MYFOREST 1Litre Motivating Water Bottle with Straw & Leakproof Flip Top Lid,1L Sports water bottle with Time Markings,1000ml Gym Water Bottle BPA Free for Weight Loss, and Overall Health – Black

Weight: | 200 g |
Size: | 11.4*2.8 inch |
Dimensions: | 33.79 x 11.1 x 9.9 cm; 200 Grams |
Colour: | Black |
Pack Quantity: | 1 |
Batteries Required: | No |
Batteries Included: | No |
Manufacture: | MYFOREST |
Colour: | Black |
Quantity: | 1 |
Size: | 11.4*2.8 inch |
s bien mais garde un gout de plastique. trs dsagrable.
Sehr schnelle Lieferung nehme die Flasche mit zur Arbeit und auf Radtouren, ist sehr leicht und hlt dicht.
Ich hab sie meinem Freund zum Geburtstag geschenkt und sie hlt bis jetzt sehr gut.
Das Produkt wurde pnktlich geliefert und ist eine Empfehlung an alle die zu wenig trinken.
Love that it has a straw, it’s pretty, not heavy at all
Normalmente las botellas son de 750cl. y se me quedaban cortas. stas de 1 litro son perfectas.
Es war ein Geschenk fr eine Person, die auf Reha geht. Kam sehr gut an und fr meinen Geschmack sieht sie auch gut aus. Dem Beschenkten hat sie ebenfalls gut gefalle
Con le frasi motivazionali aumenta davvero la voglia di bere. Il prodotto valido dal punto di vista dei materiali e anche della struttura. La cannuccia interna, infatti, pesca l’acqua fino alla fine
it is best for summer and hot weather, it keeps a big amount of liquid. The Straw can be difficult to clean, it is not so practical to carry along due to the big size of the bottle, it has a cord that makes it easier to keep attached to sport bags or to the wrist but it is not detachable from the bottle, which makes it difficult to wash without making the cord wet. Rinsed it in the dishwasher and it all went well including the cord.
Auslaufsicher, perfekt fr mich.
Dadurch trinke ich immer mindestens 1l pro Tag und das ist schon wirklich viel fr mich.
Kann ich nur empfehlen.
Wasche sie allerdings nur per Hand
La borraccia molto bella e ben fatta. Purtroppo nella colorazione NERA non si riesce a vedere il livello dell’acqua e quindi non riesco a sapere quando il momento di bere. Non capisco il senso di questo colore . La tengo come borraccia classica!
Damit trinkt man mehr als vorher
Nicht fr Sprudel geeigne
Die Flaschen sind sehr gut, auslaufsicher, leicht zu reinigen, passen gut ins Trfach beim PKW.
Optimale Menge, wenn ich zum Sport gehe.
Hab sie frs Bro gekauft, die Zeitangaben helfen, jeden Tag genug zu trinken. Perfekt!
Easy to use and clean. The lock feature is really helpful when my toddler wants to try to open the lid. Would definitely by again.
Ottima borraccia e veramente stimolante…io la uso a lavoro .molto appariscente il che ti permette di ricordarti di bere perch la noti facilmente.
Man muss nur genau gucken das die Dichtung im Deckel richtig sitzt, dann halt das super.
Ich liebe diese Flasche! Ist seit dem mein tglicher Begleiter damit ich genug trinke sehr praktisch und leicht zu reinigen !
Davvero pratica! Utile per monitorare e stimolare il livello di idratazione giornaliera!!
Materiale opaco quindi la presa della borraccia ottima! Colore come da descrizione, ottimo il fatto che la cannuccia sia rimovibile! Consigliato!
I always forget to drink my water, but with this bottle it feels like a challenge, so I need to complete it 😀 I use it every day.
Ich habe mir die Flasche bestellt weil man da ja mehr trinkt heit es. Das kann ich befrworten. Ich trinke wirklich mehr dank dieser Flasche. Die Skala spornt schon zum trinken an. Das einzige Manko ist: bei kohlensurehaltigen Getrnken sollte man aufpassen das der Bgel verschlossen ist, ansonsten luft sie aus.
Picture shows how big it is. I love the wristlet it came with a straw. Very easy to clean. Loving the lock on the push button to open. Love Love Love
J’adore la bouteille c’est vraiment facile nettoyer et il se ferme bien le bouchon . Maintenant depuis que j’ai la bouteille je plus d’eau 2l par jour ou plus . Je vous encourage l’acheter.
Die Flasche ist ganz praktisch, einfach zu bedienen und hlt dicht.
Die Flasche ist erstens schn und zweitens super praktisch mit dem Verschluss und dem Strohhalm. Das macht das Trinken soviel einfacher.
Love this water bottle and it is waterproof! I needed a good water bottle for the gym and this has been great. It fits in the cup holders at the gym, and when I shake my protein powders in there is absolutely no leaking. I love the lock on the top so I know it won’t spill in my bag either.
Ich liebe die Flasche. Seit dem ich diese Flasche habe, trinke ich regelmig 2l am Tag. Es ist unglaublich das es funktioniert mit der Zeitangabe!! Wrde ich immer wieder kaufen. Flasche ist dicht, sogar wenn sie liegt und passt perfekt in die Handtasche
This is really a good bottle. I use it at home also in bedroom during night to keep track of my water intake. It is no spill while lying down you can drink from it. Handy for midnight hydration 😉
seit ich die Flasche habe fllt es mir leichter mehr zu trinke
Si vede che un semplice prodotto messo l senza cura.
L’ho comprata per fare un pensierino regalo e quello il packaging:
Una busta trasparente con un adesivo e scritte in cinese..
Potrebbero curare un po’ di pi l’immagine e il servizio..
Ich habe mir die Flasche fr die Arbeit gekauft. Sie sieht sehr gut aus . Leider ist sie nicht auslaufsicher …..
Regalata a mia figlia per la scuola e lo sport , facile da pulire, consiglio l’acquisto
Borraccia comodissima. Stile veramente carino, comoda da portare in giro, e pratica per la levetta di blocco che evita le aperture accidentali. La consiglio per la palestra o semplicemente per ricordarsi di bere in ufficio
Habe schon die zweite davon gekauft- kein seltsamer Geschmack, perfekt zum mitnehmen und auch noch hbsch!
Nachdem ich nun 3 verschiedene Trinkflasche getestet habe, ist diese brig geblieben und fr mich als gut empfunden. Fr meine Bedrfnisse ist diese Flasche einfach das beste bis jetzt. Kein auslaufen, kein verschlucken, durch den Strohalm ist das trinken einfach super und ohne sich zu verschlucken. Einfach perfekt.
Molto carina. Utile. Sicuramente sono pi attenta al problema della poca idratazione. Utile
Praticamente quello che cercavo, comodo funzionale e di buona fattura! Beccuccio con doppia chiusura di sicurezza. Consigliatissimo
Ist super, aber luft leider aus, wenn man sie nicht ganz senkrecht lage
Super Trinkflasche, motiviert zustzlich zu trinken. Auslaufsicher und schnes Design.
Habe die Flasche fr K1 bestellt, aber K2 wollte auch unbedingt die Gleiche haben. Die Flaschen wirken sehr robust und scheinen nicht beim ersten herunterfallen kaputt zu gehen. Der Geruch ist komplett neutral. Und Gott sei Dank, endlich mal eine Flasche die nicht ausluft. Sie ist am Verschluss doppelt gesichert. Klasse Teil.
Die Flasche ist groartig, weil sie eine vernnftige Menge fasst, einen Liter, dazu aber relativ schmal ist, sodass sie in die meisten Taschen passt. Sie ist tatschlich auslaufsicher und funktioniert auch, wie angegeben, fr kohlensurehaltige Getrnke. Sicherer Verschluss.
Der einzige Nachteil fr mich ist der nicht abnehmbare Henkel. Wenn ich die Flasche reinige, wird der Henkel natrlich auch nass und wenn ich die Flasche direkt wieder benutzen mchte, ist natrlich in der Tasche das daneben liegende auch feucht. Aber gut, das wei ich nun und passe auf. Die Flasche macht das allemal wett!
Tatsache ist die Flasche auslaufsicher whrend dem Transport. Aber wenn man sie dann ffnet und hat ein kohlensurehaltiges Getrnk drin, spritzt es raus, da die Flasche durch den Transport geschttelt wird und somit unter Druck steht. Kein Problem bei Wasser…
Das Design ist sehr schn und die Flasche hat ein geringes Eigengewicht.
Haven’t had a leak yet. Goes in the wishwasher and have had no issues with that either.
How much water does it hold I dont hear you ask. Well, funny you shouldnt bring that up as it holds more than a cup but less than a buket. Although I am talking about a large bucket. Not the sort of bucket a child takes to the beach, it holds more than that. So more than a small bucket but less than a large bucket.
It is easy to drink from? Oh if I had a pound for each of the times I’ve been asked that! Actually I do! Ive never been asked that until you didnt ask it just now.
I have been drinking water for many many years and this bottle has a straw in it and that makes things easier to drink and stops me getting my shirt wet.
What colour is it?
Mine is red at the bottom and green at the top. There was no specific reason why I chose that one, but so far it has not leaked, I cannot comment on the reliability of the other colours.
It has a wee strap in case your hands are too small to carry it. If your hands are too small to carry it you may need a larger handed individual to help you lift it to your face. Otherwise perhaps putting it down on the grass and bending over may be a good workaround.
The manufacturers are psuhing the fact that it locks, and that also seems very important to me too. And it works! To date no one has stolen any of my stored water. So full marks on the security features.
In summary, if you need to store water in a secure facility and have hands big enough to lift a medium sized rock then this will likely be fine for your purpose. I like mine very much.
Perfect design all round and love the flip lid with pop out spout. Doesn’t leak when closed, easy to clean, nice style, …its great!
I love this bottle! With most bottles despite the straw length it is difficult to reach the drink at the very bottom but no such difficulty with this bottle. It’s a good size, love the carry handle and safety lock.
Have had many compliments about this bottle. Definitely recommend.
I love this bottle it holds a great amount of water and it’s measuring guide on the side is really helpful to keep you on track throughout the day. It also looks amazing too.
Works really well for me and does not leak. Has helped me to drink more during the day just perfect for me.
Love the design, I purchased this to use whilst I was at work. So far it would appear to be able to withstand a few drops/Knicks etc.
The strap seems sturdy/strong enough, the lock holds well and so far I haven’t had any leakages. The straw can be removed if needed. Definitely buying another couple of these.
Liked it so much got my partner one too. Good size does leak slightly if plastic but inside isn’t sitting right but not a big issue. Lots of compliments on this
I use my bottle all time I love it my hubby got one so has my daughte
My daughter uses these for work she loved it that much she got a second so ones in the fridge when she comes home had them a few weeks used daily no leaked
Great bottle, find that it makes me drink more in the day.
So far it doesn’t leak and all works ok.
This is, a lovely colour great value for money. And my partner is drinking more throought the day.
Beautiful bottle with convenient leak prevention features perfect for on the go.
Apart from leaking unless upright due to seal in top its really nice to drink out of and hold alot for a days work
I love this bottle. Good size and easy to use. Leak proof
Good quality and material, encouraged me to drink more. I would recommend this produc
This bottle is great, no leaks, easy to fill and help you track your drinking throughout the day. Only thing is for washing the fabric handle gets wet so wish this was removable
Lovely bottle ..the straw makes it so easy to drink out of . Just ordered another one for himself
Got this bottle for my wife and she LOVES it. Great bottle. Easy to clean, handy to use.
I much prefer drinking from the straw to having to tip the bottle
Very easy to clean
very good value for money
Every day drinking bottle easy to drink from
All in all love my new bottle
Good Quality. Easy to travel with (useful strap). No leaks. Love the lock feature. Looks pretty too. Keep Hydrated!
Good colourful bottle – with appropriate brush it washes well
Perfect for its intended design. It has a lock for the lid which took me some time to figure out! It’s a really well made and sturdy bottle. Highly recommend.
I’ve only had this since last night & I’m fair taken with it, it’s sturdy, doesn’t leak, seals with a clip, easy o open & the colours are just gorgeous, I need to get out more
I recently realised I was forgetting more and more often to drink water. I’ve normally used a thermal flask bottle which held just over a litre but I found myself forgetting how much water I had drank before filling up and so I wasn’t even finishing a bottle by the end of the day at times.
I had a deep search and came across this bottle and initially I was a bit like mehhhh..not that keen on the colours but for the sake of hydration and not feeling like a dry sponge every day, I got over my ego and brought a bottle in the green and orange colour and let me tell you.. I love it!
I’m a visual person & wont say no to a bit of structure to help me get on with my day a little more, and this bottle has honestly been really helpful. I can see how much I’ve drank and I don’t specifically meet the hours on the bottle but I make sure I don’t fill it up until I finish, whether that be earlier or later than the times on the bottle and then refill it and just make sure I finish the second filling on the bottle before I go to sleep. I’m really happy with the bottle and it’s honestly such a sturdy bottle as well, I’ve had my fair share of reusable bottles and despite it not being insulated, it’s by far my favourite bottle because of the simple change it’s made in my life.
As someone who’s very fussy over the smallest things when it comes to buying off Amazon, believe me when I say this bottle had helped me out a lot!
Seller very understanding I didn’t like a Color and he resend another one very helpful
Definitely highly recommend
In the future I will buy agai
I love this bottle, unfortunately so does everyone else in my house so it keeps disappearing and I’m too stubborn to buy them their own as they’re all old enough to buy their own bottle.
As in the pictures. Good quality and nice colour. Is the first plastic bottle which doesn’t get a bad odor after multiple usage.Thank you
This is the best water bottle I’ve ever had (and I’ve tried loads). Sturdy, top screws on easily, no leaks, easy to clean. Great little lock to stop it coming open in your bag. And the colour is lovely. I ordered a second one to keep at work. Highly recommend.
I love everything about this bottle. It’s so handy for work and travel. There are no leakages either!
The bottle from start to finish is very nice. Its certainly easy on the eye lovely colour, the straw advantage is a good idea really hygienic to use. It’s also a good idea to let you know how much water your carrying in the bottle, saves running out. So pleased I bought this and your certainly on to a really good product ,well done.
I love the colour of the water bottle and how it motivates me to drink more. It doesn’t keep the water cold or anything, not that it claimed to do so, just an observation. No leans so far, but it seems sturdy so I doubt there will be an issue. It’s easy to clean, just put some warm water and a drop of dish soap, shake and it’s good to go. The lid and straw need some more thorough cleaning of course, but nothing too difficult.
Best bottle I’ve ever bought lovely colours, handy marks for tracking your progress, clip close much better design than anything I’ve had previously! Happy:)
I love my new bottle, love the colours, just love everything about it.
To dark to see the water level inside the bottle.
Quite motivational.
Lovely little water bottle which holds a good amount of liquid! In the time I have been using it I have had no problems with it at all it’s not leaked or anything like that. Can be used with or without the straw that’s inside it and has lovely clear markings on the side to show how much water you have drank. Filling this up twice during the day gives me my 2ltrs of water that I need. The colours are also lovely we have two of these in different colours and both have been fab and look lovely. Would definitely recommend.
Very easy to monitor my intake of water every day. Nice safety catch to stop the lid accidentally opening. Also has a silent straw so when I’m in the office I can drink without making a noise
I love this bottle, it looks great, its easy to clean and easy to carry anywhere you go. Holds 1l of water which is great, no need to refill often. Is leak proof so can carry in my bag and don’t be afraid that it might leak. Made from great material, I prefer it more than any other bottle I had.
I liked the marking on the bottle which helps a lot, even though I, myself, quite keen water drinker. I use it everyday in my office and work outs as well as cycling. it is easy to carry and clean. Quite strong material and it has very nice foresty colours. I guess the price is about right for the similar quality and highstreet prices and would certainly recommend. Would love to have something smaller for my son too.
I haven’t used it yet but I love the colour. It’s a good size and I like that I can lock/unlock the lid and then push a button and it just pops open.
It’s a good size water bottle to keep one hydrated. Markings help keep track of water consumption. Straw is very sturdy and wide to give good suction. Good product, highly recommended.
Bottle is strong and the the given strap is also good. I liked the colour of the bottle.. Is durable and good for daily use….
I love it! It helps me drinking the minimum of 2l/day. The colours makes it very “happy”. The material is a good one.
Love this bottle and really has encouraged me to drink more water and love the colours
I’m so happy with this purchase. Was looking for the right sipper and this is just perfect. The colour is great (bought the green and orange one), bottle is very stylish and the sipper is very comfortable as well – I tend to drink more water when I have this sipper around. Would definitely recommend it!!
I really like this bottle very much . thank to seller for this amazing produc
The lid feature an easily accessible lock mechanism, which simply flips up or down over the release button. This allows the lid to be locked in place when flipped up, but then when it’s flipped down and the button is pressed, the lid springs open and the straw aims upwards (which I’ve caught myself just repeatedly springing open the lid too often to count already…)
My partner has been using the bottle whilst at work, and is finding that she is drinking significantly more water throughout the day, due to how easy the bottle is to drink from and refill (primarily the free-flowing straw), and has found that they are drinking at least in keeping with the arbitrary ‘drink schedule’ on the bottle.
Love the colourful design, the size which means I drink loads more the normal and the positive messages on the bottle which encourages you to drink more. Also its easy to drink from and has the strap to hold. Love this bottle 🙂
The colours of the bottle are amazing to, its such a pretty design.
The times on the bottle is such a good idea, it starts at 8am and finishes at 7pm, which is pretty much more work hours and slightly longer, but the bottle is a good size to carry about anyway. Having the times on the bottle makes me make more of an effort to drink more water,
I would highly recommend this bottle.
The fact that this bottle has timestamps on the bottle itself it helps you control how much are you drinking.
The bottle is very sturdy and easy to carry around thanks to lace attached to the bottle.