I hated the demo it totally didnt show how good this game is and when i see this for 19.99 thought id give it a go and glad i did. Im really enjoying this game more than most i can feel like infamous/assasins creed vibe here give it a go you will be suprised
Takes a while to get used to the mechanics of the game but after that, what an impressive game. Incredible, dynamic, new form of gaming. Sure you can blast through the game. I played almost 100hours on my first playthrough (hard mode) and the story has so much more meaning when you fill in the lore by exploring the world.
Cannot fathom why people have bought this game and then moan that it is something new. Your setup does also matter with this. If you have a decent setup you get much more back from the hugger resolution and refresh rate options that this game comes with. I played 4k 120hz and was blown away on most evenings.
Enjoyable. If you’re after the kind of game that this describes itself as being then I can’t recommended enough. Open world is nothing short of incredible
Well I can’t really review this other than I bought this as it was reduced from its original 50 plus price tag. It does look amazing from the 15 minutes that I’ve played of it so far.
The price paid was easier to live with and was delivered next day too.
Overall this is a pretty decent game. The graphics are great, but the language may not be to everybody’s taste (though, as Frey is a New York street kid, what would you expect?). The game gets better the further you get into the story. Certainly, there is an amount of repetition, but overall I think it’s a decent game well worth spending time completing.
I decided buy the game despite the bad reviews. It’s an enjoyable game but not without its flaws. I found story interesting, the combat is good with using magic and the magic element gets better as you progress further into the game.
The thing i didn’t like with the game was having to going to locations and fighting loads of enemies. It just got a bit repetitive on that front. The technical aspect of the game isn’t great, even on performance mode when fighting loads of enemies there were noticeable FPS drops.
Underrated game. The combat is actually very fun. It’s a 25h+ game that has a slow start and crap first 5 hours. After which it gets better and better. Once the game opens up and you start to unlock spells it gets very fun. The story is not bad either – won’t win any Oscars but not too bad.
L’objet reu est conforme la description de l’article achet.
Concernant le jeu : Pour un enfant qui dcouvre les jeux de fantasy, c’est une bonne chose. Il finira le jeu dans 5 ans. Qutes FedEx gogo !
Mais pour les adultes, c’est gonflant… surtout la moraline woke fministes 2 balles 5 franc 6 sous. Le progressisme, c’est sympathique. Mais l, ce n’est pas du progressisme, c’est juste du “on prend le joueur pour un dbile misogyne”… Heureusement qu’il y a l’option pour couper les dialogues du jeu, et juste profiter du gameplay. Gameplay qui d’ailleurs est trs mal fait, puisque la dernire phase du jeu o on rcupre de nouveau pouvoir, ne nous donne pas l’opportunit d’en profiter et de les dvelopper. On sent que les dveloppeur se sont vite dpcher de terminer le jeu vers la fin. Le jeu mrite d’tre vendu 40, pas au dessus. D’o l’toile en moins. Oui, je suis bon client de jeu de fantasy. Donc, si la fantasy, c’est pas votre truc… ou que vous tes svres sur les jeux, vous avez compris, “fuyez pauvre fou” (rf Gandalf).
Such a nice game finally without any remaster, a title really worthy to play, an extremely easy game to play but hard to master. Enjoyed the game so far and provides you with so many choices and a vast map to explore.
Really enjoyed this game. Zipping an flipping around throwing magic at enemies is a lot of fun. Graphics are great, the story is great and once you get used to the movement and controls the big magic moves are a spectical indeed. They light up the whole living room. It does start a little slow but you have to give it til your at least out of Cepal. The movement is a thing to get used to, so give your self time to get used to it, keep at it guys you’ll get used to it. Once you do its a fast paced and great game to complete. Cant fault any part. Well done square enix hopefully theres a sequal. Recommend you buy. Amazon delivery, excellent as always.
Forspoken fehlt es vielleicht etwas an Feinschliff. Trotzdem gefllt es mir ausgesprochen gut. Das Parkour- und das Kampfsystem machen richtig viel Spa. Wahrscheinlich habe ich einen Nischengeschmack. Ich mag No more Heroes, Bayonetta und Devil May Cry. Deshalb strt mich die Grafik auch nicht. Es sieht trotzdem alles irgendwie super aus. Die Atmosphre in der Open World ist super und man hat jede Menge Platz fr Parkour und Kmpfe. berall sind Mini-Bosse. Es gibt jede Menge zu entdecken. Wenn man auf normal (oder leicht) spielt ist man allerdings recht schnell OP. Positiv aufgefallen sind mir auch die individuellen Einstellungen die man vornehmen kann und das bersichtliche Men bzw. die bersichtliche Menfhrung.
If people played the all the way through then maybe they will like the the game but if you play just for hour then you you will not like it because you have to put the time i
Das Spiel ist Fett, die Grafik sieht geil aus und die Zauber Effekte einfach krass. Frey nutzt viele Schimpfwrter, das passt zum Charakter und gefllt mir gut. Ich hab Spa und versteh die schlechten Wertungen nicht. Die Box war auf englisch, das fand ich ein bisschen komisch, bisschen sus vom Verkufer…
I pre-ordered the full game from GAME as it comes with the exclusive Steelbook after playing the Demo which I personally feel doesn’t give this game justice. This is another one of those games that is accessible to everyone but not every gamer will stick with, bearing in mind Square Enix are involved ; fans of their style of RPG will love this game but others will probably find it boring, linear & repetitive. I find the graphics, gameplay, soundtrack, characters, story and world are beautifully done however there will be a lot of annoyances for people in this game… which personally for me don’t bother me so much but I can understand that it will with the vast majority. 1 being the constant chatter between Frey & her Cuff companion but that can be changed in the options. 2nd are the NPC’s & lip sync, so called cringe dialogue and having to stand still frozen during certain conversations in-game which does slow pace down ; for me I don’t find it a problem but can I see the complaint there too. 3rd is it’s combat style, lock-on & camera won’t be to everyones liking, I can already see this being a problem for a lot of people as it can get hectic fighting multiple enemies, trying to dodge, spin the camera and lock on/off & switching during magic and targets during fights. So far i’m about 11 chapters in and I absolutely love this game but it’s not without it’s flaws and bugs, a few textures don’t pop in straight away and there is the odd AI movement and clothing clipping i’ve noticed but I can see in time all of that will be ironed out. It’s playable at least. Performance on PS5 is good, i’ve only noticed a slight frame rate drop here n’ then & i’m playing it on Ray-Tracing mode on a 42” 60hz 4K. I would like to see this game on a 120hz VRR OLED TV as I think the better your refresh rate, the better this game will look and perform, could be wrong but if you own that kind of monitor/TV then it’s a win all round. So far owning the PS5 this have become 1 of my favourite games on the console along with Horizon Forbidden West, Returnal & Demon’s Souls
EDIT : Recently purchased a Philips OLED TV & i’m currently replaying the game in 120hz with VRR enabled. Feels so much better, smoother & fresh. Highly recommend playing this game with 120hz mode turned on in the options and VRR enabled on the PS5.
I hated the demo it totally didnt show how good this game is and when i see this for 19.99 thought id give it a go and glad i did. Im really enjoying this game more than most i can feel like infamous/assasins creed vibe here give it a go you will be suprised
Takes a while to get used to the mechanics of the game but after that, what an impressive game. Incredible, dynamic, new form of gaming. Sure you can blast through the game. I played almost 100hours on my first playthrough (hard mode) and the story has so much more meaning when you fill in the lore by exploring the world.
Cannot fathom why people have bought this game and then moan that it is something new. Your setup does also matter with this. If you have a decent setup you get much more back from the hugger resolution and refresh rate options that this game comes with. I played 4k 120hz and was blown away on most evenings.
Enjoyable. If you’re after the kind of game that this describes itself as being then I can’t recommended enough. Open world is nothing short of incredible
Well I can’t really review this other than I bought this as it was reduced from its original 50 plus price tag. It does look amazing from the 15 minutes that I’ve played of it so far.
The price paid was easier to live with and was delivered next day too.
Overall this is a pretty decent game. The graphics are great, but the language may not be to everybody’s taste (though, as Frey is a New York street kid, what would you expect?). The game gets better the further you get into the story. Certainly, there is an amount of repetition, but overall I think it’s a decent game well worth spending time completing.
The thing i didn’t like with the game was having to going to locations and fighting loads of enemies. It just got a bit repetitive on that front. The technical aspect of the game isn’t great, even on performance mode when fighting loads of enemies there were noticeable FPS drops.
Underrated game. The combat is actually very fun. It’s a 25h+ game that has a slow start and crap first 5 hours. After which it gets better and better. Once the game opens up and you start to unlock spells it gets very fun. The story is not bad either – won’t win any Oscars but not too bad.
L’objet reu est conforme la description de l’article achet.
Concernant le jeu : Pour un enfant qui dcouvre les jeux de fantasy, c’est une bonne chose. Il finira le jeu dans 5 ans. Qutes FedEx gogo !
Mais pour les adultes, c’est gonflant… surtout la moraline woke fministes 2 balles 5 franc 6 sous. Le progressisme, c’est sympathique. Mais l, ce n’est pas du progressisme, c’est juste du “on prend le joueur pour un dbile misogyne”… Heureusement qu’il y a l’option pour couper les dialogues du jeu, et juste profiter du gameplay. Gameplay qui d’ailleurs est trs mal fait, puisque la dernire phase du jeu o on rcupre de nouveau pouvoir, ne nous donne pas l’opportunit d’en profiter et de les dvelopper. On sent que les dveloppeur se sont vite dpcher de terminer le jeu vers la fin. Le jeu mrite d’tre vendu 40, pas au dessus. D’o l’toile en moins. Oui, je suis bon client de jeu de fantasy. Donc, si la fantasy, c’est pas votre truc… ou que vous tes svres sur les jeux, vous avez compris, “fuyez pauvre fou” (rf Gandalf).
Such a nice game finally without any remaster, a title really worthy to play, an extremely easy game to play but hard to master. Enjoyed the game so far and provides you with so many choices and a vast map to explore.
Colis Amarriv dans les temps, envoi soign.
Je n’avais pas fait attention que la bote n’tait pas en franais… Le jeu oui c’est le principal.
Really enjoyed this game. Zipping an flipping around throwing magic at enemies is a lot of fun. Graphics are great, the story is great and once you get used to the movement and controls the big magic moves are a spectical indeed. They light up the whole living room. It does start a little slow but you have to give it til your at least out of Cepal. The movement is a thing to get used to, so give your self time to get used to it, keep at it guys you’ll get used to it. Once you do its a fast paced and great game to complete. Cant fault any part. Well done square enix hopefully theres a sequal. Recommend you buy. Amazon delivery, excellent as always.
Kann nicht verstehen warum manche das Spiel schlecht machen, wir finden es toll, tolle Grafik, tolle Zauber und und und.
Forspoken fehlt es vielleicht etwas an Feinschliff. Trotzdem gefllt es mir ausgesprochen gut. Das Parkour- und das Kampfsystem machen richtig viel Spa. Wahrscheinlich habe ich einen Nischengeschmack. Ich mag No more Heroes, Bayonetta und Devil May Cry. Deshalb strt mich die Grafik auch nicht. Es sieht trotzdem alles irgendwie super aus. Die Atmosphre in der Open World ist super und man hat jede Menge Platz fr Parkour und Kmpfe. berall sind Mini-Bosse. Es gibt jede Menge zu entdecken. Wenn man auf normal (oder leicht) spielt ist man allerdings recht schnell OP. Positiv aufgefallen sind mir auch die individuellen Einstellungen die man vornehmen kann und das bersichtliche Men bzw. die bersichtliche Menfhrung.
Alles so wie angegeben. War zwei Tage frher da wie angegeben.
EDIT : Recently purchased a Philips OLED TV & i’m currently replaying the game in 120hz with VRR enabled. Feels so much better, smoother & fresh. Highly recommend playing this game with 120hz mode turned on in the options and VRR enabled on the PS5.