Cambridge Audio Melomania Touch Wireless Earbuds – 50 Hours Battery Life, Bluetooth 5.0 In-Ear Headphones With Mic, Clear Voice Calling, Water-Resistant, 7mm Graphene Enhanced Drivers (Black)

Cambridge Audio
cambridge audio, Melomania Touch, Melomania 1

What’s in the box?

2 x Earbuds, 1 x Case, 1 x USB-A to USB-C charging cable, 4 x Small Silicone tips, 4 x Medium Silicone tips (2 pre-fitted) , 4 x Large Silicone tips, 2 x Small Silicone selectable fins, 2 x Medium Silicone selectable fins (pre-fitted), 2 x Large Silicone selectable fins

Cambridge Audio Melomania 1+
Transparency Mode ✓
Drivers 7mm Graphene-enhanced 5.8mm Graphene-enhanced
High Performance Audio Mode ✓ ✓
Battery life Up to 50 hrs (9+41) Up to 45 hrs (9+36)
Fit / Controls Ergonomic / Touch controls Bullet design / Push controls
Noise isolation Passive noise isolation Passive noise isolation
Siri & Google compatible ✓ ✓
Melomania App compatible ✓ ✓
Sweat and water resistant IPX4 IPX5
Blueetooth True Wireless 5.0 True Wireless 5.0
Cambridge Audio

Designed and Engineered in the UK

For the last 50 years, we’ve worked hard to deliver products that help you to hear your music at it’s very best – with nothing added, nothing taken away. Designed and engineered in London, by the same team responsible for our award-winning Hi-Fi, Melomania 1+ are no exception. Immerse yourself in high-quality audio, without the hassle of wires, wherever you are.

Dimensions: 7.93 x 4.6 x 975.36 cm; 68 Grams
Model: Melomania Touch
Batteries Included: 2 Lithium ion batteries required. (included)
Manufacture: Cambridge Audio
Origin: China

130 Responses

  1. tom_walsh says:


    Great sound quality and easy to use provided pieces to get a solid fit. Price is very good and these buds are superior in sound and quality compared to others costing twice as much.

  2. Anonymous says:


    Wenn man die richtige Gre vom Gummistpsel fr seine Ohren nimmt passen die Kopfhrer perfekt. Joggen und leichtes Springen kein Problem. Klangqualitt finde ich sehr gut. Akkudauer auch sehr lange.

  3. Anonymous says:


    Despus de un mes y un da el auricular derecho dejo de funcionar , no obstante Amazon me puso en contacto con el vendedor y el vendedor reaccion de 10 me envi unos nuevos productos con un sonido genial y al llevar diferentes accesorios se adaptan genial a cualquier orificio de la oreja sin duda volvera a comprarlos

  4. [email protected] Marjorie R. Asturias says:


    Halten super im Ohr und haben einen sehr guten Klang, sehr hochwertig!!!

  5. Anonymous says:


    Melhor par de in ear phones que ja experimentei, som vibrante e banlaado.

  6. Anonymous says:


    Prese per un uso prevalentemente domestico, poco interessato alla ANC. Queste cuffie isolano comunque abbastanza bene grazie al kit di gommini presente, e stanno salde nel padiglione auricolare. Ho fatto l’ultimo aggiornamento sinceramente non ho mai avuto problemi col pairing. I comandi touch funzionano bene, ma essendo touch facile azionarli anche inavvertitamente. Il vero punto forte la qualit audio. Nulla a che vedere coi bassi pompati stile Bose. Il suono nitido e cristallino. Ho fatto un test anche con un paio di cuffie AKG HD142, di una decina d’anni, ma cuffie di quelle serie, col cavo, e le Melomania, per i miei gusti, mi sono apparse molto pi calde, vive. Al prezzo pagato (circa 100) mi sembrano un vero gioiellino.

  7. Anonymous says:

     United States

    First, I am going to dive in to my complaints.
    1) The ANC mode works awesomely and blocks out sound pretty well when wanting noise cancellation. However, my issue with these earphones is the Transparency mode, unfortunately. The Transparency mode sounds excellent if sitting at a desk, or at a standstill, with excellent directional sensation for a very natural ambience experience. The issue is, the moment I start moving, even at a walking pace, the wind wooshes over the mics, and sounds like blasting my ears with a can of compressed air. I tried these for mountain biking, and even on a very slow climb, enough of a wind factor was created to make the wind noise insufferable (even with Transparency set at or below 50%). The wind noise blocked out both the ambient sounds and the music, totally negating the benefit of a Transparency mode. Even walking around my office creates a harsh wind noise. I contacted Cambridge and asked about wind reducing technology, which they claim this unit should be able to do reasonably well (which they do not). I suppose I will return the Melomania Touch so I can try out the Sony WF-1000XM4, and/or the Sennheiser Momentum 3 TWS, or even settle for the horrible sounding Shokz OpenRun Pro bone conduction headphones if the other buds can’t suffice with wind noise during exercise (as bone conduction leave the ear canal totally unblocked at the expense of any sort of tonal quality). It would be awesome if a firmware push would help the wind noise issue, but I won’t hold my breath.

    2) The connectivity issues and touch controls are just as finnicky and inconsistent as the OG Melomania 1. Even the latest firmware update has not resolved the issues. I need to put the buds back in the battery box several times to get both buds to play equally, or get Transparency Mode to work at the same level between left and right. The Touch controls only respond to the necessary number of touches to perform a function sometimes (example the buds confuse sings, double, and triple presses and perform the wrong function). It’s passable, but annoying.

    The good:
    1) The sound quality is phenomenal. I’ve been rocking a pair of the Melomania 1’s since they first released, and they are pretty darn good, especially for their price point and ease of use. The Melomania Touch happen to carry the Cambridge sound signature, but sound substantially better in every regard. The highs are less veiled with refined detail, while never sounding aggressive, harsh, fatiguing, or too bright (especially for cymbals and distorted guitars in metal music). NOTE, I found it necessary to set the EQ to “Custom” with no EQ curve to get a neutral response. Ironically, the “Neutral” preset sounds like an icepick. The bass is even bigger than before, but significantly tighter with quick transients, with a depth of range I get out of my SVS SB-3000 subs in my home system (providing the thunder to my Dynaudio towers). The low-mids are no longer loose and bloated sounding for some recordings. The sound stage is much bigger and immersive than before. It’s pretty mind blowing how incredible TWS earbuds have come in terms of sound quality. And this pair, especially at this price point, should be on any audiophile’s wish list (as long as these aren’t used in a momentous situation). Sonically, they really blow any Apple AirPods or Samsung Galaxy buds I’ve experienced out of the water. Albums like Decapitated’s Cancer Culture, Machine Head’s Of Kingdom and Crown, and A Wilhelm Scream’s Use Your Delusion for example, sound reference quality across the whole frequency spectrum.

    2) The fit. I really love the stability fins. I was skeptical that this set only comes with silicone tips and no foamies. However, the fitment is so good for jolting, running footsteps, rapid head movements, and enduro biking, that I never felt the need for foam tips. The sound seal is great with the silicone tips. The buds are lightweight and barely feel like I am wearing them.

    If the intended purpose is top quality sound, these earbuds are great. Sadly, if the intended use involves any physical activity that needs transparency mode afor safety, the wind noise renders the mode useless.

  8. LucaFerrell says:

     United States

    These headphones don’t have ANC or a super fancy app, but what they do offer is great transparency mode, decent passive noise cancelling and amazing audio quality. Bass is super deep and reverberated well, highs are clear and crisp and half decent mids. These are by far the best headphones (either over ear, on ear, or in ear) that I have ever owned.

    I have read that these particular headphones have connectivity issues, but I haven’t experienced it save for once when I might have inadvertently initiated the pairing sequence – requiring me to re-pair the Bluetooth connection with my phone.

    Complaints – very minor, but the transparency mode seems to “renew” every few minutes which essentially turns off for a second in one ear, then the other. It’s a minor complaint, but could be disruptive if listening to an important announcement, or during a conversation.

    Compliments – these are massively comfortable. I wore them for 4 hours straight, save for minor itching inside my ear after a couple of hours I felt zero discomfort with the stock earpiece and tail-fin. The battery life is fantastic. The 9 hour playback is a bit of a gotcha as you need to switch to low power mode which (apparently) initiates a OS swap on the earbuds. Standard “high performance” mode probably lasts 6 hours which is plenty. The case has a battery that charges the ear-pieces pretty quickly. I have had these headphones for a week and have yet to recharge the case. The audio is amazing. David Gray’s – Please Forgive Me bass roll around 4:00 of the song shakes my skull, not to overpower the other audio though, but carry’s like a car audio system with a subwoofer. The equalizer in the app is awesome. The 6 stock settings are pretty quality, with three custom settings available. My only complaint is that the three custom setting names are not able to be edited. Minor complaint.

    The average – audio on phone calls is ok. I can hear them very well, but I often hear “I can barely hear you” during my conversations.

    Overall, for $99, these are a no-brainer!! If you’re on the fence I think that you’ll be hard pressed to find better audio for the cost. Get ’em! They look good, they sound good, and they last a long time. I’ll update this review in a few months after using them more.

  9. Anonymous says:


    Des couteurs de trs bonnes qualits un son extraordinaire trs confortable de multiples possibilits d’embout et ailette pour s’adapter au mieux son oreille, l’application est formidable aussi, et je vois que Cambridge c’est vraiment du srieux ils travaillent via les mises jour pour amliorer le produit c’est vraiment bien la fonction transparence et gnial, nous pouvons tout gr le volume, les appels, le changement de piste,l’assistant Google sans sortir son tlphone,le seul petit truc qui n’est pas trs gnant c’est le lger retard de l’couter principal l’esclave je pense que sa peu tre corrig pour la rduction de bruit ce n’tait pas ma priorit il a dj une trs bonne isolation passive qui isole trs bien mais je pense que par logiciel on peut le rajouter techniquement je dis a par rapport la puce quoi comme qui l’intrieur que je connais relativement bien donc j’imagine qu’il seront volutif et cela me plat beaucoup l’autonomie est impressionnante autre petite chose la gestion du bluetooth qui pourrait tre amlior comme le couplage multiples la puce le gre aussi, bref je ne peux que recommander ces intraoculaire qui sont une vritable merveille merci Cambridge pour se magnifique produits surtout se prix la il sont pour moi au bon prix

  10. AkilahSmalley says:


    … le 4 che ho dato ci sono tutte.
    Bel suono, comode, durata della batteria infinita.
    La prova del nove? Mettete a zero l’equalizzazione del player, dell’app, togliete Dolby Atmos ecc ecc. Insomma mandate sulle cuffie il suono cosi com’. Devono suonare bene da subito! Queste lo fanno. Poi potete anche aggiustare un poco il tutto. Ma dopo…
    Non c’ ANC. Poco male per me.
    Le uso prevalentemente in casa per musica e film.
    Nessun problema di paring, che invece leggo su altre recensioni (forse firmware aggiornato).
    A met del prezzo di Bose, Sony, Sennheiser ecc. avete un buonissimo paio di TWS

  11. John Halamka says:

     Italy 🇮🇹

    cominciamo a dire che fortunatamente a me non da nessun problema di connessione , si collegano benissimo sia al telefono che al pc, per me hanno 2 pregi fondamentali, sono molto comode e stabili , ed hanno un sound fantastico , dove l’equilibrio ed il dettaglio fanno da padroni.

  12. Fanny89Ckyknmi says:

     United Kingdom

    Once you sort out how to put these in the first time the sound, fit and quality is absolutely second to none, no drop outs on Bluetooth would definitely recommend

  13. Julie Bort says:


    J’aime la qualit du son
    J’aime le design
    Mais le confort la connectivit est amliore

  14. Janice says:


    Bastante buenos, para mi gusto les faltan un “punto” de graves, pero con muy buena definicin de agudos y medios. Sujetan bien y no molestan. Llevo varios das con ellos y no tienen interferencias.
    Tuve que devolver unos porque un auricular no cargaba. Por lo dems, estoy muy contento.

  15. Justin Schell says:


    Golden Review Award: 2 From Our UsersHab die Kopfhrer jetzt 8 Monate und hab mir grade andere bestellt.

    Klanglich hammermssig fr den Preis. Mit anderen Ohrstcken ( Comply Foamies) noch besser.
    Akkulaufzeit von Case und InEars ebenfalls super. Laden und erstmal vergessen, dass sie Strom brauchen.

    Problem: Das Pairing. Manchmal beim ersten Versuch, manchmal gar nicht. Auch zwischendurch vereinzelt Abbrche.
    Das macht keinen Spa.

    Auch das einsetzen ins Ohr ist manchmal sehr Hamelin, denn oft schalten sich die Dinger aus, wenn man sie nicht auf Anhieb und exakt ins Ohr bekommt. Oft wollen sie dann erst mal wieder ins Case, bevor sie sich wieder verbinden.

    Schade. Eigentlich ein tolles Produkt mit durchaus behebbaren Fehlern.

  16. Anonymous says:


    Para mi, el sonido muy por encima de auriculares de la misma franja o, incluso, superiores. Sonido muy ingls. Si ests habituado a escuchar msica con aparatos tipo NAD o Acoustic Energy, lo notars. Para la colocacin idnea te has de tomar tu tiempo ya que tiene varias posibilidades de adaptacin, pero vale la pena tomrselo. Bateria, lo recib ayer y todava no tengo elementos de valoracin. La primera impresin, me parece un producto redondo. Relacin calidad-precio muy muy buena. Evidentemente las experiencias son nicas y, dentro de unos mnimos comunes de acuerdo, cada uno relata sus valoraciones en funcin de un momento determinado.

  17. Anonymous says:

     France 🇫🇷

    Ecouteurs vraiment audiophile !! Sons exceptionnel !! Meilleur que le dernier Huawei freebuds Pro 2 que j’ai renvoy car le son n’etaiit pas au niveau attendu. Le Touch est encore meilleur que le Melomania 1+. Sonorit plus chaude, scne sonore encore mieux dfinie. Pour les commentaires qui mentionne qu’ily a trop de basses par defaux, c’est faux. Il y en a mme moins que sur le Memomania 1+. Mais avec un coup d’galiseur tout est rgl la perfection !! A acheter vraiment les yeux ferms.

  18. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    These are as good as any on the market would highly recommend

  19. GiselleSikora says:

     United Kingdom

    They are very stylish and a very good fit. I found it a bit hard at first to pair that to my phone. But once done it works every time.

  20. GonzaloGain says:


    Je n’ai pas pu mettre 5 toiles car la rduction de bruit activ manque . Cependant le rapport qualit /prix/ sonorit est excellent . Je place ces couteurs premier sur le podium pour quoi ne peut pas acheter des AirPods Pro . Une marque de rfrence .

  21. Anonymous says:

     France 🇫🇷

    Qualit sonore excellente (surtout pour le prix), couteurs confortables, boitier pratique, packaging top mais qu’ont bien pu avoir en tte les personnes charges de la prise en main du produit ?
    C’est niveau appairage une calamit absolue (heureusement qu’il ne faut le faire qu’une fois) et la mise jour plante plus de 30 fois durant l’installation du nouveau microprogramme de chaque oreillette (oui, il faut une mj par oreillette !!).
    C’est de l’user unfriendly, l’anti Apple. Par contre c’est moins cher, a tient plus longtemps et a sonne mieux.

  22. FloreneBaskervi says:

     United Kingdom

    They are sensitive to your touch so that takes a little getting used to but the sound is excellent. I would recommend

  23. Anonymous says:


    Ljudet i toppklass till ett bra pris.
    Sitter riktigt bra direkt ur boxen, tre uppsttningar av bde vingar och proppar medger bra anpassning om det skulle behvas.
    Trots medvetna och intensiva frsk att tappa dom lyckas jag inte!

  24. Anonymous says:

     France 🇫🇷

    Trs bonne qualit de son!
    Aprs un premier exemplaire dfectueux aprs mise jour,tactile hs,celui ci fonctionne sans problme sur IPhone XS ,l’equaliseur est actif mme quand la fentre de l’application est rduite,la rduction du bruit passive est suffisante avec les embouts en silicone fournis.Un son trs agrable et jamais fatiguant !

  25. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Brilliant quality. Noise cancelling is fantastic. Crisp sound and deep bass. Equaliser is a plus. App very useful.
    Would highly recommend.

  26. Anonymous says:


    Bonjour, vu que toute la surface est tactile, quand vous placez vos couteurs vous avez plusieurs bips et pour revenir la normale c’est un peu galre. Sinon rien dire sur la qualit du son surtout si vous avez de bons fichiers.

  27. MaximilBii says:


    Cela fait plusieurs semaines que j’utilise ces couteurs Cambridge audio et j’en suis trs content !
    Points positifs :
    Confortable/qualit du son/bonne application qui permet de grer les qualiseurs/ils tiennent bien pour du sport en mettant les bons embouts/grosse autonomie/mode transparent

    Points ngatifs :
    Je trouve le botier un peu lger au niveau du clapet/quelques bugs, mais rien de grave/pas de rduction de bruit active

    Franchement ce prix l, c’est vraiment une bonne affaire !

    Aucun regret !

  28. Morgan4317 says:


    Ottimo prodotto sotto quasi tutti gli aspetti (qualit audio, durata batteria, supporto app); buona l’indossabilit, nel mio caso migliorata moltissimo dopo aver sostituito i gommini di silicone con quelli di schiuma di memoria Comply tx-200. Assurdo come la popolarit del prodotto sia stata penalizzata da alcuni errori madornali del produttore. I problemi di pairing sarebbero stati facilmente risolvibili fornendo da subito le istruzioni pubblicate sul sito ufficiale. Basta seguire la procedura corretta per evitare disconnessioni, reset improvvisi e quant’altro. Per quanto riguarda l’ipersensibilit dei controlli, basta disattivare le varie gestures tramite app (operazione semplicissima), mantenendo solo quelle basilari. In definitiva acquisto consigliatissimo anche al prezzo originario di 140 euro poich suonano addirittura meglio dei prodotti Sony, Bose e Senheiser nella fascia pi alta di prezzo.

  29. Octavia9236 says:

     United Kingdom

    These headphones are awesome I was a little weary purchasing these due to some of the reviews and comments regarding connection issues but I have had none whatsoever on my Samsung fold 3. They are very comfortable for all day use and the battery life is unreal. Its a shame they aren’t totally noise cancelling but still do a decent job of blocking out noise when you want to .

  30. VerleneShipley says:

     Canada 🇨🇦

    Nice sound for the price . If you like allot of bass , they are not for you . I listen to allot of Classical so it’s not an issue for me . I have had them 2 weeks and so far so good. My hope is that they will last a couple of years if handled properly .