Linsoul TINHIFI T3 Plus 10mm LCP Diaphragm Hi-Fi in-Ear Earphone with Detachable 2Pin OFC Cable, 3D-Printed Shell for Audiophile Musicia

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Dimensions: | 13.79 x 12.29 x 4.39 cm; 590 Grams |
Model: | TINHIFI T3 Plus |
Manufacture: | TINHIFI |
Origin: | China |
I use them for personal listening. Focused high-definition sound without disturbing external noise.
The sound for the price is simply supurb. Nothing more to add. Just can’t say enough good things about these.
The fit is great and the sound quality is very clea
I’m not an expert on IEM’s by any means; this is just my second IEM purchase. My first IEM is the Moondrop Aria and for the $80 asking price I was blown away by it. I couldn’t believe how BIG such a tiny, inexpensive device could sound. I was immediately hooked because I realized what a phenomenal value this type of headphone device is and so I bought the TINHIFI T3 Plus.
Personally I find these to sound very much like the Aria. My first impression was that MAYBE I was hearing a bit of a bump in the bass by comparison to the Aria but I’m not sure. The price is the same as the Aria so they’re both a great choice. I like the aesthetics of the TIN very much, and the stock cable is much better than that of the Aria. At this point I have to wonder not only how much better it gets as the price goes up, but also what is possible on a cheaper level. I bought a $50 pair of final E3000 but haven’t listened to those yet.
I’m primarily an over-ear open back headphone guy with a modest collection of Audeze, Focal, Sennheiser, HiFiMan, Dan Clark Audio, KEF, and Sony but the IEM world interests me because of the value. I’d never have thought terrific sound could be attained for under $100. It’s mind boggling. Give these a listen!
Meine Frau und ich sind Musiker und wir waren auf der Suche nach IEM fr die Bhne, die preislich uns nicht gleich in den Abgrund fhren. Also bin ich auf die Suche gegangen im Netz, was fr alternativen es zu den Branchen Primuses gibt… Zunchst hrte ich in den CCA 16 Pro rein – ganz ok, aber noch nicht die Klarheit, die ich als Snger und Gitarren spieler bentige.
Also suchte ich weiter und bin in einem Video ber den CCA 16 Pro auf TIN Hifi gestoen und dachte mir… probiere wir es aus, wenn er proaktiv von ihm angepriesen wird. Was soll ich sagen: Es ist der absolute Hammer!
Auf einer Worship Night in Neumnster verwendeten wir beide die neuen IEMs und unsere Stimmen klangen so klar und gefhlvoll wie sonst nicht (Sure SE215 vorher verwendet). Ich empfehle jedem fr den persnlichen Musik-Genuss neue IEM Tips in aus Schaumstoff zu kaufen z.B. INAIRS. Der Klang wird dadurch deutlich besser, da die tips von TIN-Hifi einfach nicht gut sind.
Am Macbook mit iTunes kurz de EQ etwas angepasst und BOOOM – ich hre so gerne Musik mit Kopfhrern wie lange nicht mehr. Deutlich mehr tiefe in den Songs, Klarheit in den Hhen auf der Hi-Hat oder Piano Songs. Der Anschlag der Schlege ist sogar mit diesem IEM herauszuhren – einfach der Knaller!
Also: Fr das Geld knnt ihr keinen besseren IEM bekommen, der dazu mit neuen Tips auf der Bhne super performt!
Beste Gre
AMAZING. I really like these in ear monitors im a musician and a sound enginer for a band I highly recommend these to all my musicians
Anytime I write a review I consider the value of the purchase. In this case for the price point and coupon used it was a great purchase. The overall quality of the in-ear earphones was certainly a 5 out of 5. I would describe the audio quality as “FULL” and as others noted, “heavy” on the bass. I listen to music or movies on an Apple Macair and mini headphone amp with Boom software all to get the desired sound. The earphones adjust perfectly, and the quality of sound is superb. You can sweeten the bass if so desired. A great value for the price…
Amazing earphones for the price. Really premium unboxing with quality to match. Comes with foam ear buds which was a nice surprise.
These look awesome! And really wanted to like them more but for me the fit is weird for my ears and causes discomfort after 20 minutes..I’m no expert and everyone is different when it comes to sound..I compared these to my ZS10 pro and for me the zs10 has more power (probably from the drivers? ) I am just using a Dosmix dac dongle from my s21fe..these do have a nice sound but I recently got the moondrop starfields and compared..the starfields sound way better to I’m sending these back and keeping my moondrop and my zs10 pro for now..but give these a try and if you don’t like you can always send them back..they are very good quality in build..and sound good..still new to the take my review with a grain of salt..everyone is different..and I know the moondrop starfields are like $40 more so for the price of these it’s very good..
Nutze die T3 Plus an einem iFi hip-dac 2, verbunden mit einem iPhone 12 mini und beschallt mit Tidal HiFi Plus ( incl. Master und Dolby Atmos Inhalten ). Zudem habe ich das 3,5 mm Klinkenkabel durch ein 4,4 mm Balanced Kabel von Yinyoo (ca 29 hier) ausgetauscht. Das Ergebnis ist unglaublich gut.
Bass ist, dort wo er muss und soll, satt vorhanden, nicht matschig und ziemlich genau ( meiner Meinung nach kein Basslastiger IEM, zumindest in meiner Kombi -siehe Eartips unten ).
Hhen und Mitten schn klar und ohne Sibilanten oder erschpfende Spitzen.
Stimmen, vor allem Frauenstimmen, schn im Vordergrund und sehr fein aufgelst, trotzdem nicht zu dnn sondern mit guter Substanz.
Bhne mittelbreit.
Mit den Eartips vom Beyerdynamic Xelento (separat bei Beyerdynamic fr 9,50 fr 4 Paar erhltlich)
(Danke an Miniklangwunder” fr den Tip) ein absolut gut sitzender, toll spielender und bequemer IEM der mindestens das doppelte seines Preises Wert ist.
Really nice sounding earphones. Stay in place even when jogging etc. No complaints.
These have quickly replaced my TinT2s as the daily drivers. Super comfortable and secure and no issues with the cable. I use them while listening to music, video editing, and gaming and they have worked flawlessly.
One of the most comfortable easy listening IEM’s out there. Probably my top pick for IEM’s under $100. It does things so well, this would be my one choice if I had to choose just one in this price point, and it likely can compete quite well with most IEM’s under $200. This is better than my Tin T2, T2+, T3, KZ ZS10Pro, Blon BL-03, and I even prefer it to my ThieAudio Legacy 2’s for a wider blend of genres, especially when thick bass is what makes the song pop.
The T3 Plus is the thicker, meatier sister of the ThieAudio Legacy 2 regarding bass response. Doing an A/B test between the two while listening to “The Heist” album by Macklemore & Ryan Lewis makes things very obvious. I’m ordering a second pair. They’re that good. Just be sure to choose the correct ear tips for your ears and a good audio source.
Nach dem T2 plus eine klang Verbesserung den ich nicht erwartete, vor allem beim tieferem Tnen und Bhnen Abbildung; voller. Aber man muss recht groe Ohren haben; fr Leute mit kleinen Ohren nicht geeignet. Aber Klangqualitt und Komfort vom Moondrop Starfield ist besser.
Good sound quality but bad Comfort to use. Anyway very good value money.
Sound is amazing, clear, concise. Plenty of good detail, space, yet not fatiguing like other chi-fi IEMs I’ve tried in the past (CCA 12)
Please with purchase, took me a while to find my comfortable fit, and cable has very low microphonics. For the price, great buy!
These headphones are really something incredible. There is amazing clarity in the mids, well balanced, powerful bass and a smooth, detailed, treble. They look sophisticated, and they are relatively comfortable, though I do have to adjust them in my ears every hour or so. What these IEMs provide is a detailed soundstage, wonderful clarity and separation of instruments, intimate vocals, and an overall fun listening experience, which at this price point, is hard to beat. What else can I say except they make the music I enjoy sound great? I highly recommend these for people who like rock, alternative, pop, punk, and metal.
Habe das Standardkabel gegen ein TRIPOWIN C8 8-Core Silver Copper Kabel ausgetauscht. Mit den richtigen Aufstzen und einer mehrstndigen Einspielzeit hren sie sich richtig gut an. Angeschlossen sind sie an einem Fiio K9 Pro und einem Audioquest Tower Verlngerungskabel.
I’ve seen the hype and I’ll be honest, I didn’t believe it at first, but I wanted to see if it were true and let me tell it is worth every penny. It is superbly flat (maybe a slight bit peaky), has a lovely design, and fit reasonably well. The cable does not feel the best, but you can easily swap it for something better. For only $80, these are a no brainer if you want a great IEM to get started with. Trust me, you’ll notice a difference.
I picked these iems while they were on sale for 60, and for the price the comfort and sound quality hit well above the price poi
I am a bit of an audio file. I wad looking for a reasonably priced pair of IEMs. These sound really good. I would classify these as fun. The bass is elevated, not as much as many headphones, but more than I would prefer. That said the bass does not intrude into the mids nor make the sound signature dark. The MIDs are pretty neutral and the vocals are outstanding. The treble is there, clear, and never bright or simbalant. If you like bright exagerated highs, these are not that, but nothing is lost. Minute details are present with just a touch of sparkle. These IEMs are comfortable and not fatiguing at all. I choose the blue foam tips. They add a little airyness to the highs and very slightly reduce the bass. I don’t think you can find better for under $100.
I am really enjoying these Linsoul Tin T3+ IEM earbuds. I have somewhat picky tastes as an entry-level audiophile, so allow me to clarify what I mean and you can make your own decision 🙂
~ The balance of dynamics in the song is pretty well-attuned for earbuds under $100. I can hear the midrange, instrumentation, treble, and bass and nothing overpowers one another. In fact, I can hear more articulations, instrumentation and detail on these headphones than on my 1MORE triple driver earbuds or my Beyerdynamic Soul Byrds. I would call them the more balanced of the three, evening out the soft dynamics to become audible yet not overpowering.
~ Imaging, in my opinion, is average to above average, but I’m still not great at identifying this very well. They’re small earbuds. That being said, nothing sounds congested on these buds.
~ Treble has a relatively clarity and yet imperfections shine through. I can hear a touch of raggedness in some of my favorite singer’s breaths as they inhale. There seems to be, in my opinion, an ever-so-slight graininess to the tracks. It’s not hyper-polished, but for whatever reason, I like the authenticity. It makes it sound more realistic, yet balanced and enjoyable. I’d call this slightly “warm”, yet also more neutral and less sparkly than the 1MORE Triple Drivers.
~ Frequencies are attenuated much better than on my 1MORE triple drivers. I can’t even take phone calls or listen to most music on those anymore because high frequencies put me into a state of pain and wincing. With these, my ears do get a little fatigue, but that is a huge difference. The fatigue is totally tolerable — I’ve listened to these for hours and didn’t get head pain or ear pain, and I’m rather sensitive to sound and high frequencies. For $80 earbuds, this is pretty awesome and kind of a new world for me.
~ Comfort is pretty good. I really love that they included a pair of M-sized blue Linsoul memory foam tips. These fit me the best compared to the black silicon tips. I will say that it was EXTREMELY difficult for me to try to put the stock silicon eartips on these earbuds. I kept trying to mush and twist them on for over 10 minutes until I gave up. They come off fine, but you might have a hard time getting them back on. I thought about deducting a star for that, but given that the foam tips work rather well for me, I’m averaging it out to 4.5. The earbuds themselves are fairly comfortably shaped. Compared to the Moondrop Aria’s, these are much more comfortable for me. I couldn’t get the Aria’s to fit or seal at all, and they ended up hurting my ears just wearing them for a few minutes. These seal my ears pretty well with the M foam tips. I do wish they’d offer a few different sizes for foam tips, like Final does: something like S, S/M, M, M/L, L.
~The detachable black cable is pretty solid. It’s not thin or prone to fraying, I can tell, and the audio quality is good. The cable is prone to some tangling, but it’s not that bad. It’s actually a pretty nice cable and has a high-quality 3.5mm thick and robust connector at the end of it.
~I’ve only tried these on my iPhone 12 with a dongle. I’m going to update this review when I use my Macbook Pro. I don’t own a DAC; not that audiophile.
I am quite satisfied with these and will probably keep them. They are well worth the money. Even if these were $90 or $100, they’d still be worth the money, in my opinion.
But I do like my Starfields more. T3 is less sparkly in the treble, but adds a bit of bass. Mids are slightly recessed as well, but not drastically so. Overall, this is a great sounding IEM and totally worth the 69 bucks (even more so if you get it for 58 on a lightning deal like I did.) Recommended!
Vorweg sei gesagt, dass ich keine anderen aktuellen IEMs zum Vergleich habe, ich gehe also unvoreingenommen an die Sache heran. Allzu detaillierte Klangbeschreibungen werde ich nicht machen, aber eine allgemeine Einordnung kann ich hoffentlich geben.
Getestet habe ich am Fiio K5 Pro, Hiby R5 und am Macbook Pro via Kopfhrerausgang.
Allerdings nicht A/B, so dass ich leider nicht sagen kann, ob und wie sich der Klang je nach Gert ndert.
Was ich aber sagen kann ist, dass der T3+ an keinem der 3 Anschlsse rauscht.
Die Klangsignatur trifft genau meinen Geschmack, – und ich behaupte mal, auch den von vielen anderen. Wir haben hier einen krftigen, aber nicht bertriebenen und sehr kontrollierten Bass und einer Betonung in den Hhen. Der T3+ klingt insgesamt sehr detailliert und klar, ohne scharf zu wirken.
Er bietet eine tolle Rumlichkeit und breite Bhne – teilweise schon fast ein bisschen viel wenn man sowas nicht gewohnt ist.
Bei Down to the Waterline von den Dire Straits lsst sich die Platzierung der einzelnen Instrumente sehr genau definieren, es klingt luftig und weit, whrend man gleichzeitig jedes Detail vernehmen kann. Es macht groen Spa den einzelnen Anschlgen der Becken zu lauschen, whrend Mark direkt vor mir steht und mir persnlich vorsingt.
Das neue Album von Elbow, Flying Dream 1, ist ein atmosphrischer Genuss, weil es in einem leerstehenden Theater aufgenommen wurde. Da hrt man es knarzen und atmen, es gibt wahnsinnig viele Details zu entdecken. Der T3+ fngt diese Mischung aus grandioser Kulisse gepaart mit der Intimitt von Guy Garveys sanfter Stimme hervorragend ein.
A propos Stimmen: was ich bisher gehrt habe, klingen diese natrlich und krperhaft, egal ob Michael Jackson, James Hetfield oder Kate Bush. Im Vergleich zu den Instrumenten und der breiten Bhne sind sie recht nah am Hrer zu orten.
Der Bass, der Bass – ja, er ist durchaus angehoben und auf Spa getrimmt, ohne jedoch bertrieben zu sein oder die anderen Frequenzen zu berlagern.
So ist bei Skrillex – Right in der Tiefbass bei 0:54 hr- und fhlbar, aber er schiebt nicht bis ganz unten an, so wie ich das beispielsweise vom Denon 7200 kenne.
Dennoch reicht es fr ein breites Grinsen im Gesicht.
Ich denke, dem T3+ kann man absolut das Prdikat Spahrer ausstellen, der mit den meisten Musikrichtungen und Geschmckern kompatibel ist.
Abschlieend noch ein paar Worte zu Verarbeitung und Sitz:
Ich stehe nicht so auf Bling Bling, wie es viele ChiFi IEMs mitbringen. Da finde ich den T3+ beinahe schon dezent mit dem Schwarzen Marmor Design und dem goldenen Logo.
Die Verarbeitungsqualitt ist einwandfrei, sowohl der Hrer selbst als auch das Kabel fhlen sich hochwertig und langlebig an. Es gibt bestimmt besseres, aber wie gesagt, ich habe keinen Vergleich zu teureren In Ears.
Der Sitz und die Abdichtung sind sehr gut. Ich habe recht kleine Ohren, daher habe ich die kleinsten der mitgelieferten Silikon Tips im Einsatz. Damit erreiche ich einen hervorragenden Seal, ohne dass ich die Hrer unangenehm tief in den Hrkanal drcken msste. Auengerusche sind dennoch mehr oder weniger deutlich wahrnehmbar, was ich persnlich aber als nicht unangenehm empfinde. So komplett schallisoliert mag ich es nicht.
Fr mich ist der T3+ eine wunderbare Ergnzung zu meinen “groen” Hrern und ich werde mit ihm auf lange Zeit glcklich sein. Ich behaupte, dass es den meisten anderen auch so gehen wird, wenn man nicht bereits einige deutlich teurere In Ears besitzt.
Hoffe das Review war hilfreich!
These earphones have been a very nice surprise on all fronts. Great sound quality, quite basey, very comfortable, great accessories – an all around quality item!
Truly an amazing listening experience. I don’t pretend to be the most knowledgeable or qualified to give advice on headphones as I only own a few sets. I do however own a heck of a home theater system, I have Maggie’s so I know a thing or 3 about detailed audio. These headphones are remarkable. So balanced and detailed and buttery smooth sound. Buy em and enjoy!
These really do remind me of Moondrop Arias and I’m very happy with the performance of these IEM’s. Would highly recommend if looking for sub $100 IEM’s that punch above their cost!
Edit: After using these for a couple months my review still stands, amazing performance for its price. Honestly great work from Linsoul!
These are hands down the best IEM I have ever listened to bar none ! These sound better than my 600 dollar westones ! I am stunned that they only cost 69 bucks ! The craftsmanship is off the charts, the comfort is amazing , the build quality is so good and they look amazing ? Bass is tight and deep , highs are pristine , Mids are full ! I. Just blown away by these ! It’s the best you can get !
IMO, the best budget IEMs are the Blon BL-03 and the Tin T2. The Blons have absolutely remarkable tonality and are such a joy to listen to. The Tin T2 are also great, and have an airy detail and resolution that made them the must have budget IEM for years. The Tin T3 Plus has BOTH. It has the warmth and timbre of the Blons, but also the detail and airyness of the T2. So if you ended it right there, you have an exceptional IEM.
But it doesn’t stop there. The Tin T3 Plus takes it to the next level. The $200-$500 IEM level. What exactly defines this? Punch/slam, instrument separation and imaging. While the Blon BL-03 has outstanding frequency/tonal balance, the driver just isn’t good enough to layer sound and deliver the punch of a more expensive set. It has limitations. That’s why you spend on a pricier set. To get vocals that are distinctly separate from the instruments. The get crystal clear imaging, and kick drums/808s that really have impact. I am BLOWN AWAY by what the Tin T3 Plus offers in this area. Instruments are layered, there’s great punch. Sure, a $300 set will do better, but the Tin T3 Plus closes the gap from the Blon to those pricier sets.
Finally, the fit and design. They look high end and they fit incredibly secure. I have more expensive IEM cables and the stock cable here doesn’t diminish the sound at all. It comes with a good amount of tips, though I am a sucker for Tin’s blue foam tips and own several pairs of them. Finally, these are very easy to drive and can easily be driven by a headphone jack/dongle.
Overall, you’re getting a very VERY good IEM for the price. They’re basically a Blon BL-03/Tin T2 mashup but refined quite a bit with much more technical prowess. If you own the BL-03 and jump up to a $200 set, you will see a difference. If you have these, that difference is cut considerably.
I think these are the PERFECT IEMs for budget consumers who want a little bit more and also those who own $800 sets who want something to beat around on the go, that are easy to drive, while not sacrificing much performance. I think both sides will be very happy with this set.
I bought these on a premonition & a whim. I kind of always avoided Tin Hifi products for no particular reason but just because. I’m very happy that I took the leap on these because they really outperform their price point. With these you get a fairly neutral IEM that has solid, all-around performance. They really do very little wrong. Maybe it can get a little aggressive in the upper frequencies when pushed too hard but that’s about it. They make for an excellent EDC.
Sound is amazing for a sub $100 IEM. It even competes well in the sub $200 category and even surpasses multiple more expensive sets. Superior than their own more expensive P1 and P1+ in almost every way. Better than the very good Moondrop Aria and the Starfields in my opinion as well.
Energetic and well balanced tonality, decent bass and timbre (although there are better options in that areas) ,thick, controlled lows, clear mids, natural highs extension, excellent detail retrieval and great technicalities for its price.
Build quality is good for the price and the fit is nice. The cable isn’t bad either.
A jack of all trades that works great with any music genre, higly recommended. Pretty much the king of sub $100 earphones and headphones.
I finally got myself into IEMs after being into headphone for a while. These TINs are my first pair and I’m glad these are what I chose. I could’ve bought the Moondrop if I wanted the “best” in this price range, but these are more fun in the bass department without being too much. I have them paired with the FiiO BTR5 2021 and it’s been the best in bed and gym listening experience I’ve ever had. I’d definitely give these a try!
At first I didn’t like these. I’ve been using the Tin T2 for a long time, and didn’t like the other Tin products all that much. The more I listened to these, the more I liked them. They have a very nice warmth to them. Well balanced and great soundstage.
Great bang-for-the-buck!
I really enjoy these. I use with the ifi go blu, with bass boost and dimension settings. I’ll put them along side the Aria.
I have the t2s because of the hype train and was left feeling sort of meh.
I have since bought other pairs (ikko oh10, bqeyz summer, Shure se425…). I have to say, for the money (and I’m driving with a DAC), the t3 pro are great. I grab them over the shures consistently and the bqeyz sometimes.
Going back and forth between iems you may notice recessed mids but holy h*ll, putting these on first thing and keeping them on, you’ll be satisfied.
My experience/experiment with bass boosting was a fail (rattle at not very high volume). But no matter, the bass is good au natural.
If you have disposable income and/or are looking for affordable iems, I don’t think you can go wrong.
Long gone is the success from the TIN T2 but the company is finally back and this time achieved another successfully tuned IEM
The earphones come in a neat packaging. Inner box comes with some documentation, a carrying pouch, and a good amount of eartips in S, M, and L sizes — I ended up using Beyerdynamic Xelento eartips over the stock tips
The cable is 3.5mm terminated (single ended). The braiding and very soft touch of the cable remind me of Campfire/ALO Audio litz cables
Sound wise, they have a great tuning profile with fun bass response and a slight upper treble boost. The T3 Plus have only 1 Dynamic Driver which doesn’t seem to have anomalous spikes (according to measurements):
1) There’s no bass roll-off or bass bleed. Macrodynamics take care of drums, bass guitars and mid-bass just fine although I wish it had deeper sub-bass extension and texture although it is hard to achieve any type of texture at this price
2) Mid section vocals (male or female) are treated properl. They don’t have any forwardness or emphasis)
3) There’s not much gain in the lower treble. Only a couple of decibels. However, I do wish it didn’t have that 8kHz peak in the upper treble
4) Imaging is perfectly fine and soundstage is fairly wide (in a good way) for an IEM in this price range
I also used these for FPS gaming with my desktop system (Intona 7054-X > modded Airist R-DAC > Schiit IEMagni) and… to be honest, My MEST MK2 aren’t really worth $1300 more in terms of sound quality
Just wow, T3 Plus are so cheap in comparison!
In comparison to another hot IEM at the moment of this review, like the Moondrop KATO it simply comes down to:
The KATO have a more neutral bass response, smoother treble response and hands down better technicalities at $180
TIN 3 Plus have a tad more punch (mid-bass) but with similar tuning. Although, they do have an upper treble peak which may or may not bother you at $80
In conclusion, I can strongly recommend TIN T3 Plus for anybody on a tight budget. They’re fairly well tuned, will work with almost any portable source, shells fit comfortable, great cable, fun tuned bass, resolving treble, great imaging, and they’re only $80 USD at the moment…
This is almost a no brainer — can’t believe how far the budget IEM industry has come
TIN T3 Plus would have been an instant classic IEM if this would have been released a couple of years ago
Great job TINHIFI! This is your best release yet hands dow
Slightly V shaped tuning. If you enjoy exiting IEM’s these are impossible to beat at this price. If you are looking for a more neutral sound at about the same price then check out the Moondrop Aria.
I find these to be the most comfortable IEM that I’ve just about can recall… And the sound is luscious. Yes, I said luscious! Perfect for every genre of music there is. I absolutely LOVE these. TinHiFi has hit it out of the ballpark this time. I can’t get over the low cost of these gems. Get yours today, there beautiful too.
Thank you TINHIFI ! For a single DD this iem sure ticks all the boxes. If you can, try them on a amp/dac, however, its not necessary to drive these. A phone, tablet, laptop, etc. will do just fine as these are easy to drive, it’s just that these scale really nicely! Highly recommended for any budget.
The first welcome change in with T3 Plus’s is the much more stable two-pin connector. A disadvantage of this connector is that the drivers cannot spin around the connector anymore as it’s not coaxial, but I don’t mind that because these headphones fit my ears perfectly and the attack angle is just right. This is Tin HiFi’s first ergonomic IEMs and I think they really did a great job. Their original metal designs, although very premium-feeling, were a bit uncomfortable for my ears. In T3 Plus’s, almost all of the weight is handled by the drivers themselves and the hook, the rest of the cable just disappears. The cable itself is nice, not as nice as the T3’s though. But the added benefit is much reduced weight. Its color fits the IEMs as well, which I love.
They sound great. I am no audiophile and I don’t even know what different frequency ranges are called. To me, the overall sound profile is similar to the T2’s (presumably due to the single driver configuration). I like these a bit more and they feel a bit more relaxed. Again, for my music taste these sound awesome. I wouldn’t say they are balanced, but they sure sound fun and makes my music enjoyable. This is all that matters.
At time of this review, these cost 69$ (10$ less than Moondrop Aria’s). Aria’s have a good reputation but I haven’t tried them. If you loved what T2’s did, I think these are no-brainer for 20$ extra and, in my opinion, are the obvious upgrades to the T2’s with better sound, ergonomics, and connector.
Love the sound stage of these IEM. Bass, Treble, and mids sound very well balanced.
The fit is fantastic, I have a deep ear canal, and my last purchase BLON 3 were a disappointment, too short to reach my ear canal. I will do my best to take care of this set.
Okay to start off before going anywhere, I’m no expert in audiophile! I’m just a regular guy who wants more out of his sound.
Beside my other tinhifi iem, t2, I didn’t had much else to compare it to so instead I’m going talk about the enjoyment I got out of these.
Man oh man, this has bass for this little guy, I listen on Spotify which, it can bring out some songs but using either tidal or Deezer, these bad boys can come to life.
The bass is there, the treble is also there and mids is there, it seem it is balance but yet with the bass, it doesn’t sound muddy!
I was using these through my Astro mix amp tr for a little bit then I went on to invest in something better, the fulla 4 and damn! This bring out more than the life, it bring out the soul of these guys.
I do listen to any genre but what I listen to the most, is hip-hop, edm, game soundtrack, anime music and rock/metal.
These do favor more towards male vocals but it doesn’t hurt to listen to female vocals.
I didn’t mention earlier, I did change the cable and the eartips, as I heard the stock cable wasn’t the great, I can’t give any info from myself on how good or bad the stock cable is.
One final thing, I had also been using these for gaming, from hollow knight to valorant to regular league of legends. As I mention earlier the bass is what seal the deal on these, for me, however when it come to gaming, it can be overwhelming for certain games like doom enteral. While it doesn’t hide the footsteps or gun reload like games in apex or valorant.
It also doesn’t cover the gorgeous soundtrack in hollow knight, with the treble and mids hitting just right.
Overall, this iem does it all, FOR ME!
Ammended: changing earbuds for a better fit brought some base out.
I was looking for a new set, more affordable, to use at the gym, running etc. thinking that I would not feel bad if anything happened. Then I saw this newly launched Tin HiHi T3 Plus and decided I could give it a try.
When I received and tried on, I wasn’t sure I had connected one of my “better” sets by mistakeNo!! They were that good. Amazing tuning, balanced and warm, perfect for casual listening for any genre. Good soundstage for that price (and amazing clarity and structure), incredible bass, but not too much (as some reviewers have said). Treble is simply perfect as well and the only way to get better is if you step into the tribid arena, such as the Oracle.
If I want to be net pick I could say the mids are somehow a little recessed, but so little that is not of a concern.
In short, for that price range this is a no brainier. Never had a Tin HiFi before and this one turned me into an instant fan. Well done and highly recommended!!
They also fit very well and the cable is nice. No real complaints.