Yamaha Acoustic Guitalele, GL1 – A hybrid between guitar and ukulele (70 cm) with 6 Strings (3 nylon/3 metal wound, commonly known as a nylon string set) and Fitted Yamaha Gigbag – Natural

Yamaha GL1Yamaha GL1Yamaha GL1Yamaha Push Things ForwardYamaha InspireYamaha Push Things ForwardYamaha Inspire

Weight: 10 g
Size: Ukelele Size
Dimensions: 71 x 23 x 8 cm; 10 Grams
Model: GL1
Colour: Natural
Colour: Natural
Origin: Indonesia
Size: Ukelele Size

148 Responses

  1. Anonymous says:

     United States

    I love to play guitar, but I have arthritis and regular sized guitars easily hurt my fingers. This is great for practice and writing, and even for performing. As you do with any guitar, you have to break it in consistently over a week or two to get it to hold a tune. I love this and will buy again if need be.

  2. SvenWhitaker says:


    Golden Review Award: 2 From Our UsersSuperb instrument, beau son ! Mon enfant voulait un ukull mais je suis guitariste donc on a fait un compromis entre les deux et elle est trs contente, belle finition et bonne qualit un prix correct comme on peut s’y attendre de Yamaha. Idal pour un enfant car c’est trs facile d’appuyer sur le manche sans se faire mal aux doigts. Trs lgre et facile porter par un enfant, l’cart entre les frettes est plus troit qu’une guitare standard donc facile pour les petites mains. Joli sac de transport rembourr compris. Des amis musiciens professionnels ont essay cet instrument et veulent en acheter pour eux-mmes. Trs recommand !

  3. CarlaSills says:


    Cuesta acostumbrarse a su tamao reducido por la longitud de la escala pero como guitarra ocasional para viajes su tamao es ideal. Su sonido est bastante logrado aunque su proyeccin es menos que la de otra guitarra de tamao estndar.

  4. Anonymous says:


    Buen sonido para el tamao de la caja. Estara bien que llevara roseta, sin ella parece que no est terminado. El principal problema es que los trastes son muy estrechos y si aadimos que las cuerdas estn ms tensadas que las de la guitarra slo los acordes al aire suenan bien, Nada nuevo, el instrumento es as. Pero cuando hay que hacer acordes con cejilla los dedos apenas caben y debido a la tensin de las cuerdas, se hace un poco difcil de ejecutar, as que he optado por la afinaci de la guitarra, y al aflojar las cuerdas, y con un poco de paciencia todo va saliendo ms o menos bien. Quedo satisfecho por la compra, pero a tener en cuenta que es un instrumento para pasar un buen rato y no como un instrumento nico, siempre es mejor una guitarra. Por el sonido que tiene, pacecido al del banjo, es muy apropiado para msica country cuyas canciones en su mayora tienen los acordes al aire y suenan muy bien. Jordi

  5. Anonymous says:


    Para empezar, decir que no tengo ni pajotera idea de instrumentos de cuerda. Con 16 aos (tengo 36) iba con amigos al parque, se llevaban la guitarra y me ensearon algn punteo y algn acorde, pero nada ms. Piano s he tocado varios aos, tengo sentido del ritmo y confo en que con paciencia, tiempo, tutoriales de YouTube y muchas ganas, podr sacar algunas canciones que me gustan con el guitalele.

    Lo primero que quiero sacar de dudas a quien se plantee comprarlo es el color. He visto fotos que van desde marrones tan oscuros que los bordes parecen negros, a rojo que parece la bandera de Espaa con lo de dentro tirando a amarillo. Aclarar que es mucho ms rojizo que marrn. Lo ms oscuro del degradado dira que un vino burdeos. El borde s es negro, negro. Y la zona de los trastes s tira ms a un marrn chocolate 90% cacao. En las fotos he intentado que se vea lo ms fiel posible.

    Qu me gusta?

    -Me gusta no, me encanta lo blandito que es. Abandon la idea de aprender guitarra cuando me machaca los dedos con las cuerdas de la acstica de mis padres. Pero el guitalele tiene una pulsacin tremendamente blandita, no pesa nada sujetarlo y lo encuentro sper cmodo. Las posiciones de los dedos tambin las veo ms cmodas porque no hay que alargarlos tanto para conseguir algunos acordes, pero s veo necesario tenerlos finos.

    -Ha sido relativamente fcil de afinar (para alguien que es la primera vez que afina un instrumento, 10 minutos) con un vdeo de Youtube y una app con el mvil, aunque se supone que un afinador de pinza que me llega esta tarde lo va a hacer ms preciso y fcil.

    Qu no me gusta?

    -No he tocado la guitarra, pero s he tenido varias en mis manos. No me gusta la calidad de las terminaciones. Todas las que he cogido han sido con barniz. Ya digo que no soy nada experta, pero supongo que han dejado la madera ms al aire para que vibre ms, respire ms y produzca un sonido ms rico y fuerte. Confo en los conocimientos de Yamaha y que si lo han hecho as, es por algo. Pero me dan ganas de coger un spray de barniz y darle un par de manos, porque da una impresin tremendamente frgil por el poco peso que tiene y el acabado mencionado de su superficie. En una foto de la parte de atrs es donde mejor se puede apreciar, parece un contrachapado sper rstico que le han enseado el barniz, nada de haberle dado una buena capa. No s la voy a dar, aunque me nace protegerlo, sobre todo si pienso en llevarlo de viaje. Pero no lo voy a hacer, porque temo que pierda calidad en el sonido.

    Me gustara saber (lo preguntar) si es bueno darle algn lquido de restauracin que he visto para mantenerlo (nomad?). Se mancha con mirarlo a nada que no te hayas lavado las manos, aunque luego con un trapo se quita, as que eso demuestra que algo de barniz lleva.

    Lo malo es el poco cuidado que han puesto a la hora de pintarlo. Tiene una mariquita, muy leve, pero que si pasas la mano se nota y si sabes que est ah, no puedes evitar que se te vaya la vista, de lo tpico que has dejado secando y se ha cado una mota de polvo. Tambin un refregn de que debi de salir mal algo de la pintura y se nota que est apaado en vez de vuelto a lijar bien o cambiada la pieza. Por el precio estos errores seran perdonables. Pero s es verdad que donde termina el traste en la boca hay una zona importante donde no ha llegado la pintura. Eso s me parece ms grave para una marca que se supone garantiza una calidad. No lo devuelvo porque me pueden las ganas de empezar a aprender y que tenga un defecto (o varios) prefiero verlo como algo que le da personalidad, aunque haya sido un fallo del fabricante.

    -La bolsa, como han dicho muchos ms antes que yo, es para meterle una buena modificacin si eres manitas o de tente mientras cobro y compro otra. Seguramente me espere al black Friday y coja algo decente.

    De momento no aado nada ms. No me arrepiento de comprarlo, as de primera impresin. A odo poco entrenado me gusta cmo suena. He pedido cuerdas para cambiar la afinacin a guitarra, pero voy a intentar tocar como guitalele a ver si me gusta ms y ya me decido.

    Lo recomiendo para alguien que no haya llegado a profundizar en el aprendizaje de guitarra, que haya tirado la toalla.

    Para lo que pagas, perfecto si no pides perfección.

  6. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Being both a Ukulele and Guitar player this product interested me so I bought one and I really like it. Yamaha have done a great job on this instrument and the natural wood finish is really smooth.
    It’s just a bit bigger than a Tenor Uke and is tuned to the same pitch, but has an extra two low (bass) strings for a richer, fuller sound. The neck is a full width short scale guitar neck with guitar machine heads.
    The chord shapes are a hybrid between Uke and Guitar. If only the top 4 strings are played then most Uke chord shapes will work. However, to get the full effect you have to add extra fingering to the bottom (bass) strings. These are the same as guitar chord shapes, played at a Ukulele pitch (including Barre Chords). Chord charts are available for free on the internet.

    Warning: Do not buy to detune this instrument to guitar pitch. It sounds awful!

  7. Chris Wedel says:

     United Kingdom

    Playable out of the box. Great tone for such a tiny instrument. I tuned it lower than A and it played fine. It could do with some set-up to lower the action (which I imagine involves filing both the nut and bridge). But it’s not too bad – I’ve certainly played worse at higher cost! You can’t really go wrong at this price.

  8. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    It’s Brilliant,
    Make an Electric version with strap holders and built in tuner for Gigging with

    Outstanding for the price,other companies should follow suit and stop being greedy

  9. L3vi says:

     United Kingdom

    Really pleased with this Guitalele, I’m a guitarist but have been playing Ukulele more recently with a group of people. This is a great crossover instrument, however I recommend changing the strings to make it sound even better. I saw a lot of good reviews for Aquilla strings so I bought some and they definitely made a big difference.

    Aquila 96C Guilele Strings Set https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B008ERVPA0/ref=cm_sw_r_apan_i_7HHCXKXHG9KWZ5M40SBC?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1

  10. Erin Carson says:

     United Kingdom

    Very good value.
    Didn’t want to spend too much as I was just trying it out. Added to ukulele collection.
    First 4 strings tuned as a ukulele so easy to adapt ukulele chords.
    Easy to play.

  11. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    I bought this for my 4.5 year old rather than a ‘toy’ guitar as I wanted something that actually worked and didn’t have any issues with strings loosening. My 4.5 year old loves it as well as my husband who will play it at any opportunity as it is kept out all the time. We did have one issue with the strings delaminating, which my husband said he’d never experienced before. The strings were like this as soon as the guitar arrived.

  12. Gordon Kelly says:

     United Kingdom

    ice fun small guitar good but needs setting up and good strings fitting. could help a small child get into playing

  13. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    I bought this for a present for my Wife, after hinting that she would to play the Guitar again but a full size one would be to difficult to play, she can play this with ease and very happy with it, the sound is perfect too. I was going to put a joke in here but i wont.

  14. SuzanneCWS says:

     United Kingdom

    This is such a great instrument, you can’t go wrong with a Yamaha . A quality item .

  15. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Wonderful little guitar. I play this all the time now.

  16. MichaelLinthicu says:

     United Kingdom

    This is a fun instrument, I’ve enjoyed it.
    Quite easy to play, steel strings settled quickly, nylon took a bit longer.
    It doesn’t have a great feel and the sound quality is … well, it’s about what you’d expect at this price point.

    If you want a beginner’s toy for a bit of fun -good purchase.
    If you want something a bit more serious – well, you’ll have to pay more.

    Overall, I mostly wanted a bit of fun so am happy with this.

  17. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    What a great time I’ve had learning to play this instrument in lockdown. I’m a complete beginner, the size is perfect for me and I’m pleased with its looks and the sound it has. I have arthritic hands and have managed to cover most of the chords in my beginner book (purchased separately). So glad I purchased it.

  18. VeloNews.com says:

     United Kingdom

    Great sound, stays in tune – and uses normal guitar tuning and chord shapes but in a different octave.

  19. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Really good little instrument. I swapped for 1/8 scale guitar strings to get E-e tuning. This sits beside the sofa so it’s there to play the whole time.
    Good sound for the body size, not performance quality but perfectly acceptable for home practice.

    Lovely little instrume

  20. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    brilliant ‘spanish’ guitar. But will need to be set up. It suits beginners to players. Very well made. 9/10

  21. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    I have a 7 years old daughter. I want her to do the guitar from an early age. For now I bought it for me and soon will be buying acoustic guitar so we can play together. The guitalele will be passed onto my daughter.The guitalele is same as guitar but is just a little version. I have played all the chords and plugging. It can be played perfectly. For Adult the chords could be hard to play due to the size. I can play it perfectly. Yamaha speaks with brand so the sound is perfect. It is handy to play and can be taken to any travel during camping or holiday weekend. Yes, it is little expensive compared to others but the brands do matter with quality finishing and beautiful sound from it.

  22. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    I like the sound of a ukulele and already own guitars so bought this quirky little instrument for a bit of fun. It’s well made and the tone is pleasant to the ear. It’s small enough to pack for travelling too. Only suitable for smaller hands/slim fingers.

  23. Morgan4317 says:

     United Kingdom

    Very impressed. The tuning and intonation is good. The overall playability is also good. I have myself played guitar for years and are an experienced musician. For the price you would expect many failings particularly with a small instrument. However the tone is lovely and as I have said in tune accross the neck. Of course for the small body amplitude is low but matches my tenor ukulele. The finish is nice and a great option for guitarist who have tried the ukulele bit miss the range of 6 strings.

    6 String Ukulele - Great Experience

  24. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    When I first played this instrument after tuning it I was amazed at the sound quality at both end of the scale. The bass sound volume and quality was much more than I expected from a Ukulele sized body.
    Unfortunately the neck was almost as narrow as my soprano Ukulele but with two extra strings squeezed on which made fingering difficult for someone who is 6 feet two inches tall. I can play the soprano Ukulele but the narrow spacing of the Guitalele strings beat me.
    Because of this I had to return it to Amazon but this in no way reflects on the instrument which I would recommend it to anyone that can finger it and very well done Yamaha.

  25. andi says:

     United Kingdom

    Very good quality. Superb sustain and great feel. The wood is nice and premium looking and it’s a pleasure to play. Great fun!

    Excellent quality.

  26. KaiRutherford says:

     United Kingdom

    Its a nice and compact instrument, bought it to have a portable guitar-ish for practice and travelling. It os tuned differently than a guitar but for a beginner like me it’s not a big deal. The distance between string and fret is slightly higher but it remains playable nonetheless. 3 strings are nylon and 3 are metal, which is a bit awk to play. It is a great tool for the price and purpose.

  27. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Nice sound, works when tuned as a guitar or an uke, a really convenient size! Love it already (however, I only ordered one, but received six, and I’m not sure what to do about that? Help? )

    Lovely little guy!

  28. TGNDireGaming says:

     United Kingdom

    This is the second Yamaha GL1 I have bought.

    Honestly, there’s a lot here for a guitarist or a ukulele player.

    The tone is great, the treble strings sound as they should and you get a surprising amount of bass on the lower bass strings. The matt finish is also nice, it looks especially good on the sunburst model as you can see the real wood beneath the usual surface and it looks pretty good.

    Good things:

    Sounds great has a well-balanced tone and has a fast response to the string.
    The fretwork is excellent and didn’t have any rough edges.
    Binding on the edge of the guitar is a lovely touch, adds a real feeling of quality
    The sunburst effect is great too, my good lady commented on how pretty it was.
    The strings that come supplied are not terrible.

    Bad Things

    The action is a little high. But a few minutes with a file and concentration takes care of that. Just don’t take too much off!
    The strings are close together. Bit of a no-brainer, but I have big hands, and its a squeeze. But that’s part of the challenge.
    It’s not a loud instrument. To really make it yell you have to pick hard. But, good for conditioning the fingers.

    All in, worth every penny and I would recommend it to everyone who wants to try something new.

  29. SherriePederson says:


    Golden Review Award: 8 From Our UsersIch spiele nun seit einigen Jahren Gitarre und Reise fr mein Leben gern. Auf den letzten Reisen, hatte ich immer meine Konzertgitarre dabei, was ziemlich viel Platz wegnimmt. Nun habe ich nach Alternativen gesucht. Zuerst hatte ich Gitarren gefunden, wie die Furch LJ-10 Little Jane Travel. Dieses geniale Konzept hat mit ber 1000 natrlich seinen gerechtfertigten Preis. Nur ist dieser Preis fr mich zu hoch, da die Gitarre anderen Widrigkeiten (Transport, unterschiedliche Temperaturen, Lagerfeuer ) ausgesetzt, als wenn man sie nur zuhause spielt.
    Deshalb bin ich auf das Konzept Guitalele aufmerksam geworden. Die Rezessionen von Amazon und ein paar YouTube Videos spter, haben mich dann berzeugt und ich habe mir diese Guitalele hier bestellt.
    Sie kam, wie immer bei Amazon, schnell geliefert. Nach dem ersten Auspacken dann die erste Ernchterung. Wie stimme ich das Ding? Nach ein paar Recherchen im Internet, habe ich herausgefunden, dass sie wie folgt gestimmt wird:


    Ja, was heit das genau, wenn man, wie ich keine Noten gelernt und die Gitarre nur mit einer Stimmapp (GuitarTuna, iOS) gestimmt hat?

    Dadurch, dass die Guitalele krzer ist als eine normale Gitarre, wird sie auch anders gestimmt. Man kann sich nun fr ziemlich viel Geld eine Stimm-App besorgen, oder folgende Anleitung (habe ich In irgendein Forum gefunden) verwenden:

    Download GuitarTuna app, it’s free.
    Use the ukulele tuner, in the app, to tune the bottom three strings C E A.
    Then switch to the guitar tuner, in the app and tune the top three strings A D G.

    Auf Deutsch:
    Ladet euch die App GuitarTuna (kostenlos) herunter, benutzt den Ukulele Tuner fr die unteren 3 Saiten (die Dnnen) fr die Tne C-E-A und dann stellt in der App auf Gitarren stimmen – Standard um und stimmt die oberen 3 Saiten auf A-D-G —> fertig!

    Nun habt ihr eure Guitalele mit einfachen Mitteln gestimmt. Nun ladet ihr euch noch die passenden Akkorde herunter oder druckt sie euch aus, oder ihr schaut bei YouTube nach passenden Lernvideos und ihr knnt mit ein wenig bung innerhalb krzester Zeit Lieder am Lagerfeuer spielen

    Nun zur Gitarre:
    Ich finde sie, fr diesen Preis sehr gut verarbeitet. Man darf natrlich nicht den selben Klang erwarten, wie bei einer normalen Gitarre (kleinerer Klangkrper), aber durchaus ausreichend. Wenn man vorher bereits Gitarre gespielt hat, braucht es ein wenig Umgewhnungszeit, weil die Akkorde anders sind, als bei der Gitarre (Emoll ist dann Amoll)

    Ich wollte sie eigentlich erst zurckschicken, weil mir es doch am Anfang zu kompliziert war, nur ich habe mir dann gesagt, geb ihr eine Chance. Und als ich mich nun drauf eingelassen habe, bin ich mehr als begeistert, von diesem kleinen Ding.

    Also mein Tipp: lasst euch darauf ein und ihr werdet nicht enttuscht.

  30. MosesHarwood says:

     United Kingdom

    Fine little instrument, works ok, but the frets are simply too small and narrow for me, a grown man, to play without strings becoming out of tune due to finger position (ie if fingers are bunched together on the same fret, inevitably one will be too close to the fret and cause tuning issues). Perfect for smaller hands, either male, female or child.

  31. Taisha says:

     United Kingdom

    I bought this with the aim of teaching a seven year old some basic chords. I realised my mistake as soon as I unboxed. It has a regular sized neck and isn’t the same as a junior size guitar.
    Saying that, it’s a really good guitarlele. It’s well made and has a great sound. We will just have to persevere and do what we can, whilst her hands grow!

  32. KatheriMkl says:

     United Kingdom

    Sound is not bad . Suits for my size(small) , great for strumming and practicing sessions .

  33. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Love the size and sound. Un-tunes frequently though if kept untouched .

  34. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Bought for my nephew for Christmas, perfect size and he loves it, now we just have to teach him!

  35. CliftonWhitmer says:

     United Kingdom

    A solid little instrument, great for travel or just keeping around for easy practice. Build quickly is acceptable, though there are a few glue spots and sawdust inside. It plays fine, the tuners work reasonably well. Strings are not great, but thats to be expected at this price. Recommended.

  36. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    I bought this guitar on the recommendation of a guitar teacher for my 6 year old son to learn on, it’s brilliant!

  37. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Portable. Nice sound. Great little guitar. I havent placed my normal guitar since having this… Its alot of fun!

  38. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Got this as a gift for my partner, he plays the guitar but had always wanted to try a ukelele. Thought this would be a great bridge but it’s a fantastic instrument in it’s own right. Sound quality is great and easy to travel with. Chords are completely different so skills not completely transferable but fun to learn. You can play as a uke if you ignore two of the strings so it’s practically a 2 in 1!

  39. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Great little guitar.good sound for its size.but it’s not loud so great for practise and play if you live in a flat.cuz however much you love your guitar playing your neighbor’s won’t be as enthusiastic if they can hear it all night long.tuned mine as a guitar eadgbe and sounds better than the recommended tuning.because the fretboard is only a foot long is great for hand eye coordination. But having said that the frets and strings are alot closer together so more Accurate finger work is needed.i also like the matte finish.very very happy with everything.fast delivery and well packed too.

  40. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    I play guitar (badly ) and want to practice when I am away travelling . This is small portable light and fun to play. Good value I feel . See it being played on YouTube to hear the difference in tone . There are some adjustments to be made when I play …again check YouTube lots of information on this there but great fun.

  41. Marie Black says:

     United Kingdom

    Great little instrument, basically a guitar tuned on the 5th fret, handy to throw in the back of the car, definitely recommend.

  42. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    I’ve only had the guitalele for a few days and I’m completely obsessed with it, I love the sunburst finish and the head/tuning pegs are so unique. My issue with guitar was that my fingers were too small therefore the guitalele is a perfect size for me. The best part is being able to play both ukulele and guitar chords on the same instrument.

  43. Charlotte Cottontails says:

     United Kingdom

    As a guitarist I found the idea of a very small “guitar” appealing. The Yamaha is a nice thing to have in a guitar collection, but it does have limitations. The fret gaps make it difficult unless you have small, narrow fingers. Also, being tuned the same as a capo on the 5th fret of a guitar, makes it awkward to play tunes in the right key. Overall, I am happy with the Guitalele, but it will not get played very much.

  44. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    I play this more than my guitar sometimes.
    Becomes very addictive. Great sound. Great feel.
    Great for on the go, and practicing scale patterns.

  45. Celina7715 says:

     United Kingdom

    I use these all the time for my work in schools and the community as they’re really easy to take on buses and trains (it’ll also fit in your hand luggage on a plane!) They’re well built and sound great. It also helps that the neck is a standard guitar width so you’re not thrown by where to put your fingers. Tuning is standard guitar but five frets higher. It’s surprisingly loud for such a small instrument. The included case isn’t going to protect it from much but is a useful inclusion. It’s also lots of fun. I’ve been playing these for years and love em!

  46. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    I am retired and have been playing the guitar practically every day since I was eleven years old.
    I decided to purchase the Yamaha Guitalele to give it a try. I have loved the little instruments ever since taking it out of the box. It is beside me on the settee always and it is played many times each day. It has come to the point where I now prefer to play the guitalele than my full size guitar. It’s so light and comfortable to play and can be quickly grabbed when there are adverts on the tv!.
    I have had the guitalele for a few years now and would say that it is by far one of the best purchases I have ever made. Since buying the guitalele I have bought two different sizes of ukulele too, and very pleased with these also.

  47. Dowser says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 6 From Our UsersThis was bought as a travel/practice instrument. For the price it’s quite a nice instrument but most fret ends have sharp edges that need filing smooth for finger-pickers (apart from the discomfort from making contact with the sharp edges, nails are liable to catch on them which is very uncomfortable). Fret filing is a simple job you can do yourself with care – use masking tape to protect the surface of the wood and a few gentle strokes of a miniature flat file will take off the metal burrs.

  48. Network N says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 13 From Our UsersA surprisingly pleasant, mellow tone. The six strings mean that chords are so much more satisfying compared to the ukulele, with at least two deeper sounding strings. This is not a concert instrument, but nor is it a toy. I am using it to practise classical guitar pieces following a repetitive strain injury. It travels well, being small and light. The case may not provide much protection, being soft. There is no strap button/nail on the base of the instrument. Photo shows the size compared to a full-sized guitar.

    Surprisingly good sound!