make sure you keep updated the game, at the beginning was full o bugs and it was crashing a lot. I got almost at the very end and it crashed with corrupted data, what happened after? I had to restart again from the beginning! so frustrating! I waited 3 months to be released updates, and patches. I even installed the free upgrade to ps5. It never crashed, I just found a few bugs that can be fixed easily just by loading the game again from the last checkpoint but nothing compared to my first experience. Now I think it’s playable for ps5 and ps4, and the game is amazing! Was still a great experience to make a second run again!
This could have been a great game but no just another half finished game fps lag is the worst I’ve experienced and there’s a really bad audio disturbances when the action intensity is ramped up, please finish the game’s before you release them, please!
This could have been a great game but no just another half finished game fps lag is the worst I’ve experienced and there’s a really bad audio disturbances when the action intensity is ramped up, please finish the game’s before you release them, please!
This could have been a great game but no just another half finished game fps lag is the worst I’ve experienced and there’s a really bad audio disturbances when the action intensity is ramped up, please finish the game’s before you release them, please!
In the age of being bombarded with ‘AAA’ games being farted out the door unfinished, broken, overpriced and full microtransactions, indie games are the way to go, and Chernobylite is definitely a hidden gem.
Bought this initially as present for my brother until he bought a PS5 so I decided keep it. I Read some negative reviews saying the game would crash and corrupt saves but recently the game has been been patched and as of writing this and I’ve had no issues so far.
I have been to Chernobyl and prypiat in 2019 and I can honestly say that I picked up this game and knew where everything was before I even started searching the environment. I am very impressed with the mapping and 3D recreation even down to the lamposts that have the small hammer and scycle on them it was almost like being there again. This game is probably the closest you will get to visiting Chernobyl and walking around the city of prypiat without actually going. Obviously there are elements in the game like bases and the reactor which isn’t like the real thing but the derelict city and river port is pretty spot on.
I’ve always had an interest in the Chernobyl disaster since it happened back in 1986. The sheer scale of devestation has fascinated me. Even now 35 years later, the area is not habitable for humans. I’ve always wanted to visit but I doubt that will be possible in my lifetime, so this is the next best thing.
The mapping out and rendering of the exclusion zone is pretty much perfect, ovbiously scaled down to suit a game and technological constraints. The atmosphere can be chilling – stand still in the wrong place for too long and your Geiger counter goes ape so you’d better shift pronto! Played in total darkness with cinema surround it can scare the poop out of you. For a truly authentic experience I’d suggest sticking to the original Russian language and using subtitles, it just doesn’t sound right spoken in any other language.
The stealth aspect of the game is pretty good but you don’t really know if you’re truly hidden or not (unlike the Thief games where you have a light bar to show concealment).
The game itself is semi-open world. Start your mission and you are transported to the area but from there you can explore a bit. Don’t spend too long exploring though or you’ll suffer from hunger and the effects of radiation, finish the mission and portal back too quick and you’ll miss loads of valuable items. You have to find the balance. I find it best to finish the mission and then explore until the warning bars flash up. I’ve yet to attempt a full open world exploration but I don’t think it will be possible.
Keeping your crew happy and building up your facilities are essential to success so you really do need to scavenge like never before. Make your team’s quarters as comfortable as you can to keep up morale. Find as much food as you can to avoid ration shortage – even more important as the game progresses and your team grows.
The only thing I think is lacking from the UI is a map of any kind. Yes, you get a printed map with the game like in the olden days of PS2 games, but a dynamic map in the UI would have been a useful addition.
All in all, this is a game I will want to play over and over.
Edit: For those of you experiencing errors, make sure your game is updated to version 1.07 and your PS4 firmware is up to date. Incompatibility issues cause the corrupted game save data.
Further Edit: Having now completed the game, the error 30028 does pop up now and again from around Day 15 onwards but you can play through it and subsequent saves aren’t affected until the error re-occurs.
For those of you struggling for resources, I’d recommend doing the side missions first along with exploration before the recruiting missions to build up a stock of food, etc.
make sure you keep updated the game, at the beginning was full o bugs and it was crashing a lot. I got almost at the very end and it crashed with corrupted data, what happened after? I had to restart again from the beginning! so frustrating! I waited 3 months to be released updates, and patches. I even installed the free upgrade to ps5. It never crashed, I just found a few bugs that can be fixed easily just by loading the game again from the last checkpoint but nothing compared to my first experience. Now I think it’s playable for ps5 and ps4, and the game is amazing! Was still a great experience to make a second run again!
I got it to just see if it looks anything like Chernobyl and I just cant stay of it now and gives me chills playing it. Just love it.
I got it to just see if it looks anything like Chernobyl and I just cant stay of it now and gives me chills playing it. Just love it.
I got it to just see if it looks anything like Chernobyl and I just cant stay of it now and gives me chills playing it. Just love it.
This could have been a great game but no just another half finished game fps lag is the worst I’ve experienced and there’s a really bad audio disturbances when the action intensity is ramped up, please finish the game’s before you release them, please!
This could have been a great game but no just another half finished game fps lag is the worst I’ve experienced and there’s a really bad audio disturbances when the action intensity is ramped up, please finish the game’s before you release them, please!
This could have been a great game but no just another half finished game fps lag is the worst I’ve experienced and there’s a really bad audio disturbances when the action intensity is ramped up, please finish the game’s before you release them, please!
In the age of being bombarded with ‘AAA’ games being farted out the door unfinished, broken, overpriced and full microtransactions, indie games are the way to go, and Chernobylite is definitely a hidden gem.
I have been to Chernobyl and prypiat in 2019 and I can honestly say that I picked up this game and knew where everything was before I even started searching the environment. I am very impressed with the mapping and 3D recreation even down to the lamposts that have the small hammer and scycle on them it was almost like being there again. This game is probably the closest you will get to visiting Chernobyl and walking around the city of prypiat without actually going. Obviously there are elements in the game like bases and the reactor which isn’t like the real thing but the derelict city and river port is pretty spot on.
The game itself is not so great but delivery was spot o
The game itself is not so great but delivery was spot o
Love that a full on CHERNOBYL Horror Game has been fully realised and is a lot of fun exploring, shooting and building etc.
The mapping out and rendering of the exclusion zone is pretty much perfect, ovbiously scaled down to suit a game and technological constraints. The atmosphere can be chilling – stand still in the wrong place for too long and your Geiger counter goes ape so you’d better shift pronto! Played in total darkness with cinema surround it can scare the poop out of you. For a truly authentic experience I’d suggest sticking to the original Russian language and using subtitles, it just doesn’t sound right spoken in any other language.
The stealth aspect of the game is pretty good but you don’t really know if you’re truly hidden or not (unlike the Thief games where you have a light bar to show concealment).
The game itself is semi-open world. Start your mission and you are transported to the area but from there you can explore a bit. Don’t spend too long exploring though or you’ll suffer from hunger and the effects of radiation, finish the mission and portal back too quick and you’ll miss loads of valuable items. You have to find the balance. I find it best to finish the mission and then explore until the warning bars flash up. I’ve yet to attempt a full open world exploration but I don’t think it will be possible.
Keeping your crew happy and building up your facilities are essential to success so you really do need to scavenge like never before. Make your team’s quarters as comfortable as you can to keep up morale. Find as much food as you can to avoid ration shortage – even more important as the game progresses and your team grows.
The only thing I think is lacking from the UI is a map of any kind. Yes, you get a printed map with the game like in the olden days of PS2 games, but a dynamic map in the UI would have been a useful addition.
All in all, this is a game I will want to play over and over.
Edit: For those of you experiencing errors, make sure your game is updated to version 1.07 and your PS4 firmware is up to date. Incompatibility issues cause the corrupted game save data.
Further Edit: Having now completed the game, the error 30028 does pop up now and again from around Day 15 onwards but you can play through it and subsequent saves aren’t affected until the error re-occurs.
For those of you struggling for resources, I’d recommend doing the side missions first along with exploration before the recruiting missions to build up a stock of food, etc.