supplied, and I wanted to make sure the sheeting was secure. More than pleased with this product.
Die Folie lsst sich problemlos zuschneiden und verlegen, am einfachsten ist es natrlich zu zweit aber auch alleine ist es kein Problem. Da hatte ich vom Baumarkt auch schon andere Folien die beim kleinsten windhauch alleine nicht zu verlegen waren.
Zum zuschneiden empfehle ich eine sehr scharfe Schere! Mit einem Cuttermesser franzt Sie etwas aus, ist aber auch nicht tragisch.
Die Folie wirkt robust und Preis-Leistung ist super!
Wie lange die Folie hlt kann ich natrlich noch nicht sagen.
Mein Fazit: Man kann diese Folie bedenkenlos kaufen.
No weeds come through, been down over 3 months this spring
rien signaler
La seule chose tant qu’aprs la dcoupe, toujours des languettes qui se dtachent, il faut mieux privilgier une pose sans la dcouper ou bien broder le contour aprs dcoupe .
It is so heavy duty that my dogs claws doesn’t even bother it. It’s more like the plastic youd put down when you camp well that’s what it reminds me of.
The size was perfect for my garden and the area I wanted to cover so I didnt have to cut it.
Water does go through it, eventually it’s a very slow draining membrane.
La hemos usado para suelo de camping. Lo unicop que no me ha gustado es que los fijadores que llevan son muy endebles
Good quality and the little pegs for fixing to the ground are very handy. Would recommend to anyone. Much better than the cheap fabric ones out there.
Utilise pour planter des fraisiers. Je suis satisfait. Vu la taille de la toile, des fixation s supplmentaires seraient les bienvenues.
Very sturdy product, easy to cut and heavy gauge, have it for a year nearly on my garden and does a perfect job . Very satisfied with it, would buy again without hesitation.
Arrivato in anticipo. L’ho preso per fare da fondo per la piscina visto che i teli che vendono celesti mi danno fastidio perch molto impattanti alla vista. Ho notato come dalla foto che rovinato. Non lo mando indietro perch stato un lavoraccio posizionarlo da sola. Ho acquistato i ganci a parte per essere sicura che i 2 teli sormontati rimangano ancorati.
This is a good membrane and easy to use and cut quite thick so hopefully it will suppress weeds.
We have work done in our garden and we had a couple of areas that needed a new look. We decided to use chip stones to cover areas that the weeds love to grow in. The membrane did the job and it now looks lovely.
No s por qu no ponen unos cuantos ganchos ms por el precio
Que tiene se podra aadir alguno
It arrived really fast, we installed it really easily and we even could cut the spare and use it in another place.
Bought this as a base layer for a garden path that had been overgrown with weeds and worked so well i bought a lager size to redo some rose beds. Both products arrived very quicky, well packaged and in good condition.
Good value for money and easy to use. Excellent quality
Great product , super price which included pegs with washers. Prompt delivery.
Overall delighted with product would recommend this product and seller.
Necesitaba una malla resistente para hacer una mesa de cultivo y la verdad es que va de maravilla!
Es facil de manejar y cortar por lo que se puede adaptar a las dimensiones finales sin problemas. Con un mechero se pueden sellar los bordes cortados para evitar que se deshilache.
Ya tengo mi mesa lista, y con el sobrante me ha dado para poder hacer una cobertura para exponer solamente los plantones
Very nice product. Thick and durable. More than what we expected.
Fingers crossed for the growing season but if this works it’ll be great. Installed in November.
Ho acquistato questo prodotto per evitare la crescita di erbacce nel mio orto e mantiene le promesse. L’ho tagliato in due (per adattarlo alle dimensioni dell’ appezzamento) con una saldatrice a caldo in modo da evitare lo sfilacciamento (va bene comunque anche una forbice ben riscaldata!) e nello stesso modo ho fatto i tagli in cui inserire le piantine. L’ho poi steso senza difficolt fermandolo con i picchetti in dotazione. Lo spessore superiore a quanto immaginassi, permette all’acqua e alla luce di passare in maniera ridotta impedendo alle erbacce di infestare. Ora spero che gli agenti atmosferici e soprattutto le gelate non lo rovinino troppo. Se devo trovare un difetto aggiungerei qualche picchetto in pi, anche se si possono ordinare a parte!
Ottimo il rapporto qualit-prezzo e la consegna in tempi veramente brevi. Lo riacquister sicuramente in primavera quando aggiunger altre piantine di stagione
The weed fabric works well there could of been a lot more spikes to secure it, I had to order a lot more to get it to stay secure in high winds
Difficult to cut cleanly and not enough pegs buts seems a good produc
La malla es de un grosor bueno ya que no se transparenta y as es ms resistente y duradero por ms tiempo, as la lluvia, fro y sol no lo estropea y lo podemos reutilizar para bastantes temporadas. Por eso recomiendo calcular bien donde hacer los agujeros, as se reutiliza ao tras ao.
Sin duda comprar ms cuando lo necesite
This was excellent for covering soil as it is a very thick membrane. I’m confident this will keep weeds away and the stones I added look good.
Ottimo prodotto da posizionare e fermare con i suoi ganci specifici.
Il vantaggio di un telo non perforato che mantiene il terreno umido e caldo,
riducendo la necessit di irrigazione e garantendo condizioni ottimali per la crescita delle piante.
Le piante che avevo piantato vicino al muretto erano infestate dalla gramigna
e non riuscivano a crescere causando anche durante la potatura danni alle altre piante.
Adesso con questo telo ho pulito e decorato il mio angolo di gerani,rendendolo pi pulito e sistemato.
Lo consiglio a tutti……anche chi non del mestiere come me….Saluti
Good quality and price. Used to put under greenhouse with slabs atop as weed free floor.
This is really good for covering the ground so weeds can’t get through so a covering of wood chip or stone will always look good.
Really strong fabric, good quantity and very easy to use. The pins help to keep it in place. I highly recommend this product and it has done exactly what I wanted and great for the price.