JISULIFE Handheld Fan, 3 IN 1 Mini Hand Fan, Portable USB Rechargeable Small Pocket Fan, Battery Operated Fan [14-21 Working Hours] with Power Bank, Flashlight Feature for Women,Travel-Brow

Weight: | 250 g |
Dimensions: | 15.2 x 5.6 x 4.3 cm; 250 Grams |
Brand: | JISULIFE |
Model: | F8 |
Colour: | Brown |
Colour: | Brown |
Dimensions: | 15.2 x 5.6 x 4.3 cm; 250 Grams |
Es ist super! Es hat absolut keine Mngel, sieht sehr schn und s aus, ist gut in der Hand und zum mitnehmen, funktioniert einwandfrei. Auch als Powerbank und Taschenlampe echt ntzlich.
Un de mes meilleurs achat , trs utile en cas de grosse chaleur , compact , facile a utiliser. Un autre modle propose la pulverisation , je pense qu’il doit tre super galeme
Il design simpatico, senza essere troppo sopra le righe. La ventilazione che danno molto buona, comodo anche il fatto che si possano tenere appoggiati su un tavolo. In pi, la torcia anche abbastanza forte, viste le dimensioni. Non ho sfruttato molto la funzionalit di battery pack, visto che la batteria comunque circa la met di quella del mio telefono
Es muy prctico por su tamao para llevarlo en un bolso o en un bolsillo. La cantidad de aire que da es muy buena, yo lo uso para los sofocos de la menopausia, sustituyendo al abanico. No hace nada de ruido, a excepcin del silencio nocturno, que ah, s se oye un zumbido.
Lo mejor es que se puede dejar sobre una mesa por lo que a la noche lo tengo puesto en la mesilla y lo enciendo cuando lo necesito sin tener que tenerlo en la mano.
El nico pero, puede ser que en el bolsillo a veces se enciende la linterna que tiene
Hab nach einem Ventilator fr Konzerte gesucht und dann das gesehen. Alle wichtigen features die man fr ein Konzert braucht.
Un produit au top pour se rafrachir tout moment de la journe !
La lampe torche est ultra puissante !
La batterie externe est vraiment un plus !
Seul bmol il n’y a pas 3 vitesses comme mentionne dans la description & il ne tient pas debout !
Super und passt in jede Tasche. War im Sommer wirklich ntzlich.
Funziona benissimo e mi e’ stato molto utile. Lo ricomprerei senz’altro !!
The only reason I took one star was because it’s kind of unpractical while pending but further than that it’s a cute mini ventilato
Fonctionne trs bien, capable de charger un iPhone 12 mini ou un Samsung S10 une fois.
Le ventilateur est “silencieux” et la LED assez puissante pour tre utile.
Ich habe mir diesen handlichen Ventilator fr ein open air Klassik Konzert gekauft. Ich hatte die Befrchtung, dass der Venti eventuell zu laut sein und meine Sitznachbarn stren knnte, doch ich konnte ihn das Konzert ber problemlos laufen lassen. Der Akku hat auch den Abend durchgehalten und fr warme Sommerabende ist dieses kleine, handliche und tatschlich auch hbsche Handteil ideal.
Super pratique, pas trop bruyant, trs facile utiliser et ranger… Je recommande!
Love it!! They look amazing and are like a Swiss knife version of a fan!! They have everything but a sink attached x
Ich bin sehr mit diesem Ventilator zufrieden. Er ist klein und man kann ihn auch als Powerbank bentzen. Hab ihn oft bei den Baseball Spielen als Zuschauer bentzt und bereue meinen Einkauf berhaupt nicht.
La verdad es que va muy bien y es muy prctico
Producto que cumple su funcin, dos potencias de ventilacin y cumple su cometido. A parte dispone de una luz led que hace funciones de linterna (est bastante bien por lo que es) y te puede servir tambin de bateria para cargar telfs a travs de usb normal. Lo mejorable el ruido, que aunque no es mucho en la noche y en silencio se oye.
Cooles Produkt, welches ich im Sommer oft genutzt habe. Der Ventilator drfte noch strker sein, dann geb’s von mir 5 Sterne!
L’ho comprato dopo aver visto un’amica che aveva acquistato lo stesso ventilatore portatile. Ne sono rimasta piacevolmente colpita: davvero perfetto! La carica dura tantissimo, leggero e comodo (si pu usare sia tenendolo in mano, sia poggiandolo sulla scrivania) e si pu usare anche come torcia e carica batteria.
Davvero uno dei miei migliori acquisti degli ultimi tempi.
De plus, j’ai d le charger 2 fois en 3 mois.
Je n’ai pas encore tester le mode batterie externe mais sinon la lumire est pratique aussi.
Pour un 3 en 1 je le recommande vivement !
Top du top la fois ventilateur, lampe de poche qui claire super bien et une batterie externe.
Ce 3 en 1 a une longueur capacit de fonctionnement.
Fait bien el boulot
Systme de scurit s’arrte tout seul si on touche le ventilateur mais attention aux cheveux !
Se dcharge assez vite dommage pour les grosses chaleurs
Lo compr para el nio, al ir la silla en contramarcha, y la verdad es que tiene potencia, y muy seguro con las aspas de goma. Genial tambin la linterna. Muy contentos con l.
I really like this fan and the power bank is handy, I haven’t needed the torch yet but it seems good worth the money!
Great fan, can sit on table so you don’t have to hold it 10/10
Came in very handy for me due to HRT HORMONE INBALANCE handy for the bag when your out and abou
Excellent rapport qualit prix, ce petit ventilateur est efficace, silencieux, et en plus scuris (c’est ma fille de 3 ans qui l’utilise, et le systme d’arrt automatique des pales vite qu’elle se fasse mal).
Je recommande vivement.
Honestly, the amount of people I’ve told about this 3in1 fan and they’ve gone and bought it! I love this, super light weight, has gotten me through festivals, salsa dancing in the hot sun and just days out in the park! A great buy very happy gal 🙂
Very pleased with my purchase. Small enough to go into most handbags but provides a good blast of air when needed.Easy to charge and use.
Direi che come ventilatore tascabile fa il suo dovere . Poi in pi a anche una lucina e fa anche da powebank. Ottimo prodotto
So strong for a handheld fan,was really impressed! Lasts ages and really compact! Comes with torch and can be used as a battery pack, all round perfect!
3 in 1 Portable fan. Perfect. Easy to use. Looks good. 2 speed fan. Just be careful the blades don’t get caught on the side when closing it as it becomes very difficult to open.
Definitely recommend.
Non seulement il est trs pratique, ne prend quasi pas de place dans le sac main, trs solide, et fait le job de ventiler, j’ai complt avec un brumisateur rechargeable que je me passe avant de l’utiliser, trs agrable
Wunderbarer kleiner, handlicher Ventilator. Kommt mit voller Ladung und hlt lange durch – 3 Tage Dauereinsatz im Kindergarten und er luft. Das fdeln der Schnur ist schwierig. Ich habe mir aus dem Nhkorb eine Fdelhilfe geholt. Damit ging es schnell.
Pas hyper pratique ouvrir comme on peu le voir sur la vido mais a va.
Trs facilement transportable.
Je suis satisfaite.
Fourni avec dragone et chargeur.
Well made and compact for carrying in handbag. Has built in torch and doubles as charger for mobile. Good product.
This little fan has saved me during the recent heatwave. The battery lasted ages before I had to recharge. There’s a red light that goes off once it’s sufficiently charged. Fits in your pocket nicely too.
My friend likes these fans they’re handy to put in handbag well-made good price
Brilliant the charge actually lasts through the night, I was impressed with this product thank you
I like the colour it is value for moneyand the battery life is good
Devo dire che leggendo alcuni commenti ero un po’ titubante sull’acquisto in quanto essendo cos piccolo non poteva ventilare tanto, e invece anche ad una discreta distanza di con le due velocit fa il suo dovere, oltretutto la lampadina anche abbastanza potente e illumina anche in profondit. Ottimo acquisto lo consiglio
Has a good battery life. If you do get too close the blades will stop and it doesn’t hurt very much.
Trs compact, et pratique avec son chargeur intgr pour les galre de tlphone. Un peu bruyant et ventil mais c’est pas non plus trs utile au final…. J’aurai prfr un style de ventilo avec brumisateur.
This lightweight, compact, portable fan is Amazing! It has the power of a much larger fan and well worth the money. I love that is also doubles as a powerful torch too. I also love that it is rechargeable so no need to buy batteries. Once fully charged the fan will last all day and longer ( I believe it lasts 21 hours) if you have it on continuously on low speed. It has 2 speeds so keeps you as cool as you like. I would highly recommend it – you surely will not be disappointed. I love it!
Un ventilatore incredibilmente pratico ed efficiente. Due velocit e batteria infinita, mi ha fatto pi di 8 ore prima di cedere
Prodotto preso per affrontare tare un viaggio organizzato al sud con la “frescura” Du quest’ultimo periodo.
Ha fatto egregiamente il suo lavoro. Amico inseparabile.
I’m happy of it, can be use by hand or pleated to putted on my desk
1) Ventilator. Fr diesen gibt es zwei Stufen. Man kann bei der Gre keine Wunder erwarten, aber beide sind recht stark und die Lautstrke ist gerade unterwegs auch nicht weiter strend. Fr die kurze Brise zwischendurch ist der Ventilator ausreichend. Schn ist, dass es eine Art Sicherheitsstop gibt, d.h. sobald etwas die Rotorbltter berhrt, schaltet sich das Gert von alleine ab.
2) Taschenlampe. Der Lichtkegel ist vergleichsweise eng, aber die Lampe ist recht hell und ausreichend, um einen unbeleuchteten Weg zu gehen oder im Dunkeln etwas zu finden, wenn man nachts nicht extra das Deckenlicht anmachen will. (Oder den Lichtschalter, das Schlsselloch o.. sucht.)
3) Power Bank. Kann ich nicht wirklich bewerten, da ich es nicht aktiv genutzt habe und auch keinen Vergleich kennen wrde. Es funktioniert aber (mit dem Handy ausprobiert) und sollte zumindest eine Notreserve bieten, wenn man keine Steckdose in der Nhe findet.
Insgesamt war ich von der Qualitt berrascht, da ich eher etwas in Richtung Scherzartikel erwartet hatte. Das Gert zeugt aber von ernsthaftem Interesse, die angegebenen Funktionen auch befriedigend zu erfllen. Einzig bedenklich ist, dass die blichen Sicherheits-Prfsiegel fehlen, da es offenbar nicht fr den hiesigen Markt gedacht ist, aber da das Gert ansonsten ordentlich wirkt, gehe ich davon aus, dass mir der Akku nicht zu bald in Flammen aufgeht.
Die Bezeichnung “batteriebetrieben” ist brigens falsch. Es ist ein Akku verbaut, den man per mitgeliefertem USB-Kabel aufldt. Batterien kann man selber nicht einsetzen. Aber es war vermutlich gemeint, dass man fr den Betrieb keine Steckdose braucht, und das stimmt. Eine robuste Schlaufe, die man optional anbringen kann, um den Ventilator am Handgelenk zu befestigen, ist auch dabei, falls man Angst hat, ihn zu verlieren.
This little gadget pretty much comes with me in my handbag wherever I go..as it’s a fan, a torch and a powerbank for those times your phone battery just dies on you.
So many people at work were wowed with it, they’ve also ordered one.
Fan, torch and charger all work well. Excellent for travel or camping!
Bought this fan to have in my handbag for my menopausal hot flushes. It’s a life saver! Really compact and fairly light weight, will stand on its own when folded back or can be hand held. Two speeds, battery last really well even with being used often. Added bonus of having a LED flash light and can also be used as a power bank.
Really good little fan, would highly recommend.
It’s fits in my small bag and came in very useful during this heatwave
Es ist eindeutig kein 1 Ventilator. Er sieht gut aus, liegt gut in der Hand und die Windstrke ist auch gut (verstellbar). Habe zwei Stck fr meine Mdels gekauft und die sind begeistert. Dazu noch die Taschenlampe integriert – perfekt.
Very good indeed. Handy handbag size and battery life is good as well
No complaints, it works perfectly, it really helped save me on my holiday.
Ein perfekter Begleiter whrend des Sommers oder der Wechseljahre. Passt in jede Tasche, lsst sich schnell aktivieren und ist wegen des geringen Geruschpegels ziemlich unauffllig. Die Aufladung ber USB geht schnell, der Akku hlt lang. Ich bin total happy mit meinem kleinen “Speedy”. 🙂
Was actually really surprised by this little fan. The power of the fan is reasonable and battery life at full power lasted 4hours on continuous use. Torch light is also very bright and was a great bonus to the unit. Haven’t used it as a power bank yet so cannot comment here.
Compact and fits in my handbag to take on the go and is light weight.
I’m buying a second for my partner. Would recommend!
Incredible, came in handy during the heatwave. Amazing battery and torch, loved setting this up when at restaurants.
Small yet powerful. Was a God send at work when the aircondition broke
Not heavy and surprisingly powerful airflow giving its small size. Very useful in the current weathe
I love it! Although fan is not too powerful, it’s not too bad for its size. Also it works perfectly as a power bank and the flash light also works. The design is sooo cute and compact. 4/5 stars as fan could be stronger.
Had a recent spell in hospital and this was great for pretending like I was in Barbados. Also rechargeable via usb and had a torch, if you need it. Can’t fault i
The best thing I have purchased. Battery life is amazing works for days. Life save
Love it’s size, super cute, both torch and fan are excellent wouldn’t recommend it as a charger tho not that powerful
This is really easy to carry and has multiple uses and is a life saver.
Can charge fan with phone charger also has a torch and 2 speeds ,very compac
I got this fan for the bus and at work. And I can honestly say it’s a really good fan!! Like hand on heart. Get one if your looking at this . 🙂 .
Great little fan. I brought two. One for me and one for my daughter who is going travelling. It takes up very little room in your handbag. Has two setting, both which are good and not very noisy.
I only got this today but very impressed with it. Already had charge in it so I could test it.
Although it only has 2 speeds, the second one is quite strong.
The torch is super bright, much better than I was expecting.
Don’t know about battery life yet but would definitely recommend this hand fa
A few funny looks and comments that it looks like something else, but it’s keeping me cool and great to have when I’ve to charge my phone when out and needed charger for phone.
What’s not to like? Its lasts my whole 12 shift after a charge, it’s not noisy at all. Great!
Excellent fan, lightweight but two speeds give good cooling on a hot day. Long lasting battery life. Would recommend
Quiet, compact, fits in small bags and the battery lasts for ages!
Eine sehr gute Invention fr den Sommer. Ich habe es seit 3 Wochen und benutze es immer wieder, musste es bisher aber noch keinmal laden. der Akku hlt also sehr lange! Es ist zwar nicht geruschlos aber dennoch sehr leise und die zwei einstellungen geben einem die option zws strke und lautstarke leicht zu variieren.
Alles in allem sehr weiterzuempfehlen!
It is compact and pretty powerful for its size. The battery life seems pretty good on it aswell. I can’t wait to take it on holiday.
I’m very happy with this fan. It’s small, folded fits really well in my handbag. Cooled me down well. Speed is good and not very noisy. Haven’t used it long enough to know the battery life but I’m assuming it’s good as I used it twice and it’s still working. Didn’t need to charge it.
I am a woman of a certain age and I couldn’t have found a more perfect fan to have with me day and night. It’s compact (however does look a little like a sex toy. Lol) but it does the job perfectly. Had for a few weeks and used it every day and yet to charge it.
It is really quiet and has 2 speed settings which is ideal for those more extreme hot flushes. Have used at work while in meetings and has made no impact to noise levels. Would recommend in a heartbea
Used this on holiday in 54 degree heat and it was great. Long battery life and small enough to put in my bag. The light feature is handy too. Great little item.
We ordered this fan along with two other that were a bit more expensive. This fan looks more like a toy, but it works quite well & cools more quietly than the others that looked like regular mini fans. Plus it’s adorable & has a light.
It’s handy to have and easy to carry around.
Pros..Its compact and the Charging cable also works for the power bank which is really handy for out and about
Cons..It has one of those nearly impossible to attach fiddley wriststraps.! Tbh, I will probably never use the torch, it’s not that good.
If its just the wee fan you want, I’m sure there are better ,lighter weight ones out there for the same price or less.. Same goes for a torch and powerbank. But if you want a handy little fan with a powerbank to throw in your bag or pocket, then I’d say give this a go.
Perfect for a nice holiday, it includes a fan, touch and it’s also a portable charger. What else can you ask for? Definitely worth the money
It’s a power bank and fan all in one. Best for summer festivals where it’s hot and your phone dies cause you’re taking too many videos. I love i
This is a great little fan, I bought it for work, fits perfectly in my pocket, very handy, great price and delivered quickly.
It’s exactly how they say it is, helped me on a hot day
Love it. Does the job,didn’t expect such power from this little fan. Will be of great use during these hot days
Really powerful for such a small gadget.
Perfect size for travel. Decent battery life.
It makes a low humming noise like all fans do but it’s honestly really quiet.
Definitely recommend!!
Ottimo rapporto qualit prezzo. Il design comodo. L’unica pecca che non si regge da solo se poggiato da solo su una superficie ma assolve pienamente al suo compito.
amazing!! i am taking it on holiday with me in 2 months and i can already tell it’s going to be off great use. My brother has already purchased one after seeing mine 🙂
I’d bought it just as a secondary small fan to prepare for summer and it’s actually a lot better than my first fan! Nice and strong, feels good and durable, quite happy 🙂