iDOO 12 Pods Hydroponics Growing System, Smart Herb Garden with 23W LED Grow Light, Automatic Timer, Indoor Garden Germination Kit with Fan, Height Adjustable for Home Kitchen, White

iDOO 12 Pods Hydroponics Growing System, Indoor Herb Garden with 23W LED Grow Light, Automatic Timer, Germination Kit with Fan, Height Adjustable for Home Kitchen, White

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New product launch

Smart Home Cleaning Series-Free Your Hand

Weight: 2.21 Kilograms
Dimensions: 39 x 16 x 30 cm; 2.21 Kilograms
Model: ID-IG301
Pack Quantity: 1
Batteries Required: No
Dimensions: 39 x 16 x 30 cm; 2.21 Kilograms
Quantity: 1

141 Responses

  1. Maegan says:

     Italy 🇮🇹

    Golden Review Award: 3 From Our UsersHo acquistato questo sistema idoo dopo aver provato il sistema della Golumup per cui scriver la comparazione fra questi due modelli. Golumup ha un sistema di aliumentazione dal basso che potrebbe alla lunga dare problemi se ci fossero eventuali perdite di H2O. Idoo ha una alimentazione inserita verso l’alto lontana dall’H2O garantendo miglio sicurezza. Entambi hanno una serie di pozzetti per spugnette da 12 posizioni ma Idoo ha una superficie di crescita pi grande garantendo cos una maagior spazio vitale quando le piantine iniziano a crescere. La luce appare piu’ forte in Idoo garantendo maggiore potenziale crescita. Iddo ha un sistema di rilevamento del livello dell’acqua piu’ pratico rispetto a Golumup ed inoltre Idoo garantisce lo svuotamento della vasca da un forellino posto in basso. La crescita delle piantine in Idoo sempre garantita, utilizzando idonei semi sia di fiori che di erbe se si utilizzano i nutrienti nelle giuste dosi e se si cambia l’acqua ogni 2 settimane. Fino ad oggi non ho avuto problemi con il sistema Idoo e ho ottenuto piante di Basilico, prezzemolo molto forti e adatte al taglio per uso culinario. Si possono lasciare nelle spugnette oppure trapiantare in vaso. La pompa Idoo non fa eccessivo rumore come il sistema della ventilazione che esclusivo su Idoo e non presente su Golumup. Conclusione il sistema Idoo un prodotto eccellente che consiglio.

  2. Anonymous says:


    Golden Review Award: 2 From Our UsersPremetto che non mi piace avere a che fare col terriccio o altre schifezze.
    Ho scelto questo modello di idroponica per poter avere un mignolino verde nel mio appartamento.
    Ha ben 12 pozzetti = tanta roba
    Ha una pompa per muovere l’acqua ogni tot minuti (ero preoccupato del ristagno, visto che quasi tutti gli altri modelli visto non la hanno).
    Ha una ventola fra le luci, per favorire l’impollinazione (io in realt ho posizionato l’idroponica sotto all ventola della ventilazione meccanica dell’appartamento quindi non fa la differenza, ma almeno c’)
    I 3 pulsanti touch sono piacevoli al tatto molto sensibili.
    Piantine pulite, che posso spacciare ai vicini x essere trapiantate.
    I materiali consumabili sono di difficile reperibilit troppo costoso per i miei gusti (tanto che ho iniziato a crearmi delle cialde alternative con cotone idrofilo e garza in tnt e acquistare additivi per l’acqua di altri marchi).
    La utilizzo da mesi e credo di poter affermare che le foto tanto attraenti che vediamo nelle presentazioni di tutte le idroponiche sono fuffa: potrei aver scelto le piante sbagliate MA non ho mai ottenuto piante cos giganti e rigogliose.
    Avete la fobia degli insetti? Evitate il giardinaggio in Tot; con questo sistema si vedono meno bestiacce che con la terra ma gli insettini volanti infami vengono comunque attratti dalla luce e dalle varie piantine.
    Alcune piante hanno prodotto radici lunghissime (25cm di puntina da fiore rampicante e quasi 1m di radici che nuotavano nella vaschetta); potrebbe esserci il rischio di guastare la pompa dell’acqua (?!) e, nel dubbio, ho trapiantato le cialde in una striscia di spugna imbevuta di acqua e fertilizzante, piazzato il tutto in un sobrio elegante vado in ceramica che ho regalato ai miei genitori.

  3. DwightBoudreau says:


    Golden Review Award: 2 From Our UsersPremetto che non mi piace avere a che fare col terriccio o altre schifezze.
    Ho scelto questo modello di idroponica per poter avere un mignolino verde nel mio appartamento.
    Ha ben 12 pozzetti = tanta roba
    Ha una pompa per muovere l’acqua ogni tot minuti (ero preoccupato del ristagno, visto che quasi tutti gli altri modelli visto non la hanno).
    Ha una ventola fra le luci, per favorire l’impollinazione (io in realt ho posizionato l’idroponica sotto all ventola della ventilazione meccanica dell’appartamento quindi non fa la differenza, ma almeno c’)
    I 3 pulsanti touch sono piacevoli al tatto molto sensibili.
    Piantine pulite, che posso spacciare ai vicini x essere trapiantate.
    I materiali consumabili sono di difficile reperibilit troppo costoso per i miei gusti (tanto che ho iniziato a crearmi delle cialde alternative con cotone idrofilo e garza in tnt e acquistare additivi per l’acqua di altri marchi).
    La utilizzo da mesi e credo di poter affermare che le foto tanto attraenti che vediamo nelle presentazioni di tutte le idroponiche sono fuffa: potrei aver scelto le piante sbagliate MA non ho mai ottenuto piante cos giganti e rigogliose.
    Avete la fobia degli insetti? Evitate il giardinaggio in Tot; con questo sistema si vedono meno bestiacce che con la terra ma gli insettini volanti infami vengono comunque attratti dalla luce e dalle varie piantine.
    Alcune piante hanno prodotto radici lunghissime (25cm di puntina da fiore rampicante e quasi 1m di radici che nuotavano nella vaschetta); potrebbe esserci il rischio di guastare la pompa dell’acqua (?!) e, nel dubbio, ho trapiantato le cialde in una striscia di spugna imbevuta di acqua e fertilizzante, piazzato il tutto in un sobrio elegante vado in ceramica che ho regalato ai miei genitori.

  4. Anonymous says:


    Golden Review Award: 2 From Our UsersPremetto che non mi piace avere a che fare col terriccio o altre schifezze.
    Ho scelto questo modello di idroponica per poter avere un mignolino verde nel mio appartamento.
    Ha ben 12 pozzetti = tanta roba
    Ha una pompa per muovere l’acqua ogni tot minuti (ero preoccupato del ristagno, visto che quasi tutti gli altri modelli visto non la hanno).
    Ha una ventola fra le luci, per favorire l’impollinazione (io in realt ho posizionato l’idroponica sotto all ventola della ventilazione meccanica dell’appartamento quindi non fa la differenza, ma almeno c’)
    I 3 pulsanti touch sono piacevoli al tatto molto sensibili.
    Piantine pulite, che posso spacciare ai vicini x essere trapiantate.
    I materiali consumabili sono di difficile reperibilit troppo costoso per i miei gusti (tanto che ho iniziato a crearmi delle cialde alternative con cotone idrofilo e garza in tnt e acquistare additivi per l’acqua di altri marchi).
    La utilizzo da mesi e credo di poter affermare che le foto tanto attraenti che vediamo nelle presentazioni di tutte le idroponiche sono fuffa: potrei aver scelto le piante sbagliate MA non ho mai ottenuto piante cos giganti e rigogliose.
    Avete la fobia degli insetti? Evitate il giardinaggio in Tot; con questo sistema si vedono meno bestiacce che con la terra ma gli insettini volanti infami vengono comunque attratti dalla luce e dalle varie piantine.
    Alcune piante hanno prodotto radici lunghissime (25cm di puntina da fiore rampicante e quasi 1m di radici che nuotavano nella vaschetta); potrebbe esserci il rischio di guastare la pompa dell’acqua (?!) e, nel dubbio, ho trapiantato le cialde in una striscia di spugna imbevuta di acqua e fertilizzante, piazzato il tutto in un sobrio elegante vado in ceramica che ho regalato ai miei genitori.

  5. Lucas Coll says:


    Golden Review Award: 3 From Our UsersAlte Bewertung (neue weiter unten):
    Wie auf den Fotos zu sehen ist, kam der Artikel in einem desolaten Zustand bei mir an. Eindeutig kein Neuprodukt. Dermassen verkalkt, dass die Pumpe nicht mehr zu gebrauchen war. Der Ventilator im Leuchtmittel dreht sich auch nicht.
    Smtliches angepriesenes Pflanzzubehr fehlte komplett. Nicht mal eine Beschreibung war dabei. Ich warte jetzt auf die Antwort vom Hndler “Energia Team” um zu sehen, wie sie gedenken, dieses Problem zu lsen. In freudiger Erwartung und tiefster Enttuschung….

    Nach kurzem e-mailverkehr mit dem Support von IDOO bekam ich umstandslos ein niegel-nagel-neues Gert mit allem Zubehr zugeschickt. Vielen Dank fr den Service. Ich bin sehr zufriedengestellt.

    Aus Gebraucht, Defekt, Enttäuschung wurde ALLES SUPER, SEHR ZUFRIEDEN!!!

  6. Rob Kerr says:


    Golden Review Award: 3 From Our UsersAlte Bewertung (neue weiter unten):
    Wie auf den Fotos zu sehen ist, kam der Artikel in einem desolaten Zustand bei mir an. Eindeutig kein Neuprodukt. Dermassen verkalkt, dass die Pumpe nicht mehr zu gebrauchen war. Der Ventilator im Leuchtmittel dreht sich auch nicht.
    Smtliches angepriesenes Pflanzzubehr fehlte komplett. Nicht mal eine Beschreibung war dabei. Ich warte jetzt auf die Antwort vom Hndler “Energia Team” um zu sehen, wie sie gedenken, dieses Problem zu lsen. In freudiger Erwartung und tiefster Enttuschung….

    Nach kurzem e-mailverkehr mit dem Support von IDOO bekam ich umstandslos ein niegel-nagel-neues Gert mit allem Zubehr zugeschickt. Vielen Dank fr den Service. Ich bin sehr zufriedengestellt.

    Aus Gebraucht, Defekt, Enttäuschung wurde ALLES SUPER, SEHR ZUFRIEDEN!!!

  7. TMXPreston says:

     Canada 🇨🇦

    Golden Review Award: 3 From Our UsersI have attempted to grow my own herbs many times and have always failed. This system is so simple to use and appears to be fail safe (so far). I clean the tank and put fresh water and nutrients in every Thursday. Other then that, I just have to watch the plants grow. I planted 11 pods (leaving a space between the kale and grape tomatoes) and of those 11, thyme is the only one that has not germinated. Checking out the garden is the first thing the kids and I do each morning and it’s amazing to see the growth from the night before.
    I am giving this a 4/5 star review because it has only been 2 weeks, so I cannot speak for longevity but I am very encouraged. I am already looking to buy the 20 pod system to start growing some larger plants!

    I finally have a green thumb!

  8. Anonymous says:

     United States 🇺🇸

    The picture is after a week and I only pulled one top off. After you set this up for a day turn the power button off on the top at 9pm and turn back on at 7am. That sets the timer. It took reading the instructions more than once for me. Anyway I bought this as a Christmas gift for my husband who just set it up a week ago and was so amazed that we just bought and received another. They say peppers are the most difficult to start and that’s what in the picture. I would like to have one with more than 12 pods but the only one offered does not have a pump system so you have to change the water weekly. Too much waste for us.

    The picture is after a week and I only pulled one top off. After you set this up for a day turn the power button off on the top at 9pm and turn back on at 7am. That sets the timer. It took reading the instructions more than once for me. Anyway I bought this as a Christmas gift for my husband who just set it up a week ago and was so amazed that we just bought and received another. They say peppers are the most difficult to start and that’s what in the picture. I would like to have one with more than 12 pods but the only one offered does not have a pump system so you have to change the water weekly. Too much waste for us.

  9. Anonymous says:


    Fonctionne admirablement bien. Aprs 2 semaines dj des petits plants de 6 feuilles.

  10. Anonymous says:

     United States 🇺🇸

    I have other growers from another famous company but this one beats those hands down. First, it is a bigger capacity container. Second, you have a choice of the lights to use. Third, while it does not have reminder lights that the water level is low or when to add plant food, I never liked those features on my other growers anyway. I bought two growers from this company and the only thing I will say that is negative is one of them had short plant baskets. No idea what they were thinking with that but they are easily replaced with longer ones.

  11. Matt Goldberg says:

     Canada 🇨🇦

    Very simple setup, comes with everything you need. The buttons can be a little tricky, but there is a card to tell you the timings and sequences of the fan and lights.

  12. TriStupe says:

     Canada 🇨🇦

    Very simple setup, comes with everything you need. The buttons can be a little tricky, but there is a card to tell you the timings and sequences of the fan and lights.

  13. Farnoosh Torabi says:

     Canada 🇨🇦

    Very simple setup, comes with everything you need. The buttons can be a little tricky, but there is a card to tell you the timings and sequences of the fan and lights.

  14. JeffersonVQSA says:


    Got it on sale for 109.99, great deal to begin with. Kit came with everything except seeds. Planted 4 different herbs to start and within 2 weeks already sprouting up. Looking forward to it.

  15. Anonymous says:


    This is perfect for me to grow lettuce and spinach thro out the winter months.

  16. EsperanDibdin says:


    Ease of assembly and maintenance free. Just fill and power on and walk away.

    Ease of assembly and maintenance free. Just fill and power on and walk away.

  17. MeganBurbank says:


    Very easy to use.

  18. Anonymous says:


    Very easy to use.

  19. Anonymous says:


    Bought as Christmas gift for daughter in law. She loves it and is very happy with it. Works very well.

  20. Millie Hurst says:

     Canada 🇨🇦

    I love this Herb Garden Kit and Hydroponics growing system. It was very easy to be assembled.I started using only a few days ago but I am sure it will function very well.My only disappointment was that seeds were not included. I had to purchase my own seeds.

  21. RaymondAnnunzia says:

     Canada 🇨🇦

    I love this Herb Garden Kit and Hydroponics growing system. It was very easy to be assembled.I started using only a few days ago but I am sure it will function very well.My only disappointment was that seeds were not included. I had to purchase my own seeds.

  22. Anonymous says:

     Canada 🇨🇦

    I love this Herb Garden Kit and Hydroponics growing system. It was very easy to be assembled.I started using only a few days ago but I am sure it will function very well.My only disappointment was that seeds were not included. I had to purchase my own seeds.

  23. [email protected] Tammy inRdream says:


    I love this Herb Garden Kit and Hydroponics growing system. It was very easy to be assembled.I started using only a few days ago but I am sure it will function very well.My only disappointment was that seeds were not included. I had to purchase my own seeds.

  24. Alley Hector says:


    I love this Herb Garden Kit and Hydroponics growing system. It was very easy to be assembled.I started using only a few days ago but I am sure it will function very well.My only disappointment was that seeds were not included. I had to purchase my own seeds.

  25. Anonymous says:


    It is a good product, it works, easy to use, no green thumb required, but I think they went a bit strong on the images with a little forest there. It grows fast, but won’t have enough space to grow as much as they show it.

  26. Anonymous says:


    It is a good product, it works, easy to use, no green thumb required, but I think they went a bit strong on the images with a little forest there. It grows fast, but won’t have enough space to grow as much as they show it.

  27. Anonymous says:


    J’en avais dj de cette marque et tout fonctionnais, bien hte de les installe

  28. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 5 From Our UsersFirst the good points- Easy to setup; Great at growing small plants from seeds; The system has a pumps; Minimum maintenance; You don’t have to water the plants, because the system has it’s own nutrient level; You can grow up to 12 seeds together.
    The negatives are- Pricey for what it is; You would never be able to grow 12 adult plants together in the system due to the fact that the plants will obscure the light from each other as they grow. Also, you would need to support the adult plants; The water should be changed regularly, and the pump cleaned; You can’t buy the nutrients separately. You need to use distilled water with the system; You still need to maintain the ambient temperature(I have purchased a fan to maintain the temperature, and a temperature monitor).
    This said, I have been very happy with my purchase because growing plants this way has been far more efficient compared to propagator and pots. I started growing a Trinadad moruga scorpean plant on 12 December, and I am just starting to get flowers.

    Great for growing plants from seed

  29. Chris Morris says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 5 From Our UsersFirst the good points- Easy to setup; Great at growing small plants from seeds; The system has a pumps; Minimum maintenance; You don’t have to water the plants, because the system has it’s own nutrient level; You can grow up to 12 seeds together.
    The negatives are- Pricey for what it is; You would never be able to grow 12 adult plants together in the system due to the fact that the plants will obscure the light from each other as they grow. Also, you would need to support the adult plants; The water should be changed regularly, and the pump cleaned; You can’t buy the nutrients separately. You need to use distilled water with the system; You still need to maintain the ambient temperature(I have purchased a fan to maintain the temperature, and a temperature monitor).
    This said, I have been very happy with my purchase because growing plants this way has been far more efficient compared to propagator and pots. I started growing a Trinadad moruga scorpean plant on 12 December, and I am just starting to get flowers.

    Great for growing plants from seed

  30. Blake says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 5 From Our UsersFirst the good points- Easy to setup; Great at growing small plants from seeds; The system has a pumps; Minimum maintenance; You don’t have to water the plants, because the system has it’s own nutrient level; You can grow up to 12 seeds together.
    The negatives are- Pricey for what it is; You would never be able to grow 12 adult plants together in the system due to the fact that the plants will obscure the light from each other as they grow. Also, you would need to support the adult plants; The water should be changed regularly, and the pump cleaned; You can’t buy the nutrients separately. You need to use distilled water with the system; You still need to maintain the ambient temperature(I have purchased a fan to maintain the temperature, and a temperature monitor).
    This said, I have been very happy with my purchase because growing plants this way has been far more efficient compared to propagator and pots. I started growing a Trinadad moruga scorpean plant on 12 December, and I am just starting to get flowers.

    Great for growing plants from seed

  31. Anonymous says:


    j’aurai aim avoir les instructions en franais dans la boite mais la compagnie nous rpond trs rapidement .

  32. EuniceLillico says:


    Golden Review Award: 7 From Our UsersIch habe das IDOO 4L Anzuchtsystem jetzt seit 4 Wochen und bin vllig zufrieden. Ich ziehe Basilikum (mittlere Reihe) und Bonsai-Tomaten (vordere Reihe) hoch. Beides wurde aus Samen herangezogen (die Bilder zeigen den Wachstumsstand nach 3 Wochen). Fr meine Chilli (letzte Reihe) ist es leider noch etwas zu kalt zum keimen.
    Wie man auch sehen kann, habe ich die kleinen Lcher um Rankhilfen reinzustecken mit schwarzer Folie, bzw kleinen Schrauben abgedeckt, damit kein Licht in die Nhrlsung fllt und ich habe bisher auch keinerlei Probleme mit Algen. Auch habe ich die angegebene Menge an Dnger am Anfang auf 50% reduziert, da ich meine Pflanzen ja aus Samen hochgezogen habe und bis die auskeimen nicht viele Nhrstoffe bentigen. Ebenso habe ich die Wassermenge auf 3,5 Liter reduziert (gerade so, dass die Schwmmchen sich vollsaugen knnen) und am Anfang nicht zu nass sind. Bisher habe ich auch keine Probleme mit Schimmelbildung (Raumtemperatur 21-22C)
    Das Lichtpanel lsst sich gut in der Hhe verstellen und arretieren. Die Wasserpumpe ist sehr leise und kann zum Reinigen abgeschraubt werden. Der Lfter ist auch leise genug, sodass man ihn kaum wahrnimmt, aber bisher habe ich ihn auch noch aus. Der Timer arbeitet bis auf 1-2 Minuten genau.
    Vor dem ersten Benutzen habe ich die Wanne grndlich gereinigt und mit Glasrein ausgewischt um mglichen Schmutz durch den Herstellungsprozess zu beseitigen. Dennoch war nach 14 Tagen ein beiger Biofilm in der Wanne zu erkennen und in der Wasserpumpe einige Bakterienklumpen (aber logisch dass sich Bakterien vermehren wenn man eine Nhrlsung in unsteriler Umgebung hat). Um die Wasserpumpe vor Verunreinigungen besser zu schtzen habe ich einfach ein flaches Stckchen Kchenschwamm zurechtgeschnitten und unter die Pumpe geklemmt (so als Vorfilter). Dennoch denke ich, wird man das System mindestens einmal im Monat reinigen mssen.
    Der Stromverbrauch liegt bei 23,8 Watt, wobei die LEDs mit 22,6 Watt den Groteil verbrauchen. Der Verbrauch durch die Pumpe und den Lfter ist mit 1,2 Watt vernachlssigbar. Die Jahreskosten fr Strom (33ct/kWh) und Dnger sind ca. 50-55

    Durchdachtes hydroponisches Anzuchtsystem

  33. Jordanne says:


    Golden Review Award: 7 From Our UsersIch habe das IDOO 4L Anzuchtsystem jetzt seit 4 Wochen und bin vllig zufrieden. Ich ziehe Basilikum (mittlere Reihe) und Bonsai-Tomaten (vordere Reihe) hoch. Beides wurde aus Samen herangezogen (die Bilder zeigen den Wachstumsstand nach 3 Wochen). Fr meine Chilli (letzte Reihe) ist es leider noch etwas zu kalt zum keimen.
    Wie man auch sehen kann, habe ich die kleinen Lcher um Rankhilfen reinzustecken mit schwarzer Folie, bzw kleinen Schrauben abgedeckt, damit kein Licht in die Nhrlsung fllt und ich habe bisher auch keinerlei Probleme mit Algen. Auch habe ich die angegebene Menge an Dnger am Anfang auf 50% reduziert, da ich meine Pflanzen ja aus Samen hochgezogen habe und bis die auskeimen nicht viele Nhrstoffe bentigen. Ebenso habe ich die Wassermenge auf 3,5 Liter reduziert (gerade so, dass die Schwmmchen sich vollsaugen knnen) und am Anfang nicht zu nass sind. Bisher habe ich auch keine Probleme mit Schimmelbildung (Raumtemperatur 21-22C)
    Das Lichtpanel lsst sich gut in der Hhe verstellen und arretieren. Die Wasserpumpe ist sehr leise und kann zum Reinigen abgeschraubt werden. Der Lfter ist auch leise genug, sodass man ihn kaum wahrnimmt, aber bisher habe ich ihn auch noch aus. Der Timer arbeitet bis auf 1-2 Minuten genau.
    Vor dem ersten Benutzen habe ich die Wanne grndlich gereinigt und mit Glasrein ausgewischt um mglichen Schmutz durch den Herstellungsprozess zu beseitigen. Dennoch war nach 14 Tagen ein beiger Biofilm in der Wanne zu erkennen und in der Wasserpumpe einige Bakterienklumpen (aber logisch dass sich Bakterien vermehren wenn man eine Nhrlsung in unsteriler Umgebung hat). Um die Wasserpumpe vor Verunreinigungen besser zu schtzen habe ich einfach ein flaches Stckchen Kchenschwamm zurechtgeschnitten und unter die Pumpe geklemmt (so als Vorfilter). Dennoch denke ich, wird man das System mindestens einmal im Monat reinigen mssen.
    Der Stromverbrauch liegt bei 23,8 Watt, wobei die LEDs mit 22,6 Watt den Groteil verbrauchen. Der Verbrauch durch die Pumpe und den Lfter ist mit 1,2 Watt vernachlssigbar. Die Jahreskosten fr Strom (33ct/kWh) und Dnger sind ca. 50-55

    Durchdachtes hydroponisches Anzuchtsystem

  34. KarolinHogben says:


    Golden Review Award: 6 From Our UsersIch habe das IDOO 4L Anzuchtsystem jetzt seit 4 Wochen und bin vllig zufrieden. Ich ziehe Basilikum (mittlere Reihe) und Bonsai-Tomaten (vordere Reihe) hoch. Beides wurde aus Samen herangezogen (die Bilder zeigen den Wachstumsstand nach 3 Wochen). Fr meine Chilli (letzte Reihe) ist es leider noch etwas zu kalt zum keimen.
    Wie man auch sehen kann, habe ich die kleinen Lcher um Rankhilfen reinzustecken mit schwarzer Folie, bzw kleinen Schrauben abgedeckt, damit kein Licht in die Nhrlsung fllt und ich habe bisher auch keinerlei Probleme mit Algen. Auch habe ich die angegebene Menge an Dnger am Anfang auf 50% reduziert, da ich meine Pflanzen ja aus Samen hochgezogen habe und bis die auskeimen nicht viele Nhrstoffe bentigen. Ebenso habe ich die Wassermenge auf 3,5 Liter reduziert (gerade so, dass die Schwmmchen sich vollsaugen knnen) und am Anfang nicht zu nass sind. Bisher habe ich auch keine Probleme mit Schimmelbildung (Raumtemperatur 21-22C)
    Das Lichtpanel lsst sich gut in der Hhe verstellen und arretieren. Die Wasserpumpe ist sehr leise und kann zum Reinigen abgeschraubt werden. Der Lfter ist auch leise genug, sodass man ihn kaum wahrnimmt, aber bisher habe ich ihn auch noch aus. Der Timer arbeitet bis auf 1-2 Minuten genau.
    Vor dem ersten Benutzen habe ich die Wanne grndlich gereinigt und mit Glasrein ausgewischt um mglichen Schmutz durch den Herstellungsprozess zu beseitigen. Dennoch war nach 14 Tagen ein beiger Biofilm in der Wanne zu erkennen und in der Wasserpumpe einige Bakterienklumpen (aber logisch dass sich Bakterien vermehren wenn man eine Nhrlsung in unsteriler Umgebung hat). Um die Wasserpumpe vor Verunreinigungen besser zu schtzen habe ich einfach ein flaches Stckchen Kchenschwamm zurechtgeschnitten und unter die Pumpe geklemmt (so als Vorfilter). Dennoch denke ich, wird man das System mindestens einmal im Monat reinigen mssen.
    Der Stromverbrauch liegt bei 23,8 Watt, wobei die LEDs mit 22,6 Watt den Groteil verbrauchen. Der Verbrauch durch die Pumpe und den Lfter ist mit 1,2 Watt vernachlssigbar. Die Jahreskosten fr Strom (33ct/kWh) und Dnger sind ca. 50-55

    Durchdachtes hydroponisches Anzuchtsystem

  35. AnnettFDWQ says:


    Golden Review Award: 3 From Our UsersEro scettico all’inizio, ma poi mi sono ricreduto, ho piantato semi di peperoncino e dopo 3 giorni cresciuti, ora dopo 3 settimane il gambo forte le fogli verdi e rigogliose, unica pecca solo la luce fa veramente un casino di luce da tenere lontano dalle camere da letto!

  36. KarlPadilla says:

     United Kingdom

    Very easy to put together, and looks very nice. Operates very quietly, and is really bright. I could not set it up fast enough and start a few scotch bonnet.
    Only ready i gave 4 stars for sturdyness is because the plastic is that kind that will just crack if mishandled, but with a bit of care this is should not be a problem.

    Very nice

  37. JerrodBiehl says:

     United Kingdom

    Very easy to put together, and looks very nice. Operates very quietly, and is really bright. I could not set it up fast enough and start a few scotch bonnet.
    Only ready i gave 4 stars for sturdyness is because the plastic is that kind that will just crack if mishandled, but with a bit of care this is should not be a problem.

    Very nice

  38. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Very easy to put together, and looks very nice. Operates very quietly, and is really bright. I could not set it up fast enough and start a few scotch bonnet.
    Only ready i gave 4 stars for sturdyness is because the plastic is that kind that will just crack if mishandled, but with a bit of care this is should not be a problem.

    Very nice

  39. CortneyWhittle says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 7 From Our UsersThis is my 2nd idoo I also have the larger 20 podsystem. I’ve been growing lettuce in both but I must say the addition of the fan and pump in this 12 pod model really makes a difference. My lettuce is on it’s 3rd week now and they’re growing beautifully really lush and stocky. I will be looking to increase my yealds with a third soon :). The idoo is very versatile allowing you to use your own seeds and you can substitute rockwool for the sponges which appealed to me as the other models restrict you to their pods and seeds which can be expensive. If youre interested in indoor gardening I would recommend this system.
    UPDATE 6/1: I was able to start harvesting at 4 weeks. I got a huge bowl of mixed leaves enough for several days.

    I love this!

  40. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 7 From Our UsersThis is my 2nd idoo I also have the larger 20 podsystem. I’ve been growing lettuce in both but I must say the addition of the fan and pump in this 12 pod model really makes a difference. My lettuce is on it’s 3rd week now and they’re growing beautifully really lush and stocky. I will be looking to increase my yealds with a third soon :). The idoo is very versatile allowing you to use your own seeds and you can substitute rockwool for the sponges which appealed to me as the other models restrict you to their pods and seeds which can be expensive. If youre interested in indoor gardening I would recommend this system.
    UPDATE 6/1: I was able to start harvesting at 4 weeks. I got a huge bowl of mixed leaves enough for several days.

    I love this!

  41. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 7 From Our UsersThis is my 2nd idoo I also have the larger 20 podsystem. I’ve been growing lettuce in both but I must say the addition of the fan and pump in this 12 pod model really makes a difference. My lettuce is on it’s 3rd week now and they’re growing beautifully really lush and stocky. I will be looking to increase my yealds with a third soon :). The idoo is very versatile allowing you to use your own seeds and you can substitute rockwool for the sponges which appealed to me as the other models restrict you to their pods and seeds which can be expensive. If youre interested in indoor gardening I would recommend this system.
    UPDATE 6/1: I was able to start harvesting at 4 weeks. I got a huge bowl of mixed leaves enough for several days.

    I love this!

  42. HoustonUJLE says:


    Set up was easy, update later on how it grows.

  43. AlexandriaBlyth says:


    Il vaso arrivato ben confezionato e tutte le parti ben sigillate all’interno. Le istruzioni di montaggio e preparazione sono anche in italiano all’interno del manuale. Bisogna miscelare con l’acqua i nutrienti A e B, preparare i vasetti per inseminare. Consiglio di utilizzare semi di stagione o adatti alla coltura di interni, ma se ne comprate ,come ho fatto io, vari all’interno delle bustine trovate i periodi migliori indicati per metterli nei vasetti e farli crescere. Io per iniziare ho piantato semi di basilico. La ventola e le luci sono gi predisposte dal comando vegetali o frutta e ortaggi posto in alto e si possono regolare nell’accensione e nello spegnimento notturno. Fate attenzione solo a non spegnere il macchinario perch altrimenti il ciclo si ripete. All’interno del libretto pone i suggerimenti in base all’utilizzo che volete farne.
    La consegna ha avuto un giorno di ritardo ma siamo sotto Natale e pertanto va bene anche cos, anzi gi prima della consegna prevista mi invitavano eventualmente al rimborso se avessi voluto.
    Ora aspetto i frutti del primo raccolto di basilico. Poster un aggiornamento appena ne vedo i frutti!
    Acquisto consigliato anche per insegnare ai bambini come coltivare un orto e per scopi didattici in genere.

    Vaso idroponico di facile utilizzo

  44. Tabitha Baker says:

     Canada 🇨🇦

    En cours de production, hte de voir si mes petits plants reviendront grands

  45. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 2 From Our UsersNice and easy to install, I hope is gonna work

    Nice and easy to install

  46. IsabelleHanigan says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 2 From Our UsersNice and easy to install, I hope is gonna work

    Nice and easy to install

  47. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 2 From Our UsersNice and easy to install, I hope is gonna work

    Nice and easy to install

  48. Fred McCormick says:

     United Kingdom

    Arrived quickly, easy to set up and lettuce seeds germinated within a few days.

  49. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Arrived quickly, easy to set up and lettuce seeds germinated within a few days.

  50. Benjamin Abbott says:

     United Kingdom

    Arrived quickly, easy to set up and lettuce seeds germinated within a few days.

  51. RenatoDewey says:

     Canada 🇨🇦

    Received fast. Easy to setup. Just planted herbs so cannot make a statement as yet. However assume all will go well if instructions followed.

  52. Jeff Junstrom says:

     Canada 🇨🇦

    Received fast. Easy to setup. Just planted herbs so cannot make a statement as yet. However assume all will go well if instructions followed.

  53. Anonymous says:

     Canada 🇨🇦

    Received fast. Easy to setup. Just planted herbs so cannot make a statement as yet. However assume all will go well if instructions followed.

  54. JosetteW82 says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 2 From Our UsersProduct arrived in good condition and was quite straight forward to set up.

    I only realised a few hours after turning the kit on that later that I forgot to add the plant nutrition from the 2 white bottles that come in the pack haha, silly mistake to make.

    So far so good no complaints.

    See attached image showing day 10 of the lettuce growing journey.

    Stress free vegetable growing

  55. Makeda Saggau-Sackey says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 2 From Our UsersLove the item, it works well as you can see. I use this to grow my Thai herbs for example holy basil, lettuce, chilli and coriander! They grow so fast!

    Must have items for fresh vegs and fun to watch them grow+

  56. Blanca58Bgymkv says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 2 From Our UsersProduct arrived in good condition and was quite straight forward to set up.

    I only realised a few hours after turning the kit on that later that I forgot to add the plant nutrition from the 2 white bottles that come in the pack haha, silly mistake to make.

    So far so good no complaints.

    See attached image showing day 10 of the lettuce growing journey.

    Stress free vegetable growing

  57. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 2 From Our UsersLove the item, it works well as you can see. I use this to grow my Thai herbs for example holy basil, lettuce, chilli and coriander! They grow so fast!

    Must have items for fresh vegs and fun to watch them grow+

  58. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 2 From Our UsersProduct arrived in good condition and was quite straight forward to set up.

    I only realised a few hours after turning the kit on that later that I forgot to add the plant nutrition from the 2 white bottles that come in the pack haha, silly mistake to make.

    So far so good no complaints.

    See attached image showing day 10 of the lettuce growing journey.

    Stress free vegetable growing

  59. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 2 From Our UsersLove the item, it works well as you can see. I use this to grow my Thai herbs for example holy basil, lettuce, chilli and coriander! They grow so fast!

    Must have items for fresh vegs and fun to watch them grow+

  60. Christina Kass says:


    Golden Review Award: 12 From Our UsersI got this 5 days ago and planted the same day. After 5 days I already have some sprouting. I am pleasantly surprised and I look forward to see how it continues to grow. Very easy to set up and plant. I found it easy following the instructions. Just make sure the water tank is full to the 4L mark. Otherwise the pods won’t get saturated with water and plant food. I love the automatic timer and it is pretty quiet.

    I got this 5 days ago and planted the same day. After 5 days I already have some sprouting. I am pleasantly surprised and I look forward to see how it continues to grow. Very easy to set up and plant. I found it easy following the instructions. Just make sure the water tank is full to the 4L mark. Otherwise the pods won’t get saturated with water and plant food. I love the automatic timer and it is pretty quiet.

  61. Anonymous says:


    Golden Review Award: 9 From Our UsersI got this 5 days ago and planted the same day. After 5 days I already have some sprouting. I am pleasantly surprised and I look forward to see how it continues to grow. Very easy to set up and plant. I found it easy following the instructions. Just make sure the water tank is full to the 4L mark. Otherwise the pods won’t get saturated with water and plant food. I love the automatic timer and it is pretty quiet.

    I got this 5 days ago and planted the same day. After 5 days I already have some sprouting. I am pleasantly surprised and I look forward to see how it continues to grow. Very easy to set up and plant. I found it easy following the instructions. Just make sure the water tank is full to the 4L mark. Otherwise the pods won’t get saturated with water and plant food. I love the automatic timer and it is pretty quiet.

  62. Anonymous says:


    Golden Review Award: 7 From Our UsersHo una settimana di esperienza, prendendo anche la confezione di 8700 semi di 12 tipi (“Kit da coltivare…”) e per ora sta andando a soddisfazione.
    Istruzioni chiare, con il consiglio di raccogliere spesso diverse foglie invece di togliere e mangiare tutta la pianta: cosi’ si mangia pi a lungo! Un consiglio interessante, che seguir sicuramente.

  63. Network N says:


    Golden Review Award: 7 From Our UsersHo una settimana di esperienza, prendendo anche la confezione di 8700 semi di 12 tipi (“Kit da coltivare…”) e per ora sta andando a soddisfazione.
    Istruzioni chiare, con il consiglio di raccogliere spesso diverse foglie invece di togliere e mangiare tutta la pianta: cosi’ si mangia pi a lungo! Un consiglio interessante, che seguir sicuramente.

  64. Anonymous says:


    Golden Review Award: 5 From Our UsersHo una settimana di esperienza, prendendo anche la confezione di 8700 semi di 12 tipi (“Kit da coltivare…”) e per ora sta andando a soddisfazione.
    Istruzioni chiare, con il consiglio di raccogliere spesso diverse foglie invece di togliere e mangiare tutta la pianta: cosi’ si mangia pi a lungo! Un consiglio interessante, che seguir sicuramente.

  65. Anonymous says:


    Golden Review Award: 20 From Our UsersDa ich leider beide Gerte gekauft habe (erst das groe, schwarze, dann gefiel die Farbe aber nicht), kann ich nun beide direkt vergleichen.
    Das weie ist das hier angebotene 4 Liter Gert, das schwarze wird auch von Amazon angeboten, ist die 6,5 Liter Variante.
    Die Produkte unterscheiden sich anscheinend nur bzgl. der Gre des Wassergefes und der Lnge des Teleskopstabs.
    Hier die Daten:
    Abstand Pflanztisch bis LED-Lampen:
    4 Liter Variante: Min 14cm, max 28cm
    6,5 Liter Variante: Min 19cm, max 36cm
    Hhe des Wassergefes:
    4 Liter Variante: 9cm
    6,5 Liter Variante: 14cm

    Ich hoffe, damit bei der Entscheidung geholfen zu haben.

    Vergleich 4 Liter und 6,5 Liter Variante

  66. Anonymous says:


    Golden Review Award: 8 From Our UsersFonctionne trs bien, silencieux les plantes poussent tranquillement ! A noter la luminosit extrmement forte qui illumine 16h par jour ma cuisine! Limite plus besoin d’allumer mon plafond!

    Fonctionne bie

  67. Shannyn says:


    Pour le moment je suis satisfaite du produit reste a voir si ca pousse, d’ici quelque jours on devrais voir les plants commencer a germer. Tres facile a assembler. Prend pas de place.


  68. Popblush says:


    Golden Review Award: 111 From Our UsersAug 14 – I just recently received my 12 pod iDOO hyrdroponics package. It’s first go at trying this type of indoor growing. The box it came in was well insulated that nothing was damaged during the transport. I found putting it together was pretty simple and instructions were easy to follow. I’ve read some other reviews where dome folks found it noisy, but I didn’t think so. It’s no different from the humming of my fridge and since it’s sitting in my kitchen counter, they can make music together in concert. It doesn’t bother me at all. It sounded quiet to me considering there’s a small motor inside so water isn’t stagnant. To test it out, i used the back row for dwarf plants (ie: okra, cherry tomato, mini bell pepper, thai chili peppers), middle row for leafy greens that might potentially fit the limited width (ie: Tatsoi, Toy Choi, Choy Sum, 4 season Indoor lettuce), and the front row for select herbs I might wish to have fresh over the fall/winter season (ie: Parsley, Rosemary, Tarragon, Sweet Basil). This is so I can test different kinds and find out what works best. Planted them all on Aug 14, and I’m already seeing roots or sprouts on majority of them. Posted a pic & video. So far I know it works, and any seeds that don’t sprout might be due to the seed itself. The seeds I used are my own. I did select specific ones that will not grow too tall. I considered how high the lights can be extended when I made my choices as i wanted to fill all 12 pods. So far so good. I will provide another update as my test progresses. At this time, I’m happy with this purchase.

    Aug 31 – so far performing as per advertised. Grow lights, fan and pump working as intended and turning on and off as per the “vegetable” cycle with no added action on my part. All my seeds have sprouted, although I did replace one that was in mid-sprout with another seed due to plant preference. Some of the leafy greens are growing pretty fast compared to my pepper and tomato plant but that was to be expected. I did notice some greenish tinge to at the top of some sponges, so not sure if it was normal in this type of medium & hydroponics, but i simply lightly scraped it off. Problem solved! The roots on the plants are pretty healthy and the leaves very green. Excited to see them all keep growing and hopefully produce come winter time. I did hear the pump grow a bit louder at some point which was quickly resolved by topping off the water as per instructions. New pics posted to compare from Aug 14 when I started the seeds to now.
    Sept 11- Plants are doing really well, I had to increase the height of the grow light as my dwarf okra seems to have a mind of it’s own and have grown a lot taller in less than a month’s time. It also looks as if it’s starting to grow what look like okra pods or flowers pods??? (Don’t know. It’ shaped like a baby okra lol). Comparatively, the same type seed I grew outside during the summer had grown so slowly taking so many month’s to mature (could have been my soil). To take care of the small algae issue, I’m experimenting on these black circular plastic things I made from recycled Chinese take out containers to see if blocking the light out from the growing medium will take care of the problem. Maybe I could have used a black garbage bag to cut from but I was feeling crafty today. 😉
    Sept 12- got a response from iDOO rep today that what I’ve done to prevent that algae formation in the pod is what they recommend too, and that it is not harmful to the plant. Thanks for the quick response to my inquiry!
    Sept 25 – I didn’t anticipate maturity of my mini bell pepper plant would be a lot faster than if I planted in soil. Maturity should be 4-5 mos. I started it on Aug 14 and as of Sept 24, I already see little buds that will become flower. I’d like to promote it my changing my settings to “Flowers & Fruits” instead of “vegetables” setting, unfortunately, that might encourage my other leafy greens to start to flower, which I don’t want since I’m still harvesting their leaves and encouraging them to keep making more, or setting change might stunt the growth of newly started pods or plants that have a slower maturity date (Example: Thai Chili – 100 days, or 80 days for eggplant; Tatsoi 45 days, Iceberg Lettuce 50-90 days). Nothing against the unit. It works awesome. The only thing is, for a first time user of a 1 hydroponic unit owner, one has to really think about the type of seeds you intend to plant, consider maturity date (considering it might be speeded up in hydroponics). From trying a mix of peppers, tomatoes, herbs, leafy greens with varying maturity dates and harvest dates, I’m losing out on using full functionality of the 2 settings – “Vegetable” & “Flowers & Fruits”. It’s just something to consider for those that are thinking of only ever owning 1 hydroponic unit. Therein lies the challenge, and if you’re like me that can’t stop at just trying out herbs. The other thing to consider is how high you can extend the grow light to accommodate plant growth. I knew at the time of purchase to take it into my seed considerations, so I had only planted “mini”, “dwarf” type of seeds, or greens that won’t grow taller than the lights. (Pic posted of growing plants with grow light extended to max height for reference).
    Sept 28 – some plants have reached the height of the growlight to its max extension. As the plants do not seem to mind staying in it, I trimmed some top leaves to keep the plant growing under the grow light. The dwarf okra kind of got wilty and the buds never produced flower or veggie. It fell off. To save it, I moved to soil and it seemed it perked right back up. Conclusion: This unit seems to sprout anything. However, it’s still part of seed consideration, to look at the nature of the plant. Experimenting with seeds should be considered to know what works and what does not. Some plants seem to not mind hydro in germination and infancy stage, but need to be transplanted to soil at maturity. Some plants don’t mind staying in it getting free nutrients all through out. Hopefully it keeps to it’s healthy status and start producing flowers so I can pollinate it. I’m excited to see flowers and more buds soon. Especially the peppers. For the leafy greens, now I know how much space it requires and can plan ahead with spacers. I wish iDOO sold spacers. Will have to search for one that fits these holes.
    Nov 29 – new pics posted. I had to move the bigger plants that just kept on growing into bigger hydroponics unit (same brand, taller growlight, no pump). Started new seeds just to test some more. Using same type of seed, the unit with pump to circulate water and nutes, germinated faster compared to the unit without. Once the poor seed got moved to one with circulating pump, it germinated quickly. All 3 Fushimi test seeds are growing with varying maturity rates. Ofcourse, the one that was started from another unit is not the same height or maturity and behind (pic posted to compare). I also tested the fresh (i say “fresh” loosely) herb cuttings from the grocery store. Trimmed the leaves in the bottom, stuck it in the medium around Sept. I also did the same for Sage and Rosemary. The thyme seem to have done really nicely (pic posted), but the same can’t be said for Sage and Rosemary. It preserved it for longer but eventually died. No new growth whereas Thyme seem to have thrived. Will continue to test other seeds/herbs when opportunity exists.
    I’ve bought another similar unit to separate leafy greens from peppers or tomatoes etc. Things that just have varying height requirements just simply don’t work in the same unit. Herbs may work together with leafy greens if height is considered and how far the growlight can be to other plants once extended. Or. Just simply move the plants once they’re more stable to another medium.

    Feb 23, 2022 – more pics posted, herbs, new set of leafy greens. Previous greens already harvested or eaten.

    March 20, 2022 – so my herbs continue to grow, to the point of growing past the grow light which has caused constant pruning on my end. Specifically (Mint, Dill, Curley Parsley, Tarragon, Sweet Basil, Thai Basil). I’ve finally filled in the last spot with peppermint so my unit is full. I did sprout it in a different unit that had a closer grow light and then moved it into it’ permanent unit. I hope it makes it fighting “nutes” with the bigger herbs. The Oregano, Thyme and Rosemary have not required pruning so far. I was hearing some whirring noise a week ago and I thought something was wrong with the fan. Actually there was the “Sage” had grown so high that it’s leaves started to go through the fan slats. Lol! Had to prune again practically every other day or every 3rd day. It’s probably best to dry these herbs then crush them. However, what I did was froze them in ziplock bag. Will they be any good? So far I’ve used the Frozen Thai Basil in a stew, it wan’t as great as fresh but you could still taste it Thai Basil was included. The reality is I get a kick out of growing things. The herbs produce leaves faster than I can consume them, so I’ll freeze them (to test out how long they’ll be okay to use), and not dry them, as frozen is the closest to fresh herbs. I was able to even propagate more Thai Basil, snipping from original plant in iDOO, putting in water until they grew roots, and gifting them to someone who loves Vietnamese Pho soup. Now he’ll have his own Thai Basil to take care of and he can stop “eyeballing” my herb. Lol. (Pic posted of Thai Basil as of today)
    May 2022 – my Thai Basil’s flower had dried up. I cut the dried flowers out and crushed them on a paper towel and inside the little dried pods were the black seeds that I would normally purchase. Now I won’t need to. I can harvest my own. (Can’t post a pic. I’ve reached the max allowable pics to put). Lol.

    Easy to set up, clear Instructions, Pics with update

  69. Anonymous says:


    Golden Review Award: 97 From Our UsersAug 14 – I just recently received my 12 pod iDOO hyrdroponics package. It’s first go at trying this type of indoor growing. The box it came in was well insulated that nothing was damaged during the transport. I found putting it together was pretty simple and instructions were easy to follow. I’ve read some other reviews where dome folks found it noisy, but I didn’t think so. It’s no different from the humming of my fridge and since it’s sitting in my kitchen counter, they can make music together in concert. It doesn’t bother me at all. It sounded quiet to me considering there’s a small motor inside so water isn’t stagnant. To test it out, i used the back row for dwarf plants (ie: okra, cherry tomato, mini bell pepper, thai chili peppers), middle row for leafy greens that might potentially fit the limited width (ie: Tatsoi, Toy Choi, Choy Sum, 4 season Indoor lettuce), and the front row for select herbs I might wish to have fresh over the fall/winter season (ie: Parsley, Rosemary, Tarragon, Sweet Basil). This is so I can test different kinds and find out what works best. Planted them all on Aug 14, and I’m already seeing roots or sprouts on majority of them. Posted a pic & video. So far I know it works, and any seeds that don’t sprout might be due to the seed itself. The seeds I used are my own. I did select specific ones that will not grow too tall. I considered how high the lights can be extended when I made my choices as i wanted to fill all 12 pods. So far so good. I will provide another update as my test progresses. At this time, I’m happy with this purchase.

    Aug 31 – so far performing as per advertised. Grow lights, fan and pump working as intended and turning on and off as per the “vegetable” cycle with no added action on my part. All my seeds have sprouted, although I did replace one that was in mid-sprout with another seed due to plant preference. Some of the leafy greens are growing pretty fast compared to my pepper and tomato plant but that was to be expected. I did notice some greenish tinge to at the top of some sponges, so not sure if it was normal in this type of medium & hydroponics, but i simply lightly scraped it off. Problem solved! The roots on the plants are pretty healthy and the leaves very green. Excited to see them all keep growing and hopefully produce come winter time. I did hear the pump grow a bit louder at some point which was quickly resolved by topping off the water as per instructions. New pics posted to compare from Aug 14 when I started the seeds to now.
    Sept 11- Plants are doing really well, I had to increase the height of the grow light as my dwarf okra seems to have a mind of it’s own and have grown a lot taller in less than a month’s time. It also looks as if it’s starting to grow what look like okra pods or flowers pods??? (Don’t know. It’ shaped like a baby okra lol). Comparatively, the same type seed I grew outside during the summer had grown so slowly taking so many month’s to mature (could have been my soil). To take care of the small algae issue, I’m experimenting on these black circular plastic things I made from recycled Chinese take out containers to see if blocking the light out from the growing medium will take care of the problem. Maybe I could have used a black garbage bag to cut from but I was feeling crafty today. 😉
    Sept 12- got a response from iDOO rep today that what I’ve done to prevent that algae formation in the pod is what they recommend too, and that it is not harmful to the plant. Thanks for the quick response to my inquiry!
    Sept 25 – I didn’t anticipate maturity of my mini bell pepper plant would be a lot faster than if I planted in soil. Maturity should be 4-5 mos. I started it on Aug 14 and as of Sept 24, I already see little buds that will become flower. I’d like to promote it my changing my settings to “Flowers & Fruits” instead of “vegetables” setting, unfortunately, that might encourage my other leafy greens to start to flower, which I don’t want since I’m still harvesting their leaves and encouraging them to keep making more, or setting change might stunt the growth of newly started pods or plants that have a slower maturity date (Example: Thai Chili – 100 days, or 80 days for eggplant; Tatsoi 45 days, Iceberg Lettuce 50-90 days). Nothing against the unit. It works awesome. The only thing is, for a first time user of a 1 hydroponic unit owner, one has to really think about the type of seeds you intend to plant, consider maturity date (considering it might be speeded up in hydroponics). From trying a mix of peppers, tomatoes, herbs, leafy greens with varying maturity dates and harvest dates, I’m losing out on using full functionality of the 2 settings – “Vegetable” & “Flowers & Fruits”. It’s just something to consider for those that are thinking of only ever owning 1 hydroponic unit. Therein lies the challenge, and if you’re like me that can’t stop at just trying out herbs. The other thing to consider is how high you can extend the grow light to accommodate plant growth. I knew at the time of purchase to take it into my seed considerations, so I had only planted “mini”, “dwarf” type of seeds, or greens that won’t grow taller than the lights. (Pic posted of growing plants with grow light extended to max height for reference).
    Sept 28 – some plants have reached the height of the growlight to its max extension. As the plants do not seem to mind staying in it, I trimmed some top leaves to keep the plant growing under the grow light. The dwarf okra kind of got wilty and the buds never produced flower or veggie. It fell off. To save it, I moved to soil and it seemed it perked right back up. Conclusion: This unit seems to sprout anything. However, it’s still part of seed consideration, to look at the nature of the plant. Experimenting with seeds should be considered to know what works and what does not. Some plants seem to not mind hydro in germination and infancy stage, but need to be transplanted to soil at maturity. Some plants don’t mind staying in it getting free nutrients all through out. Hopefully it keeps to it’s healthy status and start producing flowers so I can pollinate it. I’m excited to see flowers and more buds soon. Especially the peppers. For the leafy greens, now I know how much space it requires and can plan ahead with spacers. I wish iDOO sold spacers. Will have to search for one that fits these holes.
    Nov 29 – new pics posted. I had to move the bigger plants that just kept on growing into bigger hydroponics unit (same brand, taller growlight, no pump). Started new seeds just to test some more. Using same type of seed, the unit with pump to circulate water and nutes, germinated faster compared to the unit without. Once the poor seed got moved to one with circulating pump, it germinated quickly. All 3 Fushimi test seeds are growing with varying maturity rates. Ofcourse, the one that was started from another unit is not the same height or maturity and behind (pic posted to compare). I also tested the fresh (i say “fresh” loosely) herb cuttings from the grocery store. Trimmed the leaves in the bottom, stuck it in the medium around Sept. I also did the same for Sage and Rosemary. The thyme seem to have done really nicely (pic posted), but the same can’t be said for Sage and Rosemary. It preserved it for longer but eventually died. No new growth whereas Thyme seem to have thrived. Will continue to test other seeds/herbs when opportunity exists.
    I’ve bought another similar unit to separate leafy greens from peppers or tomatoes etc. Things that just have varying height requirements just simply don’t work in the same unit. Herbs may work together with leafy greens if height is considered and how far the growlight can be to other plants once extended. Or. Just simply move the plants once they’re more stable to another medium.

    Feb 23, 2022 – more pics posted, herbs, new set of leafy greens. Previous greens already harvested or eaten.

    March 20, 2022 – so my herbs continue to grow, to the point of growing past the grow light which has caused constant pruning on my end. Specifically (Mint, Dill, Curley Parsley, Tarragon, Sweet Basil, Thai Basil). I’ve finally filled in the last spot with peppermint so my unit is full. I did sprout it in a different unit that had a closer grow light and then moved it into it’ permanent unit. I hope it makes it fighting “nutes” with the bigger herbs. The Oregano, Thyme and Rosemary have not required pruning so far. I was hearing some whirring noise a week ago and I thought something was wrong with the fan. Actually there was the “Sage” had grown so high that it’s leaves started to go through the fan slats. Lol! Had to prune again practically every other day or every 3rd day. It’s probably best to dry these herbs then crush them. However, what I did was froze them in ziplock bag. Will they be any good? So far I’ve used the Frozen Thai Basil in a stew, it wan’t as great as fresh but you could still taste it Thai Basil was included. The reality is I get a kick out of growing things. The herbs produce leaves faster than I can consume them, so I’ll freeze them (to test out how long they’ll be okay to use), and not dry them, as frozen is the closest to fresh herbs. I was able to even propagate more Thai Basil, snipping from original plant in iDOO, putting in water until they grew roots, and gifting them to someone who loves Vietnamese Pho soup. Now he’ll have his own Thai Basil to take care of and he can stop “eyeballing” my herb. Lol. (Pic posted of Thai Basil as of today)

    Easy to set up, clear Instructions, Pics with update

  70. Anonymous says:

     United States

    Golden Review Award: 4 From Our UsersWhen I got the first one and opened it very late at night, I thought the set up was just like the 8pod version, the one I have been using. Except… it is NOT. Ugh. I had originallt written the wrong adaptor was in the box because there was 2 male plugs and no female ones. I never looked at the top under the lighting roof. Apparently this one is a strange set up and you have to plug both into the lighting cover rather than direct into the pump wires itself. Needless to say, like an idiot, I wrote and sent complaint box had incorrect items in it and Amazon graciously expedited a replacement… which is how I found out when the same adapters were in the box. I will now make sure one set is returned with all unopened-like condition, as near new as possible and will keep the one that I opened some contents on. I AM SO SORRY TO THE SELLER AND TO AMAZON. The Idoo design has been one of the best, as the plants are healthier, bloom more and I have decided to give up planting herbs outside in this unpredictable weather now that I have enjoyed months of some hydroponic ones. The Idoo one (compared to another I also have)…produces the best of the items. So I will probably be a future user of future models too.

  71. JackieIKJG says:


    Golden Review Award: 29 From Our UsersI’ve got the 12 pod unit. Used my own seeds ( none are included) and Aerogarden nutrient. I have a few Aerogardens and people say growing cilantro is not so easy. This IDOO I’ve been cutting cilantro now every few days for months and it just keeps growing. It’s awesome for cilantro. I had to level the unit ( my table problem not the unit ). 9 of 12 pods sprouted. Cable management is non existent but I used a plastic cable tube to deal with the cables. Going to try watercress next my guess is that should be good too due to how this IDOO operates. Purchase worth it so far just with the cilantro I’ve grown !

    I’ve got the 12 pod unit. Used my own seeds ( none are included) and Aerogarden nutrient. I have a few Aerogardens and people say growing cilantro is not so easy. This IDOO I’ve been cutting cilantro now every few days for months and it just keeps growing. It’s awesome for cilantro. I had to level the unit ( my table problem not the unit ). 9 of 12 pods sprouted. Cable management is non existent but I used a plastic cable tube to deal with the cables. Going to try watercress next my guess is that should be good too due to how this IDOO operates. Purchase worth it so far just with the cilantro I’ve grown !

  72. Anonymous says:


    Golden Review Award: 29 From Our UsersI’ve got the 12 pod unit. Used my own seeds ( none are included) and Aerogarden nutrient. I have a few Aerogardens and people say growing cilantro is not so easy. This IDOO I’ve been cutting cilantro now every few days for months and it just keeps growing. It’s awesome for cilantro. I had to level the unit ( my table problem not the unit ). 9 of 12 pods sprouted. Cable management is non existent but I used a plastic cable tube to deal with the cables. Going to try watercress next my guess is that should be good too due to how this IDOO operates. Purchase worth it so far just with the cilantro I’ve grown !

    I’ve got the 12 pod unit. Used my own seeds ( none are included) and Aerogarden nutrient. I have a few Aerogardens and people say growing cilantro is not so easy. This IDOO I’ve been cutting cilantro now every few days for months and it just keeps growing. It’s awesome for cilantro. I had to level the unit ( my table problem not the unit ). 9 of 12 pods sprouted. Cable management is non existent but I used a plastic cable tube to deal with the cables. Going to try watercress next my guess is that should be good too due to how this IDOO operates. Purchase worth it so far just with the cilantro I’ve grown !

  73. Anonymous says:


    Golden Review Award: 27 From Our UsersI’ve got the 12 pod unit. Used my own seeds ( none are included) and Aerogarden nutrient. I have a few Aerogardens and people say growing cilantro is not so easy. This IDOO I’ve been cutting cilantro now every few days for months and it just keeps growing. It’s awesome for cilantro. I had to level the unit ( my table problem not the unit ). 9 of 12 pods sprouted. Cable management is non existent but I used a plastic cable tube to deal with the cables. Going to try watercress next my guess is that should be good too due to how this IDOO operates. Purchase worth it so far just with the cilantro I’ve grown !

    I’ve got the 12 pod unit. Used my own seeds ( none are included) and Aerogarden nutrient. I have a few Aerogardens and people say growing cilantro is not so easy. This IDOO I’ve been cutting cilantro now every few days for months and it just keeps growing. It’s awesome for cilantro. I had to level the unit ( my table problem not the unit ). 9 of 12 pods sprouted. Cable management is non existent but I used a plastic cable tube to deal with the cables. Going to try watercress next my guess is that should be good too due to how this IDOO operates. Purchase worth it so far just with the cilantro I’ve grown !

  74. RoseannPinkston says:


    Golden Review Award: 22 From Our UsersLove it !!! Love it so much I bought a second 20 pod one !! Easy to put together, seems sturdy, fan and pump are quiet u don’t even hear them running . Was eating lettuce in like 3 weeks .
    I put my plants that go in the green house near it til there ready.
    Had the more expensive BRAND and I gave it away when I used this

    Worth the investment !!! Excellent !!!

  75. Anonymous says:


    I’m getting germinated plants in a few days. It works!

  76. Anonymous says:


    I like the simple design and that it is quiet. It just sits in my kitchen and I can’t wait until the herbs get big enought to eat!

  77. Daniel DiClerico says:


    Golden Review Award: 3 From Our UsersLa possibilit di avere un vero orto in casa ben 12 piantine che crescono e crescono per davvero e anche velocemente.
    E’ una apparecchio ben studiato facile da usare anche per chi non ha il pollice verde …
    Fa anche una bella figura dentro casa
    Il rumore della pompa avvertibile soprattutto di notte ma possibile disattivarla mentre la ventola della plafoniera si spegne quando l’illuminazione si disattiva
    Un ottimo prodotto

  78. Anonymous says:

     United States 🇺🇸

    Golden Review Award: 6 From Our UsersI normally purchase vegetables that I transplant into large pots each year, but wanted to try something different. I decided to do a hydroponic garden. I reviewed several brands & types and finally chose the IDOO 12pod. There were some delays in receiving it (it was delayed twice), but it finally arrived and I was like a kid opening a Christmas present. It was easy to set up, although I did review a YouTube video just to be sure I was doing everything correctly. It came with the grow light, seed pods, baskets to sit them in, hats to go over the top once planted, nutrients, & tags. Seeds have to be purchased separately. I planted my seeds and prayed for the best. Below is the initial setup – 1st pic, and then with veggies growing. I did not fill up all pods and in this planting I did veggies that will be transplanted into pots. There are small lid covers to use in the spaces where you are not planting anything to keep water from evaporating too quickly. The light is very bright but the fan and agitation of the water is whisper quiet. The timing sets automatically so you can plan what is best for you. MY IDOO comes on at 8 am and cuts off at midnight – 16hrs. Later, I will do herbs that will grow in the IDOO and remain in it. I planted my garden on March 13, 2021.

    One issue: I noticed my cucumber leaves that were coming up beautifully started wilting. I had 2 other veggies that were not coming up. I had at 1st attributed it to the seeds but then I noticed how dry the seed sponges were. Even with the top hats over them, there was no moisture. The end 3 slots, for whatever reason, do not appear to be getting water. The garden is sitting level even thought it may not look like it in the picture. That’s because of the angle in which I took the photos. There is plenty of water in the water tank. You can check the level from the front of the machine where there is a view window for that very purpose. I moved the 3 veggies around, moved the cover lids to the empty slots and now my cucumber leaf is vibrant and looks like it is about to bust free. The other 2 veggies are beginning to come up as well. I gave the IDOO 4 stars because of this issue.

    All-in-all I am excited about my purchase and look forward to growing herbs and other veggies. This is truly a joy. Even as my back begins to give out, knowing that I can still have some fresh herbs & veggies, grown right inside my kitchen, is a definite perk. What a Joy, indeed.

    What a Joy!

  79. JorjaEUMyrigc says:

     Canada 🇨🇦

    Instructions were easy to follow for set up. Product was easy to set up. Noise level…. low.

  80. SKALylepimedq says:

     United States 🇺🇸

    Golden Review Award: 2 From Our UsersMy first Idoo 7 pod hydroponic system developed a leak in the first two weeks and was returned. I then purchased this 12 pod system and everything on this unit is far superior. The instructions were more helpful, the nutrients are better, and it does not have the same design that caused the other to leak.

    Today is exactly one-month of growth on this system and I am heavily overgrowth. I have trimmed my dill three times because it quickly reached the top setting of the light. I have had three salads of the lettuces that are growing very well that I need to make a major salad with them tonight.

    PROs: I love the ease of growing and maintaining the unit. It is attractive and a conversation starter. Growth is way above my expectation. Does well with different lettuces and dill. The parsley is a bit sluggish but the lettuce is blocking a lot of the light. The nutrients are wonderful that it comes with.

    CONs: Cannot get the same nutrients to replace my quickly vanishing starter bottles. The pods are too close together that it blocks some of the slower-growing vegetables. I wish the light would go higher.

    I have to say I am excited to try growing cherry tomatoes with this system. I will try to remember to update this review once I try some other fruits and vegetables.

    Grows so fas

  81. Anonymous says:

     United States

    Golden Review Award: 2 From Our UsersSeriously?!? Can it get any simpler than the iDOO 12 pod indoor hydroponic herb garden?!? I had the whole thing up, planted and running in maybe an hour…

    My arugula sprouted in 1 days and I woke up this morning (day 3) and the four different basils are just beginning to sprout. So…

    I just ordered my second iDOO from Amazon. Excellent product. Insanely easy. Very cool (literally and figuratively) using only a 23W LED panel. I highly recommend this hydroponic garden!

    Update 4/7/21: It’s been 6 weeks since I began my adventures in hydroponics with the iDOO 12 pod indoor… and I’ve been extremely pleased with the results and I added two current pictures. I began by planting all 24 pods (I have 2 units) – the blank spots in the pictures are plants I’ve already transplanted. All of those transplants were successful but for one. I had Thai basil next to lemon basil. They had both grown so fast and so bushy that I had to transplant them; however, their respective root balls had grown so incredibly tangled that I was unable to tease them apart (at least without likely causing serious damage.) I finally decided to pick a spot midway between then and used scissors to cut straight across. End result- lemon basil thriving but the That basil is lingering on life support (that, in and of itself, is a good sign since today is day 3.)

    Additional thought: an earlier reviewer mentioned how fast basil sucks up the water. My experience is the same. I started with sweet, Thai, lemon, purple and cinnamon basil varieties and I was having to add 1 liter (between 2 units) every other day. The burn rate I experienced was just over 5 weeks to use all of the part A & B nutrients supplied in the kit so for a single unit, figure about 11 weeks. I’ve started the second unit’s nutrients as of this posting. I’ve looked all over Amazon for more iDOO parts A & B nutrients and all I can find is a kit with the nutrient + sponges + baskets + covers (the latter two being non-consumables, so kind of an underhanded way to inflate the price if you ask me.) I’m intending on buying an “off-brand” variety of hydroponic nutrients from the many offered on Amazon and I’ll update with my results. I figure if iDOO doesn’t want to make $ selling individual consumables (if I’m not changing out a plant, I don’t even need additional sponges but a plant’s gotta eat, right?) then I’ll go with an alternate source. (iDOO, you listening?)

    Other than non-support wrt the nutrient solutions ( I expect this will be of little consequence due to all the alternate sources on Amazon) I still rate this product 5 stars. The project has been fun and I’m amazed at how quickly some plants grew on a day-by-day basis! I’ve had no problems with the lights or pump on either unit. The timers have both been creeping forward (~20 minutes in 6 weeks being the worse between them.)

    It’s been fun, basically automated with minimal user support-what’s not to love?

    After all that, I forgot to add the biggest plus-an absolutely incredible constant variety of fresh herbs. I’ll never go back to dried herbs because I’ve discovered that fresh tastes so much better! One word of caution: don’t eat an entire sage leaf-WOW a little goes a long way. I like sampling all the basil varieties by eating a leaf off the plant to contrast and compare against each other so I thought I’d try that with the sage. I won’t do that again.

    Herb Superb!!

  82. WilliemHildreth says:


    Golden Review Award: 14 From Our UsersDieses kleine Gewchshaus habe ich meiner Frau zu Weinachten geschenkt.
    Ich war anfangs skeptisch ob es wirklich das hlt was es verspricht.

    Beim auspacken war alles ziemlich einfach zum zusammen bauen und einrichten.

    Samen aus der letzten Saison waren noch reichlich vorhanden und konnten somit verwendet werden.

    Die Keimlinge kamen schon nach 3 Tagen und man konnte schon fast dabei zuschauen wie alles wchst und gedeiht.

    Nun ca. 7 Wochen spter wurde schon einiges geerntet und es wchst und wchst!

    Die Reinigung alle 14 Tage ist mit der groen Menge an Krutern und Pflanzen ist alleine ein bisschen schwierig. Hier mssen 4 Hnde ran um die Platte vom Wassertank zu trennen.
    Aber alles halb so wild!

    Ich gebe 5*, es ist jeden Cent wert.

    5* für dieses Gewächshaus

  83. Anonymous says:


    Golden Review Award: 12 From Our UsersDieses kleine Gewchshaus habe ich meiner Frau zu Weinachten geschenkt.
    Ich war anfangs skeptisch ob es wirklich das hlt was es verspricht.

    Beim auspacken war alles ziemlich einfach zum zusammen bauen und einrichten.

    Samen aus der letzten Saison waren noch reichlich vorhanden und konnten somit verwendet werden.

    Die Keimlinge kamen schon nach 3 Tagen und man konnte schon fast dabei zuschauen wie alles wchst und gedeiht.

    Nun ca. 7 Wochen spter wurde schon einiges geerntet und es wchst und wchst!

    Die Reinigung alle 14 Tage ist mit der groen Menge an Krutern und Pflanzen ist alleine ein bisschen schwierig. Hier mssen 4 Hnde ran um die Platte vom Wassertank zu trennen.
    Aber alles halb so wild!

    Ich gebe 5*, es ist jeden Cent wert.

    5* für dieses Gewächshaus

  84. Nolie says:


    Golden Review Award: 2 From Our UsersExactly as described, easy to assemble. Works as I expected

  85. PorfiriRLAJ says:

     Canada 🇨🇦

    Golden Review Award: 2 From Our UsersFirst seeds into plant about 4 days with 4L of water and 20mL of foodplant. Seems to work nicely

  86. Anonymous says:

     United States 🇺🇸

    So I have to say that the hardest part of setting this up is getting the water into the tank. Four liters can take a long time if you aren’t trusting your own water supply. We have well water which is expressly not recommended to help the plants grow so I had to grab a very large container of purified water. The nutrients are supplied but outside of how much to put in the tank once mixed, you are kind of eyeballing how much water needs to go into the bottles. Some translation issues in the instructions–fulfill instead of just fill for example. Regardless, everything else assembled easily. Seeds slipped into the pre made holes well. Those growing materials moistened quickly in the tank. The light just clicked into place. The only thing that was surprising was the cap for your pots not really snapping into place. Not sure what I thought they would do but that lack of click threw me off until I just said meh. I haven’t used the signs for the plants yet but I may later. Not sure what exactly to use to write on them so they are erasable later but I’ll figure that out too. I’m excited to see what, if anything, buds first but that will not depend on the iDoo but more so the seeds I used to create the garden. I got them on Amazon and they had good reviews so hopefully it all works out.

    So I have to say that the hardest part of setting this up is getting the water into the tank. Four liters can take a long time if you aren't trusting your own water supply. We have well water which is expressly not recommended to help the plants grow so I had to grab a very large container of purified water. The nutrients are supplied but outside of how much to put in the tank once mixed, you are kind of eyeballing how much water needs to go into the bottles. Some translation issues in the instructions--fulfill instead of just fill for example. Regardless, everything else assembled easily. Seeds slipped into the pre made holes well. Those growing materials moistened quickly in the tank. The light just clicked into place. The only thing that was surprising was the cap for your pots not really snapping into place. Not sure what I thought they would do but that lack of click threw me off until I just said meh. I haven't used the signs for the plants yet but I may later. Not sure what exactly to use to write on them so they are erasable later but I'll figure that out too. I'm excited to see what, if anything, buds first but that will not depend on the iDoo but more so the seeds I used to create the garden. I got them on Amazon and they had good reviews so hopefully it all works out.

  87. KelvinHeller says:

     United States

    Golden Review Award: 2 From Our UsersI had previously purchased a couple of Aerogarden systems on a special sale and have been very pleased with the results. We wanted to add additional gardens, however the cost of the Aerogarden systems makes it harder to afford in our budget. When I saw the iDOO ID-IG301 which is a 12 pod system for well under $100, I decided to give it a try. It arrived very quickly and was packaged very well. The instructions were fairly comprehensive and it was easy to set up. We decided to plant cilantro and parsley which was done on February 1st. Today is the 13th and you can see in the photo that many of the seeds have germinated. We’ve found that these seeds can take more time, so expect the rest to germinate shortly. The sponges which came with the system seem to work well and we’ve been pleased with them so far. At first, after getting the system set up, I was disappointed that there wasn’t a clock to set the time and wanted to be able to time it coming on early morning and then shutting off at night. Since we already had some smart plugs, we just set up a schedule with that and its been working fine ever since. All in all, we’re pleased with the quality, function, and value of the iDOO Indoor LED Hydroponic System; Model ID-IG301. We expect to enjoy our harvest in a few weeks.

  88. Anonymous says:

     United States 🇺🇸

    Golden Review Award: 17 From Our UsersI purchased this hydroponics system a few weeks ago for setting up herbs and fresh greens for my freeroam bunny. I immediately set it up and used pods from Aerogarden (no they do not completely fit down in there, but you can wedge them enough in the hole for it to work). Setup took less than 15 minutes and was ready to go! I decided to start out at half capacity to prevent overcrowding. After day 3, I had already seen tiny sprouts in most of the seeds (2 of them took longer but are now sprouting).

    Features that I enjoy:
    adjustable light head so you keep the plants not too close to the light
    water window in the front so you can see when you need to top the water off or perhaps do your weekly water change
    the quietness of the fan/pump – it is much much quieter than my mini fridge I have it sitting on

    Room for improvement: and honestly this is just preference, but the touch panel on the top to adjust the light, fan, pump, and power is a bit sensitive. If I lean over it to care for my orchids (sitting just behind it) I have accidentally changed settings with just a brush of my arm. Really, this is nitpicky but it was the only fault I have found. I enjoy this unit so much, I am actually planning on purchasing a second to use as a flower seed starter for my outside summer garden! Thanks for making such a wonderful product that doesn’t cost an arm and a leg like some other brands (you know who haha).

    Wonderful seed starter kit or herb garden ki

  89. Andrew Zucosky says:

     United States

    Golden Review Award: 2 From Our UsersI bought this unit to try growing herbs. It’s a nice unit but a couple of things could be improved. The manual does not mention pH at all, and apparently this is pretty important from what I’ve been finding in my reading. Also the manual is a bit confusing in how much water to add. It says that in the early stages the water must touch the bottom of the cup (which keeps the cup wet and the seed inside it) but it doesn’t say when the water level can safely go below the cup (namely, when roots become long enough to dip under the water). The manual says to use 4000 mls of water but this is not enough to reach the bottom of the cups, I had to add at least another 500 mls. Another issue is that the fan and pump are connected so there’s not way to turn off the fan and leave the pump on. As far as I can tell there’s no need for a fan when growing herbs, it would only be useful for polination of flowers (maybe I’m wrong and there’s some other reason it’s there but I can’t find it in the manual). Anyway, overall it seems to be a nice unit and I’m looking forward to first seedlings.

  90. HEATHER @ runfastermommy says:

     United States

    Golden Review Award: 3 From Our UsersI got this Idoo system about a week ago, and so far I am very pleased with it. My lettuce seeds have all sprouted but one, but they are old seeds. I bought this unit to replace my Aerogarden which I had for several years, but had not been working properly for some time. That one had six pods, where the Idoo grows 12 pods, so doubling my plants. The Idoo does not have the indicator for when to give it more plant food, and the instruction book leaves many questions…I had to read it about 5 times to understand how to set the timer on the unit, but now it’s working fine. You need to leave the unit on until late evening, then turn off the vegetable mode only. Then it resets to come on 10 hours later. Instructions are not clear on how and when to add food. Overall I do like the Idoo, and doubling my growing space without taking up a lot on my counter is great. The light is not as purple-y as the photo suggests. It is more of a soft purple-y white, and quite pleasant.

    I got this Idoo system about a week ago, and so far I am very pleased with it. My lettuce seeds have all sprouted but one, but they are old seeds. I bought this unit to replace my Aerogarden which I had for several years, but had not been working properly for some time. That one had six pods, where the Idoo grows 12 pods, so doubling my plants. The Idoo does not have the indicator for when to give it more plant food, and the instruction book leaves many questions...I had to read it about 5 times to understand how to set the timer on the unit, but now it's working fine. You need to leave the unit on until late evening, then turn off the vegetable mode only. Then it resets to come on 10 hours later. Instructions are not clear on how and when to add food. Overall I do like the Idoo, and doubling my growing space without taking up a lot on my counter is great. The light is not as purple-y as the photo suggests. It is more of a soft purple-y white, and quite pleasant.

  91. CNET staff says:

     United States

    Golden Review Award: 5 From Our UsersI bought the iDoo 12-pod garden because its price and size was so much better than the competitor products from AeroGarden. I don’t want to grow herbs, so I would have had to add a ‘grow anything’ pod pack to my Aerogarden “Harvest” purchase, increasing the price to about $140, whereas for less than $100 the iDoo garden has 12 (rather than 6) pod spots, and includes 12 complete pods, plant nutrients and 24 growing sponges (12 starter, plus 12 spares). You will have to add your own seeds to the iDoo, whereas the AeroGarden includes seeds. But seeds are very cheap to buy! The iDoo even includes plant signs so you know what’s in each slot. The kids love it and are checking their rows every day to see if things are growing.

    Pros: this iDoo is easy to set up, has 12 slots, looks nice, runs quietly and is already sprouting the seeds we planted 2 days ago. Its pre-set with operation times and you can separately turn off the fan/pump if you need it quiet. You can choose freely what to grow. The bright daylight lamps are really cheery, especially on winter days.

    Cons: the pre-set standard timings (16 hours on, 8 hours off) mean you need to turn it on at the ‘right’ time on the first day. You need to buy your own seeds (but check on Amazon for seeds as they have great ‘heritage’ and organic seed packs if you can’t get to a store).

  92. MaryannNovak says:


    Golden Review Award: 3 From Our UsersIch kann dieses Anzuchtsystem wirklich empfehlen. Die kleine hat super Spa daran, morgens nach dem aufstehen als erstes nach den Pflanzen zu gucken ob sie denn schon grer geworden sind. Die Sprossen waren bereits nach drei Tagen zu sehen! Es ist alles dabei was man braucht. Die Schwmme kann man fr ca. 50ct pro Stck nachkaufen, man kann sie allerdings auch sicher 1-2x verwenden. Insgesamt sind wir zufrieden und werden es auf jeden Fall weiterempfehlen:)

    Super für die ganze Familie

  93. Anonymous says:


    Golden Review Award: 3 From Our UsersSuper produit ! Les.plants poussent vite, tout fonctionne trs bien, je recommande !!

  94. Anonymous says:


    Golden Review Award: 7 From Our UsersArrivato in anticipo rispetto ai tempi previsti,assemblaggio molto semplice ed intuitivo con manuale anche in italiano,funziona tutto,ho appena seminato del basilico,vedremo pi avanti la crescita delle piantine importante seguire bene le istruzioni per non avere delle delusioni,buon prodotto.

  95. Anonymous says:


    Golden Review Award: 7 From Our UsersArrivato in anticipo rispetto ai tempi previsti,assemblaggio molto semplice ed intuitivo con manuale anche in italiano,funziona tutto,ho appena seminato del basilico,vedremo pi avanti la crescita delle piantine importante seguire bene le istruzioni per non avere delle delusioni,buon prodotto.

  96. BrockO32hhxcvh says:


    Golden Review Award: 7 From Our UsersArrivato in anticipo rispetto ai tempi previsti,assemblaggio molto semplice ed intuitivo con manuale anche in italiano,funziona tutto,ho appena seminato del basilico,vedremo pi avanti la crescita delle piantine importante seguire bene le istruzioni per non avere delle delusioni,buon prodotto.

  97. Anonymous says:

     United States 🇺🇸

    Golden Review Award: 56 From Our UsersTips
    Buy the large version (12-pot) if your space allows. Otherwise buy the 7-pot. Both are excellent.

    Easy to begin even to novices. Simple setup and instructions. Good flexibility for different kind of plants. I have both previous gen (7 pots) and this (12 pots), so I will provide some comparisons in addition to comments. This has many improvements comparing to 7-pot version. However, 7-pot version still have some advantages. While I recommend both 7-pot and 12-pot versions, you should check which suit your space.

    1. Upgraded capacity (12 pots) comparing to previous gen
    2. Automatic lighting (12on/12off) with simplified (flower or veggie) settings. You don’t need to worry about how to setup and just choose what you need.
    3. Easier light height adjustment. Better mechanism comparing to previous gen
    4. Easier water filling. Transparent window for water level (does not exist in previous gen). You don’t need to open the cover to check water level anymore.
    5. Easier handling. There are 2 hidden handles under the tank, which make it easy to move. (Does not exist in previous gen)
    6. Brighter than previous gen, which can lead to improved productivities.

    1. Significant larger than previous gen (7 pots) in depth (more than 2x larger due to pot arrangements).
    2. The range of led height is not as large as previous gen (7 pots), and the highest setting is lower (which will limit the max height of your plant).
    3. The fan make it louder during operation than previous gen (7 pots).
    4. There is no cable management for the LED, cable are just exposed. (No cable to the LED in previous gen)

    Easy for beginner with high successful rate.

  98. Anonymous says:

     United States

    Golden Review Award: 293 From Our UsersI have a Aero Garden 360 and will be comparing this mostly to that. Initial thought when unboxing was that it was packaged really neatly, and unboxing was a breeze. IDOO also sends everything you need to get you started except for any seeds. The housing is of plastic but it feels high quality. The fan on top of the lights seems like a nice addition, something not offered with the Aero Garden. It has two modes and the lighting changes based off what mode you pick. The aero garden has a built in timer and clock that tells you when it’s time to feed your plants, but this does not l, so you will need to track that manually. Otherwise the quality feels good and it has a decent size to it. I often found myself not able to grow much is the aero garden 360 due to its small size, so this should fare better in how much I can grow. The wires also run outside of the arm unlike the aero garden which may make it easier to mod the lights if you want to make them go higher.

  99. Anonymous says:

     United States

    Golden Review Award: 293 From Our UsersI have a Aero Garden 360 and will be comparing this mostly to that. Initial thought when unboxing was that it was packaged really neatly, and unboxing was a breeze. IDOO also sends everything you need to get you started except for any seeds. The housing is of plastic but it feels high quality. The fan on top of the lights seems like a nice addition, something not offered with the Aero Garden. It has two modes and the lighting changes based off what mode you pick. The aero garden has a built in timer and clock that tells you when it’s time to feed your plants, but this does not l, so you will need to track that manually. Otherwise the quality feels good and it has a decent size to it. I often found myself not able to grow much is the aero garden 360 due to its small size, so this should fare better in how much I can grow. The wires also run outside of the arm unlike the aero garden which may make it easier to mod the lights if you want to make them go higher.

  100. Anonymous says:

     United States

    Golden Review Award: 276 From Our UsersI have a Aero Garden 360 and will be comparing this mostly to that. Initial thought when unboxing was that it was packaged really neatly, and unboxing was a breeze. IDOO also sends everything you need to get you started except for any seeds. The housing is of plastic but it feels high quality. The fan on top of the lights seems like a nice addition, something not offered with the Aero Garden. It has two modes and the lighting changes based off what mode you pick. The aero garden has a built in timer and clock that tells you when it’s time to feed your plants, but this does not l, so you will need to track that manually. Otherwise the quality feels good and it has a decent size to it. I often found myself not able to grow much is the aero garden 360 due to its small size, so this should fare better in how much I can grow. The wires also run outside of the arm unlike the aero garden which may make it easier to mod the lights if you want to make them go higher.