Arturia MiniLab MkII, 25 Note Controller Keyboard, Free Software Promo, For a Limited Time Only, Includes: Mini V, Stage 73 V and Rev PLATE-14

Arturia MiniLab with Software

Everything you need to make music.

MiniLab MKII has everything you need to make music on PC or Mac, no matter what your experience level.

With MiniLab, you get access to a virtual studio, full of classic keyboards, vintage synthesizers and pianos, all ready-mapped to sturdy knobs, pads and keys, so you can focus on making music, and exploring sounds.

Your Vintage Studio

It’s like having a dream vintage studio.

MiniLab includes Analog Lab Lite, which is like being given the keys to a studio filled with 21 of the greatest analog synthesizers, organs, string machines and pianos in history – yours to use, rent free, 24/7.

With the most important parameters ready-mapped to the MiniLab controller, you don’t need to understand synthesis to play. Just experiment, enjoy, and hit record when you’re ready.

Find Sounds Easily

Browsing sounds is easy.

The included Analog Lab Lite virtual-vintage-studio gives you access to over 550 of our best preset sounds, ready-mapped to MiniLab’s versatile controls.

Best of all, sounds are browsable by characteristics. Looking for a ‘dark evolving lead’? You can click Dark, Evolving, and Lead – and instantly see just those sounds, without touching a mouse. So you can get your ideas down quickly, and stay inspired.

Hardware Controls

Includes all the controls you need.

MiniLab features 16 multi-function knobs which automatically put important sound-shaping parameters in Analog Lab, and the included Ableton Live software, right at your fingertips. Plus, you can map them to any other available software MIDI control you like.

Responsive multi-colour drum pads offer a perfect solution for tapping in beats and firing off loops. A sustain pedal input is included for piano players, and best of all, the slim keys offer just the right feel and sensitivity to capture your ideas, without taking up your entire desk space!

Arturia MiniLab with Software

Everything’s Included.

Your Vintage Studio

Your Vintage Studio.

Find Sounds Easily

Find Sounds Easily.

Hardware Controls

Hardware Controls.

Weight: 1.45 kg
Size: 10
Dimensions: 35.56 x 20.32 x 5.08 cm; 1.45 Kilograms
Model: 230501
Colour: White
Colour: White
Size: 10

172 Responses

  1. NormandWarburto says:


    Il prodotto perfetto, soprattutto considerando il pezzo, le levette del mixer vanno bene, i pulsanti sono semi pesati e vanno da dio, il sistema per modificare il pitch di tipo touch va alla grande, ci sono solo due cose che proprio non vanno, l’integrazione con fl studio e i drum pad, se con fl studio si pu risolvere rimappando i tasti tramite il software e(ci sono anche pacchetti che si trovano su Internet che ve la impostano perfettamente) i drumpad sono completamente INAFFIDABILI, se utilizzate molto i drumpad andate su altro, senza dubbio

    Impeccabile, se non fosse che..

  2. PriscilBeaumont says:


    Golden Review Award: 4 From Our UsersSehr wertiges Gert. Gut verarbeitet wie immer.
    Verstndliche Bedienung mit frei belegbaren Knobs und Pads. Angenehm zu spielen mit sehr gutem Anschlag. Benutze den Controller mit Ableton und Logic. Luft einwandfrei. Zu empfehlen!!

    Wie gewohnt...Arturia!

  3. Anonymous says:

     Germany 🇩🇪

    Nice design and build quality, I love the keys and touch sensors but pads are not so good – very low sensitivity and no way to change it in midi control center. In fact the pads are just buttons with leds, because it is almost impossible to use them for finger drumming.

  4. Anonymous says:


    E’ il primo controller che compro, dopo aver usato per registrare in MIDI tastiere “normali” per suonare.
    Partiamo da uno dei fattori a cui do pi peso : la resistenza e la qualit dei materiali. Questa Arturia MKII fatta decisamente bene rispetto ad altri controller MIDI di questa fascia di prezzo che ho avuto modo di tastare di persona e che sembrano costruiti con l’aria. Ha un design sobrio e la qualit dei materiali buona e da parvenza di solidit.
    I tasti sono ovviamente pi piccoli di quelli di una normale tastiera, ma ci si fa presto l’abitudine. C’ da dire che i PAD cos come sono risultano poco sensibili utilizzando Ableton, ma si pu ovviare a tale problema regolando la loro sensibilit tramite il software Arturia e con qualche altro piccolo accorgimento. La libreria di synth a disposizione davvero buona.
    Punto di forza di questa MIDI senza dubbio la portabilit : entra facilmente in uno zaino ed occupa poco spazio su una scrivania con le sue due ottave, che se ben usate non risultano poi cos limitanti.
    Questo strumento da tutto quello che ci si pu aspettare da un prodotto a questo prezzo, ribadisco per che sono stato colpito dalla qualit della libreria fornita con Analog Lab e dalla qualit costruttiva.
    La consiglio per approcciarsi al mondo della scrittura in MIDI, e ritengo che una volta raggiunta la completa padronanza sia di hardware che software si possono raggiungere risultati pi che soddisfacenti.

  5. Bryony68Yiuveyq says:


    Golden Review Award: 8 From Our UsersVorteile:
    -Stabile Bauweise und ein spitzen Keybed, sprich die Tasten selbst(so ziemlich die beste Bespielbarkeit eines 25 Tasten Keyboards das ich je probiert habe, ident mit den Tasten von Arturias Keylab Serie die wesentlich teurer sind. Wahnsinn was hier geboten wird, gerade im Vergleich zum leider sehr billig verarbeitet wirkenden Akai Mini Mk3 Keybed)
    16 Endless Knobs die alle sehr zgig reagieren und den Workflow wesentlich verbessern, auerdem lsst sich jeder Knob einzeln mappen
    -Perfekte Ableton Einbindung(man drckt Shift+Pad 8 in Ableton und schon sind alle Pads und Knobs perfekt fr Ableton Funktionen gemappt)
    -Analog Lab Lite, obwohl eingeschrnkt, bietet 500 richtig gute Synths die auch oft zum Einsatz kommen, endlich mal sinnvolle und nutzbare Software bei einem Midi.
    -Berhrungsempfindliche Streifen statt Pitch und Mod Wheel gefallen mir nach Eingewhnungsphase fast schon besser als das Wheel, ist aber Geschmackssache

    -Pads (haben natrlich bei weitem mehr Funktionen als nur Drumsounds, sind aber auch gut fr Drums geeignet, vorallem wenn man die Velocity Curve selbst anpasst, fhlen sich meiner Meinung nach aber weit weniger tight und wertig an als die Akai-Pads
    Mit seinen 1,5 Kilo weniger handlich als andere Keyboards, dafr aber wie erwhnt hochwertig verbaut und bei Transport relativ unverwstlich.Kann man ohne Probleme im Rucksack mitnehmen.

    -Analog Lab Lite im Vergleich zum Minilab Mk1 nochmal reduziert.
    Wieviele Synths gibts dann beim Minilab Mk3 in der Lite Version,10 Stck?Cmon Arturia!

    Alles in allem einer der am hochwertigsten anmutenden Midi Controller mit richtig feinem Keybed und 16 modifizierbaren Knobs.
    Speziell fr Ableton-User neben dem auch sehr guten Novation Launchkey Mini (welches auf Amazon um einiges kostspieliger ist) mit Sicherheit die beste Wahl!

  6. Anonymous says:


    Golden Review Award: 2 From Our UsersThis was my first midi keyboard. Now that I have it and have used it, I would buy a different keyboard for my needs. I will never use the pads, etc that it has, but that is me … not the product. It’s super well made and good value for the money. It’s just designed more for the electronic dance music person rather than someone who wants to create guitar, piano and orchestral music. If you are thinking of buying one, think carefully if you want the pads and dials as maybe you only want the keys themselves and not too much more. On the other hand the price is low and it is fun to have it.

  7. Anonymous says:


    The Mini Lab MKII is a great product for anyone just starting out in music production to producers with years of experience. I have been using the Mini Lab MKII for about a month now and it is amazing. The key size is slightly larger than other MIDI keyboards however they are not full size. I love the feature where you can change the pad colour to whatever you would like, it just gives the keyboard a personal touch when using it. However, the only trouble I had with this MIDI keyboard is with the set up. I use Logic Pro X when producing, which is not the main program that this keyboard is made for. This caused a little difficulty with the set up but nothing major. Overall, the build quality on this MIDI keyboard is at the top for how much you are paying, the full metal back gives a nice weight to the keyboard which helps to keep it in one place. This is an amazing deal for an amazing product if you are looking for a MIDI keyboard that is for mainly stationary use with some portability aspects. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED.

    The Mini Lab MKII is a great product for anyone just starting out in music production to producers with years of experience. I have been using the Mini Lab MKII for about a month now and it is amazing. The key size is slightly larger than other MIDI keyboards however they are not full size. I love the feature where you can change the pad colour to whatever you would like, it just gives the keyboard a personal touch when using it. However, the only trouble I had with this MIDI keyboard is with the set up. I use Logic Pro X when producing, which is not the main program that this keyboard is made for. This caused a little difficulty with the set up but nothing major. Overall, the build quality on this MIDI keyboard is at the top for how much you are paying, the full metal back gives a nice weight to the keyboard which helps to keep it in one place. This is an amazing deal for an amazing product if you are looking for a MIDI keyboard that is for mainly stationary use with some portability aspects. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED.

  8. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Excellent piece of kit, I was really surprised at how solid the keyboard felt not flimsy plastic at all.
    Great starter choice of starter software included, but I was tempted to upgrade quickly as it is such good fu

  9. Anonymous says:


    Golden Review Award: 3 From Our UsersParto dicendo che la tastiera stupenda. Esteticamente le Arturia sono davvero di un altro pianeta. Per questo il mio voto parecchio influenzato dalla parte estetica. Gi, perch parlando esclusivamente della parte musicale, l’ho trovata deludente. Non tanto per quanto riguarda la qualit dei tasti, con un buon touch and feel nonostantee le dimensioni ridotte. Piuttosto in riferimento alla parte di gestione. Il software Arturia ottimo ma non ha una perfetta interazione con tutte le Daw. Io ad esempio l’ho utilizzata con GarageBand e con questo programma di produzione la compatibilit dei pad e delle manopole molto scarsa. Non possibile configurarla. Diverso il discorso se si utilizza ad esempio Ableton. Ad ogni modo per chi fa produzione un ottimo strumento per improvvisare beats in live (sempre utilizzando la Daw giusta) o come keyboard complementare ad altre tastiere che gi si posseggono. Io personalmente l’ho resa perch non l’ho trovata idonea alle mie esigenze ma considerando il prezzo e la concorrenza per queste dimensioni, sento di consigliarla.

  10. Anonymous says:


    Golden Review Award: 3 From Our UsersEn verdad sorprendidos con la calidad de este producto. Muy bien armado. Materiales de excelente calidad. Su construccin es firme. Se siente pesado. Botones y teclas de excelente calidad. Y a excelente precio

    Excelente Producto de excelente calidad y a excelente precio

  11. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Key bed is excellent along with the bobs for controlling the software that comes bundled with it 5stars.

  12. Anonymous says:

     United States

    Las teclas tienen una buena accin. Los knobs con buen acabado.
    Los pads son muy tiles y tienen una respuesta intermedia.

  13. Anonymous says:


    Golden Review Award: 3 From Our UsersIl midi controller e’ arrivato prima dei tempi stabiliti e tutto in ordine, scrivo per chi vuole acquistarlo che l’installazione e’ veloce e intuitiva,con il software di arturia potete gia’ suonare mentre la produzione musicale invece molto meno ed e’ consigliata per utenti esperti (serve un daw e un po’ di esperienza) nota negativa del software arturia mini lab e’ che non ha una batteria, i pad sono ok ma nulla di eccelso, i tasti della keyboard invece sono buoni.

  14. Kyle Wiggers says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 2 From Our UsersI purchased the Minilab because I wanted a ‘sketchpad’ for ideas on the go, something with some controllers etc but also a decent keyboard. Having received the Minilab and had a little play, I decided that it’s not what I want, for the following two reasons:
    – The 25 keys aren’t enough – I know it’s got to be portable, but I felt I needed more keys
    – The depth and weight of the device make it less portable

    However, I acknowledge that this is a decent piece of kit – Arturia are well-trusted, and I have their Keylab 61 Essential, which is a great keyboard. Their synths are also great, and the MiniLab integrates seamlessly.

    On that note, I find it frustrating that the hardware is often tied-up with the software. With the MiniLab, you can MIDI configure the knobs etc to a certain extent. With my current mini-key device, the Komplete Kontrol M32, it’s even worse (but it has 32 keys!) – Native Instruments are the Apple of the MIDI world.

    So, if you want a completely free-of-proprietary device, then maybe you’re best off with the equivalent keyboards from Alesis, Nektar, Akai, M-Audio etc (I read reviews of these but rejected either because of keys or portability). But I can’t put down the MiniLab, especially as the keys and build are quality, and it comes with the excellent Analog Lab synth presets.

    So, make your choice, and I hope that this review is useful!

  15. Alejandra58L says:

     United States

    I wasn’t sure about buying it but I read very good reviews and they were all true. They product was in very good condition, on time. I have about 1 month with it and have had no issues.

  16. Anonymous says:

     Spain 🇪🇸

    El controlador funciona muy bien y es una alternativa muy vlida al Akai MPK Mini. En general se ve ms robusto y de mejor calidad. Hecho de menos alguna funcionalidad ms. Las teclas son mejores que el de Akai, aunque los pads son algo duros y estn por debajo

  17. Gordon Barr says:


    Golden Review Award: 4 From Our Usersla prima tastiera che compro: costruttivamente solida, finiture impeccabili, non percepisco cedimenti o flessioni, anche i controlli e i pad sono robusti; il software incluso comodo, si integra bene anche con Cakewalk (daw gratuita) e comodissima coi plugin di Arturia (impeccabili) che hanno i controlli pre-impostati.
    Se proprio devo trovargli un difetto che trovo sia indicata principalmente per i beat-makers pi che per imparare lo strumento o eseguire brani, per le dimensioni e, ovviamente, per le ottave limitate. Piuttosto sicuro che presto acquister la “sorella maggiore”.

  18. Wendy says:

     United Kingdom

    Great keyboard for the price, the key’s feel brilliant and the knob’s are very sturdy the motion feel’s like a premium product, not to mention the software bundle is also great value for money.
    Would definitely recommend, in comparison to other’s at this price range i would say it’s the most professional feeling, and the build quality is excellent, it feel’s as if it should be priced higher (but don’t let them know that).

  19. ShantaeFES says:

     United Kingdom

    Intuitive piece of kit which integrates well with other devices via it’s onboard ports. Very happy with it.

  20. Liz Hichens says:

     United Kingdom

    I love this MIDI controller. Perfect blend of features and portability.

  21. DeloresE43 says:


    Golden Review Award: 2 From Our UsersPros:
    1. Compact size and portable
    2. Premium looks and built quality
    3. Affordable under 10k ( during prime sale)
    4. Touch sensitive bending and modulation wheel

    1. Not best for FL studio users, need to configure all the knobs
    2. Smaller keys, may trouble piano player
    3. Warranty: most of the listed sellers do provide warranty if you purchase it from their official website and not from Amazon.

    Overall it is a good deal!!! So keep creating music

    Best MIDI under 10k

  22. Anonymous says:


    PRO : ben costruita da una bella impressione di solidit e di buona fattura, dimensioni perfette anche se alcuni dicono che pi grande delle altre la trovo molto pratica e ben dimensionata.
    Il SW in dotazione consente di divertirsi subito.

    CONs: i pad sono un po duri, nel senso che reagiscono ma ci vuole un pizzico di energia in pi di quello che ci si aspetta lo si nota sopratutto con la batteria simulata

  23. Anonymous says:


    Llego muy rpido, es de muy buena calidad,
    Excelente calidad precio.

  24. Anonymous says:


    Golden Review Award: 3 From Our UsersAls Einsteiger muss man Sehr Viel Lernen. Es gibt aber genug Toturials. Videos. Hier ist es eine frage des Willens. Minilab und Ableton Live Lite Arbeiten SOFORT zusammen. Ableton sollte ( MUSS) aber mit Hilfs Programmen erst Erlernt werden.. 1 Woche dabei und ich ziehe Ableton Push in meinen Nchsten kauf ein. Ableton ist so gro das jeder fr sich Entscheiden muss wie weit er gehen will. Die Auswahl ist Gigantisch fr dieses Programm und jede Musikrichtung. Der Startpreis Verschwindet mit den Mglichkeiten. Es ist der DAW fr Musikproduzenten und fr Einsteiger. Der Beginn ist Abletion Life Lite und du kannst die erste Galaxie Erforschen. Von Jazz bis Hardcore. alles geh

  25. Anonymous says:


    Golden Review Award: 3 From Our UsersMuy contento. Los pluguins con los que viene suenan muy bien y el piano tiene una construccin muy correcta tendiendo en cuenta su precio. Lo volvera a comprar sin duda.

    Muy contento!

  26. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    I’m a total beginner to making music and have so far found this a blast to use! The free Analoglab software is superb, but I soon upgraded to the full package to get the full amount of synths and effects packs. It was worthwhile as you get a massive discount for doing so.

    This is a great piece of hardware and feels sturdy. It’s literally plug and play!

  27. Anonymous says:

     United States

    Golden Review Award: 3 From Our UsersThe Mini Lab MkII has a quality build. The keys, the knobs and pads are all well done. It’s not light weight but, is very durable. I would carry the extra weight because it’s build quality and apparent durability.

    The limitless knobs a are perfect design choice. Moving from one instrument to another doesn’t require that the knobs physically reset to the previous instrument. You just pick up where you were.

    Arturia provided a firmware patch which fixed the blinking octave lights. They did not blink with your DAW (like a metronome) so it was distracting. The patch fixed that. The lights glow solid now, no blinking.

    The pads were double and triple firing when playing rapid patterns. The patch appears to have fixed that issue too.

    The modulator and bend pads are preferable to me They are much more flexible than the standard wheels. I can put a finger down in a specific spot without sliding there. That opens up interesting options of playability the wheels don’t provided. And, of course you can slide your finger and you have the standard wheel action.

    It comes with Analog Lab 4, a collection of classic keyboards, including my favorite the Hammond B-3. The MkII is worth the money for that collection alone.

    It interfaces with your DAW so you can control parameters right from the the keyboard. I have a full 88 key keyboard but, I use the MkII more now.

    5 stars for this little beauty.

  28. Mark Sinclair says:


    Hab den Arturia MKII jetzt ne ganze Weile und er macht mir eine Menge Spa. Benutze ihn in Ableton Live, aber auch mal unterwegs oder auf dem Balkon am Android Smartphone zb. mit der APP DRC Synthesizer. Die Verarbeitung ist fr den Preis echt okay und an die kleinen Tasten gewhnt man sich schnell. Klar, jemand der jetzt umfangreich “Piano” spielen mchte, fr den sind die Tasten zu wenig, aber dafr ist das Gert auch nicht ausgelegt und man kann auch mit den wenigen Tasten tolle Musik da raus zaubern. Und dank der kompakten Gre findet er zum einen auf jedem Schreibtisch Platz, kann aber auch gut fr unterwegs mitgenommen werden. Softwareseitig auf jeden Fall noch zu empfehlen ist, dass zum einen Analob Lab Lite 4 und Ableton Live 10 Lite es mit dazu gibt. Klar, knnte man jetzt sagen, schade das es nur die Lite Versionen sind, aber man muss sich auch verinnerlichen was diese beiden Softwareprogramme sonst kosten. Und mit den Liteversionen kann man auch schon einiges anstellen, wobei natrlich der Umfang in Ableton LIve Lite stark eingeschrnkt ist, aber fr Leute die noch nichts haben oder gerade am Anfang stehen, ist das erstmal ausreichend um erste Erfahrungen zu sammeln. Und die Arturia Lab 4 Lite kann man zudem zu einem vergnstigten Preis upgraden und bekommt dafr dann viele tausend Presets, wovon sich viele echt gut hren lassen knnen. Alles in Allem ein gutes Gert fr Leute die ein kompaktes Gert haben wollen, sowohl fr zuhause als auch unterwegs, aber dennoch viel damit anstellen knnen.

  29. ChandaYNHpsbbih says:


    I’d gone through an Alesis V25 but returned it due to its size and the drum pads double hitting, and I thought this might be the answer. There’s a lot to love about the Arturia: portable, best-in-class mini keys, lots of rotary encoders (and no hard stops, which is great for multi-instrument control), and an old school design that looked great on my desk.

    The drum pads, however, left a lot to be desired. They require a lot of force to trigger and, much like the Alesis, they double hit frequently, rendering them pretty much useless. I researched and found its not an uncommon problem, and sadly one that Arturia routinely passes off as a cable and/or firmware issue. I returned the Arturia and bought a Launchkey Mini and while I prefer the feel and look of the Arturia, the drum pads were a must for me. Buy at your own risk (or if drum pads don’t matter to you).

  30. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    absolute quality. very programmable to your specific use. the pitch bend and modulation are both touch pad. nolonger the days of broken springs in the mod/pitch wheels. watch youtube reviews to see its full potential. it is built for durability and the keys dont feel flimsy as the regular akai and others.

  31. Susan29Ygljfat says:


    No soy msico, simplemente soy aficionado de crear msica. Y con ese “nivel”, para mi es perfecto. No se si mejor o peor que otras alternativas, pero hace todo lo que necesito. Y aun sin ser un experto, noto las teclas como razonablemente buenas. No son de juguete o enanos. Tienen un tamao bueno y un recorrido y tacto muy aceptable para algo de este tamao y precio.
    De funcionalidad es bsico, las 25 teclas, 8 pads y 16 ruedas, todos asignables. No tiene funciones tipo arpegios ya incluido…todo tiene que ir por Software. Hablando de software, viene con Ableton Live Lite y Analog Lab Lite…ojo…LITE…es decir limitado. Por lo que veo, la limitacin es principalmente en una coleccin de instrumentos ms reducida. Pero para mi y cualquier principiante, ms que de sobra. Creo que merece mas la pena aprender usar bien Ableton Live como DAW que estar pasando por miles de instrumentos.
    El MiniLab est pre-configurado para usar esos dos programas y funciona bien. Usarlo con otros programas, funciona (lo he probado con Reason), funcionan a la primera las teclas, pero las ruedas y los pads tendrs que asignarlas a mano, que es una tarea tediosa. Pero de verdad, si quiere empezar a hacer msica, con este teclado y los dos programas que tiene incluido, tienes ms que de sobra para hacer una cancin entera. Si no lo consigues, no es problema del hardware o software 🙂
    Como nica pega quizs comentar que para poner en marcha el software (Ableton Live, Analog Lab y Grand Piano), tienes que tomarte tu tiempo porque tendrs que registrarte en multiples sitios e instalarte multiples instaladores. No es algo muy directo.

  32. gigiofca says:

     United States 🇺🇸

    Golden Review Award: 9 From Our UsersAs someone who loves the sounds of synthesizers, I had no idea that there have been affordable software-based synths out there for years now. I didn’t want to invest a lot of money because I didn’t know if this would hold my interest enough. This is the right piece of equipment at the right price point. The construction of the unit is superb, it isn’t all plastic, part of the case is metal which gives it a good heft, it really feels solid. The keys feel great as well, especially for a unit this inexpensive. I had no problems installing any of the bundled software and had it all up and running in short order. It turns out that there are literally hundreds of free virtual instruments available out there (as well as effects, samples, host software) that you can download and use with this controller. If there are two caveats (especially for a non-trained player such as myself), it would be that 25 keys really aren’t enough to play stuff that requires both hands, and that these are “mini keys” rather than full size ones, which I find are a bit more forgiving for my adult hands. I wound up selling mine after a few months to upgrade to an Arturia controller with 49 full-size keys, but enjoyed every minute with the MiniLab25 mkII. Keep in mind that the included Ableton Lite host software (sometimes referred to as a “DAW”, or digital audio workstation) only allows you to create with a maximum of eight tracks. Even though Ableton is the industry standard DAW, a more capable version will run you around $300. You can get some great DAWs for free, or for far less than what Ableton charges. Unless you eventually plan on upgrading to a better version of Ableton, I’d recommend getting a less expensive DAW and learning on that one rather than learning Ableton Lite and eventually switching to a different DAW and learning that one from scratch. I personally recommend Mixcraft 9 Pro, which comes with many outstanding bundled synths and effects (including Melodyne) and is a killer DAW in its’ own right.

    EDIT: Even though I sold my original Minilab MKII in favor of a controller with more keys, about a year later I saw someone selling a Minilab MKII on Craigslist for $50 and bought it. It has become my “travel keyboard”, easily fitting into my backpack along with my laptop. It gives me something portable to play around with when I’m not in my home “studio”. I can even foresee using it as a second controller for “live” playing.

  33. Anonymous says:


    A great lil keyboard that works well with my iPad Pro, excellent build quality and once you get the right daw, a great feeling machine

  34. BIKTahliagwg says:


    Excelente compra, lo nico es que llego solo en su casa, sin algn tipo de sello…

  35. NumbersJMEI says:


    I Pad rispondono alla perfezione al tocco e sono anche regolabili…come i volumi
    I tasti della tastiera sono perfetti e distanziati abbastanza per permettere una buona pressione e anche suonata
    Dentro trovo il codice per scaricare i suoni arturia…fantastici…consegna in rapido tempo
    Ottimo rapporto qualit prezzo

  36. Mehrunnisa Yusuf says:

     United States

    I been using it a lot since i buy it, is really fun and easy, the only thing that can get you off is the pads, you gonna have to get used to them. that’s all

  37. Anonymous says:


    Golden Review Award: 6 From Our UsersI really like this controller. I’m brand new to midicontrollers and thought I knew what I was getting. Boy was I wrong…I’ve worked Audacity, pro tools, garage band, but never have I seen something as complicated as the software included….this is some top notch stuff! For real pros, and the average guy like me to fiddle around with some serious tools and try and grab a handle on it.

    Anyways, definitely not for beginners but if you have knowledge of recording software and have some musical abilities, then this is a great device.

    Also side note, I’ve been playing without authenticating my Ableton live lite account (yet) and my Arturia has been cutting in and out from time to time. I’m hoping this had to do with not authenticating and isn’t an actual defect. Because that would be disappointing, this machine is awesome

  38. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 2 From Our UsersThis will bring many hours of fun and experimentation. I love playing the piano but this brings so many variations to my playing and also a great tool to create unique material for soundscapes backing onto my colourful videos … so really pleased I bought the machine along with the great combo of software included. Only moan would be that you can’t edit the source synths in this version of the software but perhaps I may upgrade (also they include a leaflet for the upgrade which refers to version 2 and they are now on version 4). Did download the additional synths / presets and they are all excellent and weird in places which is great (worth getting those as well as the ones in the original software) and in future, I will perhaps buy some of the additional material to add to the device. Totally recommended

  39. Anonymous says:


    Golden Review Award: 4 From Our UsersPetit clavier pratique pour faire du son un peu partout. Fonctionne trs bien sur Ableton. Le design est top et il ne fait pas cheap dans sa construction. J’ai agrablement surpris par sa qualit et il m’accompagne dj partout. (Sac dos). Le touch est correcte, les pad ne son pas incroyables mais a fonctionne quand mme. Le pitch marche bien, j’tais mitig vu que c’est tactile mais a le fait ;). Le tout compatible avec Analog Lab peut importe o vous l’avez eu… L’enregistrement en ligne n’a pas fonctionn alors que j’ai rentr les bons numros de srie, j’ai fini par abandonner, perte de temps inutile.

  40. MaggieGibson says:

     United States 🇺🇸

    First midi controller and very happy after a lot of research bought the minilab. Feels higher quality than the price and just works. Mapping all controls can be a pain, but works well with Arturia products (pigments 2 is awesome). Had some setup queries and customer service was fast and excellent, seem like passionate guys. Highly recommend Arturia and the minilab II.

  41. Anonymous says:


    Golden Review Award: 8 From Our UsersEs la primera vez que tengo un controlador midi, tenia una idea preconcebida (no muy buena) respecto a estos aparatos y me sorprendio poder generar musica a la primera gracias a los presets que trae el teclado, su integracin co Ableton es total con FLstudio 20 no es muy buena pero creo que no tardaran en arreglarlo, en fin una compra muy positiva para mi, la calidad del producto se nota al abrir el empaque a lo mejor a un experto en producir msica no le sea muy util pero para un novel es un buen arranque, el sofware Analog Lab 4 lo puedes actualizar por 29 euros escribiendo al servicio de venta de arturia y ya tienes mas de 5 mil sonidos de teclados para disfrutar.

    Perfecto para disfrutar creando música

  42. NicolasKearns says:

     United States 🇺🇸

    I bought this for my wife who like to tinker with music production. It’s the perfect price point to get into it without sinking a fortune but it does enough that she’s currently not wanting for anything more. It came with a pretty large library of sounds and instruments. Definitely a good buy if you’re starting out.

  43. Anonymous says:


    Ce n’est vraiment pas un jouet. Il faut vraiment tre dbrouillard et habile pour tre en mesure de faire de la musique. Je pense que ce serait beaucoup plus clef en main.

  44. Anonymous says:

     United States

    Feel & Responsiveness of the Keys are magnificent.
    Just wish they had more midi transport controls. Like Play/Pause, Record, Roll & Arrpegiator.
    Should they had these controls, even if for $30 more. I would give it 5 Stars.

  45. MillieBehrens says:


    Golden Review Award: 4 From Our UsersExcellent clavier midi, je vous le conseille vivement si vous tes un artiste qui se dplace beaucoup. Nettement mieux que led autres clavier midi comme Akai. La qualit des materiaux et des touches sont incomparables.

  46. FranchescaXYZW says:

     United Kingdom

    This was one of the first controllers I bought great device.

  47. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    It was a gift for my son so I can’t comment on it’s performance but he asked for this model & was delighted with it.

  48. Anonymous says:

     United States

    Golden Review Award: 4 From Our UsersI originally bought the MPC Mini, but as soon as I got it and played the keyboard I was super bummed. Here I’d bought one of the most popular mini keyboards sold today and I discovered that the keys are just cheap pieces of plastic that flex every time you play them. The Arturia on the other hand has AMAZING feeling keys. The entire keyboard just seems better in terms of overall quality relative to the MPC. I really don’t get the love people have for the MPC Mini when you comapre it to something like this Arturia.

    If, like me, you are on the fence about which to get, just spend the 10 extra bucks for the Arturia MiniLab. The keyboard feels amazing, the pads, sliders, and nobs work great, the software it comes with is simple and works well, and it’s just an overall better quality product. The only reason one might go with the MPC is if they care a great deal about having big pads or need some of the unique control features that the MPC offers and the Arturia doesn’t. But, if all you are looking for is a small quality keyboard to make melodies and beats, this is the controller for you.

  49. ChandraGKTM says:

     United Kingdom

    Pretty complex for beginners but for people who know what they are doing it’s amazing and the best value for money

  50. Anonymous says:


    Golden Review Award: 10 From Our UsersLo primero que llama la atencin al sacarlo de la caja es su robustez. Pesa un poquito, pero es a cambio de una construccin solida que se nota desde el principio. El tacto y sensaciones de las teclas, los pads y los knobs es realmente buena.

    Lo mejor:

    – Contruccin y funcionamiento.
    – Software incluido, especialmente el Mini Lab 4. El Ableton Live Lite no lo he probado pues uso FL Studio.
    – Por solo ser cliente Arturia tienes productos software adicionales con un importante descuento (Analog Lab, V Collection, Pigments,…).
    – La instalacin y activacin del software es realmente sencilla mediante el Software Center de Arturia.
    – Una de las joyas incluidas es el Arturia Midi Control Center que permite de manera muy sencilla asignar comandos midi a cada PAD, knob,… o incluso cambiar la respuesta de algunos controles. Como ejemplo, me pareca que los pads requeran de mucha fuerza para activarlos a una velocity por encima de 100. As que entr en esta aplicacin y cambi su respuesta de lineal a exponencial y problema resuelto.
    – Me han sorprendido las “ruedas” tctiles de modulacin y pitch bend que eliminan la parte mecnica (y por tanto aumenta su durabilidad) y cuya respuesta es bastante buena.

    Lo peor:

    – El cable USB es realmente corto y es el elemento de peor calidad de todo el conjunto. Tuve que usar otro que tena para poder conectarlo al PC que tengo en el suelo.
    – El software UVI Grand Piano Model D tiene un sonido increible, pero implica crear dos cuentas de usuario adicionales (UVI portal + ILOK account) e instalarse no solo el VST sino adems un software adicional de gestin de licencias (parecido al de Steinberg). Todo ello adems complejo de activar e instalar. Sera mucho mejor que Arturia regalase alguno de sus fantsticos sintetizadores evitando todo este lo.
    – El precio para actualizar el Analog Lab 4 de la versin lite a la completa pone en los papeles incluidos con el teclado que es de 29, sin embargo entras en la web y pone 69. Sin embargo un correo a su soporte tcnico solucion el problema asignando un cupn de descuento.

    En definitiva, muy buena compra y muy recomendable.

  51. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    The software that comes with the product is very good. You can record professional sounding music very easily by using Ableton Live lite and the Analog Lab lite software that is included. The responsiveness of the keyboard is also very good for something in this price range.

  52. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Brilliant piece of kit, best midi keyboard available at this price. Was worried about the layout of the drum pads but they are fine to use.

  53. DortheaSchenk says:

     United Kingdom

    Great bit of kit for recording and playing live! The functions of pads and knobs are assignable you whatever preferences you have! Definitely would recommend for this price range!

  54. Anonymous says:


    he keyboard is really good itself, but I did have problems with all of the drivers and setting it up on fl studio. Other than that no problems and I think it’s great.

  55. James says:

     United States 🇺🇸

    I have reason 10 and this is working great so far. I have had it for only a few minutes and it connected automatically with no hassle (I have had connectivity issues with other makes and models) and knobs are evened mapped. Keys feel a bit cheap but that is expected for most keyboard based tools. The materials and weight feel great and I haven’t even tried with ableton yet. Plus it’s adorable.

  56. MagnoliLongwell says:


    Golden Review Award: 14 From Our UsersI bought an Arturia Mini Lab MK2 and an Akai MPK Mini MK2 for comparison.

    The Arturia Mini Lab knobs and keys are awesome, also it has 16 knobs and they are digital (endless rotation), but the drum pads are really bad. It’s also bigger and heavier than the Akai MPK Mini.

    If you want this thing for the knobs and keys, go for the Arturia, if you want low weight and good drum pads, go for the Akai. I bought it for the keys and the additional knobs to control parameters, so I went with the Arturia Mini Lab.

  57. Anonymous says:


    Golden Review Award: 3 From Our UsersSimplemente lo mejor! Por su precio es excelente, una calidad impecable en el producto y su embalaje. Los instrumentos virtuales que vienen integrados en la membresa de arturia son suficientes, es una cantidad enorme (pasa de 1000) y por si fuera poco se pueden modificar al gusto. Una compra que no me arrepentir.

  58. Mark Melnykowycz says:


    Golden Review Award: 3 From Our UsersCons
    La velocidad es un tanto dificil de controlar, no se siente como un teclado ni como un piano (al menos no como ninguno que yo haya tenido la oportunidad de tocar), pero no es algo que sea una molestia o dificil de trabajar con, simplemente algo a lo que acostumbrarse.

    Las teclas se sienten de muy buena calidad y el hecho que los knobs se puedan seguir girando at infinitum resuelve problemas que no saba que tena hasta que probe irl synths (esa fue mi primera interaccin con knobs, tiene meses que lo compre, se sigue sintiendo como nuevo)

    Volvera a comprar con gusto, este amateur recomienda 🙂

  59. Bettina30S says:

     United Kingdom

    Excellent quality keyboard, very well made and fully featured. Nice integration with my Logic and very configurable. Arrived promptly.

  60. Jacinto02Q says:

     United Kingdom

    Nice bundle of software included for the budding musician. Enjoying re learning the keyboard. Powered from USB and good choice of instruments in the included software

  61. fancygrlnancy says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 3 From Our UsersTotal novice using midi controllers/keyboards but I found the setup straightforward and painless. Simple enough for beginners right out the box but has almost limitless functionality for experienced users. Extremely well made, solid and knobs,pads and keys all have beautiful feel and action/sensitivity. Mini keys are ideal size for me to hack out chords/notes with my sausage fingers, I’m a guitarist so the size might not be to proper pianist/keyboard players taste. Bundled software is good but the grand piano package is a nightmare to install and really isnt worth the effort as it dosent sound any better than the Analoguelab ones. On that front kinda missed the boat as you only get the lite version which you could upgrade to full for about 30 with the previous model. The full package of presets will set you back the same as the controller about 100 with the discount if you tire of the 500 included. However you can purchase themed packs which you can audition for various prices upwards of 7. Integrated seamlessly with my DAW, studio one artist, but also comes with Abelton lite which I’ve not looked at yet. Would recommend to anyone in the market for such a device.

  62. Chris Pavey says:


    Golden Review Award: 7 From Our UsersAmazon Delivery is good. Product is working and it is same as advertised.overall I am satisfied. Product quality is excellent. Value for money and beginners friendly.

    Amazon Delivery is good. Product is working and it is same as advertised.overall I am satisfied. Product quality is excellent. Value for money and beginners friendly.

  63. BirgitColorado says:

     United Kingdom

    The weighted keys feels great and the velocity sensitivity are on point, but the drumpads is not the best in my opinion.

  64. TamraAllen1973 says:


    Solido, funzionale, di ottimo materiale e molto solido. Consigliato per chi, come me, vuole approcciarsi alla produzione musicale. Tasti sensibilissimi ai diversi livelli di pressione, cos come i pad. I knob permettono di controllare qualsiasi parametro e sono anche molto precisi. Consigliato per l’utilizzo con Ableton, che resta la daw maggiormente personalizzabile per questo controller. Infine comodissimo da portare con s anche in un semplice zaino. Insomma, rapporto qualit prezzo ottimo. Soddisfattissimo!

  65. ShanonY44lye says:


    Golden Review Award: 2 From Our UsersFor someone looking to get into Music production or an amateur musician it’s an awesome investment. One problem though : The package I received from Amazon/Seller was not packaged properly and the box seemed to have the outer cover opened.. therefore just 4 stars..

  66. Anonymous says:

     United States

    Golden Review Award: 2 From Our UsersWell built midi keyboard, quality materials but I was struggling every time I had to work with FL studio.. I had to remap the midi all the time

  67. AlyssaGirardin says:

     United States

    Golden Review Award: 2 From Our UsersMy first midi-controller and started from scratch. Was up and running in minutes and the included sounds and software are amazing. Happy camper! I chose this over the AKIA mini25. Glad I did.

  68. Anonymous says:

     United States 🇺🇸

    Excellent quality and terrific price. Given all the included software, it’s a bargain. Excellent portable controller. Sometimes wished it was a little bigger but the trade-off in portability and price is worth it. The perfect integration with analog lab is great. Given the library of patches available it is an amazing value. For $80 you can upgrade the software to get 10x more patches but the hundreds you get with the lite version is more than enough to start with.

  69. Anonymous says:


    Golden Review Award: 3 From Our UsersGreat sounds. The keys are narrow, but my fat fingers can still hit the keys easily. I was not able to find access to the grand piano software, but other than that it’s been fun to play with and learn.

    Great sounds. The keys are narrow, but my fat fingers can still hit the keys easily. I was not able to find access to the grand piano software, but other than that it's been fun to play with and learn.

  70. LiliaBaerqyvcf says:

     United Kingdom

    The drum pads are not responsive which makes it kind of useless especially when using the pitch shift which slows down the responsiveness of the drum pads even more. Everything works okay. Another thing was that i had to send multiple emails just to get the products which came with it as the key does not work and i still have not got the grand piano plug in which comes with i

  71. theskinnyblondegirl says:

     United States

    Golden Review Award: 18 From Our UsersI’m an Arturia guy. I also have a MicroBrute, Keystep, Pigments and their V Collection 7. I got this as a desktop module for Ableton, and it’s pretty seamless for that purpose, allowing a great amount of built-in automatic control once you connect by MIDI (painlessly). The knobs are endless and have the right amount of pushback to offer refinement. The pads are tight for nice control. My one issue is that I wanted to take this on vacation to practice some songs. It’s great for one-handed use on stage, for sure. But any sort of two-handed playing is about 5 keys too short of any but the most basic one-octave riffs on the right, and too short for a standard G-chord on the left. So I ended up taking my Keystep instead (also one key short on the second octave right, but overall much more useful). I’d say if I want to “play piano” I probably have to size up to a wider bed. But for quick riffs where you can manually adjust the octave range up/down as you loop, this is great, super tough, comes with great software, and has nice responsive (springy) velocity keys.

  72. LawrencE00 says:

     United Kingdom

    I really like the build quality. The keys are slightly narrow, but it might just be due to me having fingers like a tree frog. For a novice, i find it easier than I imagined I would.

  73. Anonymous says:


    Golden Review Award: 4 From Our UsersI cant stop playing with this thing . It’s been a lot of fun fiddling around with Analog lab that I think I wanna buy the extended library of their sounds. But be aware they dont offer it to Minilab MK2 buyers for 29 USD anymore, that price has since gone up to 69 USD. That would be my only gripe for this midi controller, that the deal on extra sounds isnt as advertised.

    Other than that it’s a fantastic controller. I would have liked more sensitive pads but I dont know what the standard for pads is since this is my first piece of midi hardware.

  74. Jerrold70E says:


    Golden Review Award: 14 From Our UsersPROS:
    – Por 100 puedes sacar en el PC de casa CIENTOS de sonidos de sintetizadores clsicos, rganos, pianos… una verdadera pasada!
    – Trae muchsimos “presets” de sonidos integrados en el software “Arturia Lab Lite” (unos 500), te puedes tirar un montn de horas probando todos; si quieres muchos ms (hasta 6.500), puedes comprar el pack completo en la pgina de Arturia, ahora mismo por unos 70, pero para empezar, los que trae son ms que suficientes para pasarlo en grande.
    – Tambin puedes modificar los “presets” mediante los botones giratorios que tiene, se integran con el software y te dejan cambiar los parmetros como ataque, delay, etc.
    – La parte de abajo es una placa metlica, lo que le da cierto peso y estabilidad, no da sensacin de cutrez como otros similares.

    – Las teclas son ms pequeas que en un piano normal, pero se tocan bien; si buscas un teclado completo este no es tu producto. Pero para “juguetear” en casa durante horas, y hasta para hacer msica “a cierto nivel” puede valer perfectamente.
    – No trae salida ni entrada MIDI. Se conecta directamente al ordenador por USB, del cual tambin se alimenta (no es necesario conectarlo a la corriente mediante un alimentador).

    En resumen: No vas a encontrar un pack “hardware/software” de teclado controlador mejor por menos dinero, recomendado.

  75. MaggieLonsdale says:

     United States 🇺🇸

    Golden Review Award: 6 From Our UsersLoving it so far, perfect integration with Ableton. The Analog Lab sound bank is great, too. Only throwback is that the upgrade price for the full Analog Lab went up considerably. (updated May 2019) Grand Piano software that also comes with it has a beautiful sound.

    Keyboard feels very well made and compared with other ones I tried for this price range, its the best option in quality. Drum pads are nice too, they do a great job at pressure sensibility.

    I recommend it 100%!

  76. ErikaMatheson says:


    Golden Review Award: 7 From Our UsersIch nutze ihn fr meine Hardware synthesizer als Master keyboard. Geht direkt in einen USB Host zu Midi Konverter. Mit einer kurzen vorprogrammierung am PC wunderbar. Die Tasten haben ein gutes Drckgefhl hnlich dem Keystep. Fhlt sich etwas mehr nach Plastik an, aber wirklich minimal. Gutes Spielgefhl wenn man Mini Keyboards gewohnt ist. Kann man gut mit M-Audio Keystation Mini 32 vergleichen. Mit den ganzen Reglern kann man eine Menge anstellen. Die ersten beiden in jeder Reihe haben aber ein etwas anderes Spiel, also obacht. Das ist fr Sonderfunktionen aber knnen dafr auch mit SHIFT doppelt belegt werden. Insgesamt nichts zu meckern. Schade dass man ein MIDI DIN erst Nachrsten muss, sonst wre das der ultimate Mini Kontroller.

  77. Carrie Mihalcik says:

     United Kingdom

    At first software to edit profiles was very buggy and annoying but I think that’s fixed now, has very good customisation and the keys are relatively good quality. Knobs 1 and 9 behave a little strangely though and I only use them as switches
    Something I only figured out after months of use is that you can switch profiles by holding shift and touching the pad that corresponds with the profile. All this time I had been loading the customisation software and re-uploading my profile to the unit every time I booted my computer up. It’s a lot easier to use now that I know this.

  78. Editorial Team OneGreenPlanet.Org says:


    Golden Review Award: 5 From Our UsersAcabado impresionantes. El tacto de los pad y las teclas muy bueno. Es verdad que no he podido comprar con otro pero la sensibilidad del teclado es genial, puedes pulsar subiendo la fuerza progresivamente hasta al menos 5 veces.. y si le pegas fuerte se oyen como saltan las cuerdas de la guitarra.
    Portable y alimentado por el mismo USB.
    Viene un cdigo para descargar el Analog LAB y comprobado tanto en Ableton Live como en FL Studio que reconoce el plugin de este.

  79. Vann Vicente says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 3 From Our UsersEverything about this is good except for the crappy cheapo touch modwheel, the analogue lab instruments are all a bit lackluster in sound, there’s no midi out port, it does not work out of the box with Fl Studio so you’ll need to manually map all of the midi knobs, and the drum pads are sort of useless. My first midi keyboard though which is a pleasure to play and I’ve had a lot of fun with it, I’ll soon upgrade to a larger midi keyboard though, and keep this for working with synth vsts

  80. AlinaOrrozfullx says:


    Golden Review Award: 2 From Our Users4 stelle perch ogni tanto, quando la collego al pc, il touchpad del pitch non funziona, devo quindi scollegata e ricollegarla. Inoltre I tasti non sono super ricettivi e fanno molto rumore. Spero che questi difetti che ho incontrato non siano la qualit standard dei prodotti Arturia. Se potessi tornare indietro opterei per un’altra tastiera, per esempio l’M32 della Native Instruments

  81. Anonymous says:


    Golden Review Award: 21 From Our UsersI’ll start off to say that I am not a musician, but I loved hacking around with synths in my younger years. and I just wanted to get myself a little something inexpensive, and a midi controller simply made the most sense for it’s versatility and not being limited to any hardware settings. That being said, even for $100-$150 I don’t like junk and appreciate good workmanship.

    I initially had a pool of about a dozen choices which got whittled down fairly quickly to 3 contenders (Nektar Impact LX25+, Akai Professional MPK Mini MKII and this one). I literally had to write each of them on pieces of paper and draw one, so I can’t say this Arturia MiniLab MKII is any better than those ones, but I’m hoping for at least longevity it is LOL

    This controller has keys and pads with a terrific feel, excellent velocity settings and they all interact beautifully with the included software, in synch. The knobs are limitless (2 are push-down for what I haven’t checked out yet) so there isn’t any feel of when the limit has been reached, but since it’s a controller that works with various programs, it’s a benefit with this unit so it will work with pretty near any of them. The pitch and modulation pads are a bit weird for me, but having used the wheels so many moons ago it’s a cinch for me to get used to, though, and they’re very responsive. The other buttons I haven’t ventured into figuring out as yet, but will once I have time to read the various manuals for the included software. I do really like how the relevant octave button blinks once or twice to indicate which one (upper/lower) you’re currently playing in.

    One caveat if you do get this awesome bang-for-the-buck is have a few hours set aside to register and subsequently download the promised software. After you’ve registered your unit and installed their ASC to get
    Analog Lab Lite and the Midi mapper, they provide you with the registration numbers to Ableton Live 10 Lite and UVI Grand Piano and links to download and install those sort of “third party”.

    Now down to learning some new software, 5 stars!

  82. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Nice keyboard action..I found the procedure for setting up a bit time consuming….if you are into synthesis this is brilliant..I use it mainly for bass lines and drum programming.

  83. Anonymous says:


    Golden Review Award: 13 From Our UsersThe product is really powerful and portable at the same time. It comes with Analog lab lite, UV Grand piano, and Ableton live lite included in the package. The keyboard is fantastic and the knobs and pads are of superior quality. Works well with Ableton live, Cubase and Mixcraft Pro softwares. Great tool for making music and producing music. I recommend this to all musicians who are looking for a good midi keyboard at this price range.

    The product is really powerful and portable at the same time. It comes with Analog lab lite, UV Grand piano, and Ableton live lite included in the package. The keyboard is fantastic and the knobs and pads are of superior quality. Works well with Ableton live, Cubase and Mixcraft Pro softwares. Great tool for making music and producing music. I recommend this to all musicians who are looking for a good midi keyboard at this price range.

  84. Anonymous says:


    Golden Review Award: 4 From Our UsersThe best mini keyboard option. But it’s not perfect.

    Sometimes the keys don’t feel great- hard to describe, they don’t feel mushy but it feels like there’s something light moving underneath them when you press them? They don’t always feel like that though.

    Pads are not up to par with AKAI’s, and are kinda tiny.

    Touch controls work better than you would think.

    Ridiculous amount of knobs

  85. LorenzoBZVI says:


    Golden Review Award: 4 From Our UsersYo soy un estudiante audidacta de produccin musical. Buscaba un controlador MIDI y tengo algunos productos de Arturia, asi que estuve valoranfo comprar el Arturia KeyLab Mk2 de 61 teclas en primer lugar porque toco el piano y pensaba que necesitaba al menos esas octavas. Tengo otro teclado completo con contrapeso de 88 teclas y salida MIDI y en el ultimo momento opt por lo contrario: un teclado pequeo. La verdad es que estoy muy contento porque si ya tienes un teclado completo, la diferencia est en poder usar este otro en cualquier momento, llevarlo en una mochila facilmente… y desde ese punto de vista es todo un acierto.

    La calidad del teclado en si es sorprendente y yo vengo de un Yamaha con contrapeso y teclas de madera. Es muy aceptable. He tenido un iRig y el tacto del Arturia es mucho ms slido, pero es complicado usarlo para otra cosa que no sea componer por pasos, grabar acordes y algn arpegio. Para ser expresivo, si tocas el piano previamente, es necesario otro tipo de teclado.

    En resumen, creo que es una buena herramienta desde el punto de vista de la produccin. Yo lo uso con Ableton Live y se integra perfectamente y es un instrumento que puedes tener siempre a mano, est bien construido y ocupa muy poco espacio. Te lo puedes llevar al sof con el portatil y probar cosas mientras estn viendo la tele. Para usar como teclado principal, yo me ira al keylab.

  86. StanFlintrpw says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 2 From Our UsersI just love this keyboard. It integrates really well with Analog Lab 3, plus I am gradually setting it up with the other soft synths I use (Z3TA+2, Studio One stock synths, other Arturia soft synths). It has also pretty much replaced my Roland A-500 49 key controller, except for times when I need the extra octaves (rarely). It also integrates very well with the Arturia KeyStep – another recent purchase with which I am overjoyed. Having spent twenty years using presets I have recently become hooked on tweaking and creating patches from scratch, and it’s in no small way due to this keyboard. Having loads of fun into the bargain.

    One teensy dislike is the finger strip instead of the wheel concept. Not a fan, but not worth dropping a star as everything else is so good.

  87. Anonymous says:


    Golden Review Award: 7 From Our UsersIl prodotto di per s buono, ottimo rapporto qualit prezzo….ma non riconosciuta da FL Studio, a patto di avere l’ultima versione (io non ci sono riuscito con la 12…se avete suggerimenti, vi ringrazio in anticipo). Nessun problema invece con Ableton. Un bel giocattolino insomma con cui fare molte cose.

  88. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 4 From Our UsersLove it. Having more fun now than I did when I had a wife!

  89. KathariGiles says:

     United Kingdom

    Not had much chance to use, but the build quality along with the great support software, makes this my favourite midi 25 key controller for the price range.

  90. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Great Midi controller at an amazing price. Good build quality. Highly configurable. I use it with Reason 10, works well but best not to use the pre allocated set up. Works much better if it is set up as a generic midi interface.

  91. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 4 From Our UsersThis is a nice controller/keyboard. It works for me out of the box, Linux, thanks to it being USB class compliant device. Just plug in, and you’re away. Everything works as expected, the build is surprisingly hefty too for the price bracket, metal case, everything feels solid. Happy custome

  92. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    This little fella is great. Solid and easy to use. Pain in the ar*e to set up with FL studio but once done, really good. Bundled software is great, Soundlab sounds first class. Would recommend heartily.

  93. Anonymous says:


    Lo recomiendo, el paquete me lleg en excelentes condiciones todo funcionando al 100. Es lo que esperaba a un precio justo. Gracias


  94. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 2 From Our UsersArrived pretty quick, first midi keyboard I have owned and so far loving it – comes with Ableton Live 9, which I have not yet got to grips with, but having fun on the Analog Lab…cannot wait until I get my head around Ableton. Def recommend!

  95. JohnettLZZW says:

     United Kingdom

    This is a quality piece of kit that feels really expensive for very little money.
    So versatile that I am and probably will be kept busy for the foreseeable future.
    Well worth the money.

  96. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 9 From Our UsersHaving started on the Korg 25 key and using demo’s I felt I was ready to take the next step up. Arturia is popular for vintage Synth enthusiasts. Arturia minilab mk 2 looked good, 25 keys, pads and finger sliders to make reverb etc. I had problems down loading Analog lab lite but customer service helped me by giving me another link. Ive been checking out YouTube seeing how they loop music. I’ll get back to you on if I can do it myself.
    Well I tried Ableton but couldn’t get the hang of it I use Magix for my loops and recordings. But don’t let that deter you, you might be Ableton work it out! Bad joke!
    The touch sensitivity strips were ok, but I felt I couldn’t control them as much as the Korg joystick appragator.
    The keys are a good size but was wary when touching the keys didn’t respond as quickly as the Korg, it’s with in milliseconds but you can tell.

    All in all great Software, nice sturdy controller but I’d rather have pitch wheels than strips, I’ll be going back to the Korg Microkey 25.

  97. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 2 From Our UsersPretty cool,I like tooling around in analog lab 2 with it, only downside is I’m having trouble getting it to work in ableton live 9 standard 9.7.5 and the knobs are slightly wobbly, just got an email from arturia support which will hopefully sort it. Edit: I wasn’t arming the track lol and you have to manually assign the knobs in the effect window, the help window and walkthrough helped it make sense.

  98. ElmerGoodsell says:

     United Kingdom

    Absolutely brilliantly amazing!
    Wish we had more products like this!
    Totally changed my musical horizon’s!

  99. DorothyXua says:


    Golden Review Award: 5 From Our UsersExcelente producto, muy esttico, buena manufactura. Lleg a tiempo.
    Este controlador puede servir para usuarios amateurs o avanzados, el programa que se puede bajar para usar el controlador puede ser usado como VST en cualquier software de produccin y edicin de sonido.
    Tanto si tienes conocimiento de msica o no, este controlador es muy til; no es necesario usar el software que viene con el Minilab, puede configurarse completamente desde el software que cada quien use como MIDI.
    Debo decir que estoy en una etapa de exploracin del aparato pero hasta el momento estoy ms que contento, es mi mejor compra hasta ahora.

    Gran calidad de manufactura y con gran potencial.

  100. LuzUOOyxznyqb says:

     United States 🇺🇸

    Golden Review Award: 6 From Our UsersThe reason I’m giving this controller a 4 star review is based on the very annoying fact that despite it comes with an Ableton Live license, there is no template developed for this controller within the DAW which means you can’t use it properly (according to Arturia the template will be released with the new Ableton update in April 2017).

    As for the build and features of the controller I found it pretty good, the keys feel great, the knobs and the pads. It feels a little heavy for a portable controller.