Nuvo N520JBBK jSax 2.0 in black and black, 7.3 cm*34.0 cm*13.4 cm

jsax title

Which instrument is right for me?

Nuvo Instrumental offers a range of single reed instruments which can all help to develop the skills required to transition to clarinet and saxophone playing later on. The information below will help you to identify the best starting point for yourself or your young musician, and are all compatible with stages of the WindStars tuition series. The instruments blend very well together, so in time you may find yourself building a Nuvo ensemble at home!

Nuvo;student;kids';music;plastic;clean;woodwind;reed Nuvo;student;kids';music;plastic;clean;woodwind;reed Nuvo;student;kids';music;plastic;clean;woodwind;reed
Mouthpiece Single reed Single reed Single reed
Chromatic range 1 octave 1.5 octaves 3.5 octaves
WindStars tutor method Stage 1 Stages 2 & 3 Stages 2 & 3
Instrument length 35cm 45cm 59cm
Instrument weight 121g 252g 265g

Weight: 920 g
Dimensions: 34 x 13.4 x 7.3 cm; 920 Grams
Model: N520JBBK
Colour: Black
Colour: Black

89 Responses

  1. Anonymous says:

    ย United States

    The included 1.5 reed made it easier for a beginner like me to start making clear sound (most notes). I will most certainly graduate to a real saxophone, but this is a really satisfying way to get exposure.

  2. Josh Brown says:

    ย United States

    It’s loud as it played the sound of jazz. Reed #1.5 was unable to play G5 (maybe due to a defect but N165MPGN fixed the problem) ; Reed #2 plays C4 to G5 okay

  3. Aaron says:

    ย Italy

    Sono molto entusiasta del mio acquisto del NUVO JSAX! Questo strumento perfetto per chi vuole imparare a suonare il sassofono in modo divertente e facile. Lo abbiamo acquistato per il terzo compleanno di mio figlio che un grande appassionato di sax.
    Dopo svariati sax di plastica, questo strumento stato un regalo perfetto per lui, poich facile da maneggiare e gli ha permesso di iniziare a suonare il sassofono fin da subito.
    Inizialmente sembra impossibile riuscire a far emettere un suono, ma con un po’ di praticit mio figlio si sentito proprio come il suo idolo Jimmy Sax!
    A distanza di tempo lo suona ancora, e pi cresce pi esplora questo mondo, scoprendo suoni sempre nuovi!

    La cosa che mi ha colpito di pi la sua leggerezza e portabilit. Grazie al suo design innovativo e compatto, posso portarlo ovunque con me senza problemi e senza dovermi preoccupare di danneggiarlo.
    Inoltre, la qualit del suono eccezionale! Non mi aspettavo che un sassofono cos piccolo potesse produrre un suono cos grande e potente.

  4. Diana says:

    ย United Kingdom

    AAA+++ great goods great price easy transaction speedy delivery: 10 years ago I was diagnosed with COPD, not much i can do about it but keep breathing, a specialist nurse from the hospital gave me some breathing exercises and I do them everyday…but recently I felt i needed to do more, I’ve been a musician for most of my adult life – a drummer, but that my keep me fit but it doesn’t improve my breathing. I have many sax playing friends so I thought i’d get something like a sax, that would stretch my breathing -then i saw the jSax, so I ordered one -it’s been fantastic, i’m not trying to play tones just long tones, playing through scales…that’s enough for me, I bought the additional mouth piece and straight bell and a pull through and a book…everything is helping just fine – if I can find this easy anyone can -for whatever reason give it a go – recommended

  5. Anonymous says:

    ย United Kingdom 🇬🇧

    I have a regular sax, but this is nice to just have laying around and not worrying about it getting too cold or hot or wet etc.

  6. ChristeLindquis says:

    ย Italy

    Golden Review Award: 2 From Our UsersLe seguenti osservazioni saranno fatte considerando come un riferimento un sax “vero”
    – Costa 95, nemmeno la met di un sassofono in ottone
    – Ha “posizioni” da fare con le dita per fare note circa come quelle di un sax
    – E’ facilmente trasportabile e leggero
    – Ha una ancia di plastica, duratura e che effettivamente risulta molto utile per imparare ad emettere suoni con lo strumento

    – E’ di plastica, non sbrilluccica quanto l’ottone di un vero sax
    – Per alcune dita un po’ scomodo, si vede che stato progettato per mani piccole
    – Ha un range piuttosto corto, il che significa che si possono suonare brani solo relativamente facili
    – E’ intonato in Do come un flauto, il che significa che non potete usare libri d’apprendimento per sax dato che i sax sono intonati in Mi bemolle, dovrete trasporre ogni spartito per sax a flauto

    Io personalmente che gi possiede un sax “classico” d’ottone cercavo qualcosa che possibilmente avesse un volume basso per suonarlo anche di sera, mi sono sbagliato: pu essere comodo per imparare le basi di uno strumento ad ancia o se siete gi molto bravi beh, pu tornarvi utile per portarvi un sax in spiaggia la sera davanti a un fal. Come i sax ha necessariamente un suono molto forte e che richiede grossa concentrazione ed energie per essere suonato.

  7. Anonymous says:

    ย United Kingdom

    What a great little Sax. Feels like good quality build and comes in a nice, portable, hard case. Great value for money.

  8. JSDRenatosvv says:

    ย United States

    Golden Review Award: 7 From Our UsersI was hoping to get a little better sound out of it but what can you expect out of molded plastic? I feel like it’s a bit over-priced. I’m sure there are others that will really like it and can possibly get some really fantastic sound from it but it wasn’t me.

  9. Anonymous says:

    ย Spai

    La verdad es que se hace sonar fcil, pero me ha resultado un poco corto de escala.
    Hay que alabar el transporte y la funda del instrumento, que estn bastante bien pensados. No deja de ser un instrumento de plstico (y no termina de sonar como un instrumento real), pero parece muy robusto. La campana de goma no es que haga mucho, parece ms de adorno que funcional. Su sonido me recuerda mucho al Dood de esta misma marca, que es ms pequeo y sencillo, sin necesidad de montaje alguno. An as, lo recomendara para gente que, como yo, no se atreve con un saxofn “de verdad” y busca una manera de dar un toque “orgnico” a las grabaciones o los ensayos.

  10. Anonymous says:

    ย Germany

    …doch wenn das normal sein soll, dass das Saxophon; sei es dass es so ein Plastikteil oder aus Messing ist, wenn das hinein pusten solche Vibration auf den Lippen hinterlsst, war das der Anfang vom Ende; fr mich, das geht garnicht. Wenn das welche spielen knnen, sag ich nur Woww, ich halt’ das nicht aus

  11. Anonymous says:

    ย Mexico

    llego faltandole un pequeo tapn en una de las teclas.. fuera de eso todo bien aunque probablemente lo devolver solo por dicho detalle ya que no los venden por aparte

  12. Anonymous says:

    ย United Kingdom

    My son loves it.
    Perfect size for him before transitioning to the real deal.
    Feels great and looks durable.
    Really happy with this.

  13. Anonymous says:

    ย United Kingdom

    My son loves it.
    Perfect size for him before transitioning to the real deal.
    Feels great and looks durable.
    Really happy with this.

  14. Anonymous says:

    ย United Kingdom

    My son loves it.
    Perfect size for him before transitioning to the real deal.
    Feels great and looks durable.
    Really happy with this.

  15. Anonymous says:

    ย United Kingdom

    My son loves it.
    Perfect size for him before transitioning to the real deal.
    Feels great and looks durable.
    Really happy with this.

  16. Anonymous says:

    ย United Kingdom

    My son loves it.
    Perfect size for him before transitioning to the real deal.
    Feels great and looks durable.
    Really happy with this.

  17. CareyMcClusky says:

    ย United Kingdom

    My son loves it.
    Perfect size for him before transitioning to the real deal.
    Feels great and looks durable.
    Really happy with this.

  18. CallumGvhowfrai says:

    ย United Kingdom

    My son loves it.
    Perfect size for him before transitioning to the real deal.
    Feels great and looks durable.
    Really happy with this.

  19. CecileDaily says:

    ย United Kingdom

    My son loves it.
    Perfect size for him before transitioning to the real deal.
    Feels great and looks durable.
    Really happy with this.

  20. Anonymous says:

    ย United Kingdom

    My son loves it.
    Perfect size for him before transitioning to the real deal.
    Feels great and looks durable.
    Really happy with this.

  21. Bob Joseph says:

    ย United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 6 From Our UsersBought for my partner as gift he was undecided whether to learn saxophone and this was the perfect opportunity to try it out without the price tag of a conventional one excelle

  22. SheldonKimbell says:

    ย United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 6 From Our UsersBought for my partner as gift he was undecided whether to learn saxophone and this was the perfect opportunity to try it out without the price tag of a conventional one excelle

  23. HueySleath says:

    ย United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 5 From Our UsersBought for my partner as gift he was undecided whether to learn saxophone and this was the perfect opportunity to try it out without the price tag of a conventional one excelle

  24. PauletteClark says:

    ย United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 5 From Our UsersBought for my partner as gift he was undecided whether to learn saxophone and this was the perfect opportunity to try it out without the price tag of a conventional one excelle

  25. Anonymous says:

    ย United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 5 From Our UsersBought for my partner as gift he was undecided whether to learn saxophone and this was the perfect opportunity to try it out without the price tag of a conventional one excelle

  26. Anonymous says:

    ย United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 5 From Our UsersBought for my partner as gift he was undecided whether to learn saxophone and this was the perfect opportunity to try it out without the price tag of a conventional one excelle

  27. Anonymous says:

    ย United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 5 From Our UsersBought for my partner as gift he was undecided whether to learn saxophone and this was the perfect opportunity to try it out without the price tag of a conventional one excelle

  28. Anonymous says:

    ย United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 5 From Our UsersBought for my partner as gift he was undecided whether to learn saxophone and this was the perfect opportunity to try it out without the price tag of a conventional one excelle

  29. Anonymous says:

    ย United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 5 From Our UsersBought for my partner as gift he was undecided whether to learn saxophone and this was the perfect opportunity to try it out without the price tag of a conventional one excelle

  30. Anonymous says:

    ย United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 5 From Our UsersBought for my partner as gift he was undecided whether to learn saxophone and this was the perfect opportunity to try it out without the price tag of a conventional one excelle

  31. Natalie Weinstein says:

    ย United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 4 From Our UsersBought for my partner as gift he was undecided whether to learn saxophone and this was the perfect opportunity to try it out without the price tag of a conventional one excelle

  32. TaylorXeis says:

    ย United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 11 From Our UsersIt took about 5 seconds to put this thing together and instantly you can hear this has a real nice sax sound. It’s been a long time since I played a “real sax” so I can’t comment on the volume comparison, but I think it’s loud enough for me. Any louder and I’d be worried about annoying the neighbors! Some notes are a little tricky to get right as you get used to the “press down but don’t cover the hole” technique, but overall it’s very easy to learn.

    I like the confidence in the product that the literature has. “No need to keep it in it’s box”, “Leave it out”, “play it in the shower”, “if it gets dirty, just wash it in soapy water”. That’s a refreshing change to the usual bottom covering.

    Only one problem. Maybe I’m missing something but I can’t seem to get the very top note. If I play it as instructed it sounds an octave lower. I’ll just work around that. Talking of octaves. That is the only way I feel this instrument is limited. But again, I can work within that limit.

    All in all, I wanted a real human sax sound for my recordings but I didn’t want to spend around 300 to get it. This fits the bill perfectly.

  33. Anonymous says:

    ย United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 11 From Our UsersIt took about 5 seconds to put this thing together and instantly you can hear this has a real nice sax sound. It’s been a long time since I played a “real sax” so I can’t comment on the volume comparison, but I think it’s loud enough for me. Any louder and I’d be worried about annoying the neighbors! Some notes are a little tricky to get right as you get used to the “press down but don’t cover the hole” technique, but overall it’s very easy to learn.

    I like the confidence in the product that the literature has. “No need to keep it in it’s box”, “Leave it out”, “play it in the shower”, “if it gets dirty, just wash it in soapy water”. That’s a refreshing change to the usual bottom covering.

    Only one problem. Maybe I’m missing something but I can’t seem to get the very top note. If I play it as instructed it sounds an octave lower. I’ll just work around that. Talking of octaves. That is the only way I feel this instrument is limited. But again, I can work within that limit.

    All in all, I wanted a real human sax sound for my recordings but I didn’t want to spend around 300 to get it. This fits the bill perfectly.

  34. Anonymous says:

    ย United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 11 From Our UsersIt took about 5 seconds to put this thing together and instantly you can hear this has a real nice sax sound. It’s been a long time since I played a “real sax” so I can’t comment on the volume comparison, but I think it’s loud enough for me. Any louder and I’d be worried about annoying the neighbors! Some notes are a little tricky to get right as you get used to the “press down but don’t cover the hole” technique, but overall it’s very easy to learn.

    I like the confidence in the product that the literature has. “No need to keep it in it’s box”, “Leave it out”, “play it in the shower”, “if it gets dirty, just wash it in soapy water”. That’s a refreshing change to the usual bottom covering.

    Only one problem. Maybe I’m missing something but I can’t seem to get the very top note. If I play it as instructed it sounds an octave lower. I’ll just work around that. Talking of octaves. That is the only way I feel this instrument is limited. But again, I can work within that limit.

    All in all, I wanted a real human sax sound for my recordings but I didn’t want to spend around 300 to get it. This fits the bill perfectly.

  35. GwendolRpj says:

    ย United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 11 From Our UsersIt took about 5 seconds to put this thing together and instantly you can hear this has a real nice sax sound. It’s been a long time since I played a “real sax” so I can’t comment on the volume comparison, but I think it’s loud enough for me. Any louder and I’d be worried about annoying the neighbors! Some notes are a little tricky to get right as you get used to the “press down but don’t cover the hole” technique, but overall it’s very easy to learn.

    I like the confidence in the product that the literature has. “No need to keep it in it’s box”, “Leave it out”, “play it in the shower”, “if it gets dirty, just wash it in soapy water”. That’s a refreshing change to the usual bottom covering.

    Only one problem. Maybe I’m missing something but I can’t seem to get the very top note. If I play it as instructed it sounds an octave lower. I’ll just work around that. Talking of octaves. That is the only way I feel this instrument is limited. But again, I can work within that limit.

    All in all, I wanted a real human sax sound for my recordings but I didn’t want to spend around 300 to get it. This fits the bill perfectly.

  36. Karen Tumbokon says:

    ย United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 11 From Our UsersIt took about 5 seconds to put this thing together and instantly you can hear this has a real nice sax sound. It’s been a long time since I played a “real sax” so I can’t comment on the volume comparison, but I think it’s loud enough for me. Any louder and I’d be worried about annoying the neighbors! Some notes are a little tricky to get right as you get used to the “press down but don’t cover the hole” technique, but overall it’s very easy to learn.

    I like the confidence in the product that the literature has. “No need to keep it in it’s box”, “Leave it out”, “play it in the shower”, “if it gets dirty, just wash it in soapy water”. That’s a refreshing change to the usual bottom covering.

    Only one problem. Maybe I’m missing something but I can’t seem to get the very top note. If I play it as instructed it sounds an octave lower. I’ll just work around that. Talking of octaves. That is the only way I feel this instrument is limited. But again, I can work within that limit.

    All in all, I wanted a real human sax sound for my recordings but I didn’t want to spend around 300 to get it. This fits the bill perfectly.

  37. Anonymous says:

    ย United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 11 From Our UsersIt took about 5 seconds to put this thing together and instantly you can hear this has a real nice sax sound. It’s been a long time since I played a “real sax” so I can’t comment on the volume comparison, but I think it’s loud enough for me. Any louder and I’d be worried about annoying the neighbors! Some notes are a little tricky to get right as you get used to the “press down but don’t cover the hole” technique, but overall it’s very easy to learn.

    I like the confidence in the product that the literature has. “No need to keep it in it’s box”, “Leave it out”, “play it in the shower”, “if it gets dirty, just wash it in soapy water”. That’s a refreshing change to the usual bottom covering.

    Only one problem. Maybe I’m missing something but I can’t seem to get the very top note. If I play it as instructed it sounds an octave lower. I’ll just work around that. Talking of octaves. That is the only way I feel this instrument is limited. But again, I can work within that limit.

    All in all, I wanted a real human sax sound for my recordings but I didn’t want to spend around 300 to get it. This fits the bill perfectly.

  38. Anonymous says:

    ย United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 10 From Our UsersIt took about 5 seconds to put this thing together and instantly you can hear this has a real nice sax sound. It’s been a long time since I played a “real sax” so I can’t comment on the volume comparison, but I think it’s loud enough for me. Any louder and I’d be worried about annoying the neighbors! Some notes are a little tricky to get right as you get used to the “press down but don’t cover the hole” technique, but overall it’s very easy to learn.

    I like the confidence in the product that the literature has. “No need to keep it in it’s box”, “Leave it out”, “play it in the shower”, “if it gets dirty, just wash it in soapy water”. That’s a refreshing change to the usual bottom covering.

    Only one problem. Maybe I’m missing something but I can’t seem to get the very top note. If I play it as instructed it sounds an octave lower. I’ll just work around that. Talking of octaves. That is the only way I feel this instrument is limited. But again, I can work within that limit.

    All in all, I wanted a real human sax sound for my recordings but I didn’t want to spend around 300 to get it. This fits the bill perfectly.

  39. Anonymous says:

    ย United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 10 From Our UsersIt took about 5 seconds to put this thing together and instantly you can hear this has a real nice sax sound. It’s been a long time since I played a “real sax” so I can’t comment on the volume comparison, but I think it’s loud enough for me. Any louder and I’d be worried about annoying the neighbors! Some notes are a little tricky to get right as you get used to the “press down but don’t cover the hole” technique, but overall it’s very easy to learn.

    I like the confidence in the product that the literature has. “No need to keep it in it’s box”, “Leave it out”, “play it in the shower”, “if it gets dirty, just wash it in soapy water”. That’s a refreshing change to the usual bottom covering.

    Only one problem. Maybe I’m missing something but I can’t seem to get the very top note. If I play it as instructed it sounds an octave lower. I’ll just work around that. Talking of octaves. That is the only way I feel this instrument is limited. But again, I can work within that limit.

    All in all, I wanted a real human sax sound for my recordings but I didn’t want to spend around 300 to get it. This fits the bill perfectly.

  40. LashundBader says:

    ย United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 10 From Our UsersIt took about 5 seconds to put this thing together and instantly you can hear this has a real nice sax sound. It’s been a long time since I played a “real sax” so I can’t comment on the volume comparison, but I think it’s loud enough for me. Any louder and I’d be worried about annoying the neighbors! Some notes are a little tricky to get right as you get used to the “press down but don’t cover the hole” technique, but overall it’s very easy to learn.

    I like the confidence in the product that the literature has. “No need to keep it in it’s box”, “Leave it out”, “play it in the shower”, “if it gets dirty, just wash it in soapy water”. That’s a refreshing change to the usual bottom covering.

    Only one problem. Maybe I’m missing something but I can’t seem to get the very top note. If I play it as instructed it sounds an octave lower. I’ll just work around that. Talking of octaves. That is the only way I feel this instrument is limited. But again, I can work within that limit.

    All in all, I wanted a real human sax sound for my recordings but I didn’t want to spend around 300 to get it. This fits the bill perfectly.

  41. Anonymous says:

    ย United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 10 From Our UsersIt took about 5 seconds to put this thing together and instantly you can hear this has a real nice sax sound. It’s been a long time since I played a “real sax” so I can’t comment on the volume comparison, but I think it’s loud enough for me. Any louder and I’d be worried about annoying the neighbors! Some notes are a little tricky to get right as you get used to the “press down but don’t cover the hole” technique, but overall it’s very easy to learn.

    I like the confidence in the product that the literature has. “No need to keep it in it’s box”, “Leave it out”, “play it in the shower”, “if it gets dirty, just wash it in soapy water”. That’s a refreshing change to the usual bottom covering.

    Only one problem. Maybe I’m missing something but I can’t seem to get the very top note. If I play it as instructed it sounds an octave lower. I’ll just work around that. Talking of octaves. That is the only way I feel this instrument is limited. But again, I can work within that limit.

    All in all, I wanted a real human sax sound for my recordings but I didn’t want to spend around 300 to get it. This fits the bill perfectly.

  42. Anonymous says:

    ย United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 9 From Our UsersIt took about 5 seconds to put this thing together and instantly you can hear this has a real nice sax sound. It’s been a long time since I played a “real sax” so I can’t comment on the volume comparison, but I think it’s loud enough for me. Any louder and I’d be worried about annoying the neighbors! Some notes are a little tricky to get right as you get used to the “press down but don’t cover the hole” technique, but overall it’s very easy to learn.

    I like the confidence in the product that the literature has. “No need to keep it in it’s box”, “Leave it out”, “play it in the shower”, “if it gets dirty, just wash it in soapy water”. That’s a refreshing change to the usual bottom covering.

    Only one problem. Maybe I’m missing something but I can’t seem to get the very top note. If I play it as instructed it sounds an octave lower. I’ll just work around that. Talking of octaves. That is the only way I feel this instrument is limited. But again, I can work within that limit.

    All in all, I wanted a real human sax sound for my recordings but I didn’t want to spend around 300 to get it. This fits the bill perfectly.

  43. Rob says:

    ย United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 2 From Our UsersBought as a gift. The recipient loves it and the quality is good too

  44. Anonymous says:

    ย Mexico

    Golden Review Award: 14 From Our UsersTenia aos queriendo aprender a tocar el sax, hasta el sax mas sencillo no baja de 6mil pesos mexicanos, el Jsax es muy buena opcion para chicos y grandes de comenzar a aprender sobre este instrumento, ya despues puedes decidir si invertir en uno mejor. He estado aprendiendo en muy poco tiempo lo basico para comenzar a tocar el sax, pero tampoco es facil, se requiere de practica. Recomiendo este producto.

  45. Anonymous says:

    ย France

    Golden Review Award: 3 From Our UsersJe suis fltiste et je cherchais un sax soprano en do, non-transpositeur. Le jSax a un son trs proche du saxophone soprano. Son volume est assez fort pour jouer en groupe. Aprs quelques essais avec les anches, on trouve une justesse suffisante. Certaines notes ne sont pas tout fait justes, mais on peut ventuellement corriger ce petit dfaut. Dans l’ensemble, l’instrument est de bonne qualit. L’tendue du jSax est un peu limite : du do au sol # de l’octave suprieure, mais c’est un bon instrument d’tude pour les jeunes musiciens et pour ceux qui veulent savoir si le saxophone leur convient.

  46. Anonymous says:

    ย United Kingdom

    This is such a good idea for younger children to learn the saxophone

  47. Cristen says:

    ย United Kingdom

    This is such a good idea for younger children to learn the saxophone

  48. Anonymous says:

    ย United Kingdom

    This is such a good idea for younger children to learn the saxophone

  49. Anonymous says:

    ย United Kingdom

    This is such a good idea for younger children to learn the saxophone

  50. SterlinParramor says:

    ย United Kingdom

    This is such a good idea for younger children to learn the saxophone

  51. Anonymous says:

    ย United Kingdom

    This is such a good idea for younger children to learn the saxophone

  52. Healthy Review Guru says:

    ย United Kingdom

    This is such a good idea for younger children to learn the saxophone

  53. Anonymous says:

    ย United Kingdom

    This is such a good idea for younger children to learn the saxophone

  54. Sudipto Ghosh says:

    ย United Kingdom

    This is such a good idea for younger children to learn the saxophone

  55. Gabby Triolo says:

    ย United States

    Golden Review Award: 8 From Our UsersGreat transition for my son who enjoyed playing the recorder in elementary school but wasn’t sure he wanted to play another instrument. I wanted to encourage him to keep playing music, but didn’t want to invest $300+ dollars in a saxophone and watch it sit in its case. He picked this up right away and is loving it. I can’t vouch for sound quality, but it seems well- made. It is convenient, lightweight, affordable, and perfect for my young teen. If he keeps playing, I will invest in a more expensive sax.

  56. FallonGoldschmi says:

    ย United Kingdom

    Great product, bought as a lockdown hobby. If you watch YouTube videos it shows how to play. Only downside is its harder to play than it appears on the videos.

  57. Anonymous says:

    ย United Kingdom

    Great product, bought as a lockdown hobby. If you watch YouTube videos it shows how to play. Only downside is its harder to play than it appears on the videos.

  58. Anonymous says:

    ย United Kingdom

    Great product, bought as a lockdown hobby. If you watch YouTube videos it shows how to play. Only downside is its harder to play than it appears on the videos.

  59. Anonymous says:

    ย United Kingdom

    Great product, bought as a lockdown hobby. If you watch YouTube videos it shows how to play. Only downside is its harder to play than it appears on the videos.

  60. Anonymous says:

    ย United Kingdom

    Great product, bought as a lockdown hobby. If you watch YouTube videos it shows how to play. Only downside is its harder to play than it appears on the videos.

  61. Anonymous says:

    ย United Kingdom

    Great product, bought as a lockdown hobby. If you watch YouTube videos it shows how to play. Only downside is its harder to play than it appears on the videos.

  62. Anonymous says:

    ย United Kingdom

    Great product, bought as a lockdown hobby. If you watch YouTube videos it shows how to play. Only downside is its harder to play than it appears on the videos.

  63. NellySksqvdkpj says:

    ย United Kingdom

    Great product, bought as a lockdown hobby. If you watch YouTube videos it shows how to play. Only downside is its harder to play than it appears on the videos.

  64. Anonymous says:

    ย United Kingdom

    Great product, bought as a lockdown hobby. If you watch YouTube videos it shows how to play. Only downside is its harder to play than it appears on the videos.

  65. Anonymous says:

    ย United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 151 From Our UsersWow – what fun! This isn’t just a toy, it’s an impressively capable musical instrument.

    Designed mainly for educational settings, and getting instruments into cash-strapped junior classrooms, the jSax is just one of a growing selection of plastic marvels created by the innovative company Nuvo. In fact I only found out about the jSax after first discovering the DooD.

    Lots of online comments talk about buying one of these first, then purchasing a proper sax later on, once you’ve learned basic fingering. I did it the other way around! I already have a very lovely Yamaha alto waiting to be played, but find I’m prevented from practicing by the massive noise it creates (neighbour and wife objections) and the faff of getting it out then the cleaning and care. This robust little jSax can stay out without damage worries and be available to toot at far more acceptable volumes whenever the fancy takes me. That means I learn my notes, fingering, scales and embouchure far more effectively and quickly. Regular practice makes all the difference, and it’s brought me a whole load more fun while learning the sax.

    Obviously this little instrument cannot compare sonically to a full saxophone, and it won’t replace my Yamaha. But even if you’re an accomplished player (unlike me yet!) a jSax would be a fantastic thing to sling into a bag and take to the beach, camping, sailing or on some other holiday. It lets you make music and have impromptu jam sessions when usually that would be impossible, and I love it for that. I’ve seen professional sax players make impressively good music with these, considering the low price and basic nature of it.

    At just 45cm long, end-to-end, the jSax is capable of being played by anyone from about the age of 5 or 6 upwards I reckon. I’m 6’5″ and it works for me too. Supplied with a handy plastic carry case with strap (requires removal of the silicone bell and neck) two plastic reeds and an instruction sheet. I prefer keeping mine assembled and ready for use. I’ve added a bite pad to the top of my mouthpiece, which helps me. All parts are plastic or silicone, and the keys have a good spring action, with no sticking. Top marks, and highly recommended by me for both children and adults.

    If this has been useful I’d be hugely grateful if you’d let me know by hitting the button below. Many thanks ๐Ÿ™‚

  66. JulianaMcCoin says:

    ย United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 151 From Our UsersWow – what fun! This isn’t just a toy, it’s an impressively capable musical instrument.

    Designed mainly for educational settings, and getting instruments into cash-strapped junior classrooms, the jSax is just one of a growing selection of plastic marvels created by the innovative company Nuvo. In fact I only found out about the jSax after first discovering the DooD.

    Lots of online comments talk about buying one of these first, then purchasing a proper sax later on, once you’ve learned basic fingering. I did it the other way around! I already have a very lovely Yamaha alto waiting to be played, but find I’m prevented from practicing by the massive noise it creates (neighbour and wife objections) and the faff of getting it out then the cleaning and care. This robust little jSax can stay out without damage worries and be available to toot at far more acceptable volumes whenever the fancy takes me. That means I learn my notes, fingering, scales and embouchure far more effectively and quickly. Regular practice makes all the difference, and it’s brought me a whole load more fun while learning the sax.

    Obviously this little instrument cannot compare sonically to a full saxophone, and it won’t replace my Yamaha. But even if you’re an accomplished player (unlike me yet!) a jSax would be a fantastic thing to sling into a bag and take to the beach, camping, sailing or on some other holiday. It lets you make music and have impromptu jam sessions when usually that would be impossible, and I love it for that. I’ve seen professional sax players make impressively good music with these, considering the low price and basic nature of it.

    At just 45cm long, end-to-end, the jSax is capable of being played by anyone from about the age of 5 or 6 upwards I reckon. I’m 6’5″ and it works for me too. Supplied with a handy plastic carry case with strap (requires removal of the silicone bell and neck) two plastic reeds and an instruction sheet. I prefer keeping mine assembled and ready for use. I’ve added a bite pad to the top of my mouthpiece, which helps me. All parts are plastic or silicone, and the keys have a good spring action, with no sticking. Top marks, and highly recommended by me for both children and adults.

    If this has been useful I’d be hugely grateful if you’d let me know by hitting the button below. Many thanks ๐Ÿ™‚

  67. NolaDSVnpmn says:

    ย United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 149 From Our UsersWow – what fun! This isn’t just a toy, it’s an impressively capable musical instrument.

    Designed mainly for educational settings, and getting instruments into cash-strapped junior classrooms, the jSax is just one of a growing selection of plastic marvels created by the innovative company Nuvo. In fact I only found out about the jSax after first discovering the DooD.

    Lots of online comments talk about buying one of these first, then purchasing a proper sax later on, once you’ve learned basic fingering. I did it the other way around! I already have a very lovely Yamaha alto waiting to be played, but find I’m prevented from practicing by the massive noise it creates (neighbour and wife objections) and the faff of getting it out then the cleaning and care. This robust little jSax can stay out without damage worries and be available to toot at far more acceptable volumes whenever the fancy takes me. That means I learn my notes, fingering, scales and embouchure far more effectively and quickly. Regular practice makes all the difference, and it’s brought me a whole load more fun while learning the sax.

    Obviously this little instrument cannot compare sonically to a full saxophone, and it won’t replace my Yamaha. But even if you’re an accomplished player (unlike me yet!) a jSax would be a fantastic thing to sling into a bag and take to the beach, camping, sailing or on some other holiday. It lets you make music and have impromptu jam sessions when usually that would be impossible, and I love it for that. I’ve seen professional sax players make impressively good music with these, considering the low price and basic nature of it.

    At just 45cm long, end-to-end, the jSax is capable of being played by anyone from about the age of 5 or 6 upwards I reckon. I’m 6’5″ and it works for me too. Supplied with a handy plastic carry case with strap (requires removal of the silicone bell and neck) two plastic reeds and an instruction sheet. I prefer keeping mine assembled and ready for use. I’ve added a bite pad to the top of my mouthpiece, which helps me. All parts are plastic or silicone, and the keys have a good spring action, with no sticking. Top marks, and highly recommended by me for both children and adults.

    If this has been useful I’d be hugely grateful if you’d let me know by hitting the button below. Many thanks ๐Ÿ™‚

  68. Josh Levenson says:

    ย United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 149 From Our UsersWow – what fun! This isn’t just a toy, it’s an impressively capable musical instrument.

    Designed mainly for educational settings, and getting instruments into cash-strapped junior classrooms, the jSax is just one of a growing selection of plastic marvels created by the innovative company Nuvo. In fact I only found out about the jSax after first discovering the DooD.

    Lots of online comments talk about buying one of these first, then purchasing a proper sax later on, once you’ve learned basic fingering. I did it the other way around! I already have a very lovely Yamaha alto waiting to be played, but find I’m prevented from practicing by the massive noise it creates (neighbour and wife objections) and the faff of getting it out then the cleaning and care. This robust little jSax can stay out without damage worries and be available to toot at far more acceptable volumes whenever the fancy takes me. That means I learn my notes, fingering, scales and embouchure far more effectively and quickly. Regular practice makes all the difference, and it’s brought me a whole load more fun while learning the sax.

    Obviously this little instrument cannot compare sonically to a full saxophone, and it won’t replace my Yamaha. But even if you’re an accomplished player (unlike me yet!) a jSax would be a fantastic thing to sling into a bag and take to the beach, camping, sailing or on some other holiday. It lets you make music and have impromptu jam sessions when usually that would be impossible, and I love it for that. I’ve seen professional sax players make impressively good music with these, considering the low price and basic nature of it.

    At just 45cm long, end-to-end, the jSax is capable of being played by anyone from about the age of 5 or 6 upwards I reckon. I’m 6’5″ and it works for me too. Supplied with a handy plastic carry case with strap (requires removal of the silicone bell and neck) two plastic reeds and an instruction sheet. I prefer keeping mine assembled and ready for use. I’ve added a bite pad to the top of my mouthpiece, which helps me. All parts are plastic or silicone, and the keys have a good spring action, with no sticking. Top marks, and highly recommended by me for both children and adults.

    If this has been useful I’d be hugely grateful if you’d let me know by hitting the button below. Many thanks ๐Ÿ™‚

  69. Anonymous says:

    ย United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 145 From Our UsersWow – what fun! This isn’t just a toy, it’s an impressively capable musical instrument.

    Designed mainly for educational settings, and getting instruments into cash-strapped junior classrooms, the jSax is just one of a growing selection of plastic marvels created by the innovative company Nuvo. In fact I only found out about the jSax after first discovering the DooD.

    Lots of online comments talk about buying one of these first, then purchasing a proper sax later on, once you’ve learned basic fingering. I did it the other way around! I already have a very lovely Yamaha alto waiting to be played, but find I’m prevented from practicing by the massive noise it creates (neighbour and wife objections) and the faff of getting it out then the cleaning and care. This robust little jSax can stay out without damage worries and be available to toot at far more acceptable volumes whenever the fancy takes me. That means I learn my notes, fingering, scales and embouchure far more effectively and quickly. Regular practice makes all the difference, and it’s brought me a whole load more fun while learning the sax.

    Obviously this little instrument cannot compare sonically to a full saxophone, and it won’t replace my Yamaha. But even if you’re an accomplished player (unlike me yet!) a jSax would be a fantastic thing to sling into a bag and take to the beach, camping, sailing or on some other holiday. It lets you make music and have impromptu jam sessions when usually that would be impossible, and I love it for that. I’ve seen professional sax players make impressively good music with these, considering the low price and basic nature of it.

    At just 45cm long, end-to-end, the jSax is capable of being played by anyone from about the age of 5 or 6 upwards I reckon. I’m 6’5″ and it works for me too. Supplied with a handy plastic carry case with strap (requires removal of the silicone bell and neck) two plastic reeds and an instruction sheet. I prefer keeping mine assembled and ready for use. I’ve added a bite pad to the top of my mouthpiece, which helps me. All parts are plastic or silicone, and the keys have a good spring action, with no sticking. Top marks, and highly recommended by me for both children and adults.

    If this has been useful I’d be hugely grateful if you’d let me know by hitting the button below. Many thanks ๐Ÿ™‚

  70. Anonymous says:

    ย United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 145 From Our UsersWow – what fun! This isn’t just a toy, it’s an impressively capable musical instrument.

    Designed mainly for educational settings, and getting instruments into cash-strapped junior classrooms, the jSax is just one of a growing selection of plastic marvels created by the innovative company Nuvo. In fact I only found out about the jSax after first discovering the DooD.

    Lots of online comments talk about buying one of these first, then purchasing a proper sax later on, once you’ve learned basic fingering. I did it the other way around! I already have a very lovely Yamaha alto waiting to be played, but find I’m prevented from practicing by the massive noise it creates (neighbour and wife objections) and the faff of getting it out then the cleaning and care. This robust little jSax can stay out without damage worries and be available to toot at far more acceptable volumes whenever the fancy takes me. That means I learn my notes, fingering, scales and embouchure far more effectively and quickly. Regular practice makes all the difference, and it’s brought me a whole load more fun while learning the sax.

    Obviously this little instrument cannot compare sonically to a full saxophone, and it won’t replace my Yamaha. But even if you’re an accomplished player (unlike me yet!) a jSax would be a fantastic thing to sling into a bag and take to the beach, camping, sailing or on some other holiday. It lets you make music and have impromptu jam sessions when usually that would be impossible, and I love it for that. I’ve seen professional sax players make impressively good music with these, considering the low price and basic nature of it.

    At just 45cm long, end-to-end, the jSax is capable of being played by anyone from about the age of 5 or 6 upwards I reckon. I’m 6’5″ and it works for me too. Supplied with a handy plastic carry case with strap (requires removal of the silicone bell and neck) two plastic reeds and an instruction sheet. I prefer keeping mine assembled and ready for use. I’ve added a bite pad to the top of my mouthpiece, which helps me. All parts are plastic or silicone, and the keys have a good spring action, with no sticking. Top marks, and highly recommended by me for both children and adults.

    If this has been useful I’d be hugely grateful if you’d let me know by hitting the button below. Many thanks ๐Ÿ™‚

  71. Anonymous says:

    ย United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 141 From Our UsersWow – what fun! This isn’t just a toy, it’s an impressively capable musical instrument.

    Designed mainly for educational settings, and getting instruments into cash-strapped junior classrooms, the jSax is just one of a growing selection of plastic marvels created by the innovative company Nuvo. In fact I only found out about the jSax after first discovering the DooD.

    Lots of online comments talk about buying one of these first, then purchasing a proper sax later on, once you’ve learned basic fingering. I did it the other way around! I already have a very lovely Yamaha alto waiting to be played, but find I’m prevented from practicing by the massive noise it creates (neighbour and wife objections) and the faff of getting it out then the cleaning and care. This robust little jSax can stay out without damage worries and be available to toot at far more acceptable volumes whenever the fancy takes me. That means I learn my notes, fingering, scales and embouchure far more effectively and quickly. Regular practice makes all the difference, and it’s brought me a whole load more fun while learning the sax.

    Obviously this little instrument cannot compare sonically to a full saxophone, and it won’t replace my Yamaha. But even if you’re an accomplished player (unlike me yet!) a jSax would be a fantastic thing to sling into a bag and take to the beach, camping, sailing or on some other holiday. It lets you make music and have impromptu jam sessions when usually that would be impossible, and I love it for that. I’ve seen professional sax players make impressively good music with these, considering the low price and basic nature of it.

    At just 45cm long, end-to-end, the jSax is capable of being played by anyone from about the age of 5 or 6 upwards I reckon. I’m 6’5″ and it works for me too. Supplied with a handy plastic carry case with strap (requires removal of the silicone bell and neck) two plastic reeds and an instruction sheet. I prefer keeping mine assembled and ready for use. I’ve added a bite pad to the top of my mouthpiece, which helps me. All parts are plastic or silicone, and the keys have a good spring action, with no sticking. Top marks, and highly recommended by me for both children and adults.

    If this has been useful I’d be hugely grateful if you’d let me know by hitting the button below. Many thanks ๐Ÿ™‚

  72. FlynnTolley says:

    ย United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 141 From Our UsersWow – what fun! This isn’t just a toy, it’s an impressively capable musical instrument.

    Designed mainly for educational settings, and getting instruments into cash-strapped junior classrooms, the jSax is just one of a growing selection of plastic marvels created by the innovative company Nuvo. In fact I only found out about the jSax after first discovering the DooD.

    Lots of online comments talk about buying one of these first, then purchasing a proper sax later on, once you’ve learned basic fingering. I did it the other way around! I already have a very lovely Yamaha alto waiting to be played, but find I’m prevented from practicing by the massive noise it creates (neighbour and wife objections) and the faff of getting it out then the cleaning and care. This robust little jSax can stay out without damage worries and be available to toot at far more acceptable volumes whenever the fancy takes me. That means I learn my notes, fingering, scales and embouchure far more effectively and quickly. Regular practice makes all the difference, and it’s brought me a whole load more fun while learning the sax.

    Obviously this little instrument cannot compare sonically to a full saxophone, and it won’t replace my Yamaha. But even if you’re an accomplished player (unlike me yet!) a jSax would be a fantastic thing to sling into a bag and take to the beach, camping, sailing or on some other holiday. It lets you make music and have impromptu jam sessions when usually that would be impossible, and I love it for that. I’ve seen professional sax players make impressively good music with these, considering the low price and basic nature of it.

    At just 45cm long, end-to-end, the jSax is capable of being played by anyone from about the age of 5 or 6 upwards I reckon. I’m 6’5″ and it works for me too. Supplied with a handy plastic carry case with strap (requires removal of the silicone bell and neck) two plastic reeds and an instruction sheet. I prefer keeping mine assembled and ready for use. I’ve added a bite pad to the top of my mouthpiece, which helps me. All parts are plastic or silicone, and the keys have a good spring action, with no sticking. Top marks, and highly recommended by me for both children and adults.

    If this has been useful I’d be hugely grateful if you’d let me know by hitting the button below. Many thanks ๐Ÿ™‚

  73. Anonymous says:

    ย United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 138 From Our UsersWow – what fun! This isn’t just a toy, it’s an impressively capable musical instrument.

    Designed mainly for educational settings, and getting instruments into cash-strapped junior classrooms, the jSax is just one of a growing selection of plastic marvels created by the innovative company Nuvo. In fact I only found out about the jSax after first discovering the DooD.

    Lots of online comments talk about buying one of these first, then purchasing a proper sax later on, once you’ve learned basic fingering. I did it the other way around! I already have a very lovely Yamaha alto waiting to be played, but find I’m prevented from practicing by the massive noise it creates (neighbour and wife objections) and the faff of getting it out then the cleaning and care. This robust little jSax can stay out without damage worries and be available to toot at far more acceptable volumes whenever the fancy takes me. That means I learn my notes, fingering, scales and embouchure far more effectively and quickly. Regular practice makes all the difference, and it’s brought me a whole load more fun while learning the sax.

    Obviously this little instrument cannot compare sonically to a full saxophone, and it won’t replace my Yamaha. But even if you’re an accomplished player (unlike me yet!) a jSax would be a fantastic thing to sling into a bag and take to the beach, camping, sailing or on some other holiday. It lets you make music and have impromptu jam sessions when usually that would be impossible, and I love it for that. I’ve seen professional sax players make impressively good music with these, considering the low price and basic nature of it.

    At just 45cm long, end-to-end, the jSax is capable of being played by anyone from about the age of 5 or 6 upwards I reckon. I’m 6’5″ and it works for me too. Supplied with a handy plastic carry case with strap (requires removal of the silicone bell and neck) two plastic reeds and an instruction sheet. I prefer keeping mine assembled and ready for use. I’ve added a bite pad to the top of my mouthpiece, which helps me. All parts are plastic or silicone, and the keys have a good spring action, with no sticking. Top marks, and highly recommended by me for both children and adults.

    If this has been useful I’d be hugely grateful if you’d let me know by hitting the button below. Many thanks ๐Ÿ™‚

  74. GabrielTregurth says:

    ย United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 138 From Our UsersWow – what fun! This isn’t just a toy, it’s an impressively capable musical instrument.

    Designed mainly for educational settings, and getting instruments into cash-strapped junior classrooms, the jSax is just one of a growing selection of plastic marvels created by the innovative company Nuvo. In fact I only found out about the jSax after first discovering the DooD.

    Lots of online comments talk about buying one of these first, then purchasing a proper sax later on, once you’ve learned basic fingering. I did it the other way around! I already have a very lovely Yamaha alto waiting to be played, but find I’m prevented from practicing by the massive noise it creates (neighbour and wife objections) and the faff of getting it out then the cleaning and care. This robust little jSax can stay out without damage worries and be available to toot at far more acceptable volumes whenever the fancy takes me. That means I learn my notes, fingering, scales and embouchure far more effectively and quickly. Regular practice makes all the difference, and it’s brought me a whole load more fun while learning the sax.

    Obviously this little instrument cannot compare sonically to a full saxophone, and it won’t replace my Yamaha. But even if you’re an accomplished player (unlike me yet!) a jSax would be a fantastic thing to sling into a bag and take to the beach, camping, sailing or on some other holiday. It lets you make music and have impromptu jam sessions when usually that would be impossible, and I love it for that. I’ve seen professional sax players make impressively good music with these, considering the low price and basic nature of it.

    At just 45cm long, end-to-end, the jSax is capable of being played by anyone from about the age of 5 or 6 upwards I reckon. I’m 6’5″ and it works for me too. Supplied with a handy plastic carry case with strap (requires removal of the silicone bell and neck) two plastic reeds and an instruction sheet. I prefer keeping mine assembled and ready for use. I’ve added a bite pad to the top of my mouthpiece, which helps me. All parts are plastic or silicone, and the keys have a good spring action, with no sticking. Top marks, and highly recommended by me for both children and adults.

    If this has been useful I’d be hugely grateful if you’d let me know by hitting the button below. Many thanks ๐Ÿ™‚

  75. ChaseDegraves says:

    ย United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 137 From Our UsersWow – what fun! This isn’t just a toy, it’s an impressively capable musical instrument.

    Designed mainly for educational settings, and getting instruments into cash-strapped junior classrooms, the jSax is just one of a growing selection of plastic marvels created by the innovative company Nuvo. In fact I only found out about the jSax after first discovering the DooD.

    Lots of online comments talk about buying one of these first, then purchasing a proper sax later on, once you’ve learned basic fingering. I did it the other way around! I already have a very lovely Yamaha alto waiting to be played, but find I’m prevented from practicing by the massive noise it creates (neighbour and wife objections) and the faff of getting it out then the cleaning and care. This robust little jSax can stay out without damage worries and be available to toot at far more acceptable volumes whenever the fancy takes me. That means I learn my notes, fingering, scales and embouchure far more effectively and quickly. Regular practice makes all the difference, and it’s brought me a whole load more fun while learning the sax.

    Obviously this little instrument cannot compare sonically to a full saxophone, and it won’t replace my Yamaha. But even if you’re an accomplished player (unlike me yet!) a jSax would be a fantastic thing to sling into a bag and take to the beach, camping, sailing or on some other holiday. It lets you make music and have impromptu jam sessions when usually that would be impossible, and I love it for that. I’ve seen professional sax players make impressively good music with these, considering the low price and basic nature of it.

    At just 45cm long, end-to-end, the jSax is capable of being played by anyone from about the age of 5 or 6 upwards I reckon. I’m 6’5″ and it works for me too. Supplied with a handy plastic carry case with strap (requires removal of the silicone bell and neck) two plastic reeds and an instruction sheet. I prefer keeping mine assembled and ready for use. I’ve added a bite pad to the top of my mouthpiece, which helps me. All parts are plastic or silicone, and the keys have a good spring action, with no sticking. Top marks, and highly recommended by me for both children and adults.

    If this has been useful I’d be hugely grateful if you’d let me know by hitting the button below. Many thanks ๐Ÿ™‚

  76. Anonymous says:

    ย Italy

    Mi piace il suono che produce, pur essendo uno strumento didattico e non destinato ad un uso professionale. Ha un volume abbastanza alto, anche se il suono poco corposo. La diteggiatura intuitiva e l’apprendimento quasi istintivo. La nota pi acuta a volte difficile da far suonare correttamente senza emettere fischi anomali. Per il resto un gran bel prodotto!

  77. Sam Moore says:

    ย United States

    Golden Review Award: 48 From Our UsersPlayed sax as a kid 50 years ago, as I recall was pretty good. Rec’d the jsax a day before it was promised and in good condition. I got the jsax 2.0 but got a version without the o ring grease. I am guessing that Nuvo originally sent the jsax without the grease and now provide because it is needed. I will say that I emailed Nuvo’s North American contact asking what grease I should use and got a response the same night well after office hours…very impressed.
    In any case, so far sound like a goose that is being tortured but have confidence I will get the hang of it with practice. I am happy that I can reintroduce myself to sax before spending hundreds of dollars on a new or used sax. Admittedly, this will take more practice than I thought so again am glad I didn’t spend a ton of money until I know I am fully committed to purchase a real saxophone.

  78. Anonymous says:

    ย United States

    Golden Review Award: 18 From Our UsersMost importantly, it is easy to play for a young child who is just beginning. In my case, the child has special needs but was able to make a decent sound and play “Hot Cross Buns” within 6 minutes. For a young child, the size and weight are ideal. The ligature/mouthpiece design makes it easy for a beginner to change reeds. Equally important, it sounds like a sax. For the experienced player who wants to take a sax to the beach, or for camping, backpacking, or traveling, this could work pretty well. The jsax only plays 1 1/2 octaves (high g). This shouldn’t be much of a limitation for beginners, because by the time they are able to hit notes above high g, they will probably be ready for an intermediate sax anyway.

  79. LavonneCamacho says:

    ย United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 18 From Our UsersI bought this for my 9 year old son and he has picked it up really quickly. 6 months on and he’s still using it and enjoying his lessons. My only criticism is the circular rubber parts are easily lost. The time will come where we upgrade to an alto but it’s a good introduction to the sax for a fraction of the cost.

  80. Anonymous says:

    ย United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 18 From Our UsersI bought this for my 9 year old son and he has picked it up really quickly. 6 months on and he’s still using it and enjoying his lessons. My only criticism is the circular rubber parts are easily lost. The time will come where we upgrade to an alto but it’s a good introduction to the sax for a fraction of the cost.

  81. JohnMichaelBric says:

    ย United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 18 From Our UsersI bought this for my 9 year old son and he has picked it up really quickly. 6 months on and he’s still using it and enjoying his lessons. My only criticism is the circular rubber parts are easily lost. The time will come where we upgrade to an alto but it’s a good introduction to the sax for a fraction of the cost.

  82. Anonymous says:

    ย United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 18 From Our UsersI bought this for my 9 year old son and he has picked it up really quickly. 6 months on and he’s still using it and enjoying his lessons. My only criticism is the circular rubber parts are easily lost. The time will come where we upgrade to an alto but it’s a good introduction to the sax for a fraction of the cost.

  83. Lilly Edwards says:

    ย United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 18 From Our UsersI bought this for my 9 year old son and he has picked it up really quickly. 6 months on and he’s still using it and enjoying his lessons. My only criticism is the circular rubber parts are easily lost. The time will come where we upgrade to an alto but it’s a good introduction to the sax for a fraction of the cost.

  84. Timothy Karr says:

    ย United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 18 From Our UsersI bought this for my 9 year old son and he has picked it up really quickly. 6 months on and he’s still using it and enjoying his lessons. My only criticism is the circular rubber parts are easily lost. The time will come where we upgrade to an alto but it’s a good introduction to the sax for a fraction of the cost.

  85. Anonymous says:

    ย United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 18 From Our UsersI bought this for my 9 year old son and he has picked it up really quickly. 6 months on and he’s still using it and enjoying his lessons. My only criticism is the circular rubber parts are easily lost. The time will come where we upgrade to an alto but it’s a good introduction to the sax for a fraction of the cost.

  86. Anonymous says:

    ย United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 18 From Our UsersI bought this for my 9 year old son and he has picked it up really quickly. 6 months on and he’s still using it and enjoying his lessons. My only criticism is the circular rubber parts are easily lost. The time will come where we upgrade to an alto but it’s a good introduction to the sax for a fraction of the cost.

  87. Anonymous says:

    ย United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 18 From Our UsersI bought this for my 9 year old son and he has picked it up really quickly. 6 months on and he’s still using it and enjoying his lessons. My only criticism is the circular rubber parts are easily lost. The time will come where we upgrade to an alto but it’s a good introduction to the sax for a fraction of the cost.

  88. DanielleBillups says:

    ย United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 18 From Our UsersI bought this for my 9 year old son and he has picked it up really quickly. 6 months on and he’s still using it and enjoying his lessons. My only criticism is the circular rubber parts are easily lost. The time will come where we upgrade to an alto but it’s a good introduction to the sax for a fraction of the cost.

  89. Anonymous says:

    ย United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 18 From Our UsersI bought this for my 9 year old son and he has picked it up really quickly. 6 months on and he’s still using it and enjoying his lessons. My only criticism is the circular rubber parts are easily lost. The time will come where we upgrade to an alto but it’s a good introduction to the sax for a fraction of the cost.