Ergon Men’s Sm Comp Saddle

Driver and wheel together as one unit. The design of our saddles and handles is matched to the shape of the body and leads to a better distribution of opposite forces. Uncomfortable pressure points and related complaints are eliminated.
Ergon developers are also passionate cyclists. They develop and test new concepts and ideas extensively where they are used – in the heat of the race, on the road, in the forest and on the bike paths throughout the city.
100% of our research and development performance takes place under one roof in beautiful Koblenz in Germany. From computer simulations to fast 3D prototypes to the final form of the product, each process is closely linked and subject to careful control.
Pro riders and teams.
Professional drivers play an important role in developing our products. The sporty competition drives demands to a higher level, while the detailed feedback from riders who spend life in the saddle leads to improved product design for everyday cyclists.
Weight: | 386 Grams |
Size: | S/M |
Dimensions: | 35 x 19 x 10 cm; 400 Grams |
Brand: | Ergon |
Model: | EG-44001001 |
Colour: | Black |
Pack Quantity: | 1 |
Batteries Included: | No |
Manufacture: | Ergon |
Colour: | Black |
Department: | Men’s |
Department: | Men’s |
Quantity: | 1 |
Size: | S/M |
Not completly pain free but lot better than old saddle ( whyte saddle) . Doing about 3 hour rides so not bad at all.
Wouldnt say worth 70 quid 50 more like it.
Ich habe schon mehrfach gnstigere Sttel gekauft und lande immer beim gleichen Ergebnis, wer billig kauft, kauft zweimal.
Mit diesem Sattel war ich auf Anhieb zufrieden.
Er hat keine dicke Polsterung, aber fr sportives Fahren genau das richtige.
Aus meiner Sicht klare Kaufempfehlung.
So far im satisfied, saddle is made out of quality materials, so comfortable, after three hours of ride i dont feel any pain or numbness.
Saddles are kind of a personal preference sort of thing, so hard to say much about the comfort. The quality is there and has a better than average amount of front-back adjustment thanks to the long rails. It is wider than I expected from the Small/Medium size, but I got used to it pretty quickly.
I had a pretty high end Bontrager saddle, this one compares nicely and is a good fit, feels nice, but does have possibly a creak after about 5 rides… I’ve heard it once or twice so hopefully doesn’t get worse. But I do like this saddle a lot and I’d recommend it.
I really enjoy this seat. My last seat, man, though good and lasted many years, I always got a little sore spot on my butt cheek. I’ve had this seat for months and haven’t had that problem.
Completely silent for me! YAY!!! Replaced a very creeky Brooks (which was well comfy but the endless noise drove me NUTS). The Ergon is both very comfy and a balm for my sanity. I am very happy and relieved to have a decent seat.
Mit dem Ergon SM Comp Sattel habe ich endlich meinen Sattel fr mein Mountainbike gefunden!
Schon lnger war ich auf der Suche nach einem passenden Fahrradsattel fr mein neues MTB Hardtail (kein e-Bike) und habe mit dem Ergon SM Comp endlich einen passenden Sattel, bei dem nichts drckt, knarzt oder wackelt und mein Hinterteil bestens bei allen mglichen Sitzpositionen platz findet.
Der Grund fr einen anderen Sattel:
Mit dem Standardsattel von meinem Rad-Hersteller Cube war ich unzufrieden und suchte eine bessere Entlastung im Dammbereich fr lngere Fahrten.
Nun suchte ich einen Sattel mitten in der Corona-Krise und hatte somit nicht viel Auswahl, weil besonders die guten und gefragten Sttel ausverkauft waren. Zudem war eine Sitzknochen-Vermessung beim Radhndler zu dem Zeitpunkt nicht mglich und htte mir die genaue Breite meiner “Sitzknochen” verraten, womit ich dann einen passenden Sattel gefunden htte.
Warum der Sattel von Sqlab nicht geholfen hat:
Um jedoch den besten Sattel zu finden, ging ich auf Suche und gelangte schnell an die Marke SQlab, die bekannt fr ihr System zur Druckentlastung im Dammbereich ist und Online konnte ich mir bei SQlab eine kostenfreie “Sitzknochen-Vermessung” fr Zuhause bestellen. Damit konnte ich dann meine Sitzknochenbreite von 12 CM ermitteln. Ob diese aber korrekt und so genau war, wage ich zu bezweifeln. Denn fr die Auswahl eines Sattels bei Sqlab musste der Sitzknochen bis auf den Zentimeter genau bemessen werden.
Der Sattel von SQlab hat anfangs auch soweit gepasst, war dann aber auf lngeren und anstrengenderen Passagen eher unpassend und sorgte fr Taubheitsgefhle.
Der Ergon SM Comp als Lsung:
Als ich mit dem Sqlab Sattel immer noch nicht zufrieden war, ging ich erneut auf die Suche und bin dann bei der Marke Ergon angekommen, die mir schon zuvor bekannt war. Durch einen Arbeitskollegen wurde mir dann der Ergon SM Comp empfohlen, den ich in der Gre “Medium / Large” bestellte.
Denn fr meine zuvor ermittelte Sitzknochenbreite von 12 CM ist die Gre “M/L” laut Ergon-Webseite die passende:
Empfohlene Sitzknochenbreite laut Ergon:
Small/Medium (S/M): 9 – 12 cm
Medium/Large (M/L): 12-16 cm
Nun bin ich mit dem Sattel schon einige hundert Kilometer geradelt und bin endlich super zufrieden mit meinem Radsattel. Dank der breiten Sattelflanken hat man jederzeit genug Ausweichmglichkeiten, um seinen Po neu zu positionieren und hat trotzdem noch genug Auflageflche, damit es nirgends drckt. Daher hatte ich mit 12 cm Sitzknochenbreite auch zur Gre M/L gegriffen, anstatt zu S/M.
Der mittige Damm-Entlastungskanal ist grozgig und bietet damit Freiraum fr jederman(n) 😉
Die Druckverteilung beim SM Comp ist auch anderes als bei vergleichbaren Stteln. Die Sitzflche enthlt keine Gel-Einlagen sondern anderweitige spezielle Pads die das Sitzen noch angenehmer machen.
Tipp fr MTB: Den Ergon SM Comp nicht komplett eben montieren, sondern besser die Sattelspitze etwas nach unten neigen. Damit gibt es etwas Vortrieb durch das sowieso schon etwas erhhte Sattel-Heck.
+ Entlastung im Dammbereich fr die druckempfindlichen Stellen
+ Optimal Druckverteilung verhindert schmerzenden Po
+ Breite Sattel-Flanken fr Ausweichmglichkeiten auf dem Sattel
+ Schicke und sportliche Optik
+ Bester Sitzkomfort fr sowohl kurze, als auch lange Fahrten
Einen Minus-Punkt wrde ich theoretisch fr den Preis geben, der aber nicht als Kritik fr den Sattel gewertet werden kann und durch die Corona-Pandemie verschuldet ist und die Preise durch die hohe Nachfrage in die Hhe schnellen lie.
Denn den Sattel habe ich im Mai 2021 fr ca. 110 gekauft, obwohl selbst die unverbindliche Preisempfehlung vom Hersteller bei 99 liegt. Inzwischen kostet der Sattel nur noch 75 und sind somit 35 weniger, als noch vor fnf Monaten.
It’s all ready well knowing brand. Heard enough about it and bought it. Yes it’s good and way better than my stock sea
I read a lot of the bad reviews on here and was concerned buying this but in the end I’m happy I did. Someone said the seat didn’t allow for sliding side to side while riding which is just flat out false, they must have bought the wrong seat. I recommend going on their website to see which seat is best for you, it worked for me!
Been riding this saddle for over a month now, and have Never experienced numbness ever again. Great product!
Good saddle…it’ll take some getting used to I’d imagine as any new saddle would. I’m 5’8″, average build and thinking maybe I should have gone for the larger size. Time will tell.
Sella molto comoda la pi ergonomica mai provata materiali e costruzione di ottima fattura valida sia per MTB che per e-bike front o trial (per le enduro c’ l’apposita sella) se desiderate qualcosa di pi snello e leggermente pi dura c’ la versione SR da strada comunque molto confortevole
Per ora tutto bene. La sella sembra comoda ma ho fatto pochi kilometri. Prodotto fatto bene
I use an SM pro on my mountain bike and got the SM comp for my exercise bike. These saddles are great, wonderfully comfortable, just make sure you get the right size.
I have two of these as I have two bikes a full suspension and a hardtail mtb and I have to say these are comfortable and the quality is outstanding! Ergon products are tip quality!
Good seat takes a few rides to get use to buy if definitely more comfortable than most seats.
This seat is a great and is very well designed and made.
I love it!
This item literally took almost three months to arrive. Was it worth the wait?
Comfort: This is a comfortable Mountain Bike Saddle as many reviews will attest.
I’ve tried saddles from Norco, Specialized, WTB, and Brooks (Cambium C17) etc and the Ergon is definitely the most comfortable (so far).
Comfort wise it will not compete with your well oiled road bike B17 leather saddle but its not meant to. I wouldn’t use my B17 for mountain biking and I wouldn’t use this Ergon (SM Comp Medium/Large) on a road bike.
The rear of the saddle is slightly flared which I find really nice, you get a definite “planted” feel when you sit back down after rising off the saddle.
The slight flare doesn’t seem to be an issue rising out of the saddle, I don’t find it catches cycling shorts any more or less than any other saddle I’ve used.
If you can wait for delivery, it is a very good mountain bike saddle option based on my experience so far, it works well on my fat bike.
Outside of a beach cruiser seat, this is the most comfortable seat I have ever used. There isn’t any discomfort anything. Longest ride thus far has been 30 miles, roughly 5 hours, and my rear end was great!
Finding the right saddle is a long and expensive process, I’ve tried over ten to find the right one. In this case the Ergon SM Comp is the right one and suits my anatomy perfectly — I bought three, one for each bike. I also tried the SM Pro, however found the Comp more comfortable, and more supple (and noticeably cheaper, the weight difference is negligible).
It’s well made, fairly light weight, and it’s hard to find a minimal design on a saddle which this one has — it’s matt black and has understated branding which I like.
The best thing is I don’t even know it’s there! All discomfort has gone!
I ride mostly enduro/ all mountain/ little bit of cross country.
With my old Rocket wtb seat on the same trails my nuts would go numb as I was leaning forward going up steep hill
Also on flats it would hurt me. (Could’ve been cause seat was old and worn out )
But this one OMG fits way better and has eradicated the numbness.
In the 1st couple rides 4 or so it was a bit firm for my liking but after that ride it was fully broken in and hard to describe .
Firm but not hurting.
Will buy again and will recommend this sea
Very comfortable as advertised and not as expensive as my Selle Italia. Saddles are a personal preference, but if you want something light and comfortable I’d give this one a try.
Great durable, ergonomic seat. I use this for 3 hour XC rides and does great. Light weight.
I’m 42 now and had issues with saddles my whole life – until I got this one. No more numbness or painful buttocks. Why didn’t I buy this sooner?!? There are easy ways with cardboard to measure your hip bone width. Check YouTube.
I never realised that a seat could make such a difference, but riding with other seats has become a hazing challenge now.
Great product!
I’ve been on 3 rides with this saddle now. It is as advertised. Very comfortable and seems rugged – crashed once already and no damage. I did not have any issues with movement in the saddle. I think the material on the outside has changed because the saddle I received does not match the picture. For a detailed picture of the new version of this saddle visit the Ergon website.
Sehr guter Sattel. Die Gesschmerzen gehren der Vergangenheit an. Klare Empfehlung.
After purchasing a new 2020 Giant Trance, I was not happy with the Giant Connect saddle that the bike came with. This is fairly common for me as I don’t typically care for the saddles that Giant produces, but I do love their bikes. My current saddle on my 2018 Giant Trance is a WTB Rocket that has held up well for 1 year that it has been installed. For the new bike, I wanted something a little more high end. I compared the Ergon SM Comp, the Fabric Scoop Comp, WTB Volt, and the Specialized Phenom Comp. I did quite a bit of reading around the internet from resources such as singletracks,, and In the end I narrowed it down to the Ergon SM Comp due to the male focused ergonomic design and the reviews I read from trusted sites.
Before purchasing, I went to Ergon’s website ( and used their saddle selector tool to help me pick the best saddle for my intended purpose. I selected the following:
Type of Bike: Mountain Bike
How do you use your bike: All mountain/trail (I do a mixture of all mountain, enduro, downhill, and XC but figured all mountain encompassed all of these points)
How often do you use your bike: 4x per month
Sit bone width: 10.1 cm
Entered my age and and gender
And selected “pressure sensitive buttocks” and “pressure sensitive genitalia”
The results were the Ergon SM Comp.
To be sure I got the best idea of how this saddle would feel, I ensured I had it installed properly. Many people just slap a saddle on, try it, hate it, and then flame the brand. Quite a bit of times, saddle soreness can be attributed to a poor bike fit. The saddle angle may be too high or too low, the handle bar height may be too high or too low, or the bike just simply isn’t set up to the riders level of flexibility. My current set up on my Giant Trance is a 30mm stem, 780mm handle bars with 20mm of rise set by spacers, a 0 degree (so completely level) set angle set almost fully aft. This is where the saddle felt most comfortable while in a static test position.
Upon installing the saddle, I was unsure if the I chose the appropriate width for the saddle. I have a ischial tuberosity width of 101mm, so add 30mm as standard and that put me right in the M/L range of the saddle, but my sit bones felt like they were hanging just on the sides of the saddle. I decided to take this for a test ride on an 18 mile loop that consisted of XC, some technical boulder climbing, and a couple downhill sections. To maintain consistency, I also wore my Louis Garneau liners with gel chamois. Also, to get an idea of the weight and pressure I am putting on the saddle and my sit bones, I am 70.5″ tall and weight 175 fully geared for a ride.
So Ergon claims that they have put research in to creating a male focused, ergonomically designed saddle that delivers give in the saddle frame and added padding in key areas for comfort. Along with a wider nose for climbing and a rounded sides to accommodate times that you need to get off the saddle for improved clearance and decreased clothing snag. I believe that these claims are true.
During my ride, I rode roughly 12 miles of XC course, 3 miles of technical climbs and descents, and about 5 miles of smooth downhill single track. While riding the XC course, I remained on the saddle for most of the ride, Between the suspension, my inner liners, and the saddle, I experienced no discomfort during the ride. My sit bones felt planted in the right places and the wider nose did help when I needed to shift forward for uphill climbs. At no point did I need to leave the saddle to relieve pressure on my sit bones, nor my perineal area. The cut out worked well and I had no numbness, which tells me this saddle does help to maintain blood flow to your important bits. The saddle did appear to have descent give, but the saddle frame was noticeably more rigid than the Giant Connect saddle frame. Overall though, this had no effect on the comfort level I experienced during testing.
During the technical and downhill sections, I did have to some off the saddle for a majority of the ride, and the design of the saddle played an important role of ensuring I experienced not catching on my 11″ inseam shorts. I found the saddle easy to maneuver around and had no issues going back or coming forward over the saddle in the fully dropped position on my dropper seat post.
Overall, I do like the fit, finish, and feel of the seat. The microfiber outer cover is a bit tacky (sticky, not cheap), but I did read that when wet it can get slippery. I live in a fairly dry climate, so I don’t think I will ever have to worry about that. The all blacked out design complimented my bike well. The finish was great and appears to have no factory defects. The padding is firm but does give well and you can feel the extra padding in the sit bone areas. The frame is fairly rigid in my opinion but does appear to give and does not feel bouncy when out on the trail. I cannot attest to longevity since I have only had the saddle for roughly 1.5 weeks now, but judging by the look of the seat, I feel it will last for about 2 years before I will have to replace it. In comparison to the WTB Rocket that I have on my hardtail, I do like the Ergon saddle more. The wider nose definitely helped on climbs and the extra padding, coupled with the give in the frame and the cut out gave me 18 miles of pain free riding. My WTB rocket on the other hand, would give me some saddle soreness that would last roughly 24 hours. The next day after riding I was not sore and had no discomfort either.
If you are in the market for a new saddle, I would definitely give the Ergon SM Comp a try. Most importantly though, make sure you get a proper sit bone measurement prior to purchase. The Ergon site will recommend a saddle to you based off you height, weight, and hip circumference, but the best judge of width is measuring your sit bones. Also, if you do not ride with a chamois, you need to ask yourself why. If you are doing any type of off-road riding, a chamois is an important part of you gear setup and will definitely increase the comfort level in the saddle. The pair I wear is only 39.99 and I will say that they are worth every penny. They easily fit under my MTB shorts and I typically will not ride without them, unless I am doing a downhill shuttle days. So snag this seat, a comfortable chamois, and enjoy your ride!
Excellent saddle. Just make sure you get your set bones measured and order correct size. Go to Ergon for sizing.
Having been an avid bike rider for over 30 years I had settled into the fact that saddle soreness was just part of riding. I have only ridden about 30 mile on this saddle on mostly singletrack trails in two trips. I’m 6’5″ and weigh 230lbs. I put this saddle on my hardtail fatbike and I can say I have not felt the usual soreness that I have always experienced in the past. No soreness at all. Great product. I can’t attest to how long it will hold up but for now I am very pleased with the saddle.
Bike – RSD Mayor with 4″tires on mulefut rims and Manitou Mastadon fork.
Der beste Sattel den ich bisher fr mein Mountainbike hatte und ich habe schon einige durch!
Mega bequem, auch auf lngeren Passagen im sitzen. Und nicht zu breit fr die Trails.
my last saddle was fine up to about 30 miles and then I would get sore, I purchased this saddle and have been able to ride up to 60 miles with no soreness in the rear, great quality
Super Sattel. Anfangs etwas gewhnungsbedrftig. Man versprt keinen Druck mehr und auch bei lngeren Fahrten keinerlei Schmerzen.