Kalawen Weather Station with 3 Outdoor Sensors, MSF Wireless Digital Alarm Clock, Barometer, Temperature, Humidity Monitor, Weather Forecast for Home Garde

Kalawen Weather Station with 3 Outdoor Sensors Colorful LCD Digital Indoor Outdoor Temperature, Humidity, Date, Alarm Clock for Home Garden

kalawen wireless weather station
kalawen weather stations
kalawen weather station with 3 outdoor sensor
Dimensions: | 28.7 x 26.5 x 6.3 cm; 720 Grams |
Model: | QXZ3383-UK |
Part: | QXZ3383-UK |
Manufacture: | Kalawen |
Dimensions: | 28.7 x 26.5 x 6.3 cm; 720 Grams |
Te aporta buena informacin y es bastante precisa. Puedo saber la temperatura en varias zonas de mi casa.
las pilas de los sensores estn durando mas de 6 meses
Funktioniert perfeckt, sieht gut aus. Einzig negativ, der Blickwinkel auf das Display muss stimmen, sonst ist das Display nicht ablesbar. Betrieb nur mit Netzanschlu zu empfehle
Stazione meteo bellissima, funziona alla perfezione, installazione facile e intuitiva. L’unica cosa che forse possono migliorare la luminosit dello schermo, se usato con le batterie si spegne dopo pochi secondi andando in standby per evitare il consumo e per visualizzare devi schiacciare un pulsantino. Avrei preferito ci fosse la scelta. Collegato alla corrente invece rimane illuminato.
I bought the Weather Station with 3 outdoor sensors on Black Friday. Easy to install and read but I don’t know why the outdoor 2 sensor always detect someone else reading, not mine. I have try many times to connect both Weather Station with ch.2 sensor including switching different sensor to ch.2 but still not successful. At a result, I really have 3 workable sensors but only 2 reading on the Weather Station is mine.
Por lo menos una casa con 4 lugares a medir. Luminoso y fcil de instalar, excepto la hora, que en mi caso no conecta con la frecuencia internacional que la da, aunque con otro anterior de otra marca tampoco pudo.
Tutto ok, qualit e tempi di consegna, solo che la scatola, pur avendo tutto al suo interno, arrivata senza la minima confezione, apribile da chiunque (sarebbe bastato anche solo un po’ di nastro adesivo a impedire l’apertura accidentale o fraudolenta del pacchetto)
la stazione meteo sembra carina ,mi sembrata molto leggera !non lho provata perch la devo regalare a natale ,speriamo bene ! poi aggiorner la recensione .COSA NON MI PIACIUTO ? mi arrivata la scatola senza essere impacchettata con un adesivo attaccato davanti che ho fatto fatica a staccare e rimasta pure un po’ di colla ,la cosa mi ha dato pi tosto fastidio visto che lo devo regalare ero l x li per rimandare il pacco indietro ,questo non mi piaciuto proprio .
Die Wetterstation wird verwendet, um die Temperatur und Luftfeuchtigkeit drinnen (Wetterstation, ein weiterer Raum) und drauen (zwei Sensoren) zu messen. Fr wissenschaftliche Messungen sind die Sensoren leider etwas zu ungenau, aber fr den Hausgebrauch sehr gut geeignet. Dafr kostet die Station auch nur 1/10 im Vergleich.
Allerdings brauchen die Sensoren relativ lange, um sich korrekt einzumessen (ggf. nach Inbetriebnahme erst eine Nacht warten).
I only give it 4 stars as the only fault I have found is that the screen is a little too dim during the day even when plugged into mains but other than that it is perfect and I can monitor the temperature at 4 different points around my home.
E’ quello che vedete fantastico ed veramente utile preciso consiglio vivamente se avete intenzione di comprare una stazione per misurare le temperature nelle varie zone comprate questa
Prvisions mto et temprature , mauvaise vision si ont ne la regarde pas de face
Trs bien j’ai les valeurs de temprature extrieure 3 endroit diffrent, cran en couleur trs esthtique.
Ottimo prodotto. Peccato che non si legge bene in determinate posizioni.
Snygg vderstation som r ltt att komma igng med. + med flera enheter som man stter ut p olika platser inne som ute.
+ Enkel att komma i gng med.
+ Snygg
– att den inte kan hngas p vggen . men det fick jag lsa p annat stt
– att man inte kan namnge de olika enheterna i huvudenheten. Vilken som r 1 respektive 2, och 3.
Le produit est conforme mes attentes.
Le seul bmol, le produit est arriv sans aucun emballage, la bote n’tait mme pas ferme. Inadmissible
Per lavoro uso svariati dew point meter e data logger dai costi altissimi.
Beh, devo ammettere che questa stazione meteo molto precisa, sensori da esterno compresi.
Attenzione perch il livellamento/aggiustamento di temperatura e umidit non assolutamente immediato, ci vuole pi di qualche ora per leggere i dati perfetti una volta posizionati i sensori. Poi per tutto quadra benissimo, con uno scarto pi che accettabile rispetto appunto a rilevatori professionali.
In sostanza a questo prezzo quasi incredibile.
Vedremo come si comporter nel tempo e soprattutto il consumo batterie.
Molto consigliato.
Le principal intrt de cette station est le rapport qualit/prix, en comparaison avec d’autres de marques diffrentes, installation facile en suivant le mode d’emploi, la lecture du cadran est claire et assez prcise, bien qu’il faut le branchement permanent sur secteur, pour une luminosit parfaite, ce qui peut paraitre handicapant, le design est russi sans tre extraordinaire, on ne peut que la poser et non l’accrocher un mur, nanmoins cela reste un bon produit reste vrifier la fiabilit long terme.
Trs bon produit, dommage que les intituls des thermometres ne soient pas modifiables
Trs bon article mais dfaut de conception retour sans problme et remboursement immdiat.
Nel complesso un buon prodotto, una pecca la discrepanza di rilevamento della temperatura tra i vari sensori, supera anche il mezzo grado nelle stesse condizioni di contorno. Un’altra cosa che avrei implementato sarebbe stata quella di avere la possibilit di visualizzare i valori massimi e minimi di temperatura e umidit registrati dai vari sensori, come avviene con altri prodotti simili.
Good product nice big screen three sensors accuracy is not the best the only problem I had is one of my sensors displays was broken still waiting a response from the selle
– il y a la temperature de la pice o est la station qui apparait, comme je l’ai lu dans certains commentaires, elle est fausse. En effet, ma station est programme pour rester au plus claire, la station doit donc produire de la chaleur et fausse donc la temperature.
j’ai donc la station dans le salon ET un capteur dans le salon pour me dire sa temperature. j’ai ensuite un capteur l’exterieur et un dans une chambre.
– chaque fois que je debranche la station (en cas d’orage, etc.), il me faut la notice pour reconfigurer l’heure, j’ai un peu de mal…
je ne me sers pas du reveil et parfois en voulant mettre l’heure je l’active, c’est un peu agacant mais c’est moi qui ne comprends pas la configuration, je pense
– aprs quelques temps et une canicule de quelques jours, j’ai eu envi d’une seconde station pour pouvoir avoir la temperature des autres chambres et de la salle de bain (ce qui prouve que cette station me plait !)
l il faut savoir que l’on ne peut pas acheter la meme station ! Ds que j’ai branch la seconde station (les capteurs taient encore dans leurs emballages, sans piles), la temperature de mes 3 capteurs existants est apparue ! Je me suis retrouve avec 2 stations qui m’affichaient exactement la mme chose ! Les capteurs et les stations interferent donc entre elles…
j’ai donc renvoy la seconde station et en ai achet une autre d’une autre marque. 2 fois je me suis faite avoir ! Si les capteurs ont la mme tte que ceux de la premiere station, vous pouvez tre sur que c’est la mme frequence d’mission et donc que ca interfere entre les stations. J’ai donc fini par acheter une station avec des capteurs moches, sans affichage de la temperature sur eux et avec une station en noir et blanc, et l plus d’interfrence ! J’ai enfin l’affichage de la temperature de toutes mes pieces sur 2 stations qui ne se ressemblent pas du tout.
j’ai eu quelques soucis pour la programmer mais bien aid par le SAV amazon, mais aussi le vendeur aprs l’avoir contact !! pour le moment elle fonctionne trs bien, elle est agrable consulter, trs pratique avec ces trois thermomtres , et la luminosit rglable qui est un plus, franchement c’est un bon produit !! reste voir dans le temps !!!
Globalement et jusqu’ present ( plusieurs mois d’utilisation) ce produit est correcte.
A savoir, sur batteries , l’ecran ne reste pas allumer et il faut donc toucher l’ecran pour voir les valeurs, par contre sur secteur il reste allume . Sur secteur la luminosit de l’ecran n’est pas assez puissante pour voir l’ecran dans different angles . il faut tre en face de l’cran et a la bonne hauteur pour pouvoir le lire . par example si vous tes Assi en face mais pas a la bonne hauteur parfaitement en face de l’ecran vous ne verrais rien. Dommage que le display ne soit pas de meilleur qualitee mais pour le prix c’est correcte .
Easy to set up and generally very accurate for present weather and near future forecast. Excellent value for money.
Trotzdem wollte ich die Wetterstation ausprobieren und wurde positiv berrascht. Nach anfnglichen Temperaturunterschieden bei den Sensoren (bis zu 2 Grad) hat sich das nach ca. 24 Stunden eingependelt und jetzt ist fast alles optimal.
Positiv und fr mich mit ausschlaggebend ist, dass die Basis per Netzteil betrieben werden kann. Sie ist dadurch immer beleuchtet und jederzeit ablesbar. Im Batteriebetrieb hlt die Beleuchung nur kurz und kann per Druck auf die “Light” Taste an der Obersiete aktiviert werden.
Die Sensoren halten guten Kontakt zur Station und zeigen die Werte zuverlssig an. Die Temperaturen an den Sensoren und der Station stimmen berein. Dass die Sensoren untereinander um ca. 0,5 Grad voneinander abweichen und auch etwas trge auf Temperatur- und Feuchtigkeitsnderungen reagieren ist zwar ein kleiner Kritikpunkt, spielt fr mich aber keine Rolle.
Fr meine Einsatzgebiete: 1x Treibhaus zur Temperaturberwachung, 1x auen (ca 15m entfernt am anderen Ende des Hauses am Garagenfenster fr die Auentemperatur und 1x Bad zur Kontrolle der Feuchtigkeit erfllt die Wetterstation ihren Zweck.
Zur Haltbarkeit der Batterien kann ich nach 2 Wochen Betrieb noch nichts sagen.
Funzionamento corretto anche senza mai inserire le batterie. Nel giro di 10/15 minuti prende l’orario ed pronta. Collegati tutti i 3 sensori ricevono bene anche attraversando muri grossi, con distanza 10 metri. A 15 metri i muri grossi in pietra iniziano a far perdere la connessione. Non ho provato con muri normali in mattoni forati. Le previsioni di pioggia ovviamente sono spesso sbagliate
Produit simple, agrable consulter grce l’cran couleur.
Pour un usage courant.
Tenue dans le temps apprcier ultrieurement (notamment la consommation de piles et tanchit des capteurs).
Mode d’emploi un peu droutant (la logique de la prsentation pourrait tre amliore).
Pour le prix franchement a fait le boulot.
Sur la photo vous pourrez observer la station et les 3 capteurs branchs depuis 3h.
Il y a un cart entre les capteurs et la base au niveau de l’humidit mais cela devrait se lisser avec le temps.
Aucune piles n’est fournie mais il y a un transfo pour la base. Il faudra prvoir 2 piles AA par capteurs, donc 6 en tout pour les 3 capteurs + 2 piles AA pour la base si vous ne comptez pas utiliser le transfo.
Je voulais l’acheter pour connatre la temprature de la pice de vie, de la chambre de bb et de l’extrieur.
Pour le prix, a fait le boulot.
Bref je recommande, seul bmol au niveau du colis. Aucune protection autour du carton du produit, mme pas un Scotch pour sceller le carton et l’on adresse coll dessus. Un peu comme si on collait un timbre sur une bote de CD pour vous l’expdier.
Une fois install, il faut etre patient. Les appareils de mesure ne sont pas trs ractifs.
A savoir qu’en cas de changement brutale de temprature, ils varient lentement la hausse comme la baisse. et donc au dpart, j’ai cru qu’il mesurait mal, surtout en les mettant cot.
J’ai tes avec un thermomtre classique, l’cart est de 0.5degrs environ, voir 1 max.
En terme de luminosit, c’est correct si on laisse brancher.. meme si les couleurs ne sont pas ds plus adquates
On ne peut pas modifier le nom des outdoor meme si une grande partie est dedans
L’appareil qui est dehors (n’est pas tanche selon le mode d’emploi).. mais alors pourquoi propose t il un modle avec analyse temprature extrieur… j’ai mis le mien sous abrit mais il va quand mme risquer la pluie sans doute.
Aprs j’attends de voir combien de temps des piles AA tiennent avec le froid. En gnral cela les dcharge vite. Dommage qu’il n’y a pas d’autres systmes plus robuste.
Aprs plusieurs joursd ‘utilisation, cela me convient car je compare la temprature dans plusieurs pices de ma maison et en extrieur.
Only had it a couple of months, but so far it seems accurate and was easy to set up. If I can do it anyone can.
We enjoy using this weather station! It is far clearer and has at least as much information as one we purchased several years ago. Strongly recommended.
Initial set-up was reasonably straightforward, with a booklet in the box and a video online. At first, we thought the time function was not picking up the radio(?) signal it needs if manual settings are to be avoided. However, it proved easy to correct this by simply leaving everything to connect overnight.
Full functioning was in place within 24 hours, and everything has continued perfectly ever since.
No issues just wished that they used a clearer, larger font for the instructions. Looks like they reduced a larger document without thought to the font size, images, etc.
The Weather Station I have only used for a few days connected by plug in power. The display is very easy to see and read. Date is given in Month-Date-Day format by default but can be changed to Date-Month-Day in the menu. The clock synchronised very quickly so I assume it uses the UK MSF signal, and defaults to the 12 hour clock. This can be changed to 24 hours in the menu. Will see whether the clock automatically changes to BST and back again to GMT/UTC at the appropriate times in the year. The time can also be manually set in the menu if there is difficulty with the MSF signal or you wish set for a different time zone, etc.
I checked the first outdoor sensor against the weather station side by side and there was about 0.2 degrees C difference between the two. (Will test another later) Currently have only two remote sensors connected. The interesting thing is that the internal unit corresponds with a less expensive weather station that I thought was reading 0.5-1.0 degrees over depending on temperature compared to my central heating Honeywell wireless controller. The Weather station can be set to degrees F or C from a button.
You need to select the channel you wish to use within the remote sensors as they come set to channel 1 as default. When first turned on the weather station will seek the MSF and remotes but if remotes are added later there is a button inside the remote to send wireless synchronise signal, or from the weather station press the CH button to select the appropriate channel and it will seek to synchronise.
The remotes and Weather Station each use two AA batteries that are not included. The actual Weather Station can be used either plugged into the mains via the supplied adapter or with batteries.
So far very pleased with it, but see what I think in a few months.
I should add that the remotes are slightly out to each other but only by 0.1 – 0.4 degrees C. They also take around half hour to stabilise between that on the outside sensor from a much higher or lower temperature. This maybe due to slow acting components but is more likely to prevent wind, etc keep on jumping the readings, as well as how often the sensor to the main station is updated. This may only be every 15 minutes or so. The remotes appear to show 0.1 degree C difference to that on the main station, which is negligible.
Generally speaking temperature readings on many things, including commercial and engineering components, have a tolerance of pus or minus 1 degree C. (Actually half a degree F, but as C is 5/9ths of 1 degree F then you can assume 1 degree c.) That means that between two items you may see a 2 degree C difference as one is at the top and the other is at the bottom of the tolerance range. You have to pay a lot more to get a better, reduced, tolerance. However most items tend to be well within their tolerance range so these difference tend to be less.
Bought this as present for my husband he is delighted with it , easy to fit up and nice clear resdings
Easy to set up and the wireless range was very impressive. I was able to place censor’s around the garden (front and back). Once set up easy to read and data was fascinating to compare. Great display and I liked the fact that when only powered by battery the display is not on all the time. There is the option to connect the base station to the mains with the enclosed lead, but I chose not to. Very please with my purchase.
This Weather Station was just what was needed. Greenhouse, Man Shed and outdoor.
Checked all three sensors at the same temperatures (high and low) and all three indicated within 0.5 degrees C of one another. Good for me.
Easy to install and set up.
I would recommend it.
Having read the reviews I was a bit wary but it is better than expected.
Quite a nice clear display that you can adjust from bright, medium, low and off. If you have the display on your bedside table you might find the low setting is not clear when lying in bed. Suggest you have the unit upright and not leaning back on the added supports.
Setup was ok but the instructions are in such small type it is difficult to read. Check out the video on the purchase page that helps. Why can’t you download a pdf manual?
Accuracy? For the unit itself I found the displays initially were all over the place. Suggest initially you get everything connected. Put base unit together with external monitors and leave for a few hours to acclimatise before deciding something is faulty. I found temperatures for base unit and external monitors were very close eventually. The humidity readings for the external monitors was very close. Base unit was about 5% difference. Humidity monitors of all sorts I find to be particularly variable.
Only had it a couple of days and will continue to monitor its performance.
So far so good for price.
You literally put the batteries in and locate the sensors. That`s it! Nice clear bright display and seems well made.
Great , but might need just one sensor,no use for other’s. A++++
Love this device, easy to install and set up, i have fitted covers above the outside ones to keep the rain off.
Remember to not face them directly facing the sun for obvious reasons.
Accuracy on all four about 0.2 oc on average so great for the amateur.
So thumbs-up on this.
I bought this discounted to 34 and is great value for money. It has a good sized bright and colourful easy to read screen.
Three of the sensors are accurate to within 1C and one to 2C. So far the sensors have remained connected with no drop outs. The furthest one from the base station is approximately 40′ away.
The instructions aren’t very good and it took a bit of time to work out how to get the sensors connected to the main unit. Also, it can be a bit confusing when plugged in rather than on battery for the screen to go blank but this is due to the automatic radio controlled calibration but it does keep the time extremely accurate.
The ‘Weather’ function is reasonably accurate but not something you can rely on especially when rain is forecast (or not as the case usually is).
Very easy to set up, nice quality, good range. Happy customer.
Good weather station, easy to read and value for money.
Features and functions as advertised. The three ‘external’ sensors are useful for monitoring multiple zones (such as hall or lounge, conservatory, greenhouse, and of course outdoors). Easy to set up and neat when positioned. Display is very bright at night when mains powered, but auto shuts off if battery powered.
Does not have moon phase or other location info such as sunrise/sunset. Can’t change the standard sensor labels on the display.
Uses AA batteries so sensors are a little larger than some others, but should mean the batteries last a little longer than those using AAA.
Stared up first time, connected to the three outside sensors first time, great display, love the colours. It’s a bit smaller than I thought it would be, but this doesn’t affect it’s effectiveness. Note, it works best if it’s on a flat surface as the display can’t be seen at acute angles.
Very easy to use, gives accurate readings across 3 sensors which I find great for managing my garden.
Love it, brilliant, I have units in the garden, the garage, inside the hot tub in the veg patch
Seems accurate, keep away from tv/pc monitor, read easily. Good price.
Great display and easy to setup. Accuracy though not so sure about. Gives you a good idea though. Generally a good produc
We like this, little difficult to originally set up but once done it’s grea
I would of gaven it 5 stars, but the first one didn’t wotrk.
Really please with this one, would recommend
Works well gives us an idea of temperature, would say a +/- 1 or 2C , accuracy as we kept them inside for a time , gives you general guidance have to pay a lot more for more accurate, gives good guidance, be warned they are water resistant not proof , outside leave in sheltered positio
Le baromtre semble prcis, une fois talonn sur la valeur de la station de ma ville, il indique des valeurs ne s’cartant que de quelques mmHg.
Les pictogrammes de mto, bon, a, c’est bof bof mais ca l’est tout le temps je trouve…
Par contre, en effet, si vous laissez le rtro-clairage allum en permanence la temprature de la base sera 1C plus haute que les autres sondes…
Dans mon cas, a ne me drange pas car la base tant dans la chambre, j’allume le rtroclairage la demande d’un clic sur le gros bouton. Mme sur le rglage minimum, a illumine trop ma chambre la nuit sans a 🙂
Really clear screen. Easy to read accurate. Really like this – lot of info on screen but easy to read, colours help.
Easy to read but not easy to set up from instructions read other reviews this is what I did to set up .very accurate and with 4 Temperature zones .
Easy set up. Good clear screen but restricted viewing angle. Also not good against a bright light (Sun?)
Popped the batteries in, the devices were recognised, temperature readings visible. Nothing more to it.
Great product. Very easy to setup ina very short time. Display is excellent. Sensors pickup from a good distance.
It’s a good product at a good price.
Using the mains transformer (which gets quite hot) the display is quite bright. Too bright to use as a bedside clock as I was hoping to. You can turn the brightness to a lower setting, on battery this is fine (almost off) but on mains is still too bright.
Whichever power source and when set to be dim you can make it bright enough to read easily by pressing the big centre button.
Considering the heat from the transformer when used it may be more efficient to just use it on (rechargeable) battery power?
I love the weatherstation. Only big downside for me is the lack of connectivity to an app.
The weather station was delivered early and setting it up was simple; it more than adequately replaces my previous Oregon weather station that died after 5 years. Unfortunately one of the outdoor sensors was faulty but after a quick diagnosis by the Service Centre, it was replaced and the 3 sensors now work correctly.
This weather station for me is just the ticket, Its good having the three sensors, I don’t have them all out side to give different outdoor readings but one outside the other two, at different locations around the home. It gives a true forecast of the weather and that I did not expect it to do. All in all a very good product I am more than pleased.
Nice informative display, quite restricted viewing angles but a minor thing, it is not a TV!
Nel complesso conoscendo questo dato ci si pu regolare. Il segnale radio preciso. Credo che ci voglia un serie di esperimenti per ottenere risultati ottimali, ma vale la pena perch la stazione nel complesso fa bene il suo lavoro.
This weather station is the perfect solution. Now I can know the temp in the room, the temp in the loft, the temp outside, and even the temp in the garage. And all four sensors include humidity, too.
On the downside, the system measures a degree, maybe two, different to other thermometers. Given the others all measure the same, I’m inclined to think it is this system that is in error.
Another “disappointment” is that the coloured screen (which is very well laid out and pleasant to see) cannot be seen from wide viewing angles. You have to be almost exactly face-on to the screen, to see it clearly. I’m uncertain whether this is a pro or a con. When I want to see the screen, obviously that’s a con, but it is also nice not to have the screen glowing at you wherever you are in the room. I think the need to see the screen is not the same as wanting to know the time (clock) for example, so visibility from all angles is not an important design factor in this case.
Price-wise, there is nothing else in this class. It you need to measure temperature in more than two places, this is the no-brainer winner. And it has humidity too? Now I can also tell where best I should hang the laundry to dry…
So why 4 stars and not 5?
I didn’t feel that enthralled with the quality of the remote sensors. They feel like brittle plastic from the 1980’s. And that screen has nice colours, but reminds me of cheap rather than quality. If the cheapness pervades the design, then long term robustness is doubtful.
The instruction booklet is wanting for detail. The establishing of connection between base station and remote sensors seemed particularly messy.
In a nutshell, just set each remote station to a different one of the 3 possible channels (so that they do not conflict) and switch them on, pressing the “look for connection” button as you do so. They will find each other readily enough, even if you miss the “switch on countdown” of the base station. I figured that replacing the batteries in each sensor would present a time when that system would have to work, without reconnecting all sensors to the base station (requiring them to all be together, to meet the time limits). It was a sensible guess, but something the instuction manual implied was not even possible…
But that’s another reason to knock off a star. If your neighbour has the same system, you might be connecting to their sensors and not yours. And vice versa. There are three channels, one for each sensor. Stands to reason that each system uses the exact same three channels…
We are outdoor people and also enjoy frowning our own produce. The extra sensors work excellently in the polly tunnel and the sunhouse with a third remote sensor still to use this set up is colourful and informative.
Great product and value for money. Easy to read when is power operated (colour and brightness), but can work battery (for reading need to press light button, or mast to be light room) plus AC so never missed time and monitoring temperature . Accurately +/- to 0.5 C from real temperature. Check with calibrated thermometer.
Have accepted that the three sensors vary by a couple degrees when put side by side, also checking with a reliable thermometer, therefore bear this in mind regarding the readings, when they’re placed on location.
Consideration the price, I’m very pleased, including an excellent Customer Service having provided replacement instructions very promptly, which I had unfortunately lost.
Can therefore recommend!
I have 3 sensors attached, one on the back window sill, one in an unheated greenhouse, and a third at the bottom of the garden.
They show consistent results, with the far one up to a degree lower, greenhouse one a little higher and the one at the window highest.
Occasionally, the far one goes off piste, but it does reconnect automatically.
And it is interesting how a gardens microclimate can differ compared to a local weather forecast.
The only issue I might have with the sensors is that there is no way of recalibration.
Just for interest, I have all the sensors in relatively sheltered positions and they have survived the rain deluge of the past few months with no problems.
I always believe in leaving a review. This product is excellent and you won’t be disappointed. The lcd screen is very clear and easy to use.
Very good weather center. Easy to start work although the manual does not describe exactly how to set up the station.
Seems to work ok. But buttons do not agree with instructions.
I would still very much recommend the unit as the sensors appear to have long range and the display is so easy to read. A very good buy but please correct the setup instructions.
Great -set up was straightforward . Follow instructions . Takes a little time for all to connect to wifi . Working fine . Very simple weather forecast . Temp for more than one room and colour display
Love this station great price easy to set up, got it plugged into the mains for a constant bright screen. And good signal range in the sensor got one in my van, garage, and outside wall nice to know the temps especially in the garage and van to see if I need to cover over paint materials from the frost or protect from the heat.
Sul display si leggono la temperatura interna e l’umidit della stanza dove posizionata l’unit principale nonch degli altri 3 sensori (tutte contemporaneamente e con colori diversi, bello!) e c’ anche ora corrente e data. Il tutto completato dall’indicazione della pressione atmosferica e da una previsione meteo non sempre attendibilissima, ma discreta per questo tipo di strumenti.
Ho subito dismesso quasi tutte le altre stazioni meteo che avevo in casa (sono un p fissato…) e non guardo neanche pi l’unica che ho lasciato attiva (blasonatissima Oregon a colori, con funzione di cornice di foto digitali, le cui previsioni lasciano a desiderare e… l’ora segnata SEMPRE di pi “in avanti” fino a spingermi ad abbandonare l’idea di correggerla continuamente)…
Peccato che non vengano fornite le batterie AA necessarie al funzionamento dei sensori (2 batterie x ogni sensore che volete mettere in funzione dei tre forniti a corredo + 2 x garantire il mantenimento dei dati dell’unit principale, in caso di mancanza di corrente), per le normali batterie che ho inserito io durano moltissimo.
Ne consiglio decisamente l’acquisto.
Bello e funzionale
There is no option to mount it on the wall.
Here the booklet says do the same for the next 2 transmitters. They will only connect if the signal bars are flashing. Get them flashing by pressing the CH button on the main unit- press it until the next channel slot flashes- then hold CH button until the signal bar flashes in that channel- now ensure the channel selector switch is in Channel 2 possition (in the middle possition of the 3 possible possitions). Do the same for the 3rd channel.