Air Fryer 4.5L Capacity 1400W Rapid Heating Air Fryers with 7 Preset Menus, Digital Display, Timer and Adjustable Temperature Control Air Fryer for Home Use Oil-Free Cooking

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Convenient to Use & CleanThis air fryer designed with the removable integrated drawer can be pulled out easily for direct water cleaning, dishwasher safe as well. Compact with 32 x 32 x 37 cm but 4.5L large capacity. | Oil-Less Healthy CookingUpgraded air fryer, works by circulating hot air around the food instead of deep-frying fatty foods. Provided with a recipe book attached in the manual for you, to grill, fry, bake, and even roast your favorite dishes. You can try something new every day! | Smart Touch Control â Digital DisplayUnlike the traditional switch control, this premium air fryer designed with LED digital display and touch panel control. Accurately to control the temperature and time as you want! |

Weight: | 5.12 kg |
Dimensions: | 38.6 x 31.9 x 31.7 cm; 5.12 Kilograms |
Brand: | Nouno |
Comoda, pratica e veloce da pulire, non ne facciamo pi a meno di utilizzarla.
L’ho regalata ai miei genitori ed piaciuta tantissimo, ottimo prodotto.
on e’ il nouno pubblicizzato ma e’ identico a marchio HosMode!!
Comprato per un regalo. Chi l’ha ricevuta molto soddisfatta e l’ha gi usata spesso per varie preparazioni con ottimo successo.
Facile da utilizzare e da pulire. Comandi molto intuitivi. Provata con patate sia da crude, sia prefritte. In entrambi i casi buona croccantezza. Sicuramente un buon prodotto.
acquistata per un regalo. chi l’ha ricevuta rimasta molto soddisfatta
Presa per cucinare senza o con pochissimo olio, per ora provata con carne e pesce la cottura ci ha sorpreso, sapore ottimo e viene anche la crosticina, completamente diversa dal forno a microonde
Facile da pulire, ho provato varie fritture, e frigge molto bene, leggero e croccante
No se consume casi nada de aceite, es rpido y limpio
Cottura straordinaria, provata con patatine, pollo, carne.
Il sapore e cambiato totalmente.
La consiglio, soldi spesi bene.
Nei primi due mesi di utilizzo filato tutto liscio. Patatine fritte ben riuscite: ho usato quelle congelate, prover anche con le fresche. Benissimo anche la cottura delle concette di pollo. Non ancora fatto il fritto di pesce. Aggiorner la tenesione dopo tale esperienza. Consigliata
Sono da solo e l’ho presa per non usare il forno per piccole porzioni. Funziona benissimo ed molto versatile.
L’effetto fritto ottimo e senza grassi, facilissima da pulire e semplice da usare e mantiene inalterato il gusto degli alimenti.
ottimo rapporto qualit prezzo
utilizzo molto semplice con programmi gi memorizzati
L’ho soltanto pulita e accesa per verificarne il corretto funzionamento. Sono rimasto deluso perch ci sono abrasioni e graffi sia sulla piastra sia sulla plastica esterna come se fosse stata gi usata, probabilmente ci dovuto alla mancanza di attenzione durante l’assemblaggio. Sono indeciso se chiedere la sostituzione.
utilissima, veloce nei tempi di cottura, facile da pulire e soprattutto evita gli odori di fritto e l’unto.
Arrivato con la massima puntualit e consegnato con cura come sempre dai corrieri Amazon. Era imballato dentro due scatole di cartone rigido, una del venditore del prodotto racchiuso dentro un ergonomico imballaggio di polistirolo e l’altra pi grande di Amazon riempita di carta per tenere ferma la scatola interna. La friggitrice esteticamente bella e rispecchia la descrizione del venditore. Per quanto riguarda la cottura bisogna prenderci la mano, e riempire ancora meno del limite massimo indicato. I tempi di cottura variano e anche i dosaggi di olio per fare venire i cibi croccanti e morbidi. Il ricettario incluso non per una cucina italiana. Di certo non sostituisce una bella e goduriosa frittura che ogni tanto non guasta, ma per tutti i giorni permette di cuocere alimenti con pochissimo olio e ottenere una simil frittura dietetica, il che non guasta. Mi riservo altro tempo per giudicare tecnicamente il prodotto che arrivato da pochi giorni
Great value and easy to use, would recommend to anyone.
da tempo gi utilizzo una friggitrice ad aria e, non potendo pi farne a meno, ho deciso di acquistarne una anche per la casa di villeggiatura. ho utilizzato questa nuova macchina per friggere diversi tipi di cibo proprio per verificarne il buon funzionamento. cuoce in modo sano e non altera il sapore dei cibi quindi possibile friggere con una certa regolarit senza temere per la propria salute. facile da usare perch basta selezionare il tipo di cibo da friggere e autonomamente decide la potenza e la durata poi, quando ha finito, si spegne da sola. la trovo estremamente semplice da lavare, con la possibilit di smontare i pezzi non elettrici ed avere una efficace pulizia. inoltre non risulta essere ingombrante, ma si inserisce bene in qualsiasi stile di cucina.
Una buona friggitrici con vari programmi “tempi di cottura” senza olio quindi mangi pi salutare e senza grassi, ad esempio le patatine io prendo quelle molto sottili altrimenti i bastoncini classici piu grossi non si cuociono molto bene e ci vuole molto piu tempo consumando anche piu corrente. Io vi consiglio patasnella molto sottili con scritto nel sacchetto pronte in 5 minuti.
It’s just a really good product. I like the removable basket… very handy
Easy to use, easy to clean and the food tastes amazing. Steak, pork loins cooked to perfection
Buy it now!
Fantastic air fryer I use it every day and alot faster then a normal oven.
Los tiempos hay que ajustarlos al gusto. Sale sabrosa y sin grasas genial
Utilizzata per un paio di mesi, quasi tutto ottimo tranne alcuni cibi, che non venivano cotti al top e non sembravano fritti. Inoltre il calore ha fatto scollare la scocca di rivestimento della parte superiore. Ho dovuto effettuare il reso, assistenza Amazon impeccabile.
Acquistata con un po di scetticismo ma devo dire che si rivelata un ottimo prodotto.Grazie all effetto della ventola va subito nella temperatura selezionata quindi da anche risparmio energeticoLa frittura non come nell’p olio ma molto buona e asciutta,ottima per cucinare carne verdure antipasti di pasta sfoglia e per fare crostini di pane .La si pu usare anche per scaldare pane e fare panini caldi…la consiglio
Great kitchen utensil. Saves on using oven and hob. Found lots of recipes and tips through social media and everything tastes wonderful.
Pratica, veloce, semplice da utilizzare. Da quando l’abbiamo integrata nella nostra cucina, ha cambiato il nostro modo di cucinare e di mangiare. Le verdure, ad esempio, cotte in questa friggitrice, hanno un sapore completamente diverso, molto pi “naturale”. Ideale per diete a basso contenuto di grassi. La si pu utilizzare per cuocere quasi tutto. Un po’ ingombrante, assicuratevi di avere spazio. Volume di cottura sufficiente per tre/quattro persone. Un acquisto a mio avviso straordinariamente utile.
Best air fryer. Such tasty food easy to use no plastic smell. Brilliant.
Non ci si deve aspettare risultati come quelli di una friggitrice tradizionale, ed infatti in famiglia ormai lo chiamiamo simpaticamente “Fornetto ad aria fritta”. Premesso ci lo abbiamo messo alla prova con le classiche patatine e con le ali di pollo seguendo le istruzioni ed abbiamo ottenuto ottimi risultati.
La capienza ottimale per una famiglia di 4 persone ma se si hanno ospiti e si vogliono quantit maggiori, piuttosto che fare due cicli, consigliabile valutare l’uso del forno tradizionale con il ventilato.
Utilizzato con successo anche per riscaldare in 5 minuti il cibo avanzato dal giorno prima.
Great value for money, super easy to use and bonus is you dont have to give up your chips, burgers etc just have them healthier. resul
Ii bought this but was unsure if it was as good as it said, after a few mishaps I have now got the hang of it, when cooking remember to try a taste before the end time as it gives you the chance to leave yoou food a bit longer or remove if done it’s as easy as that would recommend this.
L’ho usata per cuocere patatine,cotolette,salsiccia,wrstel… molto semplice da usare e si pulisce senza fatica.
Ho acquistato due friggitrice di cui una regalata a un mio familiare mentre il secondo per me.
La facilit d’uso ottima con risultati soddisfacenti. La pulizia veloce ,sicura e facile . Nessun problema. Per il primo uso ho prodotto ottime patatine e 2 cosce di pollo per un tempo totale di 45 minuti. Anche il mio familiare rimasto soddisfatto soprattutto per la mancanza di odori e la velocit di esecuzione per i programmi preimpostati ma,volendo a piacere sono possibili alcune variazioni.
Brilliant just brilliant !!! Cajun chicken amazing, not much mess – oven is redunda
Bought this as I’m having a new kitchen installed and didn’t want to just eat microwave ready meals. It’s amazing what you can cook in it! I’ve cooked a small chicken, air fried chips and even managed a “boiled egg”. I’m thinking I won’t be using my new range cooker much. Well worth the money.
I originally bought a more famous brand of air fryer, triple the price of this one, I used it for one week and it started to malfunction. I sent it back and looked for something different. I just wanted something easy, I didn’t want to stand there for half an hour wondering whether to choose Max crisp, fry, bake, roast, dehydrate, etc, I just wanted to bung my food in, poke a button and have it cook. This is perfect for me. The basket is easy to clean, it lifts out of the main container basket thingy easily, and it cooks my food perfectly. It has preset options, but I tend to just set the time and temperature myself most of the time. It’s pretty quiet for an air fryer, it’s sleek, nice to look at, but more importantly it’s quicker than heating up my oven. I can cook my entire dinner in the time it takes to heat up my large oven. Can’t complain about that. It’s so good, I bought a second one so I can do two different things at two different times and temperatures. So in conclusion, I bought two of these which still doesn’t add up to the price I paid for the original malfunctioning one. Bargain.
Bought this as a replacement, quieter and quicker, what’s not to love!!
Just beginning to learn how good this product is. So pleased! Taking a little time to find the right times to cook different foods. This is an adventure. I haven’t had any disasters yet!!
Ho ricevuto da 5 giorni la friggitrice ad aria e devo ammettere che per ora sono molto soddisfatta, c’ per un Ma, che mi rende perplessa… Ho notato che durante l’utilizzo e quindi quando si surriscalda, togliendo il cestello per mescolare i cibi o semplicemente a fine cottura, devo fare attenzione e tenere da sotto base + cestello perch altrimenti questo si stacca rischiando di cadere a terra! Vorrei capire se un difetto solo della mia friggitrice o proprio il modello cos.. Purtroppo un piccolo problema ma che da abbastanza fastidio e potrebbe essere motivo di restituzione… Ci sto pensando seriamente!
Qualcuno pu aiutarmi?
This product is a present so can’t say how it cooks.
Like many reviews here, mine will begin with “why didn’t I get one sooner”?? I’m not sure if I’ve actually used my oven since I got this – the combination of the air fryer and my instant pot has rendered most other things obsolete. Can’t stress just how good this thing is – I’ve never been able to get properly crispy and tasty chicken but this thing is an absolute doddle! Even McCain oven chips come out perfectly (and in FAR less time I might add). Save time and make better stuff – get an air fryer!
This is by far the best of the 3 air fryers I have owned it ticks every box that I need, If you are on the lookout for a great product buy this one it’s awesome.
Facile da usare e da pulire buon rapporto qualit prezzo
Di fatto pronta all’uso con pochi comandi da personalizzare (che forse anche un po’ un limite). Per una buon “fritto” il tempo suggerito deve essere rispettato, ed un po’ pi lungo di quanto avremmo sperato. Ma comunque un buon prodotto.
Ho deciso di acquistare questo prodotto per il rapporto qualit prezzo. Le caratteristiche tecniche rendono questa friggitrice ad aria sicuramente un ottimo prodotto. Esteticamente molto bella, ha un desine accattivante ed i materiali sono di buona qualit. Abbiamo cucinato diverse cose e dopo una settimana sono molto soddisfatto.
I bought this for my mum, she absolutely LOVES it!!! She hates cooking normally, but has found this so easy to use, and as she’s been told by the doctor to eat less cholesterol etc this has been perfect for her needs!
The foods really tasty, chips especially are lovely and crispy, just how I like them, I’ve just ordered another one for myself..
Easy to use. Still trying it out as new to air frying. Well made And purchased at a great price.
Articolo adeguatamente imballato, corredato di semplici istruzioni multilingue. L’ho utilizzata pi volte in pochi giorni e la trovo molto pratica per la preparazione di contorni privi di olio, senza dover ricorrere al forno tradizionale. In circa 15 minuti patate, zucchine, etc. perfette! Forse un po’ voluminoso come elettrodomestico, ma con capienza 4,5 litri, non posso avere pretese!
Bought this a month ago. Love this air fryer. It is the best kitchen appliance I have ever bought. It’s very easy to use and clean. It sits neatly on the kitchen counter. You can literally cook anything in it that would ordinarily go in the oven or be fried. I use it pretty much daily, the oven has barely been on. There are two of us and I think it’s just the right size. Meals are now significantly easier and quicker.
Praticamente, da quando la tengo un must della mia cucina!
Ero un po scettica, ma ora ci cucino di tutto, dal dolce al salato.
Esteticamente si presente molto bella ed di facile utilizzo.
Unica pecca, il fatto che manchi il cestello all’interno, ma ne ho comprato uno sempre su amazon.
Spedizione come sempre precisa e senza intoppi.
Got to be the best for chips food is lovely out of i
Buon prodotto facile da usare.
Peccato che non c’ un pulsante di accensione/spegnimento che eviterebbe gli sbalzi di corrente quando si inserisce la spina e ogni volta che si estrae o si inserisce il cestello.
Per il resto fa esattamente quello per cui nato.
Design passe-partout, utilisation simple et trs intuitive! Pas bruyant et un petit bip pour signaler la fin de la cuisson.
J’ai dcouvert que cette friteuse ne permettait pas seulement de faire des frites mais aussi bien de raliser toutes sortes de plats!
J’ai donc test des frites de lgumes, une seule cuillre d’huile et 22 minutes plus tard, des superbes frites croustillantes!
J’ai aussi tent la cuisson de muffins aux ppites de chocolat, une vritable russite l-aussi!
Je suis conquis!!! Vraiment une friteuse indispensable chez soi
Amazing product. Recently, I have started my weightloss journey and that is the reason I have purchased this air fryer. It is really helping me to cook without oil or fat and still having the similar results. Just need to get used with the timings for various items. Wish I had purchased it early. All my family like.
Easy to use. My hubby says it makes the best chips ever.
I love this product! I was never much into cooking as I find it quite hard but with air fryer cooking is so much easier, everything is much tastier and healthier without the greasy fat etc. I found quite many receipts online how to cook with an air fryer and it’s very easy. The tip I learned – if you want fries to be crispy from all the sides – turn them around every 10 minutes or just shake them.
This has to be one of the best food made I’ve ever had. Fries, fish fingers, etc are so easy to make and very healthy too as it seeps the oil but still has the same taste. Its very compact so doesn’t take up too much space. But is quite spacious from inside as well. Very easy to use with different modes depending on what food you make. Couldn’t be more happier, wife loves it as she recently started working out and needs to eat healthy. I tend to use foil so it’s easier to clean afterwards.
As gas prices are OTT at the moment I’m rarely using the gas cooker to cook as the air fryer is much cheaper to run …… so far !
I was given item as a tester.
We’ve used air fryers for many years and so far this one compares very well to more expensive products. Controls are intuitive and easy to use. Food cooks evenly throughout and the 4.5L basket should be large enough for a family of 4.
It comes with a large non-stick basket which is removable for easy cleaning. Overall, it is extremely good value for money.
Easy to use and makes delicious recipes!!
Modern look and digital settings. Fries almost everything everyone including panner, chicken, sausages, fries and dumplings to perfection. Cooks delicious items and added benefit is it does that without any oil or fat, one step closer to healthier lifestyle. Easy to cook and clean afterwards. Fryer manual has got the temperature and time settings mentioned in it which makes it even more easier to use and get best results . Highly recommended.
Volevo dunque trovare una soluzione per friggere degli alimenti senza rendere il cibo ricco di grassi.
Acquistando questo prodotto sono riuscito ad ottenere due ottimi risultati:
1) Ho fatto un figurone, il prodotto si presenta all’avanguardia con tutti i tools adatti per la sua funzione.
2) La qualit della sua cottura!
Quest’ultimo risultato mi ha dunque lasciato senza parole, ne ho gi viste parecchie in case di amici ma in confronto agli altri vi assicuro che il top di gamma e sopratutto CHE PREZZOOO!
Essentially it’s a tiny oven, but with the air and fan and tiny space, I am not sure how it happens, but whatever is happening is bloody magic!!
Look at this pork belly for example. The first part of the recipe is obviously to dry the belly, and the second part to cook it. But I have just never ever had these consistent results with my oven? Or even my microwave oven which has a traditional oven setting (why I bought it).
The microwave’s oven / grill function is now absolutely obsolete, I use my air fryer for everything & I have also not used my oven once since getting this.
Absolutely outstanding. An air fryer is not just for ‘frying’ 🙂
Ps, recipe:
1. season the meat/bottom side
2. make foil boat + brush the skin/top with vinegar
3. airfry at 95 degrees for 30 min
4. remove + add salt + olive oil to the top
5. airfry at 205 degrees for 40 min
Foolproof results every single time x
Great air fryer. Nice design and so easy to use. I used the air fry on frozen chips and they turned out crispy and soft in the middle. In short I’m glad l purchased it.
We chose this small size air fryer for my wife’s gran who lives by herself and is over 90 years old. It is much easier to cook and heat food up compared to an oven or grill. It is also so much safer as it is at counter top height level so no need to bend down to lift out very hot food and oven trays. The tray is easy to clean afterwards as well. It did take a little effort in teaching her how to use it but in the long run it will be much better for her. 4.5l is plenty big enough for her for all her meals. An extra advantage is that this is so much more energy efficient compared to using an oven.
Ottima friggitrice, pietanze croccanti e perfetti. Fantastica e utilissima l’opzione che mantiene gli alimenti caldi per 120 minuti. Perfetta la consiglio!
Very easy to use. Big digital display with various settings to cook whatever you want. Super easy to clean also and big tray to cook a meal for a family. I find this easier and quicker to use than an oven and uses less power so will save on energy bills. I have cooked chicken, fish, chips, toasted sandwiches and even desserts and all taste great. Healthier also as requires no to minimal oil. Definitely recommend. A must for any kitchen.
I just love it, I ordered it and tried in the same day when I receivedmy order,easy to use,easy to clean,screen touching. The food taste amazing and even better without oil,a lot more healthier. Recommended 100%
Really pleased with this product it works well with minimal oil, easy to clean and surprisingly quiet. Would recommend
Very easy to use with build in touch screen panel and pre set cooking.
I can easily adjust temperature, time, menu and can keep warm.
One of best parts even considering it’s very powerful 1400w it’s very low noice.
Inner pot covered with non stick coating , chips and meat doesn’t stick to pot. Which great for cooking and makes it very easy to clean.
When cooked it cook’s perfectly, fast and taste nice.
I have had an air frier previous to this one (Corsi) but the basket handle mount was made of plastic and after a year it melted rendering it in usable.
This air fryer has a metal handle mount so much better design.
Great design and quality air fryer. Very easy to use and prepare food in no time at all, without all the oils. Easy to clean and very good quality as well.
We mainly use it for chips and sausages so far with adding just a minimal amount of oil. On sunday, I added a few layers of various raw veg to cover the bottom of the non-stick tray and placed a whole chicken on top. It was fantastic and everyone loved the results, particularly the veg. We’ll be doing that more often. Roast potatoes are amazing when cooked in this with a little oil. Crispy on the outside and white and fluffy on the inside. It also runs very quietly compared to our previous air fryers.
Maintenance wise, it is very easy to clean. Just remove the shelf and the inner tray lifts out. Any fat remaining in the bottom is simply poured out. A few wipes with a sponge and it’s as good as new.
For this price I am very impressed with this air fryer and highly recommend it.
Bizarrely enough after growing our family as carers we now need to have more ways to cook smaller portions as everyone has their open preferences and needs, so we decided to get this smaller air fryer to go alongside our larger one to allow us to just do chips or nuggets, etc.
This one is much more compact and only really takes that type of product compared to a fryer that can take whole chickens, but this is what we were looking for.
With the fact that it is smaller comes the fact that it cooks quite quickly too, it does speed the whole process up a lot for meal times which is always a bonus. You do have to give food a few shakes throughout the process to get an even cook but that take seconds and is easily done.
Best air fryer I’ve ever buyed. It’s absolutely simple to use. The user manual has lovely recipes in it, and also handy times for different things.
Its so so easy to clean out and once things are cooked you can have it so it keeps warm in case other things are not done.
Just buy and see for yourself!
I love this air fryer. I’ve been using it for a few days and me and my family we love the food that comes out of this little machine. It has large capacity and we can cook for 4 people in it. Also, the inner pot does not stick and it’s easy to clean. I like that we do not eat chips drowned in oil anymore and the touch control makes the device look so stylish. The little kitchen recipe book is so helpful. I am really happy with my choice. Recommended
This was replacing an older mechanical air fryer with a twisty knob that broke off and left us using pliers to use. The LCD display and auto detect function is very fancy and the drawer has lots of room for multiple servings. Impressed!
Having seen a lot of our friends invest and talk fondly about their air fryer, we thought it was time we invested in one too. We don’t tend to fry much and use the oven a lot but felt the convenience of having an air fryer could be beneficial to us.
We first tried cooking some marinated chicken breast fillets and were pleasantly pleased with the results. We don’t tend to buy chicken breast as much as it tends to come out dry but with this air fryer, we were surprised how moist the chicken came out. Next came chips and it reminded me of school lunches. Where we found it works best is reheating cooked food, it works so much better than a microwave and again doesn’t dry up.
Compared to some of our friends air fryers, this isn’t as fancy. It doesn’t have a preheat setting, nor does it remember your last cooked settings. It also doesn’t have an additional shelf tray which restricts how much you can cook in one go. However, being a family of 3, this air fryer was more than sufficient for us and as first time buyers we are happy so far with our purchase.
That means air frying instead of deep frying chips, chicken and other characteristically fatty foods is a much healthier option. The Generic 4.5L air fryer is a great device, thats simple and easy to use and does an amazing job of cooking most foods including my favourite chicken and chips.
In fact the texture of the chips after air fryer is far preferable as they have a beautiful crunchy outer layer while being soft and mushy inside, perfect chips in my opinion.
The fryer is controlled via buttons on the device where you can select pre-set modes or manually adjust the temperature and time to preference. The price was fair and reasonable and the overall value for money is really good.
As a father of small children this is one appliance I can’t live without!
It is just so convenient! Not having to wait for an oven to preheat, when the kids are hungry and tired after school/daycare is an absolute life saver!
He preparado varias cosas:
+POLLO: Me ha encantado!! He puesto una pechuga de pollo(previamente le frot con aceite y sal) y qued genial. Doradita por fuera pero muy jugosa.
+CROQUETAS (o cocretas, o conqretas o como las quieras llamar).
Aqu el resultado a sido normalillo. Me sigo quedando con las de toda la vida en la sarten.
He probado con patatas gajo y bastn de las de toda la vida, y salen muuuy buenas.
Sinceramente me han sorprendido para bien.
Las gajo, puse un poco de aceite, pimentn y sal y las deje 20min a 200 grados (cada 5 minutos las sacaba y mova un poco) y salieron extremadamente buenas.
Decir que no eran Nuggets congelados, sino de carnicera y el resultado fue fantstico. Crujientes por fuera pero por dentro muy suavecitos y jugosos
Ahora bien, hay algunas cosas que no me han gustado y podran mejorar:
-Las instrucciones son una castaa . Tienen para varios tipos de comida, pero realmente no hay ningn cambio al seleccionar uno u otro…
La parte positiva es que es Muy fcil de usar (temperatura, tiempo)
-Da calor . En invierno se agradece, pero en verano parece que ests cocinando con la puerta del horno abierta.
Si eres un amante de los fritos, y no quieres renunciar a ellos debido a que en el ascensor slo puedes montar tu solo, me parece una estupenda opcin.
The fryer is very nice light weight and solidly built. Easy to use all functions and easy to clean. Normally I always used for fries and chicken it’s so yummy taste and crispy. Taste is amazing. Great things you can use all functions by touch control. Not noisy and quick cook. I am very impressed with this great fryer.
I have been using this for a over a month now and it works very well.
Very simple preset menus with easy to understand icons.
I favourite part is the well designed handle system for holding the food and being able to easily disconnect from the main unit.
The food tastes entirely like it has been deep fried. I made chicken wings and chips and they were delicious!
Food is cooked to perfection every time.
Para m hay algunas cosas fundamentales a tener en cuenta a la hora de elegir este tipo de productos, la primera el tamao de la cesta, en este caso son 4,5 litros, que no es ni la ms grande ni la ms pequea. Y para cuntos nos llega con esta medida pues depender de lo que tengas pensado hacer, por ejemplo para frer unas patatas o tapas pues genial, pero si esperas cocinar plato principal para 4 personas igual necesitas una de ms capacidad, depende de para qu quieres usarla, en nuestro caso la usamos para tapas, croquetas ( las caseras no me quedan bien), patatas ( quedan geniales ) nuggets ( tambin quedan sper bien ) etc…
La segunda cosa importante es la potencia, que por supuesto est relacionada con la primera, a ms capacidad necesitaremos tambin ms potencia. Sinceramente no es de las ms potentes que hay en el mercado, sin embargo los 1400w son ms que suficientes para lo que yo necesito.
La tercera ser por ejemplo si contiene o no Bpa o Pfoa, y la respuesta es que NO, no lleva.
Tambin es importante saber que la bandeja se puede meter en el lavavajillas sin problema.
Yo os dar un consejo por si queris, para que la bandeja no se pegue a los fritos yo hago dos cosas, la primera es calentarla en vaco antes de meterlas cosas, al igual que hacemos con el aceite de frer, y la segunda es mojar con aceite la base de la bandeja, bien con un papel de cocina mojado en aceite o bien con el tipio aceite en spray que venden ( tambin os lo podis hacer vosotros y ms barato)
En resumen, es una freidora sencilla que funciona bien y que si la cuidamos puede darnos unos buenos resultados
I am super impressed with this product, it provides a healthy alternative to cooking. Really easy to use, I was concerned about adding a teaspoon of oil when making chips as I thought this would make it difficult to clean afterwards, but it was really easy to clean. Guilt free chips! Amazing!
Bon il faut tout de mme ajouter un peu d huile afin d avoir un effet bien croustillant et bon mais cela reste bien ridicule en comparaison avec la graisse d’une friteuse huile.
Et surtout les frites sont bonnes dt le volume est convenable pour 4 adultes sans soucis.
Absolutely brilliant little air fryer. I’m so impressed with it. Despite its compact size, it does hold a good amount (enough for 2 people). I’ve made the most delicious seasoned potatoes, roasted chickpeas, and Chinese-inspired broccoli in this wonderful machine.