Hercules DJControl Inpulse 500 2-Deck USB DJ Controller for Serato DJ and DJUCED – Built-in Audio Interface, 16 Backlit RGB Pads, Large Jog Wheels, Built-in Hardware Input Mixe

DJControl Inpulse 200, Hercules dj DJControl Inpulse 300, Hercules dj DJControl Inpulse 500, Hercules dj
Intended use Learning to DJ Refining DJ skills Performing
Pads/ Buttons for pad modes 2 x 4 hard pads / 2 buttons for 4 modes 2 x 8 soft pads / 4 buttons 2 x 8 soft pads with RGB backlighting / 4 buttons
Jog wheels / Tempo (pitch) fader travel 3.5 inches / 9 cm (with touch detection) / 1.8 inches / 4.5 cm 5.5 inches / 14 cm (with touch detection) / 1.8 inches / 4.5 cm 5.5 inches / 14 cm (with touch detection) / 2.4 inches / 60 mm
Other controls per deck Loop: In / Out Mode: Vinyl Beatmatch guides Loop: In / Out Modes: Vinyl, Slip, Quantize Beatmatch guides Loop: In / Out + loop encoder Modes: Vinyl, (+ Slip and Quantize in DJUCED and in Serato DJ Pro) Beatmatch guides
Mixing controls 2-band EQ, Filter, Gain Master volume, headphones volume, headphones source selection (deck 1, deck 2, master) 3-band EQ, Filter, Gain Master volume, headphones volume, VU-meter (for each deck), VU-meter (master), headphones source selection (deck 1, deck 2, master) 3-band EQ, Filter, Gain Master volume, headphones volume, VU-meter (for each deck), VU-meter (master), headphones source selection (deck 1, deck 2, master, cue-to-mix)
Other controls for effects None Per deck: 1 Fx knob + 1 Dry/Wet modulation knob + 1 on/off button 4 Fx buttons in the center of the mixer, linked to the filter knobs
Aux input(s) / Microphone input(s) None / None None / None 1/8” / 3.5 mm stereo mini-jack + 2 x RCA, with volume and filter knobs / Balanced 1/4” / 6.35 mm jack with volume knob, High EQ knob, Low EQ knob
Master output(s) / Headphones output(s) 2 x RCA / 1/8” / 3.5 mm stereo mini-jack 2 x RCA / 1/8” / 3.5 mm stereo mini-jack 2 x 1/4” / 6.35 mm jack + 2 x RCA / 1/8” / 3.5 mm stereo mini-jack + 1/4” / 6.35 mm stereo jack
Software (Windows / macOS) DJUCED DJUCED DJUCED + Serato DJ Lite (compatible with Serato DJ Pro)

Weight: 3.2 kg
Dimensions: 29.6 x 542 x 70 cm; 3.2 Kilograms
Model: 3362934746094
Colour: Black
Colour: Black

126 Responses

  1. indecentdp says:


    Consolle ottima per un entry level con qualcosina in pi. Qualche neo, dopo diversi modelli provati? I tasti del Play e del Cue abbastanza piccoli, il jack della cuffia soltanto da 2.5, pochi tasti nel PAD per eventuali impostazioni che non debbano essere attivati con il mouse direttamente sul software utilizzato come interfaccia sul pc, il cavo USB da collegare al pc legato alla consolle. In ogni caso, per chi si cimenta per le prime volte, pi che sufficiente.

  2. Marlys08Kqr says:


    Fonctionne trs bien avec Serato, c’est simple et facile utiliser et bien plus pratique qu’avec la souris.
    Fonctionne galement avec Virtual DJ, mais attention, pour ce dernier, il faudra acheter une licence.

    Avec les pads, on peut activer ou enlever la voix, ou/et la mlodie, la basse, la batterie, des morceaux jous.
    Le DJControl Inpulse fait aussi office de carte son, dans ce cas, le son sort des deux prises Cinch.
    Tous les sons du PC connect peuvent tre lus, y compris, Youtube, etc…
    On peut pr-couter avec le casque, etc…
    Vraiment cool pour mixer sans se ruiner.

  3. AlannaSanches says:


    Golden Review Award: 3 From Our UsersDass der Hercules Inpulse 200 MK2 ein gutes solides Einsteiger Modell ist fr Leute, die vorher noch keine DJ Erfahrungen gemacht haben, ist hier ja bereits mehrfach erwhnt worden und genau das ist natrlich auch die Zielgruppe. Es gibt aber auch eine andere Zielgruppe fr die, dieser Controller nicht nur preislich interessant sein drfte: und zwar DJs, die groen Wert auf ein kompaktes Set Up und Reisetauglichkeit” Wert legen, gleichzeitig aber bei ihrer Performance nicht unbedingt mit berambitionierten technischen Skills wie Scratching und bermigen Einsatz von Effekten glnzen mssen. Oder auch DJs, die sich im Laufe eines Events mit wechselnden DJs in ein bestehendes Set Up einklinken mssen und auf wenig Gegenliebe und Verstndnis stoen, wenn sie mit einem Raumschiff”-Controller und Laptop auflaufen. Da dies alles auf mich zutrifft, habe ich dem Hercules 200 MK2 mal eine Chance gegeben, nachdem die Marke in den letzten Jahren ja ihr Image durch wirklich solide und berraschende Controller, bei denen auch mal out of the Box” gedacht wurde, deutlich aufpoliert hat. Ich habe den Controller in Kombi mit einem iPad Pro (was dann wirklich ein sehr kompaktes Set Up ist) und der Software DJAY Pro AI von Algoriddim getestet. Fr diese gibt es offiziell bisher noch keine offizielle Integration sprich eine offizielles Mapping, aber dieses kann man sich dann auch recht schnell aufgrund der berschaubarkeit der Bedienoberflche schnell selbst individuell konfigurieren (zugegeben nicht unbedingt das, was Anfnger suchendie sind mit der mitgelieferten Software DJuced sicherlich besser bedient). That being saidder Controller erfllt tatschlich meine Erwartungen voll und ganz. Natrlich kann man bei der Verarbeitung nicht die Qualitt der hheren Preisklassen erwarten. So sind die Touch Pads relativ hart und klackern deutlich beim Anschlag. Der Browser Drehknopf fr die Music Libary sitzt etwas wackelig, aber ansonsten fhlt sich das alles wirklich ordentlich an. Die Bedienoberflche liefert smtliche Funktionen, die ich persnlich bentige. Natrlich muss man mit nur 4 statt 8 Pads pro Deck auskommen, was gerade bei den Hotcues manchmal zu Problemen fhrt, wenn man auch andere Controller benutzt und eigentlich bis zu 8 Hotcues in einem Song gesetzt hat. Aber auch da gibt es durch die Mglichkeit des individuellen Mappings Mglichkeiten (so belege ich das 4. Pad z.B. mit dem Hotcue 8, der meinen Mixout Point markiert. hnlich gehe ich bei Effekten etc. vor. Und dennoch ermglicht der Controller auf diese Weise professionelles Mixen und die ein oder andere Wrze” durch Effekte, Roll Loops, Sampler und Stems. Zur Qualitt der Jog Wheels mae ich mir kein Urteil an, da ich nicht scratche und beim Beatmatchen auch eher auf Sync setzte (ja, steinigt mich ruhig ). Zwei Dinge htte ich dennoch auszusetzen. Zum einen finde ich es schade, dass Controller dieser Gre/Preisklasse eher auf 2-Band EQs statt auf 3 Band setzen. So auch dieser. Ich knnte eher auf den Kanal Gain verzichten bzw kann ich mir vorstellen, dass auch noch Platz genug gewesen wre. Wen das strt, kann natrlich auch hier mit einem individuellen Mapping Abhilfe schaffen und dann dafr den Filter oder wie gesagt den Kanal Gain fr den dritten EQ opfern. Was ich aber tatschlich ungewhnlich und hchst fragwrdig finde ist die Tatsache, dass das USB Kabel fest mit dem Controller integriert ist. Es gibt keine Mglichkeit dieses rauszuziehen und es (und dann wird es halt kritisch) auszutauschen. Das mitgelieferte Kabel sieht zwar sehr hochwertig aus, aber fr jemanden, der gerne fr alle Kabel doppelt und dreifach Ersatz mit sich fhrt, ist echt eine totale Fehlplanung. Dennochein solider und Spa machender Controller fr Newbies und Profis, die sich zu reduzieren wissen.

  4. Mary H.J. Farrell says:


    Versione migliorata del modello precedente: la novit principale la compatibilit con Serato DJ Lite pi altre modifiche/miglioramenti sul layout dei comandi. Molto comodo da trasportare, ha tutto quello che serve per divertirsi a casa o per feste tra amici con un ottimo rapporto qualit/prezzo. Tra i controller di questo formato lo ritengo il migliore.

  5. Anonymous says:


    Ottimo prodotto per iniziare il viaggio da DJ.
    Molto importante la sorgente, il PC.
    Controllare i requisiti minimi.
    Io con i requisiti di base sto avendo difficolt con gli stem con il mio processore un po’ datato.

  6. OrlandoGillum says:

     United Kingdom

    * Excellent build quality for sub 300 controller (feels more expensive than comparable controllers)
    * More features/interfaces than any other beginner controller – this takes you into ‘intermediate’ level and you can quite happily do a gig with this
    * Don’t underestimate Djuced software. It works well and has all the features you need without requiring a subscription.
    * For total beginners (like me), the Beatmatch/Tempo guides and Assistant are really useful features. Sure, I will grow out of them, but they make things easier to learn in the beginning.

    Hercules rock.

  7. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Very good build quality software runs nice very good value for money

  8. BridgetHunger says:

     United Kingdom

    Very good quality DJ Controller made from hardened plastic it feels solid and is built to last.

    Very easy to install/setup I am using it on a iMac the setup is the same only difference is you will need to install the drivers on Windows, You will need to download and install two applications Serato DJ Lite and register for an account this is used for the actual DJ control deck and DJuced this teaches you how to use it.

    I would say I am a complete beginner I played around with some software back in the good old days Winamp and something else I can’t remember the name these gave very basic functionality compared to this.

    When you have this on your desk for the first time its feels like being on the bridge of the starship enterprise there are knobs and lights for what seems like everywhere but even after a few minutes of playing around with it and not doing the tutorials I was understanding what the buttons do and some of the functions on that old software was coming back to me.

    The fact that you can connect your headphones to this and also connect speakers to it is a big bonus I can’t be sure for Windows devices but I imagine it will be the same but I also had the option to use the iMac speakers.

    All the buttons/knobs are very responsive which is exactly what you need I love the two jog wheels which you can use for scratching if you’re into that or affecting the playback all nice touches.

    The tutorials are very good and I have learnt a lot from them and they are definitely worth watching if you are a complete beginner like myself.

    My only grumble is with the streaming services this all sounded great but you soon realise these are paid services which makes sense so this will be an extra cost if you want to use so keep this in mind. Also Serato DJ Lite software is a cut down version which when you are a beginner & learning I fell is more than enough but as you start progressing you may want the Pro version which is either a subscription of 9.99 USD a month or 246 USD to buy

    Overall this is perfect for beginners wanting to learn and I am extremely happy and would definitely recommend it.

  9. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    I have been wanting to tryout one of the later type of DJ consoles for quite a few years now so when this came up I jumped at it.
    On opening, this looks very well made and have two decks along with what feels like an endless amount of buttons and sliders with flashing lights so it looked right up my alley being as I love anything with loads of buttons and flashing lights, lol.
    My initial problem was that when I read the instructions on the inside of the lid it only referenced Windows so I assumed that this would only work with windows. Thinking this I purchased a virtual machine program called Parallels and once running I installed Windows 11 after again purchasing a licence, all so that I could test this device out and have a good plat around. I soon realised when going to the websites to download the drivers and programs that this indeed works on a Mac so I could have saved myself a few quid, after looking at the box more stringently I noticed a small section of text on the side that says Windows and Mac support. Following a tantrum I decided that I might as well install this on Windows instead of the Mac OS since it was installed and ready to go.
    Following the instructions as can be seen in my photos, I started trying to use the machine which powers on using just the supplied USB cable when plugged into the computer. Unfortunately this isn’t for beginners and requires a lot of reading and watching several videos just to get a basic grasp of how this all works. My main problem is that the last time I used a DJ deck was in the early ’80s which was a twin deck for vinyl records and scratching was something that the cat did on the carpet, lol. I very soon realised that I had a very large learning curve on my hands to be able to use this with any real effect.
    That said, during the testing that I did manage to do, this machine works flawlessly and by using the samples in the two downloadable programs I did manage to create something reminiscent of a cat in pain, lol, this is due to my lack of knowledge and not this brilliant machine which does do exactly what it is supposed to.
    When looking through the two programs for samples and other files, I noticed that many of them required a subscription. There is a free trial for both but unless you want to pay for further access this will be short lived. I really hate subscriptions so they are not for me but I also noticed that I could add files and records from my own collection which would be for free, now that I do like, lol.
    I will be persevering with this and hopefully after a fair bit more time I will be able to do a lot more of what this unit is capable of.
    My lack of experience aside, this device is an amazing piece of engineering and is being sold at a very cost effective price.

    4.0 out of 5 stars Brilliant Mixing Capabilities But Most Samples Require Subscriptions and Not For Beginners

  10. Daniel Van Boom says:

     United Kingdom

    Great choice for beginners.
    It feels well made and durable.
    Connects easily.
    Buttons feel nice and smooth and are easy to operate.
    Software is easy to install, comes with Djuced software or Serato light & Pro.
    Comes with a built in sound card.
    Great online guides.
    Great mixing.
    From someone who is a novice, I am impressed with the overall quality of this.

  11. Vanessa9955 says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 2 From Our UsersThe Hercules inpulse 500
    Mid level to experienced DJ sets

    Can produce some excellent mixes with serato pro

    Jog wheels are perfectly weighted and even awesome for chirp scratch

    No lag noticeable
    Well made
    Lots of inputs and outputs even a aux input

    Solid dials must be a titanium crossfader slider as i work that insanely and its never faulted

    If your new to this start at the startlight or 200 series but if you mastered either one of those then this is for you

    The inbuilt DJuiced software is excellent but serato pro uses more of your available functions.

    Highly recommended

  12. PrinceZqdxfcxw says:

     United Kingdom 🇬🇧

    Great controller for the money, whether you’re a beginner or intermediate DJ this would suit.Can be used with Serato Lite (Free) DJuced(Hercules Software) but i use Serato Pro to get all the features. I’m kind of Intermediate Level and enjoy sessions on this whilst still learning to mix properly. Highly recommended for the money my only gripe is can only use either filter or FX not both at same time.

  13. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom 🇬🇧

    First step in mix a great pleasure to lurn on this DJ control.

  14. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom 🇬🇧

    I run this with DJUCED and a P32 as a 2 deck sample bank. Love all the things they do together. If your new do watch the training videos on the hercules youtube channel. Spend time setting up your tracks and samples and you will be amazed how good you can perform even as a novice

  15. Anonymous says:


    Ottimo controller per chi vuole iniziare ma non solo per principianti. Ha tutto quello che serve per gestire un dj set di tutto rispetto, nulla da invidiare ad altri controller di marchi blasonati di prezzo e fascia leggermente pi alti. Va alla grande, consigliata

    Ottimo controlle

  16. Timothy Taylor says:

     United Kingdom

    This was an upgrade from a basic controller which I hardly used as I used a mouse to manipulate software. In my opinion this controller is one of the best at this price point. Built really well. The features are far from gimmicky for someone learning to mix using a controller. The only thing I would have liked on it is a microphone mute, or on off button. I still highly recommend this for DJ’s, aspiring DJ’s, home DJ’s, even for people who use music with podcasts.

  17. HoustonUJLE says:


    Buena relacin calidad, precio, para principiantes o algo bsico como en mi caso, perfecto, lo uso para poner musica con virtual, traktor o djuced a travs de la controladora, (no para pinchar!!)

  18. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom 🇬🇧

    This is an awesome bit of hardware, has a lot of features and more than capable. But be prepared to pay for a Serato subscription to get the best use out of it. It enables a DJUCED license when the hardware is plugged in. DJUCED is meant to be a full-featured application, but honestly it seems like it should still be in beta. Too many bugs and weird behaviours that make it no way near good enough for live performance. It’s definitely the software that’s not good because the hardware performs flawlessly with Serato.

  19. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom 🇬🇧

    It’s not big as it seems but worth the price.

    I am no pro wuth a dj controller, but I have used it once and it was quite handy. It’s good for beginners.

    The software on computer is great too, as it has help avaliable whenever I was getting stuck.

    The buttons and built quality is simply great. I love how the lights turn on and the disks.

    I highly recommend this for house party’s and for beginners

  20. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    I bought this having messed about with virtual DJ for about 3 months and wanting to get a little more serious about getting right into DJing. This controller is absolutely the best bet for a COMPLETE AND TOTAL beginner, and I would dare say it’s probably better suited for young adults/teens trying to learn the ropes – slightly older adults may feel more comfortable with the Pioneer DDJ200, as there is more * readily accessible* functionality. By that I mean, there’s much less messing about with mouse clicks and pressing a combination of buttons to achieve a desired result.
    The controller itself is a relatively compact one, and whilst I can’t really fault it in that it does what it is supposed to do according to it’s own design specs, I personally don’t like the pad button layout and I really dislike having to hit shift and Roll or shift and Hot Cue a number of times for any particular purpose. It’s just too fidgety for my liking.
    The software that comes with it is….well. When you’ve used something like Virtual DJ for a long time, it’s not very aesthetically pleasing, it doesn’t look all that great even though the information is there, and I don’t like the limited ‘colour schemes’. I know it’s supposed to simplify the process of getting things organised with your music and helping you mix tracks effectively, but it just doesn’t feel very easy on the eyes to me personally – as I find it oddly chaotic, probably mostly down to the colour scheme arrangement they seem to have going on with it no matter what scheme you choose, although I’m sure others might find it a breeze to workaround.
    I would add that the controller is compatible with VDJ, but you would have to buy a license to be able to use it after a 30 day trial.
    The courses – the courses in the tutorial are short and sweet, which is great – and for complete beginners it would be worth the time to go through them methodically and in order, although the option is there to just go straight to the content you think you’re better off viewing or that you think you actually need.
    I 75% regret buying this, and for the time being I think I will stick with it – but I think in hindsight I should have saved the extra money towards a Pioneer DDJ 200 instead of this controller.

    From what I’ve seen and researched, the Pioneer DDJ 200 is the beginner’s controller, the Hercules Inpulse 200 is the ABSOLUTE beginner’s controller.

    With that in mind, and if you are buying a controller for yourself as a first time choice, I highly recommend you choose wisely according to any abilities or music related understanding you may already have.

    Edit: I hadn’t tried it on earphone output until just now and the output is really very bad on that particular level – whether that’s down to design or what I don’t know, but I’m not very happy about it so I’ll have to return it after all.

    Better for some more than others

  21. Anonymous says:


    El aparato vino perfectamente embalado, pese a ser de segunda mano.

    Sin a penas tener nociones de produccin musical, tras varios meses practicando la verdad que el dispositivo no se queda corto. Tiene buen diseo e incluso para gente ms experimentada es una mesa de mezclas de 2 canales bastante completa.

    El producto ofrece unos tutoriales bastante buenos para las primeras nociones de utilizacin.

    Recomendable y divertido !

  22. Anonymous says:


    ottimo prodotto. funziona perfettamente e senza problemi sotto Linux. io lo uso con il programma Mixxx. Nelle recenti versioni del programma gi presente una configurazione precaricata. connessione stabile.

  23. Anonymous says:


    Si estas empezando estar super bien,el software que viene DJuced est realmente bien y puedes empezar y hacer cosas chulas por un precio bastante bueno. las comparativas de caracteristicas similares las hacen con una pionner que cuesta como 100 euros ms…relacin calidad precio muy por encima de mis expectativas.100% recomendada

  24. Anonymous says:


    Prob primero una DJControl Inpulse 200 y estaba genial, pero le faltaba algo. Con esta inpulse 300 tienes ms controles a la mano y ms ajustes que puedes hacer, lo que hace, en mi opinin, que sea incluso ms sencilla de manejar que su hermana pequea.
    Tambin trae la gua para principiantes que te ayuda a hacer buenas mezclas.
    El software es bastante intuitivo y tiene un ayuda que te explica perfectamente qu es cada cosa, lo cual ayuda bastante.
    En general estoy contento con la compra y con el cambio.
    No le doy 5 estrellas porque he notado que a veces fallan algunos controles. Normalmente se soluciona desenchufando o reiniciando el software, pero por lo general no me generan mayor problema.

  25. KristanThrower says:


    A mi hijo le encanta. Est aprendiendo muy rpido. Para aprender creo que es perfecta.

  26. WilfordUJXD says:

     United Kingdom

    I bought to give as a gift, I saw many reviews about this one and others with the same price, and the Impulse 500 for me looks to be the best one to offers better construction quality, technology and sound quality, and you can use more than one software!