2K 4MP Security Camera Outdoor, 2560*1440P Ctronics PTZ CCTV Camera WiFi Surveillance Camera for Home Security, Human Detection & Auto Tracking, Siren Alarm, Color Night Vision, 2-Way Audio

Weight: | 771 g |
Size: | 1 Count (Pack of 1) |
Dimensions: | 9 x 15 x 30 cm; 771.11 Grams |
Model: | 380C-4MP |
Part: | 380C-4MP |
Colour: | White |
Batteries Required: | No |
Batteries Included: | No |
Manufacture: | Ctronics |
Colour: | White |
Size: | 1 Count (Pack of 1) |
Die 2.5K 4MP berwachungskamera von Ctronics hat meine Erwartungen bertroffen. Mit ihrer hochauflsenden 25601440P-Auflsung bietet sie gestochen scharfe Bilder und Videos. Die PTZ-Funktion ermglicht es, den Blickwinkel zu verndern und Bereiche zu berwachen, die sonst schwer zu erreichen wren. Die WLAN-Konnektivitt macht die Installation und Einrichtung einfach und bequem. Ich schtze die robuste Outdoor-Tauglichkeit dieser Kamera, da sie Wind und Wetter standhlt. Die Bewegungserkennungsfunktion und die Benachrichtigungen auf meinem Smartphone sorgen fr zustzliche Sicherheit. Die Nachtsichtqualitt ist beeindruckend und bietet klare Bilder auch bei Dunkelheit. Insgesamt bin ich uerst zufrieden mit dieser berwachungskamera und fhle mich sicherer in meinem Zuhause. Sie bietet ein hervorragendes Preis-Leistungs-Verhltnis und ist eine klare Empfehlung fr alle, die ihr Zuhause oder ihr Eigentum berwachen mchten.
Je cherchais un ensemble de camras pour assurer la protection de mon domicile. J’avais besoin de camras d’intrieur, et de camras d’extrieur dont une n’ayant pas accs une prise de courant. Je voulais bien sur que toutes les camras soient compatibles entre elles pour ne pas utiliser plusieurs applications diffrentes. Je suis tomb donc sur la marque cytronics qui propose une large gamme de camras de scurit, j’ai achet 3 camras diffrentes et j’en suis ravis!
Sur cette camra d’extrieur, l’image est nette et fluide mme de nuit. Ce qui m’intressait surtout c’tait le fait qu’elle soit orientable car j’ai besoin d’observer 2 zones diffrentes depuis l’endroit o elle est installe. Et pour ce type d’usage la camra est parfaite car on peut programmer diffrentes orientations et les activer avec 1 clic sur l’application.
L’installation est trs simple, on perce des trous, on branche la prise et on dmarre l’application.
On peut ensuite configurer la camra pour recevoir ou non des notifications en cas de dtection de mouvement. On peut mme slectionner des zones ignorer, ce qui est trs pratique quand on a un rosier qui bouge avec le vent!
Finalement j’ai contact le service client pour une question technique et il a t trs ractif.
N’hsitez plus c’est un bon choix!
Nach einem erfolglosen tag der installation , hat es am zweiten geklappt. Kamera zwingend am zielort mit dem kabel installieren. Whrend das kabel dran ist noch das wlan einstellen. Erst dann kabel ziehen. Hat es vorher nicht geklappt, nutzerkonto lschen, app lschen. Neu runterladen. Neu registriern. Installation nie ber wlan. Fr den preis eine gute kamera, ohne zwingende cloud gebhren. Nachtsicht gut, quali gut, ai erkennung geht so… ich kauf eine zweite
Ho avuto l’opportunit di provare la videocamera di sicurezza Ctronics e devo dire che sono rimasto molto soddisfatto. Il rapporto qualit-prezzo di questa videocamera semplicemente impareggiabile. La qualit video eccellente, con una risoluzione nitida e colori brillanti.
L’installazione stata molto facile e veloce, anche per chi non molto esperto di tecnologia. Inoltre, il supporto clienti stato eccezionale, con risposte rapide e cordiali a tutte le mie domande e richieste di assistenza.
Ma ci che pi mi ha colpito di questa videocamera stata la connessione stabile e affidabile che ho ottenuto con essa. Non ho mai avuto problemi di disconnessione o ritardi nella visualizzazione dei video.
In definitiva, se stai cercando una videocamera di sicurezza di alta qualit, facile da installare e con un ottimo rapporto qualit-prezzo, ti consiglio vivamente la videocamera di sicurezza Ctronics. Sono certo che non rimarrai deluso!
Great resolution, easy to install and use, loads of features. Ethernet connection which is a necessity in my opinion with CCTV cameras as WiFi isn’t sufficient. Also had excellent after sales care from Elnum at Ctronics. Happy customer. Dale Smith
am happy with the equipment! You do not need to be a tech whizz to set the camera up the instructions and interface are beautifully explained and very user friendly. Once everything was set up I was shocked at the picture quality and sound the picture was stable and clearer than my previous security camera and this ctrontic camera was lighter on the pocket with no loss of quality if I had to say I would say this is a higher quality product than other more expensive cameras. I will be purchasing 2 more for around the garden. All in all 5 stars for ease of set up, price and quality
Excellent camera and customer service
I use the camera at the front of my home for security and watching the wild life entering the garden at night.
The image quality and colour rendering is perfect, the night time viewing and recording is great, and the motion detection is trouble free.
In general, I was very pleased with the camera, it has good image quality and, most importantly, a rotating lens and I would recommend such a camera because the possibilities of observing the terrain are much greater than cameras with a fixed lens.The camera has a strong light and after turning on the color preview at night, it illuminates the area like a good quality leflektor 🙂 🙂 After a year and a half, the camera unfortunately failed, but the Ctronics company, after my email reacted immediately with a description of the problem, promising to send a new camera to replace the broken one. The camera, like any electronics, can break down and the manufacturer’s reaction to this problem is important here. This one was at the highest level
Would I buy again?
Definitely yes, mainly because in case of problems the customer is not left alone and can count on a good warranty service.
I am not a techy person so did quite a lot of research before buying these cameras.
The things that appealed to me were the clarity, the fact that you don’t have to pay monthly for app access and the feedback I had read about the Customer Support.
We did manage to set them up but our Wifi had to be boosted (nothing to do with the cameras – it was always poor so our supplier came out to remedy)
After this we had to reset the cameras of course but couldn’t find the reset button (see NOT techy people)
I contacted Ctronics help centre and the service we received from Elnum our advisor was fantastic.
We were taken through our issue step by step, even sent pictures and got everything set up again.
The communication was great and having Elnum there for us gave us confidence to tackle the issue.
In addition we now have Elnum as our dedicated support person in addition to a lifetime warranty for the cameras.
I have 2 of these cameras now and they are fantastic , and really easy to install
Really good product works well and gives a great picture
I have given this 5 stars even though i returned the item as this was to replace a four year old Ctronics unit that was faulty,i contacted Ctronics customer services,three tests by themselves of the unit and a replacement was shipped with no hassle no argument,only proof of purchase was reqiured,Ctronics have a lifetime warranty
Customer service at its bes
Bought this camera to stop neighbours tresspassing on my property hence the view of the security gate and steps. Am only showing minimal features but the camera has a myriad of them – 2 way audio, siren, auto tracking, etc.
Had a couple of problems setting up but got fantastic, prompt support from Echo at Ctronics.
All in all a great IP Camera. Would recommend in a heartbea
big fan of the ctronic WiFi outdoor cameras had a couple of bullet ones but the WiFi died on them from being out side for a good few years now so I had to replace them with this one and this one u can pan up and down and back and fourth so it’s a upgrade from last one had it a week now and it seems fine and the led for colour mode is impressive on the garden if need it plus it was discounted to so was bargain if your looking for one they pretty good .
Bought to watch wildlife in back garden. Decent camera – just a shame the badger stopped coming as soon as it was installed (winter, so can’t blame him!)
Excellent security camera with some great features. It looks very well made and so far has worked well.
I found the instructions a little complicated, especially knowing how to save photos and video on to my smart phone. but I received excellent customer service from Ctronic’s very helpfiul lady Echo Li.
I now have three of these cameras, one indoors and two outdoors. My first camera has been working fine for three months. I had a problem with the second camera 28 hours after installation. For the first 28 hours it worked great then suddenly stopped working and nothing I could do would resolve it. The camera was no longer connecting to the internet and had four lights permanently on. I contacted Ctronics who were brilliant. At first they tried to see if they could help to resolve the problem asking me to send photos and video, but quite quickly decided it was, inexplicably dead. Ctronics immediately offered to send a replacement which arrived about a week later. So far, all three cameras are working fine. For the outdoor cameras I have installed protective cowls over the camera. Although I theory they are rated for outdoor use, I am not sure how waterproof they are to heavy rain and suspect this had a part to play in the camera that failed.
Installation is made a little tricky by the very large, bulky connector on the LAN connector cable. There is a fairly short lead that comes out of the base of the base of the camera. This then splits into three leads for power, reset button and LAN cable. The bulky connectors and short leads make these quite tricky to work with when installing. I found that drilling a 25mm/1 inch hole was necessary. If installing the camera outside, this hole will need to be directly behind the camera if you want to hide the wires. You will also need to consider how to then seal the large diameter hole.
Once the camera is in place, connecting it is fairly straight forwards. The power adapter comes with a lead just 1m long. This simply plugs into a UK 240v wall socket. The lead then pushes into the power lead off the camera. This is seems to be a good connection and I’ve had no issues with this coming loose. Two of my cameras are connected via WiFi. I use the CamHiPro app for all three cameras plus two others from a different manufacturer. It’s easiest to set up the cameras BEFORE installation as you can then simply scan the QR code on the back of the camera. However, there are several ways to find and pair a new camera and all seem to work OK. One of my cameras is connected via LAN cable directly into one of my router’s nodes on a mesh system. The other two cameras are connected on WiFi. All three appear to connect well and are stable (much better than two of my other cameras which occasionally disconnect from the WiFi).
Picture and sound quality are both excellent. These are 4k cameras and the image quality is brilliant, sharp and detailed whether in daylight or on night vision (both infra-red and full colour modes available). I have local memory cards installed and use high quality SanDisk micro SD cards which seem to work well with these cameras. For added security, I have also set up each camera to email files to me automatically on alarm. Two of the cameras are also set to intelligent motion tracking which seems to work well at detecting movement and then repositioning accordingly.
Overall, I’m delighted with these cameras and can’t fault the excellent customer service I received.
This is a great camera which reflects very good value for money. The human tracking feature is great for security as most people would be deterred by the sight of the camera following them. The colour night vision is also a good feature as the bright light used for it is a useful deterrent. The picture quality is very good and the Wi-Fi reception seems to work well. I have four of these cameras and when one of them stopped communicating support came up with a solution the very next day. I was impressed by the speed of support and clarity of the instructions provided to resolve the situation. All in all a very good camera and highly recommended.
Ottima telecamera con visione molto buona diurna e notturna.
Interessante e valido il riconoscimento umanoide che permette di rilevare, e allertare, in caso solo di figure umane ad esclusione di falsi allarmi.
Buona la visione notturna, con possibilit di immagini a colori grazie alle luci attivabili da eventuali movimenti.
Configurazione facile e veloce, istruzioni chiare.
Posseggo gi una telecamera Ctronics molto simile che, a distanza di alcuni mesi, risultata un ottimo acquisto, motivo per il quale ne ho ordinata un’altra, anche grazie al prezzo attuale particolarmente conveniente.
Good product. But missing Zoom function which would be a very helpful.
very good camera for the price,have 6 of these over the last couple of years,one started playing up and i contacted ctronics customer service via email for advice and they replied within hours.after trying a fix they decided to send a replacement camera within days.new camera arrived and fitted all good.would recommend these cameras as the after sales customer service is great for a online company which is hard to find nowadays.
Videocamera di buona fattura, semplice da configurare, buona qualit di immagine sia di giorno che di notte, la visione a colori con illuminazione perfetta, utilissima la funzionamento dell’ rilevamento di movimento .
Esta camara funciona perfectamente!!! Fcil de instalar y facil de usar. Estoy encantada!!! La recomiendo
Zur Beobachtung der Igel am Haus, war mir bei einer normalen Wildkamera mit Batterien die Energie zu teuer. Da Strom erreichbar ist habe ich mich zu dieser Kamera entschlossen und bin damit zufrieden. Die Einrichtung der Alarmeinstellung, Licht und Lautsprecher, ist zwar etwas gewhnungsbedrftig, aber mit probieren hinzubekommen. Das Problem mit der nicht erkannten 64GB Speicherkarte wurde auf Nachfrage sehr schnell durch zusenden einer kostenlosen 32GB Karte gelst. Fragen wurden sehr schnell beantwortet und gelst. Der Service ist exzellent.
Bereits zwei gekauft. Beide super, nicht zu teuer, mit gutem Bild, ganz einfach bei der Installation uns stabil am WLAN ber 2 Wnde. Absolute Empfehlung. Und sie verfolgen tatschlich jeder Bewegung. Alles wird auf eine externe SSD rund um die Uhr aufgenommen und von jeden Ort sofort per App am Handy, Tablet, … zugreifbar. Bin mehr als zufrieden. Keine upcam oder foscam mehr, da beide viel viel zu teuer!
Boa relao qualidade-preo. A instalao requer algum tempo e empenho, mas possvel integrar no Home Assistant ou visualizar a imagem na TV atravs de box AndroidTV e app onvif/RTSP.
Ligao WiFi com algumas falhas (tem apenas 2,4 GHz), mas a deteo de pessoas e a gravao em SD card funcionam sem problemas. A app da ctronics simples e ser utilizada na maioria das situaes, permitindo ver em tempo real, controlar a PTZ, configurar e visualizar vdeos gravados.
I now have two of these cameras one given to me free in March for trial by Ms Liu but because of personal reasons I have only just installed it. I am so impressed, the second I ordered 28th August which arrived the very nest day 29th. The picture is stunning both in daylight and especially at night which keeps its colour even at 10pm while all my others turn to black and white. The Human detection and tracking is also very good. My only concern is that is that the housing and bracket is brittle plastic and to my mind very cheap, “a crying shame”. (I have other cameras set under the house eves covering this one). In my view, if it is not installed high enough completely out of the way, then all it will take is for someone to hit the camera with something, snap it off at the bracket neck and take it. That means if you are relying on the internal SD card for recordings then it’s all over no camera or recordings and that is my only concern…… “at prescent” Also, I have an NVR.
Update 02-09-2022. I now post a photo from my second camera of my back garden and the picture quality speaks for itself
Die Kamera lsst sich leicht einrichten und auch die Einbindung in die Synologie App funktioniert gut.
Bei einer Rckfrage bzgl. einer technischen Anwendung (Kamera fr 2 Nutzer einrichten) konnte der Support des Herstellers schnell und kompetent helfen (Chat Funktion auf der Web-Seite.
Bin bisher sehr zufrieden.
Bonne qualit d’image mme en nocturne, facile installer mais prendre son temps pour configurer la camra bien lire la notice … manque d info pour configurer les alerte e- mail
J’ai longuement hsit entre toutes les marques sur le march mon choix s’est orient vers ctronique au vu des commentaires mais surtout de la simplicit de l’application.
Pas de cloud ou d otion payante…
Ici c’est simple on enregistre sur la carte SD et o sur serveur FTP avec bien sr la possibilit de regarder via l’application ce que voit la camra quand on le souhaite
Je dois dire que pour le prix je suis agrablement surpris.
Montage simple manuel en franais mais j’ai russi configurer le wifi grce la vido dans la fiche article.
L’image est trs bonne de jour comme de nuit application plutt ractif avec diverses options possibles,alerte ou pas, reglage qualite de l image……
J’ai eu depuis son installation quelques faux positifs mais rien de bien grave.
J’en installerais une deuxime et je reprendrai encore CTRONICS la seule chose que je prendrai en plus ce sera srement un zoom optique car celle-ci possde un zoom numrique qui dpanne mais atteind c’est limite compar un zoom optique.
Le seul petit point ngatif mais qui est valable pour toutes ces camras c’est la sortie des cbles j’aurais prfr avoir la sortie par le dessus et je pense qu’il est impratif d’installer les connecteurs ainsi que le bloc secteur dans une bote de drivation afin de rendre l’accs aux connecteurs plus difficile.
excelente cmara, fcil de instalar e muito boa qualidade, recomendo vale a pena, nico problema encontrado (no consegui fazer o seguimento humano correcto como descrito na publicidade)
produto excelente comparado com outras 5 cmaras que possuo, Recomendo
Recensisco a distanza di qualche mese, la camera svolge il suo lavoro benissimo, non la uso con le funzionalit quali rilevazione movimento ecc, unica cosa che ogni tanto,si disconnette , non ho compreso ancora il motivo.
J’ai eu quelques difficults pour configurer l’accs distant et le paramtrage des alarmes.
Un mail au SAV, et un technicien m’a gentiment renseign . Ils utilisent google traduction et rpondent rapidement.
Le seul bmol est que la notice est en Anglais.
Sinon, elle fait le job. Je reois une notification chaque alarme accompagne d’une petite vido de 10 secondes.
Am 18.8.2022 von 1 Stern auf 5 korrigiert : mich hat sofort per Mail jemand freundlich und kompetent kontaktiert und auf meine Fragen immer gleich geantwortet. Auch nach mehreren Tips konnten wir das Problem nicht lsen. Es wurde mir trotz der Rckerstattung eine neue Kamera kostenlos zugesandt. Echt TOLL ! Ich habe 4 verschiedene Modelle von C-tronics Kameras und eine jede funktioniert jetzt echt super. DANKE an das C-tronic-Team und an Fr. Celia. Kann jetzt echt diese Firma und die Kameras weiterempfehlen !
Ich htte 5 Sterne vergeben aber die Software ist nicht so der Burner. Teilweise schlecht bersetzt, App und PC Einstellungen sind unterschiedlich, was mich persnlich sehr genervt hat, da ich meistens ber PC arbeite. Ansonsten fr die Preisklasse ist sie ganz passabel, mit den Einstellungen fr Alarm muss man sich herantasten, die Software bietet einem da nicht viel Hilfe.
Noch ein groes Problem, wenn man es ber WLAN laufen lsst, hngt sich die Kamera manchmal auf, das passiert wenn das WLAN 2,4- und das 5-GHz-Frequenzband denselben Namen haben. Entweder schaltet man das 5-GHz-Frequenzband aus oder man vergibt unterschiedliche Namen ( SSID ). Nach der Umstellung luft sie bei mir seit 5 Monaten 24/7 ohne Probleme, natrlich gibt es viel bessere auf dem Markt aber bei der Preisklasse sollte man auch nicht viel erwarten.
I purchased this camera to add to the two other ones I have from CTronics.
Picture quality is excellent and it was really easy to install and set up on the network.
I can now see all 3 camera views at once on my phone or view them separately.
Overall a great purchase and a good price.
Great product for home CCTV already used the footage for Police incidence where someone was attacked at night and CCTV captured the footage.
Using it to ensure no one vandalised my cars, quality for price is brilliant. Well worth the money.
Really pleased with my purchase. This is my second one, I’d been looking for a wifi camera for a while, really happy with this one. Easy to install and instructions are easy to follow, the mobile app used to view camera is also straight forward.
Highly recommend this produc
Der Karton enthlt eigentlich alles, was man zur Montage und Einrichtung braucht. Man bentigt lediglich einen Bohrer, Dbel und passende Schrauben um die Cam zu befestigen.
Ich kannte es schon von der Vorgnger-Cam; die Einrichtung ist ziemlich sperrig. Das Erkennen der Cam soll ber drei verschiedene Wege funktionieren. Einmal ber einen QR-Code, ber WiFi-Suche und ber eine Suche Kamera-UID ber LAN. Zuerst versuchte ich die Cam ber den QR-Code zu finden. Das ist krachend gescheitert. Auch die WiFi-Suche hat nicht funktioniert. Letztendlich habe ich die Cam ber ein Netzwerk-Kabel mit dem Router verbunden und ber den PC die Benutzeroberflche aufgerufen. Nach einigem Herumexperimentieren hat das dann geklappt. So konnte ich die ganzen ntigen Einstellungen erledigen. Da ich natrlich grade von unterwegs Zugriff auf die Cam haben muss, nutze ich auch die dazu gehrige App, die allerdings schon seit der Installation der frheren Cam, kein Update erfahren hat. Sie erfllt aber den Zweck und das reicht mir.
Nachdem die Cam endlich lief, wurde sie vom Router abgenommen und an der endgltigen Position montiert. Das klappte dann wieder relativ schnell. Ein paar Lcher gebohrt, Dbel rein und fest geschraubt. Ich nutze zur Stromversorgung nicht das mit gelieferte Netzteil, sondern habe ein Fremdprodukt, das in eine unter der Kamera liegenden Dose passt und direkt mit den Stromkabeln verbunden wird (habe ich bei Conrad-Elektronik gekauft). So hngen keine Kabel herum, die man einfach heraus ziehen kann. Als Einstellungen habe ich 24-Std.-Filmen mit berschreiben der lteren Dateien gewhlt. Bei einem Alarm, bekomme ich eine Mail mit 3 Fotos und meine App warnt ebenfalls auf Handy und Tablet.
Die Personenerkennung klappt ganz gut. Sie gibt nur Alarm, wenn wirklich ein Mensch vor der Kamera steht; unser Hund wird ignoriert. Auch die Verfolgung ist ganz pfiffig. Wenn ich mich zur Seite bewege, folgt mir die Kamera. Auch wenn man sich hinhockt, wird man erkannt und verfolgt.
Insgesamt bin ich mit der Cam zufrieden. Abgesehen von der sperrigen Einrichtung macht sie genau das was ich erwarte. Die Bildqualitt ist erheblich besser als bei der Vorgngerkamera. Auch bei Dunkelheit bietet die Cam Farbbilder an. Das ist unserem Fall zwar nicht ntig, da auch die Lampen im Eingangsbereich ber Bewegungserkennung verfgen und automatisch angehen, aber schn, dass sie es kann. Zu diesem in meinen Augen gnstigen Preis kann man nichts falsch machen, vorausgesetzt, man traut sich die Einrichtung zu.
Apres 1 mois d’utilisation malgres avoir augment la sensibilit, le suivi automatique est limit si un intrus se dplace a vitesse normale et qu’il se trouve a moins de 3m de l’axe de la camra celle ci perd le suivi a 45 degrs pour que la camera suit l’intrus au del de 45 degr d’orientation il faut un dplacement trs lent.
Problme pour rcuprer les video d’alerte via wifi cela dcroche trs souvent sans raison apparente (boitier wifi plac environ 6 m spar par un mur en parpaing de 20 cm)
Video de nuit avec infra rouge de bonne qualit (distance 6 m maxi)
De jour video de trs bonne qualit
Dtecte intrusion a plus de 30 m
Les moins aucune explication pour modifier les diffrents paramtres dans le logiciel install sur l’ordinateur
Et decrochage de temps en temps pour se connecter distance via application smartphone sans raison
Les plus pouvoir accder directement et de commander orientation camera via smartphone et rception par e-mail de la photo intrusion dans la minute aprs dtection par la camra
Trs satisfait de mon acha
Good picture quality, the motion sensitive aspect works very well, (not always falsing) and the camera tracking is a good feature that makes people feel like that they are being watched even if they aren’
Whilst I had network issues (My issue NOT the camera’s). overall it was easy to install and use.
The service I received from Ctronics (Eric) was very good indeed , with clear help and a good response time especially considering the time difference. I will definitely be purchasing more of these camera’s.
Great motion detection and human form following. Very good night vision and built in light on camera motion trigger. App is easy and simple to use. Simple to set up.
Works perfectly fine picture video and sound want to buy another soo
This camera is absolutely brilliant, the image quality is clear, the human auto tracking feature is good because it will return to its original position once tracking, night vision quality is perfect, I like the fact it has white LEDs for the colour night mode. The speaker on the camera is loud and the 2 way audio works great. I used a 64gb scandisk mirco sd card and haven’t had any issues at all.
Be nice to have the camera in black but thats personal preference.
Compramos 4 cmaras para colocar en el permetro de nuestro hogar y el resultado es perfecto.
Tienen una buena calidad en los materiales, la configuracin es sencilla y la administracin, a pesar de tener algunos aspectos a mejorar, es bastante buena. La calidad de imagen es muy buena, la respuesta al movimiento y alertas de deteccin tambin.
Puntos a destacar:
– Configuracin sencilla. La aplicacin mvil no necesita registros ni inicios de sesin para utilizarla.
– Completamente en espaol.
– Posibilidad de grabar SD/HD.
– Posibilidad de grabar a microSD y FTP. Muy importante, buscbamos este servicio para un FTP propio y no depender de nubes de terceros.
– Amplio rango de movimiento, lo que permite vigilar todo el permetro.
– Imagen nocturna en color o blanco y negro, segn la configures.
– Maravillosa atencin del servicio tcnico.
Puntos a mejorar:
– Como no inicias sesin, en cada dispositivo que utillices tienes que aadir las cmaras.
– Algunas traducciones de la aplicacin mvil no son del todo correctas.
– Si no cambias la contrasea de administrador de la cmara, pierde la configuracin horaria y la configuracin de la wifi espordicamente. Importante, hasta que no hicimos esto, no funcionaron 100% correctamente.
A great value camera with some very good features, like the preset positions you can set and the led lights that you can set to come on when motion is detected at night. The quality of the picture is excellent. Dropped a star on the motion detection as the ‘humanoid’ detection in the software doesn’t really seem to work, it picks up any movement. Overall, for the money you can’t go wrong. I must also mention the support, which has been excellent. Emailing me after delivery to check all is ok and responding very quickly to questions.
Fairly easy to set up and app made it very accessible.
Night vision and daylight picture was excellent.
Worked for nearly 8 months before refusing to go on line.
CTRONICS customer service were great and although tried remotely to resolve, replacement needed.
Even though had an issue would recommend camera and after sales service.
Ctronics cameras surround my home. This latest one is the bees knees. The picture quality day and night is excellent. The human identity feature works very well. With Scotlands weather they stand up well. The ease of the ctronics App let’s me view my cameras especially when on holiday in Spain. The price range is easly affordable and value for money
Although the camera itself is good I can’t actually watch all videos on my phone which is very frustrating and I have an iPhone 12.
I’m told it is to do with the signal strength but that is not what it said on the box.
I have been speaking to elnum from the CTRONICS customer care and I can’t thank them enough for there help but the problem still remains so still a bit frustrating.
Great value camera with great images and good app
I installed it yesterday after setting it up with little fuss. Have to say im pleased with it so we will see how long its lasts. But images are great night and say. For 65 its a bargai
Me han sorprendido Varias cosas :
– Pero sobre todo su SEGUIMIENTO INTELIGENTE que persigue a todos mis vecinos al pasar por el portal y zonas comunes. Una deteccin de movimiento y aviso al movil que funciona verdaderamente bien.
– Tambin puedo decir que los 4 megapixel se notan bastante en cuanto a su CALIDAD DE IMAGEN que es fabulosa.
– La VISION NOCTURNA funciona mejor que otras porque lleva 4 led rojos y 4 luces y no uno o dos como la mayora para ahorrar batera.
Otra ventaja es la aplicacin CTRONICS que funciona instantneamente y reacciona al momento en la rotacin y activacin de luces.
La cobertura wifi es increblemente alta ( 94%) y eso que la he colocado en la zona mas alejada de mi jardn . Muy importante para su rapidez de movimiento y envo de video al movil en calidad hd.
A pesar de llevar cable de alimentacin es muy finito y lo puedes ocultar muy fcil, pero compensa olvidarte de cargarla o de adquirir costosos paneles solares que sobre todo en invierno si usas las luces no cargan lo suficiente. Ademas as disfrutas de una luz auxiliar en el jardn que puedes dejar encendida toda la noche, dndole un plus de seguridad.
Sin mas una Cmara PERFECTA que HA SUPERADO MIS EXPECTATIVAS siendo mas barata que otras que tengo y otras muchas otras que se venden mas caras.
This camera is very good value for money . It’s picture quality is very good, the features available are extensive . I fitted a 128 gb card which the camera immediately recognised. It was so good that I went ahead and ordered a second camera for the rear of my propery. You have to log into the camera first , then attach the camera to your internet . The app allows full control of the camera (both panning and tilting ) and I found the camera very responsive to commands . Well sort the expense for peace of mind
Easy to install and it has great quality. I would recommend it.
It does exactly what I hoped it would, well pleased.
This is my 2nd camera purchase – the 1st [different make, now defunct] was a simpleton by comparison, never worked properly: this one needs an interpreter to understand the manual, hence dropped a star, and I’ve a way to go … but the support has been very willing and patient, still on-going, and the camera is not quite HD enough to pick out number plates. BUT it is versatile, many settings, a huge advance on No. 1, and I am certain will improve with my understanding and competence – it is a world-wide product after all! I will be getting a 2nd of this variety and make for the rear, so that’s my recommendation set!
Great CCTV Camera for the price,very happy with the quality of the video recording and clarity of the pics,easy to install
Covers the whole of my back garden good quality pictures
Top tip: plug the cam in to an extension cable, put it where you want it and see if it will pick up your WiFi (I.e set up camera not fixed to a wall), if not .move it to where it will pick up WiFi. Then install it. As it does need a good signal to work at distance. Saves moving the camera of installing a cable to Internet connection.
Had two of these cameras for a while now had cause to write to ctronics with a little issue 2 emails later sorted. For a cheap camera their after sales service second to none. Gonna add another couple then I’m set.
It does take quite a while to get the settings to suit you but once done the quality is excellent. The video only records for 14 seconds after an alarm is triggered so you have to search either side of an alarm to see more which could be solved easily. I’ve tried to set up FTP but had no success. I also went through the process of setting up email but chose not to when my network advised me the camera had extremely low cyber security. No point having a security video that allows people to hack your network. This could be solved easily too. So room for improvement but I’ve already found the value in having installed it.
I brought this so go along side my other ctronics cameras. This is my 5th ctronics camera (second pan and tilt). All work flawless with good picture quality and reliable performance. Had a little issue at first but customer service was brilliant, will definitely be buying another in the near future.
The camera was easy to install and use. The setback is the false humanoid alerts it picks up the statues ornaments and thinks it a human and sends alerts. Apart the alerting is a great quality camera.
This is a great camera,highly recommended and follow up support is impressive.
Easy set up, A bit too sensitive on alerts, defining the viewed area is a bit tricky. But when set up works well.
It is straight forward installation, two way sounds works a treat, night colour vision is superb, instant relatime human detection warning which is great. It saves little clips on the SD card when motion is detected.
So far it is all good and working a treat.
Great picture from this camara. Night time pics great, colour at night with the four lights on is good.Added security with the night lights.
The result of this setup is 24 hour recording + alarm rec shown clearly as something different. All scheduled recording over the 24 hour period are clearly time stamped and marked in 10 minute intervals (using 600 seconds in the schedule) They say in blue text ‘Planned recording’ so you know nothing has triggered the camera, but you store everything 24/7.
When the camera motion detector is activated you get an additional 15 second recording (or multiple 15 second recordings back to back) which is clearly marked in RED Text “Alarm Recording)
Set up is simple if you get the idea of what you need to do… You need to select your camera instead of your normal wifi network to get things rolling. Settings / Wifi / Select your camera instead of your router) It will be called IPCAM-XXXXXX when you select it enter the password, which is “01234567”
Now you are connected to the camera and not your wifi (stay close to the camera during this time)
Still connected to the camera, Open the mobile CTRONICS app (from apple / google) and select Add Camera. Scan the QR code on the camera. You now have Camera details: Name: Camera (you can change to FRONTCAM for example) / User name: admin / UID (Your camera ID from the Scan you just did / Password: admin
Once the camera is added to the app. go to settings on the camera (setting cog on right hand side of camera icon that now says online) Select WIFI SETTINGS and then click the blue tab (WI-FI MANAGER) then chose your router that is showing the strongest signal (If you have multiple routers or a mesh system with multiple BT discs for example) chose the one with 80% or more signal strength if available.
NOTE: if you set up in one location in the house/property, but then locate the camera in another location RE-CHECK WIFI MANAGER in WI-FI SETTINGS…You may need to select a different router which has the strongest signal. This will ensure trouble free operation.
Once connected use the camera icon (bottom left of app) and select your camera to see live footage and to set the picture default position (the one it will return to after you have panned to look around for example)
The screen should be just a clear live image of what is going on outside. Swipe UP/DOWN/RIGHT/LEFT until you are happy with the position of the camera. Then TAP THE SCREEN. The action icons will appear. There are ten: From LEFT TO RIGHT at the TOP of the screen are the first 6:
1. Two Triangles: Flips the image if you want – DEFAULT is Mirror & Flip ON (which shows the real image?!)
2. Magnify Image: Does not work with this camera BUT if you want to zoom in just do what you would with a normal Photo image and spread your fingers from a point. Not true ‘Zoom’ of the lens, but great to focus in on a point of interest! Once you have zoomed, you can scroll LEFT/RIGHT/UP/DOWN to scan areas of the image.
3. Triangle with a dot above it – This is your default viewing angle set up – PRESS the Symbol when you have selected a view you want to save. TAP the light grey box that surrounds dark grey SETUP and CALL buttons. You get a drop down menu. INPUT number 1 for your first default view then press SETUP. Now if you pan away from that setup then want to return: TAP SCREEN / Select symbol 3 / tap light grey area / select ‘1’ on the Drop down box and TAP CALL. You are telling the camera to go back to position 1. You can set up multiple preferred views (EG SETUP 1,2,3) then use the drop down numbers to enter 1, 2 or 3 and TAP CALL (To call up the viewing position you want). Be careful – If you accidentally select View 1 for example and TAP SETUP in error…that is your new default view 1! (Easy to fix though using process described above)
4. Bulb Icon – Sets whether you want the camera to be Infrared camera at night or a colour camera. NORMAL = IR operation at night / COLOR = Colour Camera at night. (If you select colour the four bright White LEDs on the camera operate at night) Benefit is additional deterrent if you want your camera to be seen). Select NORMAL if you don’t want the camera to be easily seen (It reverts to discrete Infra Red LEDs – Which can be seen, but only if you are looking for them). I cannot work out what AUTO does.
5. TARGET SYMBOL – Auto humanoid tracking – Select ON and the camera will try to track a humanoid form. You need to set your camera setting Humanoid Alarm to ON. This is a party piece more than a functional option in my opinion. I found that if you walk into picture…walk slowly around to move the camera away from what you want to protect and then walk toward the wall the camera is mounted on (slowly) You get the camera looking straight down at the ground…move quickly away and it gets stuck there. It will go back to position 1 (CALL 1) after a little while, but not sure if this is a great default to have set to Intelligent tracking…try it out and see if it works for you…Impresses the hell out of visitors though!
6. Standby Symbol – TAP and move back from camera view to camera selection screen
A. Mute ON / OFF (This mutes both Speaker and Microphone or turns both on) If you turn on You can hear what the camera hears. Now the fun part…When you turn mute off you get a microphone icon. PRESS & HOLD and speak… Pretty good quality sound from camera to visitor. You can have a decent two way conversation. Set your levels of both MIC (IN) and SPEAKER (OUT) in Camera settings (AUDIO SETTING) I used Input volume 65 and Output Volume around 60.
B. CAMERA ICON – Takes a snapshot and stores locally to your photos on your phone. You need to grant permissions for the app to have full access to your photos and location data to do this (Not sure about how comfortable I am with that)
C. VIDEO ICON (Same as CAMERA, but video instead of snapshots – Same issue with permissions – Up to you)
D. HD/ SD selection… Having paid the extra for a true HD camera, remember that the DEFAULT setting of this camera is SD! so select HD and get your moneys worth! When the Micro SD card fills up (about 2 weeks ish) it starts to overwrite the oldest recordings.
In CAMERA SETTING / ACTION WITH ALARM You can also set up a push notification to your phone on alarm / email snapshots on alarm / Snapshot or video to FTP server / select number of snapshots (1 to 3) / And link to a really air-raid style alarm siren if you like.
AHHH – A BIG one…TIME SETTING. If you don’t do this you will go nuts…but it is dead easy..so do it! In CAMERA SETTINGS / TIME SETTING select DEVIC TIME ZONE and choose your timezome (In London it is GMT+0 for example) and select DAYLIGHT SAVING TIME. Then select ‘SAVE TIMEZONE FOR DEVICE’ if you don’t do that the next time you turn off, re-boot the camera will default to Chinese time. so make sure you SAVE your time setting. You could SYNC WITH PHONE TIME…but if you travel abroad then your camera will show your local time in the country you are in…so I would avoid this unless your in your own country, when it is great for updating your camera to an accurate local time.
SYSTEM SETTING gives the option to RE-BOOT or RE-SET the camera. RESET does just that and you would have to set up from scratch. DO CHECK FOR UPDATE and you will probably get a firmware update as soon as you set the camera up. Worth staying up to date.
If you add lots of cameras you can chose the ‘FOUR PICTURES’ option and call up various cameras after assigning a name to the four camera option.
That’s all I have for you – Hope it helps!
Brilliant. Easy to set up. Good clarity. Good recording Quick to connec
It does exactly what it is supposed to do, which is more than I can say about others I have tried. The image is clear and defined.
I like this product, its good price and easy to use.
I’m am more then please with is camera does what I need and more easy to install great value for money and very easy to use A+ all the way
This is the first security camera I have owned and I’m very impressed, great value for money, very easy to set up & the picture is great!
The app used to control the camera is very simple and easy to use so great for someone like me that isn’t overly confident with technology. The camera was set up and running within a couple of minutes. Would definitely recommend this Ctronics security camera!
Brillant camera all round fast delivery easy install good instructions can use on phone to view day and night always keep home safe x
This product is absolutely fantastic! It’s so easy to install and it’s so handy that I can view this from my phone! I highly recommend.
Opened it up and set up in the house to have a try and its amazing had it set up on my phone, can move the lense around by using my phone, so it covers all area of garden. Easy to install. I like the fact u can speak though it too, Great product. Thank you x
Absolutely thrilled with my purchase! I’ve been looking for an outdoor camera for awhile now & extremely happy with this one! The installation instructions are very clear and easy to follow, the app used to view camera on mobile device is also very user friendly. Highly recommend this produc
I’ve had this camera for a while now and it doesn’t disappoint.
The video quality is fantastic, very easy to install, the app is very easy to use. I am so happy with this I’m going to be buying more for elsewhere.
Very highly recommend!
Hi can’t get camera to connect to mobile data when away from home app want connect tomobile data it’s switched on the iPhone but no joy anybody help please.
Wow, so impressed with this. Everything is great, the price, the camera itself has great coverage, with fantastic HD picture! Highly recommend! Now I can feel safe at home, knowing my cameras work really well!
Perfect security camera feel so much more secure now I recommend to everyone for piece of mined
I bought this camera as I’m home with two kids on my own and with a lot of break in happening around me I wanted a security camera to feel safe.
Installing the camera was easy and quick. The app is also easy to use. You can position the camera to any position and it has motion detection and has tracking. The camera picture is great quality night and day . The camera uses a micro as card which it can be set to record it logs the recording with time and date
Overall I’m very impressed with the security camera and will be purchasing more
it moves when someone comes near our door, it has sound so we can hear if someone is outside and has a talk back feature meaning we can talk to people at the door. It also has a light at night.
Easy to install and set up, the app is easy to use on your phone too, giving you control to move the camera, play back and download recordings and use the talk back feature aswell as adjusting the settings.
We’ve had so many comments off people asking about the camera and saying how good it looks. We would definitely recommend this security camera. 10/10 fantastic
It’s bigger than I thought, the app fairly easy set decent view in camera, also good that you speak through the app to the camera
So far can’t complaint at all. Not a first Wi-Fi PTZ camera owned, so was already familiar with installation. The only thing to note if you already using HiP2P client to monitor your cameras, make sure to download the latest version from Citronics website, otherwise you might not be able to connect your camera to HiP2P as it happened to me in the beginning. The screws look short, but the camera is light so should hold or you can always use longer. Also, order a micro SD card and get some silica gel bags to place inside the camera casing near electronics, to prevent the damp to damage it. It’s nice that it comes with the speaker so you don’t need a separate attachment.
Amazing product. Easy to set up. Very clear and precise pictures and the night vision is amazing. The talk back feature is great as you get notified if someone by your property and you can talk to them. So happy with this camera and its features and its very affordable too…Highly recommend.