Fenge Standing Desk Converter 36in Black Height Adjustable Desk Converter with Keyboard Tray Sit to Stand Up Desk SD360001WB

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Work Surface Measures | 66*40cm | 66*50cm | 91.5*40cm | 110*60cm |
Keyboard Tray Measures | 84*30cm | |||
Height Adjustable Range | 6 to 40cm | 5.6 to 40.5cm | 11 to 50.4cm | 73.5 to 123.5cm |
Weight Limit | 10kg | 10kg | 15kg | 100kg |
Weight: | 13.6 kg |
Dimensions: | 60 x 90 x 50 cm; 13.57 Kilograms |
Brand: | Fenge |
Colour: | Black |
Colour: | Black |
Wir haben dieses Produkt gekauft da ich leider keinen festen Arbeitsplatz habe und im Homeoffice sonst am Kchentisch arbeite. Der Steh-Sitz Schreibtisch eignet sich hervorragend fr mich und ich kann einfach die Hhe verstellen mit Bildschirm und anderen Dingen auf dem Gestell. Sehr stabil und gut verarbeitet. Ich bin rundum zufrieden und kann nun endlich auch im Homeoffice ab und zu im stehen arbeiten.
I’ve used this for quite a while, it’s pretty strong though I do have 2 monitors on top and can be a little worried when I have it extended to the top. I don’t think it will move though. Otherwise it looks great and has been lovely and reliable
Das Stehpult macht einen sehr hochwertigen Eindruck und lsst sich aufgrund der Gasfeder sehr leicht und ohne Probleme auf die gewnschte Hhe einstellen.
Es ist auch sofort Einsatzbereit. Lediglich die Tastaturablage muss angeschraubt werden.
Klare Empfehlung!
Eigentlich habe ich schon sehr lange vergeblich auf einen hhenverstellbaren Tisch im Bro gehofft. Leider hatte ich diese Alternative nie in Betracht gezogen.
Auch wenn ich da selber in die Tasche greifen musste und diese Erhhung selber bezahlt habe, das war es mir auf jeden Fall wert.
Stabil und erfllt seinen Zweck.
Das Teil kommt und nur noch die untere Platte musste befestigt werden. Es wiegt etwa 10 Kg und passt perfekt audf meinen Esstisch und zwar die kurze Seite.
ber den Hebel lsst sich die Gasdruckfeder ansteuern und der Tisch fhrt ganz leicht rauf und runter.
Platz ist oben fr meinen Laptop und einen 20-Zller. Und die Kaffeetasse.
Unten hab ich Maus und Tastatur sowie Papier und Stifte.
Ich (173cm) fahre ihn komplett hoch und kann dann aufrecht stehen und geradeaus gucken, so wie es fr mich angenehm ist.
Die max. Hhe hngt natrlich ein wenig von der Tischhhe ab, auf der das Teil steht…
Ich bin echt froh es gekauft zu haben und rgere mich ein wenig, dass ich es nciht frher entdeckt hab.
Only had for a day but so far so good. Sturdiness is excellent and it has a very smooth up and down motion. Time will tell if it lasts but at the moment well worth the buy.
Easy to set up, sturdy good quality and very aesthetically attractive.
Life changer, works perfect to this date. It’s light easy to carry if needed. Comes assembled. Wide enough for laptop and monito
The desk has fixed all my working needs, and it has also improved my health.
It is a bit small for 17 inch laptop but I use with second screen and reverse table so fits on top and large screen where laptop would normally be set. Sturdy table and good height adjustme
Seit langer Zeit schaue ich schon gebeugt in meinen Bildschirm.
Ich habe nun die Mglichkeit meinen Arbeitsplatz auf die optimale Hhe anzupassen ohne den Stuhl oder andere Dinge zu verndern.
Sehr leicht in der Handhabung und gute stabile Verarbeitung.
Kurz gesagt, wrde ich wieder kaufen.
A great platform with a really durable surface. Lifts easily with a laptop, keyboard and monitor. The surface works well with a mouse. Stable even at full height.
This is a great product for the price paid. At the time, it was the cheapest I could find that would comfortably take 2x 26in screens.
It holds these two screens, and raises them, without significant effort or issue.
The design – e-sport asthetics and textured surface – is a bit horrid, but I rarely notice inuse. This is more of a functional purchase, than pretty.
Easy to assemble, dead easy to use. Smooth one handed action to raise. I use it with massive curved screen and the mechanism coped easily.
Can set to precise height and would suit pretty much any height person.
Very generous deck areas, especially keyboard shelf which allows any combo of keyboards, trackpads and mice.
Looks good but does look a bit busy. Phone / tablet slot and pen slot really useful addition.
Only complaint is the unavoidable flex in the mechanism which causes movement when you put any sort of weight on front edge, but you soon get used to it. You shouldn’t need to put any weight on it (unless you like to rest your wrists in front of keyboard or mouse. )
A limitation which you will have with any desktop version is that it is hard to set up with enough room to place a notepad or similar in front of the slightly raised keyboard shelf when the unit is down at normal sitting level.
Has a bounciness to it that makes me uneasy. Have a laptop and a single monitor (27 inch fullfat) on it. Goes up and down reasonably well not 100% rigid when up but is certainly usable and unless you’re prepared to go for a full new standup desk or a dual gas strut more expensive table top solution then so far cant complain at the price point.
Definitely worth to buy it.
Easy to assemble, easy to adjust height not wobbly at all.
Easy to switch between sitting and standing and sturdy in both even with a widescreen monitor. Would recommend
Good product. Sturdy product for long time use. Could be better if the option to pull up and down would be easier.
I purchased this desk in early February 2021 and started using it with the intention of standing to work periodically but almost immediately found that I didn’t want to sit down to work at all. Within a week or so I had completely stopped lowering the desk. I am around 6ft tall and find the maximum height setting to be the most comfortable. I was wary of standing for Zoom-type meetings, thinking I would probably fidget more but I have actually found that I tend to stay more static than I would when seated in my office chair, due to the tendency to rotate and / or lean backawards in the chair – I may be alone in this though! I must, however, warn would-be purchasers that, although the desk appears solid and robust, internally the ‘wood’ is fibreboard / mdf and leaning too heavily on the shelf will cause the screws to pull the desk apart. This happened to me yesterday (4th December 2021) so, in fairness to the product, I have been using it and leaning on the shelf pretty extensively for about 10 months before it gave way. Even now, it did not go completely – one screw partially pulled out – but it was clear that any weight on it at all after that would make it give way totally. If, like me, you do break the shelf like this, it may help to know that I have repaired this by fitting a piece or real wood above the screw and using a longer self-tapping screw to go through the desk into the new wood, which not only puts it back together but gives it more strength than it had before, without ruining the look of the thing too much. A couple of pictures of the repair (which I may ‘pretty up’ later, painting black?) are shown with this review.
Von der Bestellung bis zur Lieferung hat alles geklappt. Bin auch sehr zufrieden mit dem Produkt. Ist sehr stabil und einfach zum montieren. Gebe problemlos 5 Sterne.
Feels well-made and fairly sturdy, though you shouldn’t lean heavily on the keyboard shelf when it’s raised. I went for the widest desk I could find, as I do online maths tuition and needed space for two monitors and some paperwork on the top shelf, and a graphics tablet as well as the keyboard and mouse on the keyboard shelf. As you can see, they do all fit, though it’s a fairly small graphics tablet; if it were any bigger then I’d need a smaller keyboard.
My laptop is mounted on a stand that I already had; the G-clamp on the stand is quite deep so I had to have the edge of the desk protruding over the edge of the table to allow it to be fitted. Fortunately the desktop is a bit wider than the base so this was possible by pushing the base right to the edge of the table.
When it’s unladen, the gas lift will raise it effortlessly and it needs to be pushed down to lower it, but with this much weight on it you do need to lift it, and it will lower itself when the handle is pulled.
(This won’t show up as a verified purchase, but only because it was bought on my husband’s account.)
Very practical, sturdy and easy to setup and use sit/stand desk. The keyboard tray has plenty of space for mouse, keyboard and note book. The main desk area is plenty for a 24″ monitor and 15″ laptop side by side. It would work will with a 16″ laptop as well as two 24″ monitors side by side as well. The back of the main desk area has a notch to fix a dual monitor stand to. Useful! The pen tidy area and tablet/phone slot on the top deck is handy as well. All in all, I’m very happy with this product. It fits perfectly on my compact desk and it’s ideal for a compact, home office setup.
This is brilliant, great set up to keep you on the feet all day instead of sedentary arse sitting. Everyone who has to sit at a desk all day needs one of these.
It’s not working, it went up and not able to go down, not even sure how to return in this condition and has no way to contact the seller
28 Oct Update: it works now and really like it (need to push a bit in order to lower the table)
I ordered this after a back injury left me unable to sit in a chair. Delivery was quick, assembly incredibly easy (just screw on the keyboard shelf and you’re away) and it’s more than up to the job.
I looked at a few similar items and went for this as it’s slightly larger (90cm where most of the others listed as large are 80cm) and since I use two monitors I’m glad I did – I would’ve struggled to get both on anything shorter I think.
I was on the fence about buying this and very glad I did. It sits on top of a desk/surface and is easy to move between the standing and sitting option. Great relief for my back after 18 months working from home! It was easy to assemble and had no problems with it so far. Much cheaper than a full on standing desk and can be used on any surface. Can be a little wobbly when I type sometimes but other than that, great. I have a laptop and a monitor on the to land have more than enough space. The keyboard section is great as well.
– SIZE – Definitely go for the 36″. I don’t know how else you would have a monitor and laptop side by side.
– EASE – a simple gas lift to move up and down. Also easy to assemble with all the tools included. Only 4 screws for the keyboard panel.
– PRICE – comes in mid range, but definitely worth it. Really robust and sturdy. Nothing shakes when I type. It was also delivered quickly.
– FEATURES – It fits my Lenovo monitor 26″, X1 tablet (work device), Jabra headset, external hard drive, speakers, keyboard and mouse, Toshiba laptop 17″. It also has a slot that can be used for a tablet device and pens. I use it for pens and to keep both my work and personal phone in.
HEALTH BENEFITS – sitting down at my desk for up to 10 hours has taken a toll on my back. I have an ergo chair that cost around 800. That hasn’t resolved the issue as much as this. I feel great, no more pain and improved cognition (just search the risks with sitting down, worse than smoking apparently!)
Don’t hesitate and buy it. Great bit of kit! Now for a desk treadmill
Absolutely love this thing! No more numb bum for me.
Easy to put up, easy to adjust, very sturdy and good height range.
I got this for my work desk, thinking about getting a second one for my personal desk.
Decent price too!
Glad I ordered the 36in for my twin 27in monitors.
Costa effettivamente molto, ma robusto e ben fatto. La qualit costruttiva davvero molto buona
Le produit est tel qu’attendu: solide, stable, design, pas trop lourd
Le service client a t trs ractif
Produkt entspricht genau meinen Vorstellungen. Perfekt geeignet fr zu Hause.
Bestellung, Aufbau (nur 4 Schrauben um das Haltebrett fr die Tastatur anzuschrauben) – hat alles sehr gut geklappt – also empfehlenswert!
Using it for a week. really useful as a solution for long hours sedentary job.
Bin sehr zufrieden damit. Es ist stabil, auch wenn es bei Benutzung der Tastaturablage minimal schwankt (lsst sich wohl nicht vermeiden). Sehr einfache Hhenverstellung. Hlt Tastatur, Laptop und Bildschirm locker aus. Der Aufsatz selbst ist relativ schwer, spricht aber fr seine Stabilitt.
I love this desk and I have to say it’s a life saver. My back and knees feel stronger. The desk itself is easy to put together and easy to use. I don’t shy from changing the height multiple times per day.
Superbe station assis debout pour le tltravail. Remplit parfaitement son rle.
Petites prcisions techniques : La limite des 10 kilos peut tre dpasse sans soucis. Le problme ne viendra pas de la capacit de la structure supporter la charge de plus 10 kilos en position releve mais plutt la facilit d’lever celle-ci sans efforts. Sous les 10kg, la structure s’lve toute seule quand vous actionnez la manette. Pass les 10kg (comme dans mon cas) il faudra aider la structure la force des bras
Pour ma part, j’ai sur cette station mes deux crans (un de 5kg et l’autre de 4kg) et mon mac mini de 4kg. Par contre j’utilise un bras support pour le deuxime cran qui fait environ 6kg. Tout tien sans problme
Le vrin employ est de type gaz bloqueur rigide avec 800N de force (tiquette prsente sur le vrin). Il maintient trs bien la position d’lvation. J’ai prvu de tester quand mme avec un vrin de mme type plus puissant.
This product is perfect for home or office use. It came 99% assembled I just needed to attach the keyboard part. The gas assisted piston is smooth and the lever to pop the desk up and down is easy to use.
Very pleased with this.
Been working from home for over a year now and my back has been a little problematic at times being of a certain age!
This allows me to mix my day up between sitting and standing.
Just make sure you have enough space on your desk for this and whatever other space you need, papers etc
Overall super pleased with this.
Easy to adjust. Assembly was easy. Really love this, makes life so much easier. Space for laptop and monitor. Flexibility to move keyboard and monitor and laptop setting
A good product, much needed, which neatly converts your laptop desk from a sitting desk to a standing desk.
When it’s in the down position, it’s difficult (almost impossible) to get started, especially if you have back issues. Easier with another person helping. Solved this by using a couple of blocks of wood underneath to stop it going quite back down to the bottom.
Once you’ve actually got it moving, it’s quite easy to lift into position.
Could do with a few more cable clips to route the cables neatly around the lifting mechanism.
Absolutely love the desk. Product is so well described and does everything it says on the tin.
See photo for what it can do
Positives = well built, operates smoothly, good size for monitor and laptop, useful pen holder.
Negatives = movement when extended, not strong enough to lean on, cable mgt could be better.
Overall im pleased with the product. Standing to work is a game changer. I matched my desk with an ergo mat which helps with back and knee strain.
The trick is to learn not to put weight on the stand when leaning.
I like this stand…but it does wiggle when you type, in either the up or bottom configuration. So your monitors vibrate a little as you type. Might be my OCD, but it does annoy me a bit.
I have to admit to still spending most my time sitting but this easy to manoever desk gives me the option to stand.
It is invaluable when using use or making videos as everything rises to eye height with a simple squeeze of the lever (Do remember to cut the cable ties which threw me for an hour!)
Sturdy, easy to use and spacious 🙂
Value for money and can recommend for work from home.
Easy to assemble, went for small size and its perfect. Easily fit two screens if required. Very happy with product.
Bottom shelf does not retract so may extend a little over the edge of some office desks but I haven’t found this to be a problem. Overall very pleased with build, functionality and very good value for money.
Fantastic product, sturdy and durable. Would be good if keyboard unit could be rolled out.
Zwar nicht ganz so stabil wie deutlich teurere Lsungen, aber um ab und zu stehend arbeiten zu knnen, gut. Wrde ich empfehlen und wieder kaufe
Perfect… have been using it with. aheavy cinema display 27″ and a macbook. No issues. The keyboard panel when raised might get a little wobbly
It’s so good and helps me stand more instead of sitting all day at work
Just set it up. Took minutes. Bought it due to lock down and not wanting to waste away in my chair. I love it. Well worth it. Bigger that I expected but that’s fine. Great!
Ottimo prodotto, estremamente stabile e non scivola grazie ai piedini in gomma (la uso su un tavolo di vetro). L’altezza ottima sia per stare seduti quando la si abbassa, che in piedi per persone alte. Ottima!!
es sencillo y me vale para lo que lo quiero pero es caro para la calidad que presenta, si apoyo el brazo como lo hago en una mesa, suena un leve crujido, ya veremos lo que dura porque es un detalle que no me ha gustado por lo dems esta bie
Ganz leicht wackelt die Tastaturablage, aber das ist ja auch logisch..
das hoch und runterfahren funktioniert wirklich einfach und flssig und mein Laptop (13 Zoll) und ein weiterer Bildschirm (27 Zoll) haben gengend Platz um nebeneinander zu stehen
wrde ich auf jeden Fall weiterempfehlen!
I don’t usually add reviews, but am so pleased I thought I had better
At work we use the full sized Vari Desks – but whilst they are bomb proof, they are really heavy! (and twice as expensive)
With lockdown I’ve missed the ability to stand-up during conference calls etc.
A colleague suggested his style of unit….had a look and took a punt.
Firstly, ordered it at 5pm…arrived 11am next day, great service as always from Amazon.
Secondly it’s a lot lighter than a Vari-desk, and so my fear that my IKEA work space would bow under the pressure is alleviated.
Assembly was a piece of cake – 10 minutes (I couldn’t see the cable tie to be cut at first….once spotted I was good to go), a black cable tie on a black work station isn’t obvious.
The elevated height is great (I’m 6 ft) and can work comfortably at the station.
Size is ample, you can see I have a laptop docking station and HP 48 cm monitor, standard HP keyboard and space for a mouse and notebook. (as an aside all that gear was bought from Amazon Reconditioned…..I recommend that route also if you can find some)
Yes the unit does wobble a tiny bit, the rails need a it of space to move, but for homeworking it’s absolutely fine, and you get used to that within minutes. I was nervous that the keyboard shelf would be a bit flimsy, but that’s not the case.
Ich habe mir den aufsatz frs Homeoffice bestellt und bin sehr zufrieden damit.
Es erfllt sein Zweck und ist stabil. Der Aufsatz lsst sich mit einem 27″ Monitor & MacBook sehr einfach hoch und runterfahren. Ich empfehle zudem die vorgeschlagene Monitorhalterung, jedoch lsst sich der Aufsatz dann nicht vollstndig unterfahren, weil die Halterung der Mechanik im Weg steht.
Qualitt sehr gut, rauf- und runterfahren funktioniert reibungslos und ohne grere Wackler. Es passen ein Bildschirm + der Laptop drauf.
Eine gute Option, wenn man zwischen stehen / sitzen abwechseln mchte und bereits einen Schreibtisch hat bzw. nicht noch in einen hochfahrbaren Tisch investieren mchte.
Ich habe mir diesen Aufsatz gekauft um auch stehend arbeiten zu knnen. Die Verarbeitung wirkt sehr gut und auch die Stabilitt ist gegeben. Die Gasfeder macht auf mich einen guten Eindruck und kann auch alle Komponenten (Monitor, Laptop, Docking Station, Keyboard) zuverlssig heben und senken. Der Preis passt auch fr mich und die Kommunikation mit dem Verkufer (ich habe die Rechnung angefordert) erfolgte schnell und zuverlssig.
I’ve been working from home from my dining room table for the last 8 months and finally took the plunge to buy something that allows me to both have a more professional setup as well as being able to work standing up, compared to be sat down for 10 hours a day. I did my research and came across this. I was a bit dubious to start with considering this is about 50 cheaper than the next priced similar items but I honesty couldn’t be happier. It’s strong, sturdy, can hold both a monitor and my laptop and is great and still stable when extended to full height. If there was one thing to change if I could, which is being really picky, is that the keyboard part could slide/retract under where the monitors are when at it’s lowest setting so my keyboard isn’t an inch higher than my dining room table but this is only a minor point. If in the market for something like this… BUY THIS ONE!
I love being able to stand – having this option is great for my back and also gives freedom in presentatio
This product is perfect for making any table or desk a stand up desk. Its perfec
Stabil. Rutschfest. Trgt bei mir monitor und Notebook. Tastatur und Maus auf dem unteren Element. Auf- und Absenkung funktioniert einwandfrei.
So wird aus dem Esstisch doch noch ein angenehmes Home Office
Der Aufsatz ist nach dem Aufstellen leicht zu bedienen. Den Hebel an der rechten Seite nach oben drcken und man kann den Tischaufsatz hochheben oder hinunterdrcken. Auch whrend des Anhebens/Absenkens habe ich keinerlei Verkanten oder Verklemmen bemerkt. Dafr ist etwas Kraft notwendig. Das sollte auch bei strkeren Rckenschmerzen mglich sein, da man sich dafr nicht bcken mu. Die Tastaturablage erscheint mir fr eine Maus etwas zu schmal. Das strt mich nicht, da ich einen Trackball benutze.
Fr die Montage braucht man keine Bedienungsanleitung. Das einzige zu montierende Teil ist die vordere Ablage fr Tastatur und Maus. Die kann man entweder auf die Montagewinkel aufgelegt oder daruntergesetzt anschrauben. Letztere Variante reduziert den Abstand zur Tischplatte, was fr die Handhaltung beim Tippen vorteilhaft sein kann. Der bentigte Kreuzschlitzschraubenzieher liegt bei. Auerdem werden einige Dmpfungselemente aus Moosgummi mitgeliefert.
Sollte auch die Gasdruckfeder genauso stabil und langlebig sein, dann kann man mit dem Aufsatz rundum zufrieden sein. Er ist eine Alternative fr Rume, in denen kein Platz fr einen Hubtisch vorhanden ist. Der Aufsatz pat auf Grund seiner Abmae auch auf schmalere Schreibtische. Bereits der erste Einsatz war eine Entlastung fr meine Rcken, da ich nach lngerem Sitzen Rckenschmerzen bekomme. Aus meiner Sicht ist dieses Gert eine eindeutige Empfehlung. Das ist absolut keine minderwertige Chinabilligware.
This is a little cheaper than most similar products. I will second other reviewers here – assembly is easy, it’s sturdy, seems a simple design and good build.
Exactement ce que je recherchais! Ce systme permet d’viter l’achat d’un bureau lectrique pour un prix moindre. Trs pratique, utilisation simple. Permet un changement de position rapide pour travailler la maison ou au bureau. Je valide 100%
Buena sujecin, muy estable, mejorara el espacio del teclado, permitiendo calibrar la altura.
Used for turning my dining table into a working from home station, but I could see myself using one of these in an office to allow me to give by back a bit of respite by standing up to work some of the time.
Folds down not exactly flat or small, but good enough for me to be able to pop it away into the cupboard under the stairs when not in use.
Overall, very happy for the price paid – wish I’d bought one sooner!
Sehr ntzlich, super stabil, einfache Montage
Einfach empfehlenswert weil die druckfedern das rauf u runterfahren easy machen trotz Gewicht von Laptop, Bildschirm u Tastatur
– nur genial!
Really easy to assemble. Smooth moving it up and down into standing/sitting position. Very sturdy and secure, my monitor and laptop feels safe. It doesn’t need much pressure to move it at all. Definitely well worth the money!
La calidad es muy buena, tiene una palanca para subir y bajar que sirve muy bien. Adems es muy espaciosa, todo cabe perfecto: monitor, computadora, IPad, teclado y mouse, hasta la taza de caf de la maana. Muy recomendado para mantener ordenado el espacio de trabajo
So easy to assemble and set up, handy having the little slot for pens, markers etc….. It looks stylish and is very sturdy, I have my laptop and 27inch monitor without any issue at all.
I’ve recommended it to roughly ten people already , some have placed their orders and received it already and love it as much as I do!
a friend you purchased one is a well-being coach and said the below
‘Why is standing healthy? Why would you stand at a desk? First of all it’s better for your posture. It activates the NRF2 anti aging/resilience gene via our thigh muscles. You also feel more alert. ‘
You won’t regret investing!
Nice product . Good quality and looks sturdy and elegant on our desk. Now we can work at home standing up instead of spending the whole day sitting. We previously ordered another one from Amazon basics and it never came . This one came on the next day and we do not regret this choice !