FUNLIO 3-in-1 Swing Set for Toddler with 4 Sandbags, Heavy-Duty Kid Swing Set with Safety Harness, for Backyard, Indoor/Outdoor Play, Folding Metal Stand & Clear Instruction, Easy to Assemble & Store

Weight: | 8.21 kg |
Dimensions: | 76.2 x 43.18 x 20.32 cm; 8.21 Kilograms |
Brand: | FUNLIO |
Model: | 001 |
We live in a colder region, and going outside to swing isn’t feasible for the kids. Now, my 1-year-old can swing inside. She loves the swing and will not get out of it. The stand itself is sturdy, even without the sandbags, as long as you don’t push the swing too high. Assembly wasn’t bad but I’d recommend having an extra set of hands when you put it together. The poles kept falling on me, but I was setting it up by myself. Great product and I highly recommend!
Top, bien solide, bon matriaux.
Ma fille en est fan et l’utilise tout les jours que se soit la balanoire ou le sauteur.
Je suis contente d’avoir pris les deux en un.
Je recommande.
Super comme cadeau pour un enfant qui aime boug etc.
This swing is great for infants! It’s super easy to store and move around to keep your baby near you and enjoying the swing! Great price and easy to assemble!
We keep this inside for now. Granddaughter loves not only to swing herself, but she puts her stuffed animals in the swing to swing them! Great buy! The only thing we had to do after we set it up, was to put packing tape over the hinges so my granddaughter can’t push the hinges up and down. She like to figure out how things work. Very inquisitive. But simple fix.
The baby jumpy was easy to assemble and the quality is good. The apparatus is of average sturdiness but with the weighted bags it is very sturdy. The jumpy is colorful and a great value for the money. My grandson loves the activity and it is helping him on many levels. It helps me also because I can get things done as he entertains himself.
I bought this for my 1-year-old grandson to keep at my house. He loves it. The ropes are much too long for the height of the frame. If there are extensions for the poles, I would advise adding that to your purchase.
Comprata altalena per il compleanno di mio nipote ma sotto il sole la cintura del seggiolino ha perso resistenza e si rotta: l’azienda in poche ore mi ha inviato un nuovo seggiolino con la cintura.
Ottima altalena e facile da montare, non ingombra lo spazio. Qualit medio/alta.
Der Zusammenbau ging ziemlich einfach und schnell.
Die Anleitung dazu war auch sehr gut beschrieben.
Passform des Stecksystems der Rhren hat sehr gut gepasst ohne dass es wackelt.
Leider sind die Schrauben Kreuzschlitz Schrauben.. htte mir viel lieber Imbus gewnscht…
Ansonsten sehr zufrieden da es sehr stabil steht wegen den Sandscken die sich einfach mit Klettbndern an die Ecken der Schaukel befestigen lassen und dadurch sehr stabil stehen.
Dazu hat die Schaukel groe Gummife.
Le regalamos a mi hijo el columpio para su primer cumpleaos y no hay da que no lo use. Lo tenemos en la terraza de casa y funciona perfectamente a pesar de encontranse en el exterior. Est como el primer da. A diferencia de otros peoductos similares, este lleva unas ventosas y unos pesos que permite aportar tranquilidad para que el columpio no se vuelque. El montaje fue fcil y rpido. Gran acierto en la compra.
Lo compre para mi nio de 4 aos, llego en muy buenas condiciones, uno lo tiene que armar pero trae las instrucciones, asi que todo bien, se arma muy facil… debes ponerle las bolsas azules llenas de tierra en cada pata y ya queda muy seguro, en asiento lo puedes ir modificando segun vaya creciendo tu nio, todo es muy resistente, a mi hijo le encanto, si lo recomiendo
Thought the sand bags were missing. But after further investigation I found them .thought they were part of the seat .all together now and grandchildren love it .Good quality product .apologies to the supplie
Bought this for my 1 year old grandson and he loves it, brilliant that you can take the guard bit off as he gets olde
I’m an old man, so I don’t always find things easy to assemble.
My one year old great-granddaughter loves it. I’m sure that my great-grandson will also enjoy it when he is old enough.
The “sand bags” tip to fill with bottles of water is also very good and clean where we live.
The swing is easy to assemble, inexpensive and sturdy after you fill the 4 bags with sand and attach them to each pole. We only used the swing for 1 year old who enjoyed the swing very much.
This swing was such a great purchase. Easy to put together. Easily folds up to be carried outdoors or brought into the living room on bad weather days. It’s been fantastic for a little girl who loves to swing!
A mia figlia di due anni piace molto. Il fatto che si pieghi una grandissima comodit. Non stabilissima, ma non la trovo pericolosa.
Ci vogliono dei dadi autobloccanti. Perch i suoi si svitato col andare avanti. Non adatta in alloggio come gioco fisso. Troppo ingombrante. Ma per il cortile ottimo
My 2yr old granddaughter loves this swing. I love that we can take it outside and she can enjoy it inside.
My grandson is seven months old and loves it My grandson loves i
Il prodotto veramente carino e stabile. La mia bimba di quasi due anni pesa 12 kg e mezzo e l’altalena non si sbilancia. Ottima sia per esterno che per interno! La consiglio!
Great value! This swing is stronger than I thought, my 4 year old loves it. Cannot wait for my 4 months old to try!
Provides hours of fun for little ones but be careful as this is not too sturdy
I think my son is assembling it now as been busy. Looks good. Hoping i will see it working next time i go down to them
Great product when it’s so hot outside. Indoor is so safe and nice
Not the sturdiest but it works well especially for the price!!
Great swing you will get your money worth but the instructions were horrible I really had to kinda put my Common sense togethe
You have to keep pushing it,,, the old wined ups are bette
My 18 month old Grandson loves his new swing! Safe & sturdy. Highly recommended
Love the size. However, one of the ropes is twisted so it swings slightly off balanced.
Excelente producto, muy fcil de instalar y muy practico y cmodo para mi hija
My 2-year-old loved this swing so much and didn’t want to come out! We had a little issue with some of the parts initially, but when we let them know, they were very responsive and accommodating, and they sent us the needed replacements ASAP.
My great grandson loves it. Best purchase I have made.
Instructions could have been clearer. Looked good once assembled. Expected the swing to be taller, as it’s stated it can be used by teens.
But turns out this is not using frame, but attaching ropes to a tree.
Having said that our 1 year old granddaughter loved it. Folds easily to move and store if required. The 4 feet are suction allowing use on hard indoor floor. Weight bags are good.
The neighborhood park is a little too far to pack up my 1 year old grandson so this was perfect for my patio. My only complaint it that it’s difficult to remove the center section so that my older granddaughter can also enjoy the swing.
My son loves it will be using it when we go camping
Esta muy suave muy bonito columpio, ayuda muchsimo las bolsas que puedes rellenar con arena para mejor agarre, a mi nio de 2 aos le gusto mucho su columpio, si lo recomiendo
Die Schaukel ist sehr gut bei unserer kleinen Enkeltocher angekommen. Sie ist 8 Monate und schaukelt gerne darin.
Ausserdem ist sie leicht zu handhaben. Sie ist schnell auf- bzw. Abgebaut.
Dislike: is Poor Design on using Caribbean Clip on Bolt Threads, Metal on Metal back & forth Forsee bolts or Caribbean clip not lasting long.
Like: Lite, folds up easy enough to move from Patio to inside House or down to Family room in Baseme
Easy to put together and Great Quality and so handy to fold up and store til the grand baby comes back ove
Please cancel previous response..
I found the English instructions.
J’ai achet cette balanoire pour mon petit-fils de 14 mois. Il a commenc ce balancer tout seul et un moment, il s’est retourn. C’est bien qu’il portait une ceinture de scurit et que le sige tait fix une hauteur suffisante pour ne pas toucher sa tte au sol. L’enfant n’a pas eu le temps d’avoir peur puisque nous tions proximit mais j’en ai conclu qu’il fallait tre trs vigilante et ne pas laisser les tout petits enfants seuls sans surveillance.
Easy to Assemble with one person. My 10 month old grandson loves it. I had to turn the red safety part that they hold on around so it’s Comfier on baby’s legs
I wouldn’t want to leave it outside overnight. Would most likely rust some after several days. Nice swing though.
Perfect for my grandson. Product arrived with a small part missing which was very quickly dispatched to me by the seller. Thank you so much
Prodotto usato come regalo, stato apprezzato per stabilit, facilit di montaggio
Einfache Montage! Steht gut und funktioniert auch sicher bisher! Sieht auch gut aus! Ich knnte mir aber vorstellen, dass sie fr schwerere Kinder nicht gut geeignet ist! Aber wir sind top zufriede
This was a gift and both his parents and my grandson are quite happy with it!!!