COWAY AP-1512HH Mighty Air Purifier – Removes up to 99.999 percent of particles, viruses and aerosols – USA Best air purifier by Wirecutter, in black

Coway is a South Korean company that has been providing advanced household appliances since 1989. Since specialising in air purification systems in 1994, the company has sold more than 10 million air purifiers in over 80 countries worldwide. With over 5,000 product patents, Coway is one of the leading companies in the sector.
Coway AP-1512HH Mighty
Compact design, powerful performance
The Coway Mighty air purifier offers a 4-stage air filter system. The combination of several filters removes 99.999 percent of pollutants and harmful particles as fine as 0.01 micrometres*, which are even smaller than viruses. With cutting-edge technology, inspiring design, and attention to detail you’re sure to love!
- Named the best air purifier in the United States for 7 years in a row by Wirecutter, New York Times
- Reduces airborne particles including pollen, pollutants and other allergens
- Powerful performance with CADR 421 m³ / h (2) – cleaning of rooms up to 109 m² (3).

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Revolutionary air flow controlPurifies the air in large rooms up to 109 m² and with its advanced intelligent air flow control, Mighty only consumes the minimum amount of energy needed. | Air Quality IndicatorsLED lights show your indoor air quality in real-time with three quality levels in different luminous colours. So you can always be up-to-date on the quality of the air around you. | Vital Ion SystemDuring the final stage of the filtration process, the device generates an electrochemical reaction that reduces particles in the air. Can be switched on and off manually. | BAF/ECARF seal of approvalThe ECARF seal distinguishes products and services that are fully tailored to the needs of allergy sufferers, so that the chances of an allergic reaction are significantly lowered. |

Energy-saving, fully automatic functions
Auto mode: If the air purifier detects pollutants in the air, it adjusts the fan speed and filters up to 5.9 m³/h – for the optimal climate in any room!
Eco mode: If the Mighty detects no pollution in the room air for 30 minutes, the fan stops to save energy, but restarts as soon as the air deteriorates again.
Filter change indicator: The filter replacement indicator shows when the carbon or HEPA filter needs to be replaced – so you don’t have to keep an eye on your filter all the time.
*Coway air purifiers purify the air from dust, pollen, dander, viruses, and bacteria according to tests by KCL (Korea Conformity Laboratories). The air purifiers have been tested in accordance with the standards of the Korea Air Cleaning Association (SPS-KACA 002-132: 2018 Modified) in a 30㎥ room to measure the particle removal rate of 0.01㎛ particles. The test took place at maximum fan speed under normal room temperature and under normal humidity conditions.
**99.9% of viruses, bacteria, fungi, and pollen were verified to be removed from the air for Coway air purifiers which have GreenHEPA filter applied based on the Japan Food Research Laboratories (JFRL) testing according to JEM 1467 standard.
***Tested with InfluenzaA virus (H1N1) and Staphylococcus aureus on Coway’s GreenHEPA filter media by Japan Food Research Laboratories (JFRL) and no growth was found on the material after 24 hours kept in room temperature.
(1.) The room size is calculated according to the NRCC-54013 standard. The CADR is tested in accordance with GB / T18801-2015.
– NRCC (National Research Council Canada): Method for testing air purifiers
– Formula for room size: Room size = 0.26 * CADR
(2.) The CADR (Clean Air Delivery Rate) of particles is tested in accordance with GB / T18801-2015 by a certified third-party laboratory.
– The measurement specifications are defined in GB / T 18801-2015, according to which two particle concentration decay rates have to be determined within a test chamber with a defined volume (Vchamber): a natural decay rate with an inactive air filter (knat) and a decay rate that occurs when measured in a 30 ㎥ test chamber is carried out. Except for the air filter placed on a table, this test chamber is empty. Two fans mix and circulate the air. In addition, there are a few measuring devices (mainly hoses) in this chamber.
The chamber is kept at a temperature of 25 (± 2 ° C) and relative humidity of 50 (± 10%).
Cigarette smoke is used as the test aerosol and the number of particles> 0.3 µm is measured using an optical aerosol spectrometer using the indoor air filter (kAC).
The decay rates “k” are determined from the measured decay of the particle concentration C (t) over time based on the initial concentration C0:
The test results may vary depending on the actual usage environment of the customer.
Weight: | 5.6 kg |
Dimensions: | 42.67 x 24.4 x 46.48 cm; 5.6 Kilograms |
Brand: | Coway |
Model: | AP-1512HH (BK) |
Colour: | Black |
Colour: | Black |
This air purifier is surprisingly super quiet, I have a different one and compared to my old on, this is one is almost silent.
Works absolutely fine, no issues. Very easy to use.
I suffer with asthma and I have it on all night to reduce the dust.
Yes it is a bit pricey, but worth the money for a good night sleep.
Good size, I placed it on my bedside table. Seems to be well made, should last me a good while.
I do recommend it.
Long Story Short
Comes in well braded and premium packaging, it is fairly large unit so keep that in mind.
This air purifier is a game-changer for anyone looking to enhance their indoor air quality. It’s equipped with a HEPA filter that captures the tiniest of allergens, making it a haven for allergy sufferers. The unit is designed to refresh the air quickly and efficiently, making it perfect for use in various rooms, from bedrooms to kitchens.
One of the standout features is its whisper-quiet operation, ensuring your sleep remains undisturbed, complemented by a soothing mood light. The touch controls are intuitive, and the ability to turn off all lights for an uninterrupted night’s rest is a thoughtful addition.
The real-time air quality monitoring is impressive, with a brightly colored LED that keeps you informed throughout the day. The extended filter lifespan is a bonus, offering year-long fresh air and savings on filter costs.
The energy-saving technology seals the deal, with the device being ENERGY STAR certified and featuring an auto mode that adjusts the fan based on air quality, ensuring efficient operation.
In conclusion, this air purifier stands out for its superior filtration, quiet operation, and energy efficiency. It’s an investment in health and comfort that truly pays off.
Fantastic design and premium quality with top class filtering.
Value for money 10 out of 10
Le dimensioni del prodotto sono come mi aspettavo, ne troppo piccolo ne troppo ingombrante.
La mia casa disposta su 2 livelli e il piano terra, dove l’ho posizionato, un open space di 50 mt circa. Ovviamente con cucina a vista. L’ho preso x arginare gli odori della cottura, dei piatti del lavello (siamo in 4 e la lavastoviglie si riempie in fretta) e delle ciotole dei 2 gatti.
Appena acceso segnava blu e la prima cosa che ho pensato stata: acquisto inutile x il mio caso. Poi mi sono ricreduto non appena abbiamo acceso la piastra con sopra il pesce; la luce passata dal viola e il rumore, prima inesistente, passato “inascoltato” coperto dal comune inquinamento acustico casalingo (bambini, tv, fornelli), al rosso, sprigionando una potenza inaspettata. Lavorare, lavora. L’odore di pesce se n’ andato nel giro di poco tempo; dopo cena sono sceso in garage e quando sono tornato si sentiva a malapena.
Si prova come la sensazione di respirare aria fresca di montagna, ma senza il freddo sulla pelle. Lo ionizzatore aumenta questa sensazione. Ovviamente se lasciato alla velocit massima x diverso tempo le prestazioni migliorerebbero e si sentirebbe appieno il beneficio. Per il momento lo lascio lavorare in automatico, in modalit eco x l’esattezza che oltre alle 3 velocita, disattiva la ventola dopo mezz’ora che viaggia a 1 senza ricevere stimoli.
Ho provato a scollegare la spina e a riattaccarla e il dispositivo riprende in automatico da dove si era interrotto, quindi indicato x l’uso con una presa smart, anche se lasciato in modalit eco si pu tranquillamente far funzionare h24.
X il momento non si accende spesso, ma suppongo che appena installer la stufa a pellet lo sfrutter appieno.
Lo uso da una settimana, e per ora lo reputo un ottimo prodotto x purificare l’aria di casa in un attimo la purificare e si attiva da solo quando serve, lo consiglio
Ein tolles Gert, wir haben den auf Auto Modus gestellt und es funktioniert super. Man riecht nicht mehr den Hund, aber auch, dass etwas gebraten oder gekocht war.
Ho acquistato questo purificatore un po’ come “ripiego” rispetto ad un Dyson che aveva un prezzo
” indecente” . Ho invece ricevuto una graditissima sorpresa e credo non abbia niente da invidiare ai pi pubblicizzati e blasonati purificatori. All’ accensione vi subito una indicazione della qualit dell’ aria e se tenuto in automatico regola da solo la velocit di purificazione. I filtri sono 4 e tutti molto ben fatti. Gli odori li elimina velocemente e l ‘ aria diventa subito fresca e piacevole. Ha lo ionizzatore e la funzione eco. Rumore basso ed accettabile. Estetica gradevole. Consigliatissimo.
Abbiamo letto tante recensioni prima di comprarla,poi quando abbiamo visto che il no1 in America,l’ho abbiamo preso subito,poi era anche in sconto,a 150euro,a questo prezzo un gioiello! Aria pulita specialmente per chi ha problemi di allergia bambini in casa ! Grazie
Haben das Gert im Wohnzimmer/ in der Galerie (>35m2) im Einsatz. Hierfr ist es, in meinen Augen, gut geeignet. Es ist zwar nicht gnzlich lautlos, jedoch in der ersten der 3 Stufen angehm leise (Luftqualittsanzeige blau im Automatikmodus). Gerusche entstehen nur durch die notwendige Luftbewegung, nicht durch die Mechanik selbst und sind somit auch nicht strend. Zwei Levoit Core 300 (S) hatten demgegenber vernehmbare Lagergerusche, welche aufgrund ihrer Charakteristik wirklich nerven.
Die 2. Stufe ist klar hrbar, aber ebenfalls nicht strend/ tonal unangenehm (Luftqualittsanzeige lila) Diese Stufe wird, zumindest bei uns im Automatikmodus, nur eher selten genutzt. Stufe 3 ist demgegenber nun sehr laut, jedoch geht dies auch mit einer orkanartigen” Luftbewegung einher, die die Leistungsfhigkeit des Gerts eindrcklich unter Beweis stellt (Luftqualittsanzeige rot). Das Gert luft bei uns im Eco-Automatikmodus, d.h. sofern die Luftqualitt ca. 30 min gut ist, schaltet sich der Lfter aus und luft erst wieder an, wenn sich die Luftqualitt verschlechtert. Funktioniert bei uns bestens und erspart bislang die Einbindung ins Smarthome. berraschend ist der Energieverbrauch des Gerts, Stufe 1 bentigt ca. 3.5W, Stufe 2 um die 7 bis 8 W. Das ist schlicht und einfach top und entspricht sogar den Angaben des Herstellers – was man so nicht immer erwartet. Die bereits erwhnten Levoit sind hiervon meilenweit entfernt, den Core 300 in unserer Kche habe ich mit 15W in Stufe 1 gemessen – bei geringerer Wirksamkeit.
Der Vollstndigkeit halber: Stufe 3 des Conway zieht bei uns ca. 77 bis 80W, diese Stufe will man aber lautstrke- und zugluftbedingt nicht wirklich lnger als unbedingt ntig laufen lassen. Im Automatikmodus luft diese Stufe bei sehr uns selten, jedoch jetzt im Winter verstrkt nach dem Lften, da es hier tatschlich noch Kohleverfeuerer im Viertel gibt oder die blichen Hinterhaus-Gemtlichkeitsfanatiker, die allabendlich ihre Feuerschale abfackeln und damit nachweisbar zum luftverpestenden Feinstaubemittenten mutieren. Der Brandgeruch wird dann durch Stufe 3 auch recht zgig aus der Raumluft getilgt.
Interessant ggf. fr die Nutzung an einer schaltbaren Steckdose (hier:Ledvance/ Osram ber Hue): Das Gert merkt” sich offensichtlich den Betriebszustand und luft nach dem Einschalten der Steckdose wieder an. Lsst sich damit also auch ohne herstellereigene App ins Smarthome einbinden – der Levoit Core 300 kann das z.B. rgerlicherweise nicht, wahrscheinlich um das appgesteuerte S-Modell des 300 verkaufen zu knnen.
In Summe ist der Conway ein empfehlenswerter Luftreiniger der bei uns unauffllig seinen Dienst verrichtet.
i got it cheap 120 not the big price tag of 200 to 300 but it is good it some what cleans the air, i use to wake up with dry eyes in the Mornings and Flem in throat but it seems to be going away now. i leave it on when i go to bed. mainly leave it off in the day. unless if i cook it clears the air with frying, and sprays.
Rumore praticamente zero, facile da usare, design bellissimo, non troppo grande. Io l’uso nella mia camera da letto, ma pu essere facilmente portato in un altro stanza. The New York Times lo consiglio ed anche io.
En positivo hace su trabajo dej de toser.
Oir se oye es una pena que no sean ms silenciosos y si tienes gatos tiene el inconveniente es que al ser plano los gatos se ponen encima y pulsan los botones.
Por otro lado el temporizador pasa de 1h a 4h.El modo eco es el ms silencioso .
Super silencieux en niveau 1. Aprs je dors pas avec. Moi a passerai, pas certain pour ma femme
Mode auto efficace, je vapote, il le sens trs vite !
Il y a un bouton ion j’en conclu(espre) qu’il y a un ionnisateur, ce que j’avais pas vue dans les descriptions. Sinon, je sais pas ce que c’est.
Je m’attendais ce qu’il soit moins pais quand mme, c’est un jolie bb. faut lui trouver une place adquate et c’est pas facile surtout quand on l’utilise pas.
Mais il reste le meilleur selon le NYT, en effet je suis content du rapport qualit prix.
Consegna puntuale come sempre. Lo sto utilizzando da alcuni giorni e devo dire che funziona in modo eccellente. Lo consiglio.
Utilis dans le salon ( 1 fumeur) en mode “automatique co” il fait vraiment son job! Trs satisfait de mon achat. Il se dclenche mme avec la vaporette…
The Coway AP-1512HH just works. It has been rated as the best air purifier by Wirecutter several years in a row, and now I’m convinced. They recommend to not rely on the air sensor but just leave the device in the highest speed that doesn’t annoy you. The highest speed is loud but not obnoxious. I leave it 24 hs in the middle speed where it moves a lot of air and it’s not very loud, I have no problem sleeping with it because it’s white noise from the air flow, the are no mechanical noises. The lowest speed is almost inaudible but I’m afraid it might not move enough air for the size of my room.
It didn’t magically solve all my allergy problems, for that there is no remedy other than airing and cleaning your home well every day… But I see the amount of grime that collects every time I clean it and I’m glad that it is in the filter and not in my lungs. I would buy this purifier again.
It is a bit noisy when the machine is on its strongest, but it works very well and I put it next to the litter tray, which is very good for odour removal.
Ob die Luftqualitt wirklich jetzt besser ist kann ich nicht beurteilen.
Aber man hat schon das Gefhl, dass die umgewlzte Luft gefiltert wurde.
Es gibt im Prinzip 3 Geschwindigkeiten.
Lautstrke ist bei
1=leisen summen
2=Typisches Ventilator geruschpegel
3=nur intensiver.
Alles drei sind nicht strend.
Das gleichbleibende Gerusch ist Segen fr alle mit einem Tinitus und hilft beim einschlafen.
Im Automatischen Modus varriert die Geschwindkeit / Lautstrke manchmal je nach “Verschmutzungsgrad”
Den ersten groben staubfilter kann man nach dem abnehmen der Front problemlos rausnehmen und mit Wasser subern.
hnlich wie bei jeder freistehenden Klimaanlage.
This was bought to help with my allergy, so far it is helping, it can be noisy when running on it’s high setting otherwise it’s a good unit.
This has transformed the air in my daughters bedroom that she shares with a parrot. She no longer wakes up sneezing and blowing her nose. Also no longer taking daily antihistamines. It was worth every penny. Highly effective and energy efficient. I will be purchasing again for other rooms.
The item came very well packaged and protected. All the things you need is in the box. The air purifier is very easy on the eye lightweight and very quite on level 1 speed. Easy to clean and operate. Auto mode is spot on. Will wait for a few month to see durability as were using it daily.
Habe 3 verschiedene Luftfilter zu Hause, dieser ist fr mich der beste. Preis Leistung ist er einfach nicht zu berbieten. Der einzige bessere ist Dyson kostet aber auch das 3 fache. 5 Sterne von mir.
It’s bigger than I thought but very quiet for the size.
Works really well very quite at night so far so good
Equipo que cumple con su funcin y no hace mucho ruido. Lo hemos comprado porque tenemos muchos animales y esto ayudo mucho con las alergias cuando cambian el pelo.
This looks good and is informative too. We have it in eco mode so if the light turns purple or red then the fan is more powerful temporarily until it has filtered the air back to good quality again. The fan on 1 and 2 is so quiet that you almost can not hear it and on 3 is just like a regular quiet fan. It is so easy to set up. The front clips off so you can take the protective plastic bags off the 2 filters (hepa and carbon) and then click the front back on and plug it in. It makes the cutest little sound when you first switch it on which is also really quiet and unobtrusive.
It is of course very difficult to gauge the air quality without specialist equipment but if it is working (and I’m sure it is) then it’s giving us cleaner air indoors, especially as indoors time approaches in autumn and winter and the dreaded bugs converge (especially covid). This will not stop bugs but it will reduce them, so alongside careful infection control practice, this will really help us to protect my terminally ill, medically very fragile child from covid etc.
I have a different style which just had a dial with 1-2-3 on it and no auto option and it’s OK, but noisy- sounds like a loud kettle, so I bought us another Conway instead- so we have 2 Conway and one of the other make and I’ve also bought us a personal (car) hepa air filter too to try and win this battle!
The reviews generally for the Conway for general allergies are all excellent so if nothing else, we’ve got a great piece of kit for getting rid of all the other detritus floating around our home and it looks cool too
A great purifier and after doing the research seemed to be the best one on the market.
Auto features work great and I tested its ability to pickup bad air quality next to my Awair Element.
Low and medium are quiet enough they are barely noticeable but there is an audible difference on high that you’d struggle to work / watch a film with it on but with auto feature this shouldn’t be necessary.
I have copd and need to do all I can to stay Alive and I am sure this will help
This machine seems to be effective. The air feels cleaner but I couldn’t confirm that with any hard evidence
Noise is too loud on the highest setting, but I am able to sleep with the lowest and medium setting o
we have 3 desktop air purifiers and a Large Vax all work reasonably but the Coway is in my opinion the best by far. It is not expensive eithe
Great air purifier, works great and silent. It really does what it’s supposed to do.
I wish you could turn the sound off of the buttons when you press them.
Very pleased with the Coway. Amazon price much cheaper than the Coway site. has 3 settings + Eco. For night time I use 1 + Eco. Higher settings are louder. And the expelled air has a cooling effect!!
I’ve never had an air purifier before, so after spending a very long time researching the different brands, it seemed like this one was the very best choice for my bedroom. I’m extremely pleased with it! I’ve been sleeping so much better – no more waking up during the night with a runny or stuffy nose from my hay fever. And since I have perennial rhinitis, I will be using it all year, not just during the summer months. The surfaces in my bedroom seem to have less dust on them since I began to use it. On the low speed setting, it is incredibly quiet, barely audible at all, and maybe the very low sound is also helping me sleep better. I use the Auto setting overnight, which detects when the speed needs to increase and then soon afterwards decreases again to the lowest speed. During the day I either turn it off or use the Eco setting, which detected when it needs to turn on or off. There are many features including being able to adjust the sensitivity of the particle sensor, and the manual explains all of the features and maintenance in excellent detail. The HEPA filter lasts much longer before needing replacing than other brands. An indicator lights up when it needs replacing. It’s inconvenient that the odour filter should be changed sooner than the HEPA filter, but I’m hoping I can just replace them both at the same time, as I don’t have a need for an odour filter in my bedroom. The pre-filter can be hoovered or washed monthly and does not require replacement. And one of the best features of all – it looks really nice! I read in a review that it looks like a gigantic iPod Nano, and it does! No need to hide it behind anything – it looks like a designer object.
Estuve mirando diferentes purificadores y este representa de lo mejor que he visto a un precio razonable. Lo he probado durante par de semanas y a la verdad que es una pasada. Menos estornudos, alergia, etc. Cuando entra mucho humo de afuera, limpia el aire rpido y los malos olores que entran tambin los disipa muy rpido. La operacin es super simple con ionizador, funcin auto y detector de calidad de aire. Los filtros son muy fcil de quitar y de reemplazar y he visto que es fcil de conseguirlos.
En resumen, excelente producto que funciona como toca y cumple con lo que promete. Muy recomendable.
Having become very conscious about the quality of air my family and I were breathing indoors, together with a sibling working in an high risk environment for catching Covid-19, I began researching the role of home air purifiers in reducing the risk of contracting airborne viruses within the home environment and the impact they have on air quality.
After a significant fact-finding exercise and comparison of various air purifiers, I selected the Coway AP-1512HH Mighty Air Purifier and am not disappointed in the least.
The air purifier has a touch sensitive panel on the top consisting of a power on/off, speed selector, air ioniser, timer and a filter reset button.
Upon pressing the power button, the air purifier comes to life with a melodious tone and begins purifying the air. The speed selector button offers 3 speed settings (1-3), each faster and louder, together with an auto eco mode. I use the auto eco mode as unlike the manual speed settings the air purifier uses internal sensors to measure the air quality and adjusts the speed accordingly.
Brilliantly, if the air quality remains good continuously for 30 minutes, the device switches off the fan and goes into sleep mode until such time as the air quality dips, at which point it automatically resumes the air purification process.
Alternatively, there is the option to select a timer programme of either 1 hour, 4 hours or 8 hours; the device will remain on for the selected time.
The air ioniser button creates an ozone effect which is meant to charge the air with negative ions to purify it further, although I haven’t used it yet.
The unit is lightweight and easy to move around the home thanks to a carrying slot which allows the air purifier to be lifted with one hand.
It comes with three different filters – a washable pre-filter to capture large dust particles and hair, an odour filter which is essentially a charcoal filter used to reduce/eliminate smells in the room and finally a Green HEPA 14 filter. This latter filter is a game-changer as unlike other air purifiers for the home that I researched, this one actually filters out Covid-19 and other airborne viruses in the air, which is exactly what I was looking for. The charcoal and HEPA 14 filter do need to be replaced every 6 months if you are using the air purifier eight hours a day. Otherwise, if it is on for shorter durations then it will last longer.
The new filters are located inside the machine in the filter compartment; I would recommend removing them and reinstalling them after removing the plastic packaging prior to first use of the air purifier.
When either the charcoal or HEPA filter needs replacing an LED light will illuminate for the respective filter on the touch sensitive panel. Upon replacing any of the filters with a new one the filter reset button at the top of the machine should be pressed to switch off the notification light.
A couple of months of usage so far has left my home with noticeably better quality air, and has become a key additon to my arsenal of reducing the risk of contracting airborne viruses.
Der Luftreiniger sieht optisch gut aus und passt sich sehr gut ins Wohnzimmer ein. Zudem ist er sehr leise und verwirbelt die Luft sanft, so dass man nicht im unangenehmen Luftzug sitzt.
Nachteilig finde ich, dass man die Beleuchtung der Tasten nicht ausblenden kann. Darber hinaus wre eine Fernbedienung bzw App sehr hilfreich. Nichts desto trotzt wir sind am berlegen einen zweiten fr das Schlafzimmer zu bestellen
Bisher wurde ich nicht enttuscht. Ob sich das Gert im Vergleich zu anderen Herstellern rentiert, wird die Zeit zeigen. Bis jetzt erfllt der Coway treu seinen Dienst.
Cannot comment too much as bought from someone else but they are very pleased with how it helps with allergy symptoms.
Very happy. A little larger than we expected. Teenager loves the look as it looks like a speake
Oui sans exagration. J’habite Paris, depuis que j’ai cet appareil, je sens la diffrence dans mon sommeil, plus de gorge sche au rveil.
I turn it on before going to bed and it is almost noiseless. I use ECO mode at night.
My allergy symptoms is pretty bad around the spring time, and this air purifier helped me a lot to finally feel better.
It’s quite stylish with reasonable sound level.
In the sleep more it’s almost silent, just occasionally you will hear anything from this.
The size is nice, and the weight is also reasonable.
I move it from one room to another without any trouble.
It’s capable of purifying the air of a building up to 100 sqm however, I mostly use it in my room.
After around 1 week I found the outer filter to be full of dirt. I was thinking it really helped my lungs!
Nothing to dislike. Works as it says, haven’t tried the timer or sleep mode so cannot say how good they are but if they works as well as the rest of the air purifier then they will be excellent. I have given them both five stars based on the overall experience. It’s also nice to look at and lightweight. Would buy again.
but its a bit noisy on full power. It does deal with smells well, as if you cook something like fish or greasy food it kicks in and removes it.
Overall im impressed with the fresher air and it has helped my breathing too
I suffer from a stuffy nose in the evenings and this has seemed to clear it up. Definitely buying a second to have in another room
Wir kmpfen gegen die Pollen. Seit dem das Gert Luft ( 24 Stunden ) geht das atmen besser, Asthmaanflle sind deutlich zurckgegangen. Ich meine das das Gert hilfreich ist.
This is basically awesome. Really helps with my hay fever. Leave it running in the bedroom overnight and then move it to either home office or living room during the day. I am not disturbed by the noise. It is like white noise and very quiet on the lowest setting. No downsides.
Nice product. Not very obvious that it is an air purifier as the design is stylish. Brings out cold air too which is a plus in this hot weather. I somehow use it to cool the room. It’s actually more quiet than my air cooler hence i prefer using it. And gets rid of the smell when i am cooking
As an asthma sufferer, I can really feel the difference. The air is so clean in my home. So glad I bought this.
Excellent product, quite noisy on higher speeds, timer is very useful and eco mode a really good addition.
We use these in hotel rooms, and they work perfectly, significantly reduce dust and odours and are loved by guests with allergies. Super simple to use to the point even our customers can work them first time without direction.
Well built and sturdy unit that takes daily abuse, and the night mode is super quiet.
Highly recommended, if hotel guests can’t destroy them and can work them they got to be foolproof and reliable!
We live near a busy road so I expected the machine to pick up a lot of pollution, but in fact it is mostly on blue (best air quality), even after changing the settings so it is very sensitive. The air flow is good. The machine looks good and sturdy but pretty big in a small flat.
Overall it seems to be doing the job (sensors detects bad air quality after a meal in the kitchen and occasionally elsewhere).
I would also recommend anyone concerned about air quality to have a very good vacuum cleaner: we just got a shark bagless and it picks up a huge amount of dust quickly.
L’ho acquistato perch un’indagine del New York Times lo ha eletto come miglior prodotto del suo tipo. pi ingombrante di quanto mi aspettavo, ma per il resto fa bene il suo lavoro di filtrazione dell’aria. I ricambi sono un po’ cari.
Very pleased with this product. It lived up to all expectations
Can’t judge the air quality yet, I rely on the fact that it’s supposedly one of the best air washers. Was getting it because of my husband’s allergies for dust and some pollens, we will see if there is a difference.
Design is nice. Generally no complaints except for noise level. My husband constantly switches it off as I keep it on auto mode which means it changes between levels based on air quality. So when from blue it goes to violet (level 2) – u can hear it, when it goes to red (level 3), that’s when its disturbingly loud unfortunately:(
Overall would add a possibility to connect it to some app to be able to turn it on/off, change mode etc thru mobile phone.
Cet appareil est tou bonnement extraordinaire de par sa qualit !
Dtection automatique des odeurs, du pollen, de la fume,de poussires !
Nous respirons nouveau !
N’hsitez plus,achetez le ! Vous ne le regretterez pas.
J’ai tudi le sujet pendant tout une aprs midi et j’ai fini par dcouvrir un test comparatif de plusieurs marques diffrentes en anglais qui m’a appris que cet engin est l’un des meilleurs de sa catgorie, aucun regret !
The dust level in my room reduced after using this product so I guess it is helpful.
It’s loud when it goes to the highest mode and the fan is a little bit out of balance, making the unit wobble a little (fan speed 3). Wobble is not enough to make me return the unit and hopefully will not impact product life.
Using it fixed on speed 2 (or Eco at night) is silent without any wobbling.
Questa macchina l’ho acquistata perch mio marito soffre di allergie primaverili di stava veramente male. Ha veramente cambiato la sua vita, finalmente in casa riesce a star meglio. Quando acceso si sente appena, poi quando rileva aria da pulire la ventola parte e si sente di pi, ma non fastidioso, io ci dormo tranquillamente. Lo consiglio vivamente!
Very smart to look at, works far better than my equally expensive previous air filter, responds to changes in air quality instantly and is quiet and discrete.
Het doet Het werk zeer goed .automatisch detectie is bangelijk snel. Ik ben blij met deze aankoop
It seems to be a solid product. Only had it for a bit less than 1 month. Easy to install and operate. Good quality item. Also its footprint, even for a small flat (60 sqm), is small.
The air quality sensor is a bit of gimmick, although it has two sensitivity levels and in general, it seems to work fine. I am also not planning to use the ionizer, another gimmick in my view. The Hepa filter seems solid and the fit seems very good to me. It doesnt seem to allow a lot of air to go unfiltered. The pre-filter is really useful to trap bigger dust particles that would otherwise block the Hepa filter. However, the odor filter is a bit useless to remove odors or gaseous smells coming from paints or other house activities (detergent smell, cooking smell….), so I doubt it reduces the VOC or other not so pleasant gaseous compounds from the indoor air. I guess that if one is looking to tackle those issues one will need to go for more expensive specialized products with much better odor filters.
In conclusion, it seems to be a solid and well built product, that is easy to operate, with small footprint and quite silent. In it maximum setting it can move quite a bit of air through its hepa filter, and therefore I guess it is quite useful to keep dust levels on air to a minimun and get rid of particle pollutants from a city, mold spores, and other particulate contamination, as long as the hepa filter works nicely. Though it is quite difficult to appreciate its effects, without specialized measuring equipment. I would still recommend it for people living in a city, specially if the air quality level is not very good.
Ottimo prodotto ideale per purificare l’aria anche mentre si dorme
This really works efficiently and is very quiet. We mostly have it on automatic.
For the most part on auto the Conway will barely be audible but for certain activities, cleaning the ash out of the fire, adding fuel when lighting etc the unit will ramp up and the indicator colour will change. This usually only lasts a couple of minutes as it filters the air and then returns to near silence.
The filters are a little hard to come by and I ended up buying a replacement set from Amazon US.
Der Lfter ist optisch sehr schn anzusehen und funktioniert im Automatik-Modus perfekt!! Mehr geht nicht. Selbst in der Nacht nicht zu hren im Sleeping-Modus!! Eine absolute 5 Empfehlung!!
Gutes Gert und ist schn leise. Reinigt die Luft und sieht stylisch aus!
does a really good job and is quiet enough to run in the bedroom
Ich bin mit dem Luftreiniger sehr zufrieden, er ist relativ leise und strt im Alltag berhaupt nicht, zumindest auf Stufe 1.
Automatik Modus ist ganz nett, er scheint hin und wieder etwas mehr Partikel zu erkennen und regelt entsprechend hoch, kann aber eventuell stren, vor allem wenn er mal auf Stufe 3 hochregelt, ich halte das fr berdramatisch da man normalerweise die Luft atmet so wie sie ist und er auf Stufe 1 frher oder spter auch die ganzen Partikel raus filtert
Jedenfalls scheint der sensor gut zu funktionieren, ich empfehle dennoch den manuellen Betrieb auf Stufe 1 da er dann kaum wahrnehmbar arbeitet.
Zum schlafen ist er mir dann doch etwas zu laut, obwohl er ein angenehmes, gleichmiges Gerusch erzeugt das manche durchaus als angenehm empfinden knnten
Meine Freundin strt er z. B. berhaupt nicht beim einschlafe
Er sieht schick aus, reagiert gut auf Luftvernderungen. Das Plus: die Ione
Highly reviewed by NYT Wirecutter. I keep it set to Auto – burned an incense stick and, shortly after, the fan turned up to high (I suppose sensing the light smoke). My skittish cat is not bothered by it. Seems very effective!
Great machine. Not too noisy unless you have it in full blast. Trick is to run it for 10-15 mins on full whilst you don’t need to sit in the room rhen turn it down to auto
If you want to move it around it’s easy
I’ve mainly used on eco mode, and the pollution sensor has usually remained on blue (good air), through out the house, but occasionally goes to mauve or red when air quality is poor. This especially happens when we are cooking.
Purpose of buying the air filter was to see if it improved my health. We are surrounded by fields, have cats and suspect that my skin irritation is due to dust mites and cat hair dander. I’m also hoping that it may help with car pollutants, as we are close to the M40. I’m surprised that the sensor is generally showing blue, because of the fore mentioned problems, but for the great price of the Conway, thought we’d give it a try and see if my health improves.
Au niveau 1 il est extrmement discret, je l’oublie compltement. Au niveau 2 ce n’est pas drangeant mais au niveau 3 c’est vraiment la soufflerie.
Petit bmol cependant, pas de fonction childlock, pour empcher les garnements de tripoter a la commande! Mais cela reste vraiment mineur.
Le design est assez massif mais pas laid pour autant.
Excellent rapport qualit prix.
Easy to use and has really made a difference to the air quality in our house
Mejora mucho la calidad del aire y es muy silencioso
Works very well with two dogs and a cat at keeping the air clean . Well pleased with it. delivery was as stated.
I leave it either on auto or eco settings and find it works well the only thing is when it detects high pollution the fan goes to the fastest setting which is quite loud but setting 1 and 2 are not noticeable and are the normal settings .
We have it in the main living area on all the time.
The only thing is the control lights stay on all the time which does not bother us as its downstairs but in a bedroom would be quite bright .
Noch zu wenig Erfahrung, um das Gert abschlieend zu beurteilen. Was aber bereits auffllt, ist der beraus geringe Geruschpegel trotz ordentlichem Luftaustausches. In der geringsten Leistungsstufe flsterleise. Auch in einem ruhigen Raum, ist das Gert auf der niedrigsten Stufe kaum wahrnehmbar. Weiter Hinweise, wenn weitere Erfahrungen vorliegen.
Este aparato dice lo que hace.
Elimina olores.
Debe eliminar alrgenos, porque soy alrgico y casi no he tenido brotes.
Convivo con dos perros y aunque sigue habiendo pelo, uno lo suelta continuamente y es blanco, aparentemente hay menos.
Tampoco es milagroso.
Hay que pasar la aspiradora y si lo necesitan, peinar a los perros que sueltan pelo.
It’s bit loud when it goes to the highest mode. The auto detection makes me a lil paranoid but i try to believe it does recognize dust randomly. The dust level in my room reduced significantly after using this product so I guess it is pretty helpful.
Not sure if it actually cleans the amount/volume of air it is rated for, but it is bigger than you would expect from pictures or even video reviews.
Considerably noisy at max speed, but barely noticeable on low speed.
Air sensor seems to be extremely sensitive – which is good.
After one week of using for few hours per day – noticeably less dust accumulating in rooms on the same floor.
Overall great, 1 star short to perfect for the size and noise level at max.
Quiet, efficient, fast and looks nice. Helped my daughter with intense seasonal allergies get sleep at night in a pollen free environment.
En Eco mode, il a l’air d’tre teint mais ds qu’il dtecte l’odeur ou des particules dans l’air, il fait son travail. Quand l’odeur de cuisine sent fort, il s’acclre jusqu’au niveau 3 et c’est vrai que c’est assez bruyant au niveau 3 mais en mme temps il purifie normment d’air alors il s’arrte en 30 secondes.
Et ayant deux chats, le pre-filtre m’aide beaucoup.
Il capte bien ses poils. J’ai pris la photo du filtre aprs 24h.
+ la dernire photo : pre-filtre aprs utilisation environ 3 semaines.
En cherchant sur le net, j’ai pu constater qu’il tait bien not depuis un certain nombre d’annes et avait fabriqu d’autres modles. Mais si la marque Conway fabrique plusieurs modles, ils ne sont pas tous de mme qualit.
Ce genre de purificateur s’installe facilement. Il ne prend pas trop de place, purifie environ 35 m2 pour un volume bas sur 2,50 m de haut.
Il possde lui aussi plusieurs filtres, dont certains sont changer rgulirement selon l’usage qu’on fait de cet appareil. Il est utile dans les environnements de bois compresss colls dont manent des odeurs pas terribles pour la sant. Il filtre aussi certaines odeurs (de cuisine notamment).
Plusieurs vitesses de filtration en fonction l encore de l’environnement dont 2 vitesses silencieuses, le niveau 3 un peu moins. Si on le met fonctionnement dans une pice de repos, le niveau 1 est recommand. On peut programmer le temps de fonctionnement qui va de 1 8 heures.
Attention toutefois, ce genre d’appareils se justifie soit par une pollution aux produits de construction, de dcoration, voire du mobilier moderne, qui utilisent des colles notamment pas bonnes pour la sant. Il s’utilise aussi dans des environnements pollus (appartement donnant sur une route cause des gaz d’chappement notamment) etc. mais en plein campagne, a peut tre utilise pour filtrer les pollens, car l’air sinon est bien moins pollu (encore que … avec les pesticides et autres produits phyto sanitaires). Donc l’ioniseur n’a de sens que dans ce genre d’environnement notamment. Le prix des filtres est bien moins onreux que ceux de l’Honeywell (cot prohibitif), ce qui me laisse dubitatif que leurs qualits (j’affinerai mon commentaire s’il y a lieu, dans la dure).
Personnellement, pour l’avoir constat avec mon purificateur prcdent, dans un environnement qui n’est pas spcialement pollu, je pense qu’ouvrir ses fentres tous les matins de bonne heure durant 1/2 h, suffit pour donner un air qui ressemble ce qu’indique le capteur d’air sur l’appareil Coway…. donc, bien rflchir ce genre d’achat qui ne se justifierait mon avis que dans les centres villes et encore, tout dpend des passages voitures notamment.
Rapport qualit/prix : bon
note globale : 8.8/10
Der Coway AP-1512HH soll ein sehr guter Luftreiniger sein und eignet sich aufgrund seiner Lautstrke auch fr das Schlafzimmer. Es handelt sich hierbei um einen kompakten aber doch starken Luftreiniger.
Der Coway AP-1512HH verfgt ber eine 4-stufiges Filtersystem (Vorfilter, Desodorierungsfilter, HEPA-Filter und Ionisierung).
Interessant ist die Luftqualittsanzeige, die in Echtzeit zeigen soll, wie sauber beziehungsweise schmutzig die Raumluft ist, wie verlsslich diese Anzeige ist kann ich nicht wirklich bewerten.
Fr den Filter gibt es eine Anzeige, die zeigt wann dieser gewechselt werden sollte.
Die Modi: Automatikmodus, mit dem die Lfterdrehzahl an die entsprechende Qualitt der Raumluft angepasst werden soll. Dies sollte man aber nur nutzen, wenn man nicht gerade Schlafen mchte, denn hierbei wird es dann auch schon mal etwas lauter. Daher wohl eher in belebteren Rumen einsetzen.
Die Timer-Funktion, erlaubt eine automatische Abschaltung von 1, 4, 8 oder 12 Stunden.
Zum Schlafen sollte man die Stufe 1 whlen, dabei ist der Conway relativ leise. Ab Stufe 2 wird es schon recht wahrnehmbar und ich empfinde es dann schon als strend.
Der Luftdurchsatz soll 421 m/h betragen, dies aber wohl nur auf hchster Stufe.
Angemerkt werden sollte noch, die Filtrierung der Luft holt natrlich auch das ein oder andere an Staub heraus, dies kann man an den Filtern leicht erkennen ;), diese sollte man dann vorsichtig reinigen.
Abschlieendes Fazit:
Leiser Betrieb zum Schlafen +
Filter funktionieren auf jeden Fall bei Staub und grberen Partikeln +
Effektive Wirkung? Ich bin mir nicht ganz sicher.
Fr Allergiker bestimmt eine lohnende Investition, aber fr nicht vorbelastete eher ein Gimmick.
Der Winter wird zeigen, wie der Coway AP-1512HH sich mit der Kaminluft in dem Wohnzimmer vertrgt. Hier wird es dann wohl ein Update geben
Dieser COWAY Luftreiniger wurde von der New York Times im siebten Jahr in Folge auf den 1. Platz gesetzt. Das Gert kommt in einer sehr guten Verpackung mit einer ausfhrlichen deutschen Bedienungsanleitung und hat 2m langes Netzkabel.
Das Design und die Haptik sowie die Verarbeitung ist spitzenmig und von dem Gert geht keinerlei Geruch aus, wie es bei vielen anderen Grten der Fall ist. Die Inbetiebnahme ist schnell erledigt, nur die mit gelieferten Filter auspacken und nach Vorschrift einsetzen. Der Vorfilter ist auswaschbar und der Aktivkohlefilter besteht aus einem beschichteten Polyurethangewebe, dann folgt noch der HEPA Filter.
Etwas verwundert war ich ber den ungewohnten Aufbau des flexiblen “Aktivkohlefilters”, da ich einen hnlichen Filter mit gekrnter Kohle erwartet hatte, wie ich ihn bei der Dunstabzugshaube in der Kche kenne, aber sei’s drum.
Das Gert quittiert jede Tasteneingabe mit dezenten leisen Tnen und LED Anzeigen. Die Lftergeschwindigkeit ist in 3 Stufen whlbar, ebenso die Betriebszeit 1oder 4 oder 8 h.
Die Stufe 1 ist so leise, dass ich gut dabei schlafen konnte, obwohl das Gert nur 1,5 m entfernt stand.
Selbst die Stufe 2 strt am Tage nicht, wenn man nebenbei TV sehen will, lediglich Stufe 3 ist dann schon lauter. Dieser angenehme Geruschpegel wird durch den Tangentiallfter ( Walzenlfter) mglich.
Bei Automatikbetrieb steuert ein Luftqualittssensor die Geschwindigkeit und eine LED-Anzeige Blau/Lila/Rot, die man fr die Nacht jedoch auch dunkel schalten kann. Besonderheit ist, dass auch die Empfindlichkeit des Luftsensors in 3 Stufen angepasst werden kann. Nach Netzausfall setzt das Gert den Betrieb in der Betriebsart fort, in welchem es zuvor betrieben wurde. Auerdem besitzt das COWAY auch einen zuschaltbaren Ionisator, von dessen Funktion ich mir jedoch mehr versprochen hatte, deshalb 1 Punkt Abzug. Allerdings ist auch zu sagen, dass so ein Gert nur dann Sinn macht, wenn man z.B. wegen Verkehrslrm oder Abgasen das Fenster nicht ffnen kann, denn die Luftverbesserung mittels geffnetem Fenster ist schneller und energiesparender. Die gnstigen Ersatzfilter ( 20 – 40 ) beinhalten neben dem HEPA Filter, gleich 2 Stck. Aktivkohlefilter.
Insgesamt ein Gert, welches sehr gut verarbeitet ist und auch gut funktioniert, wobei fr mich unklar ist ob der Ionisator bei meinem Gert funktiniert oder nicht.
Absolutely fantastic. It works as u see and read all reviews.
Sound is undetectable most of the time in Auto/Eco.
I use it on 1st floor, aprox 60m, and no sneeze anymore:). Hardly recommend.
stato semplice da configurare e sembra molto ben fatto.
Quando non funziona al massimo, molto silenzioso. Non notiamo alcun rumore, la maggior parte delle volte.
It helped us a bit with our allergies. You can feel how air gets cleaner.
If there is only one slight negative it is that in full power mode it can be a bit loud. Rarely does this mode need to on as I run it in automatic but sometimes when cooking it will raise the noise floor in the house.
Happy with the purchase!
This product is wonderful for my allergy. It very helps for my throa
disinfetta l’aria ..
I kept it on from the day I got it and it has improved the air quality of my loft. I should say that I’m highly allergic to dust and I haven’t sneezed since I got the purifier.
About the noise I could say it isn’t a noisy one, especially on a low setting as 1. Starting with speed setting 2, you might have trouble sleeping with it in the same room. The next setting “speed 3” is… well, let me put it this way: it starts to travel around the room.
I saw somewhere being written that you can’t turn of the lights. Well, not all of them, but the main light, which is the Air Quality indicator it can’t be switched off by pressing the “Ionizer” button for 3 seconds, so you can’t be bothered by light during night time.
It came with the filters mounted already so all I did was plug it in and turn it on. That’s all you have to do, but keep in mind that the filters last for 6 month and replacements could be not so easy to find.
I do recommend this purifier, as I felt the effects personally.
Great product. Easy to use, effective and sensitive in trapping aerial allergens. Helps me to manage my mucosal allergies better.